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Establishment and Operation of Foreign Currency Saving Account

for Residents of Ethiopia, Non-Resident Ethiopian
and Non- Resident Ethiopian Origin
DIREC11VE NO. FXD/68 72020

Whereas, it is necessary to create incentives for Resident of Ethiopia, Non Resident

Ethiopian Nationals and Non Resident Ethiopian Origin who are eligible and need to
maintain foreign currency account with banks so as to encourage inflow of foreign
exchange in the formal channel;

Whereas, operation of foreign currency saving account by Resident of Ethiopia, Non

Resident Ethiopian Nationals and Non Resident Ethiopian Origin can support the
international foreign exchange reserve and ease the balance of payments problem of the

Whereas, allowing Resident of Ethiopia, Non Resident Ethiopian Nationals and Non
Resident Ethiopian Origin receipt to open foreign currency saving account could
encourage saving and investment;

Now, therefore, pursuant to the authority vested in it by Article 20(2), 20(3) and 27(2) of
the National Bank of Ethiopia Establishment Proclamation No. 591/2.008, the National
Bank of Ethiopia has issued this Directive.

Article 1
Short Title

These Directives maybe sited as "Establishment and Operation of Foreign Currency

Saving Account for Residents of Ethiopia, Non-Resident Ethiopian and Non-
Resident Ethiopian Origin" Directives No. EX1V 68 /2020".

r^.*. 5550/2048 4-hft +TC 0115 5 O e j c 0115 51 74 30 h.K

ADDRESS: SUDAN STREET P.O.BOX 5550 or 2048 FAXNo.0115 $N$^JBSSfa+251-M15 51 74 30 ADDIS ABABA
E-mail: nbe.excd® ethionetet Website. www,http://
Article 2

For the purpose of these Directives, unless the context provides otherwise;

1. "Residents of Ethiopia" shall mean Ethiopian Nationals and Resident

Foreigners living and/or working in Ethiopia

2. "Non-resident Ethiopian" shall mean Ethiopian Nationals living outside

3. "Non- resident Ethiopian Origin" shall mean a Non-Resident and holder of a
valid identification card , obtained pursuant to Proclamation Number 270/2002,
attesting that he/she is a foreign national of Ethiopian Origin;
4. "Foreign Currency Saving Account" means a saving account denominated in
acceptable foreign currency and maintained at a bank ;
5. " Bank" is a company licensed by the National Bank to undertake the banking
business and a bank owned by the Government;
6. "National Bank" is the National Bank of Ethiopia;
7. "Foreign Currency" means any currency other than Ethiopian Eegal tender
which is legal tender in any country outside Ethiopia as to which the National
Bank has declared to be acceptable for exchange in Ethiopia.
8. "Foreign exchange" means any foreign currency , cheques, bills of exchange
promissory notes, drafts, securities , and other negotiable instruments, expressed
in foreign currency as well as bank balances in account held in foreign currency
or asset in the form of foreign account crediting or set-off arrangements,
expressed or payable in foreign currencies provided they are acceptable by the
National Bank.
9. " Foreign Currency Cash Note" shall mean foreign currency cash declared at
customs boundary or undeclared as per the Directive to limit on birr and foreign
currency holding in the territory of Ethiopia ;
10. "International Remittance Service Providcr(IRSP)" shall mean
internationally licensed or licensed in a country which mainly operate in one
jurisdiction and regulated business organization that provides money-
transferring services in association with local bank;
11. Foreign Inward remittance: Foreign currency receipt by Resident from Non
Resident or to Non Resident own account through bank transfer.

Article -3
Eligibility Criteria

The following individuals may open a foreign currency saving account in any of
banks in Ethiopia.
a) Residents of Ethiopia
b) Non Resident Ethiopian
c) Non Resident Ethiopian Origin

Article 4
Opening Foreign Currency Saving Account

4.1 Non Resident Ethiopians and Non Resident Ethiopian origin can open foreign
currency saving account in person or by post in his/her name. Opening banks may
also establish contact with potential account openers using Ethiopian Embassies,
e-mail, fax, telex and/or other electronic media and power of attorney holders
authorized by the opening bank. The bank should however, receive authenticated
documents afterwards to open the accounts.
4.2 Resident of Ethiopia can open an account by producing required documents by
account opening bank.
4.3 A request for opening an account for deposit in foreign currency saving account
shall be accompanied by a letter of application and a specimen signature.
4.4 Two or more eligible joint depositors may together open a single account
4.5 Power of attorney holders are allowed to open foreign currency accounts but cannot
credit the account on behalf of non-residents and/or foreign nationals of Ethiopian
4.6 A minimum of USD 50 or equivalent in any other currencies stated under article 6
is required as an initial deposit to open the account

Article 5
Types of Permitted Account
5.1 A bank may open interest bearing or interest free foreign currency saving account
for Residents of Ethiopia, Non-resident Ethiopian and Non Resident Ethiopian
Origin depending on the choices of the account holders
5.2 The interest rate shall be calculated in foreign currency, but paid in local currency.
The minimum interest rate shall be L1BOR plus 4 percent subject to revision from
time to time by the National Bank of Ethiopia.

Article 6
Types of Currency

6.1 A bank is required to maintain for eligible foreign currency saving account holders in
the following types of currency only.
a) The US dollar
b) Pound Sterling
c) Euro
6.2 A bank may accept deposits in other convertible currencies that include Canadian
Dollar, Chines Yuan, Saudi Riyal, Japanese Yen, Australian Dollar and UAE Dirham.
And, these other currencies shall be converted to any of the three currencies
enumerated under Article 6.1 at spot exchange rate based on the preference of the
account opener.
Article 7
Crediting the Account

A foreign currency saving account opened by Residents of Ethiopia, Non-Resident

Ethiopian and Non Resident Ethiopian Origin shall he credited by:
a) Foreign currency transferred through banking system
b) Deposit of Foreign currency cash notes
c) Foreign currency transferred through International Remittance Service Providers.
d) Transfer from own Non Resident foreign currency account
e) Transfer or cheque drawn or endorsed in favor of Ethiopian National by a Non-
resident foreign currency account holder from Non-Resident Foreign Currency
Article 8
Use of the Account

The foreign currency saving account holders:

a) Are free to sell all or part of their account balances to deposit opening banks at
any time.
b) Can use for his/her self, spouse and children education, medical and travel
expenses abroad upon presentation of valid documents to confirm relationship
with the account holder. The documentation requirements and maximum amount
of utilization should be as per the operation of Foreign Exchange Bureau
c) Notwithstanding, article 8b above, the account holder shall have the right to
withdraw 10% of the foreign currency balance in debit card.
d) can use as cash collateral to get credit in local currency from banks in line with
the opening authorized bank's credit policy.
e) Can use to purchase share from the Financial Institutions
f) Other than for the purpose indicated under article 8 sub article b, withdrawal is
permitted only in birr
g) Other transactions that might be approved by the National Bank of Ethiopia from
time to time.
Article 9
9.1 Foreign Currency Cash notes deposit originally bought from forex bureaux but not
utilized due to cancellation of travel shall not be used to credit and/or open a foreign
currency saving account.
9.2 Foreign currency cash notes deposit from any illegal sources shall not be used to
credit and/or open a foreign currency saving account.
9.3 Cannot be withdrawn in foreign currency except stated under Article 8 b.
9.4 Over drawing of the account is prohibited

Article 10
Obligations of the Opening bank
The opening bank has the following obligations:-
a) It shall be responsible for maintaining confidentiality of the account of the
b) Report the number of accounts opened and the balance in the account every month
to Foreign Exchange Monitoring and Reserve Management Directorate and
External Economy and International Relations Directorate of the National Bank
within 10 days after the end of each month.

Article 11
Exemption to the Opening bank
The foreign currency credited in foreign currency saving accounts shall not count towards
the 30% surrender requirement set under Directive No. FXD/54/2018.

Article 12
National Bank of Ethiopia may undertake inspection of any opening bank at any time to
verify the opening bank complies with the provisions of these Directives.
Article 13

12.1 Any bank that violates any of the provisions of these Directives shall be subject to a
penalty of Birr 10,000 (ten thousand) for each violation in accordance with the
Licensing and Supervision of Banking Business Directives No. SBB/35/2004."
12.2 Where an account holder violates the provisions of these Directives, the opening
bank may suspend the account and immediately report the case to NBE.
12.3 Any person who fails to comply with a provisions of this directives shall be
punished in accordance with article 26(1 )of the National Bank of Ethiopia
Establishments amended ) Proclamation umber 591/2008.

Article 20
Effective Date

These Directives shall enter into force as of November 19, 2020.

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