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1.which of the following tasks wil be performed by the configuration management?

Choose exactly three correct options.

Ans: A.Plans configuration

b.Tracks and reports

C.Makes sure that project complies with CM standard


2. which of the following could be input or output of a task

ANS: a.artifact




3.identify the right combination of red/green/refactor cycle with its descripti

Ans) ALL the above


4.Identify the message protection deployment modes




5.what are the two important objectives when adding testing code directly into units

ANS: a.use normal design criteria to embed test code directly into units. integration tests on the final release to ensure test code is present

c.prevent test code from being compiled into production code

6.Peter a software professional is attending Devops training. The trainer has written some stmts that are
as listed below.he asked the participants to identify the challenges the devops is facing predominantly

A.developer vs operations mindset

B.Transition from legacy infrastructure for deployment to microservices

C.Resistance to the changes

ANS. A, B and C


7.which SOLID principle represents following stmt “the vehicle is an abstract for truck and bike”?

ANS: dependency inversion principle


8.Kiran needs help in following the rules that must be followed within creating exception handling
strategy. Which rules he must consider from below list?

ANS: a.Create meaningful exception messages

b.Differentiate between application business and technical exceptions


9.How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

ANS: a.Having loosely coupled system

b.No dependable modules


10.What is the major difference between the Product Backlog and the Sprint backlog?

ANS: The sprint backlog is a subset of the product backlog


11.What are the ADM 5 main focus areas?

ANS: a.Planning




12.ADOP is built on a ________________infrastructure

ANS: Docker


13.What are the responsibilities of the change control board?

Choose exactly TWO options:

ANS: a.Monitor changes and updates to the project requirement as part of CM

b.Review and authorize changes to the baselines


14.Which of the following stmts are correct about coding best practices and coming standards.Select
one or more

ANS: a.Coding standards improve the consistency and reliability at the code by eliminating personal

b.Coding best practices one collection of good prgrmng practices which involve…..

c.Deliver high quality code


15.If we need to apply design patterns , can we do it without the principle of OOP and standards?

ANS: Yes, design patterns are logical and comprehensive sequencing of elements with procedural


16.As part of cloud application security, which of the following are the identify and and access solutions
provided by the cloud service providers?

ANS: a.Multifactor authentication

b.Single sign-On/Off


17.Joshua being a project manager, need to suggest methods to developers of project so that cliemnt
become high-performance business by delivering high-quality code.Which are they?

ANS: a.Adhere to Accenture Delivery Methods best practices and guidelines

b.follow the Accenture Code quality Model

c.Implementing the practice of peer reviews

18.This pattern evcaluates scenarios where you need just one object and you don’t want to create
multiple objects of that particular class. Or simply put restricting construction of more than one
object”Which pattern is it?

ANS: Singleton pattern


19.John, the Product owner, in consuitation with his stakeholders, has arrived at four features that are
of same priority. The stakeholders are of the opinion that all those features are of equal significance
Which of the following can John do, in this context?

ANS: Consult with the Development team and still arrive at a priority among these features


20. Which of the following types of testing and their contribution to overall system documentation are
correct: select one

ANS: All the above

21.Sohini is a new developer on XYZ e-commerce project. She has a written a piece of code for handling
errors that may occur because of non availability of product in a cart already added earlier. Her first task
is to define these issue under a suitable category identify the correct category from the following

ANS: Business Exceptions


22.What practices should be used when building a complex system? Select one or more:

ANS: a.Using a modular design

b.Using components with tight coupling


23.A Scrum development Team is supposed to be Self Organized that would mean

ANS: They can identify their own goals and make decisions on their own


24. What is the key benefit of the least privilege approach to security

ANS: it minimized the level of compromise in the event of a security breech

25.Mr.Jacob is an ethical hacker. He wants to intrude3 into mail box of his friend john to his personal

So he logged into the mail account which resulted in the URL as shown below-

He replies j4jacob with his friends user id john123. Now the update URL is-

he tries with this URL and he could access the mail box of his friend John. What type of vulnerability you
have noticed in the above scenario?

ANS: Cross site scripting


26. What was seen in application over time, which creates the need of solution which could also be used
in other projects?

ANS: Faster time to market


27.Which of the following action to be taken before pushing the code into when we have
sensitive information in the source code?

ANS: Move the sensitive information to gitignore file


28.What practices should be used when building a complex system? Select one or more:

ANS: a.Using a modular design

b.Designing the testability

c.Using components with tight coupling


29.What are the pitfalls concerning the cloud application development?

ANS: Requiring all applications be deployed in the cloud

30. Identify the usage of sandboxes in Cloud Application Security.Select one or more

ANS: a.Discover attack vectors and agents

b.Discover application errors

c.Discover the impact of the applied malware

d.Discover vulnerabilities

31.A model in which a service provider makes resources and infrastructure management available as
needed, and charges them for specific usage rather than a flat rate. Which model has the above stated

ANS: Cloud computing


32.While doing the daily scrum ceremony, the true spirit of the ceremony should be?

ANS: reporting updates to scrum master


33.What relationship(s) can a work product have to task?

ANS: Optional input, mandatory input, primary output and secondary output


34.Select the challenges of applying TDD to Agile development projects

ANS: a.Design changes may affect unit tests

b.Test writing becomes intuitive


35. John has written code that includes multiple methods that is not synonymous with functionality of it.
Many of those methods contain lots of nested stmts, hard coded values and over 500 lines of code.
What standard coding patterns would you suggest to him?

ANS: a.Group logically related stmts for easy readability

b.limit the method size between 100 and 150 code lines by refactoring it


36.Sujata a senior developer of project has been assigned a task to look at the code structure and
decoupling component wherever deemed necessary. What points she should keep in mind while
checking? Select one or more:

ANS: a.The average complexity of classes, programs, methods, procedures, or functions is under

b.There are no cyclic dependencies between classes, components or layers

c.dependencies to external libraries are well known

37.Which of the following is the description for the level 1 OWASP threat assessment maturity practice?

ANS: Identify and understand the high level threats to the organization and individual projects


38.What is the best approach in Design Patterns in coding?

ANS: writing codes with the highest possible coupling and the lowest possible cohesion.


39.Select the challenges of applying TDD to Agile development projects

Ans: a) Design changes may affect unit tests

b) Test Writing becomes intuitive

c) Developers adaptability


40) How does ADM align to the new ?

Ans) a) Extensions and Context

b) Longevity

c) Vastness

41) Which are the common coding situations that Developers come across Frequently from below ?

Ans) Code is not well-formatted


42) How did object-oriented programming systems handle completely better than procedural process.

Ans) All the procedures were treated as an identifiable behaviour of an object.


43) Which of the following definitions provided by various personnels would correctly depicts
CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT and its most appropriate?

Ans) GABRIEL’S definition


44) Which global policy of Accenture does ADS meet?

Ans) Policy 1100

45)What are the some features a tool should have to facilitate TDD Agile database development.

Ans) a. Implement tests in a built-in database testing language

b. Able to run tests in transactions to keep them independent


46) Which of the following statements is Valid?

Ans) An epic is the functional specifiactions technical specifiactions usability requirements

specifications of a user story


47) Consider the Dockerfile code – (assume the petclinic war and server.xml files are available in.

Ans) RUN Keyword executes the shell command during your image build where as CMD.


48)Mr.Neil has to create a project that includes.

Ans) a.Requirements.

b.Metrics and Status Reports


49) CIS are the work products within the selected categories that the project wants under.

Ans) Configuration Manager.


50) What is considered by the developers in regard to RESTFUL API deployment.

Ans) a.Protection Against injection

b.Use API Keys

c.Use HTTPS identity Authentication


51)Ms.Julie has

Ans) A,B,C,D and E


52)Which of the following are CORRECT related to Secure SDLC?

Ans) A,B,C

53)Projects should establish baseline at the end of each project stage.

Ans) a.Architecture Baseline

b.Requiremens Baseline

c.Testing Baseline


54) What is the work assets grouped by business area?

Ans) WorkStream


55) What is the best approach in Design Patterns in coding?

Ans) Writing codes with the highest possible coupling and Lowest possible cohesion


56)Identify the cloud application

Ans) a.Api calls travel across the internet and are subject to threats

b.attack surface has increased.


57) What is the function of a featured identity?

Ans) Enables users of an application to use the same authentication for other application by the same


58) What is the logical grouping of elements that have single major outcome ?

Ans) Activity or Discipline


59) Which are the external application oriented devices that provide application security?

Ans except DAM


60) During which ceremony Team members synchronize their work and progress and report any ?

Ans) Daily Scrum

61) What guidelines should be followed for creating the Accenture coding standards?

Ans) a.Should be agreed

b.Coding Standards


62) What are some of the ways test-driven?

Ans) a.Supports continuous integration

b.Compresses the available


63)How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

Ans) a.No dependable modules

b. Having loosely coupled system


64) Which of the following is CORRECT about a proxy product owner ?

Ans) All the options


65)Complete the statements Accenture Delivery Suite

Ans) smooth,efficient,predictable,reliable and high-quality results

66) Complete the statement Application Design can be done?

Ans) Custom/Packaged/Both

67) In the sprint planning

Ans) Begginning of sprint

68) What are the two importants

Except – Ensure test-related

69)What are the two important objectives when adding testing code to a project?

Ans) Except : Ensure test-related code is isolated


70) Code Review process involves which of the following steps?

Ans) except: Never conduct a review

71)How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

Ans) a.No dependable modules

b.Having loosely coupled system

72)Which of the following is not the right answer for packaged or Custome.

Ans)Custom software maps to the clients business process and contains key features


73) In Large Scale Scrum there is

Ans) multiple teams multiple product backlog

74) Why are WIP limits important

Ans) To ensure smooth flow of things through the system


75) What are the major challenges faced

Ns) a. Schema changes breaking testa

b.Test framework using mock objects

76)What are the different generic techniques followed in code optimization

Ans) Except : Data-Level parallelism

77) ____________ helps the design process



78) Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Ans) 1,2,3 and 4

1. which of the following tasks wil be performed by the configuration management? Choose exactly
three correct options.

Ans: A.Plans configuration b.Tracks and reports

2. C.Makes sure that project complies with CM standard


3. which of the following could be input or output of a task ANS: a.artifact

b.outcome c.deliverable


4. identify the right combination of red/green/refactor cycle with its descripti

Ans) ALL the above


5. Identify the message protection deployment modes ANS: c.peer-to-peer


6. what are the two important objectives when adding testing code directly into units ANS:
a.use normal design criteria to embed test code directly into units. integration tests on the final release to ensure test code is present c.prevent test code from
being compiled into production code
7. Peter a software professional is attending Devops training. The trainer has written some stmts
that are as listed below.he asked the participants to identify the challenges the devops is facing

developer vs operations mindset

Transition from legacy infrastructure for deployment to microservices C.Resistance to the changes

8. ANS. A, B and C


9. which SOLID principle represents following stmt “the vehicle is an abstract for truck and bike”?
ANS: dependency inversion principle


10. Kiran needs help in following the rules that must be followed within creating exception handling
strategy. Which rules he must consider from below list?

ANS: a.Create meaningful exception messages

11. b.Differentiate between application business and technical exceptions


12. How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

ANS: a.Having loosely coupled system b.No dependable modules


13. What is the major difference between the Product Backlog and the Sprint backlog? ANS:
The sprint backlog is a subset of the product backlog


14. What are the ADM 5 main focus areas?

ANS: a.Planning

b.development c.Testing d.Operations e.Management

15. ADOP is built on a infrastructure

ANS: Docker


16. What are the responsibilities of the change control board? Choose exactly TWO options:

ANS: a.Monitor changes and updates to the project requirement as part of CM b.Review and
authorize changes to the baselines


17. Which of the following stmts are correct about coding best practices and coming standards.Select
one or more

ANS: a.Coding standards improve the consistency and reliability at the code by eliminating
personal styles…..

b.Coding best practices one collection of good prgrmng practices which involve….. c.Deliver high
quality code


18. If we need to apply design patterns , can we do it without the principle of OOP and standards?

ANS: Yes, design patterns are logical and comprehensive sequencing of elements with
procedural principles


19. As part of cloud application security, which of the following are the identify and and access
solutions provided by the cloud service providers?

ANS: a.Multifactor authentication b.Single sign-On/Off


20. Joshua being a project manager, need to suggest methods to developers of project so that
cliemnt become high-performance business by delivering high-quality code.Which are they?

ANS: a.Adhere to Accenture Delivery Methods best practices and guidelines b.follow the
Accenture Code quality Model

21. c.Implementing the practice of peer reviews

22. This pattern evcaluates scenarios where you need just one object and you don’t want to create
multiple objects of that particular class. Or simply put restricting construction of more than one
object”Which pattern is it?

23. ANS: Singleton pattern

24. ============================================

25. John, the Product owner, in consuitation with his stakeholders, has arrived at four features that
are of same priority. The stakeholders are of the opinion that all those features are of equal
significance Which of the following can John do, in this context?

26. ANS: Consult with the Development team and still arrive at a priority among these features

27. ====================================================

28. Which of the following types of testing and their contribution to overall system documentation
are correct: select one

29. ANS: All the above

30. =======================================================

31. Sohini is a new developer on XYZ e-commerce project. She has a written a piece of code for
handling errors that may occur because of non availability of product in a cart already added
earlier. Her first task is to define these issue under a suitable category identify the correct
category from the following options.

32. ANS: Business Exceptions

33. ==========================================================

34. What practices should be used when building a complex system? Select one or more:

35. ANS: a.Using a modular design

36. b.Using components with tight coupling

37. ============================================================

38. 23.A Scrum development Team is supposed to be Self Organized that would mean ANS:
They can identify their own goals and make decisions on their own

39. =========================================================

40. What is the key benefit of the least privilege approach to security

41. ANS: it minimized the level of compromise in the event of a security breech
42. Mr.Jacob is an ethical hacker. He wants to intrude3 into mail box of his friend john to his personal

43. So he logged into the mail account which resulted in the URL as shown below-

44. He replies j4jacob with his friends user id john123. Now the update URL is-

45. he tries with this URL and he could access the mail box of his friend John. What type of
vulnerability you have noticed in the above scenario?

46. ANS: Cross site scripting

47. ===============================================

48. What was seen in application over time, which creates the need of solution which could also be
used in other projects?

49. ANS: Faster time to market

50. =================================================

51. Which of the following action to be taken before pushing the code into when we have
sensitive information in the source code?

52. ANS: Move the sensitive information to gitignore file

53. =====================================================

54. What practices should be used when building a complex system? Select one or more:

55. ANS: a.Using a modular design b.Designing the testability

56. c.Using components with tight coupling

57. ===========================================================

58. What are the pitfalls concerning the cloud application development? ANS: Requiring all
applications be deployed in the cloud

59. Identify the usage of sandboxes in Cloud Application Security.Select one or more ANS: a.Discover
attack vectors and agents

60. Discover application errors

61. Discover the impact of the applied malware

62. Discover vulnerabilities

63. ======================

64. 31.A model in which a service provider makes resources and infrastructure management available
as needed, and charges them for specific usage rather than a flat rate. Which model has the
above stated characteristics

65. ANS: Cloud computing

66. ====================================================

67. While doing the daily scrum ceremony, the true spirit of the ceremony should be? ANS:
reporting updates to scrum master

68. ==========================================

69. What relationship(s) can a work product have to task?

70. ANS: Optional input, mandatory input, primary output and secondary output

71. =============================

72. Select the challenges of applying TDD to Agile development projects ANS: a.Design changes
may affect unit tests

73. b.Test writing becomes intuitive

74. =================================================

75. John has written code that includes multiple methods that is not synonymous with functionality
of it. Many of those methods contain lots of nested stmts, hard coded values and over 500 lines of
code. What standard coding patterns would you suggest to him?

ANS: a.Group logically related stmts for easy readability

b.limit the method size between 100 and 150 code lines by refactoring it


76. Sujata a senior developer of project has been assigned a task to look at the code structure and
decoupling component wherever deemed necessary. What points she should keep in mind while
checking? Select one or more:

ANS: a.The average complexity of classes, programs, methods, procedures, or functions is under

b.There are no cyclic dependencies between classes, components or layers c.dependencies to

external libraries are well known
77. Which of the following is the description for the level 1 OWASP threat assessment maturity
practice? ANS:Identify and understand the high level threats to the organization and individual

78. ======================================================================

79. What is the best approach in Design Patterns in coding?

80. ANS: writing codes with the highest possible coupling and the lowest possible cohesion.

81. ===================================================================

82. Select the challenges of applying TDD to Agile development projects

83. Ans: a) Design changes may affect unit tests

84. Test Writing becomes intuitive

85. Developers adaptability

86. ==================================================

87. How does ADM align to the new ?

Ans) a) Extensions and Context, Longevity, Vastness

88. Which are the common coding situations that Developers come across Frequently from below ?

89. Ans) Code is not well-formatted

90. ===========================================================

91. How did object-oriented programming systems handle completely better than procedural

92. Ans) All the procedures were treated as an identifiable behaviour of an object.

93. ==============================================

94. Which of the following definitions provided by various personnels would correctly depicts
CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT and its most appropriate?

95. Ans) GABRIEL’S definition

96. ======================

97. Which global policy of Accenture does ADS meet?

98. Ans) Policy 1100

99. What are the some features a tool should have to facilitate TDD Agile database development.

100. Ans) a. Implement tests in a built-in database testing language

101. b. Able to run tests in transactions to keep them independent

102. =================================================================

103. Which of the following statements is Valid?

104. Ans) An epic is the functional specifiactions technical specifiactions usability requirements
specifications of a user story

105. ======================================================================

106. Consider the Dockerfile code – (assume the petclinic war and server.xml files are available

107. Ans) RUN Keyword executes the shell command during your image build where as CMD.

108. =======================================================================

109. Mr.Neil has to create a project that includes.

110. Ans) a.Requirements.

111. b.Metrics and Status Reports

112. ================================================================

113. CIS are the work products within the selected categories that the project wants under.

114. Ans) Configuration Manager.

115. ==========================================================================

116. What is considered by the developers in regard to RESTFUL API deployment.

117. Ans) a.Protection Against injection b.Use API Keys

118. c.Use HTTPS identity Authentication

119. ====================================================================

120. Ms.Julie has

121. Ans) A,B,C,D and E

122. ================================================================

123. Which of the following are CORRECT related to Secure SDLC?

124. Ans) A,B,C

125. ==================
126. Projects should establish baseline at the end of each project stage.

127. Ans) a.Architecture Baseline b.Requiremens Baseline

128. c.Testing Baseline

129. ===============================================

130. What is the work assets grouped by business area?

131. Ans) WorkStream

132. ================================================

133. What is the best approach in Design Patterns in coding?

134. Ans) Writing codes with the highest possible coupling and Lowest possible cohesion

135. ===========================================================

136. Identify the cloud application

137. Ans) a.Api calls travel across the internet and are subject to threats b.attack surface has

138. ===========================================================

139. What is the function of a featured identity?

140. Ans) Enables users of an application to use the same authentication for other application by
the same application.

141. ===========================================

142. What is the logical grouping of elements that have single major outcome ?

143. Ans) Activity or Discipline

144. ===================================

145. Which are the external application oriented devices that provide application security?

146. Ans except DAM

147. ==================================

148. During which ceremony Team members synchronize their work and progress and report
any ?

149. Ans) Daily Scrum

150. What guidelines should be followed for creating the Accenture coding standards?

151. Ans) a.Should be agreed b.Coding Standards

152. ========================================================

153. What are some of the ways test-driven? Ans) a.Supports continuous integration
b.Compresses the available

154. =================================================

155. How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

156. Ans) a.No dependable modules

157. b. Having loosely coupled system

158. =======================================================

159. Which of the following is CORRECT about a proxy product owner ?

160. Ans) All the options

161. ==============================================================

162. Complete the statements Accenture Delivery Suite

163. Ans) smooth,efficient,predictable,reliable and high-quality results

164. Complete the statement Application Design can be done?

165. Ans) Custom/Packaged/Both

166. In the sprint planning

167. Ans) Begginning of sprint

168. What are the two importants

169. Except – Ensure test-related

170. What are the two important objectives when adding testing code to a project?

171. Ans) Except : Ensure test-related code is isolated

172. ==============================================================

173. Code Review process involves which of the following steps?

174. Ans) except: Never conduct a review

175. How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

176. Ans) a.No dependable modules b.Having loosely coupled system

177. Which of the following is not the right answer for packaged or Custome.

178. Ans)Custom software maps to the clients business process and contains key features

179. =====================================================================

180. In Large Scale Scrum there is

181. Ans) multiple teams multiple product backlog

182. Why are WIP limits important

183. Ans) To ensure smooth flow of things through the system

184. ==============================================================

185. What are the major challenges faced

Ns) a. Schema changes breaking testa b.Test framework using mock objects

What are the different generic techniques followed in code optimization

186. Ans) Except : Data-Level parallelism

187. helps the design process

188. Ans) TDD,TDD

189. ================================

190. Which of the following statements is/are correct? Ans) 1,2,3 and 4

191. 1)What is relationships can work product have to tasks - optional input ,mandatory input ,
primary output and secondary output

192. 2)Kieran needs help in following the rules that must be followed while creating exception
handling strategy which rule he must consider from below list -1)differentiate between
application business and technical exceptions 2)think of the strategy for logging exception

193. 3) Joshua being a project manager needs to suggest methods to developers of off project
so that flying become High performance business by delivering high quality code which are they –

194. Ans= 1.follow the Accenture code quality model 2)implementing the practice of peer
review 3)adhere to Accenture delivery methods best practices and guidelines

195. 4)second Mr Anthony is configuration manager for ABC utilities a.levels of controls
b.selecting CLS c.determining the categories of cm d. naming conventions e. configuration items

Ans=C B D A E
196. 5)Mr Neil has created a project document 2nd that includes configuration item categories
in the project he is currently working on he has proposed the configuration item categories that
are quoted below A. project documentation , B. architectures , c interfaces , d designs, e. second
source code and executive code ans= Requirements, metrics and status report

197. 6)which global policy of Accenture does ADC meet answer policy 1100

198. 7)a graph that shows the progress of work toward a goal line associated with a value on
which vertical axis is called answer burn up chart

199. 8)How does microservices provide small manageable and deployable components
ans=microservice containers

200. 9) which GRESP principal talks about , who should be responsible for creating other
projects in your program or your system ans=creator

201. 10) John was developed a software program and to make this program run faster he allows
the portion of the program to reside in computers memory ans= memory optimization

202. 11)What happens when the Sprint is cancelled ans= the completed Sprint backlog second
items are evaluated for a release and incomplete items are put back into the product backlog

203. 12)Which of the following is a set of automated process that allowed developer and
operations to reliably and efficiently compiled build and deploy the application or services to
production environments or platforms ans= DevOps environment pipeline

204. 13)second what does VSM tool help reduce ans=second delays, non value added activities ,
defects , time

205. 14) John has written code that includes multiple methods that is non synonymous with the
functionality of it . Many of those method contains a lot of nested statements hard coded values
and over a 500 lines of code . What standard coding pattern would you suggest to him ans= 1.
group logically have related statements for easy readability 2. limit the method size between 100
and 150 codes line by refactoring it

206. 15)What are the various lines of businesses that Accenture delivery suit ADS support
ans=technology , digital , operations , security and strategy

207. 16)Alex is addressing the scrum development team and educating them on called dash
dash one of the core value of scrum which of the following is an appreciated example can gift his
theme on courage first courage in sharing facts as it is second courage to change direction when
needed 3rd courage to support scrum values and food courage do not deliver incomplete
deliverables answer all of them

208. 17) Anthony configuration manager of ABC utility , steps for sequence order while planning
CM – D E B A C – naming conventions, Configuration items, selecting CLs, levels of control,
Determining categories of CM.

209. 18) Home | Accenture Delivery Suite

delivery suit

210. 19)which are the common coding situations that developer come across frequently below-
Code is not well-formatted

211. 20)STEPS in code driven cycle-add single unit test, run all test, the test will fail, write just
enough code, refactor the code, accumulate unit test
212. Which task perform as per ADM for custom development- ans designed package software
configuration to meet buisness process design and application requirement.

213. Unit of work that role may ask to perform ans- activity

214. Which of the following tasks performed by the configuration manager- 1) plans
configuration manager 2) tracks and reports on cm status and audits, 3) makes sure that project
compiles with cm standard and procedures.

215. Output of task – 1. Abstract, outcome, deliverable

216. Identify the right combination of red/green/refactor cycle with its description- ans

217. Identify the Message protection development modes answer network to network network
to host peer to peer

218. What are the two important objectives when adding testing code 2 project ans= a.use
normal design criteria to embed test code directly into units integration tests on a final
release to ensure the test code is present c. prevent test code from being compiled into a
production code

219. Peter a software professional is attending a dev OPS training the trainer has returned some
statements that as listed below A. developer versus operations mindset B. transition from legacy
infrastructure for development to microservices C. resistance to the changes ans= A B C

220. Which solid principle represent the following statement the vehicle is an abstract 4 truck
and bike ans= dependency inversion principle

221. Kieran needs help in following rules that must be followed while creating Exception
handling strategy which rule he must consider for from below list ans= a. create meaningful
exception messages b. differentiate between application business and technical exceptions

222. Have to ensure the usability of a code in a project ans= a. having loosely coupled system b.
no dependable modules

223. What are the major difference between the product backlog and the Sprint backlog ans=
the Sprint backlog is subset of the product backlog

224. ADOP is build on earth ----- infrastructure ans= docker

225. What are the responsibilities of the change Control Board ans= a. monitor changes and
update to the project requirement as a part of CM b. review and authorize changes to the

226. Which of the following statements are correct about the coding best protection and coding
standards ans= a. coding standards improve the consistency and reliability at the code by
eliminating the personal styles and by bringing the symmetry to the application code irrespective
of the developers involved b. coding best practice are the collections of the good programming
practice and experimentation which involves the use of use and improvement of the coding
standard c. deliver high quality code

227. If we need to apply design patterns can we do it without the principle of object oriented
programming and and standards ans= yes, design patterns are logical and compressive
sequencing of elements with the procedural principles

228. As a part of a cloud application security which of the following are the identity and access
solution provided by the cloud service provider ans= a. multifactor authentication b. signal sign
on off

229. Joshua being a project manager needs to suggest a methods to developers of projects so
that client became high performance businesses by delivering high quality code which are they
ans=a. adhere to Accenture delivery methods best practices and guidelines b. follow the
Accenture code quality model c. implementing the practice of peer review

230. This pattern evaluates scenarios where you need just one object and you don't want to
create a multiple objects of that particular class or Simply put a restrictive construction of the
more than one object which pattern is this ans= singleton pattern

231. John , the product owner in construction with his shareholders has arrived at 4 features
that are the same priority which of the following can John do in this context anss= consult with a
development team and still arrive at a priority among these features

232. Which of the following type of testing and their contribution to overall system
documentation are correct ans= all of the above

233. So we need a new developer on XY zed E commerce project she has written a piece of code
for the handling error for that may occur because of the non availability of product in a card
already added earlier her first task is to define these issues under the suitable categories identify
the correct category from the following option ans= business exceptions

234. What are the practices should be used when building a complex system ans=a. using a
modular design b. have using components with the tight coupling

235. Scrum development team is supposed to be self organized that would mean ans=They can
identify their own goals and make decisions on their own

236. What is a key benefit of the least privileged approach to security = it minimizes the level of
compromise in the event of the security breech

237. Mr Jacko he's an ethical hacker he wants to introduce a mailbox at his friend John so he
logged into an email account which resulted a URL shown in the below ans=
cross site scripting

238. What was seen in application overtime which creates a need of the solutions which would
also be used in other projects ans= faster time to market

239. Which of the following actions to be taken before pushing the code into a when
we have sensitive information in the source code ans= move the sensitive information to
gitignore file

240. What practices should be used when building a complex system ans= a. using a modular
design b. designing a testability c. using a component with a tight coupling

241. What are the pitfalls concerning the cloud application development ans= requiring all
applications be deployed in the cloud

242. Identify the usage of sandbox in cloud application security ans= a. discover attack vendors
and agents b. discover application error c. discover the impact of the applied malware d. discover

243. A modern invention service provider makes resources an infrastructure management

available as needed and changes them for the specific usage rather than a flat rate which model
has above stated characteristic ans= cloud computing

244. While doing the daily scrum ceremony the true Sprint of the ceremony should be= ans
reporting updates to the scrum master

245. What relationships can work product have two task ans= optional input I'm Natalie ,
mandatory input secondary output , primary output

246. Select the challenges of applying a TDD to a joint development project ans= a. design
changes may affect unit tests b. test writing become intuitive

247. John has written a code that includes multiple methods that is not synonymous with the
functionality of it ans= a. group logically related statement for easy readability b. limit the method
size between 100 and 154 lines by refactoring it

248. which of the following description of other level 1 OWASP treat assessment manually
practice ans= identity and understand the high level threats to the organization and individual

249. what is the best approach in design pattern in coding ans= writing code with the highest
possible coupling and the lowest possible cohesion

250. select the challenges of applying TDD to agile development project ans= a. design changes
may affect unit test b. test writing become intuitive c. developers adaptability

251. how does a ADM align to new ans= a. extension and context b. longevity c. vastness

252. which are the common coding situation that developers come across frequently from
below ans= code is not well formatted

253. how did object oriented programming = All the procedures were treated as an identifiable
behavior of an object

254. which of the following definitions provided by a various full sense would correctly depict
the configuration management and most appropriate ivana defines configuration management as
what we do to make sure we have backed up our work Daniel defines configuration management
as same thing as a version control Gabriel defines configuration management as a process of
identifying communicating implementing documenting and managing work product in a
structured and repeatable way ans= Gabriel definition

255. which global policy of Accenture does ADS meet ans= policy 1100

256. what are some features a tool should have to facilitate TDD agile database development
ans=a. implement test in building database still testing language b. able to run tests in transitions
to keep them independent

257. Skype which of the following statement is valid ans= and epic is the functional specification
, technical specification play , usability requirements specification of user story

258. consider the dockerfile code agenda pet clinic dot war and server dot XML files which
among the family option are correct with respect to run and CMD keyword used in above
dockerfile ans= run keyboard execute the shell command during the image build where CMD
command execute the shell command while creating containers from that image

259. Mr Neil has to create a project document ans= requirements , matrix and status report
260. CIS other work product within a selected categories that the project wants under
configuration control imagine you are in person for writing the same plan who typically works
with the team leads to document the CIS for the designing designed categories ans=
configuration manager

261. what is considered by developers in regards to restful API deployment ans= protection
against injection , use API keys , use HTTPS identity authentication

262. miss Julie has to write a project document that possesses ans= ABCDE

263. which of the following are correct related to secure SDLC A. hello identifying the system
configuration issues related to security early ans= A, B,C

264. project should establish baseline at the end of each project stage typically a baseline
created at each major stages ans= architecture baseline , requirements baseline , testing baseline

265. what are the work / assets group by businesses area ans= workstream

266. what is the best approach in design pattern in coding = writing code with the highest
possible coupling and the lowest possible cohesion

267. identify the cloud Application issues when an application I did develop ans= API calls travel
access across the Internet and are subject to threads , attack surface has increased

268. Mr Humberto penial , who is the project manager for a prestigious project of his
organization he proposed the automation of process with the two had helped the project in very
efficient way some of the key Dean has taken are 1, proposed the adoption slash usage software
development ans= standardized workflows, processes, technologies, protocols and metrics to
reduce the variety of risk

269. when we try to push changes into a using a git few commands when it to be
executed ans= gui add; git command -m” commenting ”; get push

270. What is the function of Federated identity ans= enables users of an application to use the
same authentication for other application by the same application

271. What is logical grouping of elements that have single major outcome/ business result ans=
activity or discipline

272. Which are the external application oriented devices that provide application security ans=
WAF, HTTPS, citrix, API gateway

273. During which ceremony team members synchronize their work and progress and report
only impediments to the scrum master for removal ans= daily scrum

274. Guildeline should be followed for creating the Accenture coding standard ans= a. should be
agreed upon across project teams spanning globally b. coding standards should be easy to

275. What are some ways test driven development can benefit a project compared to other
asn=a. supports continuous integration b. compresses the available set of test tools

276. How to ensure reusability of code in project ans= a. no dependable module, b. having
loosely coupled system

277. Correct about a proxy product owner ams= all of the above
278. Complete the statements = Accenture delivery suits in standard delivery framework
designed to help our teams “ ……….” Results ans= smooth, efficient, predictable, reliable and
high-quality results

279. Complete the statement application design can be done using ans= custom/packaged/

280. In the sprint planning meeting at the…. Team along with PO selects the goals in one
sentence for overall outcome of the sprint= ans beginning of sprint planning

281. What are the two important objectives when adding testing code to project ans= a. second
use normal design criteria to embed test code directly into units ,problem run integration tests
on the final release to ensure the test Is present , prevent test code from being compiled into a
production code stop dictating

282. Code preview process involves which of the following steps: plan for review, prepare for a
review, baseline a software products , resolve review points

283. How to ensure reusability of code in project ans=a. no dependable modules, b. having
loosely coupled system

284. Is not right answer for packaged or custom development ans= custom software maps to
the client business and contains key feature necessary to specific business function

285. In large scrum there is…………. Ans= multiple teams, multiple product backlog

286. Why WIP limits important ans= to ensure smooth flow of things through the system

287. What are the major challenges faced when performing test driven database development
ans= schema changes breaking test, test framework using mock objects

288. What are the different techniques followed in code optimization for independent ans=
cache optimization techniques, reducing the number of conditions , using memory efficient

289. …….. helps the design process whereas ………. Is more suitable for integration and functional
testing ans= TDO,TDO

290. Which is correct a. docker repositories can be public or private …. Ans= 1,2,3,4
291. Linda. An aws cloud administrator = ans: multifactor authentication
292. A malicious or unexpected data is somehow programmatically fed into the application
leading to compromise of security ans= cross site scripting
293. Which of the following is not scrum artifact = ans= release backlog
294. To secure the http messages in the API calls the necessary to = all of the above
295. Which of the following Mitigation techniques can be adopted to avoid broken
authentication and session management problems 1. encryption 2. output encoding …
Ans= 1 and 4
296. What are guidelines that needs to be followed for managing bottlenecks
during the optimization = ans= a. identifying benefits of implementing complex algorithm does
not wait …b. do not cache the result c. do performance testing on a critical method carrying
business logic
297. once the configuration management team determines the appropriate
level of CM control ABC utility is trying to determine which CM tool is used = all
Mercuriale , VSS , PVCS ,jetlab
298. What the functionality of a data cohesion in model of project option D
both option one and two
299. what is the first step in the process of implementing Kanban = WIP
300. In each daily scrum within a sub team aims by designing one member as
ambassador to go and participate in daily scrum ceremony with ambassadors from other team
what that ceremony called = scrum of scrum
301. When an user fail Victim of cross Site scripting ans all of the above
302. Identify the Services provided by the micro services when compared to
design pattern ans= code access , implementation
303. if if we open a new account with that vendor on the Internet on their
website they ask us for our phone number in which we receive a unique code we enter into the
website just to make sure they can confirm the identity of hours what type of confirmation this
scenario is mapped in ans= otp confirmation
304. Sprint retrospective ceremony can include an analysis of how the recent
stent went brother respect to which of the following ans all of the options
305. What does VSM tool help reduce all of the above
306. manage from network and infrastructure team was to update a few firewall
rules on a Saturday night to disable any request coming from the EU region into a banking
application as a business was recently closed in EU what kind of security thread is the bank now
one are vulnerable to ans= cross site scripting
307. what are the three security features match the server level security all
308. Identify the steps involved in development cycle =write a test or unit tests
for some aspect of the program
309. What are the components of Accenture delivery suit ADS ans= methods
and estimators , deliverables , architecture metrics
310. ------------- this set of technologies tools and processes that enable
enterprises to move into the parodical of seamless interactivity ans = Accenture origin web
311. The trend of work remaining across time in sprint a release or product with
woek remaining tracked on vertical axis= burnup chart
312. Identify the order of steps for code review process, conduct a review , plan
for a review= c,b,e,a,c,d,f
313. While doing TDD which of the following is recommended= writing trivial
tests that are too small
314. Which of the following is not a scrum master's responsibility = preventing
the senior manager from the shifting the team priorities
315. Mr Vincent is a configuration management for a project in Accenture he
has identity identify and establish configuration team assume that you are a Mr Vincent answer
like the steps involved in while identifying and establishing CIS mentioned below determine CI
categories determine CM control levels determined CI tools = ans=
316. In banking application we keep the customer you are logic separate from
the back end or the business logic of the our application which GRSP principal would take the
request from the UI and then assigned that need a project = creator
317. Alex has been identified as scrum master of an agile execution team of
eight member have been tag to him in the capacity of a scrum master on a daily basis he has a
forwarding things ANS= ALL a b C
318. Before using the git commit command in the secure code if the sensitive
information is identified in in the order action to be performed to a secured those sensitive data it
use functions in the code too read sensitive information from the CFG file b. copy the sensitive
information to CFG file ANS= D B C A
319. Cameroon is a middle African country the government of the country has a
lot of data on paper media and it is very crucial and sensitive essential data BPaaS
320. What are the components that influence in design pattern = all
321. every spring starts with ------ and ends with ----- and
ans= 1. springpad planning b. screen review c. Sprint retrospective
322. Customer walks into an ATM to withdraw money the money dispensed
from the was not able to print its transaction receipt as ATM machine ran out of paper = in
323. Mr. John has developed a software program and make his program run
faster he allows portion of the program to reside in a computers memory however his approach
will cause the program to consume more memory as a result the program will optimize in terms
of speed but will inefficiently in terms of memory utilization what Mr. John is typing to achieve in
his scenario code optimization
324. what are the three security features matched the database level security =
logins ,users ,audits
325. second Mr Nina after her training in DevOps she was encountered his
question in an assignment she faced the question was which among the given options are benefit
of automation if you were Nina what would have been your answer choose three correct options
= increase productivity , eliminate eliminate unnecessary capital expenditure , standardize
workflow process technologies and protocols
326. when an user can fail victim of cross site scripting= all of the above
1.which of the following tasks wil be performed by the configuration management?

Choose exactly three correct options.

Ans: A.Plans configuration

b.Tracks and reports

C.Makes sure that project complies with CM standard


2. which of the following could be input or output of a task

ANS: a.artifact




3.identify the right combination of red/green/refactor cycle with its descripti

Ans) ALL the above


4.Identify the message protection deployment modes




5.what are the two important objectives when adding testing code directly into units

ANS: a.use normal design criteria to embed test code directly into units. integration tests on the final release to ensure test code is present

c.prevent test code from being compiled into production code

6.Peter a software professional is attending Devops training. The trainer has written some stmts that are
as listed below.he asked the participants to identify the challenges the devops is facing predominantly

A.developer vs operations mindset

B.Transition from legacy infrastructure for deployment to microservices

C.Resistance to the changes

ANS. A, B and C


7.which SOLID principle represents following stmt “the vehicle is an abstract for truck and bike”?

ANS: dependency inversion principle


8.Kiran needs help in following the rules that must be followed within creating exception handling
strategy. Which rules he must consider from below list?

ANS: a.Create meaningful exception messages

b.Differentiate between application business and technical exceptions


9.How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

ANS: a.Having loosely coupled system

b.No dependable modules


10.What is the major difference between the Product Backlog and the Sprint backlog?

ANS: The sprint backlog is a subset of the product backlog


11.What are the ADM 5 main focus areas?

ANS: a.Planning




12.ADOP is built on a ________________infrastructure

ANS: Docker


13.What are the responsibilities of the change control board?

Choose exactly TWO options:

ANS: a.Monitor changes and updates to the project requirement as part of CM

b.Review and authorize changes to the baselines


14.Which of the following stmts are correct about coding best practices and coming standards.Select
one or more

ANS: a.Coding standards improve the consistency and reliability at the code by eliminating personal

b.Coding best practices one collection of good prgrmng practices which involve…..

c.Deliver high quality code


15.If we need to apply design patterns , can we do it without the principle of OOP and standards?

ANS: Yes, design patterns are logical and comprehensive sequencing of elements with procedural


16.As part of cloud application security, which of the following are the identify and and access solutions
provided by the cloud service providers?

ANS: a.Multifactor authentication

b.Single sign-On/Off


17.Joshua being a project manager, need to suggest methods to developers of project so that cliemnt
become high-performance business by delivering high-quality code.Which are they?

ANS: a.Adhere to Accenture Delivery Methods best practices and guidelines

b.follow the Accenture Code quality Model

c.Implementing the practice of peer reviews

18.This pattern evcaluates scenarios where you need just one object and you don’t want to create
multiple objects of that particular class. Or simply put restricting construction of more than one
object”Which pattern is it?

ANS: Singleton pattern


19.John, the Product owner, in consuitation with his stakeholders, has arrived at four features that are
of same priority. The stakeholders are of the opinion that all those features are of equal significance
Which of the following can John do, in this context?

ANS: Consult with the Development team and still arrive at a priority among these features


20. Which of the following types of testing and their contribution to overall system documentation are
correct: select one

ANS: All the above

21.Sohini is a new developer on XYZ e-commerce project. She has a written a piece of code for handling
errors that may occur because of non availability of product in a cart already added earlier. Her first task
is to define these issue under a suitable category identify the correct category from the following

ANS: Business Exceptions


22.What practices should be used when building a complex system? Select one or more:

ANS: a.Using a modular design

b.Using components with tight coupling


23.A Scrum development Team is supposed to be Self Organized that would mean

ANS: They can identify their own goals and make decisions on their own


24. What is the key benefit of the least privilege approach to security

ANS: it minimized the level of compromise in the event of a security breech

25.Mr.Jacob is an ethical hacker. He wants to intrude3 into mail box of his friend john to his personal

So he logged into the mail account which resulted in the URL as shown below-

He replies j4jacob with his friends user id john123. Now the update URL is-

he tries with this URL and he could access the mail box of his friend John. What type of vulnerability you
have noticed in the above scenario?

ANS: Cross site scripting


26. What was seen in application over time, which creates the need of solution which could also be used
in other projects?

ANS: Faster time to market


27.Which of the following action to be taken before pushing the code into when we have
sensitive information in the source code?

ANS: Move the sensitive information to gitignore file


28.What practices should be used when building a complex system? Select one or more:

ANS: a.Using a modular design

b.Designing the testability

c.Using components with tight coupling


29.What are the pitfalls concerning the cloud application development?

ANS: Requiring all applications be deployed in the cloud

30. Identify the usage of sandboxes in Cloud Application Security.Select one or more

ANS: a.Discover attack vectors and agents

b.Discover application errors

c.Discover the impact of the applied malware

d.Discover vulnerabilities

31.A model in which a service provider makes resources and infrastructure management available as
needed, and charges them for specific usage rather than a flat rate. Which model has the above stated

ANS: Cloud computing


32.While doing the daily scrum ceremony, the true spirit of the ceremony should be?

ANS: reporting updates to scrum master


33.What relationship(s) can a work product have to task?

ANS: Optional input, mandatory input, primary output and secondary output


34.Select the challenges of applying TDD to Agile development projects

ANS: a.Design changes may affect unit tests

b.Test writing becomes intuitive


35. John has written code that includes multiple methods that is not synonymous with functionality of it.
Many of those methods contain lots of nested stmts, hard coded values and over 500 lines of code.
What standard coding patterns would you suggest to him?

ANS: a.Group logically related stmts for easy readability

b.limit the method size between 100 and 150 code lines by refactoring it


36.Sujata a senior developer of project has been assigned a task to look at the code structure and
decoupling component wherever deemed necessary. What points she should keep in mind while
checking? Select one or more:

ANS: a.The average complexity of classes, programs, methods, procedures, or functions is under

b.There are no cyclic dependencies between classes, components or layers

c.dependencies to external libraries are well known

37.Which of the following is the description for the level 1 OWASP threat assessment maturity practice?

ANS: Identify and understand the high level threats to the organization and individual projects


38.What is the best approach in Design Patterns in coding?

ANS: writing codes with the highest possible coupling and the lowest possible cohesion.


39.Select the challenges of applying TDD to Agile development projects

Ans: a) Design changes may affect unit tests

b) Test Writing becomes intuitive

c) Developers adaptability


40) How does ADM align to the new ?

Ans) a) Extensions and Context

b) Longevity

c) Vastness

41) Which are the common coding situations that Developers come across Frequently from below ?

Ans) Code is not well-formatted


42) How did object-oriented programming systems handle completely better than procedural process.

Ans) All the procedures were treated as an identifiable behaviour of an object.


43) Which of the following definitions provided by various personnels would correctly depicts
CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT and its most appropriate?

Ans) GABRIEL’S definition


44) Which global policy of Accenture does ADS meet?

Ans) Policy 1100

45)What are the some features a tool should have to facilitate TDD Agile database development.

Ans) a. Implement tests in a built-in database testing language

b. Able to run tests in transactions to keep them independent


46) Which of the following statements is Valid?

Ans) An epic is the functional specifiactions technical specifiactions usability requirements

specifications of a user story


47) Consider the Dockerfile code – (assume the petclinic war and server.xml files are available in.

Ans) RUN Keyword executes the shell command during your image build where as CMD.


48)Mr.Neil has to create a project that includes.

Ans) a.Requirements.

b.Metrics and Status Reports


49) CIS are the work products within the selected categories that the project wants under.

Ans) Configuration Manager.


50) What is considered by the developers in regard to RESTFUL API deployment.

Ans) a.Protection Against injection

b.Use API Keys

c.Use HTTPS identity Authentication


51)Ms.Julie has

Ans) A,B,C,D and E


52)Which of the following are CORRECT related to Secure SDLC?

Ans) A,B,C

53)Projects should establish baseline at the end of each project stage.

Ans) a.Architecture Baseline

b.Requiremens Baseline

c.Testing Baseline


54) What is the work assets grouped by business area?

Ans) WorkStream


55) What is the best approach in Design Patterns in coding?

Ans) Writing codes with the highest possible coupling and Lowest possible cohesion


56)Identify the cloud application

Ans) a.Api calls travel across the internet and are subject to threats

b.attack surface has increased.


57) What is the function of a featured identity?

Ans) Enables users of an application to use the same authentication for other application by the same


58) What is the logical grouping of elements that have single major outcome ?

Ans) Activity or Discipline


59) Which are the external application oriented devices that provide application security?

Ans except DAM


60) During which ceremony Team members synchronize their work and progress and report any ?

Ans) Daily Scrum

61) What guidelines should be followed for creating the Accenture coding standards?

Ans) a.Should be agreed

b.Coding Standards


62) What are some of the ways test-driven?

Ans) a.Supports continuous integration

b.Compresses the available


63)How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

Ans) a.No dependable modules

b. Having loosely coupled system


64) Which of the following is CORRECT about a proxy product owner ?

Ans) All the options


65)Complete the statements Accenture Delivery Suite

Ans) smooth,efficient,predictable,reliable and high-quality results

66) Complete the statement Application Design can be done?

Ans) Custom/Packaged/Both

67) In the sprint planning

Ans) Begginning of sprint

68) What are the two importants

Except – Ensure test-related

69)What are the two important objectives when adding testing code to a project?

Ans) Except : Ensure test-related code is isolated


70) Code Review process involves which of the following steps?

Ans) except: Never conduct a review

71)How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

Ans) a.No dependable modules

b.Having loosely coupled system

72)Which of the following is not the right answer for packaged or Custome.

Ans)Custom software maps to the clients business process and contains key features


73) In Large Scale Scrum there is

Ans) multiple teams multiple product backlog

74) Why are WIP limits important

Ans) To ensure smooth flow of things through the system


75) What are the major challenges faced

Ns) a. Schema changes breaking testa

b.Test framework using mock objects

76)What are the different generic techniques followed in code optimization

Ans) Except : Data-Level parallelism

77) ____________ helps the design process



78) Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Ans) 1,2,3 and 4

1. which of the following tasks wil be performed by the configuration management? Choose exactly
three correct options.

Ans: A.Plans configuration b.Tracks and reports

2. C.Makes sure that project complies with CM standard


3. which of the following could be input or output of a task ANS: a.artifact

b.outcome c.deliverable


4. identify the right combination of red/green/refactor cycle with its descripti

Ans) ALL the above


5. Identify the message protection deployment modes ANS: c.peer-to-peer


6. what are the two important objectives when adding testing code directly into units ANS:
a.use normal design criteria to embed test code directly into units. integration tests on the final release to ensure test code is present c.prevent test code from
being compiled into production code
7. Peter a software professional is attending Devops training. The trainer has written some stmts
that are as listed below.he asked the participants to identify the challenges the devops is facing

developer vs operations mindset

Transition from legacy infrastructure for deployment to microservices C.Resistance to the changes

8. ANS. A, B and C


9. which SOLID principle represents following stmt “the vehicle is an abstract for truck and bike”?
ANS: dependency inversion principle


10. Kiran needs help in following the rules that must be followed within creating exception handling
strategy. Which rules he must consider from below list?

ANS: a.Create meaningful exception messages

11. b.Differentiate between application business and technical exceptions


12. How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

ANS: a.Having loosely coupled system b.No dependable modules


13. What is the major difference between the Product Backlog and the Sprint backlog? ANS:
The sprint backlog is a subset of the product backlog


14. What are the ADM 5 main focus areas?

ANS: a.Planning

b.development c.Testing d.Operations e.Management

15. ADOP is built on a infrastructure

ANS: Docker


16. What are the responsibilities of the change control board? Choose exactly TWO options:

ANS: a.Monitor changes and updates to the project requirement as part of CM b.Review and
authorize changes to the baselines


17. Which of the following stmts are correct about coding best practices and coming standards.Select
one or more

ANS: a.Coding standards improve the consistency and reliability at the code by eliminating
personal styles…..

b.Coding best practices one collection of good prgrmng practices which involve….. c.Deliver high
quality code


18. If we need to apply design patterns , can we do it without the principle of OOP and standards?

ANS: Yes, design patterns are logical and comprehensive sequencing of elements with
procedural principles


19. As part of cloud application security, which of the following are the identify and and access
solutions provided by the cloud service providers?

ANS: a.Multifactor authentication b.Single sign-On/Off


20. Joshua being a project manager, need to suggest methods to developers of project so that
cliemnt become high-performance business by delivering high-quality code.Which are they?

ANS: a.Adhere to Accenture Delivery Methods best practices and guidelines b.follow the
Accenture Code quality Model

21. c.Implementing the practice of peer reviews

22. This pattern evcaluates scenarios where you need just one object and you don’t want to create
multiple objects of that particular class. Or simply put restricting construction of more than one
object”Which pattern is it?

23. ANS: Singleton pattern

24. ============================================

25. John, the Product owner, in consuitation with his stakeholders, has arrived at four features that
are of same priority. The stakeholders are of the opinion that all those features are of equal
significance Which of the following can John do, in this context?

26. ANS: Consult with the Development team and still arrive at a priority among these features

27. ====================================================

28. Which of the following types of testing and their contribution to overall system documentation
are correct: select one

29. ANS: All the above

30. =======================================================

31. Sohini is a new developer on XYZ e-commerce project. She has a written a piece of code for
handling errors that may occur because of non availability of product in a cart already added
earlier. Her first task is to define these issue under a suitable category identify the correct
category from the following options.

32. ANS: Business Exceptions

33. ==========================================================

34. What practices should be used when building a complex system? Select one or more:

35. ANS: a.Using a modular design

36. b.Using components with tight coupling

37. ============================================================

38. 23.A Scrum development Team is supposed to be Self Organized that would mean ANS:
They can identify their own goals and make decisions on their own

39. =========================================================

40. What is the key benefit of the least privilege approach to security

41. ANS: it minimized the level of compromise in the event of a security breech
42. Mr.Jacob is an ethical hacker. He wants to intrude3 into mail box of his friend john to his personal

43. So he logged into the mail account which resulted in the URL as shown below-

44. He replies j4jacob with his friends user id john123. Now the update URL is-

45. he tries with this URL and he could access the mail box of his friend John. What type of
vulnerability you have noticed in the above scenario?

46. ANS: Cross site scripting

47. ===============================================

48. What was seen in application over time, which creates the need of solution which could also be
used in other projects?

49. ANS: Faster time to market

50. =================================================

51. Which of the following action to be taken before pushing the code into when we have
sensitive information in the source code?

52. ANS: Move the sensitive information to gitignore file

53. =====================================================

54. What practices should be used when building a complex system? Select one or more:

55. ANS: a.Using a modular design b.Designing the testability

56. c.Using components with tight coupling

57. ===========================================================

58. What are the pitfalls concerning the cloud application development? ANS: Requiring all
applications be deployed in the cloud

59. Identify the usage of sandboxes in Cloud Application Security.Select one or more ANS: a.Discover
attack vectors and agents

60. Discover application errors

61. Discover the impact of the applied malware

62. Discover vulnerabilities

63. ======================

64. 31.A model in which a service provider makes resources and infrastructure management available
as needed, and charges them for specific usage rather than a flat rate. Which model has the
above stated characteristics

65. ANS: Cloud computing

66. ====================================================

67. While doing the daily scrum ceremony, the true spirit of the ceremony should be? ANS:
reporting updates to scrum master

68. ==========================================

69. What relationship(s) can a work product have to task?

70. ANS: Optional input, mandatory input, primary output and secondary output

71. =============================

72. Select the challenges of applying TDD to Agile development projects ANS: a.Design changes
may affect unit tests

73. b.Test writing becomes intuitive

74. =================================================

75. John has written code that includes multiple methods that is not synonymous with functionality
of it. Many of those methods contain lots of nested stmts, hard coded values and over 500 lines of
code. What standard coding patterns would you suggest to him?

ANS: a.Group logically related stmts for easy readability

b.limit the method size between 100 and 150 code lines by refactoring it


76. Sujata a senior developer of project has been assigned a task to look at the code structure and
decoupling component wherever deemed necessary. What points she should keep in mind while
checking? Select one or more:

ANS: a.The average complexity of classes, programs, methods, procedures, or functions is under

b.There are no cyclic dependencies between classes, components or layers c.dependencies to

external libraries are well known
77. Which of the following is the description for the level 1 OWASP threat assessment maturity
practice? ANS:Identify and understand the high level threats to the organization and individual

78. ======================================================================

79. What is the best approach in Design Patterns in coding?

80. ANS: writing codes with the highest possible coupling and the lowest possible cohesion.

81. ===================================================================

82. Select the challenges of applying TDD to Agile development projects

83. Ans: a) Design changes may affect unit tests

84. Test Writing becomes intuitive

85. Developers adaptability

86. ==================================================

87. How does ADM align to the new ?

Ans) a) Extensions and Context, Longevity, Vastness

88. Which are the common coding situations that Developers come across Frequently from below ?

89. Ans) Code is not well-formatted

90. ===========================================================

91. How did object-oriented programming systems handle completely better than procedural

92. Ans) All the procedures were treated as an identifiable behaviour of an object.

93. ==============================================

94. Which of the following definitions provided by various personnels would correctly depicts
CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT and its most appropriate?

95. Ans) GABRIEL’S definition

96. ======================

97. Which global policy of Accenture does ADS meet?

98. Ans) Policy 1100

99. What are the some features a tool should have to facilitate TDD Agile database development.

100. Ans) a. Implement tests in a built-in database testing language

101. b. Able to run tests in transactions to keep them independent

102. =================================================================

103. Which of the following statements is Valid?

104. Ans) An epic is the functional specifiactions technical specifiactions usability requirements
specifications of a user story

105. ======================================================================

106. Consider the Dockerfile code – (assume the petclinic war and server.xml files are available

107. Ans) RUN Keyword executes the shell command during your image build where as CMD.

108. =======================================================================

109. Mr.Neil has to create a project that includes.

110. Ans) a.Requirements.

111. b.Metrics and Status Reports

112. ================================================================

113. CIS are the work products within the selected categories that the project wants under.

114. Ans) Configuration Manager.

115. ==========================================================================

116. What is considered by the developers in regard to RESTFUL API deployment.

117. Ans) a.Protection Against injection b.Use API Keys

118. c.Use HTTPS identity Authentication

119. ====================================================================

120. Ms.Julie has

121. Ans) A,B,C,D and E

122. ================================================================

123. Which of the following are CORRECT related to Secure SDLC?

124. Ans) A,B,C

125. ==================
126. Projects should establish baseline at the end of each project stage.

127. Ans) a.Architecture Baseline b.Requiremens Baseline

128. c.Testing Baseline

129. ===============================================

130. What is the work assets grouped by business area?

131. Ans) WorkStream

132. ================================================

133. What is the best approach in Design Patterns in coding?

134. Ans) Writing codes with the highest possible coupling and Lowest possible cohesion

135. ===========================================================

136. Identify the cloud application

137. Ans) a.Api calls travel across the internet and are subject to threats b.attack surface has

138. ===========================================================

139. What is the function of a featured identity?

140. Ans) Enables users of an application to use the same authentication for other application by
the same application.

141. ===========================================

142. What is the logical grouping of elements that have single major outcome ?

143. Ans) Activity or Discipline

144. ===================================

145. Which are the external application oriented devices that provide application security?

146. Ans except DAM

147. ==================================

148. During which ceremony Team members synchronize their work and progress and report
any ?

149. Ans) Daily Scrum

150. What guidelines should be followed for creating the Accenture coding standards?

151. Ans) a.Should be agreed b.Coding Standards

152. ========================================================

153. What are some of the ways test-driven? Ans) a.Supports continuous integration
b.Compresses the available

154. =================================================

155. How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

156. Ans) a.No dependable modules

157. b. Having loosely coupled system

158. =======================================================

159. Which of the following is CORRECT about a proxy product owner ?

160. Ans) All the options

161. ==============================================================

162. Complete the statements Accenture Delivery Suite

163. Ans) smooth,efficient,predictable,reliable and high-quality results

164. Complete the statement Application Design can be done?

165. Ans) Custom/Packaged/Both

166. In the sprint planning

167. Ans) Begginning of sprint

168. What are the two importants

169. Except – Ensure test-related

170. What are the two important objectives when adding testing code to a project?

171. Ans) Except : Ensure test-related code is isolated

172. ==============================================================

173. Code Review process involves which of the following steps?

174. Ans) except: Never conduct a review

175. How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

176. Ans) a.No dependable modules b.Having loosely coupled system

177. Which of the following is not the right answer for packaged or Custome.

178. Ans)Custom software maps to the clients business process and contains key features

179. =====================================================================

180. In Large Scale Scrum there is

181. Ans) multiple teams multiple product backlog

182. Why are WIP limits important

183. Ans) To ensure smooth flow of things through the system

184. ==============================================================

185. What are the major challenges faced

Ns) a. Schema changes breaking testa b.Test framework using mock objects

What are the different generic techniques followed in code optimization

186. Ans) Except : Data-Level parallelism

187. helps the design process

188. Ans) TDD,TDD

189. ================================

190. Which of the following statements is/are correct? Ans) 1,2,3 and 4

191. 1)What is relationships can work product have to tasks - optional input ,mandatory input ,
primary output and secondary output

192. 2)Kieran needs help in following the rules that must be followed while creating exception
handling strategy which rule he must consider from below list -1)differentiate between
application business and technical exceptions 2)think of the strategy for logging exception

193. 3) Joshua being a project manager needs to suggest methods to developers of off project
so that flying become High performance business by delivering high quality code which are they –

194. Ans= 1.follow the Accenture code quality model 2)implementing the practice of peer
review 3)adhere to Accenture delivery methods best practices and guidelines

195. 4)second Mr Anthony is configuration manager for ABC utilities a.levels of controls
b.selecting CLS c.determining the categories of cm d. naming conventions e. configuration items

Ans=C B D A E
196. 5)Mr Neil has created a project document 2nd that includes configuration item categories
in the project he is currently working on he has proposed the configuration item categories that
are quoted below A. project documentation , B. architectures , c interfaces , d designs, e. second
source code and executive code ans= Requirements, metrics and status report

197. 6)which global policy of Accenture does ADC meet answer policy 1100

198. 7)a graph that shows the progress of work toward a goal line associated with a value on
which vertical axis is called answer burn up chart

199. 8)How does microservices provide small manageable and deployable components
ans=microservice containers

200. 9) which GRESP principal talks about , who should be responsible for creating other
projects in your program or your system ans=creator

201. 10) John was developed a software program and to make this program run faster he allows
the portion of the program to reside in computers memory ans= memory optimization

202. 11)What happens when the Sprint is cancelled ans= the completed Sprint backlog second
items are evaluated for a release and incomplete items are put back into the product backlog

203. 12)Which of the following is a set of automated process that allowed developer and
operations to reliably and efficiently compiled build and deploy the application or services to
production environments or platforms ans= DevOps environment pipeline

204. 13)second what does VSM tool help reduce ans=second delays, non value added activities ,
defects , time

205. 14) John has written code that includes multiple methods that is non synonymous with the
functionality of it . Many of those method contains a lot of nested statements hard coded values
and over a 500 lines of code . What standard coding pattern would you suggest to him ans= 1.
group logically have related statements for easy readability 2. limit the method size between 100
and 150 codes line by refactoring it

206. 15)What are the various lines of businesses that Accenture delivery suit ADS support
ans=technology , digital , operations , security and strategy

207. 16)Alex is addressing the scrum development team and educating them on called dash
dash one of the core value of scrum which of the following is an appreciated example can gift his
theme on courage first courage in sharing facts as it is second courage to change direction when
needed 3rd courage to support scrum values and food courage do not deliver incomplete
deliverables answer all of them

208. 17) Anthony configuration manager of ABC utility , steps for sequence order while planning
CM – D E B A C – naming conventions, Configuration items, selecting CLs, levels of control,
Determining categories of CM.

209. 18) Home | Accenture Delivery Suite

delivery suit

210. 19)which are the common coding situations that developer come across frequently below-
Code is not well-formatted

211. 20)STEPS in code driven cycle-add single unit test, run all test, the test will fail, write just
enough code, refactor the code, accumulate unit test
212. Which task perform as per ADM for custom development- ans designed package software
configuration to meet buisness process design and application requirement.

213. Unit of work that role may ask to perform ans- activity

214. Which of the following tasks performed by the configuration manager- 1) plans
configuration manager 2) tracks and reports on cm status and audits, 3) makes sure that project
compiles with cm standard and procedures.

215. Output of task – 1. Abstract, outcome, deliverable

216. Identify the right combination of red/green/refactor cycle with its description- ans

217. Identify the Message protection development modes answer network to network network
to host peer to peer

218. What are the two important objectives when adding testing code 2 project ans= a.use
normal design criteria to embed test code directly into units integration tests on a final
release to ensure the test code is present c. prevent test code from being compiled into a
production code

219. Peter a software professional is attending a dev OPS training the trainer has returned some
statements that as listed below A. developer versus operations mindset B. transition from legacy
infrastructure for development to microservices C. resistance to the changes ans= A B C

220. Which solid principle represent the following statement the vehicle is an abstract 4 truck
and bike ans= dependency inversion principle

221. Kieran needs help in following rules that must be followed while creating Exception
handling strategy which rule he must consider for from below list ans= a. create meaningful
exception messages b. differentiate between application business and technical exceptions

222. Have to ensure the usability of a code in a project ans= a. having loosely coupled system b.
no dependable modules

223. What are the major difference between the product backlog and the Sprint backlog ans=
the Sprint backlog is subset of the product backlog

224. ADOP is build on earth ----- infrastructure ans= docker

225. What are the responsibilities of the change Control Board ans= a. monitor changes and
update to the project requirement as a part of CM b. review and authorize changes to the

226. Which of the following statements are correct about the coding best protection and coding
standards ans= a. coding standards improve the consistency and reliability at the code by
eliminating the personal styles and by bringing the symmetry to the application code irrespective
of the developers involved b. coding best practice are the collections of the good programming
practice and experimentation which involves the use of use and improvement of the coding
standard c. deliver high quality code

227. If we need to apply design patterns can we do it without the principle of object oriented
programming and and standards ans= yes, design patterns are logical and compressive
sequencing of elements with the procedural principles

228. As a part of a cloud application security which of the following are the identity and access
solution provided by the cloud service provider ans= a. multifactor authentication b. signal sign
on off

229. Joshua being a project manager needs to suggest a methods to developers of projects so
that client became high performance businesses by delivering high quality code which are they
ans=a. adhere to Accenture delivery methods best practices and guidelines b. follow the
Accenture code quality model c. implementing the practice of peer review

230. This pattern evaluates scenarios where you need just one object and you don't want to
create a multiple objects of that particular class or Simply put a restrictive construction of the
more than one object which pattern is this ans= singleton pattern

231. John , the product owner in construction with his shareholders has arrived at 4 features
that are the same priority which of the following can John do in this context anss= consult with a
development team and still arrive at a priority among these features

232. Which of the following type of testing and their contribution to overall system
documentation are correct ans= all of the above

233. So we need a new developer on XY zed E commerce project she has written a piece of code
for the handling error for that may occur because of the non availability of product in a card
already added earlier her first task is to define these issues under the suitable categories identify
the correct category from the following option ans= business exceptions

234. What are the practices should be used when building a complex system ans=a. using a
modular design b. have using components with the tight coupling

235. Scrum development team is supposed to be self organized that would mean ans=They can
identify their own goals and make decisions on their own

236. What is a key benefit of the least privileged approach to security = it minimizes the level of
compromise in the event of the security breech

237. Mr Jacko he's an ethical hacker he wants to introduce a mailbox at his friend John so he
logged into an email account which resulted a URL shown in the below ans=
cross site scripting

238. What was seen in application overtime which creates a need of the solutions which would
also be used in other projects ans= faster time to market

239. Which of the following actions to be taken before pushing the code into a when
we have sensitive information in the source code ans= move the sensitive information to
gitignore file

240. What practices should be used when building a complex system ans= a. using a modular
design b. designing a testability c. using a component with a tight coupling

241. What are the pitfalls concerning the cloud application development ans= requiring all
applications be deployed in the cloud

242. Identify the usage of sandbox in cloud application security ans= a. discover attack vendors
and agents b. discover application error c. discover the impact of the applied malware d. discover

243. A modern invention service provider makes resources an infrastructure management

available as needed and changes them for the specific usage rather than a flat rate which model
has above stated characteristic ans= cloud computing

244. While doing the daily scrum ceremony the true Sprint of the ceremony should be= ans
reporting updates to the scrum master

245. What relationships can work product have two task ans= optional input I'm Natalie ,
mandatory input secondary output , primary output

246. Select the challenges of applying a TDD to a joint development project ans= a. design
changes may affect unit tests b. test writing become intuitive

247. John has written a code that includes multiple methods that is not synonymous with the
functionality of it ans= a. group logically related statement for easy readability b. limit the method
size between 100 and 154 lines by refactoring it

248. which of the following description of other level 1 OWASP treat assessment manually
practice ans= identity and understand the high level threats to the organization and individual

249. what is the best approach in design pattern in coding ans= writing code with the highest
possible coupling and the lowest possible cohesion

250. select the challenges of applying TDD to agile development project ans= a. design changes
may affect unit test b. test writing become intuitive c. developers adaptability

251. how does a ADM align to new ans= a. extension and context b. longevity c. vastness

252. which are the common coding situation that developers come across frequently from
below ans= code is not well formatted

253. how did object oriented programming = All the procedures were treated as an identifiable
behavior of an object

254. which of the following definitions provided by a various full sense would correctly depict
the configuration management and most appropriate ivana defines configuration management as
what we do to make sure we have backed up our work Daniel defines configuration management
as same thing as a version control Gabriel defines configuration management as a process of
identifying communicating implementing documenting and managing work product in a
structured and repeatable way ans= Gabriel definition

255. which global policy of Accenture does ADS meet ans= policy 1100

256. what are some features a tool should have to facilitate TDD agile database development
ans=a. implement test in building database still testing language b. able to run tests in transitions
to keep them independent

257. Skype which of the following statement is valid ans= and epic is the functional specification
, technical specification play , usability requirements specification of user story

258. consider the dockerfile code agenda pet clinic dot war and server dot XML files which
among the family option are correct with respect to run and CMD keyword used in above
dockerfile ans= run keyboard execute the shell command during the image build where CMD
command execute the shell command while creating containers from that image

259. Mr Neil has to create a project document ans= requirements , matrix and status report
260. CIS other work product within a selected categories that the project wants under
configuration control imagine you are in person for writing the same plan who typically works
with the team leads to document the CIS for the designing designed categories ans=
configuration manager

261. what is considered by developers in regards to restful API deployment ans= protection
against injection , use API keys , use HTTPS identity authentication

262. miss Julie has to write a project document that possesses ans= ABCDE

263. which of the following are correct related to secure SDLC A. hello identifying the system
configuration issues related to security early ans= A, B,C

264. project should establish baseline at the end of each project stage typically a baseline
created at each major stages ans= architecture baseline , requirements baseline , testing baseline

265. what are the work / assets group by businesses area ans= workstream

266. what is the best approach in design pattern in coding = writing code with the highest
possible coupling and the lowest possible cohesion

267. identify the cloud Application issues when an application I did develop ans= API calls travel
access across the Internet and are subject to threads , attack surface has increased

268. Mr Humberto penial , who is the project manager for a prestigious project of his
organization he proposed the automation of process with the two had helped the project in very
efficient way some of the key Dean has taken are 1, proposed the adoption slash usage software
development ans= standardized workflows, processes, technologies, protocols and metrics to
reduce the variety of risk

269. when we try to push changes into a using a git few commands when it to be
executed ans= gui add; git command -m” commenting ”; get push

270. What is the function of Federated identity ans= enables users of an application to use the
same authentication for other application by the same application

271. What is logical grouping of elements that have single major outcome/ business result ans=
activity or discipline

272. Which are the external application oriented devices that provide application security ans=
WAF, HTTPS, citrix, API gateway

273. During which ceremony team members synchronize their work and progress and report
only impediments to the scrum master for removal ans= daily scrum

274. Guildeline should be followed for creating the Accenture coding standard ans= a. should be
agreed upon across project teams spanning globally b. coding standards should be easy to

275. What are some ways test driven development can benefit a project compared to other
asn=a. supports continuous integration b. compresses the available set of test tools

276. How to ensure reusability of code in project ans= a. no dependable module, b. having
loosely coupled system

277. Correct about a proxy product owner ams= all of the above
278. Complete the statements = Accenture delivery suits in standard delivery framework
designed to help our teams “ ……….” Results ans= smooth, efficient, predictable, reliable and
high-quality results

279. Complete the statement application design can be done using ans= custom/packaged/

280. In the sprint planning meeting at the…. Team along with PO selects the goals in one
sentence for overall outcome of the sprint= ans beginning of sprint planning

281. What are the two important objectives when adding testing code to project ans= a. second
use normal design criteria to embed test code directly into units ,problem run integration tests
on the final release to ensure the test Is present , prevent test code from being compiled into a
production code stop dictating

282. Code preview process involves which of the following steps: plan for review, prepare for a
review, baseline a software products , resolve review points

283. How to ensure reusability of code in project ans=a. no dependable modules, b. having
loosely coupled system

284. Is not right answer for packaged or custom development ans= custom software maps to
the client business and contains key feature necessary to specific business function

285. In large scrum there is…………. Ans= multiple teams, multiple product backlog

286. Why WIP limits important ans= to ensure smooth flow of things through the system

287. What are the major challenges faced when performing test driven database development
ans= schema changes breaking test, test framework using mock objects

288. What are the different techniques followed in code optimization for independent ans=
cache optimization techniques, reducing the number of conditions , using memory efficient

289. …….. helps the design process whereas ………. Is more suitable for integration and functional
testing ans= TDO,TDO

290. Which is correct a. docker repositories can be public or private …. Ans= 1,2,3,4
291. Linda. An aws cloud administrator = ans: multifactor authentication
292. A malicious or unexpected data is somehow programmatically fed into the application
leading to compromise of security ans= cross site scripting
293. Which of the following is not scrum artifact = ans= release backlog
294. To secure the http messages in the API calls the necessary to = all of the above
295. Which of the following Mitigation techniques can be adopted to avoid broken
authentication and session management problems 1. encryption 2. output encoding …
Ans= 1 and 4
296. What are guidelines that needs to be followed for managing bottlenecks
during the optimization = ans= a. identifying benefits of implementing complex algorithm does
not wait …b. do not cache the result c. do performance testing on a critical method carrying
business logic
297. once the configuration management team determines the appropriate
level of CM control ABC utility is trying to determine which CM tool is used = all
Mercuriale , VSS , PVCS ,jetlab
298. What the functionality of a data cohesion in model of project option D
both option one and two
299. what is the first step in the process of implementing Kanban = WIP
300. In each daily scrum within a sub team aims by designing one member as
ambassador to go and participate in daily scrum ceremony with ambassadors from other team
what that ceremony called = scrum of scrum
301. When an user fail Victim of cross Site scripting ans all of the above
302. Identify the Services provided by the micro services when compared to
design pattern ans= code access , implementation
303. if if we open a new account with that vendor on the Internet on their
website they ask us for our phone number in which we receive a unique code we enter into the
website just to make sure they can confirm the identity of hours what type of confirmation this
scenario is mapped in ans= otp confirmation
304. Sprint retrospective ceremony can include an analysis of how the recent
stent went brother respect to which of the following ans all of the options
305. What does VSM tool help reduce all of the above
306. manage from network and infrastructure team was to update a few firewall
rules on a Saturday night to disable any request coming from the EU region into a banking
application as a business was recently closed in EU what kind of security thread is the bank now
one are vulnerable to ans= cross site scripting
307. what are the three security features match the server level security all
308. Identify the steps involved in development cycle =write a test or unit tests
for some aspect of the program
309. What are the components of Accenture delivery suit ADS ans= methods
and estimators , deliverables , architecture metrics
310. ------------- this set of technologies tools and processes that enable
enterprises to move into the parodical of seamless interactivity ans = Accenture origin web
311. The trend of work remaining across time in sprint a release or product with
woek remaining tracked on vertical axis= burnup chart
312. Identify the order of steps for code review process, conduct a review , plan
for a review= c,b,e,a,c,d,f
313. While doing TDD which of the following is recommended= writing trivial
tests that are too small
314. Which of the following is not a scrum master's responsibility = preventing
the senior manager from the shifting the team priorities
315. Mr Vincent is a configuration management for a project in Accenture he
has identity identify and establish configuration team assume that you are a Mr Vincent answer
like the steps involved in while identifying and establishing CIS mentioned below determine CI
categories determine CM control levels determined CI tools = ans=
316. In banking application we keep the customer you are logic separate from
the back end or the business logic of the our application which GRSP principal would take the
request from the UI and then assigned that need a project = creator
317. Alex has been identified as scrum master of an agile execution team of
eight member have been tag to him in the capacity of a scrum master on a daily basis he has a
forwarding things ANS= ALL a b C
318. Before using the git commit command in the secure code if the sensitive
information is identified in in the order action to be performed to a secured those sensitive data it
use functions in the code too read sensitive information from the CFG file b. copy the sensitive
information to CFG file ANS= D B C A
319. Cameroon is a middle African country the government of the country has a
lot of data on paper media and it is very crucial and sensitive essential data BPaaS
320. What are the components that influence in design pattern = all
321. every spring starts with ------ and ends with ----- and
ans= 1. springpad planning b. screen review c. Sprint retrospective
322. Customer walks into an ATM to withdraw money the money dispensed
from the was not able to print its transaction receipt as ATM machine ran out of paper = in
323. Mr. John has developed a software program and make his program run
faster he allows portion of the program to reside in a computers memory however his approach
will cause the program to consume more memory as a result the program will optimize in terms
of speed but will inefficiently in terms of memory utilization what Mr. John is typing to achieve in
his scenario code optimization
324. what are the three security features matched the database level security =
logins ,users ,audits
325. second Mr Nina after her training in DevOps she was encountered his
question in an assignment she faced the question was which among the given options are benefit
of automation if you were Nina what would have been your answer choose three correct options
= increase productivity , eliminate eliminate unnecessary capital expenditure , standardize
workflow process technologies and protocols
326. when an user can fail victim of cross site scripting= all of the above
1. which of the following tasks wil be performed by the configuration management?

Choose exactly three correct options.

Ans: A.Plans configuration

b.Tracks and reports

C.Makes sure that project complies with CM standard


2. which of the following could be input or output of a task

ANS: a.artifact




3. identify the right combination of red/green/refactor cycle with its descripti

Ans) ALL the above


4. Identify the message protection deployment modes




5. what are the two important objectives when adding testing code directly into units

ANS: a.use normal design criteria to embed test code directly into units. integration tests on the final release to ensure test code is present

c.prevent test code from being compiled into production code

6. Peter a software professional is attending Devops training. The trainer has written some stmts that are
as listed below.he asked the participants to identify the challenges the devops is facing predominantly

A. developer vs operations mindset

B. Transition from legacy infrastructure for deployment to microservices

C.Resistance to the changes

ANS. A, B and C


7. which SOLID principle represents following stmt “the vehicle is an abstract for truck and bike”?

ANS: dependency inversion principle


8. Kiran needs help in following the rules that must be followed within creating exception handling
strategy. Which rules he must consider from below list?

ANS: a.Create meaningful exception messages

b.Differentiate between application business and technical exceptions


9. How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

ANS: a.Having loosely coupled system

b.No dependable modules


10. What is the major difference between the Product Backlog and the Sprint backlog?

ANS: The sprint backlog is a subset of the product backlog


11. What are the ADM 5 main focus areas?

ANS: a.Planning




12. ADOP is built on a infrastructure

ANS: Docker


13. What are the responsibilities of the change control board?

Choose exactly TWO options:

ANS: a.Monitor changes and updates to the project requirement as part of CM

b.Review and authorize changes to the baselines


14. Which of the following stmts are correct about coding best practices and coming standards.Select
one or more

ANS: a.Coding standards improve the consistency and reliability at the code by eliminating personal

b.Coding best practices one collection of good prgrmng practices which involve…..

c.Deliver high quality code


15. If we need to apply design patterns , can we do it without the principle of OOP and standards?

ANS: Yes, design patterns are logical and comprehensive sequencing of elements with procedural


16. As part of cloud application security, which of the following are the identify and and access solutions
provided by the cloud service providers?

ANS: a.Multifactor authentication

b.Single sign-On/Off


17. Joshua being a project manager, need to suggest methods to developers of project so that cliemnt
become high-performance business by delivering high-quality code.Which are they?

ANS: a.Adhere to Accenture Delivery Methods best practices and guidelines

b.follow the Accenture Code quality Model

c.Implementing the practice of peer reviews

18. This pattern evcaluates scenarios where you need just one object and you don’t want to create
multiple objects of that particular class. Or simply put restricting construction of more than one
object”Which pattern is it?

ANS: Singleton pattern


19. John, the Product owner, in consuitation with his stakeholders, has arrived at four features that are
of same priority. The stakeholders are of the opinion that all those features are of equal significance
Which of the following can John do, in this context?

ANS: Consult with the Development team and still arrive at a priority among these features


20. Which of the following types of testing and their contribution to overall system documentation are
correct: select one

ANS: All the above

21. Sohini is a new developer on XYZ e-commerce project. She has a written a piece of code for handling
errors that may occur because of non availability of product in a cart already added earlier. Her first task
is to define these issue under a suitable category identify the correct category from the following

ANS: Business Exceptions


22. What practices should be used when building a complex system? Select one or more:

ANS: a.Using a modular design

b.Using components with tight coupling


23.A Scrum development Team is supposed to be Self Organized that would mean

ANS: They can identify their own goals and make decisions on their own


24. What is the key benefit of the least privilege approach to security

ANS: it minimized the level of compromise in the event of a security breech

25.Mr.Jacob is an ethical hacker. He wants to intrude3 into mail box of his friend john to his personal

So he logged into the mail account which resulted in the URL as shown below-

He replies j4jacob with his friends user id john123. Now the update URL is-

he tries with this URL and he could access the mail box of his friend John. What type of vulnerability you
have noticed in the above scenario?

ANS: Cross site scripting

26. What was seen in application over time, which creates the need of solution which could also be used
in other projects?

ANS: Faster time to market


27.Which of the following action to be taken before pushing the code into when we have
sensitive information in the source code?

ANS: Move the sensitive information to gitignore file


28.What practices should be used when building a complex system? Select one or more:

ANS: a.Using a modular design

b.Designing the testability

c.Using components with tight coupling


29.What are the pitfalls concerning the cloud application development?

ANS: Requiring all applications be deployed in the cloud

30. Identify the usage of sandboxes in Cloud Application Security.Select one or more

ANS: a.Discover attack vectors and agents

b. Discover application errors

c. Discover the impact of the applied malware

d. Discover vulnerabilities

31.A model in which a service provider makes resources and infrastructure management available as
needed, and charges them for specific usage rather than a flat rate. Which model has the above stated

ANS: Cloud computing


32. While doing the daily scrum ceremony, the true spirit of the ceremony should be?

ANS: reporting updates to scrum master


33. What relationship(s) can a work product have to task?

ANS: Optional input, mandatory input, primary output and secondary output


34. Select the challenges of applying TDD to Agile development projects

ANS: a.Design changes may affect unit tests

b.Test writing becomes intuitive


35. John has written code that includes multiple methods that is not synonymous with functionality of it.
Many of those methods contain lots of nested stmts, hard coded values and over 500 lines of code.
What standard coding patterns would you suggest to him?

ANS: a.Group logically related stmts for easy readability

b.limit the method size between 100 and 150 code lines by refactoring it


36. Sujata a senior developer of project has been assigned a task to look at the code structure and
decoupling component wherever deemed necessary. What points she should keep in mind while
checking? Select one or more:

ANS: a.The average complexity of classes, programs, methods, procedures, or functions is under

b.There are no cyclic dependencies between classes, components or layers

c.dependencies to external libraries are well known

37. Which of the following is the description for the level 1 OWASP threat assessment maturity practice?

ANS: Identify and understand the high level threats to the organization and individual projects


38. What is the best approach in Design Patterns in coding?

ANS: writing codes with the highest possible coupling and the lowest possible cohesion.


39. Select the challenges of applying TDD to Agile development projects

Ans: a) Design changes may affect unit tests

b) Test Writing becomes intuitive

c) Developers adaptability


40) How does ADM align to the new ?

Ans) a) Extensions and Context

b) Longevity

c) Vastness

41) Which are the common coding situations that Developers come across Frequently from below ?

Ans) Code is not well-formatted


42) How did object-oriented programming systems handle completely better than procedural process.

Ans) All the procedures were treated as an identifiable behaviour of an object.


43) Which of the following definitions provided by various personnels would correctly depicts
CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT and its most appropriate?

Ans) GABRIEL’S definition


44) Which global policy of Accenture does ADS meet?

Ans) Policy 1100

45)What are the some features a tool should have to facilitate TDD Agile database development.

Ans) a. Implement tests in a built-in database testing language

b. Able to run tests in transactions to keep them independent


46) Which of the following statements is Valid?

Ans) An epic is the functional specifiactions technical specifiactions usability requirements

specifications of a user story


47) Consider the Dockerfile code – (assume the petclinic war and server.xml files are available in.

Ans) RUN Keyword executes the shell command during your image build where as CMD.


48)Mr.Neil has to create a project that includes.

Ans) a.Requirements.

b.Metrics and Status Reports


49) CIS are the work products within the selected categories that the project wants under.

Ans) Configuration Manager.


50) What is considered by the developers in regard to RESTFUL API deployment.

Ans) a.Protection Against injection

b.Use API Keys

c.Use HTTPS identity Authentication


51)Ms.Julie has

Ans) A,B,C,D and E


52)Which of the following are CORRECT related to Secure SDLC?

Ans) A,B,C

53)Projects should establish baseline at the end of each project stage.

Ans) a.Architecture Baseline

b.Requiremens Baseline

c.Testing Baseline


54) What is the work assets grouped by business area?

Ans) WorkStream


55) What is the best approach in Design Patterns in coding?

Ans) Writing codes with the highest possible coupling and Lowest possible cohesion


56)Identify the cloud application

Ans) a.Api calls travel across the internet and are subject to threats

b.attack surface has increased.


57) What is the function of a featured identity?

Ans) Enables users of an application to use the same authentication for other application by the same


58) What is the logical grouping of elements that have single major outcome ?

Ans) Activity or Discipline


59) Which are the external application oriented devices that provide application security?

Ans except DAM


60) During which ceremony Team members synchronize their work and progress and report any ?

Ans) Daily Scrum

61) What guidelines should be followed for creating the Accenture coding standards?

Ans) a.Should be agreed

b.Coding Standards


62) What are some of the ways test-driven?

Ans) a.Supports continuous integration

b.Compresses the available


63)How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

Ans) a.No dependable modules

b. Having loosely coupled system


64) Which of the following is CORRECT about a proxy product owner ?

Ans) All the options


65)Complete the statements Accenture Delivery Suite

Ans) smooth,efficient,predictable,reliable and high-quality results

66) Complete the statement Application Design can be done?

Ans) Custom/Packaged/Both

67) In the sprint planning

Ans) Begginning of sprint

68) What are the two importants

Except – Ensure test-related

69)What are the two important objectives when adding testing code to a project?

Ans) Except : Ensure test-related code is isolated


70) Code Review process involves which of the following steps?

Ans) except: Never conduct a review

71)How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

Ans) a.No dependable modules b.Having loosely

coupled system

72)Which of the following is not the right answer for packaged or Custome.

Ans)Custom software maps to the clients business process and contains key features


73) In Large Scale Scrum there is

Ans) multiple teams multiple product backlog

74) Why are WIP limits important

Ans) To ensure smooth flow of things through the system


75) What are the major challenges faced

Ns) a. Schema changes breaking testa b.Test

framework using mock objects

76)What are the different generic techniques followed in code optimization

Ans) Except : Data-Level parallelism

77) helps the design process



78) Which of the following statements is/are correct?Ans) 1,2,3

and 4

79) Which of the following tasks will be performed by the

configuration manager?

Soln: plans,tracks,makes

80)which of the following could be input or output of a task.?

Soln: artifact , outcome, deliverable

81)identify the right combination of reed/green/refactor.?

82)identify the message protection deployment modes

Soln: Network,Network,peer

83)what are the two important objectives when adding testing

code to a project?

Soln: use,run,prevent

84)Peter a software professional a. developer vs operation mindset

Soln: a,b and c

85)which SOLID principle represents the following statememt the

vehicle is an abstract for truck and bike..?

Soln:dependency inversion principle

86) kiran needs help in following the


87) how to ensure reusability of code in a project?

Soln:having loosely ,no dependable

88)what is the major difference between the product backlog and

the sprint backlog.?

Soln:the spenit backlog is a subset of the product backlog

89)what are the ADM5 MAIN focus areas?

Soln: all options

90)ADOP is built on a _ infra


91)what are the responsibilities of the change control board?

Soln:monitor changes , review and authorize

92)which of the following statements are correct about coding best

practices and coding standards



93)if we need to apply design patternscan we do it without

Soln: yes, design patterns are logical and comprehensive

sequencing of

94)as part of cloud application security which of the following are

Soln: multifactor ,single sign in

95) jashua being a project manager


96) The pattern evaluates scenarios where

Soln: Singleton pattern

97)john, the product owner in consulatation with his

Soln: consult with the dev

98) which of the following types of testing and their contribution to

overall system documentation

Soln: all of the above

99)sohini is a new developer on XYZ

Soln: business exceptions

100)what practices should be used when building a complex


Soln: using a modular, using components

101) A scrum development team is supposed to be self

organizedthat would mean

Soln: they can identify their own goals

102)what is the key benefit of the least privilege approach to


Soln: it minimized the level of compromise in the event of a

security breach

103)mr.jacob is an ethical hacker

Soln: cross site scripting

104) what was seen in application over time which creates the

need of solutions

Soln: faster time to market

105)which of the following action to be taken before pushing the


Soln; move the sensitive information

106)what practices should be used when building a complex



107)what are the pitfalls concerning the cloud application

Soln: requiring all applications be deployed in the cloud

108)identify the usage of sandboxes in cloud


109)a model in which a service provider

Soln: cloud computing

110) while doing the daily scrum ceremony the true sprint of

Soln: reporting updates to scrum master

111) what relationships can a work product have to task?

Soln: optional input mandatory

112)select the challenges of applying TDD to agile development

and projects

Soln: design changes, test writing

113)john has written code that includes multiple methods

Soln: group, limit

114) Sujata a senior developer of project


115) which of the following is a description for the level 1 OWASP

Soln: identify and understand the high

116) what is the best approach in design patterns in coding?

Soln: writing codes with the highest possible coupling and lowest

possible cohesion

117) select the challenges of applying TDD to agile development



118) how does ADM align to the new?


119) which are the common coding situations that developers

come across frequently

Soln: code is not well formatted

120) how did object oriented programming

Soln: all the procedures were treated as an

121)which of the followimg definitions provided by various

personnels would correctly depicts

Soln; gabriels definition

122) which global policy of Accenture

Soln; policy 1100

123) what are some features a tool should have to facilitate TDD

Soln: implement , able

124) which of the following statements is valid?

Soln: an epic is the functional specifications

125) consider the dockerfile code

Soln; run keyword executes the shell command during your image

build where as CMD command executes the shell command while

creating container from that image

126) mr. neil has to create a project document

Soln; requirements , metrics

121) Cis are the work products within the selected categories that

the project wants under configuration control

Soln: configuration manager

122)what is considered by the developers in regard to RESTFul API

deployment ?

Soln: protection , use API, use HTTPS

123) Ms. Julie has to write a project document that proposes the

Soln: a b c d and e

124) which of the following are correct related related to Secure


Soln: identifying,reveals,influence


125) projects should establish baselines at the end of each project



126) what is the work/ assets grouped by business area?

Soln: workstream

127) what is the best approach in design patterns in coding?

Soln: writing codes with highest possible coupling and lowest

possible cohesion

128) identify the cloud application issues when an application id


Soln: API calls travel across the internet , attack surface has


129) what is the function of a federated identity?

Soln: Enables users of an application to use the same

authentication for other

130) what is the logical grouping of elements that have single

major outcome / business result ?

Soln: activity or discipline

131) which are the external application oriented devices that

provide applicaṭion security?


132) During which ceremony team members synchronize their

work and progress and report any

Soln; Daily scrum

133) what guidelines should be followed for creating the Accenture

coding standards ?

Soln: should be agreed, coding standards

134) what are some of the ways test driven development can

benefit a project

Soln; supports, compresses

135) how to ensure reusability of code in a project?

Soln: no dependable modules , having loosely coupled sysyem

136) which of the following is correct about a proxy product owner

soln: all the options

137) complete the statements Accenture delivery suite is our

standard delivery framework

Soln; smooth efficient predictable reliable and high quality results

138) complete the statement application design can be done using

soln; custom / packaged / both

139) in the sprint planning meeting at the

Soln : begininig of sprint planning

140) What are the two important objectives when adding testing

code to a project?


141) which of the following are phases of NST SDLC MODEL

SOLN; the initiation phase, accomplishment and decelopment , the

operations and maintenance phase

142) code review process involves which of the following steps


143) how to ensure reusability of code in a project ?

Soln; no dependable , having loosely coupled system

144) which of the following is not the right answer for packaged or

custom development ?

Soln: custom software maps to the clients busimess process and


145) what are same features a total should have to facilitate TDD

agile database development


146) In large scale scrum there is _

Soln: multiple teams , multiple product backlog

147) why are wip limits important ?

Soln: to ensure smooth flow of things through the system

148) what are major challenges faced when performing test driven

database development ?

Soln: schema , test

149) what are the different generic techniques followed in code

optimization for independent platform ?


150) _ helps the design process whereas _ is more suitable for

integration and functional testing

Soln: TDD , TDD

151) which of the following statements is / are correct ?

Soln: 1,2,3 and 4

1. which of the following tasks wil be performed by the configuration management? Choose exactly
three correct options.

Ans: A.Plans configuration b.Tracks and reports

2. C.Makes sure that project complies with CM standard


3. which of the following could be input or output of a task ANS: a.artifact

b.outcome c.deliverable


4. identify the right combination of red/green/refactor cycle with its descripti

Ans) ALL the above


5. Identify the message protection deployment modes ANS: c.peer-to-peer


6. what are the two important objectives when adding testing code directly into units ANS:
a.use normal design criteria to embed test code directly into units. integration tests on the final release to ensure test code is present c.prevent test code from
being compiled into production code
7. Peter a software professional is attending Devops training. The trainer has written some stmts
that are as listed below.he asked the participants to identify the challenges the devops is facing

developer vs operations mindset

Transition from legacy infrastructure for deployment to microservices C.Resistance to the changes

8. ANS. A, B and C


9. which SOLID principle represents following stmt “the vehicle is an abstract for truck and bike”?
ANS: dependency inversion principle


10. Kiran needs help in following the rules that must be followed within creating exception handling
strategy. Which rules he must consider from below list?

ANS: a.Create meaningful exception messages

11. b.Differentiate between application business and technical exceptions


12. How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

ANS: a.Having loosely coupled system b.No dependable modules


13. What is the major difference between the Product Backlog and the Sprint backlog? ANS:
The sprint backlog is a subset of the product backlog


14. What are the ADM 5 main focus areas?

ANS: a.Planning

b.development c.Testing d.Operations e.Management

15. ADOP is built on a infrastructure

ANS: Docker


16. What are the responsibilities of the change control board? Choose exactly TWO options:

ANS: a.Monitor changes and updates to the project requirement as part of CM b.Review and
authorize changes to the baselines


17. Which of the following stmts are correct about coding best practices and coming standards.Select
one or more

ANS: a.Coding standards improve the consistency and reliability at the code by eliminating
personal styles…..

b.Coding best practices one collection of good prgrmng practices which involve….. c.Deliver high
quality code


18. If we need to apply design patterns , can we do it without the principle of OOP and standards?

ANS: Yes, design patterns are logical and comprehensive sequencing of elements with
procedural principles


19. As part of cloud application security, which of the following are the identify and and access
solutions provided by the cloud service providers?

ANS: a.Multifactor authentication b.Single sign-On/Off


20. Joshua being a project manager, need to suggest methods to developers of project so that
cliemnt become high-performance business by delivering high-quality code.Which are they?

ANS: a.Adhere to Accenture Delivery Methods best practices and guidelines b.follow the
Accenture Code quality Model

21. c.Implementing the practice of peer reviews

22. This pattern evcaluates scenarios where you need just one object and you don’t want to create
multiple objects of that particular class. Or simply put restricting construction of more than one
object”Which pattern is it?

23. ANS: Singleton pattern

24. ============================================

25. John, the Product owner, in consuitation with his stakeholders, has arrived at four features that
are of same priority. The stakeholders are of the opinion that all those features are of equal
significance Which of the following can John do, in this context?

26. ANS: Consult with the Development team and still arrive at a priority among these features

27. ====================================================

28. Which of the following types of testing and their contribution to overall system documentation
are correct: select one

29. ANS: All the above

30. =======================================================

31. Sohini is a new developer on XYZ e-commerce project. She has a written a piece of code for
handling errors that may occur because of non availability of product in a cart already added
earlier. Her first task is to define these issue under a suitable category identify the correct
category from the following options.

32. ANS: Business Exceptions

33. ==========================================================

34. What practices should be used when building a complex system? Select one or more:

35. ANS: a.Using a modular design

36. b.Using components with tight coupling

37. ============================================================

38. 23.A Scrum development Team is supposed to be Self Organized that would mean ANS:
They can identify their own goals and make decisions on their own

39. =========================================================

40. What is the key benefit of the least privilege approach to security

41. ANS: it minimized the level of compromise in the event of a security breech
42. Mr.Jacob is an ethical hacker. He wants to intrude3 into mail box of his friend john to his personal

43. So he logged into the mail account which resulted in the URL as shown below-

44. He replies j4jacob with his friends user id john123. Now the update URL is-

45. he tries with this URL and he could access the mail box of his friend John. What type of
vulnerability you have noticed in the above scenario?

46. ANS: Cross site scripting

47. ===============================================

48. What was seen in application over time, which creates the need of solution which could also be
used in other projects?

49. ANS: Faster time to market

50. =================================================

51. Which of the following action to be taken before pushing the code into when we have
sensitive information in the source code?

52. ANS: Move the sensitive information to gitignore file

53. =====================================================

54. What practices should be used when building a complex system? Select one or more:

55. ANS: a.Using a modular design b.Designing the testability

56. c.Using components with tight coupling

57. ===========================================================

58. What are the pitfalls concerning the cloud application development? ANS: Requiring all
applications be deployed in the cloud

59. Identify the usage of sandboxes in Cloud Application Security.Select one or more ANS: a.Discover
attack vectors and agents

60. Discover application errors

61. Discover the impact of the applied malware

62. Discover vulnerabilities

63. ======================

64. 31.A model in which a service provider makes resources and infrastructure management available
as needed, and charges them for specific usage rather than a flat rate. Which model has the
above stated characteristics

65. ANS: Cloud computing

66. ====================================================

67. While doing the daily scrum ceremony, the true spirit of the ceremony should be? ANS:
reporting updates to scrum master

68. ==========================================

69. What relationship(s) can a work product have to task?

70. ANS: Optional input, mandatory input, primary output and secondary output

71. =============================

72. Select the challenges of applying TDD to Agile development projects ANS: a.Design changes
may affect unit tests

73. b.Test writing becomes intuitive

74. =================================================

75. John has written code that includes multiple methods that is not synonymous with functionality
of it. Many of those methods contain lots of nested stmts, hard coded values and over 500 lines of
code. What standard coding patterns would you suggest to him?

ANS: a.Group logically related stmts for easy readability

b.limit the method size between 100 and 150 code lines by refactoring it


76. Sujata a senior developer of project has been assigned a task to look at the code structure and
decoupling component wherever deemed necessary. What points she should keep in mind while
checking? Select one or more:

ANS: a.The average complexity of classes, programs, methods, procedures, or functions is under

b.There are no cyclic dependencies between classes, components or layers c.dependencies to

external libraries are well known
77. Which of the following is the description for the level 1 OWASP threat assessment maturity
practice? ANS:Identify and understand the high level threats to the organization and individual

78. ======================================================================

79. What is the best approach in Design Patterns in coding?

80. ANS: writing codes with the highest possible coupling and the lowest possible cohesion.

81. ===================================================================

82. Select the challenges of applying TDD to Agile development projects

83. Ans: a) Design changes may affect unit tests

84. Test Writing becomes intuitive

85. Developers adaptability

86. ==================================================

87. How does ADM align to the new ?

Ans) a) Extensions and Context, Longevity, Vastness

88. Which are the common coding situations that Developers come across Frequently from below ?

89. Ans) Code is not well-formatted

90. ===========================================================

91. How did object-oriented programming systems handle completely better than procedural

92. Ans) All the procedures were treated as an identifiable behaviour of an object.

93. ==============================================

94. Which of the following definitions provided by various personnels would correctly depicts
CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT and its most appropriate?

95. Ans) GABRIEL’S definition

96. ======================

97. Which global policy of Accenture does ADS meet?

98. Ans) Policy 1100

99. What are the some features a tool should have to facilitate TDD Agile database development.

100. Ans) a. Implement tests in a built-in database testing language

101. b. Able to run tests in transactions to keep them independent

102. =================================================================

103. Which of the following statements is Valid?

104. Ans) An epic is the functional specifiactions technical specifiactions usability requirements
specifications of a user story

105. ======================================================================

106. Consider the Dockerfile code – (assume the petclinic war and server.xml files are available

107. Ans) RUN Keyword executes the shell command during your image build where as CMD.

108. =======================================================================

109. Mr.Neil has to create a project that includes.

110. Ans) a.Requirements.

111. b.Metrics and Status Reports

112. ================================================================

113. CIS are the work products within the selected categories that the project wants under.

114. Ans) Configuration Manager.

115. ==========================================================================

116. What is considered by the developers in regard to RESTFUL API deployment.

117. Ans) a.Protection Against injection b.Use API Keys

118. c.Use HTTPS identity Authentication

119. ====================================================================

120. Ms.Julie has

121. Ans) A,B,C,D and E

122. ================================================================

123. Which of the following are CORRECT related to Secure SDLC?

124. Ans) A,B,C

125. ==================
126. Projects should establish baseline at the end of each project stage.

127. Ans) a.Architecture Baseline b.Requiremens Baseline

128. c.Testing Baseline

129. ===============================================

130. What is the work assets grouped by business area?

131. Ans) WorkStream

132. ================================================

133. What is the best approach in Design Patterns in coding?

134. Ans) Writing codes with the highest possible coupling and Lowest possible cohesion

135. ===========================================================

136. Identify the cloud application

137. Ans) a.Api calls travel across the internet and are subject to threats b.attack surface has

138. ===========================================================

139. What is the function of a featured identity?

140. Ans) Enables users of an application to use the same authentication for other application by
the same application.

141. ===========================================

142. What is the logical grouping of elements that have single major outcome ?

143. Ans) Activity or Discipline

144. ===================================

145. Which are the external application oriented devices that provide application security?

146. Ans except DAM

147. ==================================

148. During which ceremony Team members synchronize their work and progress and report
any ?

149. Ans) Daily Scrum

150. What guidelines should be followed for creating the Accenture coding standards?

151. Ans) a.Should be agreed b.Coding Standards

152. ========================================================

153. What are some of the ways test-driven? Ans) a.Supports continuous integration
b.Compresses the available

154. =================================================

155. How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

156. Ans) a.No dependable modules

157. b. Having loosely coupled system

158. =======================================================

159. Which of the following is CORRECT about a proxy product owner ?

160. Ans) All the options

161. ==============================================================

162. Complete the statements Accenture Delivery Suite

163. Ans) smooth,efficient,predictable,reliable and high-quality results

164. Complete the statement Application Design can be done?

165. Ans) Custom/Packaged/Both

166. In the sprint planning

167. Ans) Begginning of sprint

168. What are the two importants

169. Except – Ensure test-related

170. What are the two important objectives when adding testing code to a project?

171. Ans) Except : Ensure test-related code is isolated

172. ==============================================================

173. Code Review process involves which of the following steps?

174. Ans) except: Never conduct a review

175. How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

176. Ans) a.No dependable modules b.Having loosely coupled system

177. Which of the following is not the right answer for packaged or Custome.

178. Ans)Custom software maps to the clients business process and contains key features

179. =====================================================================

180. In Large Scale Scrum there is

181. Ans) multiple teams multiple product backlog

182. Why are WIP limits important

183. Ans) To ensure smooth flow of things through the system

184. ==============================================================

185. What are the major challenges faced

Ns) a. Schema changes breaking testa b.Test framework using mock objects

What are the different generic techniques followed in code optimization

186. Ans) Except : Data-Level parallelism

187. helps the design process

188. Ans) TDD,TDD

189. ================================

190. Which of the following statements is/are correct? Ans) 1,2,3 and 4

191. 1)What is relationships can work product have to tasks - optional input ,mandatory input ,
primary output and secondary output

192. 2)Kieran needs help in following the rules that must be followed while creating exception
handling strategy which rule he must consider from below list -1)differentiate between
application business and technical exceptions 2)think of the strategy for logging exception

193. 3) Joshua being a project manager needs to suggest methods to developers of off project
so that flying become High performance business by delivering high quality code which are they –

194. Ans= 1.follow the Accenture code quality model 2)implementing the practice of peer
review 3)adhere to Accenture delivery methods best practices and guidelines

195. 4)second Mr Anthony is configuration manager for ABC utilities a.levels of controls
b.selecting CLS c.determining the categories of cm d. naming conventions e. configuration items

Ans=C B D A E
196. 5)Mr Neil has created a project document 2nd that includes configuration item categories
in the project he is currently working on he has proposed the configuration item categories that
are quoted below A. project documentation , B. architectures , c interfaces , d designs, e. second
source code and executive code ans= Requirements, metrics and status report

197. 6)which global policy of Accenture does ADC meet answer policy 1100

198. 7)a graph that shows the progress of work toward a goal line associated with a value on
which vertical axis is called answer burn up chart

199. 8)How does microservices provide small manageable and deployable components
ans=microservice containers

200. 9) which GRESP principal talks about , who should be responsible for creating other
projects in your program or your system ans=creator

201. 10) John was developed a software program and to make this program run faster he allows
the portion of the program to reside in computers memory ans= memory optimization

202. 11)What happens when the Sprint is cancelled ans= the completed Sprint backlog second
items are evaluated for a release and incomplete items are put back into the product backlog

203. 12)Which of the following is a set of automated process that allowed developer and
operations to reliably and efficiently compiled build and deploy the application or services to
production environments or platforms ans= DevOps environment pipeline

204. 13)second what does VSM tool help reduce ans=second delays, non value added activities ,
defects , time

205. 14) John has written code that includes multiple methods that is non synonymous with the
functionality of it . Many of those method contains a lot of nested statements hard coded values
and over a 500 lines of code . What standard coding pattern would you suggest to him ans= 1.
group logically have related statements for easy readability 2. limit the method size between 100
and 150 codes line by refactoring it

206. 15)What are the various lines of businesses that Accenture delivery suit ADS support
ans=technology , digital , operations , security and strategy

207. 16)Alex is addressing the scrum development team and educating them on called dash
dash one of the core value of scrum which of the following is an appreciated example can gift his
theme on courage first courage in sharing facts as it is second courage to change direction when
needed 3rd courage to support scrum values and food courage do not deliver incomplete
deliverables answer all of them

208. 17) Anthony configuration manager of ABC utility , steps for sequence order while planning
CM – D E B A C – naming conventions, Configuration items, selecting CLs, levels of control,
Determining categories of CM.

209. 18) Home | Accenture Delivery Suite

delivery suit

210. 19)which are the common coding situations that developer come across frequently below-
Code is not well-formatted

211. 20)STEPS in code driven cycle-add single unit test, run all test, the test will fail, write just
enough code, refactor the code, accumulate unit test
212. Which task perform as per ADM for custom development- ans designed package software
configuration to meet buisness process design and application requirement.

213. Unit of work that role may ask to perform ans- activity

214. Which of the following tasks performed by the configuration manager- 1) plans
configuration manager 2) tracks and reports on cm status and audits, 3) makes sure that project
compiles with cm standard and procedures.

215. Output of task – 1. Abstract, outcome, deliverable

216. Identify the right combination of red/green/refactor cycle with its description- ans

217. Identify the Message protection development modes answer network to network network
to host peer to peer

218. What are the two important objectives when adding testing code 2 project ans= a.use
normal design criteria to embed test code directly into units integration tests on a final
release to ensure the test code is present c. prevent test code from being compiled into a
production code

219. Peter a software professional is attending a dev OPS training the trainer has returned some
statements that as listed below A. developer versus operations mindset B. transition from legacy
infrastructure for development to microservices C. resistance to the changes ans= A B C

220. Which solid principle represent the following statement the vehicle is an abstract 4 truck
and bike ans= dependency inversion principle

221. Kieran needs help in following rules that must be followed while creating Exception
handling strategy which rule he must consider for from below list ans= a. create meaningful
exception messages b. differentiate between application business and technical exceptions

222. Have to ensure the usability of a code in a project ans= a. having loosely coupled system b.
no dependable modules

223. What are the major difference between the product backlog and the Sprint backlog ans=
the Sprint backlog is subset of the product backlog

224. ADOP is build on earth ----- infrastructure ans= docker

225. What are the responsibilities of the change Control Board ans= a. monitor changes and
update to the project requirement as a part of CM b. review and authorize changes to the

226. Which of the following statements are correct about the coding best protection and coding
standards ans= a. coding standards improve the consistency and reliability at the code by
eliminating the personal styles and by bringing the symmetry to the application code irrespective
of the developers involved b. coding best practice are the collections of the good programming
practice and experimentation which involves the use of use and improvement of the coding
standard c. deliver high quality code

227. If we need to apply design patterns can we do it without the principle of object oriented
programming and and standards ans= yes, design patterns are logical and compressive
sequencing of elements with the procedural principles

228. As a part of a cloud application security which of the following are the identity and access
solution provided by the cloud service provider ans= a. multifactor authentication b. signal sign
on off

229. Joshua being a project manager needs to suggest a methods to developers of projects so
that client became high performance businesses by delivering high quality code which are they
ans=a. adhere to Accenture delivery methods best practices and guidelines b. follow the
Accenture code quality model c. implementing the practice of peer review

230. This pattern evaluates scenarios where you need just one object and you don't want to
create a multiple objects of that particular class or Simply put a restrictive construction of the
more than one object which pattern is this ans= singleton pattern

231. John , the product owner in construction with his shareholders has arrived at 4 features
that are the same priority which of the following can John do in this context anss= consult with a
development team and still arrive at a priority among these features

232. Which of the following type of testing and their contribution to overall system
documentation are correct ans= all of the above

233. So we need a new developer on XY zed E commerce project she has written a piece of code
for the handling error for that may occur because of the non availability of product in a card
already added earlier her first task is to define these issues under the suitable categories identify
the correct category from the following option ans= business exceptions

234. What are the practices should be used when building a complex system ans=a. using a
modular design b. have using components with the tight coupling

235. Scrum development team is supposed to be self organized that would mean ans=They can
identify their own goals and make decisions on their own

236. What is a key benefit of the least privileged approach to security = it minimizes the level of
compromise in the event of the security breech

237. Mr Jacko he's an ethical hacker he wants to introduce a mailbox at his friend John so he
logged into an email account which resulted a URL shown in the below ans=
cross site scripting

238. What was seen in application overtime which creates a need of the solutions which would
also be used in other projects ans= faster time to market

239. Which of the following actions to be taken before pushing the code into a when
we have sensitive information in the source code ans= move the sensitive information to
gitignore file

240. What practices should be used when building a complex system ans= a. using a modular
design b. designing a testability c. using a component with a tight coupling

241. What are the pitfalls concerning the cloud application development ans= requiring all
applications be deployed in the cloud

242. Identify the usage of sandbox in cloud application security ans= a. discover attack vendors
and agents b. discover application error c. discover the impact of the applied malware d. discover

243. A modern invention service provider makes resources an infrastructure management

available as needed and changes them for the specific usage rather than a flat rate which model
has above stated characteristic ans= cloud computing

244. While doing the daily scrum ceremony the true Sprint of the ceremony should be= ans
reporting updates to the scrum master

245. What relationships can work product have two task ans= optional input I'm Natalie ,
mandatory input secondary output , primary output

246. Select the challenges of applying a TDD to a joint development project ans= a. design
changes may affect unit tests b. test writing become intuitive

247. John has written a code that includes multiple methods that is not synonymous with the
functionality of it ans= a. group logically related statement for easy readability b. limit the method
size between 100 and 154 lines by refactoring it

248. which of the following description of other level 1 OWASP treat assessment manually
practice ans= identity and understand the high level threats to the organization and individual

249. what is the best approach in design pattern in coding ans= writing code with the highest
possible coupling and the lowest possible cohesion

250. select the challenges of applying TDD to agile development project ans= a. design changes
may affect unit test b. test writing become intuitive c. developers adaptability

251. how does a ADM align to new ans= a. extension and context b. longevity c. vastness

252. which are the common coding situation that developers come across frequently from
below ans= code is not well formatted

253. how did object oriented programming = All the procedures were treated as an identifiable
behavior of an object

254. which of the following definitions provided by a various full sense would correctly depict
the configuration management and most appropriate ivana defines configuration management as
what we do to make sure we have backed up our work Daniel defines configuration management
as same thing as a version control Gabriel defines configuration management as a process of
identifying communicating implementing documenting and managing work product in a
structured and repeatable way ans= Gabriel definition

255. which global policy of Accenture does ADS meet ans= policy 1100

256. what are some features a tool should have to facilitate TDD agile database development
ans=a. implement test in building database still testing language b. able to run tests in transitions
to keep them independent

257. Skype which of the following statement is valid ans= and epic is the functional specification
, technical specification play , usability requirements specification of user story

258. consider the dockerfile code agenda pet clinic dot war and server dot XML files which
among the family option are correct with respect to run and CMD keyword used in above
dockerfile ans= run keyboard execute the shell command during the image build where CMD
command execute the shell command while creating containers from that image

259. Mr Neil has to create a project document ans= requirements , matrix and status report
260. CIS other work product within a selected categories that the project wants under
configuration control imagine you are in person for writing the same plan who typically works
with the team leads to document the CIS for the designing designed categories ans=
configuration manager

261. what is considered by developers in regards to restful API deployment ans= protection
against injection , use API keys , use HTTPS identity authentication

262. miss Julie has to write a project document that possesses ans= ABCDE

263. which of the following are correct related to secure SDLC A. hello identifying the system
configuration issues related to security early ans= A, B,C

264. project should establish baseline at the end of each project stage typically a baseline
created at each major stages ans= architecture baseline , requirements baseline , testing baseline

265. what are the work / assets group by businesses area ans= workstream

266. what is the best approach in design pattern in coding = writing code with the highest
possible coupling and the lowest possible cohesion

267. identify the cloud Application issues when an application I did develop ans= API calls travel
access across the Internet and are subject to threads , attack surface has increased

268. Mr Humberto penial , who is the project manager for a prestigious project of his
organization he proposed the automation of process with the two had helped the project in very
efficient way some of the key Dean has taken are 1, proposed the adoption slash usage software
development ans= standardized workflows, processes, technologies, protocols and metrics to
reduce the variety of risk

269. when we try to push changes into a using a git few commands when it to be
executed ans= gui add; git command -m” commenting ”; get push

270. What is the function of Federated identity ans= enables users of an application to use the
same authentication for other application by the same application

271. What is logical grouping of elements that have single major outcome/ business result ans=
activity or discipline

272. Which are the external application oriented devices that provide application security ans=
WAF, HTTPS, citrix, API gateway

273. During which ceremony team members synchronize their work and progress and report
only impediments to the scrum master for removal ans= daily scrum

274. Guildeline should be followed for creating the Accenture coding standard ans= a. should be
agreed upon across project teams spanning globally b. coding standards should be easy to

275. What are some ways test driven development can benefit a project compared to other
asn=a. supports continuous integration b. compresses the available set of test tools

276. How to ensure reusability of code in project ans= a. no dependable module, b. having
loosely coupled system

277. Correct about a proxy product owner ams= all of the above
278. Complete the statements = Accenture delivery suits in standard delivery framework
designed to help our teams “ ……….” Results ans= smooth, efficient, predictable, reliable and
high-quality results

279. Complete the statement application design can be done using ans= custom/packaged/

280. In the sprint planning meeting at the…. Team along with PO selects the goals in one
sentence for overall outcome of the sprint= ans beginning of sprint planning

281. What are the two important objectives when adding testing code to project ans= a. second
use normal design criteria to embed test code directly into units ,problem run integration tests
on the final release to ensure the test Is present , prevent test code from being compiled into a
production code stop dictating

282. Code preview process involves which of the following steps: plan for review, prepare for a
review, baseline a software products , resolve review points

283. How to ensure reusability of code in project ans=a. no dependable modules, b. having
loosely coupled system

284. Is not right answer for packaged or custom development ans= custom software maps to
the client business and contains key feature necessary to specific business function

285. In large scrum there is…………. Ans= multiple teams, multiple product backlog

286. Why WIP limits important ans= to ensure smooth flow of things through the system

287. What are the major challenges faced when performing test driven database development
ans= schema changes breaking test, test framework using mock objects

288. What are the different techniques followed in code optimization for independent ans=
cache optimization techniques, reducing the number of conditions , using memory efficient

289. …….. helps the design process whereas ………. Is more suitable for integration and functional
testing ans= TDO,TDO

290. Which is correct a. docker repositories can be public or private …. Ans= 1,2,3,4
291. Linda. An aws cloud administrator = ans: multifactor authentication
292. A malicious or unexpected data is somehow programmatically fed into the application
leading to compromise of security ans= cross site scripting
293. Which of the following is not scrum artifact = ans= release backlog
294. To secure the http messages in the API calls the necessary to = all of the above
295. Which of the following Mitigation techniques can be adopted to avoid broken
authentication and session management problems 1. encryption 2. output encoding …
Ans= 1 and 4
296. What are guidelines that needs to be followed for managing bottlenecks
during the optimization = ans= a. identifying benefits of implementing complex algorithm does
not wait …b. do not cache the result c. do performance testing on a critical method carrying
business logic
297. once the configuration management team determines the appropriate
level of CM control ABC utility is trying to determine which CM tool is used = all
Mercuriale , VSS , PVCS ,jetlab
298. What the functionality of a data cohesion in model of project option D
both option one and two
299. what is the first step in the process of implementing Kanban = WIP
300. In each daily scrum within a sub team aims by designing one member as
ambassador to go and participate in daily scrum ceremony with ambassadors from other team
what that ceremony called = scrum of scrum
301. When an user fail Victim of cross Site scripting ans all of the above
302. Identify the Services provided by the micro services when compared to
design pattern ans= code access , implementation
303. if if we open a new account with that vendor on the Internet on their
website they ask us for our phone number in which we receive a unique code we enter into the
website just to make sure they can confirm the identity of hours what type of confirmation this
scenario is mapped in ans= otp confirmation
304. Sprint retrospective ceremony can include an analysis of how the recent
stent went brother respect to which of the following ans all of the options
305. What does VSM tool help reduce all of the above
306. manage from network and infrastructure team was to update a few firewall
rules on a Saturday night to disable any request coming from the EU region into a banking
application as a business was recently closed in EU what kind of security thread is the bank now
one are vulnerable to ans= cross site scripting
307. what are the three security features match the server level security all
308. Identify the steps involved in development cycle =write a test or unit tests
for some aspect of the program
309. What are the components of Accenture delivery suit ADS ans= methods
and estimators , deliverables , architecture metrics
310. ------------- this set of technologies tools and processes that enable
enterprises to move into the parodical of seamless interactivity ans = Accenture origin web
311. The trend of work remaining across time in sprint a release or product with
woek remaining tracked on vertical axis= burnup chart
312. Identify the order of steps for code review process, conduct a review , plan
for a review= c,b,e,a,c,d,f
313. While doing TDD which of the following is recommended= writing trivial
tests that are too small
314. Which of the following is not a scrum master's responsibility = preventing
the senior manager from the shifting the team priorities
315. Mr Vincent is a configuration management for a project in Accenture he
has identity identify and establish configuration team assume that you are a Mr Vincent answer
like the steps involved in while identifying and establishing CIS mentioned below determine CI
categories determine CM control levels determined CI tools = ans=
316. In banking application we keep the customer you are logic separate from
the back end or the business logic of the our application which GRSP principal would take the
request from the UI and then assigned that need a project = creator
317. Alex has been identified as scrum master of an agile execution team of
eight member have been tag to him in the capacity of a scrum master on a daily basis he has a
forwarding things ANS= ALL a b C
318. Before using the git commit command in the secure code if the sensitive
information is identified in in the order action to be performed to a secured those sensitive data it
use functions in the code too read sensitive information from the CFG file b. copy the sensitive
information to CFG file ANS= D B C A
319. Cameroon is a middle African country the government of the country has a
lot of data on paper media and it is very crucial and sensitive essential data BPaaS
320. What are the components that influence in design pattern = all
321. every spring starts with ------ and ends with ----- and
ans= 1. springpad planning b. screen review c. Sprint retrospective
322. Customer walks into an ATM to withdraw money the money dispensed
from the was not able to print its transaction receipt as ATM machine ran out of paper = in
323. Mr. John has developed a software program and make his program run
faster he allows portion of the program to reside in a computers memory however his approach
will cause the program to consume more memory as a result the program will optimize in terms
of speed but will inefficiently in terms of memory utilization what Mr. John is typing to achieve in
his scenario code optimization
324. what are the three security features matched the database level security =
logins ,users ,audits
325. second Mr Nina after her training in DevOps she was encountered his
question in an assignment she faced the question was which among the given options are benefit
of automation if you were Nina what would have been your answer choose three correct options
= increase productivity , eliminate eliminate unnecessary capital expenditure , standardize
workflow process technologies and protocols
326. when an user can fail victim of cross site scripting= all of the above

H g e u t m

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12133 4

H g e u t m

ns, Cotigcaicmm gement

and ReP1
Hh ch
. Tcchs, tho pojat Compliea
Hakes, se
asld be p
i c h f Ihe -folouine
of a tosl


5.Tdent he e s e stea0 dlament

Metlosk to-Telklok
mettelost to host
Feeto- Pees
h. twhat aethe tda 1mattant oatei
acli t ng Cod to
Run iteqsclio
Peventet ale
pee a kaze professional,8 aha
dea tsain n
6slian o l Poncupe
sldemat The Mehee
1 an akehae
pendael essian psindiple fec
isam mea hep in t l .
takie dees.
t o lbde
te acephn esag
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Having Loo9eld coc4le s8Bem
No depanelena modae
9 1dhat i he ma tfesne betoe
Feo uc Eaak.
loq a pTt Bodl
Bockiog is a se o the
ouct Balo
fo what Ce tre P
ADH5 main docc QoEas
bevebpmerd Testn,opeb ttHO
ADop i8 t a

h s se he te
caroe Ce Boctd
hoeae eRela Thlo caoert op
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12133 4
1. which of the following tasks wil be performed by the configuration management?

Choose exactly three correct options.

Ans: A.Plans configuration

b.Tracks and reports

C.Makes sure that project complies with CM standard


2. which of the following could be input or output of a task

ANS: a.artifact




3. identify the right combination of red/green/refactor cycle with its descripti

Ans) ALL the above


4. Identify the message protection deployment modes




5. what are the two important objectives when adding testing code directly into units

ANS: a.use normal design criteria to embed test code directly into units. integration tests on the final release to ensure test code is present

c.prevent test code from being compiled into production code

6. Peter a software professional is attending Devops training. The trainer has written some stmts that are
as listed below.he asked the participants to identify the challenges the devops is facing predominantly

A. developer vs operations mindset

B. Transition from legacy infrastructure for deployment to microservices

C.Resistance to the changes

ANS. A, B and C


7. which SOLID principle represents following stmt “the vehicle is an abstract for truck and bike”?

ANS: dependency inversion principle


8. Kiran needs help in following the rules that must be followed within creating exception handling
strategy. Which rules he must consider from below list?

ANS: a.Create meaningful exception messages

b.Differentiate between application business and technical exceptions


9. How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

ANS: a.Having loosely coupled system

b.No dependable modules


10. What is the major difference between the Product Backlog and the Sprint backlog?

ANS: The sprint backlog is a subset of the product backlog


11. What are the ADM 5 main focus areas?

ANS: a.Planning




12. ADOP is built on a infrastructure

ANS: Docker


13. What are the responsibilities of the change control board?

Choose exactly TWO options:

ANS: a.Monitor changes and updates to the project requirement as part of CM

b.Review and authorize changes to the baselines


14. Which of the following stmts are correct about coding best practices and coming standards.Select
one or more

ANS: a.Coding standards improve the consistency and reliability at the code by eliminating personal

b.Coding best practices one collection of good prgrmng practices which involve…..

c.Deliver high quality code


15. If we need to apply design patterns , can we do it without the principle of OOP and standards?

ANS: Yes, design patterns are logical and comprehensive sequencing of elements with procedural


16. As part of cloud application security, which of the following are the identify and and access solutions
provided by the cloud service providers?

ANS: a.Multifactor authentication

b.Single sign-On/Off


17. Joshua being a project manager, need to suggest methods to developers of project so that cliemnt
become high-performance business by delivering high-quality code.Which are they?

ANS: a.Adhere to Accenture Delivery Methods best practices and guidelines

b.follow the Accenture Code quality Model

c.Implementing the practice of peer reviews

18. This pattern evcaluates scenarios where you need just one object and you don’t want to create
multiple objects of that particular class. Or simply put restricting construction of more than one
object”Which pattern is it?

ANS: Singleton pattern


19. John, the Product owner, in consuitation with his stakeholders, has arrived at four features that are
of same priority. The stakeholders are of the opinion that all those features are of equal significance
Which of the following can John do, in this context?

ANS: Consult with the Development team and still arrive at a priority among these features


20. Which of the following types of testing and their contribution to overall system documentation are
correct: select one

ANS: All the above

21. Sohini is a new developer on XYZ e-commerce project. She has a written a piece of code for handling
errors that may occur because of non availability of product in a cart already added earlier. Her first task
is to define these issue under a suitable category identify the correct category from the following

ANS: Business Exceptions


22. What practices should be used when building a complex system? Select one or more:

ANS: a.Using a modular design

b.Using components with tight coupling


23.A Scrum development Team is supposed to be Self Organized that would mean

ANS: They can identify their own goals and make decisions on their own


24. What is the key benefit of the least privilege approach to security

ANS: it minimized the level of compromise in the event of a security breech

25.Mr.Jacob is an ethical hacker. He wants to intrude3 into mail box of his friend john to his personal

So he logged into the mail account which resulted in the URL as shown below-

He replies j4jacob with his friends user id john123. Now the update URL is-

he tries with this URL and he could access the mail box of his friend John. What type of vulnerability you
have noticed in the above scenario?

ANS: Cross site scripting

26. What was seen in application over time, which creates the need of solution which could also be used
in other projects?

ANS: Faster time to market


27.Which of the following action to be taken before pushing the code into when we have
sensitive information in the source code?

ANS: Move the sensitive information to gitignore file


28.What practices should be used when building a complex system? Select one or more:

ANS: a.Using a modular design

b.Designing the testability

c.Using components with tight coupling


29.What are the pitfalls concerning the cloud application development?

ANS: Requiring all applications be deployed in the cloud

30. Identify the usage of sandboxes in Cloud Application Security.Select one or more

ANS: a.Discover attack vectors and agents

b. Discover application errors

c. Discover the impact of the applied malware

d. Discover vulnerabilities

31.A model in which a service provider makes resources and infrastructure management available as
needed, and charges them for specific usage rather than a flat rate. Which model has the above stated

ANS: Cloud computing


32. While doing the daily scrum ceremony, the true spirit of the ceremony should be?

ANS: reporting updates to scrum master


33. What relationship(s) can a work product have to task?

ANS: Optional input, mandatory input, primary output and secondary output


34. Select the challenges of applying TDD to Agile development projects

ANS: a.Design changes may affect unit tests

b.Test writing becomes intuitive


35. John has written code that includes multiple methods that is not synonymous with functionality of it.
Many of those methods contain lots of nested stmts, hard coded values and over 500 lines of code.
What standard coding patterns would you suggest to him?

ANS: a.Group logically related stmts for easy readability

b.limit the method size between 100 and 150 code lines by refactoring it


36. Sujata a senior developer of project has been assigned a task to look at the code structure and
decoupling component wherever deemed necessary. What points she should keep in mind while
checking? Select one or more:

ANS: a.The average complexity of classes, programs, methods, procedures, or functions is under

b.There are no cyclic dependencies between classes, components or layers

c.dependencies to external libraries are well known

37. Which of the following is the description for the level 1 OWASP threat assessment maturity practice?

ANS: Identify and understand the high level threats to the organization and individual projects


38. What is the best approach in Design Patterns in coding?

ANS: writing codes with the highest possible coupling and the lowest possible cohesion.


39. Select the challenges of applying TDD to Agile development projects

Ans: a) Design changes may affect unit tests

b) Test Writing becomes intuitive

c) Developers adaptability


40) How does ADM align to the new ?

Ans) a) Extensions and Context

b) Longevity

c) Vastness

41) Which are the common coding situations that Developers come across Frequently from below ?

Ans) Code is not well-formatted


42) How did object-oriented programming systems handle completely better than procedural process.

Ans) All the procedures were treated as an identifiable behaviour of an object.


43) Which of the following definitions provided by various personnels would correctly depicts
CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT and its most appropriate?

Ans) GABRIEL’S definition


44) Which global policy of Accenture does ADS meet?

Ans) Policy 1100

45)What are the some features a tool should have to facilitate TDD Agile database development.

Ans) a. Implement tests in a built-in database testing language

b. Able to run tests in transactions to keep them independent


46) Which of the following statements is Valid?

Ans) An epic is the functional specifiactions technical specifiactions usability requirements

specifications of a user story


47) Consider the Dockerfile code – (assume the petclinic war and server.xml files are available in.

Ans) RUN Keyword executes the shell command during your image build where as CMD.


48)Mr.Neil has to create a project that includes.

Ans) a.Requirements.

b.Metrics and Status Reports


49) CIS are the work products within the selected categories that the project wants under.

Ans) Configuration Manager.


50) What is considered by the developers in regard to RESTFUL API deployment.

Ans) a.Protection Against injection

b.Use API Keys

c.Use HTTPS identity Authentication


51)Ms.Julie has

Ans) A,B,C,D and E


52)Which of the following are CORRECT related to Secure SDLC?

Ans) A,B,C

53)Projects should establish baseline at the end of each project stage.

Ans) a.Architecture Baseline

b.Requiremens Baseline

c.Testing Baseline


54) What is the work assets grouped by business area?

Ans) WorkStream


55) What is the best approach in Design Patterns in coding?

Ans) Writing codes with the highest possible coupling and Lowest possible cohesion


56)Identify the cloud application

Ans) a.Api calls travel across the internet and are subject to threats

b.attack surface has increased.


57) What is the function of a featured identity?

Ans) Enables users of an application to use the same authentication for other application by the same


58) What is the logical grouping of elements that have single major outcome ?

Ans) Activity or Discipline


59) Which are the external application oriented devices that provide application security?

Ans except DAM


60) During which ceremony Team members synchronize their work and progress and report any ?

Ans) Daily Scrum

61) What guidelines should be followed for creating the Accenture coding standards?

Ans) a.Should be agreed

b.Coding Standards


62) What are some of the ways test-driven?

Ans) a.Supports continuous integration

b.Compresses the available


63)How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

Ans) a.No dependable modules

b. Having loosely coupled system


64) Which of the following is CORRECT about a proxy product owner ?

Ans) All the options


65)Complete the statements Accenture Delivery Suite

Ans) smooth,efficient,predictable,reliable and high-quality results

66) Complete the statement Application Design can be done?

Ans) Custom/Packaged/Both

67) In the sprint planning

Ans) Begginning of sprint

68) What are the two importants

Except – Ensure test-related

69)What are the two important objectives when adding testing code to a project?

Ans) Except : Ensure test-related code is isolated


70) Code Review process involves which of the following steps?

Ans) except: Never conduct a review

71)How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

Ans) a.No dependable modules b.Having loosely

coupled system

72)Which of the following is not the right answer for packaged or Custome.

Ans)Custom software maps to the clients business process and contains key features


73) In Large Scale Scrum there is

Ans) multiple teams multiple product backlog

74) Why are WIP limits important

Ans) To ensure smooth flow of things through the system


75) What are the major challenges faced

Ns) a. Schema changes breaking testa b.Test

framework using mock objects

76)What are the different generic techniques followed in code optimization

Ans) Except : Data-Level parallelism

77) helps the design process



78) Which of the following statements is/are correct?Ans) 1,2,3

and 4

79) Which of the following tasks will be performed by the

configuration manager?

Soln: plans,tracks,makes

80)which of the following could be input or output of a task.?

Soln: artifact , outcome, deliverable

81)identify the right combination of reed/green/refactor.?

82)identify the message protection deployment modes

Soln: Network,Network,peer

83)what are the two important objectives when adding testing

code to a project?

Soln: use,run,prevent

84)Peter a software professional a. developer vs operation mindset

Soln: a,b and c

85)which SOLID principle represents the following statememt the

vehicle is an abstract for truck and bike..?

Soln:dependency inversion principle

86) kiran needs help in following the


87) how to ensure reusability of code in a project?

Soln:having loosely ,no dependable

88)what is the major difference between the product backlog and

the sprint backlog.?

Soln:the spenit backlog is a subset of the product backlog

89)what are the ADM5 MAIN focus areas?

Soln: all options

90)ADOP is built on a _ infra


91)what are the responsibilities of the change control board?

Soln:monitor changes , review and authorize

92)which of the following statements are correct about coding best

practices and coding standards



93)if we need to apply design patternscan we do it without

Soln: yes, design patterns are logical and comprehensive

sequencing of

94)as part of cloud application security which of the following are

Soln: multifactor ,single sign in

95) jashua being a project manager


96) The pattern evaluates scenarios where

Soln: Singleton pattern

97)john, the product owner in consulatation with his

Soln: consult with the dev

98) which of the following types of testing and their contribution to

overall system documentation

Soln: all of the above

99)sohini is a new developer on XYZ

Soln: business exceptions

100)what practices should be used when building a complex


Soln: using a modular, using components

101) A scrum development team is supposed to be self

organizedthat would mean

Soln: they can identify their own goals

102)what is the key benefit of the least privilege approach to


Soln: it minimized the level of compromise in the event of a

security breach

103)mr.jacob is an ethical hacker

Soln: cross site scripting

104) what was seen in application over time which creates the

need of solutions

Soln: faster time to market

105)which of the following action to be taken before pushing the


Soln; move the sensitive information

106)what practices should be used when building a complex



107)what are the pitfalls concerning the cloud application

Soln: requiring all applications be deployed in the cloud

108)identify the usage of sandboxes in cloud


109)a model in which a service provider

Soln: cloud computing

110) while doing the daily scrum ceremony the true sprint of

Soln: reporting updates to scrum master

111) what relationships can a work product have to task?

Soln: optional input mandatory

112)select the challenges of applying TDD to agile development

and projects

Soln: design changes, test writing

113)john has written code that includes multiple methods

Soln: group, limit

114) Sujata a senior developer of project


115) which of the following is a description for the level 1 OWASP

Soln: identify and understand the high

116) what is the best approach in design patterns in coding?

Soln: writing codes with the highest possible coupling and lowest

possible cohesion

117) select the challenges of applying TDD to agile development



118) how does ADM align to the new?


119) which are the common coding situations that developers

come across frequently

Soln: code is not well formatted

120) how did object oriented programming

Soln: all the procedures were treated as an

121)which of the followimg definitions provided by various

personnels would correctly depicts

Soln; gabriels definition

122) which global policy of Accenture

Soln; policy 1100

123) what are some features a tool should have to facilitate TDD

Soln: implement , able

124) which of the following statements is valid?

Soln: an epic is the functional specifications

125) consider the dockerfile code

Soln; run keyword executes the shell command during your image

build where as CMD command executes the shell command while

creating container from that image

126) mr. neil has to create a project document

Soln; requirements , metrics

121) Cis are the work products within the selected categories that

the project wants under configuration control

Soln: configuration manager

122)what is considered by the developers in regard to RESTFul API

deployment ?

Soln: protection , use API, use HTTPS

123) Ms. Julie has to write a project document that proposes the

Soln: a b c d and e

124) which of the following are correct related related to Secure


Soln: identifying,reveals,influence


125) projects should establish baselines at the end of each project



126) what is the work/ assets grouped by business area?

Soln: workstream

127) what is the best approach in design patterns in coding?

Soln: writing codes with highest possible coupling and lowest

possible cohesion

128) identify the cloud application issues when an application id


Soln: API calls travel across the internet , attack surface has


129) what is the function of a federated identity?

Soln: Enables users of an application to use the same

authentication for other

130) what is the logical grouping of elements that have single

major outcome / business result ?

Soln: activity or discipline

131) which are the external application oriented devices that

provide applicaṭion security?


132) During which ceremony team members synchronize their

work and progress and report any

Soln; Daily scrum

133) what guidelines should be followed for creating the Accenture

coding standards ?

Soln: should be agreed, coding standards

134) what are some of the ways test driven development can

benefit a project

Soln; supports, compresses

135) how to ensure reusability of code in a project?

Soln: no dependable modules , having loosely coupled sysyem

136) which of the following is correct about a proxy product owner

soln: all the options

137) complete the statements Accenture delivery suite is our

standard delivery framework

Soln; smooth efficient predictable reliable and high quality results

138) complete the statement application design can be done using

soln; custom / packaged / both

139) in the sprint planning meeting at the

Soln : begininig of sprint planning

140) What are the two important objectives when adding testing

code to a project?


141) which of the following are phases of NST SDLC MODEL

SOLN; the initiation phase, accomplishment and decelopment , the

operations and maintenance phase

142) code review process involves which of the following steps


143) how to ensure reusability of code in a project ?

Soln; no dependable , having loosely coupled system

144) which of the following is not the right answer for packaged or

custom development ?

Soln: custom software maps to the clients busimess process and


145) what are same features a total should have to facilitate TDD

agile database development


146) In large scale scrum there is _

Soln: multiple teams , multiple product backlog

147) why are wip limits important ?

Soln: to ensure smooth flow of things through the system

148) what are major challenges faced when performing test driven

database development ?

Soln: schema , test

149) what are the different generic techniques followed in code

optimization for independent platform ?


150) _ helps the design process whereas _ is more suitable for

integration and functional testing

Soln: TDD , TDD

151) which of the following statements is / are correct ?

Soln: 1,2,3 and 4

1. which of the following tasks wil be performed by the configuration management? Choose exactly
three correct options.

Ans: A.Plans configuration b.Tracks and reports

2. C.Makes sure that project complies with CM standard


3. which of the following could be input or output of a task ANS: a.artifact

b.outcome c.deliverable


4. identify the right combination of red/green/refactor cycle with its descripti

Ans) ALL the above


5. Identify the message protection deployment modes ANS: c.peer-to-peer


6. what are the two important objectives when adding testing code directly into units ANS:
a.use normal design criteria to embed test code directly into units. integration tests on the final release to ensure test code is present c.prevent test code from
being compiled into production code
7. Peter a software professional is attending Devops training. The trainer has written some stmts
that are as listed below.he asked the participants to identify the challenges the devops is facing

developer vs operations mindset

Transition from legacy infrastructure for deployment to microservices C.Resistance to the changes

8. ANS. A, B and C


9. which SOLID principle represents following stmt “the vehicle is an abstract for truck and bike”?
ANS: dependency inversion principle


10. Kiran needs help in following the rules that must be followed within creating exception handling
strategy. Which rules he must consider from below list?

ANS: a.Create meaningful exception messages

11. b.Differentiate between application business and technical exceptions


12. How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

ANS: a.Having loosely coupled system b.No dependable modules


13. What is the major difference between the Product Backlog and the Sprint backlog? ANS:
The sprint backlog is a subset of the product backlog


14. What are the ADM 5 main focus areas?

ANS: a.Planning

b.development c.Testing d.Operations e.Management

15. ADOP is built on a infrastructure

ANS: Docker


16. What are the responsibilities of the change control board? Choose exactly TWO options:

ANS: a.Monitor changes and updates to the project requirement as part of CM b.Review and
authorize changes to the baselines


17. Which of the following stmts are correct about coding best practices and coming standards.Select
one or more

ANS: a.Coding standards improve the consistency and reliability at the code by eliminating
personal styles…..

b.Coding best practices one collection of good prgrmng practices which involve….. c.Deliver high
quality code


18. If we need to apply design patterns , can we do it without the principle of OOP and standards?

ANS: Yes, design patterns are logical and comprehensive sequencing of elements with
procedural principles


19. As part of cloud application security, which of the following are the identify and and access
solutions provided by the cloud service providers?

ANS: a.Multifactor authentication b.Single sign-On/Off


20. Joshua being a project manager, need to suggest methods to developers of project so that
cliemnt become high-performance business by delivering high-quality code.Which are they?

ANS: a.Adhere to Accenture Delivery Methods best practices and guidelines b.follow the
Accenture Code quality Model

21. c.Implementing the practice of peer reviews

22. This pattern evcaluates scenarios where you need just one object and you don’t want to create
multiple objects of that particular class. Or simply put restricting construction of more than one
object”Which pattern is it?

23. ANS: Singleton pattern

24. ============================================

25. John, the Product owner, in consuitation with his stakeholders, has arrived at four features that
are of same priority. The stakeholders are of the opinion that all those features are of equal
significance Which of the following can John do, in this context?

26. ANS: Consult with the Development team and still arrive at a priority among these features

27. ====================================================

28. Which of the following types of testing and their contribution to overall system documentation
are correct: select one

29. ANS: All the above

30. =======================================================

31. Sohini is a new developer on XYZ e-commerce project. She has a written a piece of code for
handling errors that may occur because of non availability of product in a cart already added
earlier. Her first task is to define these issue under a suitable category identify the correct
category from the following options.

32. ANS: Business Exceptions

33. ==========================================================

34. What practices should be used when building a complex system? Select one or more:

35. ANS: a.Using a modular design

36. b.Using components with tight coupling

37. ============================================================

38. 23.A Scrum development Team is supposed to be Self Organized that would mean ANS:
They can identify their own goals and make decisions on their own

39. =========================================================

40. What is the key benefit of the least privilege approach to security

41. ANS: it minimized the level of compromise in the event of a security breech
42. Mr.Jacob is an ethical hacker. He wants to intrude3 into mail box of his friend john to his personal

43. So he logged into the mail account which resulted in the URL as shown below-

44. He replies j4jacob with his friends user id john123. Now the update URL is-

45. he tries with this URL and he could access the mail box of his friend John. What type of
vulnerability you have noticed in the above scenario?

46. ANS: Cross site scripting

47. ===============================================

48. What was seen in application over time, which creates the need of solution which could also be
used in other projects?

49. ANS: Faster time to market

50. =================================================

51. Which of the following action to be taken before pushing the code into when we have
sensitive information in the source code?

52. ANS: Move the sensitive information to gitignore file

53. =====================================================

54. What practices should be used when building a complex system? Select one or more:

55. ANS: a.Using a modular design b.Designing the testability

56. c.Using components with tight coupling

57. ===========================================================

58. What are the pitfalls concerning the cloud application development? ANS: Requiring all
applications be deployed in the cloud

59. Identify the usage of sandboxes in Cloud Application Security.Select one or more ANS: a.Discover
attack vectors and agents

60. Discover application errors

61. Discover the impact of the applied malware

62. Discover vulnerabilities

63. ======================

64. 31.A model in which a service provider makes resources and infrastructure management available
as needed, and charges them for specific usage rather than a flat rate. Which model has the
above stated characteristics

65. ANS: Cloud computing

66. ====================================================

67. While doing the daily scrum ceremony, the true spirit of the ceremony should be? ANS:
reporting updates to scrum master

68. ==========================================

69. What relationship(s) can a work product have to task?

70. ANS: Optional input, mandatory input, primary output and secondary output

71. =============================

72. Select the challenges of applying TDD to Agile development projects ANS: a.Design changes
may affect unit tests

73. b.Test writing becomes intuitive

74. =================================================

75. John has written code that includes multiple methods that is not synonymous with functionality
of it. Many of those methods contain lots of nested stmts, hard coded values and over 500 lines of
code. What standard coding patterns would you suggest to him?

ANS: a.Group logically related stmts for easy readability

b.limit the method size between 100 and 150 code lines by refactoring it


76. Sujata a senior developer of project has been assigned a task to look at the code structure and
decoupling component wherever deemed necessary. What points she should keep in mind while
checking? Select one or more:

ANS: a.The average complexity of classes, programs, methods, procedures, or functions is under

b.There are no cyclic dependencies between classes, components or layers c.dependencies to

external libraries are well known
77. Which of the following is the description for the level 1 OWASP threat assessment maturity
practice? ANS:Identify and understand the high level threats to the organization and individual

78. ======================================================================

79. What is the best approach in Design Patterns in coding?

80. ANS: writing codes with the highest possible coupling and the lowest possible cohesion.

81. ===================================================================

82. Select the challenges of applying TDD to Agile development projects

83. Ans: a) Design changes may affect unit tests

84. Test Writing becomes intuitive

85. Developers adaptability

86. ==================================================

87. How does ADM align to the new ?

Ans) a) Extensions and Context, Longevity, Vastness

88. Which are the common coding situations that Developers come across Frequently from below ?

89. Ans) Code is not well-formatted

90. ===========================================================

91. How did object-oriented programming systems handle completely better than procedural

92. Ans) All the procedures were treated as an identifiable behaviour of an object.

93. ==============================================

94. Which of the following definitions provided by various personnels would correctly depicts
CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT and its most appropriate?

95. Ans) GABRIEL’S definition

96. ======================

97. Which global policy of Accenture does ADS meet?

98. Ans) Policy 1100

99. What are the some features a tool should have to facilitate TDD Agile database development.

100. Ans) a. Implement tests in a built-in database testing language

101. b. Able to run tests in transactions to keep them independent

102. =================================================================

103. Which of the following statements is Valid?

104. Ans) An epic is the functional specifiactions technical specifiactions usability requirements
specifications of a user story

105. ======================================================================

106. Consider the Dockerfile code – (assume the petclinic war and server.xml files are available

107. Ans) RUN Keyword executes the shell command during your image build where as CMD.

108. =======================================================================

109. Mr.Neil has to create a project that includes.

110. Ans) a.Requirements.

111. b.Metrics and Status Reports

112. ================================================================

113. CIS are the work products within the selected categories that the project wants under.

114. Ans) Configuration Manager.

115. ==========================================================================

116. What is considered by the developers in regard to RESTFUL API deployment.

117. Ans) a.Protection Against injection b.Use API Keys

118. c.Use HTTPS identity Authentication

119. ====================================================================

120. Ms.Julie has

121. Ans) A,B,C,D and E

122. ================================================================

123. Which of the following are CORRECT related to Secure SDLC?

124. Ans) A,B,C

125. ==================
126. Projects should establish baseline at the end of each project stage.

127. Ans) a.Architecture Baseline b.Requiremens Baseline

128. c.Testing Baseline

129. ===============================================

130. What is the work assets grouped by business area?

131. Ans) WorkStream

132. ================================================

133. What is the best approach in Design Patterns in coding?

134. Ans) Writing codes with the highest possible coupling and Lowest possible cohesion

135. ===========================================================

136. Identify the cloud application

137. Ans) a.Api calls travel across the internet and are subject to threats b.attack surface has

138. ===========================================================

139. What is the function of a featured identity?

140. Ans) Enables users of an application to use the same authentication for other application by
the same application.

141. ===========================================

142. What is the logical grouping of elements that have single major outcome ?

143. Ans) Activity or Discipline

144. ===================================

145. Which are the external application oriented devices that provide application security?

146. Ans except DAM

147. ==================================

148. During which ceremony Team members synchronize their work and progress and report
any ?

149. Ans) Daily Scrum

150. What guidelines should be followed for creating the Accenture coding standards?

151. Ans) a.Should be agreed b.Coding Standards

152. ========================================================

153. What are some of the ways test-driven? Ans) a.Supports continuous integration
b.Compresses the available

154. =================================================

155. How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

156. Ans) a.No dependable modules

157. b. Having loosely coupled system

158. =======================================================

159. Which of the following is CORRECT about a proxy product owner ?

160. Ans) All the options

161. ==============================================================

162. Complete the statements Accenture Delivery Suite

163. Ans) smooth,efficient,predictable,reliable and high-quality results

164. Complete the statement Application Design can be done?

165. Ans) Custom/Packaged/Both

166. In the sprint planning

167. Ans) Begginning of sprint

168. What are the two importants

169. Except – Ensure test-related

170. What are the two important objectives when adding testing code to a project?

171. Ans) Except : Ensure test-related code is isolated

172. ==============================================================

173. Code Review process involves which of the following steps?

174. Ans) except: Never conduct a review

175. How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

176. Ans) a.No dependable modules b.Having loosely coupled system

177. Which of the following is not the right answer for packaged or Custome.

178. Ans)Custom software maps to the clients business process and contains key features

179. =====================================================================

180. In Large Scale Scrum there is

181. Ans) multiple teams multiple product backlog

182. Why are WIP limits important

183. Ans) To ensure smooth flow of things through the system

184. ==============================================================

185. What are the major challenges faced

Ns) a. Schema changes breaking testa b.Test framework using mock objects

What are the different generic techniques followed in code optimization

186. Ans) Except : Data-Level parallelism

187. helps the design process

188. Ans) TDD,TDD

189. ================================

190. Which of the following statements is/are correct? Ans) 1,2,3 and 4

191. 1)What is relationships can work product have to tasks - optional input ,mandatory input ,
primary output and secondary output

192. 2)Kieran needs help in following the rules that must be followed while creating exception
handling strategy which rule he must consider from below list -1)differentiate between
application business and technical exceptions 2)think of the strategy for logging exception

193. 3) Joshua being a project manager needs to suggest methods to developers of off project
so that flying become High performance business by delivering high quality code which are they –

194. Ans= 1.follow the Accenture code quality model 2)implementing the practice of peer
review 3)adhere to Accenture delivery methods best practices and guidelines

195. 4)second Mr Anthony is configuration manager for ABC utilities a.levels of controls
b.selecting CLS c.determining the categories of cm d. naming conventions e. configuration items

Ans=C B D A E
196. 5)Mr Neil has created a project document 2nd that includes configuration item categories
in the project he is currently working on he has proposed the configuration item categories that
are quoted below A. project documentation , B. architectures , c interfaces , d designs, e. second
source code and executive code ans= Requirements, metrics and status report

197. 6)which global policy of Accenture does ADC meet answer policy 1100

198. 7)a graph that shows the progress of work toward a goal line associated with a value on
which vertical axis is called answer burn up chart

199. 8)How does microservices provide small manageable and deployable components
ans=microservice containers

200. 9) which GRESP principal talks about , who should be responsible for creating other
projects in your program or your system ans=creator

201. 10) John was developed a software program and to make this program run faster he allows
the portion of the program to reside in computers memory ans= memory optimization

202. 11)What happens when the Sprint is cancelled ans= the completed Sprint backlog second
items are evaluated for a release and incomplete items are put back into the product backlog

203. 12)Which of the following is a set of automated process that allowed developer and
operations to reliably and efficiently compiled build and deploy the application or services to
production environments or platforms ans= DevOps environment pipeline

204. 13)second what does VSM tool help reduce ans=second delays, non value added activities ,
defects , time

205. 14) John has written code that includes multiple methods that is non synonymous with the
functionality of it . Many of those method contains a lot of nested statements hard coded values
and over a 500 lines of code . What standard coding pattern would you suggest to him ans= 1.
group logically have related statements for easy readability 2. limit the method size between 100
and 150 codes line by refactoring it

206. 15)What are the various lines of businesses that Accenture delivery suit ADS support
ans=technology , digital , operations , security and strategy

207. 16)Alex is addressing the scrum development team and educating them on called dash
dash one of the core value of scrum which of the following is an appreciated example can gift his
theme on courage first courage in sharing facts as it is second courage to change direction when
needed 3rd courage to support scrum values and food courage do not deliver incomplete
deliverables answer all of them

208. 17) Anthony configuration manager of ABC utility , steps for sequence order while planning
CM – D E B A C – naming conventions, Configuration items, selecting CLs, levels of control,
Determining categories of CM.

209. 18) Home | Accenture Delivery Suite

delivery suit

210. 19)which are the common coding situations that developer come across frequently below-
Code is not well-formatted

211. 20)STEPS in code driven cycle-add single unit test, run all test, the test will fail, write just
enough code, refactor the code, accumulate unit test
212. Which task perform as per ADM for custom development- ans designed package software
configuration to meet buisness process design and application requirement.

213. Unit of work that role may ask to perform ans- activity

214. Which of the following tasks performed by the configuration manager- 1) plans
configuration manager 2) tracks and reports on cm status and audits, 3) makes sure that project
compiles with cm standard and procedures.

215. Output of task – 1. Abstract, outcome, deliverable

216. Identify the right combination of red/green/refactor cycle with its description- ans

217. Identify the Message protection development modes answer network to network network
to host peer to peer

218. What are the two important objectives when adding testing code 2 project ans= a.use
normal design criteria to embed test code directly into units integration tests on a final
release to ensure the test code is present c. prevent test code from being compiled into a
production code

219. Peter a software professional is attending a dev OPS training the trainer has returned some
statements that as listed below A. developer versus operations mindset B. transition from legacy
infrastructure for development to microservices C. resistance to the changes ans= A B C

220. Which solid principle represent the following statement the vehicle is an abstract 4 truck
and bike ans= dependency inversion principle

221. Kieran needs help in following rules that must be followed while creating Exception
handling strategy which rule he must consider for from below list ans= a. create meaningful
exception messages b. differentiate between application business and technical exceptions

222. Have to ensure the usability of a code in a project ans= a. having loosely coupled system b.
no dependable modules

223. What are the major difference between the product backlog and the Sprint backlog ans=
the Sprint backlog is subset of the product backlog

224. ADOP is build on earth ----- infrastructure ans= docker

225. What are the responsibilities of the change Control Board ans= a. monitor changes and
update to the project requirement as a part of CM b. review and authorize changes to the

226. Which of the following statements are correct about the coding best protection and coding
standards ans= a. coding standards improve the consistency and reliability at the code by
eliminating the personal styles and by bringing the symmetry to the application code irrespective
of the developers involved b. coding best practice are the collections of the good programming
practice and experimentation which involves the use of use and improvement of the coding
standard c. deliver high quality code

227. If we need to apply design patterns can we do it without the principle of object oriented
programming and and standards ans= yes, design patterns are logical and compressive
sequencing of elements with the procedural principles

228. As a part of a cloud application security which of the following are the identity and access
solution provided by the cloud service provider ans= a. multifactor authentication b. signal sign
on off

229. Joshua being a project manager needs to suggest a methods to developers of projects so
that client became high performance businesses by delivering high quality code which are they
ans=a. adhere to Accenture delivery methods best practices and guidelines b. follow the
Accenture code quality model c. implementing the practice of peer review

230. This pattern evaluates scenarios where you need just one object and you don't want to
create a multiple objects of that particular class or Simply put a restrictive construction of the
more than one object which pattern is this ans= singleton pattern

231. John , the product owner in construction with his shareholders has arrived at 4 features
that are the same priority which of the following can John do in this context anss= consult with a
development team and still arrive at a priority among these features

232. Which of the following type of testing and their contribution to overall system
documentation are correct ans= all of the above

233. So we need a new developer on XY zed E commerce project she has written a piece of code
for the handling error for that may occur because of the non availability of product in a card
already added earlier her first task is to define these issues under the suitable categories identify
the correct category from the following option ans= business exceptions

234. What are the practices should be used when building a complex system ans=a. using a
modular design b. have using components with the tight coupling

235. Scrum development team is supposed to be self organized that would mean ans=They can
identify their own goals and make decisions on their own

236. What is a key benefit of the least privileged approach to security = it minimizes the level of
compromise in the event of the security breech

237. Mr Jacko he's an ethical hacker he wants to introduce a mailbox at his friend John so he
logged into an email account which resulted a URL shown in the below ans=
cross site scripting

238. What was seen in application overtime which creates a need of the solutions which would
also be used in other projects ans= faster time to market

239. Which of the following actions to be taken before pushing the code into a when
we have sensitive information in the source code ans= move the sensitive information to
gitignore file

240. What practices should be used when building a complex system ans= a. using a modular
design b. designing a testability c. using a component with a tight coupling

241. What are the pitfalls concerning the cloud application development ans= requiring all
applications be deployed in the cloud

242. Identify the usage of sandbox in cloud application security ans= a. discover attack vendors
and agents b. discover application error c. discover the impact of the applied malware d. discover

243. A modern invention service provider makes resources an infrastructure management

available as needed and changes them for the specific usage rather than a flat rate which model
has above stated characteristic ans= cloud computing

244. While doing the daily scrum ceremony the true Sprint of the ceremony should be= ans
reporting updates to the scrum master

245. What relationships can work product have two task ans= optional input I'm Natalie ,
mandatory input secondary output , primary output

246. Select the challenges of applying a TDD to a joint development project ans= a. design
changes may affect unit tests b. test writing become intuitive

247. John has written a code that includes multiple methods that is not synonymous with the
functionality of it ans= a. group logically related statement for easy readability b. limit the method
size between 100 and 154 lines by refactoring it

248. which of the following description of other level 1 OWASP treat assessment manually
practice ans= identity and understand the high level threats to the organization and individual

249. what is the best approach in design pattern in coding ans= writing code with the highest
possible coupling and the lowest possible cohesion

250. select the challenges of applying TDD to agile development project ans= a. design changes
may affect unit test b. test writing become intuitive c. developers adaptability

251. how does a ADM align to new ans= a. extension and context b. longevity c. vastness

252. which are the common coding situation that developers come across frequently from
below ans= code is not well formatted

253. how did object oriented programming = All the procedures were treated as an identifiable
behavior of an object

254. which of the following definitions provided by a various full sense would correctly depict
the configuration management and most appropriate ivana defines configuration management as
what we do to make sure we have backed up our work Daniel defines configuration management
as same thing as a version control Gabriel defines configuration management as a process of
identifying communicating implementing documenting and managing work product in a
structured and repeatable way ans= Gabriel definition

255. which global policy of Accenture does ADS meet ans= policy 1100

256. what are some features a tool should have to facilitate TDD agile database development
ans=a. implement test in building database still testing language b. able to run tests in transitions
to keep them independent

257. Skype which of the following statement is valid ans= and epic is the functional specification
, technical specification play , usability requirements specification of user story

258. consider the dockerfile code agenda pet clinic dot war and server dot XML files which
among the family option are correct with respect to run and CMD keyword used in above
dockerfile ans= run keyboard execute the shell command during the image build where CMD
command execute the shell command while creating containers from that image

259. Mr Neil has to create a project document ans= requirements , matrix and status report
260. CIS other work product within a selected categories that the project wants under
configuration control imagine you are in person for writing the same plan who typically works
with the team leads to document the CIS for the designing designed categories ans=
configuration manager

261. what is considered by developers in regards to restful API deployment ans= protection
against injection , use API keys , use HTTPS identity authentication

262. miss Julie has to write a project document that possesses ans= ABCDE

263. which of the following are correct related to secure SDLC A. hello identifying the system
configuration issues related to security early ans= A, B,C

264. project should establish baseline at the end of each project stage typically a baseline
created at each major stages ans= architecture baseline , requirements baseline , testing baseline

265. what are the work / assets group by businesses area ans= workstream

266. what is the best approach in design pattern in coding = writing code with the highest
possible coupling and the lowest possible cohesion

267. identify the cloud Application issues when an application I did develop ans= API calls travel
access across the Internet and are subject to threads , attack surface has increased

268. Mr Humberto penial , who is the project manager for a prestigious project of his
organization he proposed the automation of process with the two had helped the project in very
efficient way some of the key Dean has taken are 1, proposed the adoption slash usage software
development ans= standardized workflows, processes, technologies, protocols and metrics to
reduce the variety of risk

269. when we try to push changes into a using a git few commands when it to be
executed ans= gui add; git command -m” commenting ”; get push

270. What is the function of Federated identity ans= enables users of an application to use the
same authentication for other application by the same application

271. What is logical grouping of elements that have single major outcome/ business result ans=
activity or discipline

272. Which are the external application oriented devices that provide application security ans=
WAF, HTTPS, citrix, API gateway

273. During which ceremony team members synchronize their work and progress and report
only impediments to the scrum master for removal ans= daily scrum

274. Guildeline should be followed for creating the Accenture coding standard ans= a. should be
agreed upon across project teams spanning globally b. coding standards should be easy to

275. What are some ways test driven development can benefit a project compared to other
asn=a. supports continuous integration b. compresses the available set of test tools

276. How to ensure reusability of code in project ans= a. no dependable module, b. having
loosely coupled system

277. Correct about a proxy product owner ams= all of the above
278. Complete the statements = Accenture delivery suits in standard delivery framework
designed to help our teams “ ……….” Results ans= smooth, efficient, predictable, reliable and
high-quality results

279. Complete the statement application design can be done using ans= custom/packaged/

280. In the sprint planning meeting at the…. Team along with PO selects the goals in one
sentence for overall outcome of the sprint= ans beginning of sprint planning

281. What are the two important objectives when adding testing code to project ans= a. second
use normal design criteria to embed test code directly into units ,problem run integration tests
on the final release to ensure the test Is present , prevent test code from being compiled into a
production code stop dictating

282. Code preview process involves which of the following steps: plan for review, prepare for a
review, baseline a software products , resolve review points

283. How to ensure reusability of code in project ans=a. no dependable modules, b. having
loosely coupled system

284. Is not right answer for packaged or custom development ans= custom software maps to
the client business and contains key feature necessary to specific business function

285. In large scrum there is…………. Ans= multiple teams, multiple product backlog

286. Why WIP limits important ans= to ensure smooth flow of things through the system

287. What are the major challenges faced when performing test driven database development
ans= schema changes breaking test, test framework using mock objects

288. What are the different techniques followed in code optimization for independent ans=
cache optimization techniques, reducing the number of conditions , using memory efficient

289. …….. helps the design process whereas ………. Is more suitable for integration and functional
testing ans= TDO,TDO

290. Which is correct a. docker repositories can be public or private …. Ans= 1,2,3,4
291. Linda. An aws cloud administrator = ans: multifactor authentication
292. A malicious or unexpected data is somehow programmatically fed into the application
leading to compromise of security ans= cross site scripting
293. Which of the following is not scrum artifact = ans= release backlog
294. To secure the http messages in the API calls the necessary to = all of the above
295. Which of the following Mitigation techniques can be adopted to avoid broken
authentication and session management problems 1. encryption 2. output encoding …
Ans= 1 and 4
296. What are guidelines that needs to be followed for managing bottlenecks
during the optimization = ans= a. identifying benefits of implementing complex algorithm does
not wait …b. do not cache the result c. do performance testing on a critical method carrying
business logic
297. once the configuration management team determines the appropriate
level of CM control ABC utility is trying to determine which CM tool is used = all
Mercuriale , VSS , PVCS ,jetlab
298. What the functionality of a data cohesion in model of project option D
both option one and two
299. what is the first step in the process of implementing Kanban = WIP
300. In each daily scrum within a sub team aims by designing one member as
ambassador to go and participate in daily scrum ceremony with ambassadors from other team
what that ceremony called = scrum of scrum
301. When an user fail Victim of cross Site scripting ans all of the above
302. Identify the Services provided by the micro services when compared to
design pattern ans= code access , implementation
303. if if we open a new account with that vendor on the Internet on their
website they ask us for our phone number in which we receive a unique code we enter into the
website just to make sure they can confirm the identity of hours what type of confirmation this
scenario is mapped in ans= otp confirmation
304. Sprint retrospective ceremony can include an analysis of how the recent
stent went brother respect to which of the following ans all of the options
305. What does VSM tool help reduce all of the above
306. manage from network and infrastructure team was to update a few firewall
rules on a Saturday night to disable any request coming from the EU region into a banking
application as a business was recently closed in EU what kind of security thread is the bank now
one are vulnerable to ans= cross site scripting
307. what are the three security features match the server level security all
308. Identify the steps involved in development cycle =write a test or unit tests
for some aspect of the program
309. What are the components of Accenture delivery suit ADS ans= methods
and estimators , deliverables , architecture metrics
310. ------------- this set of technologies tools and processes that enable
enterprises to move into the parodical of seamless interactivity ans = Accenture origin web
311. The trend of work remaining across time in sprint a release or product with
woek remaining tracked on vertical axis= burnup chart
312. Identify the order of steps for code review process, conduct a review , plan
for a review= c,b,e,a,c,d,f
313. While doing TDD which of the following is recommended= writing trivial
tests that are too small
314. Which of the following is not a scrum master's responsibility = preventing
the senior manager from the shifting the team priorities
315. Mr Vincent is a configuration management for a project in Accenture he
has identity identify and establish configuration team assume that you are a Mr Vincent answer
like the steps involved in while identifying and establishing CIS mentioned below determine CI
categories determine CM control levels determined CI tools = ans=
316. In banking application we keep the customer you are logic separate from
the back end or the business logic of the our application which GRSP principal would take the
request from the UI and then assigned that need a project = creator
317. Alex has been identified as scrum master of an agile execution team of
eight member have been tag to him in the capacity of a scrum master on a daily basis he has a
forwarding things ANS= ALL a b C
318. Before using the git commit command in the secure code if the sensitive
information is identified in in the order action to be performed to a secured those sensitive data it
use functions in the code too read sensitive information from the CFG file b. copy the sensitive
information to CFG file ANS= D B C A
319. Cameroon is a middle African country the government of the country has a
lot of data on paper media and it is very crucial and sensitive essential data BPaaS
320. What are the components that influence in design pattern = all
321. every spring starts with ------ and ends with ----- and
ans= 1. springpad planning b. screen review c. Sprint retrospective
322. Customer walks into an ATM to withdraw money the money dispensed
from the was not able to print its transaction receipt as ATM machine ran out of paper = in
323. Mr. John has developed a software program and make his program run
faster he allows portion of the program to reside in a computers memory however his approach
will cause the program to consume more memory as a result the program will optimize in terms
of speed but will inefficiently in terms of memory utilization what Mr. John is typing to achieve in
his scenario code optimization
324. what are the three security features matched the database level security =
logins ,users ,audits
325. second Mr Nina after her training in DevOps she was encountered his
question in an assignment she faced the question was which among the given options are benefit
of automation if you were Nina what would have been your answer choose three correct options
= increase productivity , eliminate eliminate unnecessary capital expenditure , standardize
workflow process technologies and protocols
326. when an user can fail victim of cross site scripting= all of the above

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