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Journal of Quantitative Analysis in

Volume 4, Issue 2 2008 Article 7

Racial Bias in the NBA: Implications in

Betting Markets

Tim Larsen, Brigham Young University - Utah

Joe Price, Brigham Young University - Utah
Justin Wolfers, The Wharton School, University of
Pennsylvania/ CEPR/ IZA/ NBER

Recommended Citation:
Larsen, Tim; Price, Joe; and Wolfers, Justin (2008) "Racial Bias in the NBA: Implications in
Betting Markets," Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports: Vol. 4 : Iss. 2, Article 7.
Available at:
DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1112
©2008 American Statistical Association. All rights reserved.
Racial Bias in the NBA: Implications in
Betting Markets
Tim Larsen, Joe Price, and Justin Wolfers

Recent studies have documented the existence of an own-race bias on the part of sports
officials. In this paper we explore the implications of these biases on betting markets. We use data
from the 1991/92 - 2004/05 NBA regular seasons to show that a betting strategy exploiting own-
race biases by referees would systematically beat the spread.

KEYWORDS: betting markets, basketball, own-race bias

Author Notes: The authors would like to thank the Wharton Sports Business Initiative for
generous research support.
Larsen et al.: Racial Bias in the NBA: Implications in Betting Markets

I. Introduction
In a recent study, Price and Wolfers (2007) find that referees in the NBA call relatively
fewer fouls on players of their own race and that this own-race bias is sufficiently large to
affect the outcome of an appreciable number of games. In subsequent research, Parsons
et al. (2007) provide similar evidence of own-race bias among baseball umpires, finding
that the propensity for an umpire to call strikes rather than balls is higher if he is of the
same race as the pitcher.
In this paper, we extend this earlier research by analyzing whether own-race bias
also changes the outcomes of point-spread bets on NBA basketball. That is, we analyze
data from the 1991/92 to 2004/05 NBA seasons to test whether using information about
the racial mix of the players on each team and the racial mix of referees could be used to
systematically beat the spread.
We find that in games where the majority of the officials are white, betting on the
team expected to have more minutes played by white players always leads to more than a
50% chance of beating the spread. The probability of beating the spread increases as the
racial gap between the two teams widens such that, in games with three white referees, a
team whose fraction of minutes played by white players is more than 30 percentage
points greater than their opponent will beat the spread 57% of the time.
These results yield three interesting implications. First, tests of this nature are
typically reported as tests of market efficiency. In this case we learn that the betting
market failed to appropriately price the implications of own-race bias on game outcomes.
Indeed, whereas Price and Wolfers (2007) find that game outcomes are systematically
affected by the interaction of the racial composition of players and referees, we do not
find any relationship between these factors and the betting spread. This is a useful
contrast to a long literature typically finding that betting markets are extremely efficient
aggregators of information (Sauer 1998). Second, given that point spreads control for
nearly every other observable factor influencing the outcome of the game, the fact that
information about the racial mix of the team and referees systematically leads to a higher
chance of beating the spread provides additional evidence of own-race bias on the part of
NBA referees. Whereas Price and Wolfers (2007) had relied initially on random
assignment and subsequently on regressions with rich controls in order to account for the
way in which other factors may influence game outcomes, in this paper we use the
betting spread as a summary statistic of the influence of all of these other factors. Third,
this paper yields direct evidence that variation across refereeing crews is sufficiently
large that advance knowledge of the refereeing crew could be valuable to gamblers.
This is perhaps the most interesting result of our work—the effects of own-race
bias on game outcomes are large enough that our betting strategy would not only win a
majority of bets, but also win large returns when betting on games with strong differences
in the teams’ racial composition. It is not clear whether this would continue in the future
since Price and Wolfers’ (2007) previous study received considerable media attention in
May 2007, but winning large amounts of money in our simulated bets further strengthens
the evidence for the existence of an underlying racial bias in NBA officiating.

Published by Berkeley Electronic Press, 2008 1

Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 2, Art. 7

II. Background: The NBA Betting Market and Betting Data

Wagering on NBA basketball games typically involves spread betting, in which one bets
$11 to win $10 (for a return of $21) if a team wins the game, relative to a spread. For
example, when the Utah Jazz visited the Philadelphia 76ers on December 20, 2004, the
spread was Philadelphia -6½, meaning that a bet on the Jazz would win if either they won
the game or if they lost by 6 or fewer points. Thus, the point spread can be considered a
market-based forecast of the outcome of a game.
We have collected the betting line (or spread) on all regular season games
running from 1991/92 through the 2004/05 seasons from It is worth
emphasizing that these are closing lines and hence represent the set of bets available to
gamblers subsequent to the announcement of the refereeing crew. (These announcements
occurred 90 minutes prior to tip-off during our sample but were recently changed to the
morning of the game. A 90 minute window may seem like a brief time to make bets using
information on the officials, but bettors have long kept statistics on several aspects of
referees’ performances and have used these to make bets after the officiating crews are
As Figure 1 shows, point spreads have historically been an unbiased forecast of
likely game outcomes. Point spreads are in fact so accurate that they have been shown to
have greater predictive power than sports experts and economists’ models (Song et al.,
2007), and it is somewhat rare to find any way to systematically exploit them for a profit
(Woodland & Woodland 1994; Woodland & Woodland 2001.).
However, market efficiency is a more demanding standard. One definition of
efficiency requires the absence of profit opportunities for gamblers, given available
information. Since one must bet $11 to win $10, any betting strategy that predicts the
winner (against the spread) more than 52.38% of the time amounts to a potentially
profitable trading strategy and hence shows evidence of market inefficiency. A stricter
efficiency standard also considers the potential profit opportunities available to
bookmakers. Under this “strict efficiency” standard, the expected return to accepting bets
against any team must be equalized, or else a bookmaker in a competitive market would
find it profitable to deviate from the existing spread. Thus, strict efficiency requires that
the probability that a team beats the spread is 50%, and more importantly, that it is
orthogonal to existing information.
At this point it is worth noting that our definition of efficiency requires that the
point spread be a median forecast (deviations above are as likely as deviations below),
and not that it forecasts average game outcomes, although the latter is certainly plausible
if forecast errors are symmetric. And indeed, Figure 2 shows that the distribution of
forecast errors is symmetric and approximately normal.
Our specific interest is in testing whether the interaction of information about the
racial composition of teams and referees helps predict whether a team covers the spread.
Our data on the racial composition of both players and referees are drawn from Price and
Wolfers (2007) who provide a more complete discussion of the data collection
procedures. Our racial coding is somewhat coarse—we categorize players and referees
as black or non-black (and somewhat imprecisely refer to the latter group as “white”).
Thus each game is categorized according to whether it involves 0, 1, 2 or 3 white 2
DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1112
Larsen et al.: Racial Bias in the NBA: Implications in Betting Markets

referees. The average number of white referees in each game is 2.01. 28.1% of games
have three white referees and 3.0% of games have no white referees.
Characterizing the racial composition of a team is somewhat more difficult. We
want to be careful to use a metric that is observable prior to tip-off so that it could form
the basis of a feasible betting strategy. Thus, for each team, we use information from the
last five games to construct a measure of the fraction of minutes that were played by
black players. (The first five games of each season were dropped from the dataset since
values could not be created for those contests.) This proxy measure is highly correlated
with the proportion of minutes played by blacks in the current game (ρ=0.92). Using this
measure, the difference in the racial mix between the two teams for the games in our
sample can be as high as 71 percentage points with a median of 12 percentage points and
a 90th percentile of 31 percentage points.
Our original sample includes 15,250 games. We exclude 383 games for which we
do not have information on the spread and another 302 for which the final score
difference was the same as the spread (called a push, which leads to a cancellation of all
of the bets). We also excluded 69 games for which we did not have information on the
team’s racial composition over the last 5 games. These exclusions leave use with a final
sample of 14,496 games.

III. Analysis
We begin by showing some very simple evidence consistent with the efficiency of these
betting markets. Table 1 shows that home teams beat the spread 49.43 percent of the
time, which is statistically indistinguishable from 50 percent. The rate of return earned
from always betting on home teams (at odds of 10/11) is –5.63%. The favorite beat the
spread in 50.01% of all games, yielding a rate of return of -4.52%. Further
disaggregating these data into home favorites, home underdogs, away favorites, and away
underdogs reveals that in all four cases the probability of beating the spread is statistically
indistinguishable from 50%. Thus, it appears that the betting market prices these factors
appropriately. Many other factors were also tested for their accuracy in predicting
winning bets and none yielded results that varied from 50%. Other betting literature
concurs with these findings that nearly all observable factors are accounted for in making
the point spreads and it is thus difficult to find simple betting strategies that would win
more than 50% of the time.
Each of the rows in Table 1 can be re-cast as simple regression equations. This
will be important as we assess the role of a player’s race—a continuous variable. In
Table 2, we estimate a linear probability model, attempting to forecast whether the home
team beats the spread, as a function of the difference in the racial composition between
the two teams (measured using the average over the last five games played by each

I(Home team beats spread) = α + β*(%Blackhome - %Blackaway) [1]

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Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 2, Art. 7

The constant term, α, captures any home-team bias in these markets, while β
captures whether the relative racial composition of the two teams impacts a team
covering the spread (%Black is the proportion of playing time that a team has given to
black players over the preceding five games). We estimate this regression equation
separately for games according to the racial composition of the refereeing crew. If this
were an efficient market then we expect to see α=0.5 and β=0 in each sub-sample. Our
specific interest in own-race bias leads us to ask whether the refereeing crew mediates the
relationship between player race and outcomes and hence whether β varies with the racial
composition of the refereeing crew.
The results in Panel A of Table 2 yield some striking violations of the efficient
markets hypothesis, suggesting that the racial composition of the team has a significant
impact on whether a team beats the spread. In particular, if the home team is represented
by more black players than are their opponents, then they are much less likely to cover
the spread under an all-white refereeing crew. In contrast, the impact of player race on
outcomes is much more muted with mixed-race crews (it is insignificant for crews
involving two black referees and one white). The final column shows results for all-
black crews, in which case the team represented by more black players is more likely to
cover the spread, although it should be emphasized that this is a particularly small sample
of games, and these estimates are quite imprecise. Probit models yielded virtually
identical results.
Figure 3 shows the variation underlying these findings more directly. The upper
left panel shows that under an all-white refereeing crew, the chances that the home team
covers the spread declines when greater playing time is expected to be given to black
players (relative to their opponent). As the number of white referees declines, this pattern
becomes substantially more muted; under all-black refereeing crews, giving greater
playing time to black players makes a team more likely to beat the spread.
In order to further probe these results, Figure 4 turns to evaluating the margin by
which teams beat the spread, analyzing the home team’s winning margin relative to the
market-based forecast. The advantage of this measure is that it exploits information not
just on whether a team beats the spread, but also by how much, yielding more precise
estimates. The disadvantage is that stronger assumptions are required (symmetric
forecast errors) before one can interpret these as tests of market efficiency. Nonetheless,
Figure 4 shows qualitatively similar patterns to Figure 3, a point reinforced by the formal
analysis in Panel B of Table 2.
At this point we have established that the race of the referees is a key mediating
variable in the relationship between the team that covers the spread and the racial gap
between the two teams. That is, the slope in each panel of Figure 3 and Figure 4 differs
according to the racial composition of the refereeing crew. In turn, these outcomes are a
function of the team’s actual winning margin (the focus of Price and Wolfers (2007)) and
the betting spread. Thus in Figure 5 and Figure 6, we isolate the separate influences of
the winning margin and the betting spread. Figure 5 shows that the relationship between
the racial composition of competing teams and the winning margin is strongly affected by
the racial composition of the refereeing crew. However, while Figure 6 shows that the
betting line varies with the racial composition of the two teams, this relationship is
invariant to the the racial composition of the refereeing crew. That is, we can infer from 4
DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1112
Larsen et al.: Racial Bias in the NBA: Implications in Betting Markets

this analysis that the spread is set as if there is no own-race bias, even though game
outcomes do in fact reflect an own-race bias. The formal analysis in Panels C and D of
Table 2 also confirms this result.
Thus far our analysis has proceeded by examining games involving 0, 1, 2 or 3
white referees separately. A more direct way to test for own-race bias involves pooling
these data and running:

I(Home team beats spread) = α + β*(%Blackhome - %Blackaway) +

γ*%White referees + δ*(%Blackhome - %Blackaway) * %White referees [2]

As before, α measures the home team bias, γ measures whether this home team
bias varies with the racial composition of the refereeing crew (at least for games in which
%Blackhome - %Blackaway is zero, which is also approximately its sample mean), and β
measures the baseline impact of the racial composition of the two teams—for games
involving zero white referees. Our coefficient of interest, δ, measures the extent to which
the relationship between betting outcomes and the racial composition of the teams is
affected by the racial composition of the refereeing crew. This specification allows us to
directly test this interaction effect, but now also imposes a linear effect of %white
Our findings, reported in Table 3, largely confirm the earlier analysis. In
particular, the interaction of referee and player race has a statistically significant impact
on whether a team covers the spread. To interpret the coefficients, consider a roughly
typical game, in which one team is expected to deploy black players for about 15% more
time than their opponent. This team is 0.161*0.15≈2½ percent more likely to cover the
spread under an all-black refereeing crew than under an all-white crew. Alternately
phrased, were one to swap out one white referee for one black referee in a typical game,
this would change the chances of each team covering the spread by nearly one percentage
point. The results in column two—which analyzes the winning margin relative to the
spread—are roughly consistent, suggesting that changing from an all-white to an all-
black crew changes the expected margin by 3.292*0.15≈0.5 points. In around 8% of
games the result is within one point of the spread, so these small effects could still have
impacts in betting markets. Further, it is worth noting that these estimated effects on
whether a team covers the spread and by how much are quite similar to results reported in
Table 7 of Price and Wolfers (2007), who analyzed whether a team won the game and by
how much.
The third column of Table 3 analyzes the impact of the own-race bias on the
team’s outright winning margin, finding a significant effect of a roughly similar
magnitude to that estimated for the margin relative to the spread. The final column
suggests that the betting spread does not systematically respond to the interaction of
player and referee race. All told, these results suggest that the own-race bias documented
in column 3 is not priced by the betting market (see column 4), yielding significant
evidence that the interaction of the racial composition of player and referees yields
potential betting opportunities (in columns 1 and 2).
We now turn to testing whether we can use these results to implement a
profitable betting strategy. The simplest betting advice that comes from this research is

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Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 2, Art. 7

to bet on the team that shares the greatest racial similarity with the refereeing crew. The
first row of Table 4 reports on the proportion of winning bets such a strategy yields—an
overall success rate of 51.01%. Equally, one might expect that the own-race bias we
have identified would have a larger impact the more extreme the racial composition of
the refereeing crew is, and indeed, this strategy correctly picks 51.37% of games
involving all-white crews, and 52.53% of games involving all-black crews. Similarly,
one might expect that own-race bias will have a larger impact the greater the difference in
the racial composition of the two teams. Table 4 reports the winning percentages when
restricting attention to sub-samples of games involving progressively sharper racial
contrasts, and we find that the subset of games involving teams which are more racially
different tend to yield stronger results.
These data appear to suggest that a profitable betting strategy may exist and that
such a strategy would emphasize games involving two teams of quite different racial
composition, refereed by either all-white or all-black crews. In Table 5, we assess a
couple of fairly simple betting strategies that one might implement based on our analysis.
We make assessments against the two alternative notions of market efficiency described
previously: whether a betting strategy allows one to predict more than 50% of all games
correctly, and whether a strategy yields a positive rate of return (measured here as returns
per $1 bet, taking account of the 10/11 odds usually offered). Given these hypotheses,
we implement one-sided hypothesis tests.
Our initial strategy uses the regression equation presented in Panel A of Table 2.
In the first case we simply bet on whichever team yields the greatest forecast of beating
the spread (ensuring one bet per game), while the second case is more selective, only
betting on those games where the chances of beating the spread are forecast to be greater
than the 11/21 needed to break even. The former predicts significantly more than 50% of
outcomes against the spread (51.35%), but not enough to offer a profit opportunity. The
latter yields a more impressive win percentage (53.79%), and a small (albeit statistically
insignificant) profit. Betting $1 on each of the 2,549 games would have returned
$2617.4, for a profit of 2.68%. Given the greater precision available from our earlier
analysis of a team’s winning margin (relative to the spread), our next strategies exploited
the predicted values from Panel B of Table 2. Betting on those games where this
prediction margin is greater than half a point yields a small and statistically insignificant
profit. Confining our attention only to those games where this formula suggested a one
point advantage yields only 661 betting opportunities, but an impressive 55.67% win rate,
and a statistically significant 6.29% profit.
These approaches may seem somewhat opaque, and so we subsequently present a
more intuitive set of betting strategies, confining attention to the 4,493 games involving
all-black or all-white refereeing crews and suggesting simply that one bets on the team
with greater racial similarity to the refereeing crew. Overall this yields a 51.48% success
rate, which is not quite sufficient to be profitable. In subsequent rows we further focus
on those games where the racial contrast between the two teams is starkest, and find that
successively tighter rules yield both fewer bets and increasingly higher (and significantly
positive) rates of return—when betting on games in which one team averages two more
players on the floor at a time that are the same race as the referees (a difference in black
players of greater than 40 percentage points), returns would have been over 18% per bet. 6
DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1112
Larsen et al.: Racial Bias in the NBA: Implications in Betting Markets

IV. Conclusion
This paper assesses the role of own-race bias by NBA officials in shaping outcomes in
betting markets. We show that exploiting information on the racial mix of the players
and referees would have allowed us to systematically beat the spread. We also show that
by restricting one’s bets to those games where the bias is likely to be the largest, sizable
profits are possible. This finding is notable in that it systematically beats the spread using
only information on the race of the players and the officials. It is worth contrasting this
with the existing literature showing that simple strategies are almost never profitable, and
if they are they generally yield small returns (Sauer 1998).
Equally, our approach is somewhat unique in that the existing literature assessing
either sports betting in particular or behavioral finance more generally, has rarely focused
on the role that discrimination may play in yielding systematically mistaken beliefs and
hence profit opportunities. Wolfers (2006), analyzing the role of CEO gender on stock
prices, is another example, albeit from the financial domain.
It is not clear whether the betting strategy we describe in this paper will continue
to be profitable in the future. The Price and Wolfers (2007) study received considerable
media attention in May 2007 and attracted the criticism of David Stern. It is possible
that, since the release of their results, the behavior on the part of referees has changed or
that the betting market has begun incorporating information about how the racial
composition of the refereeing crew may differentially affect the outcome of the game
based on the racial mix of each team.

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Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 2, Art. 7

Table 1: Betting Outcomes for Home v. Away and Favorite v. Underdog

Bets Wins Win % Rate of return
All teams 28,992 14,496 50% -4.55%
Home 14,496 7,166 49.43% -5.63%
(0.42) (0.79)
Away 14,496 7,330 50.57% -3.47%
(0.42) (0.79)
Favorites 14,212 7,108 50.01% -4.52%
(0.42) (0.80)
Underdogs 14,212 7,104 49.99% -4.57%
(0.42) (0.80)
Home favorites 10,150 5,036 49.62% -5.28%
(0.50) (0.95)
Home underdogs 4,062 1,990 48.99% -6.47%
(0.78) (1.50)
Away favorites 4,062 2,072 51.01% -2.62%
(0.78) (1.50)
Away underdogs 10,150 5,114 50.38% -3.81%
(0.50) (0.95)
Notes: (Standard errors in parentheses)
Rate of return refers to the return from betting $1 on each team meeting the specified
criterion. 8
DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1112
Larsen et al.: Racial Bias in the NBA: Implications in Betting Markets

Table 2: Probability of Beating the Spread as a Function of Team and

Referee Race
3 white 2 white referees 1 white referee 0 white
referees referees
Panel A
Dependent Variable: I(Home Team Beats Spread) (Linear
Probability Model)
β:%Blackhome- -0.122*** -0.056* -0.034 0.114
%Blackaway (0.042) (0.033) (0.048) (0.125)
α:Constant 0.477*** 0.498*** 0.502*** 0.542***
(0.008) (0.006) (0.009) (0.024)
F-test (α=0.5; β=0) F2,4071=8.26*** F2,6853=1.47* F2,3122=0.27 F2,433=1.83
(p=0.0003) (p=0.230) (p=0.760) (p=0.161)

Panel B
Dependent Variable: Home Team Winning Margin – Betting
Pointshome-Pointsaway - Eq50[Pointshome-Pointsaway]
β:%Blackhome- -3.151*** -1.547** -1.261 1.241
%Blackaway (0.983) (0.752) (1.109) (2.978)
α:Constant -0.505*** -0.038 0.167 0.617
(0.182) (0.138) (0.209) (0.571)
F-test (α=0; β=0) F2,4071=8.87*** F2,6853=2.15 F2,3122=0.96 F2,433=0.64
(p=0.0001) (p=0.116) (p=0.382) (p=0.527)

Panel C
Dependent Variable: Home Team Winning Margin
β:%Blackhome- -6.128 -5.140*** -3.673*** -0.903
%Blackaway (1.112) (0.853) (1.256) (3.217)
α:Constant 3.167*** 3.541*** 3.631*** 4.591***
(0.206) (0.157) (0.236) (0.618)

Panel D
Dependent Var.: Betting Spread (Forecast home winning margin)
β:%Blackhome- -2.976 -3.593*** -2.413*** -2.144
%Blackaway (0.546) (0.419) (0.603) (1.587)
α:Constant 3.671*** 3.580*** 3.464*** 3.974***
(0.101) (0.077) (0.114) (0.305)

Sample size 4,073 6,854 3,124 435

*** **
Notes: (Standard errors in parentheses). , and * denote statistically significant at 1%, 5%
and 10%, respectively.

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Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 2, Art. 7

Table 3: Testing for Own-Race Bias

Dependent Variable
I(Home team Home team Home team Betting
beats spread) winning winning spread
margin, margin (Home team
relative to expected
spread winning
δ: (%Blackhome - -0.161* -3.292* -4.098* -0.807
%Blackaway) * %White (0.085) (1.955) (2.210) (1.081)
β:%Blackhome - 0.043 0.345 -2.236 -2.581***
%Blackaway (0.061) (1.398) (1.581) (0.773)

γ: %White referees -0.045*** -1.038*** -0.907** 0.131

(0.016) (0.366) (0.414) (0.203)

α: Constant 0.524*** 0.588** 4.093*** 3.504***

(0.011) (0.263) (0.297) (0.145)

F-test: Market efficiency α=0.5; α= β=γ=δ=0

β=γ=δ=0 F4,14482=6.13***
F4,14482=5.33*** (p=0.0001)
Notes: (Standard errors in parentheses).
*** **
, and * denote statistically significant at 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively.
Sample n=14,482 games. 10
DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1112
Larsen et al.: Racial Bias in the NBA: Implications in Betting Markets

Table 4: Proportion of Bets Won by Betting on Team with Greatest

Racial Similarity to the Refereeing Crew
3 white 2 white 1 white 0 white All
referees referees referee referees games
All Games 51.37% 50.99% 50.39% 52.53% 51.01%
(0.78) (0.60) (0.90) (2.40) (0.42)
[4,059] [6,829] [3,114] [434] [14,436]
|%Blackhome- 51.73% 51.17% 48.86% 52.71% 50.87%
%Blackaway|>0.1 (1.04) (0.80) (1.17) (3.11) (0.55)
[2,318] [3,903] [1,811] [258] [8,290]
|%Blackhome- 54.36% 50.83% 49.88% 54.20% 51.74%
%Blackaway|>0.2 (1.49) (1.18) (1.71) (4.37) (0.80)
[1,113] [1,798] [858] [131] [3,900]
|%Blackhome- 56.76% 52.36% 49.86% 52.63% 53.04%
%Blackaway|>0.3 (2.34) (1.86) (2.62) (6.67) (1.25)
[451] [720] [365] [57] [1,593]
|%Blackhome- 62.50% 54.47% 48.48% 56.25% 55.19%
%Blackaway|>0.4 (4.05) 3.11) (4.37) (12.80) (2.12)
[144] [257] [132] [16] [549]
Notes: (Standard errors in parentheses). [Sample size in brackets]

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Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 2, Art. 7

Table 5: Tests of Simple Betting Rules

Bets Wins Win % Rate of return
H0: p<50% H0:
All teams 28,992 14,496 50% -4.55%
Based on forecasts of whether a team will beat the spread (Col. A of Table 2)
14,496 7,444 51.35%*** -1.96%
(0.41) (0.79)
2,549 1,371 53.79%*** +2.68%
(0.99) (1.89)
Based on forecasts of how much a team will beat the spread by (Col. B of Table
14,496 7,448 51.38%*** -1.91%
(0.42) (0.79)
3,605 1,936 53.70%*** +2.52%
(0.83) (1.59)
661 368 55.67% +6.29%*
(1.93) (3.69)
Simple Rules: Only bet if all-black or all-white refereeing crew
All games 4,493 2,313 51.48%** -1.72%
(0.75) (1.42)
If |%Blackhome- 2,576 1,335 51.82%** -1.06%
%Blackaway|>0.1 (0.98) (1.88)
If |%Blackhome- 1,244 676 54.34%** +3.74%
%Blackaway|>0.2 (1.41) (2.70)
If |%Blackhome- 508 286 56.30%*** +7.48%**
%Blackaway|>0.3 (2.20) (4.21)
If |%Blackhome- 160 99 61.88% +18.13%***
%Blackaway|>0.4 (3.85) (7.35)
Notes: (Standard errors in parentheses)
Rate of return refers to the return from betting $1 on each team meeting the specified
*** **
, and * indicate rejection of null hypothesis at 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively.
Note that these are one-sided hypotheses. 12
DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1112
Larsen et al.: Racial Bias in the NBA: Implications in Betting Markets

Figure 1: Point Spreads and Game Outcomes

Accuracy of the Vegas Spread: NBA Games

Winning Margin: Home points - Away points





-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Point Spread: Forecast of Home Team's Winning Margin
Line shows lowess estimates; bandwidth=.8. Some observations off-scale.

Source: Authors calculations, based on data from

Published by Berkeley Electronic Press, 2008 13

Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 2, Art. 7

Figure 2: Histogram of Forecast Errors

Distribution of Game Outcomes, Relative to the Spread






-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50
Home Team Winning Margin, Relative to the Spread
Solid line shows normal distribution
Dashed line shows kernel density estimates (rectangular kernel; width=2)

Notes: Histogram shows density at both half-point and whole-point margins; because half-point
spreads are far more common, this creates the jagged pattern. Also note that we have dropped
from the sample all games involving a “push” (when the outcome is exactly equal to the spread). 14
DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1112
Larsen et al.: Racial Bias in the NBA: Implications in Betting Markets

Figure 3: Betting Outcomes

Effects of Own-Race Bias on Betting Outcomes

0.7 3 white referees 0.7 2 white referees
Home team beats the spread (%games)

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3
-50% -25% 0% 25% 50% -50% -25% 0% 25% 50%

0.7 1 white referees 0 white referees

0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
-50% -25% 0% 25% 50% -50% -25% 0% 25% 50%

Difference in Racial Composition of Teams

Home team %black - Away team %black
(measured as difference in share of playing time in past 5 games)
Line shows running mean calculated using epanechnikov kernel with bandwidth=0.4; Shading shows symmetric 95% confidence intervals.

Published by Berkeley Electronic Press, 2008 15

Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 2, Art. 7

Figure 4: Winning Margin, Relative to the Spread

Effect of Own-Race Bias on Game Outcomes Relative to the Spread

by which home team beats the spread (points)

4.0 3 white referees 4.0 2 white referees

3.0 3.0
2.0 2.0
1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0
-1.0 -1.0
Average margin

-2.0 -2.0
-50% -25% 0% 25% 50% -50% -25% 0% 25% 50%

4.0 1 white referees 4.0 0 white referees

3.0 3.0
2.0 2.0
1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0
-1.0 -1.0
-2.0 -2.0
-50% -25% 0% 25% 50% -50% -25% 0% 25% 50%

Difference in Racial Composition of Teams

Home team %black - Away team %black
(measured as difference in share of playing time in past 5 games)
Line shows running mean calculated using epanechnikov kernel with bandwidth=0.4; Shading shows symmetric 95% confidence intervals. 16
DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1112
Larsen et al.: Racial Bias in the NBA: Implications in Betting Markets

Figure 5: Winning Margin

Effect of Own-Race Bias on Winning Margin

Actual winning margin of home team (points)

8.0 3 white referees 8.0 2 white referees

6.0 6.0

4.0 4.0

2.0 2.0

0.0 0.0
-50% -25% 0% 25% 50% -50% -25% 0% 25% 50%

8.0 1 white referees 8.0 0 white referees

6.0 6.0

4.0 4.0

2.0 2.0

0.0 0.0
-50% -25% 0% 25% 50% -50% -25% 0% 25% 50%

Difference in Racial Composition of Teams

Home team %black - Away team %black
(measured as difference in share of playing time in past 5 games)
Line shows running mean calculated using epanechnikov kernel with bandwidth=0.4; Shading shows symmetric 95% confidence intervals.

Published by Berkeley Electronic Press, 2008 17

Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 2, Art. 7

Figure 6: The Betting Spread

Race of Players, Referees, and the Betting Spread

Expected winning margin of home team (points)

8.0 3 white referees 8.0 2 white referees

6.0 6.0

4.0 4.0

2.0 2.0
Vegas Spread

0.0 0.0
-50% -25% 0% 25% 50% -50% -25% 0% 25% 50%

8.0 1 white referees 8.0 0 white referees

6.0 6.0

4.0 4.0

2.0 2.0

0.0 0.0
-50% -25% 0% 25% 50% -50% -25% 0% 25% 50%

Difference in Racial Composition of Teams

Home team %black - Away team %black
(measured as difference in share of playing time in past 5 games)
Line shows running mean calculated using epanechnikov kernel with bandwidth=0.4; Shading shows symmetric 95% confidence intervals. 18
DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1112
Larsen et al.: Racial Bias in the NBA: Implications in Betting Markets

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Published by Berkeley Electronic Press, 2008 19

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