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Project Management 101

Session 1

11 August 2020

Trainers: Satvika & Sridhar

AGENDA Session 1 - 11.08.2020

1 Project Management and PMO

2 Project Sources, Constraints, Org Structure, SDLC & Types

3 Project Wireframe for all IT Projects & Stage Gate

4 Deep Dive - Ideas & Feasibility Stage

5 Quiz - 01

6 Assignment - 01 Brief
AGENDA Session 2 - 13.08.2020

Deep Dive - Ideas &

1 Feasibility Stage

2 Deep Dive - Planning Stage (1/2)

3 Quiz - 02

4 Assignment - 02 Brief
AGENDA Session 3 - 18.08.2020

1 Deep Dive - Capability : Planning Stage (2/2)

2 Deep Dive - Capability : Build Stage

3 Quiz 03

4 Assignment - 03 Brief
AGENDA Session 4 - 20.08.2020

1 Deep Dive - Capability : Test Stage

2 Deep Dive - Launch Stage

3 Quiz 04

4 Assignment - 04 Brief
AGENDA Session 5 - 25.08.2020

1 Deep Dive - Closure Stage

2 Project Budgeting, Cost Mgmt. & Capitalization

3 Quiz - 05

4 Assignment - 05 Brief
AGENDA Session 6 - 27.08.2020

1 Virtual Project Mgmt. & Trends in PM

2 Assignments De-brief

3 Final Test

4 Session Closure
Requirements for Completion Certificate

Pass Score - 75%

▪ Attendance for all sessions - 15 %

▪ Quiz 01 to 05 - 15 %

▪ Mandatory Assignments (incl. SC Assignment) - 40%

▪ Final Test (during Session 6) - 30%

Expectations from the Participants

Be Interactive and ask questions at any point of time to get the best out the

Assignments will be given at the end of each session. The submission of

assignments to be done by Sunday of that week.

The final and the last assignment to be submitted by 26.08.2020

Feel free to discuss actual problems faced/seen in your projects

What is Project Management?

“A project is a temporary
endeavor undertaken to create a
unique product, service, or result.
The temporary nature
of projects indicates that
a project has a definite beginning
and end” – PMI - PMBOK

Project, Program, Portfolio


ORGANIZATION Has a mix of Portfolios to attain Organizational Goals

Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio

PORTFOLIO Management Management Management
Group of Projects or Portfolio
delivering Business Value

PROGRAM Program Program

Group of Related
Projects Management Management

PROJECT Temporary
Project Project Project
Management Management Management

PMO – What and Why?
• Group that defines and maintains the organisation standards of the Project Management
• Source of documentation, metrics and guidance on the Project Management Process
• It strives for standardization and introduce “Economies of Repetition” in the execution of
projects and re-use
• It may exist for a project or Program (i.e., Project/Program Management Office)

Identifying and Developing

Managing Resources across Aggregating and facilitating Project management
Projects discussions methodology, best practices,
and standards

Coaching, mentoring, Monitoring compliance with PMO Shares the organization

training and providing PM standards, policies, knowledge base and lessons
oversight procedures and templates learnt for the PM to be used

12 Many people associate a PMO with a program. But please note PMO represents the Program Management Office
Types of PMO
Based on the position they have within Based on the influence and degree of
the organization control they have on projects within the

1 Project: Supports single project or program 1 Supporting: On demand support to projects

2 Functional: Multiple projects at team or BU level 2 Controlling: Standardization and Compliance

3 Enterprise: Projects across organization 3 Directive: Takes over the projects

Where do Projects come from?
It helps to know the background on how project is created/generated and the reasons –

▪ Helps in identifying right stakeholders

▪ Understand Sponsor’s motives and objectives
▪ Requirements understanding

▪ New Technology ▪ Stakeholder Demand

▪ Competitive forces ▪ Legal Requirement
▪ Material Issue ▪ Business Process Improvements
▪ Political Changes ▪ Strategic opportunities
▪ Market Demand ▪ Business need
▪ Economic Changes ▪ Social need
▪ Customer Request ▪ Environmental considerations
Project Constraints

What exactly is the By when should the

Scope Time output be delivered?
expected outcome?

What can go wrong, How much money is

and what can be 6 Constraints of a available to achieve
Risk Cost
done about it? Project this outcome?

Who and What is How close the

required to do the Resources Quality outcome matched
work? expectation?

Project Soft Skills

Organisation Structure & Types
Determination of the appropriate organisation structure type is a result of the study of trade-offs between two
key variables:
- Organisational Structure types available for use
- How to optimise them for a given organisation

There are many types of organisation structure, some major ones are:

Functional Organisation Projectized Organisation Matrix Organisation

Project resources work in silos reporting y
to respective Functional Manager
Manager has
Team are Weak
the highest
authority organised around
Functional project
Manager has all
the authority
Project Manger Resource have Strong
is an expeditor “no home”
after project

Project Software Development Life Cycle

▪ Long Software Development ▪ Short Software
Cycle Development Cycle
▪ Sequential Approach ▪ Incremental Approach
▪ Change of Requirements is ▪ Change is welcome
not flexible
DevOps Approach

Breaking the SILOs - collaboration, amplified feedback loops, value addition through outcomes



Maintain different Compile, validate, Deploying the Deploying the

versions of the code review, unit build application to tested application
code testing, integration test servers, on the production
testing performing UAT server for release

Source Code
Continuous Build Continuous Testing Management &

Continuous Monitoring

Quality is everyone’s Optimize efficiency and Achieve speed to market

19 responsibility accelerate feedback loops goals
Which method is best in what scenario?

Traditional Waterfall Agile (Scrum, Kanban etc.) DevOps

• Requirements change
• Requirements are Clear • Requirements change frequently
and Fixed frequently • Quick and frequent
• Project or Product • Development needs to Deployments
definition is stable be fast • Operations need to be

Agile In all Practicality, we work on hybrid
DevOps models which is a combination of these
Waterf… approaches
Waterfall DevOps Agile Hybrid

Choosing the right project management methodology

The Project Wireframe for all IT Projects

Design, Built
and Test in
The L1 Sprint Planning
Process Design Requirements Conceptual Go-Live &
Ideas Maturity gathering & BAU
Design Hypercare
Assessment Designing Sprint
3-4 weeks/
Solution Sprint Backlog Realisation &
Daily Scrum
determines gap
and/or L1 Product
requirements are Backlog/Release Sprint Review
unclear Plan Sign-off

As-Is Sprint 0 Sprint 1 - n Hardening Go-Live Operate

✓ Business Decision based on ✓ Tool Set-Up for tracking (Like ✓ Sprint Planning ✓ UAT ✓ Plan and Test ✓ Benefit
Business Case Jira) ✓ Change Management ✓ Regression User Support Tracking
✓ Governance & Organisation ✓ Functional Specifications ✓ Design & Build Testing ✓ User Training
Set-up ✓ Cost Governance ✓ Test ✓ Cost Tracking ✓ Hypercare
✓ Vendor Decision ✓ Business approval on Specs ✓ Project Review ✓ PGLS defect
✓ DEMO Build ✓ Backlog planning tracker
✓ Test & Data Approach
* There would be a short hardening spring at the end of all the sprints. Generally hardening would be done as a part of each sprint

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