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2021 Annual Report
2 Extraordinary times | Cargill 2021 Annual Report

Letter to stakeholders
The challenges brought on by the past year have been We acquired a specialty beauty ingredients company that
described as many things: unprecedented, historic and will allow us to provide more sustainable, nature-derived
unforgettable. But when we think about what we’ve navi- solutions to the world’s leading beauty brands. And we
gated together, this year was nothing short of extraordinary. invested in breakthrough startups, including those aimed at
improving the health and immunity of infants and children.
Our fiscal year began last June with tremendous global
uncertainty, as the COVID-19 pandemic continuously Across our portfolio, we are focusing our innovative energy

Cargill was built

reshaped how markets operated, food was produced, and on finding more sustainable ways to bring customers, con-
the world lived and worked. Alongside this, racial injustices – sumers and society the goods they need. We are helping
including the murder of George Floyd in our headquarters miners deliver carbon-neutral iron ore. We are exploring

to help the world

community of Minneapolis shortly before the start of new technologies to make zero-carbon shipping a reality.
the fiscal year – made it clear the status quo was not We are creating delicious plant-based alternatives to meat,
acceptable. And throughout the year, the unfolding reality of while also making meat itself safer, more humane and better

navigate these climate change in real time created urgency to build a more
sustainable economy, including in food and agriculture.
for the environment. We are investing in carbon markets to
reduce emissions for our customers and ourselves, con-

necting farmers and ranchers to new sources of revenue.
Despite the complexity of confronting these and other issues
As part of this, we are advancing the adoption of regenera-
simultaneously, it has been a year of hope. We are incredibly
tive agricultural practices across millions of acres.

proud of how our teams helped our customers, partners and
one another through trying circumstances, coming out of
this extraordinary year stronger together.
We made progress toward our climate commitment to
Smart, sustainable growth reduce our absolute operational emissions 10% by 2025
Million metric tons CO 2 e emitted across global operations

$134.4 billion in revenues, 4%

Fiscal 2017 Baseline 12.27
Calendar 2020 Results 11.79
compared to
a 17% increase Fiscal 2025 Goal 11.04 2017 baseline

Our strategy for Cargill’s future starts with being even more
customer-driven in everything we do. This fiscal year, our We made progress toward our water commitments
teams’ resilience helped our customers keep their restau- We are committed to achieving 52% progress made toward imple-
rants open, shelves full and animals fed. This enabled us to sustainable water management in all mentation of water stewardship
achieve excellent results, with total revenues that climbed priority watersheds by 2030. We’ve program requirements at all priority
initiated projects in 19 priority water- facilities by 2025
17% to $134.4 billion. We enter the new year with a clear sheds and have achieved our target
plan for growth, a healthy balance sheet, and a strong set of in four.
capabilities that allow us to do more for our customers in an
ever-changing environment.
To learn more about our climate and water targets, please visit
the CDP responses in our Reporting Hub.
3 Extraordinary times | Cargill 2021 Annual Report

Looking forward
Employees by geography One area where we fell far short of our expectations this year
was in safety. We lost six people to fatal incidents during the
year, which is unacceptable. Keeping everyone safe while
14% working at Cargill is our deepest commitment, and we will
Europe, not rest until we reach our goal of zero harm. Our culture of
30% Middle East
and Africa
speaking up to address the hazards we see – combined with
safer controls and more focus on mitigating risks around our
America 35% most dangerous tasks – will help us get there.
Asia In recent months, we announced several changes to
Pacific Cargill’s Executive Team. We look forward to the fresh per-
21% spectives and deep expertise of both those joining the team
Latin and those moving into new roles. We want to thank David
America Dines and Frank van Lierde, who announced their retire-
ments from the team after three decades helping to lead
the company. Lastly, we welcomed Dr. Omar Ishrak, former
executive chairman and CEO of Medtronic, to Cargill’s board
of directors. His track record of building diverse teams and
opening new growth markets – especially in Asia – will be
Putting people first Nourishing the world invaluable as we pursue our strategic objectives.

To all the members of the Cargill team, our customers and

Achieved gender pay equity
$110.5 million our other partners: Thank you for the chance to work with
you during these extraordinary times. We are proud of what
on average among banded employees globally in charitable contributions in 56 countries
we achieved together during the past year and are excited to
We could not do any of this without the talented people who Beyond our commercial operations, we amplify our do more. Stay safe, healthy and strong.
make up our global team. The Cargill story is their story, too. impact through partnerships and corporate contributions.
Part of our company strategy includes clear goals and plans In extraordinary times like these, we know this is more
for how Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) will help us build important than ever.
a workplace that drives innovation and reflects the needs of Achieving sustainable development for the world’s people
our customers. That’s why we made it a priority to achieve will require collaboration around shared values. We fully
gender pay equity* during this fiscal year; join the OneTen support the U.N. Global Compact and its initiatives and
Coalition to hire 1 million Black Americans over the next 10 principles for human rights, labor, the environment and
years; and weave DEI into everything we do – from the way anti-corruption. More detailed information on our commit- David MacLennan Brian Sikes
we write job descriptions, to supplier diversity, to investing in ments and progress for high-priority supply chains and
Board Chair and Chief Operating Officer and
our communities. By putting people first, we create the envi- Chief Executive Officer Chief Risk Officer
material topics within our businesses can be found on
ronment that allows our colleagues to put customers first. our website.

August 9, 2021

*After considering appropriate factors expected to influence an individual’s pay such as country, job family, pay band and tenure, men and women in banded roles performing the same or significantly similar work
are on average paid the same. The most recent analysis included all banded employees, except those in trading and sales roles on commission or direct drive incentive plans.
4 Extraordinary solutions | Cargill 2021 Annual Report

Adapting to keep the food supply chain moving

As COVID-19 upended supply chains everywhere, food makers and restaurant owners had con-
cerns about getting enough ingredients to serve their customers. Cargill teams worked around
the clock to deliver for our customers. We were recognized by McDonald’s for ensuring their
most important items, beef in the U.S. and chicken nuggets in Asia, stayed on the menu. ARCOP,
Arby’s supply chain cooperative, honored us with its Red Hat Award for keeping its restaurants
supplied with roast beef, turkey and frying oil. And Taco Bell recognized us with three awards for

We deliver
keeping its restaurants stocked with seasoned ground beef and steak meat.
Throughout the world, we helped customers get what they needed –
enough soybean meal for Wens, the top yellow chicken and hog producer 64 million eggs
extraordinary in China; enough wheat and vegetable oils for Alicorp, the largest food
manufacturer in Peru; and enough cocoa and chocolate to help European
As demand for foodservice ingredients
fluctuated during the pandemic, Cargill

solutions to
helped divert supplies to where they were
baked goods producers meet growing retail demand. most needed: retail stores. We worked
with U.S. foodservice customers to
repackage and sell 64 million shell eggs

our customers
through retailers.

across the globe. Grab and Go deli meats

Freshly-sliced deli meat is a popular
lunchtime choice of U.S. consumers.
As demand increased this year, so did
retailers’ labor challenges. Cargill surveyed
consumers on their favorite options and
provided retailers with pre-sliced, ready-
to-purchase Grab and Go deli meats to
satisfy shoppers’ needs.
5 Extraordinary solutions | Cargill 2021 Annual Report

Innovating plant-based proteins

Cargill brings together expertise across our businesses, from
formulation to ingredients to manufacturing, to better serve customers
lower ecological
in the fast-growing alternative protein market. We have developed
Eversweet®, Cargill and DSM’s
plant-based alternatives to chicken, beef, pork and seafood now newest stevia sweetener, is made
distributed across retail, foodservice and e-commerce. We are through an innovative fermentation
the largest private label supplier in the U.S and have a significant process that uses far less land
and water than stevia produced
presence in China. through bioconversion.
Thousands of
Hot Take is Cargill’s new

Boosting salmon sustainability digital platform that provides

foodservice and consumer
packaged goods brands with
As demand for seafood grows globally, salmon farmers
fast, flexible feedback on their
want to protect the oceans that support their livelihood. products to help speed up
In response, Cargill launched SeaFurther Sustainability, development. The experience
an initiative that will help them produce healthy, nutritious is fun and easy, more akin to a
short quiz than a formal survey.
fish with feed that is more sustainable. We aim to help Thousands of consumers have
salmon farmers reduce the environmental footprint of their
fish by 30% by 2030.
ranked their favorite ingredients
and sounded off on products to $21 million
SeaFurther will help save the seafood industry 2 billion
receive discounts and rewards
for their “take.” for fresh
kilograms of CO2 , the equivalent of removing more
than 400,000 cars from the road in one year.
Cargill’s $21 million House of
Chocolate will help its customers,
which include the world’s leading
chocolate makers and gourmet

chocolatiers, imagine fresh
ideas to delight consumers.
The state-of-the-art chocolate
experience center broke ground
this year. When it opens in
Shengwang Farm in China’s 2022, customers will be able to
hog herd has grown that co-create new products with
much in nine years using Cargill’s chocolate experts, see
our feed, our Diamond V gut concepts come to life in our pilot
health additives and our data plant and up their chocolate
management systems. savvy through in-depth training.
6 Extraordinary partnerships | Cargill 2021 Annual Report

Protecting forests and native vegetation

Conserving forests while supporting farmer livelihoods is critical to our ability
to sustainably feed a growing global population. Nowhere is this more true
than South America, home to some of the world’s most important biomes.
To help end deforestation in our soy supply chains, we committed $30 million
to create the Land Innovation Fund for Sustainable Livelihoods. We enlisted
Chemonics International to administer the fund and partner on shaping an
To generate ideas
integrated project portfolio.
ocean shipping
Now, projects are taking flight with partners across the region. For example, innova- The world needs ocean

that change
tion hub AgTech Garage selected six startups for funding, mentoring and technical shipping to move vital food and
support. These innovators are exploring everything from monitoring tree health goods, but doing so creates
significant CO 2 emissions.
remotely to quantifying carbon in the soy supply chain to using artificial intelligence

the world, we
Cargill is leading the maritime
for preventing forest fires, as pictured below. (Photo courtesy of umgrauemeio) industry’s decarbonization
on many fronts, including by
exploring wind propulsion.

have developed We are working with partners

to bring innovative, energy-
efficient technology inspired by

world-class yacht racing to bulk
cargo ships, with help from EU
Horizon 2020 funding.

partnerships. -30% CO2

Ideas like giant, solid-wing
sails could considerably
reduce CO2 emissions from
bulk ocean shipping

We are partnering
on scalable
solutions that
will help protect
millions of hectares
of forests in South
7 Extraordinary partnerships | Cargill 2021 Annual Report

Preventing disease
Emerging infectious disease and antimicro-
bial resistance are among the greatest threats
to global human health, but keeping farm
animals healthy can reduce risk. To do so, the
U.S. Agency for International Development
selected a Cargill-led consortium to
$10.5 strengthen animal agriculture in Africa and
Asia. Through the five-year Transformational
million Strategies for Farm Output Risk Mitigation
Funds from Cargill and our
customers have supported a
(TRANSFORM) project, our animal health
researchers and other experts will improve with farmers
decade-long partnership with
CARE to transform the lives of
West African cocoa farmers and
data surveillance, antimicrobial use and
on-farm practices to help farm animals live
healthier and enhance global health security.
to do more
their families. In areas where our
programs operate, women are
more involved in decision-making,
nutrition is up and community-
led action plans are bolstering
Regenerating 10 million acres
infrastructure. Regenerative agricultural practices have all sorts of benefits – from improving water
quality and soil health to reducing and sequestering carbon to helping farmers earn
more. That’s why Cargill and our partners are working with farmers so they can adopt
these practices on 10 million acres of North America row crop farmland by 2030.
4.1 Growers like Lance and Heidi Lillibridge have seen the impact on their 2,000 acres in
million Iowa. They have started strip tilling, planting cover crops and tracking soil nutrients.
Now, their soil is healthier, they use less fertilizer and erosion is much lower.
Global attendance at
our farmer trainings for
sustainable agricultural
practices since 2017, Building an organic supply chain -1.7M tons of CO2e
with a goal of 10 million When Bell & Evans needed more organic feed ingredients for Our BeefUp Sustainability initiative
by 2030 is working with farmers and
its premium poultry products in North America, the company
ranchers to cut emissions from
turned to Cargill. Going organic at the scale Bell & Evans our North American beef supply
needed would not be easy: 50,000 acres transitioned over a chain 30% by 2030.* Projects
few years, the largest such program in the world. launched to date will reduce or
sequester an estimated 1.7 million
Our relationships with farmers are enabling us to do this. We metric tons of CO 2e through
ask them each to enroll a limited number of acres to ease their outreach to 1,600 producers and
switch to organic practices. And we pair them with experts at some of our largest customers.
the Rodale Institute to provide technical assistance. * measured per pound from 2017 baseline
8 Extraordinary people | Cargill 2021 Annual Report

Keeping people safe Supporting our

Our response throughout the pandemic has been guided by our values –
putting people first and doing the right thing. We have worked to keep our
teams safe by sourcing personal protective equipment and sanitization sup- $11.7
plies, establishing on-site testing protocols, and implementing remote work
where possible. Today, thousands of front-line employees have been vacci- million
in funding this year
nated against COVID-19 through onsite clinics and partnerships with local
specifically for COVID-19 relief

We are stronger
health agencies. Still, we are not immune from the impacts of the virus, physi- in our communities
cally and emotionally. That’s why, through the global crisis, we have promoted Our focus has been on fighting
our mental health resources and focused on removing the stigma around hunger, supporting health and

than ever mental health. Our employees have shown incredible resilience, navigating
not only the pandemic but also severe weather and natural disasters. Last
June, we set up an Employee Disaster Relief Fund and so far have distributed
safety needs, and tackling industry
challenges. As countries battled
new outbreaks, we responded.

because of
For instance, we donated more
more than $12 million in 24 countries to help our colleagues in need. than $1.5 million to support
hospitals, front-line health workers

and vulnerable people in India.

As vaccines became available
2005 Our reportable around the world, we partnered
4.58 injury frequency rate*: with organizations such as the

2005-2021 U.N. Foundation’s ACT Accelerator
Fund and CARE to support
2021 serious injury and fatality educational campaigns and
rate, our lowest ever*
1.17 equitable distribution.

*Reportable Injury Frequency Rate =

20+ million
(Total Reportable Injuries x
200,000)/Hours Worked
Serious Injury and Fatality (SIF) Rate =
(SIF Reportable Injuries x
200,000)/Hours Worked
SIF Reportable Injuries include any
reportable injury that was, or had the

face masks sourced for employees potential to be, a fatality or permanent

life-altering injury
9 Extraordinary people | Cargill 2021 Annual Report

100 schools
Advancing racial equity When Van Thanh primary school
opened this year, it was the 100th

in agriculture
school built by Cargill in rural
Vietnam over 25 years. Annually,
we provide 15,000 children in the
country with access to quality
There are 3.4 million farmers in America, and only 2% of them are Black. To accelerate progress on education.
racial equity, Cargill launched the Black Farmer Equity Initiative in partnership with two U.S. organi-
zations: the National Black Growers Council and 100 Ranchers. Together we will work with custom-
ers, nonprofits and others to help increase the participation and profitability of Black farmers.
Pictured: Christi Bland and her father, James Bland Jr., run their fourth-generation rice and soybean farm together in Mississippi.

(Photo courtesy of Brent Warren and DTN/Progressive Farmer)

100 million
Cargill and Heifer International
have expanded our Hatching
Hope partnership to Kenya, with

future the initial goal to improve nutrition

and incomes of 10 million people

through sustainable poultry
production. Hatching Hope
aims to reach 100 million people
Now in its ninth year, Cargill’s globally by 2030.
Global Scholars program has
engaged more than 550 students

from the U.S., Brazil, China,
India, Indonesia and Russia.
Along the way, more than 375

Inspiring innovators Introduced in February 2021, the Digital Saathi

mobile app is already helping thousands of farmers
Cargill employees have served as
mentors. This year, scholars and
of employees said they
are proud to work at
make valuable connections. mentors connected virtually.
To nurture the innovators among us, we Cargill in our recent
launched an internal business accelerator, engagement survey
Cargill EDGE (Entrepreneurial Digital Growth
Engine). EDGE provides methodologies, gover-

nance and funding to help our teams bring dig-
ital businesses to life. Startups include Digital
Saathi (shown here), a platform to improve
of global leadership
farmer livelihoods by connecting crop farmers
farmers Crop markets roles at Cargill are
in India with resources and markets.
in India and ag suppliers filled by women,
up from 25.2% in 2015
10 About Cargill | Cargill 2021 Annual Report

We are Working in With more than

155K 70 155
employees countries years of
Cargill Delivering for customers
in more than We aim to be the most
Our purpose is to 125 trusted partner for food,
agriculture, financial and
nourish the world in a countries industrial customers.
safe, responsible
and sustainable way.
11 About Cargill | Cargill 2021 Annual Report

Our business
Every day, we connect farmers with markets, customers with ingredients, and
people and animals with the food they need to thrive. Insights Insights


Transform Transform
Insights Insights

For farmers We provide insights For customers


We supply feeds, other We deliverMovefinished

inputs Transform
and expertise to our partners Insights

goods to
to farmers, and customers
buy crops and the
Move livestock
Move from
We transform Transform
retail, consumer
Farmers goods
raw materials into and industrial

finished goods
Animal Food Animal Branded Bioindustrials
sectors Customers
nutrition ingredients protein foods
Farmers Farmers

We move products
Customers Customers



around the world


Roads Rail Rivers Oceans


How we work Our Guiding Principles

Our integrated operating Our global functions equip financial performance. Led Doing business ethically is
approach enables our busi- our businesses to do this by Board Chair and CEO key to our long-term strategy 1. We obey the law. 6. We protect Cargill’s
nesses to provide indus- effectively and efficiently Dave MacLennan, mem- and relationships. Our seven information, assets
2. We conduct our busi-
try-leading products and by providing process gov- bers of the Executive Team Guiding Principles make and interests.
ness with integrity.
services in their specific ernance and deep subject represent all of Cargill’s up the core of our Code
7. We are committed to
sectors while also drawing matter expertise on issues enterprises, as well as major of Conduct. We require all 3. We keep accurate and
being a responsible
on the full world of Cargill’s that affect us, our custom- global functions. They use employees and contrac- honest records.
global citizen.
expertise. We deliver this ers and other partners. a diverse set of experiences tors to follow them, and
from both inside and outside 4. We honor our busi-
expertise locally, quickly and expect our suppliers to do
Cargill’s Executive Team is ness obligations.
reliably through world-class of the company to lead and the same.
responsible for the compa-
capabilities and operations achieve results. 5. We treat people with
ny’s strategic direction, tal-
everywhere we do business. dignity and respect.
ent development and overall
12 About Cargill | Cargill 2021 Annual Report

Our approach to sustainability

Our purpose is to nourish the world in a safe, As we drive progress against these areas, place our food system begins: Agriculture. that we offer, we are committed to creating
responsible and sustainable way. It’s who we’ll do so by engaging, empowering and Agriculture can be a force for good. We aim impactful change that leverages our scale of
we are. It’s why we exist. As the world faces advancing sustainable practices across farm to empower farmers and workers, support operations and reach.
extraordinary challenges – from climate and field, because we believe agriculture is local communities, promote safe and fair
By empowering farming communities, pro-
change to food insecurity – delivering on our how we’ll deliver. working conditions and ensure food is nutri-
tecting land and regenerating our soils, we’ll
purpose is more critical than ever before. tious and plentiful for all. We’re also driving
nourish this growing population – safely,
progress on priorities that safeguard our
Our global sustainability strategy sets clear Agriculture is how we help responsibly and sustainably.
planet and help ensure we’re operating our
priorities based on the most material issues people and the planet thrive. business in a sustainable way. Through our
to our business. We identified Climate, Land
As the world joins in advancing the U.N. work with key partners, collaborative initia-
& Water and People by evaluating the envi-
Sustainable Development Goals, we believe tives with our customers and through con-
ronmental, social and economic impacts
that many of the solutions to the chal- stantly innovating the products and services
of our diverse business and supply chains.
lenges we’re facing can be found in the very

Land &
Climate People
Water Cargill, Incorporated © 2021 Cargill, Incorporated.
P.O. Box 9300 Printed in U.S.A.
Minneapolis, MN 55440

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