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Potential Interview Questions for Public Service Positions


 How committed are you to service for the under-represented?

 What interest do you have in service to the public generally?
 What are your practice interests?
 How much experience have you had in your field of interest?
 How much experience have you had with public interest organizations?
 Would you be prepared to accept employment away from this city?
 For how long a period would you be willing to commit yourself to work for this
 How important to you is the matter of compensation?
 Why do you want to work here?
 What is your idea of success?

 What is important to you in life?

 Why did you go to law school?

 What clinical work have you done in law school?

 In what extracurricular activities have you participated?

 Why did you choose your undergraduate major?

 Why have you switched from your previous field to law?

 What are your short/long term career goals?

 How are you planning to achieve these goals?

 What two or three things are most important to you in a job?

 What kind of training/supervision do you want?

 Where do you see yourself five/ten years from now?

 To what other offices have you applied?

Potential Interview Questions for Public Service Positions

 What would the greatest drawback of this job be for you?

 What do you know about our organization?


 What experience(s) have you had that qualify you for this job?
 Tell me about yourself?
 What community service project do you believe allowed you to make the greatest
impact and how?
 What has been the greatest challenge you have faced during your volunteer efforts?
How did you overcome such challenge?
 Tell me about a difficult experience you had in clinic (or other work setting) and
how you overcame it. What would you do differently in the future?
 What is your greatest strength/ weakness?

 How would you describe yourself as a person?

 How would your friends describe you?

 What is the most difficult/rewarding thing you've ever accomplished?

 What would make you a good trial advocate?

 Is there any type of crime you would have trouble defending, like child molestation
or rape? (for public defenders)
 What type of responsibilities have you had in prior work experiences?

 What tasks are you especially strong/ weak at doing?

 What major problem did you encounter on a job and how did you handle it?

 What have you done that shows initiative and creativity?

 How do you work under pressure?

 How strong are your writing skills?

 Why did you leave your prior jobs?

Potential Interview Questions for Public Service Positions

 Why should we select you over all the other candidates?

 What qualifications do you have that will make you successful at this job?

 What’s the biggest mistake you’ve ever made?

 What are your grades?
 What qualities do you think a good lawyer should have?
 Did you get an offer from your last/summer employer? If not, why not?


 What was your favorite client’s name? (Hint: do not reveal as doing so would violate
 How would you relate to clients who look very different from you?
 How would you go about building a trusting relationship with a client?
 How would you counsel a young client who had never before been arrested and is
proclaiming his innocence in the face of a serious crime based completely on the
testimony of several police officers? That client is facing a long jail sentence should
he be convicted after a jury trial but is now being offered a plea-bargained sentence
of probation. What do you say to your client?
 You have been asked to handle another ADA’s hearing concerning the search and
seizure of a pound of cocaine. The notes you have for the case indicate that the
arresting police officer saw the defendant driving erratically and so pulled the
defendant’s car over. When the officer asked for the defendant’s license and
registration, the defendant said he didn’t have them. The officer arrested the
defendant and searched the car. He found a pound of cocaine in the gym bag of the
trunk. What questions do you have for the officer before you analyze how to argue
for admission of the cocaine in front of the hearing judge?
 What would you do if you appeared for court and saw the Commonwealth’s witness
in the wrong courtroom? Would you notify the judge or the Commonwealth’s
attorney when the witness failed to show up for court in the correct courtroom?
Potential Interview Questions for Public Service Positions

 What is the latest non-legal book you have read?
 How do you spend your free time?
 Who is your hero/heroine?
 What five people would you invited to a dinner party?
 If you were a tree/animal/type of food what kind would you be?
 What is something interesting about you that is not on your resume?
 What courses in law school did you enjoy most/least? Why?
 Who is your favorite professor? Why?

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