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Imagery, Diction, Figures of Speech and Specific Experiences

Background Information for Learners

Imagery refers to the “mental pictures” that readers experience when reading

Diction is the choice and use of words and phrases in speech or in writing.
Word choice is the most powerful element of style for you to understand.

Figures of Speech is an intentional deviation from ordinary language, chosen to

produce a rhetorical effect. It is a word or phrase used in a non- literal sense for
rhetorical or vivid effect.
. 1. Simile is comparing two unlike things using like or as.
Example: Leon’s hair is as black as charcoal.

2. Metaphor is comparing two things without using like or as.

Example: The world is an apple.

3. Personification is giving life to non-living objects or things.

Example: The windows protested as it opened slowly.

4. Hyperbole is a term which uses exaggeration to add a more dramatic

meaning to the sentence.
Example: Maria’s bag weighs a ton.

5. Irony is a statement which conveys the opposite meaning of what is literally

Example: The police station got robbed.

6. Alliteration is when there is repetition of sound within a phrase or sentence.

Example: She sells seashells on the seashore.

Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.

7. Antithesis is applying a juxtaposition of ideas which are contrasting in
a statement that is balanced.
Example: Man proposes, God disposes.

8. Assonance is the similarity in sound between vowels in the middle of

neighboring words.
Example: How now, brown cow.

9. Anaphora is when a word is repeated multiple times within a phrase.

Example: He had one apple, one banana and one pear.

10. Apostrophe is a direct address either to an absent person or to a

non-human entity.
Example: Come on trousers, you have to fit me.

11. Euphemism is the substitution of a mild or vague expression for a harsh or

unpleasant one.
Example: The former president passed away. (died)

12. Onomatopoeia is the use of words that imitate the sounds associated with
the objects or actions they refer to.
Example: The tick tock of the clock made the party stop.

13. Litotes is an understatement which applies a negative word to express the

meaning of the affirmative.
Example: The dress is not too bad.

14. Metonymy is when a thing is used to represent something related to it.

Example: The crown has spoken.
Meaning: The king has spoken.

15. Synecdoche is when a part of something is used to refer to the whole.

Example: Many wheels have passed already.
. Meaning: Many cars have passed already.

16. Oxymoron is apparently contradictory terms that are combined to produce a

special effect.
Example: She had bitter-sweet memories with her boyfriend.

Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.

Specific experiences are also important to be included in your writing for
your readers to be able to connect with the situation or experience
you shared to whatever piece of writing you make.

Learning Competency
MELC: Use imagery, diction, figures of speech, and specific experiences to evoke
meaningful responses

Hello, learner! You are about to check your learning in using imagery, diction,
figures of speech and specific experiences to evoke meaningful response.

AGREEMENT: By signing the contract, you are hereby accepting the responsibility to
finish the activity package and submit to your teacher (---------------------------) on


Directions. Activity1: The following statements are lines from the text, “How my
Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife” by Manuel E. Arguilla. Read carefully the
given lines from the text and determine whether the author used imagery,
diction, figures of speech and specific experience in each line from the text.
Write IM for imagery, DI for diction, FS for figures of speech and SE for
specific experience on the space provided for.
____ 1. She stepped down from the carretela of Ca Celin with a quick delicate grace.
She was lovely. She was tall. She looked up through my brother with a smile
and her forehead was on a level on his mouth.
_____2. She was fragrant like a morning when papayas are in bloom.
_____3. He swallowed and brought up to his mouth more cud and the sound of his
insides was like a drum.
_____4. I laid on Labang’s massive neck and said to her. “You may scratch his
forehead now.”

Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.

_____5.The sun was in our eyes for it was dripping into the bright sea. The sky was
wide and deep and very blue above us but along the saw-tooth rim of the
Katayaghan hills to the southwest flamed huge masses of clouds.
_____6. She was smiling at him and I stopped tying the sinta across Labang’s neck to
the opposite end of the yoke, because her teeth were very white, her eyes
were so full of laughter and there was a small dimple high up on her right cheek.
_____7. “Look Noel, yonder is our star!” Deep surprise and gladness were in her voice.
Very low in the west, almost touching the ragged edge of the bank was the
star, the biggest and the brightest in the sky.
____8. He must have taught her the song because she joined him, and her voice flowed
into his like a gentle stream meeting a stronger one.
____9. There was no light in my father’s room. There was no movement. He sat in the
big arm chair by the western window, and a star shone directly through it.
____10.I looked at Maria and she was lovely. She was tall. Beside my brother Leon,
she was tall and very still. Then I went out, and in the darkened hall the
fragrance of her was like a morning when papayas are in bloom.

Directions. Activity 2: Identify the imagery used in the following lines whether it is
sense of sight, smell, taste, touch or hearing.
Example: She was fragrant like a morning when papayas are in bloom.(sense of
1. . I laid on Labang’s massive neck and said to her. “You may scratch his
forehead now.”

2. “Look Noel, yonder is our star!” Deep surprise and gladness were in her voice.
Very low in the west, almost touching the ragged edge of the bank was the
star, the biggest and the brightest in the sky.

3. He must have taught her the song because she joined him, and her voice flowed
into his like a gentle stream meeting a stronger one.

4. There was no light in my father’s room. There was no movement. He sat in the big
arm chair by the western window, and a star shone directly through it

Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.

5. .I looked at Maria and she was lovely. She was tall. Beside my brother Leon, she
was tall and very still. Then I went out, and in the darkened hall the
fragrance of her was like a morning when papayas are in bloom

Directions . ACTIVITY 3: Focusing on diction, study the lines of the story “How my
Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife using the given guide questions below.

Guide Questions:
1. Does the author use diction simply and clearly in the lines below? Why or why not?

She stepped down from the carretela of Ca Celin with a quick delicate grace.
She was lovely. She was tall. She looked up through my brother with a smile
and her forehead was on a level on his mouth.

2. Do the words used by the author in the statement below convey message clearly to
the readers? Why or why not?

He swallowed and brought up to his mouth more cud and the sound of his
insides was like a drum

3. Do you find difficulty in understanding the message of each of the lines of the text?


Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


Directions. Activity 4.The following statements use figures of speech.

Write the correct figure of speech used in each item on the space provided for.
“The Celebrated Jumping frog of Calaveras Country”- Mark Twain

Wheeler enumerates all the things that Jim Smiley would bet on anything saying that
he even bet on Parson Walker’s wife who had fallen ill.

1. Answer: _________________________
He never changed his voice from the gentle flowing key to which he turned the
initial sentence.

2. Answer:__________________________
Jim Smiley had a dog that he would fight when this dog fought, his underjaw’d stick
like the forcastle steamboat……his teeth would…. shine savage like the furnaces.

3. Answer:__________________________
At the door I met the sociable Wheeler returning and he button-heeled me.

4. Answer:__________________________
When speaking of his frog, Smiley says that it is, “as solid as a glob of mud.”

5. Answer: _________________________

“The Cask of Amontillado” -Edgar Allan Poe

The thousand of injuries of Fortunato I had come as best as I could.

Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.

Directions. Activity 5: From the given situation, “Life in the New Normal!” Write a
paragraph using diction, imagery, figures of speech, and specific experiences.

Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.

Rubrics for Scoring for Activity 5

15pts 12 points 9 points 7 points 5 point

Content The learner The learner The learner The learner The learner
used all the used diction, used diction, poorly used poorly used
diction, imagery, imagery, diction, diction,
imagery, figures of figures of imagery, imagery,
figures of speech and speech and figures of figures of
speech and specific specific speech and speech and
specific experiences experiences specific specific
experiences appropriately appropriately experiences experiences
appropriately and and relevantly appropriately and ideas
and relevantly in in the given and relevantly conveyed
relevantly in the given topic ,however, in the given are not
the given topic but not it is not clearly topic. focused on
topic. clearly and and specifically the given
specifically conveyed and topic
conveyed in sometimes
the topic lack focus on
given. the topic given.

Mechanics The learner The learner The learner The learner The learner
used correct used correct used correct commits commits
spelling of spelling of spelling of misspelled misspelled
words, used words, used words, used words, used words, used
punctuations punctuations punctuations punctuations punctuations
correctly in correctly in correctly in the incorrectly in incorrectly,
the ideas the ideas ideas the ideas in the ideas
conveyed in conveyed conveyed conveyed are not
the given deviates in deviates and creates clearly
topic. the topic lacks any of confusion and conveyed
given. the diction, lacks any of and totally
imagery, the diction, lacks any of
figures of imagery, the diction,
speech and figures of imagery
specific speech and ,figures of
experiences in specific speech and
the topic given. experiences in specific
the topic given. experiences
in the topic

Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.

Reflect on what you have learned after taking up this lesson by completing the K-
W- L- chart below
What I KNOW What I want to KNOW What I have LEARNED
I thought that…… I want to……… I learned that……..

PowerPoint presentation, Diction, Imagery, Figures of Speech, Evelyn L. Pacquing, St.
Paul University Philippines, May 30-31,2016

Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.

Answer Key
Activity 1
1. DI, IM 6. IM, DI
2. IM, FS 7. IM, DI
3. IM, DI 8. IM, FS
4. IM, SE 9. IM, SE
5. IM, DI 10. IM, DI

Activity 2:
1.Sense of touch
2. Sense of sight
3. Sense of hearing
4. Sense of sight
5. Sense of sight, sense of smell

Activity 3:
1.The author used words simply and clearly because the message conveyed is
understood easily by the reader.
2.The author used words clearly and correctly which made the readers understand the
message conveyed by the author and there are no words/message that are duff9cult to
understand by the readers.
3. None at all. Yes because I find it hard for me to understand the message of the
author in the story.
(Learners vary in their answers

Activity 4

Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 5. (Learners vary in their answers)
Suggested Answer:
The life in the new normal is not an easy life for people in these trying times of Covid19
pandemic. This global situation that we are facing today makes us like we are groping in
the dark. Many people around the world were dying and life is so hard to manage due to
incomparable hardships in life that we are experiencing today. We are prisoners from
the hell and we are experiencing storms and thunders in our hearts that seems we
could never endure, we are helpless like beggars waiting for something where there is
nowhere to find .The life new normal is never normal for it is a mountain for us to carry

Prepared by:

Teacher II, Claveria School of Arts and Trades

Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


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