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Assignment 4: Inventions

Student´s name: lorenzo montoya

a)What were important inventions that changed our lives?

Mention four of them.
The wheel, vaccines, atomic bomb, diapers
b)Why do you think they were important?
The wheel : I think the wheel was an important invention because it made it
construction more efficient. It also allowed people to use it for transport,
especially to move in long distances were going on foot wasn't possible.
the printing. It was important because it allowed people to easily access
information that before was reserved only for the wealthy.
c) You are going to read an article about different important things for us.
To fully understand the article you have to put the verbs into present or past passive.

Our lives ARE MADE (make) better every day thanks to inventions. But
sometimes, inventions can make our lives worse. This can happen when an
invention isn't used (not use) according to the inventor’s plan. For example,
Alfred Nobel, a Swedish scientist, invented a strong explosive in 1867. It
was called (call) dynamite and it revolutionized the world of engineering. After its
invention, many bridges, tunnels and other structures were built (build) with the help of
dynamite. However, dynamite was also used (also, use) to kill people in wars. This upset
Nobel. Before his death, Nobel decided to use the money from his famous invention to
make the world a better place. A special fund was started (start) in Nobel’s name. Every
year, Nobel prizes are given (give) for extraordinary work in science, medicine,
literature and the promotion of world peace.

d) Can you mention any Argentine scientist who had won the Nobel Prize? When and

add  dry  introduce  invent  mix  not make  not need  produce  use (x2)
(1) (2)
Paper is produced from wood. The fibres of wood from trees are mixed with water
(3) (4)
until they become a soft wet pulp, which _ is dried. This method of paper-making _was
invented in the 2nd century BC in China. However, early writing material weren't always
made (always) from wood. In fact, the word paper comes from papyrus plants which was
used by the Egyptians to make a form of paper in 3,000 B.C. When machines for-paper
making were introduced in the 19th century, paper became easy to afford. Today, one of
the problems with the huge production of paper is that a chemical called chlorine __is
added to make the paper white. Recycling is important, because
chlorine ________isn´t needed__________________ and less
energy __________is used________________ for recycled

e) Is recycling important for you? Why? Do you recycle things? Which ones? How often
do you recycle? Write about it.

I think it is important to help the environment.Nowadays, one of the most relevant ways
of recycling in mi opinion are plastic bricks. They are useful to give people construction
materials and use trash in a good way.

I try to separate plastic, glass and every residue before taking out the trash.

For centuries, people had local games where teams competed with a ball, but
the rules of our modern game of football _weren't written (not write) until 1863 in
England. Today this exciting and skillful sport _is enjoyed (enjoy) all over the world.
Every four years thirty-two countries _are allowed (allow) to compete in the World Cup.
(4) (5)
The 2015 World Cup _is held (hold) in Brazil, and the matches are watched (watch) by
a TV audience of over thirty billion people. The sport _isn't played (not play) only by
men. Women’s football is quickly becoming more popular. The first Women’s World Cup
took place in 1991 in China, where the competition __was won_ (win) by a team from the
United States.

Who doesn’t like sweets? Sweets (1) are loved (love) by people
everywhere – and not only by children. At our house, a sweet dessert
__is enjoyed (enjoy) by the whole family after every meal. My
favourite dessert (3) _was invented (invent) many years ago – by mistake!
One day in 1905, a drink (4) __was left (leave) outside by an eleven-year
old boy named Frank Epperson. The drink had a mixing stick in it. It was
very cold that night and the drink froze. When the frozen drink (5) __was taken
(take) out of the cup, it stayed on the stick. That’s how the first ice lolly
__was created (create). Of course, ice lollies __weren't sold
(not sell) in shops immediately. After all, their inventor was only a boy! But eighteen
years later, Frank Epperson opened an ice lolly factory.
Today, millions of his sweets creations (8) _are eaten (eat) worldwide.

give kill make need not protect not understand

Disease is one of man’s greatest enemies. Between 1347 and 1351,
about 25 million people in Europe _were killed by the Black Death.
Before vaccines, people __weren't protected from disease. The
(3) (4)
first vaccine _was made in about 1800, but the theory __wasn't
understood for another 50 years. Today, vaccines __are given to
most children in developed world, but more vaccines _____are
needed in poorer countries.

buy invent make not teach print write

The earliest books __were written by hand. This took a long time, so very few
(2) (3)
copies _were made. They _were bought only by rich and
important people. Ordinary people _weren't taught to read. The printing
press _was invented in 1450 by Johann Gutenberg. He printed
copies of the Bible. In the modern world, millions of books, magazines and
newspapers __are printed_ every day.

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