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A Project Report Submitted to


In partial fulfillment of the Requirement

For the award of the degree of


Reg. No.19761E0074

Under the guidance of

Dr. L. Srinivas M.B.A., M.Phil., PhD
Associate Professor



(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi&Affiliated to J. N.T.U, Kakinada)
Mylavaram, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh

(2019 – 2021)


I hereby declare that the Project Report entitled “A STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF
MODULO CERAMICS PRIVATE LIMITED” is a record of independent research work
carried out by me during the period of my study at LAKIREDDY BALI REDDY COLLEGE
OF ENGINEERING (AUTONOMOUS), Mylavaram under the guidance of Dr.L.Srinivas
Associate Professor in SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, and has not been submitted
elsewhere for any degree either in part or whole.


Reg. No. 19761E0074
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi Affiliated to J. N.T.U, Kakinada
L.B.Reddy Nagar, Mylavaram, Krishna Dist, A.P, India. PIN: 521230



This is to certify that the Project Report entitled “A STUDY ON FLEXIBLE

CERAMICS PRIVATE LIMITED” is the bona fide work carried out by MADA SARATH
KUMAR under my supervision and guidance in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION submitted to J.N.T.U,

This project has not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or diploma of
J.N.T.U, Kakinada or any other university.

Head of the Department Project Guide

M.B.A., M.Com, M.Phil., Ph.D. M.B.A., M.Phil., PhD

Associate Professor

I hereby express my sincere gratitude to the Management of Modulo

Ceramics Private Limited and to N. Vamsi Krishna, Director of Modulo Ceramics for his
valuable suggestions and co-operation throughout the project work.

I hereby express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Ramesh, Human Resource Manager for
his guidance and suggestions during the progress of my project at Modulo Ceramics Pvt. Ltd.

I express my sincere thanks to my guide Dr.L.Srinivas, Associate Professor, School of

Management Studies, for his guidance, constant encouragement, invaluable suggestions and
freedom given for the completion of this work.

I express my sincere and profound sense of gratitude to our Head of the Department,
Dr.A.Adisesha Reddy, Professor, School of Management Studies, for his constant inspiration,
extensive help and support.

I would like take this opportunity to thank all my Members of Faculty of the department
for their valuable suggestions and all the supporting staff who helped us in some way or the
other throughout my project work.

I also owe my indebtedness to my Parents and friends whose sacrifices in all respect and
made me to reach my goal.

Reg. No. 19761E0074
Table of the Contents




5. CHAPTER - V 5.1. FINDINGS 67-68

5.2. SUGGESTIONS 69-70
6. ------ BIBILOGRAPHY ----

7. ------ APENDIX ----

List of Tables

S. No Table No Contents Page No

1. Table 2.1. (C) i Top 10 Ceramic Manufacturing Countries 18

2. Table 2.1. (C) ii Top 10 Ceramic Companies in India 19

3. Table 2.2. (D) Ceramic Tiles Industry Statistics 21

4. Table 2.2. (iv) Modulo Ceramics Private Limited – Details 23

5. Table 2.2. (vi) a Board of Directors of Modulo Ceramics 26

6. Table 3 Criterion of Flexibility in the Work 31

7. Table 3.6 Annualized Working Hours Hypothetical Example 40

8. Table 4.1. Respondents Demographic Profile 46

9. Table 4.2. (i) I am satisfied with the existing working arrangements 48

10. Table 4.2. (ii) It is not possible to balance the Work-life commitments 49

11. Table 4.2. (iii) The flexible working conditions will help me to balance 50
my work-life commitments
12. Table 4.2. (iv) Flexible working conditions are not suitable for me 51
because they tend to make me feel disconnected from
13. Table 4.2. (v) I am satisfied with existing flexible timings in the 52
14. Table 4.2. (vi) Our organization is providing the support for doing 53
higher studies
15. Table 4.2. (vii) I would like to spend my time with my family members, 54
but these working conditions are not allowed me to do
16. Table 4.2. (viii) Working more flexible hours is essential for me in order 55
to meet my family requirements
17. Table 4.2. (ix) Flexible working arrangements are essential for me in 56
order to be attending for the family and social meetings
or functions.
18. Table 4.2. (x) Flexible working arrangements are essential for me in 57
order to be able to deal with other interests and
responsibilities outside work
19. Table 4.2. (xi) Working shorter hours would negatively impact on my 58
career progress within the organization
20. Table 4.2. (xii) Flexible working conditions are essential to me in order 59
to balance the workload, other arrangements
21. Table 4.2. (xiii) Iam satisfied with the treatment of the firm, in terms of 60
motivating, caring, encouraging, etc.
22. Table 4.2. (xiv) Flexible working conditions would make my lifer better 61

23. Table 4.2. (xv) Flexible working conditions may tend to miss the 62
important work events e.g. the staff meetings, training
sessions, etc
24. Table 4.2. (xvi) The worker’s possibility to choose the starting and 63
ending of the working hours which affects their
productivity positively.
25. Table 4.2. (xvii) I prefer overtime to complete the work, which has 64
allotted to me, without postponing.
26 Table 4.2. (xviii) I have overall satisfaction on my job based on the 65
existing flexi work
List of Charts & Figures

S. No Table No Contents Page No

1. Figure 1.1. (A) Types of Flexible Working Conditions 3

2. Chart 2.1. (B) (i) World and India’s Ceramics Production Share 15

3. Chart 2.1. (B) (iii) Major Tile Exporters in India 16

4. Chart 2.1. (vi) Per Capita Tiles Consumption in Square Meters 17

5. Chart 2.1. (C) Top10 Ceramic Companies (Based on Market Cap 2019) 19

6. Figure 2.2. (v) (i) Manufacturing tiles at Modulo Ceramics 24

7. Figure 2.2. (v) (ii) Packing the tiles at Modulo Ceramics 24

8. Chart 2.2. (vi) Organizational Structure of Modulo Ceramics Pvt. Ltd. 25

9. Chart 4.2. (i) I am satisfied with the existing working arrangements 48

10. Chart 4.2. (ii) It is not possible to balance the Work-life commitments 49

11. Chart 4.2. (iii) The flexible working conditions will help me to balance 50
my work-life commitments
12. Chart 4.2. (iv) Flexible working conditions are not suitable for me 51
because they tend to make me feel disconnected from
13. Chart 4.2. (v) I am satisfied with existing flexible timings in the 52
14. Chart 4.2. (vi) Our organization is providing the support for doing 53
higher studies
15. Chart 4.2. (vii) I would like to spend my time with my family members, 54
but these working conditions are not allowed me to do
16. Chart 4.2. (viii) Working more flexible hours is essential for me in order 55
to meet my family requirements
17. Chart 4.2. (ix) Flexible working arrangements are essential for me in 56
order to be attending for the family and social meetings
or functions.
18. Chart 4.2. (x) Flexible working arrangements are essential for me in 57
order to be able to deal with other interests and
responsibilities outside work
19. Chart 4.2. (xi) Working shorter hours would negatively impact on my 58
career progress within the organization
20. Chart 4.2. (xii) Flexible working conditions are essential to me in order 59
to balance the workload, other arrangements
21. Chart 4.2. (xiii) Iam satisfied with the treatment of the firm, in terms of 60
motivating, caring, encouraging, etc.
22. Chart 4.2. (xiv) Flexible working conditions would make my lifer better 61

23. Chart 4.2. (xv) Flexible working conditions may tend to miss the 62
important work events e.g. the staff meetings, training
sessions, etc
24. Chart 4.2. (xvi) The worker’s possibility to choose the starting and 63
ending of the working hours which affects their
productivity positively.
25. Chart 4.2. (xvii) I prefer overtime to complete the work, which has 64
allotted to me, without postponing.
26. Chart 4.2. (xviii) I have overall satisfaction on my job based on the 65
existing flexi work










The Human Resource Management is the practice of recruiting, hiring, deploying, and managing
the employees within the organization. The Human Resource Department is the key department
in any organization. The main objective and challenge of the Human Resource Department is to
retain the existing employees for the long period of time within the organization. For that, the
Human Resource Department used to conduct various activities to motivate the employee to
work more effectively and productively apart from that, some of the organizations give the stress
free work. In that context, the HR department focuses on the employee welfare and development
by giving the safety work environment and effective compensation. The organization will run
with the help of 4 types of M’s they are Man, Money, Material and Machinery without having
these elements the organization may not be run properly. The Man power is the key element
among all those elements. The employees of any type of the Organization are come under the
Man power of the Organization. Employees are the significant stakeholders in the formation and
development of the organization’s human and social capital.

1.1. (A) Flexible Working Conditions:

The flexibility in the workplace allows the employees to make arrangements about their working
situation or the conditions that suit them. In other context, the flexible working conditions are
alternate arrangements or the schedules from the traditional working days and weeks. Employees
might be chosen the different work schedule to meet their personal needs and the family needs or
requirements. In the work environment, the flexible working condition means affording
employees the opportunity to make their own choices as like to when will they work? Where can
do their work? How can do their work? The term flexibility in the workplace or environment
often is thrown in along with independence, Work-Life Balance, Friendly Culture and Casual
Environment. The flexible working conditions offer the employees to balance their professional
and personal lives. The flexible working conditions lead to improve the productivity of the
employees and it can also lead to the job satisfaction of the employees.

By implementing these flexible working arrangements the organization development will
also be happening. The Flexible Working conditions may be in the form of the Telecommuting,
Compressed Workweeks, Job sharing and etc. all these arrangements are going to implement in
the organization to develop the employee’s productivity and efficiency. If the productivity and
efficiency of the employee were being developed, then automatically that would impact on the
organizational development. The flexible working conditions are mainly classified into the
following ways; they are as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1.1. (A): Types of Flexible working conditions

Breast feed Tele

hours commuting


Job Sharing
work weeks

work hours


(i) Telecommuting: Telecommuting is also called as the teleworking, it will happen when an
individual performs their job from the outside of the company or the organization.
Telecommuting is the flexible working arrangement where the employees are able to do the work
from the desired place apart from the office. In this kind of telecommuting employees need not
to come to the organization physically. The employees have to go to company if it is emergency
situation. Many of the industries or companies like, Marketing, Customer service oriented
companies, technology based companies are offering this kind of the telecommuting. If there is
an unexpected situation occurs at that time this kind of telecommuting will be offered to the

employee by the organization. But this kind of telecommuting flexible working condition would
not be applied for all the levels of jobs, it may not be applied for the manufacturing related
activities. The telecommuting will lead to job satisfaction of an employee. By the help of the
telecommuting the employee is able to perform his duties and responsibilities by balancing work
and life. In the telecommuting process the employees are using the Information communication
and Technology tools like, Zoom for video conferencing, E-Mail for the communication of the
information etc. For doing all the above things, an employee needs to know about the usage and
utilization of the technology. The telecommuting will be offering to the specific job roles only.

(ii) Remote Working: The remote working facility will be offered to the employee when the
employee is not able to come to the office. The remote working facility is like as with the
telecommuting the main difference between the telecommuting and remote working is the usage
of the technology while performing the job or duties. This is classified into 2 categories they are

(a) Partial Remote Working: In this partial remote working arrangement the employees have
been provided the partial work from home facility. They need to come to office for 2/3/4 days
after that they can do their work from anywhere else. There is limited usage of Information
Communication Technology (ICT) in this kind of flexible working arrangement or the condition.

(b) Full Remote working: In this kind of the fully remote working condition, the employee has
been provided the full flexible arrangement, the employee can do their work from anywhere else.
In this kind of flexible arrangement, the employees need not to go to the office. They can do the
job from their desired places by using the Information and Communication Technology tools.

(ii) Compressed Working Hours: This is one of the flexible working arrangements; the
compressed working schedule will allow the employee to work to the traditional 35-40 hour
workweek in less than the traditional number of workdays. The Compressed working hours will
be given by the employer to the employee after negotiating. This compressed working condition
allows an employee work for long hours. For e.g.: A full-time employee scheduled for 40 hours
per week could work four 10-hour days instead of five 8-hour days. Or, an employee could opt to
work 8.9 hours per day, and take one full day off every two weeks (exempt employees only).

(iii) Part Time Work: Some organizations allow the employees to do the part-time work. This
part-time work either in the form of Weeks, days, and hours. The part time work is used to

reduce the work pressure on the employee and it may cause the high income for the employees.
The organization also gets the maximum output from the employees by providing this part-time
work facility. Basically, the part time working arrangement will be in three ways. They are as;

(a) Part-time Hours: If an employee does the job for some limited hours within a day that is
being called as the Part-time working hours. Usually this kind of facility will be offered to any
level of the jobs (positions) called Blue collared and White collared employees.

(b) Part-time days: In this kind of facility the employee is able to do the job for some days
within a week; employee can do the work as he can do. This facility applicable to all positions

(c) Part-time weeks: In this kind of facility the employee is able to do the job for some weeks
within a month, employee can do the work as he can do. This is applicable for all the job roles.

(iv) Customized Working Hours: This facility allows the employee to choose their own work
hours (within the specific reason) is a great perk for them and free for an organization to offer.
Some workers are interested to work in morning time, others have more energy in the evening,
and some simply want to avoid rush hour or pick up their children from schools at a certain time.
Such as starting anywhere from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.

(v) Freelancing: The freelancing is the flexible working condition, where a person works for
themselves, rather than for a company. While freelancers do take on contract work for companies
and organizations, they are ultimately self-employed. Generally, the freelancers are responsible
for all sorts of things that traditional employees are not, such as setting their work hours, keeping
track of time spent on different projects, billing clients, and paying their own employment and
business taxes. Freelancers are not considered as the employees by the companies they work for,
but rather than the contractors.

(vi) Job Sharing: Job sharing is an flexible working arrangement where two or more employees
share the demands of a job that are traditionally undertaken by one person who works for the
full-time. Workers or employee are sharing a role that will be employed on a reduced-time basis,
this split is not always 50/50 or 60/40 likes that, particularly in cases where parents are returning
to work after maternity or paternity leave. The remuneration for the position will be split
between the employees who depend on the ratio of responsibility and work time each one takes.

1.1. (B) Flexible Working Arrangements and Employee Job Satisfaction:

Job satisfaction is defined as an employee feels self-motivated, content and satisfied with his or
her job. Job satisfaction will be happening when an employee feels he or she is having job
stability, career growth and a comfortable work life balance. A satisfied employee is always
important for an organization as he or she aims to deliver the best of their capability in the output
or the production. Every employee wants the strong career growth and work life balance at
workplace. If an employee feels happy and comfort with their company and work, they might be
having an intention to give back to the company with all their efforts. The importance of the job
satisfaction can be seen from two perspectives they are discussed as follows;

(i) For Employees: The Job satisfaction from an employee perspective is to earn the effective or
the sound gross salary, having the stability in the job, having the steady career growth, getting
the rewards and recognition and having the constant new opportunities or the positions.

(ii) For Employers: For an employer, job satisfaction for an employee is an important aspect to
get the best output from the employees. A satisfied employee always contributes more to the
company, helps control attrition & helps the company grow. Employers need to ensure a good
job description to attract employees and constantly give opportunities to individuals to learn and
grow. Many of the companies are looking forward to give the satisfaction for the employee job

Employee will be satisfied with his or her job when he is having the sound flexible working
arrangements at their workplaces. The employees and employers will be getting the benefits by
these flexible working arrangements. Employee would focus on the productive rather than the
working hours. That means, some employees will work more hours with less output. Some
employees will work less hours with more output. In order to balance both the things we need to
adopt the flexible working arrangement. The employee needs to focus on the career growth, and
the employees need to meet the personal and family requirements for sometimes, at that time the
organization needs to give the flexibility to meet the employee’s requirements. The flexible
working arrangements lead to the Work-life Balance. If an employee balances the work as well
as life, then the employee has the satisfaction in his or her job. Apart from that, taking care of the
employee health is the responsibility of the organization. This might be possible with the help of
these flexible working arrangements or the flexible working conditions.


Human Resource Department always concerns about the retaining the employees for the long
period of time within the organization. While selecting the employees for the various positions
the HR department should concern about the skills, knowledge and as well abilities of the
employees. In that context, the HR department needs to implement various things to reduce the
workload of the employee. The organization looks for the customer satisfaction towards their
products or services, it will be possible whenever we give the positive work condition to the
employee. By that the employees can able to work effectively without bearing any tensions or

The flexible working arrangements are needed in order to meet the organizational goals.
Employees are used to face the problem like the work-life balance. As an employee he should
concern about their family and as well company. Employee should not leave any one of them. As
the organization, it should concern about to get the maximum results from its employees. In
order to balance both the things, the flexible working conditions are needed. The Modulo
Ceramics is offering some of the flexible working conditions like, shift work and etc. Every
employee in the organization thinks about the Job Satisfaction, which is affected by the so many
factors like, Training, Motivation, Compensation and pleasant work condition. As the Modulo
Ceramics Private Limited wants the maximum output from its employees by implementing these
flexible working conditions.

 The work-life balance is the major challenge for the employees, to overcome the challenge
this study was conducted to give an appropriate suggestions accordingly.
 This study helps the organization to overcome the challenges like, Absenteeism, Attraction
and retention of the employees.
 Job satisfaction is affected by the flexible working conditions and company can able to get
the maximum output from its employees.
 This study offers the effective measurements for the retaining the employees for the long
period of time within the company by implementing the flexible working arrangements
 To offer the pleasant working arrangement for the employees in the organization.


The study on the impact of the flexible working conditions on the employee job satisfaction is
aimed to analyse the flexible working conditions and its impact on the employee productivity,
employee job satisfaction and employee’s work-life balance. The flexible working conditions are
able to increase the productivity and efficiency of the employee by that organization will get the
quick output from its employees. All these flexible working arrangements may not be applicable
for all the levels of the employees. Based upon the job or role performed by the employee these
flexible working conditions may be varied. Employee retention is the main objective of the any
organization, for that the organization has to implement several techniques.

This study also tells the employees benefits by these flexible working arrangements. The
specific objectives of this study are discussed as follows

 To study the effectiveness of the flexible work conditions on the employee job satisfaction.
 To analyze the employee commitments towards the Work-Life Balance.
 To assess the employee’s benefits by choosing these flexible working arrangements.
 To study the expected results of the company upon implementation of flex work conditions.
 To give an appropriate suggestions regarding to the effective Flexible Working Conditions


The study on the impact of the flexible working conditions on the employee job satisfaction
covered various concepts like, Remote work, Flexible working hours, Employee job satisfaction,
Employee retention in the organization, work nature, work-life balancing of the employees, the
productivity of the employees, effectiveness of the work, beneficiaries to the employees and as
well as organizations by using these flexible working conditions. This study also covers the
existing flexible working arrangements provided by the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited,
Krishnarao Palem. For doing the research on the Impact of the Flexible Working Conditions on
the employee job satisfaction in the Modulo Ceramics I have approached the Departments like,
Human resources, Production, Finance and Technical Department. Apart from that, I have met
the Time Recorders to know the daily entry and exit timings of the employee.

1. This study analyses the effectiveness of the employees productivity with flexible working
2. Organization benefits by implementing these flexible working conditions in the company
3. Employees commitments towards the work
4. Analyzed about the employees job satisfaction with respect to the flexible work conditions.
5. Motivation and encouragement for the employees in the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited

While conducting the research in the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited I have approached the
various departments and persons within the organization. The visited departments and persons
are listed as follows

 Top Level Management (MD, Chairman and Directors)

 Human Resource Department (HR Manager, HR Executives)
 Production Department (Manager and Assistants)
 Finance (or) Accounting Department
 Supervisors (in the production department)
 Workers in the Production Department
 Employees in the various levels

By met all the people and taking the questionnaire responses from the employees this study was
made. The study was made to give an appropriate suggestions regarding to implement the FWC.


This Research methodology intends to explain the sequence of the study steps undertaken on the
Impact of the Flexible Working Conditions on the Employee Job Satisfaction at Modulo
Ceramics Private Limited, Krishnarao Palem. The data collection methods for this study are as

A. Data Source: Data is the key element for any kind of research. There are mainly two kinds of
Data Sources called Primary Data Source and Secondary Data Source.

(i) Primary Data: This primary data will be fresh data and directly collects from the respondents
for the research purpose. The methods for collecting the primary data are Observation Method,
Interview Technique, Questionnaire, Schedules and etc.

For this study I have chosen the questionnaire tool for collecting the responses or opinion on the
Flexible Working conditions from the employees in the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited,
Krishnarao Palem. I have taken the questionnaire responses randomly from the Employees in the
Modulo Ceramics Private Limited, Krishnarao Palem.

(ii) Secondary Data Source: The data which will be taken from the secondary sources is called
as the secondary Data. This secondary data won’t be considered as the fresh data and collects
from the published sources. The methods for collecting secondary data are as Websites,
institutions data, Published data (Articles, Chapters and Textbooks and etc.) and etc.

For understating and analysis the Flexible Working Conditions or arrangements concept, I have
referred the Researches conducted by the Personnel and HRM Institutions, Journals by authors.

B. Sampling Design and Data Collection: For this study random sampling technique was used.
It is very difficult to collect the information from the entire population subjected to the research
study. So a small part of the entire population is considered. The sample for the comprised of the
employees of the various departments of company. I have taken the responses from the
employees randomly for the study from the various departments.

C. Analysis of the Study: After collecting the data from the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited,
Krishnarao Palems’ employees, the data has been tabulated according to the responses and
interested accordingly. For presentation and analysing the data I used simple percentage method.


The framework of this research exercise has been structured to gain insights into the above
purpose and thus includes five chapters, namely, the Introduction, Literature Review, Research
Methodology, Theoretical Overview of Study Subject, Analysis and Discussion, Summary,
Findings, Suggestion, Conclusion, and Future Research. The thesis of the study is organized into
five major chapters. A brief outline of each of them is given below

Chapter I: Chapter I deal with the introduction of the study. It includes the introduction, scope,
need of the study, research methodology, objectives and limitations of the study.

Chapter II: Second chapter focuses on Ceramics Industry and Profile of the Modulo Ceramics
Private Limited.

Chapter III: Third chapter provides a detailed discussion of the theoretical frame work of the
Flexible Working Conditions

Chapter IV: Fourth chapter deals the with Data Analysis and Interpretation of data collected
from the study region.

Chapter V: Fifth chapter summarizes the findings of the study, suggestions and conclusions of
the study.


Every study has some limitations, as like as that this study also some of the limitations as this
survey was conducted in the limited time period. While doing the research some of the mistakes
will be appeared. Some limitations would be subjected to change the perception of the project.
Employees may not be given the responses properly as they have engaged in the work allotted by
the organization. While giving the responses some of the employees may be given the responses
by showing their favouritism or criticism. The study on the impact Flexible working conditions
on Employee Job satisfaction has some of the limitations these are listed as follows

 The duration of the Project is limited, in this limited time the required information may not
be collected properly from the employees in the Modulo Ceramics
 This study is confined to the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited, Krishnarao Palem only
 This study is confined to the Impact of the Flexible Working Conditions on the Employee job
satisfaction. It doesn’t concentrate on the employee retention, work-life balance and etc.
 The sample size for this study is may not be sufficient to implement the flexible working
conditions in the organization to promote the employee job satisfaction
 We have taken the responses randomly from the company as the company size is big in its
nature. As the result, the sample size was confined at limited only.






Ceramic tiles was become an essential part of the most households. Ceramic tiles can alter the
interior and exterior look of the house. The Indian ceramic tile market was rose at 15% in spite
of the slowdown in the Indian economy. The Indian ceramic tile industry is the 2nd largest
producer in the entire world. There are some plans initiated by the Indian government that will
use to double the capacity by 2021. The government of India was announced huge investments in
infrastructure projects in the year 2020 and the ceramic industry is expected to see incredible
growth. According to a research report, 70% of the income of India’s ceramic tile comes from
the state of Gujarat itself. Indians are the 6th largest consumers of ceramic tiles in the world.
Other ceramic product clusters are in Udaipur (Rajasthan), Khuja (UP), Palpara (West Bengal),
and East and West Godavari (Andhra Pradesh), and Cuddalore (Tamil Nadu). India is standing
its efforts to increase its export share in the international market. Ceramic tiles export data shows
that India exported 1226.96 million dollars in 2019 up from 733.64 million USD in 2018. In
2017 India was the 24th largest ceramic trading nation.

2.1. (A) Ceramics Industry in India:

The ceramics industry in India is creased by increased spending by the Government of the India.
And as the result of the rapid urbanization and consumer preference the ceramics industry is
growing day by day. The size of the Ceramics Industry in the India is estimated 1,145 Million
Square Meters. From the last two years the ceramics industry encountered challenges from the
economy in addition to the unorganized sector. The ceramics industry in India was estimated
35,000 to 45,000 market in the year 2019-20. Out of which 40% income was generated by the
organized sector, while unorganized sector contributed 60% to the total market in India. India is
not only 2nd largest producer of the tiles but also 2nd consumer in the entire world after the china.
India is the 4th largest exporter of the tiles. There are 1,50,000 people were being gotten the
employment through this ceramic industry in India out of which, 50,000 people have gotten
direct and 5,00,000 have gotten the indirect employment from the ceramics industry in India.

2.1. (B) Facts Regarding to Indian Ceramics Industry:
(i) World and India’s Ceramic Production share: Approximately 5.2 Billion Square Meters
production has been done by the entire world. Out of which, 1.27 Billion Square Meters was
being produced by the India. The share of world and India has been displayed as follows

Chart 2.1. (B) (i) World and India’s Ceramic Production share

Ceramic Production in 2019


Interpretation: The above chart shows that, the 76% share belonging to the world ceramic tiles
production i.e. 5.2 Billion Sq. Meters and 24% belongs to Indian Ceramic tiles production.

(ii) Ceramics Exports from India to the various countries: There are some countries that are
getting exported from the India. Top 10 exporters of the India are shown in the below chart

Chart 2.1. (A) (ii) World and India’s Ceramic Production share

350 317.31
200 154.63
150 108
100 52.87 47.88 46.66 46.54 46.54 44.03 35.91

Billion INR

Interpretation: The above chart shows that the exporters of the Indian Ceramics Industry, at
most India are exporting the ceramics to the United States of America worth 371.31 Billion
(INR), at least India is exporting 35.91 Billion (INR) to the Nepal. There is slightly gap between
the Saudi and Singapore exports worth 46.66 Billion (INR) and 46.54 Billion (INR) respectively.

(iii) Major Ceramics exporters in India: India is the 2nd largest tiles produced country in the
entire world, the majority of the production has been happening from the Ceramic tiles are
mainly exported from Mundra port, Gurgaon ICD, Kandla, and Madras port. Mundra port
handles 95.29% of the export primarily because of its proximity to Morbi. Gurgaon ICD handles
1.67% of the export, while Kandla handled 0.57% of ceramic tile exports. According to the
ceramic tile export data major Ceramic tiles exporters in India are as shown in the below chart

Chart 2.1. (B) (iii) Major Tile Exporters in India

Major Tiles Exporters in India

Vamora Somany Simplo Kajara
Nitco Ltd
Ceramics Ceramics Ceramics Ceramics
Export 70 65 45 30 25

Interpretation: Vamora Ceramics Limited is being exported Tiles to the 70 Countries, followed
by Somany Ceramics which exports to 65 Countries, Simplo Ceramics exports to 45 countries,
Kajara Ceramics exports to 30 countries and Nitco Limited exports to 20 countries. Other major
exporters are Morbi Ceramic Industries, Lavish Ceramics, and SarkarMarbo.

(iv) Tiles or ceramics in Indian context: Ceramic Tiles are primarily hygiene products and that
is how our broad range of consumers views the product. This is fairly evident from its varied
usage from bathrooms and kitchens in average Indian households to medical centers, government
and private companies, labs, milk booths, schools, colleges, public conveniences, shopping malls
and numerous other centers; which will be spotted in our day to day life.

The international ceramics market is expected to see tremendous growth. The Indian ceramic
industry can be developed the leading exporter of ceramic tiles in the world. With improved
production capacity the industry is considering to double its turnover by 2021 fueled by domestic
consumptions and exports to the Middle-East and Europe. Indian manufacturers are looking to
compete with China in costs. It now has to raise the product portfolio and look for newer

(v) Ceramic industry Growth India: The ceramic tiles industry in India was estimated at Rs
35,000 to 40,000 Crores in 2019, recording single-digit growth. Nearly 40% of the industry was
organized, while 60% was largely unorganized comprising players from Morbi, Rajkot and other

(vi) Per capita consumption: The per capita consumption of tiles in 2018 was a mere 0.59 Sq.
meters in India compared to 3.95 sq. meters in China and 3.39 square meters in Brazil and the
global average of 1.40 sq. meters, indicating the huge headroom of growth available. The Per
capita consumption of various countries is as shown in the below chart

Chart 2.1. (B) (vi) Per capita Tiles Consumption in Square Meters

Per capita Consumption in Sq. Meters

Per Capita Consumption

World China Brazil India
Per capita
1.4 4 3.4 0.6

Interpretation: The above chart shows that, the World per capita consumption in square meters
is 1.4, whereas China per capita consumption is 4, followed by Brazil with 3.4 Square Meters
and India’s per capita Consumption is 0.6 Square Meters. India is not only the second-largest
producer of ceramic tiles in the world after China but also the second-largest consumer of

ceramic tiles in the world after China with a consumption quantum pegged at 750 million sq.
meters and accounting for almost 6% of the world.

2.1. (C) Ceramics Industry Statistics: The Ceramics Tiles industry is one of the emerging
industries in the World, India has the sound market at the worldwide. The production and
consumption of the Ceramics in India is growing day by day. The top performing countries in the
Ceramics Tiles Industry are described as follows.

(i) Top 10 Ceramic Production Countries: China is the top ceramic production country in
terms of the Square Meters with 5,187 Million Square Meters. followed by India with 1,266
Million Square Meters and the other countries contribution is as shown in the below table

Table 2.1. (C) (i) Top 10 Ceramic Manufacturing countries

(In Million Square Meters)

S. No Country Production
1 China 5,187
2 India 1,266
3 Brazil 909
4 Vietnam 560
5 Spain 510
6 Italy 401
7 Iran 398
8 Indonesia 347
9 Egypt 300
10 Turkey 296

(ii) Top 10 Ceramic companies in the India: The Tiles industry in India is marked by increased
spending on infrastructure by Government, rapid urbanization and consumer preference shift,
which, in turn is promoting the demand for ceramic tiles in residential and commercial buildings
across the country. In terms of the Market capitalization there are some companies which are
being contributed around 50 to 60% (Kajaria Ceramics Limited, India) from the one company
itself. The top 10 Ceramic Companies in terms of the Market Capitalization are as shown in the
following table

Table 2.1. (C) (ii) Top 10 Ceramic Companies in India
(Based on Market Capitalization in Crore)

S. No Company Name Market Capitalization Share (%)

1 Kajaria Ceramic 10,791.26 55.76308
2 Cera Sanitary 4,386.95 22.66926
3 Somany Ceramics 1,354.87 7.001196
4 Asian Granito 899.66 4.64893
5 HSIL 762.73 3.941354
6 Pokarna 533.27 2.755635
7 Orient Bell 211.01 1.090379
8 Nitco 183.96 0.9506
9 Assoc Stone 128.36 0.663291
10 Murudeshwar Ceramics 99.91 0.516278

Based on the above data, which can be represented in the form of chart as shown in the below

Chart 2.1. (C) Top 10 Ceramic Companies (Based on Market Capitalization 2019)

1% 1%
1% 0%

4% Kajaria Ceramic
4% Cera Sanitary
Somany Ceramics
Asian Granito
Orient Bell
23% Nitco
Assoc Stone
Murudeshwar Ceramics

Interpretation: Based on the above data in the chart, the Kajaria Ceramics Limited has the 56%
of the market share in India, followed by Cera Sanitary which has 23% market share. Orient
Bell, Nitco and Assoc Stone have the similar market less than or equal to 1% in India. At least,
the Murudeshwar Ceramics has 0.52% market share in the Indian Ceramics Market.

2.1. (D) Overall Picture of the Ceramics Industry: Ceramic tiles as a product segment have
grown to a sizeable amount today at approximately 680 Millions Square meters production per
annum. However, the potential seems to be great, particularly as the housing sector, retail, IT &
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sectors have been witnessing an unprecedented boom in
recent times. The key drivers for the ceramic tiles in India are the boom in housing sector
coupled by government policies fuelling strong growth in housing sector. The retail explosion in
the Indian economy has also influenced the demand for higher end products. Overall the bullish
growth estimates in the Indian economy has significantly influenced the growth of the Indian
Ceramic tile industry.

The main product segments are the Wall tile, Floor tile, Vitrified tile and Industrial tile segments.
The market shares (in value terms) are 20%, 23% 50%, and 7% respectively for Wall, Floor,
Vitrified, and Industrial tiles. The tiles are available in a wide variety of designs, textures and
surface effects. They cater to tastes as varied from rustics to contemporary marble designs in
super glossy mirror finishes. Both, traditional methods of manufacturing (tunnel) and the latest
single fast firing methods are organized in the manufacturing. Some of the latest trends in
manufacturing methods can be seen in India. Indian Ceramics industry contributes huge amount
to the GDP as well as it gives the employment for the so many people.

The industry also enjoys the unique difference of being highly original with an richness of raw
materials, technical skills, infrastructural facilities despite being fairly capital intensive. A total
of over 11,00,000 people are employed in the sector. Out of this, 1,00,000 people are directly
employed and 10,00,000 are indirectly associated. The potential is huge considering the per
capita consumption of ceramic tiles in India. Currently it is at 0.50 square meters per person in
comparison to over 4 to 3.4 square meters per person for like countries like China, Brazil and
Malaysia. Global per capita consumption is 1.4. Estimated in the year 2019. The statistics
regarding to the Ceramics Tiles industry is as shown in the following table i.e. Table 2.1. (D)

Table 2.1. (D) Ceramic Tile Industry Statistics
S. No Content Description
1. World production: 5.2. Billion Square Meters
2. India's Share: 1.2. Billion Square Meters
3. World ranking (in production): 2
4. Per capita consumption: 0.56 sq.m (0.6 approx.)
5. Global Industry Growth Rate: 9.9%
6. Growth Rate (India Domestic Market) 9%
7. National Player's Turnover (India) $3.72 Billion crores
8. Regional Player's Turnover: Rs 12900 crores
9. National Sector:
a). Share of Production: 40%
b). No. of units: 14
10. Regional Sector:
a). Share of Production: 60%
b). No. of units: 200 (approx.) (70% based in Gujarat )
11. Employment in Industry 1,00,000 direct & 10,00,000 indirect
12. Exports (India 2019) 1311.10 USD Million
13. Imports (India 2019) 934.78 USD Million
14. Investments in last 6 years: Rs. 15,000 crores (est.)

Interpretation: The world ceramics tiles production is estimated at 5.2. Billion Square meters
whereas India’s Ceramics Tiles production is estimated at 1.2 Billion Square meters. India stood
at the 2nd place in terms of the Ceramics production with the 1266 Million Square meters, china
stood at the place with the 5,187 Million square meters. The global growth rate of the ceramics
industry is .9% (estimated for the year 2022). India’s growth rate is also on par with the World’s
growth rate. 70% of the ceramics production in India comes from the Gujarat state itself. Almost
there are 300+ units related to the ceramic tiles. The Ceramic industry is giving the employment
for the 11,00,000 (1 Lakh Direct employment and remaining is indirect employment) people in
India. The imports in the Ceramics industry are 935 Million USD and exports from the Ceramics
industry is 1311 Million USD for the Financial Year 2019-20.


2.2. (ii) About the Company: Modulo Ceramics is a Private Limited Company incorporated on
02 February 2017 the under the Indian Companies Act, 2013. The Modulo Ceramics is the
manufacturing company which manufactures the Tiles for Home, Office and Commercial
purposes. This company exports the Tiles to the various states and places in the India. If anyone
is looking to go beyond the typical tiles found with the giant players, Modulo Ceramics could
just be your Ultimate Destination. If you want to break away from the pack, Modulo Ceramics
can offer unique, gorgeous and sophisticated tiles in a smorgasbord of colours, hyes, patterns and
sizes. It is the Go-To place if you are looking to break away from the rut of mundane tiles. From
Contemporary to traditional, commercial to Residential, Modulo’s bespoke collections elevate
every interior beyond elegance. Handcrafted by artisans at the Factory end these exquisite ranges
could essentially be tailored to any lifestyle. Plus, they add the secret sauce: Deep Experience
and a genuine passion for what they do. Several integral tiles- manufacturing equipment is
housed by the company which includes high capacity press, glazing machinery, digital printers,
and the first kind Robot-Packing machine. The inventive tile motifs in stunning colours are
poised as exclusive to each customer and quite personal instantly elevating any home or
business, nature, technology, and design continue to deliver new looks and innovative features.
Check out the newest additions to Modulo Ceramics’ product line that are handpicked by our tile
experts and are apt to your living rooms, kitchen spaces, restrooms and of course, for commercial
premises as well.

2.2. (iii) Vision and Mission of the Company: The Vision stands for the long-term goal of the
company, and mission states that, how the Modulo Ceramics help to the society, they are as

Vision of the Modulo Ceramics: Even after years of services, Modulo Ceramics is consistently
delighted, impressed and inspired by all the creative ways in which their clientele uses designer
tiles. The company lives creating and working with people to find the perfect tile for the spaces.

Mission of the Modulo Ceramics: Modulo Ceramics is extremely glad that you have
discovered them and hence the company would look forward to helping you in multiple manners
before you make that decision to purchase

2.2. (iv) More about Modulo Ceramics Private Limited: Modulo Ceramics Private Limited
was incorporated with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs on 02 Feb 2017. This company was
register at Register of Company with the authorized capital of 20 Crore &its paid up capital is 20
Crore. Modulo Ceramic’s last general meeting was held on 30 September 2019 and the latest
balance sheet available from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) is 31 March 2019. Over three
years ago the company was changed the Paid-up capital from 20 Crore to 20 Crore. The more
details of the Modulo ceramics Private Limited are as shown in following table i.e. 2.2.Table (iv)

Table 2.2. (iv) Modulo Ceramics Private Limited – Details

Details / Particulars Description

Company Name Modulo Ceramics Private Limited
Company Status Active
Registration No 104919
CIN (Corporate Identification No.) U26999AP2019PTC104919
Date of Incorporation 02 February 2017
Age of the Company 3 years 10 Month, 23 Days
Registration state Vijayawada
Company category Company Limited by Shares
Company Sub-Category Non-Govt Company
Class of the Company Private
Business Activity Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals and Products thereof)
Listing status Unlisted
Date of Annual Meeting 30 September 2019
Date of latters Balance Sheet 31 March 2019
Board of Directors Nukala Venkata Seshagiri Rao
Nukala Smbasiva Rao
Nukala Veera Vamsi Krishna
Nukala Naga Sudhir Kumar
Karprapu Rama Krishna Murthy

2.2. (v) Modulo Ceramics Products: The Modulo Ceramics is manufacturing the Tiles or the
ceramics which will be used in the Homes, Offices and commercial purposes also. Parking tiles,
home tiles, bedroom tiles, office tiles, living room tiles, bathroom tiles are being manufactured
by the Modulo Ceramics. The manufacturing will be done at the Krishnarao Palem factory and
those will be trading among the states in the India. The customers are Modulo Ceramics have
been scattered in the various places. The demands for the products are good. The Modulo
ceramics starts the production after concerning about the customer expectations. Whatever the
products manufactured by the Modulo ceramics that are having good reputation in the minds of
customers. After manufacturing the tiles those will be packaging that is as shown in the below

Figure 2.2. (v) (i) Figure 2.2. (v) (ii)

Manufactured tiles at Modulo Ceramics Packing the tiles at Modulo Ceramics

Source: Captured at Modulo Ceramics Private Limited, Krishnarao Palem

In the figure 2.2. (v) (i) it shows that the tiles which are being manufactured by the Modulo
Ceramics, the Tiles will be manufacturing in the tiles will come to one form after polishing them.
The figure 2.2. (v) (ii) shows that the packing of the tiles produced by Modulo. Customers will
get their orders with the safe and effective packing made by the Modulo ceramics. There is the
proper shipping mechanism in the Modulo Ceramics to deliver the customer products without
any hindrances. Modulo assures the safety shipping to its customers. The customers can track
their order also. This facility is also being provided by the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited.

2.2. (vi) Organizational Structure of Modulo Ceramics Private Limited: The structure of the
any organization is varied from one organization to another organization. The structure would be
designed by the Top Level people in the organization. The Modulo Ceramics Private Limited
was chosen the Line and Staff Organization Structure that is as shown in the below figure.

Chart 2.2. (vi) Organizational Structure of Modulo Ceramics Pvt. Ltd.

Chairman of Modulo Ceramics

Board of Directors

Chief Executive Officer

Finance Department HR Department Production Department Quality Control Department

Finance Manager HR Manager Production Manager QC Manager

Finance HR Executive 1 Supervisor 1 Executive/Assistant

A Executive 1

Finance Executive 2 HR Executive 2 Supervisor 2 Executive/Assistant

HR Executive 3 Supervisor ‘n’

Foremen 1 Foremen 2 Foremen ‘n’

Workers Workers Workers

2.2. (vi) (a) Chairman, Board of Directors and CEO: A chairman is an executive elected by
the company’s Board of Directors. The chairman in the Modulo ceramics is responsible for
presiding over board meetings. The chairman often sets the agenda and has significant away as to
how the board of directors do the vote. The Chairman of the Modulo Ceramics is Mohana Veera
Vamsi Krishna N. The Board of directors are the elected body by the shareholders in the Public
Company; in fact the private company can also have the Board of Directors who can take the
decisions for the sake of organizational development. The Board of Directors are classified may
be as Managing Directors, Executive Directors and Non- Executive Directors The Board of
Directors of the Modulo Ceramics are as shown in the below table

Table 2.2. (vi) (a) Board of Directors of Modulo ceramics Private Limited

Board of Directors (BOD) Total: 11

Name of the Director Designation Director Identification No.
Venkata Seshagiri Rao Nukala Managing Director 03366539
Veera Venkata Lakshmana Rao Whole-time Director 07092229
Rama Krishna Murthy Karpurapu Additional Director 02036583
Venkata Samba Siva Rao Nukala Additional Director 03367269
Mohana Veera Vamsi Krishna N. Additional Director 03367396
Venkata Naga Sudhir Kumar N. Additional Director 03367438
Prameela Rani Nukala Additional Director 03395139
Chakra Manidhar Anumala Additional Director 05323743
Venkata Rama Krishna Rao A. Additional Director 07660611
Venkata Nageswara Rao Nukala Additional Director 07780512
Nukala Maduri Additional Director 06837897

As the Above table shows that, there are totally 11 Directors in the Modulo Ceramics Private
Limited, Mr. Venkata Seshagiri Rao is the Managing Director of the Company and Veera
Venkata Lakshmana Rao is the Permanent Director of this company others are considered as the
additional directors for the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited. Managing Director is acting as the
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) role at the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited. Each director has
contributed some of the amount to the company as the capital.

2.2. (vi) (b) Finance Department: The contributions of the Finance department to any company
and how these contributions positively affect the organizational performance will greatly depend
on factors such as the extent to which the owner or the manger is involved in the company. The
main objectives of the finance department are to find the projects which will give the maximum
benefits. The maximization of the wealth of the company is also an objective of the finance
department. The roles and responsibilities of the Finance department in the Modulo ceramics are

 Book-Keeping of the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited

 Managing the Modulo Ceramic’s cash flows
 Making the budgets and forecasting
 Advising and finding the sources of the company for long term finance
 Managing of the Taxes (including the Goods and Services Tax)
 Management and concerning about the Modulo Ceramics Investments
 Financial reporting (preparing final accounts) and analyzing these reports.

Apart from that, the Finance Department is providing information to top level management to
take the effective and the strategic decisions like, large capital purchases, projects to pursue and
etc. The Modulo Ceramics is having the One Finance Manager and Two Finance Executives.

2.2. (vi) (c) Human Resource Department: Human Resource is the division of a business that
is changed with the finding, screening, recruiting, and training the job applicants as well
administering employee-benefit programs. HR Plays the key role in helping companies deal with
the fast-changing business environment and a greater demand for quality employees in the 21st
century. Apart from that, the Human Resource head is responsible for retaining the employee for
the long period of time within the organization. For that the HR should do some activities like
motivating, getting grievances from the employees and handling them properly. The Human
Resource department roles and responsibilities in the Modulo Ceramics are as discussed below.

 Managing and using the people by giving them the appropriate tasks
 Dealing with the performance appraisal and competencies of the employees
 Coordinating between the Management and the employees
 Maintain cardinal relationship with the other departments in the Modulo Ceramics
 Taking care of the employee’s payroll process

 Concern with the strengthening the Employer and Employee relationships
 Compensation and benefits functions of HR can be handle by HR department
 Compliance with the Labor and Employment laws
 Training and development activities in the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited.

Apart from that, HR has as function in assisting and talking care of employees when they run
into personal problems. Personal wellbeing is about supporting employees when things don’t go
as planned. The Modulo Ceramics is having one HR Manager and three HR executives.

2.2. (vi) (d) Production Department: The Production department is a group of functions within
a business that is responsible for the manufacturing of goods. This can include just a few
specialized functions with all other work outsourced, or a fully functioning department that
converts the raw material into the finished goods. Even material is one of the key elements in the
Business Mix. By the material only the manufacturing companies like Modulo Ceramics works
out. The production department can be the largest organization within a business. It may
employee machines, machine setup specialists, maintenance personnel and machine operations.
The key focus of the production department in the Modulo Ceramics is to maintain the efficiency
in the production. To that end, the bottleneck operation within the facility is closely monitored
and supported so that throughput (Revenue – Variable cost) will be minimized. The objective of
the Production department is to minimize the cost. The roles and responsibilities of Production
department in the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited are as follows.

 Planning and organizing the production schedules

 Assessing project and resource requirements
 Estimating, negotiating, and agreeing budgets and timescales with clients and managers
 Ensuring that the health and safety regulations are met.
 Determining the quality control standards
 Re-negotiating timescales or schedules as necessary
 Selecting, ordering and purchasing of the raw material
 Organizing the repair and routine maintenance of the Production department
 Supervising the work of the staff and arranging the relevant training sessions.

The production manager in the modulo ceramics is able to generate the interest of the workers to
increase their efforts by providing them the wage incentives. This will resulted in the increasing
the labor productivity. The Modulo ceramics is having the 1 Production manager and supervisors

2.2. (vi) (e) Quality Control Department: The main objective of the Quality control department
in the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited is to test and verify the product quality against the
predefined standards. Therefore, quality control is the most important part of the tiles company.
Quality control department functions for assuring the quality of all the batches manufactured, at
every stage of manufacturing the Ceramics. The Quality Control Department (QCD) roles and
the responsibilities of Modulo Ceramics Private Limited are as shown in the below

 Sampling, inspecting and testing as per specifications of raw material for releasing
 Inspecting and testing as per specifications of packaging material release or rejection
 Stability testing and evaluation of shelf-life of the products
 Chemicals examination to made the tiles effectively
 Investigating of the derivations in the analysis
 Referencing standards, working standards and solution preparations
 Planning and managing all the activities of the quality control departments. To assure the
quality of products manufactured by the company

The other responsibilities of Quality Control Department are to coordinate with manufacturing
department in controlling their process and products at every stage of manufacturing to meet the
established specifications through testing, auditing and reporting. In the Modulo Ceramics
Private Limited there are one Head of QCD and other assistants.

2.2. (f) Other Departments or Persons: Apart from the above departments there is the one
more department called sales and distribution. This department will concern about all the sales
and shipping activities in the Modulo Ceramics. The main objective of the department is to sale
the goods (tiles) to the customers based on their needs and wants. The shipping process will also
be done through this department only.

And Time Recorders are also there for recoding the in time and out time of the workers in
the company (who are working in the production department). The time recorders or the keepers
are being reported to the Human Resource Department in the Modulo Ceramics



The Flexible Working Conditions idea was come from the German Management Consultant,
Christel Kammerer in the West Germany (1960). It was firstly implemented by German
Aerospace firm, Messarschmilt-Boklow-Bolham in the year 1967. It was not until the 1970’s that
Flexible Working Conditions practices began in Canada, the United Kingdom and United States.

Flexible Working Conditions have been widely practiced in the developed countries and have
proven to be benefitted for the both employers and employees. The common Flexible Working
Conditions are like flexi-time, permanent part-time work, job-sharing, compressed work week,
teleworking, and annualized hours. The successful implementation of flexi-work arrangements
contributes to a conducive and supportive work environment. This enables companies to attract,
motivate and retain valued employees who are dedicated and committed to play an important
role in helping their organizations success.

Table 3 Criterion of Flexibility in the Work

Criterion of Flexibility in Work Examples

 Flextime
 Core Days
 Results-Based Professional Work
 Contingent Work
Flexibility in the Timing of Work  Rotating Shifts
Definition: Flexibility in when the work  Shift Work
occurs  Four Day Work Week
 Compressed Work Week
 Weekend, Evening, Night Work
 Telework or the Flex place Satellite Offices,
Flexibility in the Place of Work Neighborhood Work Centers
Definition: Flexibility in the location or  Required Travel or Client Office work
place of where work occurs

 Split Locations
 Telework joint with Nonstandard Work Time
Flexibility in Amount of work  Job Sharing
Definition: Flexibility in the amount of  Reduced Load or Customized Work
work or workload  Part-Time Work
 Temporary Layoffs
 Temporary Shutdown
 Required Reduced or Part-Time Hours
 Overtime Mandates or Limits
 Reduced Hours
 Phased Retirement
 Work-Study or Coops
Flexibility in Work Continuity (Short-Term  Short-Term or the Long-Term Leaves (e.g.,
Breaks in Employment or Time Off) educational, travel, family, maternity,
Definition: Flexibility to allow for the disability, military)
employment breaks or time off  Sabbaticals
 Extended or Indefinite Paid and Unpaid Leaves
of Absence
 Vacation
 Sick Time or Disability Time Off
 Part Year Work
 Intermittent Leave

Flexibility in the workplace gives employees time to perform outside of the work roles and it
helps balance employees’ work and life. Trust between employer and employee is an important
issue when it comes to flexible working hours. If not monitored by manager, flexible working
hours might create some difficulties in the workplace. Further study on flexible working hours
need to be taken to understand the drawbacks of such practices. Only after investigating flexible
working practices from both positive and negative sides, organizations might consider applying

flexibility to the workplace. The Origin, Benefits and Challenges of some of the Flexible
Working Arrangements are discussed as follows.

3.1. Flexible Timings: Flexi-time establishes the first key deviation from the standardized 44
hour week to 9-5 workweek. The concept of allowing employees to choose their starting and
quitting times was firstly introduced in Germany in 1967. At that time, it was seen as a means of
dismissing transit and substitutes the time problems. After that, the flexi-time began to gain
supporters in the Switzerland as a way to attract the women with family responsibilities into the
Workplace. Hewlett Packard was introduced the flexi-time in the United States in 1972, after
having first tried it in a German division. Flexible Timings refers to “Allowing the employees to
choose their entry and exit timings at the Work Place”. In most instances, all employees may be
required to be present during certain Core Hours.

3.1. (i) Benefits: By implementing this kind of Flexible working condition, the company or
organization get some of the benefits as discussed below.

 Workplaces may be able to extend its operating hours without an increase in salary cost.
 Less time is wasted at the beginning of the workday. If people arrive at different times, the
“settling in” period may be less disruptive.
 Employees are better able to meet their personal responsibilities, e.g. those with young
children who need to be taken to/from school, or employees who needs to leave early to
attend evening classes. This arrangement helps employees to balance their work and personal
lives better, thereby increasing their motivation and productivity.

3.1. (ii) Challenges: While implementing this flexible working condition, the company has to
face some of the challenges as discussed follows.

 Setting up and maintaining a time-keeping system may incur additional cost.

 It places a heavier burden on managers in terms of communication, supervision and
scheduling of employees’ working time
 Some staff may resist its implementation, especially if a certain amount of leeway and
tolerance has already been allowed under the existing system.

 Certain categories of staff may be excluded from the flexible system in order to maintain
business continuity (e.g. customer service staff) and this could cause resentment among those
not selected for the programme.

3.2. Part-time Work: There are two basic reasons behind the part-time work came into trend.
The first is the increasing number of women in the workforce and companies have to devise
alternative work schedules to accommodate their needs. The second is the understated shift from
a production- based to a service-based economy. The service industry has more scope to allow
for flexibility in work schedules. A part-time employee works less than the full ordinary weekly
or monthly hours, or less than a full year, and who is entitled to employment benefits such as
annual leave and sick leave on pro-rata basis. In the Singapore context, the Employment (Part-
Time Employees) Regulations, defines a part-time employee as one who is required under his
contract of service with an employer to work less than 30 hours a week Part-time arrangements
can be organised in any of the following ways.

 Working normal hours over reduced number of days such as 3 days per week
 Working every day but with fewer hours, e.g. 9.00 am to 1.00 pm each day
 Alternate work period, such as one week on and one week off
 A combination of the above methods.

Permanent part-time work is a part-time arrangement that is intended to continue, whereas

temporary part-time work is intended for a specific period.

3.2. (i) Benefits: By implementing this kind of Flexible working condition, the company or
organization get some of the benefits as discussed below.

 Offering part-time work enables companies to attract and recruit from a wider manpower
 It enables organisations to retain highly skilled and valued employees who are unable to
continue working full-time due to changes in personal circumstances
 It reduces absenteeism as it allows employees to better manage their work and other
commitments such as family responsibilities, study or personal interests
 It is useful where work (such as project work) requires less than a full-time position

 It is a way of allowing phased retirement for older employees. It can also facilitate re-entry
into the workforce for employees who have taken career breaks.

3.2. (ii) Challenges: While implementing this flexible working condition, the company has to
face some of the challenges as discussed follows.

 Introducing part-time work may increase the administrative workload to the organisation, e.g.
Hiring 2 part-timers for each full-time job would mean that the organisation has to maintain
and process two sets of personnel records. High overheads (e.g. training cost, workmen
compensation, furniture and equipment) may also be incurred as a result of having 2 persons
in one position.
 It may be more difficult to arrange training sessions, team meetings, etc, thereby placing
additional scheduling demands on managers.
 Certain jobs may need to be re-designed to make part-time work feasible and this would
incur costs.

3.3. Job Sharing: The term “job sharing” was invented in mid-1960s. This option was
developed as a way to create more part-time opportunities in the positions which could not be
reduced in hours or split into two part-time jobs. The job sharing enables employers to preserve
jobs in their full-time form while appointing on the expertise of two or more people. Though job
sharing was intended as a means to increase employment flexibility, it also helped to boost
employment opportunities in situation of high unemployment. Job Sharing is defined as Job
sharing is an arrangement where the duties and responsibilities of one job will be shared by two
or more people. This is a good arrangement when a job needs to be filled on a full-time basis but
not necessarily by one person. Job sharing arrangements are common practices in the secretariat,
clerical and administrative work. Split week (Monday to Wednesday lunch time/Wednesday
lunch time to Friday) is one of the most popular ways to divide the work time between job
sharing partners.

3.3. (i) Benefits: By implementing this kind of Flexible working condition, the company or
organization get some of the benefits as discussed below.

 Companies can tap a wider range of skills and experience in one job

 This arrangement supports the pooling of ideas, and offers the opportunity for job sharers to
learn from one another
 It makes it easier to provide for coverage of duties when one partner goes on vacation leave
or sick leave
 Jobs under the job sharing arrangement continue to retain their full-time status. Job sharers
are hence in a better position than part-timers to preserve their career skills and status.

3.3. (ii) Challenges: While implementing this flexible working condition, the company has to
face some of the challenges as discussed follows.

 The greatest challenge in job sharing is in providing a suitable partner. Where incompatibility
of job sharers arises, the arrangement can fall apart;
 Higher overheads (e.g. training cost, workmen compensation, furniture and equipment)
would be incurred as a result of having 2 persons in one position;
 Managers may resist the idea as they see it as increasing their supervisory responsibilities.

3.4. Compressed Work Week: This concept was introduced in the early 1970s; compressed
workweek was a determination to create an alternative to the standard five day, 40 hour week by
transferring the same number of work hours to the fewer days. From an employer’s perspective,
this allowed plant facilities to be used for longer periods with fewer start-ups and shutdowns. At
the same time, it gives employees the long time. Compressed workweek is a flexible option
where an employee works his/her full-time hours (such as 40 hours) in fewer than 5 days per
week. For Example:

 Four of 10-hour days

 Three of 12-hour days or
 9-hour days Monday to Thursday, an 8-hour day on one Friday, with alternate Fridays off.

Often, computer centres, customer service centres and hospitals use this kind of Compressed
Work Week arrangements to enable them to operate on a 24-hour basis.

3.4. (i) Benefits: By implementing this kind of Flexible working condition, the company or
organization get some of the benefits as discussed below.

 It allows companies to extend their hours of service to better meet clients’ needs;

 Companies would be better able to attract and retain employees as it offers the opportunity to
work full-time at less than 5 days per week, thereby enjoying extra days off from work;
 Working hours can be customised to meet the needs of individual employees.

3.4. (ii) Challenges: While implementing this flexible working condition, the company has to
face some of the challenges as discussed follows.

 It may be difficult to provide relief staffing arrangements on days when employees are absent
due to emergency reasons such illness and this may affect customer service levels;
 Occupational safety and health considerations may arise due to the extended working hours;
 Scheduling of training sessions, team meetings, etc. will pose a challenge due to the different
work schedules of employees;
 There could also be the problem of providing supervision during the extended hours of

3.5. Remote Working: In the 1980s, as companies focused increasingly on cutting costs, they
saw telecommuting as a means of reducing the expenses of maintaining office space. More
recently, organizations began to view telecommuting as a tool to attract and retain top personnel
and valued employees in fields with short labor supply. Teleworking (or) Telecommuting (or)
Remote Working is defined as this arrangement allows employees to carry out their work at a
location away from the conventional office, either in the employees’ home, satellite offices or
neighbourhood work centres.

3.5. (A) Home-based telecommuting: This refers to employees working at home on a regular
basis, though not necessarily every day. Some employees choose to work from home several
days in a week. To support the work of the home-based worker, some employers would provide
them with the necessary equipment, e.g. Computers and fax machines.

3.5. (B) Satellite offices: Instead of the conventional office, employees work at a location
convenient to themselves and/or their customers. A satellite office houses only employees from a
single firm. In some sense, it is a branch office whose purpose is to alleviate employees’
commute. The satellite office is equipped with office furniture and equipment provided by the

3.5. (C) Neighbourhood work centre: This is essentially similar to the satellite office with one
difference, a neighbourhood work centre houses more than one company’s employees. In other
words, several companies may share the lease on an office building but maintain separate office
areas within the building. Office suites may be furnished by the site owner or by the respective
renting firm.

3.5. (D) Mobile working: In contrast to telecommuters who work from one designated location
outside the office, mobile workers are frequently on the road, using telecommunications
equipment to work from an assortment of locations such as home, car, plane or hotel business
centre. This mode of arrangement is most suited to employees who need to be constantly on the
move to get their jobs done, like salespersons, investment bankers and investigative reporters.

3.5. (i) Benefits: By implementing this kind of Flexible working condition, the company or
organization get some of the benefits as discussed below.

 Savings from absenteeism, teleworking allows workers to better combine their work and
personal responsibilities. This results in a reduction in absenteeism as employees have less
tendency to take personal leave, sick leave or leave work early to meet personal needs.
According to the 1999 Telework America Research Survey by Joanne Pratt Associates,
teleworking results in a 63% savings in the cost of absenteeism per teleworking employee per
 Higher productivity, teleworking helps to increase productivity as workers are not susceptible
to distractions such as office politics and gossips. Employees also report that they have
higher energy levels due to the reduction in travelling to and from work.
 Savings in cost of office space, teleworking enables companies to save on office space and
associated costs. According to the 1999 Telework America Research Survey, IBM saved
US$75 million in real estate expenses as a result of telecommuting while AT & T saved
US$80 million in real estate and office overheads from having employees telecommute.
 Attraction and retention of valued employees, Companies with flexible work practices are
cited as “best practice” employers, and this helps to attract and retain employees.
 Telework is a suitable employment option for employees with disability.

3.5. (ii) Problems: While implementing this flexible working condition, the company has to face
some of the challenges as discussed follows.

 Inability to constantly monitor, a major challenge for managers is their inability to physically
observe their employees performance. This may pose a concern especially for jobs where the
employees performance is not easily measurable;
 Teleworking may negatively affect social networking in the workplace by:
- Disrupting teamwork
- Breaking the social network
- Creating possible resentment among employees not chosen to telecommute.
 Lack of resource and technical support - teleworkers face the challenge of gaining access to
resources (documents, database) which they may need in performing their work but which
may not be available on-line. In addition, teleworkers need to be more technically savvy then
their office peers as support services may not be readily available at remote offices.

3.6. Annualized Working Hours: The concept of annualised hours was firstly introduced in
Sweden in 1977 when the paper mills was adopted it to cover the 24-hour seven-days-a-week
working arrangements. This scheme has been commonly adopted by companies whose operation
is seasonal in nature or in manufacturing industries where production is carried out round-the-
clock, seven days a week.

Definition of the Annualized Working Hours: The key feature of annualised hours is the
replacement of a weekly- or monthly- hour contract with a yearly-hour contract. Instead of a 44-
hour week, an employee may, for example, be on a contract for 3,000 hours per year. The pay
system is structured in such a way that the employees receives a fixed monthly payment,
regardless of the number of hours he works during a month, so long as the total number of hours
worked per year does not exceed the contractual annual hours.

This system eliminates overtime in most instances, except where the annual hours worked
exceed the contractual annual hours. Annual hours are usually made up of three components:

3.6. (A) Rostered hours: This refers to the total number of hours of work required in a year. It is
calculated on the assumption that the operation runs smoothly without any problems such as
machine breakdown or absenteeism.

3.6. (B) Holidays: These are fixed under the normal rules that apply in establishments. It
includes public holidays.

3.6. (C) Reserve hours: It is these hours that define the scheme. These are additional hours built
in to cater to various situations such as absenteeism, difficulties encountered in shifts or for
training. Employees will be rostered on an “on call” basis to work if they are required. They are
not paid extra for work during these occasions because these hours are already factored in their
monthly wage.

Before implementing these annualised working arrangements, the employer or the organization
needs to conduct a study of the fluctuations in workload and staff requirements throughout a
period in the specific year. By conducting this kind of study the organization can able to predict
the future trends, needs and wants of the employees and the feasibilities to the organization.

Table 3.6. Annualized Working Hours Hypothetical Example

Hypothetical Example
Rostered hours (250 shifts @ 10 hrs.) 2,500 Hours
Holidays 200 Hours
 Training 100 Hours
 On call 200 Hours
Total contractual annual hours 3,000 Hours

Interpretation: In the above table 3.6., the contractual annualized working hours are 3000
Hours out of which the actual working hours are 2500 in the rostered system. 200 Hours are
meant for the Holidays, 100 Hours are reserved for the Training and remaining 200 Hours are
meant for the some other activities. In this context, we have to observe one thing that, the
employee should not work more than the 3000 Hours (contracted hours) these hours should
include the Holidays and other things apart from the Working Hours.

3.6. (i) Benefits: By implementing this kind of Flexible working condition, the company or
organization get some of the benefits as discussed below.

 Savings in manpower cost, companies which have implemented the scheme found that
the elimination of overtime cost creates substantial savings which more than made up for
the increase in basic wage and other incentives offered to gain acceptance of the scheme.
 Staffing levels can be varied to meet fluctuations in product and service demand.
 Higher productivity, with the elimination of overtime payment, employees realized that
the way to gain is to protect their “reserve hours”. If not called in during the “reserve
hours”, they could gain an equivalent of several weeks’ holidays. To protect the “reserve
hours”, employees become more productive and are motivated to find the most efficient
ways to complete their work;

Improved teamwork and co-operation, to increase work efficiency, employees are more inclined
to co-operate with their team members to ensure that work is completed on time.

3.6. (ii) Challenges: While implementing this flexible working condition, the company has to
face some of the challenges as discussed follows.

 There is a need to set up an efficient administrative mechanism to support this working

arrangement, particularly with regard to the scheduling of work rosters and tracking of work
 This system is complicated and may be difficult for staff to understand.
 Employees need to keep track of their hours worked in order to organise their time efficiently
 It may not be possible to include all staff in the arrangement, for example those in jobs where
continuity of service and customer contact are essential. This may lead to resentment, unless
alternative arrangements can be made

3.7. Significance of Flexible Working Conditions in the Organization:

3.7. (a) Adaptability: Flexible work schedule allows the employees to meet the family needs,
personal responsibilities and life responsibilities efficiently. If you have a flexible work schedule
you can be able to meet the day to day errands and take care of family members without any
interfering in work.

3.7 (b) Efficiency: Flexible work schedule summary fuel consumption by the employer and less
wastage of time by commuting and traveling from home to workplace and vice versa. In many

cases, employees usually have to travel a lot for commuting to and fro from their homes to their

This means the employee feels more fatigued and stressed after a day’s work. Working from
home solves that problem and hence the employee does not have to face the challenges caused
by commuting in public or private transport. This can be beneficial for employees who have
certain health problems such as lung diseases or cardiac issues.

3.7. (c) Taking control over the schedule: A huge amount of satisfaction can be given to the
employees when they have personal control over their work hours. This is the one reason that
many people like to work for themselves. Control issue can be taken in a positive sense by the

By allowing employees to take control and schedule their own work schedule and work
environment, they are motivating the entrepreneurial behavior which can be encouraging for the

37. (d) Reduce employee stress: As mentioned before, flexible work hours provide improved
job control. When the amount of job control increases this leads to a reduction of workplace
related stress. Hence, no unwanted disagreement between co-workers can take place. The
employee decides what and how they will do the work given by the employer.

3.7. (e) Employee satisfaction: Flexible working hours are proved to the provide employees
more satisfaction in work and make the employees happier than their fixed working counterparts.
Employees who decide their hours of arrival and departure to work are more relaxed. This
increases the morale within the employee.

3.7. (f) Less cost: This is beneficial for companies where they are trying to cut the costs and
battle the forces of the economy. Flexible working requires less cost than fixed working hours
since fewer arrangements and functions have to be made and set up. This can be a great cost
cutting tactic followed by small companies.

3.7. (g) Reduced absenteeism: Absenteeism and reduction in employee turnovers have reduced
by a factor of 25% through flexible working hours. Here the employees can carry on with their
errands and other arrangements and still make it to the office.

Hence, the employee does not have to be burdened by rescheduling prior commitments and
juggle work along with their own personal lives. This makes the employee more relaxed and can
provide more output for the company.

3.7. (h) Increase in employee loyalty: By introducing flexible working hours many companies
can still be able to have their old employees without any hitches. This is because the employees
feel more comfortable in working in an environment having the adaptable and flexible working
hours than be strictly following a team set by the company. This makes the employees happier
and be more interested in work.

Hence, less number of employees leaves or changes their present companies. Flexible working
hours is the key factor of keeping hired employees to the company.

3.7. (i) Reduced overtime: As employees can manage with the confused schedule of the office
by creating their own version of the timetable that meets the working conditions of the office.
This reduces the need for doing overtime by the employee. Flexible working environments
reduce the amount of work pending by the employees as compared to their fixed schedule

3.7. (j) Increased productivity: It has been found out that people who work by following a
flexible working schedule has had their productivity being increased by 1% to 5%. The
relationship between the management and the workers has also been improved, and employees
do not want to go back to fixed working hours.

3.7. (k) Improved relation between the workers and supervisors: Flexible working has also
demolished the age old practice of face management. Face management is the process where the
supervisor has to see the employee do the work just to make sure the worker has completed the
job. This can cause discomfort for the employee and he/she may not be comfortable about it.

If such age old practices are followed, employees have to stay late just to impress the boss. In
modern working environment, employees can resent such an approach, since comparison of how
much time they spent for work is not necessary for the task to be completed. Moreover,
employees tend to join companies which offer flextime benefits since it is more relaxing.

3.7. (l) Improved communication: The Communication between various employees is also
improved since they know all will be present during peak periods of work.

3.7. (m) ( Improved concentration: Flexible work schedule can increase staff concentration. It
is usually difficult for the staff to concentrate on work in a busy office, but flexible working
hours provide the employees to choose the comfortable time and place to work.

3.7. (n) Uneven workloads: Uneven workloads can be identified by the company. Uneven
workload is defined as the number of hours that the employee spends for work. This provides
alterations to be made and even support promotions.

3.7. (0) More client support: Flexible working hours have proven to be beneficial for meeting
and conferencing with customers or clients that are abroad or at varying time zones since there is
no restriction for time and space for the employee. The employee can easily attend a conference
with the clients in the comfort of his house and such meetings are not only just confined to the
conference halls of the company.

3.8. Motivation to match employee’s preference for work schedule:

 Employee’s preferred work schedule deviates from the employer’s preferred operating or
shift schedule, which may increase absenteeism, tardiness, unauthorized use of sick leave or
on-the-job shirking.
 Replacement cost of turnover and filling job vacancies increases, e.g. an emerging shortage
of labour or of a specific type of human capital.
 The supervisory and administrative costs of delivering flexible work options decreases, e.g.
technological innovations, the spread of work scheduling software and improvements,
telecommunication devices and self-managed team working practices.
 Employees’ discretion over their own work schedules enhances daily work performance
and/or organizational performance, e.g. a “high-performance” tool.
 The firm’s time horizon for considering labour costs becomes longer, resulting in lower
Discounting of the potential future cost savings associated with more flexible scheduling.
 To improve their employees’ work/life quality, in lieu of wage increases or other employee




Based upon the questionnaire responses, the data has been presented in the form of tables and
figures as follows. The questionnaire has been divided into 2 parts, Part-A is having the personal
questions related to the respondent. Part-B is having the questions with Likert 5 rating scale
which are related to the effects of Flexible Working Arrangements on employee job satisfaction.

4.1. Respondents Demographic Profile:

Base for the Description Description

4.1. (i) Gender Out of 67 Respondents, 85% are male respondents (i.e.
57) and 15% are the female respondents (i.e. 10).
4.1. (ii) Age Out of 67 respondents, 19 are below 25 years age, 34
respondents are between 25 to 35 years age, there are 9
respondents who are 35 to 45 years of 3 are 45-55 years
age and 2 are above 55 years age.
4.1. (iii) Marital Status The total respondents are 67, and out of which 28% are
married respondents (i.e. 48) and 72% are unmarried
respondents (i.e. 19).
4.1. (iv) Educational Qualification The total respondents are 67, and out of which 7 are
below 10th standard, 16 are 10th standard. 15 respondents
are Intermediate, 24 respondents are Under Graduates
and 5 respondents are Post Graduates.
4.1. (v) Location The total respondents are 67, and out of which 22% are
Urban respondents (i.e. 15) and 78% are the Rural
respondents (i.e. 52).
4.1. (vi) Experience (in years) Total respondents are 67, and out of which 15 are having
less than 1 year experience, 33 respondents are having 1-
2 years of experience, there are 19 respondents who have
2-5 years’ experience and 0 respondents are having the 5-
10 years’ experience. There is no one by having more
than 10 years of experience.

4.1. (vii) Type of Flexible Working The total respondents are 67, and out of which 12 are
Conditions offered by company being provided with the Flexitime, 4 respondents are
being provided with the Job Commuting, there are 12
respondents are being provided with the Compressed
Work Week, 12 people have been offered with the
Remote Working and 27 Respondents are being provided
with the other Flexible Working Condition apart from the
above mentioned
4.1. (viii) Hours Working in a Total respondents are 67, and out of which 2 are working
Week less than 20 hours in a week. No respondent is working
20-40 hours within a week, there are 18 respondents who
are working 40-50 hours in a week and 37 respondents
are working 50-60 hours in a week and 10 respondents
are working more than 60 hours in a week
Source: Primary Data

4.2. Information regarding to the Flexible Working Conditions at Modulo Ceramics: The
impact of the flexible working conditions on the employee Job Satisfaction is being studied with
the help of the questionnaire (Likert 5 scale rating). In this study I approached the employees at
the Modulo Ceramics and filled up the questionnaire. In that, around 18 questions are there. The
questions are related to the Employee Job satisfaction level, the satisfaction on the flexible
working conditions offered by the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited. Apart from these questions
there are some more questions have been asked to analysis the effects of Flexible Working
Conditions on the employee job satisfaction.

The employees at the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited have responded to the questionnaire, the
questionnaire is consisting of 5 Rating called, (1) Strongly Disagree, (2) Disagree (3) Moderate
(4) Agree (5) Strongly Agree. The responses of the employees have been analysed as follows

4.2. (i) I am satisfied with the existing working arrangements:

Employees at Modulo Ceramics are responded to the above question as shown in the below table

Table 4.2 (i)

Level of Opinion Rating No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 6 9
Agree 4 15 22
Neutral or Moderate 3 44 66
Disagree 2 2 3
Strongly Disagree 1 0 0
Total 67 100
Source: Primary Data

Based on the above stated responses in a table i.e., Table 4.2(i), the Chart was shown as follows

Chart 4.2 (i) I am satisfied with the existing working arrangements

Strongly Neutral or Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Moderate Disagree
No. of Respondents 6 15 44 2 0

Interpretation: 9% (6 respondents) of the total respondents are strongly agreed that they are
being satisfied with the existing flexible working conditions. 15% (15 respondents) of the total
respondents are agreed that they are being satisfied with the existing flexible working conditions.
66% (44 respondents) of the total respondents are moderately agreed that they are being satisfied
with the existing flexible working conditions. 3% (2 respondents) of the total respondents are
disagreed that they are being satisfied with the existing flexible working conditions. There is no
such employee to disagree with the statement. From the average value obtained i.e. 3.15 it is
inferred that the employees are being satisfied with the existing flexible arrangements at the

4.2. (ii) It is not possible to balance the Work-life commitments:

Employees at Modulo Ceramics are responded to the above question as shown in the below table

Table 4.2 (ii)

Level of Opinion Rating No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 8 12
Agree 4 10 15
Neutral or Moderate 3 47 70
Disagree 2 1 1.5
Strongly Disagree 1 1 1.5
Total 67 100
Source: Primary Data

Based on the above stated responses in a table i.e., Table 4.2(ii), the Chart was shown as follows

Chart 4.2 (ii) It is not possible to balance the Work-life commitments

Strongly Neutral or Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Moderate Disagree
No. Of Respondents 8 10 47 1 1

Interpretation: 12% (3 respondents) of the total respondents are strongly agreed that is not
possible to balance their work-life commitments. 15% (10 respondents) of the total respondents
are agreed that is not possible to balance their work-life commitments. 70% (47 respondents) of
the total respondents are moderately agreed that is not possible to balance their work-life
commitments. 1.5% (1 respondent) of the total respondents are disagreed that is not possible to
balance their work-life commitments. 1.5% (1 respondent) of the total respondents are disagreed
that is not possible to balance their work-life commitments. From the average value obtained i.e.
3.34 it is inferred that it is not possible to balance their work-life commitments.

4.2.(iii) The flexible working conditions will help me to balance my work-life commitments:

Employees at Modulo Ceramics are responded to the above question as shown in the below table

Table 4.2 (iii)

Level of Opinion Rating No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 7 10
Agree 4 12 18
Neutral or Moderate 3 44 66
Disagree 2 3 4.5
Strongly Disagree 1 1 1.5
Total 67 100
Source: Primary Data

Based on the above stated responses in a Table 4.2(iii), the Chart was constructed

Chart 4.2 (iii) The flexible working conditions will help me to balance my work-life

Srongly Neutral or Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Moderate Disagree
No. of Respondents 7 12 44 3 1

Interpretation: 10% (7 respondents) of the total respondents are strongly agreed that the
flexible working conditions will help to balance their work-life commitments. 18% (12
respondents) of the total respondents are agreed that the flexible working conditions will help to
balance their work-life commitments. 66% (44 respondents) of the total respondents are
moderately agreed that the flexible working conditions will help to balance their work-life
commitments. 4.5% (3 respondents) of the total respondents are disagreed that the flexible
working conditions will help to balance their work-life commitments. 1.5% (1 respondent) of the
total respondents are disagreed that the flexible working conditions will help to balance their
work-life commitments. From an average value obtained i.e. 3.31 it is inferred that the flexible
working conditions will help to balance their work-life commitments

4.2. (iv) Flexible working conditions are not suitable for me because they tend to make me
feel disconnected from workplace: Employees at Modulo Ceramics are responded to the above
question as shown in the below table

Table 4.2 (iv)

Level of Opinion Rating No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 2 3
Agree 4 11 16
Neutral or Moderate 3 45 67
Disagree 2 5 8
Strongly Disagree 1 4 6
Total 67 100
Source: Primary Data

Based on the above stated responses in a Table 4.2(iv), the Chart was constructed

Chart 4.2 (iv) Flexible working conditions are not suitable for me because they tend to
make me feel disconnected from workplace






Srongly Neutral or Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Moderate Disagree
No. of Respondents 2 11 45 5 4

Interpretation: 3% (2 respondents) of the total respondents are strongly agreed that the flexible
working conditions are not suitable for them as they tend to make them disconnected from the
workplace. 16% (11 respondents) of the total respondents are agreed that above statement. 67%
(45 respondents) of the total respondents are moderately agreed that the given statement. 8% (5
respondents) of the total respondents are disagreed that the flexible working conditions
disconnected from them to workplace. 6% (4 respondents) of the total respondents are disagreed
to the given statement. From an average value obtained i.e. 3.0 it is inferred that the flexible
working conditions are not suitable for the employees at the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited as
they tend to make them feel disconnected from the workplace(Modulo ceramics)

4.2. (v) I am satisfied with existing flexible timings in the organization:

Employees at Modulo Ceramics are responded to the above question as shown in the below table

Table 4.2 (v)

Level of Opinion Rating No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 3 4.5
Agree 4 18 27
Neutral or Moderate 3 35 52
Disagree 2 8 12
Strongly Disagree 1 3 4.5
Total 67 100
Source: Primary Data

Based on the above stated responses in a Table 4.2(v), the Chart was constructed

Chart 4.2 (v) I am satisfied with existing flexible timings in the organization

Srongly Neutral or Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Moderate Disagree
No. of Respondents 3 18 35 8 3

Interpretation: 4.5% (3 respondents) of the total respondents are strongly agreed that they are
being satisfied with the existing flexible working times. 27% (18 respondents) of the total
respondents are agreed that they are being satisfied with the existing flexible working times. 52%
(35 respondents) of the total respondents are moderately agreed that they are being satisfied with
the existing flexible working times. 12% (8 respondents) of the total respondents are disagreed
that they are being satisfied with the existing flexible work timings. 4.5% (3 respondents) of the
total respondents are disagreed that they are being satisfied with the existing flexible work
timings. From the average value obtained i.e. 3.15 it is inferred that the employees are being
satisfied with the existing flexible work timings at the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited.

4.2. (vi) Our organization is providing the support for doing higher studies:

Employees at Modulo Ceramics are responded to the above question as shown in the below table

Table 4.2 (v)

Level of Opinion Rating No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 3 4
Agree 4 12 18
Neutral or Moderate 3 40 60
Disagree 2 8 12
Strongly Disagree 1 4 6
Total 67 100
Source: Primary Data

Based on the above stated responses in a Table 4.2(v), the Chart was constructed

Chart 4.2 (vi) Our organization is providing the support for doing higher studies

Srongly Neutral or Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Moderate Disagree
No. of Respondents 3 18 35 8 3

Interpretation: 4% (3 respondents) of the total respondents are strongly agreed that they are
being providing the support for higher studies. 27% (18 respondents) of the total respondents are
agreed that they are being providing the support for higher studies. 60% (40 respondents) of the
total respondents are moderately agreed that they are being providing the support for higher
studies. 12% (8 respondents) of the total respondents are disagreed that they are being providing
the support for higher studies. 6% (4 respondents) of the total respondents are disagreed that they
are being providing the support for higher studies. From the average value obtained i.e. 3.03 it is
inferred that the employees are being providing the support for higher studies at the Modulo
Ceramics Private Limited.

4.2. (vii) I would like to spend my time with my family members, but working conditions
are not allowed me to do so: Employees at the Modulo Ceramics are responded to the above
question as shown in the below table

Table 4.2 (vii)

Level of Opinion Rating No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 5 6
Agree 4 14 21
Neutral or Moderate 3 40 60
Disagree 2 6 9
Strongly Disagree 1 3 4
Total 67 100
Source: Primary Data

Based on the above stated responses in a Table 4.2(vii), the Chart was constructed

Chart 4.2 (vii) I would like to spend my time with my family members, but working
conditions are not allowed me to do so

Srongly Neutral or Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Moderate Disagree
No. of Respondents 5 14 40 6 3

Interpretation: 6% (5 respondents) of the total respondents are strongly agreed that they would
like to spend their time with my family members, but the working conditions are not allowed
them to do. 21% (14 respondents) of the total respondents are agreed that above statement. 60%
(40 respondents) of the total respondents are moderately agreed that the given statement. 9% (6
respondents) of the total respondents are disagreed that they would like to spend their time with
my family members, but the working conditions are not allowed. 3% (4 respondents) of the total
respondents are disagreed to the given statement. From an average value obtained i.e. 3.15 it is
inferred that they would like to spend their time with my family members, but the working
conditions are not allowed to do so.

4.2. (viii) The Working more flexible hours is essential for me in order to meet my family
requirements: Employees at the Modulo Ceramics are responded to the above question as
shown in the below table

Table 4.2 (viii)

Level of Opinion Rating No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 9 13
Agree 4 16 24
Neutral or Moderate 3 36 54
Disagree 2 4 6
Strongly Disagree 1 3 3
Total 67 100
Source: Primary Data

Based on the above stated responses in a Table 4.2(viii), the Chart was constructed

Chart 4.2 (viii) Working more flexible hours is essential for me in order to meet my family
Srongly Neutral or Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Moderate Disagree
No. of Respondents 9 16 36 4 3

Interpretation: 13% (9 respondents) of the total respondents are strongly agreed that the
working more flexible hours is essential for them in order to meet their family requirements.
24% (16 respondents) of the total respondents are agreed that above statement. 54% (36
respondents) of the total respondents are moderately agreed that the given statement. 6% (4
respondents) of the total respondents are disagreed that the working more flexible hours is
essential for them in order to meet their family requirements. 3% (3 respondents) of the total
respondents are disagreed to the given statement. From an average value obtained i.e. 3.39 it is
inferred that they would like to work more flexible hours is essential for them in order to meet
their family requirements.

4.2. (ix) Flexible working arrangements are essential for me in order to be attending for the
family and social meetings or functions: Employees at the Modulo Ceramics are responded to
the above question as shown in the below table

Table 4.2 (ix)

Level of Opinion Rating No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 5 7.5
Agree 4 21 31
Neutral or Moderate 3 36 54
Disagree 2 3 4.5
Strongly Disagree 1 2 3
Total 67 100
Source: Primary Data

Based on the above stated responses in a Table 4.2(ix), the Chart was constructed

Chart 4.2 (ix) Flexible working arrangements are essential for me in order to be attending
for the family and social meetings or functions
Srongly Neutral or Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Moderate Disagree
No. of Respondents 5 21 36 3 2

Interpretation: 7.5% (5 respondents) of the total respondents are strongly agreed that Flexible
working arrangements are essential for them in order to be attending for the family and social
meetings or functions. 31% (21 respondents) of the total respondents are agreed that above
statement. 54% (36 respondents) of the total respondents are moderately agreed that the given
statement. 4.5% (3 respondents) of the total respondents are disagreed that Flexible working
arrangements are essential for them in order to be attending for the family and social meetings or
functions. 3% (2 respondents) of the total respondents are disagreed to the given statement. From
an average value obtained i.e. 3.36 it is inferred that they felt that the Flexible working
arrangements are essential for them in order to be attending for the family and social meetings or

4.2. (x) Flexible working arrangements are essential for me in order to be able to deal with
other interests and responsibilities outside the work: Employees at the Modulo Ceramics are
responded to the above question as shown in the below table

Table 4.2 (x)

Level of Opinion Rating No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 2 3
Agree 4 18 27
Neutral or Moderate 3 43 64
Disagree 2 3 4.5
Strongly Disagree 1 1 1.5
Total 67 100
Source: Primary Data

Based on the above stated responses in a Table 4.2(x),the Chart was constructed

Chart 4.2 (x) Flexible working arrangements are essential for me in order to be able to deal
with other interests and responsibilities outside work
Strongly Neutral or Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Moderate Disagree
No. of Respondents 2 18 43 3 1

Interpretation: 3% (2 respondents) of the total respondents are strongly agreed that Flexible
working arrangements are essential for them in order to be able to deal with other interests and
responsibilities outside work. 27% (21 respondents) of the total respondents are agreed that
above statement. 64% (43 respondents) of the total respondents are moderately agreed that the
given statement. 4.5% (3 respondents) of the total respondents are disagreed that Flexible
working arrangements are essential for them in order to be able to deal with other interests and
responsibilities outside work. 1.5% (1 respondent) of the total respondents are disagreed to the
given statement. From an average value obtained i.e. 3.25 it is inferred that they felt that the
Flexible working arrangements are essential for them in order to be able to deal with other
interests and responsibilities outside work.

4.2. (xi) Working shorter hours would negatively impact on my career progress within the
organization: Employees at the Modulo Ceramics are responded to the above question as shown
in the below table

Table 4.2 (xi)

Level of Opinion Rating No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 3 4.5
Agree 4 19 28
Neutral or Moderate 3 38 57
Disagree 2 5 7.5
Strongly Disagree 1 2 3
Total 67 100
Source: Primary Data

Based on the above stated responses in a Table 4.2(xi), the Chart was constructed

Chart 4.2 (xi) Working shorter hours would negatively impact on my career progress
within the organization
Strongly Neutral or Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Moderate Disagree
No. of Respondents 3 19 38 5 2

Interpretation: 4.5% (3 respondents) of the total respondents are strongly agreed that working
shorter hours would negatively impact on their career progress within the organization. 28% (19
respondents) of the total respondents are agreed that above statement. 57% (38 respondents) of
the total respondents are moderately agreed that the given statement. 7.5% (5 respondents) of the
total respondents are disagreed that Working shorter hours would negatively impact on their
career progress within the organization. 3% (2 respondents) of the total respondents are
disagreed to the given statement. From an average value obtained i.e. 3.24 it is inferred that they
moderately felt that Working shorter hours would negatively impact on their career progress
within the organization (Modulo Ceramics Pvt. Ltd.)

4.2. (xii) Flexible working conditions are essential to me in order to balance the workload,
other arrangements: Employees at the Modulo Ceramics are responded to the above question
as shown in the below table

Table 4.2 (xii)

Level of Opinion Rating No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 1 1.5
Agree 4 22 33
Neutral or Moderate 3 41 61
Disagree 2 3 4.5
Strongly Disagree 1 0 0
Total 67 100
Source: Primary Data

Based on the above stated responses in a Table 4.2(xii), the Chart was constructed

Chart 4.2 (xii) Flexible working conditions are essential to me in order to balance the
workload, other arrangements
Strongly Neutral or Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Moderate Disagree
No. of Respondents 1 22 41 3 0

Interpretation: 1.5% (1 respondent) of the total respondents are strongly agreed that Flexible
working conditions are essential to them in order to balance the workload, other arrangements.
33% (22 respondents) of the total respondents are agreed that above statement. 61% (41
respondents) of the total respondents are moderately agreed that the given statement. 4.5% (3
respondents) of the total respondents are disagreed that Flexible working conditions are essential
to them in order to balance the workload, other arrangements. There is no such employee to
strongly disagree the given statement. From an average value obtained i.e. 3.33 it is inferred that
they moderately felt that the flexible working conditions are essential to me in order to balance
the workload, other arrangements.

4.2. (xiii) Iam satisfied with the treatment of the firm, in terms of motivating, caring,
encouraging, etc: Employees at the Modulo Ceramics are responded to the above question as
shown in the below table

Table 4.2 (xiii)

Level of Opinion Rating No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 7 11
Agree 4 12 18
Neutral or Moderate 3 41 61
Disagree 2 6 9
Strongly Disagree 1 1 1
Total 67 100
Source: Primary Data

Based on the above stated responses in a Table 4.2(xiii),the Chart was constructed

Chart 4.2 (xiii) Iam satisfied with the treatment of the firm, in terms of motivating, caring,
encouraging, etc.
Strongly Neutral or Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Moderate Disagree
No. of Respondents 7 12 41 6 1

Interpretation: 11% (7 respondents) of the total respondents are strongly agreed that they are
satisfied with the treatment of the firm, in terms of motivating, caring, encouraging, etc. 18% (12
respondents) of the total respondents are agreed that above statement. 61% (41 respondents) of
the total respondents are moderately agreed that the given statement. 9% (6 respondents) of the
total respondents are disagreed that they are being satisfied with the treatment of the firm, in
terms of motivating, caring, encouraging and etc. 1% (1 respondent) of the total respondents
strongly disagreed to the given statement. From an average value obtained i.e. 3.27 it is inferred
that they moderately felt that the flexible working conditions are essential to me in order to
balance the workload, other arrangements.

4.2. (xiv) Flexible working conditions would make my lifer better:

Employees at the Modulo Ceramics are responded to the above question as shown in the below

Table 4.2 (xiv)

Level of Opinion Rating No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 8 12
Agree 4 16 24
Neutral or Moderate 3 39 58
Disagree 2 2 3
Strongly Disagree 1 2 3
Total 67 100
Source: Primary Data

Based on the above stated responses in a Table 4.2(xiv), the Chart was constructed

Chart 4.2 (xiv) Flexible working conditions would make my lifer better
Strongly Neutral or Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Moderate Disagree
No. of Respondents 8 16 39 2 2

Interpretation: 12% (8 respondents) of the total respondents are strongly agreed that these
Flexible working conditions would make their life better. 24% (16 respondents) of the total
respondents are agreed that above statement. 58% (39 respondents) of the total respondents are
moderately agreed that the given statement. 3% (2 respondents) of the total respondents are
disagreed that these Flexible working conditions would make their life better. 3% (2
respondents) of the total respondents strongly disagreed these Flexible working conditions would
make their life better. From an average value obtained i.e. 3.39 it is inferred that they felt that
these Flexible working conditions would make their life better.

4.2. (xv) Flexible working conditions may tend to miss the important work events e.g. the
staff meetings, training sessions, etc: Employees at the Modulo Ceramics are responded to the
above question as shown in the below table

Table 4.2 (xv)

Level of Opinion Rating No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 7 10.5
Agree 4 14 21
Neutral or Moderate 3 34 51
Disagree 2 9 13
Strongly Disagree 1 3 4.5
Total 67 100
Source: Primary Data

Based on the above stated responses in a Table 4.2(xv), the Chart was constructed

Chart 4.2 (xv) Flexible working conditions may tend to miss the important work events e.g.
the staff meetings, training sessions, etc
Strongly Neutral or Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Moderate Disagree
No. of Respondents 7 14 34 9 3

Interpretation: 10.5% (3 respondents) of the total respondents are strongly agreed that Flexible
working conditions may tend to miss the important work events e.g. the staff meetings, training
sessions, etc. 21% (14 respondents) of the total respondents are agreed that above statement.
51% (34 respondents) of the total respondents are moderately agreed that the given statement.
13% (9 respondents) of the total respondents are disagreed that Flexible working conditions may
tend to miss the important work events e.g. the staff meetings, training sessions, etc. 4.5% (3
respondents) of the total respondents strongly disagreed to the given statement. From an average
value obtained i.e. 3.19 it is inferred that they agreed that Flexible working conditions may tend
to miss the important work events e.g. the staff meetings, training sessions, etc.

4.2. (xvi) The worker’s possibility to choose the starting and ending of the working hours
which affects their productivity positively: Employees at the Modulo Ceramics are responded
to the above question as shown in the below table

Table 4.2 (xvi)

Level of Opinion Rating No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 6 9
Agree 4 11 16
Neutral or Moderate 3 42 63
Disagree 2 7 11
Strongly Disagree 1 1 1
Total 67 100
Source: Primary Data

Based on the above stated responses in a Table 4.2(xvi),the Chart was constructed

Chart 4.2 (xvi) The worker’s possibility to choose the starting and ending of the working
hours which affects their productivity positively





Strongly Neutral or Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Moderate Disagree
No. of Respondents 6 11 42 7 1

Interpretation: 9% (6 respondents) of the total respondents are strongly agreed that the
worker’s possibility to choose the starting and ending of the working hours which affects their
productivity positively. 16% (11 respondents) of the total respondents are agreed that above
statement. 63% (42 respondents) of the total respondents are moderately agreed that the given
statement. 11% (7 respondents) of the total respondents are disagreed that the worker’s
possibility to choose the starting and ending of the working hours which affects their
productivity positively. 1% (1 respondent) of the total respondents strongly disagreed to the
given statement. From an average value obtained i.e. 3.21 it is inferred that they agreed that the
worker’s possibility to choose the starting and ending of the working hours which affects their
productivity positively.

4.2. (xvii) I prefer overtime to complete the work, which has allotted to me, without
postponing: Employees at the Modulo Ceramics are responded to the above question as shown
in the below table

Table 4.2 (xvii)

Level of Opinion Rating No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 6 9
Agree 4 12 18
Neutral or Moderate 3 44 66
Disagree 2 5 7
Strongly Disagree 1 0 0
Total 67 100
Source: Primary Data

Based on the above stated responses in Table 4.2(xvii), the Chart was constructed

Chart 4.2 (xvii) I prefer overtime to complete the work, which has allotted to me, without





Strongly Neutral or Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Moderate Disagree
No. of Respondents 6 12 44 5 0

Interpretation: 9% (6 respondents) of the total respondents are strongly agreed that they would
like to prefer overtime to complete the work, which has allotted to me, without postponing. 18%
(12 respondents) of the total respondents are agreed that above statement. 66% (44 respondents)
of the total respondents are moderately agreed that the given statement. 7% (5 respondents) of
the total respondents are disagreed that they would like to prefer overtime to complete the work.
There is no such employee to strongly disagree to the given statement. From an average value
obtained i.e. 3.29 it is inferred that they would like to prefer overtime to complete the work
without postponing.

4.2. (xviii) I have overall satisfaction on my job based on the existing flexi work:

Employees at the Modulo Ceramics are responded to the above question as shown in the below

Table 4.2 (xviii)

Level of Opinion Rating No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 5 7
Agree 4 22 33
Neutral or Moderate 3 32 48
Disagree 2 8 12
Strongly Disagree 1 0 0
Total 67 100
Source: Primary Data

Based on the above stated responses in Table 4.2(xvii), the Chart was constructed

Figure 4.2 (xviii) I have overall satisfaction on my job based on the existing flexi work
Strongly Neutral or Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Moderate Disagree
No. of Respondents 5 22 32 8 0

Interpretation: 7% (5 respondents) of the total respondents are strongly agreed that they are
having the overall satisfaction on their job based on the existing flexible working arrangements.
33% (22 respondents) of the total respondents are agreed that above statement. 48% (32
respondents) of the total respondents are moderately agreed that the given statement. 12% (8
respondents) of the total respondents are disagreed that they are having the overall satisfaction on
their job based on the existing flexible working arrangements. There is no such employee to
strongly disagree to the given statement. From an average value obtained i.e. 3.60 it is inferred
that they are having the complete satisfaction on their job based on the existing flexible working
arrangements or conditions at the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited.





The below are the findings from the Survey (Questionnaire), Personal interaction with the
Human Resource Department, Marketing Department, Quality Control Department and other
departmental heads and employees (including firemen, daily workers and etc.) who are being
offered with the Flexible working conditions. By conducting this study on Impact of Flexible
Working Conditions on the Employee Job Satisfaction, I was found the following things.

1. The employees at the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited are moderately satisfied with
the current flexible working arrangements or conditions.
2. Majority of the employees at organization said that, it is not possible to balance work
and life commitments with the help of existing flexible working conditions.
3. Modulo Ceramics Employees have been agreed that the flexible working arrangements
or conditions are needed in order to balance the Work-life commitments
4. Some of the employees have said that, the flexible working conditions are not suitable
for them as they tend to make disconnection with the work life.
5. Employees at the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited are satisfied with the Flexible
Working Hours (one of the flexible working arrangements).
6. The Modulo Ceramics Private Limited employees have moderately agreed that the
organization is being provided the support towards the higher studies.
7. Most of the employees at Modulo Ceramics Private Limited have agreed upon the
Flexible working arrangements are important for them in order to meet their family and
personal requirements.
8. Employees at the Modulo ceramics are said that, they are willing to spend the time with
their family members but the existing flexible working arrangements are not encouraged
to do so.
9. Employees at the Modulo ceramics are said that, they are willing for attending to their
family meeting and social meetings but the existing flexible working arrangements are
not encouraged to do so.

10. The Modulo Ceramics Private Limited employees are moderately agreed that the
Flexible working arrangements are essential for the employees in order to be able to deal
with other interests and responsibilities outside work.
11. The employees at organization are stated that, if they are worked shorter hours at the
organization. That would be negatively impacted on the progress of the career in the
12. Most of the employees at Modulo Ceramics Private Limited have agreed upon the
Flexible working arrangements are important for them in order to balance the work load
and the other arrangements.
13. The employees of the Modulo ceramics are moderately said that they are being satisfied
with the treatment of the firm, in terms of motivating, caring, encouraging, etc.
14. The employees at Modulo Ceramics Private Limited are said that the Flexible Working
arrangements are essential as they will make their life happy and better.
15. The organization employees have said that, the Flexible working conditions may tend to
miss the important work events e.g. the staff meetings, training sessions, etc conducted
by the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited.
16. Employees at Modulo Ceramics Private Limited have moderately said that the worker’s
possibility to choose the starting and ending of the working hours which affects their
productivity positively.
17. Most of the employees at Modulo Ceramics have said that, they are willing to work
more hours without postponing the work.
18. The employees at Modulo Ceramics Private Limited have moderately said they have the
overall satisfaction on their job.


The below are the suggestions for the responses taken from the Survey (Questionnaire), Personal
interaction with the Human Resource Department, Marketing Department, Quality Control
Department and other departmental heads and employees (including firemen, daily workers and
etc.) who are being offered with the Flexible working conditions. The organization needs to
follow the below suggestions in order to get the Employee Job satisfaction through effective
implementation of Flexible Working Arrangements.

1. The employees are moderately satisfied with the current flexible working arrangements or
conditions in order to get effective satisfaction it is needed to take some actions
2. The Flexible working arrangements or conditions are needed in order to balance the Work-
life commitments so organization is being suggested to give them to its employees
3. The flexible working arrangements are not suitable for the employees in Marketing
Department, Shipping departments employees also agreed as same so that organization can
give the overtime pay (if they work more time), retention pay (if they work long time within
the organization)
4. Employees at the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited are neutrally satisfied with the current
work arrangements, some employees are working more than 10 hours in a day without
getting overtime pay. So organization is needed to provide accordingly.
5. There are some employees who are willing to go for higher studies but the organization is not
given that much of support. It is advised to encourage those kinds of people by giving
paid/unpaid leaves during their examinations. Can also give financial assistance
6. There are some situations that the employees have to go physically so that Flexible working
arrangements are important for them in order to meet their family and personal requirements.
Organization is advised to provide accordingly
7. The organization is not suggested to encourage overtime with pay /without pay, as they are
willing to spend their time with the family members and taking care of children. If they are
agreed to work overtime with pay the organization is needed to provide.

8. There are some situations that the employees have to go physically so that Flexible working
arrangements are important for them in order to attend family meeting and social meetings.
Organization is advised to provide accordingly
9. Employees are moderately agreed that the Flexible working arrangements are essential for
the employees in order to be able to deal with other interests and responsibilities outside
work, so company has to provide accordingly
10. The Modulo Ceramics Private Limited are not being given that much of Flexible working
arrangements in order to balance the work load and the other arrangements. So the
organization is advised to provide them accordingly.
11. The employees of the Modulo ceramics are moderately said that they are being satisfied with
the treatment of the firm, in terms of motivating, caring, encouraging, etc, company is
advised to maintain that much of treatment continuously
12. The Flexible working conditions may tend to miss the important work events e.g. the staff
meetings, training sessions, etc. conducted by the Modulo Ceramics Private Limited, so
organized is suggested to conduct meeting in online and record those sessions (should
maintain minutes book), if any of the employee is not able to attend the meeting he would see
recorded videos and minutes book.
13. Employees at Modulo Ceramics Private Limited have moderately said that the worker’s
possibility to choose the starting and ending of the working hours which affects their
productivity positively.
14. Implement the above suggestions in order to get the overall positive Job satisfaction with the
help of Modified Flexible Working Arrangements.


The flexibility in the workplace allows the employees to make arrangements about
their working situation or the conditions that suit them. In other context, the flexible working
conditions are alternate arrangements or the schedules from the traditional working days and
weeks. Employees might be chosen the different work schedule to meet their personal needs
and the family needs or requirements. The Modulo Ceramics Employees have been offered the
flexible working arrangements, but the employees are not that much satisfied with those
arrangements. Particularly, the employees’ career growth within the organization is not possible
with the help of existing flexible working conditions. So that the organization is advised to take
necessary actions on it. The Flexible working conditions may tend to miss the important work
events e.g. the staff meetings, training sessions, etc. conducted by the Modulo Ceramics Private
Limited, so organized is suggested to conduct meeting in online and record those sessions
(should maintain minutes book), if any of the employee is not able to attend the meeting he
would see recorded videos and minutes book accordingly. The organization is advised to give
the financial assistance to the either employees or employees children for their studies.
Implement the compressed work week arrangement for the Marketing and Production
department employees. By implementing all these arrangements the organization will get the
productivity from the employees as they would be satisfied with the Flexible Working



Zedeck (2011), Industrial and Organizational Psychology (pp.535-572): Flexible work

schedules, American Psychological Association.

Lisa Fisher (2017), Flexible Work Arrangements: Embracing the Noise to Understand the
Silence, Lexington Book Publishing.

Clare Kelliher, Lilian M. de Menezes (2019), Flexible Working in Organizations, Routledge


The OHIO State University (2018), The Flexible Working Arrangement Toolkit, The OHIO


Erkut Altindag and Funda Siller (2014), Effects of Flexible Working Method on Employee
Performance: An Empirical Study, Business and Economics Journal.

Nizar Yafhi (2016), Work Flexibility and Job Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Employee
Empowerment, School Works – Georgia State University


Society for Human Resource Management. (2014, October). SHRM survey findings: 2014
workplace flexibility and overview of the flexible work arrangements. Data Retrieved from: –

Fair Work OMBUSMAN (2020), The Flexible Working Arrangements and Flexibility in
Workplace, Retrieved From:

Questionnaire on the “Impact of Flexible Working Conditions on Employee’s Job


The following Questionnaire is designed for collecting the data regarding my project. The
information whatever provided by you will be kept confidential. Please cooperate with me.

PART A: General Information

Part -A is related to get the personal information only, please give your respond to following

1. Gender ◌ Male

◌ Female

2. Age ◌ Below 25 ◌ 25 to 35 ◌ 35 to 45 ◌ 45 to 55 ◌ Above 55

3. Marital Status ◌ Married

◌ Unmarried

4. Education Qualification ◌ Below 10th ◌ 10th class ◌ Intermediate ◌ UG ◌ PG

5. Residential Location ◌ Urban

◌ Rural

6. Experience (in years) ◌ Less than 1 ◌1-2 ◌2–5 ◌ 5 – 10 ◌ More than 10

7. If your organization is being ◌ Flexitime

provided you the flexible
◌ Job Commuting
working condition, What type is
being offered to you? ◌ Compressed work week

◌ Remote Working
◌ Other

8. How many hours do you work ◌ Less than 20 ◌ 20-40 ◌ 40-50 ◌ 50-60 ◌ 60 above
in a week? (in hours)


Information regarding to Flexible Working Conditions of an Employee in Organization

The following statement is for getting rating from an employee based on the Likert 5 Point
Rating Scale. Please put or write ( ) according to the question. Please provide the Rating
according to the Questions given in the following statement

Strongly Agree (5), Agree (4), Neutral (3), Disagree (2), Strongly Disagree (1)

S.NO Description (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

1 I am satisfied with the existing working arrangements

2 It is not possible to balance the Work-life commitments
3 The flexible working conditions will help me to balance my
work-life commitments
4 Flexible working conditions are not suitable for me because
they tend to make me feel disconnected from workplace
5 I am satisfied with existing flexible timings in the organization
6 Our organization is providing the support for doing higher
7 I would like to spend my time with my family members, but
these working conditions are not allowed me to do so.
8 Working more flexible hours is essential for me in order to
meet my family requirements
9 Flexible working arrangements are essential for me in order to
be attending for the family and social meetings or functions.
10 Flexible working arrangements are essential for me in order to
be able to deal with other interests and responsibilities outside
11 Working shorter hours would negatively impact on my career
progress within the organization
12 Flexible working conditions are essential to me in order to
balance the workload, other arrangements
13 Iam satisfied with the treatment of the firm, in terms of
motivating, caring, encouraging, etc.
14 Flexible working conditions would make my lifer better
15 Flexible working conditions may tend to miss the important
work events e.g. the staff meetings, training sessions, etc
16 The worker’s possibility to choose the starting and ending of
the working hours which affects their productivity positively.
17 I prefer overtime to complete the work, which has allotted to
me, without postponing.
18 I have overall satisfaction on my job based on the existing flexi

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