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Please do not open this question booklet until you are told to do so.
While you are waiting, read the following instructions carefully.

This paper consists

of two sections: I & II. Section I consist of thirty (30) multiple-choice questions and Section II consists of
three essay questions, out of which you are to answer only TWO. Both sections will last for 1 hour.



1. Use HB pencil only

2. Write your Name, Subject, and your class boldly written on the answer sheet provided. Also, write
and shade appropriately Date of Exam, your DOB, Student ID & your Examination number, where
applicable, in the spaces provided.

3. Answer each question by shading the box that corresponds to the option you have chosen.

4. Do not waste time on any question. If you find any difficult, go to the others and finish them before
you come back to the difficult one(s).

5. There must not be more than one shading for an answer. Any shading with more than one box will
be marked wrong.

6. If you change your mind about an answer, completely erase the first shading.

7. Do not start until the Supervisor tells you to do so.

Turn Over
1. What's the best way to protect your B. Manages the use of extended memory
hard drive data?
C. Uses expanded memory on a 80386
A. regular backups processor
B. periodically defrag it D. Supports code page switching
C. run chkdsk at least once a week E. None of the above
D. run scandisk at least once a week 5. _____ help prevent power surges.
E. run a regular diagnostic A. Surge suppressor
View Answer Discuss in Forum B. Spike protector
Workspace Report
C. UPS system
2. On a dot matrix printer, you should
D. High-grade multi-meter
never lubricate which part?
E. None of the above
A. carriage rails
B. printhead pins
6. From what location are the 1st computer
C. paper advance bearings instructions available on boot up?
D. carriage bearings A. ROM BIOS
E. None of the above B. CPU

View Answer Discuss in Forum C. boot.ini

Workspace Report D. CONFIG.SYS
3. How many devices can be used on a E. None of the above
single SCSI bus? Keep in mind that the
SCSI host adapter counts as a device. 7. What could cause a fixed disk error.

A. No-CD installed
A. 1
B. bad ram
B. 8
C. slow processor
C. 20
D. Incorrect CMOS settings
D. 10
E. None of the above
E. All of the above
View Answer Discuss in Forum Workspace
4. Match the device driver HIMEM.SYS Report
to its operation. 8. Missing slot covers on a computer can
A. Supports (ANSI) terminal emulation cause?
A. over heat C. vectors

B. power surges D. heads

C. EMI. E. None of the above

D. incomplete path for ESD 13. A wrist grounding strap contains which of
the following:
E. None of the above
A. Surge protector
9. When installing PCI NICS you can check the
IRQ availability by looking at B. Capacitor

A. dip switches C. Voltmeter

B. CONFIG.SYS D. Resistor

C. jumper settings E. None of the above

D. motherboard BIOS 14. Which standard govern parallel

E. None of the above
A. RS232
10. With respect to a network interface card,
the term 10/100 refers to B. RS-232a

A. protocol speed C. CAT 5

B. a fiber speed D. IEEE 1284

C. megabits per seconds E. None of the above

D. minimum and maximum server speed 15. In laser printer technology, what happens
during the conditioning stage?
E. None of the above
A. The corona wire places a uniform positive
11. Which Motherboard form factor uses one
charge on the paper
20 pin connector?
B. A uniform negative charge is placed on the
photosensitive drum
C. A uniform negative charge is placed on the
C. BABY AT toner

D. All of the above D. All of the above

E. None of the above E. None of the above

12. A hard disk is divided into tracks which are 16. What product is used to clean smudged keys
further subdivided into: on a keyboard?

A. clusters A. TMC solvent

B. sectors B. Silicone spray

C. Denatured alcohol A. Replace the indicated parts, one at a time in
the recommended sequence, until the problem
D. All-purpose cleaner
is resolved; return unused FRUs to stock
E. None of the above
B. Replace all of the indicated FRUs at once and
17. ESD would cause the most damage to return the machine to the customer if the
which component? problem is resolved

A. Power supply C. Follow the same procedure as in ays replace

the system board first if it is on the list of
B. Expansion board possible FRUs If multiple FRUs are indicated,
C. Monitor then software is the most likely source of the
D. Keyboard
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
E. None of the above
18. To view any currently running Terminate
Stay Resident (TSR's) programs you could type:

A. Memory 21. What product is used to clean smudged keys

on a keyboard?
A. TMC solvent
B. Silicone spray
D. Memmaker
C. Denatured alcohol
E. None of the above
D. All-purpose cleaner
19. Which type of system board is the MOST
likely candidate for processor upgrading if you E. None of the above
want maximum performance and future

22. Most PCs give a single beep on bootup to
B. PCI indicate they are ok hardware wise. You boot
C. ISA your PC and don't get a beep. What should you
check first?
A. system board
E. None of the above
20. Suppose that you have a maintenance
package identifies several possible field C. microprocessor
replaceable units (FRUs) that will resolve the D. power supply
problem. What should you do after turning the
power off? E. speaker
23. Which peripheral port provides the A. AC outlet
FASTEST throughput to laser printers?
B. Ground to bend
A. RS-232
C. To another device
D. Chassis ground
C. Parallel
E. None of the above
D. Serial
28. Topically, how many type III PC cards can
E. None of the above you insert in a laptop

24. The mouse pointer moves erratically, what A. 1

is the possible cause? The mouse
B. 2
A. ball is dirty
C. 3
B. is not connected
D. 4
C. driver is not installed properly
E. None of the above
D. has an incorrect IRQ setting
29. What is the first thing you could do to check
E. None of the above for damage to a printer after receiving it?

25. Voltage is measured: A. Run MSD diagnostics

A. in parallel B. Attach it to a PC and print something

B. in series C. Check the cables

C. after breaking the circuit D. Unbox it and examine it for physical damage

D. after checking resistance E. None of the above

E. after checking current 30. You have a system that periodically locks up.
You have ruled out software, and now suspect
26. Your customer tells you the print quality of
that it is hardware. What should you do first
their dot matrix printer is light then dark. Which
that could help you narrow it down to the
of the following could cause the problem.
component at fault?
A. Paper slippage
A. rotate the RAM
B. Improper ribbon advancement
B. replace the RAM
C. Paper thickness
C. replace the level 2 cache SIMM
D. Head position
D. disable the CPU cache in CMOS
E. None of the above
E. replace the CPU
27. What is the best ground for a conductive
work bench?

Answer any TWO (2) questions of your choice

1. (a) In the process diagram below, name the parts labeled I and II and put arrow heads on
lines A, B and C

Ready II Terminated

(b) What could cause a process to move between;
i. State II and State ‘Waiting’: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
ii. State II and State ‘Ready’: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
iii. State ‘Waiting’ and ‘Ready’: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Explain the following terms with at least 3 relevant examples for each:
a) Bespoke Application software: …………………………………………………………………………......................
Examples: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
b) Off the shelf Application software: ………………………………………………………………………………………..
20 marks
3. Explain any 4 functions of an operating system
I: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Iii: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

IV: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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