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Technology and Livelihood Education

Agri-Fishery Arts
Module 6: Caring Orchard Trees

TLE – Agri-Fishery Arts – Grade 6
Alternative Delivery Mode
Module 6: Caring Orchard Trees
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Leah B. Torrecampo
Editors: Reynaldo P. Evangelio, Gina B. Dunggon, Aljon G. Nueva España
Reviewer: Robert C. Colonia
Illustrator and Layout Artist: Learesa G. Amban Krystil Ann O. Mejorada,
Mary Joy T. Santillan, Jarrett Irvin C. Gayosa,
Darven G. Cinchez
Management Team: Ramir B. Uytico, Pedro Escobarte, Jr., Elena P. Gonzaga,
Donald T. Genine
Reynaldo G. Gico, Michell L. Acoyong, Grace T. Nicavera
Mylene D. Lopez
Reynaldo P. Evangelio
Jarrett Irvin C. Gayosa
Helen Grace S. Poderoso

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Technology and Livelihood Education

Agri-Fishery Arts
Module 6: Caring Orchard Trees
Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions,
directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to
understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if
you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how
they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and
tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

Orchard project should have proper planning to be productive. The care

of seedlings and trees must be given high priority for plant growth and
survival. Plants grow faster and healthier when properly cared.

This module will cover topics on how to care orchard trees or seedlings.
After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. perform systematic ways of caring orchard trees or seedlings such as

watering, cultivating, preparing, and applying organic fertilizers.

1 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
What I Know

In this activity, you are tasked to answer questions by matching the word/s
in Column A with the given statement in Column B. Then, write the letter of the
correct answer you have chosen on a separate sheet of paper.

Column A Column B
1. PPE A. It becomes the foundation for the best, fast-growing trees
and is an extremely important step before planting
2. Manual
Watering B. Also called as rows cultivation, this is done only by
cultivating the soil in rows or the plant between the rows.
3. Liquid Fertilizer
C. An activity done to support the tree in order to stand well
4.Land after planting or growing.
D. An essential element for plant growth and survival. Trees
5. Staking and fruit-bearing trees cannot survive without it.

6. Humus E. Plants are watered using different tools for irrigation such
as pail, sprinkler, and dipper.
7. Off-barring
F. Water is distributed to each row and applicable for row
8. Surface & crops with uniform slopes.
Furrow Irrigation
G. This promotes the growth of beneficial organism, adds
9. Organic fertilizer more nutrients to the soil and gives high production.

10. Water H. Made from the juice of plants and vermin compost
through the process of concoction

I. A decayed matter from plants and animals mixed with soil

J. What do you call equipment such as face mask, hand

gloves, apron, working clothes, and boots?

K. Measure all ingredients properly and follow the correct


L. Level the area then file the second layer of animal manure
about 5-8cm.Thicken layer over the first layer.

2 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6

6 Caring Orchard Trees

The attitude of being resourceful and industrious should be kept by a person engaged
in farming to achieve higher crop production. These attitudes lead to maximize the
use of time, money, and efforts in doing the tasks. Care and management of trees
require much time and dedication in order to have an abundant harvest.

1 2
Trees Lanzones

3 4
Atis Apple Mango

Lynn Greyling, Saturation Adjusted, Free Royalty,
Mike Gonzalez, Saturation Adjusted, Free Royalty, Cropped,
Tyrone Orbase, Saturation Adjusted, Free Royalty, Stretched,
Ruben Goingo, Saturation Adjusted, Free Royalty,

3 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
What’s In

In this activity you are tasked to recall your previous knowledge on related
topics in today’s module. You are to match the word/s in Column A with the
description given in Column B. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
Column A Column B
1. Sprinkler a. used for cutting and slicing planting materials

2. Bolo b. a broad scoop attached to a handle. It is used

to dig, lift, and throw loose matter.
3. Hose
c. used to cultivate soil around the plant
4. Shovel
d. used for cutting grass and shaping the plant
5. Pruning Shears or shrubs

6. Gloves e. used to transfer heavy materials from one

place to another
7. Knife
f. used for digging or cutting earth or sand
8. Wheelbarrow
g. any substance added to the soil that promotes
9. Spade the healthy growth of plants.

10. Fertilizer h. used to water plants in a wide area

i. used for cutting small branches and

unnecessary branches

j. used for soil cultivation

k. a container with a spout to water plant for it

to grow healthier

l. used while working in the garden, made of

strong rubber to protect from thorns and
withstand punctures.

4 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
As you start your module, focus your attention to the pictures below.



From your observation, answer the following questions:

1. Where do trees come from?

2. How do trees grow to become productive?
3. What do you think are the considerations for trees to have fruits?

To answer these questions, read and understand the content of this module
on the care of orchard trees.

All Illustrations done by: Learesa G. Amban

5 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
What is It

When you have an orchard project, careful planning is needed to avoid

wasteful spending of resources. Proper care for seedlings and trees is to be
undertaken that would include cultivating, watering, and use of fertilizer.
In this module, you will be learning the systematic and scientific ways of
caring for orchard trees and seedlings.

A. Land Preparation

Illustration done by: Learesa G. Amban

How you prepare the land before planting affects the growth of trees. Land
preparation plays a very important role in planting trees that farmers should do.
The following preparations should be done to make the land ready for

1. Remove the grass from the site including the stones to clear the planting area.
2. Plow or cultivate the land to loosen the soil.
3. Layout the digging hole; Layout is necessary for plants to look beautiful as it
grows and will facilitate easy watering.
4. Dig the planting hole; The planting hole should be at least one and a half times
the size of the root hole. The sides of the planting hole should be loosened.
5. Put organic matter or compost; Organic matter releases nutrients that become
absorbed by soil-dwelling microorganisms.

Illustration done by Learesa G. Amban

6 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
Proper Ways of Cultivating the Land

Cultivating the land is a practice to help promote the growth of roots and improve
aeration for the fast absorption of nutrients by the soil.
There are 2 ways of doing it:
a. Off-barring is also called rows cultivation, this is done only by cultivating the
soil in rows or the plant between the rows
b. and Hilling -up is cultivating soil towards the base of the plant or
cultivation around the plant.
When cultivation is done properly, the growth of weeds can be controlled. Soil
texture will improve plant growth and distractive microorganisms found in the soil
will eventually die.

Off-barring Hilling

All Illustrations done by: Learesa G. Amban

7 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
B. Planting

Trees are to be planted within a day it was taken from the plant nursery.
Roots should be moist until it can be planted. Provide wrapping materials to
pack bare-root trees while waiting the time to plant and remember to add
water as needed
Select a sunny, well-drained location in the yard or for a farm. Fruit
trees need at least eight hours of sunlight daily to thrive. Dig a hole slightly
wider and deeper than the rootball. Fill the planting hole with water and allow
it to soak into the soil. Do not add any amendments to the soil.

Illustration done by: Learesa G. Amban

8 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
C. Staking

Newly planted trees needed support to be able to stand firm and grow.
Providing support to these newly planted trees is called Staking. Staking are
done to new trees that can’t stand on their own or those that begin to lean,
young trees if the soil is too wet or loose, and tall top-heavy trees with no lower

How to Stake Trees for Support:

1. Remove the nursery stakes and find two or three stakes (wooden or metal).
Place your hand on the trunk and see where it needs to be steadied. That’s
how tall your stakes should be.
2. Place the two stakes opposite each other and about 1.5’ away from the
trunk. Use the third stake only if needed and put on an open side of the tree.
3. Materials to be used as stakes should be soft to allow free movement of the
tree when it is attached to it. The use of rope or wire is not advised because
it may damage the growing tree.

All Illustrations done by: Learesa G. Amban

9 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
D. Watering

Water is an essential element for plant growth and survival. Trees and fruit-
bearing trees cannot survive without water. Plants grow healthy when properly
cared. Watering the plant should be done early in the morning or late in the
afternoon to prevent withering.

Proper ways in watering plants:

1. Natural watering is a way of watering the plant through the aid of rain. It is
the nature’s way of watering all plants.
2. Manual watering is done when plants are watered using different tools for
irrigation such as pail, sprinkler, and dipper.
3. Artificial watering supplies water to the plant from artificially produced
sources like deep wells, dams and rivers with use of motors or machine.

Types of Irrigation

1. Surface and furrow irrigation can be done when water is distributed to each
row and applicable for row crops with uniform slopes.
2. Sprinkler irrigation includes the line, rotating and micro sprinklers in which
artificial rain is distributed through special devices that wet the entire field.
3. Drip or trickle irrigation is a special water source designed to discharge water
close to the plant, wetting only that area and leaving the rest dry.
Sub-irrigation is a very expensive style of irrigation because water source is
from the ground.

All Illustrations done by: Learesa G. Amban

10 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
E. Preparing and Applying Organic Fertilizer

Fertilizers are substances added to the soil that promote the healthy growth of
plants and to increase its productivity. There are two types of fertilizers:

1. Organic Fertilizer is a natural fertilizer from decayed matter, animal, and other
natural sources; and

2. Inorganic Fertilizer an artificial fertilizer made from chemicals (either in liquid,

soluble, and granular form).

Organic fertilizers came from decomposed organic matter includes animal

manure, food washing, plant residues, and other organic wastes. Organic fertilizers
contain a high percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium which are the
necessary elements for the growth of plants. Using organic fertilizer promotes the
increase of a beneficial organism, adds more nutrients to the soil, and gives high

Examples of Organic Fertilizers

Given below are some of the organic fertilizers being used in different farms:

Organic Fertilizer Description

1 Humus a decayed matter from plants and animals
mixed with soil

2 Manure animal waste from livestock (big animals)

and poultry (chicken)

3 Green manure comes from decayed plants

4 Compost decomposed biodegradable waste
5 Liquid Fertilizer made from the juice of plants and vermin
compost through the process of concoction
(allows the juice to decompose with red
sugar/molasses in a container).
All Illustrations done by: Learesa G. Amban

11 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
Ways of Preparing Organic Fertilizer

1. Composting
It is a process of decomposing organic matters such as weeds, manure,
grasses, leaves, vines, rice hulls and corn stalks until they are ready to be
used as fertilizer.

Types of Composting
• Compost Pit – composting by digging pit keeping compost underground.
• Compost Basket – composting home garbage in container.
• Compost Heap – a compost pile.
• Vermi Compost – comes from the waste of vermin (earthworm).

Compost Pit Compost Basket

Compost Heap Vermi Compost

All Illustrations done by: Learesa G. Amban

12 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
Benefits of Using Organic Fertilizer

The use of organic-based fertilizers in sustainable agriculture benefits

farmers, growers, consumers and the environment in many ways such us:

• increases nutrient efficiency and organic matter content in the soil;

• Nurtures the soil with organic matter that reduces dependency on chemical
• brings back soil fertility and maintains plant growth;
• improves the of water use for crop to be strong and drought-resistant;
• does not harm the soil, environment friendly;
• fertilizes the soil and improve its structure and fertility;
• is less expensive, so money can be saved in terms of buying fertilizer;
• is safe to use.

Ways of Preparing Compost:

Here are the steps in preparing organic fertilizer or compost:

1. Dig a compost pit usually at the back of the yard.

2. Build a shelter to protect it from the rain measuring at least 2 meters by 3 meters
an alternative to building a shelter is to cover the file with plastic materials.
3. Gather and prepare all compost materials.
4. Pile a layer of grass and kitchen leftover about 12-15cm thick to cover the area.
5. Level the area then file the second layer of animal manure about 5-8cm.Thicken
layer over the first layer.
6. Make other layers like the first two layers until the pile reaches 1 1/2 meters
7. Sprinkle the pile with water to make it moist.
8. Cover the top pile with banana leaves.
9. Provide breathers like bamboo holes in the middle of the pile.
10. The compost is ready after three months.

All Illustrations done by: Krystil Ann O. Mejorada and Mary Joy T. Santillan

13 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
2. Preparing Liquid Organic Fertilizer

How to prepare Liquid Organic Fertilizer:


Chopped fruits and vegetables

Red sugar and molasses
Manila paper
Masking tape

1. Mix sugar, chopped fruits and vegetables in a container.

2. Squeeze the mixture until all ingredients look watery.

3. Cover the container using manila paper and masking tape.

4. Put date of process, wait for ten days to harvest the fertilizer.

5. During harvest, filter the mixture. Get the juice.

Illustration done by: Learesa G. Amban

14 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
Safety Measures in Preparing Organic Fertilizers

• Always wear the personal protective equipment such as face mask, hand
gloves, apron, working clothes, and boots.
• Always read the instruction before doing the activity.
• Follow the guide of proper posture while working to avoid straining your
• Check the working condition of tools before using them.
• Never leave your work unattended especially when ingredients are about to
be mixed.
• Measure all ingredients properly and follow the correct procedures. Do not
deviate from the instructions provided.
• Always focus on the work at hand. Avoid destructions.
• Avoid exposures to pesticides.
• Maintain a clean working place and free from any disturbance.
• Never forget to take a bath and clean thoroughly after working.

Illustration done by: Learesa G. Amban

15 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
What’s More

Now, as you do this part of your module this will require you to do some activities to
solidify your understanding about the topic. Be ready to apply your skills in the
following independent activities:

Independent Activity 1

You are given words to choose from the table below to answer correctly the questions
asked in the Independent Assessment Activity 1

A. Surface or furrow irrigation,

B. Artificial Watering,
C. Sprinkler irrigation,
D. Natural Watering,
E. Sub-irrigation,
F. Manual Watering,
G. Drip or trickle irrigation

Independent Assessment 1

Get your answer from the table given above. Write the letter of the correct answer
on a separate sheet of paper.

______________ 1. A type of water irrigation that is very high in cost because

the water source is underground.

______________ 2. This include the line, rotating, and micro sprinklers in

which artificial rain is generated through special devices
that wet the entire field.

______________ 3. Water is distributed to each row, so it is applicable only for

row crops with uniform slope.

______________ 4. Water supply is artificially produced from a deep-well,

dams, and river with the help of motors

______________ 5. A special water source designed to discharge water close to

the plant, wetting only that area and leaving the rest dry.

16 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
Independent Activity 2
Given below are some of the responses from a survey on the use of organic and
inorganic fertilizers.

Survey Responses:

a. Odorless and handy i. Makes the soil unfertile

b. Always available in the market (dependent to it)
c. Fast production j. Natural
d. Made of chemicals k. Easy to produce
e. Hazardous to animals l. Promote the growth of
f. Expensive beneficial organism
g. Foul odor m. Adds more nutrients to the soil
h. It takes time to prepare n. Very high in production

Independent Assessment 2

1. Classify the survey responses into 2 groups of Fertilizers (Inorganic or Organic)

as shown in the table

2. Choose from the survey responses the advantages and disadvantages on

the use of fertilizers.

3. Write your answers on the space (columns and rows) provided in the table.

Fertilizer Advantages Disadvantages



17 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
Independent Activity 3

Below are the steps in preparing organic fertilizer through compost pit arranged in
scrambled order.

Ways to Make an Organic Fertilizer (Compost Pit)

A Chop your composting materials finely

B 1. Place a board over the hole if you plan to add more scraps.

C 2. Sow plants above the compost after it has decomposed.

D 3. Dig the hole for your compost pit.

E 4. Add the organic materials to the compost pit.

F 5. Keep the compost pit wet while it is decomposing.

G 6. Cover your compost with soil.

Independent Assessment 3

To answer this activity, Arrange the steps in preparing organic fertilizer through
compost pit in correct order.

Sequence Correct Answer

Ways to Make an Organic Fertilizer (Compost Pit)
(Letter Only)

18 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
What I Have Learned

1. ______________________ is what farmer should do in order that plant will grow

fast and productive?

2. ______________________ a practice to help promote the growth of roots and

improve aeration for fast absorption of nutrients by the soil.

3. There are two ways of doing cultivation __________________________ and


4. ______________________ is also called rows cultivation and is done only by

cultivating the soil in rows or between the two plants are being cultivated.

5. ______________________ is cultivating the soil towards the base of the plant or

cultivation around the plant.

6. ______________________ is a means to support the tree in order to stand well

after planting or growing is a good idea.

7. ______________________ is a process of decomposing organic matters such as

weeds, manure, grasses, leaves, vines, rice hulls and corn stalks until they are
ready to be used as fertilizer

19 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
What I Can Do

Give the uses of the personal protective equipment (PPE) written below. Use a
separate sheet of paper for your answer.

Personal Protective
Uses of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Equipment (PPE)


Hand Gloves


Working Clothes



20 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer then write your answer on a
separate sheet paper.

1. It is a decayed matter from plants and animals mixed with soil for plants
to grow fast and become productive
a. Green Manure
b. Humus
c. Manure
d. Topsoil

2. _______________ is cultivating the soil towards the base of the plant or

cultivation around the plant. When cultivation is done properly, the growth
of weeds can be controlled.
a. Cultivating
b. Hilling – up
c. Off-barring
d. Planting

3. A way of supplying water to the plant from sources like deep wells, dams
and rivers with the use of motors or machine.
a. Advance watering
b. Artificial watering
c. Manual watering
d. Natural watering

4. This irrigation includes the line, rotating and micro sprinklers in which
artificial rain is distributed through special devices that wet the entire field
a. Drip irrigation
b. Sub-irrigation
c. Sprinkler irrigation
d. Surface & furrow irrigation

5. A practice to help promote the growth of roots and improve aeration for
fast absorption of nutrients by the soil.
a. Cultivating the land
b. Irrigating the land
c. Preparing the land
d. Watering the land

21 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
6. Fertilizers are substances added to the soil that promote the healthy
growth of plants and to increase its productivity. What do you call a
fertilizer from decayed matter, animal and other natural sources?
a. Compost Fertilizer
b. Inorganic Fertilizer
c. Natural Fertilizer
d. Organic Fertilizer

7. The following statements are some of the benefits from using organic
fertilizer EXCEPT one.
a. brings back soil fertility and maintains plant growth
b. does harm to the soil at times and environment unfriendly;
c. is less expensive, so money can be saved in terms of buying
d. nurtures the soil with organic matter that reduces dependency on
chemical inputs;

8. In what situation is staking NOT needed as part of caring a tree?

a. new trees that can stand on their own
b. tall top-heavy trees with no lower branches
c. those trees that begin to lean
d. young trees if the soil is too wet or loose

9. Composting is a process of decomposing organic matters such as weeds,

manure, grasses, leaves, vines, rice hulls and corn stalks until they are
ready to be used as fertilizer. What type of composting is done by digging
to keep it underground?
a. Compost Basket
b. Compost Heap
c. Compost Pit
d. Vermi Compost

10. The statements below are some of the safety measures in preparing
organic fertilizers. Which statements are correct?
I. Always wear the personal protective equipment such as face mask,
hand gloves, apron, working clothes, and boots.
II. Check the working condition of tools before using them.
III. Leave your work unattended especially when ingredients are about to
be mixed.
IV. Measure all ingredients properly and follow the correct procedures.
Do not deviate from the instructions provided.

a. I, II & III
b. II, III & IV
c. III, IV & I
d. IV, I & II

22 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
Additional Activities

Make an organic fertilizer either compost or liquid fertilizer to be used in your

plants at home following what have been discussed in preparing it. Submit your
output to your teacher.

23 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6 24
What I Know What's More Assessment
1. J Independent 1. B
2. E Assessment 1 2. B
3. H 3. B
4. A 1. E 4. C
5. C 2. C 5. A
6. I 3. A 6. D
7. B 4. B 7. B
8. F 5. G 8. A
9. G 9. C
10. D Independent 10. D
Assessment 2
Organic Advantage
j, k, l, m, n
Organic Disadvantage
g, h
Inorganic Advantage
a, b, c
Inorganic Disadvantage
d, e, f, i
Assessment 3
1. D
2. A
3. E
4. B
5. G
6. F
7. C
Answer Key
About Fertilizer Application, Historical Notes. (2020). Retrieved 4 May 2020, from

Learning and Living in the 21st Century 6

"Wikipedia". 2020. Wikipedia.Org.

25 CO_TLE-AFA6_Module6
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