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Developing Authentic Assessments

Authentic assessments are reverse backward planning models of
instructions. Assessments in this method are developed to meet standards and
activities are used to guide students towards the desired performance.
In this module pre-service teachers will:
 identify the steps in developing authentic assessments.
 discuss the phases in authentic assessments.
 discuss the framework for authentic assessments.

Steps in Developing Authentic Assessments

1) Identify standards
The first step is the identification of performance standards.
Standard is a statement of what students should be able to do.
Itis essential that the standards have real-world application. It
answers the question” What should students know and be able
to do? “What is required in the real world? “.

Standards are typically one-sentence statements of what students

should know and be able to do at a certain point. Often a standard will
begin with a phrase such as "Students will be able to ..." (SWBAT). For

Students will be able to add two-digit numbers.

Or, it might be phrased

Students will add two-digit numbers.

A student will add two-digit numbers.

Note standards describe what students should know and do, not
what the teacher will do.

2) Develop learning objectives

Learning objectives are identifiable measurable components of the
broader standards that have been set.

3) Identify target performance

One needs to identify the skills or performances that match the
learning objective. Most AAs promote higher order cognitive skills. You want
to find a way students can demonstrate that they are fully capable of
meeting the standard. The language of a well-written standard can spell out
what a task should ask students to do to demonstrate their mastery of it.
You may ask yourself “Is that really an authentic skill, and could I really
assess it?”

4) Develop performance criteria

You want to ask, "What does good performance on this task look
like?" or "How will I know they have done a good job on this task?" In
answering those questions, you will be identifying the criteria for good
performance on that task. You will use those criteria to evaluate how well
students completed the task and, thus, how well they have met the
standard or standards. Criteria must be developed to differentiate
between the different levels of mastery. This should be communicated to
the students clearly.

Example: This comes from the Mathematics collection. There

were six standards addressed to some degree by this authentic task. The
standards are:

Students will be able to

 measure quantities using appropriate units, instruments, and methods;

 setup and solve proportions;
 develop scale models;
 estimate amounts and determine levels of accuracy needed;
 organize materials;

 explain their thought process.

The authentic task used to assess these standards in a geometry class

was the following:

Rearrange the Room

You want to rearrange the furniture in some room in your house,

but your parents do not think it would be a good idea. To help persuade
your parents to rearrange the furniture you are going to make a two-
dimensional scale model of what the room would ultimately look like.

1) You first need to measure the dimensions of the floor space in the
room you want to rearrange, including the location and dimensions of all
doors and windows. You also need to measure the amount of floor space
occupied by each item of furniture in the room. These dimensions should
all be explicitly listed.
2) Then use the given proportion to find the scale dimensions of the room
and all the items.
3) Next you will make a scale blueprint of the room labeling where all
windows and doors are on poster paper.
4) You will also make scale drawings of each piece of furniture on a
cardboard sheet of paper, and these models need to be cut out.
5) Then you will arrange the model furniture where you want it on your
blueprint, and tape them down.
6) You will finally write a brief explanation of why you believe the
furniture should be arranged the way it is in your model.

Your models and explanations will be posted in the room and the class
will vote on which setup is the best.

Finally, the criteria which the teacher identified as indicators of

good performance on the Rearrange the Room task were:

 accuracy of calculations;
 accuracy of measurements on the scale model;
 labels on the scale model;
 organization of calculations;
 neatness of drawings;

 clear explanations.
 Create scoring rubric

5) Developing a detailed scoring rubric lets the students know how grading
is done. It helps in ensuring a fair grading procedure. You will finish
creating the authentic assessment by constructing a rubric to measure
student performance on the task. To build the rubric, you will begin with
the set of criteria you identified in Step 4. As mentioned before, keep the
number of criteria manageable. You do not have to look for everything on
every assessment. Once you have identified the criteria you want to look
for as indicators of good performance, you next decide whether to
consider the criteria analytically or holistically.

Phases of Authentic Assessments

Phases Description
Phase 1 Identify learner outcome.
Phase 2 Determine criteria and acceptable
evidences of performance
Phase 3 Implement supporting learning experiences
and instructional activities.
Phase 4 Implement assessment strategy.
Phase 5 Evaluate results to determine attainment
of outcomes and ensure continues

The Five‐Dimensional Framework For Assessment Authenticity

1. Task: What do you have to do?

2. Physical context: Where do you have to do it?

3. Social context: With whom do you have to do it?

4. Result/form: What has to come out of it/ What is the result of your efforts

5. Criteria: How does what you’ve done have to be evaluated/judged?


1. Search for a sample of authentic task in T.L.E. and determine the

content and performance standard. What rubric is used in assessing
the standards? Explain.

2. Make an authentic task using the five-dimensional framework for

assessment authenticity. Use the example in the next page.
Step 1: Identify Your Standards (Authentic Assessment Toolbox) (

Authentic Assessment in the Online Classroom - Center for Teaching and Learning | Wiley Education

Unit 3: Steps to Creating Authentic Assessment - KNILT (

Understanding and Developing an Authentic Assessment (

Authentic Assessment: An Overview - YouTube

A Five-Dimensional Framework for Authentic Assessment (

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