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University of South Carolina

College of Arts and Sciences

Behavioral and Mental Disorders

Psychology 410, Section 004
Fall 2021

Instructor: Peter Warren Meeting Time: T/TH 6-7:15pm

Classroom: Close-Hipp 201 Office Hours: By appointment.
E-mail: [email protected] TA: Kaylyn Garcia ([email protected])
Textbook: Abnormal Psychology – Beidel, Bulick, & Stanley 4th Edition

Learning Objectives:

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the study of abnormal psychology and familiarize
them with the many issues inherent in psychopathology. The primary format will be lecture-based,
although film, video clips, and other media will be used to supplement the learning experience.

The primary learning objectives for this course are as follows:

● Understand the general features and etiology of expressions of psychopathology

● Understand the treatment options for various psychological disorders discussed in class
● Analyze the development of the understanding of psychopathology through the modern era
● Investigate the methods of assessing pathological behavior in humans
● Demonstrate understanding of various psychological disorders covered in class

All learning outcomes in this course are equivalent to the face-to-face (F2F) version of this course.

Course Requirements:
● Course Format: This is a face to face course. You will need to purchase the required textbook
listed above by the first day of the course. Other supplemental articles and/or links will be
available via Blackboard.

We will meet in person for lectures on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 pm to 7.15 pm (see
schedule at the end of the syllabus). We will discuss the chapter listed for that day; this means
you should read the chapter before class so you will be prepared to discuss it. Lectures will
include PowerPoint slides, in-class discussions, and brief videos. Exams will be online via
Blackboard (see schedule). You will need internet access for the exams.

● Course Communication: If you need to get in touch with me, the best method is via email. If
you find you are having difficulty with any of the course material, do not hesitate to contact me
as soon as possible.

Announcements will be posted to this course on Blackboard whenever necessary. In addition,

email communications will be sent to the email address you have in Blackboard. It is your
responsibility to ensure that your email account works properly in order to receive email.

Course Schedule and Policies

● Course Schedule: All course deadlines are listed in Eastern Standard Time. Blackboard will
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record all deadlines in this time zone. If you are in a different time zone, plan accordingly.

The course schedule is included on the last pages of this syllabus. Although not anticipated, this
schedule is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion.

● Attendance Policy and Participation: Attendance is essential for understanding the material
and doing well on exams and assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain course
notes, etc., from those days missed. Students who inform the instructor of absences well in
advance and who provide documentation (e.g., doctor’s note) may have their absences excused
at the instructor’s discretion. Students should contact the instructor early in the semester to
discuss the consequences of potential excessive absences due to participation in University-
sponsored events.

Success in this course is dependent on your active participation throughout the course. It is your
responsibility to regularly check updates related to the course. These updates will be via your
university email and Blackboard announcements.

Learning takes place when people share ideas, so it is very important that you come to class
prepared by having read the assigned material. Be ready to participate in in-class discussions
and activities. Lectures will highlight important points, but will not cover everything in the
textbook. Therefore, reading the chapters is essential. Students are expected to have read the
assigned material for that day before class, in order to have a better understanding of the
material and to facilitate discussion. It is expected that all students will be respectful of others’
ideas and opinions.

● Class Conduct/Netiquette: Professionalism will be expected at all times, but most especially
with your interactions online. Because the university classroom is a place designed for the free
exchange of ideas, we must show respect for one another in all circumstances. We will show
respect for one another by exhibiting patience and courtesy in our exchanges. Appropriate
language and restraint from verbal attacks upon those whose perspectives differ from your own
is a minimum requirement. Courtesy and kindness are the norm for those who participate in my
class. Students who disrupt the learning environment, or are unable to interact with
professionalism, courtesy, and kindness, will be asked to leave the online discussion.

Our online class discussions and discussion board assignments are ways for you to share your
ideas and learning with your colleagues in this class. We do this as colleagues in learning, and
this course is meant to be a safe and respectful environment for us to conduct these

● Some Netiquette Rules:

o Treat one another with respect. It will be expected that we will not attack one another
personally for holding different opinions.
o Use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization (i.e. no texting language).
o Use good taste when communicating. Profanity should be avoided.
o Re-read, think, and edit your message before you click "Send/Submit/Post."

Please remember to be respectful and courteous to your colleagues, and limit your discussions
to this course and its assignments.
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● Diversity and Inclusion: The university is committed to a campus environment that is inclusive,
safe, and respectful for all persons, and one that fully embraces the Carolinian Creed. To that
end, all course activities will be conducted in an atmosphere of friendly participation and
interaction among colleagues, recognizing and appreciating the unique experiences,
background, and point of view each student brings. You are expected at all times to apply the
highest academic standards to this course and to treat others with dignity and respect.

This course works to foster a climate free of harassment and discrimination, and it values the
contributions of all forms of diversity. The decision to enter university and pursue advanced
study is a choice that entails commitment to personal ethics expressed in the Carolinian Creed
( “I will discourage bigotry, while striving to learn from differences in
people, ideas and opinions.” Likewise, the Student Code of Conduct (STAF 6.26
( stresses, “The University of South Carolina strives
to maintain an educational community that fosters the development of students who are ethical,
civil and responsible persons.” 

This course affirms equality and respect for all gendered identities and expressions. Please
don’t hesitate to correct me regarding your preferred gender pronoun and/or name if different
from what is indicated on the official class roster. Likewise, I am committed to nurturing an
environment free from discrimination and harassment.

● Academic Integrity:
A student’s grades are to represent to what extent that individual student has mastered the
course content. You should assume that you are to complete course work individually (without
the use of another person or un-cited outside source) unless otherwise indicated by the
instructor. It is your responsibility to seek clarification if you are unclear about what constitutes
proper or improper collaboration.

You are expected to practice the highest possible standards of academic integrity. Every
student has a role in maintaining the academic reputation of the university. It is imperative that
you refrain from engaging in plagiarism, cheating, falsifying your work and/or assisting other
students in violating the Honor Code. Academic dishonesty includes improper citation of
sources, using another student's work, and any other form of academic misrepresentation.
Plagarism, or using the words or ideas of another as if they were one’s own, is a serious form of
academic dishonesty. If another person’s complete sentence, syntax, key words, or the specific
or unique ideas and information are used, one must give that person credit through proper

Two important components of the Honor Code:

1. Faculty members are required to report potential violations of the Honor Code to the
Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity.
2. When a student is uncertain as to whether conduct would violate the Honor Code, it is
their responsibility to seek clarification from the appropriate faculty member.

Your enrollment in this class signifies your willingness to accept these responsibilities and
uphold the Honor Code of the University of South Carolina. Please review the Honor
Code available on Any deviation from this
expectation can result in receiving a 0 for the assignment or exam and failing the class, as well
as a referral to the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity.
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Below are some websites for you to visit to learn more about University policies:

Carolinian Creed (

Academic Responsibility (
Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity
Information Security Policy and Standards

● Students with Special Needs: Student Disability Resource Center

( The Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) empowers
students to manage challenges and limitations imposed by disabilities. Students with disabilities
are encouraged to contact me to discuss the logistics of any accommodations needed to fulfill
course requirements (within the first week of the semester). In order to receive reasonable
accommodations from me, you must be registered with the Student Disability Resource Center
(1523 Greene Street, LeConte Room 112A, Columbia, SC 29208, 803.777.6142). Any student
with a documented disability should contact the SDRC to make arrangements for appropriate
accommodations. All information regarding a student’s disability will be kept confidential. All
accommodations must be approved through the Student Disability Resource Center.

● Policy for Portable Electronic Devices: The use of any portable electronic devices, including
but not limited to cell phones, digital recorders, etc., during class is not allowed for any reason
unless approval has been given to a student by the instructor in writing. If you are planning to
have any of these devices in class, they must be turned off and stowed away for the duration of
the class period.

● Miscellaneous:
1. Silence cell phones during class.
2. Do not hesitate to ask questions in class. If you are unsure about something that was
discussed, other students may have the same question!
3. If you have questions or experience difficulty with the course material, feel free to
contact the instructor.
4. Check your USC e-mail account and Blackboard. This is how the instructor will
communicate with you.

● Grades: Grades will be posted on Blackboard. Do not e-mail the instructor for exam or course

Grades will be assigned based on the following criteria:

Exams (4 @ 100 points each): 400 points

Writing Assignments (4 @ 5 points each) : 25pts

Total points possible: 425 points

A= 90-100%
B= 80-89%
C= 70-79%
D= 60-69%
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F= <60%

Exams: There will be 5 exams worth 100 points each including a cumulative final also worth
100 points. The lowest exam grade will be dropped; 4 exams will count toward the final grade.
These exams will include multiple choice questions, and will cover information in the textbook,
in-class lectures, and any supplemental readings assigned by the instructor. Exams will be
administered online via Blackboard according to the schedule at the end of the syllabus. On
those days, the exam will be open from 6 pm to 7.15 pm. You will have 50 minutes to complete
the exam. There will be one attempt per student (i.e. you may not close the exam and return to
it later). If a student has a concern regarding an exam grade, he or she will be allowed one
week following the exam to contact the instructor about this matter. The final exam will be given
online via Blackboard according to the University final exam schedule.

Make-up Exams: Make-up exams will not be given, except in the case of extreme extenuating
circumstances (e.g., medical emergency or death in the family). In order for a student to qualify
for a make-up exam, he or she must notify the instructor well before the exam. The student
must also provide written documentation of the absence, such as a physician’s note with the
physician’s contact information, the day and time of the appointment, and a description of the
medical issue. Further documentation may be requested. If you miss an exam without an
approved excuse, you will receive a score of 0 for that exam. If you receive approval from the
instructor to take the make-up exam, the make-up exam may differ from the original missed

Writing Assignments
Written assignments will be posted on Blackboard. These will be due by 11:59 pm on the due
date. To complete these assignments, you may use your textbook, lecture notes, and
information you gather from online sources. These assignments will be designed to be
answered in 2-3 pages (double spaced, 11pt Times New Roman Font, 1 inch margins). These
assignments will be worth 5 points each. There will be 4 of these assignments throughout the

Late Work/Make-up Policy: If you do not submit the assignment by the due date, then your
score for that assignment will be recorded as "zero." You will be allowed to access the
assignments an unlimited number of times until the due date/time. If you are concerned about
missing a deadline, you may want to post your assignment the day before the deadline.
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Be Careful: The clock on your computer may be different than the clock in Blackboard. If the
clock is different by one second, you will be locked out of the assignment or exam. Plan

Student Success Center: In partnership with USC faculty, the Student Success Center (SSC)
offers a number of programs to assist you in better understanding your course material and to
aid you on your path to success. SSC programs are facilitated by professional staff, graduate
students, and trained undergraduate peer leaders who have previously excelled in their
courses. Resources available to you in this course may include peer tutoring, peer writing, and
success consultations. SSC services are offered to all USC undergraduates at no additional
cost. You can visit the SSC website ( for more information and to make

University Library Resources: University Libraries ( has access to

books, articles, subject specific resources, citation help, and more. If you are not sure where to
start, please Ask a Librarian!  Assistance is available at  Remember that if
you use anything that is not your own writing or media (quotes from books, articles, interviews,
websites, movies – everything) you must cite the source in APA format.

Blackboard and Technology:

As a student in this course, you have access to support from the Division of Information
Technology (DoIT) for Blackboard and computer issues. The service desk can be reached at
If you have problems with your computer, technology, IT-related questions, support, including
Blackboard, please contact the Division of Information Technology (DoIT) Service Desk at (803)
777-1800 or submit an online request through the Self-Service Portal ( or visit the Carolina Tech Zone
). The Service Desk is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM EST.
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Counseling Services:
services/counseling-and-psychiatry/index.php): The University offers counseling and crisis
services as well as outreach services, self-help, and frequently asked questions. Although I am
a practicing clinical psychologist, my role at USC is that of professor. Therefore, I am unable to
provide counseling or consultation services to students in this course. If you are interested in
counseling or other mental health services, please contact Counseling and Psychiatry Services
at USC’s Student Health Center (website above or 803.777.5223).

Technology Requirements : Online lectures will be provided through Blackboard Collaborate

Ultra (found on Blackboard under PSYC 410, menu on left hand side of the page). Therefore,
you must have access to the Internet to view/hear lectures. No special software is required.

The PowerPoint lecture presentations, links to articles, assignments, and exams are located on
the Blackboard site for the course. To participate in learning activities and complete
assignments, you will need:
1. Access to a working computer that has a current operating system with updates
installed, plus speakers or headphones to hear lecture presentations;
2. Reliable Internet access and a USC email account;
3. A current Internet browser that is compatible with Blackboard (Google Chrome is the
recommended browser for Blackboard).

Minimal Technical Skills Needed: Minimal technical skills are needed in this course. All work
in this course must be completed and submitted online through Blackboard. Therefore, you
must have consistent and reliable access to a computer and the Internet. The minimal technical
skills you have include the ability to:
● Organize and save electronic files;
● Use USC email and attached files;
● Check email and Blackboard daily;
● Download and upload documents;
● Locate information with a browser; and
● Use Blackboard.

COVID-19: As of August 2021, face masks in classrooms are not required but are strongly
encouraged by the University. You are also encouraged to practice social distancing by leaving
the seat on either side of you empty. For further information on the University’s COVID-19
guidelines, see
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Tentative Class Schedule

(Tentative implies that it is subject to change)

Date Topic Assignment

8/19/2021 Course Introduction

8/24/2021 Abnormal Psych - Perspectives Chapter 1

8/26/2021 Abnormal Psych - Perspectives Chapter 1

8/31/2021 Research Methods Chapter 2

9/2/2021 Research Methods Chapter 2

9/7/2021 TEST 1 REVIEW

9/9/2021 TEST 1

9/14/2021 Assessment and Diagnosis Chapter 3

9/16/2021 Assessment and Diagnosis Chapter 3

9/21/2021 Anxiety, Trauma, & Stressor D/Os Chapter 4

9/23/2021 Anxiety, Trauma, & Stressor D/Os Chapter 4

9/28/2021 Obsessive Compulsive Disorders Chapter 5

9/30/2021 TEST 2 REVIEW

10/5/2021 TEST 2

10/7/2021 FALL BREAK

10/12/2021 Bipolar and Depressive D/Os Chapter 7

10/14/2021 Talk Saves Lives Training

10/19/2021 Bipolar and Depressive D/Os Chapter 7

10/21/2021 Feeding and Eating Disorders Chapter 8

10/26/2021 Substance –Related and Addictive D/Os Chapter 10

10/28/2021 Substance –Related and Addictive D/Os Chapter 10

11/2/2021 TEST 3 REVIEW

11/4/2021 TEST 3

11/9/2021 Schizophrenia & Psychotic D/Os Chapter 11

11/11/2021 Schizophrenia & Psychotic D/Os Chapter 11

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11/16/2021 Personality D/Os Chapter 12

11/18/2021 Personality D/Os Chapter 12

11/23/2021 TEST 4 REVIEW


11/30/2021 TEST 4


12/7/2021 FINAL EXAM @ 7:30PM

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