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All about Basketball [ History, Rules, … ]

Basketball is one of the most well-known and practiced sports in the world, and as you have fallen
on this page, I believe you also know and play possibly. Let’s address the main thing you should
know to get to know basketball as it is.

History of Basketball
The story of basketball began when 1891, the Canadian Physical Education teacher named James
Naismith who worked at a school in Springfield, Mass., Had to create a new sport by order of the
school principal to be an alternative to American Football and Baseball that if they practiced abroad
and in winter it was impossible to practice (very cold and snow).

It was then that he decided to create a sport that did not have physical contact because of possible
injuries, especially being the wooden floor and that used the feet,

He decided to hang two baskets of peaches to 3,05 meters from the ground (a measure that has never
been changed to this day) and the game consisted of putting the ball into the opponent’s basket.
Startup logo created 13 main rules by which the game ruled.

Some changes were soon emerging as to cut the bottom of the basket so that one would not always
have to interrupt the game when someone marked. The tables were implemented, which gave rise to
rebounds, among other things.

The game was very popular and in 1936 was already debuting as an Olympic modality.
Basketball Game
Basketball rules have some differences between the NBA and all other competitions, trying to get
some improvement in certain aspects, but the trend is that these differences will fade over time.

Basketball Court

The basketball court should be rigid and free of obstructions, with measures 28 meters long by 15
meters wide.

The field has several lines and markings that we will now explain one by one, with the help of the
following image to identify them:

1. Lateral Lines – These lines are on the sides of the court and delimit the same, marking
the zone valid to play.
2. Limit Line – This line also serves to delimit the field and it is from her that the players
replace the ball in play when she left or a basket is made.
3. Central Line – The central line is responsible for dividing the field in half and
defining which defensive zone and attacker belongs to which team.
4. Line 3 points – The pitches that are made behind this line are worth 3 points to enter.
The line is 6,75 meters from the basket.
5. Free Throw Line – It is from this line that the players who will make a free throw the
ball. At launch, the player can not step on the line or overtake it before the ball touches
the rim.
6. Free Throw Circle – The free-throw circles have a diameter of 3,65 meters. During
the free-throw throw, the shooter must remain within the free-throw circle.
7. Lane Line – These lines are used to indicate where players should position themselves
when a free throw is executed and also delimits the restricted zone. Players can not
leave their position and enter the restrictive zone until the ball leaves the thrower’s
8. Central Circle – It has about 3,65 meters in diameter and is located in the center of the
basketball court. It serves to delimit the zone where players who are not in the ball in
the air, having to stay out of it until either of those two touches the ball.

Basketball Characteristics and Objectives

The basketball game consists of two teams, each with 10 players (5 holders and 5 reserves) who aim
to make as many points as possible during the game. Win the team with more points at the end.

This is divided into 4 times, each with 10 minutes.

The possession of the ball is decided with a ball in the air, thrown by the referee, and each team
chooses a player to try to reach the ball and divert it to a teammate. This ball throw has some rules,
they are:

 The two players must have their feet within their half of the field;
 The ball is thrown vertically and players can only touch the ball when it reaches its
highest point;
 The other players must remain outside the center circle until either of those two players
touches the ball;

From there, at each start of time, the table indicates who owns the ball, pointing an arrow to that


There are many possible pass types that can be done, there are no rules that limit them, there are
some that are more frequent and are usually the first to be taught:

 Breastfeed;
 Pass only with one hand;
 Chipped pass;
 Pass in support;
 …

Basketball Rules
The rules of basketball are still enough and exist for the most varied situations. To avoid being too
boring, let’s list some of the most common and important ones.

– Fault Penalty – Each team can commit 4 absences by period (being it personal lack). As of 5ª, all
personal fouls made during that period entitle the free team to free throw.

– Accumulation of Fouls – A player can not accumulate 5 fouls during the game. If it does, he’s out
of the game.

– Fouls (Place) – Every time one made in the restrictive zone, the foul gives the right to a free throw.
If it is out, then the team restarts the ball in play on the sideline at the place closest to where the foul
was made (this if the team has not already accumulated fouls in that period).

– Steps and Dribble – After receiving the ball, the player can make two supports. If when you
receive it with one foot behind, you can rotate around that foot without counting a support. After
dribbling and holding the ball, he can not dribble again.

– 3 seconds rule – A player may not remain for more than 3 seconds in the opponent’s restrictive
area when the team is in possession of the ball.

– 5 seconds rule – The player in possession of the ball cannot keep it for more than 5 seconds in the
hands, being able to dribble indefinitely with it.

– 8 seconds rule – The team with a can of ball has 8 seconds to get the ball to the opposing half.
After doing so you can not dribble back to your half or make a pass there.

– 24 seconds rule – The team that has possession of the ball has 24 seconds to make a throw and the
ball at least touches the rim of the basket.
Player Positions
As players on the field in basketball are few, positions are also easy to understand and memorize:

 Shipowner (PG) – It is the player who is in the center and starts the move. He is the
brain of the team and it is in him that the plays begin.
 Extremes (SG) – These are the players who are closer to the sideline. Usually, it helps
the shipman or scores many points, usually up to the mark of 3 points.
 Posts (PF) – Pivots are usually the biggest and strongest players. They get closer to the
opponent’s restrictive zone and from below the basket to make buried, bridges and
catch the rebounds.
Referees in Basketball
As it could not be missing, the basketball also has several referees and staff members, being:

 Three Referees – These are responsible for commanding the game and ensuring that
players comply with the rules of basketball.
 Marker and auxiliary – They have a function to fill the bulletin of the game with the
numbers of absences by team and per player, to register the points marked, etc …
 Timekeeper – Responsible for the game clock and the time of discounts.
 Operator of 24 seconds – This has the function to control the time of the attack of the
teams, being that each team has 24 seconds to do it.


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