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W elcome to your new Miracle Morning 30-day challenge! You are joining
millions of people from around the world who have used this challenge to
create meaningful and lasting changes in their life. You can absolutely do the

Whatever you want to change, create, or experience in your life begins with a
consistent (daily) personal development practice that will enable you to become
the person you need to be who is capable of changing, creating, and
experiencing all that you desire.

It is through your commitment to develop the necessary mindset (knowledge,

awareness, and beliefs), as well as behaviors (actions, habits, and rituals) that will
enable you to make any and every area of your life exactly as you’d like them to be.
This is what your Miracle Morning will do for you.

During the next 30 days, one day at a time, you will develop your capabilities for
success and fulfilment in each aspect of your life. By waking up each morning and
practicing your Miracle Morning S.A.V.E.R.S., you will begin developing extraordinary
levels of:

• Clarity (the power you’ll generate by focusing on what’s most important to you).

• Belief (the mindset that you are just as worthy, deserving, and capable of
creating everything you want for your life, as any other person on earth).

• Discipline (the crucial ability to get yourself to follow through with your
commitments in order to overcome or accomplish anything you want).

In other words, during the next 30 days, you’ll find yourself quickly becoming
the best version of yourself, one day at a time. You can look forward to feeling less
stressed, more centered, focused, happier and excited about your life.

You’ll be generating more energy, clarity and motivation to move towards

your highest goals and dreams - especially those you’ve been putting off far too

If you’re feeling hesitant, or concerned about whether or not you will be able
to follow through with this for 30 days, relax—it’s completely normal to feel that
way. This is especially true if waking up in the morning is something you’ve
found challenging in the past. Remember, we all suffer from RMS (Rearview
Mirror Syndrome). So, it’s not only expected that you would be a bit hesitant or
nervous, but it’s actually a sign that you’re really ready to commit - otherwise
you wouldn’t be nervous!

© 2020 Miracle Morning, LP | Questions? Get support at

Personally, I’m excited for you, because I know who you can become and how
much growth you can experience in just 30 days. I’ve both experienced it personally
and seen it, time and time again. The next 30 days are about you opening yourself
up to what’s really possible—venturing out of your comfort zone and being pleasantly
surprised by what happens when you do. You are absolutely capable and deserving
of everything that you want for your life, but it’s up to you. Now is YOUR time to
begin realizing and tapping into your full potential.

Here’s what you’ll find on the following pages:

1. The Miracle Morning Fast Start Plan - Use this simple, one-page plan to
complete your first Miracle Morning in the next 24 hours.

2. The Miracle Morning 30-Day Challenge Life Transformation Kit - Use

this detailed, multiple-page kit to gain extraordinary levels of clarity in your
life, regarding where you currently are, where you aspire to go, and what you
can do to ensure that you get there.

Welcome to the Miracle Morning!

With love & gratitude,

- Hal
P.S. Before going on to the next page, I invite you to take a minute and join The
Miracle Morning Community at to get
support from hundreds of thousands of like-minded Miracle Morning practitioners.

This Facebook group is free to join, has over 250,000 members, and truly is one
of the most positive, encouraging, and supportive communities in the world. I
hope to see you there!

B eginning your Miracle Morning practice (or restarting it) can and should be as
simple as possible, because the simpler it is, the more likely you are to follow
through. What’s most important is to establish the habit of starting your day
with personal development, so that each day you continue becoming the
person you
need to be to create everything you want for your life.

With that said, you may want to opt for The Miracle Morning Fast Start Plan.
Here it is:

1. Set Your Alarm 30 Minutes Earlier (Take a moment to do it now so that

you can wake up on your terms!) *Bonus Tip: Keep your alarm clock as far
away from your bed as possible so you have to actually get out of bed to turn
it off.

2. Do just ONE of the S.A.V.E.R.S. (Silence, Affirmations, Visualization,

Exercise, Reading, or Scribing) *More detailed information to help you with
each of these is in the following pages under the 30-Day Challenge Kit.

3. Join The Miracle Morning Community (Get support from over 250,000
Miracle Morning practitioners at *This
is currently a Facebook group, although we’re working on creating an
exclusive platform for our community.

That’s it. Simple.

Just wake up a little bit earlier and do one of the SAVERS - the one that you’re
most excited to try. You could wake up and meditate for half an hour… or write in
your journal (aka “scribe”)... or exercise. Or, if you haven’t read The Miracle Morning
yet, what a lot of people do is simply read the book during those first 30 minutes.
Then, when you get to the chapter on “Silence,” you can add a period of silence
into your Miracle Morning. When you get to the chapter on “Affirmations,” begin
incorporating affirmations into your practice, and so on.

Again, what’s most important is to establish your Miracle Morning as a

daily habit.

Now, if you’re thinking, “But Hal, I want to wake up an hour earlier and do ALL
(6)of the SAVERS!”, then go for it! My first Miracle Morning was exactly that: I woke
up at 5:00 AM (instead of my usual 6:00 AM wake up time) and although I fumbled
my way through 10 minutes of each of the SAVERS, it was an incredible experience!

The point here is that the Miracle Morning and the SAVERS are not an all-or-
nothing pursuit. Again, it’s beginning and maintaining the habit of a daily
morning personal development ritual that matters. Once you do this, and truly
establish the habit of doing your Miracle Morning, you can “scale up” and start
spending as much time as you’d like on any or all of the SAVERS!

T his is an in depth 6-step process designed to enhance your Miracle Morning

30- Day Challenge by providing you with exceptional levels of clarity regarding
where you currently are in your life, what’s most important for you to create and
experience in your life, what may be holding you back from moving forward, and
what you can
begin doing now to create greater levels of success and fulfillment.

• Step 1: The Wheel of Life Assessment

• Step 2: Clarity Questions

• Step 3: Your “Level 10” Vision

• Step 4: Establish “Level 10 Habits”

• Step 5: Design Your S.A.V.E.R.S. for Each Day

• Step 6: The 30-Day Challenge Tracker

Going through this process will likely take approximately an hour, or more or
less depending on how carefully you go through each step. So, I recommend
scheduling time to do this when you can be uninterrupted, such as early in the
morning, later in the evening, or on the weekend.

Consider this investment of your time to be one that will give you an
exponential return. It will enhance your Miracle Morning practice by giving you
heightened clarity as to what you’ll want to focus your SAVERS on.

However, it is not necessary for you to complete this process before starting
your Miracle Morning. In fact, quite the opposite. As described in the Miracle
Morning Fast Start Plan on the previous page, establishing the habit of waking
up and beginning your day with personal development is the ultimate objective.

If you’re ready to go deeper, grab a pencil or pen, and let’s dive in…


If we’re measuring our levels of success and fulfillment on a scale of 1-10, in any area of our
lives, I think it’s safe to say that we’d all like to be living our best lives possible at a “Level 10” in
each area. Level 10 health… Level 10 happiness… Level 10 relationships… Level 10 financial
security/freedom, etc. It’s not about perfection, but about progress. It’s a matter of creating and
maintaining the levels of success and fulfillment that you truly want and deserve, and not settling
for anything less.
Creating your “Level 10 Life” begins with creating an honest assessment of where you are
currently. On a scale of 1-10 (starting in the center at “0”), rate your current levels of success
and fulfillment in each area, and color in the space between “0” and your rating (See the Finished
Example, below).
Once completed, you should have a clear picture of which areas you’re doing well in, and
which area(s) you may want to focus on during the next 30 days, to begin improving and
moving in the direction of level 10.















In Conclusion… Now that you have a clearer picture of your current levels of personal success
and fulfillment, let’s dive deeper into gaining heightened levels of clarity.

“Where you are is a result of who you were.

But where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be.”

[Gaining Clarity: Using Quality Questions to Prepare Your Mindset] Remember: we’re talking
about “Life Transformation” (in 30-days) here, and like anything else in life that’s worthwhile,
getting the most out of The Miracle MorningTM 30-Day Life Transformation Challenge will require a
bit of preparation on your part. It’s important that you invest some intentional time
(approximately 30-60 minutes) to complete these initial exercises beginning with thoughtfully
answering these 5 Clarity Questions. The more attention you give to this part of the process,
the more value you’ll gain from every other step.

Our happiness and emotional well-being, in any
moment, can be directly linked to the amount on their “Bad” page, than for you and I to
of gratitude that we are consciously present make the choice to invest the majority of our
to and allow ourselves to experience. Think of time (I’m talking 95-99%) focusing on, being
it this way: every single one of us has two grateful for, and telling others about
(metaphorical) pages that we can focus on at everything on our “Good... Great... Excellent!”
any given moment. One page lists everything page? It’s not. Both are equally realistic, but
we have to feel “bad” about, and the other lists which one you choose to focus on (most of
everything we have to feel “good” about and be the time) determines your internal quality of
GRATEFUL for. Unhappy people often defend life. The more often (and more deeply) you
their negativity and complain by saying allow yourself to feel authentically grateful
something along the lines of, “I’m not being for every aspect of your life (even for your
negative, I’m just being realistic.” Really? How challenges and what you can learn and how
is it anymore realistic for a person to choose to you will grow from them) the happier,
spend most of their time focusing on, dwelling healthier, and more energized you will feel!
on, and complaining to others about everything So, I invite you to invest just a few minutes
listing (and the feeling) some of the things
that you have to be grateful for...

I’m grateful for being at home during lockdown, because right now I am not in the burden of making money so I can
fully focus on my career, personal development and other things.

I’m grateful for being at home because I know exactly what’s wrong
inside of me (mindset and behaviors) that lead to my bad performance.
It’s never the circumstances, it’s about attitude and mindset.
I’m grateful for still having the time to review and practice on my English skills.
If you could miraculously wake up tomorrow
and any area of your life could be stress? More money? Which of your
transformed, what would you change? Would problems would be solved? Which of your
you be happier? Healthier? More successful? goals or dreams would you be on your way to
In better shape? Would you have more achieving? The great news is you can begin
energy? Less transforming any area of your life, so be

I want to transform my personal growth, development, spirituality, career development and


Often times, it is our deepest fears (which
are usually below the surface and we don’t heard this acronym for F.E.A.R. – False
give much thought to) that are holding us Evidence Appearing Real. All of these are
back from going to the next level and true. Fear disappears in the midst of doing
achieving everything we want in our personal what we’re afraid of, because our fear is
or professional lives. While most of us would almost always of the unknown or the worst
prefer to NOT focus on our fears (because possible scenario (which almost never comes
it’s usually no fun thinking about or true) rather than anything tangible. So, be
acknowledging what we’re afraid of), doing vulnerable here— no one’s looking. Be
so is absolutely crucial to overcoming them. honest with yourself— possibly more honest
You may have heard it said: “There is than you’ve ever been before—about what
nothing to fear but fear itself.” Or, “Face the fears, insecurities, and/or doubts are holding
fear, and the fear will disappear.” You may you back from achieving everything you’ve
have also ever wanted for your life...

My circle of influence right now: It’s the people I don’t want to be

surrounded with.
Something is wrong with my attitude/mindset and I need to change it.
Belief is the most powerful and creative force
in the universe, which is possessed by every find the good within them. If you think
human being. Every aspect of our lives—good people are out to get you, they will. It is
or bad, both internally and externally—are born crucial that you consciously and actively
from our beliefs. If you believe, truly believe, reinforce the beliefs that will support you in
that you are capable of achieving success in an confidently pursuing everything you want for
endeavor, you will pursue it until you achieve your life. Napoleon Hill, author of the classic
it. On the other hand, if one does not truly book, Think & Grow Rich said, “Whatever the
believe that being successful is their right, then mind can conceive and BELIEVE, it can
they will give up at the first sign of an obstacle. achieve.” So true. So, what beliefs do you
If you believe you are deserving of love, you need to reinforce on a daily basis to remind
will inevitably attract it. If you don’t, you won’t. you that you’re just as worthy, deserving,
If you believe people are generally good, you and capable of creating the life you want, as
will any other person?

How I do anything is how I do one thing in particular


This is a question I make every “prospective”
(Life/Success) Coaching client that I’m ever want for your life, at a level you’ve never
considering working with answer. I tell them, been committed to before.” So, why are YOU
“It’s important for you to convince me and no longer willing to settle for less than you
yourself WHY you’re ready to commit to doing truly want and are capable of? Why is NOW
whatever it takes to create what you really your time?

The reason why I truly want to achieve what I truly want in my life is because I do not want to be
the victim of the circumstances. I am the creator of my happiness. I want to share the love, joy,
peacefulness, empathetic understanding.

“Make bold moves toward your dreams each

day, refuse to stop, and nothing can stop

[Your “Level 10” Vision: Getting Clear On Your Ideal Conditions for Each Area of Your Life]
Now that you’ve used the Wheel of Life to honestly assess your current levels of success and
satisfaction in 10 key areas of your life, the next step in creating your Level 10 Life is to
thoughtfully define it. Use the space below to describe your vision for your Level 10 Life, so that
you can immediately begin taking your initial steps toward creating it during The Miracle
MorningTM 30-Day LT Challenge. Remember: You have the power to change or create
anything in your life—one step (and one day) at a time.

[Family & Friends] Describe your “Level 10” vision for your your relationships with Family &
Friends. How can you add more value to their lives? How do you want them to treat,
encourage, and support you? How can you be a better friend, parent, spouse, sibling, son,
daughter, etc?

[Personal Growth & Development] Describe “Level 10” Personal Growth for you. How many
books do you want to read? How many days a week do you want to do The Miracle Morning?
Do you want to work with a mentor? Hire a professional Coach? Which seminars do you want
to attend?

I want to do the Miracle Morning every day because how I start my day
influences the rest of the day.
I want to read some inspiring books/listening to podcast, inspiring videos on a
daily basis so that it can build my mindset to be better.
[Health & Fitness] Describe what “Level 10” Health & Fitness is for you? What will you eat?
What won’t you eat? How often do you want to exercise? How will you feel? Desribe the
amount of physical energy that you want?

[Finances] Describe your “Level 10” Financial situation. How much money do you want to
make? Save? Donate to charity? Which of your financial problems would be solved? Describe the
freedom and lifestyle that you want for you and your loved ones.

[Career/Business] Describe your “Level 10” professional life. What do you want to do? Whom
do you want to work with? Where do you want to work? (Home, office, travel, etc.) How many
people do you want to impact? Do you have a dream of starting a business, writing a book, etc?
What do you really want?
I want to pass the Phonology course during next days. I want to work alone these
days. I really want to study IELTS because it can enable me to learn again some basic
English and create strength in learning English.

[Physical Environment] Describe your “Level 10” living and working environment. Where do
you want to live? What needs to be changed? How will you feel spending every day in your “Level
10” Physical Environnmet?
Peaceful. Cool.
[Fun & Recreation] Life is meant to be enjoyed, so describe your idea of “Level 10” Fun &
Recreation. What are some of your favorite hobbies? Passions? Which activities do you want
to do more of?


[Significant Other / Romance] Describe your “Level 10” relationship with your current (or
yet-to- be-determined) significant other. What do you want? More importantly: How can
YOU be the person that will attract the love and romance that you want?

[Contribution/Giving] Describe what a “Level 10” means to you. How important is helping
others? How much time, money, and/or resources do you want to give back? To which groups
of people or organziations do you contribute?

[Spirituality] Describe what “Level 10” Spirituality looks like in your life. How much time
would you like to spend in Silence each day? How often do you want to attend church? How
would you improve your relationship with God?

“An extraordinary life is all about daily, continuous

improvements in the areas that matter
– Robin Sharma

As detailed in Chapter 9 of The Miracle Morning book, From Unbearable To Unstoppable, you
can establish or change any habit in 30 days, and your levels of success and fulfillment in
every area of your life will almost always be a result of your habits.

For The Miracle Morning 30-Day Challenge, I recommend that you pick just ONE or TWO
areas from your Level 10 Vision to focus on improving significantly.

Which 1-2 areas from your “Level 10 Vision” above will you focus on during this challenge?

1.Personal Growth/Development

2. Career Development

Level 10 Area #1: Personal Growth/Development

Which 1-3 habit(s) can you establish NOW that will move you toward a “Level 10” in this area of
your life? What could you start doing immediately and over the next 30 days to dramatically
improve your life? List them here:

1. Do The Miracle Morning every day to set the intentions for the whole day.

2. Always check the mood meter every 50 minutes to change the attitude/emotion if necessary.

3. Journaling during the transition time between morning, afternoon and evening.
Level 10 Area #2: Career Development
Now, the same for the second area. Which 1-3 habit(s) can you establish NOW that will create a
“Level 10” in this area of your life? What could you start doing immediately and over the next 30
days to dramatically improve your life? List them here:

1.Using Pomodoro Timer to schedule for breaks and study effectively

2. Using Affirmations and Visualizations during the Miracle Morning to imagine what it is like to go
through a day as a gift and study as effective as I can.

3. Set a schedule for the whole day tomorrow the day before.

One of the beautiful things about The Miracle Morning is that this is a framework that you
can customize for yourself. The S.A.V.E.R.S. can be in any order you prefer, and there are
many options you can do for each of the S.A.V.E.R.S.

Let’s take a bit of time to set up your Miracle Morning for this 30-Day Challenge. Please
know that you can experiment and change this as much as you like. Your Miracle Morning is
yours, and can be a beautiful lifelong habit that will continue improve your life dramatically.

Your Miracle Morning won’t be perfect when you start, and it may never be perfect. Instead, it
can be something you change throughout many years. Please give up on perfection, and instead
strive for progress with your Miracle Morning and your life.

Here are each of the S.A.V.E.R.S. and some ideas and suggestions for each one for you
to customize for yourself.

This can be whatever you’d like for your Silence. We usually recommend 5-10 minutes of Silence
to begin (unless you are starting with the 6-Minute S.A.V.E.R.S.). This can be meditation (guided
or on your own), prayer, breath work, or contemplation. Just find something you find easy and
enjoyable for your first several days, and then you can change it up as you get the habit solidified
for yourself.

Here are some suggestions you may want to try for your first thirty days of the challenge.

• Set a timer for your period of Silence. Use your smartphone, computer timer, your watch,
or an analog timer to keep your Miracle Morning moving along.

• You can try guided meditation to start this habit, especially if this is new to you. You may
search YouTube for guided meditations, try apps like Headspace, Insight Timer, or Waking Up
for your smartphone or computer. You can also look on the web for different guided
meditations by people such as Tara Brach or Emily Fletcher of Ziva Meditation. The more you
look, the more you’ll find for this. It’s nice to start with some guidance until you become more
comfortable with meditating on your own.

• You can pray in a manner that makes you comfortable for part of the silent time, or the
entire time. You may also alternate between “talking” and “listening” during this time, as
some profound insights may happen for you.

• You may just decide to close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing for one to
several minutes. Vary this up and see what feels the best for you. You’re at the start of
a lifelong habit that will benefit you in so many ways!
I recommend in the book to say your affirmations out loud, and with emotion for them to be
most effective. I also suggest that affirmations that help direct your behavior are the best
way to use these. However, once again you may experiment with this to find what works
best for you.

Here are some ways you can get started with your affirmations during your 30-day

1. You may print out and use an example of some of the affirmations provided as downloads
at You may try modifying these as your own and reading
them aloud, with emotion each day. You can also use these as a template to adapt them
for yourself.

2. You can create your own affirmations using my 3-step formula for creating practical
affirmations that produce tangible results:

1. Affirm a Meaningful Outcome That You’re Committed to Creating. Start by writing

down a (specific) extraordinary result/outcome—one that challenges you and would
significantly improve your life—which you are ready to commit to creating, even if you’re
not yet sure how you will do it. (Example: “I’m committed to , no matter what.
There is no other option.”)

2. Affirm Why You’re 100% Committed to That Outcome. The clearer we are on the
specific reasons why we’re working towards an outcome, and what the benefits we’ll
experience when we achieve it, the more compelled, motivated and driven we will be to
follow through. (Example: “This commitment is absolutely crucial to me because
_______.” List as many reasons/benefits as possible.)

3. Affirm Which Specific Actions You Will Take and When. As my first coach used to
say, “Action is where the rubber meets the road!” In other words, it’s only through
consistent effort that we are able to create measurable improvements in our lives.
(Example: “In order to achieve my outcome, I’m committed to doing on days and at

3. Constantly Update and Evolve Your Affirmations. As you continue to grow, improve
and evolve, so should your affirmations. When you come up with a new goal, dream or
any ambitious result that you want to create for your life, update your affirmations.

4. You may try writing them down by hand to re-read during your Miracle Morning, or
typing them in on my phone like I do to have them ready to go. There are also apps
for your phone where you can read the affirmations in your own voice, so that you can
play them back during your affirmation time, and say them along with yourself. One of
my favorite apps for this is Think Up!
This is such a fun part of The Miracle Morning. This is where we enter the theater of the
imagination, and make anything we want in life to come true in our minds.

This is best used to help us realize completed goals and the actual steps to complete these
dreams. I often imagine myself pushing through a particularly difficult time in the process of
the affirmations I have. For example, if I was committed to doubling my income, I would “see”
myself sitting down to make double the sales calls I had been doing. Here are some useful tips
for starting your own visualization:

• You can see yourself as both as “in a movie,” where you see yourself acting and doing
the things you wish to do in life. Or you can also visualize by “seeing through your own
eyes,” and imagining yourself doing the things.

• Imagine yourself throughout your day acting as perfectly as you can. Visualize yourself
responding to others who may grate on your nerves rather than just reacting to them. See
yourself speaking confidently to others. See yourself eating healthy, or pushing through
your workout. Doing this daily will help refine actions so we can act more as we wish to

• You can use visual cues, such as vision boards, and clippings of things that you want in your
life. However, I’d recommend the ‘action’ in getting those things as part of your visualization,
too. Put in anything and everything you’d like as a part of your idealized future. For this to
happen in your life, it must begin as an idea. That’s why visualization is so powerful.

• Get help with visualization, especially if you haven’t done it before. You can look it up on the
web, and see how different teachers go about their visualization. You can try many different
ways to do this, and see what feels right to you.
This is the time in the morning to really get going. You already know this, but the exercise will
get your blood going, oxygen in your system, and will help you feel energized. It can be anything
you want it to be: strength training, cardio, stretching, yoga, walking--this is your time during
The Miracle Morning.

Here are some things to consider for your “E”.

• I like to use the 7 Minute Workout App. It’s quick, it’s simple, and it gives me a real
workout in a few minutes. It also changes up each day, I just need to press ‘play’ and get
after it without much time. Give it a try!

• When you’re starting the Miracle Morning, it may be a good idea to do some exercise
that you truly enjoy while you’re making this a habit. If you like walking or biking, go
ahead and do that for your exercise. If you’d like to try yoga, or think you need to
stretch, write that down as the exercise for your Miracle Morning.

• If you’re stuck on what to do for your Exercise, go to YouTube and type in “10 minute
workout” in the search, and you’ll see all kinds of exercises that you can do, with no
equipment, for all exercise levels. I promise you that there isn’t a human being on Earth
that can’t be worn out in ten minutes. If you doubt that, try non-stop burpees for 10

• It’s important to be dressed and ready to workout when you do your Miracle Morning.
My suggestion is to have your clothes laid out already, or do what lots of other people
have done and simply sleep in the workout clothes you’ll use the next morning. Just
this simple change can make everything about your Miracle Morning easier!
You know all about the reading part. It’s pretty straightforward, but I have several ideas that will
help in getting your Miracle Morning started the right way! These ideas can help make the most
of your daily “R.”

• KNOW what you’re going to read in the morning. When it comes time to start reading,
you want to know exactly what you’re going to read before it comes time for that in the
morning. You don’t want the heavy lifting of making these decisions during your
Miracle Morning. Be prepared and know what you’ll read before you begin...ideally the
before you go to sleep the previous night.

• Read to solve a specific issue or problem that you may have in your life. If you are trying to
reach a certain goal by the end of this 30-day Challenge--like weighing less or increasing
your income--then choose a book that’s specifically about that goal. Yes, you’ll get actual
strategies to move you forward in life, but you’ll also get a lot of motivation and momentum
from what you’re reading.

• Don’t be afraid to write in your book! If you’re using a physical copy of the book, circle and
underline things that are important to you. Write notes of something that applies to you in
the margins. Take some notes in your journal, too. This is your book, and you can truly
make it yours by personalizing it through your note taking.

• Translate the thoughts from the book into action! When you run across a great idea, and
don’t actually apply it to your life, you’re not doing yourself any good. Once you have
something that you want to try from your reading, take the time right there, during your
Miracle Morning to schedule doing it. If it’s a concept that you want to remember, then add
it to your morning affirmations. Put it into your Scribing session, too. This will make sure
that your Miracle Morning is turning you into the person you want to be daily.
This is where you can save your progress from your Miracle Morning. All of the insights you
may get from reading, something that affected you during your affirmations, or a
visualization that was particularly helpful can be captured so that your practice keeps getting
better and better.

Your journal can also be a powerful place to write your intentions, sketch out plans, share your
gratitude, and direct your behavior.

• Consider getting a journal to keep things in one place for you. This is the ONE place that
you can gather all of the thoughts and ideas that can propel you forward in life. You’ll be
able to refer back to it often after you capture important insights, and you can finally refer
to yourself as a ‘Journaler.”

• Start your day with Gratitude! This has been scientifically proven to improve everything
in life. When you appreciate life, life appreciates in value. It’s a certainty.

• One of the ways to do this is to think of something NEW that you can appreciate each and
every day. If you say the same thing every day, like being grateful for your children, then
that gets to be too repetitive to do much good for you. The magic happens when we reach
out to find more things in our lives to appreciate, and when we get very specific. Instead of
saying I’m grateful for my spouse, it’s even better to say, “I really appreciate how they go
out of their way every day to say, ‘I love you,’ and to make me feel special.” When you
write that, feel it as deeply as you can. I promise this will change the way you look at
everything in life.

• You can write down INTENTIONS for the day. If you know that you will have a meeting
with an important client--you can write down how you want them to feel when you
greet them and go over what you can do to serve them better than anyone. You can
write down what the intention is for time you have with your child or other loved one.
You can write your intention for your workout, and how it will improve your energy and
strength. You can also write down how you intend to be for the day. Do you think you
might act differently if you wrote down that you’d be courageous today? Or loving? Or
empathetic? Or joyful? Absolutely! Writing down intentions is one of the very best ways
we have to direct our own behavior!

• Search for the term “Scribing” in The Miracle Morning Community on Facebook to get
literally dozens upon dozens of ideas about how and what to scribe each day. You can
also ask for ideas in the group, and share what works for you so that others can benefit
from what you’re doing, too. To join The Miracle Morning Community on Facebook, visit
www., answer the questions and you’ll be approved!
Set a BEDTIME ALARM the night before your Miracle Morning! Most of us have waking
alarms, but we set ourselves up for failure when we don’t have enough sleep. I still get
surprised sometimes when my bedtime alarm rings, and it’s gotten me a lot more sleep to
make my mornings even better.

• Set everything out that you’ll need for your Miracle Morning the night before you actually do it.
If you need workout clothes, a particular book you want to read, your journal, a copy of your
affirmations, keep them all in one place and have them ready to go when you wake. This
simple action will give you so much momentum for the next morning.

• Make sure to use my “Snooze Proof” Wake Up Strategy from my book “The Miracle
Morning.” When you do these steps, your mornings will be so much better!

° Set your intentions before bedtime. Reading my bedtime affirmations (downloaded

with this challenge) can help!

° Put your alarm clock across the room! NOT next to you where you can easily snooze it!

° Brush your teeth right away. This will help your “Wake Up Motivation Level” immediately.

° Drink a full glass of water ASAP.

° Get dressed or shower to get going!

• Get an Accountability Partner! Share The Miracle Morning and get a friend to join in on
this challenge with you. This will keep you going for someone else even if it’s tough to
establish the habit on your own. You can also find accountability partners in our Miracle
Morning Community at

• You may want to try the 6 Minute version of the SAVERS to start out with, and establish the
habit before doing the entire hour+ long Miracle Morning with 10 minutes or more of each
of the SAVERS. This may make it much easier to continue the habit, and most everyone can
wake up 10 minutes earlier to do this!

• Keep a timer handy to put a limit on how much time you spend on each of the SAVERS.
It’s easy to get carried away. This will help keep you on task. Use your phone, or a
Google timer, or a simple kitchen timer for this.
This way, you won’t spend time thinking about what’s next. Use this space to write out the
order and the amount of minutes you will spend on your Miracle Morning each day, then
POST THIS where you will see it each morning!




Silence Waking Up (app) 10 min

Visualization Imagine myself acting perfectly today 5 min

Affirmations Read the Level 10 Affirmations 5 min

Reading Read The Miracle Morning Book 20 min

Scribing Write in my 5 Minute Journal 10 min

Exercise 10 minute Yoga session on Youtube 10 min


[The 30-Day Transformation Tracker: Creating Consistency By Tracking Your Progress Every
Day] To get off to a “Fast- Start” with The Miracle MorningTM it is important that you begin by
experiencing the FULL Miracle Morning, including all 6 of the Life S.A.V.E.R.S TM practices for
accelerated personal development, and track your progress each day. In addition to the 6 Life
S.A.V.E.R.S TM (included below), choose 4 of your “Level 10” Habits from the previous page that
you want to establish during the next 30 days, which will make the most significant
improvements in the areas you feel will make the biggest impact in your life. There is a huge
benefit that comes from tracking your progress, as it is an excellent form of accountability and
gives you positive, tangible reinforcement every time you follow through with your “Level 10”
[Instructions] Mark an “X” for each day you follow through with your habit, an “O” for
each day you PLAN (in advance) to take Off, and leave it blank any day that you intend to
do it, but don’t. Obviously you want to keep “missed” days to an absolute minimum, but
always keep in mind that personal development is about progress—not perfection.



“Love the life you have while you create the life of your dreams.
Don’t think you have to choose one over the other.”

“Give up being perfect, for being authentic. Give up the

need to be perfect, for the opportunity to be authentic. Be who
you are.
Love who you are. Others will too.”

“Know that wherever you are in your life right now is both
temporary, and exactly where you’re supposed to be. You
have arrived at this moment to learn what you must learn, so
you can
become the person you need to be to create the life you truly want.”

“Even when life is difficult or challenging—especially when life

is difficult and challenging—the present is always an opportunity
for us to learn, grow, and become better than we’ve ever been

“YOU are just as deserving of extraordinary happiness,

health, wealth and success as any other person on this planet!
that, know it in your heart, and take the necessary actions
TODAY to start creating the extraordinary life you deserve
to live.”

“Be grateful for all that you have, accepting of all that you
don’t, and actively create all that you want.”

“The moment you accept responsibility for everything in

your life is precisely the moment you regain the power to
change or
create anything in your life.”

“Make today the BEST day of your life, because there is

simply no good reason not to.”

“Where you are is a result of who you were, but where you
go depends entirely on who you choose to be.”

“Make bold moves toward your dreams each day, refuse to

stop, and nothing can stop you.”

1. Join The Miracle Morning Community at

2. Check out the Miracle Morning 14-Book Series at

3.Watch The Miracle Morning Movie at

4. Visit The Miracle Morning Store at

5.Listen to Hal’s Achieve Your Goals Podcast at

6. Share The Miracle Morning with others at

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