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2.4.05 37 mL H2SO4 (1 + 1).

(If adequate ventilation is available, 20 mL

AOAC Official Method 978.02 H2SO4 may be added instead of H2SO4 [1 + 1]. If organic matter
Nitrogen (Total) in Fertilizers other than urea exceeds 1.0 g, add additional 1.0 mL H2SO4 for each
Modified Comprehensive Nitrogen Method 0.1 g fat or 0.2 g other organic matter in excess of 1.0 g.)
First Action 1978
Final Action 1984 Proceed as in 970.02B (see 2.4.04), paragraph 4, substituting
(Applicable to all fertilizers.) 75 for 60 min in last sentence.

A. Reagents Cool flask until it can be handled without gloves, and add ca
See 955.04A(a), (c), (f), and (i)–(k) (see 2.4.03), 970.02A(a), (b) 250 mL H2O. Swirl to dissolve contents, and cool <25°C. Add ca
(see 2.4.04), and in addition: 0.8 g Alundum granules to minimize bumping, tilt flask, and add
Cop per sul fate pent ahydrate (or an hy drous cop per layer of NaOH without agitation. (For each 10 ml H2SO4 used, or its
sulfate).—Reagent grade, N-free. equivalent in H2SO4 [1 + 1], add 15 g solid NaOH or enough solution
to make contents strongly alkaline.) Proceed as in 955.04C (see
B. Determination 2.4.03), paragraph 2, beginning “Immediately connect flask to
Proceed as in 970.02B (see 2.4.04), paragraphs 1 and 2, using distilling bulb . . .”.
0.2–1.6 g test portion. For materials containing organics other than
urea or urea-form, use ≥0.5 g test portion. Reference: JAOAC 61, 299(1978).
Add 15 g K2SO4 or 12 g anhydrous Na2SO4, 0.4 g anhydrous
CuSO4 or 0.6 g CuSO4⋅5H2O, and ca 0.8 g Alundum granules. Add CAS-7727-37-9 (nitrogen)


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