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What are Human Rights?

Why are Human Rights Important?

Human Rights Characteristics

Where do Human Rights Come From?

Who is Responsibile for Uholding Human Rights?

How do Rights Become Law?


Q: What are Human Rights?

ANSWER: Human rights are standards that allow all people to live with dignity, freedom, equality,
justice, and peace. Every person has these rights simply because they are human beings. They are
guaranteed to everyone without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion,
political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status. Human rights are
essential to the full development of individuals and communities.

Many people view human rights as a set of moral principles that apply to everyone. Human rights are also
part of international law, contained in treaties and declarations that spell out specific rights that countries
are required to uphold. Countries often incorporate human rights in their own national, state, and local

Q: Why are Human Rights Important?

ANSWER: Human rights reflect the minimum standards necessary for people
to live with dignity. Human rights give people the freedom to choose how they
live, how they express themselves, and what kind of government they want to
support, among many other things. Human rights also guarantee people the
means necessary to satisfy their basic needs, such as food, housing, and
education, so they can take full advantage of all opportunities. Finally, by
guaranteeing life, liberty, equality, and security, human rights protect people
against abuse by those who are more powerful.

According to the United Nations, human rights:

“Ensure that a human being will be able to fully develop and use human
qualities such as intelligence, talent, and conscience and satisfy his or
her spiritual and other

Human Rights Characteristics...


Q: Where do Human Rights come from?

ANSWER: The modern human rights era can be
traced to struggles to end slavery, genocide,
discrimination, and government oppression.
Atrocities during World War II made clear that
previous efforts to protect individual rights from
government violations were inadequate. Thus was
born the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(UDHR) as part of the emergence of the United
Nations (UN).

The UDHR was the first international document

that spelled out the “basic civil, political, economic,
social and cultural rights that all human beings
should enjoy.” The declaration was ratified without
opposition by the UN General Assembly on
December 10, 1948.

When it was adopted, the UDHR was not legally

binding, though it carried great moral weight. In
order to give the human rights listed in the UDHR
the force of law, the UN drafted two treaties, the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
(ICCPR) and the International Covenant on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).
The division of rights between these two covenants
is artificial, reflecting the global ideological divide
during the Cold War. Though politics prevented the
creation of a unified treaty, the two covenants are
interconnected, and the rights contained in one
covenant are necessary to the fulfillment of the
rights contained in the other. Together, the UDHR,
ICCPR, and ICESCR are known as the
International Bill of Human Rights. They contain a
comprehensive list of human rights that
governments must respect, protect, and fulfill.

Human Rights Outlined in the

International Bill of Rights
 The right to equality and freedom from discrimination  Right of peaceful assembly and association
 The right to life, liberty, and personal security  The right to participate in government
 Freedom from torture and degrading treatment  The right to social security
 The right to equality before the law  The right to work
 The right to a fair trial  The right to an adequate standard of living
 The right to privacy  The right to education
 Freedom of belief and religion  The right to health
 Freedom of opinion  The right to food and housing

Q: Who is Responsible for Upholding Human Rights?

ANSWER: Under human rights treaties, governments have the primary responsibility for protecting and
promoting human rights.  However, governments are not solely responsible for ensuring human rights. 
The UDHR states:

“Every individual and every organ of society … shall strive by teaching and education to promote
respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to
secure their universal and effective recognition and observance.”

This provision means that not only the government, but also businesses, civil society, and individuals are
responsible for promoting and respecting human rights.

When a government ratifies a human rights treaty, it assumes a legal obligation to respect, protect, and
fulfill the rights contained in the treaty. Governments are obligated to make sure that human rights are
protected by both preventing human rights violations against people within their territories and providing
effective remedies for those whose rights are violated. Government parties to a treaty must do the

Respect Protect Fulfill

Governments must not deprive Governments must prevent private Governments must take positive
people of a right or interfere with actors from violating the human action to facilitate the enjoyment of
persons exercising their rights. rights of others. basic human rights.

For example, governments can: For example, governments can: For example, governments can:

 Create constitutional guarantees  Prosecute perpetrators of  Provide free, high-quality public

of human rights. human rights abuses, such as education.
 Provide ways for people who  Create a public defender system
have suffered human rights crimes of domestic violence. so that everyone has access to
violations by the government to  Educate people about human a lawyer.
seek legal remedies from rights and the importance of  Ensure everyone has access to
domestic and international respecting the human rights of food by funding public
courts. others. assistance programs.
 Sign international human rights  Cooperate with the international  Fund a public education
treaties. community in preventing and campaign on the right to vote.
prosecuting crimes against
humanity and other violations.

In 1945, the U.S. ratified the United The 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act The “New Deal” laws of the 1930s
Nations Charter, which established the provides protection for children against established the foundation of the
United Nations.  child labor in the U.S. modern welfare system in the U.S.
Photo: The signing of the UN Charter, 1945. Photo: Protest against child labor, 1901 Photo: Depression era breadline, 1930

ome Law? document stating standards or
principles, but which is not legally binding agreement
ANSWER: International
human rights law provides
legally binding      between two or more countries
an important framework for
guaranteeing the rights of RRATIFICATION RESERVATION
all people, regardless of
where they live.
formal process by which a the exception that States make
International human rights
law is contained in many country agrees to be bound to a treaty (e.g. provisions
different types of by the terms of a treaty within the treaty
documents, including the government does not
treaties, charters, accept)
conventions, and
covenants. Despite the
different official names,
these documents are all considered treaties and have the same effect under international law: countries
that ratify a treaty are legally obligated to protect the rights it describes.

The human rights treaty process usually begins at the United Nations or a similar international body.
Legal and subject matter experts might first create a draft of the treaty. After the draft is written, the UN or
other body will arrange a meeting between representatives of interested countries to negotiate the final
terms, or content, of the treaty. This can be a lengthy process if large numbers of countries want to
participate in the drafting process. Non-governmental organizations are sometimes allowed to offer
recommendations during some of the stages of the drafting process. After the negotiating countries agree
on a final text of the treaty, the treaty is opened for ratification by countries that want to become parties to

Countries have different methods for acceding to or ratifying treaties. For the United States to become a
party to a treaty, the president must first sign it, and then present it to the Senate, where two-thirds of the
senators must vote to ratify it. Through ratification, a country agrees to be legally bound by the terms of
the treaty.

Countries that ratify treaties are allowed to enter reservations to those instruments. Reservations are
statements made by a country that “modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty.” Entering a
reservation allows a government to agree to most of a treaty, while excluding or limiting parts that might
be controversial or unconstitutional in its own country. Many countries have entered reservations to the
major human rights treaties, which can limit the effectiveness of the treaties in protecting people against
abuses committed by their governments.

 Declaration of Independence.
 International Human Rights in a Nutshell by Thomas Buergenthal, Dinah Shelton and, David Stewart. (St. Paul: West-Group,
 NESRI. “Government Obligations Under Human Rights Standards.”
 Public International Law in a Nutshell by Thomas Buergenthal, Sean D. Murphy.  (St. Paul: Thompson/West, 2007). 
 UN Charter.
 UN. OHCHR. “International Human Rights Law.”
 UN. OHCHR. “What are Human Rights?”
 UN.  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
 United Nations Cyber School Bus. “Understanding Human Rights.”
 UDHR. “Drafting and Adoption: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”
 United States Senate. “Treaties.”
 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.


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