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Parallel Enrichment is available on Metron by default

false - veri

Threat Stellar supports Regular Expressions.

true - veri

What is the order of stages in Stream Processing Pipeline. a) Theat Intel b.)
Telemetry Parsing c.) Index and Write d.) Alert Triage e.) Enrichment
b, e, a, d, c - veri

PCAP data can be captured using Metron module __________

DPDK - veri

Which of the following is NOT a component of parsing topology?

Storm parser spout - veri

er as
Stellar is a ___________

eH w
domain - veri

rs e
Enrichment configuration can be stored on _________
ou urc
zookeper - veri

In Telemetry Parsing Stage ________

data normalization takes place - veri
aC s
v i y re

Metron Stream Processing is built on top of

apache storm - verify

Enrichment configuration can be stored on _________

ed d

Telemetry zookeeper - verify

ar stu


sh is

Apache Metron is built on top of _________

apache opensource - veri

Metron Provides support for multiple types of data through its __________
Pluggable framework -veri

Telemetry Data Ingestion is possible into Metron through ___________

nifi -veri

Timestamp in Metron is parsed in ________

posix -veri

Apache Metron in Deployment is __________

centralised - veri

Machine Learning models can be adopted in Metron for ________

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all the given options - veri

Which of the following is an Example of Threat Intel feeds in Metron?

soltra -veri

Consider you are a store owner operating your own website for the people of your
Town. What can be ideal for maintaining security of the shopping platform on
your site?
Traditional SIEM -veri

Who is responsible for finding patterns in the security data ingested into

Security Data Scientist - veri

Metron Data Capture supports the protocols such as

ALL -veri

31. Who is responsible for finding patterns in the security data ingested into

Metron? Security Data Scientist

er as
26. Consider you are a store owner operating your own website for the people of

your Town. What can be ideal for maintaining security of the shopping platform

eH w
on your site? Traditional SIEM
18. Apache Metron in Deployment is _ centralized

30. Timestamp in Metron is parsed in POSIX
rs e
32. Telemetry Data Ingestion is possible into Metron through _ Apache nifi
ou urc
33. Metron Data Capture supports the protocols such as - ALL
34. Machine Learning models can be adopted in Metron for ________ ALL
35. Which of the following is an Example of Threat Intel feeds in Metron? Soltra
36. Apache Metron is built on top of _Apache Open Source Technologies

32. PCAP data can be captured using Metron module -DPDK

aC s

33. Stellar supports Regular Expressions. true

v i y re

6. In Telemetry Parsing Stage _ Data normalization take place

31. What is the order of stages in Stream Processing Pipeline. a) Theat Intel
b.) Telemetry Parsing c.) Index and Write d.) Alert Triage e.) Enrichment
30.Parallel Enrichment is available on Metron by default- False
ed d

31. stellar Expressions can be used in telemetry parsing as part of ______cannot

ar stu

be used in telemetry parsing - v

32. Stellar is a _ Domain specfici lan
14. Which of the following is NOT a component of parsing topology? Storm parse
15. Metron Stream Processing is built on top of - Apache storm
sh is

16. Client for MaaS is written in _ python

17. Select the Correct order of nested data in a JSON file which is processed in

the pipeline. Enrichment->ThreatINtel->triageconfig

33. Threat Intel Feeds can be _All
31. Client for MaaS is written in _Java
21. Risk Level is determined through_ RiskLevelRUles
30. Hail a Taxi is _External Stix Feed
9. Identify the Stellar Function which is NOT VALID. IS_SUBNET
2. Pick out the Stellar Keyword among the following. Nan
19. Zeppelin Interpreter do NOT support - Node.js
32. ElasticSearch uses _ Kibana indexing
33. Profiler can be configured for entities like - all
35. Solr and ElasticSearch Indices are supported _as they are Random indices
34. Identify Threat Intel Storages - Hbase

1. UDFs are supported by Stellar - true

3. Validation of data entering Metron can be validated _ Partially at the time
of ingestion

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4. Default Indexer of Metron is _ HDFS
5. What happens when a specific no.of entries are not populated in batchTimeout
specified? Entries are refreshed to wait for another batchTimeout
7. DPI(Deep Packet Inspection) Data is best to be extracted only for _ PCAP
8. When Machine Learning models are employed for threat intelligence what is
considered to be an infrastructure challenge? ALL
10. How does Network Intrusion Detection System works? Tracks communication
11. Soltra is a _ Threat intel Feed aggregator(y)
12. Threat Intel Store is based on _ DocumentDB
13. Metron apart from in-built Geo Enrichment supports - Asset and network
15. Stellar is Integrated into Metron Components such as _ Global validation and
threat triage(y)
16. MaaS scaling can be done through _ Storm
20. HDFS Index updates are supported in Metron.Yes using a NOSQL write ahead
22. Which of the following statements regarding MetaalertDao is/are TRUE - All
23. Apache Metron do NOT have a dependency on _Vagrant
24. Who among the following is considered to be an advanced SME w.r.t Apache
Metron Platform - SOC investigator
25. Data to create a profiler is collected _ over Multiple windows
27. What are the feeds in Metron? All

28. Consider you are trying to parse telemetry of a application which uses a

er as
custom API. Its telemetry is highly complex and the data is generated at a rapid

rate. What is an ideal parsing strategy for the scenario? -Write a Custom JVM

eH w
parser while using Grok as stop gap
29. Enrichment configuration can be stored on _ Zookeper(y)

rs e
ou urc
aC s
v i y re
ed d
ar stu
sh is

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