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Name of the Demonstrator: __________________ Date: ______________

Section: __________________________________ Score: _____________

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Detailed Lesson Plan for Grade 7 TLE Baking

I. Objectives
At the end of 40 minutes, 95% of the students are able to:
1. Identify the major ingredients used in baking.
2. Give the uses and function of ingredients used in baking.
3. Differentiates the major ingredients in baking.
II. Subject matter: Technology and Livelihood Education- Baking G7
IV. Materials/ Equipment
LCD Projector
Printed Pictures
White Board

V. Learning Activities:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities.

Opening Prayer (student 1) Let us put ourselves in the Holy

(the teacher will call one student to lead the presence of God. Make a sign of the cross. In the
prayer) name of the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit.
Amen. Dear Lord thank You for this day, Give us
wisdom……………… Amen.

Good Morning class! Good Morning Maam!

Pick up pieces of paper. Thank you maam.

You may take your sits.
(Checking of attendance) I am beautiful.
Please say “I am beautiful/handsome if you are I am handsome.
present. …….
Amolato, Jasmin
Bonbon, Joey

B. (Review/ Recall) Answer in chorus.

What was our last topic last meeting? (Miss Maam, our lesson last meeting was about
Please don’t answer on chorus. the tools and equipment in cooking.
Yes, Miss ______?
Very good. Thank you Miss _____t.

C. Motivation. Yes maam.

Class before we start our lesson we have a game.

Do you like to play games?
Yes maam. We are ready.
Great. Now, the name of our game is “Ipasa Mo,
Sasagutin Ko!” You are going to pass the ball to
your classmates while we are singing “Mary had a
little Lamb”. When the song stops, the student
who is holding the ball will answer the question
that is written inside the ball. Now, are you ready

I noticed that you really enjoyed and for that I Yes maam.
want you to give yourselves a “ Miss Universe

(The teacher will demonstrate it)

1, 2, 3..Maganda, Maganda..
Now that you know, I want you to try it. Ready

Start, 1, 2, 3…

Awesome, now that you’ve energized please take

a seat.
D. Lesson Proper. Yes maam/ No maam.

Class, have you experienced baking some


What dish did you bake? Maam, I tried to bake a cupcake.

Yes, Mr. _____. Maam, I baked cookies.

Very good. Thank you.

How about the others? Anyone?

Yes, Miss _______.

Good. Thank you.

Since you have more ideas about baking.

I want you to group yourselves into 7. And I have Yes mam/ No maam.
a picture puzzle and cut out letter, each group
will be given a pair of picture puzzles and a letter. Yes, maam.
The game is called “MIX and FIX”, what you are
going to do is, within 15 seconds you need to
guess the correct word and assemble the picture
based on the definition that I will present.

Did you understand class?

Ok. Are you ready class?

Ok. 1. A small square or rectangle of rick usually Brownies.

chocolate cake containing nuts.
Loaf Bread
2. A shaped or molded mass of bread.
3. A small flat or slightly raised cake.




7.. Flour Maam.

Maam egg and butter. Because it is used to
emulsify and raise the baked products.
Ok thank you. Class,

Now, what do you think are the most major

commonly used ingredients?
Any other? And can you tell why?

Yes maam.
Very good! Those ingredients play an important
role and purpose in making baked products. Yes maam.

There are different ingredients in baking and

different ingredients have different functions.
Let's start with flour. Ma’am as what I have understood from the given
Did you know that there are different types of module, flour is the powder
flour? substance that is the main ingredients of baked
products .
Class, have you read the module that I gave you
last meeting?

For those who have study their module can Ma’am the self-rising flour, this kind of flour is
anyone from the class discuss already contains leavening agent and
What is flour and its uses?

Yes, _____ please tell us what you understand.

Yes, that’s right. What else?

Yes Miss _____ can you give another


Yes maam.

Classmate corn oil or oil is an example of

There are other ingredients to produce baked
shortening and this kind of oil is made up
products. And what are those ingredients? Let us
of corn and based on what I have read the corn
find out.
oil is 0 trans fat and non-cholesterol.
Here are some sample pictures of those
ingredients. I want you to identify and tell us in
what classification of ingredients these products
belong and you need to explain the functions Eggs are another basic ingredient in many baked
why you think these ingredients belong to liquid, products. They provide structure, aeration, flavour
shortening, egg, sugar, flavorings or spices and or and moisture. They also tenderise cakes and add
leaveners. colour and nutritive value.
Let’s start. Are you ready?


Ok, that’s a nice idea…..

Leavening Agent.



Milk/ water

E. Generalization

Now that you already have the knowledge about

baking, can you give me the different ingredients
that we’ve discussed?
The different ingredients used in baking are the
Yes, Miss _____. following; flour, eggs, liquids such as milk and
water. The leavener, shortening and flavorings
and spices.

Maam, those baking ingredients are important

because they have their own purpose and if you
Very good Miss _____. can remove one of them you cannot have your
desired result.
Who among you can give the importance of
those ingredients.
Yes, Miss _____.

Thank you Miss _____.

Ok maam.
VI. Evaluation

Ok class, I want you to study/review for 10

minutes and after that I will give you a short quiz
on what we discussed today. And please prepare
¼ sheet of paper. Your time starts now.( Please
write your evaluation exam or questionnaire
here. Be specific. e.g. What do you call
ingredients used for sweetening?)
VII. Assignment Yes ma’am.

Class, your assignment for the next meeting. I

want you to bring your own ingredients because
we will be having a laboratory exam. You will
bake your own product. Ok class?

(please elaborate on this one. Be specific. e.g.

bring the following ingredients……..)

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