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Course Structure


Code Subject Credit L T P

MSC 419 Business Environments 3 3 0 0
MSC 420 Marketing of Financial Products 3 3 0 0
MSC 421 Summer Project Presentation 6 6 0 0
Major Elective Three Papers of any one major group 9 9* 0 0
Minor Elective One paper from a group other than the major group chosen 3 3* 0 0
Total 24
*Credit for System and IT in L and P (MSS 402 and MSS 403where T: 2 and P: 1)


Code Subject Credit L T P

MSC 522 Strategic Management 3 3 0 0
MSC 523 Business Law 3 3 0 0
MSC 524 Corporate Governance & Business Ethics 3 3 0 0
Major Two Papers from the major group as chosen in 4th 6 6* 0 0
Elective Trimester
Minor One paper from the same minor group chosen in 4th 3 3* 0 0
Elective Trimester
MSP 502 Seminar Presentation 4 4
Total 22
*Credit for System and IT in L and P (MSS 505, where T: 2 and P: 1)


Code Subject Credit L T P

MSC 625 Entrepreneurship Development 3 3 0 0
MSC 626 Management of Technology, Innovation and Change 3 3 0 0
Major One Paper from the major group as chosen in 4th 3 3* 0 0
Elective Trimester
Minor One paper from the same minor group chosen in 4th 3 3* 0 0
Elective Trimester
MSC 627 Dissertation 6 0 0 6
Total 18 12 0 6
2 yr Grand Credit Total ( 24+ 22+ 18) 64
Grand Credit Total (62+64) 126
*Credit for System and IT in L and P (MSS 608, where T: 2 and P: 1)


Specialization 4th Trimester 5th Trimester

MSM 401 MSM 504
Group I Consumer Behaviour Brand Managem
MSM 402 Service MSM 505
Marketing Sales & Distribu
MSM 403
Advertising & Media
MSH 401 Human MSH 504
Group II Resource Planning Performance
Human MSH 402 Labour MSH 505 H
Resource Laws Resource Develop
Management MSH 403
International Human
Resource Management

MSF 401 MSF 504 Fin

Group III Investment Management Derivative
MSF 402 MSF 505
Financial Financial Markets and Bank & Insuran
Management Services Management
MSF 403 Project
Planning & Management


MSS 401 MSS 504

Group IV System Analysis and IT Enabled Organi
Design Planning
System & IT MSS 402 MSS 505
Objectives: A sound undertaking of economic environment is essential for the long-term success of any business.
The objective of the course is to help students to develop an understanding of the complex environmental factors
and the government policies regulating the dynamic environment of today. These environmental factors and the
regulatory framework broadly define the opportunity available to the firm and the constraints under which it has
to operate.

Module -I (8 Hrs)

Economic Environment - Nature of Economic Environment, Economic factors, Basic Economic

System, Economic Planning of India, Economic Fluctuations: Meaning of a Business Cycle, Phases
of Business Cycles, Forecasting Business Cycle, National Income and Per capita Income. New
Economic Policy – Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization.

Module-II (7 Hrs)

Global Environment - Functions of WTO, GATT, GATS and Implication for India International
Institutions – The IMF and World Bank Reasons for the growth of MNCs.

Module-III (7 Hrs)

Financial Environment of Business - Indian Money Market – Organized and unorganized sector
of India Money Market. Capital Market: Structure of Capital Market. Role of Capital Market in
India’s Industrial growth, Stock Market and its Regulation: Function, Advantage, Organization of a
Stock Exchange, Foreign Investment, its need & implications, India Governments Policy toward
Foreign Capital.

Module-IV (8 Hrs)

Social – Cultural Environment - Nature of Culture and impact of culture on business. Social
responsibility of Business: Extent of Social Orientation, Factors affecting Social Orientation,
Arguments for and against Social involvement, consumerism, sustainable development, Rural
Development, Social Audit.

Suggested Readings:
1. Aswathappa, K., Business Environment and Strategic Management, HPH
2. Paul, Justin-Business Environment, Tata McGraw Hill Company.
3. Shaikh, Salim, Business Environment, Pearson, New Delhi.
4. Adhikari, M., Economic Environment of Business, Sultan Chand
5. Mittal, V., Business Environment, Excel Books.
6. Misra & Puri, Economic Environment of Business, Himalaya Publishing House.
7. Agrawal, R., Business Environment, Excel Books.
8. Shaikh Saleem, Business Environment, Pearson.
9. Misra & Puri, Economic Environment of Business, Himalaya Publishing House
10. Agarwal, R., Business Environment, Excel Books.
11. Sundaram and Black, International Business Environment, Pearson
12. Bedi, Business Environment, Excel Books
13. Oberoi, N.K., Environmental Management, Excel Books.
14. Cherunilam, Francis –Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House.
15. Sundaram & Black – The International Business Environment: Text & Cases, PHI.
16. H.L. Ahuja, Economic Environment of Business-Macroeconomic Analysis, S.Chand.

Objective: The basic objective of development of this course is to share knowledge and experience in terms of
application of marketing concepts and techniques in financial services industry. The application of marketing
concept, market segmentation, product development, distribution network, and pricing to the financial service
field will be examined to develop innovative marketing programmes and strategies.

Module-I 7 hrs

Financial System & Marketing Approach-Introduction Financial Product An Overview of the

Financial System in India: Functions, Classification of Financial Market, Critical view of Indian
Financial System; Concepts of Banking, Insurance, and Mutual Fund; New Marketing Challenges
in Financial Service Industry; Key Elements for Formulating Marketing Strategy; Concept of Customer

Module-II 8 hrs

Marketing of Banking Products- Classification of Banks; The Banking System in India; Banking
Regulations Act; Banker and Customer Relationships; Paying Banker; Market Segmentation Strategy
in Banking Industry; New Product Development; SERVQUAL Model; Concept of E-Banking.

Module-III 9 hrs

Marketing of Insurance Products- An Overview of Insurance Products; Introduction to IRDA Act;

Product Design & Development; Insurance Pricing; Insurance Marketing; Insurance Intermediaries;
Concept of Bancassurance.

Module-IV 6 hrs

Mutual Fund, Lease & Hire-Purchase -Mutual Funds: Classification, Importance, General
Guidelines for Investors, Mutual Funds in India; Lease: Concept, Classification, Advantages, Leasing
in India; Hire-Purchase: Concept, Types and Advantages, Tax implication.

Suggested Readings:
1. Avadhani V.A, Marketing of Financial Services, HPH
2. Gordon E. & Natarajan K., Financial Markets and Institutions, HPH
3. Gupta P.K, Insurance & Risk Management, HPH
4. Jha S. N, Bank Marketing, HPH
5. Gordon E. & Natarajan K., Banking: Theory, Law & Practice, HPH
6. Srivastava P. K, Banking: Theory and Practice, HPH
7. Bhattacharya K.M & Agarwal O.P, Basics of Banking and Finance, HPH



Objective: The basic objective of this course is to build a conceptual framework to understand the implementation
of Consumer Behaviour principles to marketing strategies. It is the study on consumers purchase decision
making process. It is interdisciplinary and is based on concepts and theories from diverse fields.

Module-I 5 hrs.

Introduction to Consumer Decision Making Process- Nature and Scope of Consumer Behavior,
Different roles of Consumers, Consumer Decision Making Process, Four views of Consumer Decision
Making (Economic, Cognitive, Emotional, & Passive), Factors influencing Consumer Decision Making

Process: Personal & Environmental Determinants, Marketing Implications of Consumer Behaviour,

Module-II 12 hrs.

Basic Models & Individual Determinants Comprehensive Models of Consumer Decision Making:
Nicosia Model, Howard-Sheth Model, Engel-Kollat-Blackwell Model, Sheth’s Family Decision Making
Model, Sheth-Newman- Ross Model. Effect of individual Personality, Perception, Learning, Motivation
and Attitude upon Consumer Behaviour. Structural Models of Attitude, The Measurement Techniques
of Attitude, Projective Techniques of Motivation Study, Theories of Learning and its Marketing
Implications, CASE ANALYSIS.

Module-III 8 hrs.

Environmental Determinants The influence of Culture & Sub Culture, Characteristics of Culture,
The Measurement of Culture, Social Class: The Measurement of Social Class and its impact on
Consumer Behaviour, Reference Group, Family influence, Family Life Cycle, Study of Lifestyle
Profiles (AIO & VALS), Opinion Leadership Process: Measurement of Opinion Leadership, CASE

Module-IV 5 hrs.

Process of Diffusion & CB Applications- Consumer Research, Diffusion of Innovations: The Diffusion
and Adoption Process, Categories of Adopters, Consumer Behavior Applications for Profit and Not
- For - Profit Organizations.

Suggested Readings:
1. Leon G. Schiffman & Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Consumer Behavior, Pearson / PHI.
2. Loudon & Della Bitta, Consumer Behavior, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Batra & Kazmi, Consumer Behavior, Excel Books.
4. Nair S., Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Research, HPH.
5. Hawkins, Best & Concy, Consumer Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Peter. D. Bennett Harold H. Kassarjian: Consumer Behaviour (PHI).
7. M.S.Raju & Dominique. Xardel, Consumer Behaviour, Vikas Publications.
8. Soloman, Consumer Behaviour: Buying, Having and Being, Pearson / PHI.
9. Jain & Bhatt, Consumer Behaviour, S. Chand.
10. H.Assael, Consumer Behavior, Biztantra.


Objectives: As consumer’s knowledge of the market and product increases, he/she demands better service.
As the role of service in the economy increased, marketers released that the services needed different marketing
strategies. The course aim to discuss in depth the emerging trends in this sector and the strategies adopted in
the management of services.

Module-I 6Hrs

Introduction to Service Marketing: Origin, growth and classification of services, Difference in

Goods vs Service Marketing, Service Marketing Mix.

Module-II 8 Hrs

Service Product Development : Service Design, Service Standards, Services cape. Service
Delivery: Customers’ Role, Employee’s Role, Role of Electronic & Other Channels. Customer
Expectations & Perceptions of Service.

Module-III 8 Hrs

Service Quality: The Gaps, Measurement of Service Quality, Managing Supply & Demand, Pricing,
Advertising, Branding & Packaging of Services.

Module-IV 8Hrs

Customer Relationship Management, Complaint Handling, & Service Recovery, Designing of Service
Strategy, Concepts of Marketing of Financial Services, Tourism Services, Health Services.

Suggested Readings:
1. Lovelock, Writz, Chatterjee. - Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy, Pearson Education,
New Delhi
2. Rajendra Nargundkar, Services Marketing, Tata Mcgraw Hill
3. P.Srinivasan, Services Marketing. PHI
4. Zeithaml, V. A and Bitner, M. J. Services Marketing. New York, McGraw Hill,
5. Bhattarcharjee, Services Marketing, Excel Books
6. Apte, Govind, Services Marketing, Oxford University Press.
7. Nargundkar – Service marketing, TMH.
8. Nimit & Monika Chowdhary, Text book of Marketing of Services: The Indian Experience,
MacMillan India Limited
9. Jha – Service Marketing, Himalaya.
10. Andersen & Kotler, Strategic marketing for Non Profit Organisations, PHI/Pearson
11. Kotler, Bowel & Makens, Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, Pearson.
12. McDonald, Malcom and Payne, A Marketing Planning for Services, Butterworth, Heinemann,
13. Verma, H. V. Marketing of Services, New Delhi, Global Business Press, 1993.
14. B.Balaji, Services Marketing and Management, S.Chand. Publications.
15. T K Panda- Customer Relationship Management in Service Industry-Excel
16. Zikmund : Customer Relationship Management, John Wiley & Sons.
17. Rama Mohana Rao, K., Services Marketing, Pearson Education
18. Newton M. P. Payne, A. The Essence of Services Marketing. New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India
19. Ravi Sankar, Services Marketing, Excel Books.
20. B.Balaji, Services Marketing & Management, S. Chand.
21. Clow & Kurtz, Services Marketing, 2e, Biztantra.


Objective: To aware the students about the concepts, techniques for developing an effective advertising program
and to develop a basic understanding of the concepts of Media Planning and understanding various mass media
format prevalent in India.

Module – I (10 hrs)

Basics of Advertising -Definition, Objectives, Functions and Classification of Advertising, Advertising as

Communication, Planning the Communication Program, The Communication Mix, Building of
Advertising Program, AIDA Concept, Methods of Measuring Advertising Effectiveness, Ethics &
Social Responsibility in Advertising, Concept of E-advertising.

Module – II (7 hrs)

Ad Agency& Budget- Advertising Budget, Approach and Procedures for Determining the Size of
the Budget, Administration and Control of Ad Budget.

Advertising Agency: Functions & Structure, Client –Agency Relationship (CAR), Selection of Agency,
Functions of the Advertising Department & Advertising Manager.

Module -III (8 hrs)

Media: Concept & Evaluation- Introduction to Media - A delivery system, Introduction to Mass
Media, Profiling Print Media Vehicles, Reach and Frequency, Print Media Vs. Television Media,
Evaluation and Selection of Media Vehicles, Target Reach and Cost Efficiency.

Module - IV (5 hrs)

Media Planning & Strategies -Media Buying, Marketing Strategy and Media Planning, Role of
Media Planning, Competitive Media Expenditure Analysis, Media Strategies and Constructing a
good Media Plan.

Suggested Readings:
1. Kazmi & Batra, - Advertising and Sales Promotion, Excel Books
2. Batra, Myers & Aaker, - Advertising Management, Pearson education/PHI
3. Chunawalla, Sethia, - Advertising: Theory and Practice, Himalya Publication House.
4. Manendra Mohan, Advertising Management, New Delhi, TMH.
5. Jethawaney & Jain, Advertising Management, Oxford University Press
6. Clow & Baack, Integrated advertising, Promotion, Marketing communication and IMC plan, Pearson
7. Wells, Burnett, Moriarty, Advertising: Principles and practice , Pearson



Objectives : The objectives of this paper is to develop the analytical abilities forunderstanding the implications
of changes in the man power situation of a company and the availability of HR within the organization and
outside, so as to advise and assist the authorities concerned in their manpower planning and development

Module-I (5 hrs)

Human Resource Planning at Macro Level- Concept, importance, objectives, Types of HR plan,
Dimensions of Human Resource Planning Approaches-Social Demand Approach, Rate of Return
Approach and Manpower Requirement Approach.

Module-II (4 hrs)

Human Resource Information System- Types of information, sources of information, Method of

data collection, Procedure of maintaining HRIS, Human Resource Reporting, Computerized HRIS.

Module-III (10 hrs)

Human Resource Planning Process- Methods of Demand Forecasting and supply Forecasting
at micro level, Managing Surplus and Shortage, Evaluating Human Resource Planning Effectiveness.

Module-IV (9 hrs)

Manpower Utilization and Improvement-Career planning - Concept, objective, career planning

vs Human Resource Planning, Career Planning vs. Succession Planning, Process of career planning
and career development; Human Resources Evaluation - Human Resources Audit and Human
Resource Accounting, Succession planning, HR Metrics.

Suggested Readings:
1. Garetch Stainer – Manpower Planning.
2. Vivek Paranjpee – Strategic Human Resource Planning (Allied Publisher).
3. Deepak Bhattacharya – Human Resource Planning Excel Books.
4. Gardan MC Beath – Manpower Planning, Blackwell.
5. D.T. Bell – Planning Corporate Manpower.
6. Biswajeet Patnaik – Human Resources, PHI.
7. Kandula – Managing Human Resources, PHI
8. IGNOU Study Materials (MS 21)


Objectives: The course is designed to impart knowledge of the contents of the labour laws, to expose the
students to the interpretations, and stimulate thinking on rationale behind the laws and their enforcement problems.

Module-I (10 hrs)

Introduction and Working Conditions Legislations Need, objectives scope, growth of labour
legislation in India. Legislations on working conditions-Factories Act, 1948, Mines Act, 1952, Contract
Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act-1986.

Module-II (5hrs)

Wages Legislations Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Payment of Wages Act, 1936, Payment of Bonus
Act 1965, Equal Remuneration Act, 1976.

Module III (8hrs)

Social Security Legislations The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, Employees’ State Insurance
Act, 1948, The Employees Provident Fund Act, 1952 and 1995, Maternity Benefit Act 1961, Payment
of Gratuity Act 1972.

Module IV (7hrs)

Industrial Relations Legislations Indian Trade Union Act 1926, Industrial Employment Standing
Order Act 1946, Industrial Dispute Act 1947.

Suggested Readings:
1. G.P.Sinha and P.R.N. Sinha – Industrial Relations and Labour legislation in India, Pearson.
2. N.D. Kapoor –Industrial Laws, Sultan Chand.
3. A.M. Sharma – Industrial Jurisprudence & Labour Legislations, Himalaya Publication.
4. C.B. Mamoria – Dynamics of Labour Legislations, Himalaya Publication.
5. S.C. Srivastava – Industrial Relation and Labour Laws, Vikash Publishers.
6. Malhotra O.P. – The law of Industrial Disputs – Vol –I and II,
7. Mallik P.L. – Handbook of Industrial Law, Eastern Book .


Objectives : The objective of the paper is to understand the changing role of HR and its impacts on international
organizations. Students will learn to design and implement various HRM functions in International organizations.

Module-I (7 hours)

Internationalization of HRM: Socio-Cultural Context Global Business Environment, Human

and Cultural variables, Cross cultural differences and managerial implication; cross cultural research
methodology and Hofstede study, National Culture & HRM, Business imperatives and other non-
cultural influences on HRM.

Module - II (7 hours)

International HRM: Institutional Contexts National and International Institutions, National

institutions & HRM – Political economic system, Government, Economy, Trade Unions, Employers
Associations, Legal Systems, Industrial Relations Laws, Social Hierarchy & Class System;
International Institutions & HRM- International Labour Organisation, European Union.

Module-III (8 hours)

HRM in Multinational Companies Managing HR across the world - Going international, Parent-
subsidiary relationship; HRM in international Joint ventures - Going international in partnership with
others, Joint ventures and national cultures, Foreign assignments.

Module -IV (8 hours)

HRM in Global Village HRM practices in world’ leading economy - Countries especially in Japan,
U. K, Arab Middle East, Turkey, USA, China and India.

Suggested Readings:
1. Dowling, Welch & Schuler - International HRM , Excel Books
2. Monir.H. Tayeb – International HRM: A MNC Perspective, Oxford.
3. Aswathappa - Human Rosource & Personnel Mgt TMH
4. Doweing , P.J. – International Dimensions of Human Resource Mgt. End Edition Words Worth
5. G. Hofstede – Cultures Consequence ; International Differences in Work related Values , Sage
6. Meraic, D and Puffer, S. - Management International cross Exercises and Reading St . Paul . West
6. Deresky - (International Management )


Objectives: The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with the fundamentals and concept of
equilibrium in the market. This course also focuses on the behavioural aspects of investment decision-making.

Module I (7 hours)

Introduction to investments Introduction to investment environment, Buying and selling of equities,

the concept of index, Risk and return: Risk and risk premiums, Sources of risk, Real versus nominal

Module II (10 hours)

Portfolio theory- Analyzing the risk and return of a portfolio, the concept of efficient frontier, Selecting
the optimal portfolio, Bond portfolio management, Portfolio performance evaluation, portfolio revision.

Module III (6 hours)

Investment analysis Fundamental Analysis: Economic analysis, Industry analysis and Company
analysis; Technical analysis: The Dow theory, Predicting the general market movement, Predicting
the individual stock movement; case analysis

Module IV (7 hours)

Market Efficiency and Investment Behaviour-Asset pricing theories: CAPM, APT; Efficient market
hypothesis: Weak form and random walk, Semi-strong form and Strong form, Empirical testing of
EMH; Market anomalies.

Suggested Readings:
1. Alexander, Sharpe and Bailey, Fundamentals of Investment, PHI
2. Fisher and Jordan, Security analysis and portfolio management, Pearson
3. Bodie, Kane, Marcus and Mohanty, Investments, TMH
4. P.Chandra, Security analysis and portfolio management, TMH
5. Bodie, Kane, Marcus and Mohanty, Investment,TMH


Objectives: The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with the fundamentals and concept of
financial market and the various services provided by them.

Module-I (7 hours)

Money Market: Introduction to Indian Financial System, Concept and Characteristics; Money
market Vs. Capital market; Importance; objectives; instruments: Call money, Commercial paper,
Certificate of Deposits (CDS), Treasury bills; Commercial Bills GILT edged Securities Market.

Module-II (8 hours)

Mutual Fund and Credit Rating- Mutual Funds: Genesis; Classification; Advantages; Management
of mutual funds in India; Functions of AMC; Portfolio management process in mutual funds;
Performance evaluation of mutual funds, Money market mutual funds.

Credit rating: Credit rating in India; Benefits of credit rating; Credit rating agencies; Rating
methodology; Credit rating symbols.

Module-III (7 hours)

Merchant Banking and Venture Capital Merchant Banking: Role and Functions; Importance;
Categories of merchant banking; Merchant banking divisions; Regulatory framework. Venture Capital:
Meaning; Stages of venture capital financing; Criteria for analyzing venture capital proposals; Styles
of Venture financing; SEBI guidelines; Venture capital funds in India.

Module IV (8 hours)

Leasing and Hire purchasing- Lease financing: Concept and Classification of leasing; Significance
and limitation of leasing; financial evaluation of leasing; Hire Purchasing: Conceptual framework;
financial evaluation of hire purchase; Lease financing Vs. Hire purchase financing, Consumer finance:
Meaning; types; sources; demand for consumer finance; Consumer finance practice in India.

( 10 )
Suggested Readings:
1. S.Guruswary, Financial Markets and Institutions, Thomson.
2. Gordon Natrajan, Financial markets and services, Himalaya Publishing House.
3. H.R. Machinaju, Indian Financial System, Vikas Publishing Home.
4. M.Y.Khan, Indian Financial System
5. N.P.Tripathy, Financial Market & Services, PH-I


Objectives: Successful new ventures and economic development and growth do not just happen. They are
the result of right environment, planning, effort and innovation. This paper attempts to discuss the entire area of
project management and control.

Module-I (6 hours)

Introductory Ideas: Project: Meaning, Types, Characteristics, Life Cycle, Project Ideas:Generation
of Ideas, Monitoring Environment, Tools for identifying investment opportunities, Scouting for ideas.
Project Screening: Project Rating Index.

Module-II (6 hours)

Poject Appraisal: Technical Appraisal, Marketing Appraisal, Environmental Appraisal, Economic

Appraisal SCBA: Little-Mirrlees & UNIDO approach. Preparation of DPR

Module-III (10 hours)

Financial Estimation & Projections: Project Cost, Sources of Finance, Projection of Financial
Statements. Project Selection Techniques: PBP, ARR, NPV, IRR, BCR, Project Risk Analysis:
Sensitivity Analysis, Break-even Analysis, Monte-Carlo Simulation, Decision Tree Analysis.

Module-IV (8 hours)

Implementation, Control and Review Project Organizations: Types; Project Planning and
Control; Network Techniques: PERT, CPM, Crashing. Post-Completion Audits, Abandonment

Suggested Readings:
1) Chandra P., - “Projects: Planning, Analysis, Selection, Financing, Implementation, and Review”,
6th Edition-TMH
2) Singh. Narendra – “Project Management and Control”, Hemalaya Publishing House.
3) Maylor, H., - “Project Management”, Pitman Publications.
4) Desai. V., - “Project Management”, Himalaya Publishing House.
5) Ghosh.S., - “Project Management & Control”, Central Publications.
6) Pattnaik, Mohanty & Swain,- New Approach to Project Management

( 11 )
Group- IV System Management

Objectives : The objective of the course is to familiarize the students with the various concepts of system
analysis, design and planning.

Module I (7 Hrs.)

System Concepts and Information Systems Environment: The System Concept: Definition,
Characteristics of Systems, Elements of a System, Open and Closed System, Formal and Informal
Information Systems, Computer based Information Systems, Management Information System,
Decision Support System, General Business Knowledge, and Interpersonal Communicational

Module II (8 Hrs.)

The System Development Life Cycle: Recognition of needs, Impetus for System Change,
Feasibility Study, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Post implementation & Maintenance.

The Role of the Systems Analyst: Historical Perspective, The War Effort, What Dues it take to do
System Analysis, Academic & Personal Qualifications, The Multifaceted role of the Analyst, The
Analyst/User Interface, Behavioral issues.

Module III (7 Hrs.)

Systems Planning : Strategies for Determining Information Requirement, Problem Definition &
Project initiation, Background Analysis, Fact Analysis, Review of Written Documents, Onsite
Observations, Interviews & Questionnaires, Fact Analysis, Performance Analysis, Efficiency
Analysis, Service Analysis.

Module IV (8 Hrs.)

Information Gathering & Feasibility Study: Kinds of Information do we need? Information about
the firms, Information gathering tools, The art of Interviewing, Interviews and reviews, The Structured
and Unstructured Alternatives. Tools of Structured Analysis: Dataflow Diagram (DFD), Data Dictionary,
Decision Trees and Structured English. System performance, Economic Feasibility, Technical
Feasibility, Behavioral Feasibility, Steps in Feasibility Analysis. Input/Output and Designs. H/W /
S/W Selection and Maintenance, Major Phases in Selection Process, The Used Computer and
Computer Contract.

Suggested Readings:
1. Elias M.Awad, “Systems Analysis & Design”, Galgotia Publication.
2. Hoffer, “Modern Systems Analysis & Design”, Addision Wesley.
3. Kendall, “Introduction to System Analysis & Design”, McGraw Hill.


Objectives : The basic objective of the course is to make conversant with the large databases, customized
creation and storage of data in databases. Optimization in the process of data retrieval through customized
query processes, the various concepts and models used in the database applications and the various types of
high-end databases applications like Oracle operations for storage & retrieval of data.

Module – I (9 Hrs.)

Introduction - Purpose, Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS, Data Models, Schemas and
Instances, DBMS Architecture and Data Independence, Types of DBMS – Hierarchical, Network,

( 12 )
Relational, Object-oriented and Object relational. E-R Model: Basic concepts, Design issues,
Mapping constraints, Keys, E-R Diagram, Design of an E-R Database schema, Reduction of E-R
schema to tables.

Module II (6 Hrs.)

Database Structure & Normalization - Structure of relational databases, Relational algebra, tuple
calculus, relational calculus, Functional dependencies, Normal forms NF1, NF2, NF3 and BCNF,
multivalued dependencies and fourth normal form, join dependencies and fifth normal form, Domain
key normal form. Transaction, Concurrency, Control and Recovery.

Module III (6 Hrs.)

SQL: Background, Basic structure, Set operations, Aggregate functions, Null values, Nested sub
queries, Derived relations, Views, Modification of database, Joined relations, Data definition language,
Domain constraints, Referential Integrity, Assertion, Triggers, Functional Dependencies.

Module IV (9 Hrs.)

Oracle: Basic architecture, Data definition, Data manipulation (LIKE operator, string commands,
numeric function, date function, translate and decode function), Introduction to PL/SQL (conditional,
logic, loops, go to statements, exceptional handling, triggers, procedures, functions, cursor, LOB’s,
snapshots, sequences).

Suggested Readings:
1. Introduction to database management system, Bipin C. Desai, Galgotia Publication.
2. Database System, Peter Rob & Carlos Carousal, Thomson Learning
3. Oracle 8 The complete reference, G. Koch & K. Loney, TMH.
4. Fundamentals of database systems, R. Elmsari & S. D. Navathe, Addison Wesley.
5. Database system concepts, A. Silberschatz, H. F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, McGraw-Hill.
6. An introduction to database systems, C. J. Date, Narosa Publications.
7. Database management Systems, Pratt, Adamski, Thomson Learning.

DBMS Lab. (20 Hrs.)

The programme to be implemented using SQL
1. Create Table, SQL for Insertion, Deletion, Update and Retrival using aggregating functions.
1. Write Programs in PL/SQL, Understanding the concept of Cursors.
2. Write Program for Join, Union & intersection etc.
3. Creating Views, Writing Assertions, Triggers.
4. Creating Forms, Reports etc.
5. Writing codes for generating read and update operator in a transaction using different situations.
7. Implement of 2PL concerning central algorithm.
8. Developing code for understanding of distributed transaction processing. Students are advised to use Developer
2000 Oracle 8+ version for above experiments for implementation?

( 13 )

Objective: The objective of the course is to be familiar with fundamentals of programming language using C
and its Fundamental Data Structure.

Module - I (9 Hrs.)

Introduction to Problem Solving: Flow charts, Tracing flow charts, Problem solving methods,
Need for computer languages, Sample Programs written in C. C Language preliminaries : C character
set, Identifiers and keywords, Data types, Declarations, Expressions, statements and symbolic
constants. Input-Output Statements: getchar, putchar, scanf, printf, gets, puts, functions. Pre-
processor commands: # include, #define, #ifdef. Preparing and running a complete C program.

Module - II (6 Hrs.)

Operators and expressions: Arithmetic, unary, logical, bit-wise, assignment and conditional
operators. Control statements: while, do-while, for statements, nested loops. Ifelse, switch, break,
Continue, and goto statements, comma operators. Storage types: Automatic, external and static

Module -III (7 Hrs.)

Functions: Defining and accessing, passing arguments, Function prototypes, Recursion, Library
functions, Static Functions. Arrays: Defining and processing, Passing arrays to a function, Multi
dimensional arrays. Strings: Defining and operations on strings.

Module -IV (8 Hrs.)

Pointers: Declarations, Passing pointers to a function, Operations on pointers, Pointer Arithmetic,

Pointers and arrays. Arrays of pointers. Structures : Defining and processing. Passing to a function,
Unions. Linear Data structures : Stacks . LIFO structures, create, pop, push, delete stack. Queues.
FIFO structures, priority queues. Lists . linked lists, circular lists, header lists, doubly linked list.

Suggested Readings:
1. ANCI C, Hrisikesh Kanitkar, BPB Publication.
3. Schaum.s outline of Theory and Problems of programming with C. : Gottfried.
4. The C programming Language., Kerninghan and Ritchie.
5. Programming in ANSI C. : Ramkumar Agarwal.

1. Write C program to find largest of three integers.

2. Write C program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not.
3. Write C program to find whether the given integer is: a prime number, an Armstrong number.
4. Write C program for Pascal triangle.
5. Write C program to find sum and average of n integer using linear array.
6. Write C program to perform addition, multiplication, transpose on matrices.
7. Write C program to find Fibonacci series of iterative method using user-defined function.
8. Write C program to find factorial of n by recursion using user-defined functions.
9. Write C program to perform following operations by using user defined functions: Concatenation, Reverse,
String Matching
10. Write C program to find sum of n terms of series: n – n * 2 / 2! + n * 3 / 3!-n * 4 / 4! + ……
11. Write C program to interchange two values using: Call by value, Call by reference.
12. Write C program to sort the list of integers using dynamic memory allocation.
13. Write C program to display the mark sheet of a student using structure.
14. Write C program to perform following operations on data files: read from data file, write to data file.
15. Write C program to copy the content of one file to another file using command line argument.

( 14 )
5 th Trimester Syllabus

Objective : The objective of this course is to understand the nature and significance of strategic management
as a distinct field of scholarly study. Further it aims at developing an understanding about strategic management
processes and techniques and their impact on a firm for intelligent decision-making.

Module-I (7 hours)

Basic Concept: Concept of Strategy and company’s business module, , Development of Strategic
vision, mission, objectives and crafting of strategy, Balance scorecard approach to objective setting,
corporate governance and social responsibility, strategy map construction, strategic management

Module-II (10 hours)

Evaluating Company Resources and Comparative Capabilities Environmental Scanning- Poter’s

five forces model, Competitors analysis, internal analysis, Value Chain analysis, building core
competences, Strategic group analysis. SWOT analysis, strategic management in non profit and
government organization, Understanding the significance of Total Quality Management, Six Sigma,
Business Process Re-engineering, Benchmarking.

Module-III (8 hours)

Strategic Formulation Business Strategy-Generic Competitive Advantage, Corporate level strategy-

Directional strategy-growth-vertical integration, diversification, stability and retrenchment, turnaround,
disinvestments, liquidation, Portfolio strategy- BCG, GE and corporate parenting, Competitive
advantage of nations.

Module-IV (5 hours)

Strategy Evaluation Organization structure and control, strategic leadership, corporate


Suggested Readings:
1. Porter M, Competitive Strategy, Free Press
2. Porter M, Competitive Advantage, Free Press
3. Porter M, Competitive Advantages of Nation, Mcmillan
4. Wheelen, Thomas L and Hunger David J, strategic management and business policy, Pearson.
5. Hamel G. and Prahalad C.K., Competing for future, HBS Press
6. Hitt. M.I. and Ho Skinssan, R.E. Strategic Management, Thompson Asia
7. Gupta, gollakota and srinivasan; Business Policy and strategic management, PHI.
8. Kazmi, Azar, Business Policy and Strategic Management, TMH.
9. Arthur A Thompson Jr, AJ Strickland III, John E Gamble, Arun K Jain, Crafting And Executing Strategy Tata
Mc. Graw Hill.

( 15 )
Course Objective : To offer students a first hand exposure to the legal aspects of business, so as to enable
them to face the real-life world with a positive mind-set.

Module - I (9 Hours)

Contract Act : Offer and Acceptance, Consideration, Free consent, Legality of object and
consideration, Performance and Discharge of contract, quasi contract, Contract of Agency.

Module - II (9 Hours)

Sale of Goods Act: Sale and Agreement to sell, Conditions and Warrantees, Transfer of property,
Finder of goods. Performance of contract of sale, Rights of an unpaid seller, auction sale. Intellectual
Property Rights – Introduction, Patents, Copyright and Trademark Protection

Module -III (6 Hours)

Foreign Exchange Management Act: Objects, Definition, Regulation and Management of Foreign
Exchange, Authorized Person, Contraventions and Penalties.

Competition Act 2002: Definition, Prohibition and regulation of combinations, Duties, Powers and
Functions of Competition Commission, Penalties

Module -IV (6 Hours)

Indian Company Law: Objectives, Classification and Formation of Companies, Memorandum and
Articles of Association, Prospectus Company Administration, Doctrine of Indoor management,
Prospectus, Winding up of Companies.

Suggested Readings:
1. M.C. Kuchhal - Business Law, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd
2. S.S.Gulson, Marcantile Law, Excel Books.
3. N.D. Kapoor – Business Law, Sultan Chand & Sons
4. A. Pathak - Legal Aspects of Business, Tata-McGraw Hill Co. Ltd
5. Bulchandani - Business Law for Management, Himalaya Publishing House
6. Pillai and Bhagabati- Business Law, S.Chand & Co.
7. Rodney D Ryder- Intellectual Property Law-Concept to Commercialisation, Macmillan
8. Palle Krishna Rao- WTO Text & Cases, PSG, Excel Books.


Objectives: The objective of the course is to acquaint students to understand the basics of ethics and its
application in different functional areas of Management, Ethics in national & Global environment and Corporate
Governance practices in Business Management context.

Module - I (08 Hrs.)

Ethical Theories and Approaches – Teleological, Deontological, Virtue and System Development
Theories ; Conflict between Moral demand and interest, Arguments for and against business ethics.
Anotomy of Ethics-Moral Management – Glimses of the Indian Business World, Work ethics and
Ethics in Work.

( 16 )
Module- II (06 Hrs.)

Ethics in Business - Ethical Aspects in HRM, Ethics in Finance and Accounts, Ethics in Marketing,
Ethical Implementations of Techniques, Moral Responsibility, Individual in the organization.

Module -III (08 Hrs.)

Ethics in Natural and Global Environment – Ethics and Earth’s Environment, Ethics in Global
Environment Morality in International Cotext, Corporate Social Responsibility.

Module -IV (08 Hrs.)

Corporate Governance – Meaning, Need for and Importance of Corporate Governance and benefits
of good Governance to Companies Growth of Corporate Governance in India. Role of Board of
Directors, Role of Auditors, SEBI and Government. E-Governance.

Suggested Readings:
1) J.A.Petrik and J.F. Quirres, Management Ethics, Response
2) L.P. Hartman, Perspectives in Business Ethics, McGreaw Hill International
7) Manuel G. Velasquez, Business Ethics, Psentice Hall of India,
8) S.K. Chakraborty, Ethics in Management, Oxford University Press
9) S.K. Chakraborty, Ethics in Management by Values, Oxford University Press
10) S.Singh, Corporate Governance, Excel Books, New Delhi.

Group – I Marketing Management

Objective: It intends to push into the areas of branding exercises and branding importance in creating brand
equity and to familiarize the student with key decision making variables in managing a brand.

Module - I (8 Hrs)

Basic Concepts-Branding Concepts & Functions, Types of Brand, Branding Decisions, Branding
Strategy, Concept of Co-Branding, Branding Identity, Brand Positioning & Extensions, Brand
Hierarchy, Brand Rituals & Culture.

Module -II (8 Hrs)

Brand Equity & Brand Building Meaning of Brand Equity & Brand Loyalty, Valuation of Brand
Equity, Brand Leveraging Strategies, Brand Selection and Consumers, Building a Brand and
Creation of Brand Image.

Module -III (6 Hrs)

Brand Personality-Brand-Product Relationship, Meaning of Brand Personality, Dimensions of

Brand Personality, Brand Identity Prism, Communication Strategy & Brand Personality, Retail

Module -IV (8 Hrs)

Brand Imitation and Strategic Moves for Brand-Brand Imitation, Consumer Behavior & Brand
Imitation, Building Strong Brands in Indian and International Contexts, Importance of Branding in
terms of Product Success, Strategic Changes to Gain Competitive Advantage through Branding,
Failure of Brands.

( 17 )
Suggested Readings:
1. Varma Harsh. V, Brand Management, Excel Books
2. YLR Moorthi, Brand Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd
3. Gupta S.L, Brand Management, Himalaya Publishing House
4. Kaptan S. S & Pandey S, Brand Imitation, Himalaya Publishing House
5. David Aaker, Building Strong Brand.
6. Lynn B. Upshaw, Building Brand Identity
7. Jean Noel Kapferer, Strategic Brand Management, New York: Free press.
8. David Aakers, Managing Brand Equity, New York; Free press.
9. Debasis Pati- Branding Concept and Process- Macmillan
10. Keller Kevin, Strategic Brand Management, Pearson Education.
11. T. K. Panda, Building Brands in Indian Market, Excel Books


Objectives: The course includes the familiarization of concepts, approaches and the practical aspects of the
key decision making variables in sales force and distribution channel management.

Module-I (6 Hrs)

Introduction: Conceptual framework of Sales Management, The Selling Process, Personal Selling
and Salesmanship, Sales Organization.

Module-II (10 Hrs)

Management of Sales Force- Recruitment, Selection, Training, Motivation & Compensation of

Sales Force, Controlling the Sales Force. Size & Design of the Sales Force, Sales Budget, Sales
Quotes, Sales Territories

Module-III (7 Hrs)

Distribution Management – Channel Behaviour and Organization, Channel Design Decision,

Channel Management Decision, Wholesaling, Retail Theories & Formats.

Module-IV (7 Hrs)

Physical Distribution Management: Transportation & Traffic Management, Warehousing & Storage,
Emerging Trends in Distribution: Supply Chain Management.

Suggested Readings:
1. Still, Cundiff & Govoni, - Sales Management: Decision Strategies & Cases, Pearson/PHI.
2. Panda & Sahdev,- Sales and Distribution Management, Oxford University Press.
3. Acharya and Govekar, Marketing and Sales Management, Bombay: Himalaya Publishing House.
4. Ballou – Business Logistics / Supply Chain Management- Pearson
5. Blanchard-Logistics Engineering and Management- Pearson
6. Chopra – Supply Chain Management – Pearson
7. Coughlal etc., Marketing Channels, PHI
8. Coughlan, _Marketing Channels- Pearson
9. D. K. Agarwal – Text book of Logistics and Supply Chain Management- Macmillan

( 18 )
10. Havaldar & Cavale – Sales and Distribution Management,
11. Jobber – Selling and Sales Management-Pearson
12. Johnson, Kurtz and Schedving - Sales Management, Concept Practice and Cases.
13. Kapoor & Konshal, Basics of Distribution Management, PHI
14. Lobo - Sales Distribution Management, Global Business Press, New Delhi.
15. Ramneek Kapoor – Fundamentals of Sales Management – Macmillan
16. Rustom S. Davar, Sohrab R. Davar, Salesmanship and publicity, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
17. S.L. Gupta, Sales and Distribution management, Excel Books
18. Stern & El-Ansary, Marketing Channels, Pearson.
19. Venugopal, Marketing Channel management, Sage
20. Watuba, Thomas R., Sales Management - Texts and Cases, Business Publication Inc.
21. Dasgupta, V.- Sales Management : Indian Perspective, PHI.



Objectives : The objective of this paper is to equip students with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills
to improve their ability of performance management of their organizations. It is particularly intended for future HR
managers who will facilitate the performance appraisal and performance management of their organizations.

Module - I (7 hrs)

Performance Management Conceptual Frame Work- Introduction to Performance Management,

Dimensions of Performance Management, Role of Appraisals in Performance Management, Benefits
of Performance Management, Performance Planning, Role Clarity and Evaluating Performance

Module - II (8 hrs)

Performance Appraisal & Potential Appraisal-Meaningof Performance Appraisal, Methods and

Approaches of Performance Appraisal, Obstacles in appraisal, Designing appraisal for better results,
Performance Appraisal interview, Potential Appraisal.

Module-III (7 hrs)

Performance Management Application & Improvement-Performance Management and

development, Performance Management and pay, Performance Management for Teams, Performance
Management in practice, Analyzing performance problems.

Module -IV (8 hrs)

Performance Management Systems-Competency Mapping, 360 feedback, Assessment centers,

performance reviews, Coaching and Counseling, Mentoring, Performance Management in
Manufacturing, and Service Sector.

Suggested Readings:

1. Chadha, Prem. , Performance Management, Macmillan, New Delhi

2. Armstrong, Michael and Baron, Angela, Performance Management, Jaico Pub. House , Mumbai
3. Rao , T.V. Performance Management and appraisal systems, Response .
4. Cardy, Robert L. performance Management , PHI , New Delhi

( 19 )
5. Colenso, Michael , Kaizen strategies for improving team Performance. Pearson Education.
6. Srinivas R. Kandula – Performance Mgt., Strategic, Interventions, Drives – PHI
7. TV Rao-360 o Feedback & PM, Vol-I, II & III, Excel Books.
8. Sahu R.K., Performance Management System, Excel Books. Srivastava K. Dinesh, Strategies for
Performance Management, Excel Books.


Objectives : The objectives of this paper is to provide an in-depth knowledge of the concepts, principles,
methods and strategies of HRD as well as a practical understanding of the process of Human Resource
Development in Organizations,

Module-I (7 hrs)

Evolution & Concept of HRD System concept, Role of HRD Professionals, HRD climate & its
element, HRD Matrix, HRD Function, HRD Process, Role of line Managers & supervisors in HRD.

Module - II (10 hrs)

Assessing Organisational HRD Needs Assessing HRD needs, Task analysis, persons Analysis,
Organisational analyses, HRD process models Training Vs HRD, HRD interventions, Designing &
implementing HRD Programme.

Module -III (7 hrs)

Implementing HRD Programme On the job, JIT, Job designing job rotation, job enrichment, job
enlargement, coaching, mentoring & empowerment, Creating HRD environment, Evaluation frame
work ; collecting data for evaluation, research design, issues concerning evaluation, assessing
impact of HRD .

Module -IV (6 hrs)

Employment and HRD Organisational Culture & HRD, Work force diversity & HRD, Labour Market
changes, Equal Employment Opportunity, adapting demographic changes & gender issues, HRD
experiences in Indian Corporate Level.

Suggested Readings:

1. Werner M. Jon & DeSimone L. Randy - Human Resource Development Thomson.

2. Desimone & Harries – Human Resource Development – Thomson Learning
3. Pareek & TV Rao – Designing & Managing HR System – Oxford IBH
4. T.V. Rao Readmigsm – HRD Oxford IBH Publication
5. Biswanath Ghosh , HRD & Mgt, Vikash Publishing .
6. Srinivas R. Kandula – Strategic Human Resource Development, PHI .
7. IGNOU Study Materials (MS23)

( 20 )

Objectives: This course is an introduction to derivative securities. It is based on understanding and pricing
derivative securities. The focus of this course is on risk management.

Module-I (7 hours)

Introduction to financial derivatives Introduction, Definition of financial derivatives, Features,

Types of derivatives, Basic financial derivatives, History of derivatives markets, Uses of derivatives,
Traders in derivatives market, Factors contributing to the growth of derivatives, Financial derivatives
market in India.

Module II (8 hours)

Futures market, contracting and pricing Introduction, Financial futures contracts, Types of
financial futures, contracts, Evolution of financial futures market in India, Operators / Traders in
future market, Functions of futures market, Future market trading mechanism, Theories of future
prices, Hedging concepts: Long, Short, Cross

Module III (7 hours)

Forward and Swap market Introduction, Forward contract, Features of forward contract,
Classification of forward contracts, Forward prices Vs. Future prices, SWAP: Introduction, concepts,
nature, evolution, features, types of swaps.

Module IV (8 hours)

Financial Options Introduction, Concept, Types, Distinction between option and futures contract,
Option valuation, Determinants of option pricing, Binomial option pricing model, Black-Scholes
option pricing model, Trading with options, Hedging with options.

Suggested Readings:

1. Somanathan, Derivatives, Tata McGraw Hill.

2. Hull, Options, Futures and other Derivatives, Pearson
3. S.L. Gupta, Financial Derivatives: Theory, Concepts and problems, Prentice Hall of India.
4. B.Mishra, Satya. S. Debasish, Financial, Derivatives, Excel.
5. Verma, Financial Derivatives and Risk Management, TMH


Objectives: This paper aims at providing impetus to the students about insurance and banking operations in
India. It also provides students basic ideas on thrust areas in insurance and banking.

Module - I (7 hours)

Introduction to Banking management Evolution of Banking; Banking System in India; Types of

Bank: Central Bank, Commercial Bank, Private Banks, Co-operative Banks, Regional & Rural banks,
Foreign banks, Reserve Bank of India: Functions, RBI’s association with the Basle Committee.

( 21 )
Module - II (8 hours)

Banking operations Banker & customer relationship; Customer’s right & obligations; Banker’s
rights & Obligations; Various banking products & Services; Value added facilities associated with
deposit products; Deposits and Savings Schemes, Loans & Advances; Principles of sound Lending;
Secured advances-Modes of creating Charges; Letter of credit; Guarantees; E. Banking

Module -III (7 hours)

Insurance management system Origin of Insurance; Principles of Insurance; Rural & Social
Sector obligations; Types of insurance services: General Insurance, Life Insurance, Fire
insurance, Health insurance; Recent developments in insurance sector: Third party administrator,
Pension schemes; Bancassurance, Re-Insurance.

Module -IV (8 hours)

Insurance regulations & special topics Registration methodology of Insurance Companies;

Government Control; Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority; Tariff Advisory Committee;
Procedure of Licensing of Insurance Agents; Brokers, Surveyors, Loss assessors; Special topics
in insurance services: Actuarial Services; Alternate Distribution Channels – Brokers, Franchisees.
Protection of Policy Holders’ Interests;

Suggested Readings:
1. Varshney P.N-Banking Law & Practice, Sultan Chand & Sons.
2. Gordon-Natarajan-Banking theory Law & Practice-Himalaya Publishing House.
3. Machiraju H.R-Modern Commercial banking-Vikash
4. Reed/Cotter/Gill/Smith-Commercial Banking-Prentice Hall
5. Mishra M.N.Modern concepts of insurance, Sultan Chand & Co Ltd.
6. George Rajda, Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, Pearson education.
7. Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority or IRDA Act.



Objectives : Today it is self-evident that information technology is fundamental to the practice of general
management. With the coming of age of computerization efforts in most businesses today, the need for the
techno-manager is but natural. Students with a wide array of business skills often choose jobs that need
computerization knowledge and skills for the proper functioning of the person on the job. While on the one hand
they have good functional expertise, it is often found that on the other hand the skills to manage in the present
computerized environment are lacking.

Module – I (8 Hrs.)

Emerging business and IT Trends, The IT perspective of the future IT Business Models, Technology
Implications, Managerial Implications. The Management of System life Cycle models, System Life
Cycle Tools Process, Modelling for Business Rules Work flow Software Configuration Management
- Need, Definition and elements. Use of tools for System Analysis and Design.

Module – II (7 Hrs.)

Software Project Management. Quality Aspects in Software Engineering ISO 9000 process
requirements Process and quality control. Software Metrics. Management of Change, Security and
disaster management, roles and profiles Risk Management. Business Process Re-engineering:
Concepts and Practice. Benchmarking.

( 22 )
Module -III (7 Hrs.)

Enterprise Resources Planning - Process Orientation and Design, Networking Technology Design
of corporate local area networks/Intranets/Extranets, Internet based Technology, Determination of
hardware, software, network and other technology in an organization Preparing and justifying the
budget proposal.

Module -IV (8 Hrs.)

Knowledge Management Applications, Group project Presentations, IT Marketing Client server

applications Design of Graphics applications, data acquisitions applications and other network
based applications using Client server technology, Databases (distributed vs. centralized) Distributed
RDBMS architecture Managing a Centralized Database, Data Mining/Data warehousing Applications.

Suggested Readings :
1. Software Engineering – A Practitioner’s Approach, Pressmann, Mcgraw Hill Publication
2. Ian Sommerville. Software Engineering, 6th Edition, Pearson Education (Addison Wesley)
3. Waman S. Jawadekar. Software Engineering: Principles and Practice McGraw Hill
4. Rajiv Mall. Introduction to Software Engineering McGraw Hill (TMH)


Objectives : This course aims at providing basics Technologies used in e-Business. With the advent of Internet,
Network based services have become very important for organizations and business. In this course, the
participants will be able to appreciate the basic components of a network as well as understand to integrate
network based services for enhanced productivity within the organization as well as use these for conducting
business over the Net.

Module- I (8 Hrs.)

Introduction and Concepts: Networks and commercial transactions - Internet and other novelties;
Networks and electronic transactions today, Model for commercial transactions; Internet environment
- internet advantage, world wide web and other internet sales venues; Online commerce solutions.
Security Technologies: Why is internet insecure? A brief introduction to Cryptography; Public
key solution; Key distribution and certification; Prominent cryptographic applications.

Module – II (8 Hrs.)

Electronic Payment Methods: Updating traditional transactions; Secure online transaction models;
Online commercial environments; digital currencies and payment systems; Offline secure processing;
private data networks. Protocols for Public Transport of Private Information: Security protocols;
secure protocols; Secure hypertext transfer protocols; Secure sockets layers; Integrating security
protocols into the web; Non technical provider.

Module- III (7 Hrs.)

Electronic Commerce Providers: On-line Commerce options; Company profiles. Electronic

Payment Systems: Digital payment systems; First virtual internet payment system; cyber cash
model. Online Commerce Environments: Servers and commercial environments; Netscape product
line; Netscape commerce server; Microsoft internet explorer and servers; open market.

Module -IV (7 Hrs.)

Digital Currencies: Operational process of Digicash, Ecash Trail; Using Ecash; Smart cards;
Electronic Data Interchange: Its basics; EDI versus Internet and EDI over Internet. Strategies,

( 23 )
Techniques and Tools: Internet strategies; Internet Techniques, Shopping techniques and online
selling techniques; Internet tools. Electronic Commerce Online Resources.

Suggested Readings:
1. Gary Schneider, Electronic Commerce, Thomson Learning.
2. E-Commerce Concepts, Models & Strategies, C.S.V.Murthy, Himalaya Publishing House.
3. E-Commerce, E-Business, Dr.C.S.Raydu, Himalayan Publishing House.
4. Loshin, Pete and Murphy, Paul, Electronic Commerce, Second edition, Jaico Publishing House.
5. Bajaj, Kamlesh K. and Nag, Debjani, E-Commerce: The Cutting Edge of Business, TMH.

1. Web Design:

Overview of Internet, Software and hardware requirements, rules for good web design. structure of a
web page, introduction to HTML, building html documents, inserting text, images and hyperlinks,
backgrounds and color control.

Elements of html syntax, different html tags, table layout and presentation, creating frames, use of
html editors, graphical and animation techniques, interactivity, forms, cgi, security. Overview of
Java Script.

1. Programming with java by E. Balaguruswamy.
2. HTML 4 unleashed by Rick Dranell, second edition, Techmedia publication.
3. Dynamic web publishing unleashed by Shelley Powers, second edition, Techmedia.
2. Microsoft IIS: Introduction to MS WinNT Environment, Introduction to Microsoft IIS. Architecture, WWW
service, FTP Service, Dynamic Content Using Active Server Pages, Website Indexing.
ASP: Introduction to ASP, ASP built-in objects, ASP ActiveX components, ActiveX Data Objects.
Introduction to MS Visual Interdev: Working with data in Ms Visual Interdev, Debugging web based applications
in MS Visual Interdev.
1. IIS “BPB Publications.”
2. ASP Unleashed “Techmedia Publications.”
3. CGI/PERL: Introduction to CGI, Programming in Perl, CGI with Perl.
Microsoft SQL Server: SQL Server Overview, Creating a Database, SQL Basics.
Microsoft Site Server: Introduction to Site Server, Site Sever Search, Site Server Push, Knowledge
Manager, Site Server Commerce Components, Functionality of a commerce site.
1. CGI/PERL “Techmedia Publications.”
2. MS Site Server 3.0 “BPB publications”
3. SQL Server 7.0 by Jose, BPB Publications

( 24 )

Objective: To expose the students to the growth of entrepreneurship in developing countries.

Module - I (7 hrs)

An Entrepreneurial Perspective The concept of entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial traits, type and

significance; Definition, Qualities and functions of entrepreneurs, Role and importance of entrepreneur
in economic growth;

Module-II (7 hrs)

Entrepreneurial Development & Projects Management Entrepreneurial Environment, The process of

Entrepreneurial Development, Barriers to entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Development Training,
Phases of a Project Management, Project Financing, Institutional Finance to Entrepreneurs, Financial

Module-III (8 hrs)

Developing Marketing Channel for Entrepreneurs Methods of Marketing: The Marketing Concept,
Marketing Mix, Process, Market Segmentation, Positioning, Marketing Research, Marketing
Channels: Concept, Distribution Channels, Functions of Marketing Channels, Channel Choice,
Channel Decisions, Market Coverage, marketing consortium, Marketing Institutions and Assistance:
Institutional Support Marketing Services offered by various agencies, Global and Regional Trade
arrangements, Setting Quality Standards: Concept of Quality, standardization, Quality Benchmark.

Module -IV (8 hrs)

Setting up a Small Industry Location of an Enterprise, Steps for Starting a small Industry, Selection
of types of organization, Incentives and Subsidies , Exploring,/ Export Possibilities ,Problems of
Entrepreneurship, Reasons and Remedies.

Suggested Readings:
1. Cliffton, Davis S and fyfie, David E. “Project Feasibility Analysis” 1977 John Wiley, New York.
2. Desai, A.N, “Entrepreneur & Environment”.1990 Ashish, New Delhi.
3. Drucker, Peter. “Innovation and Entrepreneurship”. 1985 Henemann, London
4. Jain Rajiv. “Planning a Small Scale Industry : A Guide to Entrepreneurs” 1984 . S. S Books, Delhi.
5. Kumar S A “Entrepreneurship in Small Industry” 1990. Discovery, New Delhi.
6. McClelland, D C and Winter, W G “Motivating Economic Achievement”. 1969. Fess Press, New York.
7. Parrek, Udai and Venkateswara Rao, T. “Developing Entrepreneurship -A Handbook on Learning System”.
1978. Learning Systems, Delhi.
8. Desai Vasant “Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management” 2000, Himalaya Publishing
House, Mumbai.
9. Taneja Satish and Gupta S.L. Entrepreneur Development “New Ventures Creation 2001 Gelgotia Publishing

( 25 )

Objectives: Technology is a key resource of reflective importance for corporate profitability and growth. It has
an enormous significance for the well being of national economies as well as international competitiveness. The
management of technology is actually the practice of integrating technology strategy with business strategy in
the company. This paper covers the decision in strategic technology management, innovation and transfer.

Moduel-I (08 Hrs.)

Definition of Technology, Technology and Business, Technology and indicators of competiveness,

Technological Innovation and Technology strategy, Challenges of strategic technology management,
Technology strategy and core competence, Critical factors in strategic technology management-
Creativity factor, Technology and market interaction, Technology-Price relationship, Timing factor.

Module-II (08 Hrs.)

Technological innovation and its process, Risk and successes in technological innovation, Innovation
chain reaction, Critical trajectories impacting innovation process, Factors influence technological
innovation, Technology strategy framework, Structured approach to corporate technology & strategy

Module-III (06 Hrs.)

Technology lifecycle (TLC), Market growth and TLC, Product life cycle and TLC, Product /Technology
Matrix, Diffusion of Technology, Upstream-Downstream technology relationship, Fore casting
technological change, Managing innovation within the product life cycle.(Case Studies)

Module-IV (08 Hrs.)

Implementing technology on products/services, Research strategy for technology

push,acquisition,Technology transfer, Types of Technology transfer and methods, Technology
assessment, Technological metrics,Mechanisam of technology transfer, exploitation of technology,
Technology acquisition agreement, Transfer of Industrial technology to India.(Case Studies)

Suggested Readings:
1. Strategic Technology Management By Frederick Betz-McGraw-Hill Inc NewYork-1999
2. Management of Technology By Tarek-M Khalil –McGraw-Hill Boston—2000
3. Chugan,Pawan Kumar-International Technology Transfer,Himalaya-2000
4. Desai A.V –technology Absorption –Wiley-1998
5. Szakonyi Robert –H.R of Technology Management -1999


Objectives : As Technologies and Customer Expectations Rapidly change, Business realizes the value of
having long term relationships with Customers and therefore the need for CRM is essential. The emergence and
acceptance of Customer Relationship Management is helping businesses successfully implement strategies
aimed at winning and retaining customers. The Course aims at providing tools and techniques along with an
understanding to the student as to how to enhance shareholder value by shifting from a Market Share mindset
to obtaining higher Share of Individual Customer’s Business i.e., Enhancing Lifetime Value of Customers.

( 26 )
Module – I (8 Hrs)

Introduction and Significance of Customer Relationship Management: CRM Emerging

Concepts, Need for CRM, CRM Applications, CRM Decisions, The Myth of Customer Satisfaction,
CRM Model, Understanding Principles of Customer Relationship, Relationship Building Strategies,
Building Customer Relationship Management by Customer Retention, Stages of Retention,
Sequences in Retention Process, Understanding Strategies to Prevent Defection and Recover

Module -II (8 Hrs)

CRM Process: Introduction and Objectives of a CRM Process, an Insight into CRM and e- CRM/
online CRM, The CRM cycle i.e. Assessment Phase, Planning Phase, The Executive Phase, Modules
in CRM, 4C’s (Elements) of CRM Process, CRM Process for Marketing Organization, CRM Affiliation
in Retailing Sector, Key e-CRM features. Case Studies

Module -III (8 Hrs.)

CRM Architecture: IT Tools in CRM, Data Warehousing Integrating Data from different phases with
Data Warehousing Technology, Data Mining: - Learning from Information Using Date Mining
Technology like OLAP etc., Understanding of Data Mining Process, Use of Modeling Tools, Benefits
of CRM Architecture in Sales Productivity, Relationship Marketing and Customer Care, CRM over
Internet. Case Studies

Module -IV (8 Hrs)

CRM Implementation: Choosing the right CRM Solution, Framework for Implementing CRM: a
Step-by-Step Process: Five Phases of CRM Projects, Development of Customizations, Beta Test
and Data Import, Train and Retain, Roll out and System Hand-off, Support, System Optimization
and Follow-up, Client/Server CRM Model, Use of CRM in Call Centers using Computer Telephony
Integration (CTI), CTI Functionality, Integration of CRM with ERP System. Case Studies

Suggested Readings:
1. William, G. Zikmund, Raymund McLeod Jr.; Faye W. Gilbert (2003). Customer Relationships Management.
2. Alex Berson, Stephen Smith, Kurt Thearling (2004). Building Data Mining Applications for CRM. Tata McGraw
3. Mohammed, H. Peeru and a Sagadevan (2004). Customer Relationship Management. Vikas Publishing
House, Delhi.
4. Paul Greenberge (2005). CRM-Essential Customer Strategies for the 21st Century. Tata McGraw Hill.


Objectives: This course is aimed at providing students with a comprehensive understanding of retailing, an
analysis of the retail environment and exposure to issues and developments in the industry. Retailing is changing
today, and the successful business will know how to identify, adapt, and plan with these changes.

Module-I (7 Hours)

Definition, Characteristics and function of retailing, Dynamic nature of retail change-Environmental

theory, Cyclical theory- The Wheel of Retailing, The Retail Accordion Theory, Retail Life Cycle
theory, Conflict Theory, The Retail Scenario in India, Retail Formats, Strategic Planning in Retailing-
Retail Institution by ownership, Store Based Retail Strategy mix,Nonstore based and non traditional
retailing, Retail Marketing mix and product, Case Analysis.

( 27 )
Module-II (8 Hours)

Consumer Behaviour in the retail context, Retail buying roles, Theories of consumer behaviour-
Engel-Kollat-Blackwell (EKB) model, Sheth’s Family model, Retail consumer decision process,
Types of consumer Decision making, Consumer demographics and lifestyles, Socio-Economic
factor, role and family influence, Psychographics, Social Factors, Retail Market segmentation,
Retailer target market strategy-Mass, Concentrated, Differentiated marketing strategies, Case

Module-III (8 Hours)

Merchandise Management-Trading area analysis, Retail Location Strategy and decision-Types of

retail location, Site selection analysis, Location and site evaluation, Merchandise Management,
Retail Pricing, Retail Promotion, Brand management and retailing, Retail Organization and Human
Resources Management, CRM in retailing, Atmospherics and Retail space management, Mall
Management, Case Analysis.

Module-IV (7 Hours)

Retail distribution and supply chain management, Consumerism and ethics in retailing. Application
of IT in Retail Marketing, Retail Research and audit, Electronic Retailing; Global Retailing, Social
Marketing in Retail management, International retailing, Future of retailing, Case Analysis.

Suggested Readings:
1. C Bajaj,R Tuli,N.V Srivastava Retail Management, Oxford University Press, Delhi
2. David Gilbert, Retail Marketing Management, 2nd edition, Pearson Education
3. Levy IM. And Weitz B.A (2004), Retailing Management, 5th ed., Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Berman B. Evans J. R. (2004), Retail Management, 9th Edition, Pearson Education.
5. S.L Gupta Retail Management An Indian Perspective Text & Cases, Wisdom Publication, Delhi
6. Swapna Pradhan Retailing Management Text & cases The McGraw-Hill
7. Gibson G.vedamani Retail management Jaico book Publication


Objective: To develop critical skills required for effective international marketing strategies, to develop a global
perspective on international marketing problems; to enhance the ability for taking up international marketing
management functions.

Module-I (6 hrs.)

Conceptual Frame Work of International Marketing Basic differences between Domestic and
International Marketing, Reasons for Internationalization, International Marketing Environment,
Scanning the International Marketing Environment, Analyzing International Marketing Opportunity,
Stages of Development into Global Marketing.

Module-II (9 hrs.)

International Marketing Mix International Market Segmentation, Product Planning and Policies
for Exports, Export Pricing, Overseas Distribution System and Logistics, Promoting Products
Internationally- Advertising Strategy.

Module-III (9 hrs.)

Indian Policies & Procedures Indian Foreign Trade: Indian Trade Policy, Recent trends in India’s
foreign trade, Export Assistance, Institutional Infrastructure for Export Promotion in India, India’s
Export Policy Procedures and Documents, Handling Foreign Exchange.

( 28 )
Module-IV (6 hrs.)

Strategy & Techniques Entry Operations and Strategies, International Contracting, Joint Ventures,
Counter Trade Arrangements, Exports Finance & Risk Analysis, Overseas Market Research.

Suggested Readings:
1. Keegan, Global Marketing Management, Pearson./PHI
2. Rathore & Rathore, International Marketing, Himalaya Publishing
3. Lee Kiefer & Carter Steeve, Global Marketing Management, Oxford Press.
4. Srinivasan, International Marketing, PHI
5. Varney, International Marketing, Sultan Chand & Sons.
6. Gitman, Global Marketing, Pearson
7. Vasudeva, International Marketing, Excel Books.
8. Rajagopal – International Marketing , Vikas



Objectives: To familiarize the students with basic organizational processes to bring about organizational change,
development and effectiveness.

Module-I (8 Hours)

Understanding Change- Concept, Forces, and Types of change, The process of organizational
change - Recognizing the need for change, Problem diagnosis, Identifying alternate change
techniques, Resistance to change, Managing resistance to change.

Module-II (7 hours)

Managing Change- Managing Change and Transformation, Planning, Creating the support system,
Managing the transition, Organization restructuring, Reorganizing work activities Strategies, Process
oriented strategies, competitor and customer oriented strategies.

Module -III (7 hours)

Organisational Development- Organisational change and process Consultation, Organisation

Development, OD process, OD Approaches, OD Interventions, Action Research, Evaluating OD

Module IV (8 hours)

Role of Change Agents -Managers as change agents, internal and external change agents,
organizational change and its management in manufacturing and service sectors.

Suggested Readings:
1. K. Harigopal - Management of Organisational Changes , Response Book
2. Kavita Singh - Organization Change & Development, Excel Books.
3. N. Sengupta and M. Bhatta - Managing change in the organization, PHI.
4. Robins P.Stephon – Organisational Behaviour, PHI.
5. French - Organization Development, Pearson.

( 29 )
6. V.Nilakant, S. and Ramanarayan, Managing Organisational Change, Response Books.
7. Radha.R.Sharma – Change Management: Concepts & Applications.
8. Management of Change in organization, MS25 (IGNOU).
9. Jon L. Pierce & Donald G. Gardner, Management and Organisational Behaviour, Thomson.


Objectives : The objectives of this paper is to develop an understanding of plan and implement training activities
in an organization, to develop basic skills for designing and conducting the training programme with an application
of consideration that underline the management of training function in an organization.

Module – I (7 hrs).

An Overview of Training & Learning Concepts of Training, The New dimensions of Training -
Repositioning training, Assumptions about Training – Two alternative sets, Objectives of Training ,
Learning environment, Relevance of learning principles in improving training design , Cross
cultural training in Global perspective .

Module -II (8 hrs)

Analysis of Organisational Training Needs Definition and purposes of needs Assessment, Process
of need assessment, Level & Components of needs assessment, Advantages, Task – performance
– competency analysis.

Module -III (7 hrs)

Training Design & Delivery and Techniques Designing Training Programmes, Types and Methods
of training both On-the-job and Off-the-job,Implementing training programmes, , executive
Development, Transfer of training.

Module -IV (7 hrs)

Evaluation of Training & Development Evaluating effectiveness of Training and Development,

Evaluation Criteria, Evaluation design, Roll process model, Problems and pitfalls in training and
development issues, Training practices in organizations.

Suggested Readings:
1. Lynton, Rolf P & & Pareek Udai – Training for Organisational Transformation (Part I – The New Training for
Development), Sage Publication.
2. Dolan, L. Simon and Schuler S. Randal – Human Resource Mgt. Melson, Canada.
3. The ASTD Handbook of Training Design and Delivery, Tata McGraw-Hill.
4. Bernadin, John – Human Resource Mgt – TMH
5. Gomez Mejia – Managing Human Resources – Pearson education.
6. R.K.Sahu, Training for Development, Excel Books.
7. Lynton R. Pareek. Training for Development 2nd Edn. – Vistor Publications.
8. Pareek – Training for HRD and OB
9. Noe, Raymond. A – Employee Training and Development, TMH.
10. Wills, Mike-Managing the Training Process, McGraw Hill, London.
11. Goldstein, I. L, & Frod, J. K., - Trainning in Organization – Thomson.

( 30 )

Objectives: Organizational efficiency and performance are intricately interlinked with employer-employee
relations. This paper is an attempt to develop an understanding of the interaction pattern among labour,
management and the state, to appreciate the conceptual and practical aspects of industrial relations at the
macro and micro level, and to build awareness of certain important and critical issues in industrial relations.

Module-I (6 hours)

Employer – Employee Relations Concept and scope, Industrial Relations, Emerging socio-
economic scenario and ERM, Role of state in Indian Employer – Employee Relation, Legal Framework
of ERM, Contextual dynamics and ERM Connectedness, Impact of Globalization, Privatization,
Liberalization on ERM, Emerging trends inERM.

Module-II (9 hours)

Employees and Employers Associations Conceptual frame work, Theories of trade Unionism,
Growth of Trade Unionism in India, Problems of Trade unions, White-collar unionism, Trade unionism
in unorganized sectors, Industrial Relations Machinery: Bipartite & Tripartite, Role of ILO, Rise and
Status of trade unions in other countries, Employers associations in India.

Module -III (8 hours)

Managing Negotiations Concept origin and functions, Composition of negotiating agents, Process
of negotiations, Emerging Trends in negotiations, Negotiations practices in India and other Countries,
Grievance Management, Discipline Management.

Module -IV (7 Hours)

Participative management Concept, Scope, and forms, Origin and growth of workers participation
forums in India, Workers participation in other countries: Co-determination in Germany and Quality
circle in Japan.

Suggested Readings:
1. Venkatratnam – Industrial Relation, Oxford.
2. Sinha & Sinha - Industrial Relations and Labour Legislation, Pearson Education.
3. B.D.Singh, Industrial Relation, Excel Books.
4. B.R.Patil – Collective Bargaining, University Press (India) Ltd.
5. Arun Monapa – Industrial Relations, TMH.
6. M. Arora, Industrial Relation, Excel Books.
7. Venkatratnam- (Globalization & Labour Mgmt. Relation) – Sage Publication.
8. V.P. Michel – Industrial Relations in India and works involvement in Management.
9. Nirmal Singh & S.K.Bhatia - Industrial Relation & Collective Bargaining, Deep Publication.

( 31 )

Objectives: To give an insight to international trade and finance in the era of LPG. To understand the nitty-gritty
of cross border finance & management of risk exposure thereof.

Module- I

Basics Domestic Currency & Foreign Currency, Exchange rate, Direct quote. Indirect quote, American
term & European term. Bid & Ask, two way quote, spread, converting two way quotes. Cross rate,
Spot rate, Forward rate, Appreciation & Depreciation Swap Points, Forward Rate, Premium &


Theoretical Relationship, Risks & attitude to risks. Drivers of exchange rate, Interest rate Parity
Theory. The purchasing Power Parity Theory, Pure expectation Theory. International Fischer effect,
Types of risk. Attitude to risk.


Managing Exchange rate risks Risk Management: Internal hedging tool, Home currency invoicing,
Leading & Lagging Netting (Bilateral & Multilateral) Forward Exchange rate contract, Money Market
hedge currency future. Currency options.


Role of Derivatives in International Fund Management Derivatives : Interest rate swap, Interest
rate future, Interest rate option, Currency Swap, Investment appraisal, Funding Sources.

Suggested Readings:
1. V.Sharan, International Financial Management 3rd Edition, PHI
2. H.R.MACHIRAJU, International Financial Markets & Indian 2nd Edition, New Age International
3. V.K.Bhalla, International Financial Management, 4 th Edition, Anmol Publications


Objective: Powerful change forces and dramatic events in the field of mergers, acquisitions and restructuring
have been particularly prominent in the last part of 20th century and early part of 21st century. This course is
intended to sensitize student to the aspects.

Module I (7 hours)

Takeovers, mergers and Acquisition: Nature & objective, Forms of Corporate restructuring, Types
of Merger, Reasons for merger take over and Acquisitions, Legal and Procedural Aspects, Tax
Implication. Cross border acquisitions and International acquisitions.

Module II (8 hours)

Valuation: Financial Methodology, DCF valuation, Principle of valuation, Increasing value of the
organization, calculating growth rate.

( 32 )
Module III (7 hours)

Restructuring: Merger and divestitures, Theory of mergers, Tender offer, Empirical test of alternative

Module IV (8 hours)

M & A strategies: Joint venture, ESOPS and Management Leveraged, use and leverage of ESOP
and advantage of Management Leveraged, leveraged buy outs-operations, norms for financing leverage
buyouts, Bank finance and LBO in India, Reasons for International mergers, Share Repurchase.

Suggested Readings:
1. Shiva Rama, Strategic alliances, Response Books.
2. Weston, Chung, Hoag, Mergers, Restructuring & Corporate Control, PHI
3. Marshal J.F., Bansal V.K., Financial Engineering, PHI
4. Sudarshanam, Mergers & Acquisition, PHI
5. Weston, Siu & Johnson, Takeovers, Restructuring and Corporate Governance, Pearson, 2002.


Objectives: This paper aims at providing the students basic knowledge about various taxes and tax planning in
various types of organisations.

Module -I (8 hours):

Basic Concepts Residential Status And Tax Incidence, Income Exempt From Companies Point of
View, Deductions, Relief, Rebates, Exemption, Brief Knowledge/ Understanding of Wealth Tax,
Fringe Benefit Tax, Securities Transaction Tax, Methods Commonly Used By Tax Payers to Minimize
Tax Liability (Tax Evasion, Tax Avoidance, Tax Planning), Distinction Between Tax Evasion, Tax
Avoidance and Tax Planning, Types of Tax Planning: Short Term and Long Term, Factors on The
Basis of Which Planning Is Done: Residential Status and Citizenship of The Assessee, Heads of
Income/Assets to be included In Computing Net Wealth, Latest Legal Position, Forms Vs Substance,
Special Consideration for Employee Remuneration

Module -II (8 Hrs)

Tax Planning In Respect of Business/Profession Choosing Entity, Location of Business, Nature

and Size of Business, Form of Business Organization and Pattern of its Ownership, Choice of
Method of Accounting, Income During Construction Period, Allowable Expenditures on Companies
Point of View, Set off and Carry Forward of Losses, TDS And TCS, Tax Consideration With Respect
to Various Management Decisions: Sources of Funds, Make or Buy, Own or Lease, Capital Structure,
Renew or Replace, Capital Gains and Tax Planning

Module-III (7 Hrs)

Corporate Restructuring Amalgation/ Merger, Demerger, Conversion of Sole Proprietory Business

into Company, Conversion of Firm into Company

Module -IV (7 Hrs)

Foreign Collaboration and Tax implication Dividend, Interest, Royalty and Fees, Capital or
Revenue, Drawings and Designs, Grossing up Principles, Supply of Plant and Equipment, Tax
Deducted at Source

( 33 )
Suggested Readings:
1. Singhania, Vinod and Kapil, Corporate Tax Planning and Management, Taxman Publication
2. Girish Ahuja and Ravi Gupta Professional Approach to Direct Taxes, Law & Practice including Tax Planning,
Assessment Year 2007-08, 15th Edition 2007,Bharat publication
3. Student’s hand book on Income Tax law, T.N.Manaoharan, Snow White Publication Pvt.Ltd



Objective: The primary objective of this course is provide basic knowledge regarding the concept and structure
of ERP systems and impart necessary skills for it implementation in a business enterprise. The course aims at
exposing the students to enterprise wise integration of various management functions through open data base,
EDI and communication network.

Module -I (8 Hrs.)

ERP - An Enterprise Perspective: Production, Finance, Personnel disciplines and their relationship,
Transiting environment, MIS Integration for disciplines, Information/Workflow, Network Structure,
Client Server Integrator Systems, Virtual Enterprise.

Module -II (8 Hrs.)

Resource Management Perspective of ERP Systems: Functional and Process of Resource

Management, Basic Modules of ERP Systems - HRD, Personnel Management, Training and
Development, Skill Inventory, Material Planning and Control, Inventory, Forecasting, Manufacturing,
Production Planning, Production Scheduling, Production Control, Sales and Distribution, Finance.
Resource Management in global scenario, dynamic data management in complex global scenario.

Module -III (7 Hrs.)

Information System Perspective of ERP system: Evolution of Application Software Technology

Management, EDP, MIS, DBMS, DSS, OLAP (Online Analysis and Processing), TP, OAS, KBS,
MRP, BPR, SCM, REP, CRM, Information Communication Technology, E-Business, E-Commerce,

Module -IV (7 Hrs.)

Key Managerial issues in ERP Systems: Concept Selling, IT Infrastructure, Implications of ERP
systems on Business organisation, critical success factors in ERP systems, ERP Culture,
Implementation Issues, Resistance to change, Public Service and Organisations (PSO) Project,
ERP selection issues, Return on Investment, Pre and Post Implementation Issues, Role of
Consultants, Key Consultants in India.

Suggested Readings:
1. Enterprise Resource Planning, ALLEN MONK, BRET WAGNER, Thomson Learning.
2. Garg, V. K. and Venket Krishna N. K., “ERP Concepts and Practice”, PHI Publication, 1997.
3. Champy, J. Harper, “Re-engineering Management”, Harper Collins, 1995.

( 34 )

Objectives: Provide a broad overview of analytic Decision Support Systems (DSS) in industry. This course
introduces various decision support methodologies, including deterministic and stochastic models. Deterministic
models include mathematical programming formulations, with a special focus on supporting logistic and location
decisions. Stochastic models include the analysis of queuing systems, marketing models and financial
spreadsheet models, with applications in services management, marketing research and options pricing. Extensive
examples will be provided of real-life decision support systems and Marketing decision support. Emphasis will
be placed on developing analytic thinking and model-building skills.

Module – I (6 Hrs.)

Introduction to the formulation and classification of Mathematical Programming problems. Sensitivity

analysis and duality.

Module -II (7 Hrs.)

Formulation of network models. Formulation of integer programming models. Location models.

Vehicle routing models. Random variables and probability distributions. Introduction to queuing
models. (7 Hrs.)

Module -III (10 Hrs.)

Marketing decision support – logit and probit models for consumer choice behavior. Marketing
decision support – use of brand scanner data. Marketing decision support – sales force optimization.
Financial spreadsheet models – options pricing. Financial spreadsheet models – bond portfolio

Module -IV (7 Hrs.)

Architecture of DSS. Overview of DSS software and applications. Databases for DSS. Executive
Information Systems (EIS). Information and Decision Support Systems – a comparison.

Suggested Readings:
1. Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems by Efraim Turban , Jay E. Aronson Prentice Hall
College Div; 5 edition
2. Decision Support Systems Vicki L. Sauter Wiley publications
3. Decision Support And Business Intelligence Systems by Efrain Turban, Ramesh Sharda, Efraim Turban,
Ting-Peng Liang, Jay E. Aronson Prentice Hall
4. Decision Support Systems In The 21st Century by George M. Marakas Hardcover, Prentice Hall
5. Vba for Modelers: Developing Decision Support Systems Using Microsoft« Excel by S. Christian Albright
Paperback, Thomson Learning
6. Business Intelligence Roadmap: The Complete Project Lifecycle for Decision-Support Applications by Larissa
Terpeluk Moss, Shaku Atre, S. Atre, Edward Yourdon (Foreword by) Paperback, Addison-Wesley
7. Decision Support Systems for Management Science/Operations Research/Includes MS-DOS 5.25" Disk
by Vahid Lotfi Paperback, McGraw-Hill College
8. Decision Support Systems: Putting Theory into Practice by Ralph H. Sprague, Hugh J. Watson Book,
Prentice Hall
9. Intelligent Decision Support Methods: The Science of Knowledge Work by Vasant Dhar, Roger Stein
Hardcover, Prentice Hall
10. Applied Management Science: Modeling, Spreadsheet Analysis, and Communication for Decision Making
by John A. Lawrence, Jr. , Barry asternack, Barry Alan Pasternack Hardcover, John Wiley & Sons Inc

( 35 )

Objectives: This course aims at providing basics of computer networks and network-based services. With the
advent of Internet, Network based services have become very important for organizations and business. In this
course, the participants will be able to appreciate the basic components of a network as well as understand to
integrate network based services for enhanced productivity & security within the organization as well as with the
outside world.

Module – I (8 Hrs.)

Data communication concepts and application: Introduction to Data communications,

components of data communications, Trends in computer communications and networking, Network
applications. Fundamentals of Data Communications and Networking: Messages, characters, bit
streams, symbols and waveforms, digital/analog, serial & parallel, simplex, half-duplex, full duplex,
modem, synchronous/asynchronous transmission, multiplexing, network hardware, network
software, reference models.

Physical layer: Transmission media, wireless transmission, the telephone system, cellular radio,
communication satellites.

Data link layer: Media access control, error control in networks, data link protocols.

Module – II (8 Hrs.)

Networking : Network layer : Network topology, network routing, network standards, network
protocols, system network architecture.

Local Area Network (LAN) : LAN components, Ethernet (IEEE 802.3), Token Ring (IEEE 802.5),
selection of LAN, Improving LAN performance.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) & Wide Area Network (WAN) : Telephone network, Dialed circuit
services, Dedicated circuit sources, Switched circuit services, Packet switched networks, Improving
MAN & WAN performance.

Back bone networks : Backbone network components, Fast Ethernet, FDDI.

Network Applications and Management: Design of business networks, installation guidelines,

maintenance and security. Case studies on network design and establishment.

Module- III (7 Hrs.)

Introduction to Cryptography: Introduction To Security: Attacks, Services & Mechanisms, Security,

Attacks, Securi ty Services. Conventional Encryption: Classical Techniques, Conventional
Encryption Model. Classical Encryption Techniques, Modern Techniques: Simplified DES, Block
Cipher Principles, DES Standard, DES Strength, Differential & Linear Cryptanalysis. Public Key
Encryption: Public-Key Cryptography: Principles of Public-Key Cryptosystems, RSA Algorithm,
Key Management.

Module - IV (7 Hrs.)

Network & System Security: Authentication Applications: Kerberos X.509, Directory Authentication
Service, Electronic Mail Security, Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), S / Mime, Security: Architecture,
Authentication Header, Encapsulating Security Payloads, Combining Security Associations, Key
Management, Web Security: Secure Socket Layer & Transport Layer Security, Secure Electronic
Transaction (Set), System Security: Intruders, Viruses, Firewall Design Principles, Trusted Systems.

Suggested Readings:
1. A. S. Tanenbaum, ‘Computer Networks’, Eastern Economy ed., PHI.
2. W. Stallings, ‘Data and Computer Communications’, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

( 36 )
3. William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice”, Prentice Hall,
4. David A Stamper, ‘Business Data Communications’, Adison Wesley.
5. Johannes A. Buchmann, “Introduction to cryptography”, Springer- Verlag.
6. Atul Kahate, “Cryptography and Network Security”, TMH
7. Jerry Fitzgerald, Alan Dennis, ‘Business Data Communications & Networking’, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
8. Information Security Intelligence – Cryptographic Principles & Applications, Calabrese, Thomson Learning.
Networking Lab. (20 Hrs.)

Overview : The Data Communications Industry, The Best Way to Approach Data Communications,
What is Data Communications, Challenges and Solutions to Business-Oriented Data
Communications Analysis, The Data Communications Profession

Data Communications Concepts: Architecture, Transmission Techniques, Communication

Techniques, Error Control Techniques

Local Area Networks: Data Link Layer, LAN Architecture Model, LAN Architecture, LAN
Interconnection Hardware

LAN Communications Protocols: The Network Layer, Encapsulation/De-encapsulation,

Fragmentation, Addressing and Routing, Routing Protocols, The Transport Layer, The Session
Layer, The Presentation and Application Layers, Internet Suite of Protocols, IP Addressing.

Advanced TCP/IP Network Design: Network Design with Classful IP Addressing, Address
Classes, Subnet Masks, Subnet Design.

Advanced TCP/IP Network Design: Classless Addressing and Variable-Length Subnet Masks,
Classless Inter-Domain Routing.

( 37 )


4th Trimester
1. Registration of 4th Trimester : 01.08.2008
2. Classes Start : 01.08.2008
3. Class Test-I : 25.08.2008-30.08.2008
4. Sending of Test-I marks to University : 08.09.2008
5. Assignment Presentation : 30.09.2008-06.10.2008
6. Sending of Final marks to University : 16.10.2008
7. 4th Trimester University Examination : 20.10.2008-25.10.2008
8. Publication of Final Result : 10.11.2008
9. Trimester Break : 26.10.2008-02.11.2008

* Total number of teaching (Instruction) days 58

5th Trimester
1. Registration for 5th Trimester : 03.11.2008
2. Classes Start : 04.11.2008
3. Class Test-I : 01.12.2008-06.12.2008
4. Sending of Test-I marks to University : 13.12.2008
5. Assignment Presentation : 05.01.2009-12.01.2009
6. Convergence (B-School Meet
& Annual day Celebration) : 16.01.2009-17.01.2009
7. Sending of Final marks to University : 24.01.2009
8. 5th Trimester University Examination : 27.01.2009-03.02.2009
9. Publication of Final Result : 16.02.2009
10. Trimester Break : 04.02.2009-10.02.2009

* Total number of teaching (Instruction) days 66

6 th Trimester
1. Registration for 6th Trimester : 11.02.2009
2. Classes Start : 12.02.2009
3. Class Test-I : 02.03.2009-07.03.2009
4. Sending of Test-I marks to University : 14.03.2009
5. Assignment Presentation : 06.04.2009-11.04.2009
6. Notification of Final Attendance (upto 20.04.09) : 22.04.2009
7. Sending of Final marks to University : 23.04.2009
8. 6th Trimester University Examination : 27.04.2009-02.05.2009
9. Publication of Final Result : 18.05.2009

* Total number of teaching (Instruction) days 59

( 38 )
Date Week Days Name of Holidays
1. 15.08.2008 Friday Independence Day
2. 23.08.2008 Saturday Janmastami
3. 03.09.2008 Wednesday Ganesh Puja
4. 04.09.2008 Thursday Nuakhai
5. 29.09.2008 Monday Mahalaya
6. 02.10.2008 Thursday Gandhi Jayanti / Id-Ul-Fitar
06.10.2008 Monday
7. to to Durga Puja
09.10.2008 Thursday
8. 14.10.2008 Tuesday Kumarapurnima / Laxmi Puja
9. 28.10.2008 Tuesday Kali Puja / Deewali
10. 13.11.2008 Thursday Rahasa Purnima / Guru Nanak’s B’Day
11. 09.12.2008 Tuesday Id-Ul-Zuha
12. 25.12.2008 Thursday X-Mass Day
13. 08.01.2009 Thursday Muharram
14. 14.01.2009 Wednesday Makar Sankranti
15. 23.01.2009 Friday Netaji Jayanti
16. 26.01.2009 Monday Republic Day
17. 31.01.2009 Saturday Saraswati Puja
18. 23.02.2009 Monday Maha Sivaratri
19. 10.03.2009 Tuesday B’Day of Prophet Mohammed
20. 11.03.2009 Wednesday Dolo Purnima
21. 12.03.2009 Thursday Holi
22. 01.04.2009 Wednesday Utkal Divas
23. 03.04.2009 Friday Ram Navami
24. 10.04.2009 Friday Good Friday

( 39 )


(Faculty of Management)
(Declared u/s 3 of UGC Act, 1956)
Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India

( 40 )

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