Bre Digest 522 Parts 1 2 Hardcore For Supporting Ground Floors of Buildings

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DG 522 Part 1
Part 1: Selecting and specifying materials

Ian Longworth, BRE Associate

This Digest provides guidance to engineers

and builders on selecting and placing material
for use as hardcore in building construction. It
takes account of recent standards for specifying
aggregate materials for use as hardcore, ensuring
that the material is both physically stable and
chemically inert.
In Part 1 candidate materials are reviewed,
including recycled and secondary materials
that are currently being promoted for use in
construction as a sustainable option. Simplified
recommendations for common situations are given Figure 1: Hardcore within the foundation of a building. To
in Section 6. the right the hardcore is being blinded with sand to await the
Part 2 deals with placing and compacting laying of a damp-proof membrane and insulation.
hardcore material. It also reviews some unsuitable
materials that were used for hardcore before the Some of the materials and placing procedures used
mid-1970s, both as a cautionary note for current in the past have not met these requirements and there
specifiers and as a guide for professionals dealing has been consequent damage to buildings. The principal
with a legacy of unstable hardcore problems in occurrences have been chemical attack by hardcore
existing buildings. materials on concrete, settlement due to poor compaction,
This Digest replaces Digest 276, which is now and swelling or consolidation due to changes in water
withdrawn. content and/or chemical instability. Because of these
past failures, Approved Document C of The Building
Regulations 2010 (England and Wales)[1] includes, at
Clause 4.7(a), the requirement for a ‘well-compacted
1 WHAT IS HARDCORE? hardcore bed, no greater than 600 mm deep, of clean,
‘Hardcore’ is the construction term used to denote broken brick or similar inert material, free from materials
‘engineered’ infill material that is placed within the confines including water-soluble sulfates in quantities that could
of a building foundation (after removal of any unsuitable damage the concrete’. The significance of these various
ground layers) in order to support a ground-bearing floor characteristics is discussed in Section 3 (see the Appendix
slab (Figure 1). Typical of older buildings, the term also refers for alternative text for other UK countries).
to material used to support an ‘oversite’ concrete slab, which In civil engineering terminology, material used for
carries sleeper walls beneath a suspended timber floor. As hardcore may be termed, according to context, an
such, the hardcore must provide a firm, dry, level base, at an ‘unbound material’ or an ‘unbound mixture’ made up
appropriate height. Materials for hardcore should be granular of aggregates. ‘Aggregate’ here is a general term for any
and drain and compact readily, as well as being chemically granular material used in construction, while ‘unbound’
inert and not affected by water. They should also be well indicates that the material has no binding agent such as
compacted in layers of appropriate thickness. asphalt or cement.

This Digest describes materials for hardcore that The supporting Approved Document explains the ways
conform to commonly used specifications and are in which the suitability of material for use for a particular
examples of best practice. Their inclusion is not purpose may be assessed. For hardcore these ways include:
meant to exclude the use of materials specified by • conformity with a British or European Standard;
any alternative procedure that results in material that • certification by an independent certification
is demonstrably fit for purpose for use as hardcore in scheme, eg one accredited to the United Kingdom
particular situations. Accreditation Service (UKAS);
• tests and calculations; and
• past experience, eg satisfactory performance as in a
building in use.
The use of hardcore to support floors of buildings is Material for use as hardcore in buildings needs to provide
appropriate only where the underlying ground is stable. stable and adequately strong support for the ground floor
The use of hardcore is not recommended where: slab and any superimposed loads during the working life
• the existing ground contains vegetative soil or organic of the building. Usually it will not be possible to rectify
matter including tree roots – this layer should be any post-construction problem originating in the hardcore
removed to leave an even bearing surface; without major disruption for building occupants and high
• the existing ground contains non-engineered fill; remedial costs.
• the existing ground comprises a clay soil that may For this reason, the selection of material for hardcore
shrink or swell significantly owing to changes in must be undertaken with due care. In this context, it is
moisture content, such as that associated with the relevant to note that material intended for the subbase
growth or removal of nearby trees; of highways is often used as hardcore in buildings.
• the existing ground comprises soft natural ground While such subbase material generally does have all the
that may consolidate or compress significantly under properties needed for hardcore, the Highways Agency
superimposed load; or specifications for this material allow for it to be sometimes
• a hardcore thickness of greater than 600 mm would be less dimensionally stable and more chemically active
required at any location for residential buildings. than is appropriate for use within the rigid confines of a
building foundation and floor slab. Such marginal physical
Additionally, the advice of an appropriately qualified and chemical stability has been increasingly common in
engineer should be sought where: recent years, during which the specification for subbase
• for non-residential buildings the thickness of hardcore has been extended to include greater use of recycled and
required to support a floor needs to be greater than secondary materials of marginal quality.
600 mm at any location within the foundations; or The essential characteristics of material to be used as
• there is a potential for any upward groundwater flow hardcore are that it is:
into hardcore. • straightforward to handle, place and compact within
the confines of a building foundation;
In the case of low-rise residential buildings, where any of • capable of supporting the floor and superimposed
the foregoing limiting ground conditions are encountered loads without compression;
the use of suspended concrete floors is widely • dimensionally stable after placement, ie it must not be
recommended. prone to expansion or compression;
• physically unaffected by change in water content;
• biologically inert, ie free from organic matter that
might decay or sustain fungal growth;
3 SELECTION OF APPROPRIATE MATERIAL FOR • chemically inert, ie free of any substance that might
HARDCORE react within the hardcore material causing volume
3.1 A framework for material selection change, or that might attack adjacent construction
A good starting point for selecting materials for hardcore elements; and
is the Approved Document to support Regulation 7 • radioactively inert, eg not an emitter of radon gas.
of The Building Regulations 2010 (England and
Wales)[2]. This is a document that is often overlooked One ideal material that will usually satisfy the above is clean,
since it is not labelled with a letter, unlike the other well-graded, granular aggregate comprising crushed hard
Approved Documents. Building Regulation 7 states the rock (the rock should be crushed so that it passes through
‘requirement’ that: the holes of a 63 mm test sieve, and then sorted so that the
‘Building work shall be carried out: product has a fairly even gradation of particle sizes such that
a. with adequate and proper materials which: smaller particles will readily fill voids that would otherwise
i. are appropriate for the circumstances in which they be left between larger particles). The maximum particle size
are used; is chosen here to be compatible with compaction of the
ii. are adequately mixed or prepared; and hardcore in placement layers of the order of 150–200 mm,
iii. are applied, used or fixed so as adequately to which is the typical thickness possible with types of
perform the functions for which they are designed.’ compaction plant appropriate for use within buildings.

The above term ‘clean’ requires the material to be The set of standards came into full force in 2004,
free of any component or contaminating substance that when conflicting British Standards, such as BS 812,
renders it unfit for purpose. In respect of material made formerly used for aggregates, were withdrawn. The first
up entirely of naturally occurring rock, ‘clean’ may be and second tiers of standards are concerned with the
taken to mean that the material: testing of aggregate materials. These support, in order of
• does not contain water-soluble sulfates in amounts that dependence:
may result in sulfate attack to adjacent cementitious or 1. (Third tier) BS EN 13242:2002+A1:2007[3]. This
metallic building components; standard specifies aggregates from individual sources
• does not contain potentially reactive pyrite or for use as unbound materials in civil engineering work.
pyrrhotite in amounts that may result in material As well as aggregates from primary sources such as
expansion or lead to formation of damaging levels of rock, gravel and sand, also included are aggregates
sulfates (see Section 3.2); and recycled from use in previous construction, and
• does not contain clay or silt-sized material (ie particles ‘secondary’ sources such as blastfurnace slag and steel
smaller than 0.063 mm) in amounts that make the slag that are a by-product of metal production.
material difficult to compact owing to the development 2. (Fourth tier) BS EN 13285:2010[4]. This standard
of excess pore water; make it frost susceptible; or specifies aggregates for use in unbound mixtures
make it prone to volume change as water content ‘used for construction of roads, airfields and other
varies. In an otherwise well-graded coarse material the trafficked areas’ and within this general application is
fines content should ideally be no more than about aimed primarily at the use of material for bases and
10%. subbases of pavements. It may therefore be regarded
as an ‘end-use’ specification. The specified mixtures
In practice, a range of source materials may be suitable are composite materials characterised by having a
for use as hardcore, either constituting the whole of the controlled grading, which ranges from fine through to
product or contributing to an appropriately proportioned coarse. In the terminology of BS EN 13242:2002[3],
mixture. Such source materials may include gravel and such mixtures are ‘all-in’ aggregates having a lower
sand from natural sources, and crushed concrete and limiting sieve size (‘d’) of zero (see Box 1). They may
crushed bricks that are recycled following demolition of also be a combination of aggregates from different
buildings and structures. In each case the material must sources, say a mixture of crushed rock and sand/gravel
be capable of being well compacted and, in its own or a mixture containing both primary and recycled
terms, be ‘clean’, ie the quantities of any ‘contaminants’ aggregates.
are insignificant. In the case of recycled materials this 3. (Fifth tier) Highways Agency Specification for
means, in particular, that the material should be free of Highway Works (SHW), Series 800: Road pavements
any organic material such as timber, should not contain – unbound mixtures for subbase, Clauses 801–805
deleterious amounts of sulfates (such as might be found (2004 onwards)[5]. SHW Series 800 is an end-use
in some types of brick and in adhering gypsum plaster) specification for subbase material. It dates back
and should not contain any materials that could harm several decades but was radically amended in 2004
construction/repair workers (such as asbestos). so that it conformed to the European Standards for
It is apparent from the foregoing discussion that the aggregates. To a large extent it now aligns with the
selection of material for use as hardcore should never be specification methodology and categories for aggregate
a casual process based on, say, just visual assessment and mixtures set out in BS EN 13285:2010[4] (see Box 1).
presumed knowledge of the material. Rather the material Where specific geometrical or physical properties of
should be proved by appropriate testing to conform to a aggregates need to be included that are relevant to
specification that has been found to be appropriate for specification of subbase, they are required to comply
end use as hardcore. with selected requirements of BS EN 13242:2002[3].
In the case of granular aggregates used in construction, As an end-use specification, it has the right to override
such specifications are currently provided by a suite of the requirements of the European Standards where
UK-adopted European Standards for aggregates and by deemed appropriate. It does this in respect of the
end-use specifications that conform directly with these. requirements for limiting sulfur species in the subbase
Figure 2 shows the key standards that have a bearing on material, alternatively adopting the nomenclature and
the specification of material for use as hardcore and how test procedures given in TRL Report TRL447[6] (see
these are interdependent. Box 2).
End-use specifications for
Specification for Highway Works
Volume 1: Series 800:2005 aggregate materials
Road pavements – Unbound, cement and
Annexes to PD 6682-6:2009 other hydraulically bound mixtures
Annex C: Example specification for Clause 801: General requirements
fill material Clause 802: Transport, laying, compaction
Annex D: Example specification and trafficking of unbound mixtures
for unbound subbases for road Clause 803: Type 1 unbound mixtures
pavements Clause 804: Type 2 unbound mixtures

Standards for specification

BS EN 13285:2010 of mixtures of aggregate
Unbound mixtures – Specifications materials

Standards for specification

PD 6682 of single-source aggregate
Aggregates materials
Part 6: 2009 Aggregates for unbound BS EN 13242:2002+A1:2007
PD 6682 and hydraulically bound materials Aggregates for unbound and
Aggregates for use in civil engineering works and hydraulically bound materials
Part 9: 2003 Guidance on the use road construction – Guidance on the for use in civil engineering
of European test method standards use of BS EN 13242 works and road construction

Standards for sampling and

testing of aggregate materials
BS EN 932 BS EN 933 BS EN 1097 BS EN 1744 TRL Report TRL447 (2005)
Tests for general properties of aggregates Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates Tests for mechanical and physical Tests for chemical properties of Sulfate specification for
Part 1: 1997 Methods for sampling Part 1: 1997 Determination of particle size properties of aggregates aggregates structural backfills
Part 2: 1999 Methods for reducing distribution – Sieving method Part 2: 2010 Methods for the Part 1: 2009 Chemical analysis (Tests for determining amounts

laboratory samples Part 3: 1997 Determination of particle determination of resistance to Part 3: 2002 Preparation of of sulfate and pyrite in
Part 3: 1997 Procedure and terminology shape – Flakiness index fragmentation eluates by leaching of aggregates aggregates)
for simplified petrographic description Part 4: 2008 Determination of particle Part 5: 2008 Determination of the water
shape – Shape index content by drying in a ventilated oven
Part 11: 2009 Classification test for the Part 6: 2000 Determination of particle
constituents of course recycled aggregate density and water absorption

Standards for test apparatus

BS EN 932 BS EN 933
Tests for general properties of aggregates Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates
Part 5: 2000 Common equipment and Part 2: 1996 Determination of particle size
calibration distribution – Test sieves – Nominal size of apertures

Figure 2: Relationship between key standards used for specification of aggregate for unbound mixtures

Box 1: Understanding the grading of aggregates in the new standards

Getting to grips with the extensive collection of new European-orientated standards in respect of specification of aggregate materials
can be a daunting task due to the fact that new test procedures are used to determine some key characteristics such as grading, fines
content and sulfate content, and most parameters are expressed in new ‘categories’ represented by new symbols. Mindful of this, two
UK guidance documents have been issued by BSI, the first[7] in respect of European test method standards and the second[8] on the
use of BS EN 13242, the principal standard for specifying aggregates from single sources.
Grading unbound aggregates
An example of the new complexity can be seen from consideration of the procedure for grading unbound aggregates. In
BS EN 13242:2002+A1:2007[3], particle size grading is now described in terms of a lower limiting sieve size (‘d’) and an upper
limiting sieve size (‘D’) and denoted as d/D. The sizes d and D are selected from a list of newly prescribed sieve sizes. For UK
unbound materials, these sizes are (in mm): 1, 2, 2.8, 4, 6.3, 8, 10, 14, 16, 20, 31.5, 40, 63 and 80. Thus a particular aggregate may
first be designated (‘d/D’) as being, say, 4/40 or 6.3/14.
Aggregates may next be designated as either GC (coarse), GF (fine) or GA (all-in) where:
• coarse is for d ≥ 2 mm and D ≥ 6.3 mm;
• fine is for d = 0 mm and D ≤ 4 mm; and
• all-in is for d = 0 and D ≥ 6.3 mm.
Therefore 4/40 and 6.3/14 are both designated as grading category GC.
A ‘grading/tolerance’ category is now suffixed. For coarse aggregate, this is expressed as X/Y, where X is the required minimum
percentage passing sieve size D, and Y is the maximum percentage allowed to pass sieve size d. For coarse aggregates, a likely
material for use as hardcore, the recommended minimum percentage of material passing sieve D can be either 80% or 85% and
the maximum percentage of material passing sieve d can be 15% or 20%. Thus for a coarse aggregate we may define a ‘category’ as
GC 85/15 or GC 80/20. The combined designation will therefore be of the form d/D GC X/Y, eg 4/40 GC 85/15. Note that X pertains to
D, and not to d, as might have been expected from their relative positions.
For all-in aggregate where the lower limiting sieve size, d, is always set to zero, the size and grading/tolerance category is simplified
to the form d/D GA X, eg 0/40 GA 80, where the minimum percentage of material passing sieve D = 40 is 80%.
So far we have not considered maximum particle size. This is set at 2 x D, but for practical purposes may be taken as equal to
1.4 x D, since for any aggregate ‘category’ there is a requirement for 98–100% of material to pass a 1.4 D sieve size.
BS EN 13242 has an additional category, denoted GT, which can be suffixed to the foregoing to control the percentage of material
passing the mid-size sieve D/2, but this appears to be much less used by material suppliers.
Proceeding up the standards chain to BS EN 13285:2010[4] (essentially an end-use standard for aggregate mixtures used in base
and subbase construction), one encounters additional grading requirements with different nomenclature. As with BS EN 13242, the
upper and lower size limits are controlled by the d and D sieves, but with d always equal to zero, as in the all-in aggregate category
of BS EN 13242. However, unlike aggregate specified under BS EN 13242, no grading/tolerance category is suffixed to control the
minimum percentage of material passing sieve D. Instead a different parameter is used, termed ‘oversize category’, and denoted as
OC75, OC80, OC85 or OC90, where the affixed number is the minimum percentage of material passing sieve D.
Additionally under BS EN 13285, mid-range grading requirements are more tightly specified to ensure that the end product is
well graded. For example, a grading category GE is defined for a 0/31.5 mixture (d = 0, D = 31.5) that has 75–99% passing sieve
D = 31.5 mm, 50–90% passing sieve D/2 = 16 mm, 30–75% passing sieve D/4 = 8 mm, 15–60% passing sieve D/8 = 4 mm and
0–35% passing a 1 mm sieve.
A fairly similar grading category, GP , is also defined for a 0/31.5 mixture, but with a more tightly controlled grading.
At the top of the hierarchy of standards (Figure 2) sits SHW Series 800[5]. Clauses 801–805 of this series comprise an end-
use specification for the use of unbound aggregate mixtures in subbase of road pavements. In respect of mixture and grading
requirements, this conforms with BS EN 13285 by specifying:
• mixture designation (d/D), eg 0/31.5 for both Type 1 and Type 2 unbound mixtures;
• oversize category, eg OC75 for both Type 1 and Type 2 unbound mixtures; and
• overall grading, eg GP for Type 1 unbound mixture and GE for Type 2 unbound mixture.
Limiting excess fines content in subbase materials
A high proportion of fines can be troublesome both in respect of compaction and long-term stability. The foregoing requirement
of lower limiting sieve size d = 0 does not cater for this. Instead a ‘maximum value of fines’ category is introduced in
BS EN 13242:2002+A1:2007[3], with the requirement that it be determined as the percentage passing a 0.063 mm sieve using the
procedure given in test standard BS EN 933-1:1997[9]. For all-in material the maximum value of fines has six categories, denoted f3, f5,
f7, f9, f12 and f15, where the numerical suffix is the percentage passing the 0.063 mm sieve.
The concept is carried forward to unbound mixtures standard BS EN 13285:2010[4] where identical numerical categories are
specified for ‘maximum fines content’, but now denoted as UF3, UF5, UF7, UF9, UF12 and UF15. It is the latter set of categories that
are adopted by SHW Series 800, Clauses 801–805, with UF9 (≤ 9% passing a 0.063 mm sieve) being specified for both Type 1 and
Type 2 unbound mixtures for subbase.

Box 2: Recommended test procedures and nomenclature for sulfur species

The following tests and nomenclature used for sulfur species are those currently used in the UK for the assessment of unbound
materials for use in highway pavements (eg as used in SHW Series 800[5]), and also for the assessment of ground into which concrete
will be placed (eg as used in BRE Special Digest SD 1[10]). The quoted test procedures are taken from TRL447[6]. Cross reference is
made to European aggregate standards BS EN 1744-1:2009[11] and BS EN 13242:2002+A1:2007[3] where appropriate.
Determination of water-soluble sulfate (WS)
In this test water-soluble sulfate is extracted from a 2:1 mixture of water and dry sample (by mass). This test is designed specifically
as an index test for aggressiveness to concrete and intentionally does not measure all sulfates present. Rather, it preferentially extracts
the more soluble sulfates (ie those with magnesium, potassium and sodium cations), these being the most harmful to concrete. The
amount of calcium sulfate (gypsum, selenite, anhydrite) that is extracted from the material under test is capped at 1440 mg/l SO4
owing to its low solubility. This is intended, since calcium sulfate is not as aggressive to concrete as the more soluble sulfates.
The procedure recommended for determination is that given as ‘Test No. 1 – Determination of water-soluble sulfur (WSS)’ in
TRL447[6]. Following sulfate extraction using a 2:1 mixture of water and crushed aggregate, the element sulfur is detected in the
extract solution by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) analysis. This result is first expressed for
calculation purposes as a percentage of sulfur (%S) in the extract solution. Then, using the known volume of the extract solution and
the initial dried sample mass, the determined sulfur is calculated as %S of the dry sample mass, this being termed ‘WSS’ (water-
soluble sulfur). From this result the mass of water-soluble sulfate (WS) in one litre of extract water is calculated using the formula:
WS mg/l SO4 = 15x 1000 x WSS %S
WS mg/l SO4 is the index parameter needed for reference to tables of aggressiveness to concrete, as given in BRE SD 1[10] and
BS EN 8500:2006[12].
(a) Clause 10.1 of BS EN 1744-1:2009[11] likewise specifies a 2:1 water:sample extract method for determination of water-soluble
sulfate content of aggregates, but the result is expressed as a percentage of dry sample mass (in either %SO3 or %SO4), so it is not easy
to use it in the UK for consideration of aggressiveness to concrete.
(b) BS EN 13242:2002+A1:2007[3] does not define any categories in respect of water-soluble sulfate content of natural aggregates. It
does so for recycled aggregates (denoted SS0.2 etc.), but for this material testing is tied to Clause 10.2 of BS EN 1744-1:2009[11], which
uses a radically different 40:1 hot water:sample extract method, thereby producing a result that is more akin to ‘total sulfate’.
Determination of acid-soluble sulfate (AS), also termed ‘total sulfate’
This test is used to determine the total of all easily-soluble sulfates that may be present in the ground or as a construction material.
The sulfate is extracted by boiling a sample of pulverised material in dilute hydrochloric acid. Pyrite is generally left untouched by the
acid extraction.
The recommended procedure is that given as ‘Test No. 2 – Determination of acid-soluble sulfur (ASS)’ in TRL447[6]. Following
extraction, sulfur is detected in the acidic sulfate solution by ICP-AES analysis. The result, termed ‘ASS’, is expressed as a percentage
of sulfur in the initial dry sample mass. The final step of the procedure is to determine the required acid-soluble sulfate (AS) using the
AS %SO4 = 3 x ASS %S
Clause 12 of BS EN 1744-1:2009[11] specifies a similar method for determination of acid-soluble sulfate content of aggregates, with
the result optionally being expressed as %SO4. Table 13 of BS EN 13242:2002+A1:2007[3] defines categories that use these results,
the principal ones being AS0.2 for sulfate ≤ 0.2% and AS0.8 for sulfate ≤ 0.8%. The ≤ 0.2% value equates to 2000 mg/kg SO4, which
is the lower limit for the lowest sulfate exposure Class XA1 of Table 2 of European concrete standard BS EN 206-1:2000[13]. However,
the latter classification is passed over in BS 8500:2006[12], the UK Annex to BS EN 206-1:2000[13], in favour of sulfate aggressiveness
based on water-soluble sulfate (WS).
Determination of total sulfur (TS)
Total sulfur is defined as the total of all sulfur present as sulfate + any that is present as sulfide (including pyrite) + any that is present
in any organic matter. The recommended procedure is that given as ‘Test No. 4B – Rapid high temperature combustion analysis’ in
TRL447[6]. The sample is subjected to combustion in an induction furnace through which pure oxygen is passed. The sulfur is evolved
as sulfur dioxide, which is measured by an infrared detector. The test is rapid, taking only a few minutes to get computer-processed
results. The result is expressed in %S as a percentage of the initial dry sample mass. But, for determination of pyrite content, the
equivalent sulfate mass is first needed, where SO4 = 3 x S.
(a) Clause 11.2 of BS EN 1744-1:2009[11] specifies a similar high temperature combustion method for determination of sulfur content
of aggregates, with the result being expressed as %S.
(b) Table 14 of BS EN 13242:2002+A1:2007[3] defines categories that use these results, the principal one being S1 for total sulfur
≤ 1%.

Box 2 (cont’d): Recommended test procedures and nomenclature for sulfur species

Determination of pyrite content

For most rocks used as aggregates, a representative value of pyrite content can be determined from the difference between the results
of a total sulfur test and an acid-soluble sulfate test. The procedure is as follows:
(i) Determine the total sulfur content, TS %S
(ii) Determine the acid-soluble sulfate (also termed ‘total sulfate’) content, AS %SO4
(iii) Calculate the oxidisable sulfides (OS) in the sample as %SO4 using the formula:
OS %SO4 = 3.0 x TS %S – AS %SO4
(iv) Estimate the pyrite content by taking it as equivalent to the oxidisable sulfides using the formula:
Pyrite %FeS2 = 0.623 x OS %SO4
This procedure may overestimate pyrite content if barytes (barium sulfate) is present, since this is not soluble in the acid used in
step ii. Barytes is a widely found vein mineral.

3.2 Key parameters for specification of Durability of coarse aggregates, including resistance to
material for use as hardcore freezing and thawing
The principal parameters currently used to specify Physical degradation of aggregates may occur owing to
unbound material for use in construction and therefore of cyclical wetting and drying or due to freezing and thawing.
most relevance to hardcore are as follows. Such degradation is generally unwelcome after placement
of aggregates as unbound material in construction. The
Grading, including fines content principal test adopted by European Standards to assess
Grading is the distribution of particle size in an aggregate susceptibility to such degradation is the magnesium sulfate
or aggregate mixture. The grading characteristics (MS) test as given in BS EN 1367-2:1998[15]. This test assesses
are determined by straightforward test sieving (the how aggregate from the 10–14 mm size range degrades
percentage passing through selected sieves), but they are when subjected to five 48-hour cycles of immersion in a
unfortunately represented in current standards by some saturated solution of magnesium sulfate, followed by oven
complex and far from intuitive definitions of category. For drying. At the end of the test, the mass of aggregate retained
example, for a crushed rock aggregate intended for use on the 10 mm sieve is determined. From this, the MS value
as subbase or hardcore, the following categories may be is calculated as the percentage of the initial mass of the test
specified in conformity with BS EN 13285:2010[4], the specimen that has been lost. Note that the BS EN 1367-2
standard for use of aggregates in unbound mixtures: test method is identical to the magnesium sulfate soundness
• Mixture designation = 0/31.5 test of BS 812-121:1989[16], but the results are expressed
• Grading category = GE or GP in the opposite way. The MS value from the former is
• Oversize category = OC75 equivalent to (100 – MSSV), where MSSV is the magnesium
• Maximum fines category = UF9 sulfate soundness value from the latter.
In respect of this test, BS EN 13242:2002+A1:2007[3]
An explanation of these terms is given in Box 1. defines categories of MS at MS18 , MS25 and MS35. For a
crushed rock aggregate intended for use as subbase and
Resistance to fragmentation of coarse aggregates hardcore, categories of MS25 and MS35 are typically specified.
While some degree of material fragmentation resulting
from impact during compaction is desirable, this should Sulfate and sulfide contents
not be excessive. The test adopted by European Standards Sulfur mineral species found in aggregates include
to assess resistance to fragmentation of aggregate material sulfates, the most common one being gypsum
is BS EN 1097-2:1998[14], also known as the ‘Los Angeles (CaSO4.2H2O), and sulfides, with pyrite (FeS2) being
test method’. In this test, a dry sample of material is widely found. Table 1 lists other such minerals, together
sieved to obtain the fraction sized from 10 mm to 14 mm. with relevant characteristics.
This is rolled with steel balls in a rotating drum for 500 There are three main reasons for determining the
revolutions. After rolling is complete the amount of sulfate species in aggregates for unbound materials
material retained on a 1.6 mm sieve is determined. The intended for use as subbase or hardcore:
Los Angeles coefficient (LA) is defined as the percentage • Sulfates in the aggregates may attack adjacent
of material lost (ie % < 1.6 mm). Therefore, the higher cementitious materials, particularly those that contain
the coefficient, the weaker the material. Portland cement. Highly expansive sulfate minerals
In respect of this test, the European Standards define ettringite and thaumasite are produced by such attack,
‘categories’ of LA in 5% steps, from LA20 to LA60. For a which may initially crack cement-bound materials and
crushed rock aggregate for use as subbase and hardcore, can ultimately lead to complete disintegration. The
categories of LA40 and LA50 are typically specified. mechanism of sulfate attack and types of susceptible
cementitious materials are comprehensively described
in BRE SD 1, Concrete in aggressive ground[10]. Not all

Table 1: Sulfur species found in some rocks used as aggregate

Mineral Species Comment

Gypsum CaSO4.2H2O Very common sulfate species. Soluble to a concentration of only 1440 mg/l in water at
neutral pH, therefore only moderately reactive in respect of sulfate attack on cementitious
materials. Often seen (white or grey) in crystalline form in moist as well as dry material.

Epsomite MgSO4.7H2O Highly soluble, seen in dry material. In moist material it will readily dissolve into pore water.
Highly reactive in respect of sulfate attack on cementitious materials.

Mirabilite NaSO4.10H2O As epsomite.

Barytes BaSO4 A common white-coloured vein mineral in rocks. Relatively insoluble.
Alunite KAl3(OH)6(SO4)2 Fairly common white-, grey- or yellow-coloured granular mineral. Often a weathering
product produced by oxidation of pyrite.

Jarosite KFe3(OH)6(SO4)2 Fairly common yellow- to brown-coloured mineral. Poorly soluble. Often a weathering
product of pyrite in rocks free of calcite. Tends to form vitreous-to-earthy crusts rather than
well-formed crystals.

Melanterite FeSO4.7H2O Secondary mineral often formed by the oxidation of pyrite. Typically forms a white or pale
green vitreous encrustation.

Pyrite FeS2 A common mineral in unweathered rocks. May be present as particles ranging from mm-
sized irregular golden-coloured lumps and cubic crystals to myriad scattered micron-sized
crystals. The latter (often missed during visual assessment) are prone to expansive oxidation
in the presence of air, water and bacteria.

Pyrrhotite FeS Seldom found in UK rocks used for aggregate. When present, it is highly prone to oxidation.
Marcasite FeS2 Golden-coloured mineral with metallic appearance similar to pyrite but with more friable
crystal structure. Common in sedimentary rocks. Highly prone to oxidation, with decay
product similar to pyrite.

sulfates are similarly reactive (Table 1). Part 2 of this For the parallel situation where structural fill material
Digest describes a legacy problem of sulfate attack to (including hardcore and subbase) is to be placed adjacent
concrete floor slabs. to existing concrete (or metallic elements), a compatible
• Sulfates in the aggregates may cause corrosion of procedure for material assessment and specification was
adjacent metallic elements of construction. developed for the highways sector and published in 2001
• In some vulnerable aggregates and particularly in those as TRL Report TRL447, with a second edition being issued
containing mudstone, sulfide minerals, particularly in 2005[6]. Because these procedures are embedded in UK
pyrite, may gradually oxidise in the presence of air Annexes and authoritative end-use specifications, they take
and water, leading to the formation of hydrated precedence over procedures given in the chain of European
sulfate minerals of greater volume, including gypsum, Standards for aggregates (Figure 2) when the latter conflict.
melanterite and jarosite (Table 1). This may cause Box 2 gives a summary of the key sulfate and sulfide
expansion of compacted unbound material. In the parameters for aggregates in unbound materials that might
UK this is largely a legacy problem, with the current be used as hardcore and the methods recommended for
employment of aggregates either having insignificant their determination. Comprehensive test procedures are
amounts of pyrite or containing it in a form that is non- given in TRL447[6]. For the most part, the latter are similar
reactive. The mechanism of expansion of aggregate to test procedures included in the recently published
mixtures due to pyrite oxidation is therefore described BS EN 1744-1:2009[11]. Notable differences from the
in more detail in Part 2 of this Digest. However, we latter in TRL447 are:
should not be complacent in respect of this aspect of • The rapid determination of sulfate content by using
current aggregate selection: in recent years there have ICP-AES analysis to determine elemental sulfur in
been reports of major problems in the Quebec province water and acid extracts (rather than using gravimetric
of Canada and the Dublin area of Ireland resulting analysis).
from the expansion of pyrite-bearing aggregates used as • Test results expressed in a form that is directly
hardcore in several hundred buildings. comparable with UK concrete standards and allows
pyrite content to be easily calculated. For example,
Owing to a long history in the UK of sulfate attack to for a crushed rock aggregate for use in subbase
cementitious materials placed in ground containing sulfates to be placed within 500 mm of concrete or other
or reactive pyrite, a collaborative methodology has been cementitious materials (the typical environment for
developed by ground engineers and concrete technologists, hardcore), the following sulfate and sulfide parameters
which first assesses the aggressiveness of the ground and are specified in SHW Series 800 Clause 801[5] in
then specifies a design mix of concrete that will withstand conformity with TRL447[6]:
the determined conditions for the working life of the • Water-soluble sulfate, WS ≤ 1500 mg/l SO4
construction. This methodology is jointly explained in • Oxidisable sulfides content, OS ≤ 0.5% as SO4.
BRE SD 1[10] and in the UK Annex (BS EN 8500-1:2006[12])
to BS EN 206-1:2000[13]. An explanation of these terms is given in Box 2.


4.1 Type 1 and Type 2 unbound mixtures
By far the most common materials currently used for
hardcore are Type 1 and Type 2 unbound mixtures, as
specified respectively by Clauses 803 and 804 of SHW
Series 800[5]. Since there are no national addenda for
this series, the specifications are identical for England,
Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Attributes of these
materials are:
• The materials (needed in the first instance for highway Figure 3: SHW Type 1 unbound mixture, here made up solely
subbase construction) are widely available in the UK. of crushed carboniferous limestone
• They are well-graded granular aggregates that can be (Courtesy of Kesgrave Aggregates)
easily handled and readily compacted.
• Engineering performance after compaction is excellent
provided care is taken with chemical composition.
• Comprehensive guidance on their use is given
in Clauses 801–804 of SHW Series 800[5] and
Clauses NG 800–NG 804 of SHW Series NG 800[17].
• Closely similar material has been in use for highway
construction for several decades, so the behaviour
of the material is generally well understood by
practitioners. (The use of the anachronistic names
‘MOT Type 1’ and ‘MOT Type 2’, still commonly used
for these materials by some suppliers and specifiers, Figure 4: SHW Type 2 unbound mixture, here made up of
indicates experience dating back to before 1981, when sand and (uncrushed) gravel
the former Ministry of Transport was renamed.) (Courtesy of Kesgrave Aggregates)
• The materials can satisfy Building Regulation 7[2],
which requires use of materials that are demonstrably of rounded gravel (Figure 4). A significant amount of
‘adequate and proper’. fine material is permitted, provided that this has a
plasticity index of less than 6. Owing to its grading and
Type 1 and Type 2 unbound mixtures may both contain plastic fine fraction, it may have less tolerance to being
crushed rock, crushed slag, crushed concrete, recycled compacted at water contents away from the optimum.
aggregates, well-burnt non-plastic shale, gravel and sand. Because of this, Clause 804 requires the material to
They also both have a maximum particle size (2D sieve) be laid and compacted at a water content within the
of 63 mm, with 75–99% being smaller than 31.5 mm (D range of 1% above to 2% below the declared value of
sieve) and with a maximum fines content (< 0.063 mm the optimum water content.
fraction) of 9%. However, as explained later, not all
the above listed constituents are necessarily welcome When free of potentially reactive substances and when
in material to be used as hardcore owing to some of appropriately placed and compacted, both materials
them possibly containing potentially chemically reactive perform well as hardcore, since the latter is normally
substances. While the two materials are similar in many subject only to static loading. In respect of choice
respects, there are some important differences: between these materials, while for Type 1 unbound
• Type 1 unbound mixture is designed for the subbase of mixture the less demanding criteria for water content
heavily trafficked roads and as such is very strong and during compaction may be attractive, the typically lower
stable under dynamic loading. This performance stems cost of the less tightly graded Type 2 unbound mixture
from the composition and grading of Type 1 (denoted may be the key decider.
GP): it dominantly comprises angular particles of well-
distributed size that interlock when compacted. The 4.2 Cautionary notes concerning sulfate and
percentage of well-rounded material (eg uncrushed pyrite in Type 1 and Type 2 unbound
water-rounded gravel) is limited to a maximum of mixtures
about 10% (Figure 3). Also the fine fraction (particle It is essential when selecting Type 1 (Clause 803) and
size less than 0.425 mm) must be non-plastic. Such Type 2 (Clause 804) unbound mixtures for use as
material has a tolerance to being compacted at a hardcore that the general requirements for unbound
relatively wide range of water contents either side of materials as set out in Clause 801 of SHW Series 800[5] be
the optimum. given due consideration. In particular, Clause 801 advises
• Type 2 unbound mixture is designed for the subbase against the use within 500 mm of concrete and other
of somewhat less heavily trafficked roads and as such cementitious products of material that has either:
is less strong and stable under dynamic loading. It • a water-soluble sulfate (WS) content that exceeds
is more flexible in respect of particle size grading 1500 mg/l SO4 as determined from a 2:1
(denoted GE) and may contain an unlimited proportion water:aggregate extract test (Test 1 of TRL447[6]); or

• an oxidisable sulfides (OS) content that exceeds eg brickwork and blockwork (often termed ‘recycled
0.5% SO4 as determined from the difference of total aggregate’ or RA – Figure 6); and
sulfate and acid-soluble sulfate (Test 4 and Test 2, • material principally consisting of crushed or milled asphalt
respectively, of TRL447). (often termed ‘recycled asphalt pavement’ or RAP).

OS is a measure of the pyrite content in a material. As Secondary aggregates (SA) are generally by-products of
noted previously, oxidation of pyrite may result in material industrial processes that have not been previously used in
expansion or lead to formation of additional sulfates. The construction. They can be divided into:
WS and OS parameters are more fully explained in Box 2. • manufactured SA, such as air-cooled blastfurnace slag,
The set limits for WS and OS in Clause 801 are those steel slag, incinerator bottom ash aggregate (IBAA) and
considered generally necessary to prevent problems from crushed glass; and
sulfate attack to cementitious materials used in road • natural SA, such as china clay stent and sand, slate
construction. In some cases where pyrite is present but it mining discard and burnt colliery spoil.
can be shown to be in a form that does not readily oxidise
(ie is non-reactive), the OS limit may be increased under While, since 2004, all the mentioned recycled and
the provisions for Appendix 7/1 of Highways Agency secondary aggregates are permitted for use in Type 1 and
contract documents. An example would be where pyrite Type 2 unbound mixtures for highway construction[19],
is present as large crystals in igneous or metamorphic the amount allowed in a particular mixture is often
rock, and there is a history of satisfactory use of the limited owing to inferior physical or chemical properties
material. Further guidance on how to assess the likelihood compared with primary aggregates. For example, IBAA
of pyrite oxidising in highway construction materials is is generally limited to forming not more than 15% of
given in Clause NG 601 of SHW Series NG 600[18]. subbase material[19].
In respect of the use of Type 1 and Type 2 unbound When considering the use of Type 1 and Type 2
mixtures for hardcore, similar considerations apply in unbound mixtures for use as hardcore, the particular
respect of WS and OS (pyrite) content. In the large sensitivities of building construction and occupants of
majority of cases, hardcore material will be in contact buildings must be brought to the fore. It is important not
with cementitious materials in the form of foundation to include any material containing a significant amount of
concrete, concrete block walls or the mortar in brick substances that may react with other construction elements,
walls. Typically these will not have been specified to be inherently dimensionally unstable or be an emitter of
withstand a sulfate environment above DS-2, for which substances that are toxic or irritating to occupants. For these
the upper limit of water-soluble sulfate (WS) content is reasons the following materials are best avoided as a routine
1500 mg/l SO4[10]. component of hardcore. Some may be acceptable after
Particular consideration is needed in respect of reactive comprehensive testing under expert supervision:
pyrite in material used as hardcore. If pyrite oxidises,
it may not only lead to higher levels of sulfate, but also
result in bulk expansion of the hardcore to an extent that
is damaging to the building (see Part 2 of this Digest for
details). The latter is not such a problem in respect of
subbase for asphalt-paved roads, where there is tolerance
for a small amount of volume change.
Taking a worldwide view, in cases where damage
has been caused by expansion of pyritic material used
as hardcore, the amount of pyrite reported as present
ranges from about 0.5% FeS2 to as high as 5% FeS2. The
deleterious threshold value for reactive pyrite is commonly Figure 5: SHW Type 1 unbound mixture, here made up of
regarded as 1% FeS2. The latter amount of pyrite is mass crushed concrete
equivalent to OS = 1.6% SO4, so the Clause 801 limit of (Courtesy of Smiths Bletchington)
OS = 0.5% SO4 is conservative in respect of problems
from material expansion. It is also highly conservative in
respect of many aggregate materials where pyrite occurs
mostly or entirely in a non-reactive form.

4.3 Cautionary notes concerning use of

recycled and secondary aggregates in
material used as hardcore
Recycled aggregate is material resulting from the
processing of inorganic material previously used in
construction. Such aggregates include:
• crushed concrete (often termed ‘recycled concrete Figure 6: Recycled aggregate, here made up mostly of
aggregate’ or RCA – Figure 5); crushed brickwork
• material principally consisting of crushed masonry, (Courtesy of Kesgrave Aggregates)

• crushed masonry that may contain gypsum plaster or BS EN 13242:2002+A1 now includes requirements
crushed bricks with a high sulfate content; for classification of the constituents of coarse recycled
• RAP; aggregates and indicates that their suitability be assessed in
• steel slag; accordance with the regulatory requirements in the place
• blastfurnace slag; of use. In the UK, this can include conformity with the
• IBAA; and WRAP Quality Protocol.
• burnt colliery spoil. In respect of evaluation of conformity,
BS EN 13242:2002+A1 requires that producers
Some of these materials contain reactive substances such undertake and, on request, declare the results from initial
as sulfates, while others, such as IBAA and steel slag, may type tests [ie tests carried out on an aggregate relevant
have a residual tendency to hydrate and expand to an to its intended end use] when new sources of aggregates
extent unacceptable for use in hardcore. are exploited, and when there is a major change in raw
Crushed concrete (RCA) is perhaps the recycled materials or processing which can affect the properties
material most widely used in hardcore, often constituting of the aggregate. For recycled aggregates in the UK,
the whole of it (Figure 5). Provided that it is ‘clean’ and evaluation of conformity can also include conformity with
well graded, it is ideal for use in most situations. An quality protocols for the production of aggregates from
exception is any site where there is a substantial amount inert waste (eg the WRAP Quality Protocol).
of sulfate in soil or groundwater. There have been several
cases in the UK and the USA where such sulfate has The WRAP quality protocol referred to is The quality
led to sulfate attack on compacted RCA, resulting in protocol for the production of aggregates from inert
substantial expansion that has damaged construction. waste[20]. It deals with the production of aggregates from
Section 3.2 explains the mechanism of such sulfate attack. ‘inert’ construction, demolition and excavation waste. It
It can be particularly virulent where concrete exposes a sets out the general procedures to be followed in respect
large surface area due to crushing. of acceptance criteria for incoming waste, establishing
BRE SD 1[10] gives guidance on assessing such aggressive an audit trail and testing the material in a manner
conditions. RCA should not be used where it is subject appropriate to the end use. In respect of the latter, it
to conditions equivalent to aggressive ground category suggests properties that it may be relevant to measure
ACEC Class 2 or above. For neutral pH conditions (ie no (quoting the relevant BS EN test standards), but does not
acidity) this equates to not using RCA when sulfate levels set any limits for the use of material.
are Class DS-2 or above. The lower limit of Class DS-2 is An additional regulatory benefit of producing recycled
400 mg/l SO4 for sulfate in groundwater, and 500 mg/l SO4 aggregates that conform with the quality protocol
for sulfate in a 2:1 water:soil extract test. requirements is that the Environment Agency prerequisite
for meeting the ‘end of waste criteria’[21] is accomplished
4.4 Provision for recycled and secondary and such aggregate need no longer be classed as a
materials in European Standards ‘waste’ or be required to comply with any national Waste
When formally adopted by the UK in 2004, aggregates Regulations.
standard BS EN 13242:2002[3] and its supporting test The general outcome of these new procedures for
standards (Figure 2) included dedicated requirements for dealing with recycled and secondary materials is a
the well-established secondary aggregates blastfurnace greater scrutiny and assurance of quality in respect of
slag and steel slag. Other than that, the requirements of the contents of recycled aggregates and a route for the
the standards were blind as to the sources of the material. transfer of knowledge of such contents to an end user.
However, the standard was revised in 2007 by the Clearly this is reassuring if the aggregate is to be used for
addition of Amendment A1:2007. The main purpose of hardcore in building construction.
this amendment was to introduce additional requirements In respect of secondary materials, some care needs to
for recycled aggregates. be taken when selecting aggregate for use as hardcore.
A particular requirement is for material in coarse This is because, in addition to the explicitly included
recycled aggregates to be sorted into constituent materials blastfurnace and steel slags, materials such as burnt shale,
so that the respective proportions can be declared foundry sand and IBAA are acceptable as components of
by producers. The constituents required to be so aggregates specified for general construction use under
proportioned are: BS EN 13242:2002+A1:2007[3]. Note, however, that
• Rc – concrete and concrete products they are not specifically referred to in the standard since
• Ru – unbound aggregate, natural stone it is intentionally blind to the source of such materials;
• Rb – clay masonry units requiring only that resultant aggregate mixtures conform
• Ra – bituminous materials to specifications appropriate to the particular end use.
• Rg – glass Since, as noted in Section 4.3, some of these secondary
• FL – floating material materials are best avoided as a routine component of
• X – other, including cohesive soil, metals, plastic, rubber hardcore, it will be important to ask the supplier to declare
the amounts (if any) of secondary materials that are
Additionally the revised UK guidance document included in any aggregates mixture. If these include steel
PD 6682-6:2009[8] explains the changes made in respect slag, blastfurnace slag, IBAA or burnt colliery spoil, expert
of recycled aggregate as follows: advice should be sought on material suitability for use.

5 AN ALTERNATIVE TO SHW SPECIFICATIONS In respect of sulfate species, it is presumed that some

FOR UNBOUND MIXTURES of the material specified for use as hardcore will be used
This section considers how standards BS EN 13242:2002 in the close vicinity of concrete or other cementitious
+A1:2007[3] and BS EN 13285:2010[4] can be used to materials, eg brick mortar. For unbound mixtures put to
specify a material for dedicated end use as hardcore. The such use, it therefore follows the recommendation of
UK guidance document for the former (PD 6682-6:2009[8]) SHW Series 800, Clause 801 (General requirements for
states that specifiers ‘need to define BS EN 13242:2002 unbound mixtures) in having an upper limit for water-
categories that are relevant to a particular end use of an soluble sulfate (WS) = 1500 mg/l SO4. Reference to
aggregate’. As an illustration of this process, the guidance BRE SD 1[10] shows that this is the upper limit of Sulfate
document includes six examples of specifications with Class DS-2, which, if exceeded, may to lead to substantial
user-selected categories. None of these are considered sulfate attack in typically specified construction materials.
directly applicable to the use of aggregate as hardcore. But In respect of oxidisable sulfides (OS), the parameter that
an example of some relevance is Annex D, ‘Specification indicates the presence of pyrite, Table 2 sets a maximum
for unbound subbases for road pavements’. This largely of 0.8% SO4, as compared with a value of 0.5% SO4 set in
follows the specifications given in SHW Series 800[5], but the SHW Series 800, Clause 801. This is because BRE knows
categories chosen for sulfate species are different, and also of no significant sulfate attack and expansion problems
incompatible with the usual UK procedures for assessing the for hardcore materials containing less than 0.5% mass of
likelihood of problems resulting from the presence of water- pyrite (FeS2) and this is mass equivalent to 0.8% SO4. In
soluble sulfates and pyrite. practice, this limit could be raised further for particular
A suggested specification formulated here for use materials if it can be established (eg by petrographic
of aggregates as hardcore is given in Table 2. This study) that pyrite is predominantly present in a non-
specification, based for the most part on the requirements reactive form.
for SHW Type 1 unbound mixtures, is intentionally
conservative. But it points the way to development of
more economical or sustainable specifications whose
performance can be proved by field trial.

Table 2: Example specification for crushed rock aggregates for unbound mixtures to be used as hardcore
Properties Category to Category to Category to Comment
BS EN 13242:2002[3] BS EN 13285:2010[4] TRL447[6]

Mixture designation d/D 0/31.5 Lower sieve size d = 0.

Upper sieve size D = 31.5 mm.

Oversize OC75 Mass passing D sieve > 75%.

Grading requirement GP % passing intermediate sieves as given in

Table 6 of BS EN 13285:2010.

Maximum fines UF9 Mass passing 0.063 mm sieve < 9%.

Resistance to LA50 Mass lost in Los Angeles test < 50%.


Water absorption WA242 Water absorbed in 24-hour test < 2%.

A ‘declared value’ from the material
supplier will satisfy.

Maximum magnesium MS35 Mass lost in test of 10–14 mm fraction

sulfate soundness < 35%.

Maximum of water- 1500 mg/l SO4 As measured in 2:1 aggregate:water

soluble sulfate (WS) extract test. This is equivalent to
0.3% SO4 as a % of dry mass. (This
therefore allows for more SO4 than does
the AS0.2 category of BS EN 13242.)

Maximum of oxidisable 0.8% SO4 Determined from difference between

sulfides (OS) sulfate equivalent of total sulfur and acid-
soluble sulfate. 0.8% as SO4 is equivalent
to 0.5% by mass as pyrite (FeS2). This
value is conservative in respect of many
aggregate materials where pyrite occurs
mostly or entirely in a non-reactive form.
It can be disregarded if pyrite can be
demonstrated to be non-reactive by an
appropriate laboratory testing, optionally
including petrographic description using
thin sections and scanning electron


COMMON SITUATIONS Aggregate: The general term for any granular material
• Check that site conditions are appropriate before used in construction. ‘Primary aggregate’ is material such
choosing to use ground-bearing floor slabs supported as sand, gravel and crushed stone, taken from natural
by hardcore. sources specifically for use as aggregate. ‘Recycled
• Do not expect to find material on sale labelled aggregate’ is material produced by the processing
‘hardcore’. Hardcore is a construction term that of selected inorganic material previously used in
describes the compacted material used for supporting construction. ‘Secondary aggregates’ are generally by-
ground-bearing floor slabs. products of mining, quarrying or industrial processes.
• Select material intended for use as hardcore with
due care: it is required to be chemically inert and Compaction: The process of densifying soils by some
physically stable for the working life of a building, mechanical means such as rolling, ramming or vibration
which may be at least 100 years. to reduce the volume of voids.
• Select only material that can be proved to be
inherently appropriate for use as hardcore, and is Compression: A reduction in the volume of fill with time
suitable for use on your particular site, eg will not under constant imposed load. Fill that is initially loosely
react to sulfates or acid ground conditions if these are placed and dry may suffer ‘collapse compression’ if it later
present. becomes wet.
• If you decide to use SHW Type 1 (Clause 803) or
Type 2 (Clause 804) unbound mixtures as hardcore, Consolidation: A reduction in the volume of ground
inform potential suppliers of this intended end use. resulting from the expulsion of pore water due to
• Check with the supplier that the material satisfies the imposed static loading or a reduction in ground water
chemical requirements set out in Clause 801 of SHW pressure (drainage).
Series 800 in respect of unbound materials to be used
within 500 mm of concrete and other cementitious Engineered fill: Fill that is selected, placed and
products. compacted to an appropriate specification, so it will
• Ask the supplier to declare the amounts (if any) of exhibit the required engineering behaviour.
recycled or secondary materials that are included in
the mixture; if these include crushed masonry, asphalt Fill: Ground that has been formed by material deposited
aggregate, steel slag, blastfurnace slag, IBAA or burnt by human activity rather than geological processes. It
colliery spoil, seek expert advice on material suitability is alternatively termed ‘made ground’ and ‘man-made
for use. ground’. When used to fill an excavation or placed
• If you decide to use SHW Type 2 (Clause 804) behind a retaining wall, it is termed ‘backfill’. When
unbound mixtures as hardcore, ask the supplier to placed within an enclosed space, it is termed ‘infill’.
declare the typical value of laboratory dry density
and optimum water content, as determined in the Hardcore: Engineered infill material placed within the
supplier’s mandatory system of production control. confines of a building foundation in order to support a
• Keep the paper trail relating to procurement and ground floor slab or an oversite concrete slab.
delivery of your hardcore material. Remember, the
objectives of quality assurance include not only Non-engineered fill: Fill material that has arisen as a
delivery of a product having the required quality, but by-product of human activity, often involving the disposal
also having documentary proof. of waste materials; it has not been placed to facilitate a
subsequent construction application.

Optimum water content: The water content at which

a maximum dry density of fill is achieved using some
specified compaction procedure.

Unbound mixtures: This is the term used by current

standards for materials made up of graded and blended
aggregates that are used in construction without the
addition of a binding agent such as asphalt or cement.
Hardcore is generally such an unbound mixture.

Well-graded material: Material (dominantly granular)

that has a wide and even distribution of particle sizes.

REFERENCES 12 BSI. Concrete – Complementary British Standard to

1 Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). BS EN 206-1. Part 1: Method of specifying and guidance for
The Building Regulations 2010 (England and Wales). Approved the specifier. BS EN 8500-1:2006. London, BSI, 2006.
Document C: Site preparation and resistance to contaminants 13 BSI. Concrete – Part 1: Specification, performance, production
and moisture. London, DCLG, 2004.* and conformity. BS EN 206-1:2000. London, BSI, 2000.
2 Department for Communities and Local Government 14 BSI. Tests for mechanical and physical properties of
(DCLG). The Building Regulations 2010 (England and Wales). aggregates – Methods for the determination of resistance to
Approved Document to support Regulation 7: Materials and fragmentation. BS EN 1097-2:1998. London, BSI, 1998.
workmanship. London, DCLG, 2000.* 15 BSI. Tests for the thermal and weathering properties of
3 BSI. Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials aggregates – Magnesium sulfate test. BS EN 1367-2:1998.
for use in civil engineering work and road construction. London, BSI, 1998.
BS EN 13242:2002+A1:2007. London, BSI, 2007. 16 BSI. Testing aggregates – Method for determination of
4 BSI. Unbound mixtures – Specification. BS EN 13285:2010. soundness. BS 812-121:1989. London, BSI, 1989.
London, BSI, 2010. 17 Highways Agency. Manual of contract documents for highway
5 Highways Agency. Manual of contract documents for highway works, Volume 2: Notes for guidance on the specification for
works, Volume 1: Specification for highway works, Series 800: highway works, Series NG 800: Road pavements – unbound,
Road pavements – unbound mixtures for subbase. London, cement and other hydraulically bound mixtures: Unbound
TSO, 2004–2009.* mixtures for subbase. London, TSO, 2005.*
6 Reid J M, Czerewko M A and Cripps J C. Sulfate specification 18 Highways Agency. Manual of contract documents for highway
for structural backfills. TRL Report TRL447. Crowthorne, works, Volume 2: Notes for guidance on specification for
Transport Research Laboratory, 2005, 2nd edn. highway works, Series NG 600: Earthworks. London, TSO,
7 BSI. Aggregates – Guidance on the use of European test 2005.
method standards. PD 6682-9:2003. London, BSI, 2003. 19 Highways Agency. Design manual for roads and bridges,
8 BSI. Aggregates – Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically Volume 7, Section 1, Part 2: Conservation and the use of
bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road secondary and recycled materials (HD 35/04). London, TSO,
construction – Guidance on the use of BS EN 13242. 2004.*
PD 6682-6:2009. London, BSI, 2009. 20 Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP). The quality
9 BSI. Tests for the geometrical properties of aggregates – protocol for the production of aggregates from inert waste.
Determination of particle size distribution – Sieving method. Banbury, WRAP, 2005.*
BS EN 933-1:1997. London, BSI, 1997. 21 European Commission, Joint Research Centre and Institute for
10 BRE. Concrete in aggressive ground. BRE SD 1. Bracknell, IHS Prospective Technological Studies. End of waste criteria: final
BRE Press, 2005. report. Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the
11 BSI. Tests for the chemical properties of aggregates. Part 1: European Communities, 2008.*
Chemical analysis. BS EN 1744-1:2009. London, BSI, 2009.


The preparation and publication of this Digest was funded

by NHBC.

* These documents are available free of charge from the websites of the
respective organisations.

Appendix: Correlation with the building regulations of Scotland and Northern Ireland
The foregoing text of this part of the Digest is aligned primarily with the requirements of The Building Regulations 2010
(England and Wales). The following table points to the equivalent requirements in The Building (Scotland) Regulations
2004 and The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000.

The Building Regulations 2010 (England The Building (Scotland) Regulations The Building Regulations (Northern
and Wales) 2004 + Building (Scotland) Amendment Ireland) 2000 + The Building
Regulations 2010 (Amendment No. 2) Regulations (NI)
Regulation 7: Materials and Regulation 8: Workmanship and Regulation B2: Fitness of materials and
workmanship materials workmanship
Building work shall be carried out: 1. Work to every building designed, In any relevant work:
a. with adequate and proper materials constructed and provided with services, a. the materials used shall:
which: fittings and equipment to meet a i. be of a suitable nature and quality
i. are appropriate for the requirement of Regulation 9 to 12, in relation to the purposes for and
circumstances in which they are must be carried out in a technically the conditions in which they are
used; proper and workmanlike manner, and used;
ii. are adequately mixed or prepared; the materials used must be durable, ii. be adequately mixed and prepared;
and and fit for their intended purpose. iii. be applied, used or fixed so as
iii. are applied, used or fixed so as Practical guidance adequately to perform the functions
adequately to perform the functions Technical Handbook, Domestic, 2011. for which they are designed; and
for which they are designed. Section 0: General, Clause 0.8 (Durability, iv. not continue to emit any harmful
Practical guidance workmanship and fitness of materials) gives substance longer than is reasonable
Approved Document to support guidance on achieving an ‘acceptable in the circumstances.
Regulation 7: Materials and workmanship standard of suitability and fitness’. Practical guidance
lists ‘ways of establishing fitness of Table B of The Building Regulations refers
materials’. only to ‘A relevant British Standard or
British Standard Code of Practice’.

Part C of Schedule 1: Site preparation Section 3 of Schedule 5: Environment Part C of The Building Regulations:
and resistance to contaminants and Requirement: Preparation of site and resistance to
moisture 3.4 Moisture from the ground. moisture
Requirement: Every building must be designed and Regulation C4 Resistance to ground
C2 Resistance to moisture. constructed in such a way that there will moisture and weather.
The floors, walls and roof of the building not be a threat to the building or the Every wall, floor and roof shall be
shall adequately protect the building and health of the occupants as a result of constructed so as to prevent any harmful
people who use the building from the moisture penetration from the ground. effect on the building or the health of
harmful effects caused by: Practical guidance the occupants caused by the passage of
a. Ground moisture Technical Handbook, Domestic, 2011. moisture to any part of the building from:
Practical guidance Section 3: Environment. a. the ground; and
Technical solutions as given in Approved b. the weather.
Text relevant to hardcore
Document C: Site preparation and Clause 3.4.2 Ground-supported concrete Practical guidance
resistance to contaminants and moisture floors. Methods and standards of building as given
(2004). ‘The solum is brought to a level surface. in Technical Booklet C: Site preparation
Text relevant to hardcore Hardcore bed 100 mm thick of clean and resistance to moisture (2004).
C4.7(a) Ground-supported floors. broken brick or similar inert material Text relevant to hardcore
‘... well-compacted hardcore bed, no free from fine material and water soluble Section 1.4 Ground preparation for floors
greater than 600 mm deep, of clean, sulphates in quantities which would next to the ground.
broken brick or similar inert material, free damage the concrete; blinded with ‘Prepare the ground to an even surface.
from materials including water-soluble suitable fine materialand constructed to Lay a hardcore bed 100 mm thick of stone,
sulfates in quantities which could damage form a level, crack-free surface.’ clean broken brick or similar inert material
the concrete’. free from fine material and water soluble
sulphates in quantities which would
damage the concrete; consolidated and
blinded to form an even surface.’

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ISBN 978-1-84806-218-4 (2-part set)
DIgest DG 522 Part 2
Part 2: Placing hardcore and the legacy of problem materials

Ian Longworth, BRE Associate

This Digest provides guidance to engineers

and builders on selecting and placing material
for use as hardcore in building construction. It
takes account of recent standards for specifying
aggregate materials for use as hardcore, ensuring
that the material is both physically stable and
chemically inert.
In Part 1 candidate materials are reviewed,
including recycled and secondary materials
that are currently being promoted for use in
construction as a sustainable option.
Part 2 deals with placing and compacting
hardcore material. It also reviews some unsuitable
materials that were used for hardcore before
the mid-1970s, both as a cautionary note for
current specifiers and as a guide for professionals Figure 1: Layer of hardcore being compacted with vibrating
dealing with a legacy of unstable hardcore plate within the foundation of a residential building
problems in existing buildings. A summary of key
recommendations is given in Section 4. In the absence of method specifications dedicated
This Digest replaces Digest 276, which is now to hardcore, those given in the Highways Agency
withdrawn. Specification for highway works (SHW), Series 800:
Road pavements – unbound mixtures for subbase[1]
are commonly used. Table 8/4 of SHW Series 800
(‘Compaction requirements for unbound mixtures’)
1 PLACING AND COMPACTING HARDCORE lists a range of types of compaction plant available for
MATERIAL compacting hardcore. For each type – such as a vibrating-
Material for hardcore should be placed in thin horizontal plate compactor (Figure 1) – categories are set according
layers and each layer should be well compacted. to the compaction pressure applied to the ground. Then
A ‘method’ specification is normally adopted for for each of these categories the table gives the number of
compaction of hardcore, rather than an ‘end-product’ passes of the plant required to compact layers of different
specification. For the selected material, a method thickness.
specification prescribes a particular type of plant and When a small floor slab is constructed, as in a
compaction capability, together with comprehensive residential building, only light compaction equipment
instructions for material placement and compaction. Use (such as a vibrating-plate compactor, vibro-tamper
of such a method specification avoids the requirement for or power rammer) is likely to be available, and
any in-situ testing of hardcore after compaction (eg dry consequently the maximum permissible layer thickness
density determination). after compaction is unlikely to be larger than 200 mm. In

practice the adoption of a 150 mm compacted thickness Box 1: Determining the water content of hardcore
is typical. Such a thickness is readily compatible with The water content of hardcore material is defined as the
a maximum lump size of 63 mm as specified for SHW mass of water that can be removed from the material by
Type 1 and Type 2 unbound mixtures for subbase[1] heating at 110˚C, expressed as a percentage of the dry
(materials also commonly used for hardcore; see Part 1 of mass. The relevant standard for such an unbound material
this Digest). made of aggregates is BS EN 1097-5:1999[5]. This standard
In respect of overall thickness, a maximum of 600 mm supersedes BS 812-109:1990, which was withdrawn in
is typically specified for routine construction (eg as in 2004, a significant difference being a 5˚C increase in the
Clause 4.7 of Approved Document C of The Building recommended temperature of the oven used to dry the test
specimen. In older standards ‘water content’ is referred to as
Regulations 2010 (England and Wales)[2]*) in order to
‘moisture content’.
avoid problems from cumulative volume change after
compaction (see ‘Cautionary note’ below).
Where floor slabs are required to be more than
600 mm above the excavated level of ground, the use Box 2: Optimum water content for hardcore
of suspended ground floors is accepted practice for The degree of compaction of hardcore material is indicated
dwellings and is recommended for most other buildings. by its dry density; the higher this is, the better the engineering
Such suspended floors (typically comprising concrete performance of the hardcore. For a given amount of
beam and block construction) are in any case a widely compaction effort, the achieved dry density of the material
used alternative to hardcore, particularly so where depends mainly on its water (moisture) content – the so-called
construction is on shrinkable clay. ‘optimum water content’ giving the maximum dry density.
For buildings where such suspended construction When the water content is significantly lower than the
is structurally inappropriate, a hardcore thickness in optimum, the hardcore material is stiff and difficult to
excess of 600 mm may be employed below a ground- compact, thus low dry densities and high air contents are
bearing slab providing it is designed and supervised by an obtained. Near to the optimum water content, the water acts
appropriately qualified engineer. as a lubricant, causing the material to soften and become
For practical reasons, it is also common for general more workable. This results in higher dry densities and
lower air contents. At water contents significantly above the
guidance documents on hardcore to specify a minimum
optimum, the additional water in the voids tends to keep
workable thickness of hardcore such as 150 mm or
the particles of material apart and the dry densities achieved
100 mm (eg as in Section 1.4 of Technical Booklet C
are again less. This is why for Type 2 unbound mixtures,
of The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000[3]). SHW Clause 804[1] states that the material should be laid and
However, for particular building works, design drawings compacted at a water content within the range 1% above to
may indicate a greater minimum thickness that takes 2% below the declared value of the optimum water content.
account of particular site conditions.
To adopt such a precise procedure for routine use of hardcore
For larger floor areas, heavier compaction plant may in buildings would necessitate employing materials tests
be available and a compacted layer thickness of up to that are generally unfamiliar to the building community.
225 mm may be appropriate. The latter is the limiting Not surprisingly, therefore, site construction practice in the
layer thickness for compaction of unbound mixture for placing and compaction of hardcore material has typically
subbase in SHW (for all types of compaction plant) and is relied on the judgement of operatives; the instruction to place
the upper limit stipulated in NHBC Standards[4]. Approved in a ‘damp’ or ‘moist’ condition generally being considered
Document C of The Building Regulations 2010 (England sufficient for compacting material that is predominantly
and Wales) gives no such limit. granular.
The hardcore material should be placed in a moist Some improvement over such site practice may be readily
(damp) condition, ie not too wet and not too dry, the achievable in respect of using Type 2 unbound mixtures as
aim being to compact it at a water content near to the hardcore. For materials conforming to BS EN 13285:2010[6]
optimum, particularly so for SHW Type 2 unbound (the standard relied on by Type 2 unbound mixtures),
mixtures (see Boxes 1 and 2). A moist condition is a typical value of optimum water content is generally
determined as part of the system of production control
indicated by a damp feel and a darker appearance of the
and should be available from the material producers. In
hardcore. There should not be a significant amount of
conjunction with easily carried out testing of delivered
free water visible in the material. material for water content (Box 1), this declared value of
optimum water content can be used to guide any adjustments
to water content needed prior to placement of the material
as hardcore.

* The main text of this Digest primarily references The Building

Regulations 2010 (England and Wales). Correlation with parallel
documentation for Scotland and Northern Ireland is included in the


Hardcore material may compress with time after building INSULATION AND DAMP-PROOF MEMBRANE
operations are complete if it has been inadequately OR GAS BARRIER
compacted. One reason for this may be so-called Current building regulations may call for hardcore to
‘collapse compression’ resulting from the wetting of be overlaid with thermal insulation, a damp-proof
hitherto dry material owing to infiltration of groundwater membrane (DPM) and a gas barrier to resist radon or
or floodwater. The water results in both a weakening of methane. To prevent damage to these elements, the top
particles in coarse-grained materials and a weakening of of the hardcore must be given a level and smooth finish
inter-particle bonds; both potentially leading to denser by ‘blinding’ with a thin layer of fine aggregate (sand). A
packing of hardcore. typical arrangement is shown in Figure 3.
If such compression occurs, the ground floor slab References to practical measures that satisfy The
loses its support over part or all of its area and settlement Building Regulations 2010 (England and Wales) in respect
may occur. Typically, gaps appear between the floor and of thermal insulation, DPM and gas barrier are included in
skirting board, the slab can crack and any partitions or the associated Approved Documents as follows:
features built off it can be disrupted (Figure 2). There • Approved Document L1A[7] and Approved
have been many cases where this has occurred to some Document L2A[8] deal with the requirement to limit
extent. Sites where a considerable depth of hardcore is heat transmission through floors of buildings. Typically
needed are particularly vulnerable. This is why for routine this requires the U-values of floors to be of the order
construction, Approved Document C[2] gives a limiting of 0.25 W/m2∙K. To achieve this with a concrete slab
depth of 600 mm and recommends, as an alternative, the supported by hardcore, the floor will normally require
use of a suspended floor slab. the incorporation of an insulating layer (eg made up of
Note that even on sites where the average depth of proprietary floor insulation boards).
hardcore over the site is relatively small, difficulties can • Approved Document C[2] deals with the requirement
still be experienced at the edges if battered-back deep to resist the passage of ground moisture to the upper
trenches have been formed to facilitate the construction surface of the floor. For a concrete slab supported
of the foundations. The now popular use of trench fill by hardcore, this is typically achieved by the
concrete foundations reduces the need for hardcore infill incorporation of a DPM consisting of a 300 micron
of such a foundation trench. While a light partition wall (0.3 mm) thick sheet of polyethylene placed between
may be built on a hardcore-supported floor slab, in no the hardcore and the concrete. This position for the
case should such walls themselves be load-bearing. Load- DPM is mandatory if there is any sulfate present in
bearing walls always require adequate foundations. the hardcore in order to prevent sulfate attack to the
concrete slab.

Cracking of partition

Gap between
skirting and floor

Crack in floor

Compression of hardcore

Figure 2: Typical damage to floor and partition wall of an older building resulting from compression of inadequately profiled and
compacted hardcore

• Approved Document C also deals with the Selection of such permeable material for hardcore
requirement to resist the passage of methane gas requires some consideration. Since SHW Series 800 Type 1
(typically an emission from landfill sites) and radon and Type 2 unbound mixtures may contain a substantial
gas (a radioactive gas now known to be emitted from proportion of fines, they may fail to offer sufficient
natural ground in many parts of the UK). In respect of permeability when well compacted. SHW Series 800,
radon gas, Approved Document C refers to BRE Report Type 3 unbound mixture (Clause 805[1]) (designed for use
BR 211[9] for detailed guidance. as a free-draining subbase layer) is more open graded with
a substantial reduced fines content. However, it is coarser
In lower risk areas, where ‘basic radon protection’ is overall than SHW Type 1 and Type 2 mixtures, with a
needed, the typical measure adopted is to install a radon- maximum particle size (at 2D) of 80 mm, so it is not so
proof membrane below or within the floor construction. readily compacted in 100–150 mm placement layers.
In practice, this may usually be combined with the DPM A practical solution may be to use SHW Type 1 and
provided that particular attention is given to ensuring it is Type 2 unbound mixtures for all hardcore material except
properly sealed. the topmost layer, and then to form the top layer with
In higher risk areas ‘full radon protection’ is needed, crushed rock coarse aggregate, graded 4/20 Gc 85/15
comprising subfloor depressurisation in addition to a to aggregate standard BS EN 13242:2002+A1:2007[10]
radon-proof membrane. BR 211[9] offers several design (see Part 1 of this Digest for explanation of symbols). This
options for the case where a ground-bearing slab is has less than 15% of material passing a 4 mm sieve and
supported by hardcore. The key elements are a radon less than 5% passing a 2 mm sieve. (Such an aggregate is
sump (one or more chambers located near the top of the currently a recommended option for use as permeable
hardcore) and a gas extraction system. For the installation subbase when paving over gardens to form driveways[11].)
to be effective, radon must be able to migrate freely The permeable hardcore material will need to
to the sump, ie the hardcore must be gas permeable be blinded before laying a DPM. A material likely
(venting). BR 211 therefore advises ‘that the fill should not to be appropriate for this is a 50 mm thick layer
contain excessive fines’. Also it advises ‘that the blinding comprising Type 0/4 (CP) GF 85 concreting sand to
used must not block up the voids in the fill’. BS EN 12620:2002+A1:2008[12] as interpreted by
Annex D of PD 6682-1:2009[13]. This is a relatively coarse
sharp sand containing little or no material of silt or clay
particle size. It should be levelled and lightly compacted
in a slightly moist condition.

Floor screed

Perimeter insulation



DPM Concrete slab

Figure 3: Floor slab construction on hardcore with a typical configuration for blinding, DPM and floor insulation

3 LEGACY MATERIALS AND PROBLEMS A particularly widespread problem that has affected
The use of hardcore to support ground floor slabs of many thousands of residential buildings built between
low-rise buildings became common after the end of 1945 and 1970 is sulfate attack to concrete floor slabs
World War II, owing to a shortage of the timber that and oversite concrete constructed on sulfate-bearing
was previously used for suspended timber floors. A wide hardcore without an intervening DPM (Figure 4). The
range of materials was employed as hardcore in early material most often at fault is burnt colliery spoil taken
post-war years, with little or no consideration being from coal tips that had suffered from internal fire due to
given to long-term performance. Typically the material spontaneous combustion. While this burning turns initially
used was any predominantly granular material that was weak Coal Measures mudstone into a hard material with
locally available at low cost or zero cost other than for good load-bearing properties, it also causes oxidation of
transportation. Several such materials were subsequently contained pyrite (iron disulfide), resulting in the formation
found to be unsuitable, especially when the post- of substantial amounts of soluble sulfates.
construction conditions were damp, with their use in the The still-emerging legacy from this problem material
long term often leading to costly damage to buildings. is extensive damage to houses as the sulfate-attacked
Former editions of this BRE Digest on hardcore[14, 15, 16, 17] concrete expands, resulting in heave and cracking of
document the gradual recognition of problems arising floor slabs and displacement and cracking of adjoining
from the inclusion of unsuitable material, leading to a walls. Additionally, in some areas large numbers of
progressive restriction of materials recommended for undamaged houses have suffered market blight owing
use. Table 1 lists materials, some used extensively as to the suspected presence of deleterious sulfate-bearing
hardcore, which subsequently proved to have latent hardcore. The continuing problems are comprehensively
problems. discussed in a 2008 guidance document written by
BRE for the Department for Communities and Local
Government (DCLG)[19].

Table 1: Some materials used as hardcore that have resulted in damage to buildings in the UK
Material Where used in the UK Problems arising from use References

Unburnt colliery spoil In and around former Unburnt colliery spoil typically contains pyrite (iron [17]
Waste material from the coalfield areas in England, sulfide). In the presence of air, water and calcium
deep mining of coal, Wales and Scotland. carbonates (limestone), this may oxidise leading to
derived mainly from the formation of gypsum and other soluble sulfates.
siltstones, mudstones, The chemical reactions may lead to bulk expansion of
limestones and seat-earths hardcore that has the potential to cause floor uplift.
that lie adjacent to the However, reference to BRE files indicates that only rarely
coal seams. in the case of unburnt colliery spoil has this mechanism
led to building damage.
Unburnt colliery spoil may also contain significant [17]
amounts of clay material. This can result in swelling of
hardcore if it is placed in a dry condition but subsequently
becomes wet. Again, BRE files indicate that only rarely,
if ever, has such swelling of colliery spoil led to building

Burnt colliery spoil In and around former Sulfate attack to concrete floor slabs and oversite concrete [18]
(red shale) coalfield areas in England, when used as hardcore material in conditions that are
This material resulted Wales and Scotland. moist due to groundwater or leaking services.
from the combustion Burnt colliery spoil typically contains water-soluble [19, 20]
of the residual coal and sulfates. Where there is no DPM below the floor slab,
carbonaceous matter in dissolved sulfates may be drawn through the slab by
old, poorly consolidated capillary action. Such sulfates can attack the matrix of
tips. concretes made with Portland cement. The result is
expansion of the concrete, typically producing doming
and cracking of floors and displacement of adjacent walls.

Quarried mudstone and Pyritic mudstones are The Cleveland problems arose in the 1970s from the use [17, 20, 21]
shale containing pyrite found in most parts of the of mudstone quarried from beds in the Alum Shale and
UK (other than south-east Jet Rock members of the Whitby Mudstone Formation
England), but the only (of Whitbian, Upper Liassic, Jurassic age). Pyrites in the
location where damage mudstone oxidised leading to the formation of gypsum
to houses is known is the crystals on the bedding plane laminae, which in turn
Cleveland area south of prised lumps apart, causing bulk expansion of hardcore
the River Tees in north-east and consequent damage to many houses. A similar
England. mechanism was found by BRE in 1989 to be the cause of [22]
25 mm floor heave in a Midlands warehouse where up to
2 m of pyritic shale had been used as hardcore.

Furnace bottom ash In and around former Ash and cinders from coal-burning boilers and furnaces [19]
(black ash) heavy industrial areas typically contain water-soluble sulfates. When used as
in England, Wales and hardcore material, problems have arisen similar to those
Scotland. associated with use of burnt colliery spoil.

Table 1 (cont’d): Some materials used as hardcore that have resulted in damage to buildings in the UK
Material Where used in the UK Problems arising from use References

Incinerator bottom ash In any area of the UK. IBAA results from the combustion of domestic refuse. It
aggregate (IBAA) may contain a significant concentration of sulfates, though
no related cases of damage to buildings from sulfate attack
are known to BRE. One case is known of uplift of a floor
slab resulting from expansion of IBAA used as hardcore.

Oil shale residue In the Lothians area of Some problems of sulfate attack to concrete floor [17]
the Midlands Valley of slabs have reputedly arisen from the use of ‘spent’ oil
Scotland. An oil extraction shale (blaes) taken from the waste tips (bings) left after
industry was based here extraction of oil by retorting at high temperature. Much
from the 1850s through to of the sulfur compounds in the raw oil shale (including
1963 that left a legacy of pyrite) evolved during oil distillation as the gas hydrogen
some 200 million tonnes sulfide (subsequently captured by ammonium to produce
of spent shale in waste the by-product ammonium sulfate, used as fertiliser).
tips. However, a variable and sometimes substantial amount of
soluble sulfate often remains in the spent shale.

Blastfurnace slag In areas of England, Wales Some blastfurnace slags from old slag banks have [17, 20, 23]
and Scotland where iron undergone expansive reactions when used as fill and
and steel were produced. hardcore. They may contain excessive amounts of sulfate
Often these coincided and dicalcium silicate. Under wet conditions the latter
with coalfield areas. can hydrate and subsequently carbonate; the carbonated
slag then reacts under cool conditions with sulfates to
form the sulfate-bearing reaction product, thaumasite.
The formation of thaumasite is expansive and has led to
severe heave of numerous concrete floor slabs. Modern
air-cooled blastfurnace slags are not susceptible to attack
from sulfates by this mechanism.

Steel slag In areas of England, Wales Steel slag, both fresh and from old slag heaps, can contain [17, 20, 23]
and Scotland where iron free lime (calcium oxide) and periclase (magnesium
and steel were produced. oxide), which, in the presence of water, can hydrate to
Often these coincided hydroxides. The reaction produces a volume expansion
with coalfield areas. that may continue for many years.
A substantial number of houses in the Midlands and
north England have suffered floor uplift and outward
displacement of walls below the damp-proof course
(DPC) owing to long-term expansion of hardcore material
made up of steel slag (Figure 5).

Demolition rubble In all areas of the UK, but Rubble from building demolition may contain gypsum [17, 18, 19, 20]
containing gypsum particularly in cities such plaster or bricks with a high soluble sulfate content, which,
plaster or bricks with as Bristol and Hull where when conditions are moist, can cause sulfate attack to
a high soluble sulfate rubble from bombed oversite concrete or floor slabs. In a 1970s bungalow
content buildings was used after in the West Midlands, such sulfate attack caused some
World War II. 50 mm domed uplift and cracking of oversite concrete,
which in turn damaged overlying sleeper walls and
suspended wooden floors (Figure 4).

Crushed concrete placed In areas of the UK Crushed concrete may expand due to sulfate attack [17, 18, 20]
in a sulfate environment where sulfate is found if placed in a location where there is sulfate in soil or
in geological strata (see groundwater. In one case, recycled concrete used below
Figure C2 of BRE SD 1[18].) floor slabs in a coalfield area reacted with sulfates in
groundwater resulting in the formation of the highly
expansive sulfate minerals ettringite and thaumasite.

Materials that are frost Frost-susceptible chalk Chalk and other materials made up of silt-sized particles [17]
susceptible such as chalk is found in south-east may cause problems of frost heave in floors when a
England. prolonged frost occurs during construction. Movements
result from capillary migration of water and formation of
ice layers within the hardcore. Such ice formation can
exert considerable expansive pressure, with consequent
disruption to the prior compacted state. This may result
in a potential for deleterious compression over the longer

(a) A less frequent occurrence has been expansion

(swelling) of chemically unstable hardcore, which has
lifted ground floor slabs and pushed outwards enclosing
walls below the damp-proof course (DPC) (Figure 5).
Several materials used in the past have been the cause
of substantial damage to buildings in the UK. The most
commonly encountered ones have included:
• blastfurnace slags from old slag banks[23];
• steel slag, both fresh and from old slag heaps; and
• weak laminated rock (mudstone and shale) containing

(b) A common factor in the more severe cases of damage has

been the availability of water to permeate through the
hardcore, feeding an expansive chemical reaction that
typically results in hydrated minerals that have greater
volume than the source material. Such water may come
from groundwater or from leaking fresh or foul water
service pipes.
In the case of mudstone and shale containing pyrite,
the presence of oxygen is also needed to oxidise the
pyrite. In the presence of water and air, often aided by
bacterial action, pyrite (FeS2) may oxidise to form red-
brown ferric oxide (Fe2O3) or yellow-brown hydrated
ferric oxide (Fe(OH)3) together with sulfuric acid
(H2SO4). If calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is present, the
sulfuric acid (H2SO4) will further react with it to produce
(c) calcium sulfate in the form of gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O).
This hydrated mineral has a substantially greater volume
than the source pyrite. Additionally, the gypsum crystals
tend to form on planes of weakness (laminations) within
the mudstone and shale, prising lumps apart. Other
reactions may produce similarly expansive jarosite
(KFe3(OH)6(SO4)2), melanterite (FeSO4.7H2O) and other
hydrated sulfate minerals.
While numerous types of rock may contain pyrite,
not all are similarly prone to oxidation of pyrite. Pyrite
in dark-coloured mudstone and shale rocks (Figure 6)
is particularly susceptible since the pyrite tends to be
distributed in myriad small particles that collectively have
a large surface area. Additionally, because such rock is
Figure 4: Sulfate-attacked oversite concrete that was laid
weak it fractures easily, allowing greater access to air and
over damp plaster-contaminated brick rubble beneath a
water. Because the particles are generally too small to be
suspended wooden floor (here removed together with the
seen by the naked eye, the pyrite content may easily be
sleeper walls)
overlooked even though pyrite content may approach 5%
(a) An improvised straight edge shows some 50 mm doming
of mass.
of the oversite concrete that lifted brick sleeper walls and
In the UK there is a continuing legacy of problems in
wooden floors
the Cleveland area of north-east England arising from
(b) Map pattern cracks in sulfate-attacked oversite concrete
the use in the 1970s of mudstone quarried from beds of
beneath a suspended wooden floor of an adjacent room Upper Lias of Jurassic age[21]. There have also been some
(c) 70 mm thick sample of oversite concrete affected by the
cases where the pyrite content of unburnt colliery spoil
thaumasite form of sulfate attack (TSA). The concrete has
(of Carboniferous age) has reputedly caused expansive
been softenend and discoloured white and yellow-brown.
problems. Similar problems have been reported
Much white thaumasite can be seen in the upper part of the
elsewhere in the world, notably in recent years in the
section. Concrete missing from the bottom of the section was
Quebec province of Canada[24] and the Dublin area of
so friable it fell away during sampling.
Ireland. In the latter, many residential and other buildings
have been reported as damaged owing to expansion of
pyritic Carboniferous mudstone used as hardcore[25, 26].


1. Ensure adequate compaction of hardcore material
by use of an appropriate method specification. For a
given type of hardcore material this should specify the
compacted thickness of placement layers, the type and
mass of compaction plant and the number of passes
required. Guidance can be found in Table 8/4 of SHW
Series 800 (‘Compaction requirements for unbound
2. Total compacted hardcore thickness should generally
be in the range of 100–600 mm. For greater thickness
seek expert advice.
3. If you decide to use SHW Type 2 (Clause 804)
(b) unbound mixtures as hardcore material, ask the
supplier to declare the typical value of laboratory dry
density and optimum water content, as determined in
his mandatory system of production control. Ensure
that the water content of the hardcore material at the
time of compaction is close to this value, ideally within
the range 1% above to 2% below.
4. If you decide to use SHW Type 1 (Clause 803)
unbound mixtures as hardcore, you can compact
the material adequately for use as hardcore without
reference to its optimum water content as long as the
Figure 5: House in Staffordshire damaged by expansion of
material is visibly damp but not wet.
ferrous slag used as hardcore
5. Give consideration to local requirements of building
(a) Foundation wall (yellow bricks) thrust outwards by
regulations and consequent architectural detailing as
expansion of hardcore causing horizontal cracking and 7 mm
these may put constraints on the topping out of the
stepping of wall at DPC level and vertical crack at corner
hardcore. An upper layer of permeable hardcore may
be needed to vent radon or other gas. If a water- or
(b) Block of hardcore removed from below the ground floor
gas-proof membrane is to be laid over the hardcore,
slab. The originally granular grey ferrous slag has become
the hardcore must first be blinded with fine material so
welded into a hard solid mass and is encrusted with soft
that the membrane is not subsequently punctured.
white and orange reaction products.
6. Be aware of the numerous incidences of building
damage that have resulted in the past from use of
inappropriate materials and work procedures. Remedy
of post-construction problems originating in the
hardcore material causes major disruption for building
occupants and incurs high remedial costs.

Figure 6: Pyrite-bearing mudstone and limestone of

Carboniferous age that had been used as hardcore in Ireland,
now heaped up for disposal following removal from a
damaged house

REFERENCES 13 BSI. Aggregates – Aggregates for concrete – Guidance on the

1 Highways Agency. Manual of contract documents for highway use of BS EN 12620. PD 6682-1:2009. London, BSI, 2009.
works, Volume 1: Specification for highway works, Series 800: 14 BRE. Colliery shale as hardcore for filling. BRE DG 84. London,
Road pavements – unbound mixtures for subbase. London, HMSO, 1956.
DCLG, 2004–2009.† 15 BRE. Fill and hardcore. BRE DG 142. London, HMSO, 1972.
2 Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). 16 BRE. Fill and hardcore. BRE DG 222. London, HMSO, 1979.
The Building Regulations 2010 (England and Wales). Approved 17 BRE. Hardcore. BRE DG 276. Watford, BRE, 1983, revised
Document C: Site preparation and resistance to contaminants 1992.
and moisture. London, DCLG, 2004.† 18 BRE. Concrete in aggressive ground. BRE SD 1. Bracknell, IHS
3 Northern Ireland Office. The Building Regulations (Northern BRE Press, 2005.
Ireland) 2000. Technical Booklet C: Site preparation and 19 Longworth T I. Sulfate damage to concrete floors on sulfate-
resistance to moisture. London, TSO, 2004.† bearing hardcore: identification and remediation. London,
4 National House-Building Council (NHBC). NHBC Standards RIBA Publishing (for Department for Communities and Local
2011. Chapter 5.1: Substructure and ground floors. Milton Government), 2008.†
Keynes, NHBC, 2011. 20 Pye P W and Harrison H W. BRE Building Elements: Floors
5 BSI. Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates and flooring. BRE BR 460. Bracknell, IHS BRE Press, 2003.
– Determination of the water content by drying in a ventilated 21 Nixon P J. Floor heave in buildings due to the use of pyritic
oven. BS EN 1097-5:1999. London, BSI, 1999. shales as fill material. Chemistry and Industry, 4 March 1978,
6 BSI. Unbound mixtures – Specification. BS EN 13285:2010. pp 160–164.
London, BSI, 2010. 22 Collins R J. Case studies of floor heave due to microbiological
7 Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). activity in pyritic shales. Microbiology in Civil Engineering:
The Building Regulations 2010 (England and Wales). Approved International Conference Proceedings (FEMS Symposium
Document L1A: Conservation of fuel and power in new No. 59). London, E & F N Spon, 1990, pp 288–295.
dwellings. London, DCLG, 2010.† 23 Dunster A M, Longworth T I, Nixon P J, Lane S J and
8 Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). Collins R J. Development of sites containing expansive ferrous
The Building Regulations 2010 (England and Wales). Approved slags. BRE IP 8/05. Bracknell, IHS BRE Press, 2005.
Document L2A: Conservation of fuel and power in new 24 Association des Consommateurs pour la Qualité dans la
buildings other than dwellings. London, DCLG, 2010.† Construction (ACQC). Pyrite and your house: What home-
9 Scivyer C. Radon: Guidance on protective measures for new owners should know about swelling backfills. Quebec, ACQC,
buildings. BRE BR 211. Bracknell, IHS BRE Press, 2007. 2000.†
10 BSI. Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials 25 Evening Herald (Dublin). Pyrite is putting 60,000 houses at risk
for use in civil engineering work and road construction. of crumbling. 3 December 2008.
BS EN 13242:2002+A1:2007. London, BSI, 2007. 26 Irish Times. Youth centre ‘ruined’ because infill used not fit for
11 Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). purpose. 26 May 2011.
Guidance on the permeable surfacing of front gardens.
London, DCLG, 2008.†
12 BSI. Aggregates for concrete. BS EN 12620:2002+A1:2008.
London, BSI, 2008.

† These documents are available free of charge from the websites of the
respective organisations.

Appendix: Correlation with the building regulations of Scotland and Northern Ireland
The foregoing text of this Part of the Digest is aligned primarily with the requirements of The Building Regulations 2010
(England and Wales). The following table points to the equivalent requirements in The Building (Scotland) Regulations
2004 and The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000. For references to thickness and compaction of hardcore see
the Appendix of Part 1 of this Digest.

The Building Regulations 2010 (England The Building (Scotland) Regulations The Building Regulations (Northern
and Wales) 2004 + Building (Scotland) Amendment Ireland) 2000 + The Building
Regulations 2010 (Amendment No. 2) Regulations (NI)
Part C of Schedule 1: Site preparation Section 3 of Schedule 5: Environment Part C of Building Regulations:
and resistance to contaminants and Requirement: Preparation of site and resistance to
moisture 3.4 Moisture from the ground. moisture
Requirement: Every building must be designed and Regulation C4 Resistance to ground
C2 Resistance to moisture. constructed in such a way that there will moisture and weather.
The floors, walls and roof of the building not be a threat to the building or the Every wall, floor and roof shall be
shall adequately protect the building and health of the occupants as a result of constructed so as to prevent any harmful
people who use the building from the moisture penetration from the ground. effect on the building or the health of
harmful effects caused by: Practical guidance the occupants caused by the passage of
a. Ground moisture. Technical Handbook, Domestic, 2011. moisture to any part of the building from:
Practical guidance Section 3: Environment. a. the ground; and
Technical solutions as given in Approved b. the weather.
Text relevant to damp-proof membrane
Document C: Site preparation and above hardcore Practical guidance
resistance to contaminants and moisture Clause 3.4.2 Ground-supported concrete Methods and standards of building as given
(2004). floors. in Technical Booklet C: Site preparation
Text relevant to damp-proof membrane ‘Damp-proof membrane above or below and resistance to moisture (2004).
above hardcore the slab or as a sandwich; jointed and Text relevant to damp-proof membrane
C4.7(c) Ground-supported floors. sealed to the damp-proof course or damp- above hardcore
‘Damp-proof membrane above or below proof structure in walls, columns and Section 1.5a Ground preparation for floors
the concrete, and continuous with the other adjacent elements in accordance next to the ground.
damp-proof courses in walls, piers and with the relevant clauses in Section 3 of ‘Damp-proof membrane sealed to the
the like. If the ground could contain water CP 102:1973 ...’ damp-proof course in walls, columns and
soluble sulphates, or there is any risk that other abutting elements in accordance
sulphate or other deleterious matter could with the relevant clauses in Section 3 of
contaminate the hardcore, the membrane CP 102:1973.’
should be placed at the base of the
concrete slab.’
Part C of Schedule 1: Section 3 of Schedule 5: Environment Part C of The Building Regulations:
Requirement: Requirement: Preparation of site and resistance to
C1 Preparation of the site and resistance to 3.2 Every building must be designed and moisture
contaminants: constructed in such a way that there will Regulation C2 Preparation of site and
a. Reasonable precautions shall be taken not be a threat to the health of people in resistance to dangerous and harmful
to avoid danger to health and safety or around the building due to the emission substances.
caused by contaminants on or in the and containment of radon gas. C2(2) ... measures shall be taken to
ground ... by the building. Practical guidance prevent or limit the ingress of radon from
Practical guidance: Technical Handbook, Domestic, 2011. the ground into any dwelling situated
Technical solutions as given in Approved Section 3: Environment. in a zone marked on the map set out in
Document C: Site preparation and Schedule 3.
Text relevant to gas-resistant membrane
resistance to contaminants and moisture above hardcore Practical guidance
(2004). Radon. Table C of The Building Regulations
Text relevant to gas-resistant membrane 3.2.2 Protection from radon gas. requires compliance with BRE Report
above hardcore If a dwelling is located on ground BR 413, Radon: guidance on protective
Radon. designated as a ‘radon affected area’, measures for new dwellings in Northern
2.39 To reduce this risk all new buildings, protective work should be undertaken to Ireland (2001).
extensions and conversions, whether prevent excessive radon gas from entering
residential or non-domestic, built in areas the dwelling.
where there may be elevated radon Radon protective measures should be
emissions, may need to incorporate provided in accordance with the guidance
precautions against radon. contained in BRE Report BR 376, Radon:
2.40 ... techniques used for installing a guidance on protective measures for new
radon resistant membrane, described dwellings in Scotland (1999).
in BR 211, may be suitable for use in
domestic sized buildings ...
Part L of Schedule 1: Conservation of Section 6 of Schedule 5: Energy Part F of The Building Regulations:
fuel and power Requirement: Conservation of fuel and power
Requirement: 6.2 Building insulation envelope. Regulation F2 Building fabric.
L1 Reasonable provision shall be made Every building must be designed and Reasonable provisions shall be made in the
for the conservation of fuel and power in constructed in such a way that an fabric of the building or, as the case may
buildings by: insulation envelope is provided which be, of the dwelling for the conservation of
a. Limiting heat gains and losses through reduces heat loss. fuel and power.
thermal elements and other parts of the Practical guidance Practical guidance
building fabric. Technical Handbook, Domestic, 2010. Methods and standards of building as given
Practical guidance Section 6: Energy. Technical Booklet F1: Conservation of fuel
Approved Document L1A: Conservation of 6.2 Building insulation envelope. and power in dwellings (2006).
fuel and power in new dwellings (2010).
Approved Document L2A: Conservation of
fuel and power in new buildings other than
dwellings (2010).

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