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Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Princeton, NJ
Author: Denise Kruelle
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ISBN 978-1-62284-052-6
Second Digital Edition — May 2013

For use exclusively in connection with Berlitz language instruction.

Berlitz Languages, Inc.

400 Alexander Park
Princeton, NJ 08540
Welcome to
BerlitzEnglish is the fastest, the most practical, and the
most enjoyable way to learn English.

To get the most out of your English program, you should …

■■ go to all your scheduled classes
■■ do all practice assignments
■■ review each chapter after class
■■ preview each chapter before class
■■ practice speaking English anytime you can
■■ visit English websites to learn more about chapter topics
■■ read English magazines, books, and newspapers
■■ watch videos, movies, and TV programs in English
■■ try to speak and learn more English every day!

If there is anything we can do to make your learning more

successful and enjoyable, please let us know. We’ll do
everything we can to help you reach your goals.

Good luck with your English studies!

The Berlitz Team

Table of Contents


1 Nice to meet you! 1-7 • Introductions and • Introduce yourself • I am … / You are …
greetings • Say where you are from • Are you …? / Am I …?
• Countries and • Give your name, address, • yes / no
nationalities phone number • What’s your name?
• Numbers 0-10 • Check names and numbers
• Alphabet and

2 I’d like you to meet 8-15 • Personal • Introduce others • He / She is …, We / You /
descriptions • Describe people They are …
my friend Alan
• Colors (hair and • Ask for and give personal • have / has
eyes) details • his, her, its, our, your, their
• Personal details • and, but
• Numbers 11-100 • Plurals: children, people, -s,

3 What would you 16-23 • Food and drink • Offer something to eat and • Offers and requests with
drink would like
like? • Meals
• with, without
• Menus and ordering • Talk about food preferences
• Order a meal • Plurals: -s, -es, -ies
• some / any

4 Is Mr. Blake in his 24-31 • Classroom and office • Describe your office • there is / there are
office? • Location of people • Say what people are doing • this, that, these, those
and objects • Say where a person is • in, on, under, next to
• Colors • Present progressive: … is
sitting, I am standing, etc.
• here, there

5 What do you do 32-39 • Time, days of the • Tell time • at + time; at noon / night; in
week • Say what you do every day the morning / afternoon /
every day? evening; during (the day); a
• Daily activities • Describe your job day / a week; from … to …;
• Jobs on (Monday), every day
• People at work • Simple present: Tim works,
I work, etc.
• get up, get dressed, get home
• go home, go to work, go to

6 Review 40-45

vi ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Table of Contents

7 Let’s meet next 46-53 • Calendar • Ask for and give the date • tomorrow, on the (12th),
• Schedules • Talk about schedules in (June); at (6:00); next
week (week); tonight
• Appointments • Make appointments
• always, usually, sometimes,
• Ordinal numbers rarely, never
• Present progressive tense
(future meaning): I’m going
to Paris tonight.
• me, you, him, her, it, us, them
• Can I …?

8 How do I get there? 54-61 • Places in a city • Ask and say where places are • in front of, behind,
• Locations • Ask for and give directions between, on the right /
left, at …; + address
• Directions • Say where you are going
and how • (another) one
• Forms of
transportation • Imperatives: Go straight
ahead, turn left, don’t turn
right, etc.
• into, out of
• first, then, again

9 How much is it? 62-69 • Shops • Ask for items in a store • many vs. much; a lot, a few,
• Money and prices • Talk about prices and sizes a little
• Clothing and sizes • Compare items • too big vs. not enough
• Numbers 101- • Make a purchase • Comparatives: bigger, smaller,
1,000,000 etc. and more / less expensive
, etc.

10 Would you like to 70-77 • Telephone • Make a phone cal • I’m calling to cancel …
leave a message? • Leave, take, and give • Ask / tell … to …
• Telephone messages someone a message • Requests with could
• Explain why you missed • was / were
a call
• Simple past of regular verbs:
• Call someone back called, answered, etc.

11 What do you want 78-85 • Seasons and weather • Describe the weather • in three weeks; for two days
to do this weekend? • Weather reports • Say what you like to do • like / want to
• Weekend travel plans • Make plans to go out • anything, something, nothing,
• Outdoor leisure • Describe your plans everything
activities • too, not either

12 Review 86-91

Audio Script 93-101

Practice 102-121
Answer Key 122-127

Level 1 • Table of Contents ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. vii

Chapter 1

Nice to meet you!

Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Introductions and greetings Introduce yourself I am … / You are …
Countries and nationalities Say where you are from Are you …? / Am I …?
Numbers 0-10 Give your name, address, yes / no
Alphabet and spelling phone number What’s your name?
Check names and numbers

In this chapter,
you will …
■■ Introduce

— Hello. — Hi! — Hi, I’m … — Nice to meet you.

■■ Say where you RIO DE JANEIRO

are from OSAKA


CITY Osaka Rio de Janeiro Miami

COUNTRY Japan Brazil the United States
NATIONALITY Japanese Brazilian American

SE Diane Harper

1 a name
■■ Give your name, Sinclair Enterprises 2 an address
address, phone
number SE
628 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
a phone number
a website
an e-mail address
tel: 312-555-0603
e-mail: [email protected]

©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 1

Introduce yourself and say where you are from

1 Nice to meet you

— Hello. I’m Tina Lee. — Are you Richard Clark? — Excuse me. Are you Amy?
— I’m Andy Cooper. — Yes, I am. — No, I’m not. I’m Jill.
Nice to meet you, Tina. — Hi. I’m Alice Morton. — Oh, sorry.
— Nice to meet you, too. Nice to meet you.

— Are you …? — Am I …?
— Yes, I am. — Yes, you are. I am  I’m
No, I’m not. No, you’re not. you are  you’re

2 Where are you from?

— Where are you from, Mr. Peña? — What country are you from?
— I’m from Mexico. — I’m from the United States.
— Are you from Mexico City? — What city are you from?
— No, I’m from Monterrey. — I’m from Los Angeles.

3 What nationality are you?

Canada Canadian Japan
China Chinese Mexico
France French Spain
Germany German the U.K.
India Indian the U.S.

Level 1 • Chapter 1 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 1

Give your name

4 What’s your name?

HELLO I’m Mark Harris. — Is your name …?

my name is
My name is Mark Harris. — Yes, it is. / No, it’s not.

Mark Harris My first name is Mark.

My last name is Harris.
— What’s your name?
— It’s …

— Is your name Lisa Parker? — Is your first name Tom? — Is your last name Miller?
— No, it’s not. — No, it’s not. — No, it’s not.
— What’s your name? — What’s your first name? — What’s your last name?
— It’s Lisa Baker. — It’s Harry. — It’s Milton.

5 1 Hello, it’s nice to meet you!

— Hello. (1) ________________ Kevin Davis.
— (2) ________________ Patricia Jackson. Nice to meet you.
— Nice to meet you, too, (3) ________________ Jackson.
— (4) ________________ you from?
— I’m from Boston. (5) ________________ ?
— I’m from (6) ________________ .

What city are you from? Is your name …?

Yes, it is. And you?

I’m …
What’s your name? Hello.
No, I’m not. I’m …

Are you from … Where are you from?

No, it’s not. It’s … Are you …?

What country are you from? Yes, I am.

Nice to meet you, too.

6 What number is this?

0 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five
6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten

2 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 1

Give your phone number

7 2-3 Please leave your name and number

Charles Brady
_________________________ name
Mr. Tanaka, GenTek

telephone telephone
number _________________________ number _________________________

Hi. This is Susan. Hi, Susan. This is Jun.

Please leave your Please call me back.
name and number. My number is
Thanks. 555-2390. Bye!

a voice–mail message a phone message

8 What’s your phone number?



cell / mobile



9 The alphabet

a b c d e f g h i j k l m
n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Level 1 • Chapter 1 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 3
Give your address

10 What’s your address?

Springer & Shaw Mr. Frank Kessler

1650 Magnolia Street 46 North Franklin Street
ter Inc.
Preston, CT 06365 Wooster, OH 44679
y Car
MarIn es,
dustri e
Ace Avenu 32
lwood Y 105
364 Ethorne, N101-7141 m
Haw e: (914) [email protected]
phonail: mcart

Mr. James Burton Ms. Karen Riley

Mary Carter
275 Coverview Drive Marketing Director
Ace Industries, Inc.
Rolling Hills, CA 90274 ALX Associates, Inc.
364 Elwood Avenue
1933 Oak Street
Hawthorne, NY 10532
Victoria BC V8X 3W4
phone: (914) 101-7141
e-mail: [email protected]

11 What’s your e-mail address?

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

at dot underscore dash / hyphen

Contact Information

First Name
Last Name
What’s your name, please?
Street Address My name is …

What’s your address?
State / Territory My address is …
Zip / Postal code


4 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 1

Check names and numbers

12 How do you spell that?

— What is your name, please?

— Patrick Gilmore.
— Is that G-I-L-L-M-O-R-E?
— No, it’s G-I-L-M-O-R-E.
— Thank you. And what is your phone number?
— It’s 312-555-8743, extension 922.
— 312-555-8743, extension 922?
— Yes, that’s right.

Edward Chesterfield
President & CEO
466 Basil Street
London N1 4FK
Jackson Wright United Kingdom
Director Tel: +44 20 8443 5678
E-mail: [email protected]

Rink Limited

• 620 Sunset Street

Galveston, TX 77554 — What’s your last name?
• Tel: 409-555-3542 — Chesterfield.
— How do you spell that?
E– m a i l : j w r i g h t @ r i n k . u s
— C-H-E-S-T-E-R-F-I-E-L-D.

— Is Jackson your first or last name?

— My first name.
— And how do you spell your last name?


— W-R-I-G-H-T. il






13 4-7 Is this …?
Mary Collins
1 . last name: __________________________________________ Investigator

2. phone number: __________________________________________ 7499 Forest Oaks Blvd.

Spring Hill, FL 34606
3. city: __________________________________________ (352) 555-5000

4. address: ________________________ Main Street. E-mail:

[email protected]

Level 1 • Chapter 1 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 5

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

yes first / last name Hello.
no Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Hi.
I number My name is …
you phone number Nice to meet you.
it phone message Excuse me.
my home phone Sorry.
your cell / mobile phone please
a, an office phone Please leave your name
city fax and number.
country letter (alphabet) This is …
nationality address wrong number
name e-mail
or too

• I am … / You are … / Are you …? • My name is … What’s your name?
I am Ann.  I’m Ann. — My name is Ann. What’s your name?
You are Jane.  You’re Jane. — It’s Michael.
— Are you Ann? — Nice to meet you, Michael. How do you
— No, I’m not. I’m Jane. spell that?
— Are you American or Canadian? — M - I - C - H - A - E - L.
— I’m Canadian.
• What country are you from? • What city are you from?
— Are you from Canada? — Are you from New York?
— No, I’m not. — No, I’m not.
— What country are you from? — What city are you from?
— I’m from the United States. — I’m from Chicago.
• Where are you from? • What nationality are you?
— Are you from Germany? — Are you Mexican?
— No, I’m not. — No, I’m not.
— Where are you from? — What nationality are you?
— I’m from Italy, from Rome. — I’m Colombian.
• a / an
a business card a city a country a name a phone number a website
an address an extension an e-mail address an office phone number

Use Your English!

• Look at a world map. Make a list of country names in English. Write the nationality next
to each country.
• Look at a telephone book, an address book, or business cards. Say and spell the names.
Say the phone numbers. Say your name, address, and phone numbers.
• Write an English message for your cell phone or voice–mail. Record it.

6 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 1

Chapter Summary

Reading: Meet Jack Kent

Hello. My name is Jack Kent. I’m in Auckland, New

Zealand. I’m not from New Zealand. I’m American.
I’m from Dallas, Texas.

My address in Auckland is 90 Federal Street,

Auckland 2148, New Zealand. My telephone
number is 64 9 363 0055, extension 220.

My address in Dallas is 1179 Nelson Drive, Irving,

Texas 75038, USA. My telephone number is

Complete the sentences

1 . Jack Kent is ____ .
a. American b. New Zealand c. Australian

2. Jack Kent is from .


a. Auckland b. Dallas c. Sydney

3. 220 is .

a. a phone number b. an address c. an extension

4. 1179 Nelson Drive is ____ .

a. a city in the U.S. b. an address c. in New Zealand

Writing: Write about yourself

Hello. My name is ____________________________ .

I’m from _____________________________________ . I’m _________________________________________ .

My address is ______________________________________________________________________________ .

My e-mail address is ___________________________ . My telephone number is ____________________.

check it out!

Level 1 • Chapter 1 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 7

Chapter 2

I’d like you to meet my friend Alan

Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Personal descriptions Introduce others He / She is …, We / You / They are …
Colors (hair and eyes) Describe people have / has
Personal details Ask for and give personal his, her, its, our, your, their
Numbers 11-100 details and, but
Plurals: children, people, -s, -ies

In this chapter,
you will …

■■ Introduce others

This is Roger. This is Isabel. This is Mr. and Mrs. Cook.

He’s from England. She’s from Mexico City. They’re from Australia.

■■ Describe people wife


■■ Ask for and give

This is Lisa Evans.
personal details
She is 30 years old.
She has blond hair.
Her eyes are blue.

8 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 2

Introduce others

1 I’d like you to meet …

— Frank, this is Teresa Neal. — Mr. Li, I’d like you to meet — This is Jim and Lisa Baker.
Teresa, this is Frank. Jim Martin. They’re from Nevada.
— Hi, Teresa. It’s nice to — Pleased to meet you, Jim. — Are you from Las Vegas?
meet you. — Nice to meet you, Mr. Li. — No, we’re from Reno.
2 We’re from Mexico

— Is she …? — Is he …? — Is it …?
— Yes, she is. — Yes, he is. — Yes, it is.
No, she’s not. No, he’s not. No, it’s not.
she is R she’s he is R he’s it is R it’s
he’s not = he isn’t
she’s not = she isn’t

— Are you …? — Are we …? — Are they …? you’re not = you aren’t

— Yes, we are. — Yes, you are. — Yes, they are. we’re not = we aren’t
No, we’re not. No, you’re not. No, they’re not. etc.

we are R we’re you are R you’re they are R they’re

3 This is our family

I’m Michael. My name is Michael. I R my we R our

This is my wife. Her name is Ann. he R his you R your
This is my son. His name is Steve. she R her they R their
I have a daughter. Her name is Karen.
We are the Bennett family. Our address is 314 Garden Street.
We have a dog and a cat. Their names are Lucky and Tiger.

— What’s Mrs. Meyer’s first name? — Whose phone number is this, Paul?
— Her first name is Sharon. — It’s John’s cell phone number.

— Tim, I’d like you to meet my friends, — Is Mark’s last name Jennings?
Greg and Pam, and their son, Jared. — No, it’s not. His last name is O’Connor.
— Nice to meet you. Jennings is his friend’s name.

Level 1 • Chapter 2 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 9

Describe people

4 I have brown eyes

— What color are your eyes? — Does Charles have brown eyes?
— My eyes are blue. I have blue eyes. — No, he has green eyes.

have brown eyes. She has green eyes.
They It

— Do you have brown eyes? — Does Bill have blue eyes? — Who has gray eyes?
— Yes, I do. / — Yes, he does. / — I do. /
No, I don’t. No, he doesn’t. They’re brown. Carmen does.

5 Who has long hair?


Kathy has short, blond hair. Jeff has long hair and a beard. Erica has short, dark brown hair.
John has short hair, too. He doesn’t have a beard, but he has a moustache.

— What color is your hair? — It’s red. I have red hair.

— Is it straight or curly? — It’s curly. I have curly, red hair.

— Is it long or short? — It’s short. I have short, curly, red hair.

10 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 2

Ask for and give personal details

6 8-11 Who am I?
A. _______________________________________ C. _______________________________________

B. _______________________________________ D. _______________________________________

7 Numbers 11-100
11 12 13 14 15 16
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen

17 18 19 20 21 22
seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two

30 33 40 44 50 58
thirty thirty-three forty forty-four fifty fifty-eight

60 70 80 90 99 100
sixty seventy eighty ninety ninety-nine one hundred

8 Is she tall or short?

— Is the woman tall or short? — Is the man young or old?

— She’s short. — He’s young.

— Happy birthday, Frank!

— Thank you.
— So how old are you today?
— I’m 30.

Level 1 • Chapter 2 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 11

Ask for and give personal details

9 12-14 How old are you?

1 . It’s _____________ ’s birthday today. He’s _____________ years old.

2. Susan’s _____________ is six years old. Her daughters are two and _____________ years old.

3. Brian is _____________ . He’s _____________ years old.

10 These are our children

a girl. girls.
This is a boy. These are boys.
my husband. our husbands.

a man. men.
a woman. women.
a child. children.
This is These are
a person. people.
a family. families.
my wife. our wives.

— Who are these people? — Are these your children? — Whose glasses are these?
— They’re John’s friends. — Yes, this is Lucy and this is Mike. — They’re Tim’s.

11 What do they look like?

Paul He has brown hair and a moustache.

What does Paul’s wife look like? R She’s tall and blond, and she has blue eyes.
Paul’s friend He is short and has red hair.

Your hair is black and curly.
you I have brown hair and I wear glasses.
What do look like? R
we We’re short and have long, blond hair.
they They’re tall. They have short, gray hair.

— What do your sons look like? — What does Bill Mason look like?
— They’re tall with long, black hair. — He has short, blond hair and blue eyes.

12 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 2

Ask for and give personal details

12 15-16 Is she tall or short?

— What does ___________________ look like?
— She has ___________________ and .

— Is she tall or short?

— She’s ___________________ .
— And ___________________ is she?
— She’s ___________________ years old.

— What does ___________________ Mark look like?
— He’s tall, and he has ___________________ and brown eyes.
— How old is he?
— He’s my age, ___________________ .
— Is he ___________________ ?
— Yes, and he has ___________________ .

13 These are my friends

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________


2. ____________________________________________________________________________________


3. ____________________________________________________________________________________


4. ____________________________________________________________________________________


Level 1 • Chapter 2 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 13

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

he / she / it beard, moustache girl / boy
his / her / its glasses adult
we / you / they cat / dog child (children)
our / your / their person (people) married
blue, brown, green family (families) single
black, gray (grey UK) husband tall / short
blond, red, white wife (wives) young / old
color (colour UK) son / daughter
eyes, hair friend I’d like you to meet …
long / short man (men) I’m … years old.
curly / straight woman (women) I have … eyes / hair.

• What country is Barry from? • Who is this?
— He is from the United States. — It’s Alice.
— Is he from Atlanta? — Is she American, too?
— Yes, he is. — No, she’s not. She’s Canadian.

• Are you and Barry married? • Are Sophia and Peter married?
— Yes, we are. Our last name is King. — Yes, they are.
— Do you have a son? — Do they have children?
— Yes, we do. His name is Tony. — Yes, they do —— a daughter. Her name is Erica.

• Are you and your wife tall? • Does your family have a dog?
— Yes, we are. / No, we’re not. — We don’t have a dog, but we have two cats.

• What does Sheila look like? • What do you look like?

— She has brown eyes and long, straight, — I’m tall. I have short, curly, blond hair.
black hair. — What do your sons look like?
— What does her husband look like? — They’re tall. They have short, brown hair.
— He has short, gray hair, and he wears glasses. Tim has a beard, but Sam doesn’t.

Use your English!

• In English, introduce a classmate to people at the Berlitz Learning Center.
• Think about two people you know. Write a short conversation to introduce them.
• Find some pictures in a magazine. Write a description of the people in the pictures.

14 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 2

Chapter Summary

Reading: Meet the Riveras!

This is the Rivera family. Carlos Rivera is tall and has

gray hair. He’s 45 years old. His wife, Elena, has long,
black hair and brown eyes. She’s 40 years old. The
Riveras have a son and two daughters. Their son, David,
is 12 years old. He has short, brown hair. Diana is 15
years old. She has short, brown hair, too. The Riveras’
other daughter, Olivia, has long, brown hair. But her hair
isn’t dark brown. It’s light brown. Olivia is 7 years old.

1 . How many children do Carlos and Elena have?

2. What are their names?


3. How old is Diana?


4. Who has long, light brown hair?


5. How old is she?


6. Who is 12 years old?


Writing: Write about a person in your family






check it out!

Level 1 • Chapter 2 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 15

Chapter 3

What would you like?

Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Food and drink Offer something to eat and Offers and requests with would like
Meals drink with, without
Menus and ordering Talk about food preferences Plurals: -s, -es, -ies
Order a meal some / any

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

In this chapter,
you will …

■■ Offer something
to eat and drink

What would you like? Would you like What would you
a sandwich? like to eat?

■■ Talk about food Daniel likes fruit.

preferences He doesn’t like vegetables.

— What would you like?

■■ Order a meal — I’d like the roast chicken
with potatoes, please.

16 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 3

Offer something to eat and drink

1 Would you like some coffee?

— Would you like tea or coffee? — Would you like a bottle of wine?
— Coffee, please. / No, thank you. — Yes, please. / No, thank you.

— How would you like your coffee? — Would you like some juice?
— With milk and sugar, please. / Black, please. — No, thank you. Just a glass of water.

2 would like

I an apple. I’d like …

You a banana. You’d like …
He some fruit. He’d like …
She would like a cup of tea. She’d like …
We a glass of wine. We’d like …
They a bottle of beer. They’d like …

3 What kind of juice would you like?


_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

— What kind of juice would you like? — What kind of pie would you like?
— I’d like some apple juice. — I’d like some cherry pie.

Level 1 • Chapter 3 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 17

Talk about food preferences

4 What would you like for breakfast?


for breakfast

for lunch

for dinner

5 One or two salads?

-s -es -ies
one egg — two eggs one glass — two glasses one cherry — two cherries
one muffin — two muffins one sandwich — two sandwiches one French fry — two French fries
one banana — two bananas one tomato — two tomatoes one strawberry — two strawberries

— How many eggs would you like? — How many glasses of wine would you like?
— Just one, please. — Two, please. One for me and one for my friend.

6 What do you like?

— Do you like apples? — What’s your favorite meal?

— Yes, they’re my favorite fruit. And — My favorite meal is breakfast. I like
my favorite drink is apple juice. cereal, toast and jam with coffee.
What’s your favorite fruit? But I don’t like eggs for breakfast.

18 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 3

Order a meal

7 Sorry, we don’t have any

I an apple pie. I apple pies.

You a glass. You glasses.
have don’t have any
We an orange. We oranges.
They three forks. They forks.

some tea. tea.

He coffee. He coffee.
has doesn’t have any
She a piece of cake. She cake.
a bottle of water. water.

— I’d like a banana muffin, please. — Do you have any strawberry ice cream?
— I’m sorry. We don’t have any banana — We don’t have any strawberry ice cream,
muffins. but we have chocolate and vanilla.

8 17 Do you have tomato juice?

— ______________________________________________ — A glass of grape juice, please.
— ______________________________________________
— Do you have tomato juice?
— I’d like some juice, please.
— ______________________________________________

— I’m sorry. We don’t have any

— ______________________________________________ tomato juice.
— ______________________________________________
— We have orange, grape, and apple.
— What kind of juice do you have?
— ______________________________________________

— What kind of juice would you like?

— ______________________________________________

9 I’d like the chicken soup

— What kind of soup do you have? — Do you have any soft drinks?
— We have chicken, tomato, vegetable, and — Yes, we have Coke and Sprite.
French onion. — I’d like a Coke, please.
— I’d like the French onion soup, please. — Very good.

Level 1 • Chapter 3 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 19

Order a meal

10a What would you like?

— May I take your order? — Would you like French — What would you like to eat?
— I’d like a chicken sandwich. fries or a salad? — I’d like the grilled salmon.
— And to drink? — French fries, please. — Would you like a salad with that?

10b And to drink?

11 18-21 May I take your order?

A. The woman would like … B. The man would like …
___ toast with butter. ___ a steak with cheese.
___ two eggs. ___ a steak and cheese sandwich.
___ some toast. ___ some soup.
___ coffee with sugar. ___ a salad.
___ tea. ___ salad with cheese.

C. The man and the woman would like … D. The man would like …
___ some strawberry ice cream. ___ a hamburger.
___ some vanilla ice cream. ___ French fries.
___ one cup of coffee. ___ some rice.
___ two cups of coffee. ___ the grilled salmon.
___ two cups of tea. ___ a glass of wine.

20 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 3

Order a meal

12 The Fairfax Restaurant


Fairfax Restaurant
Appetizers Main Courses Desserts
■ Shrimp Cocktail Served with fresh ■ Apple or Lemon Pie
■ Crab Cakes vegetables and roast ■ Ice Cream
■ Grilled Scallops potatoes, French fries, (vanilla, chocolate,
or rice. strawberry)
■ Filet Mignon with ■ Chocolate Cake
Served with fresh bread mushroom sauce ■ Fruit Salad
or crackers.
■ Grilled Lamb Beverages
■ Tomato Chops in mint sauce
■ Chicken Vegetable
■ Cappuccino
■ Roast Chicken Espresso
■ Clam Chowder

■ Soup of the Day

■ Grilled Salmon in ■ Tea
white wine sauce ■ Soft drinks
■ Lasagna ■ Wine – Please ask
Dressings: for our wine list
Oil & Vinegar, French,
Italian, Ranch

■ House Salad
■ Caesar Salad
■ Pasta Salad

Level 1 • Chapter 3 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 21

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

coffee, tea meals: breakfast, pasta I’d like (some) …
with / without lunch, dinner vegetables: green Yes, please. /
~ sugar / milk / lemon (a bowl of) cereal beans, broccoli No, thank you.
black (coffee) egg restaurant Here you are.
just toast / bread, muffin server Thank you.
beer, wine chicken, fish, steak customer You’re welcome.
juice, water hamburger menu Sorry. We don’t
soft drink potato appetizer have any …
a bottle / cup / glass French fries (chips UK) main course May I take your
~ of … rice dessert order?
fruit: apple, banana, soup What does it come
cherries, grapes, etc. salad, to eat with?
a piece of cake / pie salad dressing to drink
ice cream: vanilla sandwich
chocolate, strawberry ham and cheese ~

• What kind of tea would you like? • What would you like for breakfast?
— I’d like Earl Grey, please. — I’d like scrambled eggs and coffee, please.
— With or without lemon? — Would you like some orange juice?
— With lemon, please. — No, thank you.

• May I have a piece of cake? • Do you have any green tea?

— Yes, of course. Here you are. — We have tea, but we don’t have any green tea.
— Thank you. — Do you have grape juice?
— You’re welcome. — I’m sorry. We don’t have any grape juice.

• I’d like … • How many … would you like?

a sandwich / a salad / a cup of coffee — I’d like …
two sandwiches / three glasses of water one hamburger three hamburgers
some water / salad dressing / soup one tomato two tomatoes
some cake / two pieces of cake one strawberry twelve strawberries

Use Your English!

• Make a supermarket shopping list in English.
• Write a list of what you eat and drink today.
• Find an English menu online. What would you like to order?

22 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 3

Chapter Summary

Reading: What would they like for lunch?

Kim and her friend Alice are at the Blue Moon Café.
They would like to have lunch. Kim would like the
chicken salad with French dressing, some garlic bread,
and a bottle of mineral water. Alice would like a turkey
and cheese sandwich with French fries, and a glass of
lemonade. And for dessert? Kim would like some lemon
cake and a cup of tea. Alice would just like some coffee.

1 . What meal would Kim and Alice like to eat?
a) breakfast b) lunch c) dinner
2. What would Kim like with her salad?
a) toast b) cheese c) garlic bread
3. What would she like to drink with her meal?
a) a glass of wine b) mineral water c) a cup of coffee
4. What would Alice like for lunch?
a) a salad b) a bowl of soup c) a turkey and cheese sandwich
5. What would she like with that?
a) French fries b) garlic bread c) onion rings
6. Who would like some cake for dessert?
a) just Alice b) just Kim c) Kim and Alice

Writing: Write the order

Blue Moon Café

Date Table Guests Server

1 chicken salad

check it out!

Level 1 • Chapter 3 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 23

Chapter 4

Is Mr. Blake in his office?

Topics SpeakingGoals Grammar
Classroom and office Describe your office there is / there are
Location of people Say what people are doing this, that, these, those
and objects Say where a person is in, on, under, next to
Colors Present progressive: ... is sitting,
I am standing, etc.
here, there

In this chapter,
you will …

■■ Describeyour

Where’s the printer? Where’s the magazine? Where’s my cell phone?

It’s on the table. It’s under the telephone. It’s next to the books.

Beth Walker is a teacher.

She’s in the classroom.

Ms. Walker is standing.

The students are sitting.
■■ Saywhatpeople
She is speaking.
They are listening.

She is asking questions.

They are answering

She is teaching English.

They are learning English.

24 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 4

Describe your office

1  Whosephoneisthis?

This is Ms. Martin. R Ms. Martin’s first name is Ann. Her first name is Ann.
Ellen has a cell phone. R Ellen’s phone is red. Her phone is red.
Bill has an old computer. R Bill’s computer is old. His computer is not new.

— Is this Jennifer’s computer? — Whose cell phone is this?

— No, it’s not her computer. It’s John’s. — It’s Eric’s. He’s in Mr. Freeman’s office.

2 Isthereaprinter?

— Is there a printer? — Is there a TV? — Are there any pencils? — Are there any pens?
— Yes, there is. — No, there isn’t. — Yes, there are. — No, there aren’t.

— How many printers are there? — How many pencils are there? — How many pens are there?
— There’s only one printer. — There are five pencils. — There aren’t any pens.

3 Whatcolorisit?

brown red orange yellow green blue purple white gray black

4 Isthatyourbriefcase?
That’s my briefcase.

This isn’t my briefcase.

— Is this your briefcase? — Are these your keys?

— No, it’s not. That’s my briefcase. — No, they’re not. Those are my keys.

Level 1 • Chapter 4 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 25

Describe your office

5 in, on, under, next to

— Where’s my coffee? — Where’s your phone? — Where’s my magazine? — Where are your glasses?
— It’s on your desk. — It’s in my bag. — It’s under the notebook. — T
 hey’re next to my keys.

6 22-27 Where is the clock?

1 . No, it’s not. It’s _________________________________

2. ________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________

7 Which phone?

— Which phone is old? — Which monitor is new? — Which pens are red?
— The black phone is old. — The gray monitor is new. — These pens are red.

— Which phone is old? — Which monitor is new? — Which pens are red?
— The black one is. — The gray monitor is. — These are.

26 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 4

Say what people are doing

8 Spot the difference!

9 Are you reading?

eating drinking reading

writing watching TV
— What are you doing? — What are Ted and Jane doing? — What is Amanda doing?
— I’m writing a letter. — They’re watching TV. — She’s drinking coffee.

am I I am
you You sitting.
are we We are standing.
What they doing? They reading.
he He listening.
is she She is speaking.
it It

— Are you speaking? — Are Ed and Joan writing an e-mail? — Is John reading?
— Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. — No, they’re not. They’re reading — Yes, he is. / No
I’m listening. Mr. Hart’s e-mail. he’s not.

Level 1 • Chapter 4 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 27

Say where a person is

10 28-31 Whataretheydoing?

1 . Mike is __________________________________________ .

2. Isabelle is ________________________________________ .

3. David’s children are ______________________________ .

4. Karen is ____________________________ to a customer.

11  Whereisthedirector’soffice?

My cell phone is here. My cell phone is there. My cell phone is over there
on the chair.
— Excuse me. I’m looking for the director. — Is Ms. Blake here?
Is this his office? — No, she’s not.
— No, it’s not. His office is over there. — Where is she?
— Thank you. — She’s there in her office.

12  Whichwoman?

— Excuse me. Which man is Mr. Baker? — Which woman is your wife, Ron?
— He’s the tall man with gray hair and — My wife? She’s the young woman
glasses. with long, black hair.
— Thank you. — Really? Anita is your wife?

28 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 4

This is my class

13  What’sinourclassroom?


14 Whoisthis?












Level 1 • Chapter 4 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 29

Chapter Summary

computer chair to read, to write map
printer new, old to listen to the radio key
paper, piece of ~ colors (rev.) to watch TV music
pen, pencil yellow, orange to speak the same, different
folder pink, purple classroom here, there
wastepaper basket this, that teacher, to teach over here / there
calendar these, those student, to learn
clock briefcase question, to ask There aren’t any.
newspaper, magazine handbag answer (n., v.) Stand up.
table book, notebook lamp Sit down.
desk, drawer wall, floor picture I don’t know.

• Isthereaprinterinyouroffice? • Arethereanypensinthedrawer?
— Yes, there is. / Yes, there is. It’s here. — Yes, there are. / Yes, there are three.
— No, there isn’t. / No, there’s not. — No, there aren’t. / No, they’re over there in that box.

• Howmanypencilsarethere? • What’sgray?
— There aren’t any (pencils). — The telephone is (gray).
— There is only one (pencil). — Karen’s notebook is (gray).
— There are three (pencils). — The computer and the lamp are (gray).
— I don’t know. — Our chairs are (gray).

• Wherearethefolders? • Whichbooksareonthedesk?
— They’re in the classroom. — The new books are (on the desk).
— They’re on the chair. — This / That book is (on the desk).
— They’re under the table. — These Berlitz books are (on the desk).
— They’re next to the printer. — Those old books are (on the desk).

• WhatamIdoing? • WhatisJeffdoing? • WhatisMs.Walkerdoing?

— You are eating a hamburger. — He is asking a question. — She is teaching.
— You’re drinking coffee. — He’s learning English. — She’s standing in the classroom.
— You’re answering questions. — He’s sitting at the table. — She’s writing an e-mail.

• Whatareyoudoing? • Whatarewedoing? • Whatarethechildrendoing?

— I am looking for my keys. — We are speaking English. — They are watching TV.
— We’re speaking to the teacher. — You’re listening to music. — They’re reading magazines.

• Watch the people at the Berlitz Learning Center during the coffee break. Where are they?
What are they doing?
• Make a list of the things in your office. Write where they are.
• Look at a picture of people in a newspaper or magazine and describe what they are doing. Make
a list of the verbs you use (e.g., standing, sitting, eating, watching, etc.).

30 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 4

Chapter Summary


I am at the Berlitz Learning Center. Gail Blair,

the Center Director, is in her office. She is
speaking to a teacher. Hannah, the receptionist, is
talking on the phone. And Barbara, the Assistant
Director, is writing an e-mail. Some students
are watching a movie in the big classroom. In
one classroom, two women are listening to their
teacher. Mr. Fuentes is in the next room. He is
teaching Spanish. There’s a man standing in the
lobby. He is drinking a cup of coffee. There is a
woman reading a book in the lobby.

1 . Ms. Blair is talking ____ .
a) to the director b) to a student c) to a new teacher
2. Barbara is writing .

a) a letter b) an e-mail c) on the board

3. The woman in the lobby is ____ .
a) reading a book b) listening to music c) speaking to a man
4. Two women are listening to ____ .
a) their classmates b) their teacher c) music
5. Some students are ____ in the big classroom.
a) speaking Spanish b) reading the newspaper c) watching a movie
6. Mr. Fuentes is teaching ____ .
a) French b) Spanish c) English






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Level 1 • Chapter 4 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 31

Chapter 5

What do you do every day?

Topics SpeakingGoals Grammar
Time, days of the week Tell time at + time; at noon / night; in the
Daily activities Say what you do every day morning / afternoon / evening;
Jobs Describe your job during (the day); a day / a week;
from … to …; on (Monday), every day
People at work
Simple present: Tim works, I work, etc.
get up, get dressed, get home, etc.
go home, go to work, go to bed

In this chapter,
you will …

■■ Telltimeandsay
Tanya has breakfast She gets to work She goes home
at 7 o’clock. at 8:30. at 5 o’clock.

■■ Describeyourjob

Where do you work? What do you do there?

32 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 5

Tell time and say what you do every day

1  Whattimeisit?

2 32-36 Doyouhavethetime?
1. It’s __________ . 2. It’s __________ . 3. It’s __________ . 4. It’s . 5. It’s
__________ __________ .

3 Areyouatworkat8:00?

— What time are you at — Is David at home at — Where are you in the
work in the morning? 2:00 in the afternoon? the evening?
— I’m at work at 8:30. — No, he’s at school. — We’re at home.

4 Theweeklyschedule

Jason Coleman is at work every day.

He’s there during the day, but he’s not
there at night.

Jason’s Chinese class is every Thursday

afternoon at 4:30.

Every day at 7:00

in the evening Tip!
Jason is at home
the weekend Jason on the weekend
is at home with his
family, too. at the weekend

Level 1 • Chapter 5 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 33

Say what you do every day

5 Whendoyougetup?

It’s 7:00. Bert is It’s 7:05. Bert Now it’s 8:00. He’s It’s 8:30. Now he’s
waking up. is getting up. getting dressed. having breakfast.

Bert wakes up at 7:00 every day. I wake up at ____________________________________ .

He gets up at 7:05. I get up at ______________________________________ .

After that, he gets dressed. I get dressed at _________________________________ .

After that, he has breakfast. I have breakfast at _______________________________ .

6 Doyouhavebreakfasteveryday?

getup at 5 o’clock?
I getdressed in the morning? I I
you havelunch in the office? you you
Do do. don’t.
we listen to the radio every day? we we
they read the newspaper? they they
write e-mail on the weekend? Yes, No,
speak to friends on the phone?
he drink coffee at night? he he
Does does. doesn’t.
she eat soup for lunch? she she
watch TV after dinner?

— Do you eat breakfast every morning? — Do you and Derek get up at 7:00 every day?
— Yes, I do. — Yes, we do.
— What do you have for breakfast? — Do you have lunch at home every day?
— I have cereal and fruit. — No, we don’t. We have lunch at work.

— Do you watch TV every evening? — Do you listen to the radio in the morning?
— Not every evening. I get home from work — No, I read the newspaper. But I listen to
late three or four days every week. music in the evening.

34 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 5

Describe your job

7 Whattimedoyougethome?

Janet goes to work at She gets to work She goes home at She gets home
8:30 in the morning. at 9:00. 6:00 in the evening. at 6:30.

8 Whatdoyoudo?


I work for a company. =

I work at a company.
— Where do you work? — What do you do? I work for Mr. Simpson. =
— I work at Gametime Software. — I’m a flight attendant. Mr. Simpson is my boss.
— What do you do? — That sounds exciting. Which
— I’m a programmer. airline do you work for?
— That sounds interesting. — I work for JetWind.

9 Doyouworkinanoffice?

Samantha is an architect. George is an engineer. Rachel is a doctor.

She works in an office. He works in a factory. She works in a hospital.

Level 1 • Chapter 5 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 35

Describe your job

10 Who do you work for?

you You work at … You
do don’t
we We work for … We
they They They
Where work? work at …
work for …
he He works at … He
does doesn’t
she She works for … She

— Where do you work? — Who do you work for?

— I work for G.T. Sports, in London. — I work for Hammond Studios. I’m an art director.

— Is Mrs. Jordan a professor? — What does Paul do?

— Yes, she works at the university. — He’s a sales rep. He works at Franklin-Meyers.

11 Where do you work?

Where does a banker work? Who works in an office?
A banker a bank. Secretaries do.
A pharmacist a pharmacy. I do.
A doctor a hospital. We do.
An executive assistant works in an office. Janet does.
A teacher a classroom. Liz Tyler doesn’t.
A server a restaurant. Servers don’t.
A homemaker works at home.

12 What does Carlos do?

Carlos is a sales rep. He Joyce and Richard are doctors My name is Yukio. I’m a
lives in Miami. He speaks They live in Auckland. They student. I live in Kyoto.
Spanish and English. He speak English. They read I speak Japanese and English.
writes reports every day. medical reports. I write papers for my classes.

36 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 5

This is my
Describe your

13  Doyouusealaptop?

I read … I write … I meet … I use …

e-mail e-mail clients a laptop
books reports colleagues a smartphone
magazines articles my boss the Internet
newspapers letters friends software
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

14a  Iworkfromninetofive

Tina Mason is the manager at Glen Hood is a server at Jill Monroe works at Arcadia
Midtown Bank. She works from Bella’s Restaurant. He Bookstore. She works three
8:30 to 4:30 five days a week. works Monday to Friday days a week from Thursday
She works eight hours a day. from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. He to Saturday. She works five
She works on some Saturdays. doesn’t work on weekends. hours a day at the store.

14b 37-39 Whattimedoyougethome?

1 . The director works from __________ to __________.

2. Sandra works __________ hours a day, five days a .


3. On __________ , the doctor works from __________ to __________ .

Level 1 • Chapter 5 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 37

Chapter Summary

Monday hospital, doctor to work
Tuesday assistant to write
Wednesday homemaker to use
Thursday colleague to meet, meeting
Friday client to live
Saturday, Sunday sales representative / rep
weekend bank, banker Do you have the time?
now, every day, weekday pharmacy (chemist’s UK) Thank you very much.
almost, just after, exactly factory, engineer Thanks a lot.
before, after director / boss Really?
job programmer That sounds exciting.
interesting, exciting, boring flight attendant
coffee shop, café

• Whatdoyoudoeverymorning? • WhatdoesBertdoeverymorning?
— I wake up at 6:00. I get up at 6:05. I get — He wakes up at 7:30. He gets up at 7:35. He gets
dressed at 6:15. I have breakfast at 6:30. dressed at 8:00. He has breakfast at 8:30. He
I go to work at 7:00. I get to work at 8:00. goes to work at 8:45. He gets to work at 9:00.

• Whattimeisit? • Whattimedoyou…?
— It’s one o’clock. (1:00) — I get up at six o’clock during the week.
It’s two fifteen. (2:15) I get up at nine o’clock on weekends.
It’s just after three thirty. (3:31) — I speak to customers in the morning.
It’s almost eight forty-five. (8:44) — I have lunch at noon. (12:00 p.m.)
— I write reports in the afternoon.
• Whatareyourhours?  — I take English lessons at 6:00 in the evening.
— We’re open from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. — I work from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Mondays
We’re closed on Sunday. and Fridays.

• WhendoesRogerwork?  • WhoworksinMiami?
— He works nine hours a day, four days — Carlos does.
a week. He doesn’t work at night. And — Who speaks two languages?
he doesn’t work on weekends. — Yukio and Carlos do.

• Whatdoyoudo?   • Whatcompanydoyouworkfor?
— I’m a teacher. What do you do? — I work for Shelco Industries. Where do you work?

• Write about your job. What do you do every day?
• Imagine you are at a party. What questions can you ask? Write a dialogue, and then ask a friend
to record it with you.
• Look for an interesting blog in English and read it every week.

38 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 5

Chapter Summary


Ted Richards is a sales rep at Brixton, Inc. Every

morning at 7 o’clock, Ted has breakfast. He sits at
the table, drinks a cup of coffee, and talks to his wife.
Ted goes to work at 7:30 and gets there at 8:30.
During the day, Ted talks to customers, makes phone
calls, and writes e-mails. He eats lunch at noon. Ted
goes home at 6:00 every day. He has dinner with his
family at 7:00 in the evening. After that, he reads or
watches TV. He goes to bed at 10 o’clock.

1 . It’s 7 o’clock in the morning now. Ted __________________________ breakfast.
Ted __________________________ breakfast every morning at 7 o’clock.

2. It’s 7:45 now. Ted __________________________ .

He __________________________ every day at 7:30.

3. It’s now 10 in the morning. Ted __________________________ to a customer.

He __________________________ to customers during the day.

4. It’s noon. Ted __________________________ now.

Ted __________________________ every day at noon.

5. It’s 6:00. Ted __________________________ now.

He __________________________ at this time every evening.

6. It’s now 10 o’clock at night. Ted __________________________ .

During the week, he __________________________ at 10 o’clock every night.



check it out!

Level 1 • Chapter 5 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 39

Chapter 6

Now you can ...!
Describe your job

Say what you do every day

Tell time

Say where a person is

Say what people are doing

Describe your office

Order a meal

Talk about food preferences

Offer something to eat and drink

Ask for and give personal details

Describe people

Introduce others

Check names and numbers

Give your name, address, phone number

Say where you are from

Introduce yourself

40 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 6

Action Module 1 Role Card A

You would like to meet with Mary Reynolds. Call her assistant. Say who you
are and what company you are calling from. Be ready to spell your name
and your company’s name and give your phone number.

Use some of this language:

• My name is …
• I would like to speak to …
• I’m calling from …
• Is she in today?

Action Module 2 Role Card A

You are going to a meeting. Your watch and cell phone are at home. You don’t
know what time it is. There is a person in the lobby. Ask what time it is.

Use some of this language:

• Excuse me.
• What time is it?
• Thank you.

Action Module 3 Role Card A

You are at a party. Your partner / spouse is with you. He / She is talking to your
colleague. You are standing at the table. Another person is standing next to you. You
don’t know this person. Introduce yourself and ask the person about his / her work.

Use some of this language:

• I’m …
• What do you do?
• Where are you from?
• Nice to meet you.
• What company do you work for?

Level 1 • Chapter 6 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 41

Action Module 1 Role Card B

You work in Mary Reynold’s office. You are her assistant. Ms. Reynold isn’t in the
office today. You are taking messages for her. You are writing callers’ names, the
company they work for, and their phone numbers. Ask callers to spell their name
and their company’s name.

Use some of this language:

• Good morning / afternoon.
• May I have your name, please?
• How do you spell that?
• I’m sorry. She’s not in today.

Action Module 2 Role Card B

You are standing in the lobby of your company. You don’t have a watch. There is
a clock on your cell phone.

Use some of this language:

• a.m. / p.m.
• It’s almost / exactly …

Action Module 3 Role Card B

You are at a party. Your spouse / partner isn’t with you. You are standing at
the table. Another person is standing next to you. You don’t know this person.
Introduce yourself. Ask the person about his / her family.

Use some of this language:

• My name is …
• Nice to meet you.
• Where do you live / work?
• Are you married?

42 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 6

Action Module 4 Role Card A

It’s lunchtime. You are in a restaurant. You are waiting to order.

Here is today’s menu:

Order lunch.

Use some of this language:

• I’d like …
• Yes, please.
• No, thank you.

Action Module 5 Role Card A

You are talking to a colleague. Ask him / her about his / her schedule every day.

Use some of this language:

• What time do you get up / go to work / get to work, etc.
• What do you do in the morning / evening?

Level 1 • Chapter 6 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 43

Action Module 4 Role Card B

It’s lunchtime. You are a server in a restaurant. A customer is waiting to order.

Here is today’s menu:

Take the customer’s order.

Use some of this language:

• May I help you?
• Would you like some …?

Action Module 5 Role Card B

You are talking to a colleague at the office. He / She is asking you about your
schedule every day.

Use some of this language:

• I get up / go to work / get to work … at …
• In the morning …
• In the evening …

44 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 6

Your Turn

1 A: Talk about a famous person from your country. What city is he / she from?
Where does he / she live? What does he / she do?
B: Ask a classmate or your teacher about a famous person from his / her country.
Who is he / she? What does he / she do?

2 A: Talk about a friend. Who is he / she? How old is he / she? What does he / she
look like?
B: Ask a classmate or your teacher about a friend. What is his / her name? How
old is he / she? What does he / she look like?

3 A: Talk about food and drinks. What do you like to eat and drink for breakfast?
for lunch? What do you like to have for dinner? What don’t you like to eat?
B: Ask a classmate or your teacher about food and drinks. What foods does he
or she like to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? What drinks does he or she
like to have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

4 A: Talk about your office. What do you like in your office? What don’t you like?
What’s new? What’s old?
B: Ask a classmate or your teacher about his / her office. What does he / she
have in it? What doesn’t he / she have in it, but would like to have?

5 A: Talk about what you do every day at work or at home. What do you use?
Who do you meet?
B: Ask a classmate or your teacher what he / she does at work and/or at home.
What does he / she do every day? Where does he / she go? At what time?

check it out!

Level 1 • Chapter 6 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 45

Chapter 7

Let’s meet next week

Topics SpeakingGoals Grammar
Calendar Ask for and give the date tomorrow, on the (12th), in (June);
Schedules Talk about schedules at (6:00); next (week); tonight
Appointments Make appointments always, usually, sometimes, rarely, never
Ordinal numbers Present progressive tense (future
meaning): I’m going to Paris tonight.
me, you, him, her, it, us, them
Can I …?

In this chapter,
you will … JANUARY
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 Thursday,
10 8 9March
10 1122nd
12 13
13 14
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20
2 21
21 22 23 2Monday,
24 25 26 January
27 18 1st
19 20
20 21 22 23 24 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
28 29 30 31 25 26 272 28 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30
■■ Askforandgive S M T
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3
1 2 3 4

thedateandtalk 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
14 15 16 17 18 19
4 5 6Sunday,
11 12
7 8
2 13 14 15
8 9 10
15 16 17
11 12 13 14
1 18 19 20 21
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
aboutschedules 20
21 22 23 24 25 26
28 29 30 31
18 19 20 21 22
25 26 27 28 29
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
Friday, August 24th
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 30 31

— What’s the date today? — When is the meeting? — When are you going to Paris?
— It’s the first of November. — It’s on July 15th. — In February.


< February 22-26 > Monday 22 Tuesday 23 Wednesday 24 Thursday 25 Friday 26

calendar 8 am Trip to Conference call with

mail 9 am Toronto Marketing team
contacts 10 am IT Systems Upgrade
■■ Makeappointments 11 am
to-do list
12 pm Business lunch with
< February > F. Reed
1 pm
Four Seasons Client Meeting
M T W T F S S Neal-Powell Group
2 pm Sales Meeting
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 IT WWorkshop
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 pm Conference Room 3
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 4 pm
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
5 pm
Are you busy on Wednesday? Can we meet in the afternoon?
When are you free? What’s a good time for you?

46 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 7

Ask for and give the date

1  What’stoday’sdate?

— What’s the date today? — When is Ann’s birthday? — When is Independence Day?
— It’s Monday, June 16th. — It’s in September. — It’s on July 4th.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 9th

first second third fourth fifth ninth

10th 12th 15th 20th 30th 31st

tenth twelfth fifteenth twentieth thirtieth thirty-first

2 40-47 When is Canada Day?

1 . New Year’s Eve is ____________________________________ .
2. Australia Day is _____________________________________ .
3. St. Patrick’s Day is ___________________________________ . Tip!
4. Earth Day is _________________________________________ .
5. Thanksgiving Day is __________________________________ . What’s the date today?
6. Canada Day is _______________________________________ . = What’s today’s date?

7. Mother’s Day is on the _________________________ in May.

8. Father’s Day is on the _________________________ in June.

3 Whatyearisit?

1900 nineteen hundred 1995 nineteen ninety-five 2002 two thousand two
1905 nineteen oh five 2000 two thousand 2010 two thousand ten or twenty ten

1066 1803 18 1 2 1492 1 776 1800

19 1 7 1984 1999 2001 2007 20 1 3

Tip! 09/10/11 ______________________________________

01/02/13 ______________________________________

11/01/12 = 11 January 2012

05/06/15 _____________________________________
= November 1, 2012

Level 1 • Chapter 7 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 47

Talk about schedules

4a  Doyoueverworkonweekends?

always 100% I always work on Mondays.

usually I usually work during the day.
sometimes I sometimes work in the evening.
rarely I rarely work on Saturdays.
never 0% I never work on Sundays.

— Are you home in the evening? — Do you ever meet clients at night?
— Yes, I’m usually home after six. — No, never. I always see them during the day.

4b  Tellmeaboutyourschedule

1 . Where do you usually go during the week? 3. Are you always home on the weekend?
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

2. Who do you usually meet on Saturdays? 4. What do you rarely do in the morning?
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

5 Whatareyoudoingtonight?

11:00AM meeting with Dennis Bradley Angela is meeting Mr. Bradley at 11 a.m.
12:00PM lunch with Martha Simmons

 1:00PM After that, she’s having lunch with Martha

Simmons, her client.

At 3 p.m., Angela is giving a presentation.

5:00PM She’s going home at 5 p.m.

Tonight, she’s having dinner with her
7:00PM dinner with George & Ann
friends George and Ann.

6 Whatareyoudoingnextweek?

I am leaving the office at 3 o’clock today.
You are having dinner at 8 o’clock tonight. Call me at 3:00.
Tim is meeting Mr. Wilson next week. Call me on Friday.
Ann is coming to our office next month. Call me in May.
We are going to Brazil next year. Call me on May 5.
The Lees are coming back to the U.S. in 2020.
Call me next week.

48 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 7

Talk about schedules and make appointments

7 Areyoutalkingtome?

I am talking to Lucy. R Lucy is listening to me.

You are asking a question. R I am answering you.

Bill is meeting Jack and Linda. R They are meeting him.

Mark is on the phone with Eve. R He’s talking to her.

Are you writing that e-mail today? R No, I’m writing it tomorrow.
Is Ms. Rogers speaking to you and me? R Yes, she’s speaking to us.
Are the Bennetts your friends? R Yes, we see them every weekend.

8 Canwemeettomorrow?

I see you.
You hear me.
He / She can meet Paul. — Can I see the report tomorrow?
We can’t leave now. — Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.
You stay three days.
They come here tonight.

9 What’sagooddayforyou?

— Hi, Irina. This is Rita. Would you like — Hello, Irina. This is Bill Jenkins.
to have lunch with me on Monday? Can we meet next week?
— I’m sorry. I can’t. I’m busy all day. — Sure. Let’s see. I’m free on Tuesday
How about Friday? morning from 8:30 to 9:30.
— Friday’s good for me. 12 o’clock? — Tuesday morning isn’t good for me.
— Perfect. Let’s meet at Ann’s Café, OK? How about Tuesday afternoon at 1?
— Great. See you there. — Fine. See you Tuesday at 1 o’clock.

Level 1 • Chapter 7 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 49

Make appointments

10 48-49 Whodoyoumakeappointmentswith?

A. 1 . The woman is making an appointment with ____________________________________ .

2. She has an appointment with him next ______________________________________ .

B. 1 . The man is making an appointment with ____________________________________ .

2. He has an appointment for ________________________________ at ______________ .

11  Wouldyouliketojoinus?

— Are you going out tonight?

— No, I’m staying home. And you?
— I’m going out with some friends. Would you like to join us?
— Thank you, but I can’t. Maybe some other time?

— We’re going to Nick’s Place after work. Would you like to

come with us?
— Thanks, I’d like that. What time are you leaving?

Is Tuesday at 9 o’clock good for you? How about Tuesday at 9 o’clock? Is that ok for you?

Yes, that’s fine for me. No, I’m not free / available on Tuesday. I’m sorry.
Tuesday at 9 is perfect. I’m sorry. I’m busy on Tuesday, but thank you.
Tuesday at 9? I’d love to. Maybe some other time. Thank you.



50 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 7

Talk about schedules and make appointments

12  Sandra’scalendar

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31

13  Let’smeet!


Level 1 • Chapter 7 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 51

Chapter Summary

tomorrow me, you dentist
the day after tomorrow him, her, it accountant
January - December us, them lawyer
month, year to see to go out (with friends)
1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. to hear on the fourth Monday in …
to come (back) free, busy (not) good for me
to stay, to leave available Great!
tonight all day Perfect!
next to see (= to meet) That’s fine.
to call appointment Let’s …
can, can’t to make / have an ~ (with)


•Whenis…? • Whatareyoudoing…?
— When is Halloween? — I’m taking an English lesson.
— It’s in October. I’m going to Paris in August.
It’s on October 31. I’m staying home this weekend.
It’s on the 31st of October. I’m coming back next year.

•CanyouseeMr.harrisat3:00? • WhattimeisMs.Tayloravailable?
— I’m sorry, I can’t see him at 3:00. — You can see her at noon.
— How about 3:30? — How about 12:30?
— Yes, 3:30 is fine. — Yes, she can see you at 12:30.

•WhencanIspeakwithyourcolleagues? • Whencanweseeyouandyourfriend?
— You can speak with them this afternoon. — You can see us next weekend.

— I always / never / rarely work on Saturdays.
— I usually work on Saturdays, and sometimes I work on Sundays, too.

• Look for interesting dates in magazine, newspaper, or online articles. Write something about
• Think of a city or a country. You are there, and you are now having breakfast. What are you
doing after breakfast? Where are you going? What are you eating for dinner? Who are you
meeting? Write your story or tell it to a classmate.
• Imagine you are in London. You would like to see the hairstylist at the hotel. Write what you
say to make an appointment.

52 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 7

Chapter Summary

Reading: I’d like to see Ms. Adams

— Good morning. I’m Steve Wilson from Ace

Corporation. I’d like to see Ms. Adams.
— I’m sorry, Mr. Wilson, Ms. Adams is in meetings
all morning.
— She’s usually free on Tuesday mornings, isn’t she?
— Yes, but this week she has appointments with clients
every morning. She’s free this afternoon. Would you
like to make an appointment to see her then?
— Yes, please. What time is she available?
— Let me see … She’s free at 2 o’clock. Is that all right
with you?
— Yes, that’s fine. Thank you.
1 . Would Steve Wilson like to see Ms. Adams or the receptionist?

2. Is Ms. Adams busy all day or all morning?


3. Is she available this morning or this afternoon?


4. Can Mr. Wilson see Ms. Adams at 2:00 or at 3:00 today?


Writing: Write the question

1 . Mr. Wilson would like to see Ms. Adams.
Who ___________________________________________________________________________ ?

2. Ms. Adams has appointments with clients.

Who ___________________________________________________________________________ ?

3. She is free this afternoon.

When __________________________________________________________________________ ?

4. She is available at 2 o’clock.

What time ______________________________________________________________________ ?

check it out!

Level 1 • Chapter 7 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 53

Chapter 8

How do I get there?

Topics SpeakingGoals Grammar
Places in a city Ask and say where places are in front of, behind, between, on the
Locations Ask for and give directions right / left, at …; + address
Directions Say where you are going (another) one
Forms of and how Imperatives: Go straight ahead, turn
transportation left, don’t turn right, etc.
into, out of
first, then, again

In this chapter, post office

you will … school

■■ Askandsaywhere restaurant
placesare bank



— Excuse me. Is there a — Is our taxi here?

bank on this street? — Yes, it is. It’s waiting
— Yes, there’s one next to in front of the hotel.
the theater. — Thank you.
ev Fu
el lt
an on
d St
Av re e
■■ Askforandgive e nu t Go straight ahead.
Pres co tt


directions Turn right at the first corner.


Bo uleva rd

re Turn left at the next corner.

t re

— Where are you going?

— We’re going to Florida.
■■ Saywhereyouare
— How are you getting there?
— We’re driving.
— Have a good trip!

54 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 8

Ask and say where places are

1  Whatstreetisthepostofficeon?
Swan taxi stand SPRING STREET
police Meridian
station Office Building



Grand bank
Hotel park

The post office is on Main Street. It’s onthecorner

Swan of Center StreetSPRING
taxi stand
Main Street.
Swan Café
taxi stand SPRING STREET police Meridian
station Office Building
2 Where’sthetaxistand?police
station post Office Building
Swan office
taxi stand SPRING STREET

Café post station
police Meridian
train station Office Building MAIN STREET

station newsstand

Grand bank
train Hotel newsstand park

station Garden

Grand MAIN STREET bank
Hotel newsstand park
The taxi stand is infront lot The
Garden restaurant is across The bank is between the
of the train station.
Grand from the supermarket.
bank restaurant and the park.
Hotel park
3 Isthereabanknearhere?
— Is there a bank near here?
— Yes, there’s one on Elm Street, behind the post office.
There’s one at 106 Elm Street.
on Main Street in High Street
— Excuse me. Are there any restaurants around here? across from opposite
— Yes, there’s one on Main Street and another one on Center Street.

4 50-54 Whereisit?
1 . The Lone Star Restaurant is ______________________ Pacific and State Streets, behind the hotel.
2. There is a taxi stand ______________________ the train station.
3. The Stanton Hotel is ________________ from Market Street. It’s ________________ the airport.
4. There is a bookstore ________________ the supermarket on Main Street.
5. The Gardner Museum is ________________ the park on Fifth Avenue.

Level 1 • Chapter 8 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 55

Ask for and give directions

5a  HowdoIgettotheGrandHotel?

Turn right! Go straight (ahead)! Turn left! It’s on the left. It’s on the right.

— Excuse me. How do I get to the Grand Hotel? — Is it on the left or on the right?
— Go straight on Spring Street to Center Street — It’s on the right, next to the
and turn left. The hotel is on Center Street. train station.

5b  Turnrightatthelight

— Do I turn right or left at the light? — Do I turn or go straight?

— Turn left. Don’tturn right. — Go straight. Don’tturn right or left.

— Should I take the subway to work? — Can we park here?

— Don’ttake the subway. Take a taxi. — Don’tpark there. Park behind the bank.

6 Gotwoblocksandthenturnright
one block
First, go straight ahead for two blocks, until
you see a post office on your right. Then turn
left and walk past the theater. The park is on
your left on the corner of First Street and
Lincoln Boulevard. two blocks

— How do you get from here to ___________________________________________________________ ?

— First _________________________________________________________________________________ .
Then _________________________________________________________________________________ .
After that ____________________________________________________________________________ .
And then _____________________________________________________________________________ .

56 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 8

Say where you are going and how

7 Canyourepeatthat?

Ask for repetition, clarification: Check comprehension:

— So have you got that? — Let’s see. I go straight ahead for two blocks
— I’m not sure. Can you repeat it? and then turn left. Then I go one block and
— Of course. turn left again. Is that right?
— Yes, that’s right. / No, that’s not quite right.

8 Areyougoingbytrain?
I’m going by … / I’m taking a …

train bus subway taxi

We’re going … / We’re …

by plane / flying by car / driving by bicycle / biking on foot / walking

9 55-58 Howaretheygettingthere?
A. — Where are you going? C. — Where are you going?

— _______________________________ . — We’re going to Santa Fe.

— Are you going _________________ ? — Are you ____________________________ ?

— No, I’m ________________________ . — No, we’re ___________________________ .

B.— Are you going to _______________ ? D. — How do you get _____________________ ?

— Yes, I am. — I usually ____________________________ .

— How are you ___________________ ? — Every day?

— I’m ____________________________ . — No, sometimes I _____________________ .

Level 1 • Chapter 8 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 57

Ask for and give directions

10 Yourturn!

Where How are you do you Are you Do you

going taking getting go get take

by on the a there vacation home

plane taxi subway bicycle car bus foot

fly drive walk bike train trip

11  get on orget into?

Bert usually takes the bus to work. Sometimes Bert takes a taxi to work.
He getson the bus at the stop near his house. He getsintothe taxi in front of his house.
He getsoff at the stop near his office. He getsoutofthe taxi in front of his office.

12  Howmanystopsisit?

— Does this bus go to Richmond Street? — How far is Richmond Street from here?
— No, it doesn’t. The 39 bus goes to Richmond Street. — It’s five stops.

58 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 8

Ask for and give directions
13  WheredoIgetoff?
Dupont Circle U Street
Shaw- Rhode Island Ave
Farragut North Howard U
Vernon Sq

Ga Pla
lle ce

Mc Wes

Un tatio oma


io n n
— Excuse me. How do I get to the








Virginia Sq-GMU
West Falls Church


Court House
Dunn Loring

— Take the Blue Line at Van Dorn Street.


— And where do I get off?


Ea ark l Sou

Pla fant

Fe ente

ste et th
M ito

de r S



ral W

— At Smithsonian. It’s the stop after

Federal Triangle.

Po Riv


to er

Ba nt
— How many stops is that?


Ya rfro


vy te
Na Wa

igh ss
Pentagon City
— It’s 14 stops. It’s a long trip.

He ngre

Su Roa lor
itla d


Ronald Regan
— Thanks a lot.

Washington National Airport

— You’re welcome.


King St-Old Town


Franconia-Springfield Huntington

14 Youarehere

Lake St
Chicago Theatre
Franklin St

Center Ford Oriental Theatre

Randolph St
Washington Blvd Macy’s Cultural Center

Civic Opera House Columbus Dr

So u th B ra n ch Ch i ca g o R i ve r

Madison St Millenium
Michigan Ave
Wabash Ave

Wacker Dr

La Salle St
Wells St

State St
Clark St

Monroe Dr

Sears Adams St Art Institute

Tower of Chicago

Quincy St
Jackson Blvd Center Hotels


Ln = lane Blvd = boulevard Ct = court

St = street Ave = avenue Pl = place
Rd = road Sq = square Dr = drive

Level 1 • Chapter 8 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 59

Chapter Summary

place near, around here to take the train / a taxi
hotel straight (ahead) to get on / off
office building corner, on the corner of to get in(to) / get out (of)
train station (traffic) light line, subway ~
post office to turn right / left
police station to go, go past (not) far from here
bookstore block take the number … bus
park business trip, to go on a ~ go three stops
theater vacation (holiday UK) How do I get there?
parking lot train, to go by ~ How far is …?
bus, bus stop subway, to go by ~ Have you got that?
taxi, taxi stand plane, to go by ~, to fly Can you repeat that?
in front of, behind car, to go by ~, to drive Is that right?
across from (opposite UK) bicycle, bike (n., v.), to go by ~ That’s (not quite) right.
between on foot, to go ~, to walk

•Where’sthebank? •HowdoIgettothepostoffice?
— It’s on Spring Street. — Go straight until you get to Spring Street.
It’s next to the park. Turn left on Spring Street.
It’s across from the office building. Go past the supermarket.
It’s between the restaurant and the park. It’s on the right.
It’s at 323 Spring Street. It’s on the corner of Spring and Center Streets.

• HowdoIgettotheChicagoTheatre? •Where’sthebusstop?
— First, go to the corner of Monroe Drive — There’s one in front of the train station. There’s
and Michigan Avenue and turn left. Go another one in front of the bookstore.
straight on Michigan Avenue for four — Where’s the bookstore?
blocks. Turn left on Lake Street. The — It’s behind the Garden Restaurant.
theatre is at State and Lake Streets. — Is it far from here?

•Takeataxitothehotel. •Don’ttaketheredline.
Don’t take the subway. Take the blue line.
Don’t turn left. Turn right. Don’t walk. Drive.
Don’t get off at Park Street. Don’t go to New York City in July.
Get off at Center Street. Go in September or October.

•Choose a popular destination in your city. What directions would you give a tourist to get there
from your street? From your office?
• Write the directions from the airport or train station to your home or office. When a friend or
client comes to your city, you can send the directions to him or her.
• Write a “How to find us” section for your company’s website.

60 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 8

Chapter Summary


We’re having a party at our place on Friday at 7 p.m.

Fa irv iew Bo ule
va rd Here are the directions:

et From Station Road, after the train station, turn left
onto Chestnut Street and then right onto Walnut

n Te

Street. Go one block, then turn left onto Grove Street.


d Av

Go straight ahead two blocks, and then turn left

h la n

H ig
when you get to Fairview Boulevard. Turn right at the
t Gr
second light. Our place is the third house on the right.
tr ov
tS e

Address:1212 Wilson Terrace







See you there!

1 . Go straight after the train station.

2. From Chestnut Street, turn left onto Walnut Street.


3. On Walnut Street, go three blocks.


4. Turn right onto Grove Street.


5. Turn left before you get to Fairview Boulevard.


6. From Fairview Boulevard, turn right at the first light.


7. The party is at the first house on the block.


8. The house is on the left.


check it out!

Level 1 • Chapter 8 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 61

Chapter 9

How much is it?

Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Shops Ask for items in a store many vs. much; a lot, a few, a little
Money and prices Talk about prices and sizes too big vs. not big enough
Clothing and sizes Compare items Comparatives: bigger, smaller, etc.
Numbers 101–1,000,000 Make a purchase and more / less expensive, etc.

In this chapter,
you will …

■■ Ask for items

in a store

— How much is it?

— It’s $32.50, but it’s not
■■ Talk about prices
your size.
and sizes
— Do they have a large?
— Yes, here it is in large.

■■ Compare items and — I like those shoes, but these

make a purchase are more comfortable.
I’ll take this pair.
— How would you like to pay?
— Do you take debit cards?
— Yes, of course.

62 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 9

Ask for items in a store

1 Anything else?


2a What are you looking for?

— May I help you?

— Yes, I’m looking for … a map / postcards / perfume.
I’d like to buy … a T-shirt / books / chocolate.
do you sell … ——— stamps / coffee?
do you have any … ——— clothes / aspirin?
— No, thank you. I’m just looking.

2b 59-61 May I help you?

1 . The man is looking for ____ of Dublin. a. a postcard b. a map
2. The woman is buying ____ . a. stamps b. a stamp
3. The shop ____ aspirin. a. sells b. doesn’t sell

3 How many stamps are they buying?

How many …? How much …?

stamps coffee
a lot of gifts a lot of chocolate
a few souvenirs a little perfume
not many magazines not much water
T-shirts time

— How many postcards is Steve buying? — How much perfume is Ellen buying?
— Thirty. — Five bottles.
— That’s a lot of postcards! — Why so much?

— How many trips do you go on every year? — How much vacation time do you have?
— Not many. Just two or three. — Not much. Just two weeks a year.

Level 1 • Chapter 9 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 63

Talk about prices

4 Saying prices

100 cents (¢) = 1 dollar ($) 100 pence (p) = 1 pound (£) 100 euro cents = 1 euro (€)
$5.95 = five dollars and ninety-five cents or five ninety-five
£19.25 = nineteen pounds twenty-five pence or nineteen twenty-five
€101 = a hundred and one euros $500 = five hundred dollars
£1,000 = one thousand pounds or a thousand pounds
€10,000 = ten thousand euros $1,000,000 = one million dollars or a million dollars

Your turn! Tip!

$1.99 £109.10 €16.50
$0.73 £1,999.00 €10,500.00 Slang terms for currency
$25.00 £500.00 €737.80 a buck = $1 a quid = £ 1
ten bucks = $10 ten quid = £ 10

5 How much is it?

this pair of jeans? these jeans?

the handbag? the sunglasses?
How much is How much are
the green wallet? the brown gloves?
this watch? these shoes?

— How much is it? — How much are the gloves? — How much are they?
— It’s € 89.25. — They’re £20. — They’re $29.99.

6 Which one?

— How much does that handbag cost? — How much do those watches cost?
— Which one? — Which ones? The gold ones?
— The red one. — No, the silver ones.
— It’s $690. — They’re $40.
— Oh, that’s expensive. — Oh, that’s not expensive at all.

64 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 9

Talk about sizes and compare items

7 What size do you wear?

T-shirts XS S M L XL Women’s shoes
Women’s sizes UK 4 5 6 7 etc.
UK 4 6–8 10–12 14–16 etc. US 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 etc.
US 2 4–6 8–10 12–14 etc.
Men’s shoes
Men’s sizes (US & UK) UK 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 etc.
pants (waist) 29–31 32–34 36–38 40–42 etc. US 8 9 10 11 etc.
shirts (neck) 14–141/2 15–151/2 16–161/2 17–171/2 etc.

— I wear a size 8. What size does Jane wear? — What size shoes do you wear?
— She usually wears a 10. — I wear a nine and a half.

8 Would you like to try it on?

— Do you have this shirt in a large? — How do the shorts fit?
— Yes, we do. Here you are. — They’re perfect. / They’re a little big.

— Would you like to try the sweater on? — Can I try these pants on?
— No, I’m sure it’s fine. — Of course. The fitting rooms are over there.

9 Is the sweater too big or too small?

This dress is too long. These pants are too These shoes are too This shirt is too small.
It doesn’t fit. short for him. big. They don’t fit. It isn’t big enough.

1 . Marcy is looking for a size 12 skirt. The one she’s looking at is a size 10.
The skirt she’s looking at is _____________________________ / ___________________________ .

2. Nicole is looking for a long dress. The one she’s looking at is 30 inches (76 cm) long.
The dress she’s looking at is ____________________________ / ___________________________ .

3. Peter is looking for a sweater in extra large. The one he’s looking at is a large.
The sweater he’s looking at is __________________________ /

Level 1 • Chapter 9 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 65

Compare items

10 Which ones are cheaper?

long longer
short shorter
big bigger
small R smaller expensive
cheap cheaper than … more comfortable than …
old older less interesting
young younger boring

good better
R worse

— These gloves are cheaper than those. The dress is more expensive than the skirt.
— Yes, but those are better than these. The T-shirt is less expensive than the sweater.

11 62-64 Is it more expensive?

1 . The blouse is a little too big. But the clerk has a ________________________ size.
The customer would like a ________________________ skirt.

2. The Office Exchange is on Walnut Street. That’s ________________________ for the man.
The store is ________________________ , but it’s ________________________ .

3. John thinks Stella is ________________________ than Antonio’s. Stella isn’t

________________________ , but it’s ________________________ than Antonio’s.

Culture Corner

Does the price include tax?

In Australia and New Zealand, the price of many
ModeforrntheM ale
things people buy includes the GST (Goods and modern man
Modern styles
Services Tax). In the U.K., the price includes the TICKET #
11:48 AM
000239 Nov 13
VAT (Value Added Tax). Descriptio
n Price
Item 13.49
0400209 77.41
But in Canada and the U.S., the price doesn’t 5.42
Subtotal 77.41
include a tax. There, many places add a tax (GST Tax 7.0% on 82.83
in Canada or sales tax in the U.S.) when you buy 90.00
Cash 7.17
an item. The percentage (%) they add can change Change

from city to city or state to state.

66 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 9

Make a purchase

12 I’ll take it!

— How does the dress fit? — How are the shoes?

— It’s perfect. I’ll take it. — They’re very comfortable. I’ll take them.
— Great. How would you like to pay? — And how would you like to pay?
— Cash, please. — With a credit card, please.
— Thank you. Here is your change and — We take American Express, Visa,
your receipt. and MasterCard.

13 Who says it?

Do you take credit cards?
Do you have this in a larger size?

Do you wear small, medium, or large?

How would you like to pay? What size do you wear?

Do you sell …?

How does that fit? Would you like to try it on?

Do you have this in a size …?

May I help you?
Where can I try this on?

How much does this cost?

What are you looking for?

Which one would you like?

Level 1 • Chapter 9 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 67

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

shop / sales clerk to try on to fit, fitting room
to sell, to shop (for) socks, shoes more / less comfortable
to buy a pair of (gloves) cash, credit / debit card
T-shirt jeans, pants to pay (for / with)
clothes shorts receipt, change
perfume sunglasses May I help you?
gift, souvenir gold, silver I’m just looking.
postcard, stamp to look (at) I’m looking for … / I’d like to buy …
bag / handbag to cost Do you sell …?
101-1,000,000 expensive, cheap Anything else?
price / price tag size / size tag Can I try … on?
money S / M / L / XL I’ll take it.
wallet skirt, dress How would you like to pay?
to wear jacket, sweater Do you take credit cards?

• Does Mrs. Bennett buy many clothes? • Does Mr. Bennett have a lot of time?
— She buys a lot of dresses. — He has a lot of time in the evening.
She doesn’t buy many jackets. He doesn’t have much time during the day.
She buys a few skirts every year. He has just a little time in the morning.
• How many stamps are in your wallet? • How much money is in your wallet?
— There are a lot. / There aren’t many. — There is a lot. / There isn’t much.
There are a few. / There aren’t any. There is a little. / There isn’t any.
• How does the T-shirt fit? • How do the shoes fit?
— It’s too small. — They’re too small.
It’s not big enough. They’re not big enough.
Can I try on a bigger one? Can I try on some bigger ones?
• How does that one fit? • Are they better?
— It’s bigger than the other one. / It’s perfect. — Yes, they’re more comfortable than those.
• Which is better? Pants are longer than shorts.
— The green one is. Silver is less expensive / cheaper than gold.
This one is. / That one is. New York is bigger than San Francisco.
This pair is more comfortable than that one. Montreal is older than Toronto.

Use Your English!

• Sizes are not the same in every country. On the Internet, find a size chart (search for “size
conversion chart”). What’s your size in the U.S.? the U.K.?
• Go to an online store and find one or two things you would like. What colors and sizes do they
come in? How much do they cost? How can you pay for them?
• Imagine you have $1,000 to buy new clothes. What would you buy?

68 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 9

Chapter Summary

Reading: Mrs. Miller is buying a gift

Mrs. Miller: How much is this necklace?

Sales clerk: Let’s see … It’s $59. Would you like to
try it on?
Mrs. Miller: No, it’s not for me. It’s for my daughter.
Tomorrow is her birthday. Do you have
earrings to go with it?
Sales clerk: Yes, we do. Here you are. They’re $38.
Mrs. Miller: I’ll take them —— the earrings and the
Sales clerk: Would you like me to gift-wrap them?
Mrs. Miller: Yes, please.
Sales clerk: And how would you like to pay?
Mrs. Miller: Cash, please.
Sales clerk: Thank you. Here’s your change and receipt.

Complete the sentences

1 . Mrs. Miller is buying some .

a. clothes b. souvenirs c. jewelry

2. She’s buying a gift for .


a. a co-worker b. her daughter c. her mother

3. The necklace costs ____ .

a. fifty-nine dollars b. ninety-five dollars c. almost six hundred dollars

4. Mrs. Miller is buying ____ to go with the necklace.

a. an earring b. a pair of earrings c. a watch

5. She ____ .
a. is paying cash b. is paying with a credit card c. isn’t buying the necklace

Writing: Write the questions for 1–5 above

1 . What___________________________________________________________________________________?
2. Who____________________________________________________________________________________?
3. How____________________________________________________________________________________?
4. What___________________________________________________________________________________?
5. How____________________________________________________________________________________?

check it out!

Level 1 • Chapter 9 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 69

Chapter 10

Would you like to leave a message?

Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Telephone expressions Make a phone call I’m calling to cancel …
Telephone messages Leave, take, and give Ask / tell … to …
someone a message Requests with could
Explain why you missed a call was / were
Call someone back Simple past of regular verbs: called,
answered, etc.

In this chapter,
you will …
■■ Make a phone call

The phone is ringing. He answers the Mark finishes the

Mark Wilson picks phone. / He’s taking call and hangs up
up the phone. the call. (the phone).

■■ Leave, take, Who called?

and give someone Why did she call?
a message

■■ Explain why you I’m sorry I missed

missed a call and your call. I was in a
call someone back meeting all morning.

70 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 10

Make a phone call

1 This is Ed Taylor
Hello. This is Edward Taylor.
saying who you are Hello, Janet. This is Ed Taylor.
Hi, Janet. This is Ed.
May I speak to Mr. Bennett, please?
saying who you’d like to talk to Can I speak to Charles?
Is Chuck in?

Just one moment, Mr. Taylor.

asking the caller to wait Of course, Mr. Taylor. Just a moment.
Sure, Ed. Just a second.

2a Who’s calling, please?

— Good morning, ArTex Enterprises.

Christine Baker speaking.
— I’d like to speak to Mr. Hayes, please.
— May I ask who’s calling?
— My name is John Morris.
— Just a moment, Mr. Morris.

— Sam Hayes.
— Mr. Hayes, this is Christine in reception.
John Morris is on the line for you.
— Thank you, Christine. Put him through.

— Mr. Morris? Thank you for holding. I can

put you through to Mr. Hayes now.

2b I need to cancel our appointment

I’m calling to confirm our appointment.

I want to change / reschedule the time.
I need to cancel my trip.

3 65-67 Why are they calling?

1 . Brad ____________________ to ____________________ the meeting.

2. Sylvia ____________________ to ____________________ her appointment.
3. Martin ____________________ to ____________________ his appointment.

Level 1 • Chapter 10 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 71

Leave a message

4 Wrong number

— Hi, I’d like to speak to Mike, please. — Hello?

— Mike who? — Hello, is this the Middleton Public Library?
— Is this 555-9568? — I’m sorry. You have the wrong number.
— No, it’s 555-9586. — I’m sorry.
— Sorry. Wrong number. — No problem. Good-bye.

5 Marcia? She’s away from her desk

not available not in

out (of the office) out
this week.
in a meeting She’s not here
at the moment. today.
Marcia is on another line away
right now.
not in (the office) out of town
at lunch
away from her desk She can’t take your call. / come to the phone.

— Hello. This is Brian Morgan from GBH. I’d like to speak to Marcia Powers, please.
— I’m sorry, Mr. Morgan. Marcia isn’t available right now. Would you like to leave a message?

her to call me at my office. her (that) the meeting is canceled.

him to phone me this afternoon. Tell him (that) I’d like to reschedule our trip.
them to meet me at the station at 5. them (that) I can’t leave before 7:00 p.m.

— Hi, Paul. Is Richard in? — May I speak to Janet Evans?

— No, I’m sorry, Amanda, he’s out with — She’s on another line. May I help you?
a client. May I take a message? — This is Linda Ross. I have a 2:00 appointment with
— Please ask him to call me. her. Would you tell her that I have to cancel it?

6 68 Please ask her to call me back

_____________________________ called at 11:30. He can’t __________________

you on _________________ . He wants to ________________ . His cell phone number

is _______________________ . He wants you to call him __________________ .

72 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 10

Take a message

7 Could you spell your name, please?

Can I have your name? R Could I have your name?

Can you spell that for me? R Could you spell that for me?
Can you give him a message? R Could you give him a message?
Can you tell him I called? R Could you tell him I called?
Can you ask her to call me? R Could you ask her to call me?

8 Yesterday was the 9th


7 8 9 10 11 12 13

7:30 6 pm 7:45 7:00

tennis W/ Ed and Mary’s
yoga Carla Tina birthday

Today is Thursday, October 10th. October 2nd was last week.

Yesterday was Wednesday, the 9th. Last month was September.
The day before yesterday was Tuesday. My 35th birthday was last year.
Where are you? R Where were you?

I am in New York. I was in New York.

I’m not in Boston. I wasn’t in Boston.

— Was Nathalie out of town yesterday? — Were you in the office last week?
— Yes, she was. She was in Paris. Our — No, I was on vacation. My family and I
new client has offices there. were at my parent’s home in Vancouver.

9 69 Where were you yesterday?

1 . Bill was ____ yesterday. a. in the office b. away
2. He was in ____ . a. town b. Houston
3. He ____ with Mr. Peterson. a. was b. is
4. Bill and Mr. Peterson were at .
____ a. a restaurant b. a client’s office
5. They were there from ____ to ____ . a. 10 a.m. / 8 p.m. b. 8 a.m. / 10 p.m.
6. They’re going back next ____ . a. month b. week

Level 1 • Chapter 10 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 73

Give someone a message

10 did Jason call?

you you you
he he he
did she call? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.
we we we
they they they

— Did you call Ben yesterday? — Did the Mitchells call us? — Did you call me at 3 a.m.?
— Yes, I did. / — Yes, they did. / — No, I didn’t. Sandra did. /
No, I didn’t. No, they didn’t. Yes, I did. Sorry!

11 any calls while I was out?

Greg was out of the office from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., three people called.

R Three people called while he was out.

R He missed three calls.

— Any messages? — Any calls while I was out? — Amy called.

— Yes, Jack called about — Pat returned your call. — What did she want?
half an hour ago. — Great. I can call her now. — She’d like to see you next week.

12 What did you do?

I called him. I call him.

You returned my call. You return my call.
He missed a call. He miss any calls.
She answered the phone. She answer the phone.
We scheduled an appointment. We schedule an appointment.
They canceled the meeting. They cancel the meeting.

— Who called? — Who scheduled the appointment? — Who canceled the meeting?
— Janice did. — Mr. and Mrs. Parker did. — You did.

74 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 10

Call someone back

13 70-72 Sorry I missed your call

1. Steven _______________ Mark’s call yesterday because he

_______________ out of the office. Mark _______________

to talk to him about a new sales strategy.

2. Ken Sullivan _______________ Mike Madsen this morning. Mr. Madsen _______________

at the new sales software last week. He _______________ a presentation for next Monday,
and he _______________ Ken to join them.

3. Susan just _______________ to the C.E.O. of GenTek. She _______________

him the project documents.

14 What’s a good time for you?

Day Week Month Show work week Show full week


< 15-19 FEBRUARY > 15 Monday 16 Tuesday 17 Wednesday 18 Thursday 19 Friday

Calendar 08 00

E-Mail 09 00

Contacts 10 00
11 00
< February
ry > 1 00
2 00
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 00
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 4 00
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
5 00

Level 1 • Chapter 10 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 75

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

(telephone) line to take a call What do you do when …?
caller away (from one’s desk) May I ask who’s calling?
on the line, on another line to ask / tell … to … Why (not)?
busy / free to call … back You have the wrong number.
to hold to want / need to Where was / were …?
to put … on hold, to be on hold to take / leave a message When did … call?
to put … through (to …) to give … a message Who called …?
to hang up yesterday What did … do?
to schedule the day before yesterday while … was / were out
to change last week / month, etc. Sorry I missed your call.
to cancel to miss / return a call I’m returning your call.
because out of town / the office

• I’m calling to cancel my appointment. • Would you please ask Mr. Simmons to call me?
— One moment, please. — Certainly.
— I’m calling to confirm my appointment. — Please tell Mary to hold.
— What is your name? — Mary, Frank asked me to tell you to hold, please.
— Are there any messages for me? — Did anyone call?
— Peter called to reschedule your meeting. — Peter asked me to change your meeting to Friday.
• Where were you last week? • Was Jane in her office when you called?
— I was in Tampa. / We were in Austin. — Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t.
— Where was your son? — Were Kelly and Eric home last night?
— He was at home. — Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t.
— Were you and Carla home last night? — Where were we the day before yesterday?
— I was, but Carla wasn’t. She was at work. — You were in London and I was in Washington.
• When did you call? • What did you do yesterday afternoon?
— I called at 8:30. — I stayed home. / I worked. / I answered e-mail.
— Who did Phillip talk to yesterday? — How many calls did you miss yesterday?
— He talked to his boss. — I missed three calls. / I didn’t miss any calls.
• did …? • Who …?
— Did you call me yesterday? — Who answered the phone?
— Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. — Karen answered the phone. / Karen did.
Yes, we did. / No, we didn’t. — Who returned your call?

Use Your English!

• Write a journal entry of what you did last week using the simple past tense.
• Write an e-mail saying why you couldn’t attend a meeting yesterday.
• Write a message you can leave for someone if you get his or her voicemail. Record it.

76 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 10

Chapter Summary

reading: May I take a message?

Ms. Brooks: Hello, Dr. Walker’s office.

Mr. Soto: Hello. May I speak to Dr. Walker, please?
Ms. Brooks: I’m sorry. He’s in a meeting. May I ask who’s
calling, please?
Mr. Soto: This is Arturo Soto from BioMed Labs.
Ms. Brooks: Hello, Mr. Soto. This is Kelly Brooks. I’m sorry,
but Dr. Walker is leaving right after the meeting.
He’s back in the office tomorrow. May I take
a message?
Mr. Soto: Yes, could you ask him to call me this evening?
I’d like to speak to him today.
Ms. Brooks: Does he have your number?
Mr. Soto: I don’t think so. It’s 312-555-4907.
Ms. Brooks: Thank you, Mr. Soto. Good-bye.

Writing: Use the dialogue to complete the form

1 . Why didn’t Dr. Walker take the call?


2. Was Dr. Walker free or busy in the afternoon?


check it out!

Level 1 • Chapter 10 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 77

Chapter 11

What do you want to do this weekend?

Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Seasons and weather Describe the weather in three weeks; for two days
Weather reports Say what you like to do like / want to
Weekend travel plans Make plans to go out anything, something, nothing,
Outdoor leisure activities Describe your plans everything
too, not either

In this chapter, The weather is …

you will … sunny hot
cloudy warm
windy cool
rainy cold
■■ Describe the
weather and say in …
what you like winter summer
to do spring fall / autumn

We like to …
go walking
go skiing
go running
play golf


to go out and 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
describe your 6 :30 a.m.
leave for Orlando
plans Orlando
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
8:00 pm
return from business trip - Seattle

Sophie is going to Orlando. She’s leaving in a few hours.

She’s coming back in three days.

78 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 11

Describe the weather

1 What’s the weather like?

It’s raining. It’s snowing. It’s sunny. It’s windy. It’s cloudy.

Tip! — What’s the weather like today?

— It’s sunny.

rainy / snowy = usual weather

— Look outside. Is it raining?
R April is a rainy month. — No, it’s not raining. It’s snowing.
R January is a snowy month.
raining / snowing = weather now — What’s the weather like here in March?
R It’s raining / snowing now. — It’s usually rainy and windy.

2 73 How hot is it?

1 . Today, the weather in Toronto is _______________ and
_______________ . The temperature is _______________ .
°F = degrees Fahrenheit
2. In Orlando, the temperature is ____________ today. The °C = degrees Celsius
weather is _______________ and _______________ . -5° = minus five degrees
five degrees below (zero)

3 How’s the weather?

95˚ 35˚
68˚ 20˚
32˚ 0˚

cool -4˚ -20˚

cold low

— It’s hot today. — How cold is it? It’s 65° today.

— How hot is it? — It’s very cold. Yesterday’s high (temperature) was 75°.
— It’s 98°F. / It’s 37°C. It’s 14°F. / -10°C. Yesterday’s low was 55°.

Level 1 • Chapter 11 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 79

Say what you like to do

4 What’s your favorite season?

— When do you go on vacation? — I don’t like winter.
— I always go on vacation in summer. — Why not?
It’s my favorite season. — It’s cold, cloudy, and gray.

5 What do you like to do?

… in winter? … in spring and summer?

go skiing play tennis go running

go (ice) skating play soccer / football go swimming

go snowboarding play golf go sailing

Do you like to go swimming? Do you like to play tennis?

6 I like to ski, too!

— I like to ski. — I don’t like football. — I’m not playing tennis
— I like to ski, too. / — I don’t like it, either. / this weekend.
I do, too. I don’t, either. — I’m not, either.

80 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 11

Make plans to go out

7 What do you want to do?

go for a drive go for a walk go for a bike ride

go out to eat go dancing

— What do you want to do this weekend? — Do you want to go dancing tonight?

— Let’s go for a drive in the countryside. — OK. Let’s call Eva and Bill. They like to dance.

8 74-76 Let’s go out to eat

What did the man want to do? ______________________________________________________
Why aren’t they doing that? ______________________________________________________
What are they doing instead? ______________________________________________________

What did the woman want to do? ______________________________________________________
Why aren’t they doing that? ______________________________________________________
What are they doing instead? ______________________________________________________

What did the woman want to do? ______________________________________________________
Why aren’t they doing that? ______________________________________________________
What are they doing instead? ______________________________________________________

Level 1 • Chapter 11 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 81

Describe your plans

9 There’s nothing to do!

Yes, I’m doing something with Paul and Melissa.

Are you doing anything tomorrow?
No, I’m not doing anything.

Nothing. How about you?

What are you doing Friday night?
I’m not doing anything.

I can’t. Everything is closed.

Are you going shopping tomorrow?
No, I’m not. Nothing is open.

— Are you doing anything Friday night? — Would you like to do something this weekend?
— No, I’m not doing anything. Why? — Yes, that would be great. What do you want to do?
— Would you like to go to a concert with me? — How about a visit to the new art museum?
— I’d love to. — Sounds great!

— Let’s go shopping. — I have nothing to do this weekend.

— We can’t. Everything is closed today. — Would you like to do something with us?
— I’d like to do something. — Sure. What do you want to do?
— OK. Let’s go for a bike ride. — Let’s go dancing.

10 Are you going away for the weekend?

Let’s go to a ski resort! I’d like to go to an amusement park. Why don’t we go to the beach?

We’re leaving in four days.

Today is Monday. We’re leaving Friday. R We’re coming back on Sunday.
We’re staying there for two nights.

— Are you going away for the weekend? — Did you hear? Nancy is in town.
— Yes, we’re going to Elkton Ski Resort. — Really? How long is she staying?
— When are you leaving? — Just a few days. She’s going home on Sunday.
— We’re leaving in a few hours. — Let’s take her out to dinner tomorrow night.

82 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 11

Make and describe plans

11 My favorite season

12 What are we doing next week?

Riverside - July Calendar of Events

.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
Summer Jazz Festival .. Riverside Annual .. Summer Concert Series
.. ..
and Picnic in the Park .. 10k Race .. Walford Auditorium.
.. ..
Saturdays from noon to 5 pm. .. July 17 - Race starts at .. Fridays at 8 pm.
Park opens at 11 am.
.. 8 am in front of City Hall. .. Doors open at 7:30.
.. .. Tickets & information, call:
>> Click here for more info.
.. >> Click here for race info and registration. .. 1-800-WAL-FORD.
. .

.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
. .

Level 1 • Chapter 11 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 83

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

sunny, cloudy to (not) like, to like to, favorite to go dancing
windy sport, to play a sport instead, ~ of …
rainy, snowy to play tennis, soccer, golf beach, at the ~
raining, to rain to go skiing, skating ski resort
snowing, to snow snowboarding, running amusement park
hot, warm swimming, sailing to go away
cold, cool too, not either How hot / cold is it?
degrees (°C / °F) in the mountains How’s the weather?
minus countryside, ocean I like …, but I don’t like …
high, low to go for a drive / walk I’d love to!
weather report / forecast bike ride, picnic That’s too bad.
spring, summer to stay home, to go out There’s nothing to do.
fall (autumn), winter to go to (the movies) Everything is (closed).
season, in + season play, concert, museum Nothing is (open).

• What do you like to do in summer? • How long are you staying at the ski resort?
— I like to go to the beach in summer. — We’re just going for the weekend.
— How long do you stay? — When are you leaving?
— I like to go for a week or two. — We’re leaving in two hours.

• Do you like golf? • Do you like to go swimming?

— Yes, I do. I play every weekend. — Yes, I do, but I don’t like to go when it’s cold.

• What do you like to do? • What do you want to do?

— I like to play tennis. Do you want to play? — I want to go for a walk, do you?
— Not today. It’s too hot. — I do, too. It’s a beautiful day!

• What’s the weather like? • What does the weather forecast say?
— It’s cloudy and cool. — It says windy all day with a low of 42°.
It’s hot and sunny. They say sunny and warm with a chance of rain.

• The weather is bad. There’s nothing to do. • Are you doing anything this weekend?
— We can go to the movies. — No, nothing much. Why?
— Is there anything to see? — I have tickets for the jazz festival. Do you want to go?
— That new movie is playing at the Odeon. — I’d love to. When is it?
— Great. I really want to see it. — It starts at 3 p.m. on Saturday.

Use Your English!

• Watch the weather report on an English-language news channel or find a weather report on the Internet.
• Make a list of things you like to do. What are these things called in English? Look up the words.
• Pick up an English-language guide for your city. Find one or two activities you like. Write about them.

84 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 11

Chapter Summary

Reading: And now for the weather …

Good morning to all our listeners! It’s a

beautiful summer day here in Millersville.
The sun is shining and the sky is blue.
There is no rain in the forecast. The
temperature is a warm 75 degrees right
now, with a high of 85 degrees later this
afternoon. The forecast for the weekend
looks nice, too. That’s our weather for
today. Have a great day.

Answer the questions

1 . It’s a____ day.

a. cold fall b. cool spring c. warm summer

2. There ____clouds in the sky.

a. are a few b. are a lot of c. aren’t any

3. The temperature is ____ now.

a. 75° b. 85° c. 95°

4. There is ____ rain in the forecast.

a. a lot of b. no c. a little

5. The forecast for the weekend is ____ .

a. high b. bad c. good

Writing: Describe the weather in your city

Our weather today is _______________________________________________________________________

Yesterday’s weather was ___________________________________________________________________


check it out!

Level 1 • Chapter 11 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 85

Chapter 12

Now you can ...!
Describe your plans

Make plans to go out

Say what you like to do

Describe the weather

Call someone back

Explain why you missed a call

Leave, take, and give someone a message

Make a phone call

Make a purchase

Compare items

Talk about prices and sizes

Ask for items in a store

Say where you are going and how

Ask for and give directions

Ask and say where places are

Make appointments

Talk about schedules

Ask for and give the date

86 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 12

Action Module 1 Role Card A

Today is Monday, June 2. You’d like to have lunch or dinner with a friend
before you go on vacation. You usually work during the week from 9 to 5,
but you are often free for lunch or dinner. Look at your calendar and then
call your friend and ask him / her out to lunch or dinner.


12-3 meeting lunch 11-1 tennis

with Martin

movie with
Sandra, 8 pm

Use some of this language:
• Are you free …? • next (week) • in (two weeks) • (not) available
• When …? • leaving • coming back • tomorrow

Action Module 2 Role Card A

You’re on Adams Lane. You’re looking for Bella’s Restaurant. You don’t know the
street address, but you know it’s near Adams Lane. Ask someone on the street.

Use some of this language:

• Can you tell me where …?
• Could you repeat that?

Wo o d
la n d A
ve n u

venu e
eld A

S t re e

Ad a m
S t re e

s La

O li v e

C la r k

C o n co rd
S tr e et

Level 1 • Chapter 12 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 87

Action Module 1 Role Card B

This is your appointment calendar for June. Today is Monday, June 2. You
work during the week from 9 to 5, but you are often free for lunch or dinner.
Your phone is ringing. Answer it.


guitar class dinner with “Rent”

meeting - 9-11 client - 7 pm 7:30 pm
6:30 pm


guitar class
6:30 pm

Use some of this language:

When …? Where …? leaving the day after tomorrow
How about … instead? I’m busy … coming back for a week

Action Module 2 Role Card B

You’re on Adams Lane. You live in the area and know it well. There is a park
on Woodland Avenue one block away. There is also a very good museum on
Clark Street. Bella’s restaurant is next to the museum.

Use some of this language:

• Yes, it’s on …
• It’s on the right / left.
• Go … block(s).

Wo o d
la n d A
ve n u

venu e
• Turn right / left.
eld A

S t re e

Ad a m
S t re e

s La

O li v e

C la r k

C o n co rd
S tr e et

88 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 12

Action Module 3 Role Card A

You work in a small gift shop at the airport. It’s the only one at the airport.
This morning, a large group of students from another country was in the
shop. Now you have almost nothing to sell. This is what you have:

• souvenir baseball caps (small child sizes only) €10.00 / $13.00

• souvenir T-shirts (XS, M, XL sizes only) €15.00 / $19.50
• souvenir shirts (size S only) €20.00 / $26.00
• souvenir posters € 8.00 / $10.50

Use some of this language:

• May I help you? • I’m afraid we’re out of … • We only have that in …

Action Module 4 Role Card A

You are the new Area Manager for a large European company. You are going
to London on September 20th. You are staying for three days. You have
appointments in the morning on September 20th, 21st, and 22nd. You would
like to see your client, David Carter, at Emblem PLC on September 21st in the
afternoon. Call his office and make an appointment.

Use some of this language:

• I’m calling to … • Is he available…? • That’s (not) good for me.

Action Module 5 Role Card A

It’s spring and the weather today is rainy and cool. You looked at the weather
report online: rainy on Saturday, but sunny and warm on Sunday. You’d like to
go for a bike ride on Sunday. On Saturday, you’d like to go out to eat or go to
the movies. Your phone is ringing. Answer it.

Use some of this language:

• Would you like to …? • How about …? • instead

Level 1 • Chapter 12 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 89

Action Module 3 Role Card B

You are on a business trip in another country. You always buy souvenirs for your
children when you go to another country. Your son asked you to buy a souvenir
baseball cap. Your daughter asked for a souvenir T-shirt (size small).

You were very busy and didn’t buy anything while you were in town. Now you are
at the airport. There is only one small gift shop at the airport. Go into the shop
and buy souvenirs for your children.

Use some of this language:

• I’m looking for … • Do you have … in …? • How much is …?

Action Module 4 Role Card B

You work at Emblem PLC in London. You are the assistant to David Carter, the sales
director at Emblem. Mr. Carter is in a meeting now, but you have his schedule:


19 20 21 22 23 24
10:30 am 9 am - 9:30 am - management
sales meeting conference Rolland Fischer meetings
call - northern Sales report 8:30 - 3:00
flight to 10:30 am -
Frankfurt Elke Bauer
Sales report return flight
BA0910 - BA0909 -
3:10 pm 2 pm - mtg 6:35 pm
marketing team 25

Answer the phone.

Use some of this language:

• (not) available right now • He’s available … • Would … be all right?

Action Module 5 Role Card B

It’s spring and the weather today is rainy and cool. You’d like to go out with your
friend this weekend, but you don’t like rainy weather. Call your friend. Ask him / her
what he / she is doing this weekend and make plans.

Use some of this language:

• Are you doing anything …? • Do you want to …? • Let’s …

90 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Chapter 12

Your Turn

1 A: Talk about your schedule this week. Are you busy all week? What are you
doing tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow? How many appointments do
you have? Who are the appointments with?
B: Ask your teacher (or a classmate) about his / her schedule next month. What is
he / she doing next month? Is he / she going on any trips? What is he / she doing
on the weekends?

2 A: Talk about your favorite place in the city. What is it? Where is it? Why do
you like it? How often do you go there? How do you get there?
B: Ask your teacher (or a classmate) about a favorite museum. What kind of
museum is it? Where is it? How much does it cost to visit the museum?

3 A: Talk about what you buy when you are in another country. Do you buy gifts for
family and friends? Do you like to buy souvenirs? What kinds of souvenirs do
you have? From where?
B: Ask your teacher (or a classmate) about shopping for gifts. Who does he / she
usually buy gifts for? What kinds of gifts does he / she buy? Where does he /
she like to go shopping for gifts?

4 A: Talk about your phone calls. Do you get many calls every day? Who leaves
messages for you? Do you make many calls? Who do you leave messages for?
How many calls do you make every day? Who do you talk to?
B: Ask your teacher (or a classmate) if he / she missed any calls today or
yesterday. Who called? Did they leave a message? What was the message?
Why did he / she miss the call? Did he / she call the person back? When?

5 A: Talk about what you like to do when the weather is cold or rainy. Do you go
out or do you stay in? Which do you prefer, winter or summer? Why?
B: Ask your teacher (or a classmate) what he / she likes to do when the weather
is nice. Does he / she like to play sports? Which sports? What other (outdoor)
activities does he / she like?

check it out!

Level 1 • Chapter 12 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 91

Audio Script 1

— I have a beard and long, brown hair.
TRACk 1 | ACTiviTy 5
— Hello. My name is Kevin Davis. TRACk 10 | C
— I’m Patricia Jackson. Nice to meet you. — I have short, blond hair and green eyes.
— Nice to meet you, too, Ms. Jackson.
— Where are you from? TRACk 11 | D
— I’m from Boston. And you? — I have short, straight hair and glasses. And
— I’m from Orlando. I have a moustache.

TRACk 2 | ACTiviTy 7 | Message 1 TRACk 12 | ACTiviTy 9 | One

— Hello. This is 212-555-6891. Please leave — How old are you, Tom?
a message. — I’m 40 years old today.
— Hi, Linda. This is Charles Brady. Please — Happy birthday!
call me back. My number is 908-555-7784. TRACk 13 | Two
Thank you. Bye. — Are you married, Susan?
TRACk 3 | Message 2 — Yes. And I have a son and two daughters.
— This is Thompson Limited. Please leave — Really? How old are they?
your name and number. Thank you. — My son is 6 years old and my daughters
— Hello, this is Mr. Tanaka from GenTek. are 2 and 3.
My number is 312-555-8607. Please call TRACk 14 | Three
me back. Thank you. Good-bye. — Who’s this in the picture?
TRACk 4 | ACTiviTy 13 | One — That’s Sharon’s son, Brian.
— What’s your name, please? — He’s tall! How old is he?
— Jason Saunders. — He’s 18.
— Is that “Summers?” TRACk 15 | ACTiviTy 12 | A
— No, it’s “Saunders.” — What does your daughter look like?
— How do you spell that? — She has blond hair and green eyes.
— S-A-U-N-D-E-R-S. She’s very pretty.
TRACk 5 | Two — Is she tall or short?
— Is this 234-4335? — She’s tall.
— No, it’s 234-4345. — And how old is she?
— I’m sorry. Wrong number. — She’s young. She’s 21 years old.

TRACk 6 | Three TRACk 16 | B

— What city are you from? — What does your friend Mark look like?
— I’m from Wheaton. — He’s tall, and he has black hair and brown eyes.
— I’m sorry. How do you spell that? — How old is he?
— W-H-E-A-T-O-N. — He’s my age, 36.
— Is he married?
TRACk 7 | Four — Yes, and he has two children.
— What’s your address?
— Two oh seven six Main Street. CHAPTER 3
— 276 Main Street?
— No, two – zero – seven – six Main Street. TRACk 17 | ACTiviTy 8
— Got it. Thank you. — I’d like some juice, please.
— What kind of juice would you like?
CHAPTER 2 — Do you have tomato juice?
— I’m sorry. We don’t have any tomato juice.
TRACk 8 | ACTiviTy 6 | A — What kind of juice do you have?
— I have short, curly, brown hair. My eyes are — We have orange, grape, and apple.
brown. — A glass of grape juice, please.

Level 1 • Audio Script ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 93

Audio Script 1

TRACk 18 | ACTiviTy 11 | A TRACk 28 | ACTiviTy 10 | One

— Good morning. What would you like? — What is Mike doing?
— I’d like two fried eggs and some toast, please. — He’s eating lunch.
— Would you like coffee or tea?
— Tea, please. TRACk 29 | Two
— How would you like your tea? — What are you doing, Isabelle?
— With milk and sugar, please. — I’m reading the newspaper.
— Which newspaper is it?
TRACk 19 | B — It’s The Guardian. It’s a British newspaper.
— What would you like for lunch?
TRACk 30 | Three
— The steak and cheese sandwich, please.
— Where are your children, David?
— Would you like soup or salad with that?
— They’re in their room.
— Soup, please.
— What are they doing?
TRACk 20 | C — I think they’re watching TV.
— What would you like? TRACk 31 | Four
— Two cups of coffee, please. — What is Karen doing?
— And some ice cream. — She’s on the phone. She’s speaking to
— What kind would you like? a customer.
— Vanilla, please.
— OK. I’ll have that for you right away.
TRACk 21 | D
TRACk 32 | ACTiviTy 2 | One
— What would you like?
— What time is it, Lynn?
— I’d like the grilled salmon.
— It’s 12:20. Almost lunch time.
— Would you like French fries or
— Great. What are we having?
rice with the salmon?
— I’d like rice, please. TRACk 33 | Two
— Great. And to drink? — Excuse me. Do you have the time?
— A glass of white wine, please. — Sorry?
— Very good, sir. — What time is it, please?
— Oh, it’s 3:15.
CHAPTER 4 — Thank you very much.

TRACk 22 | ACTiviTy 6 | One TRACk 34 | Three

The map is under the clock. — Excuse me. What time is it?
— I’m sorry. I don’t have a watch.
TRACk 23 | Two — Thanks anyway.
The pens are on the desk. — Wait. There’s a clock on that building over there.
Let’s see. It’s ten thirty-five.
TRACk 24 | Three — Thank you.
The lamp is on the wall.
TRACk 35 | Four
TRACk 25 | Four — This is the office of Dr. James Langley.
The printer is on the floor. Please leave a message.
— Hello, this is Arlene Simms. It’s just after
TRACk 26 | Five 8:00 on Monday morning. My number is
The picture is next to the map. 555-8926. Please call me back as soon as
TRACk 27 | Six
The cell phone is in the drawer. TRACk 36 | Five
— Is it time to go?
— No, not yet. It’s only six forty-five.
— Oh, we still have half an hour then.

94 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Audio Script

Audio Script 1

TRACk 37 | ACTiviTy 14b | One TRACk 46 | Seven

— I’d like to speak with the director, please. — Is Mother’s Day in March in the US?
— I’m sorry, he doesn’t get here until 8:30, — No, for us, Mother’s Day is on the second
but he’s meeting a client today. Sunday in May.
— What time does he go home?
— He usually goes home at 6 p.m. TRACk 47 | Eight
— OK. — Is there a Father’s Day, too?
— Yes, of course, there is! Father’s Day is on
TRACk 38 | Two the third Sunday in June.
— That’s a nice photo. Is that your wife?
— Thank you; yes, it’s my wife, Sandra. TRACk 48 | ACTiviTy 10 | A
— What does she do? — Good afternoon. Rick Morgan speaking.
— She’s a sales rep for a computer company. — Hi, Rick. This is Carla from Sales.
— Does she work long hours? — Hi, Carla. What can I do for you?
— No, she works eight hours a day, five days — I’d like to talk to you about our new sales
a week. strategy. Are you available Thursday or Friday?
— Just a moment. Yes. How about Thursday at
TRACk 39 | Three 10 o’clock?
— Do you and your wife have time for lunch — That’s perfect. Let’s meet in my office.
this weekend? — Sounds good. See you then.
— I do, but my wife works from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
on Saturdays and Sundays. TRACk 49 | B
— What does she do? — Good morning. Fairview Clinic. This is Melissa.
— She’s a doctor. She works at Jefferson How may I help you?
Hospital downtown. — Hi, Melissa. This is Lee Simpson. I’d like to make
an appointment with Dr. Miller.
— Certainly, Mr. Simpson. Dr. Miller’s next
CHAPTER 7 available appointment is Wednesday the 23rd at
TRACk 40 | ACTiviTy 2 | One 9 a.m. Is that all right?
— What’s New Year’s Eve? — Wednesday, the 23rd at 9 o’clock? Yes, that’s
— It’s the day before New Year’s Day — fine. Thank you.
December 31st. — You’re welcome. Good-bye.

TRACk 41 | Two CHAPTER 8

— Is Australia Day on the 25th of January?
— No, it’s on the 26th. TRACk 50 | ACTiviTy 4 | One
— Excuse me. Where is the Lone Star Restaurant?
TRACk 42 | Three — It’s on the corner of Pacific and State Streets,
— What holiday is March 17th? behind the Plaza Hotel.
— March 17th is Saint Patrick’s Day!
TRACk 51 | Two
TRACk 43 | Four — Is there a taxi stand around here?
— Earth Day is on the 22nd of April. — I think there’s one in front of the train station.
— Really? That’s my wife’s birthday!
TRACk 52 | Three
TRACk 44 | Five — Is the Stanton Hotel far from here?
— When is Thanksgiving? — Yes, it is. It’s near the airport.
— It’s on the 4th Thursday in November. — I see. Is there another hotel around here?
This year it’s on November 21st. — Yes, there’s the Madison Hotel on Market Street.
TRACk 45 | Six TRACk 53 | Four
— When is Canada Day? — Excuse me. Is there a bookstore near here?
— Canada Day is the first of July. — Yes, next to the supermarket on Main Street.

Level 1 • Audio Script ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 95

Audio Script 1

TRACk 54 | Five TRACk 62 | ACTiviTy 11 | One

— Excuse me. I’m looking for the art museum. — How does the blouse fit?
— Which art museum, the Museum of Modern — It’s a little too big. Do you have a smaller size?
Art or the Gardner Museum? — Yes, one moment. Here you are. Is the skirt OK?
— The Gardner Museum. — No, I’d like something longer.
— It’s on Fifth Street, across from the park.
TRACk 63 | Two
TRACk 55 | ACTiviTy 9 | A — Where can I buy printer paper?
— Where are you going? — I usually go to the Office Exchange. It’s on
— To the airport. Walnut Street between 3rd and 4th.
— Are you going by car? — That’s too far. Isn’t there anything near here?
— No, I’m taking the subway. — There’s a store a few blocks down the street.
But it’s more expensive.
TRACk 56 | B
— Are you going to the station? TRACk 64 | Three
— Yes, I am. — John, is there a good restaurant near here?
— How are you getting there? — Yes, Antonio’s. It’s an Italian place just down the
— I’m taking a taxi. street. And Stella on Washington Avenue is good,
too. I think it’s better than Antonio’s, actually.
TRACk 57 | C — Is it expensive?
— Where are you going? — Which one?
— We’re going to Santa Fe. — Stella.
— Are you taking the train? — It’s not cheap. But it’s less expensive than
— No, we’re flying. Antonio’s.

TRACk 58 | D
— How do you get to work?
— I usually walk or bike to work. TRACk 65 | ACTiviTy 3 | One
— Every day? — Hi, Linda, this is Brad. I want to change our
— No, sometimes I take the bus. meeting on Wednesday. A client is coming to
see me that day. Can we meet on Thursday?
CHAPTER 9 — Sure, Brad. Thursday is fine. What time is good
for you?
TRACk 59 | Activity 2b | One
— Good morning. May I help you? TRACk 66 | Two
— Yes, I’m looking for a map of Dublin. — This is Fred Thompson’s voice mail. Please leave
— The maps are over there, next to the postcards. a message.
— Thank you. — Hi, Fred, this is Sylvia. I’m sorry, but I have
to cancel our appointment next week. I’m
TRACk 60 | Two flying to Montreal tomorrow morning and
— Hello. Can I help you? coming back on Thursday evening. Please
— Do you sell stamps? call me back when you have a minute so we
— Yes, we do. How many would you like? can reschedule. Thanks!
— Two one-dollar stamps, please.
TRACk 67 | Three
TRACk 61 | Three — Springfield Medical Supplies. Rebecca Shelby
— Excuse me. Do you sell aspirin? speaking. Can I help you?
— No, we don’t, but there’s a pharmacy on the — Hi, Rebecca. This is Martin Cooper. I’m calling to
corner. You can buy aspirin there. confirm our appointment next week.
— Thank you. — Let’s see. Yes, you’re on my calendar for
Thursday at 10 a.m. Is that right?
— Yes, perfect. See you on Thursday.

96 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Audio Script

Audio Script 1

TRACk 68 | ACTiviTy 6 TRACk 72 | Three

— Prentice Studio. This is Ellen. — Hi, John. It’s Susan. I just talked to the C.E.O.
— Hello. May I speak to Lisa, please? of GenTek.
— I’m sorry. She’s not here right now. — Really? Did you tell him about our project?
— Can I leave a message? — Yes, I did.
— Sure. May I have your name? — And?
— Junichi Sato. — He liked it. I just e-mailed him the project
— Would you spell that for me, please? documents.
— It’s J-U-N-I-C-H-I, then Sato — S-A-T-O. — That’s good news. What did he say?
I’m a client.
— Junichi Sato. And the message? CHAPTER 11
— Please tell her that I can’t meet on Friday.
I’d like to reschedule. TRACk 73 | ACTiviTy 2
— Does she have your number? — Hi, Linda. How are you?
— I think so, but let me give you my cell phone — Hi, Sylvia. I’m fine. And you?
number. It’s (212) 555-2479. — I’m all right, thanks. How’s the weather in
— (212) 555-2479. Toronto?
— That’s right. — It’s awful. It’s cold and rainy. How’s the weather
— I’ll give Lisa your message, Mr. Sato. in Orlando?
— Warm and sunny.
TRACk 69 | ACTiviTy 9 — What’s the temperature there?
— Bill! You weren’t at the office yesterday. Where — It’s 83°.
were you? — Lucky you! That’s more than 25°C. Here it’s
— I was out of town, in Houston. only 4°.
— Were you there on business? — Why don’t you fly down to Orlando for the
— Yes, I was there with Mr. Peterson. We were at weekend?
— ZarChem? TRACk 74 | ACTiviTy 8 | A
— Yes, that’s our new client. We were there from — Do you want to go for a bike ride on Sunday?
ten in the morning to eight at night. — What does the weather forecast say?
— Wow, that’s a long day. — Let me check. Hmm … they’re forecasting rain
— It sure was. And we’re going back next week! all weekend.
— Well, let’s go to a museum instead.
TRACk 70 | ACTiviTy 13 | One — All right. How about the Science Museum?
— Hi, Mark. It’s Steven. I’m sorry I missed your call — Sure.
yesterday. I was out of the office.
— Hi, Steven. Good to hear from you. I wanted to TRACk 75 | B
talk to you about a new sales strategy. Do you — Let’s go for a picnic in the park tomorrow.
have time to meet sometime this week? — Did you see the weather forecast?
— No, why?
TRACk 71 | Two — Let me show you. The high temperature for
— Ken Sullivan. tomorrow is just 52°. That’s a little too cool
— Hi, Ken. This is Mike Madsen, from Marketing. for a picnic!
You called this morning? — And today is so warm. Let’s go out to eat
— Hi, Mike. Yes, thanks for returning my call. instead.
You looked at the new sales software last — OK. How about the new Chinese restaurant?
week, right? — Sounds great.
— Yes, I did. It’s just what we need.
— Great. Did you schedule a presentation with TRACk 76 | C
your team for next week? — The weather is terrible. Are you sure you want
— Yes, for next Monday. Can you join us from to go dancing?
10 to 11:30? — No, I don’t really want to go out in the rain.
— Let’s stay home and watch a movie.
— OK. I’ll make popcorn!

Level 1 • Audio Script ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 97

Audio Script 2


TRACk 1 | EXERCiSE 6 | One TRACk 10 | EXERCiSE 4 | A
What’s your phone number? Whose hair is black?
— What’s your phone number? My name is Henry. I have blue eyes and short,
— It’s 885-9034. curly, black hair. I don’t have a beard, but I have
— Thank you. a moustache.
TRACk 2 | Two TRACk 11 | B
— And your cell phone number? Hi, I’m Ann. I have long, straight, blond hair. My
— It’s 623-7160. eyes are green. And I have glasses.
— 6 - 2 - 3 - 7 - 1 - 6 - 0.
TRACk 3 | Three That’s my daughter Lilly
— What’s your fax number? — Who is the girl in the photo?
— My fax number? It’s 518-9634. — That’s my daughter Lilly.
— Thank you. — She’s so pretty! How old is she?
— She’s 13.
TRACk 4 | EXERCiSE 9 | One — Does her mother have red hair, too?
How do you spell it? — No, my wife has brown hair and green eyes.
— Hi, my name is Alicia Cordero.
— Cordero. How do you spell that?
— C-O-R-D-E-R-O.
TRACk 13 | EXERCiSE 3 | A
TRACk 5 | Two
What would you like?
— What’s your last name, please?
— What would you like for breakfast?
— Fitzgerald.
— I’d like a blueberry muffin and a glass of
— Is that F-I-T-Z-G-E-R-A-L-D?
orange juice.
— Yes, that’s right.
— Would you like some coffee or tea?
TRACk 6 | Three — Yes. Tea with milk and sugar, please.
— Is your last name Okamura?
TRACk 14 | B
— No, it’s Okumura. O-K-U-M-U-R-A.
— Would you like a hamburger for lunch?
— Oh, thank you.
— No, I’d like a chicken sandwich with French fries.
TRACk 7 | Four And you?
— Is your first name Sebastian? — I’d like soup and a salad.
— No, it’s my last name.
TRACk 15 | EXERCiSE 8 | A
— How do you spell it?
At the restaurant
— S-E-B-A-S-T-I-A-N.
— May I take your order?
TRACk 8 | Five — Yes, I’d like the steak, please. Could I have that
— How do you spell your first name? with green beans?
— It’s Y-O-L-A-N-D-E. Yolande. — I’m sorry. We’re out of green beans. Would you
like a salad instead?
TRACk 9 | Six — Do you have broccoli?
— Your last name is Likhatchev, right? — Yes, we do. So the steak with broccoli?
— Yes, that’s right. — Yes, thank you.
— How do you spell it?
— L-I-K-H-A-T-C-H-E-V.

98 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Audio Script

Audio Script 2

TRACk 16 | B TRACk 26 | E
— Would you like some cake for dessert? — It’s seven forty-five.
— Could I have ice cream instead?
— Yes, of course. What kind would you like? TRACk 27 | F
— Vanilla, please. — It’s five fifteen.
— Would you like some coffee? TRACk 28 | EXERCiSE 3 | One
— Yes, black coffee, please.
Do you have the time?
— Excuse me. Do you have the time?
CHAPTER 4: PRACTiCE — It’s 1:13.
— Thanks.
TRACk 17 | EXERCiSE 7 | One
— You’re welcome.
What are they doing?
— What are you reading, Helen? TRACk 29 | Two
— I’m not reading. — What time is it, Linda?
— Oh, what are you doing? — It’s 6:15.
— I’m writing an e-mail. — 6:15? Are you sure?
— Yes, I am.
TRACk 18 | Two
— Where’s Peter? TRACk 30 | Three
— He’s in his office. — Is it 12:10?
— What’s he doing? — No, it’s exactly 12:15.
— I don’t know. He’s sitting at his desk. — Thank you.
TRACk 19 | Three TRACk 31 | Four
— Are you speaking to me, Rose? — What time is it?
— No, I’m answering Jim’s question. — It’s 8:05. Time for breakfast!
— Oh, OK.
TRACk 32 | EXERCiSE 9 | One
TRACk 20 | Four Do you work long hours?
— Is this a Japanese book, Candice? — Where do you work, Joanne?
— Yes, my husband and I are learning Japanese. — I manage a restaurant downtown.
— How interesting! — Do you like it?
— Yes, I do. But the hours are long. I work from 6
TRACk 21 | Five
in the evening to 2 am six days a week.
— Who are Isabel and Frank speaking to?
— To the new client. TRACk 33 | Two
— Do they have all their information? — You’re a pharmacist, right, Anthony?
— Yes, they do. — Yes, I am. I work at a big pharmacy in the city.
— Do you work every day?
CHAPTER 5: PRACTiCE — Yes, every day during the week, but I don’t work
on weekends.
TRACk 22 | EXERCiSE 1 | A
What time is it? TRACk 34 | Three
— It’s six o’clock. — What do you do, Patricia?
— I’m an executive assistant at a German company
TRACk 23 | B here in London.
— It’s two twenty-five. — That sounds interesting. Do you speak German?
— Yes, I speak German and a little Dutch.
TRACk 24 | C
— How interesting. Do you work long hours?
— It’s nine oh five.
— Well, I work from 9 to 5 five days a week, but
TRACk 25 | D some days I work late.
— It’s eight thirty.

Level 1 • Audio Script ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 99

Audio Script 2


— Excuse me. Is there a post office near here?
TRACk 35 | EXERCiSE 3 | One — Yes, there’s one on Washington Road.
When is Halloween?
— Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day in TRACk 43 | Three
your country? — What street is the theater on?
— Oh, yes. On February 14th. — It’s on Pearson Street.

TRACk 36 | Two TRACk 44 | Four

— Is Independence Day on July 5th in the US? — Is the museum on Concord Avenue?
— No, it’s on the 4th of July. — No, it’s on Center Street.

TRACk 37 | Three TRACk 45 | Five

— When do you celebrate Labor Day in the US? — Excuse me. Is there a parking lot near here?
— Labor Day? The first Monday in February. — Yes, there are two. One is on the corner of
5th and Market Streets and the other is on
TRACk 38 | Four Pearl Street.
— Do you celebrate Family Day in Canada?
— Yes. It’s the third Monday in February. TRACk 46 | EXERCiSE 4 | A
How do I get to the station?
TRACk 39 | EXERCiSE 8 | A — Excuse me. How do I get to the train station
Can i make an appointment? from here?
— Good morning. Taylor & Clemens. This is Martin. — Go straight ahead on Summer Street to Main
May I help you? Street. Then turn left. Go straight on Main
— Good morning. This is Allison Stewart. I’d like Street past the theater on your right until you
to make an appointment with Mr. Taylor. see the station on your left.
— Yes, Ms. Stewart. Mr. Taylor’s next available
appointment is Monday the 15th at 3 p.m. Is that TRACk 47 | B
good for you? — Excuse me. Where is the museum?
— No, I’m not free that day. — Go straight on Blair Street to the corner of
— Let’s see. How about Tuesday the 16th at 8th and Walnut Streets. Then turn right. No,
10 o’clock? sorry. Don’t turn right. Turn left on Walnut
— That’s perfect. Thank you very much. Street and go straight for one block. The
— You’re welcome. Good-bye. museum is on the left.


— Good afternoon. Kevin Garner speaking.
— Hi, Kevin. This is Tracy from Marketing. TRACk 48 | EXERCiSE 3 | A
— Hi, Tracy. What can I do for you? How much is it?
— I’d like to talk to you about a new project. — I like these sunglasses. How much are they?
Are you available next week? — The black ones are $45. The white ones are $30.
— Next week? Just a moment. How about And these brown ones here are on sale for $39.
Wednesday at 9 o’clock? — How much are those?
— That would be great. Let’s meet in my — The gray ones? They’re $170.
office, OK? — Do you have any others?
— Sounds good. See you then. — Yes, we have these models from Italy.
TRACk 49 | B
— May I help you?
TRACk 41 | EXERCiSE 1 | One — I like this watch. This one, right here.
Is there a parking lot near here? — The silver one?
— Excuse me. Is there a police station near here? — Yes. How much is it?
— Yes, there’s one on Winslow Street. — It’s £3700.
— Oh, that’s a little expensive. Do you have
anything in a similar style, but at a lower price?

100 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Audio Script

Audio Script 2

TRACk 50 | C TRACk 55 | EXERCiSE 8

— So, what are you buying? What did Larry do last week?
— Two pairs of shoes and these jeans. Oh, and Larry is a sales manager at Sanders & Sons.
some gloves. Last week, Larry was on vacation in Hawaii. He
— What, no handbag? missed a lot of calls while he was out. His assistant,
— Oh, yes, of course, a handbag. That one, there. Sarah, talked to most of his clients and answered
Beautiful, isn’t it? many of their questions. Some clients wanted
— Yes, very nice. And how much does it all cost? to schedule an appointment. Others canceled or
— The handbag is $498. The shoes are $98 a pair. rescheduled their appointments. Larry was back
The jeans are $59. And the gloves are $15. in his office on Monday. When he checked his voice
— $498 for a handbag? mail that day, there were over 60 messages! Of
course, Larry returned all his clients’ calls.
TRACk 51 | EXERCiSE 10
Circle the words you hear
— How do you like the shoes?
— They’re very comfortable. I’ll take them. TRACk 56 | EXERCiSE 5 | A
— Great. I can help you right here. How would you Circle the words you hear
like to pay for them? — Cathy, would you like to go sailing with us?
— Cash, please. Here you go. — I’m sorry. I can’t. I have to work.
— Thank you. And five dollars and six cents is your — That’s too bad. The weather is perfect today.
change. Would you like your receipt in the bag? — I know. Maybe some other time.
— Yes, please.
— Here you are. Have a great day. TRACk 57 | B
— Cathy, Peter has to work, too, so we’re
CHAPTER 10: PRACTiCE going tomorrow instead. Would you like to
come with us?
TRACk 52 | EXERCiSE 5 | A — I’d love to! Thanks.
How may i help you? — Great. I checked the weather report. The high
— Meridian, Inc. This is Lucy. How may I help you? tomorrow is in the 70s. A bit cooler than today,
— Hi, is Carrie Reid available? but very nice. Bring some warm clothes, OK?
— I’m sorry. She’s away at the moment. May I take — OK. What time are we leaving?
a message? — We’ll pick you up at 8 o’clock.
— Yes, this is Peter Miller. Please ask her to
call me. TRACk 58 | EXERCiSE 9 | A
We’re going away for a few days
TRACk 53 | B — Are you going away for the weekend, Tina?
— Lansing Consulting, good morning. How may I — Yes, we’re going to a ski resort at Clark
direct your call? Mountain.
— Hello. I’d like to speak to Mike Stratton. — That sounds exciting. When are you leaving?
— Mr. Stratton is out of the office today. Would you — In a few hours.
like his voicemail? — How’s the weather in the mountains?
— No, thanks. I’ll call him on his cell phone. — The forecast is great. It snowed all week, so
there’s a lot of snow.
TRACk 54 | C
— Harrison Studios. This is Mary speaking. TRACk 59 | B
— Hi. Could I speak to Laura Owens? — So when are you coming back, Steve?
— I’m sorry. Ms. Owens is away from her desk. — In four days.
— Is Jim Brooks available? — Why aren’t you staying longer?
— I’m afraid not. He’s out of town until Friday. — I have to be back at work on Thursday.
— That’s too bad. Well, have a nice time at
the beach.
— Thanks. See you Thursday!

Level 1 • Audio Script ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 101

Practice Chapter 1

1 Hi, I’m Eric Ross

Example: Philadelphia / this / is / ? Is this Philadelphia?

1 . to / meet / you / nice


2. from / where / you / are / ?


3. city / from / you / what / are / ?


4. you / what / are / nationality / ?


5. are / me / . / excuse / Thomas / you / ?


2 Countries and nationalities


England English France U.S.A.
Austria Australian German
Korea Japan Spain
Mexican Canada Brazilian

3 Numbers 0-10

1 . seven 7
____ 3. four ____ 5. one ____ 7. zero ____ 9. six ____

2. nine ____ 4. three ____ 6. eight

____ 8. ten ____ 10. five ____

4 What’s your name?

1 . ____ My name is Sharon Coleman. a. Good-bye. b. Hello. c. And you?

2. What’s your ____ number? a. nice b. nationality c. phone
3. My ____ is Juan Rivera. a. first name b. name c. last name
4. Please call me ____ . a. back b. message c. mobile
5. Is ____ name Steven Bishop? a. not b. you c. your
6. ____ you. a. Thank b. Please c. What

102 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Practice

Practice Chapter 1

5 This is my address

1 . Is this ________________ home number? an

2. What’s your ________________ number?
3. This is ________________ office number.
4. What is your e-mail address, ________________ ? phone
5. Is this a telephone number ________________ a fax number?

6 1-3 What’s your phone number?

1 . _________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________

7 A business card

NAME What is your name?

COMPANY What is your company’s name?
What is your address?
What is your phone number?
telephone number • mobile number What is your mobile phone number?
What is your e-mail address?

8 What’s your first name?

Conversation A Conversation B
___ No, it’s not. ___ It’s Phillip.
1 Hello?
___ ___ Yes, that’s right.
___ I’m sorry. Wrong number. 1 What’s your first name?

___ Is this 333-1290? ___ Is that P-H-I-L-L-I-P?

9 4-9 How do you spell it?

1 . __________________________________ 4. __________________________________

2. __________________________________ 5. __________________________________

3. __________________________________ 6. __________________________________

Level 1 • Practice ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 103

Practice Chapter 2

1 Are they Japanese?

Examples: Armin is from Germany. He is from Munich.

Satoshi isn’t from Japan. He’s American.

1 . Elena is not from Chile. ________________ from Colombia.

2. — Is Marcos Brazilian? — Yes, ________________ .
3. Sheryl and I are from the U.S. ________________ American.
4. — Are Paul and Sophie French? — No, ________________ Swiss.
5. — Maria, are you and your husband from Spain? — No, ________________ from Italy.

2 Who is it?

Examples: Mark is married. His wife is Jenny. (he)

Mark’s wife is Jenny. (Mark)

1 . This is Jennifer and this is _____________ daughter Carole. (she)

2. _____________ son is William. (we)
3. Olivia is my daughter, James is my son, and Julia is _____________ friend. (they)
4. We have a cat. _____________ name is Mittens. (it)
5. This is ____________ family. (Mary)
6. Johannes and _____________ wife are Austrian. (he)

3 Do you have green eyes?

Examples: — Do you have green eyes? — Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

1 . — Does Sophie have long hair? — No, she __________________________ .

2. — Do you have brown eyes? — Yes, we ________________________ .
3. — Do you have a beard? — Yes, I _____________________________ .
4. — Do they have curly hair? — No, they __________________________ .
5. — Do I have white hair? — No, you ___________________________ .
6. — Does Michael have glasses? — Yes, he ____________________________ .

4 10-11 Whose hair is black?

A. Henry’s eyes are ____________________ . He has ____________________ , ____________________ , black hair.

Henry has a moustache but doesn’t have a _______________ .

B. Ann has _____________ , straight, _____________ hair. Her eyes are ___________ . She ___________ glasses.

104 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Practice

Practice Chapter 2

5 and, or, or but?

1 . Jeremy has a beard, _____________ he doesn’t have a moustache.

2. Eileen has red hair _____________ green eyes.
3. Does Michael have curly hair _____________ straight hair?
4. Do you _____________ your sister have blue _____________ green eyes?

6 Numbers 20-100

1 . sixteen 16 ____ 3. twenty ____ 5. ninety-one ____ 7. 39 _______________ 9. 48 _______________

2. eleven ____ 4. forty ____ 6. eighty-two ____ 8. 56 _______________ 10. 72 _______________

7 Opposites

1 . tall ____d a. young

2. curly ____ b. adult
3. old ____ c. straight
4. long ____ d. short
5. single ____ e. black
6. white ____ f. boy
7. girl ____ g. short
8. child ____ h. married

8 12 That’s my daughter Lilly

1 . Lilly is ___________________ years old. a. 13 b. 30 c. 33

2. She has ____________________ hair. a. red b. black c. brown
3. Lilly’s mother has ______________ eyes. a. gray b. blue c. green

9 what, how, where, whose or who?

1 . ______________________ old is your son? What

2. ______________________ has red hair? Whose
3. ______________________ does Lucy look like? Who
4. ______________________ are they from? How
5. ______________________ eyes are blue?

Level 1 • Practice ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 105

Practice Chapter 3

1 What is this?

a. b. c. d. e.

f. g. h. i. j.

1 . tea d
____ 3. lemon ____ 5. coffee
____ 7. sugar ____ 9. water ____

2. beer ____ 4. bottle ____ 6. milk

____ 8. wine ____ 10. glass ____

2 Coffee, please

_____ — How would you like it?

_____ — You’re welcome.
_____ — Here you are.
_____ 1 — What would you like?
_____ — Thank you.
_____ — I’d like some coffee, please.
_____ — With milk, please.

3 13-14 What would you like?

A. B.
— What would you like for ________________ ? — Would you like a ________________ for
— I’d like a blueberry ________________ and a lunch?
________________ of orange ________________ . — No, I’d like a ________________ sandwich
— Would you like ________________ or tea? with ________________ fries. And you?
— Yes. Tea with ________________ and sugar, please. — I’d like ________________ and a ________________ .

4 One cake or two cakes?



apples glass cups sandwich

strawberry bananas cherry pie
egg piece lunch grapes

106 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Practice

Practice Chapter 3

5 Would Christine like some tea?

1 . We don’t have ____ vanilla ice cream. a. some b. a c. any

2. My son would like ____ ice cream. a. any b. some c. piece
3. Would you like ____ sandwich for lunch? a. an b. some c. a
4. Jason eats ____ bowl of cereal for breakfast. a. a b. an c. any
5. Would Virginia like a ____ of apple pie? a. bowl b. piece c. cup
6. I’d like ____ apple juice, please. a. some b. a c. any

6 Alice doesn’t like grapes

Examples: you / eat / eggs / for / lunch / ? Nicole / like / cheese / + Brad / eat / steak / –
Do you eat eggs for lunch? Nicole likes cheese. Brad doesn’t eat steak.

1 . Mr. Lewis / drink / coffee / ? ____________________________________________________

2. you / like / green tea / ? ____________________________________________________

3. I / eat / fruit / for breakfast / — ____________________________________________________

4. We / drink / wine / with / dinner / + ____________________________________________________

5. Lisa / and / Jack / like / green beans / ? ____________________________________________________

6. David / eat / rice / ? ____________________________________________________

7 Customer and server

1 . Would you like a salad with it? ____ a. A glass of red wine, please.
2. May I take your order? ____ b. Just one, please.
3. And to drink? ____ c. No, I’d like French fries.
4. What does the chicken come with? ____ d. Chocolate, please.
5. How many pieces would you like? ____ e. Yes, I’d like the steak and potatoes.
6. What kind of cake would you like ? ____ f. Vegetables or a salad.

8 15-16 At the restaurant

A. 1 . The customer would like the steak with a salad. _______ _______

2. She likes green beans and broccoli. _______ _______

B. 1 . The customer would like cake for dessert. _______ _______

2. He drinks coffee with milk. _______ _______

Level 1 • Practice ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 107

Practice Chapter 4

1 Where is the newspaper?

MON TUE 1 2 3

11 12 5
9 10
7 8
6 18 19
16 17
14 15
13 25 26
23 24
21 22

27 28 29 30

4 7

1 . _______________ 3. _______________ 5. _______________ 7. _______________

2. _______________ 4. _______________ 6. _______________ 8. _______________

2 Is there a table in your office?

Example: Are there any chairs in your office? (yes / no) Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

1 . Are there any pens in the drawer? (no) ______________________________________________

2. Is there a laptop on the desk? (yes) ______________________________________________

3. Is there a calendar on the wall? (no) ______________________________________________

4. Are there any drinks on the table? (yes) ______________________________________________

5. Is there a desk in Martin’s office? (no) ______________________________________________

3 This is my office

in are on next to under drawer

In my office there (1) __________________ two chairs. There is a printer (2) __________________ the
table, but there is no paper (3) __________________ it. There are two books. They’re in the desk
(4) __________________ . There is a newspaper on the floor (5) __________________ the table. There
is a key (6) __________________ the telephone.

4 Which one?

1 . The pens are __________ the table. (in / on) 4. The calendar is __________ the wall. (in / on)
2. The book is __________ the printer. (in / on) 5. The keys are __________ the drawer. (in / under)
3. The papers are __________ the floor. (on / under) 6. The phone is __________ the magazine. (in / on)

108 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Practice

Practice Chapter 1
Chapter 4

5 What are we doing?

Example: What is Mr. Davis eating? (ice cream) He’s eating ice cream.

1 . What is Ms. Moore reading? (the newspaper) _______________________________________________

2. What are you listening to, Bill? (music) _______________________________________________

3. What is Patrick drinking? (water) _______________________________________________

4. What are Ann and Amy writing? (an e-mail) _______________________________________________

5. What are you teaching? (Spanish) _______________________________________________

6. What are we answering? (Michelle’s questions) _______________________________________________

6 Who is reading?


1 . Elena is ______________ ice cream. 3. Celia is ______________ a book. 5. Laura is ______________ TV.
2. Brian is ______________ milk. 4. Kate is ______________ a card.

7 17-21 What are they doing?

1 . What is Helen doing? _______________________________________________

2. What is Peter doing? _______________________________________________

3. What is Rose doing? _______________________________________________

4. What are Candice and her husband doing? _______________________________________________

5. What are Isabel and Frank doing? _______________________________________________

8 Which man is Mr. Brown?

1 . Whose cell phone is that? ____ a. He’s the young man with the long hair.
2. Which man is Daniel Foster? ____ b. I don’t know.
3. How many computers are there in your office? ____ c. No, they’re different.
4. Who is the woman with the curly hair? ____ d. The two small, blue ones.
5. Are these documents the same? ____ e. It’s Julia’s. She’s in Mr. Blake’s office.
6. Which notebooks are you reading? ____ f. There are two.

Level 1 • Practice ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 109

Practice Chapter 5
Chapter 1

1 22-27 What time is it?

1 . ____ 3. ____ 5. ____

2. ____ 4. ____ 6. ____

2 Thanks anyway

1 . It’s 3:59. It’s ___________ 4 o’clock. a. exactly b. just after c. almost

2. It’s 11:03. It’s ___________ 11 o’clock. a. exactly b. just after c. almost
3. It’s 12:30 ______________ . It’s lunchtime. a. at night b. in the evening c. in the afternoon

3 28-31 Do you have the time?

1 . It’s ____ . a. 1:03 b. 1:13 c. 1:30

2. It’s ____ . a. 6:15 b. 7:15 c. 7:50
3. It’s ____ . a. 11:45 b. 12:50 c. 12:15
4. It’s ____ . a. 5:08 b. 8:05 c. 8:25

4 When do you wake up?

every on during after

1 . Wednesday is the day ________________ Tuesday. 3. I wake up at 6:30 ________________ day.

2. Pam doesn’t eat at home ________________ weekdays. 4. Where is Andrew ________________ the day?

5 When do you wake up on weekends?

Example: It’s 7:00. John is getting up. (on weekends / 10:00) On weekends John gets up at 10:00.

1 . Today is Sunday. I’m having breakfast in a café. (during the week / at home)


2. It’s 10:30. Nora is waking up. (on weekdays / 7:30)


3. It’s 8:00. We are getting dressed. (every morning / 8:00)


110 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Practice

Practice Chapter 5
Chapter 1

6 Where do you work?

1 . Michael is a _____________________ . He works in a school. hospital

2. Maggie is a _____________________ . She works in a pharmacy. factory
3. Bill and Ed are engineers. They work in a _____________________ .
4. Alan is a _____________________ . He works in a bank. banker
5. Sheila is a doctor. She works in a _____________________ . pharmacist
6. Judy is a _____________________ . She works at home.

7 What is the question?

Example: Ellen works at a school. Where does Ellen work?

1 . Bill and Ed work for Sterling Products. __________________________________________________

2. We are engineers. __________________________________________________

3. I get to work at 8:30. __________________________________________________

4. Matthew works in a factory. __________________________________________________

5. Dennis wakes up at 9:00 on weekends. __________________________________________________

8 What do they do?

Example: We’re engineers. We use computers every day for our work.

1 . Paul is a teacher. He ___________________ algebra.

2. I’m American. I ___________________ and work in Los Angeles.
3. Jean-Paul and Marie are Swiss. They ___________________ two languages: French and German.
4. Amy is a homemaker. She ___________________ at home.
5. A sales rep ___________________ clients every week.

9 32-34 Do you work long hours?

1 . Joanne works in a __________________ . She is the manager there. She works from __________________

to __________________ six days a week.

2. Anthony is a __________________ . He works every day __________________ the week, but he doesn’t
work on __________________.

3. Patricia is an executive __________________ at a German company in __________________ . She speaks

__________________ and a little Dutch. She works from __________________ to __________________

five days a week.

Level 1 • Practice ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 111

Practice Chapter 1
Chapter 7

1 What month is this?

1 . January is the first month of the _________________ . 4. The month before July is _________________ .
2. The month after March is _________________ . 5. The month after _________________ is October.
3. _________________ is the fifth month of the year. 6. ________________ is the eighth month of the year.

2 Ordinal numbers

Example: 1st first

1 . 2nd _____________________ 3. 21st _____________________ 5. 7th _____________________

2. 30th _____________________ 4. 3rd _____________________ 6. 16th _____________________

3 35-38 When is Halloween?

1 . Valentine’s Day _________________________________________

2. U.S. Independence Day _________________________________________

3. U.S. Labor Day _________________________________________

4. Family Day (Canada) _________________________________________

4 How long are you staying?

Example: Are you going home at 7:30? (8:00) No, I’m going home at 8:00.

1 . Is Paul leaving next week? (next month) __________________________________________________

2. Are you going home in the afternoon? (evening) __________________________________________________

3. Are Mary and Linda leaving today? (stay) __________________________________________________

4. Is Patricia coming back at 11:00? (midnight) __________________________________________________

5. Are you staying here next week? (leave) __________________________________________________

6. Is Janice going to London on Sunday? (Dublin) __________________________________________________

5 We never work on weekends

1 . We usually ____ on weekends. a. work b. are working

2. Daniel ____ at 8:30 tonight. a. leaves b. is leaving
3. — Do you ____ meet clients in restaurants? — I ____ do. a. ever / rarely b. never / usually
4. Ms. Clark usually ____ English with her colleagues. a. speaks b. is speaking
5. ____ out to eat this weekend? a. Do you go b. Are you going
6. Nathan and Roy ____ the office at 5 o’clock today. a. don’t leave b. are not leaving

112 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Practice

Practice Chapter 1
Chapter 7

6 Paula is asking you

Example: Are you talking to Peter? (yes) Yes, I’m talking to him.

1 . Is Mike meeting Ron today? (no) _______________________________________________

2. Are you going to lunch with Sue and Mary? (yes) _______________________________________________

3. Is your son watching TV with Helen? (yes) _______________________________________________

4. Are you calling Brenda and Jack tonight? (no) _______________________________________________

5. Is Mr. Nichols calling Matthew? (no) _______________________________________________

6. Are you listening to Ruth and me? (yes) _______________________________________________

7 Are you free tomorrow?

1 . Would you like to have lunch with us? ____ a. Perfect. See you there!
2. What’s a good day for you? ____ b. I’m sorry. He’s busy all day.
3. Monday’s good for me. 11 o’clock at the café? ____ c. I’m afraid I can’t today.
4. I’d like to see Mr. Lane on Thursday. ____ d. Let’s see. Yes, Wednesday is fine.
5. Is Ms. Mills busy all day tomorrow? ____ e. I’m free on Friday.
6. Can we meet Wednesday? ____ f. No, she’s free at 3 o’clock.

8 39-40 Can I make an appointment?

A. 1 . The caller is making an appointment with Mr. Clemens. ______ ______

2. Allison is free on Monday. ______ ______

3. Mr. Taylor is available on Tuesday at 10 o’clock. ______ ______

B. 1 . Tracy is meeting Kevin this week. ______ ______

2. Kevin and Tracy are talking about a project. ______ ______

3. The meeting next Wednesday is in Tracy’s office. ______ ______

9 Would you like to join us?

____ — Oh, that sounds great then!

____ — Thanks, I’d like that. But I don’t speak Spanish.
____ — Are you going out on Saturday?
____ — I’m going out with some friends from Spain. Would you like to join us?
____ — But they speak very good English.
____ — I don’t know. How about you?

Level 1 • Practice ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 113

Practice Chapter 8
Chapter 1

1 41-45 Is there a parking lot near here?

1 . The police ______________________________ is on Winslow Street.

2. The ______________________________ is on Washington Road.
3. The ______________________________ is on Pearson Street.
4. The museum is on Center ______________________________ .
5. There is a parking lot on the ______________________________ of 5th and Market Streets.

2 Where is the post office?

Swan taxi stand SPRING STREET

police Meridian
station Office Building


Grand bank
Hotel park

1 . The police station is behind the _____________ . 4. The hotel is _______________ the parking lot.
2. The café is next to the _____________________ . 5. The bank is ___________ the restaurant and the park.
3. The newsstand is next to the _______________ . 6. The taxi stand is _______________ the station.

3 from, to, on, for or of?

1 . Turn right ___________ Rosewood Street. 3. The bus stop is in front ____________ the bank.
2. How far is it ____________ here __________ the park? 4. Marisol is waiting ____________ the bus.

4 46-47 How do I get to the station?

A. — Excuse me. How do I get to the train station?

— Go _______________ ahead on Summer Street _______________ Main Street. Then turn _______________ .
Go straight on Main Street _______________ the theater on your _______________ until you see the
station on your ________________

B. — Where is the museum?

— Go straight on Blair Street to the _______________ of 8th and Walnut Streets. Then turn ______________ .
No, sorry. Don’t turn right. Turn left on _______________ Street and go straight for one _______________ .
The _______________ is on the left.

114 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Practice

Practice Chapter 8
Chapter 1

5 How are we getting to Boston?

a. b. c. d.

e. f. g. h. j.

1 . f
____ by taxi 3. ____ by car 5. ____ by train 7. ____ by bus
2. ____ by plane 4. ____ by subway 6. ____ on foot 8. ____ by bike

6 I usually go by train

Example: Do you ever go to Madrid on business trips?

1 . Eric always to work.

2. Which bus are you ____________________ for? flying

3. No, I never take the subway to work. I usually ____________________ or drive. go
4. In July the Fords are ____________________ to Tokyo from New York. waiting
5. When are you ____________________ to the airport, Mike?

7 Where do I get off?

____ — Great. And where do I get off?

____ — OK. Thank you very much.
____ — At Jefferson Street. It’s nine or ten blocks from here.
____ — Excuse me. How do I get to the National Theater?
____ — You can take the number 8 bus. The stop is right over there.

8 Are you taking the bus?

1 . We’re getting ____ the bus at South Street, right? a. off b. in

2. To get to City Hall, go three ____ on the Red Line. a. lines b. stops
3. Jerry is getting ____ the taxi with his wife. a. off b. into
4. The ____ 47 bus goes to the library. a. number b. line
5. Don’t get ____ that bus. It’s not going downtown. a. into b. on
6. Is Ellen ____ a business trip this week? a. in b. on

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Practice Chapter 1
Chapter 9

1 At the gift shop

1 . — Hi, may I help you? — No, thanks. ____________________________ . anything else

2. Excuse me, _____________________________ aspirin? gifts
I’m looking for
3. The postcards are over here. Do you need ____________________________ , too?
may I help you
4. Here you are. Would you like ?
sales clerk

5. — May I help you? — Yes, __________________________ a sweatshirt. stamps

6. Paul __________________________ souvenirs. do you sell
I’m just looking
7. — Do they sell perfume? — I don’t know. Let’s ask the ______________________ .
is shopping for
8. — Who are these _________________________ for? — They’re for my children.

2 a lot of, much, many, a few or a little?

1 . — How __________________ stamps do you need? — Just __________________ .

2. Do you buy __________________ souvenirs when you travel?
3. — Do you eat chocolate? — Yes, but not very __________________ .
4. I have __________________ time before my meeting. Let’s have a cup of coffee.
5. — Do you sell perfume? — Yes, but we only have __________________ bottles.
6. We don’t have __________________ wine. We need to buy some.

3 48-50 How much is it?

A. 1 . The white sunglasses cost ____. a. $30 b. $13 c.$39

2. The gray ones cost ____. a. $45 b. $170 c. $107

B. 1 . The man is ____ a watch. a. selling b. buying c. looking at

2. It isn’t .
____ a. expensive b. much c. cheap

C. 1 . The woman is buying two pairs of ____ . a. jeans b. gloves c. shoes

2. They cost ____ a pair. a. $98 b. $15 c. $59

4 one or ones?

Example: — Which watch is expensive? — The gold one.

1 . — Which dress would you like? — The blue _________________ .

2. — These shoes are pretty. — Which _________________ ?
3. — Do you like this handbag? — Not really. I like the small _________________ .
4. — Are you shopping for gloves? — Yes, I need some good __________________ for my trip to Alaska.

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Practice Chapter 1
Chapter 9

5 What are they wearing?

1 . Mr. Morgan is wearing his gray ____________ today. (handbag / jacket)

2. I’m wearing a new pair of ____________ . (pants / sweaters)
3. Is Mark’s ____________ white? (shirt / blouse)
4. How much are the women’s ____________ ? (sweaters / dress)

6 How does it fit?

— Excuse me, can I (1) __________________ these pants on? of course

— Yes, (2) __________________ . The (3) __________________ are over there. we’re out
— How does the sweater (4) ?
in a medium

— It’s a little too big. I think I need to try it (5) __________________ . fitting rooms
— I’m sorry, (6) __________________ of that size.

7 Is it too big or not big enough?

Example: I don’t like this dress. It’s too short. (short enough / too short)

1 . These shoes are ______________________ . I need a size 10. (too small / small enough)
2. Billy isn’t ______________________ for these pants. They’re too long. (too tall / tall enough)
3. I’m not buying this watch. It’s ______________________ . (not expensive enough / too expensive)
4. These shorts fit. I think they’re ______________________ . (big enough / too big)

8 Do you have this coat in a smaller size?

Example: I’d like to try a larger pair. These are too small. (large)

1 . These pants fit great. They’re a lot ___________________ than those. (short)
2. This store is __________________ than the one we usually go to. (cheap)
3. This blouse fits __________________ than the first one. (bad)
4. Take this map. It’s __________________ than that one, and it’s a __________________ price, too. (big / good)

9 more or less?

1 . I like these shoes. They’re _____________________ comfortable than those.

2. Silver is _____________________ expensive than gold.
3. Jill only shops in small stores. They’re _____________________ interesting than department stores.

10 51 Circle the words you hear

1 . good comfortable 5. euro dollars
2. take buy 6. money change
3. pay for pay with 7. receipt check
4. cash credit card 8. handbag bag

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Practice Chapter 10
Chapter 1

1 Sorry, wrong number

1 . You have the wrong number. _____ a. Yes, I’m waiting for Ed Ferguson.
2. Hi, can I speak to John Wilson? _____ b. Sure.
3. Can you hold, please? _____ c. I’m sorry. He’s on another line.
4. May I ask who’s calling? _____ d. This is Steve Kraft from Dilex International.
5. Are you on hold? _____ e. Sorry about that.

2 Why are you calling?

Example: I’m calling the dentist. I’d like to make an appointment.

I’m calling the dentist to make an appointment.

1 . Helen is going to the office this weekend. She needs to work.


2. Paul is meeting his boss. They want to discuss the new sales strategy.

3. Joan is flying to Los Angeles. She’s meeting a new client.


3 Which words go together?

Example: call a. an appointment b. a colleague c. a client

1 . cancel a. a meeting b. the line c. the dinner

2. change a. an appointment b. the date c. a client
3. confirm a. the date b. the meeting c. the time
4. schedule a. an appointment b. a number c. a time to meet

4 Can I take a message?

A. What should I ask Mr. Jones?

Example: Can he call me back? Please ask him to call me back.
1 . Can he confirm the appointment? ___________________________________________________________________

2. Can he meet me at the office? ___________________________________________________________________

B. What should I tell him?

1 . He needs to cancel the trip. Please tell him

2. I need to reschedule the meeting. ___________________________________________________________________

3. He shouldn’t call after 4 p.m. ___________________________________________________________________

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Practice Chapter
Chapter 10

5 52-54 How may I help you?

A. — Hi, is Carrie Reid (1) _________________________ ?
— I’m sorry. She’s (2) _________________________ at the moment. May I (3) _________________________ ?
— Yes, this is Peter Miller. Please ask her to call me.

B. — Hello, I’d like to (1) _________________________ Mike Stratton.

— Mr. Stratton is (2) ________________________ today. Would you like his voice-mail?
— No, thanks. I’ll call him on his cell phone.

C. — Hi. Could I speak to Laura Owens?

— I’m sorry. Ms. Owens is (1) ________________________ from her desk.
— Is Jim Brooks available?
— I’m afraid not. He’s (2) ________________________ until Friday.

6 was or were?

Example: Charles and his boss were in Miami last week.

1 . Richard and I _______________ sick on Monday.

2. — _______________ Linda a manager? — No, she _______________ .
3. — Where __________ you last week? — I __________ on vacation.
4. — Who __________ on the phone? — It __________ Carole.
5. — __________ your children here last month? — No, they __________ .

7 Past tense: regular verbs

Example: — When did Bill work? — He worked yesterday. (work)

1 . — What __________ Janet __________ yesterday? — She __________ her clients’ calls. (do / return)
2. — How many people __________ you __________ last week? — I __________ twenty people. (call)
3. — __________ you __________ my question? — No, I __________ . (answer)
4. — Who __________ the meeting? — Scott __________ . (cancel)
5. — Who __________ Mr. Barber __________ to? — He __________ to his wife. (talk)
6. — __________ I __________ any calls? — Yes, you __________ five calls. (miss)

8 55 What did Larry do last week?

1 . Larry a. was on vacation last week. b. was on a business trip last week.
2. He a. missed his clients. b. missed a lot of calls.
3. Sarah a. talked to his clients. b. asked a lot of questions.
4. She a. answered many of their questions. b. rescheduled her appointment.
5. Larry a. was back at work on Monday. b. was in Hawaii on Monday.
6. He a. checked his e-mail. b. checked his voice mail.
7. There a. was a message for him. b. were many messages for him.
8. Larry a. returned his clients’ calls. b. rescheduled his appointments

Level 1 • Practice ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 119

Practice Chapter 11
Chapter 1

1 What’s the weather like in Toronto?

cloudy rainy snowy windy sunny

1 . It’s usually hot and _______________ in summer.

2. In fall, the weather is often _______________ and _______________ .
3. On rainy days, the sky is _______________ all day.
4. January is usually a cold and _______________ month.

2 How warm is it?

1 . Yesterday’s high in Rome was 35°C. _____ a. It’s 20°C.

2. It was only 14°C in London. _____ b. It’s -10°C.
3. It’s warmer in Dublin today. _____ c. It was hot and sunny.
4. It’s snowing in Moscow. How cold is it? _____ d. It was cool.

3 What do you like to do in the spring?

1 . My favorite season is ________________________ . I like to ski and to snowboard.

2. John and I like to sail when it’s hot. We usually go sailing in the ________________________ .
3. Peter likes to play golf, but not in the rain. He rarely plays in the _______________________ .
4. I like to play tennis in the ________________________ . It’s not too hot, then.

4 I do, too!

Examples: Peter likes to go swimming. (Jane +) Jane does, too.

Kim isn’t playing soccer. (I —) I’m not, either.

1 . I didn’t go skiing last winter. (Paul —) ________________________________________________________________

2. The Watsons are going to Athens in spring. (the Fishers +) ____________________________________________

3. Mark doesn’t like to play golf. (Beth —) _______________________________________________________________

4. We don’t travel much in the winter. (we —) ___________________________________________________________

5. Sandra likes hot and sunny weather. (her children +) __________________________________________________

6. Henry is not running this weekend. (I —) _____________________________________________________________

5 56-57 Circle the words you hear

A. 1 . swimming sailing B. 1 . I’d like that. I’d love to!

2. I’m sorry. I can’t. Sure! 2. weather report sales report
3. Sounds good. That’s too bad. 3. warm clothes swimsuit

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Practice Chapter 11
Chapter 1

6 Let’s go for a drive!

Example: The Bennetts are going for a walk in the park. (walk / park)

1 . David and Vicky _____________________________________________________________ . (drive / countryside)

2. Chris likes to _______________________________________________________________ . (bike ride / mountains)
3. Tomorrow, we ______________________________________________________________ . (run / park)
4. Let’s ______________________________________________________________________ . (swim / ocean)

7 Let’s eat out

1 . It’s Friday night, let’s !

____________________ play
2. — Do you want to go to the movies? — Sure, ____________________ ? staying home
3. I’d like to see a ____________________ . How about Romeo and Juliet?
go out
4. — Are you going out tonight? — No. I’m ____________________ . what’s playing
5. We’re going ____________________ tomorrow.

8 What are you doing this weekend?

1 . Are you doing ____ tomorrow? a. anything b. nothing

2. Isn’t there ____ interesting on TV? a. something b. anything
3. Why don’t we do ____ tonight? a. something b. nothing
4. ____ is open at this hour. a. Nothing b. Something
5. There’s ____ good playing at the Prince Theater. a. anything b. something
6. There’s ____ to do! a. anything b. nothing

9 58-59 We’re going away for a few days

A. 1. Where is Tina going?


2. When is she leaving?


3. How is the weather in the mountains?


B. 1. Where is Steve going?


2. Is he coming back tomorrow?


3. Why isn’t he staying longer?


Level 1 • Practice ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 121

Answer Key

Chapter 1
Exercise 1
1. Nice to meet you. 2. Where are you from? 3. What city are you from? 4. What nationality are you?
5. Excuse me. Are you Thomas?
Exercise 2


England English France French U.S.A. American
Austria Austrian Australia Australian Germany German
Korea Korean Japan Japanese Spain Spanish
Mexico Mexican Canada Canadian Brazil Brazilian

Exercise 3
1. 7 2. 9 3. 4 4. 3 5. 1 6. 8 7. 0 8. 10 9. 6 10. 5
Exercise 4
1. b 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. a
Exercise 5
1. your 2. phone 3. an 4. please 5. or
Exercise 6
1. 885-9034 2. 623-7160 3. 518-9634
Exercise 7
Answers will vary.
Exercise 8
A. B.
(1) — Hello? (1) — What’s your first name?
(2) — Is this 333-1290? (2) — It’s Phillip.
(3) — No, it’s not. (3) — Is that P-H-I-L-L-I-P?
(4) — I’m sorry. Wrong number. (4) — Yes, that’s right.
Exercise 9
1. Cordero 2. Fitzgerald 3. Okumura 4. Sebastian 5. Yolande 6. Likhatchev

Chapter 2
Exercise 1
1. She’s / She is 2. he is 3. We’re / We are 4. they’re / they are 5. we’re / we are
Exercise 2
1. her 2. Our 3. their 4. Its 5. Mary’s 6. his
Exercise 3
1. doesn’t 2. do 3. do 4. don’t 5. don’t 6. does
Exercise 4
A. blue; short; curly; beard B. long; blond; green; has

122 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Answer Key

Answer Key

Exercise 5
1. but 2. and 3. or 4. and; or
Exercise 6
1. 16 2. 11 3. 20 4. 40 5. 91 6. 82 7. thirty-nine 8. fifty-six 9. forty-eight 10. seventy-two
Exercise 7
1. d 2. c 3. a 4. g 5. h 6. e 7. f 8. b
Exercise 8
1. a 2. a 3. c
Exercise 9
1. How 2. Who 3. What 4. Where 5. Whose

Chapter 3
Exercise 1
1. d 2. c 3. g 4. i 5. b 6. a 7. j 8. f 9. h 10. e
Exercise 2
(1) — What would you like?
(2) — I’d like some coffee, please.
(3) — How would you like it?
(4) — With milk, please.
(5) — Here you are.
(6) — Thank you.
(7) — You’re welcome.
Exercise 3
A. breakfast; muffin; glass; juice; coffee; milk B. hamburger; chicken; French; soup; salad
Exercise 4


apple apples glass glasses cup cups sandwich sandwiches
strawberry strawberries banana bananas cherry cherries pie pies
egg eggs piece pieces lunch lunches grape grapes

Exercise 5
1. c 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. a
Exercise 6
1. Does Mr. Lewis drink coffee? 2. Do you like green tea? 3. I don’t eat fruit for breakfast. 4. We drink
wine with dinner. 5. Do Lisa and Jack like green beans? 6. Does David eat rice?
Exercise 7
1. c 2. e 3. a 4. f 5. b 6. d
Exercise 8
A. 1. no 2. yes B. 1. no 2. no

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Answer Key

Chapter 4
Exercise 1
1. printer 2. calendar 3. computer 4. cell phone / mobile phone 5. clock 6. lamp 7. desk 8. pencil
Exercise 2
1. No, there aren’t. 2. Yes, there is. 3. No, there isn’t. 4. Yes, there are. 5. No, there isn’t.
Exercise 3
1. are 2. on 3. in 4. drawer 5. under 6. next to
Exercise 4
1. on 2. on 3. on 4. on 5. in 6. on
Exercise 5
1. She’s reading the newspaper. 2. I’m listening to music. 3. He’s drinking water. 4. They’re writing
an e-mail. 5. I’m teaching Spanish. 6. We’re answering Michelle’s questions.
Exercise 6
1. eating 2. drinking 3. reading 4. writing 5. watching
Exercise 7
1. She’s writing an e-mail. 2. He’s sitting at his desk. 3. She’s answering Jim’s question.
4. They’re learning Japanese. 5. They’re speaking to the new client.
Exercise 8
1. e 2. a 3. f 4. b 5. c 6. d

Chapter 5
Exercise 1
1. d 2. a 3. f 4. e 5. b 6. c
Exercise 2
1. c 2. b 3. c
Exercise 3
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b
Exercise 4
1. after 2. on 3. every 4. during
Exercise 5
1. During the week I have breakfast at home. 2. On weekdays Nora wakes up at 7:30. 3. Every morning
we get dressed at 8:00.
Exercise 6
1. teacher 2. pharmacist 3. factory 4. banker 5. hospital 6. homemaker
Exercise 7
1. What company do Bill and Ed work for? 2. What do you do? 3. What time do you get to work?
4. Where does Matthew work? 5. What time does Dennis wake up on weekends?
Exercise 8
1. teaches 2. live 3. speak 4. works 5. meets

124 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Answer Key

Answer Key

Exercise 9
1. restaurant; 6:00 p.m.; 2:00 a.m. 2. pharmacist; during; weekends 3. assistant; London; German;
9 am; 5 pm

Chapter 7
Exercise 1
1. year 2. April 3. May 4. June 5. September 6. August
Exercise 2
1. second 2. thirtieth 3. twenty-first 4. third 5. seventh 6. sixteenth
Exercise 3
1. February 14th 2. July 4th (or 4th of July) 3. first Monday in September 4. third Monday in February
Exercise 4
1. No, he’s leaving next month. 2. No, I’m / we’re going home in the evening. 3. No, they’re staying today.
4. No, she’s coming back at midnight. 5. No, I’m / we’re leaving next week. 6. No, she’s going to Dublin on
Exercise 5
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. b
Exercise 6
1. No, he’s not meeting him today. 2. Yes, I’m / we’re going to lunch with them. 3. Yes, he’s watching TV
with her. 4. No, I’m / we’re not calling them tonight. 5. No, he’s not calling him. 6. Yes, I’m / we’re listen-
ing to you.
Exercise 7
1. c 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. f 6. d
Exercise 8
A. 1. no 2. no 3. yes B. 1. no 2. no 3. yes
Exercise 9
(1) — Are you going out on Saturday?
(2) — I don’t know. How about you?
(3) — I’m going out with some friends from Spain. Would you like to join us?
(4) — Thanks, I’d like that. But I don’t speak Spanish.
(5) — But they speak very good English.
(6) — Oh, that sounds great then!

Chapter 8
Exercise 1
1. station 2. post office 3. theater 4. Street 5. corner
Exercise 2
1. post office 2. train station 3. park 4. across from 5. between 6. in front of
Exercise 3
1. on 2. from; to 3. of 4. for
Exercise 4
A. straight; to; left; past; right; left B. corner; right; Walnut; block; museum

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Answer Key

Exercise 5
1. f 2. d 3. c 4. g 5. h 6. a 7. e 8. b

Exercise 6
1. bikes 2. waiting 3. walk 4. flying 5. driving

Exercise 7
(1) — Excuse me. How do I get to the National Theater?
(2) — You can take the number 8 bus. The stop is right over there.
(3) — Great. And where do I get off?
(4) — At Jefferson Street. It’s nine or ten blocks from here.
(5) — OK. Thank you very much.

Exercise 8
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. b

Chapter 9
Exercise 1
1. I’m just looking 2. do you sell 3. stamps 4. anything else 5. I’m looking for 6. is shopping for
7. sales clerk 8. gifts

Exercise 2
1. many; a few 2. a lot of or many 3. much 4. a little 5. a few 6. much or a lot of

Exercise 3
A. 1. a. 2. b B. 1. c 2. c C. 1. c. 2. a

Exercise 4
1. one 2. ones 3. one 4. ones

Exercise 5
1. jacket 2. pants 3. shirt 4. sweaters

Exercise 6
1. try 2. of course 3. fitting rooms 4. fit 5. in a medium 6. we’re out

Exercise 7
1. too small 2. tall enough 3. too expensive 4. big enough

Exercise 8
1. shorter 2. cheaper 3. worse 4. bigger; better

Exercise 9
1. more 2. less 3. more

Exercise 10
1. comfortable 2. take 3. pay for 4. cash 5. dollars 6. change 7. receipt 8. bag

Chapter 10
Exercise 1
1. e 2. c 3. b 4. d 5. a

126 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Answer Key

Answer Key

Exercise 2
1. Helen is going to the office this weekend to work. 2. Paul is meeting his boss to discuss the new
sales strategy. 3. Joan is flying to Los Angeles to meet a new client.
Exercise 3
1. a; c 2. a; b 3. a; b; c 4. a; c
Exercise 4
A. 1. Please ask him to confirm the appointment. 2. Please ask him to meet me at the office.
B. 1. Please tell him to cancel the trip. 2. Please tell him (that) I need to reschedule the meeting.
3. Please tell him not to call after 4 p.m. Or: Please tell him (that) he shouldn’t call after 4 p.m.
Exercise 5
A. 1. available 2. away 3. take a message B. 1. speak to 2. out of the office C. 1. away 2. out of town
Exercise 6
1. were 2. Was; wasn’t 3. were; was 4. was; was 5. Were; weren’t
Exercise 7
1. did; do; returned 2. did; call; called 3. Did; answer; didn’t 4. canceled; did 5. did; talk; talked
6. Did; miss; missed
Exercise 8
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. a

Chapter 11
Exercise 1
1. sunny 2. windy; rainy 3. cloudy 4. snowy
Exercise 2
1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b
Exercise 3
1. winter 2. summer 3. fall (or autumn) 4. spring
Exercise 4
1. Paul didn’t, either. 2. The Fishers are, too. 3. Beth doesn’t, either. 4. We don’t, either. 5. Her children
do, too. 6. I’m not, either.
Exercise 5
A. 1. sailing 2. I’m sorry, I can’t. 3. That’s too bad. B. 1. I’d love to! 2. weather report 3. warm clothes
Exercise 6
1. are going for a drive in the countryside 2. go for a bike ride in the mountains 3. are going for a run in
the park 4. go for a swim in the ocean
Exercise 7
1. go out 2. what’s playing 3. play 4. staying home 5. dancing
Exercise 8
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. b
Exercise 9
A. 1. She’s going to a ski resort. 2. She’s leaving in a few hours. 3. The weather in the mountains is great.
(It snowed all week.) B. 1. He’s going to the beach. 2. No, he’s coming back in four days. 3. He has to be
back at work on Thursday.

Level 1 • Answer Key ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 127

Answer Key

Chapter Summary Reading Comprehension

Chapter 1

1. a 2. b 3. c 4. b

Chapter 2

1. They have three children. 2. Their names are Diana, David and Olivia. 3. She’s 15 years old. 4. Olivia
has long, light brown hair. 5. She’s 7 years old. 6. David is 12 years old.

Chapter 3

1. b 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. b

Chapter 4

1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. b

Chapter 5

1. is having; has 2. is going to work; goes to work 3. is talking; talks 4. is eating lunch; eats lunch 5. is
going home; goes home 6. is going to bed; goes to bed

Chapter 7
1. He’d like to see Ms. Adams. 2. She’s busy all morning. 3. She’s available this afternoon. 4. He can see
her at 2:00 today.
1. Who would he like to see? 2. Who does she have appointments with? 3. When is Ms. Adams free?
4. What time is she available?

Chapter 8

1. Turn left after the train station. 2. From Chestnut Street, turn right onto Walnut Street. 3. On Walnut
Street, go one block. 4. Turn left onto Grove Street. 5. Turn left when you get to Fairview Boulevard.
6. From Fairview Boulevard., turn right at the second light. 7. The party is at the third house on the block.
8. The house is on the right.

Chapter 9
Complete the sentences
1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a
Possible Questions: 1. What is Mrs. Miller buying? 2. Who is she buying a gift for? 3. How much does the
necklace cost? 4. What is she buying to go with the necklace? 5. How is she paying for the items?

128 ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Level 1 • Answer Key

Answer Key

Chapter 10

Dr. Walker
Arturo Soto 312
BioMed Labs

Please call Mr. Soto this evening


1. He didn’t take the call, because he was in a meeting. 2. He was busy in the afternoon.

Chapter 11
1. c 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c
Answers will vary.

Level 1 • Answer Key ©2013 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 129

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