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VOL. 69 NO. 4 NOVEMBER 2021

MISSIONARIES IN THE USA Photo by Fr. Alex Rodriguez, SX


3 ‘Rooted and Grounded’ in Love

4 My experience as a Xaverian
Brother and future nurse..
6 XVI Provincial Chapter
8 Evolving Mission ad Gentes..
9 God in Everything
10 World News
11 USA News


Official publication of the United States
Province of the Xaverian Missionaries
Provincial House
12 Helene Court
Wayne NJ, 07470
Our Lady of Fatima Shrine
101 Summer Street
Holliston, MA 01746
Xavier Knoll
4500 West Xavier Drive
Franklin WI
[email protected]
Fr. Mark Marangone, SX
Communications Board
Fr. Carl Chudy SX
Fr. Rocco Puopolo SX
Fr. Alex Rodriguez SX

Pietro Rossini SX
Mary Aktay
AlphaGraphics, Totowa NJ

Please consider donating to the Xaverian

Missionaries through our Communities
listed above or online at
Please also consider naming the St. Francis
XAVERIAN MISSIONARIES, Xavier Foreign Mission Society in your Will.
“WORLDCATHOLIC.US” INDICATES Together we can help St. Guido Conforti’s
THAT THE CATHOLIC FAMILY vision to “Make of the World One Family”
OF THE WORLD INCLUDES “US”! become a reality.


Fr. Mark’s Message


Dear Friends of the Missions:

In the swirl of things to do, a desire is there: to do the good God
wants, to not do the good God does not want. I want to be in the
place God wants me to be. But the question arises: Do I really need
to do this or that? Or, more precisely, how do I know which good thing
to do? The right place to be? There is a criterion to help: Is it really
love? Does it build communion with God and with others? Is what I am do-
ing and where I am right now ‘rooted and grounded’ in love (Eph 3:17)?
St. Augustine tells us as much: “Once for all, then, a brief precept is given to you: Love, and do
what you want. If you are silent, be silent with love; if you cry out, cry out with love; if you chas-
tise, chastise with love; if you spare, spare with love. The root of love must be within; nothing
but good can come forth from this root.”
To love and to serve out of love as Jesus did.
When the great Japanese Christian, Kagawa, first heard about the life of Jesus, he cried out,
“Oh God, make me like your Christ!”
To be more like Christ he left a comfortable home and went to live in the slums of Tokyo. There
he shared himself and his possessions with whoever needed help.
They say that once he gave away all his clothing. He was left standing in only a tattered kimono.
On another occasion, even though deathly sick, he continued to preach to people in a rain, re-
peating over and over: “God is love! God is love! Where love is, there is God.”
William Barclay gives us an insight into the heart and mind of Kagawa when he quotes the great
man as saying: “God dwells among the lowliest of men and women… God is there with beggars.
God is among the sick., God stands with the unemployed. Therefore let those who would meet
God visit the prison cell before going to the temple. Before going to church let them visit the
hospital. Before reading their Bible let them help the beggar…”
Mission Sunday speaks of reaching out to the needy and those brothers and sisters who don’t
know the Lord Jesus…
All Saints Day reminds us of reaching out… so to journey together on the path to holiness…
Christmas has been showing us for over two thousand years how God reached out to us… and
how we can reach out to others “to make of the world one family,” God’s dream.
May the New Year be full of blessings, peace, and harmony to overcome so much division, hatred
and selfishness we witness in our world… beginning in our homes and communities.
With deep gratitude, let us keep each other in prayer,
~Fr. Mark Marangone SX and the Xaverian Missionaries

Xaverian missionary is called and what I chose (studying nursing) is to prepare
sent to go wherever Christ wants. myself for my future ministry. Wherever my
Therefore, a person who responds congregation will send me I will always have a
to this call enjoys his vocation. job because there will be always sick people. In
I never thought that my congregation would this way, I can carry out the wish of our founder
My experience send me to the Philippines to take a degree
in nursing program. I was told about this news
St. Guido Maria Conforti. He reminded us to
look at Jesus, our example. Jesus understood

as a Xaverian when I was busy preparing for a comprehensive

examination as one of the requirements to get
our suffering when he died for us. It was not
only the physical pain of the crucifixion that he

Brother and a degree in Philosophy. I am not disappointed

nor sad; however, being a Xaverian brother
suffered; he also suffered the emotional pain of
denial by his friends, the social pain of being

future nurse granted the chance of studying in the

Philippines is a special opportunity to look at the
mocked and ridiculed, and the spiritual pain of
rejection by God his Father. Jesus treated not
wider world perspective. In addition, living in an only the physical diseases of people but also
international community is not only satisfying addressed their social, emotional, and spiritual
but also beneficial for teaching me lessons that concerns. Jesus touched the outcast and
I will carry throughout my life. When I arrived lepers for whom touch had been prohibited (Cf.
in the Philippines, I didn’t expect to be busy. Matthew 8:3). On this, Jesus is teaching me
Day and night there are constant challenges that I have to care, not only for physical bodies,
compounded by the busy traffic. The heat and emotions, and social concerns but also spiritual
humidity are unbearable, but I think it is not far lives. I am glad that I am pursuing nursing as a
from the atmosphere in Jakarta. Many friends means to bring health and the gospel of Jesus
have told me about the situation of this country. Christ to those who have not known him yet. As
I did not expect that the country where I will a Xaverian Missionary brother and future nurse.
continue my studies is better than my home I am called to prepare myself spiritually, do
country. I just hope that I would be able to daily personal meditation on the Word of God.
adapt to and learn many things like culture, My prayer and the time I spend listening to God
lifestyle, and people. will strengthen my relationship with God and
As a Xaverian brother who is studying as allow me to advance towards my next steps.
a student nurse, I believed that many of us Being grounded in God’s Word and having a
community of believers is essential for effective
BROTHER GANGGUS may have numerous questions regarding
ministry that will help me when encountering
VENANSIUS SX missionary nursing which may include the
charism and spirituality of the Xaverians. the spiritual opposition that inevitably occurs
What is the connection between being a when I seek to announce Jesus Christ.
Xaverian brother and a nurse? What are the Studying at Our Lady of Fatima University
significance of missionary nursing, the specific allows me to experience the situation of the
effects of spreading the gospel, and the effect Philippines. It has a strong sense of identity
on healthcare in the community as well as the combined with a varied and multi-cultural
effect on the nurse’s physical and spiritual life? history with its vision of “improving Man as
All of us know that nursing is a vast health Man.” The university instills in each student
field with many challenging factors that include an atmosphere of academic excellence
not only to protect patients, promote health together with the social role and responsibilities
and well-being, prevent illness and injury, essential of holistic healthcare practitioners
and alleviate pain and suffering, but it is also and medical professionals. In this university,
a particular field that allows to expand one’s I can also prepare myself emotionally by
present knowledge and enables continuous understanding my own culture and looking at
growth. As a Xaverian brother, I believed that how that differs from other cultures. Learning

to adapt to different ways of doing things and
seeing how other people view the world is a
part of missionary work. I believe that God has
placed each one of us in our own cultures. I
also believe that God reveals Himself in each
culture. By learning and understanding another
culture I think it’s better to present the Good
News of Jesus in culturally appropriate ways.
It also helps me to provide better nursing
care and health education if I understand the

customs, values, and beliefs of other cultures.
he diversity of religions within the
world population challenges me
to provide health care systems
and to deliver culturally competent
medical care. I learned from my studies that
cultural competence is the ability of health
providers and organizations to deliver health
care services that meet the cultural, social, and
religious needs of patients and their families.
Strategies to move health professionals and
systems towards these goals include providing
cultural competence, training, and developing
policies and procedures that decrease barriers
to providing culturally competent patient care.
This activity highlights the importance of
cultural competence in clinical medicine and
its consequences. For us Xaverians, especially
me who am taking nursing, mission is towards
everybody especially the non-Christians, and
the fact that healthcare is more than just a way
to reach the poor and suffering for Christ.
I hope that what I am studying will help me to be
a fully human who can understand the situation
of others especially the non-Christians and so
come to their help. Finally, I would like to thank
the patients, families, and relatives with whom
I journeyed along this journey. Thank you for
entrusting yourself to my care and for teaching
me much about what it means to be a nurse,
and what it means to be myself.

Photos from top: Medical education at Our

Lady of Fatima University, Philippines;
Interreligious Dialogue in the Philippines;
Medical care for the poor in the Philippines


he Xaverian Missionaries USA celebrated the XVI Provincial Chapter in Duxbury,
Massachusetts. It was an opportunity for our missionaries throughout the United States
to come together, look back on the last five years of our work together and to peer into the
future for the next four years with hope and enthusiasm despite the ravages of COVID-19.

As we gathered, we remembered all our men worldwide who succumbed to the pandemic, in particular Fr.
Aniello Salicone who died of COVID-19. We also looked at all that had been accomplished in the last five
years both in and out of lockdown. We are grateful for the care and support we provide for each other as the
Delta variant continues, friends and benefactors who so lovingly were with us through it all, and how the
Lord of hosts holds us all in infinite hands.

Looking forward, we formulated some plans for the 75th anniversary of the United States Province of
the Xaverian Missionaries which began at Our Lady of Fatima Shrine, Holliston, Massachusetts in 1946.
Celebrations are anticipated in all our communities.

Other decisions regarding the next four years considered our changing communities and the need to
streamline our work by strengthening our commitment to interfaith and interreligious-secular dialogue, and
inspiring younger generations to the mission of a global Catholic Church. Practically that will mean that our
Provincial House in Wayne, New Jersey, will eventually be closed, and our work there transferred to our
other communities.

The new leadership of the Province was named to help guide us into the future. (See bottom picture on
opposite page.) They include Fr. Mark Marangone as Provincial Superior (first on the right), Fr. Alex
Rodriguez as Vice Provincial (first on the left), Fr. Carl Chudy as 1st Councilor (center), Fr. Rocco Puopolo
as 2nd Councilor (second on the right), and Fr. Dominic Caldognetto as 3rd Councilor (second on the left).

We ask for your continued support and prayers as we look forward to another 75 years of ministry and
service in the United States.
~Fr. Carl Chudy, SX

The Evolving Mission ad Gentes in the Northern
Hemisphere: An Experience in the United States
three encyclicals of Pope Francis: Evangelii secular culture, and the culture of unbelief.
Gaudium, Laudato Si, and Fratelli Tutti. They Within the Multifaith Collaborative we began
help me understand the proclamation of Christ a new project called Active Bystander’s
beyond all borders and boundaries for the 21st Training ( This
century. is an interfaith and intersecular program of
When I returned from missioning in the religious leaders and secular professionals
Philippines in 2007, I already had a commitment who became certified trainers through
to interfaith dialogue. After my service in Quabbin Mediation (
leadership for eight years in this province, I It seeks to neutralize events of religious and
sought to deepen my resolve by completing cultural violence in both the public sphere and
two academic degrees in two areas: Christian- on social media.
Muslim relations and beyond, and religious- At the encouragement of the General
secular dialogue. In recent years this has Direction, the US and UK Provinces created
evolved into projects in my mission work. a collaboration in religious-secular dialogue.
Grassroots Interfaith Literacy and In 2013 we initiated the first conference
The evolving religious landscape of the at Conforti Institute in Coatbridge with
world, and in particular, the United States, is religious leaders and associations of secular
extremely varied and changing. People are We started the Metrowest Interfaith Dialogue humanism. The US Province continued
on the move (in and out of the institutional Project ( in 2017 this by creating another conference in 2015
church and other religious traditions); social by calling together religious leaders and with Rutgers University and the American
and religious realities which were once clear other interested parties from the religious Humanist Association. We continued in
are today increasingly complex (Catholic communities. We emphasize the dialogues of Coatbridge with a vigil summit of religious
communities in multireligious and multisecular life, common good, and religious experience as and secular leaders for COP 21 in Paris and
realities, national populism)…It was said that we gather our congregants and others. Issues the UN Summit of Global Climate Change. In
even some Christian cities and countries had of interfaith dialogue among lay people that are the US we continue with blog writing (Secular
become “mission territories.” (Redemptoris practical and their solidarity in communities that Spectrum Blog) and a group of religious and
Missio, 32) are multifaith and multisecular are explored in secular friends that meet monthly via Zoom.
gatherings throughout the year.
The mission of the church changes often. Why? Finally, my recent studies have led me to
Because the world is constantly changing The Multifaith Collaborative (openspiritcenter. research into Catholic disaffiliation and
around us. The mission ad gentes, as St. org/multifaith-collaborative) is a project that the “mass exodus” of younger (and not so
Pope John Paul II indicates, is continuously was started and currently directed by Rev. young) generations away from the church,
grappling with these changes and seeking Dr. Debbie Clark, pastor of the United Church finding this another opportunity to bring
ways to share our faith in Christ that answers of Christ. Together with multifaith friends in religiosity and secularity in conversation. I
the deepest needs of humanity in any given the Framingham area of Massachusetts, found stories of departure just as important
time. we provide another opportunity for interfaith as stories of conversion. I initially assisted
activities. I assist and collaborate in this project. in a national study by St. Mary’s Press
Today in the US COVID-19 reveals our
response as disciples of Christ in our attempt I also collaborate and assist in the interfaith published in 2017 called: Going, Going,
to come together in faith with others, but also outreach of the Islamic Center of Boston Gone: The Dynamics of Disaffiliation in
unveils our divisions, and inequalities that ( Young Catholics (catholicresearch.smp.
expresses themselves in institutional racism, org). Recently, I completed my own research
The Bleeding Borders Between the
Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and xenophobia, project on Catholic disaffiliation from the
Religious and Secular
our national woundedness. In this sense the perspective of Catholic families for my thesis.
mission ad gentes becomes an icon for cultural Redemptoris Missio also speaks of the mission The title is: Postsecular Catholicism: Toward a
and religious bridge building and reconciliation. ad gentes in cultural sectors, or the contemporary Renewed Understanding and Pastoral Praxis
“Areopagus.” Our work is recovering the in Catholic Families with Disaffiliated Children
For me, that “encounter and dialogue” may challenge of Gaudium et Spes that the church in the Archdiocese of Boston (
be mapped out in revealing ways through must be in dialogue with all the world, including ly/3x94gRJ).

God In
The penultimate ‘resonance’ before the
official closing of the Jubilee Year in the
Mother House of Parma on Sunday October
3rd, 2021, comes to us from the Province of
Sierra Leone.

Fr. Carlo Di Sopra SX, currently engaged in missionary ministry in the parish of St. Peter and Paul in Fadugu (Diocese of
Makeni),Fr. Carlo was born in 1954. After several years of service in formation and mission awareness ministry in Spain,
he arrived in Sierra Leone in 1993, where he served in various positions among which was the service of religious superior.

oday is a period and a society in other contents and overflows with the father’s to be prudent, humble and industrious.
which the Church, Christianity, affection for his family which is willing to an- Splinter groups must not take form and no
and religion in general, seem to swer so great a call. I have always loved the one should plot to get his own way. No-one
be reaching the end. Our epoch idea taken from St. Anselm “of offering both should claim privileges and exemptions even
has been defined as a truly “cultural night,” the fruit and the plant” which expresses the after having held important positions. Here,
a night foreshadowed by the terrible procla- relation between apostolate and religious life. we really must thank the Lord for the many
mation that God is dead. Completely buck- In the Letter religious life is proposed and ex- luminous examples of superiors who have
ing this general trend, Conforti’s Testament plained extensively and in detail. However, it followed this advice to the letter.
Letter proposes “to see God, seek God, love has always struck me that, apart from stress- Very beautiful are those passages where
God in all things.” ing their observance, at the source of each one perceives the Founder’s anxiety about
At a time when ideologies and nationalisms vow is placed a verb: “let us, love.” Let us love the spread of the Gospel and, at the same
were on the rise, Conforti proposed a uni- poverty, let us treasure the sacrifice of our will time, about preserving the unity of mind and
versal project that, once again, bucked the through the vow of obedience. intense love for the Family. To realize all of
trends: he viewed the possibility of a world Although the language being used bears the this, Christ’s love must rule mutual relation-
forming one single-family embracing all hu- mark of their time, these paragraphs are very ships.
manity. beautiful because they describe how every- The idea of one single human family is what
Commitment, dedication, and work towards thing is aimed at setting ourselves aside in or- attracts and inspires me; it opens my hori-
the realization of this sublime objective is, der to let the life of Christ shine through us, The zons and spurs me on with creativity and
according to the Founder, “the fulfilment of Founder’s advice brings spirituality down into commitment.
Christ’s wish.” And, as a consequence, it is everyday life.
Similarly, I find appealing the other exhorta-
also what makes of us authentic prophets The oxymoron an “affluent poverty” (povertà tion, “to see God, seek God, love God in all
when, together with him, we chose to under- opulenta) is very expressive and easy to re- things” just when the death of God is being
take the “serious and solemn commitment” member, like the quote from Paul’s letter to proclaimed.
contained in the Constitutions. Timothy: “As long as we have food and cloth-
Obviously, the Letter abounds with many ing, let us be content with that,” or the advice
~ Fr. Carlo Di Sopra SX
World Mission News “Making of the World One Family...”


he Xaverian community in not accessible. The community had district for decades. The massive
Umphang, a new established to wait until the following day to be use of pesticide in crop farming has
mission of Thai Diocese able to return, to see the disaster destroyed the soil that should keep
Nakhonsawan bordering caused by the storm and clean up the rainwater. The electricity is already
Myanmar, has recently suffered from the house. Almost nothing was left. accessible, but the community and the
a never-seen flood in the small town We tried to save what we could still dormitory will not have drinking water
of Umphang, Tak Province, a district use. We lost more than 4000 books in for days to come. Internet connection
located on the top of a steep mountain. Xavier House, our small library. A car, is back, good enough for texting.
More than 2000 families were affected computers and all electronic devices
We thank you for being with us and we
by the Tropical Storm Dianmu with were “gone,” under water! It will take
ask you to keep us in your prayers.
heavy rains on September 22 and 23 weeks to clear everything and to be
2021 back to some normality. ~Fr. Reynaldo Tardelly SX
Our Xaverian residence, a rented The community and the children
house, was flooded and almost are safe. Thank God, no
completely under water. A catechist human casualty has been
and I, luckily, were in the villages to reported in this calamity.
distribute the survival kits for the families While we are moving to a
affected by COVID 19. Fr. Alessio, safer place, the community
the person in charge of our boarding is looking forward to helping
house/dormitory for the children, was others, mainly the migrants
aware of possible floods and managed and the poor most affected
to save a car, a motorcycle and a few by this tragedy.
other things as the water was coming
Crop agriculture, mostly
unexpectedly fast. He could reach the
corn, is behind this
other isle of the Mae Klong Mai river
devastating flood as many
where, we have rented another house
deforestations have been
for a dormitory. When I returned, the
happening around the
two main bridges of the town were

PROVINCIAL HOUSE, WAYNE NJ rossini Also check out his article in Boston
The COSUMA, the Conference of Major University News:
Superiors of Men, gathered Xaverian com/poverty-increased-amid-the-pandemic-
leadership from the twenty-one countries where after-years-of-decline-but-
we serve. It traditionally occurs two years government-relief-made-a-
before the General Chapter as preparation for difference/
that international meeting which determines ~Fr. Rocco Puopolo SX
our direction for the following six years. It XAVIER KNOLL, FRANKLIN WI
was held from September 26 to October 10 in
Tavernerio, Italy. Thank you all for your awesome
support of Franklin’s Rummage
Fr. Mark Marangone SX, re-elected Provincial Sale in September and Mis-
Superior of the USA Region, represented us in sion Banquet in October. We
this gathering to determine how our worldwide are called to become uplifters of those we
religious family discerns the will of God for us serve, with the understanding that we are co-
at this moment and the path we are to take in responsible for the wellbeing of our brothers
the future. This year’s meeting focused on our and sisters. We help because we understand
mission beyond the boundaries of the Church, how gracious God is to us, and we want to
Christianity, and indeed religion itself, to the share, not from our surplus wealth, but rather
view of the Kin-dom of God encompassing all from our own livelihood. As the gospel re-
of humanity, and indeed, all of the cosmos. counts: “When he [Jesus] looked up he saw
This mission comes from the tradition of some wealthy people putting their offerings
Vatican II called “Mission ad gentes.” into the treasury, and he noticed a poor wid-
On Sunday October 3 all the members ow putting in two small coins” (Luke 21:1-2).
of COSUMA gathered at Parma for the I extend my most sincere gratitude to you
Eucharistic Celebration for the closing of the all in the name of the Xaverians and all
Jubilee Year. the people with whom we work and serve
OUR LADY OF FATIMA SHRINE around the world. You are supporters of
HOLLISTON MA this great dream of our founder: “Make of
the World One single Family.”
The annual Christmas Festival of Lights
will be from Thursday, December 9th to We extend a heartfelt “Welcome” to Fr.
Tuesday, December 28th from 5:00 pm to Irvin Gutierrez SX who joins us for a year
9:00 pm. The Gift Shop will be open daily as he learns English to prepare for his mission
until 9:00pm, except on Christmas Day. assignment in Japan, and to Fr. Hery Junianto
There will be a vigil Christmas Mass at 8:00 SX who missioned in Mentawai, Indonesia,
PM on December 24th. Christmas Day Mass and is now in the USA to enhance his English
will be at 10:00 AM in the Shrine Church. and be part of the Franklin community. (See
back page.)
Pietro Rossini SX has a new podcast on ~ Fr. Alex Rodriguez SX
Poverty in America:

Help the Xaverian Missionaries recover in Thailand. Either clip this paper and send it to the address below or help
the environment by donating online at:

Name: Donation Amount:

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Email: Phone:

Mail to: Fr. Mark Marangone SX Xaverian House Supported:

12 Helene Ct. □Xaverian Knoll, Franklin, WI; □Fatima Shrine,
Wayne, NJ 07470 Holliston, MA; □Provincial House, Wayne, NJ

Xaverian Missionaries in the Franklin Community:
Br. Diego Acosta, Fr. Dharmawan Adharius, Fr. Alex Rodriguez, Fr. Irvin Gutierrez, Fr. Hery Junianto, Fr. Dominic Caldognetto

Consecrate Your Life to God. Dedicate Your Life to Humanity.

Become a Xaverian Missionar Priest, Sister, or Brother.
Contact: [email protected], [email protected]
Xaverian Missionaries Serve In:
Bangladesh • Brazil • Burundi • Cameroon • Chad • Colombia • Democratic Republic of Congo • France • Indonesia
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