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Senior High School

Quarter 2 - Module 3
Research Conclusions and

CO_Q2_SHS Practical Research 2_Module 2

Practical Research 2- Senior High School
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 3: Research Conclusions and Recommendations
First Edition, 2020

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Development Team of the Module:

Authors: Maria Eleonor C. Bañares, Rochelle A. Luzano, PhD,

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Reviewers: Joel D. Potane, PhD Kareen J. Agcopra, PhD

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Practical Research 2
Quarter 2 - Module 3
Research Conclusions and
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-
check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust
that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What This Module is About

The essence of this module is to generate conclusions based on the results and findings of the
study and to formulate significant recommendations for the enhancement of the research. This module
would signify the completeness of the research since conclusions and recommendations will be
emphasized here. Moreover, they will be the basis for some ideas as reference for further or new
research studies.

At the end of this learning module, learners are expected to draw conclusions in accordance
with their research questions and formulate recommendations which has impact for their research
study in their field of choice.

The following are the lessons contained in this module:

Lesson 1 – Drawing Conclusions

Lesson 2 – Formulating Recommendations

What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. draw conclusions from research findings (CS_RS12-IIh-j-1); and
2. formulate recommendations (CS_RS12-IIh-j-2)

1 CO_Q2_SHS Practical Research 2_Module 2

What I Know

Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What does practical implication means?

A. the reality that would happen if certain situations are satisfied
B. the vague imagery of your research
C. the useful ways of doing things
D. implies a good practice

2. Which of the following parts of a research paper should be in the concluding part of the
research paper?
A. Summary of research methodology, scope and limitations, and recommendations.
B. Summary of research methodology, conclusions, and recommendations.
C. Summary of findings, research methodology, and recommendations.
D. Summary of findings, conclusion, and recommendations.

3. Which of the following statements best describes a conclusion?

A. makes logical connections between the various parts of the arguments starting from the
B. discuss the results and limitations about the topic under study
C. discuss the methodology of the study
D. discuss relevant literature

4. Which of the following contents of the summary of findings is considered as the most
A. Research findings from which the conclusion will be derived.
B. Brief restatement of the research methodology.
C. List of research questions and hypothesis.
D. Overall research problem of the study.

5. Which of the following statements is addressed or answered by your research conclusion?

A. every research inquiry you have in your research study.
B. the queries of the previous researchers.
C. the questions of the field experts.
D. the hesitations of the researcher.

6. In presenting the conclusion of the study, what should be the guide of the researcher?
A. Scope and Delimitation of the Study C. Methodology of the Study
B. Research Questions of the Study D. Statistical Tests Used

7. What is the purpose of the theoretical implications in your conclusion part of the research study?
A. reflect how literature presented supports or contrasts the findings
B. reflect the results and findings based on reality
C. be indicated in your recommendations
D. be an important theory

8. Which of the following parts of the research paper refers to the brief restatement of the overall
components of the study?
A. Recommendations of the Study
B. Conclusion of the Study
C. Summary of Findings
D. Abstract of the Study
9. Which of the following parts of the research paper answers the research questions of the study?
A. Recommendations of the Study
B. Conclusion of the Study
C. Limitations of the Study
D. Abstract of the Study

10. In writing the recommendations, where should the researcher based its suggestions?
A. Conceptual Framework of the Study
B. Scope and Delimitation of the Study
C. Summary of Findings of the Study
D. Conclusions of the Study

11. Which of the following suggestions should you use in writing your conclusion?
A. a clear and simple language. C. high jargon sentences
B. mathematical symbols. D. highfalutin words.

12. Which of the following parts of the research paper serves as a practical suggestion for future
A. Recommendations of the Study
B. Conclusion of the Study
C. Summary of Findings
D. Abstract of the Study

13. Which of the following statements is the main purpose of recommendations of your research
A. provide a beneficial guide to resolve certain issues that can possibly result in a
beneficial outcome.
B. explain the methodology of your study.
C. discuss the benefits of the participants.
D. long and narrated like a story.

14. Which part of the research conclusion refers to the logical relation of the current findings and its
link to the theory used in the study?
A. Recommendations of the Study C. Summary of Findings
B. Research Implications D. Research Limitations

15. Which of the following types of research implications is also called convenient
A. Theoretical Implication C. Practical Implication
B. Conceptual Implication D. Realistic Implication
Lesson Drawing Conclusions
What’s In

After learning the previous lesson in Module 3, which was the interpretation of data, you now
have the idea of what is the result and findings of your study. You have to be very clear with your
results and findings of your study since that would be the basis for your conclusion which would
create an impact to your readers.

It is also expected that at this point, you have already drafted your Summary of Findings. As
part of the research paper, Summary of Findings include the overall purpose, the main and specific
research problem, the research methodology, and the major findings. Make sure that this part is
presented briefly in a straightforward manner.

The summary of findings is where you are going to generate your conclusions. In this lesson,
you are going to generate answers or conclusions as what you have interpreted from the data gathered
from your research study.

What I Need to Know

A conclusion is an important part of your research study. It wraps up your writing by

summarizing the main idea for your readers. This brings your writing to a smooth close and creates
well- written answers to your research questions. You have to consider the main idea that you want to
convey to your readers and have a sense of closure in the study. It usually starts answering the specific
moving to the general inquiry. It must avoid further elaboration which has already been done in the
presentation of the results and discussion, and summary of findings.

In the conclusion part, no new information is expected. Researchers reconsider the research
questions and draw answers for these questions. It is very important that the conclusions are limited
within the main objective of the study and research questions presented at the beginning of the
research paper. Hence, conclusions are precise statement that directly answers the stated research

Furthermore, the purpose of your conclusion is to make the readers understand the impact of
your research on them. It is a synthesis of the key points and not just a summary of the entire research
What’s New

Activity 1: Therefore, I Conclude…

Direction: Read the statements at the left column and write your conclusion at the right column.

Situation Therefore, I conclude that….

1. You are attending your Math class at
3:00 P.M., and suddenly you heard a
loud bang from the sky.

2. You are about to open the door of your

house when you heard your mom and dad
arguing about your college plans.

3. You failed to remind your classmates at

your FB Group Chat (GC) to bring the
materials for the coastal clean-up drive.

4. Your teacher reminded you to study your

previous lessons for the upcoming quarterly
exam. However, a close relative died in the
next town, who is scheduled to be buried on
the same day of your
5. Your friend invited you to her birthday
party. You failed to inform your parents
because you don’t have a cellphone load.

Guide Questions:

1. Reflect on your given conclusions, do you think it is valid? Explain your answer.

2. In writing research conclusions, what factors should be considered?

What Is It

Guidelines in Writing Your Research Conclusion

In writing your conclusion, make sure to have a brief introductory statement before itemizing
the answers to your research questions. Remember that your conclusion should address or answer
every research inquiry you have in your research study. Here are some points you have to keep in

1. Avoid merely summarizing.

Make inferences from the summary of results.

2. State your conclusion in a clear and simple language.

Emphasize the purpose of your study then relate how your findings differ from other studies.

3. Do not just reiterate the discussion of your results.

Provide a synthesis of arguments presented in the paper to show how these converge to address the
research problem and the overall objectives of your study.

4. Avoid using numerals, figures, or simply repeating the results.

The focus of this part of research paper is not presenting results nor findings. Inferences and
implications are emphasized in the conclusions of the study.

5. Indicate opportunities for future research.

Highlighting the need for further studies provides the reader with that evidence that you have an in-
depth awareness of the research problem.

Please take note that there are different ways of formatting your conclusion. You can have it
numbered or in paragraphs, depending on your institutional format.

Research Implications

Research Implications are important content of your conclusion. It refers to the logical
relations and their result in a given situation. The conclusions you draw from the findings, how you
linked those to a specific theory or practice comprises the implication of the study. There are two
forms of implications: the practical and theoretical implications.

Practical Implication is also called as convenient implication. It is a realistic explanation

of what your research findings might mean and the fact that would arise if those circumstances were

Example: Studying the implications of room-to-room campaign reveals that, it is more

effective in increasing awareness of how to fight COVID-19 than announcing it
during the students’ morning assembly.
Theoretical implication is a statement that supports or contradicts a theory, previous study
findings, or creates something entirely new. It also represents the literature in your theoretical section.

Example: Based on Bolman’s Leadership Framework, results indicate that majority of the
Student Government officers significantly possess symbolic leadership. Given
that this is their strength, it supports that the results that leadership style is
significantly correlated to two-way communication of the organization. Results
also support that avenue for open forum or discussion were provided.

Here is an example of how conclusion answers the research questions and was drawn
from summary of findings.

Research Title:
Predominant Factors Affecting the Career Choice
of Grade 12 Students in Bamega National High School

Research Questions Summary of Findings Conclusion

1. What are different Career choice of students In light of the findings, the
influences in the career is largely influenced by following conclusion is drawn,
choice of Grade 12 environmental factor. the chose career of students are
students? influenced by someone
significant to them. People who
have made an impact in
someone’s life affects major
decisions in life.

What’s More

Activity 2: In a Relationship and More!

Directions: Based on the findings of the study, draw the possible conclusions that would relate to the
research questions. Write your answers on the space provided.

Study 1

Research Questions:

What is the age group with the highest and the lowest number of workers?
Which employment sector has the highest and the lowest number of workers?
Table 1 Employment distribution of the working force in the city of Cadero.

Employment Sector Age Group

18-30 31-45 46-60
Agriculture 10 25 20
Education 50 60 60
Health 15 40 35
Law 15 30 45
Manufacturing 40 45 40
Business 45 55 65
Others 35 40 30

Summary of Findings:


Study 2
Research Questions:

1. Is there a significant relationship between media literacy and online class participation?

Table 1 Correlation Analysis of Media Literacy and Online Class Participation.

Variables Interpretation
Media Literacy Correlation .973 Significant
Sig. (2-tailed) .000

Summary of Findings:

Activity 3: Watch Me!

Directions: Watch the video on the link below to enrich your understanding on how to draft your

What I Have Learned

Use the space below to write a reflective essay about your learning experience in drafting
research conclusions. Let your essay reveal how much you have learned about each concept behind
each topic dealt with in this lesson. Express which concepts are the most understood, slightly
understood, and the least understood ones.

What I Can Do

Activity 4: Summarizing the findings

Directions: Perform the following tasks. Use the space below or you may use a separate paper for
your answers. Submit your output to your teacher for checking. Refer to your research
study. Summarize the findings of your research study and fill in the table below. You
may have less or more than three (3) research questions.

Research Questions/Objectives Summary of Relevant Findings



Activity 5: Drafting Conclusion

Directions: Read the Results and Discussion in Chapter 4 of your research study, craft your
conclusions, and include also the implications. Be guided by answering your research

Research Questions:


Activity 6. Personal Work Evaluation of Written Conclusions

Direction: Rate your own paper using the rubric below. For the purpose of improvement, rate your
output as honestly as you can. Use the following scale in evaluating your own paper.

5 – Very Good, 4 – Good, 3 – Fair, 2 – Poor, 1 – Needs Improvement

1. Summary of Findings
Overall purpose, the main and specific research
problem, the research methodology, and the major
findings are summarized.
2. Conclusions of the Study
Summary of Findings warrants the provided
conclusions. Conclusions answers the research
Implications of the Study are included.
3. Overall Content
Clear and concise, no new information was presented.
Total Rating
Activity 7. Reflection

1. What is your highest and lowest rating? What are your reasons for giving yourself such

2. Overall, do you think you are ready for presentation of your research paper? Explain your

Additional Activity

Directions: Now that your summary of findings and conclusions have been corrected in
accordance with the given guidelines, it is time for you to incorporate it into your research
2 Recommendations

What’s In

In the previous lesson, you learned to how to draft your conclusions based on the Results and
Discussion in Chapter 4 of your research study. From your summary of findings, you draw
conclusions. In writing your conclusions, the objective/s and research question/s including the
theoretical and practical implications must be considered.

Now, in this lesson, it is time to write your recommendations. It is based on your analysis and
conclusions which means that you will write down on what actions should be taken as a result of your
research findings. Other people use the term ‘suggestion’ in research recommendations.

What I Need to Know

Research Recommendations

Recommendations can be described as a suggestion regarding the best course of action to

take as a result of your summary of findings and conclusion. The purpose of a recommendation is to
provide a useful guide that will not only address certain problems but result in a successful outcome.

Take note that, no matter how similar the studies are in content and context, their findings
may be different because they will depend heavily on the outcomes and current situations that have
occurred during the timeframe of the study. Your recommendations should point specific actions to be
addressed. An excellent advice would direct those affected by the situation to take concrete action on
what needs to be done to solve the issue or to resolve the situation.

Generally, recommendations include how to further improve the pertinent variables or

treatment used in the study, suggestions to concerned individuals or agencies, future researchers who
may want to pursue similar studies, and suggests variables or research methods for future use.

Two Functions of Recommendations

Two major purposes of the research recommendations should be considered to be to craft

good recommendations.

1. Implications of your findings must identify the areas of concern that needs to be
2. How can future studies address the limitations you encountered in your research?
What’s New

Activity 1: I’ll recommend you to…

Read the statement at the left column and write your conclusion at the right column.

Situation I’ll recommend you to…

1. You failed in your posttest.
2. You had a heated conversation with your friend.
3. You are forgetful.
4. You can’t sleep.
5. You’re stressed.

Guide Questions:

1. Reflect on your given recommendations, do you think it is valid? Explain your answer.

2. In writing research recommendations, what factors should be considered?

What Is It

These are the Guidelines in writing your Research Recommendations.

1. Make sure to align your research recommendations. Your conclusion of the study should
lead you to crafting your recommendation.
2. Write specific recommendations. In this way, the recommendation actions are doable.
3. No need to discuss too much. Make your recommendation practical, clear, and concise.

Please take note that there are different ways of formatting your recommendations. You can
have it numbered or in paragraphs, depending on your institutional format.
Here is an example of how recommendations must relate to the findings and conclusions.

Research Title:
Predominant Factors Affecting the Career Choice
of Grade 12 Students in Bamega National High School

Research Summary of
Conclusion Recommendation
Questions Findings
What are Career choice of In light of the Parents are encouraged to
different students is largely findings, the following discuss about career choices
influences in the influenced by conclusion is drawn, the of their children. They
career choice of environmental chose career of students should also determine the
Grade 12 factor. are influenced by significant others in the life
students? someone significant to of their children.
them. People who have
made an impact in Career guidance
someone’s life affects counselors should
major decisions in life. conduct a discussion on how
the students will determine
sound choices from those
people who might influence
their career choice.

Further research might do

on the degree of impact of
significant others not only
on career choices but other
decisions made by
an adolescent.

What’s More

Activity 2: I Value Your Recommendations

Directions. Look for sample studies and identify the parts of the research paper asked in the table below.
Then answer the guide questions below.


Research Title:

Research Summary of Conclusion Recommendation

Questions Findings

Research Title:

Research Summary of Conclusion Recommendation

Questions Findings

Guide Questions:

1. To whom the researchers addressed the recommendations of this study?

2. Was the recommendations comprehensive? What was lacking?

Study 1

Study 2

Activity 3. It is Recommended

Directions: Refer to Lesson 1, What’s More, Activity 2 of this Module. What recommendations can
you make from the given findings and the conclusion you have crafted.

Study 1
Study 2

Activity 4. Let’s Go Online

Watch the video on the link below to enrich your understanding about drafting your

What I Have Learned

Use the space below to write a reflective essay about your learning experience in formulating
research recommendation. Let your essay reveal how much you have learned about each concept
behind each topic dealt with in this lesson. Express which concepts are the most understood, slightly
understood, and the least understood ones.

What I Can Do

Formulating Recommendations

Directions: Perform the following tasks. You may write or encode your answer in a long bond
paper. Submit your output to your teacher for checking. Make sure to include the
suggested contents of research recommendations.
Personal Work Evaluation of Written Recommendations

Directions: Rate your own paper using the rubric below. For the purpose of improvement, rate your
output as honestly as you can. Use the following scale in evaluating your own paper.

5 – Very Good, 4 – Good, 3 – Fair, 2 – Poor, 1 – Needs Improvement

Indicators Rating
1. Recommendations
Conclusions warrants the recommendations.
Suggestions are comprehensively enumerated.

2. Contents
Brief and concise presentation.
Recommendations are clearly presented.

Total Rating


1. What is your highest and lowest rating? What are your reasons for giving yourself such

2. Overall, do you think you are ready for presentation of your research paper? Explain your

Rating Your Research Conclusions and Recommendations.

Direction: Get ready for the presentation of your Conclusion and Recommendation. The rubrics
below will serve as a guide on how you will be rated by your teacher. The 4C (content,
coherence, creativity, communication) technique will be used so that you can easily
Rubrics for Written Conclusion and Recommendation

5 4 3 2 1
Content (35%)
 The parts of the paper are complete and
 The conclusion is supported by findings.
 Recommendations are relevant to the
limitations of the study.
 Recommendations are workable.
 Overall content is comprehensive.
Coherence (25%)
 Cohesive of devices are effectively used.
 Organization of ideas is smoothly presented.
Creativity (25%)
 Writer’s voice is showcased.
 Paper uses variety of sentence structures.
 Uses appropriate language.
Communication (15%)
 Sentences are well structured
 Grammatical conventions are observed.
 Correct spelling and proper research format is
Legend: 5 – to a very great extent, 4 – to a great extent,
3 – to some extent, 2 – to a little extent, 1 – not at all

Additional Activity

Directions: Now that your research recommendations have been approved, it is now time to
incorporate it in your research paper. Take a time to review and organize your entire
paper accordingly from the beginning to the end, including your appendices and
references. Instructions will be given by your research adviser to polish and have the
final printing of your entire research study. Follow all the instructions given by your
research teacher as to the guidelines and protocols regarding your research defense.

 Conclusions are statements drawn from the findings which present the implications of the
results, and answer the research questions presented at the beginning of the paper.

 Research Implications are conclusions that you draw from your outcomes and describe how
the results may be connected to a certain theory or practice.

 Practical Implication is realistic description of what the results of your study might imply.

 Theoretical implication is a description that supports or contradicts a theory, previous

research results, or creates something completely new

 Recommendations are suggestions regarding the best course of action to take as a result of
your data analysis and conclusion.
Assessment (Posttest)

Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. “It refers to the reality of what would happen if certain situations are satisfied.” The definition
refers to what type of research implications?
A. Theoretical Implication C. Practical Implication
B. Conceptual Implication D. Realistic Implication

2. Which of the following parts of a research paper is NOT included in the concluding part of the
research paper?
A. Conceptual and Theoretical Framework
B. Recommendations of the Study
C. Conclusions of the Study
D. Summary of the Findings

3. “It makes logical connections between the various parts of the arguments starting from the
hypotheses.” This statement, describes what part of the research study?
A. Recommendations of the Study
B. Summary of the Findings
C. Conclusions of the Study
D. Implications of the Study

4. In presenting the conclusion of the study, what should be the guide of the researcher?
A. Scope and Delimitation of the Study C. Operational Definition of Terms
B. Research Questions of the Study D. Statistical Tests Used

5. What part of the study answers the stated research inquiry?

A. Recommendations of the Study
B. Summary of the Findings
C. Conclusions of the Study
D. Implications of the Study

6. Which of the following contents of the summary of findings is considered as the most
A. Research findings from which the conclusion will be derived.
B. Brief restatement of the research methodology.
C. List of research questions and hypothesis.
D. Overall purpose or objective of the study.

7. What is the purpose of the theoretical implications in your conclusion part of the research study?
A. reflect how literature presented supports or contrasts the findings
B. reflect the results and findings based on reality
C. be indicated in your recommendations
D. be an important theory

8. Which part of the research conclusion refers to the logical relation of the current findings and its
link to the theory used in the study?
A. Recommendations of the Study C. Summary of Findings
B. Research Implications D. Research Limitations
9. Which of the following statements is the main purpose of recommendations of your research study?
A. provide a beneficial guide to resolve certain issues that can possibly result in a
beneficial outcome.
B. explain the methodology of your study.
C. discuss the benefits of the participants.
D. long and narrated like a story.

10. Which of the following suggestions should you use in writing your conclusion?
A. a clear and simple language. C. high jargon sentences
B. mathematical symbols. D. highfalutin words.

11. What is the researchers’ basis for crafting suggestions for future research on related field?
A. Conceptual Framework of the Study
B. Scope and Delimitation of the Study
C. Summary of Findings of the Study
D. Conclusions of the Study

12. Which of the following types of research implications is also called convenient implications?
A. Theoretical Implication C. Practical Implication
B. Conceptual Implication D. Realistic Implication

13. Which of the following parts of the research paper answers the research questions of the study?
A. Recommendations of the Study
B. Conclusion of the Study
C. Summary of Findings
D. Abstract of the Study

14. Which of the following parts of the research paper refers to the brief restatement of the overall
components of the study?
A. Recommendations of the Study
B. Conclusion of the Study
C. Summary of Findings
D. Abstract of the Study

15. Which of the following parts of the research paper serves as practical suggestions for future
A. Recommendations of the Study
B. Conclusion of the Study
C. Summary of Findings
D. Abstract of the Study

Abun, Damianus, and Magallanes, Theogenia. “Academic Self-Regulation of STEM of Senior High
School Students of Divine Word Colleges in Region I, Philippines and Their Academic
Performance.” Texila International Journal of Academic Research. 5, no 1 (2018).

Paurillo, Precy. “Research Writing Ability of Senior High School Students as Perceived by Teachers
of Sampled Schools in Quezon City. People” International Journal of Social Sciences. 4.
1788-1800. (2019). 10.20319/pijss.2019.43.17881800.
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Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600 Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985
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