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The Influence of Environmental Sanitation Programme on the Lives of the


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Pecson, Mark Dominic

Pelayo, Ian Chul Jae

Raval, Vincent

Redillas, Jade

Reforzado, Aron Seth

Engr. Imelda P. Gatuz

Introduction (Draft)

“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world

around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of

difference you want to make.” – Jane Goodall. Natural Environment is everything

that makes up our surroundings and affects our ability to live on the earth. It includes

everything that is living and non – living where we tend to live in order for us to

survive. These are naturally created by the nature where it provides us with foods,

raw materials and resources for medicines and other purposes. By knowing these

things, it is just basically our duty and responsibility to maintain the cleanliness of our

environment and protect it from the possible risk it can acquire. But there are natural

risks that can harm and becomes a potential threat to the surroundings of our natural

environment and can affect the people’s lives, these threats are the pollutions and

natural hazards. (World Health Organization, 2020)

Having a good level of sanitation in a community is a must; otherwise it can

lead into having a problem as according to, being unobservant of a

community in having good water sanitation will result to a no access to safe drinking

water and proper sanitation, as an example of a rural community in Abbottabad,

Pakistan, diseases were found with the ratio of typhoid 20%, hepatitis 13%, diarrhea

27%, skin infection 23%, stomach problems 53% and allergies 33% due to being

unaware of poor water and sanitation that made a consequence in their health.
According to International Institute for Sustainable Development, Sustainable

development is development that meets the needs of the present without

compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The goal of

Sustainable Development is to achieve equitable access to safely managed water

and adequate sanitation for all and end open defecation and to protect human health

and the environment including water bodies that are sources for drinking water.

(Mihelcic, 2017)

Sanitation is one of the most important aspects of community well-being

because it protects human health, extends life spans, and is documented to provide

benefits to the economy. (Naughton, 2017) Environmental sanitation is aimed to

develop and maintain a clean, safe and pleasant physical environment in all human

settlements, to promote the social, economic and physical well-being of all sections

of the population.
Objectives (Draft)

· To check up the current environmental sanitation situation in the community

· To identify the factors that contribute to the current environmental sanitation situation

· To examine the various intervention by the Assembly/ DOH to ensure a clean and
hygienic urban environment

· To identify policy interventions to address the environmental sanitation issues to ensure

a clean and healthy environment in the community.

. To determine the pros and cons of sanitation programmes to the lives of people.

(check nyo nga kung tama :<)

To determine the problems in the community regarding its cleanliness and proper sanitation
and determine some solutions to mitigate the issues found in the community.

To protect human health, by providing a clean environment that will stop the
transmission of disease.

To bring access to clean water, hygiene and sanitation to the areas that were affected.
( Recommendation)

To take the next step and develop sanitation programs for the innocent people and to
improve the behaviour of the people on a large scale.

relate the topic to the obj and how does it care for the environment

All the objectives above were aimed to solve surfacing sanitary problems in the
community. These problems include state of cleanliness, improper hygiene,
unawareness regarding sanitization and other unhealthy practices. Which are
detrimental to human health and natural environment if left unattended. Once the
objectives are determined, the researchers could come up with solutions that will be
based on it. Since Naughton stated, sanitation will not only benefit humanity and its
physical well-being but also bring advantage to the economy. Thus, the objectives of the
study focus on sanitation.


This research paper, which is a descriptive research in nature was conducted to determine the

problems in the community regarding its cleanliness and proper sanitation. The behavior of the

citizens in the community is a crucial factor to the betterment of society especially its effects to the

lives of the people. The major problem that the researchers have observed is that the community has a

poor sanitation management where they have improper waste management, uncollected wastes,

undisciplined behavior of waste disposal and unawareness of hygienic practices. These

aforementioned issues have a great impact on the community especially to the lives of people which

would lead to some various communicable diseases. The researchers have found out 8 solutions to

mitigate the issues in the environment which are the provision of sanitary facilities, provision of safe

water, provision of toilets, allocation of resources, enforcing more laws regarding the sanitation,

provision of sanitary infrastructures, sanitary regulations and arresting people who disobeyed the

regulation. In conclusion, environmental sanitation programs are essential to give awareness to the

people, to promote a clean environment and to mitigate the issues that the community is facing

wherein most of the citizens do not have a proper sanitation habit.

Terms with Definitions

Actions. These are the solutions implemented to mitigate the problems encountered by the

Behavior. It is the way the citizens act towards the sanitation programme whether they
cooperate or disregard the program implemented.

Environment. It is where the citizens live in which they were surrounded by community

Government Officials. They were the people with authority who implemented such rules
and regulations.

Influence. It is the effect of a certain programme implemented to the lives of the people.

Intervention.It is the action taken by the government to improve the issues in the

Issues. These are the problems and challenges that the community has been facing.

Policy. It is a law or regulation implemented by the government for the betterment of the

Sanitation Issues. These are the problems of the community in terms of cleanliness.

Sanitation Programme. It is one of the solutions to mitigate the environmental issues in the



In this case study, there were problems which poor sanitation and behaviors are

observed and found in a community and that is related to our topic. These problems includes

having improper waste management which led to the choking of drainages with solid wastes,

wastes being uncollected for days, garbage being left on streets, overflowing of waste

containers which to sum it all up is basically the undisciplined behavior of waste disposal.

The problem was addressed by the people inside the community because they

became frightened and worried on the wide – spreading and un-solved issue on the

improper waste disposal that might harm not just their health, also their surroundings and

environment. It was issued to the Kumasi Waste Management Department and did actions

that will help the community minimizing the increasing cases of improper waste disposal until

it will be eliminated and give discipline to the behaviors of people living inside the


These are the list of actions done in the community to help in eliminating the problem.

· Consistent Monitoring of Collection and sanitary disposal of wastes, including solid

wastes, liquid wastes, excreta, industrial wastes, clinical and other hazardous wastes
· Inspection and enforcement of sanitary regulations

· Arrest people who commit environmental sanitation offences.

The one who are responsible in doing this is the community itself. The people living inside

the community must have a unity in order to achieve the goal they want to have which is a

healthy and clean environment. The Government Officials, Waste Management Staffs,

Police Officers and the Citizens living here must cooperate and coordinate properly.


Case study 2: Environmental Sanitation Practices: A Case Study of Solid Waste

Management in Semi-Urban Communities in Orlu, Imo State Nigeria

Another case study had seen relevance in our topic. The problems involve improper solid

waste management in the communities and unawareness to hygienic practices.

Two surveys were conducted for the study to identify its problem. Results showed

from one report that the majority of the houses in the community had necessary sanitation

facilities open field defecation and lack of hand hygienic practices were the norms. Similarly,

in the other report from Harayana, the same problems were observed. Most of the

population in the two villages ,Raipur Rani and Kheri, were inappropriately dumping organic

waste.All of the practices become factors for diseases to occur especially during wet


These were the strategies imposed for answering the problems listed:

Allocation of resources for the purpose of improving sanitation

Enforcing more laws regarding sanitation to improve poor environmental sanitation in

the country.

Provision of sanitation infrastructure

The people in the community of Orlu, Imo State Nigeria were to be blamed for the problems.

Lack of knowledge in hygiene and Insufficient resources were the causes why people did

such practices. This makes awareness an important factor in managing solid waste and

problems regarding hygiene.

Case study 3: Field evaluation of environmental sanitation measures against cholera

In this case study, relates to our topic that sanitation will aid in preventing diseases. The

incident that happened in Bacolod city years ago shows the key solution which they lacked

and due to it ,caused a widespread disease.

In the past, It was observed overtime the relationship between evidence of cholera and poor

environmental conditions were proved to be closely related. Sanitation was poor in Bacolod

city and high rates of cholera were found. Communities were not able to afford a means of

potable and safe water supply and designated location for human waste. The disease was

said to be waterborne so it will appear and multiply on any water sources but only if there

was an issue when it comes to safe water. Therefore, a study was carried out in Bacolod,

Philippines to determine the effect of sanitary improvement namely safe water and waste

disposal facilities in lessening the spread of the disease.

Solution that the research had come up are:

Provision of sanitary facilities

Provision of safe water

Provision of toilets

Communities lacked the financial support to implement necessities in providing such

countermeasures. So, the situation was inevitable but preventable if officials were able to

allocate resources in improving its sanitation.


1.The government should implement a modified Environmental Sanitation if not effective.

2. Determine some other solutions to mitigate the environmental issues that have been

gathered to improve the condition of the community which are the improper sanitation.

3. To raise awareness about proper sanitation especially the youths who have insufficient


4. The people with authority should give awareness to those innocent citizens who have

some negative habits which would have a great impact on human health.

5. In general it is truly true that by implementing Environmental Sanitation is good for the

health of the people. Therefore it is, and it is true and proven theoretically. Yey :>

Credits: Vincent Raval :>


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