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Please do not open this question booklet until you are told to do so.
While you are waiting, read the following instructions carefully.

This paper consists

of two sections: I & II. Section I consist of thirty (30) multiple-choice questions and Section II consists of
three essay questions, out of which you are to answer only TWO. Both sections will last for 1 hour.



1. Use HB pencil only

2. Write your Name, Subject, and your class boldly written on the answer sheet provided. Also, write
and shade appropriately Date of Exam, your DOB, Student ID & your Examination number, where
applicable, in the spaces provided.

3. Answer each question by shading the box that corresponds to the option you have chosen.

4. Do not waste time on any question. If you find any difficult, go to the others and finish them before
you come back to the difficult one(s).

5. There must not be more than one shading for an answer. Any shading with more than one box will
be marked wrong.

6. If you change your mind about an answer, completely erase the first shading.

7. Do not start until the Supervisor tells you to do so.

Turn Over
1. The stuff would likely break if you 5. Which of the following is not a
threw it out of a fifth-story window is peripheral hardware device in a
computer system?
a. Software
a. Keyboard
b. Firmware
b. Optical Drive
c. Hardware
c. HDD
d. All of above
d. Printer
2. Which of the following is not a
hardware? 6. Identify the network hardware of a
home network
a. Network Switch
a. Access Point
b. Cisco Router
b. NIC Card
c. Firewall
c. Analog Modem
d. Virtual Router
d. FireWire
3. A computer without software is
7. Which of the following is not a
a. like a book of blank pages network hardware?

b. most power to perform tasks quicker a. Network Switch

c. complete human being b. Bridge

d. all of above c. Print Server

4. Which of the following hardware you d. Network Interface Card

usually can’t find inside a CPU Casing?
8. A unit of a computer system that
a. Power Supply box brings data and instructions into the
b. Video card
a. Input Devices
c. Video display unit
b. Encoders
d. Graphics processor
c. Processing Unit Devices
d. All of above d. Automatic processing

9. Identify the odd one 13. The two kinds of input devices –
direct input and indirect input devices are
a. Tracker ball classified based on

b. Microphone a. Whether the data conversion is

involved or not
c. Speaker
b. Whether the data is acquired from a
d. Sensors device directly connected to CPU or
through network
10. Graphic Tablet is an
c. Whether the data is directly input or
a. Input Unit Device retrieved from disk

b. Output Unit Device d. Whether the data is input with or

without human intervention
c. Video Processing Device
14. In which input method the data is
d. None of above already in machine readable form?
11. The process of capturing or a. Direct input method
collecting raw data, at the beginning of
computer based information system, in to b. Indirect input method
a form that is usable by the computer for
processing. c. Stored input method

a. Input d. Network input method

b. Gather 15. In which input method the data

should be converted into machine
c.  Acquire readable form so that a computer can
process it?
d. Process
a. Direct input method
12. In any information system if the data
is processed right away it is called b. Indirect input method

a. Batch processing c. Network input method

b. Online processing d. Stored input method

c. Offline processing
16. A computer key board is a d. Special purpose keys
sophisticated electromechanical
component designed to create specialized 20. Devorak, Colemark, JCUKEN are
electronic codes when a key is pressed. some keyboard layouts for which
What is that electronic codes called? scripts?

a. Scan code a. Latin Scripts

b. Unicode b. English Scripts

c. ASCII c. Complex Scripts

d. EBCDIC d. None of above

17. Keyboard is an example of 21. Which is the most common computer

keyboard layout?
a. Direct input method
b. Indirect input method
c. Network input method
c. Devorak
d. Stored input method
d. Colemark
18. In a keyboard, the arrow keys, Home,
End, PageUp, PageDown keys are 22. QWERTY keyboard layout was
known as originally designed

a. Standard keys a. To improve the typing speed

b. Function keys b. To make typing more efficient

c. Navigation keys c. To make typing harder and inefficient

d. Special purpose keys d. To improve the typing accuracy

19. In a computer keyboard the Alt, Ctrl, 23. Which of the following describes the
Shift, Del & Insert keys are known as types of keyboards?

a. Standard keys a. QWERTY, Devorak, Colemark,

b. Function keys
b. XT, AT, Enhanced, Windows
c. Navigation keys
c. Both of above c. Menu key

d. None of above d. None of above

24. Which of the following keyboard 28. The most common input device to
have 83 keys? control the movement of
the cursor on the screen?
a. XT keyboards
a. Arrow keys
b. AT keyboards
b. Mouse
c. Enhanced keyboards
c. Joysticks
d. Windows keyboards
d. Plotter
25. Which of the following type of
keyboard introduced the 29. Which of the following type of
SysRq (System Request) key? mouse contain a ball on
its underside and sensors to detect
a. XT keyboards direction of ball movement?

b. AT keyboards a. Mechanical mouse

c. Enhanced keyboards b. Opto-mechanical mouse

d. Windows keyboards c. Optical mouse

26. Which type of computer keyboard d. None of above

contain 101 to 106 keys?
30. What is the difference between
a. XT keyboards mechanical mouse and opto-mechanical
b. AT keyboards
a. Mechanical mouse is connected with
c. Enhanced keyboards wire but opto-mechanical
mouse are wireless
d. Windows keyboards
b. Mechanical mouse has a ball on its
27. Which key was added in Windows underside but
keyboard? opto-mechanical don’t have

a. SysRq c. Mechanical mouse has only 2 buttons

while opto-mechanical
b. CapsLock mouse have 3 buttons.
d. All of the above ===========================
Section B
1. List and explain the various kinds of computer keyboard layout
2. Write a shot note on the following hardware:
a. Printers
b. Scanners
c. Mouse
d. Keyboards

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