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1500 Vocabulary Words For Spoken English

Most Used Vocab For Speaking English Fluently

This E-book is a handbook of the list of Most Used Vocab words with
their meanings for Beginners and Advanced English learners as well.

Es Sanjay Agrawal & Team

By Es Sanjay Agrawal

©2021 By Es Sanjay Agrawal

All rights reserved. First Edition 2021

Made By Es Global Solutions Team.

Reproduction in whole or part of this publication without

Express content is strictly prohibited.

This book uses Indian English.

For More:

Es Sanjay Agrawal is Motivational Speaker,
Corporate Trainer, Life Coach Author, Mentor,
and Success Guide. Passionate about his
speaking in public.
He is graduated With a Bachelor Of
Commerce, completed MBA in HR. along with
He gives Motivational talks in Hindi, English,
and Odia Languages as Well. He is the author
of the "Ultimate Exam Blueprint" book which
Is Available On Amazon.
His dynamic personality empowers students
to be true themselves. He is known as "Es"
among people.
He conducts sessions in various schools,
colleges, and institutions. Es is a person of
He runs "Es Sanjay Agrawal Show" where he
invites guests from all over the world for
His life is full of Inspirational Stories itself.
He started earning at the age of 12, struggled
from childhood, learned to learn and unlearn
certain things, and became a self-made
person as Es.



This E-book is a Vocabulary Handbook for you

to Speak English Fluently. This E-book will
enable you to be good English Speaker and use
right word for right situations. Keep this book
with you every time as a user manual.
1. Holiday ......................................................................1-2
2. Relationship ..............................................................3-4
3. Technology ...............................................................5-7
4. Sports ......................................................................8-14
5. Education ...............................................................15-17
6. Work ......................................................................18-20
7. Health ....................................................................21-22
8. Books and films ....................................................23-25
9. Accommodation ...................................................26-28
10. Clothing and accessories ....................................29-35
11. Fashion .................................................................36-38
12. Beauty Salon Services .........................................39-40
13. People: Personality and Character ......................41-45
14. Business ...............................................................46-48
15. People: Physical Appearance ..............................49-51
16. Towns and Cities .................................................52-54
17. Weather ................................................................54-57
18. Shopping ..............................................................58-60
19. Environment .........................................................61-63
20. Advertising ...........................................................64-66
21. Types of Food .......................................................67-73
22. Music ....................................................................74-92
23. Movies ..................................................................93-94
24. Family Relatives ...................................................95-96
25. The In-Laws...........................................................97-98
26. Free Time ............................................................99-101
27. Body Part ..........................................................102-103
28. Personal Information .........................................104-110
29. Places in a City ...................................................111-113
30. Temperature ..............................................................114
31. Food .......................................................................... 115-117
32. Cooking Instructions .................................................118-121
33. Eatables ....................................................................122-124
34. Types of Feedback ...................................................125-127
35. Bedroom ...................................................................128-130
36. Babies and Baby Room .............................................131-133
37. Living Room ..............................................................134-135
38. Construction .............................................................136-139
39.List of Countries, Nationalities and their Languages.......140-143
All-in package/package holiday: a holiday where you

Vocabulary For Spoken English

purchase the travel and accommodation together

Breathtaking view: an extremely beautiful view

Charter-flight: a cheaper form of flying than a

scheduled flight

Check-in desk: the place at the airport where you

register for your flight and deposit your luggage

Departure lounge: where you wait for your flight to be


Far-off destination: somewhere a long way away

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Hordes of tourists: crowds of tourists

Local crafts: objects produced locally

Long weekend: an extended weekend holiday

including Friday or Monday

Out of season: outside of the main holiday period

Picturesque village: very pretty village

Passport control: the place where your passport is

Places of interest: sites of interest to tourists

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Wildlife safari: a holiday, often in Africa, to observe
wild animals

Self-catering: a holiday where you supply your own


Short break: a short holiday

To go sightseeing: to look around the tourist sites

Stunning landscape: extremely beautiful countryside

Travel agent: a shop that specialises in booking


Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Tourist trap: somewhere where too many tourists go

Youth hostel: a cheap form of accommodation

To break up: to end a romantic relationship

Vocabulary For Spoken English

To drift apart: to become less close to someone

To enjoy someone’s company: to like spending time

with someone

To fall for: to fall in love

To fall head over heels in love: to start to love

someone a lot

To fall out with: to have a disagreement and stop

being friends

To get on like a house on fire: to like someone’s

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
company very much indeed

To get on well with: to understand someone and enjoy

similar interests

To get to know: to begin to know someone

To go back years: to have known someone for a long


To have a lot in common: to share similar interests

To work at a relationship: to try to maintain a positive

relationship with someone
To have ups and downs: to have good and bad times

A healthy relationship: a good, positive relationship

To hit it off: to quickly become good friends with

Vocabulary For Spoken English

To be in a relationship: to be romantically involved
with someone

To be just good friends: to not be romantically


To keep in touch with: to keep in contact with

To lose touch with: to not see or hear from someone

any longer

Love at first sight: to fall in love immediately you meet


Es Sanjay Agrawal I
To pop the question: to ask someone to marry you

To see eye to eye: to agree on a subject

To settle down: to give up the single life and start a


To strike up a relationship: to begin a friendship

To tie the knot: to get married

To be well matched: to be similar to

To access websites/email: to locate

Vocabulary For Spoken English

To back up files: to make a copy of files in case of a
computer problem

To boot up: to start a computer

To bookmark a webpage: to mark a webpage for

future reference

To browse websites: to look at websites

A computer buff: an expert computer user

To crash: to suddenly stop working

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
To cut and paste: to move text or images from one
place in a document to another place

A desktop PC: a computer that isn’t portable and

remains in situ on a desk

Digital editing: to edit digital materials like audio or

video files

Download (podcasts): to save a copy of a file from the

internet to your own device

To enter a web address: to type the address of a
website into the address bar of your browser

A gadget: a technological tool like a mobile phone or


Vocabulary For Spoken English

To go online: to start using the Internet

High-spec (laptop): powerful computer with top

quality components

Internet security: Internet safety

Intranet: a network of connected computers within an

organisation that is not accessible by unauthorised

To navigate a website: to find your way around a


Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Operating system: the software that tells the
computer how to work

Send an attachment: send an email with an

accompanying file

Social media: media used to interact with other people

such as Facebook or Twitter

To surf the web: to look at a series of websites one

after the other

A techie: somebody who has an interest in technology

To upgrade: to obtain a more powerful or feature-rich
computer or piece of software

Video conferencing: to see and hear people from

different locations using the Internet

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Wireless hotspot: a public place where you can access
the Internet

Wireless network: a network where users can access

the Internet without the use of fixed cables

Word processing: producing written texts on a


Es Sanjay Agrawal I

Arena: (N) Another word for arena that you’re
probably more familiar with is stadium. It’s a flat area

Vocabulary For Spoken English

that hosts (holds) sporting events like the Olympic
Games, soccer and rugby games. It is circular (like a
circle) in shape and surrounded by seats for fans to

Amateur: (N/Adj) An amateur is a person who is not a

professional or does not get paid for what they do.

Athlete: (N) A person who practices and competes in

any sport.

Athletic: (Adj) A person who is athletic and is good at


Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Athletics: (N) Athletics is the category for any track
and field events, such as running (long and short
distance), throwing the javelin, long jump etc.

Award: (V, N) Any kind of prize, like a certificate,

medal or a trophy. To be awarded something means
to be given a prize.

Beat: (V) To win against or defeat another player or


Captain: (N) The captain is the team leader.

Cheer on: (Phrasal V) To shout words of
encouragement to your favourite team or player.

Coach: (N) A person who is responsible for teaching

and training the athletes to improve their skills.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Compete: (V) To take part in a competition.

Court: (N) The rectangle area where games like

tennis, basketball and badminton are played.

Course: (N) An area of land that is used for long

running events like marathons, car racing and golf.

Defend: (V) Defense: (N) To try and stop the other

team from scoring points or goals.

Draw: (N) When two teams finish a game with the

same number of points/goals. (also called a tie)

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Fan: (N) A supporter of a player, team or sport.

Field: (N) An area of grass that is used to play sports

such as field hockey, rugby or soccer.

Gym: (N) The place where you can go and exercise on

machines or the inside area where sports lessons are
done at school.

Half-time: (N) The short break between the first and

second half of the game.

League: (N) A group of sports clubs from one area
that play against each other for the season to try and
win the championship.

Medal: (N) A small circle piece of metal that can be

gold for 1st place, silver for 2nd place and bronze for

Vocabulary For Spoken English

3rd place.

Opponent: (N) The person that you compete or play

against in a competition.

Pass: (V, N) To kick or throw the ball to another player

in your team.

Physique: (N) The strength or shape of a person’s


Pitch: (V) To throw the ball to the person batting in

softball or baseball.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Pitcher: (N) In baseball, the player who throws the ball
from the pitcher’s mound to the batter.

Practice: (N, V) To continue training to improve the


Professional: (N, Adj) To be paid money for the sport

you do. Your sport is your job.

Record: (N) The best performance of goals, medals,

speed etc. that has ever been measured in a country
or the world.

Referee (Ref): (N) The person who makes the
decisions during a game. A referee runs up and down
the field/court (soccer) with the players, but an
umpire makes the decisions from one position (e.g.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Rules: (N) The laws of the game.

Score: (N) The points that each team has during the

Serve: (V) To throw the ball up and hit it at the start of

play (e.g. tennis and volleyball).

Shoot: (V) Shot (N) To hit, throw or kick the ball to try
and score a goal or point (e.g. rugby and basketball).

Skill: (N) Skilled (Adj) To be able to do something well,

to have talent.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Spectator: (N) The viewer or person who watches a
sporting event.

Sportsmanship: (N) To have good or bad

sportsmanship is your attitude and your respect for
the other team or player when you win or lose a game.

Tackle: (V) To try and take the ball of the other team.

Teammate: (N) A member of your team.

Teamwork: (N) Working with your teammates to try

and win.

Tournament (N): A number of games and competitions
between a certain number of teams or players to win
the championship.

Trainer: (N) Another word for a coach.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Train: (V) To practice.

Victory: (N) Winning a competition.

Whistle: (N) To blow the whistle (Phrase) The small

tool that makes a sound that the referee or umpire
blows during a game.

To run the marathon: to run a distance of 42.195


A season ticket: a ticket that gives you entry to most

of a team’s home games during the sporting year.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
To set a record: to achieve the best result in a sport

A sports centre: a public building where people can do

various sports

Sports facilities: the equipment and services needed

to do a sport

A squash/tennis/badminton court: the surface where

you play these sports

An athletics meeting: an event where various athletics
sports are held

An athletics track: a running track

Vocabulary For Spoken English

An away game: a football match played in the
opposing teams stadium

A brisk walk: a fast walk

To do judo: (not go or play)

A football fan: someone who likes football

A fitness programme: a schedule of activities to keep


A football match: a game of football

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
A football pitch: the surface on which you play
football (as opposed to a stadium, which is the

A football season: a period in the year when football

is played

To get into shape: to become fit

To go jogging: to run around the streets

A home game: a football match played in the teams
own stadium

To keep fit: to stay in good physically condition

Vocabulary For Spoken English

To be out of condition: to not be physically fit

A personal best: to achieve the best personal result so

far in a sport

A personal trainer: a sports coach that helps you on a

one-to-one basis

To play tennis/football: (not do or go)

Strenuous exercise: exercise that needs a lot of

physical effort

A strong swimmer: a good swimmer

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
A swimming pool: the place where you swim

To take up exercise: to start doing exercise

To train hard: to train with a lot of effort

To attend classes: to go to classes

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Bachelors degree: an undergraduate course which
usually lasts 3-4 years

Boarding school: a school where pupils live during

term time

Distance learning: a way of studying where tuition is

carried out over the Internet or by post

Face-to-face classes: as opposed to distance

learning the traditional way of studying in a classroom
with colleagues and a teacher

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
To fall behind with your studies: to progress less
quickly than others

To give feedback: to offer guidance on a student’s


A graduation ceremony: an event where a successful

student receives his or her academic degree

Higher education: education, usually in a college or

university, that is followed after high school or
secondary school

An intensive course: a course that offers lots of
training in order to reach a goal in as short a time as

To keep up with your studies: to not fall behind

Vocabulary For Spoken English

To learn something by heart: to memorize it

A mature student: a student who is older than

average and who has usually returned to education
after a period at work

Masters degree: a period of study which often follows

the completion of a bachelors’ degree or is
undertaken by someone regarded as capable of a
higher-level academic course

To meet a deadline: to finish a job or task in the time

allowed or agreed

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
To play truant: to stay away from classes without

Private language school: an independent school run

as a business concern

Public schools: exclusive independent schools in the


A single-sex school: a school where only boys or girls

attend (as opposed to a mixed-sex school)

To sit an exam: to take an exam

State school: a school paid for by public funds and

available to the general public

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Subject specialist: a teacher who has a great deal of
knowledge about the subject they teach.

To take a year out: to spend a year working or

travelling before starting university

Tuition fees: the money paid for a course of study

To work your way through university: to have a paid

job whilst studying to support yourself financially

Es Sanjay Agrawal I

To be called for an interview: to be invited to attend

Vocabulary For Spoken English

an interview

To be your own boss: to have your own business

A dead-end job: a job with no promotional


To do a job-share: to share the weekly hours of work

with another person

A good team player: somebody who can work well

with other people

Full-time: the number of hours that people usually

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
work in a complete week

A heavy workload: to have a lot of work to do

A high-powered job: an important or powerful job

Holiday entitlement: the number of days holiday


Job satisfaction: the feeling of enjoying a job

Manual work: work that requires physical activity

Maternity leave: time off work given to a woman about
to have a baby

To meet a deadline: to finish a job by an agreed time

Vocabulary For Spoken English

A nine-to-five job: a normal job that consists of an 8
hour day (approximately)

One of the perks of the job: an extra benefit you get

from a job

Part-time: working less than full-time

To run your own business: see ‘to be your own boss’

To be self-employed: see ‘to be your own boss’

Sick leave: time allowed off work when sick

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
To be stuck behind a desk: to be unhappy in an office

To be/get stuck in a rut: to be in a boring job that is

hard to leave

To take early retirement: to retire early (retire: to

reach an age when you are allowed to stop working
for a living)

Temporary work: work done for a limited time only

Voluntary work: to work without pay

To be well paid: to earn a good salary

Working conditions: the hours, salary and other

entitlements that comes with the job

Vocabulary For Spoken English

To work with your hands: to do manual work

Es Sanjay Agrawal I

Aches and pains: minor pains that continue over a
period of time

Vocabulary For Spoken English

To be a bit off colour: to feel a little ill

To be at death’s door: (informal) to be very ill indeed

To be on the mend: to be recovering after an illness

To be over the worst: to have got through the most

serious or uncomfortable stage of an illness

To be under the weather: (informal) to not feel well

A blocked nose: when the nose has excess fluid due

to a cold

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
To catch a cold: to get a cold

A check-up: a physical examination by a doctor

A chesty cough: a cough caused by congestion

around the lungs

Cuts and bruises: minor injuries

To feel poorly: to feel ill

A sore throat: inflammation that causes pain when

As fit as a fiddle: to be very healthy

To go down with a cold: to become ill

To go private: to choose to be treated by commercial

Vocabulary For Spoken English

healthcare rather than by services offered by the

GP: General Practitioner (family doctor)

To have a filling: to have a tooth repaired

To have a tooth out: to have a tooth removed

A heavy cold: a bad cold

To make an appointment: to arrange a time to see the


Es Sanjay Agrawal I
To make a speedy recovery: to recover quickly from
an illness

To phone in sick: to call work to explain you won’t be

attending work due to illness

Prescription charges: money the patient pays for

medicine authorised by a doctor

To pull a muscle: to strain a muscle

A runny nose: a nose that has liquid coming out of it


Vocabulary For Spoken English

An action movie: a film with fast moving scenes, often
containing violence

To be engrossed in: to be completely focused on one


Bedtime reading: something to read in bed before you

go to sleep

To be a big reader: someone who reads a lot

To be based on: to use as a modal

A box office hit: a financially successful film

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
To be heavy-going: difficult to read

A blockbuster: a film that is a big commercial success

To catch the latest movie: to see a film that has just

come out

The central character: the main person in a film or


A classic: of the highest quality

To come highly recommended: to be praised by
another person

Couldn’t put it down: wasn’t able to stop reading a


Vocabulary For Spoken English

An e-book: a digital book

An e-reader: a device for reading e-books

To flick through: to look quickly through a book

To get a good/bad review: to receive positive or

negative feedback

To go on general release: when a film can be seen by

the general public

Hardback: a book with a rigid cover (see ‘paperback’

Es Sanjay Agrawal I

A historical novel: a story set in the past

A low budget film: a film made with a small amount of


On the big screen: at the cinema

A page turner: a book that you want to keep reading

Paperback: a book with a flexible cover (see

‘hardback’ above)

Plot: the main events in a film or book

To read something from cover to cover: to read a

book from the first page to the last

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Sci-fi: science fiction

To see a film: to see a film at the cinema (see ‘watch a

film’ below)

The setting: where the action takes place

Showings: performances of a film

Soundtrack: the music that accompanies a film

Special effects: the visuals or sounds that are added

to a film which are difficult to produce naturally

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
To take out (a book from the library): to borrow a
book from the library

To tell the story of: to outline the details of someone’s

life or an event

To watch a film: to watch a film on TV (see ‘to see a

film’ above)

(all the) mod cons: technology at home that makes
jobs easier such as a washing machine, dishwasher

Vocabulary For Spoken English


Apartment block: a large building made up of smaller

units of apartments

Back garden: a garden at the rear of the house

Detached house: a house that is not physically

connected to another property

To do up a property: to repair an old building

Dream home: a home you regard as perfect

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
First-time buyer: someone buying a property for the
first time, especially when taking out a loan

Fully-furnished: a rented property with all furniture


To get on the property ladder: to buy a property with

the aim of buying another bigger or more expensive
one later in life

Hall of residence: a college or university building

where students live

Home comforts: things that make a home feel
comfortable to live in

House-hunting: looking for a property to live in

Vocabulary For Spoken English

House-warming party: a party to celebrate moving
into a new home

Ideal home: a perfect home

To live on campus: to live on the university or college


Mobile home: a home that can be moved by a vehicle

or one that has its own engine

To move into: to begin to live in a property

To own your own home: to have bought the property

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
you live in

To pay rent in advance: weekly or monthly rent paid at

the beginning of the week or month

Permanent address: a fixed address

Property market: the buying and selling of land or


To put down a deposit: to pay an amount of money as

the first in a series of future payments

Rented accommodation: property owned by someone
else and for which a person pays a fixed amount to
live in

Single room: a room for one person

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Spacious room: a large room

Student digs: student accommodation

The suburbs: a residential area on the edge of towns

or cities

To take out a mortgage: to borrow a large amount of

money, paid back over several years, in order to buy a

Terraced house: a house connected on both sides by

other properties

Es Sanjay Agrawal I


Vocabulary For Spoken English

Belt: a strip of leather or material worn around the
waist to support clothes (hold them in place).

Bikini: a bikini is typically worn by women when

swimming or sunbathing. It consists of two separate
parts, the top part and the bottom part.

Blouse: a piece of clothing for women and girls that is

worn on the upper part of the body.

Boots: a sturdy item of footwear covering the foot,

ankle, and sometimes the lower part of the leg.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Boxers (boxer shorts): men’s underwear that
generally fits loosely and is similar in shape to shorts.
They are made of a lighter fabric than those used for

Bra: women’s underwear that supports the breasts.

Cardigan: a cardigan is usually made of wool and is

similar to a jumper/sweater.

Cap: a type of soft, light hat that has a curved part

sticking out at the front of it. Sometimes it is called a
baseball cap.

Cargo pants: loose fitting pants (trousers) with large
pockets on the outside of the legs. These are mainly
used for outdoor activities.

Coat: an outer piece of clothing that is worn over the

top of other clothes for extra warmth

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Dress: a piece of clothing (typically for women or
girls) that covers the top half of the body and hangs
down over the legs.

Evening gown / evening dress: a long flowing dress

worn to a formal event or special occasion that usually
takes place in the evening.

Gloves: a piece of clothing worn on the hands (and

wrists) for warmth or protection.

G-string: a type of underwear that consists of a

narrow strip of cloth between the person’s legs that

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
covers their private parts. It is attached to a
waistband or string around the waist. Sometimes it is
called a thong.

Hat: a covering for the head which is worn for warmth,

as a fashion item, or as part of a uniform. A hat is not
joined to any other item of clothing.

Hoodie: a sweatshirt with a hood for covering the

head. Sometimes it is written as hoody.

Jacket: a jacket is a short coat. It only extends to the

waist or the hips. It has long sleeves and a fastening
down the front.
Jeans: trousers made of denim that are worn

Denim: is a strong cotton cloth.

Leggings: leggings are skin-tight garments that cover

Vocabulary For Spoken English

the legs and hips/waist but not the feet.

Tights: are similar but cover the feet and must be

worn under another garment.

Mittens: a type of glove with one section for the

thumb and one section for the other four fingers.

Overalls / dungarees: a piece of clothing that covers

both the upper and lower parts of the body and is
usually worn over other clothes in order to protect
them from dirt, paint, etc. They have straps going
over the shoulders to hold them in place.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Pajamas / pyjamas: soft loose clothing that is worn in
bed. They consist of trousers (pants) and a type of

Panties / knickers: panties are short underpants worn

by women and girls. They cover the area from the
waist to the tops of the legs.

Pants / trousers: an outer piece of clothing that

covers the lower part of the body from the waist to
the ankles. They consist of separate sections for each
leg that are joined at the top.

Pantyhose: thin translucent legwear that women use
to cover the body from the waist to the toes. They are
often worn under short dresses to hide visible veins,
scars, and blemishes. They are often made of nylon or
sometimes silk.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Polo shirt: a casual shirt with short sleeves, a collar,
and buttons at the front near the neck.

Pullover: see sweater / jumper.

Raincoat: a long coat made from waterproof / water-

resistant fabric to protect the wearer from getting wet
in the rain.

Scarf: a length of fabric (usually wool) worn around

the neck (or head / shoulders) to keep the person

Shawl: a large piece of cloth / fabric worn by women

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
over the shoulders, upper body or head.

Shirt: an item of clothing that covers the upper part of

the body. A shirt has a collar, buttons down the front
of it and can have long sleeves or short sleeves.

Shoes: coverings for the feet. They are typically made

of leather and have a sturdy thick sole (sole = base of
the shoe). Most shoes have shoelaces to make the
shoe fit tighter to the foot.

Boots: when the shoes cover the ankle or lower leg,

they are called boots.

Shorts: a type of trousers that are short with the leg
sections only reaching above the knees.

Skirt: a woman’s outer garment that hangs from the

waist and does not have individual sections for the
legs. It normally hangs to around the knees though

Vocabulary For Spoken English

can be longer or shorter. A short skirt is called a mini-

Slacks: a pair of casual pants / trousers.

Socks: an item of clothing made from soft material

(wool, cotton, etc.) That covers your foot and
sometimes the lower part of the leg.

Suit: a suit is generally used on formal occasions or

when doing business. A suit contains a formal pair of
trousers (pants) and a jacket of the same material.
People usually wear a long-sleeved shirt and a tie with
a suit.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Sweater / jumper: a sweater / jumper is usually made
of wool and you wear it over a shirt to keep you warm
in winter. They have long sleeves.

Sweatpants: soft casual pants typically worn in a gym

or for relaxing at home. It has an elastic waist with
drawstrings. They are usually loose and keep you
warm. Sometimes they are called tracksuit bottoms.

Sweatshirt: an informal piece of clothing for the upper

part of the body. It is made of thick cotton and has
long sleeves. It is generally used for sport or as
Swimming trunks: shorts worn by men for swimming.

Swimsuit: a single garment typically worn by women

when swimming. A swimsuit can also be called a
swimming suit.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Tank top: a piece of clothing that covers the upper
part of the body. It has no arms and no collar with a u-
shaped opening at the neck. It doesn’t have any

Tie: a long, thin piece of material that is worn under a

shirt collar and tied in a knot at the front with the rest
of it hanging down in front of the shirt.

Tracksuit: a tracksuit is a pair of sweatpants and a

sweatshirt that are usually worn when playing sport or
training for a sport.

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Trench coat: a loose long coat with a belt. Usually one
side of the front of the coat goes over the other side
to create a double layer.

T-shirt: an informal cotton shirt with short sleeves and

no collar. It is typically used in summer.

Tuxedo: a man’s black (or white) dinner jacket worn at

formal social events, usually in the evening. It is worn
with matching trousers / pants and a box tie.

Underpants: a piece of underwear (a garment that is
used under clothes) covering the area between the
waist and the tops of the legs. Sometimes they are
called briefs. They are mainly worn by men. Women
wear panties or knickers.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Wedding dress: a dress worn by the bride at her
wedding. It is traditionally long and white.

Windbreaker: a wind-resistant jacket. The cuffs

usually have elastic that fit closely to wrists to stop
the wind from going up the sleeves. A windbreaker
helps protect the wearer from feeling the wind.

Vest / waistcoat: a piece of clothing that covers the

upper body but has no arms or collar. It is worn over a
shirt and usually has buttons or a zipper down the

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To be on trend: to be very fashionable

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Casual clothes: not formal

Classic style: a simple, traditional style that is always


Designer label: a well-known company that makes

(often expensive) clothing

Dressed to kill: wearing clothes that attract admirers

To dress for the occasion: to wear clothes suitable for

a particular event

Fashionable: in fashion

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Fashion house: a company that sells (usually
expensive) new styles in clothes

Fashion icon: a person who is famous for their sense

of fashion

Fashion show: an event where modals show off the

latest in fashion designs

To get dressed up: to put on nice clothes, often to go
out somewhere special

To go out of fashion: to not be in fashion any more

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Hand-me-downs: clothes that are passed down from
older brothers or sisters to their younger siblings

To have an eye for (fashion): to be a good judge of

To have a sense of style: the ability to wear clothes

that look stylish

The height of fashion: very fashionable

To keep up with the latest fashion: to wear the latest


To look good in: to wear something that suits you

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To mix and match: to wear different styles or items of
clothing that aren’t part of a set outfit

Must-have: something that is highly fashionable and

therefore in demand

Off the peg: clothing that is ready made

Old fashioned: not in fashion any more

On the catwalk: the stage that modals walk along to

show off the latest fashions

A slave to fashion: someone who always feel the need
to wear the latest fashions

Smart clothes: the kind of clothes worn for a formal


Vocabulary For Spoken English

To suit someone: to look good on someone

To take pride in one’s appearance: to pay attention to

how one looks

Timeless: something that doesn’t go out of fashion

Vintage clothes: clothes from an earlier period

Well-dressed: to be dressed attractively

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Vocabulary For Spoken English

Facial (noun): a beauty treatment to make the skin of
the face soft, smooth and bright with creams, lotions
or face masks.

Manicure (noun): a beauty treatment to make hands

and fingernails healthy, soft and good-looking

Pedicure (noun): a beauty treatment to make feet and

toenails healthy, soft and good-looking

Blow-dry (noun): a beauty treatment that involves

drying and shaping hair

Dye (verb): to give your hair a new colour by using a

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Curl (verb): to give hair a curved shape by using hair

rollers or curling iron

Perm (verb): to give your hair curl for a long time

using chemicals. It is also known as ‘permanent wave’

Perm (noun): a chemical treatment to give your hair

curl for a long time

Shampoo (verb): to wash your hair with shampoo

[liquid for cleaning hair]

Straighten (verb): to make hair straight by using a flat
iron (also called straightener)

Trim (verb): to make hair tidy by cutting it

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Rinse (verb): to use clean water in order to remove
soap or dirt

Wax (verb) : to remove hair by using hot wax or wax


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Vocabulary For Spoken English

To be the life and soul of the party: a fun person,
someone who is the centre of activity

To bend over backwards: to try very hard to help


Broad-minded: prepared to accept other views or


Easy-going: relaxed and not easily worried about


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Extrovert: an energetic person who likes the company
of others

Fair-minded: to treat people equally

Fun-loving: to enjoy having fun

To hide one’s light under a bushel: to hide one’s

talents and skills

Good company: enjoyable to socialise with

Good sense of humour: the ability to understand what
is funny

Introvert: someone who is shy

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Laid-back: see ‘easy-going’

To lose one’s temper: to suddenly become angry

Narrow minded: opposite of ‘broad-minded’ (see


Painfully shy: very shy

To put others first: to think of others before yourself

Quick-tempered: to become angry quickly

Reserved: shy

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Self-assured: confident

Self-centred: thinks only of oneself

Self-confident: believes in one’s own ability or


Self-effacing: to not try to get the attention of others

(especially in terms of hiding one’s skills or abilities)

To take after: to be like (often another member of the


Thick-skinned: not easily affected by criticism

Trustworthy: can be trusted

Two-faced: not honest or sincere. Will say one thing

to someone to their face and another when they are
not present.

To balance the books: to not spend more money than

you are earning

To be self-employed: to work for yourself/to not work

for an employer

To cold call: to make a sales call to someone without

asking them for permission first

Cut throat competition: when one company lowers its

prices, forcing other companies to do the same,
sometimes to a point where business becomes

To do market research: to do research into what

potential customers would or wouldn’t buy

To draw up a business plan: to write a plan for a new


To drum up business: to try to get customers

To earn a living: to earn money

To go bust: when a business is forced to close
because it is unsuccessful

Cash flow: the money coming in and going out of a


Vocabulary For Spoken English

To go into business with: to join another person to
start or expand a business

To go it alone: to start your own business

To go under: (see ‘to go bust’)

To have a web presence: to have a website or social

media profile that showcases your business

To launch a product: to start selling and promoting a

new product

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
To lay someone off: when a company ends an
employee’s contract of employment

Lifestyle business: a business that is set up to bring in

a sufficient income and no more

To make a profit: to earn more money than it costs to

run the business

Niche business: a business that serves a small,

particular market

To raise a company profile: to make more people
aware of a business

To run your own business: to have a business of your


Vocabulary For Spoken English

Sales figures: a report of the income a company
generates through sales of products or services

To set up a business: to start a business

Stiff competition: strong competition from other

companies in the same area of work

To take on employees: to employ people

To take out a loan: to borrow money

To win a contract: when a business gets legally-

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binding work with an individual or company

To work for yourself: (see ‘to be self-employed’)

To balance the books: to not spend more money than
you are earning

Vocabulary For Spoken English

To be self-employed: to work for yourself/to not work
for an employer

To cold call: to make a sales call to someone without

asking them for permission first

Cut throat competition: when one company lowers its

prices, forcing other companies to do the same,
sometimes to a point where business becomes

To do market research: to do research into what

potential customers would or wouldn’t buy

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
To draw up a business plan: to write a plan for a new

To drum up business: to try to get customers

To earn a living: to earn money

To go bust: when a business is forced to close

because it is unsuccessful

Cash flow: the money coming in and going out of a


To go into business with: to join another person to
start or expand a business

To go it alone: to start your own business

Vocabulary For Spoken English

To go under: (see ‘to go bust’)

To have a web presence: to have a website or social

media profile that showcases your business

To launch a product: to start selling and promoting a

new product

To lay someone off: when a company ends an

employee’s contract of employment

Lifestyle business: a business that is set up to bring in

a sufficient income and no more

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
To make a profit: to earn more money than it costs to
run the business

Niche business: a business that serves a small,

particular market

To raise a company profile: to make more people

aware of a business

To run your own business: to have a business of your


Sales figures: a report of the income a company
generates through sales of products or services

To set up a business: to start a business

Stiff competition: strong competition from other

companies in the same area of work

To take on employees: to employ people

To take out a loan: to borrow money

To win a contract: when a business gets legally-

binding work with an individual or company

To work for yourself: (see ‘to be self-employed’)


Vocabulary For Spoken English

To bear a striking resemblance: to look very similar to

Cropped hair: very short hair

Dishevelled hair: untidy hair

To dress up to the nines: to dress very smartly or


Fair hair: light-coloured hair

To be fair-skinned: light skinned

To get done up: to dress smartly

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To be getting on a bit: to be getting old

To go grey: to have hair that is turning grey

To be good looking: to be attractive

To grow old gracefully: to act in a way that embraces

the fact you are getting older

To be hard of hearing: to find it difficult to hear

In his/her 30s/40s: to be 20/30 something

Scruffy: dressed untidily

To look young for your age: to look younger than you


Vocabulary For Spoken English

To lose one’s figure: to have a figure that has lost its
toned shape

Complexion: natural skin colour and texture

Make up: cosmetics

Medium height: average height

Middle-aged: approximately between 45-65

To never have a hair out of place: perfectly styled hair

To be overweight: to weigh more than is regarded as

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Pointed face: the opposite of a round face

Shoulder-length hair: hair that comes down to the

shoulders and no further

Slender figure: a figure that is tall and slim

Slim figure: attractively thin

Thick hair: a lot of hair

To wear glasses: to use spectacles

To be well-built: to be muscular

To be well-turned out: to look smart

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Youthful appearance: to look young

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Vocabulary For Spoken English

Boarded up shops: shops that are no longer doing

Chain stores: well-known brands with shops in

multiple cities

To close down: to stop doing business

Fashionable boutiques: fashionable clothes shops

To get around: to travel around

High-rise flats: multi-story apartments

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Inner-city: the central part of a city where people live
and where conditions are often poor

In the suburbs: the outer area of large towns and

cities where people live

Lively bars/restaurants: bars or restaurants with a

good atmosphere

Local facilities: local buildings or services serving the


Multi-story car parks: car parks on several floors

Office block: a large building that contains offices

Out of town shopping centre/retail park: large

shopping centres outside of the town or city

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Pavement cafe: cafes with tables outside on the

Places of interest: buildings that have a particular

interest for visitors

Poor housing: housing that is not in good condition

Public spaces: areas in a town or city that are open to

the public

Public transport system: public vehicles such as buses

and trains that operate at regular times on fixed

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Residential area: an area where people live

Run down: old and of a poor standard

Shopping centre: an area consisting of multiple shops

Shopping malls: large indoor shopping centres

Sprawling city: a city that has grown over time and

which covers a wide area

Tourist attraction: a place of interest to tourists

Traffic congestion: heavy traffic making it difficult to
move around a town or city

Upmarket shops: expensive fashionable shops

Vocabulary For Spoken English

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To be below freezing: below zero degrees Celsius

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Bitterly cold: very cold and unpleasant

A blanket of snow: a complete covering of snow

Boiling hot: very hot (informal)

Changeable: weather that often changes

A change in the weather: when weather conditions


Clear blue skies: a sky without clouds

To clear up: when clouds or rain disappear

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To come out (the sun): when the sun appears out of a
cloudy sky

A cold spell: a short period of cold weather

To dress up warm: to wear warm clothes to protect

yourself against wintry conditions

A drop of rain: a little bit of rain

A flash flood: a sudden and severe flood

Freezing cold: very cold (informal)

To get caught in the rain: to be outside when it rains


Vocabulary For Spoken English

To get drenched: to get very wet

Heatstroke: a serious condition caused by being too

long in hot weather

A heatwave: a period of very hot weather

Heavy rain: intense rainfall

Long-range forecast: the weather forecast for several

days or weeks ahead

Mild climate: a climate without extreme weather


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Mild winter: a winter that isn’t particularly cold

Not a cloud in the sky: see ‘clear blue skies’ above

To pour down: to rain heavily

To be rained off: to be cancelled or postponed due to

poor weather

Sunny spells: short periods of sunny weather

Thick fog: a dense fog that makes visibility very poor

Torrential rain: see ‘heavy rain’ above

Tropical storm: a storm typical of ones that you find in

Vocabulary For Spoken English

tropical climates

Weather forecast: a TV/radio programme or section in

a newspaper/magazine which predicts weather

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Advertising campaign: a series of advertisements to
persuade people to buy something

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Big brand names: large well-known companies or
product names

To be careful with money: to not over-spend

Carrier bag: bags (usually plastic) supplied by shops

Customer service: the degree to which customers are

treated well

To get into debt: to owe money

To give someone the hard sell: to put pressure on

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someone to buy something

High street names: well-known shops

Independent stores: small shops independent of large


Local shops: community shops

Loyalty card: a card issued by a shop to allow

customers to save money on the basis of what they

Must-have product: a product that is very popular that
a lot of people want to have

To be on a tight budget: to have a limited amount of

money to spend

Vocabulary For Spoken English

To be on commission: to pay someone in relation to
the amount they sell

A pay in cash: to pay for something using coins or

paper money

To pay the full price: to pay the full amount for


To pick up a bargain: to buy something much cheaper

than the normal price

To run up a credit card bill: to owe money on a credit

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To shop around: to try different shops to find the best


Shop assistant: the person who serves customers

To shop until you drop: to do a lot of shopping

To slash prices: to reduce prices a great deal

To snap up a bargain: to buy something quickly that is

being sold cheaply

Summer sales: a period in the year when things are
sold cheaply

To try something on: to see if an item of clothing fits

or is suitable

Vocabulary For Spoken English

To be value for money: to be worth the cost

Window shopping: to visit a store to look at items

without the intention of buying anything

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Air quality: the cleanliness of the air we breathe

Vocabulary For Spoken English

To become extinct: to no longer exist

To be under threat: to be in danger of becoming


Climate change: the change in worldwide weather


To die out: see ‘to become extinct’

Endangered species: categories of animals or plants

that are in danger of becoming extinct

Energy conservation: the careful management of

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energy resources to ensure they last as long as

Environmentally friendly: behaviour and products that

do not harm the environment

Exhaust fumes: the toxic gases given off by vehicles

powered by petrol

Flash floods: floods that happen quickly

Fossil fuels: energy resources like gas and oil that are
produced deep below the ground over millions of
To get back to nature: to live a life that is closer to

Global warming: the increasing temperature of the

world brought about by gases such as carbon dioxide

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Heavy industry: the manufacture of heavy articles and
materials in large numbers

Humanitarian aid: the act of showing support to

people struggling to survive

Impact on: the effect on

Loss of habitat: the decline in areas of land where

animals and plants would normally exist

Man-made disaster: widespread damage or loss of life

brought about by the action of humans

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Natural disaster: an event such as an earthquake,
flood or hurricane which causes widespread damage
or loss of life

Natural environment: the place where animals and

plants would normally be found in nature

The natural world: the world of nature

Oil spill: waste usually deposited in the seas and

oceans after an accident at sea

Poaching: to hunt and kill wild animals illegally

Pollution levels: the amount of toxic waste

Pressure group: a group of people who try to raise

awareness of issues and try to affect the views and
actions of people and organisations

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Toxic waste: poisonous, unwanted rubbish often
produced by industrial processes

Future generations: the people who live after us

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Advertising agency: a company that creates adverts
for other companies

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Advertising budget: the amount of money a company
decides to spend on advertising

Brand awareness: how well people know a particular


Brand loyalty: the degree to which people continue to

buy from the same brand or company

Buy and sell: often used to refer to the buying and

selling of items between individuals

Call to action: something that encourages someone to

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take a particular action, such as making a purchase or
clicking a link on a website

Celebrity endorsement: to have a well-known person

promote a product

Classified ads: small advertisements often put in a

newspaper or magazine by individuals

To cold call: to call someone with the aim of selling

something without them asking you to do so

Commercial break: the short period during TV
programmes when advertisements are shown

Commercial channel: TV channels that make money

from showing advertisements

Vocabulary For Spoken English

To go viral: to quickly become extremely popular on
the internet through social media

Junk mail: unwanted promotional leaflets and letters

To launch a product: to introduce a new product

Mailing list: a list of names and contact details used

by a company to send information and advertisements

Mass media: large media outlets like TV, newspapers

and magazines

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Niche product: a product that is aimed at a distinct
group of people

To place an advert: to put an advert somewhere

Press release: something written by a company for

newspapers and magazines and websites to share
and publish

Prime time: the time during the viewing schedule

when most people watch TV or listen to a broadcast

Product placement: to advertise a product by using it
as a prop in a TV show or film

Sales page: a page specifically used to promote a

product or service

Vocabulary For Spoken English

To show adverts: to display adverts on TV

Social media: websites that enable users to create

and share content or to participate in social

Spam email: unwanted, promotional email

Target audience: the people a company want to sell

their product or service to

Word of mouth: recommendations made by individuals

to other individuals about a product of service

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Vocabulary For Spoken English

Bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain
plants like onion and garlic plants

Greens (noun): green vegetables

Leaf vegetable (noun): a leaf or leafy plant that's

eaten as a vegetable, like spinach.

Legume (noun): a seed that grows in a pod, like a pea

or bean.

Raw (adjective): not cooked.

Root vegetable (noun): a vegetable that grows under

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the ground, like potato and carrot.

Salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used

in salads.

Vegetable (noun): part of a plant that can be cooked

and eaten with a main course.

Berry (noun): any small juicy fruit with many tiny
seeds like a strawberry.

Citrus fruit (noun): a fruit with lots of Vitamin C like an
orange or lemon.

Dried fruit (noun): fruit that's had water removed from

it, like raisins.

Fruit (noun): part of a plant that has seeds or a stone

and is eaten raw when ripe.

Melon (noun): a large round fruit with a hard skin and

soft flesh inside.

Stone fruit (also drupe) (noun): a fruit with soft flesh

around a large stone, like a plum or peach.

Ripe (adjective): (of fruit only) ready to eat after

growing to full size.

Temperate fruit (noun): any fruit that only grows in a

cool or cold climate.

Tropical fruit (noun): any fruit that grows in a warm,

tropical climate.


Bean (noun): an edible seed, often kidney-shaped,
that grows in a seedpod.

Breakfast cereal (or cereal) (noun): breakfast food

made from roasted grain, esp. Wheat, corn or oats.

Cereal (noun): 1. A plant that produces edible grain,
like rice and wheat 2. Breakfast cereal.

Edible (adjective): safe and tasting good enough to


Vocabulary For Spoken English

Flour (noun): a powder made by grinding grain.

Grain (noun): seeds used as food, like wheat, rice and


Grind (verb): to crush something into tiny pieces.

Legume (noun): a plant with a seedpod containing

beans or peas.

Nut (noun): a hard, dry fruit with seeds inside a hard,

woody shell.

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Nutcracker (noun): a tool for breaking open the hard
shells of nuts.

Seedpod (also pod) (noun): the long structure of

legumes in which several peas or beans grow.


Acon (noun): meat from the back or sides of a pig
that's cured and sliced.

Beef (noun): meat from a cow, bull or ox.

Breast (noun): meat from the front of a bird.

Chop (noun): a small cut of meat, usually lamb or pork,

from near the ribs.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Cure (verb): to preserve meat by smoking, salting or

Cut (noun): a piece of meat cut from a certain part of

an animal.

Dice (verb): to cut food into small cubes or square-

shaped pieces.

Drumstick (noun): a cooked chicken leg.

Free-range (adjective): (of poultry) free to live

naturally outside instead of being kept inside a farm

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Game (noun): 1. Wild animals and birds hunted by
people 2. Meat from hunted animals and birds.

Ham (noun): cured meat from a pig's upper leg,

usually sliced.

Lamb (noun): 1. A young sheep 2. Meat from a young


Meat (noun): animal or bird flesh eaten as food.

Mince (verb): to cut meat into tiny pieces, often with a

machine called a mincer.
Mutton (noun): meat from an adult sheep.

Offal (noun): organs from an animal or bird eaten as

food, like liver, heart and kidney.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Pork (noun): meat from a pig.

Poultry (noun): 1. Birds kept for their meat or eggs 2.

Meat from these birds.

Sausage (noun): minced meat in a long tube of skin,

usually fried.

Slaughter (verb): to kill an animal for its meat.

Spare ribs (noun): a cut of pork or beef that contains

rib bones.

Steak (noun): a thick slice of high-quality beef.

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Tripe (noun): the stomach of a sheep or cow eaten as

Veal (noun): meat from a calf or young cow.

Blue cheese (noun): cheese containing blue mould,
such as Stilton and Danish Blue.

Butter (noun): a solid, pale yellow dairy food made by

churning cream.

Cheese (noun): a soft or hard food made from milk
curds that's used in cooking or eaten on crackers,
bread, etc.

Cooking cheese (noun): any cheese that's mostly used

Vocabulary For Spoken English

in cooking.

Cottage cheese (noun): soft, lumpy white cheese

made from skimmed milk curds.

Cream (noun): thick, high-fat liquid from milk that's

used in cooking and with desserts.

Cream cheese (noun): a soft smooth white cheese

with a very mild taste.

Dairy foods (noun): milk and all the foods made from

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Feta (noun): a soft white goat's milk cheese from

Gelato (noun): Italian-style ice cream.

Infant formula or baby formula (noun): a processed

baby food made with powdered milk.

Margarine (noun): a butter-like substance made from

vegetable oils or animal fats.

Milk¹ (noun): 1. A natural liquid food that female

mammals produce for their young 2. Cow's milk.

Milk² (verb): to get milk from a cow or other animal,
either by hand or with a milking machine.

Mould¹ (also "mold" US spelling) (noun): a container

that gives a solidifying liquid its final shape.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Mould² (noun): tiny green, blue, or white fungi that
can grow on or in certain foods.

Powdered milk (noun): a powder made from dried


Processed cheese (noun): cheese made in a factory

with many added chemicals.

Skimmed milk (also US "skim milk") (noun): milk that's

had the cream taken out of it.

Swiss cheese (noun): any semi-hard cheese with

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holes in it.

Table cheese (noun): any cheese that's meant to be

served at table rather than used in cooking.

Yoghurt or yogurt (noun): a soft dairy food made by

fermenting milk.

Artist (noun): a professional singer, musician or

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Art music (noun): music written and performed by
professional musicians mostly for the upper classes,
like classical Indian music and European opera.

Beat (noun): the regular pulse in music that dancers

move to and audiences clap to.

Classical music (noun): European orchestral and

keyboard music that's written by composers.

Country music (noun): a genre of American music with

origins in the rural folk music of Europe.

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Folk music (noun): traditional music from a particular
region or country.

Genre (noun): a kind or style of music, movie, TV

show, painting, etc.

Harmony (noun): the combining of musical notes that

sound good when played or sung together.

Hip hop (also "rap") (noun): a musical genre in which

artists rap over beats and sampled sounds.

Jazz (noun): a genre in which artists improvise within

a rhythmic and harmonic framework.
Latin music (noun): a genre of popular music in Latin
America and Spain that has complex rhythms.

Live (adjective): played at a concert in front of an


Vocabulary For Spoken English

Lyrics (noun): the words of a song.

Melody (noun): a tune, or the notes of a song.

Pop music (noun): a popular music genre with short,

melodic songs that are easy to remember.

Popular music (noun): music that many people like and

buy, like rock music and heavy metal, hip hop and rap,
pop songs, etc.

Recording (noun): a piece of music that's recorded in

a studio or at a concert.

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Rhythm (noun): a pattern of beats and sounds that
musicians play in time to and dancers move to.

Rock music (noun): rhythmic blues-based music

played on guitar, bass, drums, etc.

Traditional music (noun): music that developed over a

very long time, like traditional African drumming and
Chinese folk songs.

Acoustic (adjective): without inbuilt electrical

equipment to amplify the sound.

Album (noun): a collection of songs released as a
digital download or a 12-inch LP record.

Alternative hip hop (noun): any style that isn't

mainstream commercial hip hop.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Alternative rock (noun): non-mainstream rock music
inspired by punk and post-punk.

Ambient music (noun): calming, atmospheric

background music.

Amplify (verb): to make sounds louder, esp. By using

electrical equipment.

Artist (noun): a professional singer, musician or


Art music (noun): music written and performed by

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
professional musicians mostly for the upper classes,
like classical Indian music and European opera.

Audio editing software (noun): software used to

produce music, movie soundtracks, etc.

Authentic (adjective): real or genuine.

Autoharp (noun): a small harp with buttons to press

for playing chords.

Avant-garde (adjective): new, unusual and


Backbeat (noun): a beat counted as "two" or "four" in
4/4 rhythm.

Backing singer (also "backing vocalist") (noun): a

singer who gives vocal support to a lead singer.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Ballad (noun): a slow song usually about love.

Banjo (noun): an African American stringed instrument

based on the African kora.

Bar (noun): one of many small sections in a piece of

music that contains a fixed number of beats.

Bass (guitar) (noun): an electric guitar with thick

strings for playing low "bass" notes.

Beat (noun): the regular pulse in music that dancers

move to and audiences clap to.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Beats (noun): the breakbeat rhythms that mcs rap to
in hip hop music.

Bebop (noun): a complex style of up-tempo jazz from

the 1950s.

Big band (noun): a large jazz band, esp. One that

plays big band jazz.

Big beat (noun): an EDM genre with breakbeats, heavy

bass, vocals and samples.

Block party (noun): a free party on the streets of a city

Bluegrass (noun): a style of country music based on

old-time Appalachian music.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

(the) Blues (noun): African American guitar-based folk
music that led to R&B and rock.

Bpm (noun): beats per minute.

Boy band (noun): a group of three or more boys or

young men who sing and dance.

Brass (noun): instruments made of brass, like the

trumpet, trombone and tuba.

Break (noun): a moment in which most instruments

stop, but one or two continue, esp. Drums.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Breakbeat (noun): a syncopated jazz or funk rhythm of
the sort sampled in hip hop.

Breakdancing (noun): a style of street-dancing in hip

hop culture.

Breakdown (noun): section of a dance track with less

singing and more percussion.

Call and response (noun): two musical phrases, one of

which answers the other.

Catchy (adjective): enjoyable when first heard, and
difficult to forget.

(the) charts (noun): lists of the best-selling songs of

the previous week.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Chord (noun): three or more notes played together.

Chorus (noun): the part of a song with the same

melody and words each time it's heard.

Classic (adjective): very good and highly-regarded for

a long time.

Classical music (noun): European orchestral and

keyboard music that's written by composers.

Collaborate (verb): to work together with someone to

produce something.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Commercial (adjective): made in order to be popular
and make money.

Contemporary R&B (noun): recent R&B that mixes

soul, pop and hip hop sounds.

Crossover hit (noun): a country, dance or hip hop

song that's on the pop-music charts.

Country music (noun): a genre of American music with

origins in the rural folk music of Europe.

Country pop (noun): a style that mixes pop and
country music.

Country rock (noun): a style that mixes rock and

country music.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Dance-pop (noun): up-tempo pop music with a dance

Deejay (verb): to perform the skills of a club or hip

hop DJ.

Disco (also "discotheque") (noun): a 70s nightclub in

which djs played dance records.

Disco music (also "disco") (noun): 70s dance music

with a steady four-on-the-floor beat.

DJ (or "disc jockey") (noun): someone who plays

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
records at dance clubs or on radio.

DJ mixer (noun): a small mixer made for djs.

Double bass (noun): a large stringed instrument for

playing low notes.

Drop (noun): a point in EDM when the rhythm and

sounds suddenly change.

Drum and bass (or "dnb") (noun): an EDM genre with

breakbeats, heavy bass and a fast tempo.

Drum kit (noun): a set of drums with a bass drum,
snare drum, tom-toms, hit-hat and cymbals.

Drum machine (noun): an electronic instrument that

makes sequenced drum sounds.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Dubstep (noun): an EDM genre with breakbeat
rhythms, very heavy bass and a slow tempo.

Duo (noun): two people who make music or perform


Dynamic (adjective): lively and having a lot of energy.

EDM (noun): electronic dance music.

Explicit (adjective): offensive, obscene or "rude"


Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Fan (noun): someone who likes a particular artist or
band very much.

Feedback (noun): a high-pitched noise made when a

microphone is close to a loudspeaker.

Fiddle (noun): another word for "violin", esp. In

country and folk music.

Flow (noun): the ability to rap rhythmically and


Folk rock (noun): a style that mixes folk and rock

Formula (noun): a method or plan that's believed to

Four-on-the-floor (noun): a 4/4 rhythm with bass

drum on the beat and hi-hat on the offbeats.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Funk (or "funk music") (noun): rhythmic groove-based
music that developed from soul in the 60s.

Funky (adjective): having the feel of funk music, esp.


Gangsta rap (noun): hardcore-style rap from Los


Genre (noun): a kind or style of music, movie, TV

show, painting, etc.

G-Funk (noun): funk-based subgenre of gangsta rap.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Glam rock (noun): a rock style in which male artists
wore make-up and glamorous clothes.

Gospel music (noun): rhythmic church music of

African American Christians.

Graffiti art (noun): street art that's drawn, painted or

sprayed in public places.

Groove (noun): a highly-rhythmic pattern repeated for

a long time, esp. In funk music.

Grunge (noun): punk-based alternative rock that
developed in the USA in the 90s.

Hardcore rap (noun): a tough style of New York hip

hop music.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Harmony (noun): the combining of musical notes that
sound good when played or sung together.

Heavy metal (noun): hard rock with heavy bass,

complex drumming and singers who scream.

Hi-hat (noun): a pair of foot-operated cymbals that's

part of a drum kit.

Hillbilly (noun): an impolite word meaning a poor

mountain farmer in the U.S.A.

Hip hop (also "hip hop") (noun): a musical genre in

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
which artists rap over beats and sampled sounds.

Hit (noun): a best-selling song on the pop-music


Honky tonk (noun): a country music style known for its

powerful, emotional songs.

Hook (noun): part of a song that's easily remembered,

often a chorus.

Horn section (noun): a group of musicians playing

brass instruments and saxophones.

House (or "house music") (noun): 80s dance music
similar to disco but with more electronic sounds.

House band (noun): a group of session musicians who

work for a music company.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

House producer (noun): one of a record company's
full-time music producers.

Hymn (noun): a religious song that's sung in church.

Improvise (verb): to invent music spontaneously while


Instrumental (adjective): played on instruments,

without vocals.

Jazz (noun): a genre in which artists improvise within

a rhythmic and harmonic framework.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Jazz rap (noun): rap music made with jazz samples or
instruments - Molly doesn't like jazz rap much.

Latin music (noun): a genre of popular music in Latin

America and Spain that has complex rhythms - Latin
music makes me want to dance.

Lead guitar (noun): a guitar on which melodic lines

and solos are played - Who's playing lead guitar in
your new band?

Live (adjective): played at a concert in front of an

Lyrics (noun): the words of a song.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Mainstream (adjective): normal and preferred by most

Mandolin (noun): a stringed instrument like a guitar

with a curved back.

MC (or "Master of Ceremonies") (noun): a DJ's

onstage announcer, esp. One who raps.

Melody (noun): a tune, or the notes of a song.

Mixtape (noun): a collection of free tracks, usually

downloadable or on cassette tape.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Modal jazz (noun): jazz that uses Arabic or Indian
modes instead of European scales.

Neo soul (noun): a style that mixes contemporary R&B

and 60s or 70s soul.

Offbeat (noun): a beat between the main beats, often

counted as "and" by musicians.

Old-time music (also "hillbilly music") (noun): country

music originating in the Appalachian Mountains of the

Outlaw country (noun): a style of country music
popular in the 1960s.

Pedal steel guitar (noun): an electric steel guitar on a

stand with foot pedals for changing the sound.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Pop music (noun): a popular music genre with catchy
songs that are easy to remember.

Pop song (noun): any song that follows the pop music

Pop soul (noun): a style of soul music with a pop-

music sound.

Popular music (noun): music that many people like and

buy, like rock music and heavy metal, hip hop and rap,
pop songs, etc.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Post-punk (adjective): of a style of experimental rock
that developed after punk.

Pounding (adjective): having a very strong, loud and

steady beat.

Power chord (noun): a basic chord that can add power

to music.

Producer (noun): someone who oversees the

recording of music.

Progressive EDM (noun): EDM made for listening to as
well as dancing to.

Protest song (noun): a song with lyrics that protest

against war, injustice, etc.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Psychedelic (adjective): related to powerful drugs like

Punk (rock) (noun): 70s and 80s rock music with

short, fast, noisy songs.

Rap (1) (noun): a set of lyrics rapped to a hip hop beat.

Rap (2) (verb): to speak rhythmically in rhymes over a

hip hop beat.

Rapper (noun): an artist who performs raps over a hip

hop beat.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Rave (noun): a large dance party held outdoors or in
an empty building.

Record (noun): a thin disc of black plastic on which

recorded music is imprinted and sold.

Recording (noun): a piece of music that's recorded in

a studio or at a concert.

Recording session (noun): time spent recording in a

music studio.

Reggae music (noun): a genre of music that developed
in Jamaica in the 1960s.

Remix (verb): to change a track's sound-level mix and

add effects.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Reverb (noun): an electronic sound effects similar to
an echo.

Revival (noun): the return to popularity of an old style

or form.

Rhyme (noun): a word that ends with the same sound

as another word.

Rhythm (noun): a pattern of beats and sounds that

musicians play in time to and dancers move to.

Riff (noun): a repeated series of chords or notes, esp.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
On electric guitar.

Rockabilly (noun): a style that mixes Western swing

and R&B.

Rock music (noun): rhythmic blues-based music

played on guitar, bass, drums, etc.

Sample (verb): to copy a sound or section of music

from a record or audio file.

Sample-heavy (adjective): having many sampled


Scale (noun): a series of notes in a fixed order from
lowest to highest.

Scratching (noun): moving a record quickly on a

turntable to create a rhythmic scratching sound.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Secular (adjective): not religious, or with no
connection to religion.

Session musician (noun): a musician who can be hired

to play on a recording.

Set (noun): a group of songs performed one after the


Singer-songwriter (noun): a musician who writes and

performs his or her own songs.

Single (noun): a song released as a digital download,

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
or as one of two songs on a 7-inch record.

Standard (noun): a song that is often recorded and


Stand-up bass (or "string bass") (noun): another word

for "double bass", esp. In country music.

Soul (or "soul music") (noun): a genre that combines

elements of gospel music, R&B and pop.

Soundtrack album (noun): an album containing music
made for a film.

Strings (noun): an orchestral string section with

violins, violas, cellos and double bass.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Swing (noun): up-tempo jazz for dancing played by
big bands or jazz orchestras.

Synthesizer (noun): an instrument that makes and

combines electronic sounds.

Tambourine (noun): an instrument with metal discs

that rattles when hit or shaken.

Techno (noun): an EDM genre from Detroit that led to

many subgenres.

Texture (noun): the musical pattern created when

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
sounds are combined.

The South (noun): thesoutheastern part of the USA.

Tour (verb): to perform concerts in a series of cities or


Track (noun): a recording of a song or piece of music.

Traditional music (noun): music that developed over a

very long time, like traditional African drumming and
Chinese folk songs

Trance (noun): a subgenre of techno with electronic
beats and dreamy textures.

Tune (noun): a song or melody.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Turntable (noun): a rotating plate that records sit on
while being played.

Twelve-inch single (noun): a special single that's

longer than usual.

Underground rap (noun): rap music by artists outside

the music industry.

Up-tempo (or "uptempo") (adjective): having a fast


Verse (noun): the part of a song with the same melody

but different words each time it's heard.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Wah-wah pedal (noun): a pedal pushed with the foot
to electronically change a guitar sound.

Western (country) music (noun): a style of country

music that developed in the western states of the

Western swing (noun): a style that mixes Western

music and big-band swing jazz.

Woodwind (noun): instruments played by blowing

across a hole (e.g. Flute) or through a reed (e.g.
Yearn (verb): to want something very much.

Yodel (verb): to sing in a way that quickly changes

from a very high voice to a normal voice.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Es Sanjay Agrawal I

Action movie (noun): a movie with many exciting and
violent scenes.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Cast (noun): all the actors and actresses in a movie or
TV show.

Character (noun): one of the people in a story.

Cinema (noun): a place where movies are shown on a

big screen.

Comedy (noun): a film with lots of funny scenes.

Director (noun): the person in charge of making a


Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Documentary (noun): a film that's about real people,
events or issues.

Drama (noun): a movie about realistic characters in

dramatic situations.

Entertainment (noun): enjoyment from movies,

concerts, TV shows, etc.

Family movie (noun): a movie that both children and

adults can enjoy

Film (noun): another word for "movie" (also "motion

Genre (noun): a kind or style of music, movie, TV
show, painting, etc.

Horror movie (noun): a movie that frightens and

shocks people.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Movie star (noun): a very popular movie actor or

Plot (noun): the series of events that form the main


Scene (noun): a small part of a film.

Sci-fi (or "science fiction") (noun): a genre with stories

set in the future or in outer space.

Screen (noun): the flat surface that a movie is

projected onto.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I


Vocabulary For Spoken English

When you have children, you are a parent.

If you are a male parent, you are a father.

If you are female parent, you are a mother.

If one of your children is a boy, he is your son.

If one of your children is a girl, she is your daughter.

When a couple gets married, the man is the husband,

and the woman is his wife.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
A brother and sister both have the same parents.

Siblings: Collective word for brother and sister.

Grandparents: the parents of your parents.

Grandfather: the father of your father/mother.

Grandmother: the mother of your father/mother.

Grandchildren: the children of your children.

Grandson: the son of one of your children.

Granddaughter: the daughter of one of your children.

Great grandfather: the father of your


Great grandmother: the mother of your

Vocabulary For Spoken English


Uncle: the brother (or brother-in-law) of your


Aunt: the sister (or sister-in-law)of your mother/father

Cousin: the child of your aunt/uncle

Nephew: the male child of your brother/sister

Niece: the female child of your brother/sister

Es Sanjay Agrawal I

Father-in-law: the father of your spouse

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Mother-in-law: the mother of your spouse

Son-in-law: the husband of your daughter

Daughter-in-law: the wife of your son

Brother-in-law: the husband of your sister

Sister-in-law: the wife of your brother

Stepfather: the (new) husband of your mother but not

your biological father

Stepmother: the (new) wife of your father but not

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
your biological mother

Stepson: the son of your (new) husband / wife (he is

not your biological son)

Stepdaughter: the daughter of your (new) husband /

wife (she is not your biological daughter)

Stepsister: the daughter of your stepmother or


Stepbrother: the son of your stepmother or stepfather

Half-brother: the brother you have only one parent in
common with .

Half-sister: the sister you only have one parent in

common with.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Es Sanjay Agrawal I

Free time = The time when you are not working, when

Vocabulary For Spoken English

you can choose what you do.

Free time = leisure time

Go to the cinema - to see movies, Bollywood movies

(from India), art films, animated films. You can also
say go to the movies.

Watch TV - Different types of television programs

are: The News, Soap Operas, Criminal Investigation
Dramas, Medical Dramas, Reality TV, Situation
Comedies (Sit-Coms), Talk Shows, Documentaries,
Cartoons, Game Shows, Sports programs, Movies,
Political programs, Religious programs.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Spend time with family – Doing anything with all
family members siting together.

Hang out with friends – Going out with friends.

Surf the internet – to do anything on internet either

watching movies, scrolling social media etc.

Play video games - You can play games on your

computer or on a game consoles, like PlayStation, X-
Box, Wii, PSP, Gameboy, etc. Either with your friends
or family.

Play a musical instrument – to learn or play any
musical instruments like piano, Casio etc.

Listen to music - Turn up the volume and listen to

your favourite type of music.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Read – to go through any written content, either
stories or articles etc.

Write – to write anything like diary, story or poetry.

Go to the park - go to the park with your friends or


Go to cultural locations and events - You can go to

the museum, to an art gallery or to the zoo to see
animals from around the world. You can go to
concerts, plays, musicals, dance recitals and opera

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Go shopping - go to shopping malls and areas of the
city that are known for shopping to buy clothes or
other items.

Cook – to make any dish in the kitchen.

Study something – go through any written material

either online or offline.

Art and crafts – to make anything using paper and


Gardening – plant any seed or sapling, watering the
plants etc.

Exercise and play a sport – spend time for being

heathy, doing exercises or play any sport.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Es Sanjay Agrawal I

Mouth - you use your mouth to talk, to eat and to

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Nose - You can smell things with your nose. You can
also breathe through your nose.

Nostrils - these are the two holes in your nose

Ankle - the joint between your leg and your foot.

Heart - your heart pumps your blood around your


Lungs - when you breathe, the air goes into your


Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Veins - these transport blood through your body.
They are like little tubes.

Brain - this is your 'thinking machine' inside your


Throat - food goes down this to get to your stomach.

Liver - the organ that cleans your blood.

Stomach - your food goes here when you swallow it.

Kidneys - the organs that process all your body

Skeleton - all of the bones in your body.

Ribs - these are the bones that protect the organs in

Vocabulary For Spoken English

your chest.

Bones - your skeleton consists of many bones. There

are about 206 in your body.

Skin - it covers almost the entire body and helps keep

all the organs and muscles in place.

Neck - this connects your head with your shoulders

and the rest of your body.

Tongue - the muscle at the bottom of your mouth that

tastes things and helps you pronounce words

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Wrinkles - the lines in your skin caused by age. Old
people have a lot of wrinkles.


Vocabulary For Spoken English

What is your name?
My name is _______.

What is your surname / last name?

My surname / last name is _______.

Do you have a nickname?

Yes, my nickname is _______ or No, I don't.


What do you do?

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
I am a _______.

Where do you work?

I work at _______.

Do you like your job?

Yes, I do. Or No, I don't.

Why do you like your job?

I like my job because _______.

Are you married / single?
Yes, I am. Or No I'm not.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend?
Yes, I do. Or No, I don't.

What is your partner's name?

My partner's name is _______.

Do you have any children?
Yes, I have _______ children. Or No, I don't

What are their names?

Their names are _______.

How many brothers and sister do you have?

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
I have _______ brothers and _______ sisters.

How old are you?
I am _______ years old.

When is your birthday?

My birthday is on the _______ of _______.

Where were you born?

I was born in _______.

Where are you from?
I am from _______.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

What is your address?
My address is _______.

What is your phone number?

My phone number is _______.

What is your cell phone number?

My cell phone number is _______.

Do you live with your parents?

Yes, I do. Or No, I don't.

Do you live alone?

Yes, I do. Or No, I don't.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Who do you live with?
I live with my _______.

Do you live in a house or an apartment?

I live in a/an _______.

What is your e-mail address?

My e-mail address is _______.

What do you do in your free time?
In my free time I _______.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are _______.

What type of music do you like?

I like _______ music.

Do you have a favourite singer or group?

My favourite singer / group is _______.

What types of movies do you like?

I like _______ movies.

Do you like to read?

Yes, I do. Or No, I don't.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
What do you like to read?
I like to read _______.

Do you have any bad habits?
Yes, one of my bad habits is _______.

Do you snore?
Yes, I do. Or No, I don't.

Do you smoke?
Yes, I do. Or No, I don't.

How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
I smoke _______ cigarettes a day.


Vocabulary For Spoken English

What is your favourite food?
My favourite food is _______.

Is there any food that you do not like?

Yes, I don't like _______. Or I like all food.

What is your favourite colour?

My favourite colour is _______.

Why do you want to learn English?

I want to learn English because _______.

What languages do you speak?

I speak _______.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Do you have any pets?
Yes, I do. Or No, I don't.

What pets do you have?

I have _______.

What are their names?

Their names are _______.

Which sports do you like?

The sport I like is _______.

Do you have a favourite team?
My favourite team is _______.

What is something you do well?

I am good at _______.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

What is something you do not do well?
I am bad at _______.

Are you romantic?

_______ romantic.

Do you have any tattoos?

Yes, I do. Or No, I don't.

Describe yourself using only two words.

I am _______ and _______.

What makes you happy?

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
I am happy when _______.

Are you a good cook/singer/driver?

Yes, I am. Or No, I'm not.

Short - Medium height - Tall

Skinny - Thin - Slim - Medium weight - chubby - fat -
overweight - obese

Skin Colour
Fair-skinned - Tanned - Dark-skinned

Hair (Length)
Short - Medium length - Long

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Hair (Style)
Straight - Wavy - Curly

Facial Features
Beard - Black Eye - Moustache - Pimples

Other Features
Mole - Scar - Wart - Wrinkles

Es Sanjay Agrawal I


Vocabulary For Spoken English

Airport - the place you go when you want to travel by
plane to another city.

Bakery - you can buy fresh bread and cakes here.

Bank - you deposit or withdraw/take out your money

here. You can cash a cheque.

Bookstore - a place where you can buy books and


Bus station - the place you go when you want to

travel by bus to another city.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Butcher's - they sell fresh meat.

Café - you can buy a cup of coffee and cakes or


Church - a religious place of worship.

Court - the place where they have trials

Craft market - a place that sells typical products

(normally hand-made) of a region/country.

Department store - a large store that sells clothes,
household appliances etc. In sections.

Cinema/movies - you can see the latest movies here.

Many people eat popcorn while they're here.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Fire station - the building where firefighters keep their
equipment including the fire engine.

Gas / petrol station - the place you go to put petrol

(gas) in your car.

Gym - you can do exercises, weight training and keep

fit here.

Hairdresser's - you go here when you want to cut your


Hospital - you go here when you need an operation or

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
someone is going to have a baby.

Hotel - where you sleep when you visit another city.

Gallery - you can see paintings and other works of art.

Jail / prison - criminals are sent here by a judge for a

number of days or years.

Laundromat / launderette - a place where you can

wash your clothes in coin-operated machines.

Library - a place where you can read and borrow

Museum - you can see many old objects (and

sometimes paintings)

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Pharmacy/drugstore - you can buy medicine here.

Police station - you are taken here when you break

the law and are arrested

Pub - a place where you can buy a beer or other types

alcoholic drinks

Park - An area of public land in a city that contains an

area of grass where you can rest, play or walk your
dog. Sometimes children can play on swings, a slide
or a climbing frame here.

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Restaurant - you go here when you don't want to cook
at home. They prepare meals for you.

School - a place where children learn. You normally

start school at the age of 5.

Square - an open area within a city in the shape of a

square. It is usually the heart of the city.

Supermarket - a large store that sells food, drinks and

household items

Zoo - a place where you can see many types of

animals in cages.
Boiling: very hot, often used in negative contexts

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Humid: hot and damp. It makes you sweat a lot

Muggy: warm and damp in an unpleasant way

Scorching: very hot, often used in positive contexts

Stifling: hot and you can hardly breath

Sweltering: hot and uncomfortable

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31. FOOD
To be full up: to eat to the point that you can no
longer eat any more

Vocabulary For Spoken English

To be starving hungry: an exaggerated way of saying
you are very hungry

To bolt something down: to eat something very


To be dying of hunger: an exaggerated way of saying

you are hungry

To eat a balanced diet: to eat the correct types and

amounts of food

To eat like a horse: to eat a lot

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To follow a recipe: to cook a meal using instructions

To foot the bill: to pay the bill

A fussy eater: somebody who has their own very high

standards about what to eat

To grab a bite to eat: to eat something quickly (when

you’re in a rush)

To have a sweet tooth: to enjoy sugary food

Home-cooked food: food cooked at home from
individual ingredients

The main meal: the most important meal of the day,

usually eaten in the evening

Vocabulary For Spoken English

To make your mouth water: to make you feel very
hungry for something

To play with your food: to push food around the plate

to avoid eating it

Processed food: commercially prepared food bought

for convenience

A quick snack: to eat a small amount of food between


A ready meal: see ‘processed food’

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A slap up meal: a large meal

To spoil your appetite: to eat something that will stop

you feeling hungry when it’s meal-time.

A take away: a cooked meal prepared in a restaurant

and eaten at home

To tuck into: to eat something with pleasure

To wine and dine: to entertain someone by treating

them to food and drink

To work up an appetite: to do physical work that leads
to you becoming hungry

Vocabulary For Spoken English

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Vocabulary For Spoken English

Add: to put ingredients together; to put one
ingredient with the others.

Bake: to cook in an oven using heat and without extra

fat, oil or liquid.

Barbecue: to cook food (usually meat) by using fire or

hot coals on a grill outside.

Beat: to stir (usually eggs, cream, butter) quickly and

continually to make a smooth or frothy mixture.

Blend: to mix two or more substances so they

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
combine together. Often done in an appliance called a
blender which has quickly rotating blades.

Boil: to heat water or another liquid until little bubbles


Break: to separate into smaller parts by force.

Broil: to cook meat or vegetables on a rack with an

extremely high temperature.

Carve: to cut meat into slices

Chop: to cut into small pieces, generally used with

Combine: to put two or more things together.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Cook: to prepare food by heating it so that it is not
raw and can be eaten.

Crush: to cause to separate or flatten by extreme

force, often used with garlic.

Cut: to separate or divide a solid by using a knife.

Drain: to remove excess liquid from food after

washing or cooking it.

Fry: to cook by putting the food into extremely hot oil.

Grate: to divide into small parts by rubbing on a

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serrated surface, usually used with cheese.

Grease: to coat with oil or butter.

Grill: to cook by putting the food on a grill; similar to

barbecue. Also refers to heating the food under a grill
in a cooker which radiates heat downwards.

Knead: to press and stretch dough with your hands.

Usually used when making bread.

Measure: to obtain an exact quantity or amount of an

Melt: to make something become liquid through


Vocabulary For Spoken English

Microwave: to heat up food with a microwave oven.

Mince: to grind food, normally meat, into small pieces.

A machine is often used to do this.

Mix: to combine two or more things using a spoon,

spatula, or electric mixer.

Open: to remove the top from a can or jar.

Peel: to remove the skin or outer layer from fruit or


Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Pour: to transfer liquid from one container to another.

Roast: to cook (usually meat and vegetables) in the

oven or over a fire.

Sauté: to quickly fry food by placing it in hot oil in a

frying pan.

Scramble: to mix the white and yellow parts of eggs

together while cooking them in a pan.

Sift: to put a fine substance through a sieve so as to
remove lumps or large particles.

Slice: to cut into thin or wide portions that are of

similar size.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Sprinkle: to cover an object or surface with small
drops or particles of a substance.

Squeeze: to extract a liquid or soft substance from

something by compressing it firmly.

Steam: to cook by placing the food above boiling

water. Steam is the vapour that comes from hot

Stir: to mix liquid ingredients by moving a spoon

around in a circular motion.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Stir-fry: to cook small pieces of food by moving it
quickly in a wok or pan with hot oil.

Tenderize: to make meat softer and easier to eat by

beating it or adding marinade before cooking it.

Wash: to immerse food in water to make sure it

becomes clean.

Weigh: to measure the weight (grams, ounces or

pounds) of something.

Whish: to mix liquids, eggs, etc. Into a stiff light mass,

using a fork or a special tool (such as a whisk).
Bitter = a strong, sharp taste that is not sweet.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Land = it is unseasoned or has an uninteresting taste.
It seems to be without any flavour.

Chewy = food that you have to chew a lot before


Creamy = thick and smooth like cream or with the

same consistency. Contains a lot of cream.

Crispy = has a firm, dry, and brittle surface or texture.

Crumbly = breaks into little pieces easily.

Crunchy = hard and makes a sharp sound when you

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bite it.

Delicious = has a very pleasant taste. It is appetizing.

Dry = has no juice or very little juice inside of it.

Fresh = recently produced or picked. It is not frozen

or preserved (for example in tins/cans).

Greasy = food that has been fried a lot and still has a
lot of / too much oil or grease.

Healthy = gives the nutrients you need to maintain
your health, feel good, or give you energy.

Hot = 1. Food that has just finished cooking and hasn't

cooled down. 2. Usually contains chillies or curry that

Vocabulary For Spoken English

leave a burning sensation in your mouth.

Juicy = it contains a lot of (natural) juice.

Mashed = reduced to a soft pulpy state by crushing or


Mild = not spicy. It does not have a strong taste or

smell. It is easy to digest.

Nutty = tasting of or containing nuts such as peanuts,

walnuts, almonds, etc.

Raw = food that has not been cooked. It is in its

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
original state.

Rich = contains a lot of fat, dairy products, or eggs,

etc. And it makes you feel full quickly.

Ripe = fruit or crops that have matured enough to eat.

Roast(ed) = cooked in an oven (or over a fire) for a

long time.

Rotten = has decayed and cannot be eaten because

you will become sick.

Salty = tasting of salt or that has been preserved in

Seasoned = has seasonings added to it (salt, pepper,

etc.) To improve the flavor.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Savory / savoury = tasting of salt and/or spices.
Category of food that is not sweet.

Sour = has an acidic taste like lemon or fruit that is

not ready to eat.

Spicy = has a strong taste because spices (such as

ginger, cumin, etc.) Have been added to it.

Stale = not fresh and is unpleasant to eat. Typically

used to describe old bread or cake.

Sweet = a pleasant taste that is characteristic of

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
sugar or honey.

Syrupy = thick, sticky and sometimes sweet like


Tasteless = it does not have any taste or noticeable


Tender = easy to chew or cut through, typically of



Vocabulary For Spoken English

I like it!
I love it!
Good job!
Great stuff!
That's correct!
That's it!
That's nice!
That's right!
Very good!
Well done!

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
You did a great job!


Not exactly.
Good try but...
That is almost it.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Unfortunately, not.
Let's try that again.
You were almost right.
That's not quite correct.
I'm afraid that's not quite right.


I'm impressed!
That's more like it.
That's much better.
You are doing well.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
You're getting there.
I'm very proud of you.
You've improved a lot.
You've just about got it.
Keep up the good work!
That's coming along nicely.
Nothing can stop you now.
You're on the right track now.
You're getting better every day.
One more time and you'll have it.

Have another try.
Have another go.
Give it another shot.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Give it another go.
There's no hurry.
We have plenty of time.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I

Bedside table, night table, and nightstand - are all
different names for a small table that is next to a bed.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Alarm clock - the clock makes a loud sound in the
morning to wake you up. It is also called a clock radio.

Daybed- is a bed at night, but becomes a sofa during

the day with large pillows. The name for Cushion –
The large pillows which are kept on the sofa.

Convertible sofa - It has a mattress underneath that

can be pulled out at night to sleep on.

Cot - is small bed where babies sleep and is also used

to describe a small temporary bed,

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Mattress - is the large soft part of the bed where you

Box spring – It is found below the mattress, that holds

the mattress up and makes the bed comfortable.

Pillow- is where you put your head when you sleep.

Pillowcase – The cover of the pillow.

Fitted sheet – Sheets that covers the mattress and

has a piece of elastic around the edge.

Flat sheet- it doesn't have any elastic.

Blankets - that are thicker sheets which keep you


Vocabulary For Spoken English

Bedspread - It is a blanket that is made special for the
size of the bed.

Dust ruffle – It is also known as bed skirt, is a piece of

fabric that hangs off the side of the bed, so that you
cannot see what is underneath the mattress and box

Twin bed - It is the smallest size of bed, it is a bed
only for one person, also called a single bed.

Queen size bed- where two people can sleep.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Canopy bed - is a fancy bed with four large posts (one
at each corner of the bed) holding a piece of fabric
high above the bed.

Bunk beds - There are two beds in a bunk bed, one on

top of the other.

Waterbed- is when the mattress is filled with water

instead of fabric. The bed moves with the person as
he sleeps.

Quilt – It is a special type of blanket, made by sewing
many small pieces of cloth together.

Duvet - is a set of two thick sheets sewn together on

the ends.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Electric blanket - keep you extra warm by running
electricity through it to create heat.

Headboard - is a large piece of wood or other material

that goes above the bed against the wall.

Bureau - is a large piece of furniture where people

place their clothes that do not go in the closet or

Chest of drawers - where people place their clean

folded clothes and other small things like socks.
Another name for the chest of drawers is a dresser

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Coat hangers Clothes that are not folded go on the
coat hangers in the closet or wardrobe.


Vocabulary For Spoken English

Baby lotion - Is a lotion which is rubbed on the baby's
skin to keep it soft.

Baby powder- Is a white powder that is rubbed on the

baby's skin to keep the baby dry and smell nice.

Ointment – It is a type of medicine put on a baby's

bottom to avoid rashes.

Baby wipes– Baby wipes are like toilet paper for

adults, but are thicker and wet so that they clean the
baby better.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Cotton swabs - are small pieces of cotton on both
ends of a type of small stick. They are used to help
clean the baby.

Tissues - are thin sheets of cotton that you use when

you sneeze and wipe your nose.

Bib – A bib is what a baby wears when it eats so that

the baby doesn't get his/her clothes dirty.

Baby food – Baby food is normal food mashed to

become soft and easy for the baby to eat.

Baby bottle the milk that does not come directly from
the mother is put in a baby bottle for the baby to suck

Nipple it is also the name of the rubber part of the

Vocabulary For Spoken English

bottle where the baby drinks. It is sometimes also
called the teat.

Crib - is the special small bed for a baby.

Cradle- Is a small bed for a newly born baby, it is also

sometimes called a cot.

Bouncer- Is a great toy for a baby. It has a seat for

the baby to sit in and hangs from the ceiling so that
the baby can bounce up and down.

Walker- Is a toy on wheels that a baby can hold on to

while it is learning how to walk.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Pacifier- Is a piece of plastic that is placed in the
baby's mouth to keep the baby busy sucking on the
object. Another name for pacifier is dummy.

Booster seat or baby seat - Is a special chair for a

baby that is placed on top of a normal chair. It helps
them to be taller so that they can reach the table
when they eat.

Car seat - Is a special chair that is placed in a car on

top of the normal seat that is made special so that the
baby is always safe while riding in the car.

Baby bottle the milk that does not come directly from
the mother is put in a baby bottle for the baby to suck

Nipple it is also the name of the rubber part of the

Vocabulary For Spoken English

bottle where the baby drinks. It is sometimes also
called the teat.

Crib - is the special small bed for a baby.

Cradle- Is a small bed for a newly born baby, it is also

sometimes called a cot.

Bouncer- Is a great toy for a baby. It has a seat for

the baby to sit in and hangs from the ceiling so that
the baby can bounce up and down.

Walker- Is a toy on wheels that a baby can hold on to

while it is learning how to walk.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Pacifier- Is a piece of plastic that is placed in the
baby's mouth to keep the baby busy sucking on the
object. Another name for pacifier is dummy.

Booster seat or baby seat - Is a special chair for a

baby that is placed on top of a normal chair. It helps
them to be taller so that they can reach the table
when they eat.

Car seat - Is a special chair that is placed in a car on

top of the normal seat that is made special so that the
baby is always safe while riding in the car.

Lounge – sometimes a living room is also called a

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Bookcase - a place to put your books, photos or

Coffee table - a large low table in front of the sofa.

Side table - is normally much higher so that people

sitting on the sofa (for two or more people) or
armchair (for one person) can easily place a glass or
other object on the table.

Lampshade - helps direct the light downward to help

you see well.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Drapes - curtains are also known as drapes.

Writing table - which is similar to a desk, but are often


Couch is another name for sofa.

Settee - is normally an antique sofa.

Loveseat - is a piece of furniture that is smaller than a

couch and larger than a chair, just big enough for two
people to sit on.

Armchair is the name for a type of chair that is large
and comfortable. It normally has large padded

Pillows are smaller than cushions, which are the

Vocabulary For Spoken English

largest soft object on a chair or sofa where a person

Fireplace - is the area in the room where the fire is

placed so that it keeps the room warm.

Chimney is used to give smoke the way to go out from

the house.

Fireguard is placed in front of the fire place, so that

the warm air still comes through but that children stay

Mantelpiece - which is normally a long piece of wood

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that provides a shelf on which to display things.

Stereo system is kept with television, on the shelves

of the wall unit holding all of the electronics used for

Recliner - a recliner is a special chair that has the

ability to lean backwards so the person sitting in the
chair is in a very relaxed position.

Ceiling fan – fan which are hanged on the ceiling of

the room which keeps you cool in summer.

Build: To construct or create something from nothing.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Reconstruct: To build again, often after a structure
has been damaged.

Remodel: To change the inner structure of a building

(or part of a building) in order to change its

Renovate: This term refers to updating or repairing a

building (or part of a building) so that it looks new

Demolition: The act of destroying something or taking

it down.

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Property: someone’s belongings.

Commercial property: A commercial property is a

property that’s intended for non-residential buildings.
In other words, it should be used for a business, not
for living.

Construction site/Building site: The place where a

structure is being built.

Scaffolding: This is a temporary structure next to a

building that workers can stand on to work on a
building. It’s usually made out of wood planks and
metal poles. 136
Hazardous: This word describes something that’s


Vocabulary For Spoken English

Blueprint: The design or drawing that shows the plan
for a building or other structure, such as a house.

Brick: A hard block, usually made out of clay, that’s

used to build structures.

Concrete: This is the hard, grey material used to

create floors and walls, among other things. It’s
poured out in liquid form and then hardens.

Drywall: This is a board usually made from plaster

that’s used to create the interior walls of a structure.

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Beam: A piece of wood, steel or other material that
runs across the structure of a building to hold weight.

Joist: A supportive beam of wood or metal in a

building. Usually, it runs parallel to the ceiling or floor.

Vertical: The up-to-down or top-to-bottom direction.

Horizontal: left-to-right or side-to-side direction.

Crane: The tall machine that helps to lift heavy objects
and materials to the upper floors of a building.
Bulldozer: A machine with a large shovel attached that
helps to dig holes and remove rocks from the ground.

Dump truck: This is a large truck that has an open

back, which can be filled with trash and debris.

Vocabulary For Spoken English

Ladder: A ladder has steps or bars to allow people to
climb up and down.

Wheelbarrow: A device used to move material such as

rocks or soil from one place to another. It has one
wheel on the front, so people can easily push it


Architect: The person who creates or draws the
design for the building, house or structure.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Surveyor: A person who investigates land to see if it’s
possible to build there.

Contractor: A contractor is a person or company who

provides services for a specific job.

General contractor: The person or company

responsible for everyday work of all members on a
construction site.

Subcontractor: A person or company that does work

for a contractor or larger project.

Shovel: This is a tool used to pick up dirt, sand, gravel
and snow.

Workman: A person who does manual labour and often

reports to a contractor or other manager at a

Vocabulary For Spoken English

construction site.

Bricklayer: A person who builds walls, structures and

pathways with bricks.

Electrician: A person who installs the electric wires of

a building or structure.

Plumber: A person who installs the pipes and

plumbing fixtures in a building or structure.

Roofer: This person is responsible for building the roof

of a building or structure.

Es Sanjay Agrawal I
Steeplejack: A person who climbs tall structures and
buildings to clean them and make repairs.

Stonemason: A person who builds and works with


Carpenter: A person who builds and repairs buildings,

structures and other items out of wood.


Vocabulary For Spoken English


Es Sanjay Agrawal I

Es Sanjay Agrawal I Vocabulary For Spoken English

Es Sanjay Agrawal I Vocabulary For Spoken English

Es Sanjay Agrawal I Vocabulary For Spoken English


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