Conveying & Palletizing: Harmony in Motion

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Harmony in Motion

Quality, reliability, process stability and a long life port tasks. Our conveyor units transport our cus-
cycle – that’s what palletizing robots from Lang- tomer’s products to any given position within the
hammer stand for. A variety of infeeds and grip- plant – from processing to the warehouse, from the
per systems make it possible to palletize almost warehouse to shipping. Your unique and individu-
any product. Due to their quick changeover times ally planned transport and conveying installation
when it comes to different formats our palletizers evolves from a multitude of Langhammer standard
are especially suited for handling high volumes and components.
diverse packaging formats. Be it the stand-alone
version or integrated in a palletizing center – high Increasing productivity, optimizing processes and
availability and a reliable high level of performance saving costs are factors which determine market
are the core characteristics of Langhammer ma- success. An exact functioning system harmoni-
chines. ously integrated in a complete inner plant logistics
forms the basis for optimal material flow. We are
Optimizing material flow results in faster cycle continually improving our components and adapt-
times, higher process exactness as well as im- ing them to the needs of our customers to be able
proved working conditions, while at the same time to constantly satisfy growing demands and re-
reducing costs. Langhammer designs and builds quirements.
tailor-made conveyor systems for inner plant trans-

in Perfection
High Performance Palletizing
Layer Palletizers PA8 page 04/05
Stack Palletizers PA14 & Stacker KST5 page 06/07
Layer Palletizers PA7 page 08/09
Linear Robots LR03 page 10/11
Gantry Robots PRO03, PRO04 page 12/13
Articulated Arm Robots page 14/15
Gripper Systems page 16/17
Layer-Handling-System TheWave page 18/19

Customized Conveyor Technology

Customer Goods Conveyor Technology page 20/21
(roller, belt, chain conveyors)
Vertical Lift Conveyors SPF1S, SPF1C page 22/23
Pallet Transportation page 24/25
(transfer units, turntables, lifts etc.)

System Integration
Solutions From a Single Source page 26
(hardware, software, system integration)
Customer Service page 27
Customized solutions page 28
Customer satisfaction page 29
About us page 30/31

The values given in the tables are maximum values. For special machine designs, please
contact our sales department. 3
The Allrounder in
Pallet Handling
Layer Palletizer PA8
Use and Application Advantages

The PA8 Layer Palletizer is a high performance pal- • High output rate with a wide product range
letizer perfect for palletizing items such as bundles,
cartons, and containers. Thanks to its small foot- • Precise operation allows for the direct
print and ease of operation it can be ideally com- production of sales pallets
bined, either as a single-line or multi-line palletizer,
with other palletizers to form a palletizing center. • Simple and quick product changeovers due to
toolless format changes
The PA81 version is designed with a pallet run in
the lengthwise direction – of importance when pal- • Minimum space requirement facilitates the
letizing bags. The PA82 version is constructed for integration of the machine into existing
palletizing heaviest pallet loads and pallets can run production lines
in the length or crosswise direction as required.
A typical application is palletizing display pallets for • Modular palletizer design adapts easily to any
the Hygienic Paper Industry. given layout

Function • Extendable through the Langhammer building

block system
Products are rotated and orientated in the infeed
section as programmed in the HMI. The former
pusher transfers the product in sections onto the
sliding plate until a full layer has been completed.
This sliding plate is located directly over the pallet
bay. It opens and transfers the complete layer onto
the pallet below, the pallet lift lowers the individual
layers one by one, the sliding plate closes and the
formation of the next layer begins.

Depending on the program selected, an interleaf

sheet is now placed onto the new layer. Interleaf
sheets can either come off a pallet, a roll or a dis-
penser. Discharge of the full pallet and positioning of
the next empty one is effected automatically.

Type PA8 PA81 PA82
Length mm 2100 2000 2000
Width mm 2100 2100 2200
Height mm 4910 / 5310 4910 / 5310 4910 / 5310
Pallet format
Min. footprint mm 600 x 800 600 x 800 600 x 800
Max. footprint mm 1000 x 1200 1280 x 1360 1400 x 1400
Pallet height mm 2100 / 2500 2100 / 2500 2100 / 2500
Pallet handling transversely lengthwise and lengthwise and
transversely transversely
Layer weight kg 250 250 250
Pallet weight kg 1200 1200 1500
Retail pack output pcs/min 210 210 210

The Versatile Duo
for Limited Space Situations
Stack Palletizer PA14 and
Stacker KST5
Use and Application Advantages

Within limited space situations the fully automatic • Economic and maintenance friendly articulated
stacking and palletizing unit is the first choice for arm robot alternative
the flexible handling of all market formats. The
slimly designed Stacker KST5 proves itself to • Flexible plastic case and carton tray stacking
be economical and mainteance friendly when it heights
comes to stacking plastic cases, meat crates and
nestable carton trays or ones with stacking corners • Changeover times for gripper and format parts
or mixed pallet commissioning. It can also stack are eliminated due to automatic format change-
cartons and trays or bakery baskets without pal- overs
lets. Necessary product and format changeovers
are software controlled and require no tools. • Unit performance can be expanded through
The Stack Palletizer PA14 is ideally suited for pal- additional stackers
letizing pre-stacked containers and the upstream
shuttle system allows for collecting different prod- • Use of Euro pallets, Duesseldorfer half pallets,
uct stacks and creating mixed product pallet loads. and industrial pallets


Each KST5 stacks the product in the form of a

tower and buffers them in stack lanes which are
aligned to the production lines. After four stacks
or two stack pairs have been formed they are
grouped into a single unit to be loaded onto pallets.
The case stacks are transferred from the KST5
onto the sliding apron of the PA14. The sliding
apron moves over the empty pallet and the stacks
are then lowered onto it. An electrically driven side
compression prevents the stacks from falling over
and positions them exactly. With the use of an op-
tional supplementary compression it is possible to
palletize smaller formats such as 8 or 6 stacks.

Type PA14 KST5
Length mm 7560 1650
Width mm 2950 1300
Height mm 2740 3700
Pallet formats
Min. footprint mm 800 x 600 -
Max. footprint mm 1000 x 1200 -
Pallet height mm 2200 2200
Product size
Length mm 590 - 640 590 - 640
Width mm 370 - 540 370 - 540
Height mm 80 -250 80 - 250
Infeed / Outfeed - S / C Form
Pallet / product weight kg 600 15 (150 per stack)
Pallets Pallets/h 100 -
Boxes Boxes/h - up to 1300

The Consumer Goods Specialist
in Layer Handling
Layer Palletizer PA7
Use and Application Advantages

The Layer Palletizer PA7 is ideal for universal use • Easy operation and monitoring from floor level
in the middle class range and for a large variety of
applications and products - such as cartons, bags, • Easy and quick product changes due to tool-
packs, containers, plastic cases etc. less format changeovers

A typical application is its use as a line palletizer • Small footprint allows for integration into exist-
placed downstream from packaging machines, e. ing production lines
g. in the food industry. A variety of infeed versions
and the patented integrated interleaf unit allow for • Modular design eases adaptation to a variety of
a wide range of possibilities. For example, bags requirements
within a performance range of up to 1000 per hour
can be palletized perfectly. The electrically driven • Extendable through the Langhammer building
gripper turning unit operates form-fittingly which block system
makes for exact 90 degree right or left turns or 180
degree ones.


Products are pre-arranged in the upstream infeed

and transferred in rows to the sliding plate. As
soon as a complete layer has been formed the lift-
ing platform brings the loaded plate to the stacked
pallet height. The sliding plate moves the layer hori-
zontally over the pallet, the pusher is lowered and
the sliding plate moves back and this new layer
is placed on the pallet stack. The lift then moves
down to receive the next layer. After the last layer
has been completed the pallet leaves the palletizer
and a new empty pallet moves into position.

Type PA73 PA74
Length mm 2700 3100
Width mm 2400 2000
Height mm 3675 / 4075 3870/4370
Pallet formats
Min. footprint mm 800 x 1200 800 x 1200
Max. footprint mm 1000 x 1200 1000 x 1200
Pallet height mm 2000 / 2400 2000/2400
Pallet handling transversely lengthwise
Layer weight kg 250 250
Pallet weight kg 1250 1250
Retail pack output pcs/min 60 60

Paper Feeder AN17

With the new feeder AN17 interleaves of cardboard or paper an be placed

on pallets. With a swivel range of 180° the swivel and lifting movements of
the Z -axis are carried out by motor drives. Intermediate positions can also be
targeted by the feeder. The swivel range of 180° makes it possible, e.g., for the
feeder to supply two palletizers simultaneously. An automatic fall protection
ensures that the mechanism does not drop down in the event of a power
failure. A very useful device in the prevention of damage or accidents. The
swivel direction of the feeder is monitored so that in a situation consisting
of two separate cells one cell can continue to operate while in the other, for
example, maintenance or service work is being carried out.

Perfect Flexibility
Linear Robot LR03

Use and Application Advantages

The Linear Robot LR03 is a flexible palletizer and • Economic articulated arm robot alternative
an economical solution for palletizing almost all
products in the consumer goods industry and is • Conversion of braking energy into electrical
ideally suited for palletizing bundles, boxes, bags, current saves resources and the environment
standard cases, bakery baskets and packs. In situ-
ations with low ceilings and limited space it is the • Easy and cost saving installation as no support
perfect fit. foundation is required

The LR03 impresses with its solid construction, • Easy operation due to clearly defined working
use of high quality components and maintenance area
friendly design and ensures easy operation. This
robot sets standards with a load capacity of up to • Flexible application due to compact and
500 kg and a possible palletizing height of up to modular design
2800 mm.
• Open control system allows for the installation
Function of new pallet configurations at any time

The LR03 can be combined with the typical suc-

tion, clamp and fork grippers for single and multiple
picks and can handle any type of interleaf sheets
and empty pallets. In addition layer grippers can
grasp complete pallet layers with one pick.

The clear design of the color touch-panel makes

for easy operation. With the optional MultiPack-
Software designing new patterns is done in a mat-
ter of minutes. The open control system is based
either on Siemens or Rockwell technology, which-
ever the customer prefers.

Type LR03
Length (X) mm 3980 - 7655
Min. width (Y) depends on gripper mm 2850 / 3050 / 3250
Height (Z) mm 3340 - 5110
Travel paths
X-axis (grid 105 mm) mm 2330 - 6005
Y-axis mm 1000 / 1200 / 1400
Z-axis (grid 400 mm) mm 2000 - 3600
Pallet height depends on gripper mm 2800
Working load including gripper
Movable Y-axis kg 150
Stiff Y-axis kg 500
Output depends on travel path Picks/min 6

Perfect Palletizing of
Consumer Goods
Gantry Robots PRO03, PRO04
Use and Application Advantages

The Gantry Robots PRO03 and PRO04 can • High uptimes due to a maintenance-free
be used for palletizing almost all products such guidance of the main axes
as bundles, boxes, bags, standard cases, bakery
baskets and packs. Equipped with a maintenance- • Low headroom with optional telescoping axis
free axis system, fixed lifting axis or telescopic lift-
ing axis they are predestined for heavy-duty us- • Handling of very heavy loads with optional rigid
age in the palletizing field. What characterizes our Z-axis
gantry robots is their high flexibility, wide operating
range and precision in handling. • Highly flexible due to the use of a variety of
The Langhammer gantry robot system meets the
requirements needed for increasing the variety of • Interleaf and pallet handling possible
handled products. In this way unit costs are op-
timized and processing safety heightened. The
system's flexibility increases the machine's uptime
and makes it possible to react faster to market
requests. With these robots Langhammer offers
a flexible, reliable and economical automatic solu-


The PRO03 moves along 3 different axes: the X-

axis (lengthwise movement), the Y-axis (crosswise
movement) and the Z-axis (up and down move-
ment) which is telescopic in design. The PRO04
differs from the PRO03 primarily as regards the
use of a rigid Z-axis instead of a telescoping one,
this makes possible the lifting of heavier loads - up
to 500 kilos.

Type PRO03 PRO04
Length mm 8440 8440
Width mm 6520 6520
Height mm 5960 8000
Travel paths*
X-axis mm 6000 6000
Y-axis mm 4000 4000
Z-axis mm 3000 3000
Pallet height
With empty pallet handling mm 2800 2300
Without empty pallet handling mm 2900 2500
Z-axis Version telescopic stiff
Working load incl. gripper kg 100/350 500
Output depends on Picks/min 6 6
travel path and gripper
* Special designs on request

Solutions for High Demands
Articulated Arm Robots

Use and Application Advantages

Articulated Arm Robots offer highly flexible pal- • Highly flexible palletizing solutions due to quick
letizing possibilities and are thus a real economical and easy re-configurations
alternative. Especially profitable when with the cor-
responding performance two end packaging lines • Extremely precise operation ensures high quality
can be palletized by one machine. palletizing

Articulated Arm Robots from Langhammer • Use of a great variety of grippers makes for high
come delivered with the complete material flow en- flexibility
vironment in exact accordance with customer pref-
erences. A turnkey installation from a single source. • Coordinated concept including material flow

The long range of the robot arm makes it possible

to palletize several lines at once (up to four) with
one machine.

Depending on the required task 4 or 6 axis robots

can be employed. Thanks to an optimized drive
technology these robots belong to the fastest in
their class and can handle heavy loads. Their ex-
treme precision allows for high quality palletizing
and due to their easy programmability they can be
adapted to new tasks within the shortest time.

A Large Variety
Gripper Systems

Use and Application Advantages

Grippers are usually used for palletizing with robots. • Large assortment of gripper types for a variety
Almost all possible products like cartons, boxes, of usages/applications
baskets, trays, bags, foil packs, buckets or bottles
can be handled. The right choice of the matching • Clean pallet configuration through use of
gripper is crucial for the palletizing result. appropriate gripper

Of most importance is the required task which • Format changeovers possible without changes
determines the design of the gripper. The more on the gripper for the majority of grippers
complex a palletizing task is, the higher the require-
ments on the gripper are. For exceptional products • Most grippers also handle interleaves and
we develop special grippers as a special solution. pallets thus reducing the number of machines
Contact us! required


The gripper ensures that the product can be han-

dled by the palletizing robot. Utmost priority lies in
the safe and secure gripping of the product and
prevention of damage to the product and the sur-
rounding area during the palletizing procedure.

Grippers for palletizing applications can be gener-

ally classified in the following functional groups:

• Clamping grippers
• Fork grippers
• Suction grippers
• Magnetic grippers

Bag Gripper GR07 Box Gripper GR16
The Bag Gripper GR07 gently grasps With the suction gripper for boxes, boxes
bags from the sides and below directly can be grasped and placed. Due to the
on the roller conveyor. The gripper fingers multiple suction zones which can be con-
are adapted to the bags in such a way trolled separately the gripper is able to lift
that no bag deformations result through boxes with varying formats alternatively.
the gripping action.

Layer Gripper GR171 Clamp Gripper GR24 Fork Gripper GR25

The layer gripper can grasp complete prod- Springy carbon fingers clamp the product With the universally usable fork gripper GR25
uct layers consisting of 4 bakery baskets, gently on its sides. The high quality servo a variety of products such as closed boxes,
meat market cases/E2 containers, box trays drive technology allows for high speeds open box trays, bags, foil wrapped bundles,
with insertion plates and base cut-outs or during the gripping and placing move- and containers can be palletized. With addi-
simple boxes of 4 to 8 pieces per layer and ments of the gripper. In this way high pal- tional units on the gripper it is also possible to
place these by centering the previous layer letizing performance as well as palletizing handle interleaves or empty pallets.
exactly on or in each other. exactness is possible.

Bucket Gripper GR26 Layer Gripper GR27 Clamp Gripper GR40

With exchangeable hooks that are adapted Complete layers of a wide variety of prod- Cartons and boxes in different formats can
to the to be palletized product the GR26 ucts can be handled with the universal be palletized with the clamping gripper. In-
can palletize buckets or bucket stacks of layer gripper. Palletizing as well as depal- terleaves can be handled as well.
various shapes and sizes. The gripper can letizing tasks can be carried out.
also handle empty pallets and paper or
cardboard interleaves to form double pal-

Conveyor and Layer Gripper
Combined "Simply"
Layer Handling System TheWave
Use and Application Advantages

TheWave is a unique combination of a conveyor • Optimal use of space due to its compact design
element with a layer gripper resulting in a machine
that can take complete product layers arriving from • Reduction of the footprint by more than 40% in
the conveyor lane and – indepen­dent of product comparison to fork gripper systems
type and configuration – place them safely onto a
pallet. • Gentle handling of complete product layers

TheWave can be used in all sectors of the con- • Handling of a variety of pallet configurations
sumer industry branch and for almost all products. with only one gripper
Its compact design makes it possible – in contrast
to the usual systems using fork or clamp grippers • Format parts are not required, thus reducing
– to save enormously on floor space. complexity and freeing warehouse space


The principle applied in TheWave is as simple as

it is fascinating: Carried on the gentle wave of the
conveyor belt the product is taken up by the split
gripper apron. The four-sided compression aligns
the layer formation exactly on all four sides. Posi-
tioned on the gripper apron and held in place by the
compression unit the product layer is transported
to the waiting pallet and gently placed onto it. It
makes no difference if the layer pattern contains
gaps or if full or half pallets are to be transported.

The standard clamp systems exert pressure on

the product layer and require exchangeable format
parts for layers including gaps. TheWave requires
no such parts for configurations with gaps and po-
sitions the layer gently and without pressure.

Fork Gripper TheWave Fork Gripper TheWave

Type TheWave TheWave TheWave

Length mm 1620 1800 2000
Width mm 1871 1868 2068
Height mm 1330 1330 1330
Layer size
Min. footprint mm 740 x 740 740 x 740 800 x 800
Max. footprint mm 1000 x 1400 1400 x 1400 1600 x 1600
Product height
Min. dimension mm 100 100 100
Max. dimension mm 600 600 600
Layer weight kg 200 200 160
Output depends on travel path Layers/min 4 4 4

Optimal Material Flow
Product and Consumer Goods

Use and Application Advantages

Product transportation is an essential element of • Quick throughput times, high processing

in-plant logistics. Exact and precise handling is a exactness as well as improved working
prerequisite for optimal material flow. conditions through optimally planned material
Belt conveyors are ideal for transporting light to
moderately heavy products. There are a variety of • Compatible components reduce interfaces
drive and tension units to choose from depending
on the belt length and load weight. Roller convey- • Large assortment of standard components:
ors can be adapted to a variety of space condi-
tions. They are used for transporting light as well as Belt Conveyors
heavy products, are impervious to dust and thus • Curved Belt Conveyors
ideal for use in dusty environments. • Small Belt Conveyors
• Inclined Belt Conveyors
Roller Conveyors
The drives used in our conveyor technol- • Wheel Conveyors
ogy are gear brake motors with safety clutch- • Light Roller Conveyors
es. The conveyors are electrically pre-installed • Roller Conveyor Curves
and readied for connection to a PLC controller. • Gravity Roller Conveyors
• Driven Roller Conveyors

Chain Conveyors
• Chain Conveyors
• Traction Lifts

All-Round Solutions

Roller Conveyors Belt Conveyors Wide Assortment of

for Transport and Buffering Lines for Transporting Consumer Goods Building Block Accessories

The simplest and most economical solu- The belt conveyor F81 is the right choice Our building block design ensures
tion for the horizontal transport of light for light consumer goods. When trans- that you can apply our products in a
products such as packs, containers, porting moderately heavy goods the F126 countless number of ways. Langham-
cases, boxes and so on is the roller con- comes into play. There are a variety of drive mer supports, hangers and guide rails
veyor without drive. More sophisticated and tension stations available depending can be combined with all the elements of
transport and distribution tasks are done on the belt length and load. Our extensive our standard program. The most impor-
with our driven roller conveyors. Our roller building block system also offers other ele- tant settings and adjustments can all be
curve conveyors ensure that your product ments such as leader belts, frame bends carried out with a single wrench.
gets safely around the corner. and curved idlers.

Moving Precisely Up and Down
Vertical Lifts SPF1S, SPF1C

Use and Application Advantages

Vertical lifts make material flow across several lev- • Gentle transport of products and high
els possible and are used wherever goods need performance due to continuous chain run
to be transported vertically - they are ideal for the
vertical transport of boxes, trays, plastic contain- • Intermediate buffering of several products
ers, bundles, pallets, and bags within automatic possible
conveyor systems.
• Up and down movement with same side or
Vertical Lift SPF1S: Transport direction in S form. opposite side infeed/outfeed
Outfeed side always opposite the infeed side.

Vertical Lift SPF1C: Transport direction in C form.

Outfeed side always on the infeed side.


The vertical lift consists of a frame structure with

all-round protective housing. The lift platforms are
hung into circulating roller chains and during the
return movement are guided vertically.

The vertical conveyor runs continuously.

Goods are received from a connected infeed
conveyor. The drive is via a gear-brake mo-
tor with safety clutch. The vertical lift comes
with complete electrical installation and is ready
for connection to an external control cabinet.



Length mm 1252 - 2014 1252 - 2014
Width mm 620 - 1220 620 - 1220
Min. height* mm 2450 - 6450 3400 - 7400
Product size
Length mm 200 - 1169 350 - 1169
Width mm 800 800
Height* mm 650 650
Conveyor height
Min. infeed height mm 350 350
Lifting height* mm 2000 - 6000 2000 - 6000
Infeed / Outfeed opposite sides S Form same side C Form
Product weight* kg 30 30
Conveyor speed m/s 0,3 - 0,7 0,3 - 0,7
* Special designs on request

Components That Get Things
Pallet Transport Technology
Use and Application Advantages

Stacking or separating empty and full pallets, trans- • Complete building block system with modular
porting pallets on different transport levels - these standard components
are just some of the tasks for which Langhammer
offers the right solution. The wide range of roller • Individually planned conveyor units, fine-tuned
conveyors available start with economical models to task requirements
without drive and continue onto driven roller con-
veyors with reversible transport direction and high • Large assortment of pallet transport technology:
pulling power.
• Pallet Roller Conveyors
Driven roller conveyors, e.g. for the lengthwise • Pallet Chain Conveyors
transport of Euro pallets, are ideally suited for low- • Pallet Buffer Conveyors
est building heights, such as the manual shuttle car • Pallet Turntables
transfer level. • Pallet Transfer Units
• Pallet Shuttle Cars
Transfer units and turntables make flexible pallet • Empty Pallet Dispensers
transport possible in the first place. They connect • Empty Pallet Testers
transport lines and change the transport direc- • Pallet Lifts
tion of the pallet as required. Fully automatic pallet
shuttle cars are used in modern palletizing systems
and in the front zone of high-bay warehouses. In
this case several material flow sources can be flex-
ibly combined with an almost endless number of
material flow targets.


The drives used in our transport technology are

gear brake motors with a safety clutches. The con-
veyors are electrically pre-installed and readied for
connecting to a PLC controller.

All-Round Solutions

Pallet Conveyors for Length Transfer Units / Turntables Building Block Modules as
and Crosswise Transportation for Changing Direction Flow Supplement and Completion

The power driven pallet roller conveyor is When the transport direction needs to • Pallet lifts for pallet placement/
the right solution for transporting empty be changed at a 90° angle parallel lifts or removal via manual shuttle car
and full pallets in the lengthwise direc- swivel lift transfer units are the ideal so- • Pallet shuttle cars for distribu-
tion. The large roller diameter and the lution. The pallet direction changes from tion or lane connection
narrow roller spacing guarantee quiet and lengthwise to crosswise - or the other • Platforms and crossovers for
smooth pallet transportation - even when way around - at the transfer station. The operating personnel
transporting heavy pallet loads. Pallet turntable makes any angle within the • Pallet dispensers for empty pallet
chain conveyors are the right choice for track run possible. The pallet transport distribution
transporting in the crosswise direction. orientation of either lengthwise or cross- • Accumulation roller lanes for
The double chain with straight chain links wise remains. The pallet turntable with buffering and provision
has a high load capacity. Small idlers continuous turn drive is ideal for use with • Tailor-made designs for your
make for jerk-free transfers at connection large rotation angles, e.g. for all-round la- special requirements
points. beling or all-round visual inspection.

Solutions From a Single Source
Hardware, Software, System Integration

Complete Solutions

Increasing productivity, optimizing processes, and reducing costs are all factors which determine
market success. A perfectly functioning system, harmoniously integrated into the complete inner-
plant logistics forms the foundation for an optimal material flow. We are constantly improving and
adapting our components to meet our customers’ needs and to be able to fulfill increasing market

Qualified Advice Development, Project Support,

Creative sales engineers and qualified project
managers find the right solutions that match Designer, technicians and engineers develop
our customers‘ requirements for complex innovative ideas and enable new solutions.
tasks. Experienced teams in production and assem-
bly provide timely and customer-oriented real-
You can count on: ization of projects.
• Development of system solutions
• Creation of technical specifications We develop and plan mechanics, hardware
• On-site advice and software.
• AutoCAD layouts
• Presentations This means:
• Calculations and quotes • optimized project support
• Negotiations • avoidance of communication errors
• Order confirmations • mechanics, hardware and software are all
• Project support coordinated in the best possible way

• We manufacture more than 200 different machines in an unlimited

number of varieties

• We build complete systems with our flexible building block system

• We adapt ourselves to your requirements

We Are There For You When
You Need Us

Service and After Sales

Our customers can count on machines and • Spare parts

systems from Langhammer. Best quality and • Individual maintenance program
easy maintenance guarantee reliable opera- • Upgrades, modifications, retrofitting
tion and long life cycles. Our service techni- • Task Force, hotline, troubleshooting
cians are there for you should any problems • Training for users and maintenance staff
arise with your system. We get your system • Production support
up and running again, pragmatically, compe- • Worldwide service
tently and fast. • Optimization of individual processes

Customer Service and Help Desk

We will gladly answer your service questions: Eisenberg and Freiberg:

Email: [email protected] Tel. +49 6351 900 190
Fax +49 6351 900 180

Customized Solutions
Ready for Each Branch of Trade

Are you interested in our Case Studies?

Our longstanding experience is reflected in the optimized solutions carried out for satisfied cus-
tomers. We would like to share our experience with you and offer a huge choice of case studies.

We would be pleased to send

you the product of your choice!

Feel free to contact us:

Tel. +49 6351 900 0

Email: [email protected]

No. Case Studies Branch Palletizer

CS 01 Palletizing Baked Goods Bakery
CS 02 The Versatile Duo for Limited Space Situations Bakery KST5 + PA14
CS 03 A Stacker for All reasons Food KST5
CS 04 Optimized Space, Simplified Operation, Maximized Food LR03
CS 05 Clean-Compact-Central - Dairy LR03 + Articulated
The Palletizing Solution for the Dairy Industry Arm Robot
CS 06 All-Purpose Palletizer - High Speed for Every Size Tissue PA8
CS 07 SMART - The Compact Packaging and Palletizing Tissue TheWave
CS 08 The Simple Palletizing Solution Tissue LR03
CS 09 Gantry Robot System Beverage PRO04

The Essential Thing is
Happy Customers
We deliver solutions based on high quality and
excellent craftsmanship and guarantee good
and well-designed results.

Arla DMK Mercadona Sasol

Aryzta Fresh Start Baker. Metsä Tissue SCA

BASF Georgia-Pacific Miele Schwartau

Beiersdorf Hansgrohe Mondi Stiebel Eltron

Berlyscorporation Harry Brot Naturin Südzucker

Birkel Kimberly-Clark Nestlé Unilever

Bürger Lieken Ospelt Vinda

BW Papersystems Mars Pepsico Wacker Chemie

Copoba M-Back Philip Morris Intl. Weidler

Degussa Melitta Procter & Gamble Wepa

Take us on as
a solution provider
for your individual
demands and

About Us
Langhammer GmbH is a leading contractor of Langhammer belongs to the logistics systems
transport and palletizing systems. Langhammer’s business sector of the international technology
special strength lies in the modular construction of corporation Körber. The companies of the business
systems in the areas of palletizing, pallet transport sector – Aberle GmbH, Aberle Software GmbH,
and load unit conveyor technology, resulting in au- Consoveyo S.A., Langhammer GmbH, Inconso
tomation solutions for various industries that are AG, and Qubiqa Logistics – realize the automation
custom-tailored to the needs of the individual cus- and control of logistical processes for renowned
tomer. The primary industries are paper, tissue, and industry leaders. Integrated solutions with the spe-
bakery, but the food, chemical, cosmetic, and dairy cific process know-how of these companies are
industries also belong to Langhammer's custom- increasingly in demand outside of Europe as well.
ers. The company has approx. 200 employees at
sites in Eisenberg (Palatinate) and Freiberg (Saxony).

Körber AG – A Strong Partner

Körber AG is the holding company of an interna- specialized, flexible, medium-sized en-
tional technology Group with over 11,500 employ- terprises that offer their customers solutions,
ees around the world. It comprises leading-edge products and services in the Business Areas of
technology companies and over 100 production, Automation, Logistics Systems, Machine Tools,
service and sales entities. At locations around the Pharma Systems, Tissue, Tobacco and Corporate
globe, Körber combines the benefits of a globally- Ventures.
present organization with the strengths of highly-

© Langhammer – EN – 713.41363

Langhammer GmbH Langhammer GmbH Langhammer GmbH

Headquarters Plant and Sales Office East Sales Office Germany North
Siemensstrasse 2 Am Junger Loewe Schacht 7 Bleeck 3
67304 Eisenberg · Germany 09599 Freiberg · Germany 24576 Bad Bramstedt · Germany
Tel. +49 6351 9000 Tel. +49 3731 67000 Tel. +49 4192 8196550
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Langhammer North America Langhammer Brasil Langhammer GmbH

3060 South Ridge Road c/o Fabio Perini Ltda. Sales Office Italy
Green Bay · Wisconsin 54304 Av. Santos Dumont, 2283 P.I.P. Mugnano Sud
USA 89219-730 Joinville (SC) · Brasil 55100 Lucca · Italy
Tel. +1 920 3386079 Tel. +55 4721010500 Tel. +39 583 460582
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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