Phoenix - S4HANA - AP353 FD Report-RMC003-Report Daily Production v1.01-x

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Functional Design Report

Report Daily Production

AP353 – Functional Design Report
RMC003 – Report Daily Production


General Information
Project Name BPR and SAP S/4HANA Implementation
Phoenix_S4HANA_AP353 FD Report-RMC003-Report Daily Production
Document Name
Version 1.00

Document History
Version Author Reason for Change Date Effective
0.01 Masitha Rahmawati Initial Document 27 October 2017
0.02 Winny Saputra Review Document 06 November 2017
0.03 Masitha Rahmawati Update Formula 22 November 2017
1.00 Winny Saputra Final Document 23 November 2017

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AP353 – Functional Design Report
RMC003 – Report Daily Production


1. GENERAL REQUIREMENT...........................................................................................................3
2. TECHNICAL INFORMATION........................................................................................................3
3. EXISTING / SAMPLE REPORTS OR RELATED TRANSACTION........................................................4
4. DESIGN.....................................................................................................................................4
4.1. Flow Diagram......................................................................................................................4
4.1.1. Header Level Process Flow.................................................................................................4
4.1.2. Detail Level Process Flow....................................................................................................4
4.2. Detailed Description of New Report/Changes to Existing Enhancement...........................4
4.3. Detail Structure...................................................................................................................4
4.4. Detail Logic..........................................................................................................................5
4.5. Pre-Processing / Post-Processing Dependencies................................................................5
4.6. Data Inclusion/Exclusion.....................................................................................................5
4.7. Design Constraints..............................................................................................................5
4.8. Report Layout......................................................................................................................5
5. SELECTION CRITERIA...............................................................................................................15
6. ERROR HANDLING...................................................................................................................16
7. COMPONENT TEST REQUIREMENT..........................................................................................16

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AP353 – Functional Design Report
RMC003 – Report Daily Production

User Requirement:
 This enhancement is needed to generate Report Daily Production.
 Report Daily Production is divided into header and detail level. Header level is used to display
daily, month to date, and year to date plan and actual production. Detail level is used to display
hourly actual and plan production in that date.
 Data actual and plan of Rain and Slippery will be displayed only for SD Material group WR. For
SD Material Group CM and CT, data shown up to YTD Plan Production.

Initiating Transaction / Program : Custom program to display Report Daily Production.

RICEFW Work Unit # : N/A
Report Title : Daily Production
Module & Sub module : MCD – Report Daily Production
When Report will be required : 1st day Go Live

Functional Description of Report
The purpose of this functional design is to generate Daily Production Report for each SD
Summary Level : Detail
Output : Screen
Frequency : Daily
Processing Type : Batch
Owner : Engineering
Audience : Supervisor MCD – Engineering, Supervisor MCD - Operation
Business Driver : BUMA
Priority : High
Complexity : High
Design Assumptions :
Several assumptions are used for MCD application development, those assumptions are:
1. The development items will be made into web application.
2. The development will be using technologies such as, .NET, SQL Server 2016, Telerik version
2017, and using PRISM as a framework.
3. Report can be export to Excel with file type .xlsx

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AP353 – Functional Design Report
RMC003 – Report Daily Production

4. There are separate tables to store data needed in report. The purpose of separate tables is to
keep performance of data processing and reduce lead time in accessing data.
5. This report relies on the accuracy of transaction data maintenance stored in custom table that
is accessible for user to update/refresh the transaction table.

Open Issues


Existing SAP Program Name : Report Daily Production
Existing SAP Menu / Transaction : ZMC6011R
Legacy Enhancement Name : N/A
Legacy Enhancement Number : N/A

4.1. Flow Diagram
4.1.1. Process Flow – Header Level

Select Site, SD Display Report Daily

Start Material, From Date, Click Execute button Production data – End
and To Date Header Level

Figure 1 Header Level Process Flow

4.1.2. Process Flow – Detail Level

Double clicked on
Display Report Daily
specific row in Report
Start Production – Detail Level End
Daily Production –
Header Level

Figure 2 Detail Level Process Flow

4.2. Detailed Description of New Report/Changes to Existing Enhancement

 Actual Daily truck count (production) is divided into WR, OB, TS, Mud, General, Blasting, Free
dig, Ripping, CM, and CT.
 Production plan is divided into DSP, Internal, and BOC.
 Only SD Material WR has additional data for actual and plan of Rain and Slippery.

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4.3. Detail Structure

 Report will be built with batch processing to reduce access time.
 There are separate and compute table to store transaction data needed in Report Daily
Equipment Performance.
 There is background job to store and calculate transaction data into data needed in report.

4.4. Detail Logic


4.5. Pre-Processing / Post-Processing Dependencies

 Record Hourly Production
Data actual production will be retrieved from Record Hourly Production. Module Record Hourly
Production will be explained in this document: Phoenix_S4HANA_AP350 Functional
Design_EMC010_Record Hourly Production_v1.00.

 Yearly Production
Data production plan (Internal and BOC) is retrieved from Yearly Production Target. Yearly
Production Target will be explained in this document: Phoenix_S4HANA_AP350 Functional
Design_EMC017_Record Yearly Production Target_v1.00.

 Daily Strategic Planning

Data production plan is retrieved from Daily Strategic Planning. Module Master Roster will be
explained in this document: Phoenix_S4HANA_AP350 Functional Design_EMC012_Daily
Strategic Planning_v1.00.

 Master Roster
Data plan rain and slippery is retrieved from Master Roster. Module Master Roster will be
explained in this document: Phoenix_ S4HANA_AP350 Functional
Design_EMC001_Master Roster_v1.00.

4.6. Data Inclusion/Exclusion


4.7. Design Constraints


4.8. Report Layout

Report Daily Production Layout is divided to header and detail level. Report layout for Report Daily
Production is shown as in following file:

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Daily Production v1.00.xlsx

Table 1 Column Description for Header Level

Ref Column Name Formula Remarks
1. Date N/A Show Transaction data based on
selected date in selection area.

2. Daily Actual Actual Production OB +TS+ Mud Daily Actual Production – WR is

Production – retrieved from sum of daily
WR production OB (Over Burden), TS
(Top Soil), and Mud. (Exclude
3. Daily Actual Ritasi x Capacity Daily Actual Production – OB is
Production – Or retrieved from sum of hourly
OB Weight production that has MCD Material
“(MCD-WR-01) Overburden”.
(Exclude General)
4. Daily Actual Ritasi x Capacity Daily Actual Production – Soil is
Production – Or retrieved from sum of hourly
Soil Weight production that has MCD Material
“(MCD-WR-04) Soil”, “(MCD-WR-
05) Top Soil”, and “(MCD-WR-06)
Sub Soil”. (Exclude General)
5. Daily Actual Ritasi x Capacity Daily Actual Production – Mud
Production – Or is retrieved from sum of hourly
Mud Weight production that has MCD Material
“(MCD-WR-02) Mud Liquid” and
“(MCD-WR-03) Mud Solid”.
(Exclude General)
6. Daily Actual Ritasi x Capacity Daily Actual Production –
Production – Or Parting is retrieved from sum of
Parting Weight hourly production that has MCD
Material “(MCD-WR-07) Parting
Fine Coal”. (Exclude General)
7. Daily Actual Ritasi x Capacity Daily Actual Production –
Production – Or General is retrieved from sum of
General Weight hourly production that has General
checkbox ticked.
8. Daily Actual Ritasi x Capacity Daily Actual Production –
Production – Or Blasting is retrieved from sum of
Blasting Weight hourly production that has WR
Type Blasting. (Exclude General)
9. Daily Actual Ritasi x Capacity Daily Actual Production –
Production – Or Ripping is retrieved from Sum of
Ripping Weight hourly production that has WR
Type Ripping. (Exclude General)
10. Daily Actual Ritasi x Capacity Daily Actual Production – Free
Production – Or Dig is retrieved from sum of hourly
Free dig Weight production that has WR Type Free
dig. (Exclude General)

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Ref Column Name Formula Remarks

11. Daily Actual Ritasi x Capacity Daily Actual Production – Coal
Production – Or Mining is retrieved from sum of
Coal Mining Weight hourly production that has MCD
Material “(MCD-CM-01) Coal
Mining”. (Exclude General)
12. Daily Actual Ritasi x Capacity Daily Actual Production – Coal
Production – Or Intermediate is retrieved from
Coal Weight sum of hourly production that has
Intermediate MCD Material “(MCD-CM-02) Coal
Intermediate”. (Exclude General)
13. Daily Actual Ritasi x Capacity Daily Actual Production – CT is
Production – Or retrieved from sum of hourly
CT Weight production that has MCD Material
“(MCD-CT-01) Coal Transport”.
(Exclude General)
14. Adjust Joint Total JS - Actual Truck Count is
ActualTC x retrieved from Actual Truck
Total TC
Count Production for that day
in Record Hourly Production.
- Total Joint Survey is retrieved
from inputted Fixed Joint
Survey in module Record Joint
- Total Truck Count
Production is retrieved from
Total Truck Count Production
in module Record Joint
15. Daily N/A Daily Production Plan – DSP is
Production retrieved from average of every
Plan – DSP shift DSP for selected SD Material
on that date.
17. Daily AR+ AS - t = 24 hours – duration of all
DSP−( DSP x )
t shift activities in Roster.
Plan – DSP - Actual Rain and Slippery is
with Actual AR = Actual Rain duration (in hour) of rain and
Rain and AS = Actual Slippery
Slippery slippery happened on that date
(from Record Work Hour).
18. Daily Production per minute x  Daily Production Plan –
Production Available Time in selected date Internal is retrieved from
Plan – Internal Record Yearly Production
(¿ minutes)
Target that has target type
 Production per minute=¿
Monthy Plan
Available time
¿ a month(minute )

Available time ∈a month=∑ ( Available time pe

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Ref Column Name Formula Remarks

for a month

 A vailable time per day=¿

per day ( ¿ minute ) ¿ –
Activity(¿ minute ))
19. Daily Production per minute x  Daily Production Plan – BOC
Production Available Time∈selected date is retrieved from Record Yearly
Plan - BOC Production Target that has
(¿ minutes)
target type BOC.
 Production per minute=¿
Monthy Plan
Available time
¿ a month(minute )

Available time ∈a month=∑ ( Available time pe
for a month

 Available time per day =¿

per day ( ¿ minute ) ¿ –
(¿ minute ))
20. MTD Actual MTD Actual Production N/A
Production – OB +TS+ Mud
21. MTD Actual N/A MTD Actual Production – OB is
Production – retrieved from sum of actual
OB production for MCD Material
“(MCD-WR-01) Overburden”
exclude general calculated from
the 1st of month until the selected
date (in selection screen) in
Record Hourly Production.
22. MTD Actual N/A MTD Actual Production – Soil is
Production – retrieved from sum of actual
Soil production for MCD Material
“(MCD-WR-04) Soil”, “(MCD-WR-
05) Top Soil”, and “(MCD-WR-06)
Sub Soil” exclude general
calculated from the 1st of month
until the selected date (in selection
screen) in Record Hourly
23. MTD Actual N/A MTD Actual Production – Mud is
Production – retrieved from sum of actual
Mud production for MCD Material
“(MCD-WR-02) Mud Liquid” and
“(MCD-WR-03) Mud Solid”

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Ref Column Name Formula Remarks

exclude general calculated from
the 1st of month until the selected
date (in selection screen) in
Record Hourly Production.
24. MTD Actual N/A MTD Actual Production –
Production – Parting is retrieved from sum of
Parting actual production for MCD
Material “(MCD-WR-07) Parting
Fine Coal” exclude general
calculated from the 1st of month
until the selected date (in selection
screen) in Record Hourly
25. MTD Actual N/A MTD Actual Production –
Production – General is retrieved from Sum of
General actual production for MCD
Material WR/CM/CT which
General checkbox is ticked
calculated from the 1st of month
until the selected date (in selection
screen) in Record Hourly
26. MTD Actual N/A MTD Actual Production –
Production – Blasting is retrieved from sum of
Blasting actual production WR Type
Blasting exclude general
calculated from the 1st of month
until the selected date (in selection
screen) in Record Hourly
27. MTD Actual N/A MTD Actual Production –
Production – Ripping is retrieved from sum of
Ripping actual production WR Type
Ripping exclude general
calculated from the 1st of month
until the selected date (in selection
screen) in Record Hourly
28. MTD Actual N/A MTD Actual Production – Free
Production – Dig is retrieved from sum of actual
Free Dig production WR Type Free Dig
exclude general calculated from
the 1st of month until the selected
date (in selection screen) in
Record Hourly Production.
29. MTD Actual N/A MTD Actual Production – Coal
Production – Mining is retrieved from sum of
Coal Mining actual production MCD Material
“MCD-CM-01) Coal Mining”
exclude general calculated from
the 1st of month until the selected
date (in selection screen) in

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Ref Column Name Formula Remarks

Record Hourly Production.
30. MTD Actual N/A MTD Actual Production – Coal
Production – Intermediate is retrieved from
Coal sum of actual production MCD
Intermediate Material “(MCD-CM-02) Coal
Intermediate” exclude general
calculated from the 1st of month
until the selected date (in selection
screen) in Record Hourly
31. MTD Actual N/A MTD Actual Production – CT is
Production – retrieved from sum of actual
CT production MCD Material “(MCD-
CT-01) Coal Transport” exclude
general calculated from the
beginning of the 1st of month until
the selected date (in selection
screen) in Record Hourly
32. MTD N/A MTD Production Plan – DSP is
Production retrieved from total of production
Plan – DSP plan for all SD Material Group
calculated from the beginning of
the 1st of month until the selected
date (in selection screen) in
Transaction Daily Strategic Plan.
33. MTD N/A MTD Production Plan – Internal
Production is retrieved from total of production
Plan – Internal plan which target type is Internal
calculated from the 1st of month
until the selected date (in selection
screen) in Yearly Production
34. MTD N/A MTD Production Plan – BOC is
Production retrieved from total of production
Plan – BOC plan which target type is BOC
calculated from the 1st of month
until the selected date (in selection
screen) in Yearly Production
35. YTD Actual YTD Actual Production N/A
Production – OB +TS+ Mud
36. YTD Actual N/A YTD Actual Production – OB is
Production – retrieved from sum of actual
OB production for MCD Material
“(MCD-WR-01) Overburden”
exclude general calculated from
the beginning of the year until the
selected date (in selection screen)
in Record Hourly Production.
37. YTD Actual N/A YTD Actual Production – Soil is

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Ref Column Name Formula Remarks

Production – retrieved from sum of actual
Soil production for MCD Material
“(MCD-WR-04) Soil”, “(MCD-WR-
05) Top Soil”, and “(MCD-WR-06)
Sub Soil” exclude general
calculated from the beginning of
the year until the selected date (in
selection screen) in Record Hourly
38. YTD Actual N/A YTD Actual Production – Mud is
Production – retrieved from sum of actual
Mud production for MCD Material
“(MCD-WR-02) Mud Liquid” and
“(MCD-WR-03) Mud Solid”
exclude general calculated from
the beginning of the year until the
selected date (in selection screen)
in Record Hourly Production.
39. YTD Actual N/A YTD Actual Production –
Production – Parting is retrieved from sum of
Parting actual production for MCD
Material “(MCD-WR-07) Parting
Fine Coal” exclude general
calculated from the beginning of
the year until the selected date (in
selection screen) in Record Hourly
40. YTD Actual N/A YTD Actual Production –
Production – General is retrieved from sum of
General actual production for MCD
Material WR/CM/CT which
General checkbox is ticked
calculated from the beginning of
the year until the selected date (in
selection screen) in Record Hourly
41. YTD Actual N/A YTD Actual Production –
Production – Blasting is retrieved from sum of
Blasting actual production WR Type
Blasting exclude general
calculated from calculated from
the beginning of the year until the
selected date in Record Hourly
42. YTD Actual N/A YTD Actual Production –
Production – Ripping is retrieved from sum of
Ripping actual production WR Type
Ripping exclude general
calculated from calculated from
the beginning of the year until the
selected date (in selection screen)
in Record Hourly Production.

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Ref Column Name Formula Remarks

43. YTD Actual N/A YTD Actual Production – Free
Production – Dig is retrieved from sum of actual
Free Dig production WR Type Free Dig
calculated exclude general from
calculated from the beginning of
the year until the selected date (in
selection screen) in Record Hourly
44. YTD Actual N/A YTD Actual Production – Coal
Production – Mining is retrieved from sum of
Coal Mining actual production MCD Material
“(MCD-CM-01) Coal Mining”
exclude general calculated from
the beginning of the year until the
selected date (in selection screen)
in Record Hourly Production.
45. YTD Actual N/A YTD Actual Production – Coal
Production – Intermediate is retrieved from
Coal sum of actual production MCD
Intermediate Material “(MCD-CM-02) Coal
Intermediate” exclude general
calculated from the beginning of
the year until the selected date (in
selection screen) in Record Hourly
46. YTD Actual N/A YTD Actual Production – CT is
Production – retrieved from sum of actual
CT production MCD Material “(MCD-
CT-01) Coal Transport” exclude
general calculated from the
beginning of the year until the
selected date (in selection screen)
in Record Hourly Production.
47. YTD N/A YTD Production Plan – DSP is
Production retrieved from total of production
Plan – DSP plan for all SD Material Group
calculated from the beginning of
the year until the selected date (in
selection screen) in Transaction
Daily Strategic Plan.
48. YTD N/A YTD Production Plan – Internal
Production is retrieved from total of production
Plan – Internal plan which target type is Internal
calculated from the beginning of
the year until the selected date (in
selection screen) in Yearly
Production Target.
49 YTD N/A YTD Production Plan – BOC is
Production retrieved from total of production
Plan – BOC plan which target type is BOC
calculated from the beginning of
the year until the selected date (in

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Ref Column Name Formula Remarks

selection screen) in Yearly
Production Target.
50. Daily Actual Total - Actual Rain is retrieved from
Rain activity
( Actual Production per Loader x ¿ Actual Rain that has Time
per Loader)
Total Production Description “Rain” in record
Work Hour based on Site and
selected Date.
- Actual Production is retrieved
from actual per loader in
Record Hourly Production
based on Site and selected
- Total Production is retrieved
from sum of production of all
Loader based on Site and
selected Date.
51. Daily Actual Total - Actual Slippery is retrieved
Slippery from activity
( Actual Production per Loader x ¿ Actual Slippery that )has Time
per Loader
Total Production Description “Slippery” in record
Work Hour based on Site and
selected Date.
- Actual Production is retrieved
from actual per loader in
Record Hourly Production
based on Site and selected
- Total Production is retrieved
from sum of production of all
Loader based on Site and
selected Date.
52. Daily Rain Plan Rain Month x - Daily Rain Reforecast is
x 60 retrieved from rain duration
(n Days∈ Month x−nholiday )
plan in Master Roster which
type is Reforecast in minutes.
- Month x = Get month on
selected date
- n days = total days in month x
- n holidays = total holidays in
month x. If holiday is < 1 day,
n holiday=¿
holiday duration (hour)
24 hours

53. Daily Slippery Plan Slippery Month x - Daily Slippery Reforecast is

x 60 retrieved from slippery duration
(n Days∈ Month x−nholiday )
plan in Master Roster which
type is Reforecast in minutes.
- Month x = Get month on
selected date
- n days = total days in month x
- n holidays = total holidays in

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month x. If holiday is < 1 day,
n holiday=¿
holiday duration (hour)
24 hours

54. Daily Rain Plan Rain Month x - Daily Rain Budget is retrieved
x 60 from rain duration plan in
(n Days∈ Month x−nholiday )
Master Roster which type is
Budget in minutes.
- Month x = Get month on
selected date
- n days = total days in month x
- n holidays = total holidays in
month x. If holiday is < 1 day,
n holiday=¿
holiday duration (hour)
24 hours

55. Daily Slippery Plan Slippery Month x - Daily Slippery Budget is

x 60 retrieved from slippery duration
(n Days∈ Month x−nholiday )
plan in Master Roster which
type is Budget in minutes.
- Month x = Get month on
selected date
- n days = total days in month x
- n holidays = total holidays in
month x. If holiday is < 1 day,
n holiday=¿
holiday duration (hour)
24 hours

56. MTD Rain Total - Actual Rain is retrieved from

Actual activity
( Actual Production per Loader x ¿ Actual Rain that has Time
per Loader)
Total Production Description “Rain” in record
Work Hour calculated from the
1st of the month until the
selected date.
- Actual Production is retrieved
from actual per loader in
Record Hourly Production
calculated from the 1st of the
month until the selected date.
- Total Production is retrieved
from sum of production of all
Loader based on Site
calculated from the 1st of the
month until the selected date.

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Ref Column Name Formula Remarks

57. MTD Slippery Total - Actual Slippery is retrieved
Actual from activity
( Actual Production per Loader x ¿ Actual Slippery that )has Time
per Loader
Total Production Description “Slippery” in record
Work Hour calculated from the
1st of the month until the
selected date.
- Actual Production is retrieved
from actual per loader in
Record Hourly Production
calculated from the 1st of the
month until the selected date.
- Total Production is retrieved
from sum of production of all
Loader based on Site
calculated from the 1st of the
month until the selected date.
58. YTD Rain Total - Actual Rain is retrieved from
Actual activity
( Actual Production per Loader x ¿ Actual Rain that has Time
per Loader)
Total Production Description “Rain” in record
Work Hour calculated from the
beginning of the year until the
selected date.
- Actual Production is retrieved
from actual per loader in
Record Hourly Production
calculated from the beginning
of the year until the selected
- Total Production is retrieved
from sum of production of all
Loader based on Site
calculated from the beginning
of the year until the selected
59. YTD Slippery Total - Actual Slippery is retrieved
Actual from activity
( Actual Production per Loader x ¿ Actual Slippery that )has Time
per Loader
Total Production Description “Slippery” in record
Work Hour calculated from the
beginning of the year until the
selected date.
- Actual Production is retrieved
from actual per loader in
Record Hourly Production
calculated from the beginning
of the year until the selected
- Total Production is retrieved
from sum of production of all
Loader based on Site
calculated from the beginning
of the year until the selected

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Table 2 Column Description for Detail Level

Column Name Formula Remarks
Double clicked transaction date in
1. Date N/A
header level.
2. Hour N/A Show every hour on the day.
Actual hourly production is retrieved
3. Actual Hourly N/A
from Record Hourly Production.
Plan per Minute x  Plan Hourly is retrieved from
Total Working per Hour calculated daily plan in Transaction
(¿ minute ) Daily Strategic Plan.
 Plan Per minute =¿
Total Plan DSP ¿ all shift ¿
4. Plan Hourly Total Working roster
per Day(¿ minute )
 Total Working per hour =¿
( ¿ minute ) ¿ –
Shift Activities
duration ( ¿ minute ) ¿
Actual Daily is retrieved from
5. Actual Daily N/A accumulated actual hourly for that
Daily Production Plan – DSP is
6. DSP N/A retrieved from accumulated plan
hourly for that day.

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Cb0 Dt02 Btn0




Figure 3 Selection Screen for Report Daily Production

Table 3 CAR Diagram for Selection Screen

Control Action /
Ref. Control Response Remarks
Type Event
1. Cb01 Combobo N/A N/A Show Site’s ID and Site’s Name
2. Cb02 Combobo N/A Show SD Material
3. Dt01 Date N/A N/A Filled with From Date
Picker (Transaction Date)
4. Dt02 Date N/A N/A Filled with To Date (Transaction
Picker Date)
5. Btn01 Button On Click Refresh data Report N/A
Daily Production –
Header Level data
based on selected
Site, From Date, and
To Date
6. Grd01 Gridview N/A Show Report Daily If double clicked on specific row,
Production – Header then will display Report Daily
Level data Production – Detail Level data

Security and Authorization Check

Access to this report is granted to Supervisor MCD – Engineering, Supervisor MCD - Operation

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No. Possible Errors Notification Procedures

1. Field Site is empty Display error message: “Site cannot be empty”
2. From Date is empty Display error message: “From Date cannot be empty”
3. To Date is empty Display error message: “To Date cannot be empty”
4. To Date is filled more than 31 Display error message: “The maximum difference
days between From Date and To Date is 31 days”


No. Test Condition Expected Results

1. Display Report Daily Report Daily Production Data is displayed
Production Data

Test Data

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