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November 2nd, 2021

OTC stocks that are approved for an up-listing into major exchanges are called Jumpers

Trends & requirements - 1
There's no stopping progress - 2


A study of up listing companies by Sergio Heiber reported in Seeking Alpha found the many uplisting companies had gained over
100% in the six months leading to uplisting. OTC, or over the counter stocks, trade in a decentralized market not subject to
reporting requirements as are listed stocks and offer less transparency.


Micro caps that uplist will enjoy greater liquidity and experience greater exposure to analyst coverage and institutional investment.
Most people think they are up to date on OTC stocks but the landscape has changed dramatically. The OTC market is more
heavily regulated by the SEC than it was in the past and is currently reminiscent of what NASDAQ was at the time of the
INTERNET BOOM!. OTC stocks involved in A.I., machine learning, Blockchain and medical devices that are creating their own
niche, have no competition and have booming revenues just from reviewing stocks that have indicated that they are seeking to
Blockchain technology is changing the way business is done whether its securing financial transactions like crypto currencies or
securing companies software, Blockchain companies are making big news in 2021. Here is a look at 4 companies in the blockchain
space which have recently uplisted, (or in the case of DLT Resolution Inc are about to list) shows huge price appreciation in this
From OTC to NYSE
NYSE listing requirements include a
minimum price of $4 per share, 1.1 million Have a market value of the public float in
shares outstanding with a market value of excess of $15 million, a minimum stock
public shares in excess of $40 million, and a price of $3, two years of operating history,
minimum of 400 round lot shareholders. and total shareholders' equity in excess of
$4 million.
To better understand
NASDAQ listing requirements include a
minimum bid price of $4 per share, 1 million Have a total market capitalization in
how blockchain can
shares outstanding, at least 3 market makers, excess of $50 million, a market value of help us, we need to
and a minimum of 300 round lot shareholders. the public float in excess of $15 million, a see how it fits into the
minimum stock price of $2, and total bigger picture.
AMEX listing requirements must meet one shareholders' equity in excess of $4
of the following: million. The company must also meet a
minimum number of round lot
Have a pre-tax income in the most recent shareholders relative to the number of
fiscal year or in two of the prior three fiscal shares available in the public float.
years in excess of $750,000, a market
value of the public float in excess of $3 Lets take a look at a few players in this sector
million, a minimum stock price of $3, and and their price performances upon trading on
total shareholders' equity in excess of $4 larger capital markets over the last 12 months:

Hive Blockchain (HIVE) 1 year return 11/02/2020 $0.40 to 11/02/2021 $3.80 - ▲850%
Riot Blockchain (RIOT) 1 year return 11/02/2020 $3.65 to 11/02/2021 $28.09 - ▲669.59%

Applied Blockchain (APLD) 1 year return 11/02/2020 $0.02 to 11/02/2021 $4.90 - ▲24,400%

DLT Resolution Inc (DLTI) 1 year return 11/02/2020 $0.995 to 11/02/2021 $2.27 - ▲128.14%

Resolution Inc. on
the verge of up-
listing onto the NYSE

Wallet Investor financial newsletter currently has a 1 year price target on DLT Resolution of
$8.41 as of 2/11/21 and a 5 year target of $16.84
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investment advisors, or individually advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment or the use of any particular financial strategy. All investing, stock
forecasts and investment strategies include the risk of loss for some or even all of your capital. Before pursuing any financial strategies discussed on this website,
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