Recap Obstetrics Day 1 Post Test

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Which food high in iron would be recommended to the

pregnant patient?
A. Apricots and prunes
OBSTETRICS 1 POST TEST B. Eggs and bacon
RECAP C. Cottage cheese and fruit
Prepared by Prof. Joseph Jansen A. Aragon, D. Milk and ice cream
RN, RM, LPT 9. The midwife is assessing a woman who thinks she is a
pregnant. Which of the following is a positive sign of
1. During the first six months of lactation, the midwife pregnancy?
instructs the mother who is breastfeeding that she A. Quickening
needs additional calories. What is the RDA during B. Fetal heart tones
lactation? C. Positive HCG
A. 100more calories D. Chadwick’s signs
B. 300 more calories 10. During an initial assessment, a 24-year-old woman
C. A total of 2,700 calories tells the midwife she is pregnant because she fells the
D. A total of 3.500 calories baby moving or “fluttering around.” The midwife
2. The pregnant woman in the first trimester asks, “should recognizes this is a:
I be eating for two?” just how much more should I be A. Presumptive sign
eating?” The midwife responses: B. Probable sign
A. “You’re not really eating for two.” C. Positive sign
B. “You should just about double your intake.” D. Possible sign
C. “Your calories should not increase in the first
trimester, but you should add 300 calories daily during
the second and third trimester.”
D. “Your calories should just about stay the same, but
you need to add some foods that will supply other
essential nutrients required for growth.”
3. The pregnant patient is complaining of flatulence and
request advice regarding relief measures. The midwife
should teach her:
A. To decrease intake of sweets
B. To take prescribe medication
C. To increase fluid intake
D. To take frequent walks
4. A pregnant patient is practicing pica. What does it
A. She is eating non- food things, such as dirt
B. She is refusing any medication
C. She is avoiding all daily products
D. She is planning natural childbirth
5. Fetal heart sounds are one of the signs of positive
pregnancy. The midwife anticipates assessing a
heartbeat by stethoscope at:
A. About 6 weeks
B. About 12 weeks
C. Approximately 16 weeks
D. 5 months
6. The pregnant woman is somewhat distressed about
developing muddy brown blotches on the face and
neck. The midwife explains this:
A. Indicates potential complication
B. Signals hormonal shifts
C. Is a normal condition called chloasma
D. Is a highly abnormal condition
7. During the initial vaginal exam, the midwife assesses a
dark blue discoloration of the cervix and perineum. This
presumptive sign is:
A. Ballottement
B. Hegar’s sign
C. Chadwick’s sign
D. Goodell’s sign


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