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I. PRACTICE (available in the Genyo Quiz)

A. Assess whether the statements in column A are true or false. In column B, write T if the
statement is true and F if the statement is false.
1. It is the habit of each group to take for granted the superiority of its culture. T
2. Cultural relativism does not mean that all customs are equally valuable, nor T
does it imply that no customs are harmful.
3. Equality and similarity do not necessarily translate to real or imagined T
inferiority/superiority of cultures out there.
4. As an attitude, ethnocentrism promotes greater appreciation of the cultures F
that one encounters along the way.
5. Ethnocentrism is a sense of value and community among people who share F
a cultural tradition.
6. As a behavior, cultural relativism is a good way to rehearse the norms and T
values of society.
7. People everywhere think that their own expectations, opinions, and customs F
are right, true, proper, natural, and moral.
8. Cultural relativism is a research method as well. T
9. Ethnocentrism hinders the understanding or cooperation between groups. T
10. Ethnocentrism encourages the solidarity of a group. T

B. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism.

Advantages Disadvantages
Ethnocentrism It boasts a society's sense of pride Establishes hatred, misunderstanding
And improves its effectiveness and and antagonism between societies. It
efficiency in work. It gives a society limits co-operation and mutual
a sense of belonging and identity. understanding. Produces pride and
It makes it to determine societies. arrogance. It divides society where there are
It protects society's norms, values, diversities of peoples or cultures.
and traditions.

It is a relatively tolerant view and suits it establishes a system that

is due to personal preference, it would
well with how cultures change, since create confusion in an idea based on the
Cultural Relativism cultures are constantly developing as perfection of society and could also
promote a
our world continues to develop. lack of diversity pulls out people away
from one another and it could limit society's

Senior High School Department l At Home Ako sa Liceo Page l 22

My Culture, My Heritage
Direction: Identify two Philippine cultural heritage under threat, one tangible, and one intangible. For
both, identify the threats and their possible sources, and then come up with a plan of action on how to
deal with these threats. Write your output on the table. (page. 66)

Heritage Threats Plan of Actions

(*You can write or type your answer using the template available in the flash drive. Save your
work in your UCSP Gdrive individual folder with the file name “UCSP-SECTION-Your Full
Name-CH” (ex. UCSP-St. Paul the First Hermit-DelaCruz, Juan-CH) or pass your work
along with the flash drive at the end of the week.)

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