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Daily Lesson Plan for Year 5 KBSR Science

Date: 7th April 2011

Time: 12.00 p.m – 1.00 p.m
Class: Year 5 Bersih
No. Of pupils: 28
Subject: Science
Theme: Investigating Force and Energy
Learning area: Energy
Leaning objective: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able understanding renewable and non-renewable energy
Learning outcome: Students
1) State what non-renewable energy is
2) List non-renewable energy resource
3) Explain why renewable energy is better than non-renewable energy.
Pre- requestion knowledge: Students know that energy come from different resources
Scientific skills:
Scientific process skills: 1) Predicting
2) Explaining
3) Communicating
Thinking skills: 1) State what non-renewable energy
2) State non-renewable energy resources that exist
3) Explain benefit of using renewable.
Scientific attitudes and values: 1) Being thankful to god
Teaching and learning resources: work card, printed note and worksheet, white board
Assessments: Students verbal interaction
Detailed steps:
Phase Contents Teaching and learning activities Teaching and learning aid
Orientation Examples of resources non- - Teacher paste word cards on wjite board that Observing
( 5 minutes ) renewable energy: written resources non-renewable energy Communicating
i) Natural gas - Teacher asks did they know what word are that?
ii) Petroleum Teacher: “ Do you know what are word on the T & L Aids
iii) Coal white board?” • Word cards of non-
iv) Nuclear atom Students: “Yes, that are coal, petroleum, natural renewable energy
v) Charcoal gas etc”
Elicitation of Examples of resources non- - Teacher asks to students do they what the Predicting
idea renewable energy: relationship between that picture with the topic that Thinking skills
( 15 minutes ) i) Natural gas they will learn today.
ii) Petroleum Teacher: “ Ok, do you know what the T & L Aids
iii) Coal relationship between these all kind of word with Combination of picture
iv) Nuclear atom our lesson today non-renewable energy?” resources of energy
v) Charcoal Students: “ This is example of non-renewable
Definition of non-renewable energy “
energy: - Teacher asks what they understand about non-
Non-renewable energy is the renewable energy?.
energy that cannot be replenished Teacher: “ What do you understand about non-
when used up renewable energy?”
- Teacher takes note all the answer that give by the
Restructuring of Examples of resources non- - Teacher giving printed note and vocabulary to Communicating
ideas renewable energy: students.
( 20 minutes ) i) Natural gas - Teacher explains what the meaning of renewable T& L Aids
ii) Petroleum energy. Printed note
iii) Coal - Teacher tells the resources of energy and where we
iv) Nuclear atom can get it.
v) Charcoal
Definition of non-renewable
Non-renewable energy is the
energy that cannot be replenished
when used up
Application of Examples of resources non- - Teacher make a simple mind map on the white Relating
idea renewable energy: board an there are blank in the box. Predicting
( 15 minutes ) i) Natural gas Teacher: “ Fill in the blank box the resources of Communicating
ii) Petroleum non- renewable energy that you have learn”
iii) Coal Teacher: “Why these energy not good in our T & L Aids
iv) Nuclear atom life”? White board and
v) Charcoal Teacher:”Compare the advantage of using worksheets
renewable energy than non-renewable energy”
- Students present their answers
- Teacher explains the answer.
Reflection Definition of non-renewable - Teachers asks what they have learnt for today Thinking skills
( 5 minutes ) energy: Teacher: “What the meaning of non-renewable Communicating
Non-renewable energy is the energy?”
energy that cannot be replenished Students : “Energy that cannot be replenished
when used up when used up “
Teacher: “ State the resources of renewable
Students: “Coal, charcoal, petroleum, natural
gas, nuclear atom”
Teacher: “Which energy much better?”
Students: “ Renewable energy”

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