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Cebu Institute of Technology – University

College of Engineering and Architecture

Department of Industrial Engineering


Engr. Allan R. Pangan

Instructor – SSP031
About the Course
Course Number SSP031
Number of Units 3 units lecture
Number of Hours 54 lecture hours
Pre-requisites None
Co-requisite None
Course Description This course introduces tools, trends and techniques in creative
thinking towards critically analyzing independently sourced
complex information and ideas, and generating solutions taking
into account a range of perspectives. The students are
expected to reflect on their thought process and present their
findings considering reasons to support and rationally oppose
their own viewpoints using logical and abstract thinking to
evaluate the effectiveness of ideas, products and performances
to achieve desired outcomes.

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO 1. Discuss the creative thinking tools, its methodology, & application
CLO 2. Discuss the different trends and techniques, its application and
CLO 3. Formulate and solve different quantitative creative thinking tools
CLO 4. Apply appropriate these creative thinking tools/ techniques in design


Topic 3: Design on Pugh Matrix
LO1: Point out selection criteria among a set of alternatives.
Learning Activity
LO2: Evaluate a set of alternatives or options in making
LO3: Decide a solution from a quantitative result.
Topic 4: Design on Quality Function Deployment
LO1: Define the process in Quality Function Deployment Tool
LO2: Prioritize spoken and unspoken customer wants and
Learning Activity
explain these needs into technical characteristics and
LO3: Build and deliver a quality product or service by focusing
everybody toward customer satisfaction
Topic 5: Design on Kano Analysis
LO1: Describe the three requirements of Kano Analysis that
Learning Activity
helps understand customer preferences.
LO2: Identify how customers view the different features of a
product or service against each other.
Topic 6: Design on TRIZ
LO1: Define the different TRIZ principles.
Learning Activity
LO2: Apply the TRIZ Principles in their daily lives.
LO3: Practice creating inventive solutions using the TRIZ
About the Course...............................................................................................................2
Topic 3: Design on Pugh Matrix........................................................................................6
3.1. Definition of Pugh Matrix:........................................................................................6
3.2. Users of Pugh Matrix..............................................................................................7
3.3. Purpose of Pugh Matrix..........................................................................................7
3.4. Steps in Doing Pugh Matrix....................................................................................7
3.5. Pugh Matrix Example..............................................................................................8
3.6. Weighting................................................................................................................8
3.7. Pugh Chart Worksheet............................................................................................9
Video on Pugh Matrix by Cheradee Series.....................................................................10
Video on Pugh Matrix by 6ixsigmaorg.............................................................................10
Sources for Pugh Matrix:.............................................................................................10
Topic 4: Design on Quality Function Deployment...........................................................11
4.1. Introduction to Quality Function Deployment........................................................11
4.2. What is Quality Function Deployment (QFD).......................................................12
4.3. Why Implement Quality Function Deployment (QFD)..........................................12
4.4. How to Implement Quality Function Deployment (QFD)......................................13
4.5. Levels of QFD.......................................................................................................13
4.5.1. Level 1 QFD...................................................................................................13
4.5.2. Level 2 QFD...................................................................................................14
4.5.3. Level 3 QFD...................................................................................................15
4.5.4. Level 4 QFD...................................................................................................15
4.6. Phases of Quality Function Deployment...............................................................16
4.7. Methodology of doing Quality Function Deployment............................................16
4.8. Step-by-step process of doing Quality Function Deployment..............................18
Video on QFD by LEARN & APPLY: Lean and Six Sigma.............................................23
Video on QFD by Cheradee Series.................................................................................23
Sources for QFD:.........................................................................................................23
Topic 5: Design on Kano Analysis...................................................................................24
5.1. What is the Kano Model?......................................................................................24
5.2. What is the History of the Kano Model?...............................................................24
5.3. How Does the Kano Model Work?........................................................................24
5.4. What are the Kano Model Feature Categories?...................................................25
Basic (threshold) features........................................................................................25
Performance features...............................................................................................25
Excitement features..................................................................................................25
5.5. When Should You Use the Kano Model?.............................................................25
5.6. Example of a Kano Model.....................................................................................26
5.7. How to Use the Kano Model.................................................................................27
Video on Kano Model by Cheradee Series.....................................................................28
Video on Kano Model” by Kevolve Product Management...............................................28
Sources for Kano Model:.............................................................................................28
Topic 6: DESIGN ON TRIZ..............................................................................................29
6.1. Introduction to TRIZ and its tools..........................................................................29
6.2. The father of TRIZ.................................................................................................29
6.3. TRIZ: 39 Parameters............................................................................................29
6.4. TRIZ: 40 principles................................................................................................30
6.5. Contradiction Matrix Grid......................................................................................30
6.6. Contradiction Matrix: Examples of Application.....................................................32
Video on TRIZ by Cheradee Series.................................................................................32
Video on TRIZ the Solutions First way to Solve Problems..............................................32
Sources for TRIZ:.........................................................................................................32
“Mystery is at the heart of
Julia Cameron

Here’s week two.

Topic 3: Design on Pugh Matrix
3.1. Definition of Pugh Matrix:
The Pugh Matrix is one of the most widely used methods of
finding out the best solution once a number of alternate
solutions have been generated. The success of the Pugh
Matrix is in its simplicity. The tool is not very
mathematically intensive and fairly simple to use.
However, it has a record of coming up with the same
solutions as mathematically intensive solutions would albeit
with much less effort. Here is a step by step guide to use the
Pugh Matrix. [ CITATION htt1 \l 13321 ]

The Pugh Matrix was developed by Stuart Pugh who was a

professor and head of the design division at the University of
Strathclyde in Glasgow.

It is also called a variety of names including Pugh method, Pugh analysis, decision
matrix method, decision matrix, decision grid, selection grid, selection matrix, problem
matrix, problem selection matrix, problem selection grid, solution matrix, criteria rating
form, criteria-based matrix, opportunity analysis.

As a decision-making model, it is obviously used to choose between a list of

alternatives. The most important criteria in the decision are chosen, and the alternatives
are compared using these criteria.[ CITATION htt \l 13321 ]

The Pugh matrix helps determine which items or potential solutions are more important
or ‘better’ than others. It is employed after capturing voice of the customer (VOC).

It is a scoring matrix used for concept selection in which options are assigned scores
relative to criteria. The selection is made based on the consolidated scores. Before
starting a detailed design, there are many options – this tool helps with selecting the
best option.

“This tool is also known as a criteria-based matrix.”

The Pugh matrix is a tool used to facilitate a disciplined, team-based process for
concept generation and selection. Several concepts are evaluated according to their
strengths and weaknesses against a reference concept called the datum (base
concept). The datum is the best current concept at each iteration of the matrix.

The Pugh matrix allows an individual or team to:

1. Compare different concepts

2. Create strong alternative concepts from weak concepts
3. Create strong alternative concepts from weaker concepts
4. Arrive at an optimal concept that may be a hybrid or variant of the best of other

This matrix encourages comparison of several different concepts against a base

concept, creating stronger concepts and eliminating weaker ones until an optimal
concept finally is reached. Also, the Pugh matrix is useful because it does not require a
great amount of quantitative data on design concepts, which generally is not available at
this point in the process anyway.[ CITATION htt1 \l 13321 ]
3.2. Users of Pugh Matrix
It is typically used in teams can just as easily be used by individuals. An interesting
variation in team decision-making is for each individual to create his own pew matrix
and then as a team the Pugh matrices are compared.
3.3. Purpose of Pugh Matrix
Typically, a Pugh matrix is used to evaluate various alternatives against a baseline. For
example, a company has five alternative processes to the one its using, and it wants to
know if any of the five is better or not.

It is also used when only one solution is possible, only one product can be brought to
market, has only sufficient financing for one solution or where the optimal alternative is
required, and you are deciding on the basis of multiple criteria.

It can also be used where there are many alternatives, none of which are quite suitable.
The Pugh matrix can be used to choose the best aspects of the various concepts to
produce a hybrid, which hopefully will be better than the alternatives used initially.
3.4. Steps in Doing Pugh Matrix
Step 1: List down the Criteria in a Vertical List
The first step of the exercise is to list down the criteria that will be used for evaluation.
The criteria is listed in a vertical list towards the extreme left of the paper or spreadsheet
being used. Although the possible criteria could be many, the Pugh Matrix suggests
using at least 3 viz. technological impact, cost impact and organizational acceptance.
Step 2: Select the Datum
The next step in the process is to select the Datum. The Datum is nothing but what the
Six Sigma project team believes to be the initial most feasible solution. Selecting the
appropriate datum is important because every solution will be evaluated against the
Step 3: List down the Alternative Solutions Horizontally
After the datum, list down all the alternative solutions horizontally. This will create a
matrix with the criteria on the vertical axis and the solutions on the horizontal axis.
Step 4: Marking the Pugh Matrix
Pugh Matrix is marked using “+”, “–” or “S”.
 “+” means a particular solution scores better on a particular criteria as compared
to the datum
 “–” means a particular solution doesn’t score better on a particular criteria as
compared to the datum
 “S” means a particular solution scores the same on a particular criteria as
compared to the datum
The datum by default has “S” rating assigned to all its criteria. This is because it is the
same as itself and hence has the score 0.

No numerical values are assigned to the positives or negatives. This can be seen as
one problem of the Pugh Matrix. If a solution is just a little inferior to the datum or very
inferior to the datum, both will receive the same score on the matrix. However, this is
where the Pugh Matrix relies on human judgement.

Step 5: Aggregating the Scores

The scores are aggregated by counting the number of “+” and “–” that a solution has.
Many times weights are attached to criteria. Thus gaining a “+” on 1 criteria will be
considered as 1.5 “+” while aggregating the scores.
The “+” and “–” are then used to compare the final score. If any solution has a score
greater than 0 i.e. greater than the datum, it is considered for selection. If all the scores
are less than “0”, then the datum is selected as the final solution.
3.5. Pugh Matrix Example
Let's draw our Pugh matrix. We put the alternatives across the top, and we are going to
assess these with respect to the criteria, which we draw in on the left.
Baseline A B C D
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0

Our baseline is the system we have in place at the moment, so we score this a nought
against our criteria. Our diagram will look like this.

Now consider option A. In relation to criteria 1, do we consider that it is better, the same
as, or worse than the baseline? If it's better we give it a +1, if it's the same we give it a
0, and if it's worse we give it a -1. Let's say it's +1.

In terms of criteria 2, it's the same as the baseline. For criteria 3 it's better, and for
criteria 4 its worse.

Our chart now looks like this.

Baseline A B C D
1 0 +1
2 0 0
3 0 +1
4 0 -1

We assess each of the alternatives B, C and D in the same way, filling in all the blanks.
Baseline A B C D
1 0 +1 -1 0 +1
2 0 0 -1 0 +1
3 0 +1 +1 +1 0
4 0 -1 0 0 +1

So now we know the number of pluses, the number of minuses and the total score for
each alternative, allowing us to make a more rational or objective decision. In this case
it's obviously D, with three pluses and no minuses.
3.6. Weighting
We can also give each criterion a weighting. For example, if our first criteria is a 2, and
the second criteria is twice as important we give that a four. The third criteria is
somewhere in between, so it's a three. The last criteria is probably the most important
so that it gets a five. (It was funny writing that!!)

Our chart now looks like this.

Baseline Weight A B C D
1 0 2 +1 -1 0 +1
2 0 4 0 -1 0 +1
3 0 3 +1 +1 +1 0
4 0 5 -1 0 0 +1

Criteria 1 has a weighting of two. So all the numbers to the right of it are multiplied by
two. Criteria four has a weighting of 5, so it's results are multiplied by five, etc.

Our Pugh matrix example now looks like this:

Baseline Weight A B C D
1 0 2 +2 -2 0 +2
2 0 4 0 -4 0 +4
3 0 3 +3 +3 +3 0
4 0 5 -5 0 0 +5

In our case the end result is the same, but depending on the number of criteria and the
variables, the weighting you use can cause very different end results.

A further variation
Instead of the three-point scale we have used here, it it possible to use a five-
point scale. For example:
 +2 - much better than
 +1 - better than
 0 - equal to
 -1 - worse than HERE.
 -2 - much worse than

This can even be a 7-point scale, but anything finer may just complicate things
unnecessarily.[ CITATION htt2 \l 13321 ]
3.7. Pugh Chart Worksheet
A Pugh chart is a simple design tool for comparing design ideas against your design
criteria early in the design process. To draw a Pugh chart, list the design criteria in the
left column. Weight each criterion according to how important it is (use any scale you
like). Then list the design alternatives across the first row. Choose one design
alternative as a datum. The datum should be a somewhat average design (not the best
or worst idea). Then, rate how well each design meets each design criteria relative to
the datum. You can use a scale like [- - -, - -, -, 0, +, ++, +++]. When you are finished,
total the points for each design alternative by multiplying +’s and –‘s by the weights and
summing. The design with the highest number is not necessarily the best design;
however, if the numbers go against your intuition, reexamine your ratings and weights.
The purpose of the Pugh chart is to get you to systematically think of the pros and cons
of each design alternative relative to your design criteria. The Pugh chart to the right is a
sample from a student design project. The goal of this project was to develop a product
to assist elderly and handicapped people in showering and transferring into and out of
the shower unit. The sample blank chart on the following page can be used to start
considering your ideas. It also provides space to make a small sketch of each concept.
Remember, these are only samples. Feel free to make your own chart. The goal of this
exercise is to have you systematically think about your design alternatives and design

“Pugh (developed) a method of winnowing multiple new product concepts which he

terms ‘controlled convergence’. In essence, Pugh suggests that each member of the
design team independently generate conceptual solutions to the design problem. The
competing ideas are then compared to a standard datum, selected for its typicality in the
product category, and are evaluated as being better than, equal to, or inferior to the
datum on the key dimensions that will contribute to product success. The group
proceeds to eliminate weaker ideas, but also attempts to cull the advantages of each
concept and incorporate it into the remaining ones before discarding it. In this way, the
‘winning’ concept incorporates many of the best ideas of all of the other concepts.
[ CITATION htt3 \l 13321 ]

Here’s a supplementary video regarding how to do Pugh matrix, simply. Again, viewing is

Video on Pugh Matrix Video on Pugh Matrix

by 6ixsigmaorg by Cheradee Series
Please download this pdf file for more information about Pugh
Matrix if above discussions need more clarifications. Click the

Sources for Pugh Matrix:

• (n.d.). Pugh Matrix step by step. Retrieved from
• Saadeddin, D. (n.d.). Continuous Improvement Toolkit. Retrieved from
• (2019, July 30). Choose the Right Decision Criteria. Retrieved from
Topic 4: Design on Quality Function Deployment
4.1. Introduction to Quality Function Deployment
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a method for developing a design quality aiming
at satisfying the consumer and then translating the consumer's demand into design
targets and major quality assurance points to be used throughout the production
phase. It is a system to deploy the voices of the customers in understanding their
requirements into the appropriate technical requirements for each stage of product
development and production. A tool for bringing the voice of the customer into the
product development process from conceptual design through to manufacturing. This is
an innovative approach bringing quality as demanded by the customer upstream in the
product development process The QFD tool can certainly be used by an individual, but
its real value is as a structured approach for team prioritization and decision making. A
team that uses QFD for product planning will emerge with a common vision of the
business drivers, priorities, assumptions, issues, and questions that need to be


Quality Function Deployment
Attributes Development
Features Evolution
“Customer Driven Product/Process Development”
“The House of Quality”
“The Voice of the Customer”
4.2. What is Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a process and set of tools used to effectively
define customer requirements and convert them into detailed engineering specifications
and plans to produce the products that fulfill those requirements. QFD is used to
translate customer requirements (or VOC) into measurable design targets and drive
them from the assembly level down through the sub-assembly, component and
production process levels. QFD methodology provides a defined set of matrices utilized
to facilitate this progression.

QFD was first developed in Japan by Yoji Akao in the late 1960s while working for
Mitsubishi’s shipyard. It was later adopted by other companies including Toyota and its
supply chain. In the early 1980s, QFD was introduced in the United States mainly by the
big three automotive companies and a few electronics manufacturers. Acceptance and
growth of the use of QFD in the US was initially rather slow but has since gained
popularity and is currently being used in manufacturing, healthcare and service
4.3. Why Implement Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
Effective communication is one of the most important and impactful aspects of any
organization’s success. QFD methodology effectively communicates customer needs to
multiple business operations throughout the organization including design, quality,
manufacturing, production, marketing and sales. This effective communication of the
Voice of the Customer allows the entire organization to work together and produce
products with high levels of customer perceived value. There are several additional
benefits to using Quality Function Deployment:

 Customer Focused: QFD methodology places the emphasis on the wants and
needs of the customer, not on what the company may believe the customer
wants. The Voice of the Customer is translated into technical design
specifications. During the QFD process, design specifications are driven down
from machine level to system, sub-system and component level requirements.
Finally, the design specifications are controlled throughout the production and
assembly processes to assure the customer needs are met.
 VOC Competitor Analysis: The QFD “House of Quality” tool allows for direct
comparison of how your design or product stacks up to the competition in
meeting the VOC. This quick analysis can be beneficial in making design
decisions that could place you ahead of the pack.
 Shorter Development Time and Lower Cost: QFD reduces the likelihood of
late design changes by focusing on product features and improvements based
on customer requirements. Effective QFD methodology prevents valuable project
time and resources from being wasted on development of non-value added
features or functions.
 Structure and Documentation: QFD provides a structured method and tools for
recording decisions made and lessons learned during the product development
process. This knowledge base can serve as a historical record that can be
utilized to aid future projects.

Companies must bring new and improved products to market that meet the customer’s
actual wants and needs while reducing development time. QFD methodology is for
organizations committed to listening to the Voice of the Customer and meeting their
4.4. How to Implement Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
The Quality Function Deployment methodology is a 4-phase process that encompasses
activities throughout the product development cycle.  A series of matrices are utilized at
each phase to translate the Voice of the Customer to design requirements for each
system, sub-system and component. The four phases of QFD are:
1. Product Definition: The Product Definition Phase begins with collection of VOC
and translating the customer wants and needs into product specifications. It may
also involve a competitive analysis to evaluate how effectively the competitor’s
product fulfills the customer wants and needs. The initial design concept is based
on the particular product performance requirements and specifications.
2. Product Development: During the Product Development Phase, the critical
parts and assemblies are identified. The critical product characteristics are
cascaded down and translated to critical or key part and assembly characteristics
or specifications. The functional requirements or specifications are then defined
for each functional level.
3. Process Development: During the Process Development Phase, the
manufacturing and assembly processes are designed based on product and
component specifications. The process flow is developed and the critical process
characteristics are identified.
4. Process Quality Control: Prior to production launch, the QFD process identifies
critical part and process characteristics. Process parameters are determined and
appropriate process controls are developed and implemented. In addition, any
inspection and test specifications are developed. Full production begins upon
completion of process capability studies during the pilot build.

Effective use of QFD requires team participation and discipline inherent in the practice
of QFD, which has proven to be an excellent team-building experience.
4.5. Levels of QFD
4.5.1. Level 1 QFD
The House of Quality is an effective tool used to translate the customer wants
and needs into product or service design characteristics utilizing a relationship matrix. It
is usually the first matrix used in the QFD process. The House of Quality demonstrates
the relationship between the customer wants or “Whats” and the design parameters or
“Hows”. The matrix is data intensive and allows the team to capture a large amount of
information in one place. The matrix earned the name “House of Quality” due to its
structure resembling that of a house. A cross-functional team possessing thorough
knowledge of the product, the Voice of the Customer and the company’s capabilities,
should complete the matrix. The different sections of the matrix and a brief description
of each are listed below:

 “Whats”: This is usually the first section to be completed. This column is where
the VOC, or the wants and needs, of the customer are listed.
 Importance Factor: The team should rate each of the functions based on their
level of importance to the customer. In many cases, a scale of 1 to 5 is used with
5 representing the highest level of importance.
 “Hows” or Ceiling: Contains the design features and technical requirements the
product will need to align with the VOC.
 Body or Main Room: Within the main body or room of the house of quality the
“Hows” are ranked according to their correlation or effectiveness of fulfilling each
of the “Whats”. The ranking system used is a set of symbols indicating either a
strong, moderate or a weak correlation. A blank box would represent no
correlation or influence on meeting the “What”, or customer requirement. Each of
the symbols represents a numerical value of 0, 1, 3 or 9.
 Roof: This matrix is used to indicate how the design requirements interact with
each other. The interrelationships are ratings that range from a strong positive
interaction (++) to a strong negative interaction (–) with a blank box indicating no
 Competitor Comparison: This section visualizes a comparison of the
competitor’s product in regards to fulfilling the “Whats”. In many cases, a scale of
1 to 5 is used for the ranking, with 5 representing the highest level of customer
satisfaction. This section should be completed using direct feedback from
customer surveys or other means of data collection.
 Relative Importance: This section contains the results of calculating the total of
the sums of each column when multiplied by the importance factor. The
numerical values are represented as discrete numbers or percentages of the
total. The data is useful for ranking each of the “Hows” and determining where to
allocate the most resources.
 Lower Level / Foundation: This section lists more specific target values for
technical specifications relating to the “Hows” used to satisfy VOC.

Upon completion of the House of Quality, the technical requirements derived from the
VOC can then be deployed to the appropriate teams within the organization and
populated into the Level 2 QFDs for more detailed analysis. This is the first step in
driving the VOC throughout the product or process design process.

4.5.2. Level 2 QFD

The Level 2 QFD matrix is a used during the Design Development Phase.
Using the Level 2 QFD, the team can discover which of the assemblies, systems,
sub-systems and components have the most impact on meeting the product
design requirements and identify key design characteristics. The information
produced from performing a Level 2 QFD is often used as a direct input to
the Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (DFMEA) process. Level 2
QFDs may be developed at the following levels:

 System Level: The technical specifications and functional requirements or

“Hows” identified and prioritized within The House of Quality become the “Whats”
for the system level QFD. They are then evaluated according to which of the
systems or assemblies they impact. Any systems deemed critical would then
progress to a sub-system QFD.
 Sub-system Level: The requirements cascaded down from the system level are
re-defined to align with how the sub-system contributes to the system meeting its
functional requirements. This information then becomes the “Whats” for the QFD
and the components and other possible “Hows” are listed and ranked to
determine the critical components. The components deemed critical would then
require progression to a component level QFD.
 Component Level: The component level QFD is extremely helpful in identifying
the key and critical characteristics or features that can be detailed on the
drawings. The key or critical characteristics then flow down into the Level 3 QFD
activities for use in designing the process. For purchased components, this
information is valuable for communicating key and critical characteristics to
suppliers during sourcing negotiations and as an input to the Production Part
Approval Process (PPAP) submission.
4.5.3. Level 3 QFD
The Level 3 QFD is used during the Process Development Phase where
we examine which of the processes or process steps have any correlation to
meeting the component or part specifications. In the Level 3 QFD matrix, the
“Whats” are the component part technical specifications and the “Hows” are the
manufacturing processes or process steps involved in producing the part. The
matrix highlights which of the processes or process steps have the most impact
on meeting the part specifications. This information allows the production and
quality teams to focus on the Critical to Quality (CTQ) processes, which flow
down into the Level 4 QFD for further examination.
4.5.4. Level 4 QFD
The Level 4 QFD is not utilized as often as the previous three. Within the
Level 4 QFD matrix, the team should list all the critical processes or process
characteristics in the “Whats” column on the left and then determine the “Hows”
for assuring quality parts are produced and list them across the top of the matrix.
Through ranking of the interactions of the “Whats” and the “Hows”, the team can
determine which controls could be most useful and develop quality targets for
each. This information may also be used for creating Work Instructions,
Inspection Sheets or as an input to Control Plans.
The purpose of Quality Function Deployment is not to replace an
organization’s existing design process but rather support and improve an
organization’s design process. QFD methodology is a systemic, proven means of
embedding the Voice of the Customer into both the design and production
process. QFD is a method of ensuring customer requirements are accurately
translated into relevant technical specifications from product definition to product
design, process development and implementation. The fact is that every
business, organization and industry has customers. Meeting the customer’s
needs is critical to success.  Implementing QFD methodology can enable you to
drive the voice of your customers throughout your processes to increase your
ability to satisfy or even excite your customers.[ CITATION htt5 \l 1033 ]
4.6. Phases of Quality Function Deployment

4.7. Methodology of doing Quality Function Deployment

In QFD, quality is a measure of customer satisfaction with a product or a service. QFD
is a structured method that uses the seven management and planning tools to identify
and prioritize customers’ expectations quickly and effectively.

Beginning with the initial matrix, commonly termed the House of Quality (Figure 1), the
QFD methodology focuses on the most important product or service attributes or
qualities. These are composed of customer wows, wants, and musts. (See the Kano
model of customer perception versus customer reality.)

Once you have prioritized the attributes and qualities, QFD deploys them to the
appropriate organizational function for action, as shown in Figure 2. Thus, QFD is the
deployment of customer-driven qualities to the responsible functions of an organization.
4.8. Step-by-step process of doing Quality Function Deployment

Step 1: Identifying the Customer(s) - List Customer Requirements (WHATs)

Determining Customer Requirements - The goal is to develop a list of all the customer
requirements (made up in the customer’s own words) that will affect the design. This
should be accomplished with the whole design team, based on the results of customer

Step 1.2: Prioritizing the Requirements

A weighting factor is generated for each requirement. The weighting factor will give the
designer an idea of how much effort, time and money to invest in achieving each
Two questions should be addressed in developing a prioritization
(1) To whom is the requirement important?
(2) How is a measure of importance developed for this diverse group of requirements?

Step 2: List Technical Descriptors (HOWs)

Translating the Customer Requirements into Measurable Engineering
The goal here is to develop a set of engineering requirements (design specifications)
that are measurable for use in evaluating the proposed designs.
1. transform the customer requirements into engineering requirements and
2. make sure that the engineering requirements are measurable.

STEP 3—Develop a Relationship Matrix between WHATs and HOWs

STEP 4—Develop a Relationship between the Technical Descriptors

Step 5--Competitive Assessments

Step 6.1--Setting Engineering Targets for Design Compute the Relative Weight

Step 6.2--Setting Engineering Targets for Design

The last step is to determine the target values for engineering measurement.
1. ascertain how the competition meets the engineering targets,
2. establish a target value for the new product.

Measurements of the competition’s targets provide a basis for the development of

targets for the new product. The best targets are those set for a specific value. Less
precise, but still usable, are those targets set within a range. A third type of target is a
value made to be as large or small as possible.

Step 6.3--Competition Benchmarking

The goal here is to determine how the customer perceives the competition’s ability to
meet each of the requirements. This forces awareness of what already exists and points
out opportunities for improving upon that which already exists.

Each competing product is compared with customer requirements. Some comparisons

are objective and others are subjective.

Possible scale to rate the competition’s product based on customer requirements.

1 = the design does not meet the requirement at all
2 = the design meets the requirement slightly
3 = the design meets the requirement somewhat
4 = the design meets the requirement mostly
5 = the design meets the requirement completely
Here’s a supplementary video regarding how to do Quality Function Deployment, simply.
Again, viewing is optional.

Video on QFD by Video on QFD by

LEARN & APPLY: Cheradee Series
Lean and Six Sigma
Sources for QFD:
 Stuart Burge, A Functional Approach to Quality Function Deployment, 2007:
 Richard Denney, An Introduction to Use Cases and Quality Function Deployment,
 JViaenea , Quality function deployment in the chocolate industry, 1998:
Topic 5: Design on Kano Analysis
5.1. What is the Kano Model?
The Kano Model (pronounced “kah-no”) is an approach to prioritizing features on a
product roadmap based on the degree to which they are likely to satisfy customers.
Product teams can weigh a high-satisfaction feature against its costs to implement, to
determine whether or not adding it to the roadmap is a strategically sound decision.

The Kano Model is one of many prioritization frameworks designed to help product

teams prioritize initiatives. Kano can help teams determine which features will satisfy
and even delight customers. Product managers often use the Kano Model to prioritize
potential new features by grouping them into categories. These feature categories can
range from those that could disappoint customers, to those likely to satisfy or even
delight customers.

This strict focus on how customers will react to each feature distinguishes the Kano
Model from other prioritization frameworks. The Benefits vs. Cost Model, for example,
might use customer satisfaction among its scoring criteria but might also use other
criteria, such as increased revenue. With the Kano Model, the key consideration for any
new feature is how much it will satisfy users.
5.2. What is the History of the Kano Model?
Dr. Noriaki Kano, a professor of quality management at the
Tokyo University of Science, created the Kano Model in 1984.
As author Dave Verduyn explains on, Dr. Noriaki developed
this framework while researching the factors that contributed to
customer satisfaction and loyalty.
The model identifies five categories of potential customer
reactions to a new feature, ranging from dissatisfaction, to
indifference, all the way up to what many call customer
delight or excitement features.
5.3. How Does the Kano Model Work?
Using the Kano Model, product teams pull together a list of potential new features vying
for development resources and space on the roadmap. The team will then weigh these
features according to two competing criteria:
1. Their potential to satisfy customers.
2. The investment needed to implement them.
In fact, you can also think of the Kano Model as the “Customer Delight vs.
Implementation Investment” approach.
5.4. What are the Kano Model Feature Categories?
The Kano Model identifies three types of initiatives product teams will want to develop.
We will discuss those below. It’s also worth pointing out, however, that the model also
identifies two types of features you will want to keep off of your roadmap:

 “indifferent” features, which customers won’t care about.

 “dissatisfaction” features, which will upset customers.
Under the Kano Model, the three categories of initiatives that could earn a slot on your
roadmap include:
Basic (threshold) features
These are features your product needs to be competitive. Customers
expect these features (such as a car’s turn signal) and take them for granted.
This means they must be included. And, it they don’t work as expected they may
lead to dissatisfaction.
Performance features
These are features that give you a proportionate increase in customer
satisfaction as you invest in them. One example would be increasing file storage
capacity in an online app. Dr. Noriaki described this type of feature as “one-
dimensional” because of the direct, linear correlation between how much you
invest in it and the amount of customer satisfaction it delivers. These are also
features customers know they want and weigh heavily when deciding whether to
choose your product or your competitor’s.
Excitement features
Excitement features yield a disproportionate increase in customer delight
as you invest in them. If you don’t have these features, customers might not even
miss them; but if you include them, and continue to invest in them, you will create
dramatic customer delight. You can also think of these features as the unique
innovations and surprises you include in your product. Dr. Noriaki called these
“attractive” features and “delighters” because they had that effect on users, and
that delight can create an outsized positive response to your product.
After the internal product team has made its own determinations about
which of the potential new features fall into which categories (including the two
negative ones—indifference and dissatisfaction), the team will then take the
issue directly to users or prospective users with customer surveys,
questionnaires, and other feedback methods.
5.5. When Should You Use the Kano Model?
The Kano Model can be a helpful framework for product teams with limited time and
resources who want to make sure they are prioritizing the appropriate mix of features to
work on next.

This approach is most effective for teams in need of guidance to figure out which
minimum-threshold features they absolutely must build, which performance features to
start investing in now, and which customer-delight features will deliver the biggest
customer “Wow!” for the buck.

As product management consultant Daniel Zacarias explains, “There are many different

reasons why you might need to include a given feature, but what do you do in order to
know which ones will make your (future) customers happy and prefer it over others?”
The Kano Model can help product teams answer that all-important question.

The Kano Model is a useful framework for product teams looking for a systematic
approach to feature prioritization. It helps teams that are interested in prioritizing
functionalities they believe will delight customers.[ CITATION htt6 \l 13321 ]
5.6. Example of a Kano Model
Figure on the right illustrates how the
presence (or absence) of each of the
three attributes in a product or service
can affect customer satisfaction.

You can see that, if a product's features

don't meet a customer's Threshold
Attributes, his or her satisfaction levels
will be very low. However, even if you
fully deliver on these, you won't impress
customers that much. Most products
compete on Performance Attributes,
where a customer weighs up one
product against another and judges
satisfaction by the availability of various
features. But she may discover an
Excitement Attribute that really appeals
to her, and gives her high satisfaction, even if it isn't perfectly implemented.
Figure on the left, shows how customers' reactions to certain features (or the lack of
them) can also have a negative or zero effect on satisfaction levels.

In the bottom right quadrant, you can see that a product with just Threshold Attributes,
even if it has a number of them, may not
even lead to an indifferent level of
customer satisfaction.
Customers begin to find your product
attractive when you offer Performance
Attributes, and it's along this line, in the
top right quadrant, that most
organizations position their products in
the market.

Excitement Attributes are the "wow

factor" features that can give you
a competitive advantage . These
features can represent a good return
on investment , because you don't
need many of them to generate high
levels of customer satisfaction.

Note: It's important to consider the

nature of your business, and the pace of change in your industry: today's Excitement
Attribute can very quickly become tomorrow's Threshold Attribute!
For example, touch-screen technology in smartphones and tablets was an Excitement
Attribute when it was introduced by Apple in 2007, but it soon became a Threshold
Attribute common to many electronic devices.

5.7. How to Use the Kano Model

Before you apply Kano Model Analysis, be sure to find out what your customers really
value. Never assume that you know! Ask them what they like, what they love, and what
they dislike.
Our article on market research  can help you with this process. Approaching your
customers directly, using surveys  or focus groups , for example, is also useful for
keeping track of their changing expectations.

Make sure that, when you choose customers to give you feedback, you pick those who
are typical of the market that you want to sell in.

Then, follow these five steps:

1. Research and brainstorm  all of the possible features and attributes of your
product or service, and everything you can do to please your customers.
2. Classify these as Threshold, Performance or Excitement Attributes and add a
fourth type, Not Relevant. These are the things that don't add value because
customers don't care about them.
3. Make sure that your product or service has all of the essential Threshold
Attributes. If necessary, eliminate some Performance Attributes so that you can
include these features.
4. Assess the Excitement Attributes, and think about how you can incorporate some
of them into your product or service. Again, if necessary, cut some Performance
Attributes, so that you can afford to invest in your Excitement Attribute.
5. Choose the Performance Attributes that you can deliver at a competitive price,
while still maintaining an acceptable profit margin.

Involve your customers in each of the five steps, above. That way, you get their insights
all the way through the process.

Key Points
The Kano Model of product development and customer satisfaction was published in
Japan in 1984 by Noriaki Kano, Tokyo University of Science's professor of quality

The model assigns three attributes to products and services:

1. Threshold Attributes. These are the basics that customers expect.
2. Performance Attributes. These increase a customer's enjoyment but aren't
essential. Some of these may need to be scaled back, so that you can deliver
Threshold and Excitement Attributes.
3. Excitement Attributes. These are the surprise elements of a product or service
that delight customers.

Understanding your customers' experiences and expectations, and effectively

generating innovative ideas for improving your product or service, are key to carrying
out Kano Model Analysis successfully.

Here’s a supplementary video regarding how to do Kano Analysis, simply. Again,

viewing is optional.
Video on Kano Model” by Kevolve Product Management

Video on Kano Model by Cheradee Series

Sources for Kano Model:


6.1. Introduction to TRIZ and its tools
TRIZ which is a technology-based, systematic methodology that aims to
overcome "psychological inertia" and generate a large range of solution concepts. With
the use of a contradiction matrix, it provides a framework and toolbox for systematic,
inventive problem solving.

*TRIZ (Altshuller, 1984) is a Russian acronym for Teoria Resheneya Isobretatelskih

Zadach, which can be translated to the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving.

6.2. The father of TRIZ

As we know him A short biography of Genrich Altshuller

Summary: The life of Genrich Altshuller, the father of TRIZ as

we know him, is an inspiration to all TRIZ lovers. His startup of
career as a patent clerk, extreme struggles in the prisons of
Vorkuta and Gulag, and great inventions on TRIZ are
interesting to anybody who likes to know about the great soul.
This article is a collection of various facts and events in his life
from different sources. I am thankful to all websites hosting
Altshuller’s biography, which have made me know him better.

TRIZ was produced through years of development and therefore represents a short-cut

to experience because it is a method of transforming a specific problem into a general
problem. By abstracting the problem, you can identify solutions that have previously
been successful in solving the general problem, and then apply these principles
to your specific problem.

The TRIZ process is clearly illustrated in the figure below.

(See Chapter 3 in Childs, P.R.N. Mechanical Design Engineering Handbook, 2 nd edition,

Butterworth Heinemann, 2018) 

6.3. TRIZ: 39 Parameters

From the initial research, Altshuller found that there were only 39 generic parameters
(sometimes referred to as properties or features) which either improve or
degrade. These are also referred to as the 39 improving or worsening parameters.

Take 10 minutes to read through The 39 Parameters of TRIZ and familiarize yourself

with their meanings. 

For example:
 Objects which can easily change position in space, either on their own or as a
result of external forces, are classed as moving objects (number 5 in the table).
 Objects which do not change position in space, either on their own or as a result
of external forces, are classed as stationary objects (number 6 in the table).

6.4. TRIZ: 40 principles

Resolving Contradictions with 40 Inventive Principles
If the concept of contradiction in problem solving is accepted - namely that proposed
solutions can improve certain features while worsening others - then every problem can
be described as a conflict between a pair of parameters.

Altshuller and his collaborators observed that many patents had, in the past, resolved
these individual conflicts in several different fields.

Altshuller found that the principles used to resolve 'problem solving contradictions' could
be described in a list of just 40 principles.

TRIZ has been further developed over several decades and the specific names and
numbering for the principles vary according to author and translation. Read through The
40 Principles of TRIZ. Along with the names for the principles used in this text, a list of
other commonly used names is given in the table.

6.5. Contradiction Matrix Grid

Spend a few minutes familiarizing yourself with the TRIZ Contradiction Matrix Grid

As you can see, on Page 1 the TRIZ Contradiction Matrix.

 Look at each row. Each row represents the improving parameter.
 Look at each column. Each column represents the worsening parameter.
 Select the contradictory pair of improving and worsening parameters.
 Use the respective row and column to find the intersection where the
resolution principles are given, in order or priority, for you to use to resolve the
 Use Page 2 to reference the given principles. You will also find more detailed
explanations of the 39 parameters on this page.

When working on your own example ideas, we strongly encourage you to print the
grid on an A3 page to allow you to grasp all of the detail.
In the following video, we take a look at how we might use the Contradiction Matrix to
design effective and sustainable food packaging, ensuring functionality and recyclability.
Video: Example of Application: Contradiction Matrix
So we're going to tackle food packaging. location of parts in the system cannot be
And in food packaging design, you want to use changed.
as little material as possible, Local quality involves identifying specific parts
ideally, recyclable materials. and changing or
And of course you want to protect the contents moving them so that they can operate at optimal
of your packaging for conditions.
as long as possible. This may involve changing an objects structure
We're going to tackle this using the TRIZ from uniform to non-uniform,
Contradiction Matrix. or making each part of a system fulfill a different
And when we're using the TRIZ Contradiction or complimentary function.
Matrix, we're looking for Transforming the physical or chemical state of
an improving parameter and the worsening an object principle, principle
parameter. 35, this involves altering an object in some way
In this case our improving parameter might be such as changing its temperature.
the duration of action of the stationary object, the The concentration of compounds or
packaging, its density can sometimes provide overall
and our worsening parameter might be the benefits.
quantity of substance. Principal 31, the porous materials principal
And you can actually see these in one of the left allows some substances,
hand columns on your charts. a porous material allows some substances to
And the left hand column signifies the improving pass through it while filtering out or
parameters. blocking others.
But the numbers corresponds to the worsening This principle can be useful for separating or
parameters along the top round. filtering out undesirable items or substances and
So if you can find the intersection between our it involves making an object porous or adding
improving parameter, porous elements.
which is row 16, and our worsening parameter, Or if an object is already porous, and
quantity of substance, column 26. this is undesirable, filling the pores in advance
That will help us identify the principles of with some kinds of substance.
invention, So these are the recommended principles from
the TRIZ Contradiction Matrix is just into us. TRIZ.
And I think in this case these are principles 335 We're going to use these to see if they're useful
and 31. in some way for
And the order is important, because the order our challenge of food packaging and
gives an indication ensuring the function and recyclability of our
of the priority with which we ought to try and food packaging.
tackle our challenge with. Now we could spend ages on this, and a lot
And the order is suggested in the TRIZ chart, it more time,
gives an indication but I'm just going to interrupt us now and just
of the order of significance that previous see what ideas are emerging.
challenges have So maybe just take a look at your sheets and
been addressed using these principles in the maybe pick one idea you might wish to share.
most effective manner. Okay, so we very quickly grab hold of the TRIZ
So in this case principle three stands for local Contradiction Matrix
quality. which has prompted us with some principles to
Principle 35 is the transforming the physical or consider,
chemical state of an object. probably principles that we wouldn't have gone
And principle 31 is the porous materials to immediately.
principle. Yeah, we could have gone down the whole list
So what we're going to do is we're going to and looked at them and
tackle this challenge tried them one by one.
using these principles and see how we get on. But what the TRIZ Contradiction Matrix does is it
So over to you, grab a sheet of paper. guides you using previous
Let's write draw using these principles. experience from equivalent challenges to really
You can use the sheets as prompts. horn in on some suggested
And you just have a go with the recommended principles to try.
principles. And that's what you've done.
We know the principle names, local quality, And it seems like you've come up with some
transforming the physical or quite interesting ideas already.
chemical states, and porous materials. So thank you very much.
Local quality, with this principle it may not be -end of video transcript-
assumed the current use or
6.6. Contradiction Matrix: Examples of Application
Here are some of the ideas for tackling food packaging waste that emerged from the
group session in the previous video:

As we saw in the video, the local quality principle can include changing or moving
specific parts so they can operate at optimal conditions. In this case, we could move the
production of the food itself to be much closer to its end destination. The shortening of
the distance food must travel reduces the need for excessive packaging to keep the
food fresh for a long time.

Principle 35 involves transforming the physical or chemical state of an object. In the

case of food packaging, if we genetically enhance our food to withstand more extreme
temperatures and conditions, it will require less protective packaging to preserve it.

As explained in the video, the porous material principle can be useful for separating or
filtering out undesirable items or substances. In this case, removing the water from food
(a process known as dehydration) reduces its size, and allows the food to be preserved
for much longer. This reduces the need for lots of packaging to prolong the life of the

Here’s a supplementary video regarding how to do TRIZ, simply. Again, viewing is


Video on TRIZ the Video on TRIZ by

Solutions First way to Cheradee Series
Solve Problems
Sources for TRIZ:
 Rrl. (n.d.). Retrieved from
 Herbert Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial (3rd Edition), 1996: (n.d.). Innovation and
Problem-Solving with TRIZ Workshop. Retrieved from

-end of week 2-

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