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Guidelines for the microbiological quality of some

ready-to-eat foods sampled at the point of sale
A working group (RJ Gilbert, J de Louvois, T Donovan, C Little, K Nye, CD Ribeiro,
J Richards, D Roberts, FJ Bolton) of the PHLS Advisory Committee for Food and Dairy

Summary: These guidelines for the microbiological quality of ready-to-eat foods Key words:
represent a revision and expansion of guidelines first published by the PHLS in food
September 1992 and revised in March 1996. The latest guidelines incorporate food inspection
many of the constructive comments received from food examiners and other food microbiology
microbiologists within and outside the PHLS and from environmental health officers
throughout the United Kingdom. This document reviews the changes and the
reasons they were made and sets out the new guidelines. It also clarifies the role of
food examiners in interpreting the microbiological results of formal samples.

Commun Dis Public Health 2000; 3: 163-7.

Introduction departments in England and Wales. The interpretation

Background of results is often the most difficult aspect of the food
Most food samples submitted to public health examination process. The purpose of the original
laboratories are informal samples for surveillance and microbiological guidelines for ready-to-eat foods
monitoring purposes. A small number of samples are sampled at the point of sale 1 was to standardise the
sent during outbreak investigations and as formal interpretation of the results from the microbiological
samples for statutory examination. For over 50 years (bacteriological) examination of foods by providing
the PHLS has provided microbiological advice and peer reviewed guidelines for use by food
scientific expertise on the examination of food samples microbiologists.
for local authorities and their environmental health The precision and reproducibility of many
microbiological tests are variable, and interpretation of
the results can be difficult unless there is agreement on
RJ Gilbert, D Roberts, FJ Bolton what is achievable or desirable. The original guidelines
Food Safety Microbiology Laboratory were produced at a time when standard methods were
PHLS Central Public Health Laboratory not in place in all public health laboratories. The
J de Louvois, C Little,
introduction, throughout the PHLS, of standard
Environmental Surveillance Unit operating procedures (SOPs) for most of the key
PHLS Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre parameters in the guidelines has thus significantly
improved the value of food examination results from the
T Donovan PHLS. The PHLS food method SOPs will continue to be
London Food, Water, and Environmental Unit
Food Safety Microbiology Laboratory
reviewed, updated, and implemented as changes in
PHLS Central Public Health Laboratory European directives demand. It should also be stressed
that these guidelines are for bacteriological parameters
K Nye only. Criteria for viruses and enteric parasites are
Birmingham Public Health Laboratory excluded due to the present lack of diagnostic methods
CD Ribeiro
and procedures for their detection.
Cardiff Public Health Laboratory
Microbiological guidelines
J Richards The original provisional microbiological guidelines for
Norwich Public Health Laboratory some ready-to-eat foods sampled at the point of sale1
and the first revision2 were well received and put to
Address for correspondence:
Professor Eric Bolton
practical use by microbiologists and environmental
Food Safety Microbiology Laboratory health officers throughout the United Kingdom (UK) and
PHLS Central Public Health Laboratory in Ireland. During the three and a half years since the
61 Colindale Avenue 1996 revision many helpful comments have been
London received from users, some of whom have asked for the
tel: 020 8200 4400 ext 4117
guidelines to cover wider ranges of foods and of
fax: 020 8200 8264 microorganisms. A working group of the PHLS
email: [email protected] Advisory Committee for Food and Dairy Products



BOX 1 Food examiners

The Food Safety Act 19904 established the role of the ‘food examiner’ to perform the statutory function of microbiological examination
of food. The qualifications and experience needed for registration as a food examiner are detailed in the Food Safety (Sampling and
Qualifications) Regulations 19907. Food examiners, therefore, are the individuals to whom an enforcement officer must submit any
samples taken for examination for enforcement purposes (that is, formal samples the results of whose examination may be introduced
as evidence in legal proceedings under the Food Safety Act). The aims of this provision in the Act are to ensure that the microbiological
examination of food is performed to a high standard and, by specifying their required qualifications, to ensure the competence of food
examiners asked to give evidence during any legal proceedings. PHLS and other laboratories that are designated as official testing
laboratories8 that examine food samples must have designated food examiners. When required, food examiners are expected to be
witnesses of fact in respect of any examination that has been conducted, including their results.
When it is appropriate to do so, the food examiner may also interpret the results of the examination of formal food samples by
reference to the provisions of the Food Safety Act 19904 dealing with microbiological quality. The Food Safety Act 1990 (Chapter 16) 4,
however, contains specific wording with regard to foods of an unacceptable microbiological quality. A food fails to comply with the
Food Safety Act 1990:
• if it is ‘unfit for human consumption’ (Section 8(2)(b)), or
• if it is ‘so contaminated that it would not be reasonable to expect it to be used for human consumption in that state’ (Section 8(2)(c)).
Also, under Section 14 of the Act, it is an offence to sell ‘any food which is not of the nature or substance or quality demanded by the
The PHLS guidelines have no statutory standing and are not directly linked to the Food Safety Act 1990 4. They therefore deliberately
avoid the use of any of the above terms. It is the enforcement officer, assisted by legal advice, who is responsible for deciding under
which section of the Food Safety Act a prosecution should be instituted. The food examiner may include the precise wording from the
Act on a report or certificate of examination or may choose to express a personal opinion in different words. Food examiners should
be prepared to express an opinion on the results of examinations whenever they feel in a position to do so. The opinion should be
phrased in a form that is supportive to the enforcing authority in cases of prosecution.
The degree of involvement of the food examiner as an expert will depend on personal experience and the level of expertise with
respect to the matter in issue. In some instances, food safety proceedings will require the additional specialist knowledge of an
expert of national repute and long experience in this subject. If he/she is suitably qualified to express an opinion based on experience,
the food examiner can provide evidence as an expert witness.

(ACFDP) has prepared this current revision, which is microbiological quality (box 2) – related to the actual
based on both the experience gained of the aerobic colony count, number of indicator organisms,
appropriateness of the guidelines in practice and a and the presence/number of pathogens determined
reassessment of the microbiological results for a wide by the microbiological examination of the food.
variety of ready-to-eat foods held in the PHLS data bank. The microbiological limits given in table 1 are not
This data bank includes microbiological results from statutory standards. They are guidelines only.
PHLS national and local surveys, joint Local Authority Revisions will continue to be made at intervals as
Coordinating Body on Food and Trading Standards experience is gained of their value in practice and as
(LACOTS)/PHLS coordinated food surveillance additional information becomes available. The
projects 3, and the UK contribution to the European guidelines may not apply to every food type contained
Community Coordinated Food Control Programme3. within a food category; interpretation should also be
The purpose of these guidelines, therefore, is to based on knowledge of the product components and
help food examiners (box 1)4 and environmental health the production process. Food microbiologists should
officers to determine the bacteriological quality of undertake laboratory tests appropriate both to the type
various ready-to-eat foods at the point of sale and to of food sample submitted and to the processing it has
indicate the level of contamination that is considered received. The guidelines are applicable only when an
to represent a significant potential risk to health. The appropriate range of indicator and pathogen tests has
guidelines are not intended to be prescriptive and have been undertaken.
no legal standing in their own right. They are also
intended to reflect the increasingly high quality Aerobic colony count
achieved by most of the ready-to-eat food industry in The term aerobic colony count (ACC) has replaced the
the UK. They represent the collective experience of previous name ‘aerobic plate count’ and more
the PHLS, which currently examines over 190 000 food accurately describes the test undertaken. There are
samples per year. This body of information is now enough microbiological data on the foods listed in
being collated to provide an evidence base for table 2 to permit them to be classified on the basis of
quantitative microbiological risk assessment5 and for their ACC. If a specific ready-to-eat food is not
the implementation of hazard analysis of critical included in table 2, food examiners and
control points 6 systems for food safety. microbiologists should use their own judgment to
assess where a product would fit – based on the type
The new guidelines of product, the processing it has received, and the
As in the previous guidelines1,2 the new guidelines potential for microbial growth during storage.
identify five categories of food (table 1). The categories When unsatisfactory aerobic colony counts are
are based solely on expected aerobic colony counts, encountered microbiologists should attempt to identify
according to the type of food product and the the microorganisms that predominate. From these
processing it has received. There are four grades of results, and additional detailed information about the


TABLE 1 Guidelines for the microbiological quality of various ready-to-eat foods

Microbiological quality (CFU per gram unless stated)

Food category potentially
(see table 2) Criterion Satisfactory Acceptable Unsatisfactory hazardous*

Aerobic colony count † 30°C/48h

1 <103 10 3-<10 4 >104 N/A
2 <10 4 10 4-<10 5 >105 N/A
3 <10 5 10 5-<10 6 >106 N/A
4 <10 6 10 6-<10 7 >107 N/A
5 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Indicator organisms‡
1-5 Enterobacteriaceae§ <100 100-<104 >104 N/A
1-5 E. coli (total) <20 20-<100 >100 N/A
1-5 Listeria spp (total) <20 20-<100 >100 N/A
1-5 Salmonella spp not detected in 25g detected in 25g
1-5 Campylobacter spp not detected in 25g detected in 25g
1-5 E. coli O157 & other VTEC not detected in 25g detected in 25g
1-5 V. cholerae not detected in 25g detected in 25g
1-5 V. parahaemolyticus¶ <20 20-<100 100-<10 3 >103
1-5 L. monocytogenes <20** 20-<100 N/A >100
1-5 S. aureus <20 20-<100 100-<10 4 >10 4
1-5 C. perfringens <20 20-<100 100-<10 4 >10 4
1-5 B. cereus and other pathogenic
Bacillus spp # <103 10 3-<10 4 104-<10 5 >105

* Prosecution based solely on high colony counts and/or indicator organisms in the absence of other criteria of unacceptability is unlikely to be successful.
† Guidelines for aerobic colony counts may not apply to certain fermented foods – for example, salami, soft cheese, and unpasteurised yoghurt. These
foods fall into category 5. Acceptability is based on appearance, smell, texture, and the levels or absence of indicator organisms or pathogens.
‡ On occasions some strains may be pathogenic.
§ Not applicable to fresh fruit, vegetables and salad vegetables.
¶ Relevant to seafood only.
# If the Bacillus counts exceed 104 CFU/g, the organism should be identified.
** Not detected in 25g for certain long shelf-life products under refridgeration
NA Not applicable

food sample, it should be possible to provide a more Enterobacteriaceae is well defined taxonomically and
helpful interpretation of high aerobic colony counts. methods for their enumeration are based on common
properties10,11. Furthermore, the methods also detect
Indicator organisms important non-lactose fermenting organisms such as
Enterobacteriaceae salmonellas. The criteria listed for Enterobacteriaceae
The test for Enterobacteriaceae has replaced the tests do not apply to fresh fruit and vegetables or to
for coliforms that traditionally have been used as sandwiches containing salad vegetables because fresh
indicators of hygiene and contamination after fruit and vegetables often carry high levels of these
processing. The major problems with the coliform tests organisms as part of their normal flora.
are the variability in definition of the term coliforms (they
are defined usually by the method used for their Escherichia coli (total) and Listeria spp (total)
detection) and the fact that only lactose fermenting The criteria for E. coli (total) and Listeria spp (total)
organisms are detected9. In comparison the family have been modified. Quantitative levels in the
BOX 2 Grades of microbiological quality

The terms used to express the microbiological quality of the ready-to-eat foods are:

• Satisfactory – test results indicating good microbiological quality

• Acceptable – an index reflecting a borderline limit of microbiological quality

• Unsatisfactory – test results indicating that further sampling may be necessary and that environmental health officers may wish to
undertaken a further inspection of the premises concerned to determine whether hygiene practices for food production or
handling are adequate or not.

• Unacceptable/potentially hazardous – test results indicating that urgent attention is needed to locate the source of the problem;
a detailed risk assessment is recommended. Such results may also form a basis for prosecution by environmental health departments,
especially if they occur in more than one sample. Food examiners will wish to draw on their own experience and expertise in
determining the advice and comments they wish to give and they will be required to do this if invited to give an expert opinion
during legal proceedings.



TABLE 2 Colony count categories for different types of counts of Listeria spp in previous versions of the
ready-to-eat foods guidelines1,2 excluded L. monocytogenes. This has been
changed to include L. monocytogenes and hence the
group Product Category term is fully inclusive of all Listeria spp. The reasons
for this are because of the changes to the quantitative
Meat beefburgers 1 criteria for L. monocytogenes explained below and to
brawn 4
faggots 2 represent what happens in practice when examining
ham – raw (Parma/country style) 5 food samples by the standard method. Although
kebabs 2 Listeria spp. other than L. monocytogenes are rarely
meat meals (shepherds/cottage
pie, casseroles) 2 implicated in illness they are indicators for the likely
meat pies (steak and kidney, pasty) 1 presence of L. monocytogenes and so concerns
meat, sliced (cooked ham, tongue) 4 described below about the presence of low levels
meat, sliced (beef, haslet, pork, poultry) 3
pork pies 1 of L. monocytogenes in certain products also apply
poultry (unsliced) 2 to other species of Listeria.
salami and fermented meat products 5
sausages (British) 2
sausages (smoked) 5
sausage roll 1 Salmonella, campylobacter, and E. coli O157
scotch egg 1 It is the opinion of the ACFDP that ready-to-eat
tripe and other offal 4 f o o d s s h o u l d b e f re e f r o m S a l m o n e l l a s p p ,
Seafood crustaceans (crab, lobster, prawns) 3 Campylobacter spp, and E. coli O157 and other
herring/roll mop and other raw Ve r o c y t o t o x i n p ro d u c i n g E . c o l i ( V T E C ) .
pickled fish 1 Appropriate control measures during production,
other fish (cooked) 3
seafood meals 3 adequate hygiene standards, and appropriate cooking
molluscs and other shellfish (cooked) 4 during final preparation should ensure that the end
smoked fish 4 products are free from viable organisms and that the
taramasalata 4
foods are therefore of good quality.
Dessert cakes, pastries, slices, and Ready-to-eat foods containing salmonellas or other
desserts - with dairy cream 3 pathogens may not always cause illness but there is
cakes, pastries, slices, and desserts
- without dairy cream 2 good microbiological and epidemiological evidence
cheesecake 5 that small numbers of pathogens in foods have caused
mousse/dessert 1 illness12. The ACFDP takes the view that there is no
tarts, flans, and pies 2
trifle 3 justification for processed ready-to-eat foods being
contaminated with these organisms and that their
Savoury bean curd 5
presence, even in small numbers, results in such foods
bhaji (onion, spinach, vegetable) 1
cheese-based bakery products 2 being of unacceptable quality/potentially hazardous.
fermented foods 5
flan/quiche 2 Vibrio species
homous, tzatziki, and other dips 4
mayonnaise/dressings 2 Microbiological criteria for Vibrio cholerae have also been
pâté (meat, seafood, or vegetable) 3 added to the guidelines because the European
samosa 2 Commission has made several decisions in response
satay 3
spring rolls 3 to the isolation of this organism from various ready-
to-eat foods, mainly fishery products and fruits and
Vegetable coleslaw 3 vegetables, imported into countries of the European
fruit and vegetables (dried) 3
fruit and vegetables (fresh) 5 Union13-16. V. vulnificus, although a pathogenic vibrio,
prepared mixed salads and crudités 4 is a rare cause of foodb orne disease and h a s
rice 3 therefore not been included in this version of the
vegetables and vegetable meals (cooked) 2
guidelines. The quantitative microbiological quality
Dairy cheese 5 levels for V. parahaemolyticus in seafood have been
ice cream, milk shakes (non-dairy) 2 retained for further assessment.
ice lollies, slush, and sorbet 2
yoghurt/frozen yoghurt (natural) 5
Listeria monocytogenes
Ready-to-eat pasta/pizza 2 The quantitative microbiological quality levels for
meals meals (other) 2
L. monocytogenes have been modified and the
Sandwiches with salad 5 classification of ‘unsatisfactory’ is now not applicable in
and filled without salad 4 this case. Some quality standards require a zero level
rolls with cheese 5
for L. monocytogenes at the production stage of a food17,
thus 102 CFU/g at point of sale/consumption represents
unacceptable/potentially hazardous column (table 1) a potential risk to health. Counts of this level may also
have been deleted because a prosecution based solely indicate a significant failure of hygiene standards in the
on indicator organisms in the absence of other criteria preparation and /or storage of such foods. None of the
of unacceptability is unlikely to be successful. Total figures within the guidelines can be said to carry an


absolute risk to health. Nevertheless, opinions and References
published reports support the contention that the 1. PHLS. Provisional microbiological guidelines for some
numbers quoted in table 1 under the heading ready-to-eat foods sampled at point of sale. Notes for PHLS
food examiners. PHLS Microbiology Digest 1992; 9: 98-9.
‘unacceptable/potentially hazardous’ represent
2. PHLS. Microbiological guidelines for some ready-to-eat
unacceptable microbiological quality and are a potential foods sampled at the point of sale: an expert opinion from
hazard to those who eat such food18. the PHLS. PHLS Microbiology Digest 1996; 13: 41-3.
On the basis of current information it is the opinion 3. House of Commons Agriculture Committee. Food Safety.
of the ACFDP that it is unacceptable that ready-to-eat Minutes of Evidence Tuesday 2 December 1997, Public Health
Laboratory Service. London: Stationery Office, 1997: 93-4.
foods contain any serogroup of L. monocytogenes at
4. Food Safety Act 1990. London: HMSO, 1990.
levels at or above 102 CFU/g. Some serotypes/phage 5. Codex Alimentarius Commission. Draft principles and
types of L. monocytogenes may rarely be associated with guidelines for the conduct of microbiological risk assessment.
human infection, but their presence represents an Washington DC: Codex Committee on Food Hygiene 32
inadequate level of hygiene. session, 29 November-4 December 1999. <
L. monocytogenes is widely distributed in the
6. Codex Alimentarius Commission. Food quality and safety
environment and is able to multiply slowly at 4°C. The systems. A training manual on food hygiene and hazard analysis
shelf life of the foods listed in table 2 varies and critical control point (HACCP) system. Rome: FAO, 1998.
enormously. Certain foods – such as soft ripened 7. The Food Safety (Sampling and Qualifications) Regulations 1990.
cheese, vacuum packed pâté, and sliced meats – have SI 2463. London: HMSO, 1990.
8. Council Directive 93/99/EEC of 29 October 1993 on the subject
a long shelf life under refrigeration, and the presence
of additional measures concerning the official control of
of L. monocytogenes at any level may be of significance foodstuffs. Official Journal of the European Communities 1993;
due to its potential for growth during storage. The use L290/14-7 (24 November).
of an enrichment procedure, in addition to 9. Edwards PR, Ewing HE. Identification of Enterobacteriaceae,
enumeration, should therefore be considered to ensure 3rd edition. Minnesota: Burgess Publishing Company, 1972.
10. British Standards Institution. Microbiological examination of food
that the organism is absent from the product.
and animal feedingstuffs. Enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae.
London: BSI, 1993. (BS 5763: Part 10:1993 (ISO 7402: 1993))
Clostridium perfringens 11. British Standards Institution. Microbiological examination of food
The quantitative microbiological quality levels for and animal feedingstuffs. Detection of Enterobacteriaceae with pre-
Clostridium perfringens have been retained with only a enrichment. London: BSI, 1991. (BS 5763: Part 15:1991)
minor modification to the lower limit. This has been 12. House of Commons Agriculture Committee. Food Safety.
Minutes of Evidence Tuesday 2 December 1997, Public Health
changed from 10 CFU/g to 20 CFU/g to bring it in Laboratory Service. London: Stationery Office, 1997: 82-3.
line with levels for other Gram positive pathogens. 13. Commission Decision 97/878/EC of 23 December 1997
concerning certain protective measures with regard to
Bacillus cereus and other pathogenic Bacillus spp certain fishery products originating in Uganda, Kenya,
The microbiological criteria for ‘Bacillus cereus and Tanzania and Mozambique. Official Journal of the European
Communities 1997; L356/64-5 (31 December).
other pathogenic Bacillus spp’ have replaced the
14. Commission Decision 97/368/EC of 11 June 1997 concerning
previously entitled ‘B. cereus and Bacillus subtilis certain protective measures with regard to certain fishery
group’. The quantitative limits, however, have products originating in China. Official Journal of the European
remained the same. Communities 1997; L156/57-8 (13 June).
15. European Community. Commission Decision 97/515/EC of 1
August 1997 concerning certain protective measures with
Guidance to local authorities regard to certain fishery products originating in India. Official
As a requirement of the Official Control of Foodstuffs Journal of the European Communities 1997; L214/52 (6 August).
Directive 19,20 local authorities have to report all 16. European Community. Commission Decision 98/116/EC of
unsatisfactory samples to the Food Standards Agency 4 February 1998. Adopting special measures for the import
of fruits and vegetables originating in or consigned from
(previously to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries
Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique. Official Journal
and Food). Previous PHLS guidelines have not of the European Communities 1998; L31/28-9 (6 February).
indicated which samples should be reported 1,2. This 17. The Dairy Products (Hygiene) Regulations 1995. SI 1086.
is the responsibility of the Food Standards Agency and London: HMSO, 1995.
guidance on which results should be reported will be 18. European Commission. Opinion of the Scientific Committee
on Veterinary Measures relating to Public Health on Listeria
monocytogenes, 23 September 1999. <
Acknowledgements 19. Council Directive 89/397/EEC of 14 June on the official
The ACFDP is grateful to the members of the working control of foodstuffs. Official Journal of the European
group, Dr R Mitchell of the PHLS Environmaental Communities 1989; L186/23-6 (30 June).
20. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. (1999) Guidance
Surveillance Unit, and the many food examiners and for business on regulations: Official Control of Foodstuffs.
environmental health officers for their helpful Notes for guidance on the completion of CPD 1-4.
comments and constructive criticism during the <
preparation of these guidelines. regulat/ocfood/cpdnotes.htm>.


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