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Module 3 Relative Equilibrium of Liquids

This module will focus on the relative equilibrium which is the condition wherein the
whole liquid mass as well as the vessel is uniformly accelerated with respect to the earth but
every particle of liquid has no relative motion with each other.

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, the students must be able to:
1. Apply the Continuity Equation with reference to the conservation of mass, Energy
Equation with reference to the Euler equation, and Momentum Equation with
reference to the 2nd Law of Newton on motion.
Topic Outcome

1. Calculate pressures and forces in accelerating and rotating containers.


The entire mass, including the vessel is neither in equilibrium or at rest relative to earth.
The mass of liquid in relative equilibrium is free from any shear stress due to the absence of any
motion between each particle and also between the liquid mass itself and the container.

The mass of liquid is free from any shear stress due to the absence of motion between
each particle and between the liquid mass and the container.
Cases of Relative Equilibrium
1. Translation of liquid mass horizontally and vertically
2. Rotation of liquid mass
Translation of Liquid Mass Under Constant Acceleration
a. Horizontal acceleration

Module 3 Relative Equilibrium of Liquids

Example 3-1
An open rectangular tank mounted on a truck is 5m long 2m wide and 2.5m high is filled
with water to a depth of 2m. (a) What maximum horizontal acceleration is imposed on the tank
without spilling any water? (b) Determine the acceleration forces on the liquid mass. (c ) If the
acceleration is increased to 6 m/s2, how much water is spilled out?

b. Inclined Motion

Module 3 Relative Equilibrium of Liquids

𝐭𝐚𝐧 𝜽 =
𝒈 ± 𝒂𝒚
Use + for upward motion and – for downward motion.

Example 3-2
A vessel containing oil is accelerated on a plane 15˚ with the horizontal at 1.2 m/s2.
Determine the inclination of the oil surface when the motion is (a) upwards and (b) downwards.

c. Vertical Motion
Consider a mass of fluid accelerated upwards or downwards with an acceleration of a as
shown in the figure.

𝑷 = 𝜸𝒉 (𝟏 ± )

Use + for upward and – for downward.

Use +a for acceleration and –a for deceleration.

Example 3-3
An open tank containing oil (s.g. =0.80) is accelerated vertically at 8m/s. Determine the
pressure 3m below the surface if the motion is (a) upward with a positive acceleration (b) upward
with negative acceleration ( c) downward with positive acceleration and (d) downward with
negative acceleration.

Module 3 Relative Equilibrium of Liquids

Rotation of Liquid Mass (Rotating Vessel)

When a liquid mass is rotated about a vertical axis at a constant angular speed of 𝝎 (in
radian per second), every particle experiences a normal acceleration of aN, which is equal to
= 𝜔2 𝑥 where x is the particle’s distance from the axis of rotation. This acceleration causes an
inertia force (centrifugal force or reversed normal effective force) which is equal to 𝑀𝑎𝐻 or
𝑊 2
𝜔 𝑥.

Note: 1 rpm = 𝝅/30 rad/sec

1 rad/sec = 30/𝝅 rpm

Module 3 Relative Equilibrium of Liquids

Where tan 𝝦 – slope of the paraboloid at any point x from the axis of rotation
For cylindrical container of radius r revolved about its vertical axis, the height h of the

At any point in the parabola, at a distance x from the vertical axis, the height y is

The volume of the paraboloid of revolution

The squared property of the parabola

Module 3 Relative Equilibrium of Liquids

Liquid Surface Conditions

A. For open cylindrical tanks more than half full of liquid rotated about its vertical axis

Module 3 Relative Equilibrium of Liquids

B. For closed cylindrical containers more than half-full of liquid, rotated about its vertical

Note: For closed vessel, there can

never be any liquid spilled, so the
initial volume of liquid ( before
rotation) is always be equal to the final
volume (after rotation) or the initial
volume of air inside is equal to the final
volume of air inside.

Module 3 Relative Equilibrium of Liquids

C. For closed cylindrical containers completely filled with liquid

D. For pipes and tubes

Module 3 Relative Equilibrium of Liquids

Module 3 Relative Equilibrium of Liquids

Example 3-4
An open cylindrical tank, 2m in diameter and 4m high contains water to a depth of 3m. It
is rotated about its own vertical axis with a constant angular speed 𝟂. (a) If 𝟂 = 3 rad/s, is there
any liquid spilled ? (b) What maximum value of 𝟂 (in rpm) can be imposed without spilling any
liquid? (c ) If 𝟂 = 8 rad/s, how much water is spilled out ?

Example 3-5
A closed cylindrical vessel, 2m in diameter and 4m high is filled with water to a depth of
3m and rotated about its own vertical at a constant angular speed of 𝟂. The air inside the vessel
is under a pressure of 120 KPa. (a) If 𝟂 = 12 radian/second, what is the pressure at the center
and circumference at the bottom of the tank?(b) What angular speed 𝟂 will just zero the depth of
water at the center? (c ) If 𝟂 = 20 radian/second, how much area at the bottom is uncovered?


A. Problems
1. An open tank, 9.15 m long is supported on a car moving on a level track and uniformly
accelerated from rest to 48 km/hr. When at rest the tank was filled with water to within
15 cm of its top. Find the shortest time in which the acceleration may be accomplished
without spilling over the edge.

2. A cylindrical bucket is accelerated upward with an acceleration of gravity. If the bucket

is 0.60m in diameter and 1.20 m deep, what is the force on the bottom of the bucket if it
contains 0.90 m depth of wet concrete whose specific weight is 22,000 N/m3? What is
force on the bottom if the bucket is accelerated downward at 9.81 m/s2?

3. A hemispherical bowl having a radius of 1m is full of water. If the hemispherical bowl is

made to rotate uniformly about the vertical axis at the rate of 30 rpm:

a. Determine the volume of water that is spilled out.

b. Determine the remaining volume of water in the hemispherical bowl.
c. Determine the maximum pressure at the bottom of the hemispherical bowl at this

4. An open cylindrical tank one meter in diameter and 2.5m high is 3/5 full of water. if the
tank is rotated about its vertical axis, what speed should it have in rpm so that:

a. The water could just reach the rim of the tank,

b. The depth of water at the center is zero,
c. There is no water at the bottom with in 20cm from the vertical axis.

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Module 3 Relative Equilibrium of Liquids

5. A vertical cylindrical tank 6m high and 4m in diameter 2/3 full of water is rotated
uniformly about its axis until on the point of overflowing. Compute the linear velocity at
the circumference of the tank. How fast will it have to be rotated in order that 6 cu.m. of
water will be spilled out? If it is rotated at a speed of 48rpm, what is the pressure at the
center bottom of the tank?
6. (a) The U-tube in the figure is given an acceleration of 1.22 m/s2 to the right. What is the
depth in AB and the pressures at B, G and D? (b) If it is rotated about an axis through
HG, at what angular velocity does the pressure at G becomes zero gage?

A. Books
Potter, M.C., et al, Mechanics of Fluids 5th ed, Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd, 2017
Crowe, C.T., et al. Engineering Fluid Mechanics, John Wiley & Sons, 2005
Gillesania, DI T., Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics, GPP Gillesania Printing Press, 2003
Dela Fuente, R., Hydraulics, Merriam & Webster Inc, 1991
B. Websites

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