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ISO Update

Supplement to ISOfocus

February 2021
International Standards in process
TC 34 Food products
ISO/CD 24583 Quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance spec-
An International Standard is the result of an agreement between troscopy — Purity determination of organic
the member bodies of ISO. A first important step towards an Interna- compounds used for foods and food products
tional Standard takes the form of a committee draft (CD) - this is cir- — General requirements
culated for study within an ISO technical committee. When consensus
ISO/CD 27971 Cereals and cereal products — Common
has been reached within the technical committee, the document is
wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) — Determination
sent to the Central Secretariat for processing as a draft International
of alveograph properties of dough at constant
Standard (DIS). The DIS requires approval by at least 75 % of the
hydration from commercial or test flours and
member bodies casting a vote. A confirmation vote is subsequently
test milling methodology
carried out on a final draft International Standard (FDIS), the approval
criteria remaining the same. ISO/CD Horizontal methods for molecular biomarker
16577.2 analysis — Terminology for molecular bio-
marker analytical methods in agriculture and
food production
ISO/CD Molecular biomarker analysis — isothermal
22942-1.2 polymerase chain reaction (isoPCR) methods
— Part 1: General requirements
TC 35 Paints and varnishes

CD registered ISO/CD 8504-4 Preparation of steel substrates before applica-

tion of paints and related products — Surface
preparation methods — Part 4: Acid pickling
TC 37 Language and terminology
Period from 01 January to 01 February 2021
ISO/CD Management of terminology resources — Data
These documents are currently under consideration in the technical
12620-1 categories — Part 1: Specifications
ISO/DTS Management of terminology resources — Rep-
They have been registred at the Central Secretariat.
24634 resentation of concept relations and subject
fields in TBX
TC 6 Paper, board and pulps ISO/CD Management of terminology resources — Ter-
ISO/CD 5263-3 Pulps — Laboratory wet disintegration — Part 26162-3 minology databases — Part 3: Content
3: Disintegration of mechanical pulps at > 85 TC 38 Textiles
degrees C
ISO/CD 4333 Textiles — Determination of reduction activity
ISO/CD 3037 Corrugated fibreboard — Determination of of specific proteins derived from pollen and
edgewise crush resistance (non-waxed edge mite and other sources on textile products
ISO/CD Textiles — Determination of formaldehyde
TC 20 Aircraft and space vehicles 14184-3 — Part 3: Free and hydrolysed formaldehyde
ISO/CD 8177 Aerospace — Omega clamps (saddle clamps) (water extraction method) — Determination by
for fluid systems — Dimensions liquid chromatography

ISO/CD 24330 Space systems — Rendezvous and Proximity TC 39 Machine tools

Operations (RPO) and On Orbit Servicing (OOS) ISO/CD Test conditions for machining centres — Part
— Programmatic principles and practices 10791-2.2 2: Geometric tests for machines with vertical
TC 22 Road vehicles spindle (vertical Z-axis)

ISO/CD 24089 Road vehicles — Software update engineering TC 42 Photography

ISO/CD 24195 Road vehicles — Vocabulary for engineering of ISO/DIS 14548 Photography — Dimensions of glass plates
starting devices TC 44 Welding and allied processes
ISO/CD 34501 Road vehicles — Terms and definitions of test ISO/CD 11745 Brazing for aerospace applications — Qualifi-
scenarios for automated driving systems cation test for brazers and brazing operators
ISO/CD 34502 Road vehicles — Engineering framework and — Brazing of metallic components
process of scenario-based safety evaluation TC 45 Rubber and rubber products
TC 23 Tractors and machinery for agriculture ISO/CD 2322 Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) — Emulsion-
and forestry and solution-polymerized types — Evaluation
ISO/CD 5674 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and procedures
forestry — Guards for power take-off (PTO) TC 48 Laboratory equipment
drive-shafts — Strength and wear tests and ac-
ISO/CD 5215 Laboratory plastic ware — Volumetric flasks
ceptance criteria
ISO/CD 3991 Agricultural machinery — Robotic feed sys- TC 54 Essential oils
tems — Safety ISO/CD 3520 Essential oil of bergamot [Citrus bergamia
ISO/CD Agricultural machinery — Safety — Part 19: Risso & Poit], Calabrian type
4254-19 Feed mixing machines TC 59 Buildings and civil engineering works
TC 24 Particle characterization including ISO/CD Building information modelling — Information
sieving 29481-3 delivery manual — Part 3: Data schema and
ISO/CD 26824 Particle characterization of particulate systems
— Vocabulary TC 61 Plastics

ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021 1

ISO/CD 6603-2 Plastics — Determination of puncture impact ISO/DTS Document management — Portable Document
behaviour of rigid plastics — Part 2: Instru- 24654 Format — Non-Rectangular Links
mented impact testing
ISO/DTS Document management — Portable Document
ISO/CD 4907-1 Plastics — Ion exchange resin — Part 1: Deter- 32001 Format — Extensions to Encryption and Hash
mination of exchange capacity of acrylic anion Algorithm Support in ISO 32000-2 (PDF 2.0)
exchange resins
ISO/DTS Document management — Portable Document
ISO/CD 4907-2 Plastics — Ion exchange resin — Part 2: Deter- 32002 Format — Extensions to Digital Signatures in
mination of water content for anion exchange ISO 32000-2 (PDF 2.0)
resins in hydroxide form
TC 172 Optics and photonics
ISO/CD 4907-3 Plastics — Ion exchange resin — Part 3:
ISO/CD Optics and optical instruments — Field pro-
Determination of exchange capacity of anion
17123-6 cedures for testing geodetic and surveying
exchange resins in hydroxide form
instruments — Part 6: Rotating lasers
ISO/CD Plastics — Thermomechanical analysis (TMA)
11359-1 — Part 1: General principles
TC 173 Assistive products
ISO/DTR Assistive products for tissue integrity when ly-
ISO/CD 4504 Plastics-Polyethylene (PE)-Determination of
20342-7 ing down — Part 7: Foam properties, charac-
co-monomer content by NMR carbon-13
teristics and performance
ISO/CD Wheelchairs — Part 31: Lithium-based battery
ISO/CD Plastics — Wood-plastic recycled composites
7176-31 technology
20819-2 (WPRC) — Part 2: Test methods
ISO/CD 23930 Fibre-reinforced plastic composites-Full TC 178 Lifts, escalators and moving walks
section compressive test for pultruded FRP ISO/DTR Comparison of worldwide escalator and mov-
Profiles 14799-1 ing walk safety standards — Part 1: Rule by
rule comparison
TC 67 Materials, equipment and offshore
structures for petroleum, petrochemi- TC 182 Geotechnics
cal and natural gas industries ISO/CD 24057 Array measurement of microtremors to esti-
ISO/CD Petroleum and natural gas industries — Corro- mate shear wave velocity profile
24139-1 sion resistant alloy clad bends and fittings for TC 184 Automation systems and integration
pipeline transportation system — Part 1: Clad
bends ISO/CD Industrial automation systems and integration
14649-2 — Physical device control — Data model for
TC 79 Light metals and their alloys computerized numerical controllers — Part 2:
ISO/CD 4189 Magnesium and magnesium alloys — Deter- General process data
mination of sodium — Inductively coupled ISO/CD Industrial automation systems and integration
plasma atomic emission spectrometry 14649-3 — Physical device control — Data model for
TC 83 Sports and other recreational facilities computerized numerical controllers — Part 3:
and equipment Manufacturing features

ISO/CD 4980 Risk assessment for sports and other recrea- ISO/CD Industrial automation systems and integration
tional facilities and equipment 14649-4 — Physical device control — Data model for
computerized numerical controllers — Part 4:
TC 85 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, Process data for cutting
and radiological protection ISO/CD Industrial automation systems and integration
ISO/CD Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and 14649-5 — Physical device control — Data model for
12749-2 radiological protection — Vocabulary — Part 2: computerized numerical controllers — Part 5:
Radiological protection Tools for cutting operations
TC 92 Fire safety ISO/DTS Industrial automation systems and integration
10303-4000 — Product data representation and exchange
ISO/DTR 5729 Evaluation of physical parameters of filter
— Part 4000: Core Model
paper substrates for the determination of the
ignition propensity of cigarettes ISO/DTR Digital Validation by effective use of simulation
TC 134 Fertilizers, soil conditioners and benefi-
cial substances TC 190 Soil quality
ISO/CD 8157 Fertilizers, soil conditioners and beneficial ISO/CD 5120 Soil quality — Determination of perchlorate in
substances — Vocabulary soil using liquid chromatography-mass spec-
trometry (LC-MS)
TC 153 Valves
TC 193 Natural gas
ISO/CD 5640 Industrial valves — Mounting kits for part-turn
valve actuator attachment ISO/CD 2611-1 Analysis of natural gas — Biomethane deter-
mination of halogenated compounds — Part 1:
TC 154 Processes, data elements and docu- HCl and HF content by ion chromatography
ments in commerce, industry and
ISO/CD 2612 Analysis of natural gas — Biomethane ¬—
Determination of ammonia content by Tuneable
ISO/CD 5054-1 Specification for an Enterprise Canonical Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy
Model — Part 1: Architecture
ISO/CD 2613-1 Analysis of natural gas — Silicon content of
TC 163 Thermal performance and energy use biomethane — Part 1: Determination of total
in the built environment silicon content by AAS
ISO/CD 24260 Thermal insulation products——Hemp fiber ISO/CD 2613-2 Analysis of natural gas — Silicon content of bi-
mat and board——Specification omethane — Part 2: Determination of siloxane
content by Gas Chromatography Ion Mobility
TC 171 Document management applications Spectrometry
ISO/CD 4669.2 Document Management — Information clas-
TC 198 Sterilization of health care products
sification, marking and handling

2 ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021

ISO/CD Aseptic processing of health care products — ISO/DTS Security and resilience — Business continuity
13408-1 Part 1: General requirements 22318 management systems — Guidelines for supply
chain continuity management
ISO/CD 17665 Sterilization of health care products — Moist
heat — Requirements for the development, ISO/CD 22379 Security and resilience — Guidelines for host-
validation and routine control of a sterilization ing and organizing large citywide events
process for medical devices
TC 297 Waste collection and transportation
TC 201 Surface chemical analysis management
ISO/CD 23170 Surface Chemical Analysis —- Depth Profiling ISO/CD 24161 Terminology for waste collection and transpor-
— Non-destructive depth profiling of nanoscale tation management
heavy metal oxide thin films on Si substrates
with medium energy ion scattering JTC 1 Information technology
ISO/IEC CD Telecommunications and information exchange
TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics
21558-2.2 between systems — Future network architec-
ISO/CD Geographic information — Metadata — Part 3: ture — Part 2: Proxy model based quality of
19115-3 XML schema implementation for fundamental service
ISO/IEC CD Telecommunications and information exchange
ISO/CD Geographic information — Data quality — Part 21559-2.2 between systems — Future network protocols
19157-1 1: General requirements and mechanisms — Part 2: Proxy model based
TC 212 Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro quality of service
diagnostic test systems ISO/IEC DTR Software and systems engineering — Agile
24587 adoption considerations
ISO/CD Medical laboratories — Requirements for qual-
15189.2 ity and competence ISO/IEC CD Card and security devices for personal identifi-
23220-1 cation — Building blocks for identity manage-
TC 215 Health informatics ment via mobile devices — Part 1: Generic
ISO/DTS Genomics informatics — Reliability assessment system architectures of mobile eID systems
22690 criteria for high-throughput gene-expression
ISO/IEC DTR Information technology — Security techniques
22216 — Introductory guidance on evaluation for IT
TC 219 Floor coverings security
ISO/CD 24335 Laminate floor coverings — Determination of ISO/IEC CD Information technology security techniques
impact resistance 23837-1 — Security requirements, test and evaluation
methods for quantum key distribution — Part
TC 228 Tourism and related services 1: Requirements
ISO/DPAS Tourism and related services — Measures to
ISO/IEC CD Information technology security techniques
5643 reduce the spread of Covid-19 in the tourism
23837-2 — Security requirements, test and evaluation
methods for quantum key distribution — Part
TC 229 Nanotechnologies 2: Evaluation and testing methods
ISO/DTR Nanotechnologies — Characterization of car- ISO/IEC CD Information technology — Radio frequency
23463 bon nanotube and carbon nanofiber aerosols in 18047-3 identification device conformance test meth-
relation to inhalation toxicity tests ods — Part 3: Test methods for air interface
communications at 13,56 MHz
TC 238 Solid biofuels
ISO/IEC CD Information technology — Automatic identifi-
ISO/CD TS Solid biofuels — Determination of grindability 20248 cation and data capture techniques — Digital
21596 — Hardgrove type method for thermally treated signature data structure schema
biomass fuels
ISO/IEC CD Information technology — Metadata regis-
TC 249 Traditional Chinese medicine 11179-35 tries (MDR) — Part 35: Metamodel for model
ISO/CD 22585 Traditional Chinese Medicine–Codonopsis registration
pilosula root ISO/IEC CD Information technology — User interface
ISO/CD 23965 Traditional Chinese Medicine – Bupleurum 17549-3.2 guidelines on menu navigation — Part 3: Navi-
chinense, Bupleurum scorzonrifolium and gation with 1-direction devices
Bupleurum falcatum root ISO/IEC CD Information technology — User interfaces —
TC 265 Carbon dioxide capture, transportation, 23859-1 Part 1: Guidance on making written text easy
and geological storage to read and easy to understand

ISO/DTR Geologic storage of carbon dioxide injection ISO/IEC CD Information technology — Accessibility consid-
27923 operations and infrastructure 29138-3 erations for people with disabilities — Part 3:
Guidance on user needs mapping
TC 276 Biotechnology
ISO/IEC DTS Information technology — IT Enabled Services-
ISO Biotechnology — Biobanking — Process and 30105-6 Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO)
21709:2020/ quality requirements for establishment, mainte- lifecycle processes — Part 6: Guidelines on
DAmd 1 nance and characterization of mammalian cell risk management
lines — Amendment 1
ISO/IEC DTR Information technology — Artificial intelligence
ISO/DTS Biotechnology — Bioprocessing — General 24372 (AI) — Overview of computational approaches
23565 requirements and considerations for equip- for AI systems
ment systems used in manufacturing of cellular
therapeutic products
TC 283 Occupational health and safety
ISO/CD 45002 Occupational health and safety management
— General guidelines for the implementation of

TC 292
ISO 45001:2018
Security and resilience
DIS circulated
ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021 3
TC 23 Tractors and machinery for
Period from 01 January to 01 February 2021 agriculture and forestry
These documents have obtained substantial support within the ap- ISO 8082- Self-propelled machinery for
propriate ISO technical committee. 1:2009/DAmd forestry — Laboratory tests and
1 performance requirements for 2021-04-05
They have been submitted to the ISO member bodies for voting by
roll-over protective structures
the date shown.
— Part 1: General machines —
* Available in English only Amendment 1
TC 27 Coal and coke
ISO/DIS 567 Coke — Determination of bulk
Vote density in a small container
terminates 2021-04-21

TC 4 Rolling bearings (Revision of ISO 567:1995)

ISO/DIS 5593 Rolling bearings — Vocabulary ISO/DIS 1014 Coke — Determination of true
relative density, apparent relative
2021-03-31 density and porosity 2021-04-01

(Revision of ISO 5593:2019) (Revision of ISO 1014:1985)

TC 6 Paper, board and pulps TC 28 Petroleum and related

products, fuels and lu-
ISO/DIS 6587 Paper, board and pulps — De-
bricants from natural or
termination of conductivity of
aqueous extracts 2021-04-01 synthetic sources
ISO/DIS Petroleum and related products
(Revision of ISO 6587:1992) 4259-4 — Precision of measurement
methods and results — Part 4: 2021-04-06
TC 8 Ships and marine
Use of Statistical Control Charts
technology to validate 'in-statistical-control'
ISO/DIS Ships and marine technology status for the execution of a
23314-2 — Ballast water management standard test method in a single
systems (BWMS) — Part 2: Risk 2021-04-05 laboratory
assessment and risk reduc- ISO Petroleum products — Deter-
tion of BWMS using electrolytic 20884:2019/ mination of sulfur content of
methods DAmd 1 automotive fuels — Wavelength- 2021-04-20
IEC/IEEE Utility connections in port — Part dispersive X-ray fluorescence
80005-1:2019/ 1: High voltage shore connec- spectrometry — Amendment 1:
DAmd 1 tion (HVSC) systems — General 2021-04-09 Addition of the SSD detector to
requirements — Amendment 1: the Monochromatic Excitation
Utility connections in port part of Table 1
TC 20 Aircraft and space vehicles TC 29 Small tools
ISO/DIS 9418 Aerospace series — Rivets, ISO/DIS Coated abrasives — Determina-
solid, in aluminium or alu- 6344-2 tion and designation of grain size
minium alloys — Procurement 2021-04-02 distribution — Part 2: Macrogrit 2021-04-05
specification sizes P12 to P220
(Revision of ISO 9418:1998) (Revision of ISO 6344-2:1998,
ISO 6344-1:1998)
TC 22 Road vehicles
ISO/DIS Coated abrasives — Determina-
ISO/DIS Road vehicles — Extended vehi-
6344-3 tion and designation of grain size
20078-2 cle (ExVe) web services — Part
distribution — Part 3: Microgrit 2021-04-05
2: Access 2021-04-01
sizes P240 to P5000
(Revision of ISO 6344-3:2013,
(Revision of ISO 20078-2:2019)
ISO 6344-1:1998)
ISO/DIS Road vehicles — Extended vehi-
ISO/DIS Tools for pressing — Gas
20078-3 cle (ExVe) web services — Part
11901-3 springs — Part 3: Gas spring
3: Security 2021-04-01
with increased spring force and 2021-04-01
compact built height
(Revision of ISO 20078-3:2019)
(Revision of ISO 11901-3:2014)
ISO Road vehicles — Information for
ISO/DIS Tools for pressing — Gas springs
20080:2019/ remote diagnostic support —
11901-4 — Part 4: Gas springs with
DAmd 1 General requirements, definitions 2021-04-05
increased spring force and same 2021-04-01
and use cases — Amendment 1
built height
ISO/DIS Road vehicles — Modular (Revision of ISO 11901-4:2014)
22900-2 vehicle communication interface
ISO/DIS 5743 Pliers and nippers — General
(MVCI) — Part 2: Diagnostic pro- 2021-04-22
technical requirements
tocol data unit (D-PDU API)
(Revision of ISO 22900-2:2017)
ISO/DIS 21448 Road vehicles — Safety of the (Revision of ISO 5743:2004)
intended functionality
ISO/DIS 5746 Pliers and nippers — Engineer's
and "Lineman's" pliers — Di-
mensions and test values 2021-04-05
(Revision of ISO/PAS
(Revision of ISO 5746:2004)

4 ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021

ISO/DIS 8976 Pliers and nippers — Multiple ISO/DIS 19983 Rubber — Determination of
slip joint pliers — Dimensions precision of test methods
and test values 2021-04-01 2021-03-29

(Revision of ISO 8976:2004) (Revision of ISO 19983:2017)

ISO/DIS 9343 Pliers and nippers — Slip joint TC 48 Laboratory equipment
pliers — Dimensions and test
ISO/DIS 4787 Laboratory glass and plastic
values 2021-04-01
ware — Volumetric instruments
— Methods for testing of capac- 2021-04-16
(Revision of ISO 9343:2004)
ity and for use
TC 31 Tyres, rims and valves (Revision of ISO 4787:2010)
ISO/DIS Industrial tyres and rims — Part TC 58 Gas cylinders
3739-2 2: Pneumatic tyres (metric series)
ISO/DIS 23826 Gas cylinders — Ball valves —
on 5 degrees tapered or flat base 2021-04-12
Specification and testing
rims — Load ratings
(Revision of ISO 3739-2:1992)
ISO/DIS Industrial tyres and rims — Part
3739-3 3: Rims
TC 59 Buildings and civil engi-
2021-04-12 neering works
ISO/DIS 21265 Building and civil engineer-
(Revision of ISO 3739-3:2008) ing sealants — Assessment of
TC 34 Food products the fungal growth on sealant 2021-04-06
ISO/DIS 13496 Meat and meat products —
Detection and determination of ISO/DIS 23869 Building and civil engineering
colouring agents 2021-04-08 sealants — Determination of
self-levelling properties 2021-03-31
(Revision of ISO 13496:2000)
ISO/DIS 22057 Sustainability in buildings and
TC 37 Language and terminology
civil engineering works – Data
ISO/DIS Management of terminology templates for the use of EPDs for 2021-04-08
12620-2 resources — Data categories — construction products in BIM
Part 2: Repositories 2021-04-14
TC 60 Gears
ISO/DIS Language resource management ISO/DIS Gears — Wear and damage to
24623-2 — Corpus Query Lingua Franca 10825-1 gear teeth — Part 1: Terminology
(CQLF) — Part 2: Ontology 2021-04-01 2021-04-15

(Revision of ISO 10825:1995)

ISO/DIS 23155 Interpreting services — Confer-
ence interpreting — Require- TC 61 Plastics
ments and recommendations 2021-04-07 ISO/DIS 489 Plastics — Determination of
refractive index
ISO/DIS 24019 Simultaneous interpreting deliv- 2021-04-26
ery platforms — Requirements
and recommendations 2021-04-01 (Revision of ISO 489:1999)
ISO/DIS 3146 Plastics — Determination of
(Revision of ISO/PAS melting behaviour (melting
24019:2020) temperature or melting range) 2021-04-15
TC 38 Textiles of semi-crystalline polymers by
capillary tube and polarizing-
ISO/DIS 2076 Textiles — Man-made fibres — microscope methods
Generic names (Revision of ISO 3146:2000)
ISO/DIS 3915 Plastics — Measurement of
(Revision of ISO 2076:2013) resistivity of conductive plastics
ISO 20932- Textiles — Determination of the
1:2018/DAmd elasticity of fabrics — Part 1: (Revision of ISO 3915:1981)
1 Strip tests — Amendment 1 2021-04-26
ISO/DIS 14782 Plastics — Determination of haze
for transparent materials
ISO/DIS 24281 Textiles — Biaxial tensile proper- 2021-04-26
ties of woven fabric — Deter-
mination of maximum force and 2021-04-06 (Revision of ISO 14782:1999)
elongation at maximum force
using the grab method ISO/DIS Plastics/rubber — Polymer
13741-1 dispersions and rubber latices
TC 43 Acoustics (natural and synthetic) — Deter- 2021-04-26
ISO/DIS Acoustics — Measurement of mination of residual monomers
3382-3 room acoustic parameters — and other organic components
Part 3: Open plan offices 2021-04-23 by capillary-column gas chroma-
tography — Part 1: Direct liquid
(Revision of ISO 3382-3:2012) injection method
(Revision of ISO 13741-1:1998)
TC 45 Rubber and rubber

ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021 5

TC 67 Materials, equipment and ISO 6405- Earth-moving machinery —
offshore structures for pe- 1:2017/DAmd Symbols for operator controls
troleum, petrochemical and 1 and other displays — Part 1: 2021-03-31
Common symbols — Amend-
natural gas industries
ment 1: Additional symbols
ISO/DIS 10423 Petroleum and natural gas indus-
ISO 6405- Earth-moving machinery —
tries — Drilling and production
2:2017/DAmd Symbols for operator controls
equipment — Wellhead and tree 2021-04-06
1 and other displays — Part 2: 2021-03-31
Symbols for specific machines,
(Revision of ISO 10423:2009)
equipment and accessories
TC 70 Internal combustion — Amendment 1: Additional
engines symbols
ISO/DIS Reciprocating internal combus- TC 130 Graphic technology
6798-3 tion engines — Measurement of ISO/DIS 14298 Graphic technology — Man-
sound power level using sound 2021-04-13 agement of security printing
pressure — Part 3: Survey processes 2021-04-09
method for use in situ
TC 82 Mining (Revision of ISO 14298:2013)
ISO/DIS 23872 Mining structures — Under- TC 131 Fluid power systems
ground structures ISO/DIS 23840 Water hydraulics — Water-
2021-03-31 hydraulic pumps — Methods of
testing and representing basic 2021-04-12
TC 92 Fire safety steady-state performance
ISO/DIS Guidelines for assessing the TC 132 Ferroalloys
26367-3 adverse environmental impact of ISO/DIS 4298 Manganese ores and con-
fire effluents — Part 3: Sampling 2021-04-26 centrates — Determination of
and analysis manganese content — Potentio- 2021-04-26
TC 94 Personal safety -- Personal metric method
protective equipment (Revision of ISO 4298:1984)
ISO/DIS Eye and face protection — TC 134 Fertilizers, soil conditioners
12312-1 Sunglasses and related eyewear and beneficial substances
— Part 1: Sunglasses for general 2021-04-05
ISO/DIS Fertilizers and soil conditioners
22862.2 — Compound fertilizer — Gen-
(Revision of ISO 12312-1:2013, eral requirements 2021-03-16
ISO 12312-1:2013/Amd 1:2015)
ISO/DIS 23616 Cleaning, inspection and repair
TC 135 Non-destructive testing
of firefighters' personal protec-
tive equipment (PPE) 2021-04-06 ISO/DIS 9712 Non-destructive testing — Quali-
fication and certification of NDT
personnel 2021-04-05
TC 106 Dentistry
ISO/DIS 9680 Dentistry — Operating lights (Revision of ISO 9712:2012)
TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and
valves for the transport of
(Revision of ISO 9680:2014) fluids
TC 107 Metallic and other inorgan- ISO/DIS 11295 Plastics piping systems used
for the rehabilitation of pipelines
ic coatings
— Classification and overview 2021-04-26
ISO/DIS 24284 Metallic coatings – Corrosion of strategic and operational
test method for decorative activities
chrome plating under de-icing 2021-04-06 (Revision of ISO 11295:2017)
salt environment
TC 147 Water quality
TC 122 Packaging
ISO/DIS 23695 Water quality — Determination of
ISO/DIS 23416 General specifications and ammonium nitrogen in water —
testing methods for temperature- Small-scale sealed tube method 2021-04-05
sensitive medicinal packages 2021-04-26
in Good Distribution Practice
ISO/DIS Water quality — Determination of
23696-1 nitrate in water using small-scale
TC 123 Plain bearings sealed tubes — Part 1: Dimethyl- 2021-04-05
ISO/DIS Plain bearings — Thin-walled phenol based method
3548-1 half bearings with or without ISO/DIS Water quality — Determination of
flange — Part 1: Tolerances, 2021-04-02 23696-2 nitrate in water using small-scale
design features and methods sealed tubes — Part 2: Chromo- 2021-04-05
of test tropic acid based method
(Revision of ISO 3548-1:2014)
ISO/DIS Water quality — Determination
TC 127 Earth-moving machinery 23697-1 of total nitrogen (TNb) in water
using small-scale sealed tubes 2021-04-05
ISO Earth-moving machinery — Lab-
— Part 1: Dimethylphenol based
3164:2013/ oratory evaluations of protective
DAmd 1 structures — Specifications for 2021-03-26
deflection-limiting volume —
Amendment 1

6 ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021

ISO/DIS Water quality — Determination ISO/DIS 16190 Footwear — Critical substances
23697-2 of total nitrogen (TNb) in water potentially present in footwear
using small-scale sealed tubes 2021-04-08 and footwear components — 2021-04-01
— Part 2: Chromotropic acid Test method to quantitatively
based method determine polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAH) in footwear
TC 172 Optics and photonics
ISO/DIS 17328 Optics and photonics — Optical (Revision of ISO/TS 16190:2013)
materials and components —
Test method for refractive index 2021-04-02
TC 256 Pigments, dyestuffs and
of infrared optical materials extenders
(Revision of ISO 17328:2014) ISO/DIS 787-2 General methods of test for pig-
TC 182 Geotechnics ments and extenders — Part 2:
Determination of matter volatile 2021-04-21
ISO 17892- Geotechnical investigation and at 105 °C
12:2018/DAmd testing — Laboratory testing of (Revision of ISO 787-2:1981)
1 soil — Part 12: Determination 2021-04-05
of liquid and plastic limits — ISO/DIS 23157 Determination of the silanol
Amendment 1 group content on the surface
of fumed silica — Reaction gas 2021-04-20
TC 184 Automation systems and chromatographic method
TC 260 Human resource
ISO/DIS Data quality — Part 66: Data management
8000-66 quality management: As-
sessment indicators for data 2021-04-26 ISO/DIS 30422 Human Resource Management –
processing in manufacturing Learning and development
operations 2021-04-05

TC 198 Sterilization of health care

TC 264 Fireworks
ISO/DIS Fireworks — Test methods for
ISO 11137- Sterilization of health care
22863-11 determination of specific chemi-
2:2013/DAmd products — Radiation — Part
cal substances — Part 11: Phos- 2021-04-08
1 2: Establishing the sterilization 2021-04-26
phorus content by Inductively
dose — Amendment 1
Coupled Plasma Optical Emis-
TC 199 Safety of machinery sion Spectrometry (ICP-OES)
ISO/DIS 14119 Safety of machinery — Inter- ISO/DIS Fireworks — Test methods
locking devices associated with 22863-12 for determination of specific
guards — Principles for design 2021-03-26 chemical substances — Part 2021-04-08
and selection 12: Picrates and picric acid
(Revision of ISO 14119:2013) by high performance liquid
TC 204 Intelligent transport
systems TC 300 Solid recovered materials,
ISO/DIS 4426 Intelligent transport systems
including solid recovered
— Lower layer protocols for fuels
usage in the European digital 2021-03-30 ISO/DIS 21646 Solid recovered fuels — Sample
tachograph preparation
TC 206 Fine ceramics 2021-03-29

ISO/DIS 24448 Fine ceramics (advanced

ceramics, advanced technical TC 314 Ageing societies
ceramics) — LED light source 2021-04-01 ISO/DIS 23623 Ageing Societies — Frame-
for testing semiconducting pho- work for Dementia-inclusive
tocatalytic materials used under communities 2021-04-05
indoor lighting environment
TC 215 Health informatics CASCO Committee on conformity
IEC/DIS Health software — Software life assessment
62304.3 cycle processes ISO/IEC DIS Conformity assessment — Gen-
2021-03-26 17030 eral requirements for third-party
marks of conformity 2021-04-22
(Revision of IEC 62304:2006, IEC
62304:2006/Amd 1:2015) (Revision of ISO/IEC
TC 216 Footwear 17030:2003)

ISO/DIS 16189 Footwear — Critical substances JTC 1 Information technology

potentially present in footwear ISO/IEC DIS Information technology —
and footwear components — 2021-04-02 5965 Swordfish Scalable Storage
Test method to quantitatively Management API Specification 2021-04-14
determine dimethylformamide in
footwear materials
(Revision of ISO/TS 16189:2013) ISO/IEC DIS Information technology — Open
30118-1 Connectivity Foundation (OCF)
Specification — Part 1: Core 2021-04-20
(Revision of ISO/IEC

ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021 7

ISO/IEC DIS Information technology — Open ISO/IEC DIS Information technology – Open
30118-2 Connectivity Foundation (OCF) 30118-17 Connectivity Foundation (OCF)
Specification — Part 2: Security 2021-04-20 — Part 17: OCF resource 2021-04-20
specification to Zigbee cluster mapping
(Revision of ISO/IEC specification
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology – Open
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology — Open 30118-18 Connectivity Foundation (OCF)
30118-3 Connectivity Foundation (OCF) — Part 18: OCF Resource to 2021-04-20
Specification — Part 3: Bridging 2021-04-20 Z-wave mapping specification
specification ISO/IEC/IEEE Software engineering — Soft-
(Revision of ISO/IEC DIS 14764 ware life cycle processes
30118-3:2018) — Maintenance 2021-04-15
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology — Open
30118-4 Connectivity Foundation (OCF) (Revision of ISO/IEC
Specification — Part 4: Resource 2021-04-20 14764:2006)
type specification ISO/IEC DIS Systems and software engineer-
(Revision of ISO/IEC 29110-6-1 ing — Lifecycle profiles for Very
30118-4:2018) Small Entities (VSEs) — Part 6-1: 2021-04-12
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology — Open Software engineering — Specific
30118-5 Connectivity Foundation (OCF) Space Profile Specifications
Specification — Part 5: Smart 2021-04-20 ISO/IEC DIS Information technology — Secu-
home device specification 15946-5 rity techniques — Cryptographic
(Revision of ISO/IEC techniques based on elliptic 2021-04-15
30118-5:2018) curves — Part 5: Elliptic curve
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology — Open generation
30118-6 Connectivity Foundation (OCF) (Revision of ISO/IEC
Specification — Part 6: Resource 2021-04-20 15946-5:2017)
to AllJoyn interface mapping ISO/IEC DIS Information security, cyberse-
specification 27002 curity and privacy protection —
(Revision of ISO/IEC Information security controls 2021-04-22
ISO/IEC DIS Information Technology – Open (Revision of ISO/IEC
30118-7 Connectivity Foundation (OCF) 27002:2013, ISO/IEC
— Part 7: Wi-Fi easy setup 2021-04-20 27002:2013/Cor 1:2014, ISO/IEC
specification 27002:2013/Cor 2:2015)
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology – Open ISO/IEC Information technology — Ge-
30118-8 Connectivity Foundation (OCF) 13818-1:2019/ neric coding of moving pic-
— Part 8: OCF resource to 2021-04-20 DAmd 3 tures and associated audio 2021-04-15
oneM2M resource mapping information — Part 1: Systems
specification — Amendment 3: Carriage of
EVC in MPEG-2 Systems and
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology – Open
update of the MPEG-H 3D Audio
30118-9 Connectivity Foundation
(OCF) — Part 9: Core optional 2021-04-20
specification ISO/IEC Information technology — Cod-
14496- ing of audio-visual objects
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology – Open
12:2020/DAmd — Part 12: ISO base media 2021-04-14
30118-10 Connectivity Foundation (OCF)
1 file format — Amendment 1:
— Part 10: Cloud API for cloud 2021-04-20
Support for new media types
services specification
(haptics, volumetric visual) and
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology – Open other improvements
30118-11 Connectivity Foundation (OCF)
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology — Mul-
— Part 11: Device to cloud 2021-04-20
15938-17 timedia content description inter-
services specification
face — Part 17: Compression of 2021-04-15
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology – Open neural networks for multimedia
30118-12 Connectivity Foundation (OCF) content description and analysis
— Part 12: Cloud security 2021-04-20
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology — Multi-
21000-22 media framework (MPEG-21) —
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology – Open Part 22: User Description 2021-04-14
30118-13 Connectivity Foundation (OCF)
— Part 13: Onboarding tool 2021-04-20 (Revision of ISO/IEC
specification 21000-22:2019)
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology – Open ISO/IEC FDIS Information technology — Ple-
30118-14 Connectivity Foundation (OCF) 21794-2/ noptic image coding system
— Part 14: OCF Resource to 2021-04-20 DAmd 1 (JPEG Pleno) — Part 2: Light 2021-03-30
BLE mapping specification field coding — Amendment 1:
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology – Open Profiles and Levels for JPEG
30118-15 Connectivity Foundation (OCF) Pleno Light Field Coding System
— Part 15: OCF Resource to 2021-04-20 ISO/IEC Information technology —
EnOcean mapping specification 23000- Multimedia application for-
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology – Open 22:2019/DAmd mat (MPEG-A) — Part 22: 2021-04-20
30118-16 Connectivity Foundation (OCF) 2 Multi-image application format
— Part 16: OCF resource to 2021-04-20 (MIAF) — Amendment 2: HEVC
UPlus mapping specification Advanced HDR profile and other

8 ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021

ISO/IEC Information technology — MPEG ISO 23212 Ships and marine technology
23001- systems technologies — Part 14: — Flange connection for fuel
14:2019/DAmd Partial file format — Amendment 2021-04-15 and lubrication oil bunkering —
1 1: Support for HTTP entities, en- Basic dimensions and technical
hanced file type and byte-range requirements
TC 10 Technical product
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology — MPEG documentation
23001-16 systems technologies — Part 16:
Derived visual tracks in the ISO 2021-04-15 ISO/FDIS 7083 Technical product documenta-
base media file format tion — Symbols used in techni-
cal product documentation — 2021-03-23
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology — High Proportions and dimensions
23008-1/ efficiency coding and media de- (Revision of ISO 7083:1983)
DAmd 2 livery in heterogeneous environ- 2021-04-05
ments — Part 1: MPEG media TC 20 Aircraft and space vehicles
transport (MMT) — Amendment ISO 16781 Space systems — Simulation
2: Carriage of EVC in MMT requirements for control system
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology — Cod-
23090-18 ed representation of immersive (Revision of ISO 16781:2013)
media — Part 18: Carriage of 2021-03-30 ISO/FDIS Space systems — Pressure
Geometry-based Point Cloud 24638 components and pressure sys-
Compression Data tem integration 2021-03-29
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology — Cod-
23091-2 ing-independent code points — (Revision of ISO 24638:2008)
Part 2: Video 2021-04-05 TC 21 Equipment for fire protec-
tion and fire fighting
(Revision of ISO/IEC
23091-2:2019) ISO/FDIS Fire protection — Automatic
6182-1 sprinkler systems — Part 1:
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology — Inter- Requirements and test methods 2021-03-26
23093-2 net of media things — Part 2: for sprinklers
Discovery and communication 2021-04-01 (Revision of ISO 6182-1:2014)
(Revision of ISO/IEC TC 22 Road vehicles
23093-2:2019) ISO/FDIS Road vehicles — Vehicle inter-
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology — Inter- 20730-1.2 face for electronic Periodic Tech-
23093-3 net of media things — Part 3: nical Inspection (ePTI) — Part 1: 2021-03-15
Media data formats and APIs 2021-04-13 Application and communication
(Revision of ISO/IEC ISO/TS 16951 Road vehicles — Ergonomic
23093-3:2019) aspects of transport informa-
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology — Gen- tion and control systems (TICS)
23094-4 eral video coding — Part 4: — Procedures for determining
Conformance and Reference 2021-04-09 priority of on-board messages
software for Essential Video presented to drivers
Coding (Revision of ISO/TS 16951:2004)
ISO/IEC DIS Information technology — TC 24 Particle characterization
19763-16 Metamodel framework for including sieving
interoperability (MFI) — Part 16: 2021-04-05
ISO 13319-1 Determination of particle size
Metamodel for document model
distribution — Electrical sensing
zone method — Part 1: Aperture/
orifice tube method
(Revision of ISO 13319:2007)
TC 28 Petroleum and related
products, fuels and lu-
bricants from natural or
synthetic sources
FDIS circulated ISO
Determination of flash point —
Pensky-Martens closed cup
Amd 1 method — Amendment 1: Ther-
mometers correction
Period from 01 January to 01 February 2021
ISO 6249 Petroleum products — Deter-
These Final draft International Standards have been submitted to the
mination of thermal oxidation
ISO member bodies for formal approval by the date shown
stability of gas turbine fuels
* Available in English only (Revision of ISO 6249:1999)
ISO/FDIS 9038 Determination of sustained com-
bustibility of liquids
Vote 2021-03-19
(Revision of ISO 9038:2013)

TC 8 Ships and marine TC 31 Tyres, rims and valves

technology ISO 5775-2 Bicycle tyres and rims — Part
2: Rims

ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021 9

(Revision of ISO 5775-2:2015) ISO/FDIS Acoustics — Acoustic quality of
TC 34 Food products 22955 open office spaces
ISO 771 Oilseed meals — Determination
of moisture and volatile matter
content 2021-02-26 ISO/FDIS Acoustics — Laboratory meas-
10140-2 urement of sound insulation
(Revision of ISO 771:1977) of building elements — Part 2: 2021-03-23
Measurement of airborne sound
ISO/FDIS Microbiology of the food chain
6888-1 — Horizontal method for the
(Revision of ISO 10140-2:2010)
enumeration of coagulase- 2021-03-26
positive staphylococci (Staphy- ISO/FDIS Acoustics — Laboratory meas-
lococcus aureus and other 10140-3 urement of sound insulation
species) — Part 1: Method using of building elements — Part 3: 2021-03-23
Baird-Parker agar medium Measurement of impact sound
(Revision of ISO 6888-1:1999, insulation
ISO 6888-1:1999/Amd 1:2003, (Revision of ISO 10140-3:2010,
ISO 6888-1:1999/Amd 2:2018) ISO 10140-3:2010/Amd 1:2015)
ISO/FDIS Microbiology of the food chain ISO/FDIS Acoustics — Laboratory meas-
6888-2 — Horizontal method for the 10140-4 urement of sound insulation
enumeration of coagulase-posi- 2021-03-26 of building elements — Part 4: 2021-03-23
tive staphylococci (Staphylococ- Measurement procedures and
cus aureus and other species) requirements
— Part 2: Method using rabbit (Revision of ISO 10140-4:2010)
plasma fibrinogen agar medium ISO/FDIS Acoustics — Laboratory meas-
(Revision of ISO 6888-2:1999, 10140-5 urement of sound insulation
ISO 6888-2:1999/Amd 1:2003) of building elements — Part 5: 2021-03-25
ISO 15216- Microbiology of the food chain Requirements for test facilities
1:2017/Amd 1 — Horizontal method for deter- and equipment
mination of hepatitis A virus and (Revision of ISO 10140-5:2010/
norovirus using real-time RT-PCR Amd 1:2014, ISO 10140-5:2010)
— Part 1: Method for quantifica-
TC 44 Welding and allied
tion — Amendment 1
ISO 22994 Coffee extracts — Determination
ISO 5179:2021 Investigation of brazeability with
of the dry matter content of cof-
spreading and gap-filling test
fee extracts — Sea sand method
of liquid or pasty coffee extracts
TC 35 Paints and varnishes TC 45 Rubber and rubber
ISO Paints and varnishes — Electro-
22553-13:2021 deposition coatings — Part ISO/FDIS 1402 Rubber and plastics hoses and
13: Determination of re-solving hose assemblies — Hydrostatic
behaviour testing 2021-03-19

ISO Paints and varnishes — Electro- (Revision of ISO 1402:2009)

22553-14:2021 deposition coatings — Part 14:
Deposition behaviour ISO/FDIS 7233 Rubber and plastics hoses and
hose assemblies — Determina-
TC 38 Textiles tion of resistance to vacuum 2021-03-18
ISO/FDIS 1140 Fibre ropes — Polyamide — 3-,
4-, 8- and 12-strand ropes (Revision of ISO 7233:2016)
2021-03-21 ISO 14557 Fire-fighting hoses — Rubber
and plastics suction hoses and
(Revision of ISO 1140:2012) hose assemblies 2021-03-03
ISO/FDIS 1141 Fibre ropes — Polyester — 3-,
4-, 8- and 12-strand ropes (Revision of ISO 14557:2002,
2021-03-21 ISO 14557:2002/Amd 1:2007)
ISO/FDIS Rubber and plastics hoses and
(Revision of ISO 1141:2012) 23384 hose assemblies, wire or textile
ISO/FDIS 1346 Fibre ropes — Polypropylene reinforced types with working 2021-03-18
split film, monofilament and mul- pressure equal or above 70 MPa
tifilament (PP2) and polypropyl- 2021-03-21 (700 bar) — Specification
ene high-tenacity multifilament (Revision of ISO 19385:2017/
(PP3) — 3-, 4-, 8- and 12-strand Amd 1:2019, ISO 19385:2017)
ropes TC 46 Information and
(Revision of ISO 1346:2012) documentation
TC 43 Acoustics ISO/FDIS Information and documenta-
ISO Acoustics — Determination of 24083 tion — International archives
8297:1994/ sound power levels of multi- statistics 2021-03-24
FDAmd 1 source industrial plants for evalu- 2021-03-23
ation of sound pressure levels in TC 59 Buildings and civil engi-
the environment — Engineering
neering works
method — Amendment 1
ISO 6927 Building and civil engineering
sealants — Vocabulary

(Revision of ISO 6927:2012)

10 ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021

ISO 9046 Building and civil engineering ISO/FDIS Water-source heat pumps —
sealants — Determination of 13256-1 Testing and rating for perfor-
adhesion/cohesion properties at mance — Part 1: Water-to-air 2021-03-24
constant temperature and brine-to-air heat pumps
(Revision of ISO 9046:2002) (Revision of ISO 13256-1:1998)
ISO Building and civil engineering ISO/FDIS Water-source heat pumps —
13638:2021 sealants — Determination of re- 13256-2 Testing and rating for perfor-
sistance to prolonged exposure mance — Part 2: Water-to-water 2021-03-24
to water and brine-to-water heat pumps
(Revision of ISO 13256-2:1998)
TC 60 Gears
ISO/TS Calculation of load capacity of TC 92 Fire safety
10300-20 bevel gears — Part 20: Calcula- ISO/TS FTIR analysis of fire effluents in
tion of scuffing load capacity — 21397:2021 cone calorimeter tests
Flash temperature method
ISO/TR Calculation of load capacity of ISO/TS Fire safety engineering — Selec-
10300-32 bevel gears — Part 32: ISO rat- 16733-2 tion of design fire scenarios and
ing system for bevel and hypoid design fires — Part 2: Design
gears — Sample calculation for fires
scuffing load capacity
TC 96 Cranes
TC 61 Plastics ISO 10245-1 Cranes — Limiting and indicating
ISO 844 Rigid cellular plastics — De- devices — Part 1: General
termination of compression
properties (Revision of ISO 10245-1:2008)
(Revision of ISO 844:2014)
TC 106 Dentistry
ISO/FDIS Plastics — Organic recycling —
ISO/FDIS Dentistry — Endodontic instru-
17088 Specifications for compostable
3630-3 ments — Part 3: Compactors
plastics 2021-03-25
(Revision of ISO 17088:2012)
(Revision of ISO 3630-3:2015)
TC 70 Internal combustion
TC 107 Metallic and other inorgan-
ic coatings
ISO/FDIS Reciprocating internal combus-
ISO/FDIS 1463 Metallic and oxide coatings —
8178-5 tion engines — Exhaust emission
Measurement of coating thick-
measurement — Part 5: Test 2021-03-16
ness — Microscopical method 2021-03-16
(Revision of ISO 8178-5:2015)
(Revision of ISO 1463:2003)
TC 71 Concrete, reinforced ISO 23131 Ellipsometry — Principles
concrete and pre-stressed
concrete 2021-02-26
ISO/FDIS Quality control for batching and
22873 mixing steel fibre-reinforced ISO/FDIS Carbon based films — Deter-
concretes 2021-03-20 23216 mination of optical properties
of amorphous carbon films by 2021-03-16
ISO Test methods for discrete spectroscopic ellipsometry
23523:2021 polymer fibre for fibre-reinforced TC 120 Leather
cementitious composites 2021-02-16
ISO Leather — Leather for dress
14930:2012/ gloves — Specification —
ISO Requirements for seismic as- FDAmd 1 Amendment 1: Colour fastness 2021-03-25
16711:2021 sessment and retrofit of concrete to to-and-fro rubbing
ISO/FDIS Leather — Leather for apparel
TC 76 Transfusion, infusion 14931 (excluding furs) — Specifications
and injection, and blood and sampling procedures 2021-03-15
processing equipment for
medical and pharmaceuti- (Revision of ISO 14931:2015)
cal use ISO 20940 Leather — Crust full chrome up-
ISO/FDIS Transfer sets for pharmaceutical per leather — Specifications and
22413 preparations — Requirements test methods 2021-02-26
and test methods 2021-03-22
TC 121 Anaesthetic and respiratory
(Revision of ISO 22413:2010) equipment
TC 79 Light metals and their ISO Medical electrical equipment
alloys 80601-2-87 — Part 2-87: Particular require-
ISO 23700 Wrought magnesium and mag- ments for basic safety and 2021-03-01
nesium alloys — Rolled plates essential performance of high-
and sheets frequency ventilators

TC 86 Refrigeration and TC 122 Packaging

air-conditioning ISO Transport packaging — Temper-
22982-1:2021 ature-controlled transport pack-
ages for parcel shipping — Part
1: General requirements

ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021 11

ISO 22982-2 Transport Packaging — Tem- ISO 23156 Ferronickels — Determination
perature controlled transport of phosphorus, manganese,
packages for parcel shipping — chromium, copper and cobalt
Part 2: General specifications of contents — Inductively coupled
testing plasma optical emission spectro-
metric method
ISO/TR 18568 Packaging and the environ-
ment — Marking for material TC 163 Thermal performance and
identification energy use in the built
TC 123 Plain bearings environment
ISO/FDIS Plain bearings — Bearing fatigue ISO Hygrothermal performance of
7905-1 — Part 1: Plain bearings in test 24353:2008/ building materials and products
rigs and in applications under 2021-03-26 Amd 1 — Determination of moisture
conditions of hydrodynamic adsorption/desorption properties
lubrication in response to humidity variation
(Revision of ISO 7905-1:1995) — Amendment 1

TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and TC 172 Optics and photonics

valves for the transport of ISO/FDIS Optics and Photonics — Bulk
fluids 23364 absorption optical filters
ISO 10952 Glass-reinforced thermosetting
plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings
— Determination of the resist- TC 173 Assistive products
ance to chemical attack for the
ISO/FDIS Assistive products for walking
inside of a section in a deflected
11199-1 manipulated by both arms —
Requirements and test methods 2021-03-29
(Revision of ISO 10952:2014)
— Part 1: Walking frames
ISO/TS Assessment of conformity of (Revision of ISO 11199-1:1999)
23818-3 plastics piping systems for
ISO 10542- Technical systems and aids
the rehabilitation of existing
1:2012/Amd 1 for disabled or handicapped
pipelines — Part 3: Unplasticised
persons — Wheelchair tiedown 2021-02-26
poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U)
and occupant-restraint systems
— Part 1: Requirements and
TC 146 Air quality test methods for all systems —
Amendment 1: Annexes K, L, M
ISO/FDIS Workplace air — Analysis of
23506 airborne water immiscible min- TC 174 Jewellery and precious
eral oil droplets and vapor with 2021-03-19 metals
Fourier — Transform infrared
spectroscopy ISO 11426 Jewellery and precious metals —
Determination of gold — Cupel-
TC 147 Water quality lation method (fire assay)
ISO/FDIS 6107 Water quality — Vocabulary (Revision of ISO 11426:2014)
TC 176 Quality management and
2021-03-19 quality assurance
(Revision of ISO 6107-1:2004, ISO Quality management systems
ISO 6107-2:2006/Amd 1:2012, 10013:2021 — Guidance for documented
ISO 6107-8:1993/Amd 1:2001, information
ISO 6107-3:1993/Amd 1:2001, ISO/FDIS Quality management systems
ISO 6107-2:2006, ISO 6107- 10014 — Managing an organization for
3:1993, ISO 6107-4:1993, quality results — Guidance for 2021-03-16
ISO 6107-5:2004, ISO 6107- realizing financial and economic
6:2004, ISO 6107-7:2006, ISO benefits
6107-8:1993) (Revision of ISO 10014:2006,
ISO/FDIS Water quality — Iron-55 — Test ISO 10014:2006/Cor 1:2007)
22515 method using liquid scintillation TC 182 Geotechnics
counting 2021-03-19
ISO 22282-4 Geotechnical investigation and
testing — Geohydraulic testing
TC 150 Implants for surgery — Part 4: Pumping tests
ISO 13779- Implants for surgery — Hy- (Revision of ISO 22282-4:2012)
3:2018/Amd droxyapatite — Part 3: Chemical TC 183 Copper, lead, zinc
1:2021 analysis and characterization and nickel ores and
of crystallinity ratio and phase
purity — Amendment 1
ISO/FDIS Copper, lead, zinc and nickel
TC 153 Valves 12743 concentrates — Sampling proce-
ISO/FDIS Industrial valves - Metallic but- dures for determination of metal 2021-03-26
10631 terfly valves and moisture content
2021-03-29 (Revision of ISO 12743:2018)
TC 198 Sterilization of health care
(Revision of ISO 10631:2013)
TC 155 Nickel and nickel alloys

12 ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021

ISO/TS 22456 Sterilization of healthcare prod- ISO/TS Nanotechnologies — Structural
ucts — Microbiological meth- 21356-1 characterization of graphene —
ods— Guidance on conducting Part 1: Graphene from powders
bioburden determinations and and dispersions
tests of sterility for biologics and
TC 232 Education and learning
tissue-based products
TC 201 Surface chemical analysis
ISO/FDIS Education and learning services
ISO/TR 15969 Surface chemical analysis — 29994 — Requirements for distance
Depth profiling — Measurement learning 2021-03-16
of sputtered depth
(Revision of ISO/TR 15969:2001)
TC 258 Project, programme and
TC 202 Microbeam analysis portfolio management
ISO 23692 Microbeam analysis - Electron ISO 21500 Project, programme and portfolio
probe microanalysis - Quantita- management — Context and
tive analysis of Mn dendritic 2021-03-02 concepts
segregation in continuously cast (Revision of ISO 21500:2012)
steel product
TC 260 Human resource
ISO/FDIS Microbeam analysis — Analytical
23420 electron microscopy — Method
for the determination of energy 2021-03-26 ISO/TS 24178 Human resource management
resolution for electron energy — Organizational culture metrics
loss spectrum analysis cluster
ISO/TS 21383 Microbeam analysis — Scanning ISO/FDIS Human resource management —
electron microscopy — Qualifi- 30415 Diversity and inclusion
cation of the scanning electron 2021-03-24
microscope for quantitative
measurements ISO/TS 30425 Human resource management
TC 204 Intelligent transport — Workforce availability metrics
systems cluster

ISO 14907-2 Electronic fee collection — Test ISO/TS 30427 Human resource management —
procedures for user and fixed Costs metrics cluster
equipment — Part 2: Conform-
ance test for the on-board unit ISO/TS 30431 Human resource management —
application interface Leadership metrics cluster
(Revision of ISO/TS
ISO/TS 30432 Human resource management —
ISO/FDIS Intelligent transport systems — Workforce productivity metrics
20684-1 Roadside modules SNMP data cluster
interface — Part 1: Overview 2021-03-22
TC 264 Fireworks
ISO 22863-4 Fireworks — Test methods for
TC 207 Environmental
determination of specific chemi-
management cal substances — Part 4: Analy-
ISO/FDIS Greenhouse gas management sis of lead and lead compounds
14097 and related activities — Frame- by X-ray fluorescence spectrom-
work including principles and 2021-03-29 etry (XRF)
requirements for assessing ISO 22863-5 Fireworks — Test methods for
and reporting investments and determination of specific chemi-
financing activities related to cal substances — Part 5: Analy-
climate change sis of lead and lead compounds
TC 210 Quality management and by inductively coupled plasma
corresponding general as- spectrometry (ICP)
pects for medical devices TC 282 Water reuse
ISO 80369-7 Small-bore connectors for liquids ISO 23043 Evaluation methods for indus-
and gases in healthcare ap- trial wastewater treatment reuse
plications — Part 7: Connectors processes
for intravascular or hypodermic
applications TC 301 Energy management and
(Revision of ISO 80369-7:2016) energy savings
TC 215 Health informatics ISO/FDIS Energy management systems
50003 — Requirements for bodies
ISO/TR 21332 Health informatics — Cloud providing audit and certification 2021-03-19
computing considerations for the of energy management systems
security and privacy of health (Revision of ISO 50003:2014)
information systems
TC 309 Governance of
ISO/TR 24291 Health informatics — Applica-
tions of machine learning tech-
nologies in imaging and other ISO 37301 Compliance management
medical applications systems — Requirements with
guidance for use 2021-02-26
TC 229 Nanotechnologies

TMBG Technical Management

Board - groups

ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021 13

IWA 33-3 Technical guidelines for the
development of small hydro-
power plants — Part 3: Design
principles and requirements
JTC 1 Information technology
Information technology — Tele-
communications and information
Standards published
exchange between systems — 2021-03-15
Near field communication inter-
face and protocol 2 (NFCIP-2) New International Standards published between 01 January and 01
(Revision of ISO/IEC February 2021
ISO/IEC TS Information technology — Sys- 1
delayed publication of language version
25025 tems and software Quality 2
corrected version
Requirements and Evaluation 3
multilingual document
(SQuaRE) — Measurement of IT
service quality
ISO/IEC FDIS Software and systems engineer- Price
26580 ing — Methods and tools for group
the feature-based approach to 2021-03-19
software and systems product
IIW International Institute of
line engineering
ISO/IEC Systems and software engineer-
29110-4-2 ing — Lifecycle profiles for Very ISO en Non‐destructive testing of welds —
Small Entities (VSEs) — Part 4-2: 23864:2021 fr Ultrasonic testing — Use of auto-
Software engineering: Profile mated total focusing technique (TFM) E
specifications: Organizational and related technologies
management profile group ISO en Non-destructive testing — Ultrasonic
ISO/IEC Information technology — Secu- 23865:2021 fr testing — General use of full matrix
10116:2017/ rity techniques — Modes of op- capture/total focusing technique F
Amd 1:2021 eration for an n-bit block cipher (FMC/TFM) and related technologies
— Amendment 1: CTR-ACPKM TC 6 Paper, board and pulps
mode of operation
ISO/TS en Paper and board — Measurement
ISO/IEC Information technology — Se- 14778:2021 of water contact angle by optical
10118-1:2016/ curity techniques — Hash- methods B
Amd 1:2021 functions — Part 1: General —
Amendment 1: Padding methods
for sponge functions TC 8 Ships and marine technology
ISO/IEC Information technology — Se- ISO en Ships and marine technology — Low-
18033-5:2015/ curity techniques — Encryption 15370:2021 location lighting (LLL) on passenger
Amd 1:2021 algorithms — Part 5: Identity- ships — Arrangement E
based ciphers — Amendment 1:
SM9 mechanism ISO en Marine environment sensor perfor-
ISO/IEC Information security — Redac- 22013:2021 mance — Specifications, testing and
23264-1 tion of authentic data — Part 1: reporting — General requirements F
ISO/IEC TS Requirements for bodies provid- TC 20 Aircraft and space vehicles
27006-2:2021 ing audit and certification of in- ISO 7961:2021 en Aerospace — Bolts — Test methods
formation security management
systems — Part 2: Privacy infor- C
mation management systems
ISO/IEC TS Information technology — Guid- ISO en Space systems — Test procedure
27022 ance on information security 11227:2012/ to evaluate spacecraft material
management system processes Amd 1:2021 ejecta upon hypervelocity impact — XZ
ISO/IEC FDIS Information technology — Amendment 1: Oblique impacts and
27050-4 Electronic discovery — Part 4: Annex C update
Technical readiness 2021-03-24 TC 22 Road vehicles
ISO en Road vehicles — Connections for
ISO/IEC Information technology — Ple- 8092-5:2021 on-board electrical wiring harnesses
21794-2 noptic image coding system — Part 5: Test methods and general B
(JPEG Pleno) — Part 2: Light 2021-03-01 performance requirements for wiring
field coding harness connector operation
ISO/IEC TS Information technology — Speci- ISO fr Electrically propelled road vehicles
23078-3 fication of DRM technology for 19363:2020 — Magnetic field wireless power
digital publications — Part 3: transfer — Safety and interoperability F
Device key-based protection requirements
ISO/IEC TR Artificial Intelligence (AI) — As- ISO en Electrically propelled road vehicles —
24029-1:2021 sessment of the robustness 21498-1:2021 Electrical specifications and tests for
of neural networks — Part 1: voltage class B systems and compo- B
Overview nents — Part 1: Voltage sub-classes
and characteristics

14 ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021

ISO en Road vehicles — Fully automatic ISO en Paints and varnishes — Methods of
13044-2:2021 coupling systems 24 V (FACS) for 16474-3:2021 fr exposure to laboratory light sources
heavy commercial vehicle combina- E — Part 3: Fluorescent UV lamps C
tions — Part 2: Electrical and pneu-
matic interface for 50 mm fifth wheel
ISO fr Paints and varnishes — Practi-
22516:2019 cal determination of non-volatile
ISO 15501- en Road vehicles — Compressed natu- and volatile matter content during B
1:2016/Amd ral gas (CNG) fuel systems — Part 1: application
1:2021 Safety requirements — Amendment 1 XZ
ISO fr Paints and varnishes — Friction-
15741:2016 reduction coatings for the interior of
ISO 19723- en Road vehicles — Liquefied natural on- and offshore steel pipelines for D
1:2018/Amd gas (LNG) fuel systems — Part 1: non-corrosive gases
1:2021 Safety requirements — Amendment 1 XZ
TC 37 Language and terminology
ISO en Language resource management —
TC 23 Tractors and machinery for 24613-4:2021 fr Lexical markup framework (LMF) —
agriculture and forestry Part 4: TEI serialization D
ISO en Agricultural vehicles — Standardized
22172-2:2021 fr access to repair and maintenance TC 38 Textiles
information (RMI) — Part 2: Vehicle C
on-board diagnostics ISO en Nonwovens — Test methods — Part
9073-4:2021 fr 4: Determination of tear resistance by
ISO en Forestry and gardening machinery the trapezoid procedure A
22868:2021 fr — Noise test code for portable hand-
held machines with internal combus- F
tion engine — Engineering method ISO 1973:2021 en Textile fibres — Determination of
(Grade 2 accuracy) fr linear density — Gravimetric method
and vibroscope method B
TC 28 Petroleum and related prod-
ucts, fuels and lubricants from
ISO en Textiles — Unevenness of textile
natural or synthetic sources
16549:2021 strands — Capacitance method
ISO 4259- fr Petroleum and related products — B
1:2017/Amd Precision of measurement methods
2:2020 and results — Part 1: Determination XZ
of precision data in relation to meth-
TC 42 Photography
ods of test — Amendment 2 ISO/TR en Graphic technology and photography
17321-5:2021 — Colour characterization of digital
ISO en Bunkering of marine fuel using the
still cameras (DSCs) — Part 5: Colour E
22192:2021 Coriolis mass flow meter (MFM)
targets including saturated colours
system F
for colour characteristic evaluation
test for colorimetric image capture
TC 30 Measurement of fluid flow in
TC 43 Acoustics
closed conduits
ISO/TS en Acoustics — Measurement of the
ISO 3966:2020 fr Measurement of fluid flow in closed
11819-3:2021 fr influence of road surfaces on traffic
conduits — Velocity area method us-
noise — Part 3: Reference tyres C
ing Pitot static tubes G

TC 44 Welding and allied processes

TC 31 Tyres, rims and valves
ISO en Resistance welding — Spot welding
ISO en Truck and bus tyres and rims (metric
18595:2021 fr of aluminium and aluminium alloys —
4209-2:2020 fr series) — Part 2: Rims
Weldability, welding and testing C

ISO en Mechanical joining of sheet materi-

TC 34 Food products 23598:2021 fr als — Destructive testing of joints —
ISO en Ground cassava leaves (Isombe) Specimen dimensions and procedure C
24081:2021 — Specification for mechanized peel testing of single
A joints
ISO en Electron and laser-beam welded
ISO 7970:2021 en Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 13919-2:2021 fr joints — Requirements and recom-
fr — Specification mendations on quality levels for C
D imperfections — Part 2: Aluminium,
magnesium and their alloys and pure
ISO 939:2021 en Spices and condiments — Determi-
nation of moisture content TC 45 Rubber and rubber products
ISO 2928:2021 en Rubber hoses and hose assemblies
for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
ISO en Microbiology of the food chain — in the liquid or gaseous phase and B
16140-3:2021 fr Method validation — Part 3: Protocol natural gas up to 2,5 MPa (25 bar)
for the verification of reference G — Specification
methods and validated alternative
ISO 3861:2021 en Rubber hoses and hose assem-
methods in a single laboratory
fr blies for sand and grit blasting
TC 35 Paints and varnishes — Specification B

TC 58 Gas cylinders

ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021 15

ISO fr Gas cylinders — Cylinder bundles — ISO en Nuclear criticality safety — Nu-
20475:2018 Periodic inspection and testing 23133:2021 fr clear criticality safety training for
B operations B

ISO fr Gas cylinders — Periodic inspection TC 86 Refrigeration and

23088:2020 and testing of welded steel pressure air-conditioning
drums — Capacities up to 1 000 l D
ISO 5149- en Refrigerating systems and heat
1:2014/Amd fr pumps — Safety and environmental
TC 61 Plastics 2:2021 requirements — Part 1: Definitions, XZ
ISO en Plastics — Thermogravimetry (TG) of classification and selection criteria
11358-2:2021 polymers — Part 2: Determination of — Amendment 2: Update of Annex A
activation energy A and the refrigerant tables
TC 87 Cork
ISO en Plastics — Thermogravimetry (TG) ISO en Cork bark selected as bottling prod-
11358-3:2021 of polymers — Part 3: Determination 22308-1:2021 fr uct — Part 1: Sensory evaluation —
of the activation energy using the C Methodology for sensory evaluation B
Ozawa-Friedman plot and analysis of by soaking
the reaction kinetics
TC 92 Fire safety
ISO en Plastics — Ultra-high-molecular-
21304-2:2021 fr weight polyethylene (PE-UHMW) ISO en Reaction-to-fire tests — Heat release,
moulding and extrusion materials — D 5660-1:2015 fr smoke production and mass loss
Part 2: Preparation of test specimens rate — Part 1: Heat release rate (cone G
and determination of properties calorimeter method) and smoke pro-
duction rate (dynamic measurement)
ISO en Plastics — Polypropylene (PP) —
24076:2021 Determination of isotactic index by ISO/TR en Guidance for assessing the validity
low-resolution nuclear magnetic B 16312-2:2021 of physical fire models for obtain-
resonance spectrometry ing fire effluent toxicity data for fire F
hazard and risk assessment — Part
ISO en Carbon-fibre-reinforced compos- 2: Evaluation of individual physical
22821:2021 ites — Determination of fibre weight fire models
content by thermogravimetry (TG) B
TC 94 Personal safety -- Personal
protective equipment
ISO en Composites and reinforcements
22841:2021 fibres — Carbon fibre reinforced ISO en Wildland firefighting personal protec-
plastics(CFRPs) and metal assem- B 16073-6:2021 tive equipment — Requirements and
blies — Determination of the tensile test methods — Part 6: Footwear D
lap-shear strength
TC 67 Materials, equipment and off- ISO en Respiratory protective devices —
shore structures for petroleum, 17420-1:2021 fr Performance requirements — Part 1:
General B
petrochemical and natural gas
ISO en Respiratory protective devices —
ISO fr Petroleum and natural gas indus-
17420-2:2021 fr Performance requirements — Part 2:
15156-1:2020 tries — Materials for use in H2S-
Requirements for filtering RPD G
containing environments in oil and B
gas production — Part 1: General
principles for selection of cracking- ISO en Respiratory protective devices —
resistant materials 17420-4:2021 fr Performance requirements — Part 4:
Requirements for supplied breathable G
TC 71 Concrete, reinforced concrete gas RPD
and pre-stressed concrete
TC 98 Bases for design of structures
ISO en Life cycle management of concrete
22040:2021 structures ISO 8930:2021 en General principles on reliability for
B structures — Vocabulary

TC 79 Light metals and their alloys

TC 106 Dentistry
ISO en Wrought magnesium and magnesium
23694:2021 alloys — Extruded rods/bars and ISO en Dentistry — Casting and baseplate
tubes C 15854:2021 waxes

TC 85 Nuclear energy, nuclear

technologies, and radiological TC 108 Mechanical vibration, shock
protection and condition monitoring
ISO en Monitoring radioactive gases in ISO 5348:2021 en Mechanical vibration and shock
16640:2021 fr effluents from facilities producing — Mechanical mounting of
positron emitting radionuclides and G accelerometers D
ISO en Measurement of radioactivity in the TC 113 Hydrometry
20043-1:2021 environment — Guidelines for effec- ISO 3455:2021 en Hydrometry — Calibration of current-
tive dose assessment using envi- E meters in straight open tanks
ronmental monitoring data — Part C
1: Planned and existing exposure
TC 120 Leather

16 ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021

ISO en Leather — Guidelines for packaging ISO en Biological evaluation of medical de-
11410:2021 of wet blue leather 10993-23:2021 fr vices — Part 23: Tests for irritation

TC 131 Fluid power systems TC 198 Sterilization of health care

ISO 4406:2021 en Hydraulic fluid power — Fluids products
— Method for coding the level of ISO/TS en Sterilization of health care products
contamination by solid particles A 22421:2021 — Common requirements for steriliz-
ers for terminal sterilization of medi- F
TC 142 Cleaning equipment for air and cal devices in health care facilities
other gases TC 199 Safety of machinery
ISO en Sampling and test method for clean- ISO/TR en Safety of machinery — Relationship
22031:2021 able filter media taken from filters of 22100-1:2021 with ISO 12100 — Part 1: How ISO
systems in operation D 12100 relates to type-B and type-C C
TC 147 Water quality ISO/TR en Safety of machinery — Relationship
22100-5:2021 with ISO 12100 — Part 5: Implica-
ISO en Water quality — Determination of cy-
tions of artificial intelligence machine A
20596-2:2021 clic volatile methylsiloxanes in water
— Part 2: Method using liquid-liquid C
extraction with gas chromatography- TC 204 Intelligent transport systems
mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
ISO/TR en Cooperative intelligent transport
TC 150 Implants for surgery 21186-1:2021 systems (C-ITS) — Guidelines on the
usage of standards — Part 1: Stand- D
ISO en Cardiovascular implants — Cardiac
ardization landscape and releases
5840-1:2021 fr valve prostheses — Part 1: General
requirements G ISO/TR en Cooperative intelligent transport
21186-2:2021 systems (C-ITS) — Guidelines on the
usage of standards — Part 2: Hybrid E
ISO en Cardiovascular implants — Cardiac
5840-2:2021 fr valve prostheses — Part 2: Surgically
implanted heart valve substitutes G ISO en Public transport — Interoperable
24014-1:2021 fare management system — Part 1:
Architecture H
ISO en Cardiovascular implants — Cardiac
5840-3:2021 fr valve prostheses — Part 3: Heart
valve substitutes implanted by tran- G TC 206 Fine ceramics
scatheter techniques
ISO en Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics,
TC 153 Valves 19587:2021 advanced technical ceramics) —
Mechanical properties of ceramic C
ISO 6002:2021 en Industrial valves — Bolted bonnet
composites at elevated temperature
steel gate valves
in air atmospheric pressure — Deter-
mination of in-plane shear strength
TC 215 Health informatics
TC 155 Nickel and nickel alloys
ISO en Health informatics — Automatic iden-
ISO fr Nickel alloys — Determination of tita-
18530:2021 fr tification and data capture marking
11433:2020 nium content — Diantipyrylmethane
and labelling — Subject of care and G
molecular absorption method B
individual provider identification
ISO/TS en Health Informatics - Methodology for
TC 156 Corrosion of metals and alloys 22272:2021 analysis of business and information
ISO 8407:2021 en Corrosion of metals and alloys — needs of health enterprises to sup- G
fr Removal of corrosion products from port standards based architectures
corrosion test specimens B
TC 221 Geosynthetics
ISO fr Geotextiles and geotextile-related
TC 159 Ergonomics 12958-2:2020 products — Determination of water
ISO/TR en Ergonomics data for use in the ap- flow capacity in their plane — Part 2: C
22411:2021 plication of ISO/IEC Guide 71:2014 Performance test
TC 229 Nanotechnologies
ISO/TS en Nanotechnologies — Nanostructured
TC 178 Lifts, escalators and moving 23362:2021 porous alumina as catalyst support
walks for vehicle exhaust emission control B
ISO en Electrical requirements for lifts, — Specification of characteristics
8102-2:2021 escalators and moving walks — Part and measurement methods
2: Electromagnetic compatibility with C ISO/TS en Nanotechnologies — Assessment of
regard to immunity 23459:2021 protein secondary structure during an
TC 194 Biological and clinical evalua- interaction with nanomaterials using D
tion of medical devices ultraviolet circular dichroism

ISO en Biological evaluation of medical de- TC 249 Traditional Chinese medicine

10993-12:2021 fr vices — Part 12: Sample preparation ISO en Traditional Chinese medicine —
and reference materials D 19609-1:2021 Quality and safety of raw materials
and finished products made with D
raw materials — Part 1: General

ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021 17

ISO en Traditional Chinese medicine — Qual- ISO/IEC en Information technology — Digitally
19609-2:2021 ity and safety of raw materials and 30191:2021 recorded media for information inter-
finished products made with raw C change and storage — 120 mm Triple H
materials — Part 2: Identity testing of Layer (100,0 Gbytes single sided disk
constituents of herbal origin and 200,0 Gbytes double sided disk)
and Quadruple Layer (128,0 Gbytes
TC 258 Project, programme and port-
single sided disk) BD Recordable
folio management disk
ISO fr Project, programme and portfolio ISO/IEC en Information technology — Digi-
21502:2020 management — Guidance on project 30192:2021 tally recorded media for information
management G interchange and storage — 120 mm H
Single Layer (25,0 Gbytes per disk)
TC 261 Additive manufacturing and Dual Layer (50,0 Gbytes per disk)
BD Rewritable disk
ISO/ASTM en Additive manufacturing — Gen-
52950:2021 fr eral principles — Overview of data ISO/IEC fr Information technology — Security
processing B 27017:2015 techniques — Code of practice for
information security controls based E
on ISO/IEC 27002 for cloud services
TC 274 Light and lighting
ISO/IEC TS en Privacy protection — Privacy guide-
ISO/TS fr Light and lighting — Commissioning 27570:2021 lines for smart cities
21274:2020 of lighting systems in buildings F

ISO/IEC en Information technology — Office

TC 276 Biotechnology 17991:2021 equipment — Method for measuring
ISO en Biotechnology — Massively parallel scanning productivity of digital scan- E
20397-2:2021 fr sequencing — Part 2: Quality evalua- ning devices
tion of sequencing data D ISO/IEC en Information technology — Of-
24711:2021 fice equipment — Method for the
TC 281 Fine bubble technology determination of ink cartridge yield E
for colour inkjet printers and multi-
ISO en Fine bubble technology — General function devices that contain printer
20480-4:2021 principles for usage and measure- components
ment of fine bubbles — Part 4: Termi- A
nology related to microbubble beds ISO/IEC en Information technology — Coding
14496-32:2021 of audio-visual objects — Part 32:
TC 292 Security and resilience File format reference software and D
ISO en Security and resilience — Protective conformance
22341:2021 security — Guidelines for crime pre- ISO/IEC en Information technology — MPEG
vention through environmental design D 23002-7:2021 video technologies — Part 7: Ver-
satile supplemental enhancement H
TC 299 Robotics information messages for coded
video bitstreams
ISO en Robotics — Modularity for service ro-
22166-1:2021 bots — Part 1: General requirements

TC 300 Solid recovered materials, in-

cluding solid recovered fuels
ISO en Solid recovered fuels — Methods for
21644:2021 fr the determination of biomass content
Standards confirmed
JTC 1 Information technology
ISO/IEC/IEEE en Systems and software engineer- The following International Standards are confimred for a five year
16085:2021 ing — Life cycle processes — Risk period:
management F

ISO/IEC en Information technology — Digi- TC 6 Paper, board and pulps

29121:2021 tally recorded media for information ISO 3783:2006 (reconfirmed)
interchange and storage — Data D
ISO 5635:1978 (reconfirmed)
migration method for optical disks for
long-term data storage ISO 5637:1989 (reconfirmed)
ISO/IEC en Information technology — Digi- ISO 5638:1978 (reconfirmed)
30190:2021 tally recorded media for information ISO 8226-1:1994 (reconfirmed)
interchange and storage — 120 mm H
Single Layer (25,0 Gbytes per disk) ISO (reconfirmed)
and Dual Layer (50,0 Gbytes per disk) 12625-12:2010
BD Recordable disk ISO 14968:1999 (reconfirmed)
ISO 15359:1999 (reconfirmed)
ISO 15755:1999 (reconfirmed)
TC 8 Ships and marine technology
ISO 3715-1:2002 (reconfirmed)

18 ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021

ISO 6042:2015 ISO 3408-1:2006 (reconfirmed)
ISO 7461:1984 (reconfirmed) ISO 3408-4:2006 (reconfirmed)
ISO 9203-1:1989 (reconfirmed) ISO 3408-5:2006 (reconfirmed)
ISO 9203-2:1989 (reconfirmed) ISO 3590:1976 (reconfirmed)
ISO 9203-3:1989 (reconfirmed) ISO 3610:1976 (reconfirmed)
ISO 17939:2015 ISO 6898:1984 (reconfirmed)
ISO 17940:2015 ISO 6899:1984 (reconfirmed)
TC 17 Steel TC 43 Acoustics
ISO 6934-1:1991 (reconfirmed) ISO 389-4:1994 (reconfirmed)
ISO 6934-2:1991 (reconfirmed) ISO 389-6:2007 (reconfirmed)
ISO 6934-3:1991 (reconfirmed) ISO 8253-1:2010 (reconfirmed)
ISO 6934-5:1991 (reconfirmed) TC 45 Rubber and rubber products
ISO 11082:1992 (reconfirmed) ISO 289-3:2015
ISO 14657:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO/TS 289-4:2017
ISO 16020:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 15672:2000 (reconfirmed)
ISO/TS 7705:2017 TC 51 Pallets for unit load method of materi-
TC 20 Aircraft and space vehicles als handling
ISO 15387:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO/TS (reconfirmed)
TC 22 Road vehicles
ISO 18334:2010 (reconfirmed)
ISO 6469-4:2015
TC 67 Materials, equipment and offshore
TC 23 Tractors and machinery for agriculture structures for petroleum, petrochemi-
and forestry cal and natural gas industries
ISO 500-2:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 10441:2007 (reconfirmed)
ISO 2332:2009 (reconfirmed) ISO 16903:2015
ISO 11001-3:2009 (reconfirmed)
TC 71 Concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-
ISO 17612:2004 (reconfirmed) stressed concrete
ISO 17900:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO 28841:2013
ISO TC 76 Transfusion, infusion and injection, and
11783-10:2015 blood processing equipment for medi-
TC 33 Refractories cal and pharmaceutical use
ISO 8894-1:2010 (reconfirmed) ISO 8536-8:2015
ISO 21587-1:2007 (reconfirmed) ISO 8536-9:2015
ISO 21587-2:2007 (reconfirmed) ISO 8536-10:2015
ISO 21587-3:2007 (reconfirmed) ISO 8536-11:2015
TC 34 Food products TC 84 Devices for administration of medicinal
ISO 15214:1998 (reconfirmed) products and catheters
ISO 11701:2009 (reconfirmed) ISO 14972:1998 (reconfirmed)

ISO 17780:2015 TC 85 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies,

and radiological protection
ISO 18363-1:2015
ISO 17099:2014
ISO/TS (reconfirmed)
23647:2010 ISO 20553:2006 (reconfirmed)
TC 35 Paints and varnishes TC 96 Cranes
ISO 1513:2010 (reconfirmed) ISO 10245-4:2004 (reconfirmed)
ISO 1520:2006 (reconfirmed) TC 102 Iron ore and direct reduced iron
TC 38 Textiles ISO 3271:2015
ISO 1805:2006 (reconfirmed) ISO 4696-1:2015
ISO 6939:1988 (reconfirmed) ISO 4696-2:2015
ISO 6989:1981 (reconfirmed) ISO 4700:2015
ISO 17608:2015 ISO 11256:2015
ISO 18067:2015 ISO 11258:2015
ISO 18596:2015 ISO 13930:2015
ISO 23733:2007 (reconfirmed) TC 104 Freight containers
TC 39 Machine tools ISO 9711-1:1990 (reconfirmed)
ISO 447:1984 (reconfirmed) TC 119 Powder metallurgy
ISO 2562:1973 (reconfirmed) ISO 3995:1985 (reconfirmed)
ISO 2912:1973 (reconfirmed) TC 120 Leather

ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021 19

ISO 5431:2013 (reconfirmed) ISO/IEC (reconfirmed)
ISO 5432:2013 (reconfirmed)
ISO 5433:2013 (reconfirmed)
TC 131 Fluid power systems
ISO 27407:2010 (reconfirmed) 16480:2015
ISO 10771-1:2015 ISO/IEC
TC 135 Non-destructive testing
ISO 18249:2015
TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for
the transport of fluids 24769-62:2015
ISO 13229:2010 (reconfirmed) ISO/IEC
ISO 13254:2010 (reconfirmed) 24770-61:2015
ISO 13255:2010 (reconfirmed) ISO/IEC
ISO 13260:2010 (reconfirmed)
ISO 13262:2010 (reconfirmed)
ISO 13263:2010 (reconfirmed)
ISO 13264:2010 (reconfirmed) 29167-17:2015
ISO/TS (reconfirmed) ISO/IEC (reconfirmed)
10465-1:2007 9995-3:2010
ISO/TS ISO/IEC (reconfirmed)
12512:2017 9995-7:2009
TC 159 Ergonomics ISO/IEC
ISO 15534-1:2000 (reconfirmed)
ISO 15534-2:2000 (reconfirmed)
ISO 15534-3:2000 (reconfirmed)
ISO/IEC TS (reconfirmed)
TC 165 Timber structures 20071-21:2015
ISO 16598:2015 ISO/IEC
ISO 22389-1:2010 (reconfirmed) 20071-23:2018
ISO/IEC TS (reconfirmed)
TC 173 Assistive products
ISO 10865-2:2015
ISO 16840-6:2015
TC 190 Soil quality
ISO 16558-1:2015
TC 197 Hydrogen technologies
ISO 16110-2:2010
ISO 26142:2010
Standards withdrawn
TC 204 Intelligent transport systems
ISO/TS Period from 01 January to 01 February 2021
ISO/TS TC 22 Road vehicles
ISO/TR (replaced by )
TC 219 Floor coverings 11955:2008
ISO 6356:2012 ISO/PAS (replaced by ISO 21498-1:2021)
TC 221 Geosynthetics 19295:2016

ISO 12957-2:2005 (reconfirmed) TC 39 Machine tools

ISO 13426-2:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 7006:1981 (replaced by )
ISO 13428:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 9267:1988 (replaced by )

TC 266 Biomimetics TC 61 Plastics

ISO 18458:2015 ISO 11542-2:1998 (replaced by ISO 21304-2:2021)
ISO 18459:2015 TC 87 Cork
TC 301 Energy management and energy ISO 22308:2005 (replaced by ISO 22308-1:2021)
savings TC 178 Lifts, escalators and moving walks
ISO/IEC ISO 22200:2009 (replaced by ISO 8102-2:2021)
TC 215 Health informatics
13273-2:2015 ISO/TS (replaced by ISO 18530:2021)
JTC 1 Information technology
TC 261 Additive manufacturing

20 ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021

ISO 17296-4:2014 (replaced by ISO/ASTM 52950:2021)
TMBG Technical Management Board - groups
IWA 12:2013 (replaced by )
JTC 1 Information technology
ISO/IEC TR (replaced by )

Meeting calendar
The meeting calendar is available at

ISO Update, Supplement to ISO Focus -- March 2021 21

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