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Global vs.

Globalization of restaurant industry

White paper, 2021

Shani-Lisa Lourens , Maria Fachiridou, Silvie Wesseldijk, Vanesa Zvarová

Table of Contents

Advantages of the QR codes..............................................................5
Pros and cons of online ordering system.......................................6

Page 2
I think global companies
that understand how to
organize and distribute
their global competence to
local needs will be the
winners in the future.

~Goran Carstedt, president and CEO of IKEA

North America~

Page 3
Globalization is sometimes described as internationalization, Westernization, modernization, or re-specialization
(Held and McGrew, 1999). Going on about one’s day, people don’t stop and realize all the possibilities that
globalization has brought upon them. Whether all the aspects of globalization are good or bad, let them leave that
discussion for another day. But in this paper, they would like to concentrate on the topic of restaurant industry

In order to understand the discussion over the topic of this paper, it is important to first define what the term
globalization means in this context. Then globalization would be: increase in terms of technology, broadening of
the internet and recent programming progress. The world is opening, market liberalizing, hand by hand with
technology adapting to the modern world.

The hotel and restaurant business is the result of globalization.

~Lytvynenko Alina, Lytvynenko Olena, 2021~

Globalization brings an array of choices that consumers or business owners can use to their advantage. Ingredients or
dishes that were only reachable from the other side of the world, that were once impossible to obtain nowadays, are just
one click from us, down the corner. Nowadays life has become fast and paced, and coming home to an already prepped
meal is considered normality. Moreover, restaurants that were bound only to local markets, now due to globalization,
have access to international vendors. This happened also within the restaurant industry and it is all due to globalization.

Furthermore, globalization didn’t only bring advantages for the restaurant owners, but also for the consumers. The use
of apps and different kinds of software had increased and became an inseparable part of the restaurant industry process.

Page 4
What advantages do QR codes have in the restaurant industry?

Because of the huge amount of guests in restaurants, it would be helpful if the restaurants had an online system to
aid collect all the necessary data, such as location, number of tables, and amount of guests. In earlier days, when
ordering your food was completely manual, there was a waiter who needed to take the order with a paper and pen
to write the order down. Afterwards, the waiter, had to bring the paper to the kitchen, bring the food and make
the bill. QR code system makes all these objects possible and even more.

While using an online QR codes system, there are a few Tourism and hotel businesses
advantages comparing to collecting all the information are seeking to take advantage of
manually, for example: the growing power of the
internet and mobile devices to
· Collecting information manually takes a lot more time provide new marketing
· When using an online system there are fewer mistakes made strategies in order to attract this
· You need a lot more employees increasing consumer trend.
~Car et al, 2011~

Studies have shown that a QR code is a cheap, convenient, and fast way to fix problems. Restaurants just need to
print the QR codes, which are about the size of a sticker and place them according to their needs. Individuals may
scan these with their smartphones.

Another reason why a QR code would be really handy for restaurants and guests is that because of globalization
people are traveling more and more. This causes more restaurant guests who do not speak the native language.
Some of the restaurants do not have menus in English or another language. With the QR codes, clients have the
opportunity to just scan it and reveal the menu on their displays without the need of anyone going to the table.
Guests are allowed to just choose the meal they want without talking to anyone. This way you prevent the waiter
from making mistakes or dealing with cultural differences. Sometimes people get annoyed because they aren’t

Another very important function of QRs is

informing about allergic ingredients in the meals. In a tourism field, QR
Many guests with different backgrounds are coming codes can increase the
from all over the world and there are a lot of tourist experience at a
different ingredients transported from foreign destination
countries. When using the QR code system, guests

can easily see all the ingredients which are obtained ~Dickinson et al., 2014~
in the dish and it is easy to avoid getting an allergic
reaction or medical incidents.

Page 5
What are the pros and cons of ordering systems used in
restaurants nowadays?

Innovation of technology had rapidly changed the way of our lives. The traditional ways of communication or
transport had disappeared, as well as the traditional way of serving in the restaurant. Waiters are not using pen
and paper anymore, due to the fact, it has many negative impacts. From all the possibilities on how to lose or
destroy the paper with a customer order, through unreadable handwriting, finishing with a fact that it is not
eco-friendly to use such a big amount of the paper nowadays. Restaurants need a new way on how to catch up
with the new exigencies of a modern globalized world.

(The Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2016) had researched this problematic and (Bhaskar
Kumar Mishra, Bhawani Singh Choudhary, and Tanmay Bakshi, 2016) provided with the basic division of the
modern online ordering systems.

One of the systems is a system called “PDAs”. Examples of PDAs are
WOS, I-Menu, and FIWOS. This system is using a wireless
connection to the waiter’s phones and enables them to process the
customer’s order, afterwards sends it straight to the kitchen or cash
desk. Another type of PDAs is also connected straight to the
customer, therefore they can order by themselves. This system
provides excellent time-saving by its convenience. However it has a
few disadvantages, PDA system is based on text information only,
hence clients cannot see any pictures there. It may seem very
unattractive and inaccurate to the customer. Moreover, there is no
time for real-time feedback from customers.

Page 6
What are the pros and cons of ordering systems used in
restaurants nowadays?

Another kind of online order system is the “KIOSK based system”. This
ordering system is very advanced compared to the other ones. It consists
of a full screen with visual and written information. It is usually used in
the fast-food industry, for example in McDonald’s, in order to speed up
the full process of service. Order, payment, and purchase of the product
or service are all possible through this system. It is, however, not very
hospitable to use KIOSK since you are cutting the opportunity of
straight contact between customer and employee. It may also become
frustrating for customers in peak hours and could cause loss of orders.

The last system is “Computer-based food ordering”. Using this ordering system client have to propose his
order orally. This is also the advantage of this system because there is direct communication with the
client. The waiter also has time to use his selling skills and make some extra profit. After placing the order,
the waiter registers it on the computer or cash desk and sends the information to the kitchen. Its only
disadvantage is similar to the KIOSK system. During peak hours, it can be quite difficult to follow all the
orders and proceed to the customers.

Page 7

Nowadays, tourism experience is more comfortable with technology. For instance, QR codes in a restaurant help
customers, both local and foreign, to make an order without even having contact with a waiter. It is easily accessible
with a smartphone and the action can be done in any language. Moreover, preferable task can be done fast, without
causing any confusion. The biggest advantage of QR codes is the low price.

One more update that is presented to the world is not using papers for taking orders. There are several devices for
that. One of them is a PDA system which enables waiters to send the order directly to the kitchen or a cash register.
However, it also has disadvantages such as lack of pictures and feedback.

Another kind of system is the KIOSK which enables customers to order themselves, also in different languages.
These devices are often used in fast-food restaurants. They are considered not hospitable since the device is the
reason for contactless experience in a restaurant.

Last presented device is the computer-based system with which the orders are given orally and are immediately based
on the computer. Then, sent to the kitchen. The only disadvantage appears during peak hours.

To sum up, technology has a huge impact on both local and global customers. It helps tourism industry in updating
and making tourists’ experience more comfortable and easier.

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Additional Sources


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