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Credits Contents
Designers: Amy Lynn Dzura, Chris Dzura, Claire Hoffman, Chapter 1: Using Pipyap’s Guide.................................... 1
Greg Marks, Alan Patrick, Lysa Penrose, Travis Woodall
Chapter 2: All of the Nine Hells...................................... 3
Development: Greg Marks, Alan Patrick
Avernus, The First........................................................ 3
Editing: Melissa Holm, Greg Marks, Toni Winslow-Brill
Dis, The Second........................................................... 4
D&D Adventurers League Guildmaster: Chris Lindsay
Art Director & Graphic Design: Joe Abboreno Minauros, The Third.................................................... 9

Art & Cartography: Luke Absolum Reid, Dave Allsop, Tom Phlegethos, The Fourth.............................................. 12
Babbey, Thomas M. Baxa, Mark Behm, Michael Benrube, Stygia, The Fifth......................................................... 16
Filip Burburan, Christopher Burdett, Milivoj Cera, Kayla
Malbolge, The Sixth................................................... 20
Cline, Conceptopolis, Daarken, Eric Deschamps, Dave
Dorman, Jesper Ejsing, Steve Ellis, Carl Frank, Jon Maladomini, The Seventh.......................................... 24
Hodgson, Ralph Horsley, George Sutherland Howard, Cania, The Eighth....................................................... 28
Vance Kovacs, Daniel Landerman, Dyson Logos,
Warren Mahy, Slawomir Maniak, Marco Nelor, William Nessus, The Ninth .................................................... 33
O’Connor, Hector Ortiz, Jim Pavelec, Claudio Pozas, Rob
Chapter 3: Adventuring in the Nine Hells.................... 37
Rey, Mike Sass, Jasper Sandner, Mike Schley, Ilya Shkipin,
David Sladek, Anne Stokes, Alex Stone, Cory Trego- Reunited and It Feels So Good.................................. 37
Erdner, Franz Vohwinkel, Tyler Walpole, Sam Wood, When the Debt Comes Due....................................... 51
Travis Woodall, Kieran Yanner, Min Yum
I’ve Seen Fire and I’ve Seen Pain.............................. 63
D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Adam Lee, Ari
Levitch, Chris Lindsay, Mike Mearls The Love Triangle Contract........................................ 72
D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Alan Patrick, A Fire Grows in Cania................................................ 93
Amy Lynn Dzura, Travis Woodall, Lysa Penrose, Claire Twice as Nice for Half the Price.............................. 113
Hoffman, Greg Marks
Your Adventures In Hell........................................... 127
Playtesters: Gary Affeldt, Todd Ammerman, Richard
Brown, Aaron Castro, Jeremy Elfering, Mac Elfering, Chapter 4: Monsters and NPCs ................................. 129
Jeremy Feist, Alex Greene, Brayden Hildre, Melissa
Holm, Steve Kramer, David Krolnik, Paul Kulbitski, Josh Chapter 5: Dramatis Personae.................................... 141
Lownes, Sean Mittelstaedt, Chad Nelson, Rick Osborne,
Will Robbins, Shayne Schelinder, Ben Siekert, Tracy Siers, Chapter 6: Handouts................................................... 145
Greg Simon, Aaron Slotness, Mariah Stanford, Matthew
Stanford, John Trainor, Rydia Vielehr, Joel Vogt, Jeremy
Vosberg, Kassandra Vosberg, BreeAnn Wilkes, Toni Information on soul coins can be found in
Winslow-Brill Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus

About This Book

The idea for this book started at Origins 2018 as the Admins walked down a hallway with Chris Lindsay
and Satine Phoenix. We were looking for a quiet place to play a game Satine was test running for the Admin’s
streaming characters, which was to debut later that year at Gamehole Con. We had a bag of cookies with us
and someone asked for the cookie bag because they NEEDED a cookie. Secret Project Cookie Bag was born
in that moment. What if there was a magical bag that could grant your fondest wish; give you what you want,
even if it’s not always the best idea? Well, for everyone’s favorite, loveable imp Pipyap, it would be filled with
endless cookies that if he ate them, would allow him to never have to go back to the Nine Hells again. We hope
that as you peruse Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells, you find your fondest wish within; even if you are
going to Hell…

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide,
D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other
countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States
of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the
©2019 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented
by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.
Disclaimer: Pipyap is not responsible for lost souls, bartered souls, traded souls, bruised souls, discounted souls, or let’s face it, pretty much anything you choose to
do, or tricked into doing, with your soul. After all, Pipyap doesn’t have one of his own, so how could you expect him to look after yours?

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Chapter 1:
Using Pipyap’s

ipyap’s Guide is intended to be a
companion to Baldur’s Gate Descent
Into Avernus that you can use to flesh
out that campaign or make you own
games, all while being useful for your
D&D Adventurers League characters.

To DM an adventure, you must have 3

to 7 players—each with their own character within
the adventure’s level range, unless pregenerated
characters are provided (DDAL00-11a Reunited
and It Feels So Good).

Preparing the Adventure

Before you start play, consider the following:
• You will need a Monster Manual or access to the
free Basic Rules to run many of these adventures.
Stat blocks found in the Monster Manual have not
been reprinted.
• Read through the adventure, taking notes of
anything you’d like to highlight or remind yourself
of while running the adventure, such as a way
you’d like to portray an NPC or a tactic you’d like
to use in a combat. Familiarize yourself with the
adventure’s appendices and handouts.
• Gather any resources you’d like to use to aid you in
running this adventure--such as notecards, a DM
screen, miniatures, and battle maps.
• Ask the players to provide you with relevant
character information, such as name, race, class,
and level; passive Wisdom (Perception) and
anything specified as notable by the adventure
(such as backgrounds, traits, flaws, etc.)

New to D&D Adventurers League?
New to the Annual Storyline?

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Players can play an adventure they previously
played as a Player or Dungeon Master but may only
play it once with a given character. Ensure each
player has their character’s adventure logsheet (if Adjusting This Adventure
not, get one from the organizer). These are updated To determine whether you should consider
at the conclusion of the session. The adventure adjusting the adventure, add up the total levels
information and your information are added at of all the characters and divide the result by the
the end of the adventure session—whether they number of characters (rounding .5 or greater
completed the adventure or not. up; .4 or less down). This is the group’s average
Each player is responsible for maintaining an party level (APL). To approximate the party
accurate logsheet. If you have time, you can do a strength for the adventure, consult the table
quick scan of a player’s character sheet to ensure below.
that nothing looks out of order. If you see magic Determining Party Strength
items of very high rarities or strange arrays of
Party Composition Party Strength
ability scores, you can ask players to provide 3-4 characters APL less than Very weak
documentation for the irregularities. If they cannot,
3-4 characters APL equivalent Weak
feel free to restrict item use or ask them to use a
standard ability score array. 3-4 characters APL greater than Average
Point players to the D&D Adventurers League 5 characters APL less than Weak
Players Guide for reference. If players wish to 5 characters APL equivalent Average
spend downtime days and it’s the beginning of an 5 characters APL greater than Strong
adventure or episode, they can declare their activity
6-7 characters APL less than Average
and spend the days now, or they can do so at the end
of the adventure or episode. Players should select 6-7 characters APL equivalent Strong
their characters’ spells and other daily options 6-7 characters APL greater than Very strong
prior to the start of the adventure, unless the
adventure specifies otherwise. Feel free to reread
the adventure description to help give players hints
about what they might face.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Chapter 2:
All of the Nine

HELLS? Here is an overview of
everything you might find there; from a
look at the Lord of each layer, notable
denizens, and key locations that enable
you to bring your adventures to Hell.

Avernus, The First

Avernus is a stony wasteland littered with crushed
bones, shattered armor and weapons, and ruined
siege engines; debris from the eternal war waged
in the Lower Planes between devils and demons
known as The Blood War.

Pipyap on Avernus
Okay, I know I said this was a guide
to all of the Nine Hells but those
folks at Wizards of the Coast already
wrote an entire book on it and well, I
don’t feel like doing it all again. Go
check out Baldur’s Gate: Descent into
Avernus for the low down.
Dis, The Second
Dis is a layer defined, and defied, by its presence: its The city of Dis reflects this by carrying out
city of the same name occupies nearly the entirety his commands for constant construction and
of the plane and a ring of impassable mountains fortification. Incessant noises pervade every corner
lines its outer edge. A visitor’s eye is constantly and alleyway, including the sound of hammers
pulled towards the city, but the dizzying array of meeting anvils, billows, and the screeches of
details clouds the secrets that this place contains. the damned. Streets are laid and torn out in the
Dispater rules this place, and in recent decades same day, and buildings seemingly change shape,
has made pointed efforts to both repair past structure, and material overnight. The constant
relationships with his adversaries and to politely yet chaos becomes its own sort of law, in a strange and
definitively distance himself from his allies. He sees confusing way, and is accepted by the residents as a
potential betrayal everywhere and trusts no one. simple fact of life.

Pipyap on Dispater
Y’know that old phrase “All work and no play makes you dull”? Well, that’s Dispater TO. A. T.
This guy is no fun. Always scheming, always seeing some nastiness; it’s an inspiration. He
got to this position through safety, and by “safety” I mean “sending other devils to do the
stabbing for him.” I love it!
Gotta hand it to him: he’s got a really wretched thing going. And I mean that in the best way.
Doesn’t mean I trust him, though, and neither should you.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
The Lord of Dis trio as they have served him well during his reign:
Bezo, Cheka, and Ump. Whatever sets these apart
Paranoid to the extreme and wickedly intelligent, from the rest of their winged ilk is a fact known only
Dispater rules his fiendish land through subterfuge, to him, though some surmise that these imps were
espionage, and fantastically devastating weaponry. once infernal guides that harvested more secrets
He prefers to deliver his commands and decrees than can be counted.
through enchanted, trapped imps to ensure that
only the intended recipient can learn the message’s Notable Denizens
contents. While he has a nearly unlimited number
Many of the residents of Dis believe themselves to
of these imps to choose from, he prefers a specific
be notable, but it’s as they say: it’s all in the eye of
the beholder.

Roleplaying the Lord The Street of Gods

The Street of Gods is a brilliantly decorated avenue
Ideal. Secrets. “There is no harm in harboring
in the city of Dis. Unlike the rest of the city, it is
secrets—only in revealing them. Bury something
brightly lit and in perfect repair. To the unprepared,
deep enough and everyone becomes equal.”
it appears to stretch infinitely to the east and west
Bond. Secrets. “There is power in the simultaneously. While here, a creature is likely to
unknown, and it is power that I control and run across any number of self-described “gods” from
channel. The path to the end of the game that all manner of worlds. These creatures are powerful
is the planar order can only be gleaned through mortals, demigods, scheming fiends, or something
the acquisition of the secrets that power and else entirely, but they are all truly powerful
drive the players.” creatures. Some potential samples include:
Flaw. Secrets. “Once I learn that something is • Urz’ll’tak’sta, deity of enunciation
truly hidden, I can’t deviate from discovering its • Minu, deity of perfect cookies
full truth.”
• Artellus the Inevitable, deity of entropy

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
The tax collectors of Dis also serve as its guards.
Pipyap on Grandellak
Known collectively as the Calbalkan, they are led by You ever see an iron golem made of
a bone devil known as Grandellak. bones? How about one with wings and
Grandellak has served Dispater as the chief tax a great big stinger at the end of its
collector for decades, having replaced the previous stupid tail? No? Well, you ain’t met
chief tax collector due to undiscussed reasons. The Grandellak.
bone devil’s form is studded with coins, gems, and
the occasional item that it has ‘Ol Gran - call it that, f’r real, DO
taken as payment, but the heat of IT - is a hoot. I promise. Loves the
this layer of the Nine Hells has jokes. Sure, it’s a bone devil but
fused any such items with its
body. It is an extremely literal
we’ve all had bad days, too. It’s been
creature and does not in the Calbalkan for so long and is
possess a sense of humor said to be so successful that only 1%
(though it values such a of your words will get through to its
thing, if made physical). head anyways. All the intense heat and
More information about nastiness here has fused the taxes
Grandellak can be
found in the Taxes
that its collected right to its bones,
are Guaranteed so it carries its wealth wherever it
entry under Sample goes!

simply blink and they’re amidst the utterly confusing

urban sprawl, surrounded by pitted iron walls and
sour-looking devils attempting to conduct their daily
Once inside, the city’s nature is simple enough
to discern; it harbors secrets. Trade is primarily
composed of smelting, smithing, and forging, but
using techniques that aren’t commonly known to
the mortal worlds. The streets are nearly impossible
Key Locations to map, as any cartographer that completes their
The surface of Dis is interrupted frequently by task finds that their works are outdated by the time
spiked walls, soot-belching factories, and dismal they finish. Work never stops as groups of devils
clouds of damned souls. It is by far the most work day-in and day-out, sweating and groaning as
industrialized area of the Nine Hells, and nestled they attempt to finish their never-ending task list of
away inside the warehouses, smiths, and delivery building and repairing the perpetually crumbling
lanes are secrets from more races and worlds than and expanding infrastructure to meet Dispater’s
can be truly counted. increasingly paranoid demands.
The city has oddly found itself to be the
The City of Dis destination for many planar travelers. Its strict
adherence to the letter of the law combined with
The staggeringly massive city of Dis comprises
the rigid, militaristic mindset of the devils that
nearly the entirety of the layer of Dis. Visitors to
dwell here often leaves the mortals with a standard
this part of the Nine Hells are often confused by the
expectation of how to proceed with their daily
shared name, but quickly realize that this is because
routines without running afoul of unexpected
Dispater, the ruler of Dis, relies heavily on the trade
circumstances. Despite Asmodeus’ decree that
of secrets to keep his position of power.
only Avernus can be teleported or plane shifted to,
If outside the walls, the city appears to be seekers of secrets often make their way here and
perpetually on the horizon. Regardless of what eke out a relatively safe existence… so long as they
direction or how long a creature might travel, abide by Dispater’s demands.
the city never appears to be any closer—until the
creature is simply engulfed by the city. This takes
place without the traveler even realizing it; they

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Mentiri character’s Persuasion check (opposed by their own
Wisdom save or Insight check).
Secreted away somewhere in the city of Dis lies
Mentiri, Dispater’s divine prison for those that Corruption. The Garden is governed by a trio of
oppose him. malicious efreeti that seek to corrupt and pervert
the souls of those that visit this place. Upon
Mentiri’s physical appearance defies description, entering this place, and at dawn each day thereafter,
as every creature perceives it differently. For some, the character’s saving throws are all reduced by 1;
it’s a house of worship on the outside that leads to a this penalty is eliminated if they leave the Garden.
winding, unending labyrinth of complex theological Additionally, at dawn a creature must also succeed
choices; for others, it’s a general stone-walled on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or succumb to the
dungeon and torture complex, filled with the souls call of the Garden of Delights; should this happen,
of the damned. Only those that are incarcerated to the character’s soul is removed and turned into a
this place know its true form. soul coin*, and the character is permanently retired
Mentiri’s Form. Once remanded to Mentiri, a from play unless that specific coin is acquired and
creature realizes the place’s true form to be that of Dispater, Mahadi, or another suitably powerful devil
an infinite prison. Cellblocks stretch unendingly in is convinced to bind the soul trapped in the coin
every surreal direction, defying gravity and physics back to the deceased’s body.
in an ever-expanding, dizzying array of torment.
Devils of all types patrol the grounds, though bone
devils and horned devils are the most numerous;
Sample Encounters
they move from cell to cell, torturing the inhabitant The urbanized layer of Dis is more lawful than a
until they declare their allegiance to Dispater and traveler may initially expect, but true to its devilish
become lawful evil. Some theorize that Mentiri origin it quickly becomes apparent that laws can be
is an ancient creature or some primal power that interpreted in several ways.
predates Dispater, and that it’s trapped here due to a
contract dispute with the paranoid archdevil. Dark Clouds
Clouds of specters silently gather in the skies
The Garden of Delights and the low points of Dis. Often, these clouds sit
In the center of the city of Dis lies a walled paradise: silent and sullen, but on rare occasion one of those
The Garden of Delights. This place is filled with displeased spirits slide off and seek out the powerful
lavish, colorful decorations. and features all mortals that come to this place. Those that do
manner of relaxations, from unending buffets of emanate powerful evil energy and have advantage
the choicest, rarest foods to piles of silk pillows to on attacks made against living mortals.
gently splashing waterfalls, the idyllic scenes are Impenetrable Darkness. If a cloud of specters
a welcome respite from the rampant smog and blocks a thoroughfare, not even darkvision can
crushing feel of the fiendish city outside. see through it. An effect like daylight or sunburst
The residents of the Garden are presented as causes the cloud to break but results in at least 1d6
humans, elves, and other mortal races. Be they chef, specters attacking whomever cast the spell.
minstrel, performer, or seneschal, these assistants
are always ready to provide comfort and succor to Impish Guides
a visitor. They always know the creature’s favorite The characters are approached by a small group
foods and drinks, making it clear that visitors are (1d4 + 1) of imps. These chittering, child-like
welcome to stay as long as they like for no cost. winged fiends are sycophantic to the extreme but
Wise creatures wonder if these elements are devious to their core. They only work as a group and
too good to be true, and with a DC 24 Wisdom require 3 gp per hour each. They can be bargained
saving throw they realize that this place is simply with, and with a successful Charisma-based skill
an illusion; any creature with a passive Wisdom check their fees can be lowered to 1 gp per hour.
(Insight) of 18 or higher has advantage on this Each day that they work for someone (or a group),
saving throw. This saving throw can only be their fees double. They are utterly incapable of
attempted once per day. Attempting to leave lying and proudly proclaim that they harvest souls
requires a successful DC 30 Wisdom saving throw; for Dispater, even going so far as to say that the
those that know of the place’s status as a series characters “would make excellent additions to his
of interconnected illusions have advantage on collection—but you’re smart and powerful, and it
the saving throw. A creature can be compelled to probably won’t come to that!”
leave if commanded by a powerful devil, one of the Once their fees are paid, they gleefully provide
efreeti that govern here, or are subjected to another insight on local customs (both in behaviors and legal
fees), programs, neighborhoods, and persons or

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
fiends of interest. The imps’ plots are far-reaching, Seized Property Sale. Once every one hundred
though, and every honeyed piece of information that years, the Calbalkan purge any magical items that
they share is wrapped around a nugget of vile truth: have been left in their storehouses for at least
that time in Dis eventually corrupts their moral that long. This sale is typically comprised of near-
core, and that in time find that their souls become useless, almost-depleted wands and staves, but
ripe for harvesting by Dispater and his agents. sometimes contains more powerful items that have
If these imps are attacked, mistreated, or simply for some reason been left unclaimed. Word is that
have their fees ignored, they attempt to flee using the next sale is to occur in five days and contains
any means necessary. Given the chance, they seek an ioun stone of absorption with a price of just
out aid in whatever form they can; often, this means five soul coins. However, it’s common knowledge
finding horned devils or chain devils in the vicinity, that Grandellak, the bone devil in charge of the
though there are other creatures or fearsome Calbalkan, desires this item.
diabolical arcanists nearby as well.

Taxes are Guaranteed Adjustments to Grandellak’s

The many districts of Dis are patrolled by infernal
tax collectors. These devils answer directly to
Stat Block.
Dispater and are responsible for ensuring that Grandellak uses the bone devil stat block with
residents and visitors submit their taxes in a timely the following modifications:
fashion—immediately. Collectively, these devils are
• Favor of the Archdevil. As Dispater’s
known as the Calbalkan in honor of a previous tax
appointed captain of the Calbalkan,
assessor that was, as those loyal to Dispater put
Grandellak has maximum hit points and is
it, “ruthlessly slaughtered by someone’s callous
immune to enchantment spells, as well as any
disregard for municipal safety.”
spell or effect that would alter its form.
The Calbalkan take many forms, though most • Adamantine Bones. The oppressive heat of
of their agents are horned devils. They travel in Dis has fused the taxes that Grandellak has
groups of two or three, often closing off travel collected to its bones. It is considered to be
routes and demanding to see the identification wearing adamantine armor and is immune to
papers, writs of passage, and declarations of cargo attacks from non-magical weapons.
for all who happen to be in the area. Those that • Ill-Gotten Gains. Grandellak has surrendered
don’t, or won’t, provide this information are likely most every tax that it has collected, but even
to be intimidated or shaken down, then charged so, a significant amount has been fused to its
a fee based on the devils’ assumed value of the body. When Grandellak is encountered, it has
individual’s belongings. Often, this equates to about full use of two items from magic item table F
100 gp per character level, with each magical item and one item from magic item table G. These
with a rarity of legendary fetching an additional items can’t be removed from its body unless
500 gp fee. Failure to pay is viewed as an affront the characters subject Grandellak’s dead body
to Dispater’s rule, and those individuals are taken to an antimagic zone and can succeed on a
to Mentiri for sentencing. Often, the devils accept DC 16 (uncommon items) or DC 18 (rare
magical items in exchange for taxes, including items). Other items can’t be retrieved and
granting tokens for the prepayment of those fees: aren’t unlocked, though a wish spell can undo
this. Retrieving an item from Grandellak’s
Calbalkan Tax Schedule corpse results in the characters acquiring a
rival as per the Rivals section in Chapter 2 of
Magic Item Rarity Value
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything.
Common 50 gp
Grandellak has no desire to work above its
Uncommon 100 gp station and revels in the wealth that it has
Rare 150 gp acquired. It is a bully and possesses a keen
Very Rare 225 gp mind for all things related to law and fiendish
Legendary 375 gp
custom, seeking to acquire as many ioun stones
as it can. Given a choice between certain death
Recovering Surrendered Items. Items and survival, it might offer a writ of tax-free
surrendered in exchange for taxes and other fees passage through Dis, or if properly motivated,
can be recovered by their original owner by paying peel off one of the magic items stuck to its body
twice the gp value listed above and spending 10 in a bizarre and grotesque display.
downtime days performing community service.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Minauros, The Third
From a distance, Minauros appears to be a place
of crumbling wealth and great history. Closer
inspection, however, reveals the truth: the entire
realm is a swamp, the city is sinking into the mud,
and the workmanship is so poor that visiting
mortals (especially dwarves) are generally offended.
Oily rains and thick black clouds pepper the
air, with the only respite—if it can be called that—
coming from the regular hailstorms that assault
those that live here. The stench is nearly unbearable
for most living creatures, and even some undead.
These things aside, Mammon, the ruler of this
realm, is the most successful merchant in all the
Nine Hells. He has amassed a significant amount
of wealth and has hidden great caches around the
plane, but he refuses to spend anything more than
the bare minimum amount of coin to keep the realm
in repair. It is said that he can identify the true value
anything from a secret to a soul with a glance.

The Lord of Minauros

Few creatures truly understand the phrase “money
is the root of all evil” as thoroughly and passionately
as Mammon does. He and his devils are wont to
wage war not through bodies, steel, and magic,
but instead through subterfuge, banks, and the
manipulation of the local economy. Nothing brings a
mortal to desperation faster than the total collapse
of everything they felt was safe and secure.
He refuses to spend coin unless it is explicitly
necessary, choosing instead to provide only the
minimum payment needed to secure a service or
product. He is not generally concerned with the
quality of a product unless that product benefits only
him, so nearly all structures across the plane are
eternally on the verge of collapsing into the stinking

Roleplaying the Lord

Ideal. Loyalty. “All should be loyal, especially
to me. Everyone’s got a price.”

Bond. Wealth. “The specifics of my financial

accounting bring more benefit than any promise
of loyalty.”

Flaw. Paranoia. “Everyone wants my wealth

or my power. Probably both. I need to eliminate
my allies before they weaken me by becoming
my friends.”
Notable Denizens
Aside from Mammon and his chosen agents (see
Pipyap on… Mammon Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes), some interesting
Once upon a time - yeah, yeah, I characters are found here from time to time:
know what you’re thinkin’ - once upon
a time I needed a loan. So I got to Mahadi
thinkin’, rubbing my brains together Mahadi sometimes visits the merchant district in
and all that. What I needed was pretty Jangling Hiter. He, unlike other visitors, does not
require a sponsorship from a powerful devil. More
specific and my usual pals couldn’t information about Mahadi can be found in Baldur’s
provide. Gate: Descent into Avernus.
So along comes this kyton. Chain
devils, you call ‘em. So along comes Shaddon
this chain devil, all covered in gold Long ago, Shaddon (chain devil) was merely a
and silver chains; “pretty exquisite torturer in Jangling Hiter. He excelled in his role,
and his desire for more rewards led him to strike
filigree,” I says. They weren’t amused, private deals with devils from other layers of the
but they did tell me that Mammon was Nine Hells; he would torture the souls they brought
willing to front me the coins I needed, him in exchange for a premium fee.
and then they tells me the price that he Eventually tales of his enterprise reached
wanted. Mammon’s ears. In a move that surprised everyone,
I mean, no, I ain’t got a soul of especially Shaddon, Mammon promoted the
chain devil to a more prestigious role: Shaddon
my own but I do have standards. now oversees the entire torturing operation of
Mammon’s got a reputation, but so Jangling Hiter. His offices are located in the Fiend
does ‘ol Pipyap. I’ve been to Minauros; District, and he can sometimes be found in the city
the place is a stinking snoozefest of Minauros for meetings, often centered on the
and clearly Mammon’s not concerned speculation of soul futures.
about appearances. I can’t do that.
Appearances are important. Key Locations
Anyways, I tell the kyton that I ain’t A small number of interesting places jut out of the
fetid swamps of Minauros, and who knows what lies
interested. There’s a snort and some beneath the foul water and sucking mud?
laughter like they thought I was dumb
or something, and next thing I know City of Minauros
there’s just this greasy stain on the This place is half-sunk into the mud, and the other
stone like they was never there. half is too heavily taxed to properly present itself.
So the moral of the story is this: The buildings are crumbling and thick mud oozes
“Don’t accept free money, because it’s everywhere. Even so, it is home to the speculative
trade of soul futures; a stock market of sorts, but a
probably from Mammon and you’ll not vile practice in the eyes of most mortals.
only get killed, but you’ll be greasy
Mammon’s chambers are somewhere in the city,
and stinky forever, too.” though he often relocates once someone he does
not trust—which is essentially everyone—discovers
his whereabouts. Despite his wealth, his residences
are not in any greater repair than the rest of the city.
The city is cold, the hail and rain are incessant,
and the mud and water threaten to keep visitors
forever. To say that it’s an unwelcoming area is an

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Jangling Hiter Sample Encounters
The only other city on Minauros is Jangling Hiter, During their journey across Minauros, travelers may
which is also sometimes referred to as the City of encounter some or all the following:
Chains. The vast majority of its residents are chain
devils, and its main business is the torturing of Cleansers
souls. Dozens of huge “workshops” exist within the
walls of the city; these buildings are often nearly The city of Minauros is home to all manner of
vibrating from the screams and howls of pain from devils, but a rare sight would be the presence of
within. Minauros lemures. These pitiable creatures are
devils that were long ago tasked with cleaning the
Chains. A network of chains crisscrosses the streets; this broad, poorly framed command now
space overhead. This provides some protection sees them attacking anything and everything they
should the city be assaulted, but more commonly come across. Devils can telepathically send them
prevents visitors from escaping. The layer of away, but visiting mortals are unlikely to have this
chains is twenty feet thick and razor sharp. For ability.
every five feet of chain that a creature tries to pass
through, they must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check; a failure results in 9 (2d8) points
of slashing damage and the creature can’t enter Minauros Lemure
that space. Many dead bodies are entwined in the
A Minauros lemure uses the lemure stat block
with the following changes:
The Fiend District. Only fiends native to
• Reckless Attack. Minauros lemures always
Minauros are welcome here. They identify outsiders
attack recklessly. This gives them advantage
quickly and generally attempt to chase (or throw)
on melee weapon attack rolls using Strength
them into the chains overhead.
during their turn, but attack rolls against them
The Merchant District. Arguably the most have advantage.
accessible portion of the city, this district is often
• Mob Mentality. While not expressly intelligent
busy and full of the sounds of trade. Merchants from
(they’re still lemures, after all), they’re prone to
many planes and worlds can be found here so long
working in groups when faced with something
as they first acquire the appropriate sponsorship
that they can attack or consume.
from a powerful or rich devil. With the chief trade
being in souls ripe for torturing, it’s typically safe to
assume that nearly all creatures present are evil. The residents of Minauros don’t mind that the
The Visitors District. More commonly known lemures are occasionally killed, but characters
as the Meat District, visitors to Minauros that lack that do this face fines or other reprimands that they
the appropriate paperwork and writs of passage are couldn’t have known about beforehand.
often invited to stay here while “things are sorted
out.” Few such people escape with their lives. The Worm of Minauros
The deepest part of the swamp of Minauros is home
Labyrinth of Truths to a creature that is as old as the plane itself. Known
This place is home to a collection of records that simply as “the worm” (use purple worm stats),
would dwarf the contents of Candlekeep. Housed this beast crawls through the muck on a mission
in boring, gray stone, this immense nine-story to devour any devil that Mammon has deemed fit
structure houses documents ranging from the for destruction or that happen to cross its path. It
mundane (such as every recipe present in Minauros) doesn’t enter cities or other settlements.
to near-artifact level (it’s rumored that there’s a Some devils maintain the rumor that the worm
heavily redacted file here detailing Acererak’s rise to provides powerful fiendish gifts. In the past this was
power). Nearly all the documentation is centered on true, but no longer. Mammon has discovered that he
Mammon’s involvement. can command the behavior of certain creatures, and
A horde of devils staffs and guards the grounds while he does not have full control over the worm,
and twisting hallways, and mortals are strictly he has been able to stop this untaxable gift from
forbidden. For each hour that a mortal creature being given.
spends in the Labyrinth of Truths, they must If the characters wish to fight the worm, they are
succeed on a DC 12 Intelligence saving throw or free to do so. If it is slain, it simply reforms at the
else be subject to the effects of feeblemind; a week next dawn.
of resting removes this effect.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Phlegethos, the
Phlegethos is the quintessential image mortals have
when they picture the Nine Hells. The barren stone
landscape is devoid of any natural life; everything
is constantly blasted by tendrils of flame that
erupt from fissures in the ground which lash and
crack like a torturer’s whip. The climate is one of
stifling heat, and even the fiends who reside here
seem uncomfortable at times. The entire plane is
illuminated in a sinister red hue, as if an unseen
sun was always moments from setting. Mountain
ranges encircle this layer and rise beyond the
horizon. Lacking snow-topped peaks, instead
most are volcanoes in varying states of eruption:
some are spewing lava that forms the great rivers
of Phlegethos, others belch thick black smog that
blankets the entire “sky.” This maelstrom sometimes
results in spontaneous lightning strikes which are
simultaneously beautiful, frightening, and intensely
lethal, which is an apt description of this layer of the
Nine Hells as a whole.
Rising from the confluence of the never-ending
lava streaming out of the nearby volcanoes is the
only commercial center in Phlegethos: Abriymoch.
The city is an archipelago of obsidian and steel
separated by bubbling lava. Terrestrial creatures
frequently take gondolas from island to island or
use magic to move more quickly. Abriymoch houses
many functions critical to all residents of the Nine
Hells, including “steelworks”, the Diabolical Court,
and acts as a bustling logistical center for trafficking
souls between the River Styx and the other layers.

The Lords of Phlegethos

The co-rulers of this layer are the only two
individuals who seem comfortable in the heat of
Phlegethos. Both take human forms with chiseled,
statuesque features; the horns emerging from their
foreheads are the clearest sign that these two are
more than simply beautiful figures. Modesty is not
a trait either possesses and both dress in a sensual,
revealing manner meant to evoke awe and envy
from the viewer.
For all their similarities and shared goals, the
two are also unquestionably rivals. Each vies for
control of the layer in their own way, with Fierna
rallying support through her charm and Belial’s
schemes countering her, and vice versa. The two
archdevils are paradoxically well suited to splitting
the responsibilities of ruling since each has talents
that cover for the other’s weaknesses. If they could
ever settle their differences and work together,
the hierarchy of the Nine Hells could change
dramatically. Fortunately for the other rulers, Fierna
and Belial’s unbridled ambition unites them only
Notable Denizens
in defense of their common interest: continued Granny Gravedirt
ownership of Phlegethos.
Operating outside Abriymoch from a cave in the
base of a volcano is a night hag known as “Granny
Lady Fierna Gravedirt.” It’s said she can obtain anything and
Fierna relishes her role as the “face” of Phlegethos; have it quietly smuggled into Phlegethos, for the
corrupting mortals who seek a taste of her powers right price. Sadistic even by hag standards, her
of persuasion. She also possesses a vicious cunning favorite payments are typically bringing another
for finding and exploiting a creature’s desires to creature to ruin. Kings have witnessed kingdoms
her advantage. Fierna’s vanity is one of her most destroyed as fiends work to curry favor with Granny.
notorious qualities so a clever negotiator can get In reality, “Granny Gravedirt” isn’t a single
much further with flattery than threats. individual, but a coven of three night hags working
together. They take turns posing as the infamous
deal broker while the other two work from the
shadows to fulfil requests. Belial is aware of the
Roleplaying the Lord hags’ scheme and supports it as long as he receives
Ideal. Ambition. "Belial has taught me well, fifty percent of the payment and is kept aware of all
but it is past time that Phlegethos has but a deals the hags are offered.
single lord: me."
Key Locations
Bond. Loyalty "My most loyal servants are to
be rewarded after Belial is disposed of." Brimstone
Abriymoch is a noisy city. Listen closely, and over
Flaw. Sadist "I am eager to cause suffering in the rhythmic hammering of the smiths and cries of
others, even when it comes at a cost to myself." pain at the Lake of Fire, you can hear more curious
sounds. Fiendish cheers of excitement paired with
groans of despair emerge from one of Phlegethos’
more unique sites known as Brimstone. Built
Belial inside the petrified remains of a colossal monster,
A master administrator, Belial is the force that Brimstone serves as a diabolical casino. Games of
keeps the moving parts of Phlegethos operating at chance are played by devils of all types; the games
peak efficiency. He is impossible to surprise, having are structured in such a way that fortunes are made
survived an uncountable number of attempts to have (and lost) inside Brimstone frequently enough to
his realm usurped by ambitious dukes and lords. attract gamblers but the house always gets their
If he has one weakness it would be that Belial share.
spends too much time planning and not enough The only currency to wager with is souls, making
time following through. Brimstone an incredibly dangerous proposition
for mortals who normally only have their own
soul to offer as collateral. One bad hand of “five
fiends” can leave an ambitious mortal damned for
Roleplaying the Lord eternity. Cheating in Brimstone is dealt with harshly,
stripping the guilty party of any winnings plus an
Ideal. Calculating. "Given enough time and agonizing stretch in the Pit of Flame is enough to
planning, nothing is beyond my grasp." dissuade all but the craftiest or desperate from
Bond. Cognate "Fierna and I are forever
intertwined, whether she appreciates it or not." Pit of Flame
Flaw. Paranoia "I cannot trust anyone but Few places across the entire Nine Hells inspire
fear in a devil the way mentioning the Pit of Flame
myself. Every fiend’s ambition is directed
can. This lake of boiling lava is hot enough to cause
towards what I have earned."
pain to devils normally immune to fire and heat.
Spending time over the Pit of Flame is reserved
for punishing serious offenses such as dereliction
of duty or disobeying a superior. Chains and cages
are used to contain devils sentenced to the flames,
suspended by machinery operated by teams of
chain devils.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Fierna’s Palace Sample Encounters
Fierna’s Palace stands out from the mountainous During their journey through Phlegethos, travelers
landscape as an incredible crystalline stronghold, may encounter some or all the following:
which tapers into a single massive tower in the
center. Blue flames race along the tower and Granny, What Big Plans You Have
fortification’s walls, the source at the top of the
tower’s spire. The entrance is always guarded by A frantic tiefling runs up to the adventurers, slightly
a phalanx of horned devils who are commanded out of breath. “You! You’re not from around here
by a pit fiend. All who enter and exit are logged by either! I need your help!” She introduces herself as
this team, making it a valuable position for anyone Damaia and begins to explain.
interested in learning more about the scheming of Damaia’s family passed down an amulet from
Fierna and Belial. mother to daughter for years, along with the lore
The depths of the palace’s dungeon are truly that it was a gift bestowed upon the family from
nightmares brought to reality. Fierna finds her the Lady of Phlegethos herself, Fierna. Damaia
greatest pleasure in the pain of others and is always had possession of the amulet until recently, when
interested in new devices and techniques to extract she discovered it missing – in its place was a note:
the most from her unfortunate subjects. Many of “Thanks for keeping it safe for all these years. –
the cells are populated with her former lovers, cast Granny.”
aside when she tired of their ineffective attempt to Through research, bribery, and guile, Damaia
please her. has determined that “Granny” is Granny Gravedirt,
Belial also occupies the palace, unmoved by the the notorious hag who lives on the outskirts of
delight Fierna takes in the fact that devils have Arbiymoch. “I’ve tracked her down, but I can’t face
begun referring to it as “Fierna’s Palace.” He stalks her alone! Will you please assist me in retrieving my
a wing known as the Hall of One Thousand Sighs family’s amulet?”
and Screams; constantly devising new schemes to Unbeknownst to Damaia, Granny has retrieved
take singular ownership of a layer of the Nine Hells her family’s heirloom at the request of Fierna as a
for himself, whether that is Phlegethos or another means of drawing Damaia to Phlegethos. Fierna’s
layer. The traps he has surrounded himself with blood flows in Damaia’s veins, and together Fierna
are deadly and creative, ensuring only the most and Granny plan to draw Damaia into their fiendish
motivated are able to make their way to him. world.

Papers, Please
A horned devil of the City Watch, along with his
faithful hell hound, rounds a corner in front of
the adventurers and heads directly for them. Any
character who succeeds on a DC 18 Dexterity
(Stealth) check evades the notice of the guard, but
those who fail are interrogated about their business
in the city. A DC 18 Charisma (Persuasion)
check convinces the guard that the group is
not stirring up trouble. A successful DC 15
Wisdom (Animal Handling) check soothes
the suspicious hell hound, which reduces
the Charisma (Persuasion) check needed
to convince the guard to a DC 15.

Stray Dogs
It is not uncommon for packs of stray
hell hounds to be found roaming the
streets of Abriymoch. Always hungry
and on the look out for weak prey,
the characters run into 1d4+1 of the
infernal dogs that try to chase any
mortals into an out of the way alley
where they might feast without being

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Street Fight
A group of efreeti notice that the adventurers stick few of the spines are still legible: Contract Writing
out on the city streets and come over to investigate for Fun and Trickery¸ Torture Through the Ages¸
the new arrivals. Instead of attacking or otherwise Training Your Hell Hound, How to Win Fiends and
causing trouble, the efreeti begin to laugh while Influence People. A character succeeding on a
flexing their muscles and shooting showers of DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check finds an
sparks above the heads of the party. Show offs! enduring spellbook among the stacks.
Characters who succeed on DC 17 Strength
A lavish spread of dried meats and bits of cheese
(Athletics), Dexterity (Acrobatics), Charisma
perches on one end of a cart, next to a sign that
(Intimidation), or Charisma (Performance) checks
offers Free Samples! Characters have their choice
suitably impress the efreeti, who soundly clap the
of the following:
adventurers on their back before sauntering away.
If the characters fail on their checks, nothing is • Cured lavasnake (Upon eating, the character must
wounded but their pride. make a DC 15 Constitution save or take 1d4 fire
Street Market • Fire-roasted wererat (Upon eating, the character
Vendors in the business district have set up carts to regains 1d6 hit points)
sell their wares: • Red dragon jerky (Upon eating, the character feels
no effect)
An angular merchant entices the adventurers with
low, low prices, but the potions he sells are murky, • Gloamwing wings (Upon eating, the character
and the writing on the scrolls is smeared in some must make a DC 15 Constitution save or suffer the
places. The merchant sells common potions as poisoned condition for one hour)
well as 1st and 2nd level spell scrolls at half of the • Worg’s milk cheese (Upon eating, the character is
standard price, but the items have a 50% chance to cured of the poisoned condition)
work as intended. Otherwise, they are useless. • Leucrotta’s milk cheese (Upon eating, the
character must make a DC 15 Constitution save or
A book vendor has stacks and stacks of volumes
take 1d8 acid damage)
crowding her cart. The pages are fragile from the
extreme heat in Abriymoch, but the names on a

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Stygia, The Fifth
The landscape of Stygia is anything but land: instead, it is
a collection of jagged icebergs, massive in scale, floating in
a sea of water so cold that it’s said it freezes a mortal’s soul
solid in an instant. If that weren’t foreboding enough, the
River Styx winds its way through it all, carving a distinct
path through the icebergs and even the chill sea; its
currents roiling away into eternity.
The unending cacophony of crunching, crashing
ice is pervasive throughout Stygia. The sloshing
waters capture anything that falls away, be it an
unknowably heavy chunk of ancient ice or an
entire city that spent millennia atop an iceberg.
What treasures might lie below the surface are
unknowable, as the River Styx infects and draws
from all water here, and any creature that comes
into contact with it is subject to its mighty and
terrible powers (more information about the River
Styx can be found in Baldur’s Gate: Descent into
Some claim to have spied a figure, motionless yet
terrifying, within one of the largest icebergs. Dread
Levistus, ruler of Stygia, has been trapped here for
crimes including declaring war upon the archdevil
Geryon and other incidents that only Asmodeus
remembers… but still, Levistus bides his time,
drawing in his quota of souls, and plots.
In earlier days, Levistus and Geryon warred
extensively over control of Stygia. In time, this drew
the attention of Asmodeus who saw fit to end the
quarrel by granting Levistus control of the realm
by trapping him in an iceberg and sending Geryon
away for other matters related to the great Blood
War. Even so, agents of both archdevils skirmish
against the other when possible, for their age-old
hatred infects those that hold them dear.

The Lord of Stygia

Levistus is trapped and immobilized within an
iceberg of Asmodeus’ creation. This prison can’t be
broken down or out of, and he can only be released
when Asmodeus has decreed it. The iceberg
changes course regularly, sometimes crashing
into other chunks of ice or vessels, and sometimes
veering away from them at the last moment.
Whether this is because of Asmodeus’ doing or that
of Levistus, no one is truly certain.
Even so, Levistus has managed to turn the
crushing loneliness of his predicament into a
platform from which he can formulate and launch
his plots. The ice grants him security against
those that work against him with physical or
arcane threats, and although it removes his ability
to directly manifest his own reactions, it has
done nothing to dissuade him from amassing an
Pipyap on… Levistus Roleplaying the Lord
Y’know the old phrase “revenge is
Ideal. Unity. “I seek to rule this place, for
a dish best served cold”? Well, none are more capable than I. In time, all
nobody knows it like Gran’pappy worlds will be one under my watchful gaze.”
Levistus. I only call him that
because he’s, well, trapped in the Bond. Safety. “Those that beg for safety
ice and all. ‘Ol guy’s been in that deserve it. Those that demand safety have
earned the respite that they receive. Everyone
iceberg since the dawn of time, I has earned the right to request this peace.”
think. Asmodeus really has it out
for him. They say that he’s trapped Flaw. Immutable. “My plans are of grander
there until he and Geryon stop scale than you can comprehend. I cannot, will
not, adjust my course simply because you fail to
fighting and I gotta think that that’s grasp the larger concept. One minor setback is
just never gonna happen, what with nothing!”
Levistus being all “big picture” and
Geryon being pretty much focused
on “nope, blocked.” These two are a
real piece of work. she finds great joy in punishing those that refuse to
acquiesce to her demands.
Levistus deserves what he gets. She can be convinced to disregard an infraction if
Asmodeus has cursed him to grant given a soul coin but still files her activity report in
safety to those that ask for it, but Tantlin unless given a second one. She is known to
not HOW he grants it and that’s a travel with a cloud of a dozen imps who serve as her
real hoot to watch - if you’re not private scribes, tearing through stacks of parchment
on the asking side of things, I as she delivers her fines and writs day-in and day-
mean. He takes out his frustrations
on those poor saps sometimes, and K’thak’lak
other times… well, it’s best to not
The lowest edges of some of the icebergs that float
think about those other times. Those along the River Styx feature docks and ports for the
are some really scary warlocks, if rare boat that travels here from other realms and
you know what I mean. domains. K’thak’lak is a sauhaugin that sells her
services as a guide, promising to take her customers
safely between ports in exchange for large amounts
of fresh, raw meat. She is a dedicated priestess
of Sekolah (use war priest stats) and is often
impressive amount of arcane power. He plots and accompanied by four sahaugin guides (use veteran
schemes from his near-banishment, gathering souls stats); she says that this entourage is to ensure
and warlocks indebted to him as he sets out to protection. What she does not mention unless
avenge his eons-long imprisonment. specifically asked is that the entourage must be paid
the same amount as her, or they attempt to destroy
Notable Denizens the traveler’s vessel and devour them whole.
Much of the population of Stygia is transient, as As with all sauhaugin, she has no interest in soul
devils are often summoned away by mortal casters coins.
or Levistus himself, to take on other projects across
all of reality.

Code Enforcer Garielta

A vicious, vile erinyes, Garielta busies herself with
seeking out lawbreakers around Stygia. From
massive infractions such as one devil harming
another to minor infractions like flying too fast,
making eye contact with a senior devil, and so on,

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Key Locations Duelist’s Chasm
The crashing of icebergs and their crumbling Stygia is layered with laws and wards that protect
collapse makes cartography a near-impossible task devils from directly harming one another, but as
in Stygia, but a few key locations are known to exist. with any law there are potential allowances, and
Duelist’s Chasm provides one such method. A devil
Tantlin can apply here for a License of Lawful Combat
and challenge some other creature to appear; if
The glittering city of Tantlin was home to Geryon accepted, the devils are permitted to duel so long as
and his legions before he was shattered by Levistus. the end result is death.
Towers and buildings extend both above and below
the ice, and devils of all types congregate here to Stygia only restricts devil-to-devil dueling; there is
engage in the trade of souls, soul coins, slaves, and no law or ward that prevents a devil from harming
worse. Everything here is made of ice, pulled from a mortal and vice versa. Acquiring a license is
the dark waters below as well as places across the strongly suggested by the more senior devils in the
Material Plane. offices of Tantlin whenever possible.

Today, the city exists solely to ensure that no deed

goes unrecorded in the Nine Hells. Nearly all of the Sample Encounters
buildings are stuffed full of ledgers, notes, journals, The surface of Stygia is home to many creatures,
and records of events ranging from the skirmishes ranging from wolves and mammoths to packs of ice
of the never-ending Blood War to the inventory of a devils and platoons of bearded devils.
single imp’s pouches during its summoning to Amn.
The Sculptor
Tomb of Levistus Harchura (an ice devil) fills its days with art—
Levistus floats along the waters of Stygia in an specifically, creating sculptures from icy debris and
eternal prison. Though he can’t physically interact discarded body parts. Its creations can be tiny or
with his domain, he plots and schemes in the hopes colossal, but in every instance, they are exquisitely
that his machinations bear fruit and result in his detailed. Close inspection reveals that each
release. Some of his most faithful followers (ice sculpture includes at least one frozen head, often
devils, erinyes, and warlocks) patrol this iceberg, from a humanoid creature.
and in a few places his form can be seen through If approached, its first reaction is to ask for an
the ice. Even with the ice obscuring the full view of honest critique of its work. Attempting to deliver
his body, those that witness him often refer to him gentle feedback or to obscure one’s words during
as “a terrible beauty.” this discourse incites Harchura to rage. In general,

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
it is a calm and collected devil, preferring to warn
creatures of the ramifications of dishonesty or
disrespect of its art.
Should it be forced to engage in combat, it
uses the ice devil stat block with the following
• Lair Action. Harchura counts any space within 50
feet of one of its sculptures as its lair. Each round
on initiative count 20 (losing ties), it can animate
one of its sculptures.
• Lifelike Sculptures. Harchura’s ice sculptures
are terrifically realistic and take the form of any
creature that it has seen so long as that creature
possesses 15 or fewer Hit Dice. If the ice devil
later animates this sculpture, it uses the stats for
that creature, it can’t be healed, and crumbles to
useless, inanimate ice chunks after one minute.

With a terrible groan and bone-rattling
crack, a huge chunk of ice breaks from
the ledges high above the heads of the
characters. Each character must move
at least 40 feet and make a DC 16
Dexterity saving throw or take 55
(10d10) bludgeoning damage
and be pinned beneath the ice;
succeeding on this saving throw
reduces the damage by half and
are not pinned. Anyone pinned
by the ice can’t move or speak and immediately
begins suffocating. Anyone not pinned can see a
trio of ice devils clinging to the side of the icewall
above, cackling madly at the characters—clearly,
they intended to kill as many of them as possible.

Sekolah, the Shark-Father

The near-frozen, briny deep has claimed an
uncountable amount of treasure thanks to the
ancient, crumbling icebergs. Over the eons, the
sahaugin have claimed the deeps as their own and
remain there, largely unchallenged by Levistus and
his devils.
It is said that Sekolah, the Shark-Father, resides Those that can survive the freezing water and
here. He patrols the deeps, constantly feeding on evade both Sekolah and his sahaugin discover
those foolish enough to brave the dark recesses of a great many things that even the devils have
the under-ice in search of treasure. His form is that forgotten. Rumor has it that the origin of the
of a massive great white shark (use tarrasque stats sahaugin themselves can be learned from the chaos
and add a swim speed of 60 feet). Sekolah remains on the ocean floor.
aloof even to his most faithful followers, preferring
to engage only when he is personally motivated to
do so. As he is not a devil, he has no use for soul
coins and no desire to make any binding deals.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Malbolge, the Sixth
In a plane known for its dark, rigid order, no layer
of the Hells has been as unstable as Malbolge.
Its many usurping lords of recent memory have
included: Beherit, Moloch, Malagard the Hag
Countess, and most recently Glasya, the daughter of
Even the land itself is changeable. Malbolge began
as deep defiles and rocky slopes with constantly
raining boulders. Massive sloped copper fortresses
channeled the rocks away from the favored. When
Glasya took the layer from Malagard, the daughter
of the Lord of Lies used the Hag Countesses' body
to recreate her layer out of the bloated mass of
the hag’s suffering body. She made her fortress,
Ossiea, from the hag’s skull, created a forest from
her hair where she imprisoned her foes in oubliettes
of Malagard’s pores, and even created a network
of tunnels from her bowels. It was a glorious and
all-consuming torture for the night hag turned
archdevil. But it was not to last. Within those
caverns a rot started to boil up, corrupting the trees
and poisoning the pools and infernal birthing pits so
that even devils could no longer stand them. As the
rot spread, Malagard’s tortured flesh sloughed away
until the rocky slope could once again be seen. Now
the rumble of falling stone and the deafening clang
of rock on punished metal again fills the air. Once
more copper clad fortresses rise above the constant
rockslides on pillars of adamantine, with prisoners
found guilty in the infernal courts of Phlegethos
languishing in hanging cages underneath, to face
the constant onslaught. The inhabitants of Malbolge
find shelter in the fortresses, hide in cliffside
caverns, or scrap out existence in the tunnels that
were once the intestines of the Hag Countess.

Glasya, Lord of the Sixth

If as stories say, Asmodeus fell furthest as the
original rebel, his daughter did not fall far from her
father. Glasya is cruel and cunning with a mastery
of the law and its legal loopholes that exceeds any
other devil but Asmodeus himself. Unlike other
devils, Glasya is impulsive, looking to bend the rules
and shock others who expect her to follow the spirit
of any agreement or tradition.
While ostensibly the chief jailor of the Nine Hells,
Glasya also runs the Hells’ first crime syndicate
known as the Coin Legion. She seduces mortals
into offering their souls to her by offering them legal
advice and manipulating loopholes in contracts.
In particular, she delights in swaying mortals and
infernals alike who have been pledged to another
archdevil, thus strengthening her own position and
weakening another Lord of the Nine at the same
The only Duke of Hell in Malbolge, Tartach is the
Marshal of Malbolge and leader of the layer’s forces.
He is a master tactician who excels at moving his
Roleplaying Glasya forces in the most advantageous position. He is
notably cruel and takes great pleasure in learning
Ideal. Literal "The devil is in the details, and through vivisection how his enemies tick.
no one is better at exploiting them than I."
While Tartach is well rewarded for his service, he
Bond. Kinship "Of course, I love my father. wishes more for himself; service in Asmodeus’ court
Without him, whom would I have to strive or even a layer for himself. As such he considers
against?" whether it might be advantageous to support
Moloch’s return, or betray him to the Lord of the
Flaw. Spiteful "You really need to be better Nine in hopes for greater reward. Either way, he
about how you phrase things or someone might knows that being Glaysa’s favored servant is the
take advantage of you. If I don’t teach you a final step on his path to the rewards he seeks.
lesson, who will?
Key Locations
Glasya commonly adopts the form of an A few of the notable locations of Malbolge include:
intoxicatingly beautiful woman with coppery skin,
small horns, leathery wings, and a forked tail. Ossiea, Fortress of Glasya
The largest fortress in Malbolge, Ossiea sits atop
Notable Denizens great buttresses and pillars with hundreds of cages
With the frequent turnover of leadership in the hanging beneath it. While the great hall of Ossiea is
Sixth and the purging that comes with such created from the massive skull of Malagard, and the
changes, it is not surprising that it hard for powerful other chambers are built form the bones of those
devils to remain in the current lord’s court. Many who have perished in her prisons, the fortress of
of the devils here have been swayed away from the Ossiea is an expression of decadence. All forms of
courts of other archdevils. In particular, Glasya pleasure and punishment are available here and, in
attracts erinyes and paeliryons (treat as an erinyes the caverns, beneath.
that has 300 hit points, 3/day can cast dominate
monster, and exudes an intoxicating perfume in a Garden of Delights
20-foot radius that forces mortals to succeed on One of the many fortresses of Malbolge protects a
a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be affected by a flawless garden where succubi and incubi lounge in
bestow curse that gives the victim disadvantage on chilled pools, assuaging the hurts of prisoners and
Wisdom ability checks and saving throws). offering the sweetest fruits. But the garden serves as
more than a respite. Glasya uses it break the will of
Hunters of the Sky those in her charge, trading time in the garden away
Four of Glasya’s most trusted erinyes prowl the from a prisoner’s tortures for information, service,
skies of Malbolge looking for intruders, especially souls, or in some cases, the look on a prisoner’s face
those who take to the air to avoid the tumbling when access to the garden is rescinded.
scree. Baratum, Diorum, Metris, and Novolar
attack from range and execute anyone who does Hair Forest
not present proper travel paperwork. Particularly Only a few sections of the densely packed forest
attractive trespassers might be taken alive, only to grown from Malagard’s hair remains. Against a tall
wake in Glasya’s personal chambers with all new cliffside protected from the rolling boulders, the
problems. gnarled trees formed from the Hag Countess’ hair
still sprout in white and flaky soil. The forest was
Tartach, High Marshal of once massive and trackless, making it the perfect
Malbolge place to hide and forget prisoners and treasures
alike. Now that the forest has shrunk, it has become
Formerly a legate of Baalzebul to the court of
destination for those looking to find valuables
Moloch, Tartach was forced to return to his
Glasya has discarded. While traveling the hair forest
disgraced master during the reign of Malagade. It
has become easier, the hell lice remain a danger.
was there he was swayed to Glaysa’s side so that
when she took power, he joined her once again in

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Legal Offices of Barzoon and Moggoth Thyg
Hart The crevasses on Malbolge’s slopes are deep, and
This large fortress is one the only one that boasts no it is said that some of them go so deep that they
cages for prisoners hanging beneath it. Here a host reach things meant to be forgotten; places where
of infernal lawyers work day and night on contracts, ancient evils from before even the coming of devils
bargains, and other legal documents; both crafting still slumber. Moggoth Thyg is one such cavern,
ironclad documents and looking for loopholes in burrowed into the side of an out of the way defile. A
other’s work. The managing partners of the firm, gray light that numbs the heart emanates from the
Barzoon (imp) and Hart (Amnizu) make certain cavern, and horrible screams that can only be heard
that whatever the outcome, it benefits Glasya. by devils echo from its entrance. No one who enters
has ever returned and the devils of Malbolge have
It is common to see the massive waiting room stopped trying to learn what lies inside. Sometimes
filled with long lines of mortals, devils, and other it is better to not know.
planar creatures who seek the legendary firm’s
expertise. No matter what they seek, the lawyers of
Barzoon and Hart can get it - for the right price.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Sample Encounters Kalabons, Fragments of
These dangers might be found while traveling Malagard
Malbolge. These devils bud off from the remains of Malagard’s
corpse. Formed of heaps of glistening flesh atop
Air Patrol three stumpy legs and dozens of waving tentacles,
they leak blood and puss from a dozen sphincters.
An eryines spots the characters from the sky and
As the Hag Countess’ remains have slowly
moves to investigate. If they show travel papers,
disappeared, the kalabons have begun to feed on
she lets them pass. Otherwise she tries to take the
each other, becoming rarer and rarer. Rumors
prettiest character captive as a gift to her mistress
persist however, that the more they consume each
other, the less they hear the torturous screams of
Hag Countess that fractures their minds, and the
Hell Lice more they can resist the commands of the Lord of
While much of Malbolge’s Hair Forest no longer the Sixth. Even more the disturbing, some of the
exists, the gigantic hell lice that infested it have kalabons have begun to take on more of a female
grown ever more ravenous. These unique threats humanoid appearance with purple hued skin and a
are spreading out from what little remains of mane of white feelers that some say is reminiscent
Malagard’s corpse. They can be found throughout of the Hag Countess.
the layer, climbing columns to bedevil fortresses or
Six kalabons rush towards the characters,
delving into the deepest caverns.
grasping for their meal.
Near what remains of the Hair Forest are four
ravenous hell lice that are looking for a quick meal.

Kalabon Statistics
A kalabon has the statistics of a choker with the
Hell Lice Statistics following modifications:
A hell louse has the statistics of a giant
• They are CR 2 (450 xp).
scorpion with the following modifications:
• Change their type and alignment to fiend
• Remove the giant scorpion’s multiattack and (devil), lawful evil.
claw attacks. • A kalabon is resistant to Cold; Bludgeoning,
• A hell louse is resistant to Cold; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical
Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks that aren’t Silvered; and immune
Attacks that aren’t Silvered; and immune to to Acid, Fire, Poison, and the Poisoned
Fire, Poison, and the Poisoned condition. condition.
• Add Devil’s Sight and Magic Resistance. • Add Devil’s Sight and Magic Resistance.
• Add Bloody Feast. • Their tentacle attacks do an additional 3 (1d6)
Bloody Feast (1/day). As a bonus action, a hell acid damage.
louse can deal an extra 9 (2d8) necrotic damage
to a target on a hit.

Falling rocks are an ever-present danger, but a
Infernal Client particularly bad rockslide harries the characters
A noble with three commoner retainers are led passage. Any character that cannot get to shelter
by a bearded devil guide through a nearby ravine. or 30 feet above the ground is pummeled by rocks.
They are traveling to the Offices of Barzoon and For the next 1d6+1 rounds, scree pours down the
Hart. The noble is Faaiq al-Faahs of Calimshan side of the slope. Any creature in the open must
who is hoping to get out of a deal he made with a make a must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw
dao. The bearded devil expects a commission for each round to avoid the rocks. On a failed save, the
potentially delivering Faaiq’s soul and does not take creature takes 17 (5d6) bludgeoning damage, is
interference lightly. knocked prone, and is buried in the rocks, requiring
a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check as an action to

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
The Seventh
The ruined landscape of Maladomini appears to
be an untamed, rocky desert from afar. Upon close
inspection, though, it’s easy to identify that the plane
is a collection of massive, ruined cities. Industrial
blight in the form of depleted strip mines and
collapsed, rusted iron scaffolds dot the landscape.
Where once bloomed great civilizations now only
decay and rot remain.
Baalzebul is the scheming lord of the seventh
layer of the Nine Hells. His current power, while
tremendous, is but a pale shadow of what it once
was; where he previously ruled both this location
and Malbolge, he is now limited to only Maladomini
as punishment for his refusal to participate in the
Blood War and thereby endangering the entirety of
the Nine Hells. Asmodeus has laid several curses
upon Baalzebul to ensure that this punishment is
lasting and personally painful (for more information,
see Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes).
The Blood War waits for no one and never stops.
But war is a standard experience, and needs not
only troops, suppliers, and financiers, but also
a steady supply of a lawful devil’s favorite thing:
bureaucracy. Baalzebul knows that he can no
longer lie to another devil without turning from his
current form into that of a hideous, slug-like being.
Furthermore, any deal that he makes is destined to
end terribly for the recipient; as a result, his ability
to entrap and ensnare devils through clever deals
has been severely diminished, but he has grown
to master the art of manipulating mortals to do
his bidding. The whole of the Nine Hells openly
recognizes Baalzebul for his achievements while
acknowledging his punishments, and there is no
doubt that he is the center of bureaucratic intrigues
in Maladomini.

The Lord of Maladomini

Baalzebul has spent millenia in his slug-like form,
writhing his way around Maladomini. Much of the
plane’s current destruction is due to this, be it from
his awful bulk crashing through buildings or the fact
that in the throes of his great depressions he simply
couldn’t muster the energy to perform the necessary
He is a consummate liar and schemer, and despite
his inability to lie to another devil without feeling
the effects of the curse that Asmodeus has lain upon
him, he gathers mortals to his side at an astonishing
rate. It is only when his second curse is realized
that those that have petitioned him find that their
deals are never going to have the payoff that they
want—though they certainly get the payoff that they
Notable Denizens
The ruins of Maladomini are frequently patrolled by
groups of bearded devils, erinyes, and spined devils.
Places of lower elevation and the infrequent natural
Roleplaying the Lord areas are often home to black puddings, gelatinous
Ideal. Aspiration. “The unfair ‘justice’ that cubes, and ochre jellies.
has been leveled upon me will prove to be
Asmodeus’ undoing. He is incompetent and The Stop
I will demonstrate his flaws to the other Comprising the entire bottom of an empty quarry,
archdevils, thereby ascending the throne the Stop is a gelatinous cube that has had nothing
myself.” to do for thousands of years except to feed. Devils
Bond. Order. “Through bureaucracy we find from across Maladomini have taken to disposing
order, and through order we find opportunity. of their waste by throwing them into the Stop’s
And opportunities are lost on mortals.” unimaginably huge bulk. Some say that it has begun
to show signs of intelligence, but this is often as they
Flaw. Details. “The finest details are among are being dissolved by the cube’s acidic appendages.
the most important, for a single grain of sand
can bring the grinding wheel to a halt if not No more than a small portion of the Stop is
appropriately anticipated.” exposed to Maladomini at any one time. Indigestible
debris has collected on top of it, giving it the
appearance of firm ground until it begins to quiver
and shake; it has sloughed out to completely fill
the nearby tunnels. When it feeds, it sends forth
massive acidic pseudopods or pushes a piece of
Pipyap on… Baalzebul itself into the air to consume larger objects whole.
I’ve never had to tell someone that
their opinion stinks, but y’know…
Baalzebul’s opinions are awful,
and it was kinda fun telling him that The Stop Stat Block
once. Did you know that he can’t The Stop uses a gelatinous cube stat block
lie? I mean, he CAN, but he’ll turn with the following changes:
into a squiggly little worm-thing • Size. The Stop is unable to reveal its full size.
again and we all know that it just It can push a piece of itself through the ground
paaaaaaiiins him to admit that his so that it can interact with other creatures and
ideas are bad. objects, often to consume them. These pieces
of itself can be up to colossal in size.
Anyhow, the rest of Maladomini • Brainless. The Stop is notoriously difficult to
is pretty bad, too. It’s all just destroy. It is immune to psychic damage and
a reflection of Baalzebul’s enchantments.
motivations, I think. He’s a pretty • Tactile Communication. The Stop has
foul kinda guy-slug-devil-thing. learned to deliver simple messages in its own
The cities are rotting, his kingdom language, which can only be understood by
something that it is currently devouring.
is fouled out beneath his very feet,
and the devils are just chompin’ at
the bit for a chance to act in the
Blood War. Gravelboot Brigade
The Gravelboot Brigade exists as Baalzebul’s
Bureaucracy at its best, am I elite strike force. They train eternally, and while
right? Can’t let him out of his they know that Baalzebul will never allow them
agreement, and he can’t push away to participate in the Blood War, they hunger for
from it because of contracts. Ain’t combat. They can sometimes be found in Malagard,
nobody happy, and I like it this way. but mostly spend their time interacting with Offalion
You should, too. or patrolling the perimeter of Grenpoli. There are
twelve spined devils, six bearded devils, and two
horned devils in the brigade at any given time.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Fatalistic Melancholy. Intelligence creatures that
spend six hours or more in Malagard must make
a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw in order to perform
any action more strenuous than talking. Devils have
advantage on this saving throw.

The structure known as Offalion is built of materials
secreted by Baalzebul himself when in his slug-
like form and is magically empowered to take
on the general appearance of any city or location
on the Material Plane. Cities, shops, and more
can be imagined into existence, and despite the
overpowering terrible stench, the place serves as
a training ground for devils that wish to infiltrate
or assault some part of the world outside the Nine

Grenpoli’s existence in Maladomini occupies a
curious role. While not especially safe, it is seen
as an accidental sanctuary of sorts for those that
find their way here. There are ancient, unbreakable
wards here—possibly placed by Asmodeus himself,
for even Baalzebul doesn’t know—that prevent
many common forms of aggression. Spells and
abilities that inflict damage to hit points or ability
scores simply fail to function or manifest, and
summoning spells and rituals only produce a single,
tremendously smelly lump of mud. The devils of
Maladomini have gone one step further and have
since banned the presence of weapons as well; any
creature that touches or interacts with a weapon
finds that it is immediately teleported away and into
Key Locations the hands of the Gravelboot Brigade.
The blighted surface of Maladomini hides many These limitations are not entirely punitive, though;
locations that adventurers might find interesting. the School of Politics is located here as well. Due to
Here are a few examples: the protections woven into the location, devils find
that they can hone their verbal skills, duplicitous
Malagard or otherwise, with little fear of immediate reprisal.
This does not prevent a devil from being acted
The crumbling metropolis of Malagard serves as
against at a later time due to their actions during an
both the capital city of Maladomini and reminder
argument or rebuttal, though, and as a result there
to Baalzebul of his many failures. The city is
are large groups of creatures that have camped
degraded because of his lies and exists because
outside the walls of this compound. Some members
of his power. After spending so many years in his
of the horde are waiting for a specific devil to
hideous form, the damage done is irreparable, but
emerge, while others simply refuse to leave as they
he can’t bring himself to pay for the needed repairs,
are hunted immediately if they do.
nor can he justify tearing it all down as this would
mean surrendering to the reality of his errors and
Those that live in Malagard often do so out of
necessity, not by choice. They are present due to
compulsion from Baalzebul, contracted to the
devilish bureaucracy, or perhaps they’ve just fallen
prey to the pervasive, fatalistic melancholy that has
infected the entire city.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Sample Encounters
The filth of Maladomini hides all manner of
creatures and hazards. Oozes, devils, pits, rare
diseases, and more are all potential dangers.

The Eternal Meal

In life, Evariel Ma was a member of the Cult of the
Dragon and venerated Tiamat above all deities.
In battle he struck down foe after foe and nearly
defeated his brother, Dar’lon Ma, a Red Wizard of
Thay. This altercation led to Evariel’s disintegration,
but Tiamat rewarded his loyalty by transforming
him into a black abishai.
Unfortunately for Evariel, this was outside of the
standard devilish order and as such he was branded
an agent of chaos and disorder. Asmodeus himself
sent agents to intercept Evariel and cast him into
The Stop where he could never again interfere in
the affairs of either the Blood War or of mortals.
Now, both Dar’lon Ma and the Cult of the Dragon
want Evariel to be recovered. Dar’lon seeks to
learn how devils can be created without Asmodeus’
permission, and the Cult simply desires to return a
powerful agent of Tiamat to the Forgotten Realms.
The characters must contend with a recovery group
from both Thay (two Thayan human blackguards,
an Thayan human archmage, and a Thayan human
war priest) and the Cult of the Dragon (two human
archdruids and two human archmages), all while
determining how best to convince The Stop to give
up the best meal its ever had.
More information about Tiamat and the Cult of
the Dragon can be found in Hoard of the Dragon
Queen, Rise of Tiamat, and Baldur’s Gate: Descent
into Avernus. More information about Dar’lon Ma
can be found in DDAL00-01 Window to the Past
and DDEP00-01 Red War.

Counterfeit Soul Coins

Mahadi, master merchant and trusted ally of
Fai Chen, has become aware of an influx of
very convincing counterfeit soul coins. His own
investigations indicate that they are coming from
Grenpoli, and the characters are asked to intervene.
Yuri Millee (LE human female bard), a Lords’
Alliance agent and master counterfeiter from
Waterdeep, has taken up residence in the merchant
camp outside Grenpoli. She is paranoid in the
extreme and if captured, she claims that Baalzebul
himself has forced her to mint the counterfeit coins.
Cania, the Eighth
Cania is an ice-covered hellscape lashed by brutal
storms. Winds drive endless snows, making it
difficult to see clearly in this dreary, frigid place.
Massive glaciers grind against mountains tall
enough to scrape the sky. The flesh freezing cold
has buried cities and corpses alike.
Cania is a place of research as its lord,
Mephistopheles, and his minions explore the
mysteries of arcane power. Slaves toil to unbury
ancient cities encased in ice, hoping to locate lost
artifacts. Wizards who foolishly sold their soul
search ancient tomes in endless silence. Loyal
devils test the latest devastating arcane device.
Almost all of Cania quietly works to uncover
just one more arcane secret. The only portion of
Mephistopheles’ power not devoted to research are
those who fulfil his duty to guard the only portal to

Mephistopheles, Lord of
the Eighth
The most powerful archdevil short of Asmodeus
himself, Mephistopheles, rules Cania from the city
of Mephistar as a brilliant researcher and Hell’s
foremost wizard. Known as The Cold Lord and
The Lord of No Mercy, Mephistopheles rarely
welcomes visitors to his court; meeting only those
who offer information or arcane secrets. Others are
disintegrated for daring their distraction. He can
be quite pleasant and urbane when he needs to be
or wants something, but he would rather be quietly
working in one of his laboratories.
Cania has been relatively stable in its leadership,
having had only one lord before Mephistopheles:
Rimmon. The Lord of the Eighth has openly
bragged to Asmodeus that he plans to take the
throne of Hell for himself, but inexplicably the Lord
of Hell granted Mephistopheles not only his pick of
layers, but also placed him in charge of defending
the only portal to Nessus. Finding Mephistopheles’
honesty and naked ambition refreshing, Asmodeus
seems to trust in Mephistopheles’ advice; making
Mephistopheles a powerful friend and ally at
the same time. Jealous of his arcane might, this
strength has drawn Dispater to Mephistopheles’s
side but alienates The Lord of Lies, Baalzebul.
Mephistopheles hates Mammon who betrayed
him in the past. Perhaps the most complicated
relationship Mephistopheles reserves for Glasya,
Lady of the Sixth and daughter of Asmodeus.
Mephistopheles offers advice to Asmodeus’
rebellious daughter as if he were a beloved uncle
or godfather. Whether this is a favor to Asmodeus
or the beginning of a plot to overthrow her father
remains unclear.
Mephistopheles wishes to be worshipped as a to all of Cania’s defenses, as well as guarding the
god but does not have the massive soul harvesting portal to Nessus. Extremely organized, ruthless, and
operations that some other Lords of the Nine powerful, Hutjin particularly despises mortals and
have built. Instead he specializes in locating and kills them painfully whenever possible.
claiming the souls of talented wizards and sages so
that when they make the journey to Hell, they are Pit Fiends
enslaved onto his research teams. Once in Cania,
A number of pit fiends are in service to
they are forbidden to communicate with others
Mephistopheles. Bechard, Bulumech, Guland,
unless needed for their research. In Cania, little is
Silarde, and Sphandor answer to Hutijin directly
heard but the howling wind.
and serve as generals of Cania’s armies which
include two companies of other pit fiends. Unique
among the pit fiends is Quagrem who has been
made the dean of the School of Hellfire. Harried by
the constant threat of Mephistopheles’ displeasure,
Roleplaying Mephistopheles Quagrem has pushed those under his watch to
develop powerful Hellfire weapons, estranging the
Ideal. Power "There is nothing that
many ice devils of Cania.
overwhelming arcane might cannot solve. "
Bond. Admiration "The only being in in the Tuncheth
planes who might be able to deceive me is
Some of the gelugons have been upset by Quagrem’s
Asmodeus. I serve until the time he makes a
focus on Hellfire and Hellfire engines as weapons of
mistake. Then the throne of Hell will be mine. "
destruction. Unleashing massive blasts of devasting
Flaw. Focused "The path to power is through fire have even turned small areas Cania slightly less
arcane research and I allow no distractions. frozen. These ice devils have rallied to a gelugon
Anyone who contacts me without being called is named Tuncheth and fled to Mount Gelineth where
obliterated." they plot the pit fiend’s downfall, careful not to
complain about Mephistopheles.

Notable Denizens
Being one of the deepest levels of Hell, powerful
devils are much more common than the dregs
found in Avernus or Dis. Each of these devils is a
significant power in their own right. United together
behind Mephistopheles, they are an overwhelming
threat to anyone invading Cania.

Dukes of Cania
Several unique devils serve Mephistopheles
under Hutjin’s watchful eye. Each of them is
more powerful than a pit fiend and have several
minions of their own. The Dukes of Cania include:
Adonides the Steward of Cania, Baalphegor
the Lord of Cania’s Consort, Barbas the
Chamberlain of Mephistar, Bele the Justicar
of Cania, Bifrons who commands 26
companies of gleugons, and Nexroth
who commands 26 companies of

Hutjin is a unique and powerful devil,
likely the most powerful being in Cania short of
Mephistopheles himself. While strong enough to
challenge for the right to rule, Hutjun is loyal to
The Cold Lord, and for now is content to run the
layer in his master’s name. In particular, he sees

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Key Locations Nebulat
A few of the notable locations of Cania include: The settlement of Nebulat clings to ice shelves that
hang off the side of Mount Gelineth. A small group
of disgruntled gelugons hide here, researching cold
Citadel of Mephistar magic and plotting ways to disrupt Quagrem’s plans.
The seat of Mephistopheles’ power rests atop a It is even money as to whether it’s the possibility
mountain of ice known as Nargus. This glacier that their research might someday bear fruit, or that
moves across Cania, seemly at the will of the Lord Mephistopheles is simply too busy to notice them,
of the Eighth. Though carved from ice, the city is which has kept them alive.
warm and is one of the few places those who are
not immune to cold can exist safely. The entire city Portal to Nessus
is cloaked under a dense fog caused by continual
arcane experiments that damage and melt the ice of This deep crevasse is surround by huge numbers of
the city. Some notable locations in this massive city Hellfire engines and all the massed armies of Cania,
are: prepared to defend it against anyone who might
attack it. Travelers need hellishly detailed travel
Mephistopheles’ Court. The Lord of No Mercy papers signed by Hutjin or Mephistopheles to get
rarely has time for his own court, instead preferring access to the portal.
to allow Hutjin to take care of it while he continues
with his own pet projects. When he must conduct The Pit
business as the Lord of the Eighth, such as a high-
profile execution, it occurs in his palace. While not possessing a very imaginative name, The
Pit is indeed aptly named. Measuring nearly a half-
Frost Garden. Perhaps the most well-known mile wide, it is a jagged wound on the surface of one
location in Cania is the Frost Garden; a perfect of the glaciers not far from the base of Mephistar.
recreation of a flowering garden, all sculpted from This pit has extremely sharp, jagged spurs of ice
ice. that project from its sides and the initial drop of
Academia Acania. A ninety-nine-story building 1,000 feet ends abruptly in a lake of magical slush.
made entirely out of steel; the Academia Acania Creatures entering the slush take 55 (10d10) points
School of Hellfire is the premier arcane weapons of cold damage per round; this damage negates
research institute in Cania. Surrounded by hellfire resistances and immunities unless a writ is obtained
engines, the school is watched over by its Dean, from Mephistopheles or one of his approved agents
the pit fiend Quagrem. Mortals that come here for one soul coin*. A half-mile below the surface of
are asked to assist in the research and when they the freezing slush is a portal to Nessus, the ninth
have provided all they can, they are executed so and final layer of the Nine Hells—and home to none
Quagrem can claim credit for their knowledge and other than Asmodeus himself.
discoveries. The Pit is guarded by dozens of ice devils, and
Toxic Zone. The neighborhood downwind of snow cats lair in the crooks and crevices created by
the School of Hellfire is filled with toxic gases as the icy spurs.
a result of waste expelled from the school. Any
creature not immune to poison dies in minutes if
they venture here.
Sample Encounters
The surface of Cania is inhospitable to a degree
Kintyre that the other layers of the Nine Hells can only
dream of achieving. Howling snowstorms scour the
The citadel of Kintyre lies under the T’chemox surface clean of both buildings and creatures, and
glacier, a testament of what happens to those who encounters are exceedingly rare.
would hide their discoveries from the Lord of No
Mercy. Now slaves, bound souls, and devils toil Covered Crevasse
to excavate the city and locate artifacts hidden by
another archdevil who defied Mephistopheles and The terrain of Cania has many crevasses in
the Lord of the Eighth and is now encased in the the ice, but the snow frequently covers them. A
citadel and within a glacier. It is said that wards successful DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check notes
prevent anyone loyal to Mephistopheles from finding the dangerous area. Those that walk across the
the lost artifacts, so sometimes Mephistopheles snow break through if they weigh more than three
tricks adventurers into searching promising areas. pounds. A successful DC 20 Dexterity saving throw
catches the side of the crevasse, but those that
fall suffer 35 (10d6) bludgeoning damage as they
*: See Baldur’s Gate Descent into Avernus for full details about
soul coins.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
plummet to the bottom. Devils and worse frequently Rumors persist of the existence of a snow cat
lurk at the bottom. alpha. This creature is larger and more powerful,
and hunters claim that it makes its allies nearly
Infernal Spy invisible in the stinging snow.
The characters run across an imp named Zurful
and an archmage named Thuun Mahat, both in
the employ of the Lord of the Second, watching an
arcane weapons test. If the characters can catch Snow Cat Statistics
Zurful, any of Mephistopheles’ minions would be Snow cats use the hellhound stat block with
very interested in interrogating the pair. the following adjustments:

Localized Cataclysm • Snow cats are immune to cold, not fire.

• Replace fire breath with frost breath and
Cania’s arcane research and regular weapons test
change the damage type to cold.
sometimes catch travelers unaware. Any creature
caught in the area (about one square mile) of such Snow cat alphas have the following
a test suffers 70 (20d6) fire damage and 70 (20d6) adjustments:
bludgeoning damage on a failed DC 20 Constitution • All adjustments as above
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. • Wrapped in Snow. When a snow cat alpha
In addition, weird effects often accompany the tests. hides itself in the snowy hellscape of Cania,
One might find themselves irrevocably lost, taking it can also demonstrate its connection to that
ongoing acid damage, attacking their allies, or layer of the Nine Hells. After focusing for one
simply blinded. minute, a dangerous snowstorm coalesces
and affects an area one mile in diameter,
Piercing Cold centered on the alpha. Any snow cat in this
The cold of Cania is lethal for anyone not immune storm cannot be detected by any means. The
to its frigid temperatures. Any creature that is not winds whip in such a chaotic fashion that
immune to cold suffers 70 (20d6) cold damage and ranged weapon attacks simply fail to find their
gains one level of exhaustion every round they are in mark, and magic is similarly affected in that
Cania and not protected. There is no saving throw ranged attacks are made with disadvantage
for this effect. and zone-impacting spells are reduced to
a maximum of 10 feet across. This storm
Mephistopheles, Hutjin, or any of the Dukes of
lasts for four hours and does not require
Cania can sign travel papers that make a creature
concentration. Snow cats are unimpeded by
immune to the piercing cold when carried.
the storm’s effects, but other creatures find
that their immunity or resistance to cold is
Ruins of Lore negated while wrapped in the chilly doom.
The landscape of Cania is dotted with frozen cities
and frozen corpses. The characters run across one
of these ruins, encased below five feet of solid ice.
Who knows what lost lore, magical items, or frozen
death awaits them? Ice Devil Chaplains
As one might expect, ice devils are plentiful
Snow Cats in Cania. Those that prove their devotion to
Prowling through the snowy hellscape of Cania are Mephistopheles find that they are rewarded with
occasional packs of hunting cats. The ice devils additional powers and abilities. In turn, they are
refer to them as “snow cats” and generally consider expected to watch over a company of ice devils
them to be little more than a nuisance. They and serve as their commander while also providing
couldn’t be more wrong. their master with any sign of rebellion or unrest
that might weaken or undermine Mephistopheles’
The snow cats hunt in packs of five to seven, with pursuit of magical power.
their weakest hunter generally being the first one
visible. Even so, what that creature lacks in subtlety These ice devil chaplains are fearsome creatures
allows the others to profit greatly—they’re savage indeed, but thankfully since Mephistopheles trusts
combatants that typically begin by using their an extremely small number of individuals, they are
supernaturally-cold breath weapons simultaneously exceedingly rare. One such fearsome creature has
in a pincer maneuver. These packs can quickly take been given command over a force of forty ice devils
down a creature that is already weakened by the in the area surrounding Kintyre.
extreme cold of Cania in short time.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Ice Devil Chaplain Statistics
Ice devil chaplains use the pit fiend stat block
with the following adjustments:
• They are immune to cold, not fire.
• They do not have wings but can still fly
due to a permanent fiendish gift from
Mephistopheles himself. This cannot be
• They wield wicked glaives that deal the same
damage as the pit fiend’s mace attack but
substitute the mace’s fire damage for cold
• Any creature in the ice devil chaplain’s fear
aura is vulnerable to cold so long as they
remain in the aura; there is no saving throw
for this effect. This is in addition to the aura’s
normal effects.

Screaming Snow
The eternal blizzards that scout the surface of Cania
aren’t entirely natural phenomena. While they do
include snow, hail, and sleet as an adventurer might
expect, they often include congealed groups of
damned souls that angered Mephistopheles in the
past. These souls have gelled together in their anger
and now seek out anything that can be destroyed on
the surface of this layer of the Nine Hells.
Screaming snow is a terrifying sight to behold. In
addition to the normal howling winds, the wails of
the lost souls can be plainly heard. Mournful faces
manifest in the blowing snow and these storms
rarely leave survivors.
Caught in the Storm. Anything caught in a
screaming snowstorm takes 55 (10d10) points
of cold damage per minute and gains one level of
exhaustion if it is capable of doing so. After one
minute of exposure and each minute thereafter,
an immunity to cold is downgraded to resistance;
similarly, resistance is lost, and then becomes a
vulnerability. The disembodied spirits exhibit a
dire attraction for extradimensional spaces like
Mordenkainen’s magnificent mansion, destroying
them after five minutes of exposure and causing
anything held inside to be scattered across a 250-
foot radius space thanks to the blowing winds.
Creatures destroyed by screaming snow are added
to the storm, and only Mephistopheles can release
their souls. Damage suffered, levels of exhaustion
gained, and effects modified from exposure to
screaming snow can only be healed naturally;
magical healing simply fails to function.
Nessus, the Ninth
From a distance, the ruined landscape of Nessus
looks like a scab on the face of reality. Angry brown-
red surfaces are cut by impossibly deep ravines and
the coppery scent of blood lingers on the edge of a
visitor’s senses. Only two buildings stand here, and
the journey between them is mere hours for some
and weeks for others.
At a glance, Nessus appears devoid of life and
home only to the angry, howling winds. At times the
mournful howls of unseen infernal creatures are
heard but it is only by stepping into this hellscape
that a traveler learns what actually awaits them.
Before recorded time, Asmodeous was cast out
of the heavens. His graceful form was twisted and
blackened when it crashed into the location that
would become the Nine Hells; each layer that he
smashed through would become its own unique
region, with his final resting place becoming the
lowest of them all: Nessus. As he writhed around
and healed, he created impossibly deep ravines
– some leading to infinite rifts in the fabric of the
multiverse itself; creatures that fall in them simply
fall for eternity, never to be recovered.
It is from here that grand Asmodeous plots and
schemes. He lovingly crafts infernal contracts that
tempt the recipient with power, but that power
comes at a cost that is often buried inside layers
upon layers of legal wording and doublespeak.
He gathers souls to his side and fills his fortress
with the devils and warlocks that he finds
unquestioningly loyal. He prefers to work through
his agents and is rarely encountered in a true
capacity; most that experience Asmodeous physical
form rarely experience anything afterwards.

The Lord of Nessus

Asmodeus is the consummate politician — flashy
white smiles, honeyed words, and an understanding
of the laws that bind the universe in such a way that
even his staunchest foes respect. He is an orator
without compare and has at his command the
legions of Nessus in addition to the uncountable
horde of creatures that he has contracted into his
service over the millennia.
He has made excellent use of his time at the
bottom of the Nine Hells. He plots and schemes, but
not in the ways of the other Lords of the Nine; nay,
Asmodeus more commonly seeks to entreat and
tempt demigods and other such beings of planar
power. As the first of the devils he understands
the base urges of such powerful denizens of the
multiverse and is more than capable of tempting
them into considering deals that are decidedly one-
sided — in Asmodeus’ favor, of course.
The Groundskeeper
Near the base of Fortress Nessus can occasionally
Roleplaying the Lord be seen a translucent green humanoid shape. The
being’s shape is muddled and vague, though there
Ideal. Order. “All worlds are mine to guide into are rumors that it bears the face of an elf cultist of
order. They’ll fall in line when the time is right.” Asmodeus that was caught in an act of betrayal.
Bond. Law. “The letter of the law is at once They say that where this specter roams, beautiful
respite, relaxation, reverie, and romance. In the flowers and grasses spring from the ground – but
embrace of law can be found both exquisite joy where it looks, plants and small creatures wither
and unending torment, and the word of law is and die.
mine to command.” Regardless of the spirit’s origin, trails of vegetation
Flaw. Arrogance. “My foes are can be seen around the base of the Fortress.
inconsequential, mere pretenders to powers Asmodeus has so far made no official comment on
that they cannot possibly appreciate. I cannot who or what “the Groundskeeper” might be.
be bothered with the pursuits of the mouse
or maggot when such riches await me on the Xak’thar the Twin
The pit fiend known as Xak’thar the Twin is in fact
two pit fiends that have been fused together. With
an appearance quite like that of conjoined twins,
Xak’thar rules the Gorge of Slaughter with an iron
fist — or four.

Pipyap on… Asmodeus Key Locations

This guy? This guy right here? Don’t The flat plains of Nessus are occasionally
interrupted by deep crevasses, and in rarer
let him talk to you. He’ll sell you the occasions actual land formations. A few key
shirt off your own back and make locations are detailed here but other places of
himself look good while doing it - interest exist beneath the crusty surface.
like he’s doing you a favor.
But f’r real, though, old Azzy is Gorge of Slaughter
a real hit at parties, let me tell you. This is a sort-of holy place for devils, especially
Knows all the right words to get those of lesser rank. Stretching nearly half a mile
long and almost as wide, scores of shelves line its
exactly what he - and you, amiright? sides; these shelves are always crowded with devils
- want. of all types. They congregate here at the end of their
But whatever. Give him space, and divine pilgrimage and watch with blood-curdling
for reals you don’t want to look at glee as other devils tear into each other on the floor
his ruby.
Legend has it that that every devil can trace its
lineage back to a single “parental” pit fiend, and
the pit fiends that sprung forth from Asmodeus’
bloodline can create new low-level devils simply by
Notable Denizens drawing blood in combat—or contract. How true this
is remains to be seen, for few are brave (or devilish)
Asmodeus amuses himself by seducing powerful enough to seek out this place of rage and seething
extraplanar entities into a life of servitude, hatred.
indenturing them to both him and the Nine Hells
Mortals that are discovered in the vicinity of the
in some fashion. He is wise enough to bring such
Gorge of Slaughter are captured and tossed into
beings to the Hells in a manner that sees them
the bloody games. Should they prove themselves
barred from his layer in short order, such as with
capable, they have the dubious honor of facing
his most recent major conversion: Zariel, a former
Xak’thar the Twin—the greatest warrior that the
angel who usurped control of Avernus, the first layer
gorge has ever seen.
of the Hells shortly after her arrival in that terrible

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Specter Gorge could find themselves demoted to imp or nupperibo
status; if they remain here, such creatures are often
Any mortal that dies in this place soon finds the
devolved out of existence entirely as they become
reason for this name: their souls become lost and
nothing more than a wisp of evil energy that quickly
return as specters after 1d12 + 4 days. These
dissipates into the air, never to be seen again.
specters are focused on attacking anyone that could
Creatures are exceedingly rare to find in Tabjari
be interpreted as having allowed the death to occur,
as only the most devout worshipers of Asmodeus
be they friend or foe. Until such as time as the
decide to come here—and only a small number of
specter is destroyed, the mortal cannot be returned
them survive the experience, as the numerous traps
to life — not even a wish spell can prevent this, so
do not discern worshiper from invader.
powerful is the divine influence in this place.
In truth, Asmodeus crafted this place as part of
Fortress Nessus his agreement to leave the heavens. Contained
somewhere in these chambers is the 20-ton ruby
Seemingly created of alabaster, marble, and that houses one of the three original copies of the
polished bone, Fortress Nessus rises from the divine contract that he wrote with the gods, in which
barren plains of Nessus like a stark arrow shaft. the terms of his descent to the Nine Hells is found.
Its walls are flawless, and the grounds are smooth, Asmodeus knew that he would need a secure facility
unlike the rest of the area across this layer of the to house this artifact, and while it is impossible
Hells. While there are a few patches and paths of by divine decree for the ruby and contract to be
beautiful flowers and grasses, most of the vegetation destroyed, the very fundamental essence of law in
is dead and brittle. the universe would be irreparably damaged if the
The interior of the complex is more of the same: ruby were removed from Tabjari — chaos would
beautifully created, obviously well maintained, reign supreme as the contract would be out of
but devoid of life. No creature, devil or otherwise, alignment with the other two copies elsewhere in
takes residence here and the hallways seem to the planes.
stretch on for miles when travelers find their way
in. Every room is hauntingly empty, as if the viewer
can almost feel that someone was just here but is
now gone, simply leaving an old life behind and
abandoning the bones of the past.
For every two hours that a mortal
spends inside of Fortress Nessus,
they lose 1 point of Charisma,
Intelligence, and Wisdom unless
they succeed on a DC 30 Wisdom
saving throw. Failing this saving
throw by 10 or more results in the
loss of 1 point from each of their
ability scores instead. The aching
melancholy of the place acts as both
a siren song and a death knell for
unwary visitors, as any creature
that has one or more ability scores
reduced to 0 is trapped here for
eternity and bound in service to
Asmodeus. Only Asmodeus is able
to release them from their servitude
as not even a wish spell is potent enough to change
this outcome. Ability scores lost in this way can only
be healed upon leaving the Nine Hells entirely.

Inside the halls of this maze-like complex are a
small number of creatures and an impossible
number of traps. No fiend, devil, or demon is able
to set foot here as doing so causes them to devolve
into a lesser form. In a matter a minutes, a pit fiend

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Sample Encounters Guild of Flayers
During their journey across Nessus, travelers may The skies of Nessus are occasionally home to
encounter some or all of the following: a flock of bone devils known as the Guild of
Flayers. Some of the elder devils in the Nine
Devils of Nessus Hells refer to them as brothers from an ancient
order of assassins, though rumors persist of other,
Any devil that is native to Nessus is inherently more darker origins. One thing is truly known: they take
formidable than many of their kin while on this layer immense glee in skinning their victims and wearing
of the Hells. They have maximum hit points and one the disembodied skinsuits as a disguise. They use
use of the legendary resistance trait. Once used, dark rituals to reinforce these costumes and insert
this trait cannot be used again until the creature themselves into the lives of their victims, sowing
completes a short or long rest; creatures that discord at every opportunity.
already have the legendary resistance trait gain one
additional use of it, to a maximum of three uses. Why Asmodeous permits them to behave this way
is a plot known only to him.
Guild of Binders Hell Hounds
Found inside Slaughter Gorge, members of the
Guild of Binders offer their services for fees ranging The plains of Nessus are home to numerous packs
from nominal to soul-rending. This quartet of of hell hounds. What they feed upon is unknown,
chain devils speaks in sibilant tones and dresses though it is surmised that their presence explains
in the most expensive finery from the worlds of the lack of wandering, damned souls across the
Faerûn and beyond. They are part of the Souk expanse. These feral, infernal beasts are a terrifying
and are beholden to no being but Mahadi — sight for travelers as they travel in packs of twenty
whether Asmodeous can direct them or is simply or more, and their hollow baying can be heard for
uninterested in them remains to be seen. miles across the mind-numbing flat expanse of
Knowing full well the dire nature of the games in
the Gorge, they can offer infernal gifts for those that
sign an infernal contract and pay the required fee
of two soul coins. They have no interest in a direct
conflict but are more than capable of defending
themselves, as they have the following adjustments:
• Maximum hit points.
• Advantage on attacks made against non-devils.
• Pack tactics. The chain devil has advantage on
an attack roll against a creature if at least one of
the chain devil’s allies is within 5 feet of the target
and isn’t incapacitated.

Guild of Binders Infernal Gifts

Benefit Hindrance
Resistance to weapon Vulnerability to magic
damage damage
Resistance to magic Vulnerability to weapon
damage damage
Advantage on saving Foes have advantage when
throws attacking you
Advantage on checks Disadvantage on saving
involving a single skill throws
Gain one extra spell slot Maximum hit points
of your highest level reduced by 50%
Any benefit gained from the Guild of Binders expires after
one hour, upon death, when the characters enter Tabjari,
or when they leave Nessus, whichever occurs first.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Chapter 3:
Adventuring in the Nine Hells
Avernus: Reunited and It Feels So Good
Estimated Duration: 4 hours
“There isn’t a way things should be. There’s just
what happens, and what we do.”
—Terry Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky

Pipyap on Lliira,
DAL00-11a Reunited and It Feels
So Good is a tier 1 adventure by Our Lady of Joy
Travis Woodall, using pregenerated So, Lliira is the goddess of
characters that takes place in the
Moonsea and Avernus, the First Layer
happiness, dance, freedom; all that
of Hell. nonsense. If you’re having a good
time at a party, you’ve probably got
her to thank for it - credit where
Background credit’s due.
Some time ago, LLIIRA crafted a magic COOKIE Her big thing, though, is that
BAG that would bestow its owner with a never- being happy isn’t enough - if your
ending supply of the most delicious cookies
anyone in FAERÛN had ever tasted. The BISCUIT
idea of happiness is making other
HERALD, as the owner would come to be known, folks miserable, watch out. Folks
was charged by Lliira to wander the Realms in on Lliira’s bad side (worshippers
search of parties and other joyous events at which of Loviatar among others) run
to share their gift. the risk of tickin’ off the Scarlet
But as it usually happens, someone had to ruin Mummers- assassins who hide their
the fun. At some point, the last Herald (whose name knives in their boots. Word is that a
is lost to time) was slain by bandits while traveling “dancin’” Mummer can stab her victim
some lonesome, dusty road, and the bag was lost. a hundred times and they’re none the
The bag has had several owners since then, the wiser until they keel over dead.
most recent being a man named HON ARVID. An
adventurer, he and his fellows are in dire need of
help. Help that comes—though not necessarily in
the form that he expected…

Episodes • Episode 2: Bound by Magic. The characters find

The adventure’s story is spread over three story themselves conjured by the sole surviving member
episodes that take approximately four hours to play. of an adventuring group whose commands they are
These episodes are introduced by a Call to Action. compelled to obey. However, the fun begins with a
If you’re planning to play the entire adventure at chance meeting with an unexpected friend. This is
once, you only need to introduce the Call to Action Story Objective A.
once. However, if you plan to play them over several • Episode 3: Home Sweet Home. Upon their
sessions, you’ll want to revisit the Call to Action return to Avernus the characters are promoted to
each time you play. imps, but the effects of the Cookie Bag have had
• Episode 1: Rank and File. The characters are an unexpected side-effect. After spilling the beans,
lemures doing lemure stuff in Avernus when they’re Pipyap makes a parting request—that they sneak
conjured to the Material Plane by an adventuring into Tiamat’s lair and retrieve the soul of his former
cleric. This is the Call to Action. master, Halvin Graingle. This is Story Objective B.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Pipyap on Pregenerated Characters
Due to the inherent dangers in trekking ‘round Avernus (or really any of the eight other
Hells for that matter) as a low-level adventurer, this adventure utilizes pregenerated
characters that your players won’t have the ingrained instinct to protect. What’s more, these
characters are a bit…unusual in that they’re fiends - specifically, lemures and imps.
In the Nine Hells, you can’t get lower than a lemure; they’re dumb as a sack of wet rocks
and not nearly as good looking. Because of this and other reasons, it’s plain to see that
they don’t make particularly great adventurers. As such, it’ll be incumbent upon you to
describe the scene as you would to someone with an Intelligence of 1.
Us Imps? We’re a little easier. We’re clever, sneaky, and crazy fun to be around. The
problem here is our ability to fly, shapechange, and turn invisible. Don’t worry about all
that - the adventure knows that we can do that.
Above all, be generous with awarding inspiration for your players roleplaying their new
favorite characters - especially if they do devilish things (twist the meaning of words,
betray their peers to get a leg up on a promotion, etc.). Some may be tempted to hoard
their inspiration, but if you give it out often, your players will jump into their roles!
In other words, have fun. Lots and lots of fun.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Episode 1:
Rank and File (Call to Action)

Estimated Duration: 15 minutes

Pipyap on the Infernal
Scene A. Hierarchy
So, the Nine Hells. What’s to be
Clean-Up Duty said about it that you don’t already
know? It’s hot, it stinks, and it’s full
Story Beat: The players meet their new characters of devils. Now, these devils have a
and get a mission from the imp Pipyap.
pretty strict chain of command and
loads of rules. Breaking them is
a good way to get demoted - or
Avernus, The Eternal worse - destroyed.
Battlefield * Archdevils. The archdevils rule
Avernus is a stony wasteland littered with over the nine layers of the Nine
crushed bones, shattered armor and weapons, Hells, but this category also
and ruined siege engines—debris from the includes all the lickspittle dukes
eternal war waged in the Lower Planes between and duchesses that they hang out
devils and demons: The Blood War.
* Greater Devils. Pit fiends,
Area Information ice devils, and other fiends
This area has the following features: are greater devils that serve
Dimensions & Terrain. Avernus is an infinite
and attend to the needs of
plane of war and ruin—a rocky wasteland soaked in the archdevils and command
blood and rot. The ground is covered with shattered their armies. These folks are
weapons, bones, and the wreckage of infernal siege bootlickers, too. And jerks to
engines, the worst of which create difficult terrain. boot.
Lighting. The area is brightly lit by scattered piles * Lesser Devils. Spined devils, imps
of burning wreckage and the occasional fiery comet
that blazes overhead. Clouds of terrible flies create
like me, bone devils - we’re all
pockets of light obscurement here and there. lesser devils. Contrary to the
The Blood War. The never-ending war waged
title, this actually isn’t a bad gig;
between devils and demons rages constantly across while you’ve got others itching
the first layer of the Nine Hells and it occasionally to hit you with whatever they have
spills into the area that the characters are tending in-hand, you’re also more or less
to. left alone to do what you were
born to do - be mean.
* Lemures. The worst of the worst.
Grazulkul (a bone devil) is here, monitoring the
toils of the scores of lemures (which includes the
Like, literally the worst. I hated
characters) that trudge about the area. being a lemure. I’m not gonna lie;
Objectives/Goals. Grazulkul relishes in whipping
it sucked. Bad.
lemures that he feels are working too slow (which
is any lemure that he feels like whipping). The pile

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
of garbage and debris they are currently working
on has been accumulating for a while and the
bone devil feels that his masters are going to be
particularly pleased in the initiative he’s displaying
in finally getting it taken care of. The other lemures
present exist only to demonstrate subservience and
pick up trash.
What Do They Know? Grazulkul knows that
working hard and following orders gets you
promoted, and that’s really all he cares about. The
lemures know that being a lemure isn’t great, and
that getting whipped by a bone devil angry at you
for not following orders is even worse. The lemures
only know pain and torment.

Put that Pile of Garbage

in a Pile Over There!
The lemures are toiling at moving piles of jagged
metal and shattered bones—all while being whipped
and harassed by their cruel taskmaster, Grazulkul.
At some point, the bone devil directs the
characters to a particularly nasty-looking pile of
refuse and bodies, instructing them to clean it up.
Being lemures, the characters are really good at
following instructions, but absolutely terrible at
formulating plans. Grazulkul knows this and eagerly
awaits an opportunity to punish the characters.
Have the characters describe how they
undertake—and likely fail—at the task
at hand. The DC of a given check
should be between 11 and 15, and
the ability used should reflect what
they’re doing to move the debris, such
as Strength (Athletics) to push it over,
(keep in mind that lemures aren’t prone
to fits of brilliance or ingenuity). Reward
players that immerse themselves in their role
with inspiration; it’ll help them avoid the whip.
Those that fail are punished severely!

Call to Action
Without warning, however, strange motes of pale
blue light dance around the characters, and
distant, ethereal chanting fills the area. One
by one, each character vanishes in a puff
of smelly yellow smoke.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Episode 2:
Bound by Magic
Estimated Duration: 1 hour
Three strange creatures lie on the ground while a
fourth, Hon Arvid, (a mage with only 10 hit points
Scene A. A Light in the remaining) interposes himself between them and
five skeletons bearing down on them.
Story Beat: In this episode the characters find
themselves conjured to the Material plane by an
adventurer whose expedition into an ancient temple
has taken a turn for the worse.

This episode is used once the characters receive the
Call to Action in Episode 1.

Story Objective A
Serving Hon and encountering Pipyap is Story
Objective A, though the latter only occurs once Hon
is killed by the skeletons.

Area Information
This area has the following features:
Dimensions & Terrain. The cavern the
characters find themselves in is large with an
unusually flat ceiling, floor, and walls. Faded
sheets of red cloth hang from the roof of the cave,
emblazoned with a symbol that is unmistakable
to a lemure: an inverted triangle formed of three,
smaller triangles—the symbol of Asmodeus. A large,
square boulder sits on a raised section of the floor
at the far end of the room.
Lighting. The area is well lit by the torches that
some of the other creatures carry. One of them
carries a long stick topped with a glowing crystal.
Motes of light dance around the walls behind the Adjusting the Scene
boulder—cast by something shiny atop it.
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this
Altar. The same symbol embroidered into the scene:
cloth has been engraved into the face of the boulder,
atop which is a gem-encrusted golden goblet. • Weak: Remove a skeleton
• Strong: Add a skeleton
Fiends within 60 feet of the altar are empowered
by Asmodeus’ blessing and gain the following:
• Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Objectives/Goals. Hon has conjured the
damage from nonmagical attacks. characters as a last-ditch effort to save his life and
• Regenerate 1 hit point at the end of each turn. those of his companions. The skeletons seek to
even if reduced to 0 hit points. destroy any living creature they see.
• Make melee attacks with advantage and deal an What Do They Know? Hon and his allies came
additional damage die on a hit. to the temple to plunder it for its riches, but

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
inadvertently roused the temple’s dead occupants characters are here (and bound to go back to the
from their graves. After a pitched battle, he’s alone, Nine Hells), he may as well kill two birds with one
wounded, and scared, largely because he was stone. He really misses his former master, Halvin
expecting more than lemures to be summoned Graingle, and this is a rare opportunity to reunite
by his conjuration spell. But hey, magic is fickle with him.

Playing the Pillars

Consider the following guidance: Pipyap on Devil Summoning
Combat. The skeletons are mindless, but then When all is said and done, I’m still
again, so are the characters. The skeletons set a devil-at-heart - no matter what
upon the characters with old shortbows and rusted other folks might tell you to the
shortswords. Characters reduced to 0 hit points are contrary. And over the years, I’ve
knocked unconscious and dying (though they regain
1 hit point if they’re within 60 feet of the altar).
gained a few abilities here and
there - among which is the ability
Exploration. There is little to interact with in the
room except the tapestries hanging from the walls,
to summon other devils, something
the altar, and the goblet, each of which act like a usually only more powerful devils
normal wall hanging, altar, and goblet. are able to do. Once a day, I can
Social. Hon issues his commands in Infernal, summon 2d4 lemures or imps for 10
wasting no time in ordering the characters to minutes. It doesn’t sound too great,
destroy the skeletons. Lemures that even think but it has its benefits.
about disobeying his commands or attacking him
must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw at
the end of their turn or take 3 (1d6) psychic damage.

Scene B. A Dark in the Lliira’s Gift

Pipyap knows that precious few moments remain
Lightness before his hold over the characters lapses, so he
The battle is over. Unknown to the characters. Hon cuts right to the chase. He rifles through the bag
unfortunately took an arrow to the face during the (now slung over his shoulder) and crams a cookie
fray, killing him. A few moments after the skeletons into each of the characters’ mouths in turn.
are destroyed, a terribly obese imp fades into view. Upon eating the cookie, the lemures are assailed
by waves of unusual feelings: specifically, feelings. In
Creatures/NPCs their wake, the characters are each imbued with the
freedom-bestowing presence of Lliira and gain the
Hon (a dead mage) is on the ground—quite dead.
following modifications:
• Alignment: Any (character’s choice)
An imp wearing a broad grin appears before you
out of thin air. He grabs the dead creature’s satchel • Ability Scores: Intelligence and Charisma 10 (+0)
and slings it over his shoulder with a satisfied • Languages: Common, Infernal
look on his face and says “Man, I keep losing this
What’s more, they are gifted with the same sense of
thing…Oh, whadda we got here?”
self-awareness and autonomy as Pipyap and should
choose a name. Once they’ve done so, Pipyap asks
Objectives/Goals. Pipyap has but one goal: to each of them in turn what their name is. Make a
retrieve his cookie bag from the jerk that stole it (the note of those who don’t give their name to Pipyap,
dead mage) - and he doesn’t give a wet slap about who highly recommends that they do so but doesn’t
anything else. Ever crafty, he cast counterspell on tell them exactly why: “Trust me!”
Hon’s conjuration spell and used summon demon to
call the characters here from Avernus without Hon Treasure
being any the wiser. He’s crazy clever like that. Pipyap doesn’t allow the characters to take Hon’s
What Do They Know? Pipyap’s been following bag (or Pipyap’s depending on how you view the
Hon and his group for a tenday and his moment subtle nuances and concepts of possession). He
finally arrived. However, now that the characters responds with a shocking display of violence if any
are here, he’s struck with an epiphany—since the of them attempt to do so, though he doesn’t kill the
characters; he’s got other plans for them.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
The Ask Let the players have fun exploring and developing
their new identities here; let their roleplaying guide
Pipyap wastes no time letting the characters
their successes and failures rather than their rolls.
come to terms with “waking up.” He presses two
If one of the lemure dies, the others are welcome
things into a random character’s hand: a cookie
to wait around until their dead pal’s Hellish
and a folded-up piece of paper (see Treasure). He
Rejuvenation kicks in.
then gives the characters a quick run-down on the

“Ok, you used to be a stupid lemure, now you’re

a slightly less stupid lemure. Don’t ask how; there What About Pipyap’s Cookie?
ain’t no time. You’re about to go back to Avernus I know what you’re asking yourself;
and with luck, you’ll eventually get promoted. Do how are a bunch of smelly, naked
me a solid, though. Go to Tiamat’s prison, find
Halvin Graingle, and give him this cookie! Here’s
lemures supposed to hide a cookie
a picture that’ll help you find him. Oh, and DON’T and a drawing? Two words: mouth
TELL ANYONE I…” pouch (just don’t chew)! Ok, that was
five; gimme a break.
Proceeding to the Next Scene
Mid-sentence, Pipyap’s sway over the characters
lapses, and with a pop they vanish in a puff of foul
yellow smoke and find themselves back in Avernus.
Proceeding to the Next Scene
Treasure Provided the characters don’t spill the beans and
If the characters manage to end up with Pipyap’s get whipped to death by the bone devil, they’re
cookie bag when they teleport, they arrive in eventually summoned to the domain of a powerful
Avernus (see Scene C) without it. erinyes called Jezricka. It’s promotion time!
Otherwise, Pipyap gives the group:
• A cookie wrapped in a stained handkerchief.
Scene D. Ding!
• A hand-drawn picture of Halvin Graingle The characters find themselves in the domain of
(Chapter 6). Jezricka (an erinyes): an imposing female figure
bearing a pair of blood-red feathered wings. Jezricka
Scene C. Processing is flanked by a pair of bearded devils.

Poof! The characters appear right back where they Area Information
started: in Avernus. Specifically, in front of a very,
Jezricka’s hall has the following features:
very angry Grazulkul who begins tearing into them
in a torrent of curses and admonishments at which Dimensions & Terrain. The imposing hall is
Asmodeus himself would cringe. approximately 70 feet wide and 100 feet long. A
raised section at the end houses a throne of bone
Get Back to Work! and jagged black stone. Wide sheets of tattered
purple silk hang from iron rods behind the throne.
Grazulkul wastes no time in ordering the lemures
The ceiling above is lost in the darkness and clouds
to get back to work, lashing out with his biting whip
of buzzing flies. Large, regularly spaced windows
at those who he feels aren’t demonstrating the
look out onto the wastelands of Avernus.
proper sense of urgency in following his demands.
This is an opportunity for the characters to stretch Lighting. The hall is brightly lit, though the area is
their newly found freedom. However, they must be sparse on sources of light. Despite this, occasional
careful to avoid notice; Grazulkul kills any lemures clouds of flies lightly obscure areas within the hall.
that display any undesirable qualities such as Smells and Sounds. Sulphur, burning flesh, rot.
intelligence, free-will, independence, etc. Whispered voices, distant screams of pain.
The characters must perform their menial tasks Denizens. A number of lesser devils meander
properly if they wish to avoid the whip, but not too about, most looking to ask Jezricka for stuff. Jerks.
well so as to arouse Grazulkul’s suspicion; the bone
devil destroys them if they give him cause to think
that something is truly amiss. And then they would
have eaten that cookie all for nothing. What a waste.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Jezricka (an erinyes) is here, holding a whip of
purple fire. Two bearded devils stand beside her. Jeez, Someone Spilled the
Objectives/Goals. Jezricka is an ambitious devil Beans!
who is constantly scheming against her rivals,
specifically Grealorn, a horned devil in the service Someone’d have to be a real dunce to spill their
of Tiamat. She wishes to promote the characters guts to Jezricka. I mean, what sort of a…wait,
to imps for two reasons: first, she wants to know someone blabbed?
why the characters were summoned to the Material If someone blabs there could be many reasons
plane and trying to get answers out of a lemure is why Jezricka doesn’t hear them so as to give a
an exercise in futility; second, she knows exactly chance to avoid catastrophe: one of Jezricka’s
where Grealorn lairs and plans to send the newly- lackeys may have leant over to whisper praises
promoted characters to spy on him. The bearded in her ear or a court musician may have struck a
devils are here to protect their charge at the behest particularly discordant note on their devil-harp.
of a more powerful devil (as well as to keep a close If someone’s particularly keen on telling
eye on the erinyes’ dealings, though she doesn’t Jezricka about the cookie and/or Pipyap, the
know it). other characters hopefully think to stop them
What Do They Know? Jezricka knows that the before too much gets out. If not, this is the time
characters were conjured to the Material plane and to try. Lemure fight! If they still insist on telling
is curious as to why. More concerning is that she her, Jezricka wastes no time in destroying the
suspects Grealorn of preparing to move against her. aberrant lemure—and narrowing her eyes
She knows exactly where Grealorn lairs and plans suspiciously at the rest.
sends the imps there as her spies. She doesn’t know If the entire group wants to betray Pipyap,
that the characters have been visited by Pipyap or Jezricka makes them an interesting offer: find
that they’ve been gifted by Lliira. Halvin and return him to her before giving him
the cookie (see Wrap-Up).
Hazing is Bad
The promotion process is truly horrible to behold.

A dismissive gesture of Jezricka’s hand causes

waves of exquisite agony to course through your The Peter Principle
body. Without warning, the numerous devils in Give each character a pregenerated imp
the hall converge on you—rending your flesh character and have them create a new name
from your body by the fistful in a bloody frenzy. fitting of their new and slightly-more-imposing
After what seems like an eternity of pain, the form. In addition, each character randomly
assembled host backs away from you. receives one of the gifts found in Chapter 6. You
The occasional piece of shredded skin still can copy this appendix and cut them into
hangs from your gore-covered body, but it’s cards and allow the characters to choose one
different now. What was once a shapeless mass or assign them randomly. No more than two
of flesh is now slender with spindly limbs, two characters can receive the same gift. The
leathery wings and a tail ending in a barbed characters should choose mannerisms that
stinger. reflect their new benefactor:
• Fierna: Seductive, manipulative, corrupt
• Glasya: Deceitful, stealthy, defiant
Proceeding to the Next Episode • Mephistopholes: Charming, power-hungry,
The promotion experience is harrowing and unstable
Jezricka grants the characters little in the realm of • Zariel: Merciless, blood-thirsty, calculating
time to recover before providing the characters with
Expertise. The character’s proficiency bonus
their first assignment as imps. Clever imps think to
(+2) with the listed skills is doubled for ability
scavenge the battlefields for weapons to augment
checks made these skills.
their new-found abilities. An imp succeeding on a
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) finds a dagger or two, a
few arrows, or a lockpick, but not much beyond that.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Episode 3:
Home Sweet Home
Estimated Duration: 2 hours, 30 minutes

The Temple of Tiamat

The manner in which the multiverse moves is
unusual and in an infinite plane, sheer will alone
can often move you faster than your legs or wings.
Oddly, no matter which direction the characters
seem to go once within the Temple, their path
leads them here from Scene A as if some outside
force were changing the temple itself to take
them directly to where they needed to be.
The temple is set atop an immense, jagged-
peaked mountain in the center of a wide valley
surrounded by low hills and pock-marked with
wide, shallow pools full of larva, swept into
the Nine Hells by the River Styx. Dozens of
chromatic dragons perch and circle around the
upper peaks of the mountain.
The entrance to the temple itself is carved
into the face of the mountain—a dominating,
structure of terrible beauty and razor-sharp
volcanic glass. The ground within the temple
is hewn and largely level, while the walls and
ceilings are rough and uneven.
This episode can’t be pursued until the characters
complete Story Objective A.

Story Objective B
Getting promoted, infiltrating Tiamat’s lair, and
finding Halvin Graingle is Story Objective B.
Pipyap on Larva
Lighting. Within the temple itself, regularly Forget what you know about larvae;
spaced torches set into wrought-iron sconces shed ‘cause these ain’t them. These aren’t
bright, albeit eerie, pale light, that dance in the five the things that wiggle on rotten meat
colors of chromatic dragons. or eat all the leaves on your favorite
Smells and Sounds. The stench of rot and sulfur plant. These poor buggers are the
permeates the temple, inside and out. The ever- souls of the dead that no deity or
present drone of flies fills the air outside, while powers claim. Sure, they look similar,
distant screams, roars, and laughter echo faintly but they’re a foot long and if you get
within the temple’s caverns.
close enough to look at one, you can
Denizens. The temple is well-populated with see they wear the same stupid faces
Tiamat’s minions; abishai, chromatic dragons of
various size, and half-dragon fire giants—not to
they wore in life. Poor, delicious
mention the Queen herself and her five consorts, bastards.
each an ancient chromatic dragon.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Scene A. The Foundry
Pipyap on Tiamat’s Lair This room is abuzz with activity. This is where
Tiamat’s lair is pretty much what you’d Tiamat’s minions forge the tools that serve to keep
think it would be - a huge cavern the Queen of Chromatic Dragons content in her
captivity, whether they be weapons and armor for
with a big pile of gold in the middle. her guards, tools that her underlings use to further
All of that is surrounded by five big her goals, or implements of pain with which they
pillars carved to resemble each of unleash upon her foes.
the five types of chromatic dragons
in nasty, fearsome poses. You know; Area Information
the standard stuff. And smack in the The area has the following features:
middle is Tiamat. Protip: Get out, like, Dimensions and Terrain. Despite the walls and
yesterday. ceiling of the chamber being rough-hewn, the floors
are smooth and level, though they descend as they
progress into the depths of the mountain. The main
Wandering the Temple of Tiamat chamber is approximately 40-by-50-feet in size with
While there are no demons to be found within a 20-foot-tall ceiling.
her temple, Tiamat and many of her followers Light. The area is brightly lit by a number of iron
are chaotic evil and loathe devils. The characters braziers, and torches set into iron sconces in the
encounter two of the following complications as the walls. A large forge on the southern wall sheds
characters traverse the lair (though use more if time bright orange light throughout the room
isn’t an issue).
Sounds and Smells. Shouting, steel on steel,
Tiamat’s Lair Complications bubbling liquids. Burnt hair, rotting flowers, death.
1d4 Complication
1 A red abishai notices the characters
skulking about and gives chase. The abishai There are five cultists in this chamber supervised
is way out of their league and they must by Spernik (a cult fanatic). Shortly after arriving
flee. The characters must succeed on a DC in Avernus, Spernik gazed a bit too longingly at
13 Dexterity (Stealth) group check or take Tiamat’s hoard. His Queen burned his eyes away as
5 (1d10) bludgeoning damage—ignoring punishment but gave him blindsight 60 ft.; he is able
resistances. Note that even invisible imps to perform his tasks but can no longer covet what
can still be heard!!!! doesn’t belong to him. Dozens of lemures flop and
2 The characters get lost in the dizzying scamper pathetically around the chamber.
network of tunnels within the Temple, and Objectives/Goals. Spernik ensures that the
the characters must rush to avoid getting studies and labors conducted here do so without
caught. Each character must succeed on a interruption, even if he’s not really sure what they
DC 11 Constitution saving throw or gain a
are or what they’re for. The cultists have been
level of exhaustion.
stripped of much of the passion that they felt in
3 Two spined devils in Grealorn’s service life and obey Spernik out of fear and the gratitude
inquire as to the characters’ purpose that they aren’t lemures. Spernik is generally
within the lair. If the characters fail on a subservient to most fiends, but resents his current
DC 13 Charisma (Deception) group check status, and takes out his frustrations on lower-
the spine devils attack—each character ranking devils—such as imps.
takes 3 (1d6) piercing damage before the
devils lose interest and stop chasing the What do They Know? Spernik and the cultists
characters. are generally unhappy with their fates; while they
slowly forget the events of their previous lives,
4 The tunnel overhead collapses atop
a random character. That character is they’ll always know that they were nothing but
restrained and must succeed on a DC 11 pawns to the Cult of the Dragon. For now, they
Dexterity saving throw or take 4 (2d4) focus on their work, hoping that through it their
bludgeoning damage. The other characters stations at least improve. They all know who Halvin
must dig the buried creature out by is, though Spernik never particularly cared for him.
succeeding on a DC 9 Strength (Athletics) They relate that he can be found in the Chapel, but
group check. Each time this group check nothing of his current state; they conveniently fail to
fails, the buried character takes 2 (1d4) mention that Halvin is a larva.
bludgeoning damage.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Treasure extends 40 feet overhead. The floor is recessed 20
feet below the doorway.
Any of the items found in the tables and lists found
in Chapter 5: Equipment of the Player’s Handbook Light. The area is lit by a number of torches set
are to be found here—including armor, weapons, into iron sconces in the walls, but a dense acrid
adventuring gear, and the like. fog blankets the hallway and any part of the room
beneath the elevated platforms.
Playing the Pillars Décor. Large tapestries of red, green, blue, and
Consider the following guidance: black hang from black iron rods set into the walls.

Combat. The cultists are prone to throwing The Pit. The entire floor is a 20-foot deep pit
themselves into combat with reckless abandon, below the entrance—filled to the brim with writhing
hoping that it ends their torment (spoiler: it larvae. The larvae within the pit pose a serious
won’t). Spernik prefers to use his breath weapon threat for those that fall in. A creature that enters
in the beginning of combat (consider “randomly” the pit or who starts their turn in it take 3 (1d6)
determining that it is fire to scare the players). The piercing damage from the biting larvae. Large or
cultists grab strange vials from the benches and larger creatures take double damage. Escaping the
hurl them at the characters (roll on the Wild Magic pit requires no check.
Surge table in the Player’s Handbook for effects). Fog. Mildly acidic fog seeps from beneath the
The lemures ignore the characters—imps outrank secret door revealing it to creatures within 10 feet.
lemures, ya know? Trapped Hidden Door. The door hidden behind
Exploration. The workbenches are full of various the tapestry (see Playing the Pillars) bears a trap
alchemical reagents and components, while the that is triggered if any creature that isn’t a dragon
shelves contain a number of different tomes on opens it. Once triggered, a volley of silvered
a wide variety of subject matters. Barrels full of needles explodes in a 15-foot cone from the wall
weapons and armor stands are set all over the behind the green tapestry. Any creature in the area
room. For those imps that are proficient in armor must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity check or take 7
or weapons, this is a good place to find some. (2d6) piercing damage. Only creatures that search
The forge burns with an intense, hellish heat. Any behind the tapestry notice the trap, and only if they
creature that enters the forge’s fire or starts its turn succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check.
there takes 7 (3d6) fire damage. Once located, it can be disabled with a set of thieves’
Social. Spernik laments being stuck in Avernus tools and a successful DC 15 Dexterity check.
and yearns to return to life. It is possible
for the characters to convince him to betray
Halvin Graingle’s location (whom he refers
to as the dimwitted woodsman) with a
successful DC 15 Charisma (Deception or
Persuasion) check but doesn’t reveal that
Halvin is now a larva.

Scene B1. The Chapel

This room houses a great pit full of larva—
greedily watched over by H’skkeir, a half-
dragon manticore.

Area Information
The area has the following features:
Dimensions and Terrain. This
room’s ceiling, floor, and walls are
smooth-hewn stone. A portion of the
chamber, however, has collapsed,
covering the ground around it in
rubble with rough natural stone floors
and walls beyond it. Elevated platforms
stand 10 feet from the ground in two
corners of the chamber. The ceiling

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
H’skkeir (a manticore) is here. The pit teems with
hundreds, if not thousands, of larvae, among which H’skkeir
is Halvin Graingle.
This manticore’s form is a twisted combination
of all five types of chromatic dragon types.
H’skkeir has the following modifications to a
standard manticore:
Adjusting the Scene
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this • Senses darkvision 60 ft., blindsight 10 ft.
scene: passive Perception 11
• Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire,
• Weak: H’skkeir has 42 hit points and he can’t lightning, poison
use his legendary actions.
• Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic
• Strong: H’skkeir has 76 hit points.
• Challenge 4 (1,100)
• Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If H’skkeir
Objectives/Goals. H’skkeir isn’t terribly bright but fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed
knows better than to abandon the larva he’s been instead.
charged with guarding. He doesn’t suffer intruders • Legendary Actions. H’skkeir can take 3
lightly, regardless of who they might be. The larvae legendary actions, choosing from the options
don’t have goals, but they’re really good at being below. Only one legendary action option
useless and delicious. can be used at a time and only at the end of
What do They Know? H’skkeir has no clue who another creature’s turn. H’skkeir regains spent
Halvin is and doesn’t particularly care. H’skkeir lairs legendary actions at the start of his turn.
in the room behind the secret door. The larvae don’t Detect. H’skkeir makes a Wisdom
know anything—especially that they’re delicious. (Perception) check.
If they did, they would probably be more careful
Tail Attack. H’skkeir makes a tail spike attack.
around strange devils. One of the larvae smells
something in the air: the scent of an old, old friend. Wing Attack (2 Actions). H’skkeir beats his
wings. Each creature within 15 feet of him
Finding Halvin Graingle must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving
throw or take 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage
As was probably expected, Pipyap’s picture isn’t and be knocked prone. H’skkeir can then fly
the slightest bit helpful at discerning which larva up to half his flying speed.
is actually Halvin Graingle. Thankfully, some teeny
vestiges of the cultist still dwell within it.
All of the larvae writhe and wriggle mindlessly in Social. H’skkeir can’t be reasoned with; he’s
the pit—all except one that has squeezed its way to singular in focus—to destroy intruders to his lair.
the top of the pile. While the others flail and gape Like most of Tiamat’s other underlings, he loathes
at random, one of them (the larva-formerly-known- devils with a white-hot passion. He relishes in
as-Halvin) sniffs gingerly at the air, staring directly tormenting them, going so far as to knock his foes
at whomever carries the cookie provided by Pipyap. unconscious so they can be tortured later.
Eventually, the larva undulates over its slimy peers
and towards the character. If fed the cookie, proceed Scene B2. H’skkeir’s Lair
to Wrap-Up: Concluding the Adventure.
H’skkeir, a half-dragon manticore, lairs here.
Playing the Pillars Area Information
Combat. If not engaged in melee, H’skkeir takes
The area has the following features:
to the sky to use his tail spike attack without his
target benefiting from cover. Alternatively, he prefers Dimensions and Terrain. The room is larger, but
to position himself near the pit so he can shove his not quite so large as the chapel proper. It’s in utter
foes into it. disarray, however. Refuse covers the floor, and a
large pile of excrement lies in one corner. Opposite
Exploration. A hidden door is set into the wall
that is a pile of rotting straw, cloth, bones, and flesh
beside the green tapestry. Noticing it is easy but
that serves as H’skkeir’s nest. Flies fill the room—
finding the catch that opens it requires a successful
swarming in clouds around piles of half-eaten
DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check. The door is
larvae. While H’skkeir is supposed to be guarding
trapped (see Area Information, above).
the larvae, sometimes the manticore gets hungry.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
• Gave Their Name. Almost immediately following,
Halvin’s disappearance, each of these characters
hear a voice in their heads calling their name.
It resonates in their heads and they feel a not-
unfamiliar tugging sensation pulling them
elsewhere. And then, that’s precisely where they
are. The characters find themselves once more
before Pipyap in the Material plane. Beside him
is Halvin—weak, naked, and exhausted. Pipyap
thanks them each in turn for their great deed and
after a moment’s concentration, disappears along
with Halvin in a puff of oily black smoke. Each
imp that gave Pipyap their name is ordered to find
a mortal (one of their actual characters) to receive
the Private in Pipyap’s Legion story award.
• Didn’t Give Their Name. These characters hear
nothing and watch as their friends vanish one
by one in a puff of sulfurous yellow smoke until
they’re the only ones left. It’s hard to summon
specific devils without knowing who they are.
• Everyone Spilled the Beans to Jezricka. If
all of the characters betray Pipyap, she asks
the characters to bring the larva-that-is-
Halvin to her before feeding it Pipyap’s
cookie. If the characters do this, Halvin
is restored to his human form, but
doesn’t disappear. Instead, a rather
surprised and very disappointed
Pipyap appears in a puff of smoke.
After spewing a string of rather
obscene insults at the characters, he
is dragged away in silver chains by one
of the bearded devils. After lavishing the
characters with praise, Jezricka thanks
the characters for their service and promises
that they’ll do well serving her in the future.

Light. The room is completely dark—the only light Rewards
that exists is that which the characters possess. The characters receive rewards based upon their
Sounds and Smells. The droning of billions of accomplishments. Aside from advancement, these
flies, and the thick, hot odor of rot and feces. rewards are earned during the session.

Character Rewards
Wrap-Up: Concluding The characters earn the following rewards:
the Adventure
Upon feeding the larva the cookie provided to the
characters by Pipyap, the pathetic creature’s body is Upon completing this adventure, each player
wracked with agony. Its pulsating body swells and chooses a new or existing tier 1 character to gain
distends until it’s the size of a large dog. Suddenly, a level. At their discretion, they may choose to
it explodes in a shower of gore, pus, and other decline advancement. Remind those that express an
foulness. A naked man lies on the ground in the interest in this that they have a limit to how much
pool left behind—disturbingly gaunt, with straggly gold they can earn per level; declining advancement
black hair and watery grey eyes: Halvin Graingle. means that they may reach a point where they earn
no gold.
Once Halvin has been freed from his larvadom,
Halvin’s eyes grow wide as he slowly fades from
view. What happens next to each character depends
on whether they gave Pipyap their name.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Gold Dungeon Master Rewards
Award each character gold for each hour of the For running this adventure, one of your character
session. Adventures typically features cues for this, gains a level. That character receives gold based on
but you can add it where you see fit. The maximum their tier prior to advancement:
gold that you can award a character per hour is
determined by their tier, as follows: Tier GP Earned
1 80 gp
Tier Hourly GP GP Limit per
2 240 gp
Award Level
3 1,600 gp
1 20 gp 80 gp
4 6,000 gp
Story Award You may also complete DM Quests for running
Some characters earn the following story award: this adventure. See the Adventurers League
Dungeon Master’s Guide for more information.
Private in Pipyap’s Legion. Pipyap prefers to
enlist wayward devils into his crew, but a devil you
know did him a solid, and he didn’t really
have any other way of repaying
them. As such, he’s infused you with
a bit of his own Infernal nature.
You gain proficiency in Infernal. In
addition, if you’re hit by an attack,
you can use your reaction to gain
resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing damage from nonmagical
attacks that aren’t silvered until the end
of your next turn. Once you use this
ability, you can’t use it again until you’ve
completed a long rest. This story award
may only be applied to the character
who gained the level awarded above.
This boon isn’t without cost, however.
Pipyap may come calling and refusing
his call may have dire consequences,

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Dis: When the Debt Comes Due
Estimated Duration: 2 hours the hag trying to get both the souls and Pipyap’s

DAL00-11b When the Debt Comes Due service? This is Story Objective A.
is a tier 1 adventure by Claire Hoffman • Episode 3: Show Me the Way to Go Home.
and Greg Marks, optimized for 3rd- Depending on how events went, this might be a
level characters that takes place in the race against time to get back to the portal or trying
Moonsea and Dis, the Second Layer of to find and hitch a ride on the river Styx. Can
Hell. they do so without sacrificing their companions
or exposing the gateway? Returning safely to the
Background Prime Material plane is Story Objective B.

DIS is a maze of canyons that separate sheer Episode Sequence

mountains rich in iron ore. Roads made of iron While there are choices within the episodes that
wander through the land, watched over from iron might impact how long they have to finish their task,
fortresses scattered about. All roads led to the City or how low their resources get, in this instance,
of Dis, where its lord, DISPATER, rules from his logic requires that they be played in order.
crimson throne. The largest metropolis in the Nine
Hells is a place of commerce where planar travelers
close deals with devils and the other creatures that
chose to reside there, such as night hags. Of course, Each episode takes place over two to five
Dispater is enriched by each of those deals. encounters that take anywhere from 30 to 40
minutes each to play through.
One such deal is about to become due. The
imp PIPYAP owes a debt to the night hag
TAL’KANDELAGRAG. He owes the hag eleven
EVIL SOULS. Through Pipyap’s own efforts and
deals made with adventurers, he has collected Tempting Bargains!
eleven SOUL GEMS from the soul bags of hags The characters are going to Dis, a place where
without personally killing the hags that originally devils make bargains between each other as
owned them. Now he just needs a group of non- well as with creatures from the Material Plane.
devils to deliver them as he does not want to take If the characters are not known to you take a
the chance of using any devils to transport the chest few minutes to find out their motivations, flaws,
with the gems. For reasons of his own he also does or favorite things.
not want CASSYT, a cleric of Kelemvor, to transport The devils want souls. Some simply want to
them, though he has her help round up suitable have a large number but others are looking for
adventurers. “better” souls; innocents or those who think
Episodes they are good and have been tempted to evil,
or those who have done great evil. The higher
The adventure typically takes place over one to intelligence of the demon the trickier the
three episodes that take approximately two hours bargain.
each to play. These episodes are initially introduced
by a Call to Action encounter.
If you’re planning to play the entire adventure at Hooks
once, you only need to introduce the Call to Action
once. However, if you plan to play them over several Work with each player to determine why the
sessions, you’ll want to revisit the Call to Action character is answering Pipyap’s call for aid. Here
each time you play. are a few ideas of how you might involve the
characters in Pipyap’s schemes:
• Episode 1: The Making of Bargains (Call to
Action). Cassyt hires adventurers and introduces • A Private in Pipyap’s Legion: Some characters
them to Pipyap. He explains their task and they may have the Story Award A Private in Pipyap’s
take passage to Dis. Legion. Such a character owes service to the
• Episode 2: Down the Iron Brick Road. There are plump imp and he has ordered them to attend
both physical obstacles and mental harassments him.
as they journey to the city. Once in the city, • Heroes of the Moonsea: Characters that have
creatures keep trying to delay the characters. Is played previous D&D Adventurers League might
have started to make a name for themselves and
thus attracted Cassyt’s attention.
DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Episode 1: The Making of a Bargain
(Call to Action)
Estimated Duration: 30 minutes. Me’telar’s Objectives/Goals. To serve and gain
The characters meet with Cassyt and agree in knowledge.
principal to take the job before Pipyap reveals
himself. He then explains the details of the mission. Cassyt
Once all agree they travel to the portal. A human woman dressed in shades of grey sits with
her back to the wall, assessing those who walk by
as well as those who stop and sit. The holy symbol
Scene A. The Bargain of Kelemvor, a skeletal arm holding a scale, hangs
The characters have been traveling in the Moonsea from a sturdy chain around her neck.
region when they hear that the cleric Cassyt What does Cassyt Know? Cassyt knows that the
is in Elventree, an elven village on the edge of task is a simple mission of delivering an item to a
Cormanthor Forrest looking for adventurers for a dangerous location. She is aware that the success
task. of the mission is extremely important to the imp,
Pipyap, who has helped the people of the Moonsea
Area Information in the past.
Elventree is mainly a home for elves, but those Cassyt’s Objectives/Goals. Cassyt is
not always welcomed in the cities of the Moonsea uncomfortable owing a favor to Pipyap, even though
also found haven here. The city is typical of many he has been a surprisingly good team member when
elven villages with homes and businesses located in they have adventured together. She wants this over
trees and caves. Many rangers and more than a few quickly and is eager to be done with it. However,
Harper’s are known to reside here. she also wants the adventurers to survive and aids
Weather, sounds, and smells. This spring day has weaker groups.
dawned sunny and warm. Aromas of fresh baked
bread mix with fresh turned earth, while cheerful Pipyap
voices can be heard throughout the village speaking Currently in the form of a fat raven, Pipyap perches
and singing in a mix of languages. on the table next to Cassyt pecking at a sausage roll
in between glancing around.
The tavern. Taking advantage of the nice day,
the tavernkeeper has placed tables outside the What does Pipyap Know? Pipyap is not sure how
entrance to entice customers to stop and partake of dangerous the trip is, as humans and others travel
refreshment. Generally, at any time there are three to Dis to make deals all the time. However, the type
or four elves that stop for a drink or pastry, but do of devil one meets also runs the gamut for the same
not stay long as spring is a busy time in the village. reason. But servitude to the hag might cost him his
cookie bag and would be unamusing so he risks it.
Creatures/NPCs Pipyap’s Objectives/Goals. Pipyap is worried
When the characters arrive at the inn, it is nearly about finding reliable people to take his payment to
empty. Me’telar is cleaning up while Cassyt and a the night hag. He does not want to go to Dis himself,
“raven” are picking at a meal. afraid he would never get back to the Material plane
even if the hag is paid on time.
Me’telar (non-binary moon elf) sees to the tavern’s The Offer
customer’s needs. Efficient and competent, wearing Cassyt explains that she is present as a go between
soft green leathers with their blue hair pulled back and would like to make an introduction between the
in a long braid down their back. characters and her employer who is looking to hire
What does Me’telar Know? Me’telar is aware them. If the characters agree, she’ll introduce them
that Cassyt arrived a few days ago and sent a call to their employer and have him explain the mission
for adventurers. She has not spoken about what and payment in detail. At the minimum they each
the task entails. She seems to have a companion, it get one potion of healing for listening to his offer.
might be the raven, or it might be a misshapen short Once the characters agree, Cassyt looks to the
creature hiding beneath a hooded cloak that she has raven saying “Well?” and the raven takes off and
been seen with. soon thereafter a short creature in a hooded cloak

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
approaches from around the corner. At first it seems payment. She has recently opened a store in the
its back maybe malformed, but when it sits down city, but Pipyap hasn’t been there in a long time
at the table and pull back the hood his true nature and isn’t sure exactly where. You’ll need to ask
is reveal. Pipyap is an obese imp and is carrying a around.
large bag. • Cassyt and Pipyap accompany the characters as
far as the portal to Avernus.
So, it’s like dis. I was not always dis wise. Did a few • If any of the characters are barefoot or wearing
things, made some bad bargains. Payment for one just sandals, Pipyap tells them they need better
of those bargains is coming due. Now I have the footwear, the ground of Dis is hot; especially in the
payment! I ain’t trying to shimmy out of it. Hard to city.
believe, but I have some enemies, so I want you all
to take the payment to a night hag. Yeah. I said I Getting there
made some poor decisions. She lives on Dis. You Travel to the passageway is not without hazards, but
know Dis, the second layer of the Nine Hells. even for novice adventurers these are no more than
Unfortunately, ‘cause we need a somewhat safe minor setbacks, such as a massive tree blocking the
way to get you there (he looks at Cassyt). Once path forward. If you have extended time to play this
there you have only less than a full day to get the adventure you can add in a random encounter at
bargain to the hag. this point.
Characters with a passive Perception of 20 or
higher notice that when Cassyt or Pipyap choose
The Facts a path forward there are markings on the trees or
• The payment is in a locked box enchanted so only rock. They are not carved but painted on and are not
the night hag, Tal’kandelagrag, can open it (arcane in Common. If the character understands Abyssal or
lock spell). Infernal, then they recognize the script as Infernal,
• When payment is accepted by the hag, a tattoo on though it might be written in code, or by someone
Pipyap’s leg disappears. At that point, a letter of who can’t spell very well. It is unclear what they are
credit is issued in each of the character’s names. beyond some sort of marker.
• The box is made of iron, about a foot long, 5
inches wide and 4 inches deep. It weighs about 5 Scene B. Doorway to Dis
In this scene the characters arrive at the portal and
• Tal’kandelagrag is a night hag and runs a shop meet their traveling companions.
called The Wanderer in the outer edges of the Dis
metropolis. Pipyap gives the characters a detailed Area Information
description of her.
• Before the party leaves for Dis, in addition to the Night is falling when the characters arrive in the
potion, he gives them a bag of fresh meat (10 clearing.
packages each contains 15 lbs of “meat” in a bag Terrain. The clearing is approximately a hundred
of holding) in case they need to buy their way into feet across with broken paving stones mingled with
or out of something. Most devils don’t especially spring wildflowers and stubby grass. In the center
care about gold, but everyone loves a fresh steak! lies the ruins of circular stone building. Crumbling
• Pipyap found a way for the adventurers to get to outer walls, twenty feet high in some places, three
Avernus, and once there arranged for a ferryman feet high in others, form the outer edge of the ruins.
to meet them at the Styx. Each character receives Seemingly unaffected by time, four archways bisect
two ferry coins. The portal deposits them in the walls at the cardinal points. As the sun starts to
Avernus and the river Styx flows in and out of all set, the space within the northern archway glows
the levels of Hell so those with a coin can ride it with a dull reddish light.
into Dis from Avernus. The second coin could save Pipyap checked that the portal worked yesterday.
their lives and get them out of Hell. If they can’t If asked, he explains that on the other side the ruins
make it to the portal, they can ride the river out of in the Nine Hells are similar but made of rusting
the Hells. iron not stone.
• The passageway is only active for the three nights
Light. Faint light filters through the trees and
of the dark of the moon with tonight being the
shadows lengthen as the sun is setting. As it is
second night, so the party can get back if they
still early spring about half of the trees are without
leaves, sending stripes of shadow across the glade.
• That’s not the big problem. The real issue is once
you arrive in Dis, you will only have about twelve
hours to locate Tal’kandelagrag and deliver the

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Upon arrival Pipyap explains that he is going to
“get you some buddies to travel with” and summons Cassyt’s Aid
several lemures (equal to the number of characters). Depending on the strength of the party (see
Pipyap has them each eat a cookie from his bag. Chapter 6 Dungeon Master Tips for calculating
This advances their intellect and understanding this), Cassyt offers to cast aid on the party
such that when they go back to the Nine Hells, they members. The spell lasts 8 hours and each
are able to follow his instructions to find and aid casting covers 3 characters. The characters
the party. Allow each player to name their minion can refuse this if they wish. You can assume
and describe the pile of flesh that is theirs for the the spell slots listed below are what she has left
duration of the mission. The lemures’ stay is only after ensuring the characters got here without
ten minutes long, barely enough time for each to expending any of their resources.
eat a cookie, select a name, and be introduced to
the characters. Once they find the characters in the • Very weak: She casts the spell at 5th level
next episode, the lemures follow their character’s (+20 max hp). She can do this twice and
orders, though if slain, it is demoted to a larva and covers 6 characters. If there is a 7th character,
the magic binding it to the character ends. she casts it a third time at 4th level (+15 max
What do they know? At this point the lemures
• Weak: She casts the spell once at 5th level
do not really know anything other than they feel
(+20 max hp) and up to two times at 4th level
smarter, they made a binding promise to Pipyap,
(+15 max hp).
and they have sufficient enough faculties to find the
characters once everyone is in Hell. • Average: She casts the spell once at 4th level
(+15 max hp) and up to two times at 3rd level
Objectives/Goals. Find the characters in Hell and (+10 max hp).
do what they say.
• Strong: She casts the spell up to three times
at 3rd level (+10 max hp).
• Very Strong: She casts the spell once at 3rd
Pipyap on Dis level (+10 max hp) and up to twice at 2nd level
(+5 max hp).
It tends to be a bit warmish,
especially in the city, the whole
moat of lava kinda sets the tone.
Ya gonna get offered deals, just Treasure
remember the devils in the details Each character is handed a potion of healing for
and iff’n you don’t follow through listening to Pipyap’s request.
on our bargain my tail is gonna
be in a sling. Plus, you’d be an
oathbreaker and that can have
consequences there. Just keep
to the mission, try not to get in
any fights, and don’t get my new
recruits killed!

The Gate (Call to

Once more Pipyap goes over the details as he hands
them the bag of holding with the meat packages,
the magically locked iron box (which holds the soul
gems), and the coins for the ferryman. Cassyt makes
sure they have their potions of healing and casts aid
as described below.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Episode 2: A Simple Delivery
Estimated Duration: 2 hours.
The portal deposits the characters in Avernus, near determines that whatever caused the rubble to fill
the river Styx. the doorways occurred recently.
The fourth archway opens onto a ledge 15-feet at
Prerequisites its widest but tapering to 4-feet wide where it meets
Agree to Pipyap’s deal and travel thru the portal. the side of the canyon. The ledge is midway down
the canyon, 50 feet above the River Styx below. A
Story Objective A bridge 20 feet above the characters crosses the
In order to complete Story Objective A, 40-foot span of the canyon to a path that leads to a
the characters must get to the night hag, riverside landing. There are handholes and ledges
Tal’kandelagrag, and complete Pipyap’s end of their that can be used for climbing up to the bridge with a
bargain before time runs out. successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. If the
characters have climbing gear, the DC is reduced to
5. A character that falls to the river below suffers no
damage but is affected by a feeblemind spell. The
DC of the Intelligence saving throw to resist the
Time is Not on Their Side effect is 15.

The characters have several time constraints Once the characters reach the bottom, a ferryman
that they are aware of. The portal is only open is waiting for them as Pipyap promised.
for one more night (24 hours) and Pipyap’s Lighting. Diffuse red light that seems to have
payment must get to the hag within 12 hours. no source, sometimes casting shadows in odd
Cassyt’s aid spell ends in 8 hours. They are not directions and sometimes not casting no shadows at
sure how long it takes to get to the city; at first all.
it seems a long way off. But fortunately, space is
fluid here on the planes. Lemures!
Each scene has a time entry that gives the The lemures arrive, babbling, bickering, and
amount of time that it takes to complete it. You trundling down the path to the landing moments
should adjust accordingly if the characters after the characters arrive. The silent ferryman
come up with a creative way to increase their stares at them blankly but does not change any
pace, rest, or otherwise alter how long it takes extra for the “cargo.”
them to complete a challenge.
The lemures are still confused by their new
sentience and are just beginning to come to grips
with having thoughts beyond hunger, pain, and not
pain. If time permits give the characters a chance
Scene A. In the Ruins to interact with their lemures as the lemures ask
The red light of the portal fades and the characters questions about what it means to have thoughts
are in a crumbling room that is a mirror of the and feelings. Of course, they’re fiends and are
building they entered, but one done in twisted and predisposed to think of it in terms of their lawful evil
decaying iron. Rivulets of rust run down the sides nature and how they might best exploit their fellow
like tears of blood. lemures.

Area Information Time

Travel from the portal to the Iron Road of Dis takes
Dimensions & Terrain. A roughly circular room the characters 4 hours.
50 feet across and like the room they just left, it
has four archways. However, two of those archways
are filled with rubble and only one besides the one
they entered through appears to lead anywhere. A
successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Specters of Dis. These were creatures who truly
Scene B. Spirits of the realized the harm they did too late to repent or
Road receive a second chance. Dispater gains energy
from the specters’ despair and thus allows them
The canyons grow taller and taller as the river to roam the roads. The specters torment those on
winds its way deeper into the Nine Hells. Eventually the road, looking to alleviate their suffering if only
the canyon walls become punctuated with veins for a few moments. The specters want the comfort
of green infernal iron. Not long after, the ferryman and empathy of non-evil creatures and approach
pulls over to a landing similar to the landing at with arms reaching out. They attack any creature
which they began their trip. that offers them comfort. If the characters try to
After climbing a set of stairs carved into the side avoid socializing with the devils, one of the specters
of the rock face, they see a massive iron fortress becomes curious and attacks them.
about a mile away along the edge of another canyon. Other travelers. The character can observe other
A road made of iron snakes leads to a bridge that travelers of many different species also traveling to
crosses to the fortress. The city of Dis awaits. Dis, but as these creatures are intent on making or
This scene is freeform and intended to show the keeping evil bargains. The specters do not bother
characters that Dis is a bustling metropolis and them and they show no interest in the characters.
the lands around it are filled with those seeking its If the characters try to interact with them, the
commerce. However, the smiles of fellow travelers travelers warn them to mind their own business.
hide a sharp blade and dangerous desires.
Playing the Pillars
Area Information There are many opportunities for the characters to
Dimensions & Terrain. Iron roads that twist learn more about Dis by interacting with their fellow
through the desolate landscape with bridges over travelers.
the canyons all heading to the distant city of Dis. Combat. The specters might incidentally attack
Lighting. Lava flows through several of the the characters, unable to stop their nature but the
canyons, shedding a red glow on the bottom of thick greater threat comes from interactions with the
black clouds of coal smoke. bearded devils. If a character shows weakness,
such as showing concern from the devil’s beast of
Heat. The iron road absorbs the heat, making it
burden, the devil tries to trick the character into
dangerous to the unprotected. Those walking on
taking its place. If not careful, they could easily end
the road must succeed a DC 10 Constitution saving
up fight with a devil!
throw or suffer 2 (1d4) fire damage. Creatures with
durable, closed footwear attempt this saving throw Exploration. The characters can easily observe
with advantage. that the specters leave the wagons alone. Walking
next to one of the wagons is a quick way to avoid
Creatures/NPCs being attacked.
The characters are not alone on the road. Wagons Social. The specters leave evil creatures alone.
of ore from the mines, interested buyers of infernal One of the waggoneers named Bagaz, bargains
weapons, and even the dead plague the roads however. Bagaz wants (in order of preference): a
through this desolate place. Seeing the characters soul, a soul coin, a secret, to cause a character pain,
walk the road in the company of a pack of lemures, to humiliate a character, or food. If the characters
most of the travelers assume the characters are manage to win over Bagaz, it can tell them about
petitioners of Hell or buyers from the Prime looking Dis and Tal’kandelagrag.
to acquire infernal weapons. • Dis, the second layer of the Nine Hells, is a
Wagoner’s. Bearded devils drive wagons of iron labyrinth of canyons wedged between sheer
ore to the city from the canyon mines. Some of the mountains rich with iron ore. Iron roads span and
wagons are pulled by skeletal warhorses, others wend through the canyons, watched over by the
by lemures. The wagoner’s want to inflict as much garrisons of iron fortresses perched atop jagged
pain on whatever creature is pulling the wagon as pinnacles. The flow of iron to the fortresses is key
they can, while still making their way to the city. If a to the planar economy and creation of weapons
character tries to intervene, the bearded devil tries used in wars throughout the cosmos.
to trick them into taking the creatures place. They • Dis takes its name from its lord, Dispater. A
are largely violent brutes and not subtle enough to manipulator and deceiver, the archduke is the
pull it off, but it doesn’t stop them from trying. The foremost arms dealer of the Nine Hells, and
bearded devils can be tricked into allowing the perhaps the greatest weapons supplier in all the
characters to ride in their wagon.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
planes. His crimson throne stands in the heart of companion. The bearded devils are bored and are
the Iron City of Dis, which is just up ahead. looking for an excuse to fight.
• Dispater places great value in uncovering secrets, Kax’s command also includes three spined devils
so it is a popular pastime in the city, with citizens that fly overhead watching for trouble.
looking to uncover secrets on each other to
blackmail or to sell to the highest bidder. Objectives/Goals. Information is a commodity,
though souls are superior. The guards are not trying
• Planar travelers come here to conspire with devils
to stop anyone from entering but merely noting
and to close deals with night hags, rakshasas,
information about travelers of interest that they
incubi, succubi, and other fiends.
might sell to more powerful devils.
• Dis is a dangerous place, watch out for the
roaming packs of hellhounds. They are vicious. In order to get through the gates unremarked,
• Tal’kandelagrag is a night hag who traffics in the party either needs to succeed on a DC 15
favors, souls, and hard find items. She has a Charisma (Deception) check, or a DC 10 Charisma
store, but it is mobile and it really doesn’t have (Perception) check along with a suitable gratuity
any inventory. It’s more a place where she meets such as 50 gp or three packages of meat.
clients. Bagaz doesn’t know where her store is What do they know? The guards know that it
now, and given that she very dangerous, they are would be foolish to attack the city, so they are not
not especially interested in finding out. worried about violence. Instead they desire to learn
the party’s goals.
Travel to the fortress metropolis of Dis takes the Bezo, Cheka, and Ump
characters 1 hour by foot or 30 minutes if riding in
A group of “helpful” imps flutters just behind of
Bagaz’s cart. Characters with a passive Perception
the characters, seeking travelers to ingratiate
of 13 or higher notice they are moving faster than
themselves to as a mean to learn their secrets.
they should be.
Characters with a passive Insight of 14 or higher
Scene C. The Gates of Dis realize that the imps are up to something.
Objectives/Goals. The imps want to thwart
The walls of the city loom over the surrounding
travelers in order to gain access to their secrets.
landscape, ringed by a moat of lava. At the center
If they hear the characters mention the name
of the immense metropolis rises the Iron Tower. Its
Pipyap, they realize they have hit the jackpot and
shape seems to change almost by the hour and a
immediately offer to act as guides through the city.
cloud of red haze swirls around it.

Area Information
Dimensions & Terrain. An iron bridge covered
in barbs spans a moat of lava 20 feet wide to the
gateway. A portcullis made of sharp pointed iron
bars is raised above the gate. Heat radiates out of
the city in addition to the lava.
Lighting. The glow of the lava sheds bright light.

The characters find themselves in line with others
seeking entrance to the city. A group of devils is
questioning travelers and inspecting cargo. Three
imps flutter behind of the characters in line,
chattering with other travelers.

Kax and the Gate Guards

Kax is a barbed devil that is stuck commanding
the gate guards. Kax is not bored with the duty as
it gives it a chance to enrich itself, but Kax feels the
job is beneath them.
Sak and Paow are two bearded devils that
stoically stand on gate duty, each with a hell hound

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
What do they know? The imps know of the into selling away their souls, or at the very least
bargain between Pipyap and Tal’kandelagrag, and breaking some law so the devil can capture them
that Pipyap has somehow become more powerful and turn them in for a reward. The characters must
without having to come back to the Nine Hells. tread carefully. Characters with the Watcher’s Eye
They wish to aid the hag, putting her in their debt, background feature are particularly adept at figuring
by delaying the characters. If allowed to help, they out the rules of Dis.
take short cuts that quickly get the characters lost
as they travel around the outer edge of the city Locating Tal’kandelagrag
through the forges. The characters lose 1 hour and
In order to locate the night hag, the characters
must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw
must succeed on three group checks. Each
or gain one level of exhaustion. Characters with character may use Charisma (Persuasion) or
resistance or immunity to fire gain advantage on Intelligence (Investigation), and in order to count
this saving throw. as a success half or more of the characters must
If asked about Pipyap and his cookie bag, Ump succeed on a DC 12 check. Characters with a
replies “Cookies are for chumps. Scones are where relevant background feature receives advantage
it’s at.” to the check. Likely background features include:
All Eyes on You, City Secrets, Court Functionary,
Time Cultural Chameleon, Ear to the Ground, Hospitality,
It takes the characters 30 minutes to navigate Mercenary Life, and Safe Haven; though others
might apply depending on how the characters utilize
the line. If they take the imps’ help, they lose an
additional hour.
Creative uses of magic or class abilities result in
Scene D. Street Work an automatic success for that character at the DM’s
discretion. Well thought out plans or liberal uses of
Once the characters arrive in the metropolis of Dis, gold or meat also provide advantage on checks.
they still need to locate Tal’kandelagrag without Every time the party attempts a check, they use
getting distracted. Unfortunately, there are many an hour and encounter a random event from the list
distractions. below. If you roll the same event more than once,
reroll or choose another. The DM is discouraged
Area Information from using both combat events if possible. If the
The characters have a number of interactions as characters have experienced all six events, proceed
to Scene E.
they try to navigate the streets of Dis. The area is
hot and bustling. Street Encounters
Dimensions & Terrain. In spite of being the d6 Event
largest city in the Nine Hells, the streets feel narrow
1 Ravenous Hell Hounds! (combat)
and claustrophobic. All surfaces are made of iron
and are very warm. Anyone touching an iron wall 2 Malebranche Merchant (social)
requires a DC 12 Constitution save or takes 2 (1d4) 3 Lost Coin (exploration)
fire damage. 4 Overheard Conversation (exploration)
Lighting. There are oddly shaped poles, that give 5 Looking for Protection (social)
off 30 feet of red glow throughout the city. They
6 Death from Above (combat)
are infrequent but evenly spaced, causing areas
of dim light occur every 60 feet and lasting for Ravenous Hell Hounds! A pair of hungry hell
40 feet. These dim areas are also slightly cooler, hounds cross the party’s path on a less traveled
so it is not uncommon to see ice devils or other street. The hounds begin following the characters
visitors from Stygia, Cania, or even the Prime for a block or two to make sure the characters are
Material plane resting in these places of shadow. not the property of some nearby devil. Any character
The poles themselves are extremely hot, inflicting 8 with a Passive Insight of 13 or higher recognizes
(2d4+3) fire damage to anyone who touches them. their predatory hunting behavior and that the
A successful DC 15 Constitution save halves the hounds are likely to attack. Unless the characters
damage. somehow get aid from a more powerful devil, the
hounds attempt to devour them. One of the hounds
Crowds. The streets of Dis are filled with devils is wearing a ruby studded collar.
and planar travelers. Yugoloths sell their swords
to infernal war leaders while a group of duergar No devil on the street pays the struggle any mind
purchase Hellish smithing techniques from a unless a character offers them a soul, in which case
kyton. In general, the devils try to avoid outright a helpful bone devil chases the hounds off.
confrontations, instead hoping to trick visitors Malebranche Merchant. Hamatriel is a horned
devil, hawking metal wares from a small stall.
DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
anyone attempting to open the box takes 1 point
of piercing damage and must succeed on a DC 11
Adjusting the Scene Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
scene: a successful one. Inside the small velvet lined box is
a soul coin.
• Very Weak: Remove one hell hound and
decrease the other’s hit points by 5, -1 AC, and Overheard Conversation. While gathering
decrease the DC of their fire breath by 1. information, the characters overhear an erinyes
and a chain devil talking at a café and the name
• Weak: Remove one hell hound.
Pipyap carries to their ears. The devils are clearly
• Strong: Both hell hounds have 5 extra hit whispering to each other and trying to avoid
points, +1 AC, and increase the DC of their talking to anyone else. A character listening needs
fire breath by 1. a plan to get closer such as nonchalantly walking
• Very Strong: Add one hell hound. by (Charisma (Deception)) or sneaking closer
(Dexterity (Stealth)). You can play it out or require
a successful DC 15 check. If they manage to get
Seeing innocent humanoids, she senses an easy closer, some of the conversation they catch:
mark and tries to sell them some wicked looking
infernal weapons. Her goods are made from green
“Did you hear that traitorous runt Pipyap
infernal steel and covered in extra spikes but
owes Tal’kandelagrag a debt?”
otherwise normal. Any metal weapon from the
Player’s Handbook can be found, at normal prices. “What did he do this time?”
Hamatriel is particularly lazy and not interested “I don’t know but I hear she’s not happy about
in confrontation, but if the characters let on that how he’s repaying her and she’d be more than
they are trying to find Tal’kandelagrag, she offers happy if the imp’s errand mortals were delayed
to help them for a price. Of course, she wants a or killed.”
soul, or a soul coin and in exchange she gives them
a short cut to the night hag’s store that allows the “She sure has been busy lately. Didn’t she
party to automatically succeed on their next group trick the Dark Sun’s goat loving girl into a
check and trim the time it takes to 30 minutes. Malabolgian prison cell?”
A successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) “That was genius. Giant infernal goats! A little
check bargains her down to taking a permanent on the nose…” Both speakers begin laughing
magic item. If a character makes a successful uproariously.
DC 18 Charisma (Persuasion) check, she takes a
consumable magic item. Hamatriel is not interested Looking for Protection. The characters cross
in helping them for coin or meat. paths with a young half-elven girl named Belsome.
Lost Coin. While walking down the street, one Belsome is dehydrated, sweating profusely, and
of the characters is bumped into by a grumbling terrified. She begs the characters to take her to
bearded devil coming out of an alley. The devil a nearby garden with friendly mortals. She is
angrily shoves the character down and continues on desperate to get the characters help and tries to
his way in a hurry without looking back. The devil pull on their heart strings with details of her plight
left a bloody handprint on the character’s chest. As trapped in Dis. She claims her father was taken
the character is getting up, they notice that the alley by a devil and she accidently got snatched as well.
is awash in blood. She has been hiding without food or water for three
days. If the characters follow her to the garden,
If the characters investigate the scene, they find
they lose a half hour walking out of their way. Once
corpse of a human man. A ripped open, empty
there, she tries to convince the characters to come
backpack lies next to the body. A successful DC 13
in with her. A character with a Passive Insight of
Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Medicine)
15 or higher realizes that something is off with her
check confirms that the man has very recently been
murdered. Characters looking at the scene and
succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) Belsome is actually a steam mephit, polymorphed
check note that the rubbish to either side of the into a half-elf and tasked by the effriti of the Garden
alley looks disturbed. Looking through the garbage of Delights into tricking mortals into the garden.
and succeeding on a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) Anyone going inside the garden receives lavish
check finds a small wooden box hidden under a pile treatment and easily waste time or their soul.
of discarded rags. The lock of the box is trapped
with a poison needle covered in serpent venom. If If Belsome is found out, she sneers at the
the needle is not found with a successful DC 15 characters, assumes her true form, and flies away
Wisdom (Perception) check and disarmed with a looking for less observant suckers.
successful DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check,

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Death from Above. Two spined devils have that there is at least five feet of extra space in each
gotten word that Pipyap’s minions are in Dis. Pipyap direction. This effect applies in every room. The
has previous wronged them and they want to repay ceiling is 20 feet high.
him by killing his delivery agents. They have been
Lighting. Globes of blue and green light hover
looking for the characters and just found them.
near the ceiling.
They attack immediately. Any spined devil reduced
to five or less hit points tries to fly away. One of the Goods and Offers. Tal’kandelagrag has nothing
devils carries a potion of healing. so mundane as display shelves. She specializes in
obtaining rare items and creatures, using a cadre of
servants controlled by geas spells. The sales floor
looks more like a lounge where servants of various
interplanar races wait on the customers’ needs,
Adjusting the Scene serving drinks, food, or other intoxicants. Eventually
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this the night hag emerges from the back to see what
scene: the customer seeks and negotiates her price for
• Very Weak: Remove one spined devil. procuring it.
• Weak: Decrease the hit points of both by 5 and Creatures/NPCs
each has only four tail spines.
Tal’kandelagrag the night hag plays the host, but a
• Strong: Add one spined devil. thick layer of condescension covers her interactions
• Very Strong: Add one spined devil and each as she not so secretly enjoys tormenting the
has an additional 5 hit points. characters, implying she knows much more than
the characters. She especially enjoys opening the
box and showing the characters all the lovely souls.
Inside there are eleven gems, all with the ghostly
Treasure image of a mortal inside.
Depending on the events the characters encounter,
Objectives/Goals. The more souls
they might have retrieved valuable items.
Tal’kandelagrag collects, the less hassle she gets
• A Ruby studded collar worth 20 gp from a hell from the greater devils for allowing her to set up
hound. shop in Dis. That said, she might part with some of
• A soul coin from a wooden box in the alley. the souls if she could indebt the all of adventurers
to her. If the characters are late, she offers them
• A potion of healing from a spined devil. the same deal but instead it is to honor her bargain
despite Pipya’s minions having violated it.
Time What do they know? For each soul she forgoes,
Each event the party encounters takes them one each character owes her a year of service per soul.
hour. If the characters dealt with Hamatriel the During this time, the characters owe a weregild of
Malebranche, they saved 30 minutes. one soul coin per year each and are be required
to go on missions for Tal’kandelagrag. She
Scene E. Tal’kandelagrag conveniently fails to remind the characters that the
souls in the gems are incredibly evil souls collected
When the characters finally find The Wanderer, by other night hags.
it appears as little more than a tiny, run down,
windowless shack crammed between two larger If any of the characters agree to make a deal with
buildings. A shingle hangs in front, depicting a sole her, Tal’kandelagrag warns them that once they
cloaked humanoid walking a featureless red plane. leave her shop, Pipyap’s many enemies are likely to
come for them. They need to be prepared and she
Inside the building are are six commoners, offers them the chance to take a short rest within
four guards, and one mage, all dressed as staff the safety of her shop. If they have not made a deal
members in matching uniforms. They are all bound with her, she requires payment for them to linger
to Tal’kandelagrag’s service through a geas spell as here, such as a soul coin.
part of deals struck with the night hag.
Area Information Dealing with Tal’kandelagrag takes an average of 30
The Wanderer is in fact a demiplane controlled by minutes.
Tal’kandelagrag and travels throughout Dis as she
closes one entrance and opens another.
Dimensions & Terrain. The inside of her shop
is somehow larger than the outside. Any character
with a Passive Perception of 13 or more notices

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Episode 3: Exit Stage Right
Estimated Duration: 30 minutes. of Asmodeus, stands in the road with four
Having delivered the package, the characters nupperibos. Shokelys gives the party one chance
need to flee back to the Prime Material plane. to surrender themselves to infernal slavery before
Unfortunately, by this time they have attracted ordering his minions to attack. Their goal is to claim
significant attention, and souls are always in the characters for their souls or as slaves.
demand. Without the protection of Tal’kandelagrag, Shokelys orders his nupperibos to take the
they are fair game for Pipyap’s many enemies. characters prisoner, but if a character is slain
The characters have to run for their lives but accidentally, any nupperibo not being attacked
depending on whether they are making for the stops to consume the corpse. If all the nupperibos
portal or miss it, they have additional troubles! are killed, Shokelys runs.

Prerequisites Treasure
Complete mission to give Pipyap’s soul gems to Shokelys carries a stone of good luck.
Wave Two – The Ruins
Story Objective B When the characters make it back to the portal in
In order to complete Story Objective B, the the ruins, two imps, two fiendish flying snakes
characters need to return to the Prime Material (as flying snakes but their poison does fire damage
plane. and they are resistant to fire), and a spined devil
have flown ahead and are already waiting for them.
These devils have a bone to pick with Pipyap and
Run! thus want to pick over the characters’ bones!
As soon as the characters exit Dis and make their The devils want all the characters dead and attack
way down the road, they realize they are being them whether they are climbing up to the portal or
chased by devils in the service of Pipyap’s enemies, fleeing on the Styx.
devils just looking for a free soul, or some just
looking for a little fun. While the characters flee, the
DM should play up the cinematic chase - there are
hordes chasing them in the distance. They cannot
Adjusting the Scene
stop to rest or they are overwhelmed. Here are some suggestions for adjusting this
Wave One – Road from Dis • Very Weak: Remove one imp and both
Shortly after exiting the city gates, Shokelys fiendish flying snakes.
(use firenewt warlock of Imix but Shokelys is • Weak: Remove one imp.
a LE tiefling instead of a firenewt), a warlock • Strong: Add two fiendish flying snakes.
• Very Strong: Add two fiendish flying snakes
and one imp.

Adjusting the Scene Wave Three – On the Styx (Late)

Here are some suggestions for adjusting this
If the characters missed their chance to use the
portal and are forced to flee via the Styx, they are
• Very Weak: Remove three nupperibos. found on Avernus by a group of fiendish hobgoblins
• Weak: Remove one nupperibo. in Zariel’s service. Not recognizing the characters of
part of the Hellish armies, they attack. Their leader,
• Strong: Add two nupperibos.
Luudik, is particularly tainted by the Nine Hells
• Very Strong: Add two nupperibos and (except that he is a tiefling) using statistics of azer).
Shokelys has an additional 5 hit points, knows He is accompanied by four fiendish hobgoblins (as
the spell shatter, and increases their spell save hobgoblins, but resistant to fire). They seek some
DC and to hit with spell attacks by 1. fun, but don’t give chase if the characters flee.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Wrap-Up: Concluding Character Rewards
The characters earn the following rewards:
the Adventure
Upon completing this adventure, each character
gains a level. At their discretion, they may choose to
Adjusting the Scene decline advancement. Remind those that express an
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this interest in this that they have a limit to how much
scene: gold they can earn per level; declining advancement
means that they may reach a point where they earn
• Very Weak: Remove three hobgoblins. no gold.
• Weak: Remove one hobgoblin.
• Strong: Add one azer. Gold
• Very Strong: Add one azer and one Award each character gold for each hour of the
hobgoblin. session. Adventures typically features cues for this,
but you can add it where you see fit. The maximum
gold that you can award a character per hour is
When the characters eventually return, Pipyap is determined by their tier, as follows:
suitably happy if they succeeded or worried if they
failed. In the end, he is happiest that he didn’t have Tier Hourly GP GP Limit per
to go to the Nine Hells. That place sucks. Award Level
1 20 gp 80 gp
The characters receive rewards based upon their Magic Item(s)
accomplishments. Aside from advancement, these If found during the adventure, the characters can
rewards are earned during the session. keep the following magic items:
• Stone of Good Luck: This foul-smelling chunk
of cooled brimstone is inscribed with the unholy
symbol of Asmodeus.
• Potion of Healing
• Soul Coin

Story Awards
During this adventure, the characters may earn the
following story award:
Debt to Tal’kandelagrag. You have agreed to
serve the night hag, Tal’kandelagrag. For every year
of service that you agreed to, you owe her one soul
coin. While in her service, she can compel you to
undertake missions for her.

Dungeon Master Rewards

For running this adventure, one of your character
gains a level. That character receives gold based on
their tier prior to advancement:

Tier GP Earned
1 80 gp
2 240 gp
3 1,600 gp
4 6,000 gp

You may also complete DM Quests for running

this adventure. See the Adventurers League
Dungeon Master’s Guide for more information.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Phlegethos: I’ve Seen Fire and I’ve
Seen Pain
Estimated Duration: 3 hours • Episode 2: Shirvasa probably isn’t what the

DAL00-11c I’ve Seen Fire and I’ve Seen adventurers were expecting, and he has rules they
Pain is a tier 2 adventure by Amy Lynn must follow if they want anything from him.
Dzura, optimized for 8th-level characters • Episode 3: Why did it have to be cultists? The
that takes place in the Moonsea and party needs to locate the cultists and find out what
Phlegethos, the Third Layer of Hell. these ones are up to before reporting back to
Adventure Primer Episode Sequence
This section provides the adventure’s background,
This adventure uses a linear narrative, so the
a list of prominent NPCs, an overview of the
Episodes need to be played in order.
adventure in play, and hooks that you can use to
introduce your players’ characters to the action.

For untold years, PIPYAP has been in possession
Pipyap on the Balmy Weather
of a magic COOKIE BAG, which supplies him with A word of warning: Phlegethos is
his favorite treats on demand. Unfortunately, Pipyap HOT! You’ve got fire falling from the
seems to have misplaced his cookie bag, so Pipyap
has tasked a group of adventurers to travel to the
sky and lava flowing all around you.
Nine Hells -- specifically the fourth layer of the Hells, Not a lick of shade or rain either.
PHLEGETHOS -- to retrieve a bottle of his favorite Makes a terrible climate for farming,
wine (that pairs particularly well with his favorite which is alright because nothing
cookies) to soothe his frazzled nerves. grows in ground full of rocks
Of course, this is not an easy task. The anyway.
adventurers must navigate ABRIYMOCH, the
capital city overrun with molten lava, to find
Rumor is the flames are smart,
the sommelier, SHIRVASA, while evading the like, in a way that other fire isn’t.
numerous devils on guard patrol who question It’ll chase you down like a dragon
the appearance of mortals in their fiery city. Above goes after meddlesome adventurers.
all, they should not attract the attention of rulers, Locals think it’s funny, but I doubt
LADY FIERNA and BELIAL, who preside over you’ll feel the same. My advice: Don’t
Phlegethos from their crystalline palace.
run! It stings for just a second, plus
the locals have a good laugh at the
Episodes runners.
The adventure is comprised of three episodes that
are played in sequence and take approximately
So be prepared - it’s going to be
three hours to play: hot in there. Hot like an oven. An oven
that you could bake cookies in.
• Call to Action: Pipyap recruits a party of
adventurers to infiltrate Phlegethos and bring Great, now I’m hungry...
back his favorite vintage.
• Episode 1: The adventurers must make their way
to the business district of Abriymoch with the
help of the local gondoliers. Once in the business
district, the party needs to find the sommelier,
Shirvasa, to collect for Pipyap.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Episode 1: Call to Action
Estimated Duration: 45 minutes.
“This’ll put you right on the outskirts of the city of
Pipyap the imp has been living, mostly happily, on
Abriymoch, the capital city of Phlegethos, fourth
the Material plane ever since he was the familiar to
of the Nine Hells. From here, you’ll need to make
wizard Halvin Graingle. Pipyap is no ordinary imp
your way to the business district. Shirvasa’s well
– a strange sort of power emanates from him, as if
known, just ask for directions and someone will set
he’s a fairly powerful spellcaster in his own right.
you on the right track.”
Since Halvin’s disappearance, Pipyap has stayed as
far away from the Nine Hells as he can. He’s become
accustomed to an easy life away from the Hells and As soon as they step through the portal, a burst of
does what he can to avoid going back. Occasionally heat threatens to overwhelm the adventurers. Some
this means enlisting eager adventurers to do some notice that their skin begins to tighten and crack
work for him. from the blistering environment. They have arrived
on a sizeable strip of solid land surrounded by fiery
Pipyap has recruited such a group of adventurers. molten lava. There are several lengths of stone
He’s promised them fame! Glory! Brushes with protruding into the lava, next to which gondolas
death! (Though he mumbles that last part when bob as the magma ebbs and flows. Devils stand in
explaining what he’s looking to hire the party for.) their infernal steel gondolas, balancing with their
Pipyap leads the adventurers into the alley behind long oars as they heckle each other and barter with
potential customers.
the tavern where he meets them for breakfast.
He explains that he can’t — no, won’t — go back
to the Hells if he can help it, and this is where Call to Action
they come in. He’s got an arrangement with a Before the portal closes, Pipyap shouts instructions:
local businessman; an old friend named Shirvasa. “Find Shirvasa and tell him that I’ve sent you to
Shirvasa the sommelier curates a collection of the collect. And see if he’ll give you TWO bottles!”
finest wines in all of the Realms and he owes Pipyap
a favor. Pipyap is sending the party to collect on that
favor and retrieve a bottle of wine.
Pipyap on Adventurers
“I don’t have much in the way of gold to offer There’s nothing like getting a crew
you, but Phlegethos is a lawful evil kind of place, of people who like to go after
and Finders Keepers is a law - kind of. And you’re trouble to do your dirty work for
mortals! Travelling to the Hells isn’t something
your sort gets to do every day. Think of the stories
you. Adventurers are a strange
you’ll get to tell when you get back! If you do lot. They all have different reasons
everything right, you won’t get into too much for wandering around in the world,
trouble. If you do get into trouble, kill it – but not in but usually you can promise them
public, and definitely not in front of the City Watch. something shiny in exchange for
They’ll take you over to the Diabolical Court, and doing something stupid and they’re
if you thought spending time in the Nine Hells
was bad, the bureaucracy of the Diabolical Court is
all for it. Typically, I’ll put a sign up
worse. Anyway. I’m going to give you a spell scroll in a tavern, promising a hot meal and
of sending, just in case. Use it if you need me. But drink, and I get a swarm of thrill-
don’t need me.” seekers lining up to hear what I have
to say. I don’t always have much to
Pipyap fusses with a small box that he pulls out offer them, but the right ones will
of his pocket (a cubic gate that he got from who- go off on a crazy quest with not much
knows-where) before pushing a button. As soon as
he does, a portal opens in the alley in front of the prodding. Oh look, here’s my latest
adventurers. group of suckers now…

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
must then complete a short series of skill checks to
Scene A: Ticket to Ride steer and propel the gondola using the long oar.
Objective Suggested skills the party can utilize include
The adventurers need to hire a gondola to take Strength (Athletics) to propel the boat or Wisdom
them into the business districts of Abriymoch. (Survival) and Intelligence (Nature) to spot
troublesome lava bursts and alert the party to avoid
Let’s Make a Deal them. Characters proficient in Water Vehicles make
the Strength (Athletics) checks with advantage. Any
The barbed and bearded devils who work as character that fails a DC 17 check takes 3 (1d6) fire
gondoliers attempt to sweep their new passengers damage from the lava bubbling around the gondola;
into their gondolas before setting a rate; being successful checks mean that the party avoids the
lawful creatures, once they agree to a rate, they most treacherous parts of the lake and heads
honor it, but being evil creatures, they’ll try to extort directly for the city’s shore.
anyone they can.
The rate for gondola service is intentionally I Fought the Law
absurdly high; the gondoliers taunt and tease Whether the characters pass or fail their skill
the characters for being clearly “new in town.” checks, they are soon interrupted in their attempts
All the gondoliers present at the docks are in on to navigate the lake by members of the Abriymoch
this scheme, so the adventurers cannot play the City Watch, who row up alongside their gondola to
gondoliers against each other in a bidding war. The ask for their Passenger Conveyance Permits. Much
typical rate for the locals is between 5 and 10 silver, more corrupt than their counterparts in cities like
but the gondoliers begin their negotiations at 100 Waterdeep, these watchmen can also be bribed or
gold. In the end, the characters should not pay more negotiated with.
than 1 gold each.
If the adventurers do not negotiate the rate before Playing with Fire
they board, the gondoliers idle in the middle of a If the party sets a rate before boarding at the
lava lake on the way to their destination and attempt docks, or comes to an agreement while on the lake,
to hustle the passengers for a higher-than-average their devil gondolier exchanges pleasantries with
fare. them while steering them across the lake to the city.
As the party continues their trip, the lava around the
boat begins to bubble a little more than usual and
from the magma emerges a lavasnake (use young
What A Racket remorhaz statistics). The gondola cannot proceed
The devils who work as gondoliers all know that or return to its point of origin until the beast is
they provide a vital service to anyone who wants defeated or driven off.
to get around the lava-filled city quickly and take
advantage of this fact by attempting to charge
their passengers absurd prices. Longtime
residents know that the devils settle for a rate of
5 to 10 silver per trip; new customers are asked
to pay 100 gold each. Allow the players to try Adjusting the Scene
and talk down the rate; characters who succeed Here are some suggestions for adjusting this
on DC 16 Charisma (Intimidation) or Charisma scene:
(Persuasion) checks are able to talk their
gondolier into lower rates. A DC 15 Wisdom • Very Weak: The lavasnake has 53 hit points
(Insight) check alerts the characters that the and does 13 (2d10 + 2) piercing damage plus
gondolier is taking advantage of them. 3 (1d6) fire damage.
• Weak: The lavasnake has 73 hit points and
does 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage plus 7
(2d6) fire damage.
I’m on a Boat • Strong: Use a remorhaz’s statistics for the
If the party refuses to negotiate while in the lavasnake.
middle of the lake, the devil dives off the gondola • Very Strong: Use a remorhaz’s statistics for
and swims through the magma to a rocky shore. If the lavasnake.
the part initiates combat with the devil instead of
negotiating, the devil dives off the gondola on his
second turn in initiative. In either case, the party

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Creatures/NPCs colored awnings, and none of the shops have
signs designating the name or trade of the
A variety of devils (bearded devils, and barbed
devils) work as gondoliers in Abriymoch – even
though the locals are immune to the effects of fire, The party can continue to ask the passersby on
they don’t pop swim in the lava to get around town. the street for information: being lawful creatures,
the devils provide truthful clues, but being evil,
Area Information they’ll only provide circular answers. It is up to the
adventurers to put the clues together to determine
The area has the following features: which building to enter.
Dimensions & Terrain. As far as the eye can see, The devils in the Artisan’s District offer the
molten lava bubbles around obsidian stone and red- following clues when asked how to find Shirvasa
hot rocks, making most travel by foot or by mount the sommelier:
impossible. Heat shimmers from the ground as fire
erupts from fissures in the stones and magma flows • The jeweler works next to the building with the
around rock structures. The city of Abriymoch rises white awning.
in front of the adventurers to the north, and in the • The fiend in the building with the yellow awning
distance, no matter where they look, they can see drinks ale.
the twisted stone spires of the palace of Lady Fierna • The fiend with a pet skeletal mouse works next to
and Belial, rulers of Phlegethos. the fiend with a crag cat.
Lighting. There is no day or night in Phlegethos, • The cordwainer works in the first building on the
only an oppressive bright orange haze that is left.
accented by bursts of bright fire from rifts in the • The fiend in the building with the white awning
stone. drinks whiskey.
• The translator works in a building with a blue
Playing the Pillars awning.
• The building with the yellow awning is to the right
Combat: If the party initiates combat with the of the building with the white awning.
devil gondolier instead of negotiating, the devil dives
• The sommelier has a pet death dog.
off the gondola on his second turn in initiative. If
• The fiend who works in the building with the red
they encounter the lavasnake, they must fend it off.
awning keeps a crag cat.
Exploration: If the party finds themselves without • The fiend in the middle building drinks tea.
a gondolier, they must complete a series of short • The scholar drinks seltzer water.
skill checks to steer and propel the gondola using • The cordwainer works next to the building with
the long oar. the green awning.
Social: If the party sets a rate before boarding • The fiend with a nightmare drinks tea.
at the docks, their devil gondolier exchanges The answers to the puzzle are provided in
pleasantries with them while steering them across Chapter 6: Handout A: Solutions from the Helpful
the lake to the city. Devils. The characters can find the sommelier in
Building 4, with the white awning.
Scene B: I Still Haven’t
Found What I’m Looking
Clue Me In
For As the DM, provide one clue at a time for the
first several devils that the players question, and
Objective then give the players the handout in Chapter 6
The party has reached Abriymoch and they must that contains all thirteen clues.
find the sommelier that Pipyap has told them about. This is a version of Einstein’s Riddle. All
It won’t be easy in the hustle and the bustle of the information that the players need to solve the
city, especially for tourists, but maybe they can puzzle is contained in those clues – they just
convince some of the friendlier devils to help. might need some time to work through them. If
the players are stumped, provide them with two
Where Do We Go from Here? additional clues:
The characters need to ask directions for navigating • The fiend with the death dog lives next to the
the streets of the city. Any devils they manage building with the blue awning.
to stop, point them to the artisans’ district. The • The cordwainer drinks wine.
lane is full of confusing buildings with brightly

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Episode 2: A Bottle of Red, A Bottle
of White
Estimated Duration: 60 minutes.
Having successfully determined which building to Lighting. Light from magical globes brightly
enter, the adventurers meet Shirvasa the sommelier, illuminate the entire shop.
a rakshasa, and request a bottle (or two!) of Pipyap’s Today’s Samples. The party is offered three
favorite wine. samples as they interact with Shirvasa, who offers
insight into what makes each unique. There are no
Area Information consequences to the characters when they drink the
The area has the following features: wine. Feel free to embellish and channel your best
wine snob impersonation:
Dimensions & Terrain. The shop is larger than it
appears from the outside, comprised of a 20-foot by • “Fire wines from the City of Brass - caution: highly
60-foot tasting area and a smaller office in the back. flammable.”
Furnishings. Finely made shelves and cabinets • “A dry red made from grapes aged on the plane
house wines, forming an incredibly varied of Arcadia. This isn’t a big seller here, for obvious
collection. Finer glasses and dining ware are neatly reasons.” (Arcadia is a lawful neutral/lawful good
organized on shelves eight feet off the ground, out of plane).
reach of the clumsy lemures but easily accessible to • “Gorgondy wine. Pairs well with gnome.”
the flying imp or the rakshasa’s mage hand.
Upon entering, the adventurers are greeted by the
imp, Adara, who flaps over and welcomes them
to Unearthly Delights. She is overworked and
cranky, but as “polite” as the job requires. She gives
them Handout 2: Etiquette Rules for Unearthly
Delights, which explains the etiquette requested by
the master sommelier while they are in the shop.
She pleads that the characters study and obey the
rules “for everyone’s sake.”
Fumbling around the shop are five lemures, doing
their best to clean and organize the storefront.
Shirvasa, a rakshasa in natural human/tiger form,
is farther back in the shop. This gives the characters
the opportunity to read the handout before they are
called back to speak to him.
Objectives/Goals. Shirvasa deals not only in
exotic vintages, but – like most fiendish residents
– also in information. Nothing is ever free in the
Nine Hells, so after he learns the characters
need something from him, he exchanges a
bottle of Pipyap’s wine for a small favor.

Anger Issues
Shirvasa is the epitome of smug, high class
snobbery. His manners are impeccable,
until an instance of a breach of etiquette on
Handout 2: Etiquette Rules for Unearthly
Delights, which causes him to be momentarily
enraged. He channels his rage by systematically
taking out his anger on one of the lemures scuttling

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
around the shop, killing it instantly. This happens Playing the Pillars
until all five of the lemures have been destroyed and
he is forced to control his temper. Combat: Shirvasa is exceptionally more powerful
than the party who are likely incapable of harming
The imp, Adara, and the characters are never on him in a meaningful way. Combat in this scene
the receiving end of his anger, but if the characters is strongly discouraged, but if it takes place,
try to protect the lemures from harm, Adara tells Shirvasa leaves the characters alive in exchange
them, “Oh, don’t worry, they’ll be back to work by for completing his task. No wine is offered in this
this time next tenday.” Seeing that the adventurers scenario.
do not approve of his treatment of his employees,
Shirvasa clenches his claws, bares his teeth, and is Exploration: Strange, rare bottles line the shelves
barely polite as he attempts to hold his temper. He here. Each is valuable enough that it is immediately
wouldn’t want to lose a customer, after all. noticed if stolen.
Social: Shirvasa is cordial and talkative until
A Favor etiquette is broken, but he still offers to trade the
wine for taking care of his cultist problem. The
The arrival of the adventurers is well timed, because
lemures merely shuffle about the shop, while Adara
Shirvasa just happens to have a bottle of Pipyap’s
does her best to avoid her master’s wrath; switching
preferred vintage to part with -- if the characters
between groveling, hiding, and blaming others as
can take care of a problem for him first. Shirvasa
has gleaned the meeting place of a group of cultists
loyal to another archdevil. He doesn’t know exactly
what they’re doing on Phlegethos, but it can’t be
good for business! Cultists usually manage to stir up
some sort of trouble, and if his customers are busy
chasing down cultists, they’re too busy to enjoy the
finer things in life – namely, his wares.
He asks the characters to investigate and
either deal with the cultists themselves or gather
enough evidence of wrongdoing that the fiendish
city watchmen can be trusted to deal with the
interlopers. In exchange he parts with a bottle of
Pipyap’s favorite wine.

Above Their Pay Grade

Shirvasa might not know their plans, but he
does know the cultists are devotees of Levistus,
the Lord of Stygia. He does his best (without
outright lying to them, though lies of omission
are strongly encouraged) to convince the
adventurers to act like followers of Geryon
(who are fierce rivals of the Levistus cultists) in
hopes this escalates the encounter to violence.
Manipulating the characters into killing the
cultists is a better resolution for Shirvasa,
who then claims direct credit for the cultists’
destruction versus the credit being diluted
through fiendish bureaucracy. He doesn’t reveal
the cultists’ true patron because Shirvasa is
concerned the adventurers might not want to
knowingly harm the followers of an archduke of

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Episode 3: I’d Kill for a Drink
Estimated Duration: 75 minutes.
One of the chain devils has a soul coin that the
The streets of Abriymoch are a dangerous place and
characters can take if the devils are defeated.
the characters will have to fight to get Pipyap’s wine.

Scene A: I’ll Break Away Pipyap on the Pit of Flame

Tonight It’s a pit! There are flames! What a
While the adventures are headed to the last known name, right? Hey, that place is no
location of the cultists that Shirvasa has directed laughing matter. Phlegethos is so hot
them to, they encounter a pack of devils who have
escaped from their torture at the hands of the Pit of
at its center that the fire can burn
Flame. our tough fiendish hides.
Operating the machinery that hoists
Area Information your fellow devils out over the fire
The area has the following features: is a terrible job that no sensible,
Dimensions & Terrain. The encounter takes upward-thinking devil wants. We
place on a quieter city street – more residential fiends have excellent memories for
than business. Passersby stop and stare but do not these sorts of things and plenty of
intervene. They do, however, cheer on the fight.
time to work on our revenge.
Lighting. There is no day or night in Phlegethos,
only an oppressive bright orange haze that is It’s a rare occasion, but sometimes
accented by bursts of bright fire from rifts in the a big tough guy chains himself up and
stone. asks to be hoisted out for a stint.
It’s all macho, tough guy posturing
Creatures/NPCs though, because most of them come
A motley crew made up of bone devils and back moaning and crying like a brand
merregon approach the adventurers, looking for new nupperibo.
a fight. They’ve just escaped from their captors
while being transported to the Pit of Flame to serve Have I ever taken a swing over the
their time for their transgressions. The devils hope Pit? No, of course not; I’m much too
to redeem themselves and reclaim some glory by clever to get caught doing anything
finishing off these adventurers, who are clearly unsavory enough to end up in the hot
tourists. seat, but I’ve got plenty of enemies
Street Fighters who would like to watch me take a dip
into that lava.
There is no negotiating with the devils, there is
only fending them off. Having just escaped certain
torment, the devils are fueled by adrenaline and
bloodlust and cannot be talked out of ambushing
the characters.
On the second round of combat, a group of chain
Scene B: Saturday
devils race towards the fight, but as they draw close, Night’s Alright for
they do not join the fray. Instead, they wait for the
fight to finish, and approach the party members (if Fighting
they are successful). The chain devils are employees
of the Pit of Flame who thank the characters for Objective
assisting with “their little escape problem.” They Navigating through the city of Abriymoch to the
mutter amongst themselves about the paperwork hideout Shuvasa described, the adventurers must
they would have faced if they’d lost the escapees; learn what the cultists are up to. Layout of the
instead, now they’ll be home in time for dinner.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
warehouse where the cultists are plotting can be (Deception or Persuasion) check to convince the
found in Map 1: The Cultists’ Warehouse. cultists not to attack immediately.

Area Information
The area has the following features:
Dimensions & Terrain. The abandoned Modification for Shyntinidia
storehouse has one large open room and many Unlike a normal assassin, Shyntinidia is
smaller side rooms. The ceiling is 20 feet high in wearing studded leather armor of resistance
the main area, 10 feet in the smaller rooms. The (fire) and so is resistant to fire damage.
foundation here has begun to buckle and crack,
resulting in dangerous lava fissures breaking up
the room. Two major fissures glow with bubbling Shyntinidia wears around her neck a shard of
magma and inflict 4 (1d8) fire damage to any ice that never melts. If the characters somehow
creature that begins or ends its turn within 5 feet convince her that they are fellow cultists, she
of the fissures. Four minor rifts are present in the shows it to the party and asks them to pledge
room where the lava has not yet broken through fealty to Levistus. The assassin considers this a
the floor, but they crack open and inflict 4 (1d8) priceless artifact and does not part with it under
fire damage if a creature attacks with thunder or any circumstances; it is a token from Levistus that
bludgeoning damage in the immediate vicinity. represents the bargain that she struck with him in
exchange for his aid in escaping drow society.
Furnishings. The main area is empty save for a
stack of crates acting as a table toward the back of Mentioning Geryon (as Shirvasa suggests)
the room, while the side rooms have sleeping cots makes the cultists appear to let down their guard,
and basic supplies for the cultists. but in reality, it causes them to begin plotting the
characters’ abrupt and painful deaths. A DC 15
Lighting. The light from the lava fissures dimly Wisdom (Insight) check during future conversations
illuminates the room. with any cultists allows the character to determine
something is amiss with their behavior.
An assassin, two cult fanatics, two cultists, and What Do They Know?
one salamander spend their time here plotting on The cultists are scheming and attempting to
behalf of Levistus, Lord of Stygia. More cultists are research whether the heat from the Pit of Flame
on guard inside the front door and treat anyone who is hot enough to melt Levistus from his frozen
approaches with open hostility and suspicion. captivity.
The cultists can’t be convinced to betray the
Objectives/Goals assassin because they are aware there is no
The cultists are led by the drow assassin, punishment the adventurers could inflict upon them
Shyntinidia. The cultists are suspicious of any that is worse than what awaits them for failing
scheme the adventurers come up with to infiltrate Levistus.
the building; they are not expecting “new recruits”
since no one is supposed to know why they are Treasure
here. A character can attempt a DC 17 Charisma
Once this combat is defeated, the characters find
on Shyntinidia studded leather armor of resistance
(fire). The leather of the armor is reinforced with
rivets made of unmeltable ice, and steams faintly
when the wearer is hit with fire attacks.
Adjusting the encounter
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this Playing the Pillars
scene: Combat: Combat against the cult is
• Very Weak: Remove one cult fanatic and one straightforward, with the cultists and their
salamander attempting to surround one or
two adventurers and take them down through
• Weak: Remove one cult fanatic. cooperation. The assassin uses her Sneak Attack
• Strong: Add one salamander and one cult every chance she gets.
Exploration: The shard of ice worn by the
• Very Strong: Add one salamander and two assassin is proof of the cultists’ loyalty, since any
cult fanatics. devil can detect the mild aura of Levistus around it.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
If the characters take this to Shirvasa or any other decline advancement. Remind those that express an
devil, a task force is assembled, and the cultists are interest in this that they have a limit to how much
rounded up and dealt with. gold they can earn per level; declining advancement
Social: Although uneasy at first, if the characters means that they may reach a point where they earn
pass the initial check to assuage the cultists and do no gold.
not mention Geryon, it is possible the cultists could
speak with them. The cultists are paranoid, and Gold
their nascent plan requires an exceptional amount Award each character gold for each hour of the
of planning, meaning they are not an immediate session. Adventures typically features cues for this,
threat to Phlegethos.
but you can add it where you see fit. The maximum
gold that you can award a character per hour is
Wrap-Up: Concluding determined by their tier, as follows:

the Adventure Tier Hourly GP Award GP Limit per Level

2 30 gp 240 gp
Mission Accomplished
When the adventurers return to Shirvasa’s shop, he Magic Item(s)
lets out a low chuckle with a small, toothy smile as If found during the adventure, the characters can
they relate their tale and the information they have keep the following magic items:
He presents them with two bottles of Pipyap’s • Armor of Resistance (Fire): This studded leather
wine, and each party member further receives armor is reinforced with rivets made of unmeltable
a voucher for free travel by gondola when in ice, and steams faintly when the wearer is hit with
Abriymoch. fire attacks.
• Soul Coin
Shirvasa invites the adventurers to use his
personal portal in the back room of his shop to • Potion of Fire Breath (1 each)
return them to the tavern where they met Pipyap. • Spell Scroll of Sending

Let’s Get Outta Here Story Awards

If the adventurers do not return to Shirvasa, they During this adventure, the characters may earn the
can use the scroll of sending to contact Pipyap in following story award:
order to be transported home. However, this method Ticket to Ride. You’ve successfully completed the
takes the risk that the message does not reach him, task that Shirvasa the sommelier has set for you,
and they might be stuck in Phlegethos for longer and in exchange he provides you with a voucher for
than they’d planned. travel by gondola within the Abriymoch city limits.
As a token of appreciation, Pipyap begrudgingly Present it to any gondolier and not only do you ride
parts with a small bottle of fire wine (potion of fire for free, but the devilish gondoliers treat you as one
of Shirvasa’s associates - only with more respect.
breath) for each character from his own collection.
More information can be found in Handout 4: Story
“I’m so glad you made the trip safely! I was
worried!” It may take the characters a few moments
to realize that Pipyap is talking to his wine, and not
Dungeon Master Rewards
to them. For running this adventure, one of your character
gains a level. That character receives gold based on
their tier prior to advancement:
Rewards Tier GP Earned
The characters receive rewards based upon their 1 80 gp
accomplishments. Aside from advancement, these
rewards are earned during the session. 2 240 gp
3 1,600 gp
Character Rewards 4 6,000 gp
The characters earn the following rewards:
You may also complete DM Quests for running
Advancement this adventure. See the Adventurers League
Dungeon Master’s Guide for more information.
Upon completing this adventure, each character
gains a level. At their discretion, they may choose to

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Malbolge: The Love Triangle
Estimated Duration: 2-4 hours
“Dishonorable people do not honor their Episodes
arrangements. A bill of sale only requires payment, The adventure’s story is spread over five story
a contract only requires completion, and/or a debt episodes that take approximately 2 hours to play.
merely requires a payment.” These episodes are introduced by a Call to Action
- Akutra-Ramses Atenosis Cea, Spidersilk Episode. The adventure also includes two 1-hour

bonus episodes that can be played if time permits,
DAL00-11d The Love Triangle Contract that are introduced anywhere in the adventure.
is a tier 2 adventure by Greg Marks,
If you’re planning to play the entire adventure at
optimized for 8th-level characters that
once, you only need to introduce the Call to Action
takes place in the Moonsea and Malbolge,
once. However, if you plan to play them over several
the Sixth Layer of Hell.
sessions, you’ll want to revisit the Call to Action
each time you play.
Background • Episode 1: Favors and Contracts. The characters
Previously, the imp PIPYAP discovered an artifact are recruited by Pipyap to see what his old buddy
dedicated to LLIIRA, the goddess of joy, which for Moloch wants to trade favors over. This is the Call
the imp, adopted the form of what he most desired: to Action. If playing Bonus Objective A, Pipyap
a bag of cookies. Unfortunately, Pipyap lost the bag, also asks them to pick up a few things while in
again. Hell. But in order to get to Hell, Pipyap directs
Since losing the COOKIE BAG, Pipyap was them an old friend, Jeny Greenteeth, who is also
contacted by the disgraced archdevil MOLOCH, a font of useful information. Jeny can open a gate
former Lord of the Sixth. Moloch claims that he for them to pass through using the remains of the
has the cookie bag and can trade it for a favor. Hag Countess that persist in Malbolge. If playing
Since Moloch was (in Pipyap’s mind) a rival for Bonus Objective B, Jeny also asks them to look
the affections of the now deceased MALAGARD for a missing friend: Elisande. Finally arriving in
THE HAG COUNTESS, he’s not sure he can trust Hell, the characters broker a deal with Moloch to
Moloch. So, Pipyap has arranged a meeting on the rescue Mogdrin in exchange for the cookie bag.
sixth layer of Hell MALBOLGE, where Moloch is • Episode 2: Breach of Contract. The characters
cursed by ASMODEUS to assume the form of a try to break Mogdrin out of the oubliette where he
lowly imp. is trapped. This is Story Objective A.
Moloch has heard of the cookie bag and actually • Episode 3: Break Down of Contract
hopes to find it, so he can use it to get his heart’s Negotiations. The characters return with
desire: a return to his full power in the Nine Hells. Mogdrin, only to find Geilna waiting for them. It’s
He doesn’t actually have it, but he has an idea how a trap to catch Moloch, Mogdrin, and the PCs.
to get it. One of his greatest trackers MOGDRIN Even if Moloch isn’t there, the characters are fine
THE VENATOR, an orthon devil, has been bargaining chips against Moloch’s future plans.
imprisoned in Malbolge ever since Moloch’s fall. He Mogdrin tries to escape in the melee. Preventing
believes that Mogdrin could track down the artifact Mogdrin’s escape is Story Objective B.
for Moloch, as well as many of the scattered forces
he hasn’t been able to find since his fall during the Bonus Objectives
RECKONING OF HELL and the later destruction This adventure also includes two, 1-hour bonus
of his former consort Malagard. He has no intention objectives that the characters can pursue if
of honoring the deal, however, and has taken steps they have additional time to do so. These bonus
to ensure loopholes. objectives are found in this adventure’s appendices,
The whispers of the cookie bag found their way as follows:
to Moloch via NARIAH, an erinyes minion of • Bonus Objective A: Shopping Trip. This bonus
GLASYA, the daughter of Asmodeus and current objective adds scenes to episodes 1 and 2 where
Lord of the Sixth. She knows that Moloch is weaker the party attempts to recover some needed
while on Malbolge and is using the rumor of the ingredients for Pipyap. This bonus objective is
cookie bag to lure him back. She wishes to capture found in Chapter 6.
Moloch in order to end his threat to Glasya’s rule.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
• Bonus Objective B: Lost Girl. If the characters
agree to find Elisande for Jeny Greenteeth, they
find her in the same prison as Mogdrin, further
complicating episode 2. This bonus objective is Pipyap on My Rival Moloch,
found in Chapter 6.
Former Lord of the Sixth
Episode Sequence Yeah, so this guy’s eyes were always
Depending on your time constraints, play style and bigger than his stomach, and you
environment, this adventure takes approximately can trust me, I know something about
two-to-four hours to play.
stomachs. So Moloch was a great
How Will You Play? warrior for Hell and kicked a bunch
The duration of your session depends on how much
a’ demons out see. So, the big boss
of this adventure you utilize. At the very least, your Asmodeus promotes him to run the
session will last approximately two hours. However, Sixth after Beherit the previous Lord
if you wish, you can provide a longer experience for gets executed for breaking the rules
your players by utilizing the bonus objectives. on who gets promoted.
Story Objectives Only. To complete the both Anyway, Moloch never heard a
adventure story objectives, the characters play in
Episodes 1 through 3 in order.
scheme he doesn’t like and tries to
run plays on all the other archdevils,
Bonus Objectives. You can extend this adventure making him no friends except the
by one- or two- hours by utilizing the bonus
objectives provided in the appendices. These
big boss who likes his captains
objectives branch off Episode 1 and 2. squabbling wit’ each other so they
don’t move against him. But see
Hooks this total babe Malagard starts
Work with each player to determine why the whispering in his ear, telling him that
character is answering Pipyap’s call for aid. Here he could take the big boss. The thing
are a few ideas of how you might involve the is, he almost pulls it off. Just before
characters in Pipyap’s schemes: he is about to pull the trigger, he
• A Private in Pipyap’s Legion: Some characters runs off to the Prime to grab up
may have the Story Award A Private in Pipyap’s some artifact weapon, but while he’s
Legion. Such a character owes service to the there, somehow a group of nosey
plump imp and he has ordered them to attend adventurers, no offense, grab him
• Old Acquaintance Not Forgot: It is likely that
up. Without him to lead them, his army
some characters have met Pipyap in previous is crushed and his plan falls apart.
D&D Adventurers League adventures but owe the Weird thing, Asmodeus promotes
imp no fealty. In this case, Pipyap calls on their Malagard to take over. I wonder who
shared history and offers promises of favors to be told those adventurers where to find
paid later. Moloch?
• A Chance Meeting: Some characters might not
know Pipyap at all, or if they do, not be inclined One last note, both me and Moloch
to assist him. Such characters could be traveling had a thing with Malagard, so we’re
the Phlan Path and stopping over at the Crossing. not on the best of terms. He always
Capricious fate has delivered them right where underestimates the little guy, so it’s
Pipyap needs them to be. ironic that Asmodeus cursed him so
that if he ever comes back to Hell,
he’s demoted all the way down to imp.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Pipyap on My Ex-Girlfriend
Malagard, the Hag Countess
Okay, so I’ve always been sweet
on Malagard. I’m mean, I’ve never
see so many boils on such deep
purple skin… and her wild white,
brittle hair; like the explosion
of a paladin sensing evil in the
Hells. Truth be told, I think she was
sweet on me too, but of course
what with her being made Lord of
the Sixth and being a Night Hag
amongst archdevils, she couldn’t
reciprocate my love by showing
her true feelings. You know, ‘cause
she didn’t want to endanger me by
making me a target for archdevils
looking to take a shot at her. Pipyap on Devil Jail (Malbolge)
It was a sad day when Glasya, the Okay, so don’t tell the adventurers I
rebellious daughter of Asmodeus, am sending, but you never want to go
melted my girl and temporarily made to Malbolge. First off, it’s a prison
her part of the planar stuff that so you know it’s not going to be all
makes up the layer. That’s another that nice. Then remember it’s a prison
good lesson, eventually daddy’s in Hell and so it’s just about as bad
little girl wins, no matter how as it can be.
strained their relationship.
Once prisoners are found guilty
You can still find a few parts of in the Infernal Courts, they are sent
her mixed with Malbolge, but most to Malbolge which is basically an
of it has rotted away. infinitely long mountain side covered
constant avalanches. You can get
out of the way in a few places:
caves, ravines, tunnels, and the
devilish fortifications that rise up on
adamantine pillars. If you are really
unlucky, you’ll find a little shelter
but not quite enough and you have to
pick which limb to leave sticking out
exposed to the constant rain of bone-
breaking rock. Basically, this place
sucks and everyone hates it until they
are pummeled flat and no longer hate

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Episode 1: Favors and Contracts
(Call to Action)
Estimated Duration: 20 minutes food and other luxuries is more his style, that and
he no longer thinks he quite fits in there anyway.
Scene A. A Favor to Ask So, he is looking for some minion, agents, or
friends to go in his stead.
Story Beat: The characters receive the Call to
• It interesting that Moloch choose Malbolge to
Action from Pipyap, requesting they travel to
meet. Not only is he a wanted infernal on that
Malbolge to deal with the devil Moloch and retrieve
layer of Hell, Asmodeus cursed him that if he ever
his cookie bag.
enters Malbolge, he becomes an imp. This means
The adventure begins with the characters he’s not really a threat, so he must want to deal
responding to a summons to meet at the Crossing really badly.
Inn on the Phlan Path. When they arrive, it is a • Pipyap wants the characters to travel into the
sunny day in the middle of the month of Eleint. nearby Quivering Forest and find the hag Jeny
Pipyap sits under a tree in the full blaze of autumn, Greenteeth. Jeny owes Pipyap a favor and should
on a picnic blanket surrounded by piles of food. be able to open a portal for them into Malbolge.
Romsan Kal watches him nervously from the Once in Hell, meet with Moloch who claims
window of the inn. to have a bag of Pipyap’s favorite cookies. The
characters should strike a deal with Moloch and
Area Information get that bag! If they do, he rewards them greatly.
This area features: He remains vague on the specifics of the reward.
• Pipyap gives the party a twisted, fire scarred
Dimensions & Terrain. The area is wild, with
dinner fork that he claims gets them where
only the Crossing’s buildings hinting at civilization.
they need to be with Jeny’s help. (It functions as
Lighting. It is sunny with a light breeze rustling a planar fork for the plane shift spell keyed to
the autumn leaves. Malbolge.)
• Bonus Objective A: If you are using Bonus
Creatures/NPCs Objective A, Pipyap also asks the characters to
Pipyap the imp offers the group a toothy smile and pick up a few sundries for him while in Malbolge;
welcomes them to join him for lunch. While his things he can’t get on the Prime now that he
table manners are atrocious, he seems to have no doesn’t go to Hell anymore. Give the players
end of food to share. Player Handout 6.
Objectives/Goals. Pipyap’s goal is to convince the Troubleshooting
characters to take a quick trip to Malbolge and meet
with Moloch. He knows it’s very dangerous, but he’s Pipyap is an imp and what he’s asking might be a
pretty desperate to find his missing cookie bag and tall order for some, so it’s possible that things go
is curious why Moloch would contact him. astray.
What Does He Know? Pipyap knows everything • More mercenary characters might want to have a
in the “Pipyap on…” sidebars but downplays clear payment. Pipyap offers to let them keep the
anything that seems likely to scare off the planar fork and promises a significant favor when
adventurers from doing what he wants. Between they succeed.
shoving handfuls of food into his gullet, Pipyap lays • If Pipyap is attacked or repeatedly threatened,
out his offer: he turns invisible and flees. You can still get the
adventure back on track by having either Jeny
• Pipyap has received a message from an old friend
Greenteeth or Romsan Kal express an interest in
and sometimes rival: a devil named Moloch.
what the devils are up to and encouraging them to
According to the imp, Moloch and Pipyap once
both tried to win the heart of a now deceased
hag named Malagard. In the name of that shared Call to Action
affection, Moloch has asked that Pipyap meet with
him in Malbolge and hear a proposal. Pipyap’s request that the characters meet with
• Pipyap is a little uncomfortable going back to Hell. Moloch and strike a deal to get back the cookie
He’s decided that the Prime Material with all its bag is the Call to Action. He suggests they call in a

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
favor that Jeny Greenteeth owes him to garner safe return, they need to pay her. She is takes one of the
passage back and forth to Hell. Proceed to Scene B: following:
A Favor for a Friend once the characters are ready
• A child’s favorite puppy.
to begin.
• One of the characters’ fingers; while the 1d4
slashing damage heals, the finger can never be
Scene B. A Favor for a regrown, even by powerful magic.
Friend • A wedding ring.
• A song; any character that sings a song loses all
Story Beat: The characters meet with the hag, Jeny ability to sing that song ever again.
Greenteeth, and barter for safe passage to Malbolge.
• A happy memory; that character loses their Bond
The characters travel for several days through the forever.
Quivering Forest. If you are looking to expand the • If you are using Bonus Objective B, Jeny requires
playing time of your adventure or your players are one of the above, and a favor while they are in
especially combat focused this is an excellent place Malbolge. A young girl named Elisande recently
for a wandering encounter. The Forest Encounters acquired a very large Chultan goat (events of
(Levels 5-10) table in Xanathar’s Guide to DDAL07-18 Turn Back the Endless Night) and
Everything is a good place to start if you need ideas. wandered into Hell. While there, she asks that
Eventually the party locates Jeny’s cottage in the the characters find and return her to Toril before
northern Quivering Forest. She comes out to greet she causes problems being where she shouldn’t
them as they approach. be. Characters who have never met Elisande but
succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check
Area Information have heard of her. She frequently appears at
moments of great import, and some say she is one
Jeny’s home is in a large, hard to find clearing, with of the Chosen; representatives of the gods in the
a break in the forest’s heavy canopy allowing in mortal realm.
some light.
If the characters refuse to pay her price, Jeny opens
This area features: the gate, but the characters need to find their own
Dimensions & Terrain. Her small cottage is way home.
made of neatly stacked logs with a roof of tidily Questions. If characters have treated her well,
arranged shingles, grown over with moss. It is about Jeny is happy to share further information if asked.
twenty feet on a side. A large fire with an iron pot
• She knows the basics about Malbolge from the
simmers in front of the cottage.
Pipyap on Devil Jail sidebar, without Pipyap’s
Lighting. The clearing is dimly lit with the fading colorful embellishments.
light of dusk at all times of day or night. Even
• Jeny knows well of the Night Hag Malagard who
magical light struggles to raise the light level here.
once ruled in Hell. Malagard was older and perhaps
even more powerful than Jeny, something she is
Creatures/NPCs not embarrassed by. The Hag Countess made the
Jeny Greenteeth, an unusually powerful green hag, mistake of trusting the King of Hell, Asmodeus.
uses her illusory appearance ability to take on a Never bargain with a devil smarter than you. If you
form more likely to be trusted by the adventurers. are not sure who is smarter, it’s not you. Even if you
She wears a simple floral-print dressing gown over think you have the upper hand, you don’t. Indeed,
a clear, lacy apron. Her hair is tied back in a neat the passage the party takes is only possible because
bun held in place with a bone hair pin. of Malagard.
Objectives/Goals. Jeny helps paragons of good
like adventurers because it puts them in her debt, Through the Gate
and she enjoys twisting them to her own goals.
When the characters are ready to travel, Jeny brings
To better succeed, she pretends to be a kindly
a collection of jars and herbs from her cottage to a
grandmother, but makes a casual threat to drive
nearby tree. She pours a jar of blood and another of
home her point.
bile upon the bole of the tree, and then rubs purple
What Does She Know? While Jeny owes Pipyap a comfrey blooms into the mixture before stabbing
favor, she does not discuss what put her in the imp’s the fork into the bark, causing the tree to split in
debt beyond saying it was a trade of information. half and revealing a gore-soaked passage to Hell.
That said, while she uses the fork Pipyap has
“Careful of the first step little doves, it’s a long way
given the characters to open a portal to Malbolge,
down.” Characters that pass through the dripping
if they wish to have her reopen it when it is time to
passage find themselves in Scene C: Contractual
DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
the pillow and presenting the skull which speaks
with Moloch’s voice. It is not clear where Moloch
actually is, and he won’t say.
Pipyap on “Wait, I thought You
Objectives/Goals. Like all merregons, the
Can’t Portal to any Layer of devil cannot speak and is simply a loyal soldier.
Hell but Avernus?” All interaction needs to be done with the skull.
Even though Moloch is obsessed with power and
By decree of Asmodeus’ pointy beard, his scheme, he is supernaturally intelligent and
that’s true. So, either Malagard’s does not easily fall for subterfuge offered by mere
intestines wind through all the layers mortals.
of the Nine Hells and the walk is Moloch has heard tale of Pipyap’s cookie bag
longer than the characters’ thought, and more importantly, that it has resulted in an
Jeny’s time in Barovia and subsequent unusual rise to power for the imp; so much so that
return made her MUCH more powerful, he has already begun to enter into soul contracts
and attract followers despite his lowly status as
or Asmodeus wants this to happen. an imp. Both desiring to acquire the cookie bag
Your guess is as good as mine bub and knowing that Pipyap doesn’t have it but seems
and the authors aren’t talkin’, those to have access to many adventurers, Moloch has
sneaky jerks! hatched a scheme to get it. He knows that Mogdrin
the Venator is an orthon devil that is particularly
skilled in tracking and locating lost items, even
Scene C. Contractual for his breed. Unfortunately, Mogdrin has been
imprisoned on Malbolge since Moloch’s loss of
Favors power and now he seeks his freedom, and he plans
to use Pipyap’s minions to do it for him.
Story Beat: The party negotiates with Moloch
to raid one of the forgotten oubliettes and free What Does He Know? Moloch shares the following:
Mogdrin. • Moloch is disappointed Pipyap didn’t show up in
The party emerges from the blood-soaked passage person, as he would have liked to have seen him.
into a cavern on the side of the great mountain that • Moloch has heard that Pipyap has lost something
is Malbolge. and he believes that due to a shared acquaintance
they might be able to strike a deal. Many of
Area Information Moloch’s loyal minions are scattered across the
planes and he would like to gather them back
The characters have exited into an area still tainted
up. While he once had the perfect lieutenant for
by remnants of Malagard’s body. In this case, one of
finding lost things, they were imprisoned during
her tear ducts, at the edge of the Hair Forest.
his disagreement with Asmodeus.
This area features: • Mogdrin the Venator is an orthon, devils that are
Dimensions & Terrain. The cave and tunnel drip skilled trackers who can hunt down anyone or
blood and salty tears onto a grey soil reminiscent of anything. If Pipyap’s minions can free Mogdrin,
dead flesh. The cave is roughly 30 feet wide and 60 Mogdrin can find the cookie bag for the imp, and
feet long. The ceiling is 30 feet up. then return to Moloch to help him find his allies
and seek vengeance against Glasya.
Lighting. The red light of the Malbolgian sky
• Mogdrin is imprisoned in the Pit of Feirgbioff, a
filters in through the cave entrance.
long-forgotten oubliette originally crafted out of
Sound. Rocks bounce past the entrance of the one of Malagard’s pores in what remains of the
cave in a continuous stream, echoing like thunder Hair Forest. He can give the party directions on
and making Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely how to locate the pit, and the area should be safer
on sound to be made at disadvantage. than most as the forest deflects the constantly
falling boulders.
Creatures/NPCs • He can’t go himself, as his power is greatly
Waiting for them is a merregon devil, carrying constrained in Hell and his friends are few.
a bloody horned skull on a gore-soaked pillow. • His merregon waits here for them to return with
Like Pipyap, Moloch has chosen to not meet Mogdrin and if they return, he orders Mogdrin to
in person, instead sending a surrogate minion assist Pipyap before coming to Moloch and they
with an enchanted skull through which he can return to their plane with the orthon.
communicate. The merregon steps forward, raising

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
• Moloch denies any idea that he and the imp were
rivals or that Pipyap had any interaction with
Malagard that he is aware of. Of course, Malagard
was once his closest advisor so it’s no surprise she
would succeed him.

It’s possible the characters might balk at working
with Moloch or try to make things difficult for the
archdevil. Here’s some possible responses:
• Characters might try to enter into an infernal
contract to bind Moloch. He is only too happy to
sign one. Of course, since he’s not actually there, his
merregon signs in his stead; rending it void.
• If the characters try to demand payment or need
additional persuasion, Moloch appreciates their
mercenary nature and accommodates them. He
offers the party a potion of greater healing and a
spell scroll of summon lesser demons.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Episode 2: Breach of Contract
(Story Objective A)
Estimated Duration: 80 minutes • Hell Lice: If you are using Bonus Objective A,
Rescue Mogdrin the Venator (Story Objective A). the characters’ arrival at the Hair Forest is a good
opportunity for them to encounter some of the
Prerequisites areas more unpleasant denizens.
Once the characters have been given directions to • Pactmakers: The characters encounter a group
the nearby Pit of Feirgbioff from Moloch’s talking of planar travelers looking to make a deal and
skull, they can travel there quickly. coming in search of the best legal advice in
the Hells. They warily ask the characters for
directions to the Legal Offices of Barzoon and
Road through Hell Hart. If the characters show themselves to be
For sake of time, it is assumed that the characters weak or lost, the group attacks, hoping to take
quickly travel through Malbolge to arrive at the captives that can be sold for further advantage
Pit. If you are playing through this adventure in an in negotiating their deal. The group consists of a
environment where time warlock of the fiend, a priest, and two veterans.
is not limited and you • Rockslide: Falling rocks are a constant danger on
wish to expand the the Sixth. Perhaps the trip to the Hair Forest is
experience, there not as safe as expected and they must deal with
are several the endless rockslides. Refer to the description of
options: Malbolge for what happens if the party is caught in
a rockslide.

The Pit of Feirgbioff

The Pit is located in the densely packed Hair Forest
next to tall cliffside. A swarm of boulders sail
overhead, their momentum launching them passed
the oubliette and surrounding “trees.” In the Pit are
seven cells, where prisoners are left in their own
private hells to be forgotten.

Area Information
This area features:
Dimensions & Terrain. The 20’ by 20’
pit descends into the flakey white soil, its
edges covered with a slippery oil. Seven
archways can be seen scattered around
the pit. Climbing the slippery walls
unaided requires a successful DC
20 Strength (Athletics)
check. It is 600 feet to
the bottom.
Lighting. There is
no light in the oubliette
and the surrounding
cells unless noted.
Doors. The stone
doors (AC 17, hp 37,
break DC 30, Open Locks
DC 30, immune to poison
and psychic damage) to each floor are affected by

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
an arcane lock spell using a 5th-level spell slot.
Dispelling the arcane lock lowers the break and
open locks DCs by 10.
Acid Spray Trap
Complex trap (level 5–10, deadly threat)
Magic. Magic that would detect the presence of
specific individuals does not function with in the Pit. Trigger. When any weight exceeding 30
Spells cannot be used to locate any of the prisoners. pounds is on the floor in the hallway, a stone
Spells that would allow any prisoner to leave the slab descends blocking the doorway and a stone
Pit also cease to function. This stipulation does not portcullis closes off the end of the hallway.
apply to any character ensnared by the traps in area Initiative. The trap sprays acid on initiative 20
C. All of these defenses are at the will of the Lord of and 10.
the Sixth and not within the power of the characters
Active Elements. Once activated, a panel
to change.
drops on the wall opposite the portcullis,
reveling several tubes. On its initiative, the tubes
Scene A. Kazzinoth the spray acid into the hallway doing 22 (4d10) acid
damage to anyone in the hallway. A successful
Gorehound DC 20 Constitution saving throw halves the
The first archway is 20 feet from the surface damage.
and is the prison of Kazzinoth the Gorehound; a Countermeasures. Before setting the trap
particularly vicious demon that lead an incursion off, the pressure plate can be deactivated with
to the Nine Hells over two centuries ago. Now a successful DC 20 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools)
Kazzinoth is trapped in an endless torture of tedium check. Once it is active, the nozzles can be
and order. disabled with the same check, but the character
must be next to them.
A1. Trapped Hall The slab and portcullis can be destroyed or
The small entrance ends five feet at a door that lifted to allow those inside to escape (AC 17, hp
shows a snarling dog-like face. A successful DC 37, lift DC 25, immune to poison and psychic
15 Intelligence (Arcana) check recognizes it as a damage).
depiction of a glabrezu. If the result of the check
is 20 or higher, the character notes the name of
Kazzinoth the Gorehound inscribed into the circle copying them by candlelight. Books include the
and recalls that Kazzinoth is a particularly vicious exhausting practice of basic math, treatises on the
follower of Yeenoghu who once led a somewhat hair color of halfling feet, a thousand ways to cook
successful incursion into the Nine Hells. The door is gruel, and other even less exciting tomes.
locked and the hallway behind it is trapped.
Three infernal monks watch over him, each
Acid Spray Trap. Opening or breaking the door holding a barbed whip that they use to flay the flesh
arms the trap in the hallway beyond. from his back for every mistake he makes or pause
he takes. If he stops to fight the characters or tries
A2. Rejuvenation Chamber to leave the room, the monks whip him, doing 5
A magical circle is etched in the center of this psychic damage to him per round at the beginning
room and the walls are covered in hatch marks. of his turn.
A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check The monks are illusions and can harm no one but
recognizes it as a modified version of a circle for Kazzinoth. They ignore the characters and demand
summoning and binding demons. that Kazzinoth get back to work.
Whenever Kazzinoth is killed, ten minutes later he
appears in the circle. Not even death is an escape Creatures/NPCs
from Hell. There are 2,862 hatch marks on the Kazzinoth was once a particularly vicious glabrezu,
walls, each representing a time Kazzinoth has died. but as time as worn on, Hell has somewhat broken
Kazzinoth cannot damage the circle, but any him with endless tedium and order. His punishment
character who does 10 points of damage to it is to copy all the books put in front of him, only the
disrupts its hold on the demon, allowing him to pile never ends. Whenever he makes a mistake or
leave the Pit. pauses, the monks whip him. No matter how he
might attack them, his attacks pass right through
A3. Scriptorium them and they cannot be injured, and whenever he
dies, he just reappears (room A1) in the circle to
Kazzinoth the Gorehound, a glabrezu, sits at a start his punishment all over. If he someone exists
writing desk next to a mound of books, slowly this level, he reappears in the circle.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Objectives/Goals. Kazzinoth is broken, having The third archway is 110 feet from the surface.
buried the rage that he once knew beneath a The door inside shows a human man in armor
shallow veneer. He is desperate to escape from this sitting sorrowfully amid piles of coins and books.
prison and while at first he assumes the characters
are just a new wrinkle in his torture if he realizes C1. The Net of Greed
they are real, he demands they free him. If they do
The floor of this room is buried in thousands of gold
so, he flees without delay. If they do not, he attacks
coins heaped around a rock that has a longsword
embedded in it. A column of moonlight shines down
What Does He Know? Kazzinoth was imprisoned upon the sword, filling the room. The room radiates
by Malagard two centuries ago and is unaware magic. If the sword is pulled from the stone,
of the changes to Malbolge above. He does know requiring a DC 15 Strength check, the moonlight is
that one of the other prisoners is some kind of extinguished. The room is difficult terrain due to the
angel, but not what kind or how they came to be coins.
here. Occasionally he has heard a little girl singing
Any character attempting to take the sword or
further down the pit.
any coins trigger a magical trap. One round after
any creature picks up anything from the room,
they are assaulted by a swirling whirlwind of coins
that try to drive themselves down the character’s
throat. Each round that they are in this room or on
Adjusting the Scene the surrounding stairs, they suffer 22 bludgeoning
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this damage and one level of exhaustion. A successful
scene: DC 15 Constitution saving throw halves the damage
• Very Weak: The infernal monk images do 20 and negates the exhaustion. Creatures that do not
psychic damage to Kazzinoth at the beginning breathe or eat do not suffer the exhaustion effect. If
of his turn and the whips are so painful that the creature that caused the effect leaves, entering
his first attack is made with disadvantage. C2, C3, or the entry way beyond the door, the trap
resets with all coins returning to where they were.
• Weak: The infernal monk images do 15
psychic damage to Kazzinoth at the beginning
of his turn. Treasure
• Strong: Kazzinoth has 15 extra hit points and While none of the coins can leave this room, the
+1 to hit. moon-touched longsword in the stone can be
• Very Strong: Kazzinoth has 30 extra hit points claimed.
and +1 to hit and can cast one of his spells as
a bonus action once per round. C2. Wrathful Ambush
The doors to these rooms display a longsword
crossed with a bloody claw. The doors are locked
(AC 17, hp 37, break DC 20, Open Locks DC 20,
Scene B. Broken Cell immune to poison and psychic damage). Opening
The second archway is 80 feet from the surface. one door causes the other to swing open and
The door to this cell appears to have been broken immediately summons a barbed devil into each
outward. Inside there are alcoves filled with small room. The devils immediately attack.
broken statuary, nothing larger that a fingertip. It is
impossible to determine what they once depicted.
The entire level smells strangely of cinnamon.
At the end of the winding corridor is a cave in Adjusting the Scene
that blocks further progress. Before the rubble is a
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this
strange symbol, vaguely resembling a curling “X”
surrounded by squares in each of the four corners.
It is painted on the floor in offal. • Very Weak: Remove one barbed devil.
• Weak: Replace one barbed devil with a
Scene C. Confidence bearded devil.
• Strong: Add one bearded devil that appears
Snare in the entranceway to C1.
The devils always knew that some would come to • Very Strong: Add one barbed devil that
free the prisoners, and so they created a trap to appears in the entranceway to C1.
ensnare those brave enough to plum the Pit.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
C3. Thoughtful Quagmire and attacks. It has the statistics of a sacred statue,
but with the following modifications.
Two braziers hang from the ceiling, lighting the
book-lined walls of this room with magical firelight. • The statue is Medium sized.
The room is perfectly spotless and radiates magic. • It is not inhabited by an eidolon and loses the
The books detail the Nine Hells, giving the DM an Ghostly Inhabitant and Inert traits.
excellent place to seed information or plot hooks or
details for future adventures in the Hells. One book D2. The Horrible Death of
in particular appears to be a large spellbook. Uliverra Lifesbane
Anyone reading from any of the books must Behind this locked door is a sarcophagus baring the
make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or sit down to relief a of frightened half-elven woman in robes. The
read, forgoing all other things: food, sleep, friends, lid was sealed with molten lead.
everything. The victim attempts another saving
throw each day, but they gain a level of exhaustion If the sarcophagus is pried open, inside are
every day they are under the effect. the skeletal remains of a woman with scraps of
cloth that was once black robes. A successful DC
Treasure 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check notes the
scratches on the underside of the lid and broken
With the exception of the Infernal Spellbook, all of fingernails, suggesting she was entombed alive.
the books disappear if taken from the room. One
can only worry at why the powers of Hell would let What Does the Corpse Know? If the characters
the spellbook be taken. use magic to speak with the corpse or otherwise
divine her fate, they can determine that Uliverra
The Infernal Spellbook contains the spells: was an apprentice of Ecrouthik Deathwhisper who,
1st—false life, ray of sickness, witch bolt; 2nd— once she gained in power on her own, attempted
Aganazzar’s scorcher, mind spike, shadow blade; to descend into Hell and free her master. She was
3rd—bestow curse, life transference; and 4th— captured, and buried alive in his prison.
sickening radiance.
D3. Split Personality
Scene D. Ecrouthik In four alcoves are fragments of Ecrouthik’s soul,
Deathwhisper entombed in crystal coffins and trapped in a state
of wakeful stasis; unable to move and driven mad
Down 130 feet from the surface is a hallway that by the passage of time. Through the transparent
leads to the prison of Ecrouthik Deathwhisper, a lids can be seen a translucent image of dark-
human necromancer who had the temerity to slay haired human man in black robed wearing a silver
and animate infernals without contract. For this necklace with an antlered skull pendant. The man
crime, he has been imprisoned for 800 years. bares a strong resemblance to the statue in area D1.
There is no door to this cell, only an archway If watched for a moment, the man’s eyes flick back
topped by an antlered skull. and forth as if he is watching the character.
Opening one of the coffins causes image to fly
D1. Angry Memories to the lower landing and stay motionless until all
A statue of a robed human man stands in the center the coffins are opened; each time the next image
of this room. When any creature enters, it animates merges with the last and the result becoming
more solid. If all four fragments are allowed to
join, Ecrouthik becomes solid. Crazed by his
imprisonment he tries to kill all living creatures he
can so he might animate them to begin his creation
Adjusting the Scene of a new undead army.
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this
scene: Scene E. Mogdrin the
• Very Weak: Decrease the statue’s hp by 15, its
damage by 5, and its to hit bonus by 1.
• Weak: Decrease the statue’s hp by 15 and its The prison of Mogdrin the Venator lies 130 feet
damage by 5. from the surface, across from that of Ecrouthik
Deathwhisper. Like the other cell on this level, it
• Strong: Increase the statue’s hp by 15.
bares no door, only a hallway that is surrounded in
• Very Strong: Increase the statue’s hp by 15 complicated scrollwork.
and it’s to hit bonus by 1.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
E1. Entrance Hall way out, but there is a way in, so escape is simple:
simply find the door in. Once the characters realize
Three unremarkable alcoves jut off the long hall this, a glowing door like the one Mogdrin’s body lies
that ends in a stone door like others found in the on appears around the next corner and touching it
Pit. The door is inscribed with complicated maze frees them.
that looks vaguely like a brain. A successful DC 15
Intelligence (Investigation) check notices that it the If the players do not come to this solution
maze has no solution, simply ending wherever one themselves, they are welcome to search the maze in
starts. Mogdrin’s company. Each day they do so, the place
wears on them and they must succeed on a DC 15
Opening the door triggers the cell’s waiting Wisdom saving throw or gain a level of exhaustion.
defenses. A bone devil appears just inside the room Each day they search you may ask them a hinting
and three spined devils appear, one in each alcove. question:
They fight to the death.
• What was carved on the door to Mogdrin’s cell? (a
maze with no end)
• How many doors to the maze have you seen? (just
Adjusting the Scene one, the way in)
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this • How do you leave a room with no exit door? (the
scene: way you got in)
• Very Weak: Remove two spined devils.
• Weak: Replace all of the spined devils with a
barbed devil.
• Strong: Replace two spined devils with Mogdrin the Venator
barbed devils. Mogdrin is an orthon devil with the following
• Very Strong: Replace all of the spined devils modifications:
with barbed devils. • He has 150 hit points.
• He has the Innate Spellcasting trait. When the
characters find him, he has already used plane
E2. Lost in the Maze of Your Mind shift and teleport trying to escape the maze.
In the center of the room between two pillars, Innate Spellcasting. Mogdrin’s innate
Mogdrin, an orthon devil, lies on a stone slab spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC
carved like a door. The slab glows with a faint light. 17). Mogdrin can innately cast the following
A transparent image floats in the air above him, spells, requiring no material components:
showing the devil tracking through a dark maze At will: detect good and evil, detect magic
as if searching for a way out. Watching him, the
characters see him read tracks, cast divination 3/day each: hunter’s mark, locate animals or
spells, or run for hours on end never resting. A plants, locate object
successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check notes 1/day each: detect thoughts, legend lore,
that orthon’s are not normally spellcasters, so as locate creature, pass without trace, speak with
Moloch told the party, he is unusually powerful. No animals, teleport
power the characters possess can wake him without 1/week each: contact other plane, find the path,
entering the maze. plane shift

The Psychic Maze

Any creature touching the slab immediately
collapses and their consciousness is transferred
into the maze with Mogdrin. Mogdrin has not
encountered anyone in the maze before, so he is
wary, but realizes they may be key to his escape so Adjusting the Scene
he interrogates them to see if they are useful rather Here are some suggestions for adjusting this
than fight. scene:
Escaping the Maze: The psychic maze constantly • Very Weak: Lower the DC by 2.
rearranges itself so there is no exit. As Mogdrin • Weak and Strong: No change.
searches for the exit, it moves or ceases to exist,
• Very Strong: Increase the DC by 2.
remaining constantly beyond his grasp. There is no

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Creatures/NPCs beneath a short, white toga. Zakiel remains seated
as the characters enter and bids them to join in
Mogdrin is patient and loyal to a fault. He serves no conversation.
one but Moloch and if the characters say they are
here on behalf of his master, he listens. If nothing Objectives/Goals. Zakiel has fallen from grace
else, the conversation is an interesting diversion and believes in a perfect world run by rules that no
from the monotony of the maze. one may break. The only way to make certain of
that reality is the death of all sentient creatures with
Objectives/Goals. Moloch seeks to escape the desires or independent thought. The angel tries to
maze that Glasya has imprisoned him in and return remain civil, but they want nothing more than to be
straight to Moloch to aid him in his return to power. freed of this prison and resume their genocidal life’s
What Does He Know? Mogdrin is an expert work. Character’s with a Passive Insight of 16 or
tracker and hunter who specializes in finding that greater realize that something is off with the angel
which is lost or hidden. He prefers to work alone. and they are less friendly that they appear. If the
He is merciless and uncaring, focused only on characters act in a particularly chaotic fashion it is
that which advances his mission. He does not kill difficult for Zakiel to remain calm, decreasing the
needlessly as it is a distraction, but murders out of DC by 5.
convenience to enhance the chances of completing What Does the Angel Know? Zakiel was captured
a bounty. While he won’t say it, the characters are millennia ago, and apparently no one has tried to
tools he discards as soon as they are no longer rescue it in all that time. Zakiel knows that they are
useful. a powerful warrior against evil (and good, though
Mogdrin knows the story of Moloch and Malagard that is likely to be omitted), and as such they hope
that is described in the sidebars. He remembers to be freed. Whenever Zakiel tries to leave the
Pipyap as a mouthy imp that was always getting chamber, chains shoot out from the throne and drag
into trouble and probably liked mortals more than is them back to the throne. The only way out is for
healthy for a devil. someone to volunteer to take its place. Zakiel pleads
for one of the characters to do so, but if all refuse
Troubleshooting and cannot come up with another plan, the angel
decides to kill the rest of the characters and torture
Once they have freed Mogdrin, the characters can
one of them until they agree.
explore as much or as little of the Pit as they desire
but he pushes for a rapid exodus. If they claim Any character that takes the deal is stuck in
a secondary mission, he agrees to aid them as Malbolge forever… or at least until they can convince
necessary, only because he respects a promise to someone else to take the same deal of their own
fulfill a bounty. free will.
Once the characters are ready to leave, move on to
Episode 3.

Scene F. Empty Cell

This cell lies empty behind a locked door 150 feet Adjusting the Scene
from the surface. If you are using Bonus Objective Here are some suggestions for adjusting this
B, Elisande is here instead. scene:
• Very Weak: Zakiel can use Summon Army of
Scene G. Zakiel the Fallen and Legendary Resistance only 1/
180 feet from the surface is the final archway and day each. Decrease its hit points by 30, AC by
inscribed in Celestial over the entrance are the 1 and to hit by 1.
words “All are welcome, at their own peril.” This is • Weak: Zakiel can use Summon Army of the
the prison of the fallen angel, Zakiel. Fallen and Legendary Resistance only 2/day
Zakiel broods upon a throne at the end of an each. Decrease its hit points by 15.
alcove lined hallway. Carved into the throne are • Strong: Increase its hit points by 15.
images of chains. Six alcoves have a statue of a • Very Strong: Increase its hit points by 30, AC
kneeling angel, head bowed, and a stone longsword by 1 and to hit by 1. Add the Legendary Action
laid before them. Lay on Hands.
Lay on Hands: The angel heals 25 hit points.
Zakiel is a genderless white skinned humanoid with
golden wings and a muscular stature barely hidden

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Playing the Pillars
Combat: Zakiel cannot leave their cell so their
ability to use Flyby is limited. Instead they use
Summon the Army of the Fallen as much as
possible to limit how many characters can
get close to them. If a character is knocked
unconscious, Zakiel threatens to execute
the character unless one of the other
characters takes its place upon the
throne of chains.
Exploration: The small side
room contains a tiny non-
descript altar where Zakiel once
prayed. They have not gone in
it for years, but a character
searching it with a successful
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
locates a handful of feathers
that have fallen behind the
Social: Zakiel has two
goal: escape the Pit and
end all sentient life. They
cannot complete the second
until they accomplish the
first and thus any attempt
at negotiating with it always
requires someone to take their
place. It trades spellcasting
services, feathers, and the lives
of party members in exchange for
their freedom.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Episode 3: Break Down of Contract
Estimated Duration: 20 minutes and the characters or suffer. However, a death
Story Beat: In this episode the characters must in Hell is a permeant one for her, so she orders
fend off Glasya’s minions who seek to claim the barbed devils to their death, fleeing if badly
Mogdrin, while also keeping him from escaping. wounded or success seems unlikely. Geilna wears
Preventing Mogdrin’s escape is Story Objective B. an ioun stone of protection, increasing her AC by 1.
The merregon attacks one of the barbed devils.
Prerequisites To speed up the combat, the DM can rule that they
This scene occurs after the characters have rescued mutually annihilate each other as the combat ends.
Mogdrin from the Pit of Feirgbioff and returned to If the characters wish to involve themselves in that
the cave where Moloch’s merregon awaits them. melee, their actions should determine who survives,
though the merregon happily attacks the characters
Area Information if they aid in Mogdrin’s escape. It knows that Moloch
The characters have returned to the same cave at gave it the skull while in Sigil but does not know
the edge of the Hair Forest. where the archdevil now is.

This area features: Mogdrin does as his master suggests and tries to
flee so he can find Moloch. He owes the characters
Dimensions & Terrain. The cave and tunnel drip nothing and only attacks if they try to restrain him,
blood and salty tears onto a grey soil reminiscent of and then only to flee.
dead flesh. The cave is roughly 30 feet wide and 60
feet long. The ceiling is 30 feet up.
Lighting. The red light of the Malbolgian sky
filters in through the cave entrance.
Sound. Rocks bounce past the entrance of the
Adjusting the Scene
cave in a continuous stream, echoing like thunder Here are some suggestions for adjusting this
and making Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely scene:
on sound are made at disadvantage. • Very Weak: Replace both barbed devils with
spined devils.
Creatures/NPCs • Weak Remove one barbed devil.
When the characters arrive, the merregon is • Strong: Add one barbed devil.
standing in the center of the cave holding Moloch’s • Very Strong: Add three barbed devils.
communication skull. Once the characters have
entered and begun to the handoff, Glasya’s minions
arrive at the entrance. Geilna the erinyes and two
barbed devils plummet out of the sky blocking the Playing the Pillars
exit back to Malbolge. Combat: The combat has the chance to be very
Objectives/Goals. Geilna demands the return dynamic with multiple sides. Use the variable
of the prisoner Mogdrin and the forfeiture of the numbers of devils to tailor the exact threat level to
character’s souls for their audacity at violating the the characters. A particularly devilish tactic against
laws of Hell. If they do not surrender immediately, melee heavy parties is to have Geilna fly out of the
she attacks. cave and snipe using her bow from the air, forcing
characters to follow her into the rockslide if they
Moloch orders the merregon to smash the skull wish to retaliate.
so it cannot be used to find him before engaging
the devils while Mogdrin escapes. As the merregon Exploration: If the characters made a deal with
smashes the skull, he screams for Mogdrin to Jeny Greenteeth to open the portal for them, it
find him and the orthon turns to flee, leaving the opens during the fight. This allows characters a
characters to their fate. place to retreat to, but also allows Mogdrin another
direction to flee.
What Does Geilna Know? Geilna is an enforcer
for Glasya and knows she must recover Mogdrin As the characters fight in what remains of
Malagard’s tear duct, tears begin to form and

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
fall like rain. They make an area slippery (DC
10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone) or offer Scene A. Hell Louse
concealment as they rain down.
Social: Geilna is under orders to recover Mogdrin
Hell lice can be found throughout the Hair Forest,
and the characters but might make a deal for the
one doesn’t even have to look very hard. After a
merregon and Mogdrin if the characters agree to
short hunt, or as a wandering encounter before or
leave Malbolge. Of course, Moloch’s minions are
after the Pit, the characters come across four hell
violently opposed to such a deal and Geilna is only
lice in the forest.
too happy to require that the characters do the dirty
work of subduing their former allies before they
Area Information
This area features:
Troubleshooting Dimensions & Terrain. The forest is dense
Complications can occur, but here are the likely and what appear to be white trees are actually
possibilities and how you might deal with them. Malagard’s brittle hair; rough and with many split
ends. Tight clumps of trees are everywhere, making
Mogdrin Escapes: If Mogdrin successfully
it hard to move quickly.
escapes the cave and you have time, consider giving
the characters a chance to locate him. Escaping Lighting. The red light of the Malbolgian sky is
into Malbolge, he is on the run while trying to avoid ever present.
the constant rain of boulders and find a way out. An
encounter with a rockslide or the Pactmakers, both Creatures/NPCs
mentioned at the beginning of Episode 2, could The lice are foraging for snacks when the
slow him down enough for the characters to catch characters arrive. They’ll do.
up. Note that with his Invisibility Field ability, he is
hard to find. Objectives/Goals. The lice are hungry and
stupid and try to eat the characters. If a character
No Way Home: If the characters did not bargain goes unconscious, a louse spends its action each
with Jeny to reopen the portal for them, they need round eating the body (causing the character to
to find a way home themselves. If they have such automatically fail a death save).
an ability, they can use it. Otherwise the characters
must “walk” home. They wander randomly What Does the Louse Know? Hunger.
throughout the planes until they make it back to
Faerûn—spending 50 downtime days in the process.

Treasure & Rewards Adjusting the Scene

If defeated, the characters can claim Geilna’s ioun Here are some suggestions for adjusting this
stone of protection and the two soul coins she scene:
carries. • Very Weak: Remove one louse.
• Weak or Strong: No change.
Shopping Trip • Very Strong: Add one louse.

(Bonus Objective A)
Estimated Duration: 60 minutes
Harvesting the Entrails
Story Beat: The characters find three items for
Pipyap. Corpses of hell lice can easily be cracked open and
the foul-smelling goo scooped out. Any creature
This episode is split up among three different doing so can’t help but splatter the insides all over
additions to Episode 2 or 3. The order in which themselves. The stench is overpowering, and such
they are completed does not matter, but if all three a creature has disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
items can be recovered, the character successfully checks against creatures who have a sense of smell
complete Bonus Objective A. until the splattered fool spends at least 8 hours
These can be found in any order once the
characters enter Malbolge.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Scene B. Shake your Hell Objectives/Goals. Jalavillax wants to improve its
standing the Lord of the Sixth, but it also is very
Feathers greedy.

This scene requires little extra effort other than What Does Jalavillax Know? Jalavillax is well
claiming a few feathers from either Zakiel (Episode aware of what the lake waters and fumes do, and
2, Scene G) or Geilna (Episode 3). even shares that to begin a dialogue, but it stays
close the fumes in case it needs to duck inside to
stay away from swinging swords. It can be bribed if
Scene C. The Lakes of the deal is good enough, and it also knows several
useful things:
• Jalavillax knows nothing about Moloch or Pipyap
The characters can decide to follow Pipyap’s
but can give general information about Malbolge.
directions to one of the mountainside lakes
before or after stopping at the pit. Jalavillax, a • It has heard that the Pit of Feirgbioff is one of the
barbed devil, supervises a spined devil and five lost oubliettes where prisoners were sent to be
nupperibos who are harvesting poisons from the forgotten. It doesn’t know who is in it or where it
Lake. The nupperibos draw from the lake using is.
buckets which are brought over to the spined devil. If you are using Bonus Objective B: Jalavillax
The devil works at a table made of humanoid bones used to have twelve nupperibos but a strange
where it refines the liquid with a set of alchemical human girl stopped to drink from the lake, which
tools. When finished, the concentrated poison is was allowed because it thought it would be funny.
loaded onto a hand cart. She didn’t seem affected by the lake and asked for
a slice of pie. When Jalavillax failed to produce pie,
Area Information she killed several nupperibos with a kitchen knife
as she left.
This area features:
• If the characters are friendly, Jalavillax deals with
Dimensions & Terrain. The lake is dangerously
them. He lets them fill Pipyap’s bottle in exchange
poisonous to mortals. The area around the lake is
for 500 gp or a rare consumable magic item. If a
slippery red mud and there are clouds of stagnant
character bargains him down with a successful
fumes all around.
DC 15 Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or
Lighting. The red light of the Malbolgian sky is Persuasion) check he lowers his price to 250 gp
ever present. or an uncommon consumable magic item. If the
Fumes. Foul fumes collect within thirty feet of the characters refuse to pay, he orders them to leave
lake with natural effects similar to a stinking cloud and threatens trouble.
spell (DC 12 Constitution saving throw negates).
Lake Water. The lake is dangerously poisonous
to mortals. Any creature with a soul that touches
it must succeed in a DC 15 Constitution saving
throw or gain the Poisoned condition. While they Adjusting the Scene
have their Poisoned condition their Intelligence, Here are some suggestions for adjusting this
Wisdom, and Charisma are set to 6. The character scene:
can attempt a new saving throw after completing a
• Very Weak: Remove four nupperibos.
long rest. The water and the refined poisons lose
this ability if removed from Malbolge. • Weak: Remove two nupperibos.
• Strong: Add another barbed devil.
Creatures/NPCs • Very Strong: Replace two nupperibos with a
chain devil.
Jalavillax is in charge of concentrating the
poisonous waters of the lake for Glasya’s palace
where it is frequently used on mortals to make
them more pliable. The spined devil is a talented
alchemist and serves as a messenger when
If the devils are attacked, the spined devil flies off
for help. If allowed to escape, it returns ten rounds
later with a chain devil. In any fight, the devils try
to use their immunity to the lake’s poisonous water
and fumes to their advantage.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Lost Girl (Bonus Objective B)
Estimated Duration: 60 minutes murder and lies are the quickest solution but they
Story Beat: The characters rescue Elisande. need to be done the right way (examples given for
each scene). Simple lies such as “I’m wearing blue”
Capturing Elisande, Chosen of Cyric, is no easy feat, when the character is where black, or senseless,
unless she didn’t realize she was a prisoner. Such is meaningless murder should have little effect and
the wiles of Hell to make one blessed by the Prince is either laughed off as a game or terrifies her into
of Lies believe the sweetest falsehood. flight. Style and tying them to the story around her
have the most impact. The same trick or idea should
Prerequisites not work twice.
If you are using this Bonus Objective, it occurs when
If the characters fail to gain six successes, her
the characters enter area F in Episode 2.
mind rejects their efforts and they find themselves
forced out of the room with a horrible headache.
Area Information Nothing with the characters’ power can open the
The prison of Elisande is a faux reality. Instead of room to them again.
the empty room depicted on the map, the characters
find themselves on an island in Stormy Bay of Creatures/NPCs
the Moonsea. The scenes rapidly change and but
The imprisoned Elisande is a happy girl on a
behave as expected.
pleasant island in Stormy Bay with a healthy
Characters who have played DDEX01-03 fascination for raising goats. However, the power
Shadows Over the Moonsea recognize it as an of the Dark Sun is within her, struggling to get out.
idealized version of the place where they found The more successes the characters accumulate, the
Elisande. more she wakes.
This area features: Objectives/Goals. At first Elisande is friendly but
Dimensions & Terrain. The island is partially has no desire to leave. As the characters navigate
forest and has a village in the center. It would take her prison, she becomes more and more agitated at
a little more than an afternoon to walk around the their disruption and eventually either sees through
island. the lie and leaves or forces the characters out.
Power of Belief. In the prison, Elisande is living What Does Elisande Know? Nothing beyond
an idealized life, what she could have had with happiness, until she is freed.
better fortune and a different path. It is a prison of
perfection, that adopts to the situation. The locals
are friendly and despite a thick accent, not the
The Lies We Tell
inbred Tiamat worshipping cult she grew up with. Ourselves are the Easiest
Prison Break. Once the characters enter her
world, begin a real-world timer of 15 minutes. The
to Believe
scene changes four times, every 15 minutes during Elisande is living through scene after scene of
which the characters have a chance to role-play a perfect, happy life. Some characters might be
or investigate to their hearts content. While in the hesitant to pull her from that joy, but remember, it is
prison, Elisande believes she is just a little girl a trick of Hell.
with a happy life and does not have knowledge of The characters movement from vision to vision
any of the powers or abilities that infuse her. If the should be dream-like and confusing. This encounter
characters wish to free her, they need to convince is strongly intended to be role-playing heavy, and
her to end it. the DMs should reward creative role-playing. If the
Each scene plays out for 15 minutes before the players are not up to it or wish to make skill checks,
entire tableau resets and changes; Elisande and assume the DC is 15. With each passing scene
all the images in her mental drama forgetting all
progress the characters have made. In order to
wake her from her imprisoning dream, they need
to succeed six times at disrupting her idealized life.
No more than two successes can be earned per
vision scene. Of course, as a child of the Dark Sun,

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
where they do not accumulate enough successes, the character offers to help in the birthing and
the visions become more and more comforting to intentionally makes sure one of the goats dies, it is
the characters, as though they might wish a gilded deeply bothering to her.
prison of the mind for themselves. If the characters • Out of Place Locket: A perceptive character might
spend more than 20 minutes without figuring out notice that Elisande is wearing a locket. Inside it
that they need to disrupt Elisande’s idealized life in are caricatures of her and a green korred woman
a way that resonates with her, give them a hint. (the angel Ausuriel who was once her protector).
Religion: In any vision, the first time she is shown Elisande doesn’t remember who that is, and
a holy symbol of Cyric, Mielikki, or Shiallia, (all not knowing why she wears it is troubling. This
whom have all had a hand her in past) allow the makes her especially question who Eammon is, as
character to make a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) Eisande never had a brother, though she wanted
check to have her feel a connection to that deity. one.
If the character does not have a holy symbol, they • Village Lies: The characters might go into the
can make DC 10 Intelligence (Religion) check to village with Elisande and spread some sort of lie
describe it in sufficient detail to give them the same to cause strife among the locals or with Eammon.
chance. Anything that causes the villagers to fight with or
argue with each other is cause for success.
Breaking Through: As the characters accumulate
successes, Elisande starts to remember things.
Vision 2: Lazy Summer Fishing
• Two successes: Elisande vaguely remembers past Elisande is sitting on the dock fishing with Eamonn.
association with the characters: other adventures It is a hot, lazy day full of sun and relaxation. The
they have had or times they have met in her dream raft that goes mainland is beached and the children
prison. It is not enough to force her awake, but offer a pole to those that would join them.
progress is being made.
The following are things that might shock her out
• Four successes: Elisande starts to become
of her daze:
agitated with the characters and not as
cooperative as when the party first arrived. She • Drowning: It is a hot, sunny day and the children
knows something is wrong and that the characters could easily be convinced to go for a swim. Making
are making it worse but doesn’t know what it sure Eammon drowns without being spotted
is. When she looks away from her family, they would harshly disrupt the tranquil scene.
become hazy and indistinct like her true memories • Mayhem: General trickery, like putting a hole
of them. in the raft before the boatman goes out to sea
• Six successes: Elisande remembers that she or sabotaging the fishing nets are good ways to
always knows a lie when uttered or portrayed. She spread strife.
instantly recognizes that the dream is a falsehood • Stolen Fish: Elisande has always been a rogue
and wakes up. at heart. Stealing the children’s pole, bait, fish or
other belongings triggers something deep within
Vision 1: Birthing Spring Goats her.
When the characters first enter, they find themselves
approaching a barn. Elisande is in the barn with Vision 3: Autumnal Dinner with
her younger brother, a lad of not more than eight Family
winters named Eamonn. The boy is shy, quietly
The characters are outside the door of an idyllic
watching the goats as Elisande assists a nanny give
cottage. Wind blows through the autumn leaves.
birth. Elisande seems healthier than characters who
Through the window, Elisande can be scene sitting
have seen her before remember. She has a smile
down to dinner with her mother, father, and brother.
that bears no mischief and she is grateful for any
The bounty of a year’s labor fills the table and if
help. The sound of villagers can be heard coming
they make their presence known, the characters are
from behind the barn. Outside is a forest village
invited into dinner.
of two dozen smart cottages and businesses. It is
almost too perfect. Villagers doff their caps and The following are things that might shock her out
welcome the outsiders to their home. of her daze:
The following are things that might shock her out • Goat Meat: While the goats are a key staple in
of her daze: the village, slaughtering a goat for the meal, if
done in a disturbing way, might be a difficult way
• Gift of Goat: If one of the characters has a goat
to reach her. Checks related to this should be at
and gives it to her, that resonates deeply.
disadvantage unless particularly good role-playing
• Harming a Goat: Elisande is very attached is involved.
to her goats for a reason she doesn’t know. If

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
• Murder Most Foul: Elisande’s real parents be handing out favors to them. But hey they tried,
died of a plague when she was six, so quietly so maybe he’ll have a job for them in the future
assassinating the parents she dearly wishes to be where they can try to do better? As a consolation, he
alive would anger and shock her greatly. gives the party a 50 gp credit at The Crossing. He
• Stealing Food: If the characters pocket things to recommends the pie.
ruin the meal, or somehow heap blame for a less
than pleasant dining experience on one of the Treasure & Rewards
family members and can get the family to argue In addition to the possibility of earning the story
over it, a success could be accrued. award, Pipyap gives successful characters the
planar fork keyed to Malbolge.
Vision 4: By Winter’s Fire
The characters are in a sitting room in the cottage. Character Rewards
Snow falls against the glass window with winter
The characters earn the following rewards:
moonlight illuminating the white landscape outside.
The family sits around the fire reading, playing,
knitting, or otherwise enjoying the company of
Upon completing this adventure, each character
gains a level. At their discretion, they may choose to
The following are things that might shock her out decline advancement. Remind those that express an
of her daze: interest in this that they have a limit to how much
• Fire: Arranging for the fire to spread and damage gold they can earn per level; declining advancement
the home, particularly toys or books, would means that they may reach a point where they earn
disrupt her idealized dream. no gold.
• Murder Most Foul: Elisande’s real parents
died of a plague when she was six, so quietly Gold
assassinating the parents she dearly wishes to be Award each character gold for each hour of the
alive would anger and shock her greatly. session. Adventures typically features cues for this,
• Sickness: Elisande’s family originally died of a but you can add it where you see fit. The maximum
plague in winter, so abilities that spread disease gold that you can award a character per hour is
or poison to her family would bring up those old determined by their tier, as follows:
Tier Hourly GP Award GP Limit per Level
Freedom 2 30 gp 240 gp
Once freed, Elisande thanks the characters and
vows to return to Jeny. Her giant goat escaped her Magic Item(s)
somewhere in Hell and there are no other friendly If found during the adventure, the characters can
goats in Hell. After a hug, she steps into a shadow keep the following magic items:
and disappears.
• Ioun Stone of Protection: Made from a chunk of
Malbolgian rock, the owner can command it to
Wrap-Up: Concluding the ignite with hell fire as an action. The fire is as
Adventure bright as a torch and ignites flammable objects.
Once the characters character’s return to Pipyap, he While ignited the stone radiates evil.
realizes his mistake. While he didn’t show up to the • Moon-Touched Longsword: This elven made
meeting so as to not have to sign a binding contract, longsword is decorated with intricate scrollwork
Moloch has the same idea and was thus able to featuring a full moon shining down upon a glade
betray the deal. How Pipyap rewards the characters of dancing elves.
depends on if they managed to bring back Mogdrin • 2 Soul Coins
or not.
Mogdrin’s Escape Prevented: Pipyap is ecstatic Story Awards
that the characters managed to salvage the situation Characters playing the adventure may earn:
even though Moloch tried to weasel out of the deal. Pipyap Owes You One. You have done a favor for
Each character earns the Pipyap Owes You One the imp Pipyap and now he owes you one. You can
story award. cash in this favor in one of three ways:
Mogdrin Escaped: Pipyap is thankful for the
• Gain 150 gp.
character’s efforts, but a deal’s a deal, and if they
didn’t come through for him, he doesn’t expect to • Gain one consumable potion or scroll from Table
A or B in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
• Pipyap arranges for your body to be recovered
when otherwise thought lost. It’s best not to ask
how he did it or where that strange smell came
This favor goes both ways. Now that you have
accepted something from the devil, he might call on
you in the future to further your alliance.

Dungeon Master Rewards

For running this adventure, one of your character
gains a level. That character receives gold based on
their tier prior to advancement:

Tier GP Earned
1 80 gp
2 240 gp
3 1,600 gp
4 6,000 gp

You may also complete DM Quests for running

this adventure. See the Adventurers League
Dungeon Master’s Guide for more information.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Cania: A Fire Grows in Cania

“The most powerful weapon on earth is the human the magical experiments they find there. This is
soul on fire.” the Call to Action.
—Ferdinand Foch • Episode 2: Archduke’s Phoenix Society. A local
club with an exclusive and distinguished members
Estimated Duration: 4-6 hours

list turns out to be a Cult of Mephistopheles
DAL00-11e A Fire Grows in Cania is a hideout. Characters must enter by any means
tier 3 adventure by Lysa Penrose and Greg to find the portal to Avernus, and from there
Marks, optimized for 13th-level characters eventually to Hell’s most chilling layer, the icy
that takes place near Waterdeep, Avernus Cania. This is Story Objective A.
the First Layer of Hell, and Cania, the • Episode 3: School’s Out Forever. Trips through
Eighth Layer of Hell. several portals land the adventurers in the heart of
Academia Acania, Cania’s School of Hellfire. The
Background academy is full of hellfire experiments to destroy
but is protected by fearsome devils, including the
There’s a fire growing in CANIA… and that’s the
school’s dean. This is Story Objective B.
problem. As the archduke of this icy wasteland,
MEPHISTOPHELES’ obsession with developing
powerful, magical flame—called HELLFIRE—has Episode Sequence
chased his former minions, the ice devils, to the Depending on your time constraints, play style, and
fringes of this artic domain. environment, this adventure takes approximately
Many ice devils grumble and mope at their four-to-six hours to play.
falling out of the archduke’s favor, but one ice devil,
LANCHE, has begun to plot. Hearing rumbles of an How Will You Play?
imp amassing a powerful army, Lanche is inspired The duration of your session depends on how much
to take action and correct her master’s foolish of this adventure you utilize. At the very least, your
behavior… with the adventurers’ help. session will last approximately 4 hours. However,
At Lanche’s behest, the party dupes, defeats, or if you wish, you can provide a longer experience for
creeps through a Cult of Mephistopheles base to your players by destroying additional five hellfire
enter Cania’s ACADEMIA ACANIA, where they experiments in Episode 3 than Story Objective
are instructed to run amok. It’s time to destroy the B asks for; doing this can add up to 2 additional
school of hellfire! Well, Dean QUAGREM might hours to play as Bonus Objectives.
have something to say about that.

The adventure’s story is spread over three story
episodes that take approximately 4 hours to play.
These episodes are introduced by a Call to Action
If you’re planning to play the entire adventure at
once, you only need to introduce the Call to Action
once. However, if you plan to play them over several
sessions, you’ll want to revisit the Call to Action
each time you play.
• Episode 1: Too Cool for School. A group of
ice devils prevail upon the imp Pipyap to help
them gain the assistance of adventurers near
Waterdeep. Led by Lanche, they offer the
adventurers a deal: they’ll provide a path to
extraplanar treasure if the adventurers sabotage

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Episode 1: Too Cool for School
Estimated Duration: 30 minutes
(Call to Action)
• A Private in Pipyap’s Legion: Some characters
Scene A. The Frosty Mug may have the Story Award A Private in Pipyap’s
Legion. Such a character owes service to the
Inn plump imp and he has ordered them to attend
Our adventure opens in a quaint tavern five miles
• Old Acquaintance Not Forgot: It is likely that
outside the city of Waterdeep. The bar is small
some characters have met Pipyap in previous
and far enough outside the city that it is empty
D&D Adventurers League adventures but owe the
but for the characters who got caught in a sudden
imp no fealty. In this case, Pipyap calls on their
downpour on their way to Waterdeep and sought
shared history and offers promises of favors to
shelter within. As they huddle out of the rain,
paid later.
they have a chance to swap stories of their delves
into Undermountain or their heroics going toe-to- Area Information
toe with Waterdeep’s gang lords. The chatter is
interrupted when an imp and a mysterious group This area features:
dressed in blue enter. Dimensions & Terrain. The main section of the
• Heroes of Waterdeep. If the characters have Frosty Mug is approximately 30 feet by 50 feet, with
faced Season 8 adventures, Waterdeep: Dragon tables and chairs throughout. There is a bar along
Heist, or Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage, the west wall and, near the bar, a door leading to a
then they have their own stories to tell. Have each small kitchen and stairs to the cellar.
character share a story of their most heroic feat Lighting. Torches and a roaring fire on the east
in Waterdeep, and roll Charisma (Performance) wall keep the tavern well lit.
checks, with advantage at your discretion. When Frostiest Mug. The true frosty mug of this tavern
the mysterious group enters, Pipyap likes a is the apathetic bartender Joy Hultmark’s blasé face.
braggart and they gravitate to the character with Her service could best be described as well-chilled.
the highest roll.
• Heroes of Hell. If the characters have already Creatures/NPCs
traveled the depths of the Nine Hells by playing
Season 9 adventures, then their clothes and armor Pipyap, looking as his normal fat impish self, leads
are tinged with the sulfurous scent of Hell and a group of five humans (ice devils in disguise) over
they have made a name for themselves. Pipyap to the character’s table. The humans all walk stiffly
sizes them up right away as the best of the options. and wear matching ice blue traveling clothes. They
let Pipyap do the talking, but he also introduces

Back from a Great Adventure! Pipyap On Ice Devils

If this is the characters first meeting with Ice devils, or gelugons, are usually
each other, it might be worth artificing a party found in Stygia or Cania, on account
rapport, which can be a fun activity in itself. As of hating the heat found pretty much
each character introduces themselves to the everywhere else in Hell. These goons
table, ask them one of these questions: love the cold almost as much as they
• From what daring adventure has the party just love torturing anybody smaller than
returned? them. It’s part of their inferiority
• Who sent you all on this mission? complex see. Gelugons is near the
• What went terribly wrong… and who caused
top of the heap, but yet they are far
it? outclassed, in both power and style, by
• Who saved the day and how? pit fiends and all the archdevils. Oh,
• What surprising fact did the group learn about
and when I tell you theys have bug eyes,
you? I mean like actual bug eyes, like a bug,
• How did your quest giver betray the party?
not just some ugly looking Joe.
• How did the party react?

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
their leader as Avah (who is really Lanche in magic there! It’s likely that the characters question
disguise). the gelugon’s motives, but she tells them that the ice
The devils are here to talk not fight. They know it’s devils do not approve of fire related research and
very likely that powerful adventurers see through more importantly, the Dean of the Academia Acania
their disguises but they take no aggressive actions. has been recklessly deploying it across Cania
If the characters attack, they try to get them to resulting in massive melts of the otherwise frigid
parley, but if the adventurers refuse, they flee and layer. Hellfire is as much a danger to the ice devils’
seek help elsewhere. home as it is to mortals.
Pipyap’s Objectives/Goals. Pipyap has long since If characters press Lanche for more information
exceeded the power and reach of a normal imp. with a successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion)
Driven further towards his goals by the cookie bag, check, she adds that the experiments themselves
he is starting to amass real power and he might can be dangerous and not easy to destroy. With a
just accidentally be using some of it for good—or at successful DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion), Lanche
least less evil. Pipyap has three goals in sending the divulges they should watch out for Dean Quagrem
characters: (a pit fiend).
• Find out anything about where the cookie bag is. If characters ask why the ice devils have asked
Pipyap keeps misplacing the darn thing. It’s like it Pipyap for help, Lanche admits that she has heard
runs away on purpose. tales that the imp was amassing a legion, and if an
• Hunt for this guy calling himself Lesser Pipyap imp can do that, she can return Cania to its former
and bring him back. You’ll know him cause he’s icy glory.
super handsome.
• Help the ice devils mess with Quagrem so they Call to Action
owe him one. It’s always good to have a pack of Lanche requires the following of the characters.
greater devils in your pocket.
• Whether through force, trickery, or stealth, enter
What Does Pipyap Know? Pipyap has been the Phoenix Society, find the portal, and step
dealing with adventurers successfully for years and through it.
he expects that this won’t be any different. He needs
• Destroy at least three hellfire experiments
to tell them just enough truth to get them blundering
COMPLETELY before returning the way they
on the right trail and it should all somehow work
out from there.
• If you are using Bonus Objectives, the characters
Lanche’s Objectives/Goals. Lanche, the gelugon’s
must instead destroy four hellfire experiments (+1
leader, hopes to recruit adventurers to enter
hour) or five hellfire experiments (+2 hours) before
Cania and destroy magical experiments. Although
Lanche’s group is disguised as humans, Lanche
drops the disguise if it convinces the adventurers to
help. Other than traveling using the assumed name
of Avah, and hiding under illusions, the ice devils
are being straightforward. Pipyap on Mahadi and The
What Does Lanche Know? A nearby exclusive Wandering Emporium
social club in Waterdeep is a front for a Cult So yeah, Asmodeus gave this traveling
of Mephistopheles, an archduke of Hell. The bazaar to a rakshasa named Mahadi and
cultists are opening a series of portals today to
the Wandering Emporium in Avernus and the
declared The Wandering Emporium to
from there eventually to Cania in order to deliver be neutral ground. It travels across
an experimental substance called “hellfire.” Avernus and all the devils can’t do
Mephistopheles is obsessed with developing new nothing to stop it or come after nobody
forms of hellfire and gifting its power to influential that’s on its grounds when the tents are
persons. He’s recruiting cultists now, but he’ll set up, or its members when it travels.
harvest their souls later. Lanche stresses that they This means no violence or spells on the
don’t have lots of time, maybe a few hours at best,
before the portal opens and the chance is lost. They
grounds. Anybody that does forfeits
certainly do not have time to come back tomorrow. their soul if they have one or gets
The portal in the Phoenix Society opens into demoted if they don’t. Don’t mess with
Avernus, and then leads to a series of temporary this guy. He’s backed by the full faith
portals that pop through each layer of Hell and credit of the Lord of the Ninth and
consecutively until culminating in Cania’s school it’s also one of the few places to get
of hellfire: The Academia Acania. Destroying a decent meal in Avernus - if you can
the school’s hellfire experiments helps foil afford it.
Mephistopheles’ pet project. The adventurers can
keep whatever items they find. There’s bound to be

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Episode 2: Archduke’s Phoenix
Estimated Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

Casing the Cult of Useful Information

Mephistopheles (Successful Attempt)
In this episode, the characters must break into the 1d6 Information
Phoenix Society to locate and access the portal to 1 Phoenix Society members are
Cania. Lanche informs the characters the portal identified by a golden card stamped
won’t be open forever. They have time for one with the emblem of a bird wreathed in
activity each to prepare for before enacting the flame. They display their cards to enter.
party’s plan. Here are some examples of what they
might do: 2 Members of the Phoenix Society greet
each other with the words, “May your
• Forging a Document. Characters proficient with flame burn eternal.”
a forgery kit can attempt an Intelligence check
3 The Phoenix Society boasts a beautiful
with a forgery kit. The result of their roll is the
garden, but the groundskeeper is rarely
Intelligence (Investigation) DC to realize the
seen. Some say a tiny red creature
documents are forged.
tends the yard.
• Buying Equipment. Characters can purchase
anything listed in chapter 5 of the Player’s 4 Once someone peeked through the
Handbook. windows of the lounge and saw
someone walk through one door to the
• Create a Disguise. Characters proficient with a
yard… only to immediately enter from
disguise kit can attempt a Charisma check with a
the other!
disguise kit. The result of their roll is the Wisdom
(Insight) DC to see through the disguise. 5 An elderly man with a black beard
• Gather Information. See “Gathering spends a lot of time in the garden. He
Information.” seems to keep a close, suspicious eye
on anyone peeking into the yard.
• Scout the Area. See “Scouting the Area.”
• Magic and Such. In addition to the listed action, 6 The man who guards the front entrance
characters can use magic or come up with loves sweets. Some say a sugary bribe
other creative plans. Adjudicate based on the can earn you entry and an hour in the
information provided below. Phoenix Society’s warm, comfy lounge.

If a character fails this check, the character hears

Prerequisites one of these false rumors:
This episode may be pursued after the characters
accept the Call to Action.

Story Objective A
Whether through force, trickery, or stealth, they
enter the Phoenix Society, find the portal, and step
through it.

Gathering Information
If a character makes a successful DC 15 Intelligence
(Investigation) or Charisma (Persuasion) check,
the character learns one of the following pieces of

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
False Rumor (Failed Attempt) • Result of 16 or higher. An elderly man with a
black beard is hiding behind one of the trees in the
1d6 Rumor yard, suspiciously eyeing all passersby.
1 Phoenix Society members are identified • Result of 18 or higher. The cot in the shed has a
by a signet ring of a chicken wreathed in small lump underneath a blanket. A red pointed
flame. They display their rings to enter. tail pokes out from under the blanket. As you
The most elite members know to do a stand by the window, you hear a thrumming noise
chicken-inspired dance to gain entry to coming from the other side of the wall to your
the secret back rooms. east.
• Result of 20 or higher. There are magical runes
2 Members of the Phoenix Society greet
worked into the mortar of the stone walls.
each other with the words, “May the fire
engulf you and your family.”
3 The Phoenix Society boasts a beautiful
garden. Some have seen an elderly man
with a black beard tending the yard. He Why Can’t We Just Go to The
must be the groundskeeper.
4 The garden’s main feature is a
beautiful phoenix-shaped fountain. It Some characters might be tempted to just rat
is customary to dip one’s head in the to the authorities, but that’s not likely to work.
fountain. First off, the members are all highly placed
members of the Waterhavian social order, so
5 An elderly man with a black beard accusing nobility of devil worship is something
spends a lot of time in the garden, that is going to take some proof. Second, the
seemingly guarding it. There are party is on the clock. If they tip their hand or
rumors the garden’s phoenix-shaped wait too long, the cult closes up any proof of
fountain hides a secret entrance if you their infernal activities and most importantly,
can just find the lever… not open a portal to Hell. In that case it might
6 The man who guards the front entrance be possible to still plane shift to Avernus, but
is trying to watch his figure. Some say it doesn’t get the party access to all the other
a helpful dieting tip or healthy snacks portals to go from one level to the next. That
can earn you entry and an hour in the means they are walking the long way through
Phoenix Society’s warm, comfy lounge. Hell, and that isn’t likely to go well for them.

Scouting the Area

Anyone deciding to case the area must make a
Wisdom (Perception) check. The result determines Playing the Pillars
the information they receive. The results are Combat: It is possible to fight one’s way through
cumulative: the Phoenix Society. If a fight breaks out in one
• Result of 10 or higher. Those entering the room, enemies call out for help from their allies
compound speak to a guard at the door. Windows in adjoining areas. The one exception is the imp,
to the front building reveal a lounge with a large Lesser Pipyap, who goes invisible and hides if
fireplace and two doors on the east side of the awoken by such a call.
building which lead to a garden. The back building Exploration: Although not a key pillar to this
seems to have no windows. episode, characters who take the time to explore
• Result of 12 or higher. The garden courtyard is should be rewarded with information to help them
walled by 20-foot stone and lush trees. There is a in other rooms. Scene C with Lesser Pipyap is a
large phoenix-shaped fountain in the center and good example of how exploring an “unnecessary”
two doors to the east. You count three cloaked room can impart information that helps later.
humanoids walking through the garden and Social: It is possible to talk one’s way through the
entering the door to the north. Phoenix Society. To keep tensions high, require
• Result of 14 or higher. A small window shows the Charisma (Deception) or other relevant checks
room beyond the southeast door leading from the from scene to scene, but at your discretion, reward
yard. It is a shed, with work benches, tools, and a creativity or roleplay with advantage on such
small cot. checks.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Scene A. Entrance/ admit only those who display golden cards with
phoenix emblems.
Lounge Barclay also knows the cultists have something
The entrance to the compound is exactly what the special planned today, although he is unsure of
Phoenix Society claims to be: an exclusive club for the exact details. If he believes the characters to
the elite. be cultists, he tries to get information from them,
hinting questioningly at a “special delivery to the
boss” and “new and improved experiments.” He
Area Information takes a quick liking to those characters who share
This area features: information, although Barclay has no way to verify if
Dimensions & Terrain. This square room is 40- they’re telling the truth.
feet on each side. It is furnished with rich wooden
tables, lush leather seating, and decadent woven
rugs with fire motifs.
Lighting. A large roaring fireplace washes the Adjusting the Scene
room with a warm glow and flickering shadows. The
mantle of the fireplace is carved with the following Here are some suggestions for adjusting this
words in Common: “PASS THROUGH FLAME.” scene:

Trick Rotating Doors. To successfully pass • Very Weak: Remove one evoker.
through either of the doors on the east wall, leading • Weak: No change.
to the yard, a character must say the words “PASS • Strong: Add one evoker.
THROUGH FLAME” while passing through a door. • Very Strong: Add two evokers.
Otherwise, stepping through one door causes the
character to step back into the room through the
other; if such a character is posing as a cultist, they
must succeed a DC 15 Charisma (Deception) check
to avoid suspicion if they use the doors without Scene B. Yard/Garden
saying the correct passphrase.
The characters have a chance to discover the
A detect magic spell reveals an aura of conjuration Phoenix Society’s lavish garden is more than a front
magic around these doors. A successful DC 15 and more than a passage between buildings… It’s a
Wisdom (Perception) check notices miniscule safety measure that’s dangerous in itself.
infernal runes carved at the threshold of the doors.
Area Information
Creatures/NPCs This area features:
Barclay Hultmark (a champion) greets anyone who
Dimensions & Terrain. The garden is
knocks on the front door of the Phoenix Society.
surrounded by the compound’s two buildings and
Two cultists of Mephistopheles (evokers) are
fences in an area that is 30 feet by 40 feet. The
disguised as Phoenix Society members relaxing
plush lawn and willowy trees are well-maintained.
in the lounge. Combat in the lounge attracts the
attention of Gilligan Emberdrench and the water Lighting. Sunlit during the day, the garden is lit at
elementals in Scene B. night by lanterns set on stakes.
Objectives/Goals. The cultists pay no mind to Fountain. A masterwork of masonry, the Phoenix
other members who enter the club if the characters Society’s phoenix-shaped fountain is the jewel of
appear to be members but challenge those who the garden. Characters investigating the fountain
don’t seem to belong. Barclay’s job is to screen those find nary a loose rock in this stonework. However,
who enter, permit only other cultists, and turn away creatures inside the fountain (see below) aren’t
anyone suspicious. However, Barclay enjoys sweets thrilled with those poking around their home and
and allows outsiders inside the lounge in exchange attack if anyone enters the fountain.
for desserts; trusting in the rotating doors to keep Garden Wards. A continual magical field fills
nosey individuals out of the garden. Barclay is happy the garden with a hallow spell, modified to allow
with his rotund figure and takes quick offense to elementals and fiends to enter the area. Any
those who judge him. If anyone suggests Barclay creature that does not worship Mephistopheles can’t
change his eating habits, they have disadvantage on move or travel into the area using teleportation or by
Charisma checks with Barclay. extradimensional or interplanar means. In addition,
What Does He Know? With new cultists any effects that grant invisibility are suppressed
constantly joining their ranks, Barclay knows to upon entering the garden.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Walls. The stone walls of the garden courtyard • They better not touch the latest experiment,
are 20-foot high and bars of green fiendish iron run because Gilligan is sick of saving their butts.
through them, spaced every six inches. The bars • The main room is through the north door. How do
prevent spells such as move earth, or stone shape you not remember that?
from being effective, but a spell such as passwall • Last time folks traveled to Cania, some new
still functions normally. The walls are relatively members weren’t careful in the frost garden. Hoo
smooth and require a successful DC 15 Strength boy! Don’t like to talk about what happened then.
(Athletics) check to climb unaided. Anyone doing
so is in full view of the street likely attracts a lot of
Scene C. Shed
The imp groundskeeper who lives in this shed
Creatures/NPCs makes a deal with adventurers in exchange for
information to help their mission.
Gilligan Emberdrench (an elderly conjurer with
a black beard) hides behind one of the garden’s
trees, observing all who pass through the yard. Any
Area Information
creature with a Passive Perception of 12 or higher This area features:
spots him. He controls the four water elementals Dimensions & Terrain. This rectangular room
that reside in the fountain. Once he notices the is 35 feet by 20 feet. It is sparsely and poorly
adventurers, if he’s not already spotted, Gilligan decorated compared to the rest of this luxurious
jumps out to question them. establishment. Tools and workbenches line most of
Objectives/Goals. Unlike the other cultists in the the walls. There is a cot pushed into the northeast
Phoenix Society, Gilligan specializes in magical corner.
water, ever diligent should a hellfire experiment Lighting. Except for sunlight that creeps through
get out of hand. As such, he keeps an eye on all the one small window during the day, there is no
the cultists and is highly suspicious of anyone who lighting in this room.
looks to be hiding something. With a successful
Charisma (Deception) check against Gilligan’s Creatures/NPCs
Wisdom (Insight) check (+1), characters can
convince Gilligan they belong, but they must repeat Lesser Pipyap—the Phoenix Society’s gardener/
this check every time they do something suspicious groundskeeper and a spindly imp is sleeping in
such as walking into the shed or calling him the the cot when the characters enter. He looks exactly
groundskeeper. like the Pipyap that the characters know and love.
That’s because he is, after a fashion. As part of one
What Does He Know? If Gilligan believes of Mephistopheles research projects involving an
the characters to be cultists, he shares bits of alteration of the creation of legion devils, he tried
information, but he grows suspicious each time the the arcane cloning project on a sample of Pipyap
characters press for more information, requiring an that was traded to him by the hag Jeny Greenteeth
additional Charisma (Deception) check versus his (which she acquired during an incident in Malbolge)
Wisdom (Insight) check. Gilligan knows: and some secret from Fai Chen (revealed in
• The boss is waiting for everyone to assemble in DDAL09-05), hoping to create super imps. It didn’t
the main room. work. All he got was a foul-mouthed imp with self-
• The assembled cultists are in the midst of their esteem issues. Not one to waste raw material, he
service honoring Mephistopheles, and then they gifted Lesser Pipyap to the Phoenix Society as a
travel through the portal to Avernus and eventually sign of his faith in them, or whatever.
to Cania. It’s the usual chants. Gilligan’s sure Objectives/Goals. Lesser Pipyap wants more
you’re familiar. than anything to escape his existence as the lesser
known Pipyap, and makes a deal to increase his
infamy. He trades information for the following, in
order of preference: one permanent magic item, 800
Adjusting the Scene gp per adventurer, a promise to tell a fearsome story
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this about this Pipyap to everyone they encounter for the
scene: next week, or a promise to spread bad rumors about
the other Pipyap at the next tavern they visit. Under
• Very Weak: Remove two water elementals. no circumstances is he interested in going to work
• Weak: Remove one water elemental. for the other Pipyap who he believes to have ruined
• Strong: Add one water elemental. his life; though he could be tricked. If the characters
• Very Strong: Add two water elementals. bring up that they work for Pipyap or they want to

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
take him to Pipyap, Lesser Pipyap immediately tries characters to ask the following questions (see
to warn the cultists and has them slain or subdued. Scene C for answers):
What Does He Know? If Lesser Pipyap discovers • From icy depths of glacial ire, from where does
the adventurers are not cultists, or the adventurers our power hail?
admit as such, he shares they’ll need to participate • Cania’s lord, archduke of the freeze, who do we
in a Mephistopheles service to keep up their ruse honor?
when they enter the main room. If the characters • Guard where secrets dwell and fires list, what is
make a deal with Lesser Pipyap, he shares the the esteemed Quagrem?
following tips to avoid suspicion:
What Does She Know? Sofia immediately
• Greet other cultists with the words, “May your suspects characters who answer incorrectly, who do
flame burn eternal.” not greet her with the usual message, or who look
• When asked, “From icy depths of glacial ire, from her in the eye. Such characters must succeed a DC
where does our power hail?” and answer, “Hellfire!” 15 Charisma (Deception) check to maintain the ruse
and avoid an attack. If the characters complete the
• When asked, “Cania’s lord, archduke of the freeze,
service successfully, Sofia bids the warlocks pass
who do we honor?” and answer, “The mighty
through the large brazier as emissaries to Cania.
She reminds the warlocks that their mission is
• When asked, “Guard where secrets dwell and fires
to meet with Quagrem to learn of the latest hellfire
lit, what is the esteemed Quagrem?” and answer,
developments and bring back a sample for testing
“Fiend of the pit!”
in the Prime. They go to the Wandering Emporium
• Do not look Cult Leader Sofia Feu in the eye. She first, where they are to contact the amnizu
doesn’t like that. Fhet’Ahla, who has already been contracted and
paid, to provide additional transport through the
Scene D. Cultists’ Main other layers of Hell to Cania. Remember, violence or
spellcasting causes you to immediately forfeit your
Room soul, so be on your best behavior!
The characters find themselves into the middle
of a service honoring Mephistopheles and must
I Volunteer as Tribute!
either fight their way through or earn themselves an If they’ve disguised themselves as cultists thus far,
invitation to Cania. the characters might attempt to convince Sofia
to let them join or replace this party. She scoffs
Area Information at newcomers volunteering to enter Hell, but she
offers this: If one of the characters can defeat a
This area features:
warlock in one-on-one combat, then she’ll believe
Dimensions & Terrain. This large L-shaped room they’re worthy and send the characters instead. No
is 35-feet by 15-feet before turning southward into spellcasting or other interference by allies!
a section that is 25-feet by 60-feet. Every inch of the
room screams of the infernal with devilish statues Everyone Is Dead?
and tapestries as décor.
If the characters turn the Phoenix Society into an
Lighting. Fiery braziers line the walls. The room abattoir, they miss out on key information Sofia Feu
is ablaze with bright, hot light. could have shared, like where they are going and
Large Brazier. A detect magic spell reveals an
aura of illusion and conjuration around this brazier.
Stepping into the brazier teleports a creature into
the portal room in Scene E.
Adjusting the Scene
Creatures/NPCs Here are some suggestions for adjusting this
Cult Leader Sofia Feu (a war priest with burn scene:
marks across her face) and three warlocks of the
• Very Weak: Remove one warlock of the fiend
fiend are chanting in Infernal when the characters
and one of the remaining warlocks of the
fiend has used two of its spell slots already.
Objectives/Goals. If the characters are hostile, • Weak: Remove one warlock of the fiend.
Sofia and the warlocks attack. Otherwise, Sofia
• Strong: Add one warlock of the fiend.
welcomes the “new recruits” and invites them
• Very Strong: Replace warlocks with evokers.
to join the service. She chooses three different

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
how to get there. In one of the warlock’s pockets,
they find a flyer written on skin that says, “From
Here to Avernus: Courier, Notary, and Spellcasting Pipyap on Cultists of
Services.” Under the caption is a drawing of a
smiling amnizu who the characters recognize as
Fhet’Ahla when they met him in Episode 3. Okay, a couple of things you should
know if you wanna impersonate
Scene E. Portal Room these folks. First up, they love
Stepping through the large brazier into the main overwhelming magic. Never do a thing
room leads to this secret room. This room is a you could do easily when you could
demiplane and magically shielded so that there is cast a spell, use a magical device, or
no way to enter it except via the large brazier. enslave some extraplanar Joe who’s
minding his or her own business.
Area Information Second, they just want to crush their
This area features: rivals. Okay, so does everybody.
Dimensions & Terrain. This room is 25 feet by 30 Maybe we should just skip this one.
feet. Three, or is it two now? Anyway,
Lighting. Infernal runes pulse with a soft blue they love fire. For a group that
glow that dimly lights the room. A detect magic spell headquarters where Hell has literally
reveals an aura of conjuration magic around these frozen over, these guys love fire. I
mean, like, think of the coldest place
Blue Devil Face. A blue devil face with large you can imagine, and that place would
yellow eyes and a smiling mouth of pointy teeth
is painted on the east wall. A detect magic spell
be like a summer home compared to
reveals an aura of evocation magic around this Cania. You would think these people
painting. Touching the devil face causes a 25- would be pro-cold or at least kind
foot cone of blue hellfire to erupt from the devil’s of dig it, but nope. It’s all about the
mouth. Creatures inside this cone must succeed a burning. If you want devils to think
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 28 (8d6) fire you work for Mephistopheles, you
damage, or half as much on a success. Creatures
who worship Mephistopheles have Evasion while
should probably set your enemies
in this room. Creatures who fail the save also take on fire. A lot. And probably some
an additional 3 (1d6) fire damage every hour. This innocent bystanders too. Oh, and
effect ends after a long rest or by casting greater anyone who might be your friend, you
restoration or similar magic. The cone of flame also know, in case theys was gonna turn
strikes the runes. on you later. In fact, just ‘em all.
Portal. When the runes are struck with hellfire
from the blue devil face, a swirling portal opens on
the west wall. Stepping through the portal leads
characters to Episode 3, Scene A.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Episode 3: School’s Out Forever

Estimated Duration: 2-4 hours

To the Academia Acania Creatures/NPCs

and Back Fhet’Ahla the amnizu is expecting the cultists of
Mephistopheles to be arriving via the empty tent
In this episode, the characters travel just short of any moment, so he is watching for them and waves
the deepest depths of Hell under the guise of a them into his place of business where they can talk
clever rouse or use their own power and stealth. away from prying eyes.
Either way, they are in Hell without permission and
Fhet’Ahla’s Objectives/Goals. Fhet’Ahla has
in constant danger.
arrange a series of temporary portals for the cultists
and wants to get them in and out of Cania before
Prerequisites anyone else notices he might have been involved.
In order to begin this episode, the characters must
Of course, he’d also like to make a little additional
have made it through the portal to Avernus in the
profit on the side from unexpecting minions. Before
Phoenix Society.
granting the characters access to the portal system,
he asks if they brought a soul coin each to cover
Story Objective B their payment. If they pay him, he takes it with a
In this episode, the characters must make it to the smile. If they are without payment he pretends to
Academia Acania and destroy at least three of the be offended, but takes 100 gp per character who
Hellfire experiments. doesn’t have a soul coin. If any of the characters call
him on his lie, claiming that all the charges have
Bonus Objectives already been prepaid, Fhet’Ahla laughs it off as a
If you are using Bonus Objectives, the characters
must instead destroy four hellfire experiments What Does He Know? Fhet’Ahla believes the
(+1 hour) or five hellfire experiments (+2 hours) characters are minions of Sofia Feu, who herself
experiments before returning. is in thrall to Mephistopheles. He has arranged a
series of portals, each taking the characters from
one layer of Hell to the next, proceeding deeper until
Scene A. Mahadi’s they arrive in the Academia Acania in Cania itself.
They arrive directly at the School of Hellfire with
Traveling Emporium
The characters exit the portal to find themselves in
a large tent that is empty but for a faded and dust
covered flyer tacked to the center pole. The clearly
old flyer depicts a smiling human man of Shou
descent. Most adventurers recognize Fai Chen of If you are playing at home, or in an environment
Fai Chen’s Fantastical Faire. where time is not an option, you might consider
adding an additional complication. As the
Outside the tent, all manner of planar creatures,
characters exit the tent into Maladomini, the
mostly fiends, mingle with creatures of the Prime
Seventh Layer of Hell, they find themselves
as they browse wares at various stalls under a large
on a polluted riverbank. The second tent has
sign that reads: “All are welcome here. No fighting!
sloughed into a slowly moving river of sludge
No Spellcasting! No exceptions!” Nine massive
and is sinking! To make matters worse, a
infernal war machines ring the encampment in a
horned devil and two chain devils have come
defensive horseshoe shape.
to investigate the tents and upon seeing the
A quick glance notices a sign that says, “From characters demand to see their infernal travel
Here to Avernus” over the tent across from the papers! As soon as it is clear that the characters
one they are exiting. A smiling amnizu barks at have none, the devils attack; looking to claim
the crowd to take advantage of his services while their souls!
dozens of imps fly in and out of his business.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
permission of Dean Quagrem, however, the portals resting in area F. There is a 10% that the characters
only last for ten hours so they must hurry back or encounter Vokath in any hallway. If they have not
be stuck in Hell. Appearing out of each portal, they encountered her by the time they find area F, she is
find themselves in a tent in an out of the way corner there instead. Not a huge threat by herself, Vokath
of that layer. Another tent is pitched next to the one roars loudly before attacking if she encounters
they arrive in. Simply leave the first tent and walk any non-devil she doesn’t know. This noise quickly
into the second tent to be transported to the next draws Quagrem, who comes to see who has
layer. angered his pet.
If asked about the flyer depicting Fai Chen, he
refuses to speak of it, saying that is Mahadi’s Area Information
business and that the characters should not tread This area features:
there. The tent is always empty now and so it makes
Portal. The characters appear in a ring of runes
a good place to hide things from time to time.
that are inscribed upon the floor. Those who
succeed in a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) realize is
Scene B. Portal into the a magical gate of some sort. Right now, and for the
next ten hours, it is keyed to the tent in Maladomini.
Academia Acania If the characters had the magical addresses of other
Having traveled through the temporary portal floors in the Academia Acania or other places in
network set up by Fhet’Ahla, the characters arrive Mephistar they could transport themselves there.
on the 99th-floor of the Academia Acania: special Unfortunately, the addresses are infernally long
research. It is here, surrounded by plates of green and complicated, so there is no way to change
infernal steel frozen in blocks of ice, that the the address, and given that they do not know the
projects closest to fruition go through their final address for the tent portal, it’s probably for the best.
Signage. Three brass plaques covered in infernal
Fortunately, there is no one present when the script are embedded in the ice. The one to the north
characters arrive. says, “Asteraoth Beckon Efficiency Laboratory.” The
plaque to the east says, “Maion Alumni Meditation
General Area Information Chamber.” The sign by the south exit says,
Area throughout this episode features: “Mephistalar Frost Garden.”
Dimensions & Terrain. The walls and floors of
the Academia drip with moisture, making footing
treacherous. The proximity of so much Hellfire Pipyap on Devil School, or the
has raised the temperature just above freezing and
is melting the building. Any Dexterity or Strength Academia Acania
checks that rely on sure footing in the Academia Devils love rules and dishing out
Acania are made at disadvantage. All ceilings are 20 punishments, so you can prolly
feet high.
guess that devil school is rough
Lab Doors. The entrances to all labs (areas D, on your knuckles, and the rest of
E, H, I and J) and Dean Quagrem’s office (area F)
are locked by doors made of green infernal iron.
you. In hell the ruler isn’t made
The doors can be unlocked by those proficient with of wood, it’s a six-foot-long iron
thieves’ tools if they succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity pipe, studded in silver spikes and
check. They can be forced by a successful DC 25 dripping acid. It’s no surprise then
Strength check or battered down (AC 19, 50 hp, that the professors hate each other
immune to cold, fire, poison, and psychic damage). just as much as the students hate
Dean Quagrem has the keys to all labs.
them. They are constantly trying to
Lighting. Except as noted there is no light in any one up each other, sabotage their
room or hallway.
research projects, and steal credit
Noise. Screaming and explosions are frequent, so for their colleagues’ successes.
combat does not draw attention unless one of the That means that if you wanna coast
devils calls for aid. Then there is a 50% chance a
devil in a neighboring area (if there is one), comes to
through school, you just got get the
investigate. faculty fighting each other instead of
Vokath Bloodfang. Dean Quagrem has a pet
dolling out punishments to you!
fiendish polar bear that roams the halls when not

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Scene C. Mephistalar turned to ice. This check is made with disadvantage
if the characters have no light source. None of the
Frost Garden ice is magical, so the effect cannot be reversed by
ending the magic of the ice rune. If the characters
This room is colder than the neighboring areas and pick any of the flowers, they stay incredibly cold as
the characters can feel the temperature dropping long as they are Cania, and no power short of a wish
as they approach. Ice recreations of plants, birds, can melt them. Once leaving the layer, they melt
and even insects fill the room, making a hauntingly normally.
beautiful garden. Even a handful of cloaked ice
figures lounge around the garden, enjoying its
frozen splendor. Scene D. Germael
Area Information Hymenopterology Lab
This laboratory is devoted to the study of modified
This area features: hellwasps as an infernal entomological weapon.
Dazzling Colors. If a light source if brought into On top of one of the cages is a notebook, written in
the room, the ice refracts it, turning the garden into Infernal, that describes magical experiments meant
an amazing display of riotous color. It is enthralling, to infuse the hellwasps with hellfire. In addition to
but also sad to see, frozen and unchanging forever. extinguishing the hellfire here, this notebook must
Any non-devil that sees the colors must make a be destroyed to fully end these buggy experiments.
DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the The notebook contains scribblings by a bone
creature becomes charmed for the duration. While devil named Lixx who notes that despite all their
charmed by this spell, the creature is incapacitated attempts, the hellwasps remain sensitive to cold,
and has a speed of 0. The magical effect ends for an likely because of the hellfire bloom’s vulnerability.
affected creature if it is removed from the room or Lixx is not in the Academia today.
the light is extinguished. It does not end if it takes
damage or even if someone else uses an action to
attempt to shake the creature out of its stupor. Every
Area Information
round the colors are seen, any charmed creature in This area features:
the room takes 14 (4d6) psychic damage. Cages. Five cages stand open on the walls. Big
Ice Rune. A rune is chiseled into the ice, three feet enough for a Large creature and a character going
below the surface, making the room exceptionally inside and closing the door gains cover from melee
cold. Living creatures in the room must succeed on attacks. Unfortunately, the door also locks (DC 20
a DC 15 Constitution saving thrown every round Dexterity with proficiency in thieves’ tools).
or suffer 7 (2d6) cold damage. Any creature that Lab Door. The door to the room is warm to the
dies here is turned to solid ice and requires a true touch, especially considering the cold of area C.
resurrection or wish spell in order to be returned to
life. The rune is a 7th-level spell for the purpose of Hellfire Bloom. A flower of hellfire blooms in
effects that might dispel or suppress it. the center of the room and the wasps buzz angrily
around it. Any creature touching it suffers 21 (6d6)
Statuary. The statuary is perfect. Too perfect. A fire damage. It can be extinguished by a dispel
successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) or magic versus an 8th-level spell, doing 50 points of
Intelligence (Nature) check suggests that everything cold damage, or picking a frozen flower from the
in the room was once alive and has been somehow garden in area C and plunging it into the fire. Doing
the later causes the fire to turn to crystalline ice
with the flower trapped in the flame.

Adjusting the Scene Four modified hellwasps buzz around the room,
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this angrily attacking anything they can perceive. They
scene: fight to death, but do not give chase to Area C if the
party flees.
• Very Weak: Decrease the saving throw by 1
and the damage of both effects by 3 (1d6).
Successful Destruction of this
• Weak: Decrease the saving throw by 1.
• Strong: Increase the saving throw by 1.
• Very Strong: Increase the saving throw by 1 In order to count as successfully destroying the
and the damage of both effects by 3 (1d6). characters must:
• Kill the modified hellwasps.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
• Burn the notes. magic versus an 8th-level spell, doing 50 points of
• Extinguish the hellfire bloom. lightning damage, or plunging an uncharged hellfire
battery into the fire and allowing it to overload.
Doing the later causes the fire to flow into the
battery, which explodes (as above).

Adjusting the Scene Trilmeiad the horned devil works here, half-
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this heartedly coming up with new designs. Three of
scene: his hellfire sprayers are functional, not that he has
bothered to tell anyone. Trilmeiad is lazy and not
• Very Weak: Remove one modified hellwasp likely to fight adventurers as long as they leave him
and their hellfire spray recharges on a 6. alone.
• Weak: Remove one modified hellwasp. Trilmeiad’s Objectives/Goals. Ever since
• Strong: Add one modified hellwasp. negotiating a particularly good tenure agreement
• Very Strong: Add one modified hellwasp and with Dean Quagrem, Trilmeiad mostly hides out in
their hellfire spray recharges on a 4-6. his workshop tinkering and avoiding the Blood War.
He just wants to be left alone.
What Does He Know? He has made a number of
improvements to his design, and it is likely ready for
Treasure deployment, but he’s failed to file research reports
On top one of the cages is a potion of poison that for the last three centuries. That said, he needs
appears to be a potion of supreme healing. to keep at least one working prototype in case
Mephistopheles ever remembers that Trilmeiad
Scene E. Ogulith exists and wants to see his progress. He lets the
characters smash all but one of his prototypes. Nine
Infernal Systems Hells, he’ll even let them burn his notes. He could

Engineering Lab
The infernal systems lab is devoted to creating
infernal autonomous killing machines. Large,
half-finished automatons are fixed in racks
lining the walls and tools are placed neatly in
drawered cabinets on the eastern wall. Each of the
automatons looks to have a humanoid body on a
tracked base. Its head has been replaced by a nozzle
and hose assembly on a turret.
Trilmeiad’s notebook describing his experiments
is in one of the cabinets.

Area Information
This area features:
Hellfire Batteries. In one of the cabinets
is a large tube of metal, glass, and wires.
This uncharged hellfire battery is
charged off the hellfire spark and used
to power a hellfire sprayer. A charged
is battery is highly unstable when not
hooked up to one of the automatons
and is easily overloaded. If violently
smashed or attacked, the battery explodes
in a 20-foot radius doing 10 (3d6) fire damage and
10 (3d6) lightning damage. A successful DC 15
Dexterity saving throw halves the damage.
Hellfire Spark. Any creature touching it suffers
21 (6d6) fire damage. It is extinguished by a dispel

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
recreate his work anyway. If they try to destroy any the staff of the Academia Acania. In addition, a
of his work without signing an acceptable infernal character that can read the notes realizes the
contract, he and his hellfire sprayers attack. purpose of each laboratory’s research and if
Trilmeiad calls for aid from Lullanne Nightwhispher they succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana)
in area J as soon as he acts. check, they realize how the hellfire in a particular
Trilmeiad knows that area I is where unstable or laboratory (area D, E, H, J, and K) might be
currently tabled projects are. If the characters leave destroyed.
them in peace, he’ll offer to tell them about areas J Underneath the notes is a scrap of paper with
and I, and give them the key to area I. “666” written on it (the answer to the puzzle in area
In an unlocked drawer is a journal that contains a
record of a gruesomely detailed vivisection of a pit
Adjusting the Scene fiend. Amidst the many notes, one short passage is
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this denoted as “REMEMBER THIS” This specific sliver
scene: of the pit fiend’s essence can be removed without
any observable reduction in the fiend’s intellectual
• Very Weak: Remove two hellfire sprayers. or arcane capacities. Studies confirm that this
• Weak: Remove one hellfire sprayer. action does require that the donating fiend be
• Strong: Add one hellfire sprayer. physically bolstered, though, a side effects appears
• Very Strong: Add two hellfire sprayers. to include a sudden and total failure of the pit
fiend’s control over their wings and legs. Secreting
the sliver away into a mundane object can provide
a brief moment of control over the fiend, should its
Successful Destruction of this true name be unavailable. (DM Note: This is useful
Experiment information to be used in the tier 4 adventure Twice
as Nice for Half the Price.)
In order to count as successfully destroying the
characters must: Paintings. Scattered among the bookshelves are
several paintings. The number of devils in each are
• Destroy all the functional hellfire sprayers. key to the puzzle in area G. The number of each
• Kill Trilmeiad or otherwise erase his knowledge of type of devil is noted in parenthesis for the DM.
how to construct hellfire sprayers. Behind the painting of the pit fiend is a wall safe
• Destroy Trilmeiad’s notebook. that can be opened with a DC 20 Dexterity check
• Extinguish the hellfire spark. using proficiency with thieves’ tools. Inside is a sack
with 5 soul coins.
Scene F. Dean Quagrem’s • A large portrait of the pit fiend Dean Quagrem
himself wearing academic regalia. (1)
Office • A small framed sketch of two ice devils lowering a
Dean Quagrem’s (pit fiend) office is filled with floor chained dwarf into freezing water. (2)
to ceiling shelves packed with tomes on infernal • A tome sized painting of three bone devils carving
magic and science. His desk and massive chair up several human victims with curved knives. (3)
are in the center of the room facing the locked • A large painting, though not as large at the
door. A bowl filled with human limbs is next to the painting of Quagrem, showing five horned devils
desk; a snack for both the Dean and his pet Vokath flying over the battlefield of Avernus. (5)
Bloodfang, a fiendish polar bear. • A watercolor showing a company of bearded
devils in ornate armor, lined up in perfect rows. If
Area Information counted, there are five rows of ten. (50)
This area features: • A dark oil painting showing a scrum of imps
Desk. One of the drawers in the desk is locked tricking various morals. The painting is very
(DC 20 Dexterity with proficiency in thieves’ tools complicated and confusing with many of the imps
to pick or a successful DC 15 Strength check to hiding or looking similar to other creatures in the
break open). Inside are the Dean’s notes on each painting. A careful count notes that there are one
of the projects, including his concerns about the hundred. (100)
stability of each version of the project as well as
reliability of each of the researchers. If the notes are
read, a character receives advantage on Charisma There is an 80% chance that Dean Quagrem the
(Deception and Persuasion) checks with any of pit fiend is here unless called away by one of the

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
other researchers or his fiendish polar bear raises a Area Information
ruckus. If the Dean is not here, he returns in twenty
This area features:
Gate Puzzle. The floor has an alternating
Objectives/Goals. Quagrem is desperate to keep
geometric design of recessed squares, x’s and
everything running smoothly. The price of being in
crosses. It is actually a simple mathematical puzzle
charge is that Mephistopheles knows your name
that when solved, opens a gate of blue fire that leads
and if anything goes wrong, you are the one that
to the Hellfire Generator in area K. Each tile has
he blames. Quagrem wants to make sure there
a mathematical value found by counting the devils
are enough successful projects that the next time
in the paintings in Dean Quagrem’s office (area F)
Mephistopheles shows, he is pleased.
and if placed in an order such that they equal “666,”
What Does He Know? Quagrem is waiting for a the gate opens. If all the squares are filled with a
group of cultists to arrive from the Prime to hand tile and it does not equal 666, the room fills flame
off a sample of hellfire to. The cultists are to take and ice. Creature in the room suffers 21 (6d6) fire
the hellfire to Sofia Feu where she can use it in damage and 21 (6d6) cold damage. A successful DC
experiments on the Material plane. 15 Dexterity saving throw halves the damage. If an
Quagrem knows all the researchers on the floor incorrect solution in attempted, the tiles pop out of
and what they are working on. Quagrem carries a their resting places after the trap is sprung.
ring of keys that unlock all the doors on this floor Each tile weighs 15 pounds and is made of stone.
and the drawer of his desk. He also carries a metal The tiles and the design all radiate magic. The
flask that has a sample of hellfire within. magic can be suppressed for 2d4 rounds with a
successful dispel magic against a 5th-level spell.
Treasure While the magic is suppressed, the trap cannot
Dean Quagrem carries a staff of frost that the activate, but the portal remains closed.
adventurers can claim if they defeat him. In his wall
safe there is a bag with 5 soul coins.

Solving the Puzzle

In order to solve the puzzle, the characters must
Adjusting the Scene realize that each of the devils has a numerical
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this value, as found in the paintings in area F.
scene: • Pit Fiend = 1
• Very Weak: Vokath Bloodfang is not • Ice Devil = 2
encountered with Dean Quagrem and the pit
• Bone Devil = 3
fiend has left his staff mounted on the wall.
Decrease Quagrem’s hit points by 30 and AC • Horned Devil = 5
by 1. • Bearded Devil = 50
• Weak: Vokath Bloodfang is not encountered
• Imp = 100
with Dean Quagrem. Decrease Quagrem’s hit
points by 30 and AC by 1. The tiles must then be placed in an order that
• Strong: Increase Vokath Bloodfang’s hit points equals 666. There is more than one solution,
by 30, to hit by 1 and damage by 3. but mathematical order of operation must be
• Very Strong: Increase Vokath Bloodfang’s hit followed, so all multiplications are completed
points by 60. Increase Vokath and Quagrem’s before additions take place.
to hit by 1 and damage by 5. One example solution is: Imp (100) x Horned
Devil (5) + Bearded Devil (50) x Bone Devil (3)
+ Ice Devil (2) x Bone Devil (3) + Ice Devil (2) x
Horned Devil (5)
Scene G. Maion Alumni 100 x 5 + 50 x 3 + 2 x 3 +2 x 5
Meditation Chamber 500 + 150 + 6 + 10
A low bench is affixed to the wall, ringing the room.
The floor of this room has a geometric design on
the floor and a number of movable tiles that depict
different devils. The puzzle can be found in Player
Handout 1.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
working here, using hellfire to augment summoning
Scene H. Asteraoth and binding rituals.
Beckoning Efficiency Objectives/Goals. Sabriel seems his stint at the
Academia as a stepping stone to his imminent
Laboratory promotion, and he works his two haggard research
assistants to death if need be. As a Kyton, he
believes the right path to success is in binding its
power to imprison other creatures to fight for the
Nine Hells. He has no sympathy for others. All are
Adjusting the Scene tools to help him get his promotion.
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this What Does He Know? Sabriel has been eyeing
scene: the Hellwasps that his rival Lixx has been working
with (area D), thinking that he might be able to bind
• Very Weak: Decrease the damage to 14 or destroy them. As such he knows quite a lot about
(4d6) fire damage and 14 (4d6) cold damage. Hellwasps and trades information about them
Decrease the saving throw DC to 13. and how to destroy the Hellfire Bloom in exchange
• Weak: Decrease the damage to 18 (5d6) fire for a binding promise to use it against Lixx. Of
damage and 18 (5d6) cold damage. course, unless bound by contract, Sabriel reports
• Strong: Increase the damage to 24 (7d6) fire the presence of the meddling characters to Dean
damage and 24 (7d6) cold damage. Quagrem a few minutes after they leave his area.
• Very Strong: Increase the damage to 28 Sabriel has a poor memory and relies on his
(8d6) fire damage and 28 (8d6) cold damage. research assistant to take notes in the book on the
Increase the saving throw DC to 17. podium.

A ball of hellfire wrapped in infernal iron chains

floats inside a magical circle in the center of the Adjusting the Scene
room. A podium supports a large tome and various
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this
pots of inks, quills, and pieces of chalk. The room
has everything needed to work typical conjuration
spells. • Very Weak: Remove one conjurer and
the remaining has no 5th-level spell slots
Area Information remaining.
This area features: • Weak: Remove one conjurer.
• Strong: Add one conjurer.
Hellfire Trap. While in this room, any caster using
a conjuration spell to summon a creature makes • Very Strong: Add two conjurers.
concentration checks to maintain control with
Any non-summoned creature touching it suffers Successful Destruction of this
21 (6d6) fire damage. It can be extinguished by
a dispel magic versus an 8th-level spell, doing 50 Experiment
points of damage from a summoned creature, In order to count as successfully destroying the
or with a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) characters must:
check to disrupt the circle containing it. If the circle
• Destroy the arcane circle.
is scratched out or damaged without care, it is
destroyed, but causes the fire to flow aggressively • Destroy Sabriel’s notebook.
out into the room in a violent explosion, damaging • Extinguish the hellfire trap.
all creatures in the room as above. Also, any
summoned creatures in the room are automatically Treasure
In the podium is a potion of fire resistance.
Sabriel (chain devil) and his two research
assistants Edore and Mixea (human conjurers) are

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Scene I. Failed
This locked room is used to store hellfire that has Adjusting the Scene
been used in failed experiments in case they might Here are some suggestions for adjusting this
be useful in the future. Unfortunately, the samples scene:
are highly unstable. Shelves are embedded in the
ice, each within a crystal container marked with • Very Weak: Decrease the saving throw DC by
a rune. The lids on each are not sealed and can 2 and the damage by 5 each.
be simply lifted up. On the northeastern wall are • Weak: Decrease the saving throw DC by 1 and
shelves with red, yellow, and orange flames. To the the damage by 2 each.
southwest are shelves with green, blue, and purple • Strong: Increase the saving throw DC by 1
flames. and the damage by 2 each.
On the wall there is a poster depicting a surprised • Very Strong: Increase the saving throw DC by
imp with a scorched face and blast marks on the 2 and the damage by 5 each.
wall behind it, looking into an open jar. Written
in Infernal, the caption reads “Safety First! Only
trained personnel should handle or dispose of
hazardous materials.”
Scene J. Grintosalimdul
Safe Disposal
Orpheomancy Laboratory
This laboratory is devoted to controling creatures’
Getting rid of the failed experiments requires perception by coloring reality with their dreams. A
the characters to carefully mix the opposing comfortable bed is next a large rotating orb. The orb
experiments. But sadly, it’s not that easy. Magic is pierced by several star shaped holes, allowing the
cannot affect a jar or the hellfire within while it is Hellfire within to cast flickering shadows and motes
on a shelf. The experiments are highly unstable of light upon the walls. Inexplicably, many of the
and if picked up, the hellfire within begins to images do not match the holes in the orb.
seethe and flare. The creature picking up any jar
the character must succeed in a DC 10 Dexterity Area Information
(Acrobatics) check or the lid slips and the hellfire
within is exposed to the air. Creatures adjacent to This area features:
the jar suffer 10 (3d10) fire damage. If the jar is Comfy Bed. Any creature laying on the bed
not dumped into an opposing experiment within 1 begins to daydream and can now hear no one but
round, or if it is mixed with the wrong experiment, Lullanne, who starts asking leading questions. The
it violently explodes filling the room. All creatures in dream projector creates infernal shadowy versions
the room suffer 21 (6d6) fire damage and 21 (6d6) of their dreams. These hellfire dreams are hostile
necrotic damage. A successful DC 20 Dexterity to everyone else. While a creature is in the bed, the
saving throw halves this damage. Unmoved jars are doors to this room cannot be opened.
warded and are not damaged by the explosion.
Hellfire Dream Projector. Any creature
Rune Language Color Opposite touching it suffers 21 (6d6) fire damage. It can
be extinguished by a dispel magic versus an 8th-
Fruit Draconic Red Green
level spell, doing 50 points of psychic damage, or
Seed Abyssal Green Red destroying the sphere with a hellfire dream. If the
Water Primodial Blue Orange sphere is destroyed with a dream it gutters and
Fire Infernal Orange Blue snuffs out forever.
Dawn Celestial Yellow Purple
Dusk Undercommon Purple Yellow
Lullanne Nightwhispher (elf enchanter) has
been trapped in the Nine Hells for over twelve
Successful Destruction of these centuries. Her contract with the Lord of the Eighth
Experiments has required her to continue researching dreams
In order to count as successfully destroying the and sleep until Mephistopheles accepts one of
characters must: her research projects as useful for deployment in
the Blood War or in capturing him more magical
• Detonate or neutralize all six samples. secrets. Unfortunately, Mephistopheles has
forgotten about her.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Objectives/Goals. Lullanne wishes to escape
her contract but realizes that it’s unlikely to
happen anytime soon. She hopes that if she is very
successful, or ingratiates herself to Dean Quagrem,
the pit fiend will put a mention of her work in his
regular reports to Mephistopheles. The best way to
Hellfire Dreams do that is to successfully use her research on the
Complex trap (level 11–16, dangerous threat) characters and capture them, or failing that, help
her fellow research colleagues to capture one the
Shadowy dreams cast by hellfire dance
menacingly across the walls and attack those
in the room. The DM should flavor the shadows What Does She Know? Lullanne knows about
created based on the dreams described by the her fellow colleagues, but most of them ignore her.
dreaming character. Lullanne makes every Trilmeiad the horned devil has been particularly
effort to direct the character to describe their unpleasant towards her. His lab is always dirty
worst fears. and noisy and not at all conducive to her sleep
experiments. She tries to convince the characters to
Trigger. A creature lays in the bed and begins
meddle with Trilmeiad’s work and fights to defend
to describe their daydreams, causing the
her research.
creatures and events of their imagination to
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative count 20
Lullanne has a potion of clairvoyance and a scroll of
and 10.
dominate person.
Active Elements. The creatures and dreams
take on a foul and hostile countenance.
• Dream Attack (Initiative 20). Each creature
in the room except the dreamer and Lullanne
are attacked by a shadowy form. The shadowy
Adjusting the Scene
form makes a +8 melee attack and does 55 Here are some suggestions for adjusting this
(10d10) psychic damage if it hits. scene:
• Thunderous Roar (Initiative 10). The • Very Weak: Decrease the damage of the
shadowy creatures snarl and roar. All shadow forms by 11 (2d10) and their melee
creatures that can hear must succeed on a DC attack bonus by 1.
15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened.
• Weak: Decrease the damage of the shadow
• Constant Element – Swirling Stars. At the forms by 5 (1d10).
start of a creature’s turn, they must attempt
• Strong: Increase the melee attack bonus of
a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save,
the shadow forms by 1.
the creature becomes charmed until the
• Very Strong: Increase the melee attack bonus
beginning of its next turn. While charmed by
of the shadow forms by 1 and damage by 5
this spell, the creature is incapacitated and
has a speed of 0.
• Countermeasures. The Hellfire Dream
Projector can be neutralized as described
above, and the Hellfire Dreams can be
mitigated or ended the following ways: Scene K. Hellfire
• Awaken the Sleeper. If the sleeper takes
damage, or someone uses an action to shake
or slap the sleeper, the sleeper makes a DC This room contains the original source of Hellfire
15 Wisdom saving throw to waken, ending the that all of the other hellfire in the laboratories were
effect. created from. Due to its value, it is stored in its own
• Kill the Therapist. If Lullanne is demiplane that can only be access via the puzzle
incapacitated or killed, the shadow forms gate in area G.
make their attacks at disadvantage. The room is made of the same plates of green
infernal steel frozen in blocks of ice as the rest of
the chambers previously seen. The demiplane’s
existence is powered by the hellfire generator and if
it is slain, it rapidly collapses in a few minutes.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Creatures/NPCs Objectives/Goals. Destroy all life.

The hellfire has corrupted the heart of the What Does It Know? That it must destroy all life.
machine and it has begun to mutate it into a vicious
construct that seeks to violently kill any life that Wrap-Up: Concluding the
enters its prison. It cannot be reasoned with in any Adventure
way. It uses the statistics of a hellfire engine with
If the characters return successfully, Pipyap
following modifications:
welcomes them with a grand meal, which to be
• Arcane Vulnerability. The hellfire generator honest, he has already mostly eaten.
is susceptible to effects that disrupt magic. A
• If they located any clues to the whereabouts of
successful dispel magic versus an 8th-level spell
the cookie bag, he is very grateful and offers each
that targets one of its hellfire weapons causes that
character a potion of greater healing.
weapon to shut down for 1 hour. An antimagic
field causes all of its hellfire weapons to be • If they return with Lesser Pipyap in tow, Pipyap is
suppressed. very curious to learn how he was made. He also
thinks Lesser Pipyap is great, like a little brother
• Death Burst. When the hellfire generator dies, it
or a puppy. Lesser Pipyap vows eternal revenge on
explodes in a burst of five elements. Each creature
the characters; but not until after he gets a meal.
within 10 feet of it suffers 11 (2d10) acid, cold,
fire, lightning, and thunder damage each. A single • If the characters successfully destroyed the
successful DC 20 Dexterity saving throw halves research projects as promised, the ice devils gift
each of the elemental damages. them with a huge chest of gold.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Rewards • Staff of Frost: This staff is covered in carvings of
infernals reading various tomes. If placed atop an
The characters receive rewards based upon their open book, the staff reads the book aloud with a
accomplishments. Aside from advancement, these deep, inhuman voice, using the language the book
rewards are earned during the session. is written in.
• Potion of Clairvoyance
Character Rewards
• Potion of Fire Resistance
The characters earn the following rewards:
• Potion of Greater Healing (1 each)
Advancement • Potion of Poison
• Potion of Supreme Healing
Upon completing this adventure, each character
gains a level. At their discretion, they may choose to • Scroll of Dominate Person
decline advancement. Remind those that express an • 5 Soul Coins
interest in this that they have a limit to how much
gold they can earn per level; declining advancement Dungeon Master Rewards
means that they may reach a point where they earn For running this adventure, one of your character
no gold. gains a level. That character receives gold based on
their tier prior to advancement:
Tier GP Earned
Award each character gold for each hour of the
session. Adventures typically features cues for this, 1 80 gp
but you can add it where you see fit. The maximum 2 240 gp
gold that you can award a character per hour is 3 1,600 gp
determined by their tier, as follows:
4 6,000 gp
Tier Hourly GP Award GP Limit per Level
You may also complete DM Quests for running
3 200 gp 1,600 gp this adventure. See the Adventurers League
Dungeon Master’s Guide for more information.
Magic Item(s)
If found during the adventure, the characters can
keep the following magic items:

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Nessus: Twice as Nice for
Half the Price
“I call it ‘truthful hyperbole’.”
—Donald J. Trump
Estimated Duration: 4-6 hours

DAL00-11f Twice as Nice for Half the • Episode 2: Ordered Chaos. The characters visit
Price is a tier 4 adventure by Alan Patrick, with Mahadi, who tells them how to reach Nessus.
optimized for 18th-level characters that Once there, they must determine how best to enter
takes anywhere in Faerûn and Nessus, the and interact with the other creatures in the Gorge
Ninth Layer of Hell. of Slaughter. This is Story Objective A.
• Episode 3: Details, Schmetails. As expected,
Background Pipyap’s explanation of the situation has left much
to be desired. The pit fiend is a legendary creature
The imp, PIPYAP, has long desired a promotion
indeed, central to the operations of not only the
from his current role into something more suitable
Gorge but is also a trusted agent of Asmodeus.
for his goals, and he’s found tools to help him get
This is Story Objective B.
there. The biggest problem is that his special goodie
bag has once again gone missing. Episode Sequence
Through much coercing, cajoling, and cashing Depending on your time constraints, play style and
in of favors, he’s learned that the bag is currently environment, this adventure takes approximately
held by a devil named XAK’THAR. Unfortunately, four-to-six hours to play.
Xak’thar is deep within the hellscape of NESSUS
and is considered by most to be an all-around sour
How Will You Play?
The duration of your session depends on how much
Getting to Nessus isn’t as easy as it used to be
of this adventure you utilize. At the very least, your
now that the lower Hells have been sealed off.
session will last approximately 4 hours.
Pipyap is currently unable to enter the Hells but
has discovered that the merchant FAI CHEN holds
a few select secrets, including the knowledge of
how to travel through secret passages and lost
Pipyap knows that this is a significant gamble,
sending mortals to the Hells on a quest to retrieve
his trinket. Once they return, he has only a small
window of opportunity to enact his final plan…

The adventure’s story is spread over three story
episodes that take approximately 4 hours to play.
These episodes are introduced by a Call to Action.
If you’re planning to play the entire adventure at
once, you only need to introduce the Call to Action
once. However, if you plan to play them over several
sessions, you’ll want to revisit the Call to Action
each time you play.
• Episode 1: So I’ve Got This Thing. A visit to Fai
Chen’s caravan is nothing out of the ordinary—but
receiving an impassioned plea for help from an
imp is. This is the Call to Action.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Episode 1: So I Need This Thing
(Call to Action)

Estimated Duration: 45 minutes

Scene A. All Signs Point Development

to Hell The characters are free to interact with the Trading
Post as they see fit. Once they begin speaking with
The characters are celebrated adventurers, each either Fai Chen or Pipyap, move to their Scene. The
with their own resources and contacts. Even so, it’s characters may move between Scenes A, B, and
hard to pass up a visit with the renowned merchant C as needed. Ultimately, they should either secure
Fai Chen, for the trader often has goods from all their own passage to Avernus or work out a deal
over Faerûn that are otherwise impossible to obtain. with Fai Chen to get there.
The merchant’s caravan of wagons and assistants
has grown, as it appears that life and trade have
been exceptionally good of late. Rich, vibrant silks
Scene B. Special Imp
and bolts of cloth can be seen, and exotic, strange Secrets
foods are available for free as snacks for “qualified
Once the characters have had some time to check
shoppers” (such as the adventurers). The merchant
out the Trading Post, Pipyap approaches them.
has grown from operating his own wagon to
managing a cluster of allied salesmen all in his
employ. Area Information
The group should have a few minutes to explore Refer to Scene A.
the trading post before Pipyap approaches them.
Area Information Pipyap (an imp) has been hiding in this area,
This area has the following features: waiting for suitably powerful adventurers to arrive.
It’s entirely possible that he has interacted with
Wagons. Numerous wagons, each with a these characters before, but in the case that he has
salesman or merchant inside, await the next walk- not he is simply attracted to their raw power and
up customer. “obvious display of, y’know, ability, AY!”
Lighting. Twinkling orbs of magical light float
lazily between the wagons, providing bright light in
a shimmering cascade of colors.
Smells & Sounds. Pungent spicy odors make
the mouth water, mixed with the musty scent of
Pipyap on… Taking Damage
long-folded clothes and parchments. Merchants “I’m not, y’know, real keen on being
call to each other, and to customers such as the touched. Not by weapons, not by
adventurers, from their wagons. It’s entirely feasible spells, and I certainly won’t be
to set this in a carnival-type atmosphere with dozens
of other people present.
shaking any hands. No, no, no, it’s
not because I fear death - I’d just
Creatures/NPCs go to Avernus - but because you
Two notable NPCs dwell here: Fai Chen and Pipyap.
mortals are a stinky, filthy lot. You’re
For more information about these individuals, refer not bad, though. You just have a
to Scenes B and C respectively. scent.”

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Objectives/Goals. Pipyap has lost his bag, and he Treasure & Rewards
knows that although he pulls cookies from it, he’s
pretty sure that the bag can do a lot more. He shares Once the characters agree to Pipyap’s request, he
that the bag is a source of power but honestly does gives the characters a small doll with a pull-string
not know the limits of its ability – just that it’s potent protruding from its back. The doll appears to be a
and shouldn’t be in the wrong hands. Losing the bag city guard from Waterdeep, complete with a halberd
brings him a small amount of shame but doesn’t and tiny tin badge, and if the string is pulled it says:
seem to be a singular occurrence, as he freely “Halt yon, and ‘ware the spicy mango!”
admits to losing it on multiple previous occasions. If asked what this means, the imp simply giggles
What Does He Know? Through his own scouting, and says that he’s not sure but that it positively
Pipyap has learned that the bag is currently held terrifies Xak’thar, “so you can, y’know, do what you
by a devil by the name of Xak’thar. Unfortunately, need to with that.”
Xak’thar is in Nessus and Pipyap can’t go there, The item is not magical, though any character with
though he knows that Fai Chen can get the at least one ninth level spell slot or that is proficient
characters to Avernus (and thus, Nessus) if they in both Arcana and Insight determines that this is a
can’t do it themselves. key phrase for a latent enchantment that is affecting
Xak’thar. Casting a legend lore spell reveals that
The Cookie Bag Pipyap has been cuddling with and drooling on this
Pipyap explains with great glee that his trusty doll for at least a few years.
cookie bag provides him with a never-ending supply
of foodstuffs. In fact, it seemingly provides whatever Scene C. Have I Got a
the bearer requires – but the imp prefers cookies
(of all types, he’s not too picky). Even so, he openly Deal for You!
admits to having an inkling that the bag might be Fai Chen, a Shou merchant, is eager to make a deal
able to do more than just make food, and he’s does that could change the character’s lives forever.
whatever it takes to convince the characters to get it
back. He shares: Area Information
• “The bag is held by a devil named Xak’thar. Xak’s a Refer to Scene A.
mean ‘ol thing. Vicious. A real jerk.”
• “Do you want a devil to have unlimited power? Creatures/NPCs
Because this is how you give unlimited power to a
Fai Chen (human Shou male, middle-aged) is a
trader and merchant extraordinaire. He glides from
• “Did you know that if a devil gets unlimited power, wagon to wagon to check in on the progress of deals
Asmodeus comes in the night and takes your that might be made and to visit with customers
teeth? Well, that’s false, because he won’t. He’ll be old and new. He has a limp, white mustache that
too busy DESTROYING THE WORLD.” dangles past his chin and shiny white hair, combed
smooth and gathered in a ponytail behind his head.
Objectives/Goals. Fai Chen desires to make deals
Feel free to summarize the general description of
as often as possible as he prefers to sell his entire
Nessus to the characters. Pipyap knows this much,
stock cycle in a tenday.
and it’s likely that the characters are also at least
superficially aware of this layer of Hell. As the home What Does He Know? His trades are
of Asmodeous, it shouldn’t be a secret or surprise not exclusive to physical products, as he is
that it’s both incredibly hostile to mortals and home knowledgeable in planar travel as well. Once per
to many very powerful devils. day, he has the ability to cast plane shift; when doing
so, he requires no components and can only travel
Fai Chen to Avernus.
The imp has a strange sort-of respect for the
merchant, going so far as to claim that, “He’s more
The Trading Post
than he appears to be; real resourceful, that one. If you are running a public event that has been
Always seems to be around.” If the characters have approved to run the Fai Chen Trading Post, each
no way to get to Avernus, Pipyap lets them know character present can immediately purchase a
that Fai Chen, “has the stink of planar travel on him consumable magic item or trade for a permanent
like you wouldn’t believe.” magic item (based on availability; check with the
event administrators).

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
If not, each character present instead can Pipyap
purchase a potion or spell scroll using the prices
shown in Appendix A of Xanathar’s Guide to The merchant is familiar with Pipyap. If asked,
Everything, in the “Buying and Selling” section. he simply says, “the rotund winged one has many
secrets and deals equally in lies and explosive
truths.” He shares no further opinion on the imp.
Fai Chen isn’t expressly familiar with Nessus The Cookie Bag
but does know that all planar travel to the Nine
Hells must start with Avernus. Luckily, he’s got a If the characters bring up the matter of the cookie
contact there: another merchant by the name of bag with Fai Chen, he immediately becomes much
Mahadi. “Mahadi taught me everything I know, and more interested once they share any details. He
even a few things that I’ve long since forgotten.” offers to send the characters to Avernus (and
Fai Chen can get the characters to Mahadi and thus, to his ally Mahadi) without requiring the
Avernus if they so desire, but it costs them one or surrendering of one or more magic items or
more magical items (consumable or permanent, it downtime days on the condition that they bring
matters not): the cookie bag back to him, “and I will pass it to
the imp, yes, yes.” He refers to this as, “a casual
• 1 legendary item; or but binding verbal contract” and winks, a sly grin
• 2 very rare items; or playing across his face.
• 4 rare items; or
• 8 uncommon items; or Call to Action
• A total of 10 downtime days per character present Pipyap has tasked the characters with the following:
(can be paid in any mix from any number of
• Find Xak’thar somewhere in Nessus.
present characters), as a sign of work that they
perform, “at a later date.” • Bring back the cookie bag to either Fai Chen or
Fai Chen has no intention of claiming permanent
ownership of those items, but requires
these items be left behind so that he
can study them
for a tenday and
potentially create
arcane schematics
of them for his
sales events.
If a character seems
attached to a specific
item, consider having
Fai Chen make a hard
case for it though he
can be convinced to take
something else. If the
characters surrender
one or more items in this
manner, be sure to let
them know that they can
have it back at the end of the
A successful DC 22 Charisma
(Persuasion) check reduces
downtime days needed
by half or convinces Fai
Chen to accept a single
very rare item. This check
is attempted one time

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Episode 2: Ordered Chaos
Estimated Duration: 90—180 minutes Playing the Pillars
Combat: Mahadi is a crafty combatant, and as
Wandering Emporium an agent of Asmodeus likely has more tricks than
standard raksasha stat block would allow. He isn’t
Prerequisites keen to kill but loves a good challenge.
The characters must have entered the portal to Exploration: Journeying through the tradeways
Avernus in Episode 1. is a very special trip, indeed. Play up the “alternate
reality” experience of it and allow them glimpses of
Objectives each of the other layers of the Nine Hells.
The blasted landscape of Avernus, the first of the Social: Every devil in the Nine Hells has a
Nine Hells, holds the Wandering Emporium of the price, and they all have something to offer or sell.
raksasha Mahadi. The characters must negotiate Encourage the characters to interact this way, and
passage to Nessus with the merchant. don’t shy away from a good deal!

The rampant chaos of Avernus has an underlying
order if one knows where and how to look. Hordes
of devils fly overhead while terrifying dreadnaughts
can be seen in the near distance, but none of them
come near Mahadi’s Wandering Emporium.
Later, once the characters arrive upon Nessus
they are faced with the Gorge of Slaughter. Devils
of all kinds can be found here along with their
minions; powerful undead and even terrifyingly well-
equipped mortals are spotted. It is truly a magnet
for all things that exist and persist in the Nine Hells.
Xak’Thar the Twin rules the Gorge with four iron
fists, and only emerges from its chambers to take on
the current would-be champion.

Area Information
The arid hellscape of Avernus is a sight to behold,
but adventurers at this stage of their careers have
likely been here—or somewhere worse—before. You
are free to embellish as needed, so long as the focus
remains on Mahadi’s Wandering Emporium. No
layer of the Nine Hells can be teleported in to or out
of save for Avernus due to Asmodeus’ decree.
The tradeways are a bit like walking along a
Möbius strip; essentially, it’s a travel path that
exists in both two- and three-dimensional space. As
a location that exists simultaneously in all of the
Nine Hells, none of the Nine Hells, and somewhere
in between, it is quite the fantastic location.
Knowledge of its full capabilities is known only to
Asmodeus and Mahadi, though safe passage can be
secured for the right price.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Treasure & Rewards only be attempted once. If the characters promise
to surrender Pipyap’s cookie bag to Fai Chen,
Mahadi’s Wandering Emporium has access to he instead provides the information about the
many fine wares, and it’s likely that the characters tradeways for free.
discover a hidden cache during their journey
through the tradeways. Antagonizing Mahadi. If the characters prove
disrespectful, rude, or aggressive, Mahadi provides
directions to the tradeways and charges them
Scene A. The Resourceful nothing. This is further developed in the Path of
Raksasha Most Resistance section, under Traveling the
The characters have been delivered to Mahadi’s
Wandering Emporium on Avernus.
The Wandering
Objectives Emporium’s Wares
Having been given direction from Pipyap and Fai Mahadi has access to all the resources of the
Chen, the characters need to negotiate safe passage Wandering Emporium as shown in Baldur’s Gate:
to Nessus with Mahadi. Descent into Avernus. If you do not have access
to that adventure, he can offer the following in
Creatures/NPCs exchange for that character’s eternal soul:
If you have access to Baldur’s Gate: Descent into • True Resurrection. Mahadi arranges for a
Avernus, you can use all the information in that recovery team to cast true resurrection on a
adventure to flesh out the personalities that travel character, should they die.
within Mahadi’s Wandering Emporium. Otherwise,
• One Legendary item. Mahadi grants one
the only creature present is Mahadi.
character a single legendary item of their choice
Mahadi (raksasha) has a keen eye for business for the duration of this adventure. This item is not
and a desire for the order that contracts bring. As an unlocked. Valid items to choose from: rod of lordly
agent of Asmodeus, he can travel anywhere in the might, defender (greatsword), scarab of protection.
Nine Hells and can create soul-binding contracts as These items are not available if the characters
if he were an archdevil. attack Mahadi, as they are magically whisked
Objectives/Goals. Mahadi’s goals are simple: to away elsewhere. This item is granted directly to
gather more souls, both for himself and Asmodeus. the adventurer; it is not unlocked for anyone and
Be it through trade, contract, or asset recovery, can’t be traded away.
Mahadi always comes out ahead. Mahadi is clear in that this deal would transfer
ownership of that character’s soul to him. Should
What Does He Know? He can get the characters
the character die again after resurrection or
to Nessus via the hidden tradeways and he knows
after accepting one of the listed items, they are
the challenges that they face when they arrive
permanently removed from play. This price can’t be
upon Nessus. If asked about Xak’thar, he explains
that some pit fiends are worse than others,
but, “Xak’thar may be of two minds. That one is He also sells soul coins. These coins cost 40
thankfully unique.” downtime days of hard labor in Mahadi’s service.
These downtime days are spent at the end of the
Development adventure. He sells only one soul coin to each
character at this price.
Mahadi is always keen to see more intrepid
champions in the Nine Hells, for strife brings
opportunity—and as the preeminent merchant of
Traveling the Tradeways
this realm, more business is better. He listens to the The tradeways are essentially the “back roads”
characters should they engage in discussion with that connect the Nine Hells now that Asmodeus
him about their task. References to Pipyap are met has decreed that magical travel can’t take place to
with an exaggerated eyeroll, while mentioning Fai anywhere except Avernus, the first layer of the Hells.
Chen brings a smile to his face. As Nessus is the ninth layer, this path is winding
and rife with possibility. The tradeways weave in
Respectful Interactions. If the characters
and out of each of the layers of the Hells, and the
interact with Mahadi respectfully, they are shown
Tradeways Events & Complications table provides
safe passage through the tradeways for the low
suggested encounters by layer, though you could
cost of two soul coins. This can be negotiated
simply roll a d20 for a more random path.
down to a single soul coin with a successful DC
22 Charisma (Persuasion) check; this check can

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Path of Least Resistance. If the characters were Resting. Mortals can’t benefit from rests while
respectful in their interactions, roll a d20 twice they travel the tradeways. There are too many devils,
(ignoring identical rolls) or choose two encounters and the eyes of both Asmodeus and Mahadi are
from the Tradeways Events & Complications always upon them.
table as the characters travel to Nessus. Mahadi
is powerful but is no fool and wishes to test the
Story Objective A
Story Objective A is assigned simply by virtue of
Path of Most Resistance. If the characters discussion with Mahadi. It is successfully completed
antagonized Mahadi, their path is perilous and by surviving the journey to Nessus and having
fraught with danger. They arrive upon Nessus, meaningful interactions along the tradeways.
but only after five days and having encountered
significant opposition. The characters encounter
every entry on the Tradeways Events &
Complications table, in order, except for entries 19 An abandoned cache of goods is located at one point
and 20. If the characters attacked Mahadi, increase during the journey. It includes a tattered black robe,
the saving throws by 2 and add one creature to each an unreadable book with dark blue covers and silver
encounter. The characters arrive upon Nessus with runes, a soul coin, a potion of speed in a lead vial,
no Hit Dice remaining as a result of their trials on and a spell scroll of maddening darkness written on
the tradeways. a leather sheet of curious, indeterminate origin.

Tradeways Events & Complications

d20 or location Complication
Three red abishai are embroiled in a debate about the nature of their mission for Tiamat.
1 Avernus
They spot the characters as they draw close.
Four devourers waylay the characters, springing from the rock and slavering for mortal
2—5 Dis
Two characters chosen at random accidentally trigger a potent, hidden glyph (DC 28 to
6 Minauros
spot, DC 35 to disarm) and are affected by feeblemind (Intelligence DC 24).
The characters run afoul of a pair of venerable liches. They are also subjected to mass
7—10 Phlegethos suggestion (Wisdom DC 24); failing this saving throw requires them to “offer their soul as
collateral to the next devil that offers them a deal.”
Ancient wards sputter and flare as a lost language, stuffed with apparating arcane
11 Stygia symbols, gurgles from the very air. Each character is subject to bestow curse (Wisdom DC
24; Wisdom or Dexterity ability checks and saving throws, lasting until dispelled).

Mahadi long ago contracted a marut to patrol the tradeways, keeping the route free of
12—15 Malbolge travelers save for himself. It has been granted the ability to use lethal force if needed. It
announces its mission loudly and is susceptible to illusions involving Mahadi.

The borders between the layers of the Nine Hells tear at the characters. They must
each make a DC 24 Constitution saving throw. If all characters succeed, they emerge
unscathed. If half or more of the characters fail, all characters gain two levels of
exhaustion as they work together to escape the twisting energies and rending magical
auras. Otherwise, each character gains one level of exhaustion.

19 Roll twice, ignoring rolls of 19 or 20

20 Roll three times, ignoring rolls of 19 or 20.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Scene B. Entering the him, they find that a pitiful, melting lemure
apparates from seemingly nowhere. This sad
Gorge creature mimes out a short scene depicting the
effects of bloody fervor, then offers each character
The coordinated chaos of the Gorge of Slaughter a small piece of itself, indicating that they should
calls to those that witness it. Blood, rage, combat, consume it. If they do, they are immune to those
and death await those that enter! effects for 2 hours and for the same duration
are also subject to Rary’s telepathic bond, which
Prerequisites includes Mahadi. Dispelling the bond requires a DC
The characters must have interacted with Mahadi 22 dispel magic, which also dispels the immunity.
and secured passage through the tradeways to This immunity treats them as if they’ve failed the
Nessus. saving throw, which Mahadi explains gleefully as
“just a little trick, nothing more, but tarry not.”
Objectives Once past the gates, the characters can mingle
Now that the characters have made it to Nessus, with the crowd (if they can manage a way to deal
they must make their way into the Gorge of with the bloody fervor effect, that is), visit the
Slaughter. They’re close, but oh so far! merchants near the bottom of the pit, or otherwise
busy themselves while some of the exhibition fights
Area Information take place.
The Gorge of Slaughter is perhaps the most chaotic Should the characters prove to be aggressive,
area in all the Nine Hells, though why Asmodeus they are overwhelmed in due time and cast down
permits it to exist is known only to him. into the pit to fight for their freedom. They can be
added to any of the exhibition fights, or if time is
Bloody Fervor. For every hour spent inside the
of the essence—or if they’ve committed some truly
Gorge, a creature must make a DC 25 Wisdom
grievous offense—you can simply move to the fight
saving throw. If they fail, they must attack the
with Xak’thar the Twin.
nearest creature in the Gorge that succeeded on
the saving throw. This effect only ends when the Xak’thar the Twin. Many of the visitors excitedly
creature leaves the Gorge for more than one hour. speak of Xak’thar’s impending arrival. The pit fiend
Pit fiends and archdevils are immune to this effect. is known to be a brutal but fair combatant and is
enjoying an undefeated streak that has now lasted
Blood Rock. The Gorge has been dug out
for nearly a decade.
from blood rock, a special type of stone that has
been magically altered to increase and reward
aggression. Attacks are considered critical hits The Gorge of Slaughter
on rolls of 18 or above, and any attack roll that Several areas of importance can be easily identified
is a natural 20 grants 1d10 temporary hit points inside the Gorge of Slaughter.
to the attacker. These hit points stack with other
temporary hit points. Area 1; The Floor. Referred to simply as “the
floor”, the bottom of the gorge is often covered
Raging Crowds. Huge groups of visitors to Nessus in blood and broken bodies. Numerous traps are
are pouring into the Gorge. Many of them are devils, thought to be present beneath the debris. The
but tieflings, humanoid cultists, and worse can be exhibition fights take place here, and any creature
spotted if the characters spend any time looking. that enters this area is considered to have engaged
Every visitor is assumed to have failed their saving in and agreed to this arrangement; per Asmodeus’
throw against the bloody ferver effect. will, there can be no escape (even via magical
means) unless they are declared the victor.
Development Area 2; Merchant’s Hall. Various devils hawk
The characters are free to attempt to gain entry how their wares here, from peddlers of thankfully
they see fit. Encourage them to describe how they unidentifiable meat to potions and scrolls (up to
earn their access — they could disguise themselves uncommon rarity; all 50 gp each). A few devils
as wandering visitors or damned souls, purchase engage in the trade of damned souls that have been
passage through the gates (the devils prefer the compressed into soul coins; these cost 20 downtime
admission cost to be the sacrifice of a sentient days and only one coin can be sold to any single
being, but settle for a limb, a soul coin, a contract character.
for their soul, or something similar). They begin this
scene unnoticed but that won’t last long! Area 3; Xak’thar’s Chamber. The conjoined twin
pit fiends live in this cramped space. The northern
If the characters treated Mahadi with respect doors are always locked, but the secret doors to
during their earlier interaction, or if they overpaid the east and west are discovered by extremely

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
skillful explorers—though finding one’s way into themselves from being thrown) onto the field.
the quarters of not one but two pit fiends is not Nothing prevents the characters from interfering
the wisest idea. If encountered here, Xak’thar is a with one or more of the fights, or even replacing one
gleeful combatant and fights as long and as hard as of the listed matches, but if they’re caught trying to
possible. Pipyap’s cookie bag is hidden away in one be sneaky, stealing from merchants, or something
of Xak’thar’s pouches and can’t be acquired unless similar they are tossed into the pit to fight for their
the pit fiends are defeated. freedom. Fleeing the Gorge after having been
Area 4; Twisting Halls of Truth. These short thrown in draws the ire of not only the assembled
passages are rumored to be affected by a permanent patrons but also of Asmodeus himself; you need
zone of truth spell. While the rumor is true, the real to create a way for the characters to complete the
danger lies in the secondary, hidden enchantment: adventure or simply fail at your discretion.
anyone that voluntarily utters a lie in this space Round One. The first match features a trio of
finds themselves swallowed by the ground, then red-robed archwizards (two humans and one
spat out below into the vast and empty nothingness dragonborn) facing off against a group of devils
that lies beneath Nessus. A creature that is sent (four chain devils and two bone devils) and a
to the nothingness is immediately and irrevocably devourer. The devourer wastes no time in making
dead, as only Asmodeus can retrieve them. A vicious a grotesque demonstration of consuming one of the
gynosphinx named Kayelli prowls the area, trapped humans early in the match, demoralizing the others.
here by Asmodeus for some transgression; she Round Two. Two dwarf grave clerics sporting the
relishes the opportunity to engage in wordplay with holy symbol of Tiamat enter the fray, accompanied
those that come near. If attacked, Kayelli prefers by one red abishai.
to manipulate time and make good her escape if
possible; if destroyed, she simply reforms 1d10 Round Three. A trio of captured mariliths are
hours later. Kayelli can be freed from Asmodeus’ unceremoniously dumped into the pit.
curse by crafting a joke that makes everyone
laugh; however, as she has no sense of humor, she
assumes that this is an impossible task—and she
hates the archdevil for it.
Area 5; Trophy Hall. Every pillar in this hallway Dwarven Grave Clerics
sports a grisly trophy. The visitors remark that these
The dwarven grave clerics using the normal
are the past champions of the Gorge, though if
statistics of a warpriest with the following
they’re saying “past” or “passed” is uncertain.
Area 6; Recovery Rooms. The large exterior
• The dwarf grave cleric has 60 ft. of darkvision.
chamber houses a cloud of rapidly speaking imps
that describe the entirety of Area 6 as “recovery • Dwarven Resilience. They have advantage on
rooms”; a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) check saving throws against poison, and they have
reveals that this description isn’t entirely correct. resistance to poison damage.
Upon investigation, the four satellite chambers in • Path to the Grave: As an action, the grave
Area 6 can be locked from the outside, and when cleric chooses one creature it can see within
this happens the chamber is filled with acid. This 30 feet, cursing it until the end of your next
causes 100 acid damage per round (20d10) and turn. The next time it or an ally hits the cursed
dissolves the occupant, leaving only their magical creature with an attack, the creature has
gear to be recovered and used by another fighter in vulnerability to all of that attack’s damage, and
the Gorge. Some of the visitors know this and share then the curse ends.
it if properly bribed. If the characters attempt to
rest here, there is a 50% chance that a trio of bone
devils attempt to lock them in and trigger the trap.

Exhibition Fights Moving On…

A series of exhibition fights take place at the base of After three rounds are complete, move on to
the Gorge, with the winner moving forward. Each Episode 3.
match only takes a few minutes, and after four
rounds Xak’thar the Twin emerges to defend their
title as the reigning champion. These fights serve
as a backdrop as the gathered devils place wagers,
shout obscenities, and throw debris (sometimes
including smaller devils or those that can’t prevent

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Episode 3: Details, Schmetails

The Gorge of Slaughter

The characters cannot begin this episode until all Playing the Pillars
the exhibition fights have been completed.
Combat: Fighting Xak’thar (or the fiendish
alternate) should present a significant challenge.
Objectives Feel free to add traps from Xanathar’s Guide to
Things were not as easy as Pipyap told them, but Everything as needed if the characters are very
the characters still need to get the get the cookie powerful.
Exploration: The environment of Slaughter
Gorge is rife with interesting terrain features. Pits,
Creatures/NPCs broken columns of stone, small fields of razor-sharp
Xak’thar the Twin has emerged from its pod to face stones, and more dot the landscape. Encourage the
either the champion of the exhibition rounds or characters to use this to their advantage.
the characters. This pit fiend is two creatures — a
Social: Xak’thar is brutal but is no fool. If the
conjoined twin! It moves with preternatural grace
characters reason their way through and offer to
and has a palpable aura of evil and viciousness. Its
face another powerful agent (or more), the pit fiend
heads speak in near unison but with just enough
agrees to this. Send other creatures as needed and
delay to ensure that is sounds utterly alien, as if
appropriate to the challenge the characters present.
struggling to speak; it prefers to use the Infernal
tongue, but slides between that, Common, or some
mix of the two. With four legs, four arms, and two
heads, it is truly a terrifying sight.
Objectives/Goals. Xak’thar controls Slaughter
Gorge and cements its reign through unmitigated
aggression and bloody demonstrations of power.
It has been tasked by Asmodeus to ensure that the
weak are eliminated and to see that the strong and
crafty are sent to the known worlds.
What do they know? Xak’thar knows that it serves
at the pleasure of Asmodeus, and that the roaring
crowds are the best indicator of its performance
to the ruler of Nessus. It knows that defeat is an
option, and although it has several layers of
protections, it is confident that its reign is not
eternal – but the battle that brings about its
undoing will be glorious!

Area Information
This episode is intended to take place at the bottom
of the Gorge (see the map in Episode 2). Xak’thar
is the lord of this part of Nessus, and as a reaction,
summons one creature in the area to an adjacent
space. There is no saving throw for this. Similarly,
if Xak’thar determines that a creature can’t leave
the Gorge of Slaughter, they are bound to this place
until they convince the pit fiends that they should
be permitted to leave. You are free to determine if
the characters have earned such pity.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Development Add one complex trap (Xanathar’s Guide to
Everything) to the floor of the Gorge.
If the characters are not in the pit when Xak’thar
emerges, the fight is short and brutal. The
assembled crowd falls silent, partly from the shock
Pipyap’s Doll
of the fight and partly out of respect for the glory The characters are able to use the doll at any time.
that they just witnessed. Proceed to Scene A. Pulling the doll’s string requires an action, and
doing so results in a deafening phrase to be uttered
If the characters are in the pit when Xak’thar
by the doll:
emerges, proceed to Scene B.
“Halt yon, and ‘ware the spicy mango!”
Story Objective B When the voice stops, Xak’thar is immediately
Story Objective B is completed by simply surviving stunned for one round. Any creature within 100 feet
the face-off with Xak’thar. of the doll must make a DC 20 Constitution saving
throw of else be deafened for one minute; Xak’thar
Treasure & Rewards fails this saving throw.

Defeating Xak’thar yields Pipyap’s cookie bag.

Special Rewards. The characters may earn
Scene B. The Law of the
access to the Lord of the Gorge story award. Gorge
Scene A. I’m of Two Minds Prerequisites
The characters must be in the pit when Xak’thar
but One Goal emerges.

Prerequisites Development
The characters must not be in the pit when Xak’thar Xak’thar’s bloodthirsty gaze fixes upon the
emerges. characters as both of its heads lick their lips. A
roaring chant rolls off of the assembled crowd,
Development “MEAT MEAT MEAT MEAT” as Xak’thar growls,
As the heavy silence hangs over the crowd, the “The law of the Gorge must be obeyed!” and attacks.
conjoined twins begin eagerly sniffing the air.
After a few seconds, they lock eyes with whichever Complications
character is carrying Pipyap’s doll as it bellows, “I Every time Xak’thar is hit, takes damage, or
SMELL THE SCENT OF THE DAMNED UPON is subject to a magical effect, it uses one of its
YOU!” reactions to summon a devil ally from elsewhere
That character is magically transported to the in the Gorge; up to equal the number of characters
floor of the arena, whereupon Xak’thar is enraged present. Each devil has a maximum CR of 14.
and attacks immediately. For the remainder of the
scene, Xak’thar has advantage on attack rolls that it
makes against that character, and on saving throws
made against spells and effects caused by that Xak’thar’s Stat Adjustments
Xak’thar is a special creature—in fact, it is two
creatures! If the characters fight Xak’thar, use
Complications two pit fiend stat blocks with the following
Xak’thar is an evil creature but a lawful one and adjustments:
immediately summons devils from elsewhere in the
• Dual Initiative. Xak’thar is two creatures,
Gorge that appropriately challenge the characters
and so gets two turns every round, each on a
so that this is an even fight. Choose a number of
different initiative count.
devils of CR 14 or less equal to the number of
characters minus one (as Xak’thar is already here); • Extra Reactions. As lord of the Gorge of
they roll initiative and join combat immediately. Slaughter, Xak’thar has two reactions per
initiative (up to four reactions while both
Attempting to parley here is possible, but halves are alive).
difficult. Charisma based skills checks are made • Infernal Arcana. Xak’thar’s fear aura and
with disadvantage as the devils—and Xak’thar in spell saving throw DCs are increased by +3 (to
particular—are eager to spill blood. Xak’thar can’t be DC 24).

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Add one complex trap (Xanathar’s Guide to corn kernels. All objects so created crumble into
Everything) to the floor of the Gorge; for very useless dust in one minute.
combat-focused groups, consider adding two
complex traps. Journey Through the Tradeways
The characters can make their way back to
Pipyap’s Doll Mahadi’s encampment, who summarily sends them
If the characters use Pipyap’s doll, Xak’thar is to Fai Chen and Pipyap. The Shou trader is entirely
enraged and all its attacks are considered to be surprised to see them arrive in a puff of brimstone,
made as if using the reckless attack barbarian but the imp is beaming with excitement while
class feature. It screams and curses, “that wretched, squealing, “MY BAAAAAAAG?!”
putrid imp—the sack is MINE!” as it attempts to cut Surrendering the Cookie Bag to Pipyap. If the
down the characters. characters turn the bag over to Pipyap, the imp
giggles with maniacal glee as it begins frantically
Scene C. Returning pulling huge hunks of raw beef and the occasional
chocolate chip cookie from its depths. After a few
to the World & Wrap- moments of this, it exhales heavily, smiles at the
characters and belches out, “You done well, kids,
Up: Concluding the good on ya.” and vanishes in a puff of acrid-smelling
Adventure smoke.
Surrendering the Cookie Bag to Fai Chen.
Prerequisites The imp’s face screws up into a horrific scowl as it
The characters must have completed the trials of begins screeching incredibly foul things in Infernal
the Gorge of Slaughter and defeated Xak’thar. at the party. The tirade becomes a tantrum as
Pipyap falls to the ground kicking and screaming.
Leaving the Gorge, or Not? In time he teleports away, but not before looking
one of the characters in the eyes and growling, “I’ll
The characters can leave the Gorge of Slaughter if swallow your soul!”
they wish.
Keeping the Cookie Bag. Pipyap is enraged by
Xak’thar is Dead. The devils implore one of the audacity of the characters and begs them to
the characters to stay behind and “Own the role reconsider. Eventually he resorts to taunts, and then
of reigning champion! Salt and blood shall honor threats before teleporting away in an angry, stinking
your lineage!” If they do, they are retired from D&D huff. Some sample threats might include:
Adventurers League play for a year and a day (from
today’s date) as they spend this time lording over the • ’Ol Xak ain’t dead, and they’ll come for you!
bloody reality of the Gorge of Slaughter. Upon their • That’s one of Asmodeus personal toys, you know;
release (ie: defeat), they are proficient in the Infernal you think you’re ready to square up with the Lord
language and have acquired a lemure follower of Contracts himself?
named Xyllphtpml; this creature is fanatically • That bag devours you whole! Just hand it over and
devoted but entirely pitiful. nobody else gots to be hurt!
Xak’thar is Alive. The characters can still acquire
Pipyap’s cookie bag, though the pit fiends beg for Treasure & Rewards
the doll to remain behind. If the doll is handed over, Defeating Xak’thar yields Pipyap’s cookie bag.
their faces soften, and they begin murmuring sweet Surrendered the Cookie Bag to Pipyap. Pipyap
nothings to it while almost smiling. Should Pipyap showers the characters with crumbs and other
be questioned about this, the imp freely admits debris from the bag as he retrieves one spell scroll
to stealing it from the pit fiends some time ago, (conjuration only, and of 8th level or below) and one
“because they were too mean to have toys, right?” potion from magic item tables A through E. Each
The Cookie Bag. If the characters so choose, character chooses their own spell scroll and potion.
they can attempt to pull something from the bag. Surrendered the Cookie Bag to Fai Chen. Fai
Tieflings can pull out Nessus-inspired material Chen is impressed by the characters and their
goods such as weapons, armor, and so on, but decision to keep what may well be an artifact out of
all other races are limited to foodstuffs. Ask the the hands of a power-hungry and quite irresponsible
characters what they want to pull from the bag imp. The trader gifts each character with a unique
or what they think is in it, and work that into the miscible potion:
object; for example, if a human thought that the bag
contains gold, they pull out a handful of raw golden

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
• Each character rolls for a random potion from Story Award
magic item table C and another random potion
from magic item table D, then: During this adventure, the characters may earn the
following story award:
• Consult the Potion Miscibility table in the
Dungeon Master’s Guide, rerolling results of Lord of the Gorge. You defeated and killed
00—25, and: Xak’thar the Twin, the ravenous conjoined twin
• This potion is not unlocked and is simply added to pit fiends of the Gorge of Slaughter. You ascended
the character’s inventory. to its place as lord of that pit, and for a year and a
day your reign was bloody and brutal—until some
Ioun Stone of Mastery. Pipyap has left behind
meddling adventure defeated you! You are retired
a pale green icosahedron that appears to be a
from D&D Adventurers League play for a year and a
20-sided die. This stone is eternally warm and
day from today’s date, and upon your return you are
always slightly damp, no matter what environment
proficient in the Infernal tongue and have acquired
it’s in.
a lemure follower; this creature is fanatical in its
devotion but is entirely pitiful. Downtime days can’t
Rewards be used to lessen this time spent in Nessus.
The characters receive rewards based upon their
accomplishments. Aside from advancement, these Dungeon Master Rewards
rewards are earned during the session.
For running this adventure, one of your character
gains a level. That character receives gold based on
Character Rewards their tier prior to advancement:
The characters earn the following rewards:
Tier GP Earned
Advancement 1 80 gp

Upon completing this adventure, each character 2 240 gp

gains a level. At their discretion, they may choose to 3 1,600 gp
decline advancement. Remind those that express an 4 6,000 gp
interest in this that they have a limit to how much
gold they can earn per level; declining advancement You may also complete DM Quests for running
means that they may reach a point where they earn this adventure. See the Adventurers League
no gold. Dungeon Master’s Guide for more information.

Award each character gold for each hour of the
session. Adventures typically features cues for this,
but you can add it where you see fit. The maximum
gold that you can award a character per hour is
determined by their tier, as follows:

Tier Hourly GP Award GP Limit per Level

4 750 gp 6,000 gp

Magic Item(s)
If found during the adventure, the characters can
keep the following magic items:
• Ioun Stone of Mastery: Pipyap has left behind
a pale green icosahedron that appears to be a
20-sided die. This stone is eternally warm and
slightly damp, no matter what environment it’s in.
Your proficiency bonus increases by 1 while this
pale green stone orbits your head.
• Potion of Speed
• Soul Coin
• Spell Scroll of Maddening Darkness

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Your Adventures in Hell
The Nine Hells are glorious and brutal, and their Running Your Adventure
adventures can’t be limited to just these pages—you
are invited to craft your own! You are welcome to run your adventure as you see
fit. You may not share or transfer the file except to
the D&D Adventurers League administrators, or
Creating Your Adventure otherwise distribute it. Only you are permitted to
If you’d like to create your own content set in the run this adventure until it is published.
Nine Hells for D&D Adventurers League play, the This adventure is only valid for AL play when you
following rules elements are in effect: run it, or when it is published as part of the CCC
program. You can initiate this process by writing
Rules Resources your adventure using the CCC template, then
• The core rulebooks (Player’s Handbook, Dungeon emailing it, along with your public event’s details, to
Master’s Guide, Monster Manual) [email protected].
• Dungeons & Dragons adventures listed in the
Content Catalog for the Forgotten Realms Publishing your Adventure
campaign If you want to simply publish your adventure for the
• Xanathar’s Guide to Everything world to see, you are welcome to do so! There are
• Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes plenty of templates and stock art samples available
• This book on DMsguild; format and lay out as you see fit, and
upload it when you’re ready.
• CCC Creation Rules
If you’d like to publish your adventure as part
Fitting Your Adventure to the of the CCC program, you need to work with the
CCC Program Adventurers League administrators to accomplish
this. In the CCC rules documentation, we have
If you wish to create an adventure that provides established some special rules for Tier 1 CCCs that
rewards for the D&D Adventurers League do not require approval—and your hellish adventure
campaign, it must adhere to the concepts laid out in falls under that structure so long as you make sure
the CCC documentation. The following adjustments to use the assigned rewards.
and clarifications are in effect:
• Approval. The D&D Adventurers League Adventures in Hell:
administrators do not need to review or approve
your adventure until you choose to publish it. Minauros
• Tier. Each of the following levels of the Nine Hells Minauros is a massive, sweltering swamp. Buildings
has been assigned a tier and level range. Your fall into the muck and mire as often as new ones are
content must be designed for this range. built, with only minimal repair to sustain them.
• Duration. Up to 8 hours. Fitting Your Adventure to the CCC Program
• Magic Items. Your adventure may offer permanent
Creating an adventure set in Minauros requires the
or consumable magic items, chosen from the
following elements to be observed:
specified tables from the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
You may exchange a single common magic item • Tier. Adventures in Minauros are appropriate for
from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything in place of tier 1 (level 1—4) characters.
one of your consumable items. You can’t award a • Duration. Your adventure may be up to 8 hours in
problematic item (see the Content Catalog), and length.
plate armor and half plate armor may only be • Permanent Magic Item. Your adventure may
chosen at tier 3. unlock a single permanent magic item chosen
• Location. Only the indicated layer. from magic item tables A, B, or C, but it can’t
• Story Award. The only story award that may be change a character’s stats.
awarded by your adventure is indicated in that • Consumables. Your adventure may include up to
layer’s adventure description. two consumable magic items that are common or
• Downtime Activities. None. uncommon.
• Location. This adventure takes place entirely
within Minauros in the Nine Hells.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
• Story Award. The following story award is the • Permanent Magic Item. Your adventure may
only one permitted for this adventure, and is must unlock a single permanent magic item chosen
be applied during the adventure: from magic item tables A, B, C, or F, but it can’t
change a character’s stats.
• Consumables. Your adventure must include one
or two consumable magic items. These items may
Banned: Minauros be common, uncommon, or rare, though you are
Mammon’s baleful gaze is upon you. Perhaps limited to one rare consumable.
you angered him directly, or perhaps your • Location. This adventure takes place entirely
actions caused a disruption in his operations— within Stygia in the Nine Hells.
whatever the case may be, he has elected to ban • Story Award. The following story award is the
you from Minauros, the third layer of the Nine only one permitted for this adventure, and must be
Hells, entirely. You can’t participate in further applied during the adventure:
adventures in this place.
A character with this story award may visit Adventures in Hell:
other areas of the Nine Hells but has been
banned from Minauros. Maladomini
Pride and political corruption run rampant in
Maladomini. Once-glorious cities crumble into ruin
and ancient legal records rot away, eternally lost.
Adventures in Hell: Fitting Your Adventure to the CCC Program
Stygia Creating an adventure set in Minauros requires the
A frozen wasteland, Stygia, is curious even by following elements to be observed:
the standards of the Nine Hells. It is a place of • Tier. Adventures in Maladomini are appropriate
desperation for many from the Material Plane. for tier 3 (level 11—16) characters.
Fitting Your Adventure to the CCC Program • Duration. Your adventure may be up to 8 hours in
Creating an adventure set in Stygia requires the length.
following elements to be observed: • Permanent Magic Item. Your adventure may
unlock a single permanent magic item chosen
• Tier. Adventures in Stygia are appropriate for tier from magic item tables A, B, C, D, F, or G but it
2 (level 5—10) characters. can’t change a character’s stats.
• Duration. Your adventure may be up to 8 hours in • Consumables. Your adventure must include one
length. to three consumable magic items. These items can
be common, uncommon, rare, or very rare, though
you are limited to one very rare consumable.
• Location. This adventure takes place entirely
Banned: Stygia within Maladomini of the Nine Hells.
The frozen, inhospitable wilderness of Stygia • Story Award. The following story award is the
is home to many vile creatures as well as an only one permitted for this adventure, and is
uncountable number from the Material Plane. required to be applied during the adventure:
Desperate criminals and those condemned
to death may pray to Levistus, the ruler of
Stygia, for freedom; should he answer, they
are transported here. For reasons known Banned: Maladomini
only to you and him, you are forever banned Maladomini’s prevailing theme is truth, and
from setting foot within Stygia. Perhaps you the truth is… you’ve violated the laws of this
redeemed too many souls, or maybe you were place. Whether you’ve done so knowingly or
discovered to be in league with Geryon, the not, Baalzebul, lord of the seventh layer of
former ruler of this realm; regardless, Levistus the Nine Hells, has deemed you guilty of this
has closed this layer of the Nine Hells to you. transgression and has banned you from ever
You can’t participate in further adventures in returning. You can’t participate in further
this place. adventures in this place.
A character with this story award may visit A character with this story award may visit
other areas of the Nine Hells but has been other areas of the Nine Hells but has been
banned from Stygia. banned from Maladomini.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Chapter 4: Monsters and NPCs
Amnizu Reactions
Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil Instinctive Charm. When a creature within 60 feet of the amnizu
makes an attack roll against it, and another creature is within the
Armor Class 21 (natural armor) attack’s range, the attacker must make a DC 19 Wisdom saving
Hit Points 202 (27d8 + 81) throw. On a failed save, the attacker must target the creature
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. that is closest to it, not including the amnizu or itself. If multiple
creatures are closest, the attacker chooses which one to target.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA If the saving throw is successful, the attacker is immune to the
11 (+0) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) amnizu’s Instinctive Charm for 24 hours.

Saving Throws DEX +7, CON +9, WIS +7, CHA +10
Skills Perception +7
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
from nonmagical attacks that aren’t silvered Armor Class 18 (plate)
Damage Immunities fire, poison Hit Points 143 (22d8 + 44)
Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned Speed 30 ft.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17
Languages Common, Infernal, telepathy 1,000 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
20 (+5) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12(+1)
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP)

Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the Saving Throws Str +9, Con +6
amnizu’s darkvision. Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +5, Perception +6
Innate Spellcasting. The amnizu’s innate spellcasting ability is Senses passive Perception 16
Intelligence (spell save 19, +11 to hit with spell attacks). The Languages any one language (usually Common)
amnizu can innately cast the following spells, requiring no Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
material components:
At will: charm person, command
Indomitable (2/Day). The champion can reroll a failed
3/day each: dominate person, fireball saving throw.
1/day each: dominate monster, feeblemind Second Wind (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). As a bonus
Magic Resistance. The amnizu has advantage on saving throws action the champion can regain 20 hit points.
against spells and other magical effects.
Actions Multiattack. The champion makes three attacks with its
Multiattack. The amnizu uses Poison Mind. It also makes two greatsword or its shortbow.
attacks: one with its whip and one with its Disruptive Touch. Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Taskmaster Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage, plus 7(2d6) slashing
ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d4 + 5) slashing damage plus 33 (6d10) damage if the champion ha more than half of its total hit
force damage. points remaining.

Poison Mind. The amnizu targets one or two creatures that it Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 80/320
can see within 60 feet of it. Each target must succeed on a DC ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage, plus 7(2d6)
19 Wisdom saving throw or take 26 (4d12) necrotic damage and slashing damage if the champion ha more than half of its total
be blinded until the start of the amnizu’s next turn. hit points remaining.

Forgetfulness (Recharge 6). The amnizu targets one creature it

can see within 60 feet of it. That creature must succeed on a DC
18 Intelligence saving throw or become stunned for 1 minute.
A stunned creature repeats the saving throw at the end of each
of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If the target
is stunned for the full minute, it forgets everything it sensed,
experienced, and learned during the last 5 hours.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Conjurer Devourer
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Large fiend, chaotic evil
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 40 (9d8) Hit Points 178 (17d10 + 85)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

9 (−1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +4 Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning
Skills Arcana +6, History +6 Damage Immunities poison
Senses passive Perception 11 Condition Immunities poisoned
Languages any four languages Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Languages Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
Spellcasting. The conjurer is a 9th-level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to
hit with spell attacks). The conjurer has the following wizard Actions
spells prepared:
Multiattack. The devourer makes two claw attacks and can use
Cantrips (at will): acid splash, mage hand, poison spray, either Imprison Soul or Soul Rend.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
1st level (4 slots): mage armor, magic missile, unseen servant*
2nd level (3 slots): cloud of daggers*, misty step*, web* target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage plus 21 (6d6)
3rd level (3 slots): fireball, stinking cloud* necrotic damage.
4th level (3 slots): Evard’s black tentacles*, stoneskin Imprison Soul. The devourer chooses a living humanoid with
5th level (2 slot): cloudkill*, conjure elemental* 0 hit points that it can see within 30 feet of it. That creature is
* Conjuration spell of 1st level or higher teleported inside the devourer’s ribcage and imprisoned there. A
Benign Transportation (Recharges after the Conjurer Casts a creature imprisoned in this manner has disadvantage on death
Conjuration Spell of 1st Level or Higher). As a bonus action, saving throws. If it dies while imprisoned, the devourer regains
the conjurer teleports up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space 25 hit points, immediately recharges Soul Rend, and gains an
that it can see. If it instead chooses a space within range that additional action on its next turn. Additionally, at the start of
is occupied by a willing Small or Medium creature, they both its next turn, the devourer regurgitates the slain creature as a
teleport, swapping places. bonus action, and the creature becomes an undead. If the victim
had 2 or fewer Hit Dice, it becomes a zombie. If it had 3 to 5
Hit Dice, it becomes a ghoul. Otherwise, it becomes a wight. A
Actions devourer can imprison only one creature at a time.
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range
20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 +2) piercing damage. Soul Rend (Recharge 6). The devourer creates a vortex of life-
draining energy in a 20-foot radius centered on itself. Each
humanoid in that area must make a DC 18 Constitution saving
throw, taking 44 (8d10) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half
as much on a successful one. Increase the damage by 10 for
each living humanoid with 0 hit points in that area.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Enchanter Evoker
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
Hit Points 40 (9d8) Hit Points 66 (12d8+12)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

9 (−1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 9 (−1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +4 Saving Throws Int +7, Wis +5
Skills Arcana +6, History +6 Skills Arcana +6, History +6
Senses passive Perception 11 Senses passive Perception 11
Languages any four languages Languages any four languages
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Spellcasting. The conjurer is a 9th-level spellcaster. Its Spellcasting. The evoker is a 12th-level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to
hit with spell attacks). The conjurer has the following wizard hit with spell attacks). The evoker has the following wizard
spells prepared: spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): friends, mage hand, mending, message Cantrips (at will): fire bolt*, light*, prestidigitation, ray of frost*
1st level (4 slots): charm person*, mage armor, magic missile 1st level (4 slots): burning hands*, mage armor, magic missile *
2nd level (3 slots): hold person*, invisibility, suggestion* 2nd level (3 slots): mirror image, misty step, shatter*
3rd level (3 slots): fireball, haste, tongues 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fireball* lightning bolt*
4th level (3 slots): dominate beast*, stoneskin 4th level (3 slots): ice storm*, stoneskin
5th level (2 slot): hold monster* 5th level (2 slot): Bigby’s hand*, cone of cold*
* Enchantment spell of 1st level or higher 5th level (1 slot): chain lightning*, wall of ice*
*Evocation spell
Actions Sculpt Spells. When the evoker casts an evocation spell that
Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one forces other creatures, it can choose a number of them equal
target. Hit: 2 (1d6 – 1) bludgeoning damage, or 3 (1d8 – 1) to 1+spell level. These creatures automatically succeed on their
bludgeoning damage if used with two hands. saving throws against the spell. If a successful save means
a chosen creature would take half damage from the spell, it
instead takes no damage from it.
Instinctive Charm (Recharges after the Enchanter Casts an Actions
Enchantment Spell of 1st Level or Higher). The enchanter tries
to magically divert an attack made against it, provided that the Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
attacker is within 30 feet of it and visible to it. The enchanter one target. Hit: 2 (1d6 -1) bludgeoning damage, or 3 (1d8-1)
must decide to do so before the attack hits or misses. The bludgeoning damage if used with two hands.
attacker must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed
save, the attacker targets the creature closest to it, other than
the enchanter or itself. If multiple creatures are closest, the
attacker chooses which one to target.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Fiendish Polar Bear Firenewt Warlock of Imix
Large fiend, lawful evil Medium humanoid ( firenewt), neutral evil

Armor Class 12 (natural armor) Armor Class 10 (13 with mage armor)
Hit Points 42 (5d10 + 15) Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
Speed 40 ft., swim 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

20 (+5) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 2 (−4) 13 (+1) 7 (−2) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 9 (−1) 11 (+0) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Str +9, Con +4, Cha +2 Damage Immunities fire
Skills Perception +3 Senses darkvision 120 ft. (penetrates magical darkness), passive
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Perception 10
from nonmagical weapons that aren’t silvered Languages Draconic, Ignan
Damage Immunities fire, poison Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13 Amphibious. The firenewt can breathe air and water.
Languages —
Innate Spellcasting. The firenewt’s innate spellcasting ability
Challenge 2 (450 XP) is Charisma. It can innately cast mage armor (self only) at will,
requiring no material components.
Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the bears’s Spellcasting. The firenewt is a 3rd-level spellcaster. Its
darkvision. spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with
Keen Smell. The bear has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) spell attacks). It regains its expended spell slots when it finishes
checks that rely on smell. a short or long rest. It knows the following warlock spells:
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, guidance, mage hand, prestidigitation
Magic Resistance. The bear has advantage on saving throws
1st-2nd level (2 2nd-level slots): burning hands, flame strike,
against spells and other magical effects.
hellish rebuke, scorching ray

Actions Imix’s Blessing. When the firenewt reduces an enemy to 0 hit

points, the firenewt gains 5 temporary hit points.
Multiattack. The bear makes two attacks: one with its bite and
one with its claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage.
target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Hellfire Engine Thunder Cannon. The hellfire engine targets a point within
120 feet of it that it can see. Each creature within 30 feet of that
Huge construct, lawful evil point must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 27
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) (5d10) bludgeoning damage plus 13 (2d12) thunder damage on
a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Hit Points 216 (16d12 + 112)
Speed 40 ft. If the chosen option kills a creature, the creature’s soul rises
from the River Styx as a lemure in Avernus in 1d4 hours. If the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA creature isn’t revived before then, only a wish spell or killing the
20 (+5) 16 (+3) 24 (+7) 2 (−4) 10 (+0) 1 (−5) lemure and casting true resurrection on the creature’s original
body can restore it to life. Constructs and devils are immune to
this effect.
Saving Throws Dex +8, Wis +5, Cha +0
Damage Resistances cold, psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t silvered Hellfire Sprayers
Damage Immunities fire, poison Medium construct, lawful evil
Condition Immunities charmed, deafened, exhaustion, Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, unconscious Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10 Speed 40 ft.
Languages understands Infernal but can’t speak
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
12 (+1) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 3 (−4) 10 (+0) 1 (−5)

Immutable Form. The hellfire engine is immune to any spell or

effect that would alter its form. Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
Magic Resistance. The hellfire engine has advantage on saving from nonmagical attacks that aren’t adamantine
throws against spells and other magical effects. Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Actions Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages understands Infernal but can’t speak
Flesh-Crushing Stride. The hellfire engine moves up to its
speed in a straight line. During this move, it can enter Large or Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
smaller creatures’ spaces. A creature whose space the hellfire
engine enters must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. On
Magic Resistance. The hellfire sprayer has advantage on saving
a successful save, the creature is pushed 5 feet to the nearest
throws against spells and other magical effects.
space out of the hellfire engine’s path. On a failed save, the
creature falls prone and takes 28 (8d6) bludgeoning damage.
If the hellfire engine remains in the prone creature’s space,
the creature is also restrained until it’s no longer in the same Multiattack. The hellfire sprayer makes two slam or one slam
space as the hellfire engine. While restrained in this way, the attack and one hellfire splash attack.
creature, or another creature within 5 feet of it, can make a DC Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
18 Strength check. On a success, the creature is shunted to an Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
unoccupied space of its choice within 5 feet of the hellfire engine
Hellfire Splash. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
and is no longer restrained.
reach 5 ft. or 60/120 feet, one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4)
Hellfire Weapons. The hellfire engine uses one of the fire damage.
following options: Hellfire Spray (Recharge 5-6). The hellfire sprayer emits a
Bonemelt Sprayer. The hellfire engine spews acidic flame in 30-foot cone of charged hellfire. Each creature within the area
a 60-foot cone. Each creature in the cone must make a DC 20 must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) fire
Dexterity saving throw, taking 11 (2d10) fire damage plus 18 damage and 7 (2d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as
(4d8) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage much damage on a successful one.
on a successful one. Creatures that fail the saving throw are
drenched in burning acid and take 5 (1d10) fire damage plus 9
(2d8) acid damage at the end of their turns. An affected creature
or another creature within 5 feet of it can take an action to
scrape off the burning fuel.
Lightning Flail. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 15
ft., one creature. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage plus
22 (5d8) lightning damage. Up to three other creatures of the
hellfire engine’s choice that it can see within 30 feet of the target
must each make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (5d8)
lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Merregon Modified Hellwasp
Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil Large fiend, lawful evil
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18) Hit Points 60 (8d10 + 16)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft.

18 (+4) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 6 (−2) 12 (+1) 8 (−1) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +3

Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
from nonmagical attacks that aren’t silvered Damage Vulnerabilities cold
Damage Immunities fire, poison Damage Immunities fire, necrotic
Condition Immunities frightened, poisoned Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Languages Infernal, telepathy 300 ft. (with other hellwasps only)
Languages understands Infernal but can’t speak, telepathy 120 ft Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Magic Weapons. The hellwasp’s weapon attacks are magical.
Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the
merregon’s darkvision. Actions
Magic Resistance. The merregon has advantage on saving Multiattack. The hellwasp makes two attacks: one with its sting
throws against spells and other magical effects. and one with its sword talons.
Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Actions Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6 fire damage), and
the target must make on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
Multiattack. The merregon makes two halberd attacks, or if an
be poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned in this way, the target
allied fiend of challenge rating 6 or higher is within 60 feet of it,
is also paralyzed. The target can repeat the saving throw at the
the merregon makes three halberd attacks.
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Halberd. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Sword Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage.
target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
Hellfire Spray (recharge 5-6). The modified hellwasp sprays a
100/400 feet, one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage.
15-ft. cone of hellfire from its stinger. Each creature in that cone
must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) fire
Reactions damage and 14 (4d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half
Loyal Bodyguard. When another fiend within 5 feet of the as much damage on a successful one.
merregon is hit by an attack, the merregon causes itself to be
hit instead.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Necromancer Nupperibo
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) Armor Class 13 (natural)
Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12) Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 20 ft.

9 (-1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 3 (−4) 8 (-1) 1 (-5)

Saving Throws Int +7, Wis +5 Skills Perception +1

Skills Arcana +7, History +7 Damage Resistances Acid, Cold; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and
Damage Resistances necrotic Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks that aren’t Silvered
Senses passive Perception 11 Damage Immunities fire, poison
Languages any four languages Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Frightened, Poisoned
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Senses Blindsight 10 ft. (blind beyond this radius), Passive
Perception 11
Spellcasting. The necromancer is a 12th-level spellcaster. Its Languages understands Infernal but can’t speak
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
with spell attacks). The necromancer has the following wizard
spells prepared:
Cloud of Vermin. Any creature, other than a devil, that starts
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, dancing lights, mage its turn within 20 feet of the nupperibo must make a DC 11
hand, mending Constitution saving throw. A creature within the areas of two or
1st level (4 slots): false life,* mage armor, ray of sickness* more nupperibos makes the saving throw with disadvantage. On
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness,* ray of
a failure, the creature takes 2 (1d4) piercing damage.
enfeeblement,* web
3rd level (3 slots): animate dead,* bestow curse,* Hunger-Driven. In the Nine Hells, the nupperibos can flawlessly
vampiric touch* track any creature that has taken damage from any nupperibo’s
4th level (3 slots): blight,* dimension door, stoneskin Cloud of Vermin within the previous 24 hours.
5th level (1 slot): Bigby’s hand, cloudkill
6th level (1 slot): circle of death*
*Necromancy spell of 1st level or higher Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Grim Harvest (1/Turn). When necromancer kills a creature that 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
is neither a construct nor undead with a spell of 1st level or
higher, the necromancer regains hit points equal to twice the
spell’s level, or three times if it is a necromancy spell.

Withering Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 5 (2d4) necrotic damage.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Orthon 5. Paralysis (1/Day). The target takes 22 (4d10) lightning
damage and must make a successful DC 17 Constitution
Large fiend (devil), lawful evil saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The paralyzed
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
Armor Class 17 (half-plate)
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Hit Points 105 (10d10 + 50)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. 6. Tracking. For the next 24 hours, the orthon knows the
direction and distance to the target, as long as it’s on the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA same plane of existence. If the target is on a different plane,
22 (+6) 16 (+3) 21 (+5) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) the orthon knows which one, but not the exact location there.

Saving Throws DEX +7, CON +9, WIS +6

Skills Perception +10, Stealth +11, Survival +10 Explosive Retribution. When it is reduced to 15 hit points or
fewer, the orthon causes itself to explode. All other creatures
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
within 30 feet of it must each make a DC 17 Dexterity saving
from nonmagical attacks that aren’t silvered
throw, taking 9 (2d8) fire damage plus 9 (2d8) thunder damage
Damage Immunities fire, poison on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Condition Immunities charm, exhaustion, poisoned This explosion destroys the orthon, its infernal dagger, and its
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Truesight 30, Passive Perception 20 brass crossbow.
Languages Common, Infernal, Telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

Invisibility Field. The orthon can use a bonus action to become

invisible. Any equipment the orthon wears or carries is also
invisible as long as the equipment is on its person. This
invisibility ends immediately after the orthon makes an attack
roll or is hit by an attack.
Magic Resistance. The orthon has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.

Infernal Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 11 (2d4 + 6) slashing damage, and the target
must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 22 (4d10)
poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one. On a failure, the target is also poisoned for 1
minute. The poisoned target can repeat the saving throw at the
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Infernal Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d10 + 3) piercing damage, plus
one of the following effects:
1. Acid. The target must make a DC 17 Constitution saving
throw, taking an additional 17 (5d6) acid damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
2. Blindness (1/Day). The target takes 5 (1d10) radiant damage.
In addition, the target and all other creatures within 20 feet of
it must each make a successful DC 17 Dexterity saving throw
or be blinded until the end of the orthon’s next turn.
3. Concussion. The target and each creature within 20 feet of
it must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 13
(2d12) thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
4. Entanglement. The target must make a successful DC 17
Dexterity saving throw or be restrained for 1 hour by strands
of sticky webbing. A restrained creature can escape by using
an action to make a successful DC 17 Dexterity or Strength
check. Any creature other than an orthon that touches the
restrained creature must make a successful DC 17 Dexterity
saving throw or become similarly restrained.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Red Abishi War Priest
Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 22 (natural) Armor Class 18 (plate)
Hit Points 255 (30d8 + 120) Hit Points 117 (18d8 + 36)
Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. Speed 30 ft.

23 (+6) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 13 (+1)

Saving Throws STR +12, CON +10, WIS +8

Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +7
Skills Intimidation +10, Perception +8
Skills Intimidation +5, Religion +4
Damage Resistances Cold; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing
Senses passive Perception 13
from Nonmagical Attacks that aren’t Silvered
Languages any two languages
Damage Immunities fire, poison
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
Condition Immunities Poisoned
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 18
Languages Draconic, Infernal telepathy 120 ft. Spellcasting. The priest is a 9th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting
Challenge 19 (22,000 XP) ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks).
It has the following wizard spells prepared:
Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the Cantrips (at will): light, mending, sacred flame, spare the dying
abishai’s darkvision. 1st level (4 slots): divine favor, guiding bolt, healing word,
shield of faith
Magic Resistance. The abishai has advantage on saving throws 2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, magic weapon, prayer of
against spells and other magical effects. healing, silence, spiritual weapon
Magic Weapons. The abishai’s weapon attacks are magical. 3rd level (3 slots): beacon of hope, crusader’s mantle, prayer of
healing, silence, spiritual weapon
4th level (3 slots): banishment, freedom of movement, guardian
Actions of faith, stoneskin
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5th level (1 slot): flame strike, mass cure wounds, hold monster
6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Multiattack. The abishai can use its Frightful Presence. It also Actions
makes three attacks: one with its morningstar, one with its claw, Multiattack. The priest makes two melee attacks.
and one with its bite.
Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Reactions
Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) slashing damage.
Guided Strike (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). The priest
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. grants a +10 bonus to an attack roll made by itself or another
Hit: 22 (5d10 + 6) piercing damage plus 38 (7d10) fire damage. creature within 30 feet of it. The priest can make this choice
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the abishai’s choice after the roll is made but before it hits or misses.
that is within 120 feet and aware of it must succeed on a DC
18 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of it for 1
minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a
creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the
creature is immune to the abishai’s Frightful Presence for the
next 24 hours.
Incite Fanaticism. The abishai chooses up to four of its allies
within 60 feet of it that can see it. For 1 minute, each of those
allies makes attack rolls with advantage and can’t be frightened.
Power of the Dragon Queen. The abishai targets one dragon
it can see within 120 feet of it. The dragon must make a DC 18
Charisma saving throw. A chromatic dragon makes this save
with disadvantage. On a successful save, the target is immune
to the abishai’s Power of the Dragon Queen for 1 hour. On a
failed save, the target is charmed by the abishai for 1 hour. While
charmed in this way, the target regards the abishai as a trusted
friend to be heeded and protected. This effect ends if the abishai
or its companions deal damage to the target.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Sacred Statue Warlock of the Fiend
Large construct, any alignment Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 19 (natural) Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
Hit Points 95 (10d10 + 40) Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24)
Speed 25 ft. Speed 30 ft.

19 (+4) 8 (-1) 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws WIS +6 Saving Throws Wis +4, Cha +7

Skills Intimidation +10, Perception +8 Skills Arcana +4, Deception +7, Persuasion +7, Religion +4
Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, Damage Resistances slashing damage from nonmagical attacks
and slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Languages any two languages (usually Abyssal or Infernal)
Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 14
Languages the languages the eidolon knew in life
Innate Spellcasting. The warlock’s innate spellcasting ability is
Challenge 0 (10 XP) Charisma. It can innately cast the following spells (spell save DC
15), requiring no material components:
False Appearance. While the statue remains motionless, it is
indistinguishable from a normal statue. At will: alter self, false life, levitate (self only), mage armor (self
only), silent image
Ghostly Inhabitant. The eidolon that enters the sacred statue
remains inside it until the statue drops to 0 hit points, the Spellcasting. The warlock is a 17th-level spellcaster. Its
eidolon uses a bonus action to move out of the statue, or the spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with
eidolon is turned or forced out by an effect such as the dispel spell attacks). It regains expended spell slots when it finishes a
evil and good spell. When the eidolon leaves the statue, it short or long rest. It knows the following warlock spells:
appears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the statue. Cantrips (at will): eldritch blast, fire bolt, friends, mage hand,
minor illusion, prestidigitation, shocking grasp
Inert. When not inhabited by an eidolon, the statue is an object.
1st-5th level (4 5th-level slots): banishment, burning hands,
flame strike, hellish rebuke, magic circle, scorching ray,
Actions scrying, stinking cloud, suggestion, wall of fire
Multiattack. The statue makes two slam attacks. Dark One’s Own Luck (Recharges after a Short of Long Rest).
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. When the warlock makes an ability check or saving throw, it can
Hit: 43 (6d12 + 4) bludgeoning damage. add a d10 to the roll. It can do this after the roll is made but
before any of the roll’s effects occur.
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 60 ft./240 ft., one
target. Hit: 37 (6d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 3 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 10 (3d6) fire damage.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Zakiel, Fallen Angel Legendary Actions
Medium celestial, lawful evil The angel can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The angel
Hit Points 162 (25d8 + 50) regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Speed 30 ft., fly 90 ft. Fly to Glory. The angel moves its fly speed.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Cleave the Weak. The angel makes one greatsword attack. If
17 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 19 (+4) 20 (+5) 23 (+6) the target is bloodied, the attack does an extra 9 (2d8) necrotic
damage on a hit.
Saving Throws INT +9, WIS +10, CHA +11 Rally the Faithless (Costs 2 Actions). The angel uses Summon
Skills Insight +10, Intimidation +11, Perception +10, Army of the Fallen.
Persuasion +11
Damage Resistances Necrotic, Radiant; Bludgeoning, Piercing,
and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened
Senses Truesight 120 ft., Passive Perception 20
Languages All
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)

Overwhelming Majesty. As a bonus action, the angel targets a

creature that it can see within 30 feet of it. The target suffers
11 (2d10) necrotic damage and falls prone. A successful DC 19
Charisma saving throw negates both effects.
Flyby. The angel doesn’t provoke an opportunity attack when it
flies out of an enemy’s reach.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the angel fails a saving throw, it
can choose to succeed instead.
Innate Spellcasting. The angel’s innate spellcasting ability
is Charisma (spell save DC 19, +11 to hit with spell attacks).
The angel can innately cast the following spells, requiring no
material components:
At will: command (as a 2nd-level spell), detect evil and good
3/day each: blindness/deafness, charm person (as a 5th-level
spell), suggestion
1/day: wall of fire
Magic Resistance. The angel has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.

Multiattack. The angel makes two attacks with its scythe. It can
substitute Summon Army of the Fallen for one of these attacks.
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage plus 18 (4d8)
necrotic damage.
Summon Army of the Fallen (3/day). The angel magically
animates one or two statues it that it can see within 90 feet of
it. While animated, the statue uses the statistics of animated
armor. An animated statue acts as an ally of the angel. The
statue remains animate for 1 day or until it dies; until the angel
dies or is more than 120 feet from the statue; or until the angel
takes a bonus action to turn it back into an inanimate statue.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Chapter 5: Dramatis Personae
Abriymoch City Watch (ab-ree-moke) The charge is that Mephistopheles knows your name
city watch is made of up devils who appreciate and if anything goes wrong, you are the one that
the bureaucratic aspects of life. They find joy he blames.
in enforcing the mundane and archaic laws on • Plagiarist. Quagrem wants to make sure there
the city books. For a modest fee, many of the are enough successful projects that the next
watchmen might resolve any transgressions on the time Mephistopheles shows, he is pleased and
spot, instead of spending the day transporting the Quagrem gets all the credit.
offenders to the Diabolical Courts for processing. • Encountered In: DDAL00-11e
• What They Want. Complete and total order.
• Everyone Is Breaking The Law. Everyone is Elisande (El-eh-Sahnd). Chosen of the god
probably breaking a law; the watchmen just need Cyric, Elisande is a 14-year old orphan human
to figure out which one. Trust no one! Everyone’s a girl and troublemaker from a disturbing, isolated
suspect. island village in the Stormy Bay. Her years of
• Encountered In: DDAL00-11c malnourishment make her smaller than other
Avah aka “Lanche” (Eh-vah). This ice devil has had children her age and she is frequently mistaken
enough with fire in Cania and is willing to betray for a younger age. She is fascinated with outsiders
Mephistopheles to ride the eight of hellfire. still, despite over a year of wandering beyond
her village. She has few morals and due to her
• What They Want. Hellfire gone from Cania. upbringing, no true concept of right or wrong. If she
• Nervous Liar. Avah isn’t an especially skilled wants something, it should be hers. Elisande was
liar, but she expects that adventurers might not encountered in several previous adventures, always
be willing to help her, thus the fake identity and managing to be wherever major events took place.
illusion to cover her appearance. Elisande has previously been encountered in several
• Encountered In: DDAL00-11e season 1, 2, 3, and 7 adventures. She refers to those
not from her island as Outsides. She been trapped
in the Hells by the Night Hag Tal’kandelagrag.
Cassyt (CASS-it). Born in Phlan and devoted to
Kelemvor, she was an acolyte about to start her • What They Want. Elisande is all id. She wants to
domain training when the dragon came. While she experience and is easily distracted. She especially
still enjoys gaining knowledge, she focused instead likes goats.
on the grave domain, where she felt her talents • You Aren’t Real. Elisande has trouble accepting
would be better utilized. The chaos and death of that the feelings or desires of others have value
so many innocents of the past few years have worn or meaning. She’s not malicious, she just doesn’t
away any optimism she had. realize others matter.
• What They Want. Cassyt hopes to protect the • Encountered In: DDAL00-11d
innocent and save those she can from an early
meeting with Kelemvor. Fai Chen (FIE CHEN). A Shou man, apparently
• Worn Down By Life. The horros she has in his late 30s, Fai is well-known for the strange
witnessed as a young acolyte has aged her before travelling caravan from which he barters and sells
her time. Her joy and optimism has been replaced magical items and rarities. He will only trade for
with cynicism and the bottle. magic items, but will take coin for consumables and
• Encountered In: DDAL00-11b appreciates the value of a soul coin. He is always
accompanied by his mule, Gary, and blue faerie
dragon, Drandeldew
Dean Quagrem (QUAG-rem). Quagrem the pit
fiend is the dean of the Academia Acania where • What They Want. To offer everyone the best
Cania’s research into Hellfire is explored. While possible deal while still turning a profit. He seems
not directly responsible, Quagrem makes certain to enjoy the hell-tinged banter and a contentious
he can claim credit for all discoveries made in the relationship with Mahadi.
Academia. • Mysterious and Resourceful. Fai Chen always
• What They Want. Quagrem is desperate to keep seems to know more than he’s telling, but never
everything running smoothly. The price of being in offers to share. When in a pinch though, he’s

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
willing to lend a hand to those who need it, • Meloncholy. Halvin feels like he his loyalty has
particularly for an underdog. been exploited and he no longer has the drive he
• Encountered In: DDAL00-11f once he, so he even has trouble caring about that.
• Encountered In: DDAL00-11a

Fhet’Ahla (FET-AH-la). This amnizu provides

imps as couriers as well as a variety of spell-casting Hon Arvid (HONE AIR-veed). Hon is a young
services for transmitting information over long naïve man who began adventuring as a means
distances. Additionally, Fhet’Ahla is also willing to of supporting his ailing mother. He’s calm and
pay 100 gp for a soul coin (minus 25 gp for each measured, but his inexperience has gotten him into
charge used from the coin) and acts as a notary for trouble in the past. The death of his fellows has
the signing of infernal contracts. shaken him to the core.
• What They Want. To make all the deals! • What They Want. To live and bring back gold for
• Kind of a Jerk. All about the deal. Still has a his family.
tendency to be a jerk without being mean but zero • Naïve But Loyal. Hon hasn’t really come to gribs
social skills. There to do the job and go home. with the danger of the life he has chosen, but
• Encountered In: DDAL00-11d rather viewing adventuring as a way to support his
family while making lifetime friends.
• Encountered In: DDAL00-11a
Geilna (GALE-nah). Geilna is an erinyes enforcer
who owes fealty to Glasya, Lord of the Sixth. She is
sent after those who would try to escape the prisons Jeny Greenteeth ( Jen-EE Green-Teeth).
of Hell. Jeny Greenteeth is the living and breathing
personification of hate and malice. She loathes
• What They Want. Geilna wants to impress Glasya
humanity with every fiber of her being and lives to
and get promoted so she can eventually become
make it miserable. However, she is an exceptional
an archdevil.
actor and plays the sweet, doting grandmother
• Me First. Geilna looks out for herself, first and without fail. Only when she is certain that her
foremost. She never thinks twice about sacrificing audience is not receptive to her act does she break
a minion. character and reveal her true form and demeanor.
• Encountered In: DDAL00-11d In recent years, she has grown vastly in power since
returning from Barovia. She is recognized as the
most powerful fey creature in the Quivering Forest.
Grazulkul (GRAHZ uhl kul). This bone devil is
ambitious to the core—and does anything to get • What They Want. Jeny seeks power and enjoys
promoted. He’s cruel and consumed by hate. playing the friendly grandmother in order to help
adventurers and put them in her debt.
• What They Want. The bone devil wants to be
promoted and strives to be the perfect embodiment • Secret Shame. Jeny would never tell anyone, but
of Hell: cruel and orderly. she has grown to care for the people of Phlan, at
least as much as its environs are her home and
• Loves to Torment Others. Grazulkul lives to fiefdom.
torment others and takes great pleasure from
• Encountered In: DDAL00-11d
inflicting pain. He is willing to take chances with his
out safety if it leads to inflicting harm upon another.
• Encountered In: DDAL00-11a Jezricka ( JEZZ-rik-kuh). A powerful erinyes
who resides close to the Temple of Tiamat and is
obsessed with stymying the plots and schemes of
Halvin Graingle (Hal-VIN Grain-GUL). Though he’s her rival—even when none exist. She’s vain, haughty,
always been a bit vapid, Halvin is a husk of the man and susceptible to flattery.
he once was. He is absent-minded and forgetful, and
• What They Want. To be adored and worshipped
the years of imprisonment in Avernus have leached
by all of Hell.
away his vitality. He’s gaunt, sickly, and occasionally
wracked with fits of hacking to the point of coughing • Vainity Thy Name is Jezricka. The erinyes
up blood. believes herself a beauty without rival and all
that do not see it must be blind. She is loyal to
• What They Want. Once he is transformed from those who fawn over her and even loyal to faithful
larval form, Halvin hopes to feel again. He has minions.
lost everything he was, and barely remembers his • Encountered In: DDAL00-11a
former life.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Kazzinoth the Gorehound (Kazz-IN-oth the Gore- • What They Want. Mogdrin wants to escape
Hound). Kazzinoth is a particularly vicious glabrezu imprisonment and get back to his place working
demon that lead an incursion to the Nine Hells over for Moloch.
two centuries ago before being captured. A follower • Amiably Patient. Patience is the path to reward.
of Yeenoghu, he is given to furious rages, but Hell Everything and everyone can be found if you
has since worn him down and he is desperate for look hard enough. Those you meet on the way to
relief. finding your goal are useful tools to help you find
• What They Want. Kazzinoth wants out of the Nine what you need.
Hells, and if he can get that, he’ll start to work on • Encountered In: DDAL00-11d
getting revenge.
• Unbound Rage, Bound. Kazzinoth is given to
Pipyap. Pipyap is a mischievous imp and once-
furious rages, but being trapped in the Hells have
familiar of Halvin Graingle. He took a liking to the
broken him. He makes foolish mistakes he is
Material plane and is loath to go back to the Nine
smart enough to avoid, due to his frustration with
Hells—taking in with whomever he thinks is able to
being trapped.
keep him out of trouble. He’s a glutton and known
• Encountered In: DDAL00-11d
for eating just about anything he can get his hands
Lesser Pipyap. Lesser Pipyap is an experiment; a • What They Want. To stay on the Prime and never,
type of clone of Pipyap. Lesser Pipyap os a foul- ever, go back to the Nine Hells.
mouthed imp with self-esteem issues and none of • Glutton for Everything. Pipyap likes a snack,
Pipyaps power that he gained from the cookie bag. and a drink, oh and whatever that is that might be
Lesser Pipyap has been enslaved to the Phoenix edible, or not.
Society in Waterdeep. • Encountered In: DDAL00-11a, DDAL00-11b,
• What They Want. Too be more famous and DDAL00-11c, DDAL00-11d, DDAL00-11e,
powerful that Pipyap. DDAL00-11f
• Self-Esteem Issues. Lesser Pipyap can’t stand
that he is a lesser version of the real Pipyap and
Shirvasa (sheer-VAH-sah) The rakshasa is an
he acts out in negative ways due to his frustration
indulgent, arrogant creature with a powerful temper,
and anger.
who expects to be obeyed. He’s painfully polite to his
• Encountered In: DDAL00-11e
customers but converses with lesser creatures in a
condescending tone. Shirvasa doesn’t bother hiding
his true human/tiger form when in his own shop,
Mahadi (MAH Ha dee). As the lord of the
and wears a hat tipped at a rakish angle along with
Wandering Emporium, Mahadi has found that his
an apricot-colored ascot tie.
natural raksasha form serves him well. He is a
crafty merchant and operates with the full blessing • What They Want. Shirvasa deals in information
of Asmodeus, and for reasons known only to them as much as wine, and he is always looking for
has been allowed to traverse the tradeways between another useful piece of intelligence to deal.
the layers of the Nine Hells despite Asmodeus • I Deserve It. Shirvasa enjoys the finer things, but
sealing them off. only because he believes they are the just rewards
• What They Want. Serve Asmodeus, earn souls, for being smarter than everyone else.
turn a profit; in that order. • Encountered In: DDAL00-11c
• Always Looking For Soul Coins. Everyone and
everything has a price, and Mahadi looks to take it
Shyntinidia (shin-TIN-ID-ee-ah) Shyntinidia made
in souls.
a bargain and pledged fealty to Levistus, Lord of
• Encountered In: DDAL00-11f
Stygia, who is currently imprisoned in solid ice on
the fifth of the Nine Hells. In exchange for his aid
in escaping Shyntinidia’s own personal Hell – drow
Mogdrin the Venator (MAWG-drin). Mogdrin, an
society – she works to free Levistus from his frozen
orthon devil, was a hunter and finder of lost things
for Moloch, former Lord of the Sixth. He tracked
anything and anyone across the planes and no one • What They Want. Shyntinidia treasure her
escaped his patient pursuit. With the fall of Moloch, freedom from drow society and will do anything to
he was imprisoned in the Pit of Feirgbioff. never ho back.
• Desperately Reckless. The drow has a mission
to complete in exchange for her freedom and

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
her panic to aid her master in order to keep that The inn boasts a kitchen, livery, barn, and riverside
freedom leads her to take desperate chances. docks.
• Encountered In: DDAL00-11c • Center Of The Action. Despite being in the
middle of nowhere, major events in the Moonsea
often seem to begin or end at The Crossing.
Spernik (SPERR-nik). This former member of
the Cult of the Dragon was instrumental in the • Encountered In: DDAL00-11d
cult’s usurpation of Phlan by Vorgansharax and his
underlings, the Tears of Virulence. He’s a nervous
The Quivering Forest. The Quivering Forest
man, but driven and prone to bouts of boasting. He
spreads south from Dragonspine Mountains to
was originally featured and arrested in DDEX1-5
within a mile of Phlan. It’s dark, fey-infested woods
The Courting of Fire and later encountered and
border the gray waste of Thar to the east and the
slain in DDEX1-10 Tyranny in Phlan.
River Stojanow to the west. Other than the elves of
• What They Want. To rise in power and fame Greenhall, few venture within its borders.
through service to Tiamat.
• Its Only a Temporary Setback. Spernik is Xak’thar. Once two distinct creatures, Xak and Thar
confident that he is going to pull it out in the end. traveled with Pipyap for a time. During a major
Whatever may come is just one more step in his battle of the Blood War, the imp produced a vial of
legend as the man that brings Tiamat’s rule to blessed sovereign glue and adhered the pit fiends to
Faerûn. each other, “for glorious battle!” The divine nature
• Encountered In: DDAL00-11a of this concoction actually linked the two devils
together permanently, and now they seek bloody
revenge on Pipyap.
Tal’kandelagrag (TAL-candle-ah-GRAG).
Tal’kandelagrag is a condescending night hag who • What They Want. Revenge motivates Xak’thar,
believes herself smarter than those who seek to deal and the Gorge of Slaughter sustains him, but he
with her, all while pretending to be subservient. She still loves to put on a good show.
is viscous and can’t avoid any chance to torment • Of Two Minds. The two minds of pit fiends being
those weaker than her. She has done a favor for forced together, each believe they are superior, has
Pipyap, arranging some things in Hell for him so resulted in some conflicting ideas. The one thing
he wouldn’t have to return, and in exchange the they agree on is hating Pipyap.
imp agreed to give her eleven evil souls. She had • Encountered In: DDAL00-11f
hoped to get new souls, but Pipyap tricked her after
a fashion. He stole the souls from other night hags
with the help of the hag, Jeny Greenteeth. Now Zakiel (Zak-EE-el). Zakiel is a genderless angel
by accepting these souls, Tal’kandelagrag makes that has fallen from grace and believes in a perfect
enemies of these other night hags and Pipyap is world run by rules that no one may break. The only
released from his obligation to her. She is not happy way to make certain of that reality is the death of
with this arrangement. all sentient creatures with desires or independent
thought. Zakiel was captured millennia ago by the
• What They Want. Tal’kandelagrag wants justice
powers of Hell and imprisoned.
for the slight she feels Pipyap has given her, and so
she hopes to twist events to get more than her due. • What They Want. Zakiel loves peace and order;
• The Rules Exist For Me To Abuse. but the silence of the grave is best. In order to
Tal’kandelagrag pretends subservience in order to build the perfect world, all mortal life must be
get what she wants. She hides behind the rules; extinguished.
twisting the spirit and stretching the letter for her • Violence Is The Best Response. For Zakiel, the
own benefit. quickest path to peace is to swing a blade.
• Encountered In: DDAL00-11b • Encountered In: DDAL00-11d

The Crossing Inn. The Crossing is a popular

stopover on the Phlan Path between Phlan and
Melvaunt, just east of the Trank River and next to
the bridge the crosses it. Owned by retired Amnish
adventurer Romsan Kal, the roadside inn in the wild
is lively some nights, and virtually deserted others.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Chapter 6: Handouts

Avernus: Portrait of Halvin Graingle

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Avernus: Episode 2,
Scene A - A Light in the Darkness Map

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Avernus: Episode 3,
Scene A – The Foundry Map

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Avernus: Episode 3,
Scene B – The Chapel Map

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Avernus: Infernal Gifts

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Dis: Lemure Minions
One per Character

Lemure Lemure
Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil
Armor Class 7 Armor Class 7
Hit Points 13 (3d8) Hit Points 13 (3d8)
Speed 15 ft. Speed 15 ft.

10 (+0) 5 (−3) 11 (+0) 1 (−5) 11 (+0) 3 (−4) 10 (+0) 5 (−3) 11 (+0) 1 (−5) 11 (+0) 3 (−4)

Damage Resistances cold Damage Resistances cold

Damage Immunities fire, poison Damage Immunities fire, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10 Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages understands Infernal but can’t speak Languages understands Infernal but can’t speak
Challenge 0 (10 XP) Challenge 0 (10 XP)

Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the
lemure’s darkvision. lemure’s darkvision.
Hellish Rejuvenation. A lemure that dies in the Nine Hells Hellish Rejuvenation. A lemure that dies in the Nine Hells
comes back to life with all its hit points in 1d10 days unless it is comes back to life with all its hit points in 1d10 days unless it is
killed by a good-aligned creature with a bless spell cast on that killed by a good-aligned creature with a bless spell cast on that
creature or its remains are sprinkled with holy water. creature or its remains are sprinkled with holy water.

Actions Actions
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Dis: Time Tracker
Important Times
Cassyt’s aid spell ends - 8 hours
Payment Due - 12 hours
Portal Closes - 24 hours

Encounter Event Time Party’s Time

Episode 2 Scene A Travel from the portal to the Iron Road of Dis 4 hours

Episode 2 Scene B Travel to the fortress metropolis of Dis by foot 1 hour

Travel to the fortress metropolis of Dis by cart 0.5 hour

Episode 2 Scene C Navigate the city without the imps 0.5 hour

Navigate the city with the imps 1 hour

Episode 2 Scene D
Ravenous Hell Hounds! 1 hour
(3 to 6)

Malebranche Merchant (no deal) 1 hour

Malebranche Merchant (made the deal) 0.5 hour

Lost Coin 1 hour

Overheard Conversation 1 hour

Looking for Protection 1 hour

Death from Above 1 hour

Episode 2 Scene E Dealing with Tal’kandelagrag 0.5 hour

Episode 3 Navigate the city 0.5 hour

Travel from the fortress metropolis of Dis by

Episode 3 1 hour

Travel from the Iron Road of Dis to the portal 4 hours

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Phlegethos: Clues from the Unhelpful Devils
The devils in the Artisan’s District offer the following clues when asked
how to find Shirvasa the sommelier:

• The jeweler works next to the building with the white awning.

• The fiend in the building with the yellow awning drinks ale.

• The fiend with a pet skeletal mouse works next to the fiend with a crag

• The cordwainer works in the first building on the left.

• The fiend in the building with the white awning drinks whiskey.

• The translator works in a building with a blue awning.

• The building with the yellow awning is to the right of the building with
the white awning.

• The sommelier has a pet death dog.

• The fiend who works in the building with the red awning keeps a crag

• The fiend in the middle building drinks tea.

• The scholar drinks seltzer water.

• The cordwainer works next to the building with the green awning.

• The fiend with a nightmare drinks tea.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Phlegethos: The Cultists’ Warehouse

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Phlegethos: Etiquette Rules for Unearthly Delights

To all who enter this fine establishment:

Welcome to Unearthly Delights!
While patronizing our fair store, please obey the
following social etiquette to ensure all parties are
treated with mutual respect and transactions are as
seamless as possible.

Standards for decorum, manners, and etiquette:

Taste everything offered to you by the sommelier.

Address the sommelier as “Master Sommelier”

or with a similar honorific.

Do not make extended eye contact.

Do not show compassion for any staff members.

Make no unreasonable requests of the sommelier.

Ask for no more than you are offered.

Never, under any circumstances, mention unicorns.

Jokes and puns of a feline nature

are strictly prohibited.

No spells or magical abilities are to be invoked

at any time.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Building 1 Building 2 Building 3 Building 4 Building 5

Occupation Cordwainer Scholar Translator Sommelier Jeweler

Red Green Blue White Yellow

Pet Crag Cat Skeletal Mouse Nightmare Death Dog Riding Lizard

Wine Seltzer Tea Whiskey Ale
Phlegethos: Solutions from the Helpful Devils

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells

Malbolge: The Pit of Feirbioff

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Malbolge: Pipyap’s Shopping List

So, it’s hard to get all the comforts

of home around here. I need you to
pick up a few things for me while you
are Hell.
1. First, I need you to pick up about five pounds of
fresh entrails from a hell louse. Actually, better
make that ten pounds. If you dry the stuff, you can
powder it and it makes a spicy seasoning that you
just can’t get on the Prime. You folks use pepper,
but you haven’t lived till you sprinkled some hell
louse entrails on your steak and eggs!

2. Second, I need you to grab a handful of Hell-

infused feathers. Basically, anything with feathers
in Hell is appropriate. I am sure in your abilities.
I need quills. Not to write with. No, I get stuff
caught in my teeth and they work best for picking
it out, while still helping me maintain my delicate
dental hygiene.

3. Third, and this one is the doozy, swing by one of

the Lakes of Bile. I can give you a map. It’s not
too far from where you are headed anyway, and
they are easy to spot what with the churning green
pools spewing toxic fumes. Fill me up this bottle
and don’t ask questions. Oh, and you probably
want to hold your breath.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Cania: The Phoenix Society

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Cania: Academia Acania

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Cania: Maion Alumni Meditation Chamber Puzzle

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Nessus: The Gorge of Slaughter

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells

Lawful Evil

13 +3 20 ft., fly 40 ft.

-2 +2


+3 +1


17 +1


+1 3d4

13 +1



+0 +2

Shapechanger. The imp can use its
Sting +5 1d4 + 3* action to polymorph into a beast form
11 +1

+2 that resembles a rat (speed 20 ft.), a

raven (20 ft., fly 60 ft.), or a spider (20
ft., climb 20 ft.), or back into its true
form. Its statistics are the same in
+0 *piercing damage, and the target must make each form, except for the speed
+1 a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 changes noted. Any equipment it is
12 (3d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half
as much damage on a successful one.
wearing or carrying isn't transformed.
It reverts to its true form if it dies.
Devil's Sight. Magical darkness
+2 +3 doesn't impede the imp's 120'
+3 darkvision.
14 +1
Magic Resistance. The imp has
advantage on saving throws against
spells and other magical effects.
n/a Invisibility. As an action, the imp
magically turns invisible until it attacks
or until its concentration ends (as if
Common, Infernal concentrating on a spell). Any
equipment the imp wears or carries is
invisible with it.

Damage Resistances: cold;

bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
from nonmagical attacks that aren’t
Damage Immunities: fire, poison
Condition Immunities: poisoned

Lawful Evil

7 -3 15 ft.
+0 +2


-3 +0


5 +0


+0 3d8

11 +0



-5 -4

Devil's Sight. Magical darkness doesn't
Fist +3 1d4 bludg. impede the lemure's 120' darkvision.
1 +0


Hellish Rejuvenation. A lemure that
dies in the Nine Hells comes back to
+0 life with all its hit points in 1d10 days

-5 unless it is killed by a good-aligned

+0 creature with a bless spell cast on that
11 creature or its remains are sprinkled
with holy water.

-5 Damage Resistances: Cold

-4 -3 Damage Immunities: Fire, Poison
Condition Immunities: Charmed,

3 Frightened, Poisoned


Understands Infernal, but can't speak

PipyaP on the Authors

Pipyap on Amy Lynn Dzura

Now THIS one. Yeesh. Her soul's so sparkly
and colorful that I don't think I even WANT it.
(Who'm I kidding, course I do.) We've got a
deal worked out, though, me and her: when
she's baking for those humans of hers, she
leaves a couple extra little sweetcakes on
the counter, and I don't sharpen her spoons
or flap around to annoy that crazy-looking
familiar of hers. Well, not as much, anyway.

Pipyap on Claire Hoffman

There’s this old chick, she keeps trying to
give me these two half-grown kittens so
she has more time to answer emails but I
hav ta promise not to eat them. What's up
with that?

Pipyap on Greg Marks

Okay, look the rest of these jokers aspire
to evil, but this guy, don’t trust him; even if
he offers you frozen custard. He’s always
writing someting and trying to get you to
read it by whispering “Because science.”
Like I am gonna fall for that “By reading
this you have agreed to…” thing again.
Also, I am pretty sure that he is actually
Asmodeus’ cat in a big meat suit.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Pipyap on Alan Patrick
Sez he grew up in a rough spot, but learned
how to hunt for dinner and chop wood so I
guess he's just an embarrassed druid or
sumptin. Whatever. Has a family now like that'll
stop him from writing about nightmare-inducing
things like worms and Nirvana in a major key.

Pipyap on Lysa Penrose

Lysa’s an example of one of those JERSEY devils. You won’t
hear these deep tracks in Mordenkainen’s or Xanathar’s
guides. It takes a real devil like me to travel to the little
known tenth layer of hell: Nuh Jerr Zeigh. Seems like she’s
making a move for archdevil if you ask me. Leave some D&D
communities for the rest of us infernal folks to infiltrate!
Wait... that doesn’t stand for deals and doughnuts?
Whatever. What a bunch of work for nothing.

Pipyap on Travis Woodall

He's just this guy, you know? Sure he ain't the sharpest tool
in the shed (you can thank the California public education
system for that), or the handsomest guy on the block (too
much hair; too much beer), but he's more or less what
we're stuck with. He's got a wife (boy, did she hit the lottery
or what?) and a couple kids that he occasionally hangs
around with when he's not slumped lifelessly in front of
his computer. What a catch, eh? Anyway, he's been what he's
been doing for a while now and he doesn't seem intent on
slowing. For good or for ill? Don't ask me.

DDAL00-11 Pipyap’s Guide to All of the Nine Hells

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