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Sample Letter of Appointment


11 May 2020

Jackson James Briggs

Unit 3-1, Everest Condominium
Jalan Everest 1, Taman Everest
57000 Kuala Lumpur

Dear Jackson James


We are pleased to offer you the position of Marketing Executive with effect from 15 May 2020
subject to the following terms and conditions:

Basic Salary
Your basic salary will be RM 3,500 per calendar month.

You shall be entitled to a one (1) month contractual bonus subject to you being confirmed in your
position. The payout date of this bonus shall be determined by the company. Additional bonuses
(if any) shall be decided at the sole discretion of the Company. You must be an active employee
at the time of the payout of the bonus. Bonus will be paid on pro-rated basis if period served is
less than 1 year at the time of payout.

Your employment shall commence with a probationary period of three (3) months. The Company
reserves the right to extend your probation period should your as per need. In the event you are
not confirmed in employment following the extension of your probationary period, your services
will be terminated following the expiry of the extended period. At the same time, should you be
serving a bond, you shall be required to refund the Company the bond amount as mentioned in
the bond clause above.

Your confirmation is subject to completion of your probation period satisfactorily. You shall be
considered as confirmed upon issuance of a Letter of Confirmation by the Company. There will
be no salary adjustment upon confirmation.

Statutory contribution and taxes

All remuneration and bonuses earned by you shall subject to the prevailing Government

Annual Increment
Annual increment is at the discretion of the Company based on individual performance which will
be reviewed at the end of the financial year.

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Prepared by Arulkumar Singaraveloo

HR Consultant; [email protected]
Working Hours
The Company workings hours are from 9.00am to 6.00pm, Mondays to Fridays inclusive of one
(1) hour lunch break. You may be required to work additional hours including on weekends or
public holidays from time to time subject to operational needs. The Company reserves the right
to amend the working hours at its sole discretion.

Notice of Termination
During the probation period, either party reserves the right to terminate the contract of service by
giving two (2) weeks’ notice in writing or by paying two (2) weeks’ wages as indemnity in-lieu of
notice without assigning any reason whatsoever. Upon confirmation of service, either party
reserves the right to terminate the contract of service by giving four (4) weeks’ notice in writing or
by paying four (4) weeks wages as indemnity in-lieu of notice without assigning any reason

The Company reserves the right to transfer you to any departments or subsidiaries or associate
companies or other locations as required by the business within Malaysia or outside of Malaysia
with or without any additional remuneration. Such transfer shall not affect your length of service
with the company.

Annual Leave and Public Holidays

Your annual leave entitlement is twelve (12) days per calendar year and shall be on earned leave
basis. The company observes all public holidays gazetted in the state Selangor.

Sick Leave and Hospitalisation Leave

The hospitalisation leave is sixty (60) days year calendar year and inclusive of fourteen (14) days
of sick leave.

Retirement Age
You shall retire when you attain the age of sixty (60) years or any age mandated by the Minimum
Wage Act.

Code of Conduct
As an employee, you are expected and required to comply with all the rules and regulations of
the Company and strive to preserve the good name of the company.

As a condition of your employment, you are required to devote your whole time, attention,
energies, skills solely to the business of the Company, and you shall not be concerned or
interested directly or indirectly in any business or work other than that of the Company.

In the event that after acceptance of the offer is formally received by the Company and you
subsequently decide to decline the offer or fail to report for duty on the stipulated date, you shall
be required to indemnify the Company the equivalent of one (1) month of the offered salary as
liquidated damages.

Intellectual Property and Company Properties

As an employee you, it shall be your responsibility to ensure all intellectual properties, information,
company intelligence and records, documents and all transactions be always kept confidentially
without divulging it to other than to any person authorized by the company.
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Prepared by Arulkumar Singaraveloo

HR Consultant; [email protected]
Conflict of Interest
You will not, at any time during the period of your employment, directly or indirectly, without the
prior written consent of the Company authority, engage or involve yourself in any work or business
other than in respect of your duties to the Company, or undertake any such office or position
notwithstanding that your engagement or involvement in such office or position would interfere
with the business of the Company.

If the terms and conditions of service as stated in this offer of employment, are acceptable to you,
please confirm your acceptance by signing and returning the attached copy of this letter to the
undersigned within seven (7) days from the date of this letter.

We warmly welcome to our company and believe you will be embarking on a satisfying and
rewarding career and we look forward to your long and happy association with us.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Joseph
Managing Director


I, ......................................................... My. Kad No.: ................................................ accept this

offer of employment and agreed to abide by the terms and conditions stipulated therein. I agree
that by my acceptance of this offer, I explicitly consent to the Company and or its authorised
agents to use my personal data for purposes relating to my employment with the Company which
shall include without limitation, processing, administrating and making payments of my claims,
salary and all such other reimbursements made to me by the Company from time to time (if any).

I shall commence employment on............................................

…………………………………………………. ………………………….
Signature Date

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Prepared by Arulkumar Singaraveloo

HR Consultant; [email protected]
Other relevant clauses

For Contract Employment

Your employment with the company shall be for two (2) years from 11 May 2020 till 10 May 2022.
The company is not obliged to offer you an extension or renewal upon the expiry of your

If there is no contractual bonus.

The annual bonus is paid at the discretion of the Management based on individual’s performance
and profitability of the Company. You must be a confirmed employee to enjoy the bonus pay out.
Bonuses, if any, will be paid on pro-rated basis if period served is less than one (1) year at the
time of payout.

Other option for confirmation

You shall be deemed to be confirmed in your current position at the end of the probation period
unless you are informed otherwise. You will not be issued a confirmation letter.

Position with shift work

You are required to work on 2 rotational shifts as below;
Morning Shift : 10.00am – 10.00pm
Night Shift : 10.00pm – 10.00am
The Management reserves the right to change these shift times as may be required.

Positions with overtime

You may be requested to perform overtime work periodically for which you will be compensated
at rates provided in the Employment Act 1955.


You will be required to perform overtime for which you will be compensated at rates provided in
the Employment Act 1955.

This sample policy/letter/document is merely a sample or guidance. Companies are advised to practice
caution in drafting its HR documentations shall always refer to the Employment Act and Industrial Relations
Act to ensure the policy does not violate or infringe the prevailing employment regulations. Companies are
encouraged to adopt best practices to be an attractive employer and promote productive and competitive
operating landscape. The author shall not be held liable for any damages or claims arising from the usage
of the contents of this document.

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Prepared by Arulkumar Singaraveloo

HR Consultant; [email protected]

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