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“The Effects of Technology on the Learning Ability of Senior High School

HUMMS Students in Alangalang National High School”






In medieval times, books were rare and only an elite few had access to

educational opportunities. People had to travel to centers of learning to get an

education. Today, massive amounts of information are available at one’s fingertips

through the Internet. Opportunities for communication and collaboration have also

been expanded by technology. The walls of the classrooms are no longer a barrier

as technology enables new ways of learning, communicating, and working

collaboratively. Students can collaborate on group projects using technology-based

tools such as Google docs.

In the traditional classroom, the teacher is the primary source of information,

and the learners passively receive it. This model of the teacher has been in

education for a long time, and it is still very much in evidence today. However,

because of the access to information and educational opportunity that technology

has enabled, in many classrooms today we see the teacher’s role shifting to the

“guide on the side” as students take more responsibility for their own learning using

technology to gather relevant information. Schools and universities across the

country are beginning to redesign learning spaces to enable this new model of

education, foster more interaction and small group work, and use technology as an

enabler. The future of technology in education is helping teachers to expand beyond

linear, text-based learning and to engage students who learn best in other ways. Its

role in schools has evolved from a contained computer class into a versatile learning
tool that could change how we demonstrate concepts, assign projects and assess


Also, the future of technology in education is to improve communication.

Tutors can lecture learners over long distances and scholars can achieve their

academic papers through eLearning. Also, students that feel like studying from home

can now do it. Advancement of information technology in education has improved

research. There are very many online libraries that assist teachers and students with

comprehensive reading materials. Teachers and lecturers are also able to post their

work online for their students to read. (Novoseltseva, 2017).

Background of the Study

In this era when access to knowledge and information is just a touch away,

delivery of education has dramatically transformed. There is so much talk about

virtual schooling and indeed this has been what many schools, colleges, universities

worldwide are trying to face as the greatest challenge of 21 st century teaching and

learning. The onset of online learning program gain popularity and acceptance in the

educational area as another innovative approach in the business of education. In

addition, the Wikipedia is swiftly gaining legitimacy today in academic world. One

cannot, therefore, negate that these developments are immeasurably attribute to the

Internet and the World Wide Web. The purpose or the objective of the website

should be clearly stated and context should support the purpose. It should define

whether the purpose is to educate, entertain, or advertise 2005 (Adam).

The content should be comprehensive and easily understood by the

visitors of the site. Information should be current and updated. There should be a

logical order in the presentations of the content. Copyright information should be

reflected for guidance to the visitors of the site. Links should be provided for

additional information to support the content. Technological advances had greatly

changed the education landscape in that teaching is no longer confined to the

traditional face-to-face delivery of lessons. Now, students can also learn outside the

classroom via the Internet. Through the convergence of traditional and modern

methods, students get to experience the best of both worlds, they can be tutored in

school and get additional lessons through the Web.

The convenience and effectiveness of e- learning had long been recognized

by educational institutions and education officials. A number of schools in the country

have embraced with enthusiasm emerging education technology in that lectures are

boosted by computer-based, or gadget-based, learning. Despite the fears of parents

and some teachers that gadgets may distract students, surveys and studies have

shown that generally, these technological tools are a big help in learning.

The Philippines should not be left behind when it comes to applying education

technology. The ethical and responsible use of computers, tablets, cellphones and

other devices can greatly enhance the learning capability of students, for it has been

shown through studies that children (and adults for that matter) can better grasp and

understand their lessons in a more relaxed environment, with emerging technologies

can be powerful tools in education. As the world continues its march to progress,

there’s no escaping online education. To keep up, the country will have to study and

develop its own model of computer-based learning that will be effective for Filipino

students. (Espinosa, 2016).

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to know the effects of technology on the learning ability of

Senior High School students in Alangalang National High School SY 2020-2021.

Specifically, it attempts to answer the following questions:

1.What are the effects of technology on the Learning Ability of HUMMS

students in terms of visual, auditory, reading/ writing?

2.What are the effects of technology on the academic performance of

HUMMS students in terms of their reports, participation and examination?

3.What are the effects of technology on the behavior of HUMMS students in

terms of their interaction, self-confidence, and media addiction inside the classroom?

Significance of the Study

This study is about the “Effects of Technology on the Learning Ability of

Senior High School HUMMS Students in Alangalang National High School”

This will be beneficial for them to be aware on how technology affects

their learning ability, and academic performance inside the classroom and their

behavior towards using technology and how social media enhance their learning

performance and not to abuse of using it.

This study will also be beneficial to the professors for they will be more

aware to the significance of technology to the students and how are they going to

enhance their performance in teaching.

To the public, for this will serve as ideas on how technology affects the

learning ability of students.

To the future researcher, who will conduct similar study will gain

insights and knowledge from research and will help them guide for their future needs

as reference materials.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is limited to the effects of technology on the learning ability of

Senior High School HUMSS Students in Alangalang National High School S.Y.


This study focuses on 50 students; 25 female and 25 male who are

under Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMMS). Each student will be given the

same set of questionnaires.

This is also limited to the objectives of the study since the researchers

only wanted to determine the effects of technology on the learning ability of the

HUMMS students.

The attainment of this study is dependent to the answers of the respondents .



Local Literature

Technology is a blessing for man. With technology, there is a lot that we can

do which we could not do then. With cellphones, webcam, you will be closer to

someone miles and miles away. So far yet so close! That is your feeling when you

talk through a cellphone to a beloved who is far away from home. Just think of the

many human lives saved because of speedy notifications via cellphones. Just think

of how your teaching and learning have become more stimulating, exciting, fresh and

engaging with the use of multimedia in the classroom. With your TV, you can watch

events as they happen all over the globe. However, when not used properly,

technology becomes a detriment to learning and development. It can destroy

relationships. Think of the student who surfs the Internet for pornographic scenes.

He/She will have trouble with his/her development. The abuse and misuse of the

Internet will have far reaching unfavorable effects on his/her moral life. The teacher

who schedules class TV viewing for the whole hour to free himself/herself from a

one-hour teaching and so can engage in "tsismis", likewise will not benefit from

technology. Neither will his/her class truly benefit from the whole period of TV

viewing. (Lucido, 2015)

In particular, digital natives may be classified into 3 major groups: Avoiders,

they do not feel an affinity for digital technologies and, unlike most of their peers,

they are not enamored by Facebook, texting or mobile technologies. They use

cellphone (it's pretty much cripplingly impractical not to have one these days), but do

not have an email, Facebook or Twitter account, and may not even have Internet

access at home. They probably have an older phone and do not text. Minimalists,

they realized that technology is a part of today's world, and they try to engage with it

minimally and only when they perceive it as necessary. They search for information if

they have to and purchase online only if they cannot do so in a local store. While

they may have a Facebook account, they may check it only once a day or every

couple of days. They will ask for directions to a friend's house instead of simply

getting the address and looking it up on Google maps. If absolutely necessary, they

will use Skype or a GPS system, but they are not eager to do so. Enthusiastic

participants they make up most of the digital natives. They enjoy and thrive on

technology and gadgets. Further, they enjoy tweeting, all of them are online in some

capacity (YouTube, watching TV shows or movies online, Facebook, surfing, etc.) all

day long or as much as possible. Of the three groups of digital natives, the third

group poses more challenges for teachers in terms of crafting teaching strategies

that match their characteristics. Since they are more technologically inclined, the

more technology-oriented activities must be prepared to cater their needs. According

to the talk delivered by Roscue in 2013, digital natives possess different ways of

thinking, reacting, responding and getting motivated and with new traits of

independence, creativity, open-mindedness, and enterprising minds. Other learners

are categorized as "millennials”. It is generally marked by an increased used and

familiarity with communication, media, and digital technologies. Millennials love to

accept ideas that add some value and provide utility, entertain, acknowledge one's

individuality and get their friends involved. Innovation is a key element of today's

societies and economies, and that includes how we learn. Durham Public Schools

Literary Framework cites one of the characteristics of the 21st century learners; they

use technology and digital media strategically and capably. Students employ

technology thoughtfully to enhance their reading, writing, speaking, listening, and

language use. They tailor their searches online to acquire useful information

efficiently, and they integrate what they learn using technology with what they learn

online. They are familiar with the strengths and limitations of various technological

tools and mediums and can select and use those best suited to their communication

goals. The emergent technologies enable the learners to engage actively in the

activities in the classroom and fully participate in a rapidly evolving information

society. It is an innovative technology that is reshaping the nature of education.

Computer-and network-based technologies now hold great potential for increasing

the access to information as well as the means of promoting learning. Schools and

classrooms never before had such universal access to information. Technologies are

transforming classrooms into more engaging, collaborative and productive learning

environments in which instructions can be customized to student's specific needs,

interest and learning styles. It is also redefining the way educators teach as well as

the role they serve- from being the sole source of information to being a guide,

facilitator and coach in the learning process. The major technologies include Blogs,

RSS, Podcast, Wikis, Handhelds and Robotics. It also includes Digital Video,

Distance Education, Social Bookmarking, Internet Telephony, One to One, Social

Networking Sites, Tablet Computers, Virtual Worlds, and Games in Education,

Interactive Whiteboard Technologies and Learner Response Systems. (Sicat, 2014)

The practice of communicating synchronously in an online environment is

quite challenging for many online teachers. The very nature of the internet being fluid

and demanding type of communication medium discourages many practitioners to

use his tool for online class discussion. To conduct synchronously communication

requires set of skills on the part of online teachers. These skills include among

others, technological skills which refer to the application of the tools and resources of

the appropriate instructional resources. As pre-service teachers, you learned from

your previous courses in teacher education about application of the basic principles

in classroom management. The use of the chat room for synchronous sessions can

create a chaotic and disorderly class meeting in the chat room. The students post

anything and at any time, and the teacher or the online moderator may lose control

of the flow of discussion. (Habulan, 2016)

The department of education recognizes the key role of information and

communications technology (ICT) in improving the state of education. The Internet,

with its capacity to hold an infinite number of resources, can provide accessible and

comprehensive education for students, wherever they may be in the country. A

single laptop and projector set-up can be used for a learning session for an entire

classroom. In lieu of books and papers, students can access modules, submit

assignments, and consult with their teachers and classmates online. Through shared

connectivity and innovative teaching methods with ICT integration in the classroom,

teachers and school leaders can significantly increase the quality of learning in the

public sector. (Garcia, 2016)

Local Studies
According to Sobejana conducted a study entitled “Educational Technology

and Academic Performance of Students” the researcher that use computers as one

of the major peripherals in the implementation of the system with networks, software,

and internet included in the e-learning process conducted a study on Educational

Technology and Academic Performance of Students in Basic English in selected

higher education institutions in Davao del Sur. The participants of the research

include 252 college students from six (6) higher education institutions in Davao del

Sur where 134 are female and 118 males. 50 participants belong to 15- to 17-year-

old group, 156 participants with ages 18 to 20, 35 belong to 21- to 23-year-old group,

8 on 24- to 26-year-old group, and only 3 participants for the 27 years old and above.

In terms of year level, 10 students came from first year, 104 students from second

year, 78 students from third year and 60 students from fourth year. When grouped in

terms of school type, 166 came from nonsectarian institutions and 86 from their

sectarian counter parts. Based on course profile 188 students are enrolled in BSIT, 7

students enrolled in BSCS, 2 BSECE students, 26 education students, 1 student is

enrolled in BSHRM, 1 BSAT student, 1 BSOA, and 8 BSBA students. The level of

academic performance of students in Basic English taught in the higher education

institutions in Davao del Sur is 86 percent. (Sobejana, 2015)

According to the study entitled “Relationship of Student’s Internet Usage and

Academic Performance” condo by Darel Acut shows that the study was carried out to

determine if the student’s academic performance is affected by their Internet usage.

The study was conducted two hundred thirty-three (233) respondents which

comprised 60 % who said they always used the Internet and one hundred thirty-nine

(139) which comprised 36% said they often used the Internet while only fourteen

respondents (14) which comprised 4% seldom used the Internet. This finding implies
that most students now use the Internet as part of their daily activities. The Internet is

a medium for them to communicate to their friends and disseminate the information

to their colleagues. (Acut, 2017)

The study entitled “Effects of E- Learning on the Skills and Attitudes of

Students” conducted by Caballero was undertaken in order to seek what the impact

of e-learning is on the skills and attitudes of the students. Pearson product moment

correlation was used in order to give meaning to the data gathered from 50

respondents, male and female, from different programs and year levels in the

College of ITE. The result implied that though the students liked e-learning it meant

that it was not the only factor that made the students realize the lesson fast. E-

learning played a part in the development of skills of the students especially when it

comes to realization and application. The general conclusion was that e-learning

effect was minimal on some factors, represented as weak negative association. This

showed that performance of the students as far as attitude is concerned was

considered with slight association to the factor that some students do not like long

reading when using the computer. (Caballero, 2016)

The study about “The Effects of Social Networking Sites on Student’s

Academic Performance in Lyceum of the Philippines” conducted by Morellos shows

that in the advent of internet technology, social communication using internet

became the frontier of daily communication, collaboration and networking. The

finding of this study results that there are ninety-nine (99) male respondents which

comprise 25.65% of the total population, and two hundred eighty-seven (287) female

respondents which comprise 74.35%. Since the respondents were chosen randomly,

it only implies that there are more female undergraduate students than male in the

university where the study was conducted. Most of the respondents fall within the
ages of 17-19 with a combined percentage of 72.9%. Of this, 27.4% are 17 years

old, 24% are aged 18, and 21.5 % are aged 19. This implies that the respondents’

age falls within the expected age bracket of college students. Of all the respondents,

there are two hundred thirty-three (233) respondents which comprised 60% who said

they always used the Internet and one hundred thirty-nine (139) which comprised

36% said they often used the Internet while only 14 respondents which comprised

4% seldom used the Internet. (Morellos, 2014

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. This process shows the general framework for survey, data analysis,

interpretation and evaluation of the study findings

Input Process Output

1. The demographic Profile

of the respondents in
terms of:

1.1. Age
1.2. Sex
1.3. Civil Status

Survey To determine the effects of

2. The response of the technology on the learning
respondent on the effects Analysis ability of Senior High School
of technology in terms
Interpretation HUMMS students in
Alangalang National High
Evaluation School
2.1. Learning
Ability School Year 2020-2021
2.2. Academic

3. The evaluation of the

respondents on the
influence of technology
on the students in terms

Statement Hypothesis

Keeping in view the benefits of technology in education, the objectives of the

study (a) to assess the effects of technology on the learning ability of HUMMS

students in terms of visual, auditory, and reading/ writing; the academic performance

in terms of reports, participation, and examination, (b) to evaluate the influence of

technology on the behavior of HUMSS students in terms of interaction, self-

confidence, and media addiction in the classroom and (c) to evaluate the influence of

social media to the learning ability of HUMMS students. The following hypothesis

were formed:

HO1: There is no significant relationship between using technological devices

and the learning ability of the HUMMS students.

HO2: There is no significant effect to the learning ability on the process of

using technology on the HUMMS students.

Definition of Terms
Computer-based learning – refers to the use of computers as a key

component of the educational environment. Broadly refers to a structure environment

in which computer are used for teaching purposes. (Ally, 2009)

E-learning – is defined as information and communication technologies used

to support student to improve their learning. (Piggott, 2009)

Facebook – is the name of a website where you can show information about

yourself and communicate with group of friends. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Google – is the name of search engine, program for finding information on

the internet. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Interaction – action on each other, reciprocal action or effect. (Merriam

Webster Dictionary)

Media Addiction – social networking sites such as Facebook, My Space,

Twitter and dozens of others allow people to stay in touch like never before.

However, some people spend so much time on these sites that begin to interfere

with their lives. Psychologists are referring to this social networking compulsion or

addiction. (Wilson, 2013)

Millennial – the term millennial generally refers to the generation of people

born between the early 1980s and 1900s. (Merriam Webster Dictionary)

Pedagogy – the art, science, or profession of teaching especially education.

(Meriam Webster Dictionary)

Social Networking Sites (SNS) – a website that is designed to help people

communicate and share information, photographs, etc. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Social Media – describes the online tools that people use to share content

profiles, opinions, insights, experiences, perspective and media itself, thus facilitating

conversations and interactions online between groups of people. These tools include

blogs, message boards, podcasts, micro blogs, live streams, bookmarks, networks,

communities, wikis and vlogs. (Solis, 2007)

Technology – is defined as the information necessary to achieve a certain

production outcome from a particular means of combining or processing selected

inputs which include production, processes, intrafirm, organizational structures,

management techniques and means of finance, marketing methods or any of its

combination. (Mascus, 2003)

Visual – is something such as a picture, diagram or piece of film that is used

to show or explain something. (Harper Collins Publisher)

YouTube – the name of a website that allows people to show videos they

have made. (Cambridge Dictionary)



Research Design

The researcher used descriptive research design in which it involves

surveys and studies that aim to identify the facts. Descriptive research is used to

describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon being studied. It does not

answer questions about how/when/why the characteristics occurred. Rather it

addresses the “what” question.

Descriptive research can either quantitative or qualitative. It can involve

collections of quantitative information that can be tabulated along a continuum in

numerical form such as gender or patterns of interaction when using technology in a

group situation. Descriptive research involves gathering data that describes events

and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data collection. (Glass and

Sampling Method

The respondents of this study are the students from Senior High School

HUMMS Students in Alangalang National High School. Sampling refers to selecting

a given number of subjects from a target population so as to represent that

population (Gichuri, 2003). This study adopted the simple random sampling to

determine the samples needed in the study in an organized way. This sampling is a

randomly selected subset of a population. I this sampling method, each member of

the population has an exactly equal chance of being selected (Thomas, Lauren)

Research Instrument

This study uses survey questionnaire, a research instrument consisting of a

series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from

respondents. A question regards with these two (1) Demographic profiles and (2)

Questions to the assessments of the respondents to be answered based on the


Data Analysis

Mean and Deviation will be used in analysis to know the effects of technology

in the learning of ability of the HUMMS Students as well as their academic

performance and behavior in the use of technology. On the other hand, regression

analysis will be used to test whether there is a significant relationship in using social
media to HUMMS students. This process of performing a regression allow us to

confidently determine which factors matter most, which factor can be ignored and

how these factors influence each other. Microsoft excel can do all the regression

calculation for this.

Ethical Considerations

Written informed consent were required from our participants. Individually,

prospective participants were approached and informed about the study's intent and

data collection process. They were given enough opportunity to ask questions and

voice their concerns. Since their engagement was voluntary, this was clarified.

Through not disclosing the participants' names and identities during the data

collection, interpretation, and reporting of the study results, the participants'

anonymity and confidentiality were maintained. During the survey, data collection,

and distribution of the results, the respondents' privacy and confidentiality were

carefully managed.

A. Books

Corpuz, Brenda B., Ph.D. and Lucido, Paz I., Ph.D. Educational Technology,

Third Edition. Lorimar Publishing, 2015.

Fernbank, Jam. Teaching Communication and Media Studies (Pedagogy and

Practice): Published by Rontledge, 2015.

Habulan, Nenita V. Pedagogical Foundations in Educational Technology.

Lorimar Publishing Inc., 2014

Sicat, Alvin. Emergent Technologies Based Teaching Strategies. Lorimar

Publishing Inc., 2014.

Underwood, Jean M.D. and Farrington-Flint, Lee. Learning and the E-

Generation, Wiley-Blackwell, February 2015.

B. Journal and Other Publications

Aeschliman (2017)

“Educational technology research past and present balancing, rigor and

development to impact school learning.”

Archana Saxena (2013).

“Impact of Mobile Technology on Libraries: A Disruptive Study.”

Dharel Acut (2017).

“Relationship of Students, Internet Usage and Academic Performance”.

 Isaac M. Morellos. (2014)

” The Effects of Social Networking Sites on Students Academic Performance

in Lyceum of the Philippines”

 Jonathan Caballero. (2016)

“The Effect of E-learning on the Skills an Attitude’s of Students, 2016”

 Henderson, (2015).

“Disruptive Technology Enhanced Learning”

Noel Sobejana (2015).

“Educational technology and performance of students in English selected

higher educational institutional in Davao Del Sur.

 M. Henderson.

“Students Everyday Engagement with Digital Technology in University:

Exploring Patterns Use and Usefulness”.

C. Websites

Açıkalın, M. (2009).

Pre-service elementary teachers' beliefs about use of the Internet in the social

studies classroom. European Journal of Teacher Education, 32(3), 305-320.

Baytak, A., Turman, B., & Ayaz, C. (2011).

Experiencing technology integration in education: children's perceptions.

International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 3(2), 139-151.

DePasquale, R., McNamara, E., & Murphy, K. (2003). Meaningful

connections: Using technology in primary classrooms. Young Children on the Web,

Retrieved from Herron, J. (2010).

Implementation of technology in an elementary mathematics lesson: The

experiences of pre-service teachers at one university. SRATE Journal, 19(1),

Tyler personal communication on September 8, 2014. Bulut, O., & Delen, E.


The relationship between students’ exposure to technology and their

achievement in science and math. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational

Technology, 10(3)

Roland Aljibe

School Principal

Dear Sir Roland,

Good Day!

I am a student from Humanities and Social Sciences that is currently doing a

study entitled: “The Effects of Technology on the Learning Ability of Senior High

School HUMMS Students in Alangalang National High School S.Y. 2020-2021”.

In this connection, I would like to request permission to allow me to get the

total number of Senior High School Students under HUMMS Strand.

Rest assured that the entire information gathered will be used strictly for
academic purposes only and will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

I am looking for your positive response regarding this request.

Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,

Dingcol, Bernardina

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