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Junior High School (AY 2021-2022)

First Quarter Unit Test

Christian Values Education 1 (Grade 7)

Name: ________________________________________ Section: ______________________ Score: _____/35

Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision,
hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe. -
Gail Devers

General Instruction: Read and analyze each question carefully, if possible, no erasures, and write your
answers clearly in the space provided.

I. Alternate Response: Write C if the statement is correct and write W if the statement is wrong
on the space provided.

_____1. The revelation of God is through the Bible, creation, conscience, and providence.
_____2. Omnipresence signifies that God is unchangeable.
_____3. Matthew 5:48 says our heavenly Father is perfect.
_____4. Psalm 145: 5 speaks about God’s greatness and abundant power.
_____5. God is not a Spirit; He does not have a physical body as we do.
_____6. We have five (5) categories of the communicable characteristics of God.
_____7. The names of God reveal various truths about him.
_____8. Revelation is the act of covering something that is being seen.
_____9. The Bible is the primary source of God’s revelation.
_____10. Incommunicable attributes mean some little likeness can be found in man.
_____11. The Greek name Pater is a special name of God in the New Testament.
_____12. General revelation reveals who God is and how we are going to be saved.
_____13. Cartoonists are people who believe that creation is God and God is creation.
_____14. God's communicable attributes have resemblance or likeness in man.
_____15. The name El or Elohim means the Unconquerable one.

II. Multiple Choice: Select the best answer according to the module and further readings. Write the letters
representing your final answer in the space provided.

_____1. This is the basic knowledge of what is right and wrong.

A. Bible B. Creation C. Conscience D. Providence
_____2. It is the original language of the Old Testament
A. Greek B. Latin C. Hebrew D. English
_____3. God’s perfect devotion to what is right; his decision of rewarding the righteous.
A. Righteousness B. Goodness C. Hopefulness D. Holiness
_____4. God’s way of revealing something of Himself to all people.
A. Special B. Revealing C. Natural D. General
_____5. This is a mystery for us that he who created us exist without someone who created him.
A. God is a Spirit B. God is Eternal C. God is a Person D. God is Infinite
_____6. This verse says we are adopted as sons of God; by whom we cry Abba Father.
A. John 3:16 B. Romans 8:15 C. Galatians 5:22 D. Romans 6:23
_____7. A Jehovah name is the equivalent English meaning The Lord will provide.
A. Jehovah-Nissi B. Jehovah-Rohi C. Jehovah-Shamma D. Jehovah-Jireh
_____8. One of these verses reveals something about God’s creation.
A. Hebrews 1:1 B. Romans 1:19-20 C. John 3:16 D. Ephesians 2:8

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_____9. God’s communicable attributes that he is almighty and all-powerful
A. Omnipotence B. Omniscience C. Omnipresence D. Obedience
_____10. It is one piece of evidence that all human beings are born with the idea of an absolute-perfect
A. Ethnological B. Teleological C. Ontological D. Cosmological
_____11. This Greek name of God was translated into English as The Almighty
A. Kurious B. Pantokrator C. Pater D. Theos
_____12. God incommunicable attribute that he does not need anyone outside of Himself.
A. Self-sufficiency B. Immutability C. Eternity D. Simplicity
_____13. The will of God speaks about his love, grace, and mercy.
A. Gentleness B. Greatness C. Goodness D. Graciousness
_____14. It tells us that God is present in all places at all times.
A. Malachi 3:6 B. Jeremiah 23:24 C. Psalm 90:2 D. Acts 17:25
_____15. He is without beginning or end.
A. God in Infinite B. God is a person C. God is a Spirit D. God is Eternal

III: Reflection from the virtual Divine Service.

Date of the Divine Service: ________________________________

Name of the preacher: ____________________________________



CVE Teacher

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Religious Subject Curriculum Developer COT Dean/ School Chaplain

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