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1:00 – 2:00; 11:00-12:00

At the end of the lesson the students will:

Learn what addiction is and the consequences of it, and learn about
strategies in the prevention and control of substance use and
abuse, and learn about various illegal drugs.
 Determine the risk factors and protective factors associated with
substance abuse (drug and alcohol).
 Describe healthful alternatives to substance use and abuse.
 Identify behaviors that increases well being, and allow them to
achieve life goals.
 Apply decision-making and resistance skills in situations related to
substance and abuse.

A. Topic: Health and socio-cultural psychological legal and economic

dimensions of substance use and abuse.
B. Reference: Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material pp. 308-
315, and internet.
C. Materials: Power point presentation about drug addiction, images of
various effects when using the illegal drugs, laptop, projector, and
masking tape.

A. Activity
Ice breaker

Place cartoon strips on the board for the students to see as they walk in to catch
their attention.

 Discuss how substance abuse is portrayed in the cartoon.

B. Abstraction

o How does today's drug use compared to that of 10 years ago, 20 years ago, etc.
o Why do they feel drug use is so prevalent?
o What are possible reasons why people begin using drugs?
o Once someone is addicted to drugs, what controls the addiction? The user, or the drug
o What are the protective factors ?
o How can you prevent drug abuse?

The teacher will show them an images pertaining to the effect on drug abuse.

How to maintain and to promote personal health?.

What are the ways in saying No to drugs?

Understands aspects of substance use and abuse.

Knows the availability and effective use of health services, products, and information.

What are external influences and resisting peer pressure?

What do drugs do to the body?


Group the students into four groups, and let the students perform the activities in the class.

 Activity #1: Name that Drug 10 minutes

 Activity #2: Recognizing the Risks 15 minutes
 Activity #3: Scale of Addiction Use 10 minutes
 Activity #4: Consequences of Addiction 15 minutes

Activity 1- Name that Drug

Goal: Students will learn about various illegal drugs (including short and long-term health impacts). 
Type: Information chart and discussion
Cut out the drug types and their matching definitions form and place them out of order on the board.

 Explain the different types of drugs, have different effects on our

 Let students know that most drugs can be broken down into three
o Stimulants: Drugs that make the user hyper and alert.
o Depressants: Drugs that cause a user's body and mind to slow
o Hallucinogens: Drugs that disrupt a user's perception of reality
and cause them to imagine experiences and objects that seem
Ask students to match up the fact with the drug as a class. Go over the answers.

Activity 2 – Recognizing the Risks

Goal: Students will recognize protective and risk factors associated with substance abuse and
addiction and learn the importance of resilient factors.
Type: T-chart and group activity 15 minutes

Ask students to define the following terms:

o Resiliency: The ability to become strong, healthy and successful

after something bad happens to you.
o Risk Factors: Factors that can lead to drug use.
o Protective Factors: Factors that can shield from drug use.

 Explain that in this activity, each card represents a protective and

resilience factor, and when those factors fail or diminish the structure
will fall.
Activity 3 – Path to Addiction

Goal: Students will discuss how addiction can impact a person's lifestyle.

Type: Discussion and group activity

Ask students to define what addiction is as well as the substances a person can become addicted to.

 Make sure to include that both drugs and alcohol can be addictive.
 Explain to students that addiction is an ongoing process. Addiction may
present its challenges at different times over many years in a user's life.
 Write each stage on a different piece of paper.
 Work together to arrange themselves in the order that they think the
scale of addiction occurs in.

Activity 4 – Consequences of Addiction

Goal: Students will examine the causes of addiction on all facets of life.

Type: 5 corners activity and group discussion

separate the students into 5 different groups.

 Have the students get into their groups and give each group a piece of
chart paper. Assign each of the five groups one of the topics: (1)
Family, (2) Friends & Recreation, (3) School & Jobs, (4) Physical &
Emotional Health, and (5) Financial. Have each group write the topic on
their piece of chart paper.
 Ask each group to brainstorm and record the consequences of an
addiction relating to their topic.


The decision making process

Goal: Students will commit to a healthy lifestyle

Type: 5 corners activity and group discussion

Title: Why I choose to Stay Drug Free
Grey text with parts of the sentence: “Why I choose to Stay Drug Free" surrounding a white
box with the same title.


In a clean short bond paper, create a poster “SAY NO TO DRUGS”.

Make a pledge to say no to drugs and it will be displayed in our classroom.

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School Head - Antonio R. Lapiz-NHS TEACHER-1 Antonio R. Lapiz- NHS

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