Tổng Hợp Đề Thi Và Bài Mẫu IELTS Writing Năm 2021

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Tổng hợp đề thi và bài mẫu IELTS Writing Năm 2021

(Tháng 1-tháng 4 năm 2021)

Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 09-01-2021

Task 1: The diagram shows how chocolate is produced. Summarize the information by
selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Đề IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 09-01-2021
The diagram provides a breakdown of how chocolate is produced. Overall, the production
of chocolate involves ripe red cacao seeds undergoing various physical, chemical and
biological processes under different temperature conditions to become liquid chocolate.
The process commences when ripe cocoa beans, which are recognisable by its red pods,
are harvested on cacao trees indigenous to South America, Africa and Indonesia. Upon
being harvested, the oval-shaped pods have their skins removed, and are broken into
halves so that the white cocoa beans can be collected. The beans are thereafter sent to a
rectangular receptacle where they are fermented. After the fermentation process, the
fermented beans are dehydrated by being spread under a prolonged exposure to the sun
and then packaged in large sacks.
The process continues when these sacks are transported by train or lorry to a factory. In
the factory, the beans undergoes a roasting phase at 350 degree centigrade, after which
they are are sent to a relatively flat, cylindrical grinder to be crushed, with outer shells
being taken away. The inner part goes through a press with two rollers where it is pressed
and liquid chocolate is made as a result of this pressing phase.
Vocabulary highlights
1. recognisable: có thể nhận dạng được
2. indigenous to: thuộc về bản địa
3. upon being harvested: sau khi được thu hoạch
4. oval-shaped: hình oval
5. rectangular: hình chữ nhật
6. receptacle: vật chứa
7. prolonged: kéo dài
8. exposure: sự phơi bày
9. cylindrical: hình trụ

Task 2: Some people think that hosting an international sports event is good for the
country, while some people think it is bad. Discuss both views and state your opinion.
International sporting events have been traditionally deemed beneficial to the host
country. However, some others are opposed to the idea, claiming that it does more harm
than good. Whilst the former view can be justified for some reasons, I am more inclined
towards the latter.
I can understand why it might be beneficial for any nation to host an international
sporting event. For countries wishing to promote their profiles, the Olympics and other
similar sport-related events can be an ideal choice. A lot more people know about a once-
lesser-known South Africa after World Cup 2010, and China has gained increasing global
reputation for its successful Olympic Beijing 2008. In addition, preparation for such
international events may create jobs for locals, temporarily revitalizing depressed areas.
However, those aforementioned benefits are short-lived, and hosting such a big event is
more likely to bring about long-term negative consequences to the environment and the
economic wellbeing of the host country. Every aspect of construction, from producing
bricks to delivery, has measurable impacts on the environment, let alone the
establishment of facilities catering for the needs of a big sporting event like the
Olympics, which often brings in its wake the obliteration of hundred acres of
woodland. In addition, those amenities are often disused and abandoned after a short
period of time, and the costs for maintenance can become a huge economic burden.
In conclusion, my firm conviction is that while hosting an international sporting event
can be advantageous to a certain extent, it has profound negative effects on the
environmental and economic aspects of a country. There are always better alternatives
that benefit a country than organising a very big event without anticipating its long-term
Vocabulary highlights
1. deem: xem như là
2. inclined towards: nghiêng về
3. promote ones’ profiles: xây dựng hình tượng
4. reputation: danh tiếng
5. revitalize: mang sức sống đến…
6. depressed: (tính từ) dùng để miêu tả tình trạng kém về mặt kinh tế, nghề nghiệp
etc. (phân biệt với trầm cảm)
7. short-lived: không tồn tại lâu
8. wellbeing: sự phát triển
9. measurable impact: ảnh hưởng đo lường được
10. cater for: phục vụ cho
11. bring in its wake: mang theo bên nó
12. obliteration: sự hủy diệt
Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 16-01-2021
Task 1: The bar charts illustrate the average house expenses in England and its capital
city – London, and to present the comparison regarding the average house prices between
distinct areas of England within the year 2013.
Overall, it is patently obvious that in the first graph, the average house prices in England
and London underwent upward trends, with its prices for residents living in the capital
eclipsing those of the country house price. Additionally, an average house in London cost
the most, whereas people residing in the North East were reported to allocate the least
amount money for housing.
it could be observed from the bar chart that in the year 1995, the average price of a house
in London was $20,000, which was far higher compared to that in England, at around
$13,000. Despite the reciprocal surge in both places until the year 2013, the spending on
housing in the capital still accounted for a dominant prevalence, with the figures
registering a remarkable over $40,000 for a house, more than double the country’s
As for the price range, houses in London were recorded to be at the top of the list,
reaching a high of $400,000. The figures for South East and the South West ranked
second and third places, at around $31,000 and $26,000 respectively. In stark contrast,
housing prices were more affordable for citizens living in Midlands and North East, at
only around a mere $10,000.

Task 2: Some people think students should study the science of food and how to prepare
it. Others think that school time should be used in learning important subjects. Discuss
both views and give your opinion?
Đề IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 21-01-2021
Task 1: The graphs below show the cinema attendance in Australia and the average
cinema visits by different age groups from 1996 to 2000. Summarize the information by
selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Đề IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 21-01-2021
Task 2: Some countries allow old people to work to any age that they want. Do the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 23-01-2021
Task 1: The plans below show the changes at a small theater in 2010 and 2012.

Task 2 : In some countries, more and more adults are living with their parents after
graduating from college, University, or even after finding a job. Do the advantages
of this outweigh the disadvantages?
1. Sample
In many cultures, children and their parents make conscious decisions to live together
well into the children’s adulthood when they have all the means necessary to establish an
independent life. Although this practice could have some benefits to both the parents and
their offspring, I strongly argue that it could do more harm than good to a person in the
modern society.
When adult children and their parents live together, a couple of economic upsides could
be identified. By residing in one property instead of splitting into two, the incurred
spending on electricity, water and cleaning services is potentially just half as much. This
effect is even more profound if a family stays on rental properties. It is more economical
to rent one place in lieu of two. Another advantage of living together is familial support
during hard times. In the event that one of the members in a family falls ill, especially the
aging parents, it is much easier for their sons and daughters to tend to them as they do not
have to travel to another place; thus, this helps save the cost on taking care of the sick.
I, however, assert that the often-overlooked pitfall of living with one’s parents for too
long can inflict irreparable damage to a person’s life and negate any benefits that it
brings. In countries where parents and adult children live together, families usually have
strict hierarchical rules that the children must follow whatever their parents order them
to do. Consequently, this practice brings up generations of adults who do not know how
to make decisions until they get married and when they do, they mirror their parents.
Today’s economy rewards ingenuity and decisiveness, so a person’s chance to succeed
in life is negatively affected if that person does not have the opportunities to make
uninfluenced decisions early on.
In conclusion, a family model which consists of parents and their adult children has some
positive effects worth noting, yet the long-term outcome is undesirable. I am a firm
advocate that this family model should cease to continue.
2. Vocab
• conscious (adj): có chủ đích
• to establish (v): gây đựng
• upside (n): lợi ích. đồng
• incurred (adj): phải chịu
• economical (adj): có lợi về kinh tế
• in lieu of : thay vì. Đồng nghĩa: instead of
• to fall ill (v): mắc bệnh
• to assert (v): khẳng định
• often-overlooked (adj): thường bị bỏ quên
• pitfall (n): cái bẫy, hàm ý là một nguy cơ
• irreparable (adj): không hồi phục được
• hierarchical (adj): mang tính
• to bring up (expression)
• to mirror (v): làm theo
• ingenuity (n): sự khéo léo
• uninfluenced (adj): không bị ảnh hưởng, tự chủ
• undesirable (adj): không mong muốn:
• advocate (n): người ủng hộ
Đề IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 06-02-2021
Task 1: The bar chart shows the percentage of small , medium, large companies which
used social media for business purposes between 2012 to 2016.

Đề IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 06-02-2021

Task 2: Many people believe that it is easier to have a healthy lifestyle in the
countryside. Other believe that there are health benefits of living in cities. Discuss both
views and give your opinions.
2. Đề IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 20-02-2021
Task 1: Bar chart
Task 2: Children should do organized activities in their free time while others believe
children should be free to do what they want. Discuss both views and give your opinion?
3. Đề IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 25-02-2021
Task 1: The table shows the export values of various products in 2009 and 2010.
Đề IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 25-02-2021
Task 2: Some people believe that the best way to encourage children that have a healthy
diet at school and some people believe that parents should teach them to have a healthy
diet. Discuss both views and give your opinion?
Bài mẫu IELTS Writing task 1 và 2 ngày 27-02-2021
Task 1: The diagrams show changes in a student common room.
Đề IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 27-02-2021
The maps depict modifications made to the layout of an unspecified student common
room. Overall, the room has been renovated extensively, seeing great re-
arrangements of the tables in the centre and small changes to some of the amenities to
the left-hand side of the entrance.
Five years ago, most of the room area was occupied by four sets of 7-piece round tables.
However, in the present day, two of them were replaced by a 9-piece rectangular table
set, with the other two remaining unchanged. The cabinet to the bottom right corner of
the map was replaced by a television, with three additional armchairs placed around it. A
new bench for laptops was arranged between one round table set and the television area,
and that bench was placed against the wall.
Other major changes include the addition of another microwave which was placed right
next to the old one, and a drinks machine adjacent to the refrigerator. The sink, the
cupboard and the bench, however, remained at the same location.
Vocab highlights:
1. Renovate: đổi mới
2. Extensively: toàn diện sâu rộng
3. Re-arrangement: sự sắp xếp, phân bố lại
4. Amenity: cơ sở vật chất
5. 7-piece set: bộ bàn ghế bao gồm 6 ghế 1 bàn (tương tự với 9-piece)
6. Rectangular: hình chữ nhật
7. Adjacent to: kế bên

Task 2: Some people feel that young people should follow the traditions of their society.
Others, however, believe that young people should be free to behave as individuals.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Bài mẫu IELTS Writing task 1 và 2 ngày 04-03-2021
Task 1: The diagrams give information about changes in a student accommodation.

Đề thi
IELTS Writing task 1 ngày 04-03-2021
1. Sample
The maps depict modifications to a student accommodation building from 2010 to the
present day. Overall, the building has been renovated extensively, seeing fundamental
changes to the student-bedrooms and the gardens. In addition, more entrances are added
as a result of the remodelling.
In 2010, the building was a relatively green area with three gardens to the northwest, the
north and the south of the map. However, in the present day, only the northern one
remains; the other two were replaced by a new student bedroom and a car park. The
number of student bedrooms was greatly expanded from the original three to five,
replacing the former living room.
The current building is also more accessible with more doors added, connecting the
rooms to each other and to the exterior. Other major changes include the introduction of
an en-suite room and the addition of a new social area in the kitchen. The big bathroom
sited at the heart of the map, however, remained unchanged over the given period.
2. Vocab highlights
• Modification: sự điều chỉnh
• Renovate: đổi mới
• Extensively: một cách toàn diện
• Fundamental changes: những thay đổi cơ bản
• Remodelling: thay đổi, thiết kế lại (dùng cho nhà cửa)
• Expand: mơ rộng
• Accessible: dễ ra vào hơn
• Exterior: bên ngoài
• En-suite room: phòng ngủ có nhà tắm ở trong
• Site: nằm ở

Task 2: Today many countries import food from different parts of the world. Is this
a positive or negative development?
1. Sample
The consumption of imported food has gained popularity in recent years. In my opinion,
this has both positive and negative consequences in equal measure.
One distinct benefit of imported food is the fact that it offers consumers more choices.
Thanks to the act of importing food, people from different countries are able to enjoy
different kinds of produce that are non-existent in their home countries. Many of the
delicacies we like, several of which would appear in our tonight’s dinner tables, are a
mixture of ingredients indigenous to different parts of the world. Therefore, it would be a
huge loss if we relied solely on local ingredients. Furthermore, foreign food encourages
healthy competition among food processing companies, and this will eventually lead to
increased food quality.
However, the drawbacks of imported food should not be overlooked. The act of
transporting food from a country to another requires frequent use of airplanes, the most
fuel-hungry means of transport in the world. A typical Boeing 747 burns thousands of
gallons of fuel per flight, and such a huge amount of gasoline burnt is highly detrimental
to the atmosphere. Moreover, preservatives are often added to perishable food so that it
does not spoil during the transporting stage, and some people fear that such chemicals
would be harmful for daily use.
In conclusion, I believe that the rise in the consumption of imported food can open up a
better array of choices and add some spices to our meals, yet its effects on the
environment and on our health should also be taken into great consideration.
-263 words-
2. Vocabulary highlights
• In equal measure (prepositional phrase): Có mức độ ngang nhau, tương đương
• Produce (n/U): Nông sản
• Non-existent (n): Không tồn tại
• Indigenous (adj) to: Thuộc về bản địa của
• Overlook (v): Bỏ qua, xem thường
• Preservatives (n): Chất bảo quản
• Perishable food (n): Thức ăn dễ bị hư hỏng
• Array (n): Một nhóm đa dạng
• Take into consideration: Xem xét
3. Structure highlights
• Several of which: Số từ + of + mệnh đề quan hệ có thể được dùng để thêm thông
tin về số lượng. Ví dụ: I have three pens, all of which are originated from China.
• It would be a huge loss if we relied on…: Mệnh đề điều kiện loại 2 miêu tả một
sự việc trái với sự thật ở hiện tại
Bài mẫu IELTS Writing task 1 và 2 ngày 13-03-2021
Task 1: The chart below gives information about the amount of time children spend
with their parents.

Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 15/03/2021

1. Sample
The stacked bar charts delineate how much time children of various age groups spend
with their parents. The initial impression from the charts is that whilst children spend
more time with both parents at weekends, mothers allocate more time for child-rearing
during weekdays. It can also be seen across the two charts that fathers (excluding the
‘with both’ classification) generally spent the least time with their children.
During weekdays, babies aged from 0 to 1 years spent the least amount of time (2 hours)
with the fathers, the most time with the mothers (roughly 5.8 hours), and around 1.2
hours with both. Similar pictures are evident in the remaining age groups; around 1.5-2
hours are spent with the fathers, approximately 6 hours with the mothers, and 1-2 hours
with both.
A relatively different pattern could be observed regarding the child-rearing time at
weekends. Across the age brackets, the fathers still set aside the least time with their
kids (only a negligible 0.25-0.5 hours), mom’s time allocation is around 3-4 hours, and
both parents together put from 5 to 6 hours into caring for child kids.
2. Vocabulary highlights
• Stacked bar chart: biểu đồ cột chồng
• Delineate: mô tả chi tiết
• Allocate: dành thời gian
• Roughly: khoảng
• Similar pictures are evident in: điều tương tự có thể thấy ở…
• A relatively different pattern could be observed: một xu hướng hơi khác có thể
quan sát được
• Child-rearing: sự chăm sóc trẻ em
• Age bracket: nhóm tuổi
• Set aside: dành ra
• Negligible: không đáng kể
• Allocation: sự dành ra
• Put into: dành bao nhiêu (thời gian, công sức) vào việc gì đó
Task 2: Some people store personal and private information online, including banking,
contacts and addresses. Is it a positive or negative trend?
1. Sample
Today, many of the internet services require their clients to disclose their personal
information such as locations, phone numbers and bank account numbers. Potentially, the
practice in question poses mostly drawbacks.
A lack of cyber protection has begotten a new class of international cybercriminals who
rampantly prey on the stored information of the customers. A progressively increasing
number of incidents of identity thefts has been reported in the recent years. Some
examples of these criminal activities are stealing money from oversea bank accounts,
posing as someone else to make illegal transactions and scamming. The men and women
behind these cases often work from remote places, hacking into systems of foreign
companies to extract their customers’ data, which makes the effort to apprehend,
extradite and prosecute these perpetrators a daunting and seemingly impossible task.
Therefore, it is usually the clients who face the consequences.
Perhaps more worryingly, there have been reports of companies that sold the data of their
clients to third parties. Customers’ information, including contacts and spending habits,
has become valuable commodities inside the telemarketing and online-marketing circles.
In this era, the ability to get hold of precise information of the potential client’s contacts
and what they are looking into buying can make or break a business. The practice of
purchasing people’s data is widely used in the real-estate, insurance and tourism sales
industry; and their providers often obtain the permission to commercialize the consumer
data through deceitful tactics, for instance, obscure pre-ticked box in registration
forms. Over the past few years, fierce debates have taken place over the ownership of
consumer data and the ethics of data mining. However, the current answer to this
conundrum seems to be only a little more than a band-aid solution.
In conclusion, giving away information to online services is largely negative, for
societies have yet to establish effective protection for people’s data when put online.
Currently, putting one’s sensitive information on the internet may expose them to
unfathomable risks.
2. Vocabulary highlights
• disclose (v): cho phép được biết
• cyber (adj): ảo, trên mạng
• prey on (expression): nhắm vào ai đó/cái gì đó (để lừa đảo, trộm cắp)
• progressively (adv): dần. Đồng nghĩa: gradually
• transaction (n): cuộc giao dịch
• apprehend (v): bắt giữ. Đồng nghĩa: arrest, detain
• extradite (v): dẫn độ
• prosecute (v): truy tố
• perpetrator (n): thủ phạm
• to face the consequences (expression): hứng chịu hậu quả
• commodity (n): mặt hàng
• make or break (expression): làm cái gì đó trở nên thành công hay thất bại thảm
hại. Ý nói cái gì đó là yếu tố then chốt. Dùng như động từ (verb)
• commercialize (v): thương mại hóa
• deceitful (adj): lừa dối, gây nhầm lẫn. Deceitful tactic: thủ thuật gây nhầm lẫn
• ethics (n): đạo đức (khi làm việc gì đó)
• a band-aid solution (n): cách giải quyết tạm bợ
• unfathomable (adj): không lường trước được
Bài mẫu IELTS Writing task 1 và 2 ngày 20-03-2021
Task 1: The graph below gives information about the percentage of people living in
Australia who were born in Asia, the UK, and other regions.

Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 20-03-2021

1. Sample
The line graph delineates demographic figures of Australian people who were born in
different parts of the world. The initial impression from the graph is that the figures for
people born in Asia and Other generally enjoyed upswings, with the former seeing the
fastest growth, whilst that of the UK experienced a decline. It is also clear that the total
population saw a steady drop in the first 25 years, but later rose sharply during the final
10 years of the given period.
In 1976, around 14% of the Australian people were born in the UK. This was followed by
Other (roughly 12%), and Asia (3%). Over the next 25 years, while fewer Australians
came from the UK, with its figure dropping to approximately 6%, the figures for Other
and Asia rose steadily to 11% and 9% respectively. The total population of Australia, in
the meantime, experienced a gradual decline from 22.5% in 1976 to its all-time low of
21% in 2001.
Over the last 10 years, the proportion of Australian people born in the UK went down to
5%, whereas opposite patterns are evident in the figures for Australian people of Asian
and European descent, with the former rising to 12% and the latter to its high of 15%.
The total demographics at this particular time frame saw a steep growth to its peak of
2. Vocab highlights
• Delineate: mô tả chi tiết
• Demographic figures: số liệu về dân số
• Initial impression: ấn tượng ban đầu
• Upswing: sự tăng
• In the meantime: trong khi đó
• All-time low: điểm thấp nhất tại mọi thời điểm
• Opposite pattern: xu hướng ngược lại
• Evident in: thấy rõ ở
• Demographics: số liệu dân số
• Of…descent: có nguồn gốc từ
• Steep growth: sự tăng trưởng nhanh

Task 2: Many people are working longer hours. Why is this happening? What
problems can this cause to people?
1. Sample
In many companies and corporations, the typical nine-to-five workday has been
evolving into a longer and more gruelling work schedule. This phenomenon is caused
by the profit-oriented nature of a great number of companies and an influx of
enthusiastic young laborers in recent years. Although this trend is continuing, it is
detrimental to the well-being and social life of the workers.
The increasing number of companies which are driven strictly by profits and the
emergence of a cohort of youthful laborers are the reasons why many workers choose to
work longer hours. In many places, the surplus of young workers entering the workforce
gives employers an abundance of human resources. These businesses prefer to hire as few
employees as possible to save administrative costs as well as other perks that would
have curtailed their profit had they employed more people. Instead of maintaining a
longer employee roster, these companies incentivize their current workers by promising
them promotion, raise and over-time payment. From the worker’s perspective, refusing to
work longer hours might hurt their chance to progress their career further, especially
when there is so much competition. Their internalized fear of being replaced often drives
them to the decision of working extra hours. Junior workers endure punishingly lengthy
shifts in fear of getting eliminated, whereas senior staff do the same in fear of being
replaced by their younger colleagues.
Potentially, this toxic practice could not only lead to the decline of the physical and
mental health of these corporate employees but also damage their relationships with
others. People who work in these conditions might suffer chronic muscular and joint pain
such as lumbago, fibrositis caused by constant sitting and a lack of exercises. This,
coupled with prolonged anxiety and perpetual pressure to meet deadlines and required
targets, has reportedly resulted in crippling depression for many workers, which is
among the leading causes of work-related suicide. In cases where the outcomes are less
destructive, such an exhausting schedule still intrudes far enough into the private life of
these workers to cause family or spousal estrangement. Furthermore, choosing work
over social outing is a form of self-imposed ostracism which would eventually prune off
a person’s bonds and relationships with others.
In conclusion, as businesses grow in their profit, it is at the cost of their employees health
and social well-being. If this is left unchecked, it could lead to immeasurable negative
2. Vocab highlights
• Nine-to-five workday (expression) : ngày làm việc 8 tiếng
• To evolve into (expression): dần biến thành
• Gruelling (adj): mỏi mệt, kiệt sức
• Phenomenon (n): hiện tượng
• Surplus (n): lượng dư ra
• Administrative (adj): mang tính chất quản lí, thuộc bộ máy quản lí
• Social security: bảo hiểm xã hội
• Roster (n): danh sách
• Incentivize (v): khuyến khích (bằng thưởng)
• Endure (v): chịu đựng
• Punishingly (adv): một cách kiệt sức
• Chronic (adj): kéo dài, kinh niên
• Lumbago (n): đau cơ thắt lưng
• Fibrositis (n): viêm cơ
• Perpetual (adj): không ngừng, kéo dài
• Crippling (adj): làm thương tật (nghĩa đen). Crippling depression: trầm cảm
nặng, không làm gì được.
• Intrude (v): xâm nhập, xâm lấn
• Estrangement (n): sự ghẻ lạnh, bất hòa
• Ostracism (n): sự tẩy chay
• Prune of (expression): cắt bỏ (phần thừa)
Bài mẫu IELTS Writing task 1 và 2 ngày 27-03-2021
Task 1: The maps below show a beachfront area in Australia in 1950 and today.

Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 27-03-2021

1. Sample
The diagrams depict modifications to an unspecified beachfront area in Australia.
Overall, the area was renovated extensively, seeing fundamental changes to the road
leading to the city, its swimming pool, and other recreational facilities.
In 1950, to the uppermost part of the map, there was a road running eastward from the
city directly to the car park. In the present day, the road was expanded southward, leading
to the lighthouse and circling the entire beachfront. A new car park was added, taking up
the space where there once was a playground.
Another major change includes the addition of a big restaurant and a surf club, which was
located to the western area of the beach. The pool adjacent to the two said facilities is
now expanded to become a 50-meter one, and while the other pool to the east was
unchanged, there was a new surf club added next to it.
The dining tables and the pavilion along the road, however, remained at the same position
over the given period.
2. Vocab highlights
• Renovated extensively: được đổi mới toàn diện
• Fundamental changes: những thay đổi căn bản
• Uppermost: phần trên cùng
• Adjacent to: kế bên

Task 2: People believe that individuals who make a lot of money are the most
successful. Others say that those who contribute to society like scientists, teacher are
the most successful. Discuss both and give your opinion?
1. Sample
Many people believe that success can only be measured either by individuals’ sum of
wealth or their contribution to science and education. This is not entirely true because
many great business people have made significant advances in science and education. In
this essay, I argue that while the former view, which may signify the result of one’s
genius and vision, is an understandable premise for measuring success; the latter, which
is traditionally valued, proves to be the superior measurement.
Many admirers of wealthy business people have reasons to think that being rich is a proof
of success. Business magnates like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk have changed
the course of human history through their brainchildren. Their products such as the
Window Operating System, Amazon and Paypal have helped make the booming virtual
economy we know today despite early ridicules and sabotage from technology skeptics.
These moguls also possess spectacular business acumen and their subsequent
investments, in real estate or crypto-currency such as Bitcoin, have yielded in even
more wealth for them.
While I agree that being wealthy can signify success, it is only the byproduct and that
lasting academic contribution to society is a far better criterion to define success.
Educators and scientists have historically been heralded as heroes due to the belief that
intellectuals, through their academic contributions, are shapers of minds and thus their
influence can last for generations. However, it should be clarified that a rich person can
indeed contribute to science and education. For instance, inventing Google has made
Larry Page a billionaire and Google has undoubtedly provided means and platforms to
usher modern education into a new era. Elon Musk, for his Tesla vehicles, should be
regarded as the father of future transportation rather than as a man who temporarily
became the richest human being.
In conclusion, pursuing wealth does not automatically disqualify a person from
contributing intellectually. However, I assert that lasting academic contributions to
society should be the priority when considering a person’s success.
2. Vocab highlights
• Genius (n): sự thiên tài
• Premise (n): cơ sở, tiền đề
• Superior (adj): tối ưu hơn
• Magnate (n): trùm kinh doanh. Đồng nghĩa: mogul
• Brainchild (n, pl. Brainchildren): đứa con sáng tạo, con tinh thần
• Sabotage (n): phá hoại
• Mogul (n): như magnate
• Acumen (n) : sự nhạy bén
• Crypto-currency (n): tiền ảo, ví dụ: bitcoin, etherium, dogecoin
• Yield in (expression): cho kết quả
• Herald (v): xưng tụng, tung hô
• Intellectual (n): người trí thức
• Byproduct (n): phụ phẩm
• Criterion (n): tiêu chuẩn
• Temporarily (adj): một cách tạm thời
• Disqualify (v): truất quyền, bỏ tư cách
• Assert (v): khẳng định
Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 trên máy tháng 03/2021
Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 trên máy tháng 03/2021 là dạng Diagram, đề bài yêu cầu
mô tả và so sánh … móng ngựa?! Đề được đánh giá là một đề thi khá khó dành cho các
“sĩ tử” trong tháng 3 này
1. Đề thi
The diagram shows how the horse evolved through time, with particular emphasis on its
foot structure.
Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 trên máy tháng 03/2021
2. Sample
The diagrams illustrate the evolution of equine species through the span of 40 million
years, represented by the modern horse and its three ancestral species, with a clear focus
on the morphological changes of the foot.
Overall, while all four species share the common trait of being quadrupedal, equine
species have increased in size, evolved to have more hair (on the tail and mane) and gone
from having toes to a single hoof on each foot.
The Eohippus, which lived 40 million years ago, had four short legs that supported a
relatively small torso and its tail was barely observable. Its two descendants,
Mesohippus and Mecrychippus, which are respectively estimated to exist 30 million and
15 million years ago, started to have elongated tails and rudimentary form of the mane;
and whereas their bodies increased slightly in height, the overall stature was largely
unchanged. The modern horse possesses the most pronounced tail and mane; it is also
the largest animal whose height and length of body are about three halves of its oldest
shown ancestor.
The foot of Eohippus stands out the most for having four separated toes with thin
phalanges. In Mesohippus and Merychippus, the number of digits is reduced to three and
the middle phalanx is enlarged so the whole foot’s morphology starts to resemble a
hoof. The modern horse’s foot has the fewest bony structures and the hoof has replaced
3. Vocab highlights
• Equine (adj): (thuộc) họ ngựa
• Ancestral (adj): (liên quan đến) tổ tiên
• Morphological (adj): (thuộc về) hình thể
• Trait (n): tính chất, đặc điểm
• Quadrupedal (adj): có bốn chân, đi bằng bốn chân
• Mane (n): bờm
• Hoof (n): móng lừa, ngựa
• Descendant (n): hậu duệ, đời sau
• Elongated (adj): kéo dài, nối dài, có sự dài ra
• Rudimentary (adj): sơ khởi, nguyên thủy
• Pronounced (adj): rõ rệt
• Three halves: gấp rưỡi hay 3/2
• Phalanx (n, số nhiều: phalanxes hoặc phalanges): xương bàn chân và xương ngón
• Morphology (n): hình thể, hình thái
• To resemble (v): nhìn giống
• Bony (adj): (liên quan đến) xương
Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 10-04-2021
Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 10-04-2021 tuần vừa rồi được xem là không quá
khó với các thí sinh
Task 1: The line graph illustrates the proportion of total expenditure in a certain
European country between 1960 and 2000.

The line graph delineates expenditure on different life aspects in an unspecified
European country from 1960 to 2000. The initial impression from the chart is that
spending on food, leisure, transport and fuel/energy generally decreased, with food
undergoing the most dramatic downturn while expenses on transport showed an upward
In 1960, roughly 35% was spent on food, ranking first among the five classifications
surveyed. This was followed by leisure (20%), clothing (10%), and transport (9%).
Allocations for fuel/energy were insignificant, accounting for only 5%.
Over the next 40 years, spending on food underwent a steady decrease, and by 2000, it
had seen a more than twofold drop to its low of only 15%. Similar patterns are evident
in leisure, clothing and fuel/energy, with all three categories seeing decreases to 11%, 6%
and 4% respectively. In contrast, transport was the only one to see an increase in
spending, with its figure amounting to 15% in 2000.
• Delineate: mô tả chi tiết
• Expenditure: chi tiêu
• Initial impression: ấn tượng ban đầu
• Downturn: sự suy giảm
• Expenses: chi tiêu
• Allocation: phần dành ra
• Account for: chiếm
• Twofold: gấp đôi
• Similar patterns: những xu hướng tương tự
• Evident: hiển hiện rõ
• Amount to: đạt được
Task 2: Many students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention in school.
What are the reasons? What could be done to solve this problem?
Inattentiveness of students in the classroom seems to be a universal problem. In this
essay, I argue that the old-fashioned teaching methodologies are largely responsible for
this and propose that schools should redesign their curriculum to counter this issue.
Outdated approaches to education are the main reason which causes difficulties for
students to concentrate in school . Grueling hours drain their attentional stamina and
make them inattentive in class. Students around the world are assigned a schedule that
resembles a nine-to-five workday, perhaps intentionally to correspond to their parents’
working hours. This situation is further aggravated by obsolete pedagogical practices
which favor mechanical recitation and memorisation. It is common practice in some
countries that schoolchildren from a young age are taught to memorise lengthy
predetermined answers from the beginning of their course to prepare for exams.
Gradually, this method makes the student mentally exhausted and it extinguishes any
enthusiasm they have in the classroom.
The aforementioned problems are the consequence of having a school system that has
been virtually unchanged in decades so solving them requires innovative measures.
While schools may not have to drastically reduce the hours, they should lighten the
information load for their students. Redesigning the schedule necessitates the
introduction of interactive exercises and games to the lessons, which have been verified
by studies to stimulate students’ curiosity and thereby improve their attention span.
Furthermore, being able to relate issues from their daily life also enhances concentration.
Therefore, sessions in which students are forced to memorise and recite dull facts should
be replaced by practicums which teach the students to find solutions for real life
In conclusion, replacing the outdated and ineffective teaching methods is fundamental to
capture students’ attention and kindle their interest in learning. I firmly believe that the
current school system needs to be changed dramatically.
• Inattentiveness (n): sự lơ là, không tập trung
• Universal (adj): rộng, khắp thế giới (ý nói: ở rất nhiều nơi)
• To redesign (v): thiết kế lại, tái thiết
• Curriculum (n): giáo án, chương trình giảng dạy
• Grueling (adj): mệt nhọc
• Stamina (n): thể lực
• To aggravate (v): làm tệ đi
• Obsolete (adj): lỗi thời
• Pedagogical (adj): (mang tính) sư phạm
• Predetermined (adj): được định trước
• To extinguish (v): dập tắt, (nghĩa đen) dập đám cháy
• Aforementioned (adj): được nêu trên
• Innovative (adj): (mang tính) đổi mới
• To lighten (v): làm nhẹ đi
• To necessitate (v): buộc phảito verify (v): kiểm chứng. Passive: to be verified =
được chứng nhận
Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 17-04-2021
Task 1
Đề bài
The bar chart shows type of media to get daily news, by age group 2011
The bar chart delineates how people from different age groups utilised different forms of
media to receive daily news. The data were recorded for the year 2011.
The initial impression from the chart is that microblogging was the least favoured of the
three sorts of media across the age brackets. It is also clear that radio was more popular
among adults aged 18 or older, and age is a clear predictor for the decrease in the use of
social networking sites.
Social networking was the most popular media among the 10-to-17s, at 80%, which was
followed by radio (40%) and microblogging (20%). A different picture, however, could
be observed with regard to the remaining age brackets. Radio was the predominant
type of media, with its figure standing at around 90% for the 18-to-29s, 30-to-49s, and
50-to-64s, and a little bit lower (85%) for the over 65 group. The figures for social
networking were lower across the age ranges, at 80% for the 18-to-29 age group down to
50% for the 30-to-49s, 40% for the 30-to-49s and a low of 25% for the oldest group.
Microblogging was always the least preferred platform, varying between 25% and a
negligible 10%.
• delineate: mô tả chi tiết
• initial impression: ấn tượng ban đầu
• favoured: ưa thích
• age is a clear predictor: tuổi tác là một nhân tố tiên đoán được cho…
• with regard to: liên quan đền (dùng để giới thiệu thông tin)
• age bracket: nhóm tuổi
• predominant: phổ biến nhất
• platform: nền tảng
• negligible: không đáng kể
Task 2
Đề bài
It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment, such
as South pole.
Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?
Recent advancements in technology have enabled humans to travel to distant places in
nature. This is scientifically beneficial to all societies, yet concurrent tourism activities
can contaminate the pristine conditions of these places and negate the scientific
Being able to travel to these places is an unprecedented opportunity for scientific
development and application, especially in the field of climatology. Scientists can now
travel to pristine locations to collect live specimens, fossils and observe the local natural
phenomena that may not have been documented before. For example, studying the layers
of the ice cores from the North and South Poles has helped scientists to reconstruct the
climatic trends and patterns which date back to millions of years. These findings can add
valuable insights and revolutionise the way humans understand our environment in the
past and the present. Recently, such findings have been extremely useful in the ongoing
discussions on how to solve global issues such as global warming.
Despite unique opportunities it offers to the scientific community, traveling to unspoiled
natural destinations could inflict irreparable damage on them when tourism is involved,
thereby doing more harm than good. Littering and vandalism are two of some most
pressing problems caused by tourism. For example, numerous mountain peaks which
previously could only be reached by serious mountaineers have reportedly been polluted
and defaced after the installations of aerial tramways which grants unrestricted access
to all visitors. The aforementioned remote environments could suffer the same fate when
waves of tourists frequently land there. Furthermore, the contamination brought to these
locations by touristic activities could also interfere with the quality and accuracy of the
scientific research carried out there.
In conclusion, exploiting remote natural locations for tourism could nullify the scientific
values they offer and even cause permanent damage to these places. Only selected
organizations and individuals who follow strict rules and regulations to preserve these
places should be allowed to access.
• to contaminate (v): làm bẩn, gây ô nhiễm
• pristine (adj): nguyên sơ
• unprecedented (adj): chưa có tiền lệ
• climatology (n): khí hậu học
• specimen (n): mẫu, tiêu bản trong khoa học
• phenomenon (n, số nhiều = phenomena): hiện tượng
• to date back to (expression): bắt đầu từ (năm nào đó)
• insight (n): sự thấu hiểu, kiến thức sâu
• ongoing (adj): đang diễn ra
• unspoiled (adj): đồng nghĩa với pristine
• irreparable (adj): không thể khôi phục
• vandalism (n): việc phá hoại tài sản công (kể cả môi trường tự nhiên).
• mountaineer (n): vận động viên leo núi
• to deface (v): làm xấu đi, làm hư hại vẻ đẹp
• aerial tramway (n): cáp treo
• aforementioned (adj): đã được nhắc đến
• to interfere (v): gây gián đoạn, làm ảnh hưởng tiêu cực
• permanent (adj): vĩnh viễn
• to preserve (v): bảo tồn
Đề IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 24-04-2021
Task 1: The maps give information about a university sports court.
Task 2: Nowadays more tasks at home and work are being performed by robots. Is this a
negative or positive development?
Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 29-04-2021
Dưới đây là bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 29-04-2021 vừa qua
Task 1
1. Đề bài
The bar chart below shows the passenger kilometres traveled by different means of
transport in the UK in 1990 and 2000. Summarise the information by selecting and
reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 29-04-2021

2. Sample
The bar chart details the number of passenger kilometres covered by various modes of
transportation in the UK in two years 1990 and 2000. The initial impression from the
chart is that very few kilometres were travelled using bicycles, motorbikes and planes
compared to buses and trains. It is also clear that whilst traveling by air, bus, train and in
total enjoyed upswings, the opposite was true for bicycle and motorbike.
In 1990, bicycles and motorbikes were not used much in the UK, at only around 5 billion
passenger kilometres, and the figures even went down to 4 billion over the next 10 years.
Also standing at the relatively low of 5 billion in 1990, aviation travel thereafter rose,
albeit slightly, to roughly 8 billion in 2000.
Opposite patterns are evident in bus and train travel. Both started at a high of 42 billion
and 40 billion (in that order) in 1990, and then rose to 50 billion in 2000. The total figure
also grew from 100 billion to 110 billion over the same time frame.
3. Vocab
• detail: mô tả chi tiết
• initial impression: ấn tượng ban đầu
• relatively: tương đối, kha khá
• aviation: hàng không
• thereafter: sau đó
• albeit: mặc dù
• opposite patterns: những xu hướng trái ngược
Task 2
1. Đề bài
Some people think that childcare centers provide the best services for children of
preschool age. Other working parents think that family members such as grandparents
will be better carers for their kids. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
2. Sample
In the modern world, families with both working parents are becoming a norm, so the
responsibility of child-rearing often falls on the shoulders of grandparents or day care
services. Many people think the facilities and the professionally trained personnel that
childcare centers offer are the best option, while others prefer the nurturing nature of
grandparents. I assert that the latter is the better choice.
Childcare services are professional in taking care of children and can provide them with a
suitable environment for their development. These centers are usually equipped with
facilities such as playgrounds, labs and gardens that allow their young clients to learn
about the natural world as well as engage in a range of physical and intellectual
activities. The exposure to principle knowledge and activities could help the children to
develop their characters and physical well-being thereby helping them prepare for the
world. While they partake in said activities, their essential needs are taken care of by
professional caregivers who are experts in child psychology and various pedagogical
methods. By and large, the facilities and services provided by such centers are often
thought to be better compared to amenities at home.
On the other hand, I would argue that it is better to let a child be taken care of by their
grandparents. The key objective of child-rearing is to assure the children of a place of
total safety to grow and learn. Grandparents could usually provide undivided attention
for their grandchildren. Besides accommodating the essential needs, grandparents could
also watch out for potentially dangerous situations in which the children may injure
themselves. In contrast, the sheer numbers of children at a childcare center makes it
difficult for the caregivers to monitor every child at any given time. Staying at home also
shells the children away from being bullied by their aggressive peers. Therefore, while
lacking certain facilities and services, staying with one’s grandparents is the better option.
In conclusion, childcare centers are best at providing facilities and services that, in
theory, would allow the children to develop to their full potentials whereas they cannot
match the safety at home or the individual care grandparents could accommodate. For
these reasons, I think that grandparents are better caretakers for preschool-children.
3. Vocab
• child-rearing (n): quá trình chăm sóc trẻ em
• facility (n): cơ sở vật chất
• personnel (n): nhân viên
• nurturing (gerund của to nurture): nuôi dưỡng
• be equipped with (expression): được trang bị với
• engage in : tham gia vào hoạt động nào đó
• exposure (n) : sự tiếp xúc
• By and large (expression) : nhìn chung
• amenity (n): tiện nghi
• objective (n): mục đích
• to assure (v): đảm bảo
• undivided attention: sự quan tâm cao độ (không phân tán)
• sheer (adj): chỉ là
• to monitor (v): giám sát
• shells someone away from something (expression): bảo bọc ai đó.

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