Vicente Andaya Sr. National High School

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI- Western Visayas
Sigma, Capiz


Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the correct answer and write the letter
of your choice on your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following Intermolecular Force of Attractions (IMFAs) is considered as the weakest?
a. H-bonding c. Dipole-dipole
b. Ion-dipole d. London Forces
2. The boiling point of water is greater than dihydrogen sulfide because of ___________________.
a. Dipole-dipole bond c. London dispersion
b. H-bonding d. Ion-dipole
3. Which of the following substances will dissolve most likely in water?
a. Oil c. Vinegar (CH3COOH)
b. Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) d. Hexane (C6H14)
4. Which of the following molecules has high melting point?
a. CHCl3 c. BCl3
b. CCl4 d. BeCl2
5. _____________ refers to the energy required to increase the surface area by a unit amount.
a. Viscosity c. Vapor pressure
b. Surface Tension d. Density
6. Which of the following statements is TRUE about non-polar molecules?
a. Have high boiling point c. Have low surface tension
b. Have high melting point d. Have low vapor pressure
7. Which of the following substances is miscible in hexane (C 6H14)
a. Acetone (C3H6O) c. Chloroform (CHCl3)
b. Vinegar (CH3COOH) d. Methanol (CH3OH)
8. The following are intermolecular forces of attraction EXCEPT
a. H-bond c. Covalent
b. Dipole-dipole d. London forces
9. Which of the following properties has indirect relationship with the strength of IMFA?
a. Boiling point c. Surface tension
b. Melting point d. Vapor pressure
10. In which of the following solvents would molecular iodine (I 2) be most soluble?
a. Vinegar c. Ethyl alcohol
b. Water d. Carbon tetrachloride
11. What is true about intermolecular forces?
a. They are strong bonds that form between atoms of molecules.
b. Substances can form more than one but one will predominate.
c. They are stronger than the intermolecular forces between atoms.
d. There is a vague relationship between intermolecular forces and bulk properties.
12. Ion-dipole interaction results from the ___________.
a. Attraction between an ion and a polar molecule.
b. Repulsion between a dipole and another dipole.
c. Repulsion between a polar with another non-polar molecule.
d. Attraction between a polar with another polar molecule.
13. Why are dispersion forces high in molecules with great number of electrons?
a. The electron distribution of big molecules is easily polarized.
b. The nucleus in the molecules has greater effective shielding effect.
c. The electrons move freely around the nucleus resulting to greater energy.
d. The electrons in the molecules can easily jump from one orbital to another.
14. What are considered the van der Waals forces of attraction?
a. Ion-induced dipole; dipole-dipole; London dispersion forces
b. London dispersion forces; ion-induced dipole; dipole- induced dipole
c. Dipole-induced dipole; dipole-dipole; London dispersion forces
d. Dipole –induced dipole; ion-induced dipole; London dispersion forces

15. H-bonding forms when the substances involved are polar and have molecules with
a. H-atoms attached to O, N, F.
b. C – atoms attached to O, N, F.
c. Central atoms with O, N, F as attached atoms.
d. Unshared pair of electrons in the central atoms.
16. The properties of matter seen in the macroscopic level influenced by intermolecular
a. Bulk c. covalent
b. Ionic d. individual
17. Which intermolecular forces depend on the polarizability of molecules
a. ion-dipole b. dipole-dipole
b. Hydrogen bonding c. London dispersion forces
18. Cohesive forces bring about capillary action. These forces are
a. pulling molecules towards gravity.
b. interactions among polar molecules.
c. attractions among different molecules.
d. drawing together of the same kind of molecules.
19. When adhesion is stronger than cohesion, the liquid is pulled
a. upward and results to concave meniscus.
b. downward and results to convex meniscus.
c. upward and becomes higher than the surrounding liquid.
d. downward and becomes higher than the surrounding liquid.
20. What is true of viscosity of substances?
a. Viscosity of substances increases as the temperature
b. The least viscous substance flow the slowest among the
c. Molecules that form H-bonds have higher viscosities than those
with London dispersion forces.
d. Substances with London dispersion forces exhibit greater viscosity
than those with ion-dipole interactions.
21. When intermolecular forces are high, the boiling point is expected to be
a. low.
b. high.
c. dependent on the kinds of atoms.
d. dependent on the number of atoms.
22. Water is a polar molecule that is capable of forming H=bonds.
What is expected of its vapour pressure?
a. It is low since weak intermolecular forces are present.
b. The polar ends hinder the breaking of bonds, thus less water vapour
is produced.
c. Vapour pressure is high since great amount of energy is needed to
break the H-bond.
d. Vapour pressure is low since it is hard to break the H-bond among
the molecules and escape as vapour.
23. Which intermolecular forces among the following allows for easy escape of molecule to the
vapour phase?

a. H-bonding
b. ion-dipole forces
c. dipole-dipole interaction
d. London dispersion forces
24. The vapour pressure on top of the mountain is low so what will happen to the cooking
time of an egg up there?

a.The cooking time will be longer since the temperature of the water is
b. The cooking time will be shorter since the temperature of the water is
c. The cooking time will be longer since the temperature of the water is
d. The cooking time will be shorter since the temperature of the water is
25. Methane will not dissolve in water due to
a. greater molar mass of H2O than CH4.
b. the same intermolecular forces they possess.
c. difference in the kinds of atoms in their structure.
d. difference in intermolecular forces between the two substances.

True or False. Write T if the statement is true, otherwise write F.

____________ 26. H-bonds are broken when ice melts.

____________ 27. Molecules with H-bonds have higher boiling point than molecules with dipole-
dipole bond.
____________ 28. In covalent molecules, vapor pressure decreases with decreasing strength of
intermolecular forces.
____________ 29. When the attractive forces holding particles together are greater, you have to
get to a higher temperature to break those forces, so the melting point is
___________ 30. The strength of dispersion (London) forces tends to increase with increased
molecular weight.

What intermolecular forces are present in the following species? Write van der Waals,
Ion-dipole interaction or H-bonding.

______________ 31. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and another (SO2)

______________ 32. Sodium ion (Na+) and Formaldehyde (CH2O)
______________ 33. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and another (CO2)
______________ 34. Ammonia (NH3) and water (H2O)
______________ 35. Iron (Fe+) and Oxygen (O2)

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Prepared by:

SHS Physical Science Teacher

SHS Physical Science Teacher

HELEN O. JAVIL Approved:

SHS Physical Science Teacher
School Principal III

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