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Clues: Book, Ghost, Old Man

It was a beautiful day in Sideview Lake. However, not everything looks great as it seemed to be. On that
day, a student named Ronnie went to a bookstore to buy some books for his studies. As he was searching for
books after books, he found one that caught his eyes. It was titled The Bite of ‘87, and it was very thick book.
Ronnie had always loved books that has an interesting story behind it, and somehow that book showed a good
synopsis at the back cover. Then, he took the book and went to the cashier. As soon as the book was given, the
lady running the cashier was shocked that someone had showed interests for that book, however she only stood
for a long time. Ronnie noticed and asked in concern.
“Uh… Are you okay lady?”
The lady finally snapped back to reality and immediately acted normal. “Uh… Yes.”
The lady asked again for certainty. “A…Are you sure you want to buy this book? You could buy any
other ones for 30% discount.”
Obviously, Ronnie felt something wrong as the lady started twitching little by little, but instead threw
that mind aside. “Nah, it’s okay. It looks like a good book. I’m taking this with the others”. Finally, Ronnie got
his books, with The Bite of ‘87 for free. He didn’t know what to feel at that moment, either being happy,
confused, or scared.

Then he skipped to his house for joy and instantly changed his clothes at his dorm room. As he finished
changing, a knock heard from his door. It was an old man named Don. He was running the campus’ janitor to
keep things tidy. Since Ronnie had been very generous to Don, he decided to clean Ronnie’s room willingly
“Are you sure, sir? You know I can clean this place by myself.”
Don responded, “It’s ok. You’ve always been kind to me. Besides, I you’re a busy student, would rather
see you be successful on yer studies than worrying about dishes and dust bunnies.”
Ronnie smiled and invited him in, and both talked as Don was cleaning Ronnie’s room. Suddenly, he
caught Ronnie reading the book he bought for free. “Is th-that The Bite of ’87?” said Don with fear in his eyes
while trying to look as calm as possible. “Yeah. Do you know about it?” Ronnie replied. As much as Don
wanted to tell him, he couldn’t. His eyes were like death in them, didn’t speak any words for at least a minute.
Ronnie was concerned about what happened, but then he saw Don taking his supplies and leaving the room.
“WAIT!! Where are you going?!! Tell me what happened!!” Ronnie halted him by the arm. The old man slowly
turned his head and said with a scary tone “You shouldn’t have bought the book, kid. Your life is in danger.”
Ronnie let go off his arm and saw the old man janitor leaving.
Faceless, Ronnie walked towards the book and read it thoroughly. The book was about an accident at a
pizzeria somewhere in the U.S. The pizzeria had 4 animatronics that was said to entertain people in the day and
roam the pizzeria in the night, so that their servos wouldn’t lock up. Unfortunately, one day, a malfunction
happened to one of them and killed a child. Ronnie kept reading until he found something about Golden Freddy.
As dusk started to arrive, he kept on reading without buying dinner like he used to. The book was so great that
he wanted to keep going, until he saw visions. “Whoa….” He was shocked because it didn’t only happen in his
imagination, but also his eyes. He saw something that said, “It’s me” in brief. Then something took his
conscious and Ronnie saw a ghost. The ghost was small, about the size of a 5-year-old child. It was blurred by
the fog, but Ronnie could see him wearing a black-and-white-striped shirt. Ronnie was about to get him, but his
alarm started ringing. He was extremely shocked and scared as if it was real. He looked at the clock, and it
pointed 10 P.M. He didn’t know that he had been reading that long, so instead he stopped and went to sleep
without dinner.
2 hours later, Ronnie woke up because he couldn’t sleep. He wanted to continue so much that he decided
to keep reading. Suddenly, the window creaked open and started blowing cold winds, along with the sudden
blackout. Ronnie started freaking out as he felt something on his spine and said, “What’s going on here….?”. He
realized that he hadn’t have dinner yet, so he flicked the flashlight on and went to the kitchen to make some. As
he cooked his dish, he heard clanging from the distance, thinking that it was only the wind blowing. Then, he
saw a ghost of something passing by once he had served his food. He then flicked again his flashlight and saw
nothing. Or so he thought. He said to himself “That book must have caused me nightmares”. Yet, he refused to
accept it because how interesting it was. So, he continued by eating his dinner with only a flashlight. The
clanging got louder, making Ronnie startled with spoon and fork fell to the ground. The flashlight started to
flicker as something was approaching him. He heard heavy breathing and parts running, and smelled similarly to
blood, but a rotten one. He turned around and saw Golden Freddy underneath a flickered ceiling light. The room
resonated with a scream and a heavy thump, noting that Golden Freddy killed Ronnie at the moment he moved.
At the same time, the book vanished into thin air and reappeared into a different bookstore, waiting for another
prey to be killed.

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