English For Academic and Professional Purposes

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English for Academic and Professional Purposes


Learning Competency: Write an objective/ balanced review or critique paper of a work of art, an event or a program

Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

1. Define review/critique
2. Know the guidelines in writing s review/critique
3. Write an objective/balanced review or critique paper of a work of art, an event or a program

Review / Critique

● This is a specialized form of writing in which a critic or a reader evaluates any of the
a. a scholarly work (academic books and articles)
b. a work of art (performance art, play, dance, sports, film, exhibits)
c. designs (industrial designs, furniture, fashion designs)
d. graphic designs (posters, billboards, commercials, and digital media)

Guidelines in Writing a Review Critique

Value Communicated
1. Sound critical judgement – This pertains to giving description of the object
without value judgements. It also means that you must give your assessment or
judgement to an object by carefully assessing or evaluating it.
2. A fair and balanced assessment of situations or events, people and things.

Basic Content

a. The content should answer the following questions:

1. What is your impression upon seeing the artwork?

2. What is the title and who is (are) the artist(s)?
3. Describe the subject matter. What is it all about? Are there recognizable
4. Describe the elements of the work. What style did the artist use?
5. If the work has subjects or characters, what are the relationships
between or among them?
6. How does the work relate to other ideas or events in the world and/or in
your other studies?
b. May take the form of a reflection, an appeal, a protest, a tribute or
denunciation, a speculation.
c. In general, the content would include the following topics:
1. For human situations:
● A brief description of the event
● People involved, their roles and contributions
● Other driving force/motivation, it maybe out in the open, hidden, or
● Implications and consequences
● Assessment and predictions
2. For cultural affairs, people, works, performances:
● The central purpose of the event, product, or art
● The means, devices, strategies employed to achieve the purposes
● An evaluation of the achievement. Is it a success or failure?
●The significance (if any) beyond mere entertainment of the event or
product in ethical and/or aesthetic terms, its timeliness and/or


● Contains the first impression on the work. You may begin with a hook.
Note: A hook catches the attention of the reader. It ignites the reader’s curiosity.
● Basic details about the material or the event that happened (title, director, or
artist name of exhibition/event)
● Main assessment of the material (for films, performances, artwork).
● Thesis statement or the focus of your review.


● Discussion of the main points of the analysis or interpretation.
● Discussion or analysis of the work (critical approach). You may use the critical
approaches discussed in the previous module.
● Aspects that make the art, event, or performance a success or a failure.
● Relationship of the work to other ideas and events in the world.
● The movements, acts, lines, or elements that are distinct to the work,
performance, or event.
● Identify some of the similarities throughout the work (i.e., repetition of lines,
two songs in each act).
● Identify some of the points of emphasis in the work (i.e., specific scene, figure,
● The relationships of subject, movements, and characters.

● A statement indicating the overall evaluation of the work.
● A summary of the key reasons identified during the critical evaluation, why this
evaluation was formed.
● The significance of the event/work
● Comparisons to a similar work
● Recommendation

PERFORMANCE TASK: Write a short critique on a piece of (short size) bond paper and draw a background scene
which will depict your personal feel to the poem written by Abdon M. Balde Jr. Be guided with the rubric below.

Your Critique Writing Rubric Critique

I. Introduction (Short paragraph/paragraph/s - one to three sentences or more)
Introduction Statement (include Title, author, your opinion) 5points
Your thesis 5points
II. Description (Short paragraph/s – one to three sentences or more) This involves the gist or the
description of the material. (10 points)
III. Analysis and Interpretation/Evaluation (One to three paragraph/s) Your Critique (20 points)
IV. Evaluation/Conclusion/Closing paragraph (One to three paragraphs) (10 points)
V. Background drawing / Relatedness/Synchronicity (10 points)
TOTAL= 60points

Tinigsik ko yading lada

Pampasiram sa itutma;
Pagkuminagat sa rira
Napapalos sa pagsala!

Katngang palusag sa koron,

Pag may ladang maharangon,
Sagirot na masiramon!
Nalilipngan pati agom!

By Abdon M. Balde Jr.

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