Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay - Critical Hits

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CRITICAL HITS ‘The tables and rules in this booklet may be used to supplement or replace the ones given Warhammer FRP in the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay cule- Critical Hits Credits book. The rules for critical hits on page 16 pe i Sa have been updated slightly from the original play Cea Stem Graeme Deli Babes Sharp Hand Weapons _ pages 2-3 Sa ea ene ae Blunt Hand Weapons pages 4-5 sed na rpee Deal 98, ‘Teeth and Claws pages 6-7 i is designed by Arrows and Bolts pages 8-9 io corollaries parearis) pases nots eae Falling and Crushing _ page 12 Dan eyes cee eae ad in White ar #91 an elastics pages 14-15 fle ee etepaion ad Critical Hit Rules Gage 16 faitng i this books by Copy-editing, design, layout and ‘coordination by James Wallis. This booklet i prt of he Warhammer Rentay Roleplay GB's Seren & Reference Rack Pulsed by Hogsbead Puohing id (sa a. dit tee ce HF) a hot be older fevered Games Woreop, the Gamer ‘ered edema and Warmer Fn or more information onthe Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay gametinc “her Hosea! ishing rod contact 4g) HOGSHEAD ONC \4/ PUBLISHING Weep Sharp Hand Weapons Arm Your blow grazes your opponent's arm, causing them to drop anything held in that hand, ‘Your blow skins your opponents knuckles, painfully but not se- riously. The arm may be used normally, but anything held in the hand is dropped. Your blow opens a small cut on your opponent's forearm, inca- pacitating the hand forthe next ound and eausing anything held Inthe hand to be dropped Your blow slices into the back of your opponent's hand. Any- ‘thing held inthe hand is dropped, and the hand i incapacitated for the next Ds rounds. Until medical atention s received, any actions attempted with this arm suffer a-10 penalty. ‘Yourblow gashes your opponent's forearm, Anything held inthe hhand is dropped, and the arm is incapacitated for the next D6 rounds. Until medical attention s received, any actions attempted, ‘with this arm suffer a-20 penaley. ‘Your blow jabs painfully nto your opponent's shoulder, slipping. berseen any pieces of armour worn there, Anything held in the hhand is dropped, and the arm i incapacitated for the next D6 rounds, Unt medical attention is received, any actions atempted, ‘with this arm sufler a -20 penalty Your blow opens a deep wound in your opponent's forearm, Anything held in the hand is dropped, and the arm is incapaci- tated until medical attention is received ‘Your blow carves into your opponent’s shoulder, laying it open tothe bone. Anything held in the hand is dropped, and the whole arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received. ‘Your blow cuts deeply into your opponent's ower arm, break Ing the bones there. Anything held inthe hand is dropped, and, the arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received, Your blow cuts deeply into your opponent's upper arm, break- ing the bones there. Anything held in the hand is dropped, and. the arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received Your blow strikes your opponent's hand, severing D3 fingers, Anything held in the hand is dropped, and the hand is incapaci- tated until medical atention is received. Your opponent's Dex- terityis permanently reduced by5 points per finger los, and any future Dexterity advances are +5 rather than +10. The GM may ‘decide to impose additional penalties vo tests relating wo manual slalls, depending on the navure ofthe skill Your blow cuts off your opponent's hand atthe wrist, and blood gushes from the wound at the rate of D4 Wounds per round, ‘until staunched, Anything held in the hand is dropped, and your ‘opponent falls to the ground unconscious, The loss of one hand hhalves Dexterity permanently, and means that all future Dexter- iyadvanees are +5 instead of + 10. The GM may impose further penalties to tests relating to manual skills, according to the ci- ‘cumstances and the nature of the skill Your blow severs your opponents arm atthe elbow, and blood gushes from the wound at the rate of D4 Wounds per round, ‘ntl staunched. Your opponent fills tothe ground unconscious, ‘The loss of the lower arm halves Dexterity permanently, and _means that all future Dexterity advances are +5 instead of +10. ‘The GM may impose further penalties to tests relating to manual sal, according tothe circumstances and the nature of the ski ‘our blow severs your opponent's arm at the shoulder, and blood, ‘eascades from the wound at the rate of D6 Wounds per round, until staunched. Your opponent fallsto the ground unconscious. ‘The loss of an arm reduces Dexterity by 60% permanently, and _means that all future Dexterity advances are +5 instead of +10, ‘The GM may impose further penalties to tests relating to manual stalls, according tothe circumstances and the nature ofthe ski Your blow severs a major artery Death from shock and blood, Joss is instantaneous. Your opponent's arm drops to the ground in a welter of blood. ‘Your opponent staggers backward for DS yards, and falls dead. 10 n 2 B “i 15 16 SS aaEnEEEEEEEnnieeieeeeonemmeeemmmeemeenaten 10 n 2 4 1s 16 Head ‘Your opponent ducks as your weapon whistles past at head height, losing nothing but the tp of an ear or a helmet plume [Next round, your opponent is off-balance and may do nothing ‘except parry glancing blow stuns your opponent, who may do nothing ex: ‘cept parry for the next ound ‘Acut to the side ofthe head stuns your opponent, who may do rothing except parry forthe next Di rounds, ‘Ablow to the head stuns your opponent, who may do nothing for the next round, Asolid blow co the head stuns your opponent, who may do noth- {ng for the next D4 rounds. [Ablow to the head stuns your opponent, who is knocked to the ground, dropping any hand-held items. Your opponent counts, as prone for the next round, and may do nothing except parry for Dé rounds afer that. ‘Your blow opens a flesh-wound in your opponent's scalp, cause ing blood to flow down into your opponents eyes. Alltests which, require the use of vision (including ‘to hit rolls) are made at a penalty of-10 until medical atention is received, ‘Your blow shears into your opponent's jaw, breaking the jaw: bone and knocking out several teeth. Your opponent can do nothing except parry for the next round; the necessity to keep spiting out blood and rooth fragments causes your opponent 10 attack 2t-10 for the rest ofthe combat. It will eave an impressive sear, modifying the character's Leadership and Fellowship tests, by +/-10 at the GM's option, according tothe circumstances. ‘Your opponent loses an eye (determine which one randomly if necessary). Your opponent may do nothing the next round, nd attacks at 10 until medical attention is received. Any sight- related skills are ost, including Night Vision bonuses, and Balis- tie Skills reduced by 20 points, subject to a minimum score of 5. Your opponent is concussed, and slumps to the ground unable to move. Unconsciousness last for D4 hours or until medical at- tention is received Your opponent is severely concussed, and is unconscious for DIO. hhours oF until medical attention is received. On regaining con- sciousness, your opponent must make a successful Toughness test of lose 10 points from each percentage characteristic a5 a result of lasting brain damage. Your blow severs your opponent's carotid artery drenching both of you ina fountain of blood. Your opponent collapses, and wil bleed to death in D4 rounds unless medical attention is receive. Your blow cleaves open your opponent's skull, causing them 10 collapse instanty. Your opponent will die in D4 rounds unless ‘medical attention is received, and must make a successful Tough- ‘ness test ata -20 penalty or lose D3 x 10 points from each per- centage characteristic as a result of peemanent brain damage. Your blow cuts deeply into your opponent's skull. Your oppo- nent dies almost instantly ‘Yourblow slices your opponent's skull almost completely i haf and unless you make a successful Weapon Skill test it will take you the whole of the next round to pull it fee. Death is instant. ‘Your opponent's head Mes off in a random direction, handing 26 feet away. Body 1 Your blow nicks your opponent's chest, bt not seriously. Your ‘opponent is winded by the force ofthe blow, and may only parry for the next round. 2. Your blow makes a shallow cut in your opponent's groin. Dou- bled up in agony, your opponent may do nothing for the next round, 3 Your blow cuts into your opponent’ chest, jarring a 1ib. Your ‘opponent is knocked to the ground, and may only parry for the hnext Dé rounds until he regains his fect 4. Your blow makes 2 painful cut into your opponent's abdomen, By some miracle you miss any vital organs, but your opponent collapses in pain, dropping any hand-held items, and may do ‘nothing (except parry with a shield if applicable) forthe next Di rounds until he regains his feet 5 Your blow cuts your opponent deeply aeross the ibs, throwing hhim D3 feet backward and knocking him to the ground. Your ‘opponent is stunned and counts as prone for Dé rounds, and thereafter may only parry for D4 rounds until back on his feet (6. Your blow breaks some of your opponents ribs. Your opponent _may take no action for the next found, and thereafter suffers 2 “10 penalty to allatacks (and to other actions at the GM's discre- ton) until medical attention is received, 7 Yourblow snaps your opponent's collarbone. The pain reduces all characteristics by 1 oF 10 points as appropriate, until medical attention is received. '8 Your blow cuts deeply into your opponents side, severing mus: ‘les and sinews. The pain reduces all characteristics by 1 or 10 points as appropriate, until medical atention is received. Your ‘opponent is knocked to the ground and remains prone for Di rounds, and must make a successful Initiative test every round, thereafter or remain prone; passing the test means that your op ponent may only parry for the next Dé rounds while regaining his feet. All movement and agility based skills are lost until medi cal attention is received 9 Yourblow cuts deeply into your opponent’s abdomen, and your ‘opponent collapses unconscious, losing 1 Wound per round 10 {ternal bleeding until medical attention is received. Your blow slides between your opponent's ibs and punctures a Jung, causing it to collapse. Your opponent falls unconscious, losing D4 Wounds per round until medical atention is received. Even then, your opponent will be totally incapacitated fora least 10 weeks, and loses 1 point of Toughness permanently Your blow pierces your opponent's abdomen, causing internal Injuries. Your opponent falls tothe ground in agony, only able to parry, and must make a Toughness test each round or pass out Medical attention will llow movement at half the cautious rate and all physical characteristics are halved for 3D6 weeks. Any stalls involving movement of any kind are lost until a full recov- ery is made, Your blow bites ito your opponent's spine. Your opponent falls to the ground, unable to do anything until medical atention is, received, and must make a succesful Toughness test or be pee ‘manently paralysed from the waist down. Ifthe test is successful, recovery is 28 for result 11 above. ‘Your blow pierces your opponent’ abdomen, causing internal bleeding, Your opponent fills to the ground in agony, only able to parry, and must make a Toughness test each round or pass ‘out, In addition, your opponent loses D4 Wounds per round 10 Internal bleeding until medical attention is received. Recovery takes 10 weeks, but is otherwise a8 for result 11 above Your blow slips bewween your opponent's ribs, piercing the heart, and causing death in a matter of seconds 15 Your opponent is disembowelled, and dies instantly 16 Your opponent falls to the ground in two separate places. Death {s instantaneous 10 u 2 B “4 10 n 2 1B “ 15 16 Leg [Aglancing blow to the caf makes your opponent stumble, drop ping any hand-held object unless a successful Dexterity test is made, [Aglancing blow unbalances your opponent, who may only parry forthe next round Your blow causes 4 flesh-wound to your opponents cal. Your ‘opponent is knocked to the ground, dropping any hand-held, object unless a successful Dexterity tests made. Your opponent ‘may only parry forthe next D4 rounds until upright again, pro= vided he is stil holding something to parry with Your blow causes a shallow but painful cut. Your opponent's “Movement allowance and Initiative are halved for D4 rounds, Your blow cuts into your opponent’ ankle, damaging the ham- string and requiring an I west vo avoid being knocked down asin Fesult 3 above. Movement allowance and I are halved until med cal attention is received. Your blow cuts into your opponent's hip, damaging muscles and tendons and requiring test against half Iniviative co avoid being knocked down as in result 3 above. Movement allowance and Initiative are halved until medical attention is received Your blow strikes your opponent’ cal, severing the hamstring ‘Your opponent s knocked down (see result 3 above), and move- ment allowance and Initiative are halved until medical attention is received. Your blow opens a deep wound in the leg, severely damaging muscle tendons and blood vessels, Your opponent is knocked down (see result 3 above), and loses 1 Wound per round to heavy bleeding until medical atention is received. Your blow cuts deeply into your opponent's thigh, severing a major blood vessel. Your opponent is knocked down (sce result 3 abore), and loses D4 Wounds per round to heavy bleeding until medical atention is received ‘Your blow opens 2 gaping wound in your opponents leg almost cuttingitoff Your opponents knocked down (see result 3 above), and loses Dé Wounds per round to heavy bleeding until medical attention is received, Medical atention will allow movement at half the cautious rate and all physical characteristics are halved for 306 weeks. Any shlls involving movement of any kind are lost until a full recovery is made, ‘Your opponent stares for 2 second at blood gushing from the stump of an ankle, before falling to the ground unconscious, losing D4 Wounds per round until medical attention i received. Loss of afoot halves Movement and Initiative permanently. The cost of advances to those characteristics, and of movement-e- lated skills, is doubled. Your blow lops off your opponents leg atthe knee. Your oppo- ‘nent collapses, losing D4 Wounds per round from bleeding until, ‘medical atention is received. Loss of the lower leg imposes the ‘same penalties a in result 11 above. ‘Your blow amputates your opponent's leg tthe hip. Your oppo- nent collapses, losing D6 Wounds per round from bleeding until ‘medical attention is received. Lost of the leg halves Movement and Initiative permanently. The cost of advances to those charac- teristics i tripled, and the character loses all movement related skils and may not cegain them Your blow severs your opponent's femoral artery, showering, blood over a wide area. Death from blood loss is almost instant. ‘Your blow amputates your opponent's leg, and your opponent, ‘collapses, hitting his head on the ground or on some protruding ‘object with enough force to cave in the skull. Death is instant ‘Your blow amputates your opponent's leg, and carsies on into the groin. Death from shock, blood loss and internal damage is almost instantaneous. a Sharp Hand Weapons Blunt Hand Weapons Am ‘Your blow bruises your opponent's arm, making them drop any- thing held in that hand ‘Your blow skins your opponent’ knuckles, painfully but not se- riousl. The arm may be used normaly, bt anything held in the hand is dropped. ‘Your blow jars your opponent’ forearm, incapacitating it forthe nest round and making them drop anything held in the hand. Your blow smashes into the back of your opponent's hand, Any: thing held in the hand is dropped, and the hand is incapacitated for the next DS rounds. Until medical atention is received, any actions attempted with this arm suffer a-10 penaly. Your blow severely bruises your opponent's forearm. Anything held in the hand is dropped, and the arm is incapacitated for the ‘next D6 rounds, Until medical attention Is received, any actions attempted with this arm suffer a-20 penaly. Your blow smashes painfully into your opponent's shoulder. Anything held in the hand is dropped, and the arm is incapack- ‘ated for the next D6 rounds. Until medical attention is received, any actions attempred with this arm suffer a-20 penaly. ‘Your blow smashes into your opponent's forearm, dislocating the bones there. Anything held in the hand is dropped, and the arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received. ‘Your blow smashes into your opponent's shoulder, distocating It Anything held inthe hand s dropped, and the arm sineapaci tated until medical attention is received, Your blow smashes into your opponent's lower arm, breaking the bone. Anything held in the hand is dropped, and the arm is incapacitated until healed. Broken bones take D6-+6 weeks 10 heal, and ifnot set by a character with medical skil, they have a 50% chance of setting crooked, reducing the characters Dexter. ity by up to half at the GM's discretion, Your blow smashes into your opponent's upper arm, breaking the bones there. Anything held in the hand is dropped, and the arm is incapacitated until healed, asin result 9 above ‘Your blow strikes your opponent's hand, breaking D3 fingers, Anything held in the hand is dropped, and the hand is incapack tated until healed, a in result 9 above. Your blow shatters your opponent's hand, Splinters fone sever arveres and poke through the skin, losing blood atthe rate of 1 ‘Wound per round until treated. Anything held ia the hand is ‘dropped, and your opponent may do nothing until teated, The hand is useless until the bones heal, The severe damage imposes 2-20 modifer to all medical reatment rolls; failure means that the hand is useless, and failure by more than 30 points means i ‘must be amputated. The loss of one hand halves Dexterity per- ‘manently, and means all future Dexterity advances are +5 in- stead of +10, The GM may add further penalties to manual sal, tests, according to the circumstances and the nature ofthe skill. ‘Your blow shatters your opponents arm at the elbow, causing a ‘compound fracture which bleeds at Di Wounds per round until, ‘reated. Your opponent can do nothing until treated, and medi cal reatment has a-20 modifier from the severity of the fracture ‘The lower arm is incapacitated until the bones heal, asin 9 above Failed medical treatment results n a permanently uscless arm, Your blow shatters your opponent's shoulder and upper arn Compound fractures cause imernal bleeding at the rate of DS ‘Wounds per round until medical attention is received. Your op pponent can do nothing until treated. Medical treatment has a-20 ‘modifier from the severity ofthe fracture. The arm is incapac tated until the bones heal, and failed medical treatment results {na permanently useless arm asin result 12 above. Your blow shatters bones, and a shaep fragment severs a major artery. Death from shock and blood loss is instantaneous. ‘Your blow smashes your opponent's arm and drives the wreck: age into their chest cavity, destroying intemal organs. Your op- ponent is thrown D3 yar by the blow, and falls dead Head ‘Your opponent ducks as your weapon whistles past at head- height, barely making contact. Next round, your opponent i of balance, and may do nothing except parry glancing blow stuns your opponent, who may do nothing ex: ‘cept parry forthe next round, Ablow to the side of the head stuns your opponent, who may do nothing except parry forthe next D4 rounds {Ablow to the head stuns your opponent, who may do nothing for the next round. ‘Asolid blow tothe head stuns your opponent, who may do noth- ing for the next D4 rounds. Ablow to the head stuns your opponent, who is knocked to the ground, dropping any hand-held items. Your opponent counts as prone for the next ound, and may do nothing except parry for D4 rounds after that. ‘Your blow slighty dazes your opponent. All tess (including ‘to hit’ rolls) are made at a -10 penalty until medical attention is received. ‘Your blow smashes your opponent's jaw, breaking the jawbone and knocking out teeth. Your opponent can do nothing except parry forthe next round: the necessity to keep spitting out blood, and tooth fragments causes your opponent to attack at -10 for the rest ofthe combat. This wound will leave an impressive scar, ‘modifying the character's Ld and Fel tests by +/-10 a the GM's ‘option, according 1 the circumstances Your opponent loses an eye (determine which one randomly, if necessary). Your opponent may do nothing the next round, and, attacks at -10 until medical attention is received. Any sight-e= lated skills ae lost, including Night Vision bonuses, and BS is, reduced by 20 points, subject o a minimum score of 5 ‘Your opponent is concussed, and slumps tothe ground unable to move, Unconsciousness last for D4 hours of until medical at. tention is received, Your opponent i severely concussed, and is unconscious for D10, hours or until medical attention is received. On regaining con: sciousness, your opponent must make a successful Toughness test oF lose 10 points from each percentage characteristic a8 a result of lasting brain damage. Your blow fractures your opponent's skull, eausing a brain hhaemmorage. Your opponent collapses, and will bleed to death, in D4 rounds unless medical awention is received. On regaining consciousness, your opponent must make a successful Tough: ness test of lose 10 points from each percentage characteristic as 4 result of lasting brain damage Your blow smashes your opponents skull, causing them to col- lapse instandy. Your opponent will die in D4 rounds unless medi cal attention is received, and must make a suecessil Toughness test at a-20 penalty of lose D3 x 10 points from each percentage characteristic as a result of permanent brain damage. ‘Your blow snaps your opponent's neck. Your opponent dies al- ‘most instantly ‘Yourblow shatters your opponent's skull spattering both of you with blood and brains. Death is instantaneous. ‘Your opponent’s head flies off in a random direction, landing 206 feet away, ‘ ss Body 1 Your opponent is winded by the force of your blow, and may ‘only parry for the next round, 2 Yourblow lands in your opponent's groin. Doubled up in agony, your opponent may do nothing for the next round. 3 Your blow his your opponent’ chest, bruising a few ribs, Your ‘opponent is knocked to the ground, and may only parry forthe next Dé rounds until he regains his feet. 4 Your blow smashes into your opponents abdomen. Your oppo- rent collapses in pain, dropping any hand-held items, and may do nothing (except parry with a shield ifapplicable) forthe next Dé rounds until he regains his feet 5 Yourblow severely winds your opponent, throwing him D3 feet backward and knocking him to the ground. Your opponent Is, stunned and counts as prone for D4 rounds, and thereafter may only parry for Di rounds nul back on his feet 6 Your blow breaks some of your opponent's ribs. Your opponent ‘may take no action forthe next rotind, and thereafier must suf- fer -10 penalty to all attacks (and to other actions atthe GM's discretion) until medical autention Is received, Your blow snaps your opponent's collarbone. The pain reduces all characteristics by 1 0F 10 points as appropriate, until medical attention is received 8 Your blow smashes into your opponents side, breaking ribs and ‘bruising internal organs. The pain reduces all characteristics by 110 10 points as appropriate, until medical attention is received. ‘Your opponent is knocked (othe ground and remains prone for Dé rounds, and must makea successful Initiative test every round, thereafter oF remain prone; passing the test means that your ‘opponent may only parry for the next D4 rounds while regain- ing his fect, All movement and agiliy-based skills are lost unt medical attention is received. 9 Your blow smashes into your opponent's abdomen, and your ‘opponent collapses unconscious, losing 1 Wound per round t0 internal bleeding until medical attention is received. ‘Your blow fractures one of your opponent's ribs and drives a bone splinter into a lung, causing it to collapse. Your opponent falls unconscious, losing D4 wounds per round until medical attention is received. Even then, your opponent will be totaly {neapacitated for at least 10 weeks, and loses 1 point of Tough ‘ness permanently. 11 Your blow causes severe internal injuries. Your opponent falls to the ground in agony, only able to parry, and must make a Tough- ress test each round oF pass out. Medical attention will allow ‘movement at half the cautious rate and all physical characteris: Us are halved for 3D6 weeks. Any sill involving movement of, any kind are lost until a full recovery is made. Your blow smashes into your opponent's spine. Your opponent, falls to the ground, unable to do anything until medical atten tion is received, and must make a successful Toughness test oF be permanently paralysed from the waist down. Ifthe tests suc cessful, recovery is a for result 11 above 13 Your blow smashes into your opponent's abdomen, rupturing 3 kidney and causing severe internal bleeding. Your opponent falls tothe ground in agony, only able to parry, and must make a Tough- ness test each round or pass out. In addition, your opponent loses D4 Wounds per round to internal bleeding until medical attention is received. Recovery takes 10 weeks, but is otherwise 48 for result 11 above 14 Your blow caves in your opponent’ chest, bursting the heart and causing death in a matter of seconds ‘Your opponent's abdomen is reduced to pulp. Death from mult: ple organ failure and massive internal bleeding i instantaneous. Your opponent's spine is shattered. He falls to the ground, twitches for a second, and is sil 10 2 15 16 10 u R 8 “ 5 16 Leg glancing blow to the calf makes your opponent stumble, drop ping any hand-held object unless a successful Dexterity testis made, ‘Aglancing blow unbalances your opponent, who may only parry for the next round. Your blow lands heavily on your opponent's foot. Your oppo nent’s Movement and Initiative are halved for the next round, and he may only parry (and hop and curse) for that time. ‘Your opponent is knocked to the ground, dropping any hand: held abject unless a successful Dexterity test is made. Your op- ponent may only parry forthe next D4 rounds until upright again, provided he is still holding something to parry with. ‘Your blow hits a nerve centre, deadening the leg. Your oppo nent’s movement allowance and Initiative are halved for D4 rounds, Your blow dislocates your opponent's ankle, requiring an Initia tive testo avoid being knocked down a in result 4 above. Move- ‘ment allowance and Initiative are halved until medical axention is received Your blow dislocates your opponent's knee, requiring a test against half Inidative w avoid being knocked down as in result 4 hove. Movement allowance and Initiative ae halved until medi fal attention is received, Your blow dislocates your opponent's hip, requiringa test against half Initiative to avoid being knocked down as in result 4 above. ‘Movement allowance and Initiative are halved until medical at- tention is received Your blow strikes your opponent's shin, breaking the bones of the lower leg Your opponent is knocked down (see result 4 bore), and the legis incapacitated until the bones heal. Broken bones take D6+6 weeks to heal, and if not attended by a charac- ter with medical ski, they have a 50% chance of setting crooked, reducing the character's Movement and Initiative by up to half at the GM's diseretion, ‘Your blow breaks your opponent's femur. Your opponent is, knocked down (ee result 4 above), and loses 1 Wound per round to heavy bleeding until medical attention is received. The le is incapacitated until the bone heals, as in result 9 above. ‘Your blow shatters the bones of your opponent’ foot, with shards cofbone piercing several blood vessels and causing internal bleed ing. Your opponent fills to the ground unconscious, losing D4 ‘Wounds per round until medical attention is received. The bones heal asin result 9 above, but ifthey do not set well the foot and ankle will be fused rigid, reducing Movement and Iniiaive 10 three-quarters of their former values permanently. The cost of advances to those characteristics, and of movement-related sills, is doubled. ‘Your blow smashes your opponent's knee. Your opponent col. lapses, losing D4 Wounds per round from internal bleeding un- til medical attention is received. The bones heal asin result 11 above. ‘Your blow shatters your opponents hip. Your opponent collapses, losing D6 Wounds per round from internal bleeding until med- cal attention is received, The bones heal 3s in result 11 above. ‘Your blow smashes your opponents femur and pelvis, driving a sharp bone fragment into your opponent's femoral artery Death from shock and internal bleeding is almost instant Your blow smashes your opponent's leg, and your opponent collapses, iting his head on the ground or on some protruding, ‘object with enough foree to cave in the skull. Death i instants ‘Your blow smashes through your opponent’s leg, and carries on Into the groin. Death from shock, blood loss and internal dam- age is almost instantaneous. a Blunt Hand Weapons Teeth and Claws Am ‘The attack grazes the vieim’s arm, causing them to drop any- thing held in that hand. ‘The attack scratches across the victim's knuckles, painfully but, not seriously Anything held in the hand is dropped. ‘The vitim’s forearm is heavily scratched, incapacitating the hand, forthe next round and causing anything held in 0 be dropped. ‘The vietim’s hand and waist are heavily scratched. Anything held in the hand is dropped, and the hand is incapacitated for the ‘next D4 rounds, Until medical attention is received, any actions attempted with this arm suffer a-10 penalty. The attack causes several deep scratches on the victim's forearm, Anything held in the hand is dropped, and the arm is incapact tated for the next D6 rounds. Until medical atention is received, any actions attempted with this arm suffer a -20 penaly. 6 The victim’s shoulder is mauled. Anything held in the hand is dropped, and the arm is incapacitated for the next D6 rounds ‘Until medical attention is received, any actions attempred with this arm suffer a-20 penalty. ‘The vitim’s forearm is mauled. Anything held in the hand is <éropped, and the arm is incapacitated until medical atention is, received, 18 The attack shreds the flesh ofthe victim's shoulder, laying it open to the bone. Anything held in the hand is dropped, and the arm is incapacitated until medical atention is received, 9) The victim's lower arm is seriously mauled. Anything held in the hhand is dropped, and the arm is incapacitated until medical 3t- tention is received ‘The victim’s upper arm is seriously mauled. Anything held in the hhand is dropped, and the arm is incapacitated until medical 3t- tention is received ‘The vitim’s hand and west are badly mauled or chewed, result {ng in the loss of D3 fingers. Anything held in the hand is dropped, and the hand is incapacitated until medical attention is received “The victim's Dex is permanently reduced by 5 points per finger lost, and any fare Dex advances are +5 rather than +10, The GM may decide to impose additional penalties to tests relating to manual skills, depending on the nature ofthe sil. ‘The Witim’s hand is either shredded by claws or bitten off a the “wrist Blood gushes from the wound at the rate of D4 Wounds per round until staunched. Anything held in the hand is dropped, and the victim falls to the ground unconscious. The loss of one hand halves Dexterity permanently, and means that all fusure Dexterity advances are +5 instead of +10, The GM may impose farther penalties to tests relating to manual sills, according 10 the eireumstances and the nature ofthe skill ‘The vietim’s arm is completely shredded below the elbow, and blood gushes from the wound a the rate of D4 Wounds per round ‘until staunched. The victim falls the ground unconscious, The loss of the lower arm halves Dexterity permanently, and means ‘that all future Destery advances are +5 instead of +10, The ‘GM may impose further penalties to ests relating to manual sls, according tothe circumstances and the nature ofthe skill ‘The vietim’s shoulder is so badly mauled thatthe arm is torn of, Blood cascades from the wound atthe rate of DG Wounds per round until stunched. The view falls to che ground uncon scious. The loss of an arm reduces Dexterity by 60% permanent, and means that all furure Dexterity advances are +5 instead of +10. The GM may impose further penalties to tests relating to ‘manual skills, according to the circumstances and the nature of thes ‘A major artery is clawed or bitten through. Death from shock and blood loss is instantaneous, ‘Awelter of blood pumps from the ruins ofthe victim's arm, The ctim staggers backward for D3 yards, and then falls dead, 10 3 “4 15 16 a 10 n 2 8 “ Head ‘The victim ducks away from a snap or a slash, losing nothing but, the tip ofan ear ora helmet plume. Next round, the victim is of balance, and may do nothing except parry. ‘glancing blow (or fetid breath) stuns the vieim, who may do. ‘nothing except parry forthe nest round. ‘Acuffto the side ofthe head (or the biting off ofan ear) stuns the victim, who may do nothing except parry for the next Df rounds. ‘Araking blow to the head stuns the vitim, who may do nothing for the next round, ‘A solid blow to the head stuns the view, who may do nothing for the next Dé rounds. Ablow to the head stuns the victim, who is knocked tothe ground, dropping any hand-held items. The victim counts as prone for the next round, and may do nothing except party for Di rounds after that. ‘The attack opens a series of flesh-wounds in the victim's scalp, ‘causing blood to low down into the victim's eyes. All tests which require the use of vision (including to hit’ rolls) are made at a 10 penalty until medical attention is received. ‘The victim's jaw is broken, and several teeth are knocked ou. ‘The victim can do nothing except parry forthe next ound; the necessity to keep spitting out blood and tooth fragments causes the vitim to attack a -10 fr the rest ofthe combat. This wound, ‘will leave an impressive sear, modifying the character's Ld and, Fel tests by +/-10 at the GM's option, according to the cicum- ‘The vietim loses an eye (determine which one randomly, f nec essary). The viem may do nothing the nest round, and attacks at-10 until medical atention is received. Any sight-related skill are lost, including Night Vision bonuses, and BS 4s reduced by. 20 points, subject to a minimum seore of 5 “The view is concussed, and slumps to the ground unable to ‘move. Unconsciousness last for Di hours of until medical atten: tion is received, ‘The vitim is severely concussed, and is unconscious for D10 hours of until medieal attention is received, On regaining con. ‘sciousness, the victim must make a successful Toughness test oF lose 10 points from each percentage characteristie asa result of lasting brain damage. ‘The atack slashes or ites open the vitim’s carotid artery, drench: ing both combatants ina fountain ofblood, The victim collapses, and will leed to death in Dé rounds unless medical attention s, received -Acrushing blow orbiteeracks open the victim's skull. The victim collapses, dying in D4 rounds unless medical atention is receive, and must make a successful Toughness test at a-20 penalty or lose D3 x 10 points from each percentage characteristic asa re- sult of permanent brain damage. ‘The victim's throat is utterly shredded. Death is almost insanta ‘The victim's neck is clawed or bitten right through, crushing the vertebrae of the neck and breaking the spinal cord. Death i in ‘The victims head is clawed or bitten right off Death is inseanca- Body 1 The attack rakes across the victim's chest, but not seriously, The victim is winded by the force ofthe blow, and may only parry for the next round. 2 The attack strikes the victim's groin, drawing blood but causing. no serious damage. Doubled up in agony, the victim may do noth ing forthe next round. 3. The attack tears into the victim's chest, stopped only by a ib. The victim is knocked to the ground, and may only parry for the next D4 rounds until he regains his feet. 4 The attack slashes into the vitim’s abdomen. By some miracle ‘no vital organs are hit, but the victim collapses in pain, dropping, Any hand-held items, and may do nothing (except parry with a shield ifapplicable) for the next D4 rounds unl he regains his feet 5. The atack cuts the victim deeply across the chest, throwing him 'D3 feet backward and knocking him to the ground. The victim is stunned and counts as prone for Dé rounds, and thereafter may only parry for Di rounds until back on his feet. 6 The attack causes a deep wound in the victim's side, grazing a kidney. The victim may take no action for the next round, and. thereafter suffers -10 penalty to all attacks (and to other actions, at the GM's discretion) until medical attention is received, 7 The attack misses the throat by inches, but the victim's shoulder is severely mauled and the collarbone is broken, The pain re- ‘duces all characteristics by 1 oF 10 points as appropriate, until medical attention is received. 8 The victim's abdomen is badly mauled, shredding muscles and. sinews. The pain reduces all characteristics by Lor 10 points as appropriate, until medical atention is received. The victim is knocked to the ground and remains prone for Dé rounds, and ‘must make a successful Initiative test every round thereafter or remain prone; passing the test means that the victim may only parry for the next Dé rounds while regaining his feet. All move ‘ment and agility-based skills are lost until medical attention is, received, 9 Several deep wounds are opened in the vctim’s abdomen. The victim collapses unconscious, bleeding for 1 Wound per round until medical attention is received. The attack snaps one of the vietim’s ribs and drives a splinter of bone into a lung, causing it to collapse. The victim falls uncon: scious, losing D4 wounds per round until medical atention is ‘received. Even then, the victim will be totally incapacitated for at least 10 weeks, and loses 1 point of Toughness permanent 11 The attack crushes the victim's abdomen, causing internal injue ries. The victim fils to the ground in agony, only able to parry, and must make a Toughness test each round or pass out, Medi ‘alattention allows movement at half the cautious rate All physi ‘al characteristics are halved for 3D6 weeks. Any skills involving ‘movement of any kind are lost until a full recovery is made. ‘The attack smashes into the victim's spine, crushing several ver- tebrae. The victim falls © the ground, unable to do anything ‘until medical attention is received, and must make a successful, “Toughness estor be permanently paralysed from the waist down, Ifthe testis successful, ecovery is a8 for result 11 above. ‘The attack lays open the vieim’s abdomen, rupturing organs and, causing internal bleeding. The vietim falls tothe ground in agony, only able to parry and must make a Toughness test each round, fr pass out. In addition, the victim loses D4 Wounds per round, to internal bleeding until medical attention is received. Recov- ey takes 10 weeks, bu is otherwise as for result 11 above, The atack smashes through the victim's ribs, tearing out the heart and causing death in a matter of seconds, ‘The victim's abdomen is ripped open, spilling viscera onto the ‘ground. Death is instantaneous, “The victim is clawed o¢ bitten i hall, and falls to the ground in to separate places. Death is instantaneous, 2 B “ 15 16 10 B “ 15 16 Leg A light scratch across the calf makes the victim stumble, drop ping any handheld object unless a succesful Dexterity test Is made. ‘A glancing blow unbalances the victim, who may only parry for the next round. ‘The attack causes aflesh-wound to the victim's cal The vitim is knocked to the ground, and will drop any hand-held object un- Jessa successful Dexterity ests made. The victim may only parry {or the next Dé rounds until upright again, provided he still holding something to parry with ‘The attack draws blood from the victim's thigh. The victim's ‘movement allowance and Initiative are halved for D4 rounds. ‘The victim’s ankle is mauled, damaging the hamstring and re ‘Quiring an Initiative test to avoid being knocked down as in e- sult 3 above. Movement allowance and Initiative are halved until ‘medical attention is received. ‘The victim's hip is mauled, damaging muscles and tendons and requiring a test against half Intative to avoid being knocked down as in result 3 above. Movement allowance and Initiative are halved until medical attention is received. The attack shreds the tendons of the victim's leg. The victim is knocked down (sce result 3 above), and movement allowance and Initiative are halved until medical attention i received ‘The victim's leg is badly mauled. The vietim is knocked down, (sce result 3 above), and loses 1 Wound per round to heavy bleed- ing until medical attention is received, ‘The attack rips into the victim's thigh, severing a major blood vessel. The victim is knocked down (See result 3 above), and loses D4 Wounds per round to heavy bleeding until medical at- tention i received. The attack reduces the victim's leg toa bleeding nin. The victim {is knocked down (see result 3 above), and loses D4 Wounds per round to heavy bleeding until medical attention is received. Medical attention will allow movement at half the cautious rate and all physical characteristics are halved for 3D6 weeks. Any skills involving movement of any kind are lost until a full recov: ery is made. ‘The vietim’s foot is clawed or bitten off at the ankle. The wietim falls to the ground unconscious, losing D4 Wounds per round ‘until medical attention is received. Loss ofa foot halves Move- ‘ment and Initiative permanently. The cost of advances to those characteristics, and of movement-elated skills is doubled, ‘The victim's leg is utterly shredded below the knee, and i is not already bitten off it will have to be amputated. The victim collapses, losing D4 Wounds per round from bleeding until medi ‘al attention is received. Loss ofthe lower leg imposes the same penalties asin result 11 above. ‘The victim's hip is reduced to bloody tatters, and nothing islet to hold the leg onto the body. The victim collapses, losing D6 ‘Wounds per round from bleeding until medical attention is re- ceived. L088 of the leg halves Movement and Initiative perma rently. The cost of advances to those characteristics is tripled, and the character loses all movement related skills and may not regain them. “The victim's femoral artery is shredded, showering blood over a ‘wide area. Death from blood loss i almost immediate “The vitim’s leg is clawed or bitten completely off, and the rest of the vietim’s body is thrown to one side, hitting his head on the ‘ground or on some protruding object with enough force to cave in the skull. Death i instantaneous. “The attack crushes the bones of the victim's leg, sending sharp. fragments into major organs and blood vessels in the leg and ‘goin. Death from shock, blood loss and internal damage is al- nF Teeth and Claws Arrows and Bolts 10 2 13 “4 5 16 Am ‘Your shot nicks the back ofthe hand slightly, causing your target to drop anything held in it Your shot opens a cut on your target's hand, causing no serious, damage but forcing anything held in the hand to be dropped. ‘Your shot strikes your target's hand, causing a superficial flesh ‘wound. Any object held in the hand is dropped and the hand is incapacitated for the next round only. Your shot cuts your target's hand badly. Anything held in the hhand is dropped and the hand is incapacitated until medical st tention is received Your shot ransfixes your target's hand. Anything held in the hand, is dropped and the hand s incapacitated until medical attention, is received, Your shot strikes your opponent's arm, grazing the bone and. severing nerves. The arm is incapacitated for D6 rounds, due 0 extreme pain Your shot tears into your target's shoulder, ripping the ligament. The arm is incapacitated until medical attention is received. ‘Your shot transfixes your target's arm, poking out on the other side. Anything held in the hand is dropped, and the arm i inca pactated until medical attention is received. A failure on any ‘medical treatment rol to remove your missile results in an addi tonal Dé damage, ‘Your shot strikes your targe's forearm, slicing through ligaments, Anything held in the hand is dropped and the arm below the

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