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1 CA-CV 93-0461, 1 CA-CV 93-0442

Court of Appeals of Arizona, Division One, Department A

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse

190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997) • 945 P.2d 317
Decided Oct 21, 1997

Nos. 1 CA-CV 93-0461, 1 CA-CV 93-0442. 7 *7

November 7, 1996. As Corrected on Denial of

8 *8
Reconsideration January 13, 1997. Review Denied
October 21, 1997._ 9 *9

_ Jones, V.C.J., recused himself and did not

10 *10
participate in the determination of this
matter. 11 *11

Beus, Gilbert Morrill, P.L.L.C. by Leo R. Beus, L. 12 *12

Richard Williams, Mark C. Dangerfield, Martin A.

Aronson and Michael R. Devitt, and Gust OPINION
Rosenfeld by Richard A. Segal, Phoenix, for
Plaintiffs-Appellees. FIDEL, GARBARINO and WEISBERG, Judges.

Snell Wilmer by Daniel J. McAuliffe and Robert The plaintiffs are Standard Chartered PLC, a
B. Hoffman, Phoenix, Cravath, Swaine Moore by British banking corporation, and two of its
Thomas D. Barr, Rory O. Millson and Francis P. subsidiaries, Standard Chartered Bank and
Barron, New York City, Brown Bain, P.A. by Paul Standard Chartered Overseas Holdings, Ltd.
F. Eckstein, H. Michael Clyde and Joel W. (collectively "SC"). The defendant is Price
Nomkin, Phoenix, and Price Waterhouse by Eldon Waterhouse, an accounting firm ("PW"). SC
Olson, General Counsel, Rodman W. Benedict, brought this action as assignee or successor in
Associate Counsel, New York City, for Defendant- interest to certain tort and statutory damages
Appellant Price Waterhouse. claims owned originally by Union Bancorp of
California ("Union") and United Bank of Arizona
Gammage Burnham by Grady Gammage, Jr.,
("United"). The gravamen of the action is that
Phoenix, for Amici Curiae Society of Certified
Union was caused to buy United, a bank that it
Public Accountants and American Institute of
would not otherwise have bought, by PW's
Certified Public Accountants.
negligent audit of United and approval of
Willkie Farr Gallagher by Louis A. Craco, David misleadingly favorable financial statements that
P. Murray and Randy J. Branitsky, and American United had prepared. After a lengthy trial by jury,
Institute of Certified Public Accountants by the jury rendered multiple plaintiffs' verdicts of
Richard I. Miller, General Counsel, New York $338,053,778; and the trial court granted PW a
City, for Amicus Curiae American Institute of new trial on two of many asserted grounds. SC
Certified Public Accountants. appeals from the grant of a new trial. PW appeals
from the trial court's refusal to grant it judgment

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

notwithstanding the verdict ("JNOV"), and asserts 8. When the negligence that a third party
by cross-appeal several additional grounds to attributes to an auditor is the failure to
support the grant of a new trial. detect and report the financial
mismanagement and inaccurate reporting
In the course of our opinion, we consider the
of the auditing client, may the auditor
following issues:
attempt to reduce its share of liability by
1. Is a negligence claim against an auditor allocating fault to the negligent client? Yes.
assignable? Yes.
9. Does apportionment of fault in Arizona
2. Did PW "participate in or induce" Revised Statutes Annotated ("A.R.S.") §
Union's purchase of United so as to subject 12-2506 apply to economic damage
PW to liability under the Arizona claims? Yes.
Securities Act? No.
After addressing these and other issues, we
3. In serving as United's independent conclude that this case must be retried, but on
auditor and in certifying United's financial SC/Union's negligent misrepresentation claim
soundness to Union, did PW act as a alone. On all other claims that SC brought on
fiduciary to either United or Union? No. behalf of Union, and on all claims that SC brought
on behalf of United, we conclude that PW is
4. Does a party irretrievably waive a
entitled to JNOV.
ground for JNOV by neglecting to include
that ground within a motion for directed I. FACTUAL AND
verdict at the close of the evidence? Or PROCEDURAL HISTORY
may the motion be considered nonetheless
SC is a United Kingdom banking corporation with
13 *13 if the issue (a) is purely legal, (b) was
subsidiaries worldwide and more than $35 billion
aired in prior motions so that the adverse
in assets. In the mid-1980s, SC decided to expand
party cannot reasonably claim surprise,
its bank holdings in the United States. Through
and (c) is not one to which the adverse
Union, a wholly-owned subsidiary, SC sought to
party, had there been a motion for directed
acquire United, then the fourth largest bank in
verdict, might have responded by seeking
leave to reopen to present further
evidence? The latter. PW had functioned as United's independent
auditor since 1970. As an auditor, PW annually
5. Is there a claim for "auditor negligence"
examined United's books and records to
separate and distinct from a claim for
investigate and verify the accuracy of its financial
negligent misrepresentation? No.
statements. United's financial statements,
6. Does Arizona law measure the range of including balance sheets and income statements,
liability for negligent misrepresentation by were a primary source of information, both for
the ordinary negligence yardstick of United itself and for others outside the company,
reasonable foreseeability, or does it concerning the actual condition of United's
employ the more circumscribed range of operations, assets, and liabilities.
liability set forth in section 552 of the
PW audited United for fiscal years 1985 and 1986
Restatement (Second) of Torts? The latter.
for an annual fee of approximately $140,000, and
7. Must a plaintiff in a negligent each year issued unqualified opinions supporting
misrepresentation claim prove loss the accuracy, completeness, and regularity of
causation and out-of-pocket damages? Yes. United's financial statements. An auditor's

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

"unqualified" opinion on a company's financial United's auditor. One subject they addressed was
statements is an opinion without reservations or the public financings that Union would undertake
qualifications and amounts to a representation that to raise money to fund the purchase of United.
the contents are reasonably accurate with no Frazee later met individually with PW's lead audit
material exceptions. partner, Karl Almquist, to discuss PW's working
relationships with United's managers and
In September 1985, Union and United entered into
directors. Before the holidays in 1985, Frazee
a merger agreement by which Union would
decided to rely on PW for ongoing financial
purchase all of United's capital stock. PW was not
information about United through the closing, and
a party to the agreement. The agreement did not
he communicated that decision to PW, to
require an audit or certification of United as a
representatives of United, and to PW's competitor,
condition of closing, and neither took place. The
Peat Marwick.
agreement did require, however, that Union be
given all United financial statements audited by In early 1986, PW issued an unqualified audit
PW, other United financial information reviewed opinion on United's 1985 financial statements. PW
by PW, and "management letters" prepared by PW stated that it had conducted its audit in accordance
describing any weaknesses that it found in with generally accepted auditing standards and
United's internal controls. Within the agreement, that the information in the financial statements
United also consented for Union to receive from was fairly presented in accordance with generally
PW any information about United that Union accepted accounting principles. Based on the
might request. The agreement conditioned Union's audited financial statements, Union bought United
obligation to perform on the absence of a material stock in the open market and proceeded toward
adverse change in United's financial condition and closing.
on receipt of certification that United's
An expert witness for SC testified at trial,
shareholders' equity was at least $135 million as
however, that United's 1985 income statement had
of the merger's effective date.
actually overstated income by approximately $27
United's "loan portfolio" consisted of the million. The same expert testified that PW had not
aggregated short-term and long-term debts that followed generally accepted auditing standards in
United's loan customers owed the bank. The loan preparing its audit opinion. Frazee further testified
portfolio was a significant component of United's that, if Union had known of the undisclosed
assets, comprising $1.4 billion of United's total dwindling of United's shareholders' equity, Union
assets of $2.1 billion in 1985. As United's would not have gone forward with the transaction.
14 independent auditor, one *14 of PW's functions
In 1986, Union raised $300 million to help fund
was to periodically evaluate the loan portfolio, the
its acquisition of United by selling its own
individual customer accounts that comprised the
securities in three public offerings. PW helped
loan portfolio and United's internal lending
Union prepare the financial information for these
controls in order to predict what proportion of the
offerings. PW formally consented to the inclusion
loans would ultimately be repaid. This evaluation
of its audit report on United's 1985 financial
in turn tested the accuracy of United's allowance
statements in Union's SEC filings for the securities
for uncollectible loans, which United showed on
issues. PW also wrote comfort letters to United's
its financial statements as a charge against income.
board of directors and Union's securities
In November of 1985, PW representatives met underwriters, stating that United's financial
with Union's chief financial officer, Jack Frazee, statements formally complied with federal
and others to solicit the retention of PW as accounting requirements.

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

Immediately before the Union-United acquisition the impaired assets that Citibank had rejected, as
closed on January 8, 1987, United provided Union well as any legal claims that Union could assert as
a draft consolidated balance sheet showing that, as a consequence of the purchase of United.
of December 31, 1986, its shareholders' equity
SC commenced this action against PW on
was $147 million. This was well above the $135
December 30, 1988. SC undertook to prove that
million minimum required by the 1985 merger
PW had carelessly carried out the audit of United,
agreement. Through an intermediary at United,
failed to investigate the solidity of United's loan
Union asked PW whether it would propose any
portfolio and internal loan controls, and
adjustments to the consolidated balance sheet.
erroneously approved financial statements that
Almquist was aware that Union sought the
significantly exaggerated the value of United's
information in connection with the closing. He
assets. SC asserted — exclusively as Union's and
told the United intermediary that "our audit was
United's assignee — damages claims for auditor
not finished and we had a lot of work left to do
negligence, negligent misrepresentation, breach of
before we could complete our audit as of
fiduciary duty, racketeering, and violation of the
December 31, 1986, but went on to explain that, as
Arizona Securities Act, A.R.S. § 44-1991 (1994).1
of that point in time, we knew of no adjustments
SC claimed a net loss of $338,053,768, which it
that we would be proposing." Almquist cautioned
presented as the difference between its gross
that PW's audit work for 1986 was in a
investment in United, including borrowing costs
preliminary phase.
and the cost of supporting the assets after the sale
Union proceeded with the closing. At trial, SC to Citibank, and its receipts, including dividends
presented expert testimony that if PW had on the United stock and the proceeds from sale to
followed generally accepted auditing standards in Citibank.
the 1985 and 1986 United audits, it would have
1 Other claims by SC and counterclaims by
discovered and disclosed before January 8, 1987,
PW were disposed of by directed verdict
that United's financial statements were materially
and are not at issue on appeal.
misstated and that its system of internal controls
was materially unsound. As examples, SC After a trial of eleven and one-half months, the
presented evidence of problem loans to the jury found in favor of PW on SC/Union's
Victorio Company, Larry Malanfant, and the racketeering count, and in favor of SC in the
Newbery Corporation, for which United should amount of $3,872,909 on SC/Union's Arizona
have reported predicted losses of approximately Securities Act claim. On SC/United's tort claims
$34 million for 1985 and 1986. PW neither of auditor negligence, breach of fiduciary duty,
discovered nor disclosed these problem loans and and negligent misrepresentation, the jury found in
the weaknesses in internal controls that had favor of SC in the amount of $338,053,778. On
permitted such problems to develop. SC/Union's separately submitted tort claims of
auditor negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, and
In January 1988, one year after it acquired United
negligent misrepresentation, the jury also found in
for $334,239,225, SC/Union sold United to
favor of SC in the amount of $338,053,778, but
15 Citibank for $207.1 million, retaining *15 certain
assigned fault 85% to PW and 15% to Union.
United subsidiaries and loans receivable that
Citibank did not want. On October 31, 1988, PW moved for JNOV or, alternatively, for a new
California First Bank acquired the stock of the SC trial on the tort and Securities Act claims. The trial
subsidiary that owned Union. SC agreed to retain court declined to grant JNOV, but granted a new
trial, determining that the jury's awards of
different sums on Union's tort and Arizona

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

Securities Act claims were "irreconcilably examination of the cases, we find the "Arizona
inconsistent," and that its identical damages anti-assignment rule" considerably narrower than
awards to SC on Union's and United's claims were 16 PW suggests. *16
likewise "irreconcilable" or "hopelessly confused."
Early Arizona cases established sur vivability of a
The court granted the new trial on both liability
cause of action as the test of its assignability.
and damages, explaining that "the issue of liability
Employers Casualty Co. v. Moore, 60 Ariz. 544,
is inextricably interwoven with damages."
142 P.2d 414 (1943); United Verde Extension
Formal judgment was entered in accordance with Mining Co. v. Ralston, 37 Ariz. 554, 296 P. 262
the trial court's rulings. PW's notice of appeal from (1931); Deatsch v. Fairfield, 27 Ariz. 387, 233 P.
the denial of its motion for JNOV generated our 887 (1925); accord Shepard v. Cal-Nine Farms,
cause number 1 CA-CV 93-0461. SC's 252 F.2d 884 (9th Cir. 1958), cert. denied, 356
independent appeal from the grant of a new trial, U.S. 951, 78 S.Ct. 916, 2 L.Ed.2d 844 (1958). In
and PW's corresponding cross-appeal, generated Employers Casualty, the court explained the rule
our cause number 1 CA-CV 93-0442. The two against assignment of personal injury claims as an
appeals have been consolidated as 1 CA-CV 93- application of the survivability standard; personal
0461. We have jurisdiction pursuant to A.R.S. § injury claims were not assignable because they
12-2101(E) and (F)(1). were "strictly personal" and could not survive the
death of the injured party. 60 Ariz. at 548, 142
II. ASSIGNABILITY AND P.2d at 415. A survivable claim, however, was an
STANDING assignable claim, upon which the assignee could
PW contends that Arizona law prohibits the sue in his own name. United Verde, 37 Ariz. at
assignment of all claims "sounding in tort" or 559, 296 P. at 264.
those that are "personal" in nature. PW compares
In later cases, the Arizona courts detached the rule
the accountant-client relationship to the attorney-
of non-assignability of personal injury claims
client relationship and urges that Arizona's anti-
from the survivability standard and supported it on
assignment rule applies with special force to those
independent policy grounds. In Harleysville
"personal" claims that arise from a professional's
Mutual Insurance Co. v. Lea, 2 Ariz. App. 538,
services for a client. PW asserts that Union and
541, 410 P.2d 495, 498 (1966), we explained that
United's assignment of their tort claims to SC is
the non-assignability rule prevents "unscrupulous
invalid, and bestows no standing on SC to bring
people" from "traffic[king] in law suits for pain
this action.
and suffering." In State Farm Fire Casualty Co. v.
PW relies heavily on a statement in a worker's Knapp, 107 Ariz. 184, 484 P.2d 180 (1971), the
compensation case, KW. Dart Truck Co. v. Noble, supreme court cited Harleysville with approval
116 Ariz. 9, 11, 567 P.2d 325, 327 (1977), that " and reaffirmed "the long-recognized and well-
[g]enerally an unliquidated claim for damages established legal principle prohibiting assignment
arising out of a tort is not assignable." PW also of a cause of action for personal injury." Id at 185,
relies on Sabon Investments, Inc. v. Braniff 484 P.2d at 181 (quoting Travelers Indem. Co. v.
Airways, Inc., 534 F. Supp. 683, 685 (D.Ariz. Chumbley, 394 S.W.2d 418, 425 (Mo.Ct.App.
1982), in which a travel agency's federal tort 1965)).
action based on claims assigned to it by its clients
Harleysville and Knapp were personal injury
was dismissed under the purported Arizona rule
cases, however; and in a case of that same era, our
that "a cause of action in tort is not assignable
supreme court demonstrated that, for tort claims of
absent a specific statute." However, upon close
an economic nature, the court continued to adhere

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

to an assignability rule. See General Accident Fire that the broad language of Dart and Ross must be
Life Assurance Corp. v. Little, 103 Ariz. 435, 438, confined to its context — the context of a personal
443 P.2d 690, 693 (1968). In General Accident, injury claim.
judgment debtors assigned to their judgment
As PW points out, the Arizona courts have
creditor the right to proceed against their insurer
extended the non-assignability rule beyond bodily
for a bad faith failure to settle within policy limits.
injury to legal malpractice claims. Schroeder v.
Id. at 436, 443 P.2d at 691. Our supreme court
Hudgins, 142 Ariz. 395, 690 P.2d 114 (App.
affirmed the trial court's holding that the
1984). We treated this extension, however, as an
assignment agreement conferred on the assignee-
application of the rule against assignment of
judgment creditor the right to assert the judgment
claims of an especially personal nature. Id. at 399,
debtors' claim for insurer bad faith. Id. at 437, 444,
690 P.2d at 118. Thus, we based our ruling in
443 P.2d at 692, 699. Rejecting an attack on the
Schroeder upon the "uniquely personal" nature of
standing of the assignee, the court stated, "It has
17 the attorney-client *17 relationship and the duty
long been the law in Arizona, and the law in most
imposed on the attorney. Id.
if not all jurisdictions that an assignee of a chose
in action may maintain suit thereon in his own PW argues that tort claims arising out of the
name." Id. at 438, 443 P.2d at 693. relationship between the accountant and the client
are likewise "purely personal" and non-assignable.
An observer might have concluded after Knapp
They compare the relationship of accountant-
and General Accident that the Arizona courts
client to that of attorney-client. While we express
continued to contrast non-assignable personal
no opinion on the assignment of a claim for
injury tort claims with other, assignable, forms of
accountant malpractice during performance of
tort claims; the only change was to free the
accounting services other than the auditing
distinction from the survivability standard and
function, we perceive a difference between the
ground it in a policy against traffic in pain and
relationship of an independent auditor engaged to
suffering. In Dart, however, the supreme court
conduct an audit and that of an attorney with a
introduced uncertainty by more broadly stating the
client. The United States Supreme Court
anti-assignment rule. There, the court cited Knapp,
recognized the same distinction when it denied
107 Ariz. 184, 484 P.2d 180, for the proposition
work product protection to an auditor, stating:
that "[g]enerally an unliquidated claim for
damages arising out of a tort is not assignable." By certifying the public reports that
116 Ariz. at 11, 567 P.2d at 327. The supreme collectively depict a corporation's financial
court repeated that language in Ross v. Superior status, the independent auditor assumes a
Court (Dowell), 128 Ariz. 301, 302, 625 P.2d 890, public responsibility transcending any
891 (1981). employment relationship with the client.
The independent public accountant
We believe PW reads too much into the broad
performing this special function owes
language of Dart and Ross. Because both Dart and
ultimate allegiance to the corporation's
Ross concerned the assignability of negligence
creditors and stockholders, as well as to
claims for personal injuries, neither case required
the investing public. This "public
the court to consider the assignability of other
watchdog" function demands that the
kinds of claims arising out of torts. Further, the
accountant maintain total independence
court did not purport in Dart or Ross to overrule
from the client at all times and requires
the United Verde line of cases that articulated a
complete fidelity to the public trust.
general assignability rule. We therefore conclude

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

United States v. Arthur Young Co., 465 U.S. 805, Barmat v. John Jane Doe Partners, 155 Ariz. 519,
817-18, 104 S.Ct. 1495, 1503, 79 L.Ed.2d 826, 523, 747 P.2d 1218, 1222 (1987). However, this
cert. denied, 466 U.S. 936, 104 S. Ct. 1906, 80 similarity does not make the accountant-client
L.Ed.2d 456 (1984). relationship analogous to the attorney-client
relationship with respect to assignability of claims.
In Schroeder, we relied in part on Goodley v. Wank
In p art IV of this opinion, we conclude that
Wank, Inc., 62 Cal.App.3d 389, 133 Cal.Rptr. 83
neither United nor Union had a fiduciary
(1976), to hold that an action for legal malpractice
relationship with PW. Here we conclude that the
is not assignable. 142 Ariz. at 399-400, 690 P.2d at
economic damage claims asserted against PW
118-19. In Goodley, the California Court of
were not so "personal" to United and Union that
Appeal stated:
those entities could not assign them to SC. See
It is the unique quality of legal services, AmeriFirst Bank v. Bomar, 757 F. Supp. 1365
the personal nature of the attorney's duty to (S.D.Fla. 1991) (finding Rule 10b-5 claims could
the client and the confidentiality of the be validly assigned by victim to another, who
attorney-client relationship that invoke could sue despite lack of personal standing).
public policy considerations in our
We hold that SC has standing to bring this suit.
conclusion that [legal] malpractice claims
should not be subject to assignment. III. SC/UNION'S CLAIM UNDER
133 Cal.Rptr. at 87; accord Fireman's Fund Ins. ARIZONA SECURITIES ACT
Co. v. McDonald, Hecht Solberg, 30 Cal.App.4th We next consider PW's argument that the trial
1373, 36 Cal.Rptr.2d 424 (1994). The attorney- court erroneously denied JNOV on SC/Union's
client relationship is personal in both nature and claim for damages under the Arizona Securities
objective. In contrast, from its inception the 18 Act. *18
auditor-client relationship exists not merely for the
The statutory basis for SC's Securities Act claim is
benefit of the client, but also for the benefit of the
A.R.S. § 44-1991, which provides:
shareholders and the public with whom the client
may transact business. It is a fraudulent practice and unlawful for
a person, in connection with a transaction
Nothing that PW cites supports the view that a
or transactions within or from this state
claim for auditor negligence is personal in a
involving an offer to sell or buy securities,
manner comparable to a claim for legal
or a sale or purchase of securities . .
malpractice. In fact, the New York courts have
directly or indirectly to do any of the
approved the view that auditor negligence claims
are to be treated like ordinary claims for
conversion, negligence, or other wrongful injury 2. Make any untrue statement of material
to a corporate plaintiffs property, and are not fact, or omit to state any material fact
extinguished upon transfer by merger. Platt Corp. necessary in order to make the statements
v. Platt, 21 A.D.2d 116, 249 N.Y.S.2d 75 (1964), made, in the light of the circumstances
aff'd mem., 15 N.Y.2d 705, 256 N.Y.S.2d 335, 204 under which they were made, not
N.E.2d 495 (1965). misleading.

As PW points out, the Arizona Supreme Court has Under section 44-2001 of the Securities Act, a
treated legal and accountant malpractice actions as purchaser injured by a violation of section 44-
"similar" in the sense that both require the plaintiff 1991 may bring a private cause of action for
to prove a professional standard of care. See rescission or damages.2

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

2 A.R.S. § 44-2001(A) provides: (Emphasis added.) SC does not claim that PW in

any sense "made" the sale within the meaning of
A sale or contract for sale of any
section 44-2003. The question therefore narrows
securities to any purchaser in
to whether the evidence permitted the conclusion
violation of any provision of §
44-1841 or 44-1842 or article 13
that PW "participated in or induced" the sale. See
[§ 44-1991 et seq.] of this chapter id.
is voidable at the election of the
The parties devote a portion of their briefs to
purchaser, who may bring an
federal cases interpreting federal securities
action in a court of competent
statutes. See Securities Exchange Act of 1934, §§
jurisdiction to recover the
10(b), 18, 28, 28(a), 15 U.S.C.A. §§ 78j(b), 78r,
consideration paid for the
securities, with interest thereon,
78bb, 78bb(a); Securities Act of 1933, §§ 11,
taxable court costs and reasonable 12(2), 15 U.S.C.A. §§ 77K, 77l(2). Because,
attorneys' fees, less the amount of however, there is no counterpart in those statutes
any income received by dividend to the participation-or-inducement standard of our
or otherwise from ownership of state statute, the federal statutes do not guide us
the securities, upon tender of the here.
securities purchased or the
contract made, or for damages if
The trial court granted SC partial summary
he no longer owns the securities. judgment on its Securities Act claim, ruling that
PW, as a matter of law, "`participated in or
SC brings such a cause of action, asserting that it induced' the unlawful sale of securities within the
was damaged by PW's untrue statements or meaning of A.R.S. § 44- 2003."4 PW contends that
misleading omissions "involving an offer to sell or the trial court erred in granting SC partial
buy securities or a sale or a purchase of securities, summary judgment on this issue. Instead, PW
including Union's purchase of United Bancorp's argues, the trial court should have awarded JNOV
stock on January 8, 1987, and Union's three public to PW, ruling that PW, as a matter of law, neither
financings, dated April 7, 1986, May 14, 1986, "participated in" nor "induced" the sale within the
and October 30, 1986."3 meaning of the statute. PW argues that its conduct
3 SC sought rescissory damages, as we shall did not fall within the common and ordinary
discuss in part VII of this opinion. meaning of the words "participated in" and
"induced." It further argues that the language of
PW did not sell any securities to Union. PW's A.R.S. § 44- 2003, the Arizona Securities Act, and
liability under section 44-2001 arises, if at all, the cases interpreting the Act require either the
pursuant to A.R.S. § 44-2003, which provides: sharing of the proceeds or the active solicitation
19 *19 of a securities sale before a nonseller can be
An action brought under § 44-2001 . . .
liable for having "participated in or induced" the
may be brought against any person,
sale. PW points out that it did not share in the
including any dealer, salesman or agent,
proceeds of the sale of United's stock to Union and
who made, participated in or induced the
did nothing to "solicit" Union's purchase of
unlawful sale or purchase, and such
persons shall be jointly and severally liable
to the purchaser or seller entitled to 4 The trial court also determined as a matter

maintain such action. of law "that all statements made by Price

Waterhouse to United relating to the
financial status of United between the
periods of September 1985 and January 7,

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

1987, and which defendant knew or should Specifically, the complaint alleged that these
have known would be passed on to defendants falsely represented that the
plaintiffs were statements made `in associations were well regulated by the
connection with' sales of securities within
Commission, that they had made all filings
the meaning of A.R.S. § 44-1991(2). . . ."
required by law, that their corporate papers and
The court reserved for the jury the question
insurance certificates were in order, and that they
"whether the statements made by Price
were solvent. Id. at 328, 599 P.2d at 781. Count II
Waterhouse were untrue or whether said
alleged, among other things, that the Corporation
statements were statements of material fact
or omissions of material fact."
Commission defendants aided and abetted the
thrift associations' violations by failing to properly
In response, SC asserts that the record contains examine the associations' applications for
voluminous evidence that PW made registration of investment certificates in
representations about United's financial status and accordance with standards required by law, and by
that PW was actively involved in the sale of failing to disclose that the associations were not
United's stock to Union. It contends that one may properly regulated and that their surety lacked
`participate in" or "induce" a sale without actively sufficient assets to insure payment of their insured
soliciting the sale or sharing in its proceeds. SC obligations. Id. at 328-29, 599 P.2d at 781-82.
relies on State v. Superior Court, 123 Ariz. 324,
The file reflects that the defendants moved to
599 P.2d 777 (1979), overruled in part, State v.
dismiss the complaint pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6),
Gunnison, 127 Ariz. 110, 618 P.2d 604 (1980), as
Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure, 16 A.R.S., for
"binding Supreme Court precedent" for its
failure to state a claim upon which relief could be
granted. Defendants asserted that the duties
State v. Superior Court can be interpreted as imposed on state agencies and officials were owed
extending participation-or-inducement liability to the public generally, and that breaches of such
under section 44-2003 to nonparties or non-agents duties did not give rise to individual causes of
who make untrue statements or material omissions action. Petition for Special Action, State v.
while providing information about corporations Superior Court, No. 14231 (filed Feb. 22, 1979).
whose securities are being sold, even though they When the trial court denied the motion to dismiss,
take no active part in bringing about the defendants filed a petition for special action
transaction and receive no consideration from it. relying exclusively on the public-private duty
However, the procedural circumstances of State v. distinction. Id.; see Massengill v. Yuma County,
Superior Court lead us to conclude that we should 104 Ariz. 518, 456 P.2d 376 (1969), overruled by
interpret neither that case nor section 44-2003 so Ryan v. State, 134 Ariz. 308, 656 P.2d 597 (1982).
broadly. In their response to the petition, the plaintiffs
In State v. Superior Court, a group of depositors of
the failed Lincoln Thrift sued officers and
employees of the Arizona Corporation
Commission, among other defendants. Id. at 327,
599 P.2d at 780. In Count I of their complaint, the
depositors alleged, pursuant to A.R.S. § 44-
1991(2), that the Corporation Commission
defendants made untrue statements or omitted
material facts in connection with the thrift
associations' sales of investment certificates.

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

Defendants are state officials who failed, Counts I and II were not based on a theory of
in some cases negligently and in some negligence, the court stated:
cases willfully and maliciously, to carry
Arizona discarded the concept of
out their express statutory duties to
sovereign immunity for tort liability over
conduct annual examinations of Lincoln
fifteen years ago. Stone v. Arizona
and U.S. Thrift Associations. Defendants
Highway Commission, 93 Ariz. 384, 381
allowed Lincoln and U.S. Thrift, as well as
P.2d 107 (1963). Because Counts I and II
Omaha Surety, to continue operating with
are not based on a theory of negligence, a
impunity when various defendants knew,
"public duty defense," as discussed in
and others should have known, that these
Massengill v. Yuma County, 104 Ariz. 518,
companies were blatantly violating the law
456 P.2d 376 (1969), is inapplicable. We,
in virtually every transaction they
therefore, need only determine if the
conducted. Various of defendants, acting
pleadings in Counts I and II adequately
both as state officials and as individuals,
state claims upon which relief can be
went so far as to actively promote these
companies to unsuspecting potential
depositors and actively took part in Robert 123 Ariz. at 330, 599 P.2d at 783.
Fendler's scheme to defraud the
The court then determined that Count I did state a
cause of action against the defendants. It reasoned:
These facts must be taken as established
Generally speaking, a purchaser of stock
since the order challenged herein is a
has no cause of action under the Arizona
denial of a motion to dismiss. It is
Securities Act for a rescission of the sale
defendants who chose to move to dismiss
and recovery of the money paid for stock
at the outset rather than waiting for
from one who recieved none of the
discovery to establish the facts with more
consideration and was not a party to the
precision. Defendants are therefore bound
sale. See Trump v. Badet, 84 Ariz. 319, 327
by the facts as related by plaintiffs as long
P.2d 1001 (1958). Pursuant to A.R.S. § 44-
20 as *20 such facts are consistent with the
2003, however, an action under A.R.S. §
allegations of the complaint. The rule
44-2001 may be brought against any
established by this Court is that a motion
person, including any dealer, salesman or
to dismiss may not be granted "unless it
agent, who made, participated in or
appears certain that the plaintiff would be
induced the unlawful sale or purchase.
entitled [to] no relief under any state of
Such persons are jointly and severally
facts which is susceptible of proof under
liable to the purchaser. This section,
the claim as stated." Mackey v. Spangler,
therefore, clearly fixes the liability of one
81 Ariz. 113, 115, 301 P.2d 1026 (1956).
who induces the unlawful sale or purchase.
Response to Petition for Special Action, State v. Trump, supra.
Superior Court, No. 14231 (filed March 5, 1979)
The theory of Count I is clearly that the
(emphasis added).
misrepresentations and omissions of the
Confined to the issues that were framed by the Corporation Commissioner officer
pleadings, the supreme court first addressed itself defendants
to the public duty issue. After determining that

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

induced the plaintiffs to become depositors 599 P.2d at 788. Thereafter, in State v.
in the Associations. As such, a cause of Gunnison, 127 Ariz. 110, 113, 618 P.2d

action, pursuant to § 44-1991, is properly 604, 607 (1980), the supreme court held
that "scienter is not an element of a
stated against these defendants. A.R.S. §
violation of A.R.S. § 44-1991(2), even
though it may be an element of A.R.S. §
Id. at 331, 599 P.2d at 784. 44-1991(1)," and overruled anything to the
contrary in State v. Superior Court and
5 The court also stated concerning Count I
Greenfield v. Cheek, 122 Ariz. 57, 593 P.2d
The provisions of A.R.S. § 44-1991 are
280 (1979).
almost identical to the antifraud provisions
of the 1933 Securities Act, 15 U.S.C. § 77q SC argues that State v. Superior Court held that
(1970) [§ 17(a)(2) of Securities Act of officers and employees of the Arizona Corporation
1933]. State v. Brewer, 26 Ariz. App. 408, Commission can "participate in" or "induce"
549 P.2d 188 (1976). A presence of the securities law violations when securities
nine elements of common law fraud are not
21 purchasers detrimentally *21 rely upon incorrect
essential to establishing a violation of 77q.
information that the officers and employees have
See Securities and Exchange Comm'n v.
communicated to them in the course of performing
Manor Nursing Ctrs., Inc., 458 F.2d 1082
their official duties. State v. Superior Court does
(2d Cir. 1972). Similarly, this is the case
not so hold. The meaning of the terms in section
when establishing a violation of A.R.S. §
44-1991. See Trump, supra. Moreover, a
44-2003 was never an issue. The only issue that
knowledge of falsity is not a necessary confronted the court was whether the plaintiffs'
element of a cause of action based upon claim should have been dismissed for failure to
A.R.S. § 44-1991. Baker v. Walston and state a claim, and the court could only have
Co., 7 Ariz. App. 590, 442 P.2d 148 approved dismissal if it determined that the
(1968). The statute instead imposes an plaintiffs were not entitled to relief under any facts
affirmative duty not to mislead. susceptible to proof. Id. at 329, 599 P.2d at 782.
Washington National Corp. v. Thomas, 117 Count I of the amended complaint in State v.
Ariz. 95, 570 P.2d 1268 (App. 1977). Superior Court detailed specific omissions and
Therefore, because Count I sufficiently representations of defendants and alleged that they
apprises the defendants of the charges constituted fraudulent practices. Id. at 330, 599
against them and adequately states a claim P.2d at 783. Based on these allegations, and
upon which relief can be granted, the
accepting the allegations of the complaint as true,
motion to dismiss this Count was properly
the supreme court determined that a cause of
denied. 123 Ariz. at 331, 599 P.2d at 784.
action for "inducing" plaintiffs to become
On motion for rehearing, the supreme court
depositors had been stated and was not subject to
realized that it had overlooked its recent
dismissal for failure to state a claim. Id. at 331,
approval of a contrary court of appeals
599 P.2d at 784.
holding that knowledge of falsity [scienter]
was a necessary element of liability under In short, State v. Superior Court arose from a
A.R.S. § 44-1991(2). Greenfield v. Cheek, motion to dismiss; this case arises from a trial. In
122 Ariz. 70, 593 P.2d 293 (App. 1978),
that case, the court was obliged to assume the truth
approved, 122 Ariz. 57, 593 P.2d 280
of allegations that certain defendants had actively
(1979). The court therefore modified its
promoted a fraudulent transaction; in this case, we
opinion and ordered dismissal of Counts I
examine evidence of a defendant's more remote
and II of the complaint with leave to
relationship to a sale. In that case, the court was
amend to allege scienter. 123 Ariz. at 335,
not obliged to determine the meaning of

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

participation or inducement within A.R.S. § 44- WEBSTER'S THIRD NEW INTERNATIONAL

2003; in this case, we are obliged to do so. Given DICTIONARY 1154 (1969).
these dissimilarities, State v. Superior Court does
Here, we cannot resolve the statutory meaning by
not resolve the issue that confronts us here.
reference to the dictionary alone. By reading
We therefore come directly to the meaning of the "induce" particularly expansively, we might sweep
phrase "participated in or induced" in A.R.S. § 44- within the statute any outsider to a securities
2003. Looking to the dictionary, we find this transaction — no matter how remote from the
pertinent definition of "participate": transaction — who provided information that
foreseeably contributed to, and thereby influenced,
2a: to take part in something (as an
a buyer or seller's decision to engage in the
enterprise or activity) usu. in common with
others . . . b: to have a part or share in
something. . . . We do not believe, however, that the legislature
intended by "induce" to extend Securities Act
liability so far. Rather, we believe it better fits
DICTIONARY 1646 (1969). A synonym for
A.R.S. § 44-2003 to give "induce" the narrower
participate is partake. WEBSTER'S NINTH NEW
and more active construction suggested by its
synonyms "persuade" and "prevail." Returning to
Although PW's audit activities were tangentially Webster's, we find the following exposition of the
related to and concurrent with the ongoing sale, active connotations of "induce":
and although it generated audit information that
was used by the parties to the sale, PW did not
may indicate overcoming indifference,
partake in the sale of United's stock to Union any
22 hesitation, or opposition, usu. by *22
more than it made the sale. PW's function — to
offering for consideration persuasive
issue audit opinions about United's financial status
advantages or gains that bring about a
— did not differ from the function it would have
desired decision . . . PERSUADE may
performed had no merger or sale been in process.
suggest a winning over by an appeal,
And though PW made its audit opinions available
entreaty, or expostulation addressed as
to Union, it is uncontradicted that PW had no
much to feelings as to reason . . .
stake in the sale. PW provided its opinions to
PREVAIL may be used in situations in
Union because it was asked to do so by its audit
which strong opposition or reluctance is
client and because it wished to continue as
overcome by sustained argument and
United's auditor after the sale. PW did not
entreaty . . . .
"participate in" the sale within the meaning of
A.R.S. § 44-2003. Id.; see also RESTATEMENT OF TORTS § 766
cmt. d (1939) and RESTATEMENT (SECOND)
The dictionary also provides this pertinent
OF TORTS § 766 cmt. h (1979) (hereinafter
definition of "induce":
RESTATEMENT (SECOND)) (defining "induce,"
1a: to move and lead (as by persuasion or in tort of intentional interference with contract, as
influence) . . . : prevail upon: a form of "purposeful" or "intentional causation").
INFLUENCE, PERSUADE . . . b: to These sources, in our opinion, capture the
inspire, call forth, or bring about by meaning of "induce" that best fits its usage in
influence or stimulation . . . . 3a: to bring A.R.S. § 44-2003.
on or bring about: EFFECT, CAUSE . . . .

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

Three aspects of the statute assist us in reaching unlawful sale. . . ." A.R.S. § 44-2003.6 Thus, PW
this conclusion. First, section 44-2003 is titled argues, the words "made, participated in or
"Joint and several liability of offending sellers and induced" must be read:
purchasers." The statute has carried a similar title
6 In contrast, the Securities Act arms the
since it was first adopted in 1951. See Securities
Attorney General and Corporation
Act of March 6, 1951, 1951 Ariz. Sess. Laws 46,
Commission with a range of public
74 ("Liability of Offending Sellers and enforcement measures against "any person"
Purchasers"). The continuing focus of this title engaging in a violation of the Act. See,
reveals that the legislature has always regarded e.g., A.R.S. § 44-2032; see also A.R.S. §§
"offending sellers and purchasers" as those 44-2036, 44-2037.
principally subject to the civil actions permitted
under section 44-2003. (i) to require more than some collateral
involvement in a securities transaction,
Second, in extending liability to those who because § 1991 already requires that any
"ma[ke], participate in or induce" offending misstatement be made "in connection
transactions, the legislature chose to identify the with" a securities transaction; and
"dealer, salesman or agent" as examples of
dealmakers, participants, or inducers who would (ii) to require more than that the
qualify for joint and several liability under the misstatements merely had the effect of
statute. See A.R.S. § 44-2003. Dealers, salesmen, influencing a buyer to make a sale,
and agents have in common that they undertake on because § 1991 already requires that any
behalf of sellers or purchasers to promote the sale. false statements be "material, "i.e., that it
Each has a financial incentive to accomplish the "assume actual significance in
sale, and each engages in the kind of purposeful deliberations of the reasonable buyer."
persuasive effort described above. [Rose v. Dobras, 128 Ariz. 209, 214, 624
P.2d 887, 892 (App. 1981)].
Third, our interpretation is supported by the
structure of the Securities Act. Section 44-1991 We fully agree.
makes it "unlawful for a person, in connection For all of these reasons, we conclude that the
with a [securities] transaction within or from this legislature did not mean, by use of the word
state . . . [to m]ake any untrue statement of "induce," to stretch civil liability under the
material fact, or omit to state any material fact Security Act to collateral actors such as PW,
necessary in order to make the statements made remote from the transaction, who neither
[under the circumstances] not misleading." A.R.S. financially participate, nor promote or solicit the
§ 44-1991(2) (emphasis added). Sections 44-2001 transaction, but merely provide information that
and 44-2003, however, do not provide a private contributes to a buyer or seller's decision to close
civil remedy against anyone who makes a material the deal.
misstatement in connection with a securities
transaction. Had the legislature intended so We therefore hold that PW neither "participated
extensive a private remedy, it could simply have in" nor "induced" a securities transaction within
done so against any person who violated section the meaning of A.R.S. § 44-2003. The trial court
44-1991. Instead, the legislature provided a private 23 erred in granting SC partial *23 summary
civil remedy only against the narrower range of judgment holding that PW "participated in or
persons "who made, participated in or induced the induced" the United sale as a matter of law, and
further erred in denying PW JNOV on SC/Union's
Arizona Securities Act claim.

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

IV. BREACH OF FIDUCIARY Franklin Supply Co. v. Tolman, 454 F.2d 1059,
DUTY CLAIMS 1065 (9th Cir. 1971).

We turn next to SC's common law tort claims, For similar reasons the United States Supreme
beginning with its claims for breach of fiduciary Court declined to extend work product protection
duty. PW moved unsuccessfully for JNOV on SC's to auditors:
claims for breach of fiduciary duty to Union and
The . . . work product doctrine was
United, arguing that it owed no fiduciary duty to
founded upon the private attorney's role as
either. We separately consider PW's relationship
the client's confidential advisor and
with each bank.
advocate, a loyal representative whose
A. PW's RELATIONSHIP WITH duty it is to present the client's case in the
UNITED BANK most favorable possible light. An
independent certified public accountant
PW argues that it never acted with respect to performs a different role. By certifying the
United as more than an accountant performing public reports that collectively depict a
ordinary auditing services for a client and that, in corporation's financial status, the
an ordinary auditor-client relationship, no independent auditor assumes a public
fiduciary duties arise. SC's answering brief does responsibility transcending any
not address the merits of this issue, nor does SC employment relationship with the client.
attempt to defend the trial court's refusal to grant The independent public accountant
JNOV on the SC/United fiduciary duty claim. performing this special function owes
The Ninth Circuit has explained why an auditor is ultimate allegiance to the corporation's
not the fiduciary of its client: creditors and stockholders, as well as to
the investing public. This "public
More often a fiduciary is a person who watchdog" function demands that the
holds property or things of value for accountant maintain total independence
another — a trustee, executor, receiver, from the client at all times and requires
conservator or someone who acts in a complete fidelity to the public trust. To
representative capacity for another in insulate from disclosure a certified public
dealing with the property of the other. accountant's interpretations of the client's
Here, [the auditor] was acting more in the financial statements would be to ignore the
capacity of arbitrator or fact finder not for significance of the accountant's role as a
one but for two persons. The duty of PMM disinterested analyst charged with public
was not to act as fiduciary for Franklin; it obligations.
was, rather, to act independently,
objectively and impartially, and with the United States v. Arthur Young Co., 465 U.S. at
skills which it represented to its clients that 817-18, 104 S.Ct. at 1503.
it possessed, to make accurate SC has not brought to our attention any evidence
determinations of fact. It would be liable that would support the existence of a fiduciary
for acting negligently or fraudulently. relationship between PW and United, and the mere
We do not say that a certified public status of PW as United's auditor did not give rise
accountant may never be a fiduciary. We to such a relationship. The trial court therefore
do say it was not here. erred in denying PW's motion for JNOV on
SC/United's claim for breach of fiduciary duty.

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

B. PW'S RELATIONSHIP WITH Our case law distinguishes a fiduciary relationship

UNION BANK from an arm's length relationship. See, e.g., Brazee
v. Morris, 68 Ariz. 224, 228-29, 204 P.2d 475,
PW argues that SC also failed to establish a 477-78 (1949); Rhoads v. Harvey Pubs., Inc., 145
fiduciary relationship between PW and Union.7 Ariz. 142, 148-49, 700 P.2d 840, 846-47 (App.
24 SC responds that a fiduciary *24 relationship was 1984). Mere trust in another's competence or
demonstrated by evidence that Union, encouraged integrity does not suffice; "peculiar reliance in the
by PW to trust in PW's auditing expertise and trustworthiness of another" is required. Stewart v.
knowledge of United, relied on PW to ensure that Phoenix Nat'l Bank, 49 Ariz. 34, 44, 64 P.2d 101,
closing conditions of the United purchase were 106 (1937); Rhoads, 145 Ariz. at 148-49, 700 P.2d
met. SC also relies on the fact that Union directly 840, 846-47. A fiduciary relationship is a
relied on PW's help in preparing and registering confidential relationship whose attributes include
the securities offering that Union undertook to "great intimacy, disclosure of secrets, [or]
finance the United acquisition. This evidence, intrusting of power." Rhoads, 145 Ariz. at 149,
however, does not suffice to establish a fiduciary 700 P.2d at 847 (quoting Condos v. Felder, 92
relationship. Ariz. 366, 371, 377 P.2d 305, 308 (1962)). In a
7 SC asserts that PW waived its argument for fiduciary relationship, the fiduciary holds
JNOV on breach of fiduciary duty by "superiority of position" over the beneficiary. Id.
failing to raise it in a motion for directed This superiority of position may be demonstrated
verdict. SC is mistaken. PW claimed in its in material aspects of the transaction at issue by a
motion for directed verdict, as it had "substitution of [the fiduciary's] will." Herz Lewis,
claimed in a prior motion for partial Inc. v. Union Bank, 22 Ariz. App. 437, 439, 528
summary judgment, that a fiduciary P.2d 188, 190 (1974) (quoting In re Guardianship
relationship does not arise when an of Chandos, 18 Ariz. App. 583, 585, 504 P.2d 524,
accountant is hired only to perform 526 (1972)).
auditing and incidental accounting services
for its client. The gist of SC's objection is Although the existence of a fiduciary duty is
not that PW did not raise the issue, but generally a question of fact, "[w]hen the evidence
rather that, in its motion for JNOV, PW is insufficient to support a verdict, the trial court
introduced a standard for a fiduciary has a duty to decide the issue." See Gemstar Ltd. v.
relationship — surrender of substantial Ernst Young, 185 Ariz. 493, 504-05, 917 P.2d 222,
control — that PW had not identified in 233-34 (1996) (quoting Rhoads, 145 Ariz. at 148,
prior motions, arguments, or recommended
700 P.2d at 846).8 We find the evidence
jury instructions. See Stainton v. Tarantino,
insufficient to support a verdict in this case.
637 F. Supp. 1051, 1066 (E.D.Pa. 1986)
("In business relationships, a confidential 8 In Gemstar, the supreme court approved

relationship arises only if parties surrender the trial court's conclusion as a matter of
substantial control over some portion of law that the defendant accountant and his
their business affairs to another."). We need firm owed a fiduciary duty to the
not dwell on this objection because we do individual shareholders of his client and
not apply the Stainton standard in this case. two foreign corporations. 185 Ariz. at 505,
Instead we draw our standard from Arizona 917 P.2d at 234. There, however, the
case law without attempting to determine defendant accountant served as a financial
the compatibility of the Stainton standard adviser, not an independent auditor, and the
of substantial control. gravamen of the action was that defendant,
who owed duties to all limited partners,
drafted agreements and structured

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

transactions that favored some partners Nor is a fiduciary relationship established by

over others. Id. at 497-98, 917 P.2d at 226- Union's deference to PW's superior knowledge of
27; see also Gemstar, Ltd. v. Ernst Young, United's financial statements and records. Such
183 Ariz. 148, 150-51, 901 P.2d 1178,
reliance does not establish a fiduciary relationship
1180-81 (App. 1995), vacated, 185 Ariz.
unless the knowledge is of a kind beyond the fair
493, 917 P.2d 222 (1996).
and reasonable reach of the alleged beneficiary
SC argues that the jury was entitled to find a and inaccessible to the alleged beneficiary through
fiduciary relationship from: (1) the testimony by the exercise of reasonable diligence. Denison State
Union's chief financial officer that, in deciding Bank v. Madeira., 230 Kan. 684, 640 P.2d 1235,
whether Union should purchase United's stock, he 1242 (1982) (citing Wolf v. Brungardt, 215 Kan.
relied on PW's audit opinions concerning United's 272, 524 P.2d 726 (1974)). None of SC's evidence
published financial statements; (2) the purchase establishes that PW had a means of knowledge
agreement, which identified PW as United's about United to which Union could not reasonably
auditor and authorized Union to receive financial have obtained access through internal auditors or
information generated or reviewed by PW during another accounting firm. Once again, mere
the pendency of the agreement; (3) the fact that reliance upon PW's competency and integrity as
PW sent Union copies of its "comfort letters" to an information gatherer does not suffice.
United as the acquisition took its course; and (4)
We next consider Union's reliance upon PW for
Union's decision to rely exclusively on PW's audit
assistance in registering its common stock issue in
in evaluating United as an acquisition prospect,
1986. The nature of this relationship was
foregoing evaluation by a separate accounting firm
described by Union's controller, who testified:
or by its in-house loan evaluation team. Such
evidence, however, merely establishes that Union I did have discussions with people from
relied on PW's competency and integrity as an [PW] . . . when we started registration
independent auditor; it does not establish a statements for raising of capital and debt
transformation of an arm's length relationship into by Union . . . to obtain funds necessary to
the confidential relationship that our case law be able to acquire United.
As part of that preparation of those
Nor does SC overcome this weakness with financial statements, it required the
evidence that PW attempted to persuade Union involvement of [PW] because they had to
25 *25 to maintain PW as United's auditor and to use assist in the preparation of proforma
PW for other accounting services after Union's financial statements. . . .
acquisition. PW may have pitched hard for
As part of that, [PW] had to give a consent
Union/United's post-acquisition business, stressing
to the use of those financial statements,
its general auditing expertise, its reputation, and
and they were listed as experts as part of
its detailed knowledge of United. But Union was
those financial statements.
clearly standing at arm's length when it received
the pitch. Indeed, though Union chose to rely on And they had to give a comfort letter as
PW in evaluating United's financial soundness as part of the closing, certifying that they had
an acquisition prospect, Union reserved judgment done various procedures and updating the
on the selection of a post-acquisition auditor and financial statements to make sure that
ultimately engaged a different firm. those financial statements were still

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

In the registration papers, Union attached auditing and reporting the financial status of
consolidated financial statements of United "in United. However, to affirm the submission of
reliance upon the report of [PW], independent SC/Union's breach of fiduciary duty claim to the
accountants, . . . and upon the authority of said jury would debase the concept of fiduciary duty
firm as experts in accounting and auditing." PW and confuse it with the duty to exercise ordinary
reviewed and commented on Union's registration care and skill. We hold that the trial court erred in
papers in draft form, approved Union's statement denying PW's motion for JNOV on SC/Union's
of reliance upon PW's report, and provided an breach of fiduciary duty claim.
attachment entitled "Consent of Independent
Accountants," in which PW consented to the V. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGE
incorporation of its audit report and to its SUFFERED BY UNITED
designation as an expert in accounting and We have concluded that the trial court erred in
auditing. submitting to the jury SC's claim that PW
breached a fiduciary duty to United. We now
Here again, we find none of the attributes of a
consider whether the trial court erred in submitting
confidential relationship. The record does not
any SC/United damage claim.
disclose a relationship of "great intimacy,
disclosure of secrets, [or] intrusting of power." See SC argues that PW helped diminish the value of
Rhoads, 145 Ariz. at 149, 700 P.2d at 847. It United "by failing to bring United's bad loans and
merely discloses Union's consultation with PW as serious internal lending control weaknesses to the
United's " independent auditor" for assistance in attention of United's Board of Directors,
preparing a registration statement that something the Board hired PW to do." SC cites
incorporated the independent audit report that PW evidence that United's value dropped dramatically
had prepared. from 1985 to 1987 because of its unsafe lending
and weakness in internal controls. SC also cites
In short, SC's evidence may establish that Union
evidence that, if PW had followed generally
placed trust and confidence in PW and relied on
accepted auditing standards when auditing United
the quality of its United audit reports; but trust,
in 1985 and 1986, certain losses discovered in
confidence, and reliance, though necessary
1987 would not have occurred.
components, do not suffice to establish a fiduciary
relationship. See id. at 149, 700 P.2d at 840. The Though we accept this evidence in the light most
record does not show that Union placed such favorable to upholding the SC/United verdicts, it
"peculiar reliance" in PW's "trustworthiness," see does not suffice. The evidence does not establish
id., as to substitute PW's will for its own. See Herz that the diminution in the value of United
Lewis, 22 Ariz. App. at 439, 528 P.2d at 190. Nor materialized in time to damage United's
does the record show that an imbalance of stockholders to the slightest degree. We
specialized knowledge and bargaining power distinguish United's stockholders before Union's
placed PW in a superior position, so that Union acquisition from Union itself. Any damage to
depended on PW for information to the degree that Union is contained within the SC/Union claim.
it ceased acting on its own behalf and ceded that The SC/United claim, to be maintainable, must
26 function to PW. *26 stand on separate ground.

We conclude in part VI of this opinion that There is no separate ground. The essence of the
SC/Union presented a submissible negligent Union claim is that Union, uninformed of United's
misrepresentation claim against PW based on diminution in value, paid United's stockholders
PW's failure to use ordinary care and skill in more than their stock was worth. The corollary is

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

that United's stockholders, who sold their stock for and the jury awarded SC identical verdicts of
more than it was worth, were undamaged by an as $338,053,768 on each, assigning 85% of the fault
yet undiscovered loss in United's value. 27 to PW and 15% to Union. *27

SC acknowledges this point in one of the briefs PW attacks the two claims differently on appeal:
filed with this court. In its answering brief to PW's (1) It argues that the trial court should have
appeal, SC sets forth the diminution-in-value granted JNOV on the auditor negligence claim;
theory discussed above. But in SC's opening brief, and (2) it acknowledges that the trial court
appealing from the trial court's grant of a new properly submitted the negligent misrepresentation
trial, SC attempts to minimize the separate United claim, but argues, as a basis for new trial, that the
and Union awards that led the trial court to trial court erroneously instructed the jury
conclude that the jury was "hopelessly confused." concerning the restrictive elements of that claim.
SC states: These arguments, though separate, have a
common theme: that negligent misrepresentation,
Because Union's out-of-pocket losses
a more restrictive theory than ordinary negligence,
directly related to and flowed from United
was the only appropriate ground for submitting
Bank's pre-purchase decline in value, once
auditor negligence to the jury. We therefore
Standard Chartered recovered for Union's
address these arguments together, but first
losses it would be duplicative for Standard
consider SC's assertion that one of the arguments
Chartered to also recover for United
has been waived.
Bank's loss in value. Standard Chartered's
claims relating to United Bank were thus A. WAIVER OF AUDITOR
surplusage and played a minor role during NEGLIGENCE ARGUMENT
trial. Indeed, neither side ever argued to
PW contends that the trial court should have
the jury what separate damages should or
granted JNOV on SC/Union's auditor negligence
should not apply to Standard Chartered's
claim because PW owed no duty to Union that
claims relating to United Bank.
would support such a claim separate and distinct
By these assertions SC concedes its failure to from the claim for negligent misrepresentation. SC
present any evidence that justified submitting the argues that PW waived this point by neglecting to
United claims to the jury. We therefore conclude include it in its motion for directed verdict.
that the trial court erred in denying PW's motion
Motions for JNOV are governed by Rule 50(b) of
for JNOV on SC/United's claims against PW.
the Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure, which
VI. SC/UNION'S AUDITOR provides in pertinent part:
SC asserted theoretically separate negligence and
negligent misrepresentation claims against PW,
alleging that Union was injured by (1) PW's
negligent auditing of United (auditor negligence)
and (2) PW's negligent communication of
materially false representations concerning United
(negligent misrepresentation). Both claims were
supported by a single nucleus of operative fact,

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

Whenever a motion for directed verdict In this case, however, we face an issue beyond the
made at the close of all the evidence is Chavez rationale and not previously addressed by
denied or for any reason is not granted, the Arizona courts. Here, PW does not assert an
court is deemed to have submitted the omission in proof that SC might have cured by
action to the jury subject to a later reopening its case. Rather, it raises a pure issue of
determination of the legal questions raised law that would not have been susceptible to the
by the motion. Not later than 15 days after introduction of further evidence, even if PW had
the entry of judgment, a party who has raised it at the directed verdict stage. Further, SC
moved for a directed verdict may file a was aware before PW's motion for JNOV of PW's
motion to have the verdict and any position that it owed Union no duty that would
judgment entered thereon set aside and to support an auditor negligence claim; the parties
have judgment entered in accordance with had addressed that question in summary judgment
the party's motion for a directed verdict; or briefing before trial. In circumstances such as
if a verdict was not returned such party, not these, respected treatises on procedure commend a
later than 15 days after the jury has been relaxation of the linkage rule.
discharged, may file a motion for judgment
For example, the Wright and Miller treatise on
in accordance with the party's motion for a
Federal Practice and Procedure states:
directed verdict.
A renewed motion for judgment as a
Our case law treats a motion for directed verdict at
matter of law under Rule 50(b) is not a
the close of all the evidence as a prerequisite to a
condition precedent to appeal from a final
later motion for JNOV. Ash v. Flieger, 118 Ariz.
judgment. If there have been errors at the
547, 548, 578 P.2d 628, 629 (App. 1978). Further,
28 trial, duly objected to, dealing with *28
because a motion for directed verdict must state
matters other than the sufficiency of the
the specific grounds on which relief is sought,
evidence, they may be raised on appeal
Ariz. R. Civ. P. 50(a), and because the motion for
from the judgment even though there has
JNOV renews the motion for directed verdict, the
not been either a renewed motion for
scope of the former is generally limited by the
judgment as a matter of law or a motion
scope of the latter. See Bond v. Cartwright Little
for a new trial, although it is better practice
League, Inc., 112 Ariz. 9, 15-16, 536 P.2d 697,
for the parties to give the trial court an
703-04 (1975); In re Estate of Schade, 87 Ariz.
opportunity to correct its errors in the first
341, 348, 351 P.2d 173, 178 (1960).
We explained the linkage of the motions in Chavez
v. Tolleson Elementary School District, 122 Ariz.
472, 476, 595 P.2d 1017, 1021 (App. 1979):
PROCEDURE § 2540, at 366 (2d ed. 1995)
The rule requiring the issue to be raised on (footnote and citations omitted). Moore expresses
the motion for directed verdict is based a similar view:
upon the premise that the claimed
omission in proof might be cured by a
reopening of plaintiff's case if the trial
court finds merit to the motion. This is
obviously not possible when the issue is
raised for the first time after trial on a
motion for judgment N.O.V.

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

If a district court commits an error on a 9 We also address this issue to provide

dispositive pure issue of law that is both guidance to the trial court and the parties,

unrelated to the sufficiency of the evidence as it is likely to recur on remand.

and raised prior to submission of the case

to the jury, does the fact that a party failed
to move for judgment as a matter of law on
that issue at the close of all the evidence PW urges that it owed Union no duty that could
preclude the district court from correcting support an auditor negligence claim. PW bases
its error under Rule 50(b)? We urge that this contention in part on an assertion that Arizona
the answer should be "No". . . . law should require privity of contract or an
intended third-party beneficiary relationship as a
5A JAMES W. MOORE, ET AL., MOORE'S condition to imposing auditor negligence liability,
FEDERAL PRACTICE ¶ 50.08, at 50-95 (2d ed. and in part on the assertion that there is no auditor
1995). negligence claim separate and distinct from a
Case law also supports this view. In Federal negligent misrepresentation claim.
Savings Loan Insurance Corp. v. Reeves, 816 F.2d The answer to PW's call for privity lies in
130, 138 (4th Cir. 1987), the court cautioned Donnelly Construction Co. v.
against "rigid application" of the motion-for- Oberg/Hunt/Gilleland, 139 Ariz. 184, 187, 677
directed-verdict requirement in cases that do not P.2d 1292, 1295 (1984), where the supreme court
fit the purpose of the rule. The court observed: stated, "There is no requirement of privity in this
[p]laintiff had adequate notice of this state to maintain an action in tort."
challenge from defendant's answers to the In Donnelly, a construction contractor sued a firm
complaint and amended complaint, and of architects, claiming that errors in the architects'
there is no suggestion that plaintiff could plans and specifications that masked significant
have produced any additional evidence construction costs had led the plaintiff, the
that would have been pertinent to this legal successful bidder, to submit too low a bid. The
issue. We will not be forced to recognize a trial court granted the architects' motion to
cause of action because of a procedural dismiss, finding, because of a lack of privity
error which did not prejudice the plaintiff. between the parties, that the architects owed the
Id.; accord Anderson v. United Tel. Co., 933 F.2d contractor no duty of care. The supreme court
1500, 1503 (10th Cir.), cert. denied, 502 U.S. 940, reversed. Rejecting any privity requirement, the
112 S.Ct. 375, 116 L.Ed.2d 327 (1991); Kladis v. court stated:
Brezek, 823 F.2d 1014, 1017 (7th Cir. 1987)
(question whether civil rights plaintiff had
constitutional right to be informed of charges
against him upon arrest was not waived by
defendant's failure to move for directed verdict on
that ground).

We find these authorities persuasive and conclude

that PW's auditor negligence argument was not

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

[A]n action in negligence may be privity, however, was flat, declarative, and
maintained upon the plaintiff's showing unequivocal, and it guides us in rejecting PW's
that the defendant owed a duty to him, that call to impose a privity barrier to auditor
the duty was breached, and that the breach negligence claims.
proximately caused an injury which
We do not, however, read Donnelly as extending
resulted in actual damages. Ontiveros v.
the liability of all professionals to include
Borak, 136 Ariz. 500, 667 P.2d 200 (1983).
"foreseeable injuries to foreseeable victims which
Duty and liability are only imposed where
proximately result from their negligent
both the plaintiff and the risk are
performance of their professional services." See
foreseeable to a reasonable person. This
id. Specifically, we reject SC's assertion, based on
Court has held that a broad view will be
Donnelly, that accountant liability for negligent
29 taken of the class *29 of risks and the class
audits should extend to any foreseeable victim
of victims that are foreseeable. McFarlin v.
who falls within the range of foreseeable risk.
Hall, 127 Ariz. 220, 619 P.2d 729 (1980).
First, as we have noted, the Donnelly court
Id. expressly declined to adopt foreseeability as the
yardstick of measure for all professional liability.
In the course of its opinion, the supreme court
Second, we conclude, for reasons that follow, that
expressly overruled Blecick v. School District No.
the gravamen of auditor negligence is negligent
18, 2 Ariz. App. 115, 406 P.2d 750 (1965), which
misrepresentation, a tort for which the Arizona
had imposed a privity requirement for contractors'
courts have already adopted the narrower range of
suits against architects. The court then expanded
risk set forth in Restatement (Second) § 552
its ruling as follows:
(1979) ("section 552").
Our decision herein necessitates a review
Section 552 provides in pertinent part:
of Arizona cases other than Blecick which
have denied negligence actions against Information Negligently Supplied
certain professionals because of a lack of for the Guidance of Others
privity. [describing Phoenix Title Trust Co.
(1) One who, in the course of his business,
v. Continental Oil Co., 43 Ariz. 219, 29
profession or employment, or in any other
P.2d 1065 (1934) (negligence liability of
transaction in which he has a pecuniary interest,
title abstractor required privity of contract)
supplies false information for the guidance of
and Chalpin v. Brennan, 114 Ariz. 124,
others in their business transactions, is subject to
559 P.2d 680 (App. 1976) (legal
liability for pecuniary loss caused to them by their
malpractice liability required privity)]. We
justifiable reliance upon the information, if he fails
do not intend to use this opportunity to set
to exercise reasonable care or competence in
forth foreseeability standards for each and
obtaining or communicating the information.
every professional. However, we do
expressly disapprove such blanket denials (2) Except as stated in subsection (3) [not relevant
of causes of action as the two just set forth. in this case], the liability stated in Subsection (1)
is limited to loss suffered
Donnelly, 139 Ariz. at 188, 677 P.2d at 1296.
(a) By the person or one of a limited group
The court cautioned that it was not adopting a
of persons for whose benefit and guidance
universal standard of culpability for all
he intends to supply the information or
professions, and that it would resolve such
knows that the recipient intends to supply
questions case by case. Id. The court's rejection of
it; and

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

(b) Through reliance upon it in a (a) acknowledges that persons, for whose
transaction that he intends the information benefit or guidance the representation is

to influence or knows that the recipient so made, may bring a claim against the maker
of the representation." 139 Ariz. at 189,
intends or in a substantially similar
677 P.2d at 1297. The court separately
examined the plaintiff's negligence and
In subsection 552(2), the Restatement (Second) negligent misrepresentation claims,
deliberately rejects foreseeability as the proper applying the foreseeability standard to the
measure of the range of liability. The drafters former and the narrower section 552

make the distinction plain in comment h: standard to the latter. The court did not
consider there — as this court later
[I]t is not required that the person who is considered in Western Technologies, Inc. v.
to become the plaintiff be identified or Sverdrup Parcel, Inc., 154 Ariz. 1, 739
known to the defendant as an individual P.2d 1318 (App. 1986), and as we are
when the information is supplied. It is obliged to consider here — whether the
enough that the maker of the circumstances would support an ordinary

representation intends it to reach and negligence claim separate and distinct from
the negligent misrepresentation claim.
influence either a particular person or
persons, known to him, or a group or class We come then to PW's contention that to permit
of persons, distinct from the much larger SC to submit a separate and distinct auditor
class who might reasonably be expected negligence claim under a foreseeability test
sooner or later to have access to the "would sanction an end-run around
information and foreseeably to take some RESTATEMENT (SECOND) § 552, which
action in reliance upon it. represents the law in Arizona for negligent
30 *30 misrepresentation-based claims against
professionals." We agree. We engaged in a similar
RESTATEMENT (SECOND) § 552 cmt. h compression of theories in Western Technologies.
(emphasis added). There, the defendant engineering firm was
Arizona courts have recognized the tort of engaged to investigate the cause of cracks in Sun
negligent misrepresentation since Van Buren v. Devil Stadium and report its findings to the
Pima Community College District Board, 113 Arizona Board of Regents. In its report, the
Ariz. 85, 87, 546 P.2d 821, 823 (1976). Our defendant identified the plaintiff firm, which had
supreme court stated in Donnelly that negligent performed geo-technical engineering testing prior
misrepresentation claims are governed by section to expansion of the stadium, as a party responsible
552. 139 Ariz. at 188, 677 P.2d at 1296. And in for the cracks. The plaintiff filed a complaint that
Donnelly and later cases, Arizona courts have included several counts of negligence. We
repeatedly accepted section 552(2) as defining the concluded, however, that these counts boiled
range of liability for such claims. See id. at 189, down to a single negligent misrepresentation
677 P.2d at 1297 10; Hoffman v. Greenberg, 159 claim:
Ariz. 377, 379-80, 767 P.2d 725, 727-28 (App.
1988); Western Technologies, 154 Ariz. at 3, 739
P.2d at 1318, 1320 (App. 1986).
10 The supreme court observed in Donnelly

that section 552 "does not require privity to

maintain a cause of action. Subsection (2)

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

The essence of these counts is that [the information about United that SC relied on to its
defendant] negligently, recklessly or detriment. The tort of negligent misrepresentation,
intentionally supplied the Board with false 31 *31 as defined in section 552, encompasses
and misleading information. While the negligence both in gathering and communicating
record in this case indicates that at times information. See RESTATEMENT (SECOND) §
[the plaintiff] seemed to assert a 552 cmt. e ("The defendant is subject to liability if
negligence claim separate and apart from . . . he has failed to exercise the care or
these representations, we are unable to competence of a reasonable man in obtaining or
glean from the complaint any negligence communicating the information.") (emphasis
claim other than a claim for negligent added). Further, the limitations of section 552
misrepresentation. were plainly drafted with auditor negligence of
this nature in mind. The Restatement repeatedly
154 Ariz. at 3,739 P.2d at 1320. Rejecting
poses hypothetical instances of auditor negligence
foreseeability of harm as an appropriate standard
to illustrate the liability limits of subsection (2).
of liability for these counts, the court applied the
See RESTATEMENT (SECOND) § 552 cmt. h,
narrower range of liability defined by section 552.
illus. 5-7 10, cmt. j, illus. 14-15. We do not believe
the Restatement drafters undertook in section 552
In Hoffman, Division Two of this court similarly to narrow the range of liability for torts of
applied section 552(2)(b) to a claim of damage misrepresentation such as auditor negligence in
from a negligent real estate appraisal. After the expectation that a plaintiff could escape such
acquiring two parcels of real property that limitations merely by attacking the same conduct
defendants had appraised, the plaintiff sued in an ordinary negligence count.11 We therefore
defendants for overstating the property value in conclude that SC may not submit a claim for
their appraisal. The defendants, however, had auditor negligence separate and distinct from its
appraised the property for its owner — not for negligent misrepresentation claim.
plaintiff — and the owner had refused to inform 11 The policy reasons for confining auditor
defendants how he intended to use their appraisal
negligence within the liability range set
report. Though it was reasonably foreseeable that forth in section 552 are stated at length in
an owner might show an appraisal to prospective Bily v. Arthur Young Co., 3 Cal.4th 370, 11
buyers, the court declined to measure liability by Cal.Rptr.2d 51, 61-65 834 P.2d 745 755-59
the standard of reasonable foreseeability. 159 Ariz. (1992) and we will not reiterate them here.
at 379-80, 767 P.2d at 727-28. Because this owner
neither informed the appraisers that he intended to C. THE JURY INSTRUCTION ON
supply the appraisal to a group or class of NEGLIGENT
prospective buyers, see section 552(2)(a), nor even MISREPRESENTATION
that he contemplated a sale, see section 552(2)(b),
We turn next to PW's contention that the trial court
the court found that the buyer had failed to state a
erroneously defined the elements of negligent
claim under section 552 and that his complaint
misrepresentation to the jury. PW advances this
was properly dismissed. Id.
argument as an independent basis for sustaining
We have stated that the gravamen of SC's auditor the trial court's grant of a new trial. The court
negligence claim is negligent misrepresentation. instructed the jury as follows:
SC claims that, as a result of negligently gathering
In order to prevail on a claim of negligent
and reviewing information in its audit of United,
mis-representation, any plaintiff seeking
PW supplied Union materially false financial
recovery has the burden of proving that:

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

1. Defendant, in the course of its business, The cases we have cited, including Donnelly,
gave incorrect information for the make it clear that the tort of negligent
guidance of others in their business misrepresentation is governed by section 552 of
transactions; the Restatement in Arizona; and the trial court's
instruction was plainly inconsistent with section
2. Defendant intended that plaintiff rely on
552. Under the trial court's instruction, PW could
that information or could reasonably
have been liable to any person in "the much larger
foresee that plaintiff would rely on that
class who might reasonably be expected sooner or
later to have access to the information and
3. Defendant failed to exercise reasonable foreseeably to take some action in reliance upon it.
care in obtaining or communicating that See RESTATEMENT (SECOND) § 552 cmt. h.
information; Liability for negligent misrepresentation does not
extend so far. Id. On the other hand, neither is
4. Plaintiff relied on that incorrect information;
liability confined, as PW's instruction sought to
5. Plaintiff's reliance was justified; and confine it, precisely to " the entity for whose
benefit and guidance defendant intended to supply
6. Plaintiff's reliance was a cause of 32 the information *32 or knew that the recipient
damage to plaintiff. intended to supply the information." (Emphasis
(Emphasis added.) added.) It is enough that the maker know that the
recipient intended to supply the information for
PW contends that, to the extent the trial court the benefit of a limited group or class of persons
permitted the jury to find PW liable if it "could and that the plaintiff be a member of that limited
reasonably foresee" that Union would rely on the group or class. See RESTATEMENT (SECOND)
information supplied, its instruction misstated the § 552(2)(a) cmt. h.
law. PW argues that the trial court should have
given PW's proposed instruction, which, though We do not hold the instruction error so significant,
similar to the court's instruction in most respects, given the evidence in this case, as to
omitted any reference to foreseeable reliance and independently support the grant of a new trial. We
instead required proof: uphold the new trial order on separate grounds.
We do decide, however, for the reasons stated, that
That Union was the entity for whose the negligent misrepresentation instruction must
benefit and guidance defendant intended to be modified on remand.
supply the information or knew that the
recipient intended to supply the VII. PROXIMATE CAUSE AND
information[; and] OUT-OF-POCKET DAMAGES
That Union suffered loss through reliance PW argues that it was entitled to JNOV on SC's
upon it in a transaction that defendant negligence claims because SC failed to prove
intended the information to influence or proximate cause and out-of-pocket damages.
knew that the recipient so intended or in a Because these issues are conceptually related, we
substantially similar transaction. address them together.

SC responds that, under Donnelly, reasonably SC contends that PW waived SC's alleged failure
foreseeable reliance was sufficient. Neither side is to prove proximate cause as a basis for JNOV by
wholly correct. failing to object to jury instructions on causation
and by proposing the causation instruction that
actually went to the jury. SC also contends that

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

PW waived SC's alleged failure to prove out-of- A fraudulent misrepresentation is a legal

pocket damages as a basis for JNOV by failing to cause of a pecuniary loss resulting from
move for directed verdict on that issue and by action or inaction in reliance upon it if, but
failing to object to SC's broadly-worded jury only if, the loss might reasonably be
instruction on damages. We need not resolve SC's expected to result from the reliance.
assertions of waiver. Instead, we assume arguendo
The Restatement distinguishes actionable losses
that PW preserved both grounds for JNOV, and we
caused by misrepresentation from nonactionable
conclude that SC presented sufficient evidence on
losses resulting from independent market forces:
each to withstand a directed verdict.
[O]ne who misrepresents the financial
A. PROXIMATE CAUSE condition of a corporation in order to sell
PW argues that SC did not introduce evidence its stock will become liable to a purchaser
from which a jury could reasonably find that PW's who relies upon the misinformation for the
alleged negligence proximately caused any loss that he sustains when the facts as to
damage to SC. It was not enough, PW asserts, for the finances of the corporation become
SC to show cause-in-fact — that is, that Union generally known and as a result the value
would not have bought United's stock if PW had of the shares is depreciated on the market,
accurately audited United and reported the true because that is the obviously foreseeable
value of its assets and the extent of its bad loans. result of the facts misrepresented. On the
SC had the additional burden, according to PW, to other hand, there is no liability when the
prove proximate cause or "loss causation" — that value of the stock goes down after the sale,
is, that PW's misrepresentation adversely affected 33 *33 not in any way because of the
the objective value of what Union bought. See misrepresented financial condition, but as
McGonigle v. Combs, 968 F.2d 810, 821 (9th Cir. a result of some subsequent event that has
1992), cert. dismissed sub nom., Casares v. no connection with or relation to its
Spendthrift Farm, Inc., 506 U.S. 948, 113 S.Ct. financial condition.
399, 121 L.Ed.2d 325 (1992).
Id. cmt. b.12
SC does not dispute that it was required to prove
12 Although the Restatement contains a
loss causation. It argues rather that it met that
separate section addressing recovery for
burden by introducing evidence that, because of
pecuniary losses legally caused by a
PW's negligent audit, Union paid far more to
negligent misrepresentation, it does not
purchase United than United was worth.
explicitly set forth the standard for
We begin our discussion of this argument with the proximate cause. See, e.g.,

proposition that tort damages comprehend all RESTATEMENT (SECOND) § 522B

("Damages for Negligent
damages "legally caused" by the tort. Thompson v.
Misrepresentation"). However, section
BetterBilt Aluminum Prods. Co., 171 Ariz. 550,
548A, which expressly concerns claims of
554, 832 P.2d 203, 207 (1992), aff'd on other
fraudulent misrepresentation, is applicable
grounds, 187 Ariz. 121, 927 P.2d 781 (1996). To
to claims of negligent misrepresentation as
legally cause damage, "the tort must be `a
well. See Pearson v. Simmonds Precision
substantial factor in bringing about the harm.' Id. Prods., Inc., 160 Vt. 168, 624 A.2d 1134,
(quoting RESTATEMENT (SECOND) § 431 (a)) 1137 (1993); Bily, 11 Cal.Rptr.2d 51, 834
P.2d at 777 (Kennard, J., dissenting).
Legal causation in the tort of misrepresentation is
addressed in Restatement (Second) § 548A:

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

Federal securities decisions have required similar [Plaintiffs] . . . argue that their loss was
proof. See, e.g., Citibank, N.A. v. K-H Corp., 968 "caused" by the misrepresentations simply
F.2d 1489, 1495 (2d Cir. 1992); McGonigle, 968 because the misrepresentations of the
F.2d at 821; Bastian v. Petren Resources Corp., "quality" of their investment induced them
892 F.2d 680, 683-84 (7th Cir. 1990), cert. denied, to buy the shares which then declined in
496 U.S. 906, 110 S.Ct. 2590, 110 L.Ed.2d 270 value. The misrepresentations, they argue,
(1990). In McGonigle, the Ninth Circuit usefully caused the loss because the loss would not
distinguishes loss causation from transaction have occurred if the misrepresentations
causation: had not been made. We reject this
interpretation, because it renders the
concept of loss causation meaningless by
collapsing it into transaction causation.
The dual and independent requirements of
transaction causation and loss causation, as
we noted in [Securities Investor Protection
Corp. v.] Vigman., [ 908 F.2d 1461 (9th
Cir. 1990), rev'd, 503 U.S. 258, 112 S.Ct.
1311, 117 L.Ed.2d 532 (1992)], are
analogous to the basic tort principle that a
plaintiff must demonstrate both "but for"
and proximate causation. Id. at 1467-68.
As the Fifth Circuit stated in [Huddleston
v. Herman MacLean, 640 F.2d 534, 549
(5th Cir. 1981), aff'd in part, rev'd in part,
459 U.S. 375, 103 S.Ct. 683, 74 L.Ed.2d
548 (1983)], "[t]he plaintiff must prove not
only that, had he known the truth, he
would not have acted, but in addition that
the untruth was in some reasonably direct,
or proximate, way responsible for his loss.
The causation requirement is satisfied in a
Rule 10b-5 case only if the
misrepresentation touches upon the
reasons for the investment's decline in
value." See also Bastian v. Petren
Resources Corp., 892 F.2d 680, 685-86
(7th Cir.), cert. denied, 496 U.S. 906, 110
S.Ct. 2590, 110 L.Ed.2d 270 (1990)
(plaintiffs must demonstrate that
misrepresentation caused loss in order to
establish liability under Rule 10b-5).
Application of these principles here leads
us to the conclusion that the plaintiffs were
required to show that the alleged omissions
adversely affected the objective value of

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

their investment in Spendthrift, causing the acquisition date, and we address it in our
loss for which they seek to recover. subsequent discussion of SC's proof of out-of-
pocket damages. Suffice it for present purposes to
968 F.2d at 821.
say that SC's evidence not only showed that PW's
We apply the requirement of loss causation in this nondisclosure of United's problems contributed to
case, but find that it does not support PW's Union's decision to buy United, but also
argument for JNOV. PW contends on appeal, as it demonstrated that the nondisclosure concealed a
contended at trial, that Union's losses on the reduced value of United's stock. Such evidence
purchase and resale of United did not result from justified the denial of PW's motion for JNOV on
any auditing misrepresentation of the intrinsic the issue of proximate cause.
value of United, but rather from an unrelated,
postpurchase decline in the Arizona real estate
market. SC, however, introduced evidence of nine To prevail on its claim of negligent
major problem loans that existed in United's misrepresentation, SC was required to prove its
portfolio before any decline in the real estate out-of-pocket damages. PW argues that SC failed
market. SC argues, "These and other such problem to do so and presented evidence of rescissory
loans were bad in 1985 and 1986 because of poor damages only. Accordingly, PW argues, it is
underwriting, not because of any market decline. entitled to JNOV on SC's remaining negligence
And the problems remained undisclosed because claim. To consider this issue, we first distinguish
of PW's grossly substandard audit work." between out-of-pocket and rescissory damages.

To reach the jury on the issue of proximate cause, 1. Distinction Between Out-of-
SC need only have shown that United's value Pocket and Rescissory Damages
when Union purchased it was quantifiably lower Compensatory damages are intended to
than United's financial statements, as certified by compensate a tort plaintiff for losses suffered.
PW, represented that value to be. We agree with RESTATEMENT (SECOND) § 903. When the
SC that it supplied such evidence by detailing harm is limited to pecuniary interests,
problem loans in United's portfolio, which PW's "compensatory damages are designed to place [the
audit failed to discover or disclose, and whose plaintiff] in a position substantially equivalent in a
actual values were far lower than their face values. pecuniary way to that which he would have
34 By proving that PW negligently overstated *34 the occupied had no tort been committed." Id. cmt. a.
intrinsic value of United's assets in its financial
statement and thereby contributed to Union's Out-of-pocket damages — a type of compensatory
decision to buy an asset that was worth less than it damages — consist of the difference between the
was represented to be, SC adequately satisfied its purchase price of property and its actual value
burden to establish that the misrepresentation "was when purchased. Id. § 549 cmt. c; FOWLER V.
in some reasonably direct, or proximate, way HARPER, ET AL., LAW OF TORTS § 7.15, at
responsible for [its] loss." See id. 478 (Oscar S. Gray ed., 2d ed. 1986); W. PAGE
PW also argues that SC was required to ON THE LAW OF TORTS § 110, at 767 (5th ed.
demonstrate "the extent to which the alleged 1984). Out-of-pocket damages are calculated as of
understatement of [United's] loan loss reserves the date of purchase and do not include collateral
caused a decrease in [United's] value as of the expenses incurred before or after the transaction.
acquisition date." (Emphasis added.) This DAN B. DOBBS, 1 LAW OF REMEDIES 9.2(1),
argument, however, rests entirely on the assertion at 549 (2d ed. 1993).13
that SC failed to prove United's value on the

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

13 We discuss the recovery of collateral When comparing out-of-pocket and rescissory

expenses as consequential damages ifra damages, the fundamental distinctions are these:
part VII(B)(3)(a). (1) out-of-pocket damages accept the transaction
as completed, whereas rescissory damages attempt
Rescission, an equitable remedy, is not a damage
to undo it; and (2) out-of-pocket damages are
award at all. Rather, it contemplates the "undoing
measured by reference to the value of the property
of the transaction, "whereby each party gives back
on the date of the transaction, while rescissory
to the other what it parted with in the original
damages, in order to approximate the undoing of
transaction. See Reed v. McLaws, 56 Ariz. 556,
the transaction, take account of the value of the
562-63, 110 P.2d 222, 225-26 (1941); Jennings v.
property, and any income produced by it, after the
Lee, 105 Ariz. 167, 171, 461 P.2d 161, 165 (App.
date of the transaction.
1969). But when rescission, though appropriate, is
impossible or infeasible (as when the buyer has 2. SC was Required to Prove Out-of-
sold the property to a third party), courts may
Pocket Damages
substitute rescissory damages. See In re
As we have previously discussed, SC was
MAXXAM, Inc., 659 A.2d 760, 775 (Del.Ch.
permitted by the trial court to submit an Arizona
1995); Barshak v. Buccheri, 406 Mass. 187, 547
Securities Act claim to the jury. And under § 44-
N.E.2d 23, 26-27 (1989).
2001(A) of the Securities Act, a litigant may seek
"Rescissory damages are a `money award rescissory damages.14 With respect to SC's
designed to be as nearly as possible the financial negligence claims, however, the trial court ruled
equivalent of rescission.'" MAXXAM, 659 A.2d at by partial summary judgment that SC was limited
775 n. 15 (citation omitted); see also L. Loss, to an out-of-pocket measure of its general
FUNDAMENTALS OF SECURITIES damages. Though SC does not contest this ruling,
REGULATION 1020 (1983), quoted in Randall v. the parties dispute whether SC introduced such
Loftsgaarden, 478 U.S. 647, 656, 106 S.Ct. 3143, proof.
3149, 92 L.Ed.2d 525 (1986) ("[D]amages are to
14 See note 2, supra.
be measured so as to result in the substantial
equivalent of rescission."). The goal of rescissory The Restatement (Second) supports the trial
damages "is to return an injured party to the court's ruling that SC must prove its out-of-pocket
position . . . [it] was in before entering into a damages. In its section on damages for negligent
transaction." Darnall Kemna Co. v. Heppinstall, misrepresentation, the Restatement provides:
851 P.2d 73, 78 (Alaska 1993) (citation omitted);
see also Arthur Young Co. v. Reves, 937 F.2d (1) The damages recoverable for a
1310, 1337 (8th Cir. 1991), aff'd, 507 U.S. 170, negligent misrepresentation are those
113 S.Ct. 1163, 122 L.Ed.2d 525 (1993). In necessary to compensate the plaintiff for
securities litigation, rescissory damages, where the pecuniary loss to him of which the
35 appropriate, are commonly *35 measured as "the misrepresentation is a legal cause,
consideration paid [by the plaintiff], reduced by including
the amount realized when he sold the security and (a) the difference between the value of
by any `income received' on the security." what he has received in the transaction and
Randall, 478 U.S. at 656, 106 S.Ct. at 3149 its purchase price or other value given for
(citation omitted); see also Reves, 937 F.2d at it; and

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

(b) pecuniary loss suffered otherwise as a relied solely on a rescissory damage study (the
consequence of the plaintiff's reliance upon "damage study") to establish the damages for its
the misrepresentation. Securities Act and negligence claims.
16 The
RESTATEMENT (SECOND) § 552B. In other element of out-of-pocket
subsection (a), the Restatement provides an out- damages, the $334,239,255 paid for United

of-pocket measure for general damages; in stock, was undisputed.

subsection (b), it provides for such additional

In response, SC intimates that the damage study
consequential or special damages as the plaintiff
represented SC's "consequential" damages from
may prove.
36 PW's alleged misrepresentations. *36 SC also
The out-of-pocket measure of general damages is asserts that it did introduce evidence of the value
especially appropriate here because PW was not a of United's stock on the date of purchase. We
party to the underlying contract. See PROSSER conclude that, although the damage study
AND KEETON, supra, at 768 (out-of-pocket established neither out-of-pocket nor
damages "must of necessity be adopted where the consequential damages, SC provided sufficient
defendant is a third party who has made no evidence of out-of-pocket damages through the
contract with the plaintiff . . ."). Moreover, testimony of Marc Perkins, an expert witness, to
because rescission is primarily a remedy between withstand PW's motion for JNOV.
principals, rescissory damages ought not be
a. SC's Damage Study
available against a third party, like PW, who has
not been unjustly enriched. See HARPER ET AL., In its damage presentation, SC relied upon a
supra., § 7.15, at 488-89.15 Therefore, to recover damage study to support the argument that its
damages consisted of a "Net Loss on Investment"
on its negligence claims, SC was required to prove
in the amount of $338,053,768. SC calculated this
out-of-pocket and/or consequential damages rather
loss as the difference between its gross investment
than rescissory damages.
in United, including borrowing costs and the cost
15 Rescissory damages are permitted, of supporting assets retained after the resale to
however, against certain non-principals in Citibank, and its receipts over the life of the
Arizona Securities Act claims under A.R.S.
investment, including dividends on the United
§§ 44-2001(A) and 44-2003. See
stock and the proceeds from the resale to Citibank.
discussion supra part III; see also Bruschi
v. Brown, 876 F.2d 1526, 1532 (11th Cir. Obviously, this calculation included elements —
1989) (rescissory damages permitted in the United dividends, the Citibank proceeds, the
federal 10b-5 claim against third parties cost of supporting retained assets — that were not
unjustly enriched). part of the original transaction. As subsequent
events, these would have been proper elements of
3. SC's Proof of Damages
a rescissory damage calculation, but they were not
PW contends that the trial court erred in denying proper elements of an out-of-pocket damages
its motion for JNOV on SC's negligence claims calculation. See DOBBS, supra, § 9.2(1), at 549.
because SC failed to prove an indispensable
element of out-of-pocket damages — the value of Indeed, the damage study's calculations mirror the
United on the date of purchase, January 8, 1987.16 measure of rescissory damages in securities
PW argues that, instead of establishing out-of- actions: "the consideration paid, reduced by the
pocket damages on its negligence claims, SC amount realized when [the plaintiff] sold the
security and by any `income received' on the
security." See Randall, 478 U.S. at 656, 106 S.Ct.

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

at 3149 (citation omitted); see also A.R.S. § 44- The rule stated in this Section
2001(A) (providing for rescissory damages in applies, as the measure of

Arizona Securities Act claims). The damage study damages for negligent
misrepresentation, the rule of out-
includes all the elements necessary to calculate
of-pocket loss that is stated as to
rescissory damages — consideration paid,
fraudulent misrepresentations in
proceeds from the resale, and income received
Subsection (1) of § 549.
from the asset — but includes only one of the two
Comments a to f under § 549 are
elements necessary to prove out-of-pocket
therefore applicable to this
damages — consideration paid. See Section, so far as they are
RESTATEMENT (SECOND) § 549 cmt. c. It does pertinent.
not include any evidence of the actual value of
United on January 8, 1987 — the date of its The expenditures reflected in the damage study,
purchase by Union. aside from the purchase price, consist of the costs
of funding the purchase and the payments required
We therefore conclude that SC did not establish its to support the assets retained by Union after the
out-of-pocket damages through the damage study. resale to Citibank. These expenditures were
And because general damages for negligent inherent in the underlying transaction and would
misrepresentation must be established by an out- have been incurred regardless of PW's
of-pocket measure, it follows that SC failed to misrepresentations. Accordingly, they are not
establish general damages through the damage 37 recoverable *37 as consequential damages. See
study. RESTATEMENT (SECOND) § 549 cmt. a.
Consequential damages, however, are also SC, however, cites Elar Investments, Inc. v.
recoverable in a negligent misrepresentation Southwest Culvert Co., 139 Ariz. 25, 676 P.2d 659
claim. See RESTATEMENT (SECOND) § (App. 1983), a breach of contract case, as support
552B(1)(b). We therefore consider SC's argument for its argument that the costs of funding an
that its damage study represented consequential investment are consequential damages. In that
damages recoverable on that claim. case, this court held that interest costs incurred in
Consequential damages are losses "not inherent in financing a construction project are recoverable
the nature of the transaction. See either as direct or incidental damages. Id. at 28-
RESTATEMENT (SECOND) § 549 cmt. a.17 29, 676 P.2d at 662-63. But the interest costs at
Consequential damages must be shown to be issue in Elar Investments were not the costs of
proximately caused by the misrepresentation. funding the underlying transaction; they were
LAW OF REMEDIES § 3.4, at 318-21. "It is only additional project-financing expenditures, over
where the fact misstated was of a nature calculated and above normal project-financing-costs, that
to bring about such a result that damages for it can were caused by the defendant's breach (a delay in
be recovered." PROSSER KEETON § 110, at 767. delivering materials). Id. at 27, 676 P.2d at 661.
Consequential damages for misrepresentation do Elar Investments does not support SC's position.
not include costs that the plaintiff would have Because the damage study represented neither out-
incurred even if the misrepresentation had not of-pocket damages nor consequential damages, it
been made. See Clearview Concrete Prods. Corp. does not support the jury's award of damages on
v. S. Charles Gherardi, Inc., 88 A.D.2d 461, 453 SC's negligence claims.
N.Y.S.2d 750, 755-56 (1982).
17 Restatement (Second) § 552B cmt. a
b. Perkins' Testimony

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

To prove its out-of-pocket damages, SC was Perkins was an expert in the investment business:
required to present evidence of the value of United he was the chief executive officer of a company
on the date of purchase. SC argues that, even if it whose principal business was to execute securities
failed to do so through the damage study, it did so transactions for institutional investors, and a
sufficiently to withstand PW's motion for JNOV principal in another firm that provided investment
through the testimony of investment expert Marc advice for individual and institutional investors. In
Perkins. We agree. these capacities, Perkins was active in several
mergers and acquisitions involving major banks.
Perkins testified that, if the loan losses were as SC
He was therefore qualified to offer his opinion of
alleged them to be, United would have been
the value of United.
unsalable and therefore worthless on the date
Union bought it: Perkins testified about the tens of thousands of
pages of documents he read in the process of
Q. [by counsel for SC]: Well, have you, in
forming his opinion, and described at length the
this case — let's get right to it — rendered
reasons for his opinion. He opined that United was
an opinion as to the value of United Bank
a failing institution because its high number of
— United Bancorp, I should say, as of
nonperforming assets dangerously lowered its
January 8, 1987?
capital. He concluded that the disclosure of that
A. [by Perkins]: Well, I have an opinion as information, which was required under regulatory
to what the value would have been if — or standards, would have so greatly eroded public
what the value was under the assumption confidence in United as to render it worthless.
that the loan losses quantified by Mr. Because Perkins' testimony was subject to
Zacharias and Mr. Marusich as of that date extensive cross-examination, any dispute over the
were, in fact, a reasonable statement of the accuracy or credibility of his opinion was for the
actual loan losses and that they were 38 jury to decide, not this court.18 *38
reasonably accurate. That the value of the 18 We similarly resolve PW's assertion that
institution would have, essentially, been
Perkins' zero evaluation was rendered
zero, that the bank would have been inherently implausible by the resale of
unsalable. United to Citibank for roughly two
hundred million dollars. Perkins addressed
This testimony unambiguously assigned United a
the value of United upon resale to Citibank
zero value on the purchase date. Such evidence, if
as well as its value upon acquisition and
believed by the jury, would have permitted it to
was specifically asked by SC's attorney
calculate out-of-pocket damages as the difference
why Citibank would have been willing to
between the amount paid by SC on January 8, buy a bank that was valueless when Union
1987 ($334,239,255) and United's actual value on acquired it. PW had the opportunity to
that date ($0). cross-examine on this testimony, and its
credibility was in the realm of the jury.
PW, however, argues that this evidence had such
minimal probative value that reasonable people We acknowledge that Perkins' assessment of
could not rely upon it to support an award of United's value on the purchase date was an
damages, and therefore was insufficient to isolated and largely undeveloped source of
withstand a motion for JNOV. See Orme Sch. v. evidence of out-of-pocket damages. In a trial
Reeves, 166 Ariz. 301, 309, 802 P.2d 1000, 1008 spanning almost one year, SC offered no other
(1990). We disagree. evidence that would support an out-of-pocket
calculation. Nor did SC request a jury instruction

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

that would explain out-of-pocket damages to the justified by the evidence or is contrary to law."
jury. Nor did SC argue out-of-pocket damages to See, e.g., CO. Hanson v. Shell Oil Co., 541 F.2d
the jury. Instead, SC relied exclusively on its 1352, 1360-61 (9th Cir. 1976) (upholding trial
rescissory damages study to establish damages on court's grant of a new trial based on excessive
all claims. We will discuss these factors in the next damage award where evidence concerning
section of this opinion, where we explain our grant proximate cause and actual damages was
of a new trial. In this section however, we limit confusing), cert. denied, 429 U.S. 1074, 97 S.Ct.
our discussion to PW's motion for JNOV. We 813, 50 L.Ed.2d 792 (1977); see also FEDERAL
conclude that SC submitted sufficient evidence of PROCEDURE, L.Ed. §§ 58.14, 58.15, at 750-51
out-of-pocket damages to withstand that motion (1984); 58 AM.JUR.2D NEW TRIAL § 355, at
by introducing evidence of the purchase price of 347.
United and, through Perkins, of United's value on
We find abundant basis for jury confusion in this
the purchase date.
case, both on liability and damages, though on
VIII. HOPELESS CONFUSION more expansive grounds than those cited by the
OF THE JURY trial court. The trial court found the jury's
Securities Act and tort damage verdicts
The trial court concluded in granting a new trial
irreconcilable; we hold that the Securities Act
that, because SC's tort and Securities Act claims
claim should not have been submitted at all. The
were based on the same rescissory damage study,
trial court found the United and Union verdicts
the jury's disparate damage verdicts on those
irreconcilable; we hold that the United claims
claims were "irreconcilably inconsistent." The
should not have been submitted at all. The trial
court additionally found it impossible to reconcile
court assumed in its new trial order that separate
the jury's identical verdicts on SC's separate Union
tort claims were properly submitted for breach of
and United claims:
fiduciary duty, auditor negligence, and negligent
The jury returning a verdict for United in misrepresentation; we hold that SC/Union was
the same amount that it did for Union is entitled to submit a negligent misrepresentation
blatantly erroneous. Again, it is clear that claim alone. The trial court found, as between
the verdicts in both cases were based upon United and Union that only Union could recover
Plaintiffs' rescissionary damage study. This its financing costs through its negligence claims;
study included cost of financing which we hold that financing costs were not a
clearly could not have been damages recoverable damage element in Union's negligence
accruing to United. Again, the jury was claim and should not have been submitted at all.
either hopelessly confused or the verdicts The trial court found, and SC acknowledges in its
are irreconcilable. Either way, the verdicts appeal from the new trial order, that the jury's tort
cannot stand. awards were based entirely on SC's rescissory
damage study; we hold that the rescissory damage
Finding liability and damages issues "inextricably
study was an improper basis for a tort damage
interwoven," the court granted a new trial on both.
39 award and, in the *39 absence of a valid Securities
Rule 59(a)(8) of the Arizona Rules of Civil Act claim, should not have been submitted at all.
Procedure permits the grant of a new trial on the
In part VII of this opinion, we acknowledged SC's
ground "[t]hat the verdict, decision, findings of
argument that PW had waived lack of proof of
fact, or judgment is not justified by the evidence
out-of-pocket damages as a basis for JNOV by
or is contrary to law." Confusion of the jury is a
failing to move for a directed verdict on that
proper basis for concluding that a verdict "is not
ground. We found it unnecessary to resolve the

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

question of waiver there because, even if PW had inappropriate submission of a rescissory Securities
made such a motion, SC introduced sufficient Act claim and its achievement of a rescissory tort
evidence to withstand it. We approach the issue damage award as correlative errors. Through the
differently in evaluating the grant of a new trial. medium of the damage study, confusion from the
First, evidence sufficient to withstand a motion for rescissory Securities Act claim spilled over into
directed verdict or JNOV may not suffice to the negligence claims, giving rise to an improper
withstand a motion for new trial. In Landes damage award. For all of these reasons, we
Construction Co. v. Royal Bank of Canada, 833 conclude that we may properly include the
F.2d 1365, 1371 (9th Cir. 1987), the court inadequacy of SC's damages evidence among the
explained: grounds for granting a new trial.

If there is substantial evidence presented at SC cites authority for the proposition that a
trial to create an issue for the jury, a trial reviewing court "must search for a reasonable way
court may not grant a motion for a directed to read the verdicts as expressing a coherent view
verdict or for [JNOV]. The existence of of the case, and must exhaust this effort before it
substantial evidence does not, however, is free to disregard the jury's verdicts and remand
prevent the court from granting a motion the case for a new trial." Toner v. Lederle Lab.,
for a new trial pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 59 828 F.2d 510, 512 (9th Cir. 1987), cert. denied,
if the verdict is against the clear weight of 485 U.S. 942, 108 S.Ct. 1122, 99 L.Ed.2d 282
the evidence. (1988). We recognize that obligation. Here,
however, we have determined that only Union's
Second, the rule that issues not objected to at trial
negligent misrepresentation claim was properly
are waived is procedural, not jurisdictional, and
submitted to the jury. And we cannot find any
we may suspend it at our discretion. See, e.g., City
reasonable way to read the Union negligent
of Tempe v. Fleming, 168 Ariz. 454, 456, 815 P.2d
misrepresentation verdict that would permit us to
1, 3 (App. 1991) (recognizing the rule that
affirm that verdict in this appeal.
"arguments not made at the trial court cannot be
asserted on appeal" as a procedural rule that the We cannot sensibly conclude that the jury
court may suspend at its own discretion) (citations managed, after nearly a year in trial, to isolate
omitted); Stokes v. Stokes, 143 Ariz. 590, 592, 694 Union's negligent misrepresentation claim from
P.2d 1204, 1206 (App. 1984) (same); see also the multiple improperly submitted claims. Nor can
Dombey v. Phoenix Newspapers, Inc., 150 Ariz. we conclude that the jury managed to ignore the
476, 482, 724 P.2d 562, 568 (1986) (exercising rescissory damage study upon which SC premised
discretion to consider issue argued at trial but not its entire damage demand. (In the damage study,
raised on appeal). Third, PW did present its SC calculated damages of $334,053,768; the jury
position on out-of-pocket damages at trial. awarded damages of $334,053,778.) Nor can we
Although PW did not reiterate its position in a conclude that the jury managed instead to base its
motion for directed verdict, PW did request and damage award upon the isolated parts of Perkins'
receive a ruling prior to trial that SC was required testimony that might have permitted an out-of-
to prove out-of-pocket damages on its tort claims. pocket damage calculation; the jury was not asked
SC, therefore, had notice that out-of-pocket to make such a calculation, and it did not do so.
damages were a necessary element of its tort
We conclude, rather, that jury confusion on both
claims, yet chose to rest on an incompatible
liability and damages gave rise to a verdict
rescissory damage study alone. Fourth, PW made
unsupported by the evidence and contrary to law.
timely and appropriate motions with respect to
We therefore determine that after entry of JNOV
SC's Securities Act claim, and we regard SC's

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

40 for PW on all the other *40 claims, this matter If you decide that United's fault should
must be remanded for new trial on the SC/Union reduce its damages, you must then
negligent misrepresentation claim alone. determine the relative degrees of fault of
all those whom you find to have been at
The relative degrees of fault are to be
Having narrowed this case for the purpose of
entered on the verdict form as percentages
remand to a negligent misrepresentation claim, we
of the total fault for United's damage.
now examine what parties should be included in
the apportionment of fault. This instruction, however, did not seek allocation
of United's fault with respect to Union's damage
On SC's tort claims on behalf of Union, the jury
apportioned fault only to PW (85%) and Union
(15%). PW contends by cross appeal that a new Not until the morning of final arguments did PW
trial is independently required because the trial assert the argument it now advances on appeal:
court declined to instruct the jury to consider that PW's liability to Union should be purely
United's relative degree of fault and to give the several and that PW should be relieved of that
jury forms of verdict that included United in the portion of Union's damages which is allocable to
apportionment of fault. This argument raises four United's fault. As the court distributed its final
others: (1) Did PW waive the argument by packet of jury instructions to counsel, PW
untimely assertion in the trial court? (2) Is it objected that the court's forms of verdict did not
proper to reduce PW's several liability by provide for allocation of United's fault, and PW
allocating fault to United when the fault ascribed offered forms of verdict with "three lines for
to PW is precisely the failure to discover and percentages: one for Union, one for United and
report United's fault? (3) Did A.R.S. § 12- 2506, one for Price Waterhouse." PW also suggested that
when this claim arose, permit apportionment of some of the instructions concerning fault might
fault in claims for economic damages? (4) Did the need correcting, but did not tender any corrections
fault PW attributes to United cause SC harm? to the court. The jury was assembled and waiting;
final arguments were scheduled to begin; the
A. WAIVER deadline for submitting instructions and forms of
SC argues, and we agree, that PW did not timely verdict had passed. Under these untimely
present to the trial court the argument it now circumstances, the trial court did not abuse its
advances for new trial. discretion in overruling PW's objection, and PW
may not assert the trial court's overruling of its
Throughout the trial, PW asserted that its tort
objection as an independent basis for new trial.
liability, if any, should be joint and several with
United, and it sought contribution from United for This would end discussion of apportionment of
any damages it might owe. In pursuing this fault if we were not affirming a new trial on other
contribution claim, PW did seek a jury grounds. We are affirming a new trial on other
determination of United's relative degree of fault. grounds, however; and the apportionment issues,
The trial court, however, directed a verdict on which are fully briefed, will surely recur in the
contribution, which PW did not appeal. second trial. As the first trial was lengthy and
costly, we think it best to resolve these issues now
PW also submitted, and the trial court also
before the court and parties undertake a second.
rejected, the following comparative fault
Accordingly, we proceed to the merits.
instruction with respect to United's damage claim:

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

B. THE AUDITOR'S Arizona law. In New York, at the time of National

NEGLIGENT FAILURE TO Surety, contributory negligence was a complete
DETECT THE NEGLIGENCE OF defense. In Arizona, contributory negligence has
never been a complete defense, see Ariz. Const.
art 18, § 5; and we are now a state of several
When the negligence attributed to an auditor is the liability and comparative fault, see A.R.S. §§ 12-
failure to detect and report its client's financial 2501 to -2506.
mismanagement and inaccurate reporting, should
19 The trial court also followed National
the auditor be permitted to reduce its liability by
Surety in denying PW's request for
allocating fault to the negligent client? According
comparative fault instructions on
to SC, the answer to this question should be no,
SC/United's claims.
41 *41 unless the client hindered the conduct of the
audit in some way — a circumstance that is not SC argues that, even after the adoption of
asserted here. comparative negligence, to allocate fault to the
auditor's client would "emasculate the role of
The leading case for SC's position is National
auditors as independent public watchdogs and . . .
Surety Corp. v. Lybrand, 256 A.D. 226, 9 N.Y.S.2d
`render[ ] illusory' an auditor's liability for its own
554, 563 (1939). There, auditors failed to detect
negligence." See Fullmer v. Wohlfeiler Beck, 905
the ongoing defalcations of their client's cashier.
F.2d 1394, 1398-99 (10th Cir. 1990). A virtually
When sued, the auditors asserted the client's
identical argument was rejected by our supreme
contributory negligence as a defense. The court
court, however, in Del E. Webb Corp. v. Superior
Court, 151 Ariz. 164, 169, 726 P.2d 580, 585
We are . . . not prepared to admit that (1986).
accountants are immune from the
In Del E. Webb, a hotel continued to serve liquor
consequences of their negligence because
to a patron so intoxicated that he ultimately
those who employ them have conducted
drowned himself in the hotel pool. The survivors
their own business negligently. The
filed a wrongful death action before the effective
situation in this respect is not unlike that of
date of Arizona's comparative negligence statute,
a workman injured by a dangerous
asserting dram shop liability on the part of the
condition which he has been employed to
hotel. In a special action they argued that, because
rectify. Accountants, as we know, are
the hotel had a duty to discover the intoxication of
commonly employed for the very purpose
its patron and take appropriate protective
of detecting defalcations which the
measures, see Ontiveros v. Borak, 136 Ariz. 500,
employer's negligence has made possible. .
511, 667 P.2d 200, 211 (1983), the hotel should
. . Negligence of the employer is a defense
not be permitted to assert the patron's contributory
only when it has contributed to the
negligence or assumption of risk as a defense. The
accountant's failure to perform his contract
supreme court responded:
and to report the truth.

Id. 9 N.Y.S.2d at 563 (citation omitted).

SC urges us to follow National Surety in rejecting

PW's current argument on appeal, just as the trial
court followed National Surety in dismissing PW's
contribution claim.19 We find, however, that the
rationale of National Surety is incompatible with

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

Many courts holding that the affirmative relative degrees of fault of all defendants and
defenses may not be raised in a dram shop nonparties, shall be determined and apportioned as
action base their decision on the argument a whole at one time by the trier of fact." In our
that permitting such defenses would opinion, the reasoning of Del E. Webb applies
absolutely bar the action in almost every equally to auditor negligence actions as to dram
case and therefore make the duty shop actions. We hold, therefore, that the National
recognized by the cause of action illusory. Surety doctrine does not apply in Arizona, and
That argument has much less weight in does not impede the jury's allocation of United's
Arizona after the adoption of comparative relative degree of fault.
negligence. Of course, the case before us is
governed by prior law. However, for C. DOES A.R.S. § 12-2506 APPLY
reasons peculiar to Arizona the argument TO ECONOMIC DAMAGE
was not as compelling even before the CLAIMS?
effective date of the comparative The question remains whether SC's purely
negligence statute. Under art. 18, § 5 of the economic claim is governed by the statutory
Arizona Constitution, contributory mandate to apportion "the fault of all persons who
negligence and assumption of the risk are contributed to the alleged injury." See A.R.S. § 12-
always questions of fact for the jury. 2506(B).

Del E. Webb, 151 Ariz. at 169, 726 P.2d at 585 Section 12-2506 applies only to an "action for
(citation omitted). Because contributory personal injury, property damage or wrongful
negligence under the Arizona constitution was "a death." A.R.S. § 12-2506(A); see also A.R.S. §
form of de facto comparative negligence," id., the 12-2501(A). In 1993, the legislature added A.R.S.
supreme court found it unnecessary to abrogate § 12-2501(G):
contributory negligence "to prevent the [dram
As used in this article, "property damage"
shop] cause of action from becoming illusory." Id.
means both physical damage to tangible
42 at 169-70, *42 726 P.2d at 585-86. "The interests
property and economic loss proximately
of the public are better served by the common law
caused by a breach of duty.
principles that make most persons responsible for
their conduct." Id. at 170, 726 P.2d at 586. (Emphasis added.) The legislature limited this
amendment to prospective application in cases
Although the supreme court based its decision in
filed from and after November 21 1991. 1993
Del E. Webb upon Arizona's "de facto"
Ariz. Sess. Laws ch. 203, §§ 1, 4.
constitutional version of comparative fault, the
court's reasoning gained force with the statutory SC infers from the prospective adoption of A.R.S.
adoption of comparative fault, and still greater § 12-2501(G) that, in earlier cases, the legislature
force with the statutory adoption of purely several intended "property damage" to mean only
liability for tort claims filed after December 31, "physical damage to tangible property" and not
1987. See 1987 Ariz. Sess. Laws, ch. 1, § 5. The "economic loss." Elsewhere in the same
policy of "mak[ing] most persons responsible for enactment, however, the legislature provided:
their conduct" underlies the requirement of A.R.S.
§ 12-2506(B) that the factfinder "shall consider
the fault of all persons who contributed to the
alleged injury," (emphasis added) and the
requirement of A.R.S. § 12-2506(C) that "[t]he
relative degree of fault of the claimant, and the

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

The legislature intends that this act shall When the text of a statute is capable of
not give rise to any inference, or be more than one construction or result,
asserted as creating any implication, one 43 legislative *43 intent on the specific issue
way or another, as to the proper is unascertainable, and more than one
interpretation, prior to November 21, 1991, interpretation is plausible, we ordinarily
of the sections amended by this act. interpret the statute in such a way as to
achieve the general legislative goals that
Id. § 3B. Thus, the legislature deliberately left
can be adduced from the body of
ambiguous whether "property damage" included
legislation in question.
"economic loss" in cases that preceded the
adoption of A.R.S. § 12-2501(G). Dietz v. General Elec. Co., 169 Ariz. 505, 510,
821 P.2d 166, 171 (1991). We approach this issue
SC argues that we may resolve this question by
in that way.
limiting "property damage" before the amendment
to its typical usage in tort law. In tort law, SC The legislative goal to be adduced from A.R.S. §
argues, "property damage" is a term of art that 12-2506 is plainly stated in the statute itself:
denotes only damage to tangible property and "Each defendant is liable only for the amount of
excludes purely economic claims. See, e.g., United damages allocated to that defendant in direct
States Fidelity Guar. Corp. v. Advance Roofing proportion to that defendant's percentage of fault. .
Supply Co., 163 Ariz. 476, 480, 788 P.2d 1227, . ." A.R.S. § 12-2506(A). The supreme court
1231 (App. 1989) ("property damage" defined in summarized the statutory purpose in Dietz as to
insurance policy as "physical injury to or "mak[e] each tortfeasor responsible for paying for
destruction of tangible property"). SC cites the his or her percentage of fault and no more." 169
Uniform Comparative Fault Act of 1977, which, Ariz. at 510, 821 P.2d at 171. This goal would be
by reference to "injury or death to person or harm impeded by excluding, and advanced by including,
to property," was intended to exclude claims for economic claims within the ambit of the statute.
purely economic loss. See UNIF. We therefore interpret the statute as including
COMPARATIVE FAULT ACT § 1(a) cmt., 12 economic claims before the 1993 addition of
U.L.A. 45 (1995 Supp.). SC calls for a similarly A.R.S. § 12-2501(G).
restrictive interpretation here.
Once again, however, the legislature engendered
SC finally argues that, even if we reject National
ambiguity on this point. If the legislature had
Surety, and even if we conclude that A.R.S. § 12-
accepted "property damage" as a restricted term of
2506 applies, we still should not permit PW to
art, it could readily have added economic loss
reduce its liability and SC's recovery in this case
claims to A.R.S. § 12-2501 et seq. as a covered
by reference to United's fault. It was PW's
category separate and distinct from property
conduct, not United's, according to SC, that
damage claims. Instead, the legislature treated
caused Union harm. SC continues:
"property damage" as a term sufficiently flexible
to include "both physical damage to tangible [SC] sought damages on behalf of Union
property and economic loss." A.R.S. § 12- not because United Bank was worth less
2501(G). than what Union paid, but because PW
induced Union to buy United Bank at all..

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

In other words, what damaged Union was of its worldwide accounting staff. SC
not United['s] poor financial condition, but attempts to justify its wealth-related

Union's justifiable reliance on PW- arguments only in reference to SC's

racketeering claim. See A.R.S. § 13-
provided information about United . . . that
2301(D)(4) (Supp. 1995) The jury,
failed to disclose its true financial
however, returned a verdict in PW's favor
on that claim, from which SC has not
We find this argument unpersuasive. SC in effect appealed.
argues for a directed verdict that United's conduct SC does allude to the racketeering claim at
did not contribute to Union's harm. We conclude the very end of its appeal from the trial
instead that the parties' relative contribution to court's grant of a new trial. After arguing

causation is best left for the jury to determine as that any retrial of the securities claim

an element in apportioning relative degrees of should be limited to the amount of

damages, SC states, without citation or
elaboration, "Alternatively, the Court
In summary, for the reasons stated in this section, should require retrial of the racketeering
we hold that upon remand the court must permit claim as well." SC attributes no error to the
apportionment to United of its relative degree of racketeering verdict, however, and its

fault.20 unadorned alternative request for retrial of

that claim does not suffice to raise an issue
20 Our decision in this section is not on appeal. See Ariz. R. Civ.App. P. 13(a)
inconsistent with our decision in part V. (6) (establishing necessary elements of an
There we considered the evidence that argument on appeal); see also AMERCO v.
United's stockholders received more than Shoen, 184 Ariz. 150, 154 n. 4, 907 P.2d
their stock was worth in Union's 536, 540 n. 4 (App. 1995) (cursory
acquisition of United, and we concluded assertion without argument or authority
that the trial court should have entered insufficient to preserve issue for appeal).
JNOV on the claims of SC/United because
Because the racketeering claim may not
SC did not prove any damage to United.
recur on remand, there is no remaining
Here we decide that the trial court must
justification for reference to PW's revenues
permit allocation of fault to United, which
or wealth. Accordingly, we need not
was a separate entity from Union at the
address either the propriety of counsel's
time of the acts that allegedly contributed
argument or whether it provided an
to unions harm.
additional basis for new trial.


Our resolution makes it unnecessary to address all TESTIMONY ABOUT UNION'S §
of the issues that the parties have raised. Because 338 FILING
SC's negligent misrepresentation claim must be
The 1986 financial statement for United, audited
retried, however, we address certain evidentiary
by PW, reflected a loan loss reserve of $23
44 issues that are likely to recur.21 *44
million. Union took the position at trial that this
21 One issue that we need not resolve is figure grossly understated the amount of United's
whether SC's counsel engaged in reversible doubtful or uncollectible loans.
misconduct by referring in summation to
PW's wealth and asserting, with negligible
In October 1988, though, in a tax document Union
foundation in the evidence, that PW earned filed under § 338 of the Internal Revenue Code,
$2.6 billion in revenues from the services Union reported United's loan loss reserve at $9.8

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

million as of the January 8, 1987, acquisition date. The test for admissibility of an expert's
PW sought to have its audit expert, John Binkly, opinion based on facts not in evidence, is
infer from the § 338 filing that Union, having whether the source relied upon by the
subsequently evaluated the loan loss reserve at expert is reliable. The trial court is
$9.8 million, could not have regarded $23 million accorded wide discretion in such
as an understated valuation. The trial court determinations.
declined to allow Binkly's testimony. PW assigns
. . . The test is whether the source of the
error to this ruling.
expert's opinion meets the two critical
SC argues that the trial court did not abuse its factors of necessity and trustworthiness.
discretion in preventing Binkly's testimony. It Trustworthiness comes from external
relies upon evidence indicating that the § 338 loan indicia of reliability, such as a routine and
loss valuation was calculated according to a customary business record or preparation
statutory formula unrelated to estimating the of a report by a disinterested, expert third
actual value of doubtful and uncollectible loans. party.
The trial court therefore had discretion, according
144 Ariz. at 568, 698 P.2d at 1287 (citations
to SC, to reject Binkly's opinion as insufficiently
trustworthy to assist the jury in understanding the
evidence. Although the trial court concluded that Binkly had
relied on information of a type that auditors would
We, however, agree with PW that the
reasonably rely upon, the court found Binkly's
reasonableness of Binkly's opinion, and the weight
opinion foundationally defective. Specifically,
to be assigned to it, were for the jury to gauge.
after questioning Binkly itself, the trial court
Rule 702, Arizona Rules of Evidence, provides: concluded that he did not know how Union had
calculated the § 338 loan loss valuation in fact.
If scientific, technical, or other specialized
knowledge will assist the trier of fact to Q. And you don't know whether or not
understand the evidence or to determine a [they] in fact did that, but that's what
fact in issue, a witness qualified as an should have been done?
expert by knowledge, skill, experience,
A. That's what should have been done, and
training, or education, may testify thereto
I accepted it for face value. They published
in the form of an opinion or otherwise.
financial statements, filed them with the
To be admissible, an expert's opinion may rely Securities Exchange Commission, filed the
upon facts and data from three types of sources: " tax returns signed under penalties of
(1) facts admitted into evidence at trial, (2) facts perjury, Peat Marwick documented a
personally perceived by the expert, [or] (3) facts conversation. I took that for face value. I
of a type reasonably relied upon by experts in the thought that was reasonable.
particular field." Lynn v. Helitec Corp., 144 Ariz.
Because Binkly based his opinion on what Union
564, 568, 698 P.2d 1283, 1287 (App. 1984); see
should have done, and not upon what it actually
also Ariz. R. Evid. 703.
did, the court found inadmissible Binkly's
In Lynn we also stated: 45 conclusion that the § 338 filing represented *45
Union's own evaluation of its loan loss reserves.
We disagree.

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

Binkly testified that the applicable tax regulations State v. Swafford, 21 Ariz. App. 474, 486, 520
required that the § 338 loan loss valuation be P.2d 1151, 1163 (1974); see also State v. Stabler,
calculated as an estimate of the fair market value 162 Ariz. 370, 374, 783 P.2d 816, 820 (App.
of the loan portfolio. Union filed and signed a tax 1989); Rule 705, Arizona Rules of Evidence.
return representing to the United States
Accordingly, we conclude that the trial court erred
government, under penalty of law, that the fair
by disallowing Binkly's opinion testimony. On
market value of the discount on the loan portfolio
retrial, the weight and credibility of Binkly's
was $9.8 million. That filing suggests the
opinion should be matters reserved for the jury.
information's trustworthiness. See Lynn, 144 Ariz.
at 568, 698 P.2d at 1287. Under these B. BINKLY AS PW'S $2 MILLION
circumstances, it was permissible for an expert to MAN/MILLIONS FOR DEFENSE
conclude that the § 338 filing was in fact based
PW protests SC's counsel's references during
upon Union's calculation of the loan portfolio's
closing argument to PW expert John Binkly as the
fair market value.
"$2 million man." PW also protests SC's repeated
That SC had evidence to the contrary merely goes references to the millions that PW was willing to
to the weight and credibility of Binkly's opinion. spend in defending the action.
"The weight and credibility to be given expert
PW does not deny that it paid Binkly's firm
testimony are matters to be decided by the
approximately $2 million for its work on the case,
factfinder." State v. Moyer, 151 Ariz. 253, 255,
and that Binkly was a partner in that firm. Binkly's
727 P.2d 31, 33 (App. 1986); see also State v.
financial interest in the litigation was properly
Lajeunesse, 27 Ariz. App. 363, 368, 555 P.2d 120,
explored as evidence of bias. See M. UDALL ET
125 (1976) (weight to be given expert's opinion
was for jury to determine). Binkly's opinion
EVIDENCE § 45 (3d ed. 1991). The fact that the
should therefore have been heard by the jury.
fee was paid to Binkly's firm rather than to Binkly
Moreover, permitting the introduction of Binkly's personally was in the record and could have been
opinion would not have been unfairly prejudicial pointed out in PW's summation.
to SC. The same arguments and evidence used to
Although PW received little testimonial benefit
attack Binkly's opinion testimony before the trial
from Binkly's firm's work because PW failed to
court would have been available to SC in its cross-
timely disclose the results to SC, Binkly's firm
examination and summation.
nevertheless received the fee. SC's counsel's
[O]nce an expert offers his opinions he references to Binkly as the "$2 million man" and
exposes himself to the kind of inquiry to PW's spending millions on litigation were not
which ordinarily would have no place in improper under the circumstances that prevailed at
the cross-examination of a factual witness. this trial.22
The expert invites investigation into the
22 PW also argues that SC misstated the
extent of his knowledge, the reasons for
record in arguing that Binkly had failed to
his opinion including facts and other
make a necessary comparison of PW
matters upon which it is based and which working papers and United source
he took into consideration and may be documents. We need not address this
subjected to the most rigid cross- argument, as PW may present different
examination concerning his qualifications evidence on remand.
and his opinion and its sources.

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

C. EXCLUSION OF 1988 (b) by, or from information

transmitted by, a person with first
hand knowledge acquired in the
PW sought to introduce a memorandum dated course of a regularly conducted
December 22, 1988, authored by Timothy business activity,
O'Brien, of Union's accounting firm Peat
Marwick. In the memorandum, O'Brien attributed
statements to Union's chief financial officer and (c) made and kept entirely in the
course of that regularly conducted
46 corporate tax manager *46 to the effect that the
business activity,
$9.8 million tax bad debt reserve reflected a more
appropriate valuation of the credit risk in the
United loan portfolio at the time of acquisition (d) pursuant to a regular practice
than the $23 million estimate in United's audited of that business activity; and
financial statement. (This evidence, if admitted,
would have favored PW, as it would have tended
(e) all the above are shown by the
to disprove SC's contention that the $23 million
testimony of the custodian or
reserve was grossly understated.) The trial court
other qualified witness.
excluded the memorandum itself as hearsay, but
allowed PW to present O'Brien's deposition
testimony, during which he discussed his However, such evidence shall not
recollection of the memorandum's contents. be admissible if the source of
information or the method or
PW contends it was error to exclude the
circumstances of preparation
memorandum. It argues that the memorandum indicate a lack of trustworthiness
should have been admitted as a business record or to the extent that portions
under Rule 803(6), Arizona Rules of Evidence.23 thereof lack an appropriate

23 Rule 803(6) provides in part:


The trial court found the memorandum

The following are not excluded
inadmissible under the business records exception
by the hearsay rule, even though
the declarant is available as a
because it was not made at or near the time of the
witness: events it records. The trial judge reasonably
exercised his discretion in drawing this
conclusion. Although PW argues on appeal that
(6) Records of Regularly O'Brien placed his conversations with Union's
Conducted Activity. A chief financial officer and corporate tax manager
memorandum, report, record, or
in the summer or fall of 1988 — close enough to
data compilation, in any form, of
qualify as "at or near" the memorandum date of
acts, events, conditions, opinions,
December 22, 1988 — SC cites evidence in
or diagnoses, if:
O'Brien's deposition that permits the conclusion
that the conversations occurred as early as May.
(a) Made at or near the time of Further, although PW describes O'Brien as
the underlying event, testifying that he prepared the memorandum when
his recollection was still clear, he actually testified
as follows:

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

Q. BY MR. GUY: Did you prepare this establish that the document fell within the
memorandum at a time when you did in definition of an admission by a party-opponent,
fact recall the substance of those meetings see Ariz. R. Evid. 801(d)(2), or within a hearsay
with Mr. Frazee and Mr. White? exception, see Ariz. R. Evid. 803, the court
correctly sustained SC's objection to foundation.
A. When I prepared this memorandum, to
The court then denied PW's request to take a five-
the best of my knowledge, at that point in
minute deposition of Union's in-house counsel in
time it was not a matter of recollection. If
order to meet the foundational objection.
you'd like to rephrase the question. I'm not
sure what you're asking. The trial court's ruling denying the request to
reopen deposition testimony to obtain additional
Q. At the time you prepared the
foundational material was made after ten months
memorandum, you did have a recollection
of trial. Because our ruling on other issues will
of the substance of the meetings in
require a new trial, our review of this issue
question; is that correct?
assumes that the time constraints faced by the
A. I had an understanding of the substance court and counsel at the time of the prior ruling no
of the meetings and was aware of it, yes. longer exist. The denial of PW's request to depose
Union's in-house counsel, although proper under
(Emphasis added.)
the circumstances that existed at the time, is no
The trial court did not abuse its discretion in longer warranted. We leave to the trial court, on
excluding the O'Brien memorandum from remand, the ultimate decision as to the foundation
evidence, while permitting introduction of his and the admissibility of the document.
deposition testimony concerning its substance.
D. EXCLUSION OF The trial court allowed SC to play, during its
"POTENTIAL MEDIA closing argument, a videotape comparing the
QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES" auditing conduct of PW in the instant case to the
DOCUMENT conduct of the captain of the Titanic, interspersing
portions of a Hollywood production of the Titanic
SC produced an undated three-page document
disaster. Both a written transcript of the narration
entitled "Potential Media Questions Responses"
on the Titanic video and a copy of the videotape
from the files of Union's in-house legal counsel in
itself have been made available for this court's
response to a motion to produce from PW and an
order from the Discovery Master. The document
was listed on Union's "Privilege Log" and had a The trial judge screened the Titanic video before
handwritten notation on the top of it directed to closing argument and found that it was not
CDK, presumably Charles Kenny, Union's in- inflammatory and was appropriate for closing
house counsel. The author of the document is argument. On appeal, PW characterizes the Titanic
unknown. video as a calculated attempt to inflame the jurors.
It also argues that the videotape misstated certain
SC objected to the admission of the document
evidence presented at trial. PW relies primarily on
based on lack of foundation. The trial court
Bledsoe v. Salt River Valley Water Users'
sustained the foundational objection because PW
Association, 179 Ariz. 469, 880 P.2d 689 (App.
did not show who prepared the document or
"whether it was adopted by anyone at Stand[ard]
Chartered, Union, or any of the other plaintiffs in
47 this case." Because *47 PW was not able to

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

As SC points out, PW did not object to the effectively the same as a chart or diagram that
showing of the Titanic video when it was played counsel might draw during closing argument. The
for the jury. After closing arguments, PW objected court stated:
as follows:
Having viewed the VCS ourselves, we
[Counsel for PW]: Well, Your Honor, it conclude that it is not a pedagogical
was just clearly improper, inflammatory, device. The VCS depicts a computer
argumentative. I know the court's screened expert's opinion of, among other things,
it. We had no opportunity to see it before it how the accident happened, the location of
was shown to point out the things about it lighted and darkened areas at the time, and
that were improper. the effect of alternate or additional
lighting. Bledsoe was thus required to lay
Perhaps the worst point about it, your
the appropriate foundation for those
Honor, is, hey, we've researched it and
opinions, and SRP was entitled to cross-
whoever in Hollywood did it had their
examine the expert about them. Without
facts all wrong on what happened the night
requiring such foundation and permitting
the Titanic sank. But that's Hollywood.
48 the opportunity for *48 cross-examination,
But the worst thing, Your Honor, is — you the trial court erroneously "admitted" the
can't justify it as argument by analogy, VCS under the guise of closing argument.
saying this is like something else. What
179 Ariz. at 472, 880 P.2d at 692 (citations
they did was, they said, the — the facts of
omitted). In contrast, no one could mistake the
the Titanic match the facts of this case.
Titanic video shown by SC for a scientific or
And there's nothing in the record. I mean, literal representation of what actually occurred in
it's just classic. You can argue inferences the case before the jury. This characteristic,
from facts in the record. There's no facts in however, does not make the use of this video more
the record about the Titanic. And, acceptable than the use of the video in Bledsoe.
certainly, the facts that they put in the
SC's video combined high-technology visual
record came from Hollywood and not from
images with the voice of an unseen narrator. The
any evidence heard in this courtroom.
video used graphic representations from a
THE COURT: All right. Well, the Hollywood version of an event wholly unrelated
objection will be overruled. I won't instruct to the events that the trial concerned. The video
the jury regarding the tape. also included figurative visual representations of
events about which testimony had been received
PW contends that the video was improper,
— for instance, a scene in which a stack of papers,
inflammatory, argumentative, and based on
each labeled "LOAN," was serially initialled at a
nonexistent or inaccurate evidence about the
rapid rate. The video had the flavor of a televised,
sinking of the Titanic. We agree.
negative political advertisement on the eve of a
In Bledsoe, a videotaped computer simulation hotly contested election.
("VCS") of the accident at issue was shown to the
The function of closing arguments is to enable
jury during closing argument. Division Two
each party to review the evidence and tie it to the
reversed and remanded for a new trial, rejecting
applicable law in a light that favors its legal
the plaintiff's argument that the simulation was
position at the trial. Demonstrations before the
jury should not be used to divert the jury from the
evidence but to help the jury understand it. See

Standard Chartered PLC v. Price Waterhouse 190 Ariz. 6 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1997)

People v. Dowds, 253 Ill. App.3d 955, 192 Ill.Dec. Id. 555 N.Y.S.2d at 268 (quoting People v.
723, 724, 625 N.E.2d 878, 879 (1993); People v. Ashwal, 39 N.Y.2d 105, 383 N.Y.S.2d 204, 206-
Harp, 193 Ill. App.3d 838, 141 Ill. Dec. 117, 120, 07, 347 N.E.2d 564, 566-67 (1976)).
550 N.E.2d 1163, 1166 (1990), appeal denied, 132
A non-evidentiary videotape such as SC's Titanic
Ill.2d 550, 144 Ill.Dec. 261, 555 N.E.2d 380
video has substantial potential for such abuse. We
(1990). During summation counsel may state
see little difference between the use of videotaped
matters not in evidence, but only those which are
Hollywood disaster footage to suggest the impact
common knowledge or are illustrations drawn
of a tort and the use of mood music, animated
from common experience, history, or literature.
cartoons, or professional actors, costumes, and
People v. Wharton, 53 Cal.3d 522, 280 Cal.Rptr.
dramatic props.
631, 658, 809 P.2d 290, 317 (1991), cert. denied,
502 U.S. 1038, 112 S.Ct. 887, 116 L.Ed.2d 790 Neither counsel has identified a case in which the
(1992); People v. Love, 56 Cal.2d 720, 16 propriety of a non-evidentiary videotape like SC's
Cal.Rptr. 777, 782, 366 P.2d 33, 38 (1961), has been resolved. We resolve against such usage
overruled on other grounds by People v. Morse, here. In our view, the videotape was designed to
60 Cal.2d 631, 36 Cal.Rptr. 201, 388 P.2d 33 inflame the jurors' emotions, not assist their
(1964). As the court stated in People v. Thompson, minds. The enterprise that we engage in is not
161 A.D.2d 236, 555 N.Y.S.2d 266 (1990): show business. Upon remand, the Titanic tape may
not be used.
[S]ummation is not an unbridled debate in
which the restraints imposed at trial are XI. CONCLUSION
cast aside so that counsel may employ all
For the reasons set forth above, we affirm in part,
the rhetorical devices at his command.
reverse in part, and remand for proceedings
There are certain well-defined limits. . . .
consistent with this opinion.
Above all [counsel] should not seek to lead
the jury away from the issues by drawing
irrelevant and inflammatory conclusions
which have a decided tendency to
prejudice the jury against the defendant.


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