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PQ / PAQ - Moving Coil Instruments

• For DC voltage / DC current

• Class 1.5

• PQ scale 90º
• PAQ scale 240º

Description Execution PAQ...n with round scale 240°

The system of our instruments is a moving coil movement with sprung toe be- The movements are working for the same principle as the PQ devices. The
aring which is insensitive to external magnetic fields. The movable organs of advantage of these devices is the large scale length (better resolution).
the movements are stored in sprung jewels in order to protect them against These instruments only measure DC current or DC voltage.
crushes and vibrations. These instruments only measure DC current or DC vol- These devices also have interchangeable scales.

By using core magnets of high quality the moving coil instruments have a al-
Internal resistance, consumption approx. in Ohm
most linear scale course. That’s why and due to their low consumption they
Measuring range PQ35p PQ ..n PAQ ...n
are especially suited for the application with shunts, impulse transmitters,
25 240 mV
thermo couples and for the connection to our electronic transducers. 40 374 mV
The instruments can be delivered for direct connection up to 100 A with a 60 200 mV 600 mV
built-in shunt. µA 100 200 mV 400 mV
150 200 mV 600 mV
250 200 mV 140 mV 810 mV
Overload capacity according to DIN 43780 is valid for all moving coil in- 400 200 mV 540 mV 900 mV
600 200 mV 540 mV 900 mV
struments 1 200 mV 37 mV 490 mV
1,5 200 mV 60 mV 425 mV
2,5 200 mV 60 mV 760 mV
Continuously 1.2 times
mA 4 200 mV 60 mV 950 mV
Short duration 10x IN 5 s for aminstruments 6 200 mV 60 mV 60 mV
2xUN 5 s for voltinstruments 4-20 200 mV 1,5 V 1,5 V
10-800 200 mV 60-70 mV 60-125 mV
1-100 to 15A 200 mV 60-100 mV 60 mV
Interchangeable scales A
.../60...150mV 12 Ω 5 mA 67/200Ω/V
All plastic executions (n-line) have interchangeable scales. This execution en- 15-40 1000 Ω/V 200 Ω/V 67 Ω/V
ables easy exchange or fit of the changing scale (not during operating). 15-40 1000 Ω/V 200 Ω/V 67 Ω/V
mV 60-100 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 67 Ω/V
150-600 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 200 Ω/V
Execution for DIN rail mounting (PQ35P) 750 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 200 Ω/V
For measuring current and voltage in distribution systems with 35 mm DIN 1 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 200 Ω/V
rail according to DIN 50 022. 1,5-600 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V 1000 Ω/V

The instruments of this line are adapted by their dimensions to common instal-
lation devices. The installation width of the instruemnts is 45 mm. They can
be snapped easily on a 35 mm DIN rail.

The clamps are covered shockproof.

4/29 Celsa Messgerate España S.L

[email protected] / +34 96 130 93 78

Standard Measuring Ranges Connection diagrams

DC Voltages DC Current
15 mV 15 µA Ammeter
+ +
25 mV 25 µA _ _
40 mV 40 µA
60 mV 60 µA
100 mV 100 µA + +
_ _
150 mV 150 µA
250 mV 250µ A Voltmeter
400 mV 400 µA _
600 mV 600 µA
1V 1 mA
1,5 V 1,5 mA
2,5 V 2,5 mA _

4V 4 mA Housing dimensions
6 V 6 mA EQ35G
PQ35P 45 59

PQ35G 10
10 V 10 mA
15 V 15 mA
25 V 20 mA
35 85 45
40 V 25 mA
60 V 40 mA
9 34
100 V 60 mA 10 10 10

EN 50022 - 35x7,5
150 V 100 mA
250 V 150 mA
Dimensions in mm / Weight in gramme
300 V 250 mA
Type Dimensions a c d e g h Ø Weight
400 V 400 mA PQ 48n < 5... 60 A 48 70 73 45 +0,6 28 5 M6 205
500 V 500 mA all others 48 55 62 45 +0,6 28 5 M4 150
600 V 600 mA PQ 72n > 60 A 72 81 - 68 +0,7 81 5 M8 285
5... < 60 A 72 70 75 68 +0,7 81 5 M6 265
1A all others 72 55 75 68 +0,7 81 5 M4 210
1,5 A PQ 96n > 60 A 96 81 - 92 +0,8 81 5 M8 350
2,5 A 5... < 60 A 96 70 75 92 +0,8 81 5 M6 330
all others 96 55 75 92 +0,8 81 5 M4 275
4A PQ 144n > 60 A 144 81 - 138 +1 40 8 M8 505
6A 5... < 60 A 144 70 75 138 +1 40 8 M6 485
10 A all others 144 53 64 138 +1 40 8 M4 430
PAQ 48n 10... 40 A 48 70 73 45 +0,6 26 5 M6 230
15 A all others 48 53 64 45 +0,6 26 5 M4 210
25 A (except PQ35P) PAQ 72n > 60 A 72 78 - 68 +0,7 40 5 M8 320
40 A (except PQ35P) 6... < 60 A 72 68 - 68 +0,7 40 5 M6 385
all others 72 53 64 68 +0,7 40 5 M4 290
60 A (except PQ35P)
PAQ 96n > 60 A 96 78 - 92 +0,8 40 5 M8 395
100 A (except PQ48n/PQ35P) 6... < 60 A 96 68 - 92 +0,8 40 5 M6 460
For connection to shunt Standar signals all others 96 53 64 92 +0,8 40 5 M4 370
PAQ 144n > 60 A 144 78 - 138 +1 40 8 M8 680
.../60 mV secondary 20 mA
6... < 60 A 144 68 - 138 +1 40 8 M6 720
.../150 mV secondary 4-20 mA all others 144 53 64 138 +1 40 8 M4 650
.../300 mV secondary 1 mA
g (max.)

c h
a d e

Celsa Messgerate España S.L 4/30

[email protected] / +34 96 130 93 78

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